The Science Book 50
The Science Book 50
The Science Book 50
Robert Boyle Robert Boyle was born in Ireland, to discuss their ideas. This
the 14th child of the Earl of Cork. group became the Royal Society
He was tutored at home before in 1663, and Boyle was one
attending Eton College in England of the first council members.
and then touring Europe. His In addition to his interests
father died in 1643, leaving him in science, Boyle performed
enough money to indulge his experiments in alchemy and
interest in science full time. Boyle wrote about theology and the
moved back to Ireland for a couple origin of different human races.
of years, but lived in Oxford from
1654 to 1668 so that he could do Key works
his work more easily, and then
moved to London. 1660 New Experiments
Boyle was part of a group of Physico-Mechanical:
men studying scientific subjects Touching the Spring of the
called the “Invisible College,” Air and their Effects
who met in London and Oxford 1661 The Sceptical Chymist