DOI: 10.1002/csc2.20715
Crop Science
Plant Genetic Resources
Roland Schafleitner, World Vegetable Abstract
Center, P.O. Box 42, Shanhua, Tainan, Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is an underutilized crop increasing in popularity as a
74199, Taiwan.
Email: grain and as a leafy vegetable. It is rich in protein, minerals, and vitamins, and adapts
well to a range of production systems. Currently, the lack of improved cultivars
Assigned to Associate Editor Jason Gillman.
limits the use of the crop. Breeding-improved cultivars requires access to large
Funding information collections of amaranth biodiversity stored in genebanks. The task of searching such
German Federal Ministry for Economic vast collections for traits of interest can be eased by generating core collections,
Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
which display the diversity of large collections in a much smaller germplasm set.
commissioned by the Deutsche Gesellschaft
für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) The World Vegetable Center amaranth collection contains around 1,000 accessions
through the Fund International Agricultural of 13 species; among them, there are 281 accessions of four species important for
Research (FIA), Grant/Award Number:
use as vegetable amaranth in Africa (A. cruentus, A. hypochondriacus, A. caudatus,
and A. dubius). Based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) marker genotype
diversity, a core collection (CC) of 76 accessions, cultivars, and selections was
assembled. To a large extent, it represents the diversity of the whole collection. The
CC was evaluated for yield and nutritional parameters during the cool and warm
seasons in Tanzania and Taiwan and a pretest for variation of drought tolerance in
Abbreviations: CC, core collection; HQ, headquarters; SNP, single nucleotide polymorphism; WC, whole collection; WorldVeg, World Vegetable Center.
This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
© 2022 The Authors. Crop Science published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Crop Science Society of America.
to 35 d after transplanting under African conditions. The har- For the dry down experiment, the CC set plus commercial
vesting intervals in Taiwan were shorter (about 7 vs. 14 d) and cultivars AM#53 and AM#74 were planted in plastic trays
a sixth harvest was performed during the cool season in Tai- with a soil depth of 23 cm in a randomized complete block
wan (Supplemental Table S2). Due to phytosanitary and logis- design with six plants per tray and four replicated plants per
tical reasons, not all accessions of the core set were available accession in a screenhouse on 22 July 2019 at WorldVeg HQ.
for the evaluations in Tanzania and Taiwan. The overlapping Irrigation was stopped in the drought treatment 21 d after after
set across all trials consisted of 64 entries of the 76-accession sowing (12 Aug. 2019). Wilting was scored on a scale from
CC (Supplemental Table S1). 0 (no wilting) to 6 (plant was dried out) 6, 9, and 12 d after
The seed for the warm season field trial in Arusha, Tanza- withholding irrigation.
nia (3.37˚ south, 36.8˚ east, elevation 1,235 m), was sown on Amaranth leaves sampled from the warm and cool sea-
4 Nov. 2019 and seedlings were transplanted on 27 Dec. The son trials at both locations were measured for mineral and
cool season trial was sown on 15 May 2020 and transplanted antinutrient content (oxalate). For measuring oxalate content,
on 15 June. Planting was done in a randomized complete block 100 mg of dried leaf powder was defatted three times in 1.8
design with three replications in plots of 24 plants arranged ml of hexane under shaking for 1 h. The suspensions were
in two rows with 60 cm between rows and 30 cm between centrifuged at 13,000 rpm for 5 min, the supernatant was dis-
plants. The area planted and harvested per plot comprised carded, the pellets were rinsed and then suspended in 10 ml of
6.48 m2 . Five harvests at 11- to 16-d intervals were performed distilled water, and 1.5 ml of the suspension was centrifuged
(Supplemental Table S2). The data collected during harvest at 13,000 rpm for 5 min and filtered through a membrane with
comprised number of leaves harvested per plot at each har- 0.45-μm pore size. Twenty μl of the filtered extract was sep-
vest, leaf yield per plot (g) at each harvest, leaf length and arated on a high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC;
width (cm) from 10 randomly picked leaves from 10 random Waters Alliance 2695) using an ICSep ICE-ORH-801 organic
plants at first and last harvest, and number of branches per 10 acid column (0.65 by 30 cm, Transgenomic) and oxalate was
random plants per plot at maturity stage. For nutrient analysis, quantified in comparison to a commercial standard using a
at least 300 g of leaves were randomly sampled from the mate- photo array detector (Waters). The running conditions were
rial harvested from multiple plants, weighed, and oven-dried. set at 35 ˚C using isocratic HPLC with 0.01 N H2 SO4 at 0.8 ml
Weight was taken after harvest and after drying. The dried min−1 . Calcium, Fe, and Zn analysis was performed by ICP-
samples were shipped to WorldVeg HQ for nutrient analysis. OES. For this purpose, 0.2 g of dried sample powder was
The yield trial during the warm season at WorldVeg HQ loaded into digestion tubes, 5 ml of H2 SO4 was added and
in Taiwan (23.12˚ north, 120.3˚ east, elevation 12 m) was on the following day the samples were heated to 300 ˚C for 2
performed under field conditions in a randomized complete h, removed from the digestion tubes, and cooled down to 150
block design with two replications. The commercial cultivars ˚C. Then 2 ml of 30% (v/v) H2 O2 was added, and the samples
AM#53 and AM#74 and some WorldVeg genebank acces- were incubated in the digester at 300 ˚C for 1 h, cooled to 40
sions of interest for breeding were used as additional checks ˚C, filled up to 50 ml with distilled water, and the elements
(Supplemental Table S1). The seed was sown on 21 May 2019 were determined on an 8000 ICP-OES (PerkinElmer).
in seedling trays in the greenhouse and seedlings were trans-
planted to the field on 15 July into double rows in 1.5- by
3.5-m plots, with 14 plants per plot. The plants were pinched 3 RESULTS
on 29 July. Five harvests at intervals of six to nine days
(Supplemental Table S2) were performed with a sickle. For 3.1 Core collection
comparisons of the yield with those of the other trials, the
lower number of plants per plot (10 vs. 20) was taken into Genotyping by sequencing resulted in 76,420 SNP markers
consideration. for 803 accessions of 13 species. Filtering the SNP sites for
The CC set tested during the warm season was also evalu- maximum missing data of ≤50% and a minimum allele fre-
ated under spring (cool season) conditions at WorldVeg HQ, quency of ≥0.25% resulted in 27,540 polymorphic markers
using the same field layout as the warm season trial. Instead of for the total genebank collection of 13 species. These markers
14 plants per accession, 24 plants per plot were grown, using were used to perform a diversity analysis on 281 accessions
the same spacing as the warm season trial. Commercial cul- of the four Amaranthus species mainly used for breeding-
tivars AM#53 and AM#74 and WorldVeg breeding materials improved vegetable and dual use cultivars in Africa: A. cru-
were used as checks (Supplemental Table S1). The seed was entus, A. hypochondriacus, A. caudatus, and A. dubius, to
sown on 11 Feb. 2020, seedlings were transplanted on 5 Mar., generate a CC of 70 accessions representing a maximum of
the plants were pinched on 17 Mar., and six harvests were per- the genetic diversity for this group. The CC consisted of a
formed (Supplemental Table S2). Material from the second similar proportion of A. hypochondriacus and A. cruentus
harvest was used for mineral and oxalate analysis. than the whole collection but contained a larger proportion of
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SCHAFLEITNER ET AL. Crop Science 1177
TA B L E 1 Quality assessment of the core collection (CC) based on quantitative phenotypic characteristics
Descriptor Am110 Am220 Am240 Am250 Am290 Am300 Am400 Am410 Am420 Am460 Am540
t-test .00** .91 .02* .11 .23 .60 .74 .54 .43 .92 .85
Mean WC 2.80 127.89 42.38 22.84 16.77 9.37 46.59 27.20 16.41 14.56 0.42
CC 2.52 128.82 33.07 18.95 17.66 9.19 47.43 26.18 15.22 14.73 0.43
Range WC 12 280.8 137.5 112 33.8 26.55 117 68.61 42.3 38.8 1.36
CC 5 264.6 107.4 73.3 20.7 12.8 85 48 39.4 38.3 0.99
F-test .00** .82 .13 .07 .37 .02* .81 .01** .92 .68 .33
CV WC .51 .48 .78 .83 .36 .34 .41 .56 .71 .61 .74
CC .37 .46 .86 .83 .31 .28 .39 .44 .75 .63 .65
A. caudatus (16 vs. 8%) and a smaller proportion of A. were noted in the WC of the four amaranth species, and 67
dubius (18 vs. 29%), reflecting the intraspecific diversity of (80%) of these categories were maintained in the CC. Cate-
the germplasm. The CC was completed with important culti- gories absent in the CC concerned very slow germination rate
vars and selections, resulting in a CC of 76 accessions. The and the presence of spines in the leaf axils. There was less
representativeness of this CC was verified by analyzing pop- diversity of terminal inflorescence shapes and leaf, petiole,
ulation genetic parameters, and on the phenotypic level, by stem, and seed pigmentation in the CC than in the WC.
comparing the trait diversity of 11 quantitative and 22 quali- Compared with the WC and CC, the seven cultivars and
tative descriptors in the WC and the CC. selections included in the CC, on average, had a shorter ger-
Conservation of the allelic diversity in the core collection mination period (Am110), shorter mean length of basal lat-
was expected, as the method to generate the CC was based on eral branches (Am240), and shorter axillary inflorescences
selecting accessions representing the genetic diversity in the (Am460) than the mean of the CC, but were on average higher
WC. Population genetic analysis confirmed that the reduction (Am220), had larger leaves (Am290), were flowering later
of the collection size from 281 accessions to a CC comprising (Am400), had longer terminal inflorescences (Am420), and a
about 30% of the WC resulted in similar Shannon’s Diversity larger 1,000 seed weight (Supplemental Table S1). The aver-
Index (WC: .22, CC: .25) and Nei’s expected heterozygosity ages of the top lateral branch length (Am250), leaf width
(WC: .15, CC: .14), suggesting the genetic diversity of the WC (Am300), and terminal inflorescence stalk length were in the
was well maintained in the CC. range of the averages of the CC. For traits with higher means
A major indicator for the quality of a CC is the repre- in cultivars, CC accessions with even larger trait values than
sentation of the phenotypic diversity of the WC. The dif- the greatest value in the cultivars were available, except for
ference of the phenotypic means between the WC and CC larger leaves (Am290). However, there were accessions with
was insignificant (p = .93). Values were significantly dif- still larger leaves available in the WC (Supplemental Table
ferent between WC and CC for only two (Am110 - days S1).
to germination and Am240 - mean length of basal lateral
branches) out of the 11 quantitative traits (Table 1). The
coincidence and variable rates amounted to 73 and 93% and 3.2 Agronomic evaluation of the CC
were in the acceptable range for core collections (Hu et al.,
2000). According to F-test, there was a significant decrease The CC was evaluated for yield in the warm and cool sea-
of variance for three quantitative traits in the CC: number of sons in Arusha, Tanzania, and in Shanhua, Taiwan. The tri-
days to germination (Am110), leaf width (Am300), and ter- als were done under local cultivation conditions and local
minal inflorescence stalk length (Am410; Table 1). Acces- harvesting methods were applied. The warm season trial in
sions with a longer germination period (>6 d), narrower and Africa was not affected by pests and diseases, whereas in the
wider leaves (<3.9 cm and >16.7 cm), as well as longer ter- cool season, about one third of the plots were very mildly
minal inflorescence stalk (>49 cm) were not represented in affected, 4% of the plots were mildly affected by the insect
the CC. Variation in plant height (Am220), terminal lateral pest Hymenia recurvalis, and one fifth of the plots were very
inflorescence length (Am420), and length of lateral inflores- mildly affected by an unidentified fungal disease. No diseases
cence (Am460) were particularly well maintained in the CC. or pests were recorded in the trials in Taiwan. The differ-
From the 22 qualitative descriptors in a total of 93 categories ences of the minimum, maximum, and average temperatures
describing the form and color of plant organs, 84 categories between the warm and cool season trials in Tanzania were
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1178 Crop Science SCHAFLEITNER ET AL.
F I G U R E 1 Leaf yield per plot (20 plants) in Arusha, Tanzania (a) and World Vegetable Center headquarters in Taiwan (b). The highest yields
were obtained in Tanzania during the warm season and in Taiwan during the cool season
3, 5.6, and 2.9 ˚C, respectively. In Taiwan, the differences T A B L E 2 Correlations between yields at Harvests 1–5 (H1–H5)
between the minimum, maximum, and average temperatures with leaf length and width
in the cool and warm season trials were 7.8, 4.8, and 6.3 ˚C Season H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
(Supplemental Table S2). Among all trials in this study, the Arusha warm season
cool season trial in Taiwan and the warm season trial in Tan-
Leaf length .13* .1 .16* .35** .58**
zania showed the most similar temperature profiles. The min-
Leaf width .19* .12 .16* .39** .52**
imum temperatures in the cool season trial in Taiwan were on
Arusha cool season
average 0.9 ˚C warmer than in the warm season trial in Tanza-
Leaf length −.01 .41** .19** .23** .12
nia, whereas the maximum and average temperatures were on
average 2.2 and 0.7 ˚C higher in the warm season in Tanzania Leaf width .01 .32** .08 .047 .09
than in the cool season in Taiwan, respectively. *Significant at the .05 probability level.
Leaf yield varied among entries, seasons, and locations, **Significant at the .01 probability level.
F I G U R E 2 Average yields per harvest in the warm and the cool seasons in Tanzania (Arusha) and Taiwan in g plant−1 . Harvesting time refers
to the first to the sixth harvest (Supplemental Table S2)
compared with the warm season trial. Local Taiwan cultivars Taiwan. Overall, average Fe contents were higher in the trials
KY-white and KY-red had low yields in both the warm and in Tanzania than in Taiwan. Average Zn contents were similar
cool season trials in Taiwan (Figure 1b). across regions and seasons, but the variation in the germplasm
Yields of subsequent harvests in Tanzania increased over was the highest in the cool season in Tanzania (Table 3).
time during the warm season and only dropped at the fifth The highest Zn concentrations were found in cultivar Simon’s
harvest (Figure 2). During the cool season in Tanzania, the Farm (VI062433) across all environments. Ca contents were
yields per harvest were lower than in the warm season, and on average higher in the cool than in the warm season at
for many accessions no harvest could be obtained at the fifth both locations. The average concentration of oxalate was the
harvest. In Taiwan, all harvests during the warm season were lowest during the warm season in Taiwan, but significantly
much smaller than in the cool season. In the cool season of higher during the cool season (p < .01), whereas in Arusha
Taiwan, a sixth harvest was possible increasing the yields per the oxalate concentration difference across seasons remained
plant per season (Figure 2). insignificant. Correlations between yield and oxalate accumu-
In Tanzania, during the warm season, correlation between lation were significant in the cool season trials in Tanzania and
yield and leaf length and width increased at later harvests Taiwan, where high yielding accessions showed lower oxalate
(Table 2). In the cool season trial, yield of the second harvest accumulation. No significant association between oxalate and
was strongly correlated to leaf length and width; in subsequent mineral accumulation was found except for the cool season
harvests, this correlation decreased. In Harvests 3 and 4, only trial in Taiwan, in which oxalate levels were correlated with
leaf length remained significantly correlated with yield, indi- Ca and Zn levels. Association between Ca and Fe contents
cating other factors than leaf morphology contributed yield were significant across seasons and environments (Table 4).
in later harvests of the cool season trial. There was no sig- Figure 3 illustrates the differences in yield and concentrations
nificant association detectable between insect pest or disease of oxalate, Ca, Fe, and Zn among the trials in the cool and
incidence with yield. In the trials in Taiwan, the available data warm seasons in Taiwan and Tanzania. Overall, the analysis
on leaf size were not sufficient to allow determination of cor- suggests that in terms of yield, the accessions behave quite
relations with yields. similarly in the warm season in Tanzania and the cool season
in Taiwan (r = .62, p < .01, Figure 3, Supplemental Table S3).
The response of accessions in terms of oxalate and Fe accu-
3.3 Evaluation of dry matter, oxalate, and mulation is similar across seasons and environments except
mineral content in the CC for Tanzania in the warm season, and for Ca across the cool
seasons at both locations.
Dry matter, as well as mineral concentrations (Ca, Fe, and
Zn) and oxalate were measured in edible plant parts harvested
during the yield trials in Tanzania and Taiwan. The variation 3.4 Variation in drought tolerance
found in the CC for dry matter content was 1.5-fold at each
site and season, and for oxalate and Ca about two-fold. For A pretest assessing wilting of CC accessions upon with-
Fe, the variation in the germplasm set was the highest in the holding irrigation revealed variation among the germplasm
warm season in Tanzania and the lowest in the warm season in (Figure 4). No significant correlation between morphological
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1180 Crop Science SCHAFLEITNER ET AL.
T A B L E 3 Minimum (Min.), average, maximum (Max.), and coefficient of variation (CV) values for yield, dry matter (DM), oxalate (Ox), and
calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc (Zn) in edible plant parts harvested from the amaranth core collection grown in Arusha, Tanzania, and Shanhua,
T A B L E 4 Correlations (r) between yield, dry matter (DM), and nutritional parameters such as oxalate (Ox), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), and zinc
(Zn) during the warm and the cool season in Tanzania and Taiwan
Variable DM Ox Ca Fe Zn DM Ox Ca Fe Zn
Tanzania warm season (n = 78) Tanzania cool season (n = 78)
Yield .11 .01 −.13 −.19 .01 −.23 −.36** −.60** −.21 −.08
DM .10 .56** −.03 .34** .31** .57** .45** .20
Ox .05 .06 .01 .18 −.19 .22
Ca .25* .07 .53** .18
Fe .17 .13
Taiwan warm season (n = 69) Taiwan cool season (n = 69)
Yield −.03 .14 .37** .04 .49 −.12 −.34** −.22 .08 −.33**
DM −.12 .64**
.59 **
.33 **
.16 .65**
.35 **
Ox −.05 .02 −.03 .31* −.09 .24*
Ca .69** .61** .25* .28*
Fe .32** −.20
features such as plant height, leaf length or width, and wilting showed relatively low wilting under drought stress. Likewise,
under drought could be detected, indicating traits other than the local checks AM#53 and AM#74 were relatively tolerant
leaf morphology contributed to reduced wilting. However, to drought.
wilting scores on Days 6 and 9 were positively correlated with
yield (r = .31, p < .05), indicating high yielding accessions
wilted earlier than low yielding accessions. On Day 12 after 4 DISCUSSION
withholding irrigation, no association between wilting under
drought and yield under normal conditions was detected. The Traditional vegetables such as amaranth have the potential
most drought susceptible accessions belonged to A. dubius, to contribute essential nutrients to diets and generate income
and the most tolerant to A. caudatus and A. cruentus. Wilt- for farmers (Mwadzingeni et al., 2021), but productivity is
ing scores of the amaranth cultivars ranged around the wilting constrained due to a lack of access to quality seed (Ndinya
score average of the germplasm panel, except Madiira 2 which et al., 2020). A few improved amaranth cultivars were
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SCHAFLEITNER ET AL. Crop Science 1181
F I G U R E 3 Principal component analysis of yield (a) and concentrations of (b) oxalate. Calcium (Ca; c), iron (Fe; d), and zinc (Zn; e) in the
core collection (CC) accessions across environments World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) headquarters (HQ) and WorldVeg Tanzania (Arusha). The
CC accessions are numbered according to Supplemental Table S1
introduced and were well adopted by farmers, but more agricultural sustainability (Sequeros et al., 2021). A crucial
cultivars, especially those with tolerance to biotic stress, requirement for developing improved cultivars is access to
are required (Ochieng et al., 2019). Developing improved genetic variation of traits for breeding. Genebanks worldwide
cultivars with farmer-requested traits is important to meet the conserve the diversity of crops and crop wild relatives
contemporary challenges of improving human nutrition and and serve as a source of germplasm and traits for crop
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1182 Crop Science SCHAFLEITNER ET AL.
F I G U R E 4 Drought tolerance pretest. Wilting was scored from 0 (no wilting) to 6 (plant was dried out). CAU, A. caudatus; CRU, A. cruentus;
DUB, A. dubius; HYP, A. hypochondriacus; ND, not determined; D6, D9, and D12: Day 6, 9, 12 after withholding irrigation; AV, average of D6, D9,
and D12
improvement (Ebert, 2020). Screening large collections for was preferred (Mncwango et al., 2021), but more organoleptic
traits of interest can be laborious, especially when multiloca- analyses are required to identify preferred tastes of vegetable
tion evaluation of the material for multiple traits is involved. amaranths across regions and consumer groups.
Core collections represent a large portion of the diversity Amaranth is rich in minerals like macro- and microele-
present in large collections. These relatively small germplasm ments, such as nitrogen (N), P, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, manganese
sets can be screened for traits of interest at lower cost (van (Mn), copper (Cu), sodium (Na), and Zn (Chakrabarty et al.,
Hintum et al., 2000). Access to diversity at lower cost is 2018; Sarkar et al., 2016); high quality protein with essen-
particularly important for small breeding programs with tial amino acids (Sakar et al., 2014); and vitamins (Sarkar
limited budgets. A CC was developed for amaranth, a crop et al., 2015). One breeding target could be to improve the
species with extraordinary potential to diversify agricultural nutrient content of the grain and the leaves even further. How-
production and contribute a highly nutritious grain and a ever, the grain also can contain variable amounts of antinutri-
nutritious leafy vegetable to human diets. Although the size ents such as phytate, saponins, tannins, oxalates, and small
of the CC was minimized for easy screening, the population amounts of protease inhibitors, and the leaves contain oxalate
genetic parameters and the conservation of a large part of the and small amounts of saponins and nitrates (Aderibigbe et al.,
trait variation present in the WC indicate the CC represents a 2020). The effects of oxalates and phytates in inhibiting nutri-
large portion of the diversity of the WorldVeg germplasm col- ent uptake have raised concerns when promoting consumption
lection of the four species mostly used for breeding amaranth of leafy vegetables. Processing can lower antinutrient contents
cultivars for Africa: A. cruentus, A. hypochondriacus, A. of amaranth (Babatunde & Gbadamosi, 2017; Njoki, 2015)
caudatus, and A. dubius. For all analyzed traits except for leaf and cooking methods have been developed to lower the effect
size, the CC provides variation beyond the one found in cur- of antinutrients and enhance nutrient uptake (Nyonje et al.,
rent cultivars. Current breeding aims for vegetable amaranth 2021). The antinutrient concentration also could be lowered
with high leaf yields, delayed flowering, tolerance to drought by breeding, but this could lead to a reduction of antimicrobial
and heat stress, good taste, and high nutrient content (Adeniji or insecticidal activities in the plant (Soetan, 2008) and result
& Aloyce, 2013; Joshi et al., 2018). Variation has been found in cultivars more susceptible to insect pests and diseases.
in the CC for most of these traits. Accessions with higher Oxalate and Ca concentrations in amaranth were correlated
yields, tolerance to drought, and higher nutrient content than in the cool season in Taiwan. A correlation between Ca and
current cultivars have been identified, suggesting that further oxalate would not be surprising, as a part of the Ca in the
improvement of cultivars using the CC as a source for new cell is present in the form of Ca oxalate crystals. Oxalate
traits should be possible. However, taste was not evaluated has been reported to be synthesized from glycolate, and to a
in the CC. Previous research indicated A. dubius cultivars lesser extent from L-ascorbic acid in spinach (Spinacia oler-
are often preferred for the taste of their leaves (Ochieng acea) leaves (Fujii et al., 1993). Calcium oxalate crystal for-
et al., 2019), whereas other research found no association mation in plants has been attributed various roles, includ-
between specific species and sensory properties, as cultivars ing tissue Ca regulation, defense against herbivory, and metal
of the same species had partly showed contradictory sensory detoxification (Franceschi & Loewus, 1995; He et al., 2013).
properties (Hiscock et al., 2018). In South Africa, mild taste Tooulakou et al. (2016), Nakata (2012), and Webb (1999;
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SCHAFLEITNER ET AL. Crop Science 1183
2019) hypothesized Ca oxalate crystals function as carbon days were without precipitation, except for the last 2 wk,
stores that can be activated under drought conditions, when where a few rainy days were recorded. The relatively warm
stomata are closed. Tooulakou et al. (2016) demonstrated that weather combined with light rain in the warm season appar-
partial stomatal closure during the day is accompanied by a ently generated overall better conditions for amaranth growth
gradual decrease of the Ca oxalate crystal volume which is than the dry and cooler climate of the cool season trial in Tan-
recovered during the night, confirming that Ca oxalate crys- zania. The insect pest and disease incidence in the field dur-
tals are indeed a dynamic system. The reduction of the Ca ing the cool season was very low and did not significantly
oxalate crystal amounts during “alarm photosynthesis,” when damage the plants. The greatest differences in yield between
stomata are closed, has been shown in amaranth (A. hybridus), the warm and the cool season appeared in the later harvests,
but also in C3 plants and in the CAM plant Portulacaria afra, and many accessions did not yield at the fourth and fifth
suggesting Ca oxalate may be used as a carbon store in many harvest.
plant families. Amaranth, as a C4 species, reduces photores- The demand for amaranth is rising, generating opportuni-
piration by taking up CO2 in the darkness when transpiration ties for farmers to market additional grain and vegetable ama-
rates are low, and stores it as malate which can be transported ranth. For example, in Kenya maize (Zea mays) flour is for-
to the bundle sheet cells during the day where photosynthe- tified with milled amaranth seed to increase protein, Fe, and
sis is taking place. This minimizes interference from oxy- Zn content (Kamotho et al., 2017) which increases demand
gen, thereby avoiding carbon loss through photorespiration. for amaranth grain. Amaranth grain is also promoted as func-
Accumulation of Ca oxalate crystals may be an additional tional food (Martinez-Lopez et al., 2020), used as a no-gluten
mechanism to allow for photosynthesis while stomata remain alternative to cereals in bakeries (Gebreil et al., 2020), for bev-
closed, resulting in a better adaptation of the plant to stress- erages (Manassero et al., 2020) including beer (Yang & Gao,
ful conditions. Taking into consideration the relatively low 2020), and to extract a high quality oil for cosmetics (Huang
variation of oxalate content among amaranth genotypes and et al., 2009) and food applications (Becker, 2018), to mention
the putative importance of oxalate in stress tolerance, it may just a few current uses. Vegetable amaranth is increasingly
be favorable to consider preparation methods that minimize popular in Asia and Africa, but vegetable amaranth marketing
the antinutritive effects of Ca oxalate rather than select culti- faces limitations in Africa that restrict the economic benefits
vars with low oxalate concentrations. Interestingly, on average for farmers (Dizyee et al., 2020). Dual-use cultivars for har-
the lowest oxalate levels were found during a dry period of vesting leaves multiple times during the growing season and
the warm season trial at WorldVeg HQ, where transpirational for a final grain harvest could contribute to satisfy the rising
demand likely was the highest compared with the other tri- demand for amaranth grain and leaf while allowing farmers
als. Additional research is required to verify diurnal changes to generate income with two products instead of one (Dinssa
of oxalate concentration in vegetable amaranth, which could et al., 2018). Through good choice of harvesting intensity,
lead to the introduction of harvesting methods to minimize the cultivar, and environment, the grain yield penalty due to
oxalate content in the produce. leaf harvest can be minimized (Hoidal et al., 2019). Ama-
The agronomic evaluation in Tanzania and in Taiwan over ranth cultivars varied in grain yield in response to defoliation.
two seasons showed the germplasm panel performs the best at Entries PARIS (AVAM1606) and BRESIL (AVAM1607) pro-
an average temperature around 21 ˚C with minimum temper- duced high grain yields only if plants were not defoliated;
atures around 15˚C and a maximum around 30 ˚C. Reduction entries IP-5-Sel, SIMON’S FARM (AVAM1601) and Madiira
of the temperature of on average 3 ˚C leads to yield losses of 2 yielded ample leaves but relatively little grain; and entries
in average 50% whereas a rise of the average temperatures by such as AH-TL-Sel, AH-NL (AVAM1603), TZSMN102-
6 ˚C and of the minimal temperatures by 7 to 8 ˚C causes yield Sel, and ‘Mchicha’ yielded moderate amounts of grain and
losses of more than 70% on average. The warm season in Tan- leaf (Dinssa et al., 2018). We suggest using the CC to
zania and the cool season in Taiwan were the most appropri- screen for genotypes with vigorous early leaf growth, late
ate growing seasons for the amaranth germplasm panel. Some flowering, and strong seed set as candidates for dual use
accessions like VI044475 and VI050128 produce acceptable cultivars.
yield of around 50% of their yield potential under optimal As C4 plants, amaranth can efficiently tolerate abiotic
conditions, also under hot conditions in Taiwan, whereas in stresses such as heat (Hwang et al., 2018) and drought (Sarkar
Tanzania selection IP-2 AVAM1602 (VI061472) and culti- & Oba, 2018a). In addition, amaranth is relatively tolerant
var Madiira 2 (VI060470) had greater or nearly as much veg- to salinity stress (Sarkar & Oba, 2018b). Both drought and
etable yield during the cool season as in the warm season. salinity stress cause oxidative damage (Sarkar & Oba, 2018c),
No reliable precipitation data were available for the field tri- and the presence of both antioxidant enzymes and nonen-
als in Tanzania, but data from a weather station in the region zymatic antioxidants may contribute to the detoxification of
indicates that on most days of the warm season trial was at reactive oxygen species (Sarkar & Oba, 2020). Moreover, the
least a little rain, whereas during the cool season trial, most high drought and salt tolerance of amaranth is associated with
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