Big Bang
Big Bang
Big Bang
By :Suhana Chavan(6B)
While studying various articles and seeing several videos , I came across
interesting aspects of our world, the stars we see in the sky, the air and water that
we take for granted. All have such fascinating histories.I would like to highlight
some interesting tit bits.
1.How the idea of Big Bang developed?
Since ancient times ,philosophers,religious leaders , scientists thought that
Universe is eternal, all cosmic bodies are eternal,nobody thought that one day they
were created.In 1920s Edwin Hubble ,an American astronomer,observed that
galaxies are moving away from Earth.This was a very important observation.
Initially people had thought only our galaxy-The Milky Way existed.This broke the
belief of only 1 galaxy.There were other galaxies in space ,as per last count, there
are around 2 trillion galaxies!!
Hubble thought why are galaxies moving away from earth and the galaxies which
were the farthest moved at a higher speed.This led to the finding that the universe
is expanding.But when did it start expanding and when will it stop?Astronomers
and physicists started looking for answers.
It was Georges Lemaitre,a Belgian priest and physicist in 1927, who said ,now all
galaxies are separate but initially all were clumped together. The universe had a
beginning from one single entity ,he called it ‘ cosmic egg’,the universe expanded
from that single entity.
This idea caught on and through the ages scientists have found proof that universe
started from a single atom.
2.Swiftness of the Big Bang
Now that we know that the universe started from a single atom.what exactly
happened.There was a sudden burst ,like an explosion and that atom within
fraction of fraction of a second, became the size of an orange.After a fraction of a
tiny fraction of a second ,it was the size of Mars.Again after a tiny fraction of a
second it was 80 times size of Earth. I don’t even know what is tiny tiny fraction of
a second.but I do know it all happened in the blink of an eye.
3. Formation of stars and galaxies.
The initial stage was a bang but it kept on expanding. It should be Big
Expansion.Even after billons of years our Universe is expanding.Initially during
the explosion the temperature was very very hot,60 times hotter than the Sun.
Slowly and slowy the universe cooled.As it cooled, protons, neutrons got produced
from the energy that the explosion created. But atoms could not be formed. We
need electrons for it. 380,000 years after the Big Bang,electrons formed,as a
result, nuclei were formed and first atoms of hydrogen and helium were
formed.Helium is filled in balloons and hydrogen make up water. 300 million
years after the origin ,the first stars got formed.As the Universe kept on cooling
these gases clumped together giving rise to denser matter. Our universe became
clearer as electrons were not hovering everywhere. Stable compounds got
formed.Gradually galaxies formed.9 billion years later our solar system was
The water that we drink was formed billions of years back.The stars that we see
were created billions of years back from something as small as an atom.
4.Universe is Infinite
Our Universe is infinite and is ever expanding and cooling. It has no edge and no
centre, it itself is the space. How huge it is , my head starts spiraling ,I cant