English First Meeting
English First Meeting
English First Meeting
Ms. Risti’s Class
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About the Teacher
Welcome to the academic
year 2024–2025 !
My name is Risti Nur Arifah.
I’m your English teacher.
My Classroom
In our classroom, We will learn English in the
Especia FYI
scope of 4 skills: listening, speaking, reading, lly for
the sch class 12
and writing. Practice questions and tests will ool exa who wil
more di m, you l take
ligent, f have to
be evaluated at the end of each chapter. Because ocused be
English a nd serio
is one us.
subject of the
s tested
12 y ang
u k ke l as h ,
kita akan belajar bahasa inggris dalam cakupan 4 l u n t Se k o la
Spesia la ni U jia n
u s
skills : mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca dan en j a in , f o k
akan m u s leb i h ra j
s a
h a r B a h a
menulis. Soal latihan dan ulangan tentunya akan kalian s. K a r e n a
n s e r iu k e d a lam
menjadi evaluasi di setiap akhir bab. da
rm a s uk
g r is t e a j a ra n
Ing t a pe l
a tu m a
sa la h s k an.
i uj i
yang d
About the Subject
For class XI, you will learn about : For class XII, you will learn about :
Narrative Text Cause and Effect
Descriptive Text Asking and offering help
Hortatory Exposition Text Modal auxiliary words
Procedure Text News item
Argumentative Text Job Interview
Discussion Text Curriculum Vitae (CV)
Classroom Rules
the 2. Sho a n iz e d in
f o r e w resp n o rg ac ti v e ly
ss b e classm ect to tain a t. n gage
t o c la
e p a red ates, t your 3. M ain
iro n me n 4. E sio n s,
e Pr nv us
1. Com a r ri v e s.
the lea
, and la s sr o o m e
a nd class dis
ac he r es sa ry c r de sk t ies , a nd
te nec rning yo u . activi
w it h a ll
s b o o ks enviro Keep a re a t id y
e n ts .
uc h a nment. un din g assign m
ia ls , s . su r ro
mater p e n s.
2. Hargai teman sekelas, 4. Terlibat secara aktif
g k e k el a s t e pat 3. Menjaga kebersihan
1. Datan a n guru dan semua orang di dalam pembelajaran.
n sia p d e n g kelas, mulai dari kolong
waktu da lingkungan sekolah. JIka Dilarang menyelingkuhi
da n a la t tu lis meja dan area sekitar
buku ingin dihargai, maka kita pelajaran B. Inggris
n g d ip e r lu k an.
lainnya ya harus menghargai orang tempat duduk kalian.
lain terlebih dahulu.
Grading System
Daily practice questions will count as attendance.
Soal latihan harian akan dihitung sebagai kehadiran kalian di