2ece Syllabus
2ece Syllabus
2ece Syllabus
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Analog Electronics Circuits
Course Code BVL302 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 3:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40hours heory+13Labslots Total Marks 100
Credits 4 Exam Hours 3
Course objectives: This course will enable students to
• Explain various BJT parameters and configurations.
• Understand types of MOSFET biasing and demonstrate the use of MOSFET amplifiers.
• Analyze Power amplifier circuits in different modes of operation.
• Construct Feedback and Oscillator circuits using FET.
• Analyze the different types of active filters and different modes of 555 Timer.
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the various course
1. Lecture method (L) does not mean only traditional lecture method, but different type of teaching
methods may be adopted to develop the outcomes.
2. Show Video/animation films to explain evolution of communication technologies.
3. Encourage collaborative (Group) Learning in the class
4. Ask at least three HOTS (Higher order Thinking) questions in the class, which promotes critical
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical skills, develop thinking
skillssuch as the ability to evaluate, generalize, and analyze information rather than simply recall
6. Show the different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to come up with
their own creative ways to solve them.
7. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world - and when that's possible, it helps
improvethe students understanding.
BJT Biasing: Biasing in BJT amplifier circuits: The Classical Discrete circuit bias (Voltage-divider
bias), Biasing using a collector to base feedback resistor.
Small signal operation and Models: Collector current and transconductance, Base current and input
resistance, Emitter current and input resistance, voltage gain, Separating the signal and the DC
quantities, The hybrid π model.
MOSFETs: Biasing in MOS amplifier circuits: Fixing VGS, Fixing VG, Drain to Gate feedback resistor.
Small signal operation and modeling: The DC bias point, signal current in drain, voltage gain, small
signal equivalent circuit models, transconductance. [Text 1: 3.5(3.5.1, 3.5.3), 3.6(3.6.1 to 3.6.6),
4.5(4.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.5.3), 4.6(4.6.1 to 4.6.6)]
Teaching- Chalk and talk method, Power Point Presentation. Self-study topics: Basic BJT Amplifier
Learning Configurations- Design of Common Emitter and Common collector amplifier circuits. RBT
Process Level: L1, L2, L3
MOSFET Amplifier configuration: Basic configurations, characterizing amplifiers, CS amplifier with
and without source resistance RS, Source follower.
MOSFET internal capacitances and High frequency model: The gate capacitive effect, Junction
capacitances, High frequency model.
Frequency response of the CS amplifier: The three frequency bands, high frequency response,
Lowfrequency response.
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Oscillators: FET based Phase shift oscillator, LC and Crystal Oscillators (no derivation) [Text 1:
4.7(4.7.1 to 4.7.4, 4.7.6) 4.8(4.8.1, 4.8.2, 4.8.3), 4.9, 12.2.2, 12.3.1, 12,3,2]
Teaching- Chalk and talk method, Power Point Presentation. Self-study topics: Discrete Circuit MOS
Learning Amplifier – The common gate amplifierand Wein bridge oscillator. RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Feedback Amplifier: General feedback structure, Properties of negative feedback, The Four Basic
Feedback Topologies, The series-shunt, series-series, shunt-shunt and shunt-series amplifiers
(Qualitative Analysis).
Output Stages and Power Amplifiers: Introduction, Classification of output stages, Class A output
stage, Class B output stage: Transfer Characteristics, Power Dissipation, Power Conversion efficiency,
Class AB output stage, Class C tuned Amplifier. [Text 1: 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4.1, 7.5.1, 7.6 (7.6.1 to 7.6.3),
13.1, 13.2, 13.3(13.3.1, 13.3.2, 13.3.3, 13.4, 13.7)]
Teaching- Chalk and talk method, Power Point Presentation. Self-study topics: Class D power
Learning amplifier, Class S output stage. RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Op-Amp with Negative Feedback and general applications:
Inverting and Non inverting Amplifiers – Closed Loop voltage gain, Input impedance, Output
impedance, Bandwidth with feedback. DC and AC Amplifiers, Summing, Scaling and Averaging
Amplifiers, Instrumentation amplifier, Comparators, Zero Crossing Detector, Schmitt trigger.
[Text 2: 3.3(3.3.1 to 3.3.6), 3.4(3.4.1 to 3.4.5) 6.2, 6.5, 6.6 (6.6.1), 8.2, 8.3, 8.4] L1,L2, L3
Teaching- Teaching- Learning Process Chalk and talk method, Power Point Presentation. Self-study
Learning topics: Clippers and Clampers, Peak detector, Sample and hold circuit. RBT Level: L1, L2,
Process L3
Op-Amp Circuits: DAC - Weighted resistor and R-2R ladder, ADC-Successive approximation type,
Small Signal half wave rectifier, Active Filters, First and second order low-pass and high-pass
Butterworth filters, Band-pass filters, Band reject filters.
555 Timer and its applications: Monostable and Astable Multivibrators. [Text 2: 8.11(8.11.1a,
8.11.1b), 8.11.2a, 8.12.2, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6, 7.8, 7.9, 9.4.1, 9.4.1(a), 9.4.3, 9.4.3(a)]
Teaching- Teaching- Learning Process Chalk and talk method, Power Point Presentation. Self-study
Learning topics: All pass filters,Monostable and Astable Multivibrator applications RBT Level: L1,
Process L2, L3
Course Outcomes (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course the student will be able to :
1. Understand the biasing and small signal analysis of BJT and MOSFET amplifier circuits.
2. Design and analyze MOSFET amplifiers and Oscillatorcircuits.
3. Understand the feedback topologies,Output Stages and Power Amplifiers.
4. Design of Op-Amp circuits with Negative Feedback and general applications.
5. Design and analysis of Op-Amp Circuits such as DAC, ADC, Filters and 555 timer applications.
06. Utilize the characteristics of transistor for different applications.
07. Design and analyze biasing circuits for transistor.
08. Design, analyze and test transistor circuitry as amplifiers and oscillators
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PART A: Hardware Experiments
01. Design and set up the BJT common emitter voltage amplifier with and without
feedback and determine the gain- bandwidth product, input and output impedances.
02. Design and set-up BJT/FET i) Colpitts Oscillator, ii) Crystal Oscillator and iii) RC Phase
shift oscillator
03. Design and set up the circuits using op-amp: i) Adder, ii) Integrator, iii) Differentiator
iv) Inverting Schmitt trigger
04. Design active second order Butterworth low pass and high pass filters.
05. Design 4-bit R – 2R Op-Amp Digital to Analog Converter (i) using 4-bit binary input
from toggle switches and (ii) by generating digital inputs using mod-16 counter.
06. Design Monostable and a stable Multivibrator using 555 Timer.
07. Experiments on series, shunt and double ended clippers and clampers
08. Design and Testing of Full wave – centre tapped transformer type and Bridge type
rectifier circuits with and without Capacitor filter. Determination of ripple factor,
regulation and efficiency.
PART B: Simulation using EDA software. (Edwin, PSpice, MultiSim, Proteus, Circuit Lab or any
other equivalent tool can be used)
09. RC Phase shift oscillator and Hartley oscillator.
10. Narrow Band-pass Filter and Narrow band-reject filter.
11. Precision Half and full wave rectifier.
12. Monostable and Astable Multivibrator using 555 Timer.
13. Demonstrate crossover distortion and transfer characteristics of class B output stage using
complementary transistors.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam
(SEE) is 50%.The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20
marks out of 50) and for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks
(18 out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic
requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/course if the student secures a
minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal
Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
CIE for the theory component of the IPCC (maximum marks 50)
• IPCC means practical portion integrated with the theory of the course.
• CIE marks for the theory component are 25 marks and that for the practical
component is 25marks.
• 25 marks for the theory component are split into 15 marks for two Internal Assessment
Tests (Two Tests, each of 15 Marks with 01-hour duration, are to be conducted) and 10
marks for other assessment methods mentioned in 22OB4.2. The first test at the end of
40-50% coverage of the syllabus and these condtest after covering 85-90% of the
• Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and other assessment methods will be CIE
marks for the theory component of IPCC (that is for 25 marks).
• The student has to secure 40% of 25marks to qualify in the CIE of the theory component
of IPCC.
CIE for the practical component of the IPCC
• 15 marks for the conduction of the experiment and preparation of laboratory record,
and10 marks
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For the test to be conducted after the completion of all the laboratory sessions.
• On completion of every experiment/ program in the laboratory, the students shall be
evaluated including viva-voce and marks shall be awarded on the same day.
• The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the
continuous evaluation of the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated
for 10 marks. Marks of all experiments’ write-ups are added and scaled down to
• The laboratory test (duration 02 / 03 hours) after completion of all the experiments
shall be conducted for 50 marks and scaled down to10 marks.
• Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the
laboratory component of IPCC for 25 marks.
• The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical
component of the IPCC.
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with
common question papers for the course (duration 03 hours)
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module
(with a maximum of 3sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each
4. Marks scored by the student shall be proportionally scaled down to 50 Marks
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical
portion will have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper may
include questions from the practical component.
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Course Code BVL303 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P:S) 3:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory+8-10Labslots Total Marks 100
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• To illustrate simplification of algebraice quations using Karnaugh Mapsand Quine-Mc Clusky
• To designed coders, encoders, digital multiplexer, adders, sub tractors and binary
• To explain latche sand flip-flops, registers and counters
• To analyze Melayad Moore Models
• To develop state diagrams synchronous sequential circuits
• To understand the applications of sequential circuits
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Sequential Circuit Design: Design of a synchronous counter, Design of a synchronous mod-n
counter using clocked JK, D, T and SR flip-flops. ((Section 6.8 to 6.9 of Text 2 excluding 6.9.3).
Memories: Read only and Read / Write Memories, Programmable ROM, EPROM, Flash memory.
(Text 1 - Chapter 6)
Applications of Digital Circuits: Design of a Sequence Detector, Guidelines for construction of
state graphs, Design Example – Code Converter, Design of Iterative Circuits (Comparator), Design
of Sequential Circuits using ROMs and PLAs, CPLDs and FPGAs, Serial Adder with Accumulator,
Design of Binary Multiplier, Design of Binary Divider. (Text 3 – 14.1, 14.3, 16.2, 16.3, 16.4, 18.1,
18.2, 18.3)
Sl.N Experiments
1 Simplification and realization of Boole an expressions using logic gates / Universal gates.
Realization of half / full adder and half/ full sub tractors using logic gates.
3 Realization of parallel adder/ sub tractors using 7483 chip-BCD to Excess-3 code
conversion and
Design and implementation of 1-bit and 2-bit comparators using basic gates
Design and implementation of half / full adder and half/ full sub tractors using IC 74153
6 To realize the following flip-flops using NAND
gates S-R flip-flop, D & T flip-flop
7 To realize the following flip-flops using IC
7476 master-slave JK flip-flop
8 Realize the following shift registers using IC 7495
a)Ring counter b) Johnson Counter
9 Realize the following shift registers using IC 7495
10 To design and implement:
a) mod-N synchronous UP counter and down counter using 7476J K Flip- Flop
b) mod-N counter using IC
Course out comes(Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
• Explain the concept of combinational and sequential logic circuits
• Analyse and design combinational circuits
• Describe and characterize flip flop sand its applications
• Design the sequential circuits using SR, JK,D and T flip-flop sand Melay and Moore
• Design applications of combinational and sequential circuits
• Employ the digital circuits for different applications
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Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE)
is 50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of
50) and for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50
marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to each subject/ course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out
of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End
Examination) taken together.
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CIE for the theory component of the IPCC (maximum marks 50)
• IPCC means practical portion integrated with the theory of the course.
• CIE marks for the theory component are 25 marks and that for the practical
component is 25marks.
• 25 marks for the theory component are split into 15 marks for two Internal Assessment
Tests (Two Tests, each of 15 Marks with 01-hour duration, are to be conducted) and 10
marks for other assessment methods mentioned in 22OB4.2.The first test at the end of 40-
50% coverage of the syllabus and the second test after covering 85-90% of the syllabus.
• Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and 7 other assessment methods will be CIE
marks for the theory component of IPCC (that is for 25 marks).
• The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the theory component of
CIE for the practical component of the IPCC
• 15 marks for the conduction of the experiment and preparation of laboratory record, and 10
For the test to be conducted after the completion of all the laboratory sessions.
• On completion of every experiment/ program in the laboratory, the students shall be
evaluated including viva-voce and marks shall be awarded on the same day.
• The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the
continuous evaluation of the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for
10 marks. Marks of all experiments’ write-ups are added and scaled down to 15marks.
• The laboratory test (duration 02 / 03 hours) after completion of all the experiments shall
be conducted for 50 marks and scaled down to10marks.
• Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the
laboratory component of IPCC for 25marks.
• The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical component
of the IPCC.
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common
question papers for the course (duration 03 hours)
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module
(with a maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored by the student shall be proportionally scaled down to 50 Marks
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, where as the practical
portion will
Have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper may include questions
from the practical component.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1) John M Yarbrough , Digital logic applications and design, Thomson Learning,
2001.2)Donald D Givone, Digital Principles and design, MC GrawHill2002
3)Charles HR oth Jr, Larry L Kinney, Fundamentals of logic design, Cengage Learning, 7thEdition
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Reference books:
1)D. P. Kothari and J S Dhillon, -Digital circuits and design,
Pearson, 20162)Morris Mano, Digital Design, PHI,3rdedition
3) K. A. Navas, Electronics Lab Manual, Vol.1, PHI 5th edition, 2015.
Web links and Video Lectures (e-Resources):
• https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc20_ee32/preview
• You Tube videos on digital electronics
• National Instruments : https://education.ni.com/teach/resources/1104/digital-electronics
Activity Based Learning (Suggested Activities in Class) / Practical Based learning
• To develop mini projects on digital electronics
• Simple applications like Smart Digital School Bell With Timetable Display, Stop and
Go Queue Entry Manager System, Digital Car Turning and Braking Indicator, Digital
Name plate with Visitor Sensing, electronic watchdog etc
• Applications based on PLAs ,FPGA, CPLD etc
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Verilog HDL Semester III
Course Code BVL304 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P:S) 3:0:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature(SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Learn different Verilog HDL Constructs
• Familiarize the different levels of abstraction in Verilog
• Understand Verilog tasks , functions and directives
• Understand timing and delay simulation
• Understand the concept of logic synthesis and its impact in verification
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various course outcomes.
1. Lecturer method (L) needs not to be only traditional lecture method, but alternative
effective teaching methods could be adopted to attain the outcomes.
2. Use of Video/Animation to explain functioning of various concepts.
3. Encourage collaborative (Group Learning) Learning in the class.
4. Ask at least three HOT (Higher order Thinking) questions in the class, which promotes
critical thinking.
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical skills, develop
design thinking skills such as the ability to design, evaluate, generalize, and analyze
information rather than simply recall it.
6. Introduce Topics in manifold representations.
7. Show the different ways to solve the same problem with different circuits/logic and
encourage the students to come up with their own creative ways to solve them.
8. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world-and when that's possible,
it helps improve the students' understanding.
Overview of digital design with Verilog HDL:
Evolution of CAD, emergence of HDLs, typical HDL flow, why Verilog HDL? Trends in HDL
Hierarchical Modelling Concepts:
Top down and bottom-up design methodology, difference between modules and
instances, parts of a simulation, design block, stimulus block.
Basic Concepts:
Lexical conventions, data types, system tasks, compiler directives.
Modules and ports:
Module definition, port declaration, connecting ports, Hierarchical name referencing.
Gate level modeling :
Modelling using basic Verilog gate primitives, description of and /or and buf/not type gates,
rise, fall and turn off delays, min, max and typical delays
Data flow modeling :
Continuous assignments, delay specification, expressions, operators, operand sand operate types.
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Behavioral modeling :
Structured procedures, initial and always, blocking and non-blocking statements, delay
control, generate statement, event control, conditional statements, multi way branching,
loops, sequential and parallel blocks.
Tasks and functions:
Differences between tasks and functions, declaration, invocation, automatic tasks and
Useful Modeling techniques :
Procedural continuous assignments, over riding parameters, conditional compilation, and
execution, useful system tasks
Logic Synthesis with Verilog:
Logic synthesis, impact of logic synthesis, Verilog HDL synthesis, synthesis design flow,
verification of gate level net list,
(Chapter 14, till14.5 of Text1)
Course outcome(Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Write Verilog program singate, dataflow(RTL), behavioral and switch modeling levels of
2. Design and verify the functionality of digital circuit and system, using test benches
3. Identify the suitable abstraction level for a particular digital system
4. Write the programs more effectively using Verilog tasks, function sand directives
5. Program timing and delay simulation and interpret the various constructs in logic
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Assessment Details(both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam
(SEE) is50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20
marks out of 50)and for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18
out of 50 marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements
and earned the credits allotted to each subject/ course if the student secures a minimum of
40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and
SEE (Semester End Examination)taken together.
• VHDL based projects for different applications
• Seminars
• Quizzes
• Assignments
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Verilog HDL LAB Semester III
Course Code BVLL305 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 3
Examination type (SEE) practical
Course objectives:
• Familiarize with the CAD tool to write HDL programs.
• Choose Verilog for a given Abstraction level. Along with prescribed hours of teaching –
learning process, provide opportunity to perform the experiments / program mesat their
own time, at their own pace, at any place as per their convenience and repeat any
number of times to understand the concept.
Sl.N Experiments
1 Write Verilog code to realize all the logic gates
2 Write Verilog program for the following combinational design along with test bench to
verify the design:
a) 2 to 4 decoder realization using NAND gates only(structural model)
b) 8 to 3 encoder with priority encoder and without priority encoder (behavioral
3 Write Verilog program for the following combinational design along with test bench to
verify the design:
a) 8 to1 Multiplexer using case statement and if statement
b) 4 bit binary to gray code converter using 1 bit gray to binary converter1 bit
adder and sub tractor.
4 Model in Verilog for a full adder and add functionality to perform logical operations of
XOR, XNOR, AND and OR gates. Write test bench with appropriate input patterns to
verify the model led behavior.
5 Verilog 32 bit ALU shown in figure below and verify the functionality of ALU by
selecting appropriate test patterns. The functionality of the ALU is shown in Table-1.
a) Write test bench to verify the functionality of the ALU considering all possible
in put patterns
b) The enable signal will set the output to required functions if enabled, if
disabled all the outputs are settotri-state.
c) The acknowledge signalis sethigh after every operation is complete.
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6 Write Verilog code for SR, JK , D and T verify the flip flop
8 Write Verilog code for counter with given input clock and check whether it works as
clock divider performing division of clock by2,4,8 and 16.Verify the functionality of the
Write Verilog code for Carry Look Ahead Adder. Verify the functionality of the code
10 Write Verilog code for 4- Bit Multiplier. Verify the functionality of the code
11 Write Verilog code for 4- Bit Divider. Verify the functionality of the code
12 Design of Sequence Detector (Finite State Machine Mealy and Moore Machines).
Programming can be done using any compiler, verify the simulation results with tools such as
Altera / Models im or equivalent. Downloaded Program code in to any FPGA / CPLD boards
are not Required.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Write the VHDL/ Verilog programs to simulate combinational circuits in data flow,
behavioral, gate level abstractions.
• Describe sequential circuits like flip-flops, counters, in behavioral descriptions and
obtain simulated wave forms.
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Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE)
is 50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of
50) and for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50
marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the
credits allotted to each subject/ course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out
of 100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End
Examination) taken together.
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Suggested Learning Resources:
• HDLProgrammingfundamentals,VHDLandVerilog,N.Botros,CengageLearning,
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UNIX Programming
Course Code BVLL358A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 02
Course objectives:
1. Use a variety of standard Unix commands
2. Pipe simple commands together to create powerful compound commands
Sl. Experiments
1 Shell script implementing ten UNIX commands.
4 Write a menu-driven program according to choices: a. Check if a given number is even or odd. b.
Check if the number is prime or not, demonstrating break statement
5 Shell script to convert the given decimal number to binary and vice-versa demonstrating basic
6 Write a program to check whether the user is logged in or not and send a mail demonstrating
7 Write a program to replace or delete a pattern from the given file demonstrating filter command tr.
8 Write a program accept a string from user reverse it and check if it is palindrome or not also count
the vowels demonstrating string library functions.
9 Write a program to find factorial of a number using recursion
10 Shell script to create a data file and perform copy, rename, append, display and delete file also
demonstrating file manipulation commands.
11 UNIX program demonstrating AWK and SED with options.
12 Write a program which uses fork ()& wait () system call to create a child process and display an
appropriate message.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
the standard Unix editor 'vi'
tudents learn to write shell script and debug
ign and implement shell scripts
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam
(SEE) is 50%.TheminimumpassingmarkfortheCIEis40%of the maximum marks (20marks). A
student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits
allotted to each course. The student has to secure not less than 35% (18 Marks out of 50) in
the semester-end examination (SEE).
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE):
CIE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
• Each experiment to be evaluated for conduction with observation sheet and record write-
up. Rubrics for the evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments
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designed by the faculty who is handling the laboratory session and is made known to
students at the beginning of the practical session.
• Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment
write-up will beevaluatedfor10 marks.
• Total marks scored by the students are scaled downed to 30 marks (60% of maximum
• Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record / write-upon time.
• Department shall conduct 02 tests for 100 marks, the first test shall be conducted after the
8th week of the semester and the second test shall be conducted after the 14thweekof the
• In each test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural
knowledge will carry a weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
• The suitable rubric scan be designed to evaluat each student’s performance and learning
ability. Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
• The average of 02 tests is scaled down to20 marks (40 % of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks of two
tests is the total CIE marks scored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation(SEE):
• SEE marks for the practical course is 50Marks.
• SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiner soft he same institute, examiners are
appointed by the University
• All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
• (Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer
script to be strictly adhered to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement
evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
• Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the
internal /external examiners jointly.
• Evaluation of test write-up/conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly
Examiners. General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, write up-20% ,
Conduction procedure and result in-60%, Viva-voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for
practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled down to 50
marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
• Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part
to be made zero. The duration of SEE is 03 hours.
• Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book.
Suggested Learning Resources:
• W. Richard Stevens: Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment, 2nd Edition, Pearson
Education, 2005
• M.G. Venkatesh Murthy: UNIX & Shell Programming, Pearson Education.
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Circuit Laboratory using P-spice
Course Code BVLL358B CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 02
Course objectives:
1. Along with prescribed hours of teaching –learning process, provide opportunity to perform
the experiments/ programmes at their own time, at their own pace, at any place as per their
convenience and repeat any number of times to understand the concept.
2. Provide unhindered access to perform whenever the students wish.
3. Vary different parameters to study the behaviour of the circuit without the risk of damaging
equipment/ device or injuring themselves.
Sl. Experiments
1 Simulate Series RL & RC circuit and observe phase difference between waveforms of voltage and
2 Simulation and verification of Kirchhoff’s Current Law & Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law.
3 Simulation of Mesh analysis for a given circuit.
4 Simulation of Nodal analysis for a given circuit.
5 Determination of Z & Y parameters of a given two-port network
6 Simulate and verify Super Positions theorem.
7 Simulation and verification Reciprocity theorem.
8 Simulation and verification Thevenin’s and Norton’s theorem.
9 Simulation and verification Maximum Power Transfer theorem.
10 Simulation and verification Millman’s theorem.
11 Simulation of Series and Parallel Resonance circuit.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
• Analyse In an intelligent manner, thinks better, and perform better.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam
(SEE) is 50%.The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks
(20marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned
the credits allotted to each course. The student has to secure not less than 35% (18 Marks out
of 50) in the semester-end examination (SEE).
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE):
CIE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
• Each experiment to be evaluated for conduction with observation sheet and record write-
up. Rubrics for the evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments
designed by the faculty who is handling the laboratory session and is made known to
students at the beginning of the practical session.
• Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment
write-up will beevaluatedfor10 marks.
• Total marks scored by the students are scaled downed to 30 marks (60%of maximum
• Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-upontime.
• Department shall conduct 02 tests for 100 marks, the first test shall be conducted after the
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8th week of the semester and the second test shall be conducted after the 14thweekof the
• In each test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural
knowledge will carry a weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
• The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning
ability. Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
• The average of 02 tests is scaled down to 20 marks (40% of the maximum marks).
• The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks
of two tests is the total CIE marks scored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation (SEE):
• SEE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
• SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are
appointed by the University
• All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
• (Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer
script to be strictly adhered to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement
evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
• Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the
internal /external examiners jointly.
• Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result /viva will be conducted jointly
by examiners. General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, writeup-20%,
Conduction procedure and result in -60%, Viva-voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for
practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled down to 50
marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
• Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure
part to be made zero. The duration of SEE is 03 hours
Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book.
Suggested Learning Resources:
• Networks and Systems, D Roy Choudhury, New age international Publishers, second edition.
• Network Analysis, M E Van Valkenburg, Pearson, 3e.
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Digital Engineering Course (NASSCOM)
Course Code BVL358C CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 02
Course objectives:
Sl. Experiments
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
IoT (Internet of Things) Lab
Course Code BVLL358D CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P: S) 0:0:2:0 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 02
Course objectives:
• To impart necessary and practical knowledge of components of Internet of Things
• To develop skills required to build real-life IoT based projects.
Sl. Experiments
1 i) To interface LED/Buzzer with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to ‘turn ON’ LED for 1
sec after every 2 seconds.
ii) To interface Push button/Digital sensor (IR/LDR) with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program
to ‘turn ON’ LED when push button is pressed or at sensor detection.
2 i) To interface DHT11 sensor with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print temperature
and humidity readings.
ii) To interface OLED with Arduino/Raspberry Pi and write a program to print temperature and
humidity readings on it.
3 To interface motor using relay with Arduino / Raspberry Pi and write a program to ‘turn ON’ motor
when push button is pressed
4 To interface Bluetooth with Arduino / Raspberry Pi and write a program to send sensor data to smart
phone using Bluetooth.
5 To interface Bluetooth with Arduino / Raspberry Pi and write a program to turn LED ON/OFF when
'1'/'0' is received from smart phone using Bluetooth.
6 Write a program on Arduino / Raspberry Pi to upload temperature and humidity data to thing speak
7 Write a program on Arduino/Raspberry Pi to retrieve temperature and humidity data from thing
speak cloud.
8 To install My SQL database on Raspberry Pi and perform basic SQL queries
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Circuits & Controls Semester III
Course Code BVL306A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours / Week(L: T:P:S) 3:0:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Apply mesh and nodal techniques to solve an electrical network.
• Solve different problems related to Electrical circuits using Network Theorems and Two
port network.
• Familiarize with the use of Laplace transforms to solve network problems.
• Understand basics of control systems and design mathematical models using block
diagram reduction, SFG, etc.
• Understand Time domain and Frequency domain analysis.
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes.
1. Lecturer method (L) needs not to be only traditional lecture method, but alternative effective
teaching methods could be adopted to attain the outcomes.
2. Use of Video/ Animation to explain functioning of various concepts.
3. Encourage collaborative (Group Learning) Learning in the class.
4. Ask at least three HOT (Higher order Thinking) questions in the class, which promotes critical
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical skills, develop
design thinking skills such as the ability to design, evaluate, generalize, and analyze
information rather than simply recall it.
6. Introduce Topics in manifold representations.
7. Show the different ways to solve the same problem with different circuits/logic and
encourage the students to come up with their own creative ways to solve them.
8. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world-and when that's possible,
it helps improve the students' understanding.
Basic concepts and network theorems
Types of Sources, Loop analysis, Nodal analysis with in dependent DC and AC
Excitations. (Text book 1:2.3,4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4,10.6)
Super position theorem, The venin’s theorem, Norton’s Theorem, Maximum Power transfer
Theorem. (Text book 2: 9.2,9.4,9.5,9.7)
circuitImpedanceparameters,Transmissionparameters,Hybrid parameters(Textbook3:11.1,11.2,
11.3, 11.4,11.5)
rm,Initial value and final value theorem (Textbook 3:7.1,7.2,7.4,7.7, 8.4)
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Resonance: Series Resonance: Variation of Current and Voltage with Frequency, Selectivity
and Bandwidth, Q-Factor, Circuit Magnification Factor, Selectivity with Variable Capacitance,
Selectivity with Variable Inductance.
Parallel Resonance: Selectivity and Bandwidth, Maximum Impedance Conditions with C, L
and f Variable, current in Anti-Resonant Circuit, The General Case-Resistance Present in both
Basic Concepts and representation: Types of control systems, effect of feedback systems,
differential equation of physical systems (only electrical systems), Introduction to block
diagrams, transfer functions, Signal Flow Graphs (Textbook 4: Chapter 1.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6).
Time Response analysis: Time response of first order systems. Time response of second order
systems, time response specifications of second order systems (Textbook 4: Chapter 5.3, 5.4)
Stability Analysis: Concepts of stability necessary condition for stability, Routh stability
criterion, relative stability Analysis (Textbook 4: Chapter 5.3, 5.4, 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5)
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Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common
question papers for the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module
(with a maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks
Text Books
1. Engineering circuit analysis, William HHayt, Jr, Jack EKemmerly, Steven MD urbin, McGraw Hill
Education, Indian Edition 8e.
2. Networks and Systems, D Roy Choudhury, New age international Publishers, second edition.
3. Network Analysis, MEV an Valkenburg, Pearson, 3e.
4. Control Systems Engineering, IJ Nagrath, M.Gopal, New age international Publishers, Fifth edition.
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Sensors and Instrumentation Actuators Semester III
Course Code BVL306B CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L: T:P: S) 3:0:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination type (SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Explain the characteristics of electrical and electronic measuring instruments.
• Illustrate the working principles of transducers, sensors and actuators.
• Develop and exemplify basic programming skills in Virtual Instrumentation.
• Design and implement a system using sensor and instrumentation configuration.
• Demonstrate the skill set using modern tool for simulation of virtual instrumentation.
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Actuators: Functional components of an actuator, Performance Characteristics of Actuators, Thermo
mechanical Actuators, Optical Actuators, Capacitive Actuators, Actuator as a system component,
Intelligent & Self sensing actuators, micro actuators, MEMS with micro actuators, Application examples.
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Demonstrate understanding of MOS transistor theory, CMOS fabrication flow and technology
2. Draw the basic gates using the stick and layout diagrams with the knowledge of physical design
3. Interpret Memory elements along with timing considerations
4. Demonstrate knowledge of FPGA based system design
5. Interpret testing and testability issues in VLSI Design
6. Analyze CMOS subsystems and architectural issues with the design constraints.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is
50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50)
and for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). The
student is declared as a pass in the course if he/she secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of
100) in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End
Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation:
• There are 25 marks for the CIE's Assignment component and 25 for the Internal Assessment Test
• Each test shall be conducted for 25 marks. The first test will be administered after 40-50% of the
coverage of the syllabus, and the second test will be administered after 85-90% of the coverage of
the syllabus. The average of the two tests shall be scaled down to 25 marks
• Any two assignment methods mentioned in the 22OB2.4, if an assignment is project-based then
only one assignment for the course shall be planned. The schedule for assignments shall be
planned properly by the course teacher. The teacher should not conduct two assignments at the
end of the semester if two assignments are planned. Each assignment shall be conducted for 25
marks. (If two assignments are conducted then the sum of the two assignments shall be scaled
down to 25 marks)
• The final CIE marks of the course out of 50 will be the sum of the scale-down marks of tests and
assignment/s marks.
Internal Assessment Test question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s
taxonomy as per the outcome defined for the course.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question
papers for the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a
maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Computer Organization and Architecture Semester III
Course Code BVL306C CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L: T:P:S) 3:0:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature(SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Understand the organization and architecture of computer systems, their structure and
• Illustrate the concept of machine instructions and programs
• Demonstrate different ways of communicating with I/O devices
• Describe different types memory devices and their functions
• Explain arithmetic and logical operations with different data types
• Demonstrate processing unit with parallel processing and pipeline architecture
Input / Output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts – Interrupt Hardware, Direct Memory
Access, Buses, Interface Circuits
Textbook 1: Chapter4 – 4.1, 4.2, 4.4, 4.5, 4.6
Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Read Only Memories, Speed, Size, and
Cost, Cache Memories – Mapping Functions, Virtual memories
Textbook 1: Chapter 5 – 5.1 to 5.4, 5.5 (5.5.1, 5.5.2)
Arithmetic: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Characters, Addition and Subtraction of Signed
Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of Positive Numbers Basic Processing Unit:
Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Hardwired control, Micro programmed
Textbook 1: Chapter2-2.1, Chapter6 – 6.1 to 6.3 Textbook 1: Chapter7 – 7.1, 7.2,7.4, 7.5
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Pipeline and Vector Processing: Parallel Processing, Pipelining, Arithmetic Pipeline, Instruction
Pipeline, Vector Processing, Array Processors
Textbook 2: Chapter 9 – 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.6, 9.7
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common
question papers for the course(duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module
(with a maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks
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Suggested Learning Resources:
Text Books
1. Carl Hamacher, ZvonkoVranesic, SafwatZaky, Computer Organization, 5th Edition,
Tata McGraw Hill
2. M. Morris Mano, Computer System Architecture, PHI, 3rd Edition
1. 1. William Stallings: Computer Organization & Architecture, 9th Edition, Pearson
Web links and Video Lectures(e-Resources):
1. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/103/106103068/
2. https://nptel.ac.in/content/storage2/courses/106103068/pdf/coa.pdf
3. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/105/106105163/
4. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106092/
5. https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106/106/106106166/
6. http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/11/computer-organization.html
• Discussion and literature survey on real world use cases • Quizzes
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Physics of semiconductor devices Semester III
Course Code BVL306D CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L: T:P:S) 3:0:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 03
Examination nature(SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
• Expound the fundamentals of intrinsic, extrinsic semiconductors with carrier
concentration, modeling and physics of various carrier current transport mechanisms
• Introduce detailed physics and modeling of PN Junction, MOS capacitors, and MOSFETs
MOSFETs and Compact Models: Drain current - Saturation voltage - Sub-threshold conduction - Effect
of gate and drain voltage on carrier mobility - Compact models for MOSFET and their implementation
in SPICE: Level 1, 2 and 3 - MOS model parameters in SPICE
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Scaling and Short Channel Effects: Effect of scaling - Channel length modulation - Punch-through -
Hot carrier degradation - MOSFET breakdown - Drain-induced barrier lowering.
Effect of tox - Effect of high-k and low-k dielectrics on the gate leakage and Source and drain leakage
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common
question papers for the course(duration03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module
(with a maximum of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks
Suggested Learning Resources:
Text Books
1. Ben G. Streetman and S. Banerjee, Solid State Electronic Devices, Pearson Education, U.S,
Seventh Edition, 2014.
2. J.P. Colinge and C. A. Colinge, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, Kluwer Academic
@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Publishers, US, 2017.
1. Y.P. Tsividis and Colin McAndrew, Operation and Modelling of the MOS Transistor, Oxford
University Press, US, Third Edition, 2011.
2. M K Achutan and K N Bhatt, Fundamental of Semiconductor Devices, McGraw Hill
Education, US, 2017.
Weblinks and Video Lectures(e-Resources):
• Semiconductor Devices and Circuits - Course (nptel.ac.in)
• NPTEL :: Electrical Engineering - NOC:Semiconductor Devices and Circuits
• NPTEL :: Electronics & Communication Engineering - Solid State Devices
• Quizzes, Seminars
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@#25.04.2024 @#24122023
Annexure-II 1
Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices:
Hazards in Combinational Circuits, Brief overview of Programmable Logic Devices,
Simple Programmable Logic Devices (SPLDs)
Complex Programmable Logic devices (CPLDs), Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs)
Advanced Digital Design Examples:
BCD to 7-Segment Display Decoder, BCD Adder, Traffic Light controller, Synchronization and
debouncing, Shift-and-Add Multiplier
Array Multiplier, A Signed Integer/Fraction Multiplier, (Excluding Test Bench) , Keypad Scanner
(Excluding Test Bench)
@#25.04.2024 1
Annexure-II 2
SM Charts and Microprogramming :
State Machine Charts, Derivation of SM Charts, SM chart for binary multiplier , Dice Game
(Excluding Test Bench) , Realization of SM Charts , Implementation of the Dice Game .
Microprogramming , Linked State Machines.
(Text 1: 5.1, 5.2, 5.3 , 5.4 , 5.5 , 5.6) RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Floating-Point Arithmetic: Representation of Floating-Point Numbers, Floating-Point
Multiplication, Floating-Point Addition, Other Floating-Point Operations.
Multivalued Logic and Signal Resolution, Built-in Primitives, User-Defined Primitives, SRAM
Model, Rise and Fall Delays of Gates, Rise and Fall Delays of Gates
(Text 1:7.1,7.2, 7.3,7.4, 8.3, 8.4, 8.5,8.6,8.8 ) RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Designing with Field Programmable Gate Arrays :
Implementing Functions in FPGAs, Implementing Functions Using Shannon’s Decomposition
Carry Chains in FPGAs , Cascade Chains in FPGAs , Examples of Logic Blocks in Commercial
FPGAs , Examples of Logic Blocks in Commercial FPGAs, Dedicated Multipliers in FPGAs, FPGAs
Capacity: Maximum gates versus Usable gates , Design Translation.
(Text 1: 6.1,6.2,6.3, 6.4 ,6.5 , 6.6, 6.7, 6.8,6.10, 6.11) RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
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Annexure-II 3
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. MarksLearning Resources:
scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Text Book:
1 Digital Systems Design Using Verilog First Edition, Charles H. Roth, Jr. The University of
Texas at Austin, Lizy Kurian John The University of Texas at Austin, Byeong Kil Lee The
University of Texas at San Antonio
Reference Books:
1. Advanced FPGA Design Architecture, Implementation, and Optimization Steve Kilts
2. ASIC and FPGA Verification: A guide to component Modelling.
Richard Munden, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers is an imprint of Elsevier
3. Processor Design . System-on-Chip Computing for ASICs and FPGAs, Jari Nurmi Finland
@#25.04.2024 3
Annexure-II 4
4. The design Warrior’s guide to FPGA Clive ‘Max’ Maxfield Elsevier Publications
@#25.04.2024 4
TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
Fundamentals of Frequency Modulation: Basic Principles of Frequency Modulation, Principles of Phase
Modulation, Modulation index and sidebands, Noise Suppression Effects of FM, Frequency Modulation versus
Amplitude Modulation.
FM Circuits: Frequency Modulators: Voltage Controlled Oscillators. , Frequency Demodulators: Slope Detectors,
Phase Locked Loops.
Communication Receiver: Super heterodyne receiver, Frequency Conversion: Mixing Principles, JFET Mixer.
[Text1: 5.1,5.2,5.3,5.4,5.5,6.1,6.3,9.2,9.3]
RBT: L1, L2, L3
@#25.04.2024 1
TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
Digital Representation of Analog Signals: Introduction, Why Digitize Analog Sources?, The Sampling process,
Pulse Amplitude Modulation, Time-Division Multiplexing, Pulse Position Modulation: Generation and Detection
of PPM wave. The Quantization Process. Pulse Code Modulation: Sampling, Quantization, Encoding, line Codes,
Differential encoding, Regeneration, Decoding, filtering, multiplexing.
[Text2: 7.1,7.2,7.3,7.4,7.5,7.6,7.8,7.9]
RBT: L1,L2,L3
Baseband Transmission of Digital signals: Introduction, Intersymbol Interference, Eye Pattern, Nyquist
criterion for distortionless Transmission, Baseband M-ary PAM Transmission.
Noise: Signal to Noise Ratio, External Noise, Internal Noise, Semiconductor Noise, Expressing Noise Levels,
Noise in Cascade Stages.
@#25.04.2024 2
TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
3 Amplitude Modulation and demodulation: Generation and display the relevant signals and its spectrums.
Frequency Modulation and demodulation: Generation and display the relevant signals and its spectrums.
Sampling and reconstruction of low pass signals. Display the signals and its spectrum.
Time Division Multiplexing and demultiplexing.
PCM Illustration: Sampling, Quantization and Encoding
Generate a)NRZ, RZ and Raised cosine pulse, b) Generate and plot eye diagram
Generate the Probability density function of Gaussian distribution function.
The IPCC means the practical portion integrated with the theory of the course. CIE marks for the theory component
are 25 marks and that for the practical component is 25 marks.
CIE for the theory component of the IPCC
25 marks for the theory component are split into 15 marks for two Internal Assessment Tests (Two Tests,
each of 15 Marks with 01-hour duration, are to be conducted) and 10 marks for other assessment methods
mentioned in 22OB4.2. The first test at the end of 40-50% coverage of the syllabus and the second test after
covering 85-90% of the syllabus.
Scaled-down marks of the sum of two tests and other assessment methods will be CIE marks for the theory
component of IPCC (that is for 25 marks).
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the theory component of IPCC.
@#25.04.2024 3
TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
15 marks for the conduction of the experiment and preparation of laboratory record, and 10 marks for the
test to be conducted after the completion of all the laboratory sessions.
On completion of every experiment/program in the laboratory, the students shall be evaluated including viva-
voce and marks shall be awarded on the same day.
The CIE marks awarded in the case of the Practical component shall be based on the continuous evaluation of
the laboratory report. Each experiment report can be evaluated for 10 marks. Marks of all experiments’ write-
ups are added and scaled down to 15 marks.
The laboratory test (duration 02/03 hours) after completion of all the experiments shall be conducted for 50
marks and scaled down to 10 marks.
Scaled-down marks of write-up evaluations and tests added will be CIE marks for the laboratory component of
IPCC for 25 marks.
The student has to secure 40% of 25 marks to qualify in the CIE of the practical component of the IPCC.
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for the
course (duration 03 hours)
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum of 3
sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored by the student shall be proportionally scaled down to 50 Marks
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical portion will have a CIE
component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper may include questions from the practical
The minimum marks to be secured in CIE to appear for SEE shall be 10 (40% of maximum marks-25) in the
theory component and 10 (40% of maximum marks -25) in the practical component. The laboratory
component of the IPCC shall be for CIE only. However, in SEE, the questions from the laboratory
component shall be included. The maximum of 04/05 sub-questions are to be set from the practical
component of IPCC, the total marks of all questions should not be more than 20 marks.
SEE will be conducted for 100 marks and students shall secure 35% of the maximum marks to qualify for
the SEE. Marks secured will be scaled down to 50.
The student is declared as a pass in the course if he/she secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100)
in the sum total of the CIE (Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Louis E Frenzel, Principles of Electronic Communication Systems, 3rd Edition, Mc Graw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2016. ISBN: 978-0-07-066755-6.
2. Simon Haykin & Michael Moher, Communication Systems, 5th Edition, John Wiley, India Pvt. Ltd, 2010,
ISBN: 978-81-265-2151-7.
Reference Books
1. B P Lathi, Zhi Ding, “Modern Digital and Analog Communication Systems”, Oxford University Press., 4th
@#25.04.2024 4
TEMPLATE for IPCC (26.04.2022) Annexure-III
1. Assignments and test – Knowledge level, Understand Level and Apply level
2. Experiential Learning by using free and open source software’s SCILAB or OCTAVE
3. Open ended questions by faculty, Open ended questions from students
@#25.04.2024 5
IV Semester
Control Systems
Course Code BEC403 CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L: T: P) (3:0:2) SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 hours Theory + 12 Lab slots Total Marks 100
Credits 04 Exam Hours 03
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
1. Understand basics of control systems and design mathematical models using block diagram
reduction, SFG, etc.
2. Understand Time domain and Frequency domain analysis.
3. Analyze the stability of a system from the transfer function
4. Familiarize with the State Space Model of the system.
Block diagrams and signal flow graphs: Transfer functions, Block diagram algebra and Signal
Flow graphs. (Textbook 1: Chapter 2.4, 2.5, 2.6)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Any software tool to implement block diagram
LearningProcess reduction techniques and Signal Flow graphs
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Time Response of feedback control systems: Standard test signals, Unit step response of First
and Second order Systems. Time response specifications, Time response specifications of second
order systems, steady state errors and error constants. Introduction to PI, PD and PID Controllers
(excluding design). (Textbook 1: Chapter 5.3, 5.4, 5.5)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Any software tool to show time
LearningProcess response for various transfer functions and PI, PD and PID controllers.
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Stability analysis: Concepts of stability, Necessary conditions for Stability, Routh stability
criterion, Relative stability analysis: more on the Routh stability criterion.
Introduction to Root-Locus Techniques, The root locus concepts, Construction of root loci.
(Textbook 1: Chapter 6.1, 6.2, 6.4, 6.5, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Any software tool to plot Root locus for
LearningProcess various transfer functions
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Frequency domain analysis and stability: Correlation between time and frequency response,
Bode Plots, Experimental determination of transfer function. (Textbook 1: Chapter 4: 8.1, 8.2, 8.4)
Mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist Stability criterion, (Stability criteria related to polar plots are
excluded) (Textbook 1: 9.2, 9.3)
State Variable Analysis: Introduction to state variable analysis: Concepts of state, state variable
and state models. State model for Linear continuous –Time systems, solution of state equations.
(Textbook 1: 12.2, 12.3, 12.6)
Teaching- Chalk and Talk, YouTube videos, Any software tool to draw Bode plot
LearningProcess for various transfer functions
RBT Level: L1, L2, L3
Course Outcomes
The theory portion of the IPCC shall be for both CIE and SEE, whereas the practical
portion will have a CIE component only. Questions mentioned in the SEE paper shall
include questions from the practical component.
• The minimum marks to be secured in CIE to appear for SEE shall be the 12 (40% of
maximum marks-30) in the theory component and 08 (40% of maximum marks -20) in
the practical component. The laboratory component of the IPCC shall be for CIE only.
However, in SEE, the questions from the laboratory component shall be included. The
maximum of 04/05 questions to be set from the practical component of IPCC, the total
marks of all questions should not be more than the 20 marks.
SEE will be conducted for 100 marks and students shall secure 35% of the maximum marks to
qualify inthe SEE. Marks secured out of 100 shall be reduced proportionally to 50.
Suggested Learning Resources:
Text Books
1. Control Systems Engineering, I J Nagrath, M. Gopal, New age international Publishers, Fifth
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V
Verilog Program can be compile using any compiler ,Verifying the functionality using suitable
simulator. Down load the programs on FPGA boards and Verify the Functionality
1 Write Verilog program for the following combinational logic, verify the design
using test bench and perform the synthesis by downloading the design on to
FPGA device.
a. Structural modelling of Full adder using two half adders and or Gate
b. BCD to Excess-3 code converter
2 Write Verilog program for the following Sequential Circuits, verify the design
using test bench and perform the synthesis by downloading the design on to
FPGA device.
a. Mod-N counter
b. Random sequence counter
3 Write Verilog program for the following Sequential Circuits, verify the design
using test bench and perform the synthesis by downloading the design on to
FPGA device.
a. SISO and PISO shift register
b. Ring counter
4 Write Verilog program for the following Digital Circuits, verify the
functionality using test bench and perform the synthesis by downloading the
design on to FPGA device.
a.4-Bit Ripple Carry Adder
5 Write Verilog program for the following Digital Circuits, verify the
functionality using test bench and perform the synthesis by downloading the
design on to FPGA device.
a. 4-bit Array Multiplication
b. 4-bit Booth Multiplication
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V
6 Write a Verilog code to design a clock divider circuit that generates 1/2, 1/3 rdand
1/4thclock from a given input clock. Port the design to FPGA and validate the
functionality through oscilloscope.
7 Interface a Stepper motor to FPGA and write Verilog code to control Stepper motor
8 Interface a DAC to FPGA and write Verilog code to generate Squre wave of
frequency F KHz. Modify the code to down sample the frequency to F/2 KHz.
Display the original and Down sampled signals by connecting them to an
9 Write Verilog code to convert an analog input of a sensor to digital form and to
display the same on a suitable display like set of simple LEDs like 7-Segment
display digits.
Course outcomes:
Familiarize with the EDA tool to write HDL programs to understand simulation and synthesis of
digital design.
Design, Simulation and Synthesis of Combinational circuits using EDA tool
Design, Simulation and Synthesis of Sequential Circuits using EDA tool
Interfacing DAC to FPGA device to generate different waveforms using Verilog HDL.
Interfacing Stepper motor to FPGA device to count the number of rotations of a stepper motor.
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V
Template for Practical Course and if AEC is a practical Course Annexure-V
2) Donald E Thomas, Philip R Moorby, “The Verilog hardware description Language”, Springer Science Business
Media , LLC, 5th Edition
3) Michael D. Ciletti, “Advanced digital design with the Verilog HDL”, Pearson (PHI),II Edition
Course Code BEC405A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week(L:T:P) 3:0:0 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 40 Total Marks 100
Credits 03 Exam Hours 3
Examination type(SEE) Theory
Course objectives:
This course will enable students to:
• Understand the difference between Microprocessor and Microcontroller and embedded
• Analyze the basic architecture of 8051microcontroller.
• Program 8051 microcontroller using Assembly Language and C.
• Understand the operation and use of inbuilt Timers/Counters and Serial port of 8051
• Understand the interrupt structure of 8051 and Interfacing I/O devices using I/O ports of 8051.
The samples strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes are listed in the following:
1. Lecture method (L) does not mean only the traditional lecture method, but a
different type of teaching method may be adopted to develop the outcomes.
2. Show Video/animation films to explain the functioning of various techniques.
3. Encourage collaborative(Group)Learning in the class
4. Ask at least three HOTS(Higher-order Thinking) questions in the class, which
promotes critical thinking
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical kills, develop
thinking skills such as the ability to evaluate, generalize, and analyze information rather
than simply recall it.
6. Show the different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to
come up with their own creative ways to solve them.
7. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world and when that's possible,
it helps improve the students' understanding.
Give Programming Assignments.
Module-1 ( 8 Hrs )
Microcontroller: Microprocessor Vs Microcontroller, Micro L1,L2
controller & Embedded Processors, Processor Architectures-Harvard Vs
Princeton & RISC Vs CISC , 8051 Architecture- Registers, Pin diagram, I/O
ports functions, Internal Memory organization. External Memory (ROM &
RAM) interfacing. (Text book 1-1.1,Text book 2-1.0,1.1,3.0,3.1,3.2,3.3 Text
book 3-Pg 5-9)
Module-2 ( 8 Hrs )
Instruction Set: 8051 Addressing Modes, Data Transfer Instructions, L1,L2
Arithmetic instructions, Logical Instructions, Jump & Call Instructions
Stack & Subroutine Instructions of 8051 (with examples in assembly
Language). (Text book 2- Chapter 5,6,7,8, Additional reading Refer
Textbook 3, Chapter 3 for complete understanding of instructions with
flow diagrams)
Module-3 ( 8 Hrs )
Timers/Counters & Serial port programming: L1,L2,
Basics of Timers & Counters, Data types & Time delay in the 8051 using
C, Programming 8051 Timers, Mode 1 & Mode 2 Programming, Counter
Programming (Assembly Language only). (Text book 2- 3.4, Text book 1-
7.1, 9.1,9.2)
Module-4 ( 8 Hrs )
Interrupt Programming: Basics of Interrupts, 8051 Interrupts, Programming L1,L2,
Timer Interrupts, Programming Serial Communication Interrupts, Interrupt L3
Priority in 8051(Assembly Language only) ( Text book 2- 3.6, Text book 1-
11.1,11.2,11.4, 11.5)
Module-5 ( 8 Hrs )
I/O Port Interfacing & Programming: I/O Programming in 8051 C, LCD L1, L2, L3
interfacing, DAC 0808 Interfacing, ADC 0804 interfacing, Stepper motor
interfacing, DC motor control & Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) using C
only. (Text book 1- 7.2, 12.1, 13.1, 13.2, 17.2, 17.3)
Annexure-II 1
Industrial Power Devices: General purpose power diodes, fast recovery power diodes, schottky power
diodes, silicon carbide power diodes (Text book 1: 2.5, 2.6), Power MOSFETs, Steady state characteristics,
switching characteristics, silicon carbide MOSFETs, COOLMOS, Junction field effect transistors, operation
and characteristics of JFETs, Silicon Carbide JFET structures, Bipolar Junction Transistors, Steady state
characteristics, switching characteristics, silicon carbide BJTs, IGBT, silicon carbide IGBTs (Text book 1:
4.3, 4.4, 4.6, 4.7
Power Electronics Circuits: ), Thyristor, Thyristor characteristics, two transistor model (Text book 1:
9.2, 9.3, 9.4).Controlled Rectifiers – Single phase full converter with R and RL load, Single phase dual
converters, and Three phase full converter with RL load (Text book 1: 10.2, 10.3, 10.4).
Switching mode regulators – Buck Regulator, Boost regulator, Buck – Boost regulator, comparison of
regulators (Text book 1: 5.9.1, 5.9.2, 5.9.3, 5.10)
Inverters – Principle of operation, Single phase bridge inverter, Three phase inverter with 180 and 120
degree conduction, Current source inverter (Text book 1: 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.9).
AC voltage controllers – Single phase full wave controller with resistive load, single phase full wave
controller with inductive load (Text book 1: 11.3, 11.4).
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Annexure-II 2
MEMS Devices: Sensing and Measuring Principles, Capacitive Sensing, Resistive Sensing, Piezoelectric
Sensing, Thermal Transducers, Optical Sensors, Magnetic Sensors, MEMS Actuation Principles, Electrostatic
Actuation, Thermal Actuation, Piezoelectric Actuation, Magnetic Actuation, MEMS Devices Inertial Sensors,
Pressure Sensors, Radio Frequency MEMS: Capacitive Switches and Phase Shifters, Microfluidic Components,
Optical Devices. (Text book 2: 13.1, 13.3, 13.4)
MEMS Applications: Introduction, Industrial, Automotive, Biomedical (Text book 2:15.1, 15.2,
15.3, 15.4)
Protections of Devices and Circuits: Cooling and Heat sinks, Thermal Modeling of Power Switching Devices,
Electrical Equivalent Thermal model, Mathematical Thermal Equivalent Circuit, Coupling of Electrical and
Thermal Components, Snubber circuits, Voltage protection by Selenium Diodes and Metaloxide Varistors,
Current protection, Fusing, Fault current with AC source, Fault current with DC source, Electromagnetic
Interference, sources of EMI, Minimizing EMI Generation, EMI shielding, EMI standards (Text book 1: 17.2,
17.3, 17.4, 17.5, 17.6, 17.7, 17.8, 17.9).
Course outcome (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to :
1. Explain different types of industrial power devices such as MOSFET, BJT, IGBT etc, there
structure, and its operating characteristics.
2. Design and analyse the power electronic circuits such as switch mode regulators, inverters,
controlled rectifiers and ac voltage controllers.
3. Explain various types of MEMs devices used for sensing pressure, temperature, current,
voltage, humidity, vibration etc..
4. Familiarize with soft core processors such as ASIC and FPGA.
5. Familiarize with computer hardware, software, architecture, instruction set, memory
organization, multiprocessor architecture.
6. Apply protective methods for devices various industrial power devices based on thermal
requirements and develop protective methods for the circuits against various electrical
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The
minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and for the SEE
minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). The student is declared as a pass
in the course if he/she secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE
(Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
@#25.04.2024 2
Annexure-II 3
Internal Assessment Test question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
as per the outcome defined for the course.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 03 hours).
1. The question paper will have ten questions. Each question is set for 20 marks.
2. There will be 2 questions from each module. Each of the two questions under a module (with a maximum
of 3 sub-questions), should have a mix of topics under that module.
3. The students have to answer 5 full questions, selecting one full question from each module.
4. Marks scored shall be proportionally reduced to 50 marks.
Reference Books
@#25.04.2024 3
The samples strategies, which the teacher can use to accelerate the attainment of the various
course outcomes are listed in the following:
1. Lecturer method (L) need not to be only traditional lecture method, but alternative effective
teaching methods could be adopted to attain the outcomes.
2. Use of Video/Animation to explain functioning of various concepts.
3. Encourage collaborative (Group Learning) Learning in the class.
4. Ask at least three HOT (Higher order Thinking) questions in the class, which promotes critical
5. Adopt Problem Based Learning (PBL), which fosters students’ Analytical skills, develop
design thinking skills such as the ability to design, evaluate, generalize, and analyze information
rather than simply recall it.
6. Introduce Topics in manifold representations.
7. Show the different ways to solve the same problem and encourage the students to come up
with their own creative ways to solve them.
8. Discuss how every concept can be applied to the real world - and when that's possible, it helps
improve the students' understanding.
Introduction to Operating Systems: OS, Goals of an OS, Operation of an OS, L1,L2
Computational Structures, Resource allocation techniques, Efficiency, System
Performance and User Convenience, Classes operating System, Batch processing, Multi
programming, Time Sharing Systems, Real Time and distributed Operating Systems
(Topics from Sections 1.2, 1.3, 2.2 to 2.8 of Text).
Process Management: OS View of Processes, PCB, Fundamental State Transitions of a L1,L2,
process, Threads, Kernel and User level Threads, Non-preemptive scheduling- FCFS and L3
SRN, Preemptive Scheduling- RR and LCN, Scheduling in Unix and Scheduling in Linux
(Topics from Sections 3.3, 3.3.1 to 3.3.4, 3.4, 3.4.1, 3.4.2 , Selected scheduling topics
from 4.2 and 4.3 , 4.6, 4.7 of Text).
Memory Management: Contiguous Memory allocation, Non-Contiguous Memory L1,L2,
Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with paging, Virtual Memory L3
Management, Demand Paging, VM handler, FIFO, LRU page replacement policies,
Virtual memory in Unix and Linux
(Topics from Sections 5.5 to 5.9, 6.1 to 6.3 except Optimal policy and 6.3.1, 6.7,6.8
of Text)
File Systems: File systems and IOCS, File Operations, File Organizations, Directory
structures, File Protection, Interface between File system and IOCS, Allocation of disk
space, Implementing file access
(Topics from Sections 7.1 to 7.8 of Text).
Message Passing and Deadlocks: Overview of Message Passing, Implementing L1, L2
message passing, Mailboxes, Deadlocks, Deadlocks in resource allocation, Handling
deadlocks, Deadlock detection algorithm, Deadlock Prevention
(Topics from Sections 10.1 to 10.3, 11.1 to 11.5 of Text).
The objectives of this course are to:
1. Develop proficiency in designing and implementing fundamental data structures.
2. Learn various sorting and searching algorithms and analyze their time complexity.
3. Understand algorithmic problem-solving techniques, including recursion.
4. Explore advanced data structures like trees, graphs, and hash tables.
5. Apply data structures and algorithms knowledge to solve real-world programming challenges
Teaching-Learning Process (General Instructions)
These are sample Strategies, which teachers can use to accelerate the attainment of the
various course outcomes.
1. The lecturer's approach (L) does not have to be limited to traditional methods of teaching. It
is possible to incorporate alternative and effective teaching methods to achieve the desired
2. Utilize videos and animations to illustrate the functioning of different techniques used in the
manufacturing of smart materials.
3. Foster collaborative learning exercises within the classroom to encourage group participation
and engagement.
4. Pose a minimum of three Higher Order Thinking (HOT) questions during class discussions
to stimulate critical thinking among students.
5. Implement Problem-Based Learning (PBL) as an approach that enhances students' analytical
skills and nurtures their ability to design, evaluate, generalize, and analyze
information, rather than solely relying on rote memorization.
Arrays:1D,2D and multidimensional.
Pointers: Definition and Concepts, Array of pointers, Structures and unions. Array of structures,
pointer arrays, pointer to structures. Passing pointer variable as parameter in functions
Dynamic memory allocation: malloc(), calloc(), realloc() and free function.
Introduction to data structures and algorithms
Text book 1 -Chapter-1.1-1.3 except Rational Numbers.
Text Book 2, chapter-2
@#25.04.2024 1
The Stack – Definition and examples, primitive operations, Example. Representing Stacks in C,
Example:Infix,Postfix and Prefix,converting an Expression from Infix to Prefix and Program.
Text Book -1-Chapter – 2.1-2.3
Recursion – Recursive Definition and Processes, Recursion in C, Writing Recursive Programs.
Recursions - Text Book -1-Chapter – 3.1-3.3
Queues and Lists – The Queue and its sequential representation, Linked Lists, Lists in C.
Other Lists structures – Circular Lists, Stacks, Queues as circular list. The Josephus problem ,doubly
linked lists.
Linked lists and Queues - Text Book -1-Chapter – 4.1-4.3,4.5
Trees – Binary Trees, binary tree representations, Huffman algorithm, Trees and their applications.
Searching – Basic searching Techniques, Tree Searching.
Trees - Text Book -1-Chapter – 5.1-5.3,5.5,7.1,7.2
Hashing – Introduction, Static Hashing, Dynamic Hashing
Text Book 3 -8.1 – 8.3
Graphs - Graph representation, Elementary graph operations, Minimum cost spanning Trees –
Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prim’s algorithm
Text Book 3 - 6.1,6.2,6.3.1,6.3.2
Course Outcomes (COs) (Course Skill Set)
At the end of the course, the student will be able to:
1. Master the implementation and application of key data structures in programming.
2. Demonstrate the ability to analyze algorithm efficiency and optimize code.
3. Solve complex problems by applying algorithmic strategies and techniques.
4. Design and implement algorithms for tasks involving searching, sorting, and graph traversal.
5. Utilize data structures and algorithms to enhance software performance and scalability
@#25.04.2024 2
1. Reema Thareja, Computer fundamentals and programming in C, second edition, Oxford
University Press.
2. Gilberg and Forouzan, Data Structures: A Pseudo-code approach with C, 2ndEd,
@#25.04.2024 3
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Assessment Details(both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is 50%. The minimum
passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks). A student shall be deemed to have satisfied the
academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each course. The student has to secure not less than 35% (18
Marks out of 50) in the semester-end examination (SEE).
Continuous Internal Evaluation(CIE):
CIE marks for the practical course is 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
• Each experiment to be evaluated for conduction with observation sheet and record write-up. Rubrics for the
evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments designed by the faculty who is handling the
laboratory session and is made known to students at the beginning of the practical session.
• Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment write-up will
• Total marks scored by the students are scaled downed to 30 marks (60% of maximum marks).
• Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-upon time.
• Department shall conduct 02 tests for 100 marks, the first test shall be conducted after the 8 th week of the
semester and these test shall be conducted after the 14thweek of the semester.
• In each test, write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural knowledge will carry a
weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
• The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning ability. Rubrics
suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
• The average of 02 tests is scaled down to 20 marks (40%of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks of two tests is the total CIE marks
scored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation(SEE):
SEE marks for the practical course is 50Marks.
SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed by the University
All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
(Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be strictly adhered
to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
Students can pick one question (experiment) from the question slot prepared by the internal/external examiners jointly.
Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by examiners. General
rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, write up-20%, Conduction procedure and result -60%, Viva-voce 20%
of maximum marks. SEEf or practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled down to 50
marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero. The
duration of SEE is 03hours
Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
• Online Courses:
o Coursera: "Algorithms" by Princeton University (taught by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne).
o edX: "Algorithmic Design and Techniques" (offered by UC San Diego and Higher School of Economics).
• Websites and Online Resources:
o Geeks for Geeks: Offers a wide range of tutorials, practice problems, and coding challenges related to
data structures and algorithms.
o Leet Code: Provides coding challenges that are frequently asked in technical interviews and cover a
variety of algorithmic concepts.
o Hacker Rank: Offers coding challenges and competitions with a focus on algorithms and data structures.
o Top Coder: Provides algorithmic challenges and competitions for practicing and improving problem-
solving skills.
• YouTube Channels:
o My code school: Offers video tutorials on various data structures and algorithms topics.
o The Coding Train: Provides interactive coding tutorials on algorithms and data structures.
• Coding Platforms:
o Code forces: Offers competitive programming challenges to improve algorithmic problem-solving skills.
Hackerearth: Provides coding competitions and challenges along with tutorials and practice problems.
Microcontrollers Lab Semester 4
Course Code BEC456A CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Credits 01 Total Marks 100
Exam Hours 2
Examination type (SEE) Practical
Course objectives: This course will enable students to:
Understand the basic programming of Microcontrollers.
Develop the 8051 Microcontroller-based programs for various applications using Assembly
Language & C Programming.
Program 8051 Microcontroller to control an external hardware using suitable I/O ports.
Note Execute the following experiments by using Keil Microvision Simulator (any 8051 Microcontroller
can be chosen as the target) and Hardware Interfacing Programs using 8051 Trainer Kit.
Sl.No I. Assembly Language Programming
Data Transfer Programs:
Write an ALP to move a block of n bytes of data from source (20h) to destination (40h) using
2 Write an ALP to move a block of n bytes of data from source (2000h) to destination (2050h) using
External RAM.
3 Write an ALP To exchange the source block starting with address 20h, (Internal RAM) containing
N (05) bytes of data with destination block starting with address 40h (Internal RAM).
4 Write an ALP to exchange the source block starting with address 10h (Internal memory), containing
n (06) bytes of data with destination block starting at location 00h (External memory).
Arithmetic & Logical Operation Programs:
Write an ALP to add the byte in the RAM at 34h and 35h, store the result in the register R5 (LSB)
5 and R6 (MSB), using Indirect Addressing Mode.
Write an ALP to subtract the bytes in Internal RAM 34h & 35h store the result in register R5 (LSB)
& R6 (MSB).
7 Write an ALP to multiply two 8-bit numbers stored at 30h and 31h and store16- bit result in 32h and
33h of Internal RAM.
8 Write an ALP to perform division operation on 8-bit number by 8-bit number.
9 Write an ALP to separate positive and negative in a given array.
10 Write an ALP to separate even or odd elements in a given array.
11 Write an ALP to arrange the numbers in Ascending & Descending order.
12 Write an ALP to find Largest & Smallest number from a given array starting from 20h & store it in
Internal Memory location 40h.
Counter Operation Programs:
13 Write an ALP for Decimal UP-Counter.
14 Write an ALP for Decimal DOWN-Counter.
15 Write an ALP for Hexadecimal UP-Counter.
16 Write an ALP for Hexadecimal DOWN-Counter.
II. C Programming
1 Write an 8051 C program to find the sum of first 10 Integer Numbers.
2 Write an 8051 C program to find Factorial of a given number.
3 Write an 8051 C program to find the Square of a number (1 to 10) using Look-Up Table.
4 Write an 8051 C program to count the number of Ones and Zeros in two consecutive memory
III. Hardware Interfacing Programs
1 Write an 8051 C Program to rotate stepper motor in Clock & Anti-Clockwise direction.
2 Write an 8051 C program to Generate Sine & Square waveforms using DAC interface.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set): At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Write a Assembly Language/ C programs in 8051for solving simple problems that manipulate input
data using different instructions.
2. Develop Testing and experimental procedures on 8051 Microcontroller, Analyze their operation
under different cases.
3. Develop programs for 8051 Microcontroller to implement real world problems.
4. Develop Microcontroller applications using external hardware interface.
Assessment Details (both CIE and SEE)
The weightage of Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE) is 50% and for Semester End Exam (SEE) is
50%. The minimum passing mark for the CIE is 40% of the maximum marks (20 marks out of 50) and
for the SEE minimum passing mark is 35% of the maximum marks (18 out of 50 marks). A student shall
be deemed to have satisfied the academic requirements and earned the credits allotted to each subject/
course if the student secures a minimum of 40% (40 marks out of 100) in the sum total of the CIE
(Continuous Internal Evaluation) and SEE (Semester End Examination) taken together.
Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE):
CIE marks for the practical course are 50 Marks.
The split-up of CIE marks for record/ journal and test are in the ratio 60:40.
Each experiment is to be evaluated for conduction with an observation sheet and record write-up.
Rubrics for the evaluation of the journal/write-up for hardware/software experiments are designed
by the faculty who is handling the laboratory session and are made known to students at the
beginning of the practical session.
Record should contain all the specified experiments in the syllabus and each experiment write-
up will be evaluated for 10 marks.
Total marks scored by the students are scaled down to 30 marks (60% of maximum marks).
Weightage to be given for neatness and submission of record/write-up on time.
Department shall conduct a test of 100 marks after the completion of all the experiments
listed in the syllabus.
In a test, test write-up, conduction of experiment, acceptable result, and procedural knowledge
will carry a weightage of 60% and the rest 40% for viva-voce.
The suitable rubrics can be designed to evaluate each student’s performance and learning ability.
The marks scored shall be scaled down to 20 marks (40% of the maximum marks).
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and marks of a test is the total
CIE marks scored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation (SEE):
SEE marks for the practical course are 50 Marks.
SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed
by the Head of the Institute.
The examination schedule and names of examiners are informed to the university before the conduction of
the examination. These practical examinations are to be conducted between the schedule mentioned in the
academic calendar of the University.
All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
(Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be
strictly adhered to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be
decided jointly by examiners.
Students can pick one question (experiment) from the questions lot prepared by the examiners jointly.
Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by examiners.
General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, writeup-20%, Conduction procedure and result in -
60%, Viva-voce 20% of maximum marks. SEE for practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored
marks shall be scaled down to 50 marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% of Marks allotted to the procedure part are to be made
zero. The minimum duration of SEE is 02 hours
Suggested Learning Resources:
“The 8051Microcontroller: Hardware, Software and Applications”, V Udayashankara and M S
Mallikarjuna Swamy, McGraw Hill Education,1 edition, 2017.
Annexure-II 1
Introduction: Programmable logic controller (PLC), role in automation (SCADA), advantages and
disadvantages, hardware, internal architecture, sourcing and sinking (Textbook 1: 1.1 to 1.4)
I/O devices and Processing: list of input and output devices, examples of applications. I/O processing,
input/output units, signal conditioning, remote connections, networks, processing inputs I/O addresses.
(TextBook1: 2.1 to 2.3 and 4.1 to 4.7).
Programming: Ladder programming- ladder diagrams, logic functions, latching, multiple outputs, entering
programs, functional blocks, program examples like location of stop and emergency switches. (TextBook1:
5.1 to 5.7).
Programming Methods: Instruction Lists- Ladder programs and Instruction lists, Branch codes,
Programming Examples- Signal lamp-valve operation task. Sequential Function Charts- Branching and
convergence. (TextBook1: 6.1 to 6.3).
Internal Relays: ladder programs, battery-backed relays, one-shot operation, set and reset, master control
relay (TextBook1: 7.1 to 7.6).
Timers and counters: Types of timers, ON and OFF- delay timers, pulse timers, forms of counter,
programming, up and down counters. (TexBook1: 9.1 to 9.6).
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Annexure-II 2
Shift register and data handling: shift registers, ladder programs, registers and bits, data handling,
arithmetic functions. (TextBook1: 11.1 to 11.2 and 12.1 to 12.3)
Internal Assessment Test question paper is designed to attain the different levels of Bloom’s taxonomy
as per the outcome defined for the course.
Semester-End Examination:
Theory SEE will be conducted by University as per the scheduled timetable, with common question papers for
the course (duration 01 hours).
1. SEE paper shall be set for 50 questions, each of the 01 marks. The pattern of the question paper is
MCQ (multiple choice questions).
2. The time allotted for SEE is 01 hour. The student has to secure a minimum of 35% of the maximum
marks meant for SEE.
Suggested Learning Resources:
1. Programmable Logic controllers-W Bolton, 5th edition/6th edition, Elsevier- newness, 2009/2015.
2. Programmable logic controllers - principles and applications”-John W. Webb, Ronald A Reiss, Pearson
education, 5th edition, 2007.
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Annexure-II 3
Reference Books:
1 Programmable Logic Controllers”- E. A Paar, 3rd Edition, An Engineers Guide. Newness, 2003.
2 “Introduction to Programmable Logic Controller”- Garry Dunning, 3rd Edition, Thomson Asia Pte Ltd.
Publication, 2006
3 “PLCs & SCADA - Theory and Practice”- Rajesh Mehra, Vikrant Vij, 2nd Edition, Laxmi publication,
4 “PLC Programming for Industrial Automation”- Kevin Collins, 1st Edition, Kindle, 2016
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Octave Programming
Course Code BEC456C CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P:S) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 12 Sessions Total 100
Credits 01 Exam Hours 03
*Additional One hour may be considered for instructions if
Course objectives:
• Apply theoretical knowledge of Octave programming to practical programming tasks.
• Gain hands-on experience in implementing and debugging octave Programming through coding
exercises and projects.
Course Syllabus :
Basic data structures in Octave – Vectors, Matrices, Cell Arrays. Special vecors. Linear sampling and
logarithmic sampling. Accessing elements of vectors, matrices, and matrices. Mathematical operations on
vectors and matrices. Addition, Multiplication, Subtraction, Division, Power, Square-Root, trigonometric
operations. Dot Products and Cross Products of Vectors. Matrix multiplication, matrix inverse and matrix
transpose operations. Finding eigen values andvectors of a square matrix. Finding the solution of a system
of linear equations. Linear programming and integer linear programming using glpk. Plotting in Octave.
Subplots, Stem Plots, Semilog and Log-log plots. Packages in Matlab – symbolic, signal processing,
control. Applications of Octave to solve problems in Electrical engineering, Electronics engineering,
Control Systems, Signals and Systems/Signal Processing.
Sl..NO Experiments
(a) Define the following matrices using Octave
i. A 4x4 identity matrix
ii. A 4x4 matrix of zeros
iii. A 4x4 matrix of ones
iv. The matrix U4 defined below.
2 You will have learnt Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws to solve the voltages and
currents in a DC circuit. Given a circuit with n loops, we can write down n equations in n
unknowns (loop currents). Alternately, given a circuit with n nodes, we can write down
n equations in n unknowns (node voltages). These linear equations can be solved using
(a) Write down the KCL and KVL for the following circuit and solve the node
voltages and currents. Assume that Vs is 100V.
(a) Consider the RC circuit shown in the figure below. Plot the voltage across C and the
charging current through C when the switch is turned on.
(b) What is the rise time of the capacitor voltage?
(a) The figure shows a diode-based rectifier. The diode conducts only when the input
voltage is positive. Assume that it is an ideal diode. Plot the half-wave rectified
waveform if the input to the rectifier is a 50- Hz sine wave of 200V RMS. Plot the
output waveform for four cycles of the input.
(b) Find the average of the Halfwave-rectified output in Octave and verify your answer
using the formula for the average output.
(c) Plot the output of a full-wave rectifier.
(d) Find the RMS value of the Fullwave-rectified output in Octave and verify your
answer using the formula for the RMS value.
(e) Assume that the input voltage is 2sin(500t) V and that the diode has a cut-in voltage
of 0.6V. Plot the half-wave and full-wave rectified waveforms and find their average
and RMS values.
You have studied that any periodic signal of frequency f can be decomposed into a sum of sine
and cosine waveforms whose frequencies ae integral multiples of f. The resulting series is called
the Fourier series. Consider the following equation.
𝒙(𝒕) = 𝟒/𝝅 × ∑_(𝒌 = 𝟏)^𝒏▒〖𝒔𝒊𝒏 (𝟐 𝝅𝒇 (𝟐𝒌 − 𝟏)𝒕) 〗
(a) Write an Octave program to read f and n and plot x(t). What does x(t) resemble?
(b) How can you modify x(t) to generate a square waveform of frequency f, but whose
amplitude goes from 0 to 2?
(c) Generate x(t) assuming that the square wave goes from -1 to 1 and has a frequency of 1
kHz. Take 100 samples in each period. Perform an FFT analysis of x(t).
(c) Find the Z and Y parameters for the Delta. Assume that all resistors are 15 Ohms.
(a) Consider the circuit shown below and determine the inductance L and capacitance C.
(b) Plot the impedance of the RLC circuit shown in the figure as the frequency is varied
from 0 to 10 kHz.
(c) Find the resonant frequency from the plot
10 Find the value of capacitor C to maximize the power transferred to the load. (The load includes
the inductance.)
The Sum of scaled-down marks scored in the report write-up/journal and average marks of two tests is the total
CIE marksscored by the student.
Semester End Evaluation(SEE):
SEE marks for the practical course is 50Marks.
SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed by the
UniversityAll laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
(Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be strictly
adheredto by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by
Students can pick one question (experiment) from the question slot prepared by the internal/external examiners
jointly.Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by
examiners. General rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, write up-20%, Conduction procedure and
result -60%, Viva-voce 20%of maximum marks. SEEf or practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and
scored marks shall be scaled down to 50 marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by
the examiners)
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made
zero. Theduration of SEE is 03hours
Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
Suggested Learning Resources:
Dr. P.J.G. Long, Department of Engineering University of Cambridge, "Introduction to Octave,"
can be downloaded from octavetut.pdf (cam.ac.uk)
Data Structures Lab using C
Course Code BEC456D CIE Marks 50
Teaching Hours/Week (L:T:P:S) 0:0:2 SEE Marks 50
Total Hours of Pedagogy 15 Total 10
Sessions 0
Credits 01 Exam Hours 03
*Additional One hour may be considered for instructions
if required
Course objectives:
Apply theoretical knowledge of data structures and algorithms to practical programming tasks.
Gain hands-on experience in implementing and debugging data structures and algorithms
through coding exercises and projects.
Sl..N Experime
O nts
1 Write a C Program to create a Student record structure to store, N records, each record having
the structure shown below: USN, Student Name and Semester. Write necessary functions
a. To display all the records in the file. b. To search for a specific record based on the USN. In
case the record is not found, suitable message should be displayed. Both the options in this case
must be demonstrated. (Use pointer to structure for dynamic memory allocation)
2 Write a C Program to construct a stack of integers and to perform the following operations on it:
a. Push b. Pop c. Display The program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow,
stack underflow, and stack empty.
3 Write a C Program to convert and print a given valid parenthesized infix arithmetic expression
to postfix expression. The expression consists of single character operands and the binary
operators + (plus), - (minus), * (multiply) and / (divide).
4 Write a C Program to simulate the working of a queue of integers using an array. Provide the
following operations: a. Insert b. Delete c. Display
5 Write a C Program using dynamic variables and pointers to construct a stack of integers using
singly linked list and to perform the following operations: a. Push b. Pop c. Display The
program should print appropriate messages for stack overflow and stack empty.
6 Write a C Program to support the following operations on a doubly linked list where each node
consists of integers: a. Create a doubly linked list by adding each node at the front. b. Insert a
new node to the left of the node whose key value is read as an input c. Delete the node of a
given data, if it is found, otherwise display appropriate message. d. Display the contents of the
list. (Note: Only either (a,b and d) or (a, c and d) may be asked in the examination)
7 Write a C Program a. To construct a binary search tree of integers. b. To traverse the tree using
all the methods i.e., inorder, preorder and postorder. c. To display the elements in the tree.
8 Write recursive C Programs for a. Searching an element on a given list of integers using the
Binary Search method. b. Solving the Towers of Hanoi problem.
9 Write a program to traverse a graph using BFS method.
Write a program to check whether given graph is connected or not using DFS method.
10 Design and develop a program in C that uses Hash Function H:K->L as H(K)=K mod
m(reminder method) and implement hashing technique to map a given key K to the address
space L. Resolve the collision (if any) using linear probing
Note: The students must be encouraged to create Leetcode account and work on Leetcode platform to
improve the competency.
Course outcomes (Course Skill Set):
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Develop proficiency in coding and debugging complex algorithms and data structures.
Acquire practical problem-solving skills by applying data structures and algorithms to real-world programming
Develop a C program to perform arithmetic operation using data structure and operators.
Understand the concept of graph theory and develop a C program for searching an element.
Develop a C program to check the given graph is connected using different algorithms.
Semester End Evaluation(SEE):
SEE marks for the practical course is 50Marks.
SEE shall be conducted jointly by the two examiners of the same institute, examiners are appointed by the University
All laboratory experiments are to be included for practical examination.
(Rubrics) Breakup of marks and the instructions printed on the cover page of the answer script to be strictly adhered
to by the examiners. OR based on the course requirement evaluation rubrics shall be decided jointly by examiners.
Students can pick one question (experiment) from the question slot prepared by the internal/external examiners jointly.
Evaluation of test write-up/ conduction procedure and result/viva will be conducted jointly by examiners. General
rubrics suggested for SEE are mentioned here, write up-20%, Conduction procedure and result -60%, Viva-voce 20%
of maximum marks. SEEf or practical shall be evaluated for 100 marks and scored marks shall be scaled down to 50
marks (however, based on course type, rubrics shall be decided by the examiners)
Change of experiment is allowed only once and 15% Marks allotted to the procedure part to be made zero. The
duration of SEE is 03hours
Rubrics suggested in Annexure-II of Regulation book
Online Courses:
o Coursera: "Algorithms" by Princeton University (taught by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne).
o edX: "Algorithmic Design and Techniques" (offered by UC San Diego and Higher School of Economics).
Websites and Online Resources:
o Geeks for Geeks: Offers a wide range of tutorials, practice problems, and coding challenges related to
data structures and algorithms.
o Leet Code: Provides coding challenges that are frequently asked in technical interviews and cover a
variety of algorithmic concepts.
o Hacker Rank: Offers coding challenges and competitions with a focus on algorithms and data structures.
o Top Coder: Provides algorithmic challenges and competitions for practicing and improving problem-
solving skills.
YouTube Channels:
o My code school: Offers video tutorials on various data structures and algorithms topics.
o The Coding Train: Provides interactive coding tutorials on algorithms and data structures.
Coding Platforms:
o Code forces: Offers competitive programming challenges to improve algorithmic problem-solving skills.
Hackerearth: Provides coding competitions and challenges along with tutorials and practice problems.