Waytowealth of Main Life
Waytowealth of Main Life
Waytowealth of Main Life
Customer Satisfaction
The primary job of the entrepreneur, which determines his success, is to innovate and market. Innovation
means finding faster, better, cheaper, easier ways to serve customers. Marketing is to find better, faster,
cheaper and more efficient ways to sell your product or service to your customers. Innovation and market-
ing goes on throughout your business life.
There is one primary job, goal and measure of business success. It is “Customer Satisfaction.” The entire
purpose of your business, and your success, will be determined by how well you satisfy your customers in
comparison with other people who want to satisfy the same customers.
The key measure of customer satisfaction is “repeat business.” This means that your customers come
back and buy from you again and again.
The ultimate question for customer satisfaction is this “Would you recommend us to others?” Your cus-
tomer’s answer to this question will tell you everything you need to know about the efficiency and effec-
tiveness of your business operations and your products or services.
Your goals in building your business are three. They are, 1) To get the customer to buy from you for the
first time. This is the major focus of your sales and marketing efforts. 2) They are to get the customer to
buy again because he or she was so satisfied with the first purchase. In reality, the second purchase is
the most important because it is proof that you delivered on the promises you made to get the first sale.
The most important is number three, that your customers bring their friends and recommend their friends,
and refer their friends to buy from you as well.
The primary purpose of marketing and advertising is to make selling unnecessary. If you have
chosen your market accurately and you have advertised effectively, people will automatically say,
“That’s for me!”
The rule is that “good advertising sells.” If your advertisement is a good advertisement, it will trigger im-
mediate sales. If it does not trigger immediate sales, you must stop that advertising immediately and start
advertising in a different way or a different place.
© Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.
The good news is that these are all learnable skills. You can become excellent in prospecting, presenting
and closing, and you must commit yourself to excellence in these areas if you want to build a successful,
profitable business.
1 Product/Service – what exactly do you sell? What exactly does it do to improve the life or
work of your customers? Is this the right product for you, and for your market, at this time?
2 Price – how much do you charge, and how do you charge it? Could there be a better way to
price and charge for your products?
3 Promotion – these are your methods of marketing, advertising and selling. What revisions
do you need to make in your promotional activities to increase the sales of your products or
4 Place – where exactly do you sell and deliver your product? Could there be a better place?
5 Packaging – this refers to the external appearance of your product or service, your busi-
ness, your way your people dress and groom, and every visual image that your customers
see or experience. 95% of the first impression that you make on your customers will be
visual, and the visual appearance can often determine whether you make the sale or not.
6 Positioning – how are you positioned in your customers mind? How do they think about you
when you are not there? What do they say about you when they think of you? What words
do you trigger in your customers mind when your name is brought up?
7 People – who are the key people in your business who deal with customers? Who are your
key salespeople? Who are your key service people? The fact is that people do not buy prod-
ucts or services; they buy the people who sell those products or services. Sometimes, one
change in your key people can change your entire business.
One of the most important business skills you will ever learn is called “Zero-Based Thinking.” In zero-
based thinking, you continually ask this question, “If I were not now doing what I am doing, knowing what I
now know, would I get into it again today?”
© Brian Tracy. All rights reserved. The contents, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form for any purpose without the written permission of Brian Tracy.