201 Sae
201 Sae
201 Sae
USAID Mission or Operating Unit Name:
Result This Indicator Measures [For USAID only] (i.e., Specify the Development Objective,
Intermediate Result, or Project Purpose, etc.):
Data Source(s):
[Information can be copied directly from the Performance Indicator Reference Sheet]
Partner or Contractor Who Provided the Data:
[It is recommended that this checklist is completed for each partner that contributes data to an indicator– it should
state in the contract or grant that it is the prime’s responsibility to ensure the data quality of sub-contractors or sub
Period for Which the Data Are Being Reported:
Date(s) of Assessment:
Assessment Team Members:
VALIDITY – Data should clearly and adequately represent the intended result.
1 Does the information collected measure what
it is supposed to measure? (E.g. A valid
measure of overall nutrition is healthy
variation in diet; Age is not a valid measure of
overall health.)
2 Do results collected fall within a plausible
3 Is there reasonable assurance that the data
collection methods being used do not produce
systematically biased data (e.g. consistently
over- or under-counting)?
4 Are sound research methods being used to
collect the data?
RELIABILITY – Data should reflect stable and consistent data collection processes and
analysis methods over time.
1 When the same data collection method is
used to measure/observe the same thing
multiple times, is the same result produced
each time? (E.g. A ruler used over and over
always indicates the same length for an inch.)
2 Are data collection and analysis methods
documented in writing and being used to
ensure the same procedures are followed
each time?
TIMELINESS – Data should be available at a useful frequency, should be current, and
should be timely enough to influence management decision-making.
1 Are data available frequently enough to inform
program management decisions?
2 Are the data reported the most current
practically available?
3 Are the data reported as soon as possible
after collection?
PRECISION – Data have a sufficient level of detail to permit management decision-
making; e.g. the margin of error is less than the anticipated change.
1 Is the margin of error less than the expected
change being measured? (E.g. If a change of
only 2 percent is expected and the margin of
error in a survey used to collect the data is
+/- 5 percent, then the tool is not precise
enough to detect the change.)
2 Has the margin of error been reported along
Based on the assessment relative to the five standards, what is the overall conclusion regarding the
quality of the data?
Actions needed to address limitations prior to the next DQA (given level of USG control over data):
1. Data Quality (DQ) assessor should make sure that they understand the precise definition of the
indicator by checking the Performance Indicator Reference Sheet. Please address any issues of
ambiguity before the DQA is conducted.
2. DQ assessor should have a copy of the methodology for data collection in hand before assessing
the indicator. For USAID Missions, this information should be in the PMP’s Performance
Indicator Reference Sheets for each indicator. Each indicator should have a written description
of how the data being assessed are supposed to be collected.
3. Each implementing partner should have a copy of the method of data collection in their files and
documented evidence that they are collecting the data according to the methodology.
4. DQ assessor should record the names and titles of all individuals involved in the assessment.
5. Does the implementing partner have documented evidence that they have verified the data that
has been reported? Partners should be able to provided USAID with documents
(process/person conducting the verification/field visit dates/persons met/activities visited, etc)
which demonstrates that they have verified the data that was reported. Note: Verification by
the partners should be an ongoing process.
6. The DQ assessor should be able to review the implementing partner files/records against the
methodology for data collection laid out in the PMP (for USAID Missions only). Any data quality
concerns should be documented.
The DQ should include a summary of significant limitations found. A plan of action, including timelines
and responsibilities, for addressing the limitations should be made.