Ah-Dqa-Checklist Final2021 1
Ah-Dqa-Checklist Final2021 1
Ah-Dqa-Checklist Final2021 1
This Data Quality Assessment (DQA) Checklist is provided as a recommended tool that an operating
unit (OU) may use to complete its DQAs. If the OU prefers or has successfully used a different tool for
conducting and documenting its DQAs in the past, they are free to continue the use of that tool instead.
The checklist on the following page is intended to assist in assessing each of the five required aspects of
data quality and provide a convenient manner in which to document the OU’s DQA findings.
Program Cycle Additional Help documents provide non-mandatory guidance intended to clarify ADS
201. Curated by the Bureau for Policy, Planning and Learning (PPL), these may include “how-to”
guidelines, templates and examples of best practice.
USAID Mission or Operating Unit Name:
[Indicator should be copied directly from the Performance Indicator Reference Sheet]
Linkage to Foreign Assistance Standardized Program Structure, if applicable (i.e., Program Area,
Element, etc.):
Result This Indicator Measures [For USAID only] (i.e., Specify the Development Objective,
Intermediate Result, or Project Purpose, etc.):
Data Source(s):
[Information can be copied directly from the Performance Indicator Reference Sheet]
[It is recommended that this checklist is completed for each partner that contributes data to an indicator – it
should state in the contract or grant that it is the prime’s responsibility to ensure the data quality of sub-
contractors or sub grantees.]
Is This Indicator a Standard or Custom Indicator? ____ Standard Foreign Assistance Indicator
[Describe here or attach to this checklist the methods and procedures for assessing the quality of the indicator
data. E.g. Reviewing data collection procedures and documentation, interviewing those responsible for data
analysis, checking a sample of the data for errors, etc.]
Date(s) of Assessment:
VALIDITY – Data should represent the intended result clearly and adequately.
RELIABILITY – Data should reflect stable and consistent data-collection processes and analysis
methods over time.
TIMELINESS – Data should be available at a useful frequency, should be current, and should be
timely enough to influence management decision-making.
INTEGRITY – Data collected should have safeguards to minimize the risk of bias, data
transcription or manipulation.
Actions needed to address limitations prior to the next DQA (given level of USG control over data):
If no recent relevant data are available for this indicator, why not?
What concrete actions are now being taken to collect and report
these data as soon as possible?
The DQA should include a summary of significant limitations found. A plan of action, including timelines
and responsibilities, for addressing the limitations should be made.