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SOMI-Specific Information

Sport season:
February - June

Culminating State Events:

State Summer Games

Events Offered:
Bench Press
2 Lift Combination (Bench Press, & Deadlift)
3 Lift Combination (Squat, Bench Press & Deadlift)

National Governing Body:

International Power Lifting Federation (IPF)
Zeisigstrasse 34 D-8011
Vaterstetten Germany 011-49-810631675

Events take place in that order (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift)

Powerlifting Uniform
1. Uniform:
a. A non-supportive lifting suit shall be worn in competition.
b. The suit straps must be worn over the lifter’s shoulders at all times in all lifts in
all competitions.
c. The suit shall be one-piece and form fitting without any looseness when worn.
d. The suit must be constructed entirely of fabric or a synthetic textile material,
such that no support is given to the lifter by the suit in the execution of any lift. It
may be of any color or colors.
e. The suit’s material shall be of a single thickness, other than a second thickness of
material of up to 12 cm x 24 cm allowed in the area of the crotch.
f. There must be legs to the suit, extending a minimum of 3 cm and a maximum of
25 cm, from the top of the crotch down the inside of the leg, as measured when
worn by the lifter in a standing position.
g. Long pants may not be worn
h. Supportive bench press shirts are prohibited.
i. A T-shirt may be worn under the suit.
2. Footgear – long socks (up to the knee) must be worn for the Deadlift. Sports type shoes
e.g. trainer, powerlifting or weightlifting boots ONLY must be worn. No hiking or work
boots allowed.
3. Wraps: wrist wraps of a maximum width of 8 centimeters and maximum length of 1
meter may be worn. A wrist wrap shall not extend beyond 10 centimeters above or 2
centimeters below the center of the wrist. In lieu of wrist wraps, wristbands not
exceeding 10 centimeters in width may be worn. If wrist wraps are wrap around style,
with or without stitching, to form a sleeve, they may have Velcro patches not exceeding
30 centimeters in total length and 8 centimeters in width as well as a thumb loop. The
total length of a wristband shall not exceed 50 centimeters. The thumb loop shall not be
over the thumb during competitive lift.
4. Knee wrap – wraps not exceeding 2 meters in length and 8 cm in width may be used.
Hen worn, wraps should not be in contact with the socks or the lifting suit. Supportive
wraps – only IPF approved wraps shall be permitted for use in powerlifting
competitions. Non supportive wraps: wraps made of medical crepe or bandage and
sweatbands do not require IPF approval.
5. Belt: A belt made of leather, vinyl or similar nonstretch material may be worn on the
outside of the suit. The belt dimensions should be not more than 4 inches at its greatest
width and with a thickness not exceeding .5 inches. Belts should not have additional
6. No gloves are allowed.
7. Jewelry is prohibited.
8. Wheelchair athletes may wear tight warm-up bottoms but not warm-up tops.
9. If a lifter, after the referee's inspection, changes part of his/her uniform, belt, or
bandages, or puts on anything that has not been authorized or is contrary to the rules,
he/she shall immediately be disqualified.
10. No denim may be worn

General Rules
1. The minimum age for participating in power lifting is 14 years old.
2. Athletes must choose one of the two combination events, if unable to compete in a
combination event they can choose one of the individual events. Combinations
consist of:
I. 2 Lift Combination, which is Bench & Deadlift
II. 3 Lift Combination which is Squat, Bench & Deadlift.
III. When registering in multiple lifts be sure to register in the correct
3. An athlete's score for a lifting event will be the maximum amount that was
successfully lifted during that event. The score for a combination event will be the
sum of the maximum successfully completed lifts. Medals and ribbons will be
awarded for the individual events and the combinations at the end of the
4. There may be an opportunity for the athlete to try a "personal best" lift at the State
Summer Games competition. A personal best attempt is performed after the official
results have been recorded. A personal best attempt is strictly unofficial and has no
bearing upon the scores. A chance for a personal best lift is simply an additional
opportunity for the athlete to strive for his/her best during a time frame and venue,
which may increase the possibility of reaching his/her potential.
5. Bar and Disc Specifications
I. Distance between collars: 1m 31 cm (4' 3- 1/2") at a maximum.
II. Total length outside the sleeves: 2 m 20 cm (7' 2-3/4") at a maximum.
III. Diameter of the bar: 28 mm (1-7/8") minimum; 29 mm (1' 1-3/16")
IV. Diameter of the largest disc: 45 cm (1' 5- 3/4").
V. Weight of the largest disc: 45 kg (99 lbs.).
VI. Weight of the largest bar and collars: 25 kg (55 lbs.).
VII. The discs must be in the following range: 45 kg. (99 lbs.), 25 kg. (55 lbs.), 20
kg. (44 lbs.), 15 kg. (33 lbs.), 10 kg. (22 lbs.), 5 kg. (11 lbs.), 2.5 kg. (5.5 lbs.),
1.25 kg. (2.5 lbs.)
VIII. All discs must have a clear indication of their weight.
6. A lift must be declared NO LIFT and the lifter may be disqualified if the weights are
dropped intentionally. Scoring of the events shall be the maximum weight lifted for
each event and a total combination maximum weight for both events.

1. Athletes shall be placed in divisions according to gender, age, ability and weight class.
2. Minimum age to compete is 14
3. Gender: Male/Female.
4. Age Sub Junior: 14-18, Junior: 19-23, Senior: 24-39, Master: 40 and over, Divisions all
weight classes.
5. For the culminating event must submit best score at most recent practice

Weight Class – Men Weight Class – Women

1) 53 kg (111 lbs.) 1) 43 kg (97.75 lbs.)
2) 59 kg (130 lbs.) 2) 47 kg (103 lbs.)
3) 66 kg (145.5 lbs.) 3) 52 kg (114.50 lbs.)
4) 74 kg (163 lbs.) 4) 57 kg (125.50 lbs.)
5) 83 kg (183 lbs.) 5) 63 kg (139 lbs.)
6) 93 kg (205 lbs.) 6) 72 kg (158.5 lbs.)
7) 105 kg (231 lbs.) 7) 84 kg (185 lbs.)
8) 120 kg (264.5 lbs.) 8) 84+ kg (185.25 or more
9) 120+ kg (264.75 or more lbs.)

1. Before trials and finals, the weigh-in of competitors must take place 1 hour and 15
minutes before the beginning of competition for a particular category. All the lifters in
the category must attend the weigh-in, which shall be carried out in the presence of the
three referees appointed for the category.
2. Weigh-in will be in secret, and the lifters will be allowed in one at a time. The weigh-in
room will be locked, and the persons allowed in the room are: the referees for the body
weight classes, the lifter, and his coach or trainer. The weigh-in results will not be made
known until after the total weigh-in is finished.
3. Each competitor can only be weighed once. Only those greater or lighter than the
category limit are allowed to return to the scales. They are allowed one hour at a
maximum from the beginning of the weigh in session to make the proper weight. After
this time, they will be eliminated. When a lifter enters a weight class (for example the
middleweight division of 165 lbs.), and for whatever reason fails to weigh as much as
the lower limit of that class, he may drop into the lighter division if he has the sufficient
qualifying total required in the particular weight class.
4. The Wilkes formula (WF) is presented in kilograms as a table of coefficients. Each lifter
has a coefficient determined by body weight (BW). This is further explained in the
Official Special Olympics Summer Sports Rules Book.
5. Lifters will be divided into flights of no more than fifteen lifters, which will be divided
into divisions of no less than three and no more than eight lifters. In each division, the
lifter with the lightest attempt will lift first, and the weight loaded onto the bar will
progressively increase until all lifters in the flight have lifted. The bar will then be
unloaded and second attempts will be performed in the same fashion, followed by third
attempts. In no case can the weight be reduced when the lifter has attempted to
perform a lift with the announced weight. Then the next flight will lift.
6. Each competitor shall be allowed a period of two minutes from the calling of his/her
name to the starting of the attempt. If the delay exceeds two minutes, the attempt shall
be forfeited. The clock shall stop when the lifter starts the lift proper. During any
competition organized on a platform or stage, nobody other than the lifter, the
members of the jury, the officiating referees, the managers, and the competing lifter's
coach shall be allowed around the platform or on the stage. Before the beginning of
competitions, the recognized officials must check the weight of the bar and discs so that
the total weight may be identical with that announced.

1. The lifter shall assume an upright position with the top of the bar not more than 3 cm
below the top surface of the anterior deltoids. The bar shall be held horizontally across
the shoulders with the hands and fingers gripping the bar (not the collars) and the feet
flat on the platform with the knees locked.
2. After removing the bar from the racks, the lifters must move backwards to establish
their position. The lifter shall wait in this position for the chief referee's signal. The
signal shall be given as soon as the lifter is motionless and the bar properly positioned. If
mechanical racks that withdraw are used, the lifter must remove the barbell from the
racks before they are withdrawn and wait motionless for the chief referee's signal. The
signal shall consist of a downward movement of the arm and an audible command to
"squat." Upon receiving the chief referee's signal, the lifter must bend and lower the
body until the top surface of the legs at the hip joint is lower than the top of the knees.
3. The lifter must recover at will without double bouncing or any downward movement
after starting up to an upright position with the knees locked. When the lifter is
motionless, the chief referee will give the signal to replace the bar.
4. The signal to replace the bar will consist of a backward motion of the hand and an
audible command to "rack." The lifter must then make a bona fide attempt to return the
bar to the racks. The lifter shall face the front of the platform.
5. The lifter shall not hold the collars, sleeves, or discs at any time during the performance
of the lift. However, at the edge of the hand gripping, the bar may be in contact with the
inner surface of the collars.
6. The lifter may enlist the help of the spotter/loaders in removing the bar and replacing it
in the racks; however, once the bar has cleared the racks, spotter/loaders shall not
assist the lifter further with regard to proper positioning, foot placement, bar
positioning, etc.
7. Causes for Disqualification in the Squat
I. Failure to wait for the signals from the head referee ("squat" and "rack").
II. Failure to "break parallel."
III. Any shift of feet after referee gives the signal to squat and before the signal to
IV. Any touching of the bar by spotters before the referee's signal to replace the bar
to the rack.
V. Any movement or repositioning of the bar on the lifter's back after receiving the
signal to squat.

Bench Press
1. The lifter must assume the following position on the bench and maintain this position
during the lift: the head, trunk (including buttocks) must be extended on the bench, and
the feet must be on the floor. The referee's signal shall be given when the bar is
absolutely motionless at the chest. After the referee's signal, the bar is pressed vertically
to straight arm's length and held motionless for the referee's signal to replace the bar.
2. Athletes who are anatomically unable to fully lock out a bench press must have a
certified coach state so at the weigh-in. A medical certificate should accompany the
request. No changes in proper lifting techniques can be made for the lifter after weigh-
3. The width of the bench shall not be less than 25 cm (9-3/4”) or more than 30 cm (1' 1-
3/4"). The height shall not be less than 35 cm (1' 1-3/4") and not more than 45 cm (1' 5-
3/4"). The length shall not be less than 1.22 m (4'), and the board shall be flat and level.
4. An athlete may have the option of using a 15kg bar for the bench press only. This bar
may be used up to the point that the 20kg bar can be used by the athlete. The bar will
have the following characteristics and measurements:
I. Weight: 15kg
II. Length: 201 cm
III. Outer Ends (sleeves: 5 cm diameter/32 cm long and must rotate)
IV. Grip section: 2.5 cm diameter/131 cm long
V. 2 (knurled) grip sections spaced 42 cm apart with non-knurled 0.5 cm strip 19.5
cm from inner sleeves
5. The spacing of the hands shall not exceed 81 cm (2' 8"), measured between the
forefingers. For those lifters whose feet do not touch the floor, the platform may be
built up with 20 kg. (45 lbs.) plates to provide firm footing. A maximum of four and a
minimum of two spotter/loaders shall be mandatory; however, the lifter may enlist one
or more of the official spotter/loaders to assist him in removing the bar from the racks.
6. Causes for Disqualification in the Bench Press
I. During the lift, any change of the lifting position.
II. Any raising or shifting of the lifter's shoulders, buttocks or legs from the bench,
or movement of the feet.
III. Any heaving or bouncing of the bar from the chest.
IV. Allowing the bar to sink excessively into the chest prior to the uplift.
V. Any uneven extension of the arms.
VI. Stopping of the bar during the press proper.
VII. Any touching of the bar by the spotter before the referee's signal to replace the
VIII. Failure to wait for the referee's signal.

IX. Touching against the uprights of the bench with the feet.
X. Touching the shoulders against the uprights of the bench during the bench press.
XI. Allowing the bar to touch the uprights of the bench during the lift in order to
gain an advantage.

1. The bar must be laid horizontally in front of the lifter's feet, gripped with both hands,
and uplifted with one continuous motion until the lifter is standing erect. At completion
of the lift, the knees must be locked and the shoulders thrust back. The referee's signal
shall indicate the time when the bar is held motionless in the final position.
2. The lifter shall face the front of the platform. Any rising of the bar or any deliberate
attempt to do so shall count as an attempt.
3. On completion of the lift, the knees shall be locked in the straight position, and they
should be held in an erect position (not forward or rounded). The shoulders do not have
to be thrust back past an erect position; however, if they are thrust back in that manner,
and all other criteria is acceptable, the lift shall be accepted.
4. Causes for Disqualification in the Deadlift
I. Any stopping of the bar before it reaches final position.
II. Failure to stand erect.
III. Failure to lock the knees.
IV. Supporting the bar on the thighs.
V. Any shifting of the feet during the performance of the lift.
VI. The toes or heels may be raised provided that either foot is not displaced or
comes down in a different position.
VII. Lowering the bar before the referee's signal to do so.
VIII. Allowing the bar to return to the platform without maintaining control with both

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