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Appendix A1

Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics

of the Second University of Naples




Dir: Prof. Letizia Perillo

Postgraduate Orthodontic Program Regulation

Purpose and duration
Administrative organs
Tutor and other role positions
Administrative Coordinator
Training in other locations
Registration and enrolment
Number of Postgraduate Students
Student tuition fees
Student facilities
Renounce to studies
Incompatibility and compatible activities
Profit assessment and examination board
Degree achievement and final thesis examination board
Insurance Protection
Evaluation of working capacity and health surveillance
Training and welfare activity
Absences, delay and recovery of suspension periods
Absences due to illnesses
Absences related to the protection of pregnancy and motherhood pregnancy
Extension of the duration
Economic treatment
Incompatibility and compatible activities
Final rules
Approval and enactment

( (+39) 081 5665495 –(+39) 081 5665501-7(+30) 081 5665477– E-MAIL:

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
Second University of Naples
Postgraduate Orthodontic Program Regulations

Art. 1 - Definitions
According to the present Regulations, a) PGP is the Postgraduate Program; b) PGOP is
the Postgraduate Orthodontic Program; c) OD is the Orthodontic Division; d) Scientific
Department is the Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental
Specialties; e) SUN is the Second University of Naples; f) University Regulations are the
University Academic Regulations issued by D.R. n.1621/2008 and next n.840/2013; g)
Statute is the Statute of the Second University of Naples issued by D.R. n. 171/24
February 2012; h) Postgraduate Medical Program Regulations are the Regulations,
according to the European Union Regulations, issued by D.R. n. 856/7 September 2012.

Art. 2 - PGOP purpose and duration

1. The Postgraduate Orthodontic Program of the Second University of Naples aims at
educating and training dentists in this clinical specialty, at advancing of knowledge and
developing of research in the related fields. The program prepares the general dentist to
practise orthodontics in a contemporary and advanced level, providing a full and
extended academic education as well as sufficient clinical experience in different
treatment methods. The program's main objective is the theoretical and practical
training so that the specialists in Orthodontics will be able to:
• Diagnose dental, craniofacial and functional anomalies
• Develop diagnosis, treatment plan and prognosis of a clinical case
• Appraise cognitive and psychological aspects related to orthodontics
• Conduct interceptive and fixed orthodontic treatments for different types of dental
and skeletal malocclusions
• Collaborate with other colleagues in interdisciplinary treatments in patients with
medical and dento-skeletal problems like craniofacial anomalies, orthognathic
surgery procedures and craniomandibular disorders (CMDs)
• Evaluate the individual and social need for orthodontic treatment
• Concern about professional and ethical standards
• Review, understand, and assess the literature related to several orthodontic topics
• Define a research hypothesis, design a methodological study, conduct a research
and discuss the findings
• Promote facilities and opportunities for improving professional skills and lifelong
learning programs.
Furthermore, the program gives emphasis to:
• basic sciences and their relation to orthodontics,
• development of a scientific attitude characterized by an exploratory mind,
• stimulation of professional interests,
• principles of scientific methodology,
• critical review and study of bibliography,
• oral and written presentation of clinical and research findings,
• research activities.
2. The PGOP follows the guidelines for Postgraduate Orthodontic Education approved
by the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) (World J Orthod. 2009;10(2):153-
66 – Eur J Orthod. 2014;36(3):340-9) and those of the Network of Erasmus Based
European Orthodontic Programmes (NEBEOP) available on the website final.pdf.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
For this reason, the PGOP follows, as much as possible, the Postgraduate Medical
Program Regulations according to the European Union Regulations, issued D.R. n.
856/7 September 2012.
3. Full time attendance is required. All lectures, seminars and practical exercises as well
as the whole clinical training are compulsory for all postgraduate students. Any
exception requires the approval of the PGOP director and of the OD head in case
these two positions are held by different individuals. The PGOP students are also
obliged to follow in detail the regulations of the AOU of the Second University of
4. The PGOP issues, at the end of the Postgraduate Program, the title of Specialist in
5. The PGOP lasts three and half year and includes 40 hours per week. Each academic
year begins on September 1st and ends on August 31thalthough these dates may be
varied according to Academic Regulations.

Art. 3 - PGOP administrative organs

The administrative organs are: a) the PGOP Director, and b) the PGOP Council
PGOP Director
1. The management of the PGOP is committed to a full professor of the scientific-
disciplinary reference area. In the case of multiple reference areas, the management
of the PGOP is committed to a full professor of one of the areas included in the
specific field of the PGOP typology.
2. The Director is in charge three academic years with one renewal and can designate a
Vice Director among the other professors who can replaces the Director in case of
absence or other impediments.
3. The Director is responsible for the PGOP, calls and chairs the PGOP Council, has
right to vote, transmits all the decisions and suggestions in order for them to be
sanctioned, is responsible for planning, allocation of teaching to the tutors, hourly
program of the courses, and PGOP exams, is responsible for supervising the
observance of the internal regulation of the PGOP, watches and solves, in cooperation
with the OD Head, and the aid of the Secretariat, all administrative issues which
come up and refer to the totality of the PGOP. Moreover, the PGOP Director watches
the observance of the studies program by the postgraduate student who falls under
his/her responsibility as well as his/her performances in the various procedures.
He/she solves any problems that might arise during the postgraduate student's studies.
In cooperation with the postgraduate student he/she decides the subject of the
student's PGOP thesis and he/she is responsible of all the issues having to do with the
further course of this paper. He/she is responsible for correcting the PGOP thesis.
4. For election procedures and cases of incompatibility, the Statute is considered.
PGOP Council
1. The PGOP Council is composed of all professors of the PGOP. Professors ad interim
and student representatives may be present.
2. The PGOP Council plans and coordinates the learning activities for the achievement
of the degree, and proposes and approves teaching activations or deactivations.
Moreover, the PGOP Council proposes the Committee for the selection of the
postgraduate students. The Committee is then approved by the Rector of the Second
University of Naples.
3. The PGOP Council may, as per resolution, identify topics to debate on line and
voting procedures to perform on line guarantying privacy and freedom of vote.

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
4. The topic debated on line must be proposed to the Council during the first possible
5. Currently, the PGOP academic staff includes 9 professors of the Multidisciplinary
Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties and 9 professors of other
Departments of the Second University of Naples as well as it includes other Italian or
foreign scientists of high standards.

Art. 4 - Tutor and other role positions

1. The tutor has usually a degree in Dentistry, or in Medicine and Surgery with
qualification to practice Dentistry, membership of the Order of the Medical Doctors
and Dentists, or has a specialization in dental area or related disciplines. The tutor has
to guide the PGOP students during the learning activities approved by the PGOP
2. The tutors are appointed annually by the PGOP Council and must have the whole
functioning knowledge of the PGOP.
3. The tutors are designated on the basis of appropriate scientific qualifications and/or
professional curriculum and/or documented ability of teaching and training.

Art. 5 - Administrative Coordinator

1. The PGOP can identify an administrative Coordinator to choose among the
administrative staff of the University and preferably of the accounting Department.
2. The administrative Coordinator may play its role for more PGP simultaneously.

Art. 6 - Training in other locations

1. According to the individual PGOP and University Regulations, the PGOP students
may spend a period of training in other locations in Italy or abroad.
2. The period of training in other locations may not exceed eighteen months in the
whole program.
3. For insurance coverage, Statute is considered.
4. The Company or the host location is liable for PGOP student damages.

Art. 7 - Registration and enrolment

1. PGOP admission is open to students who have a degree in Dentistry, or in Medicine
and Surgery with qualification to practice Dentistry and membership of the Order of
the Medical Doctors and Dentists. Other requirements may be necessary, in addition
to the degree, if expressly required by the competition announcement.
2. PGOP admission is open to students who have any other foreign degree recognized as
equivalent according to the current Regulations and the competition announcement.
3. In the PGOP are admitted students reporting the best overall score, according to the
number of available places. The final score, max 100 points, is the sum of written
examination test score (min 42 – max 70 points) and the score (min 0 – max 30
points) achieved according to the following items:

1. Degree Score < 99/ 0 points

99-109 / 0.30 points
110/100 / 4 points
110 cum laude / 5 points
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
2. Orthodontic and other disciplines score < 27/ 0 points
• Orthodontics and gnatology 27-30 – 0.25 points
• Oral pathology and medicine 30/30 – 0.50 points
• Pedodontics 30/ cum laude – 0.75 points
• Oral Surgery
• Radiology
• Periodontics
• Dental materials
3. Thesis Score max 10 points

4. Publication Score max 10 points

4. The admission to the next year requires good standing with the payment of the fees
for the previous year and passing the final theoretical and practical exams.

Art. 8 - Number of Postgraduate Students

The number of admitted students in the PGOP is set for 6 students every year of study.
One or more may be citizens of countries-members or non-members of the European
Foreign candidates need to have sufficient knowledge of English and Italian language and
to present the following certificates:
- certificate of dental degree, translated in Italian and legalized;
- certificate of value of dental degree - "Dichiarazione di valore";
- certificate with the list of exams, translated and legalized.
PGOP students Secretary can also be contacted. Applications are submitted at the PGOP
students Secretary of the Second University of Naples by means of a special form
completed accordingly and accompanied by certificates and transcripts.

Art. 9 - Student tuition fees

1. Every postgraduate student has to pay tuition that will cover part of the educational
expenses. This amount for all three and half years of studies ranges from about
8,000.00 to 9,000.00 Euro.
2. The amounts of the fees paid by the PGOP students are different from those paid in
other PGP according to a special resolution of the administrative Council, expressly
reported in the competition announcement.
3. The deadlines for the payment are set with reference to the academic year of
registration. Tuition fees must be rendered in three similar but not equal payments,
the first at the beginning of the year, within July 1st, the second within December
31st and the third within April 30th. These amounts and these dates may be changed
in the future.
4. The PGOP students that are not in order with the payment of the University fees
cannot carry out any career advancement, move to another location, or obtain

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
certifications. They can only require certificates for the academic years for which
they have fully paid taxes and contributions.
5. In case of ending career (degree achievement, study interruption, transfer,) any debit
or credit situation toward the Administration must be solved.
6. All postgraduate students have to purchase the instruments necessary for their
clinical and laboratory training.

Art. 10 - Student facilities

The PGOP provides the postgraduate students with adequate facilities consisting of an
orthodontic division with 5 dental chairs, sterilization and disinfection area, dressing room
and bathrooms. However, there are other four units with 15 dental chairs for a total of
20 dental chairs available during the afternoon and often even during the morning.
Moreover, conference rooms, libraries with orthodontic journals and a Network Inter-
Library Document Exchange (NILDE), staff offices, PGOP student room with model and
record storage, PGOP study and seminar rooms with computers, network facilities and
electronic patient files, a Cranio-Mandibular Disorders(CMDs) equipment room with
transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS), Lizard ultimate posturometric and
stabilometric platform, BTS TMJOINT synchromyography of neuromuscular stability
analysis and the K7 Evaluation System Myotronics, a fully equipped dental laboratory
with orthodontic laboratory facilities, X-ray laboratories with intraoral and extraoral
radiographic facilities,Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT) and a photographic
set-up, a Viewboxcephalometric software.In addition other facilities are available:
AcceleDent soft pulse technology, electrosurgical units, diode lasers, Polysomnography
(PSG), micro-Raman Spectoscopy (µ-RS), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
(FTIR), Confocal Laser Microscopy (LSM), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM),
Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), ultramicrotome, in chemiluminescence
microarray analyzer, platform for gene expression analysis, real-time PCR,
microcentrifuges and high-speed centrifuges, advanced microscopy and imaging core, cell
culture facilities, Next Generation Sequencing (NGS). Moreover, there is a Cleft and Lip
Palate and Maxillofacial Anomalies Regional center.

Art. 11 - Renounce to studies

The PGOP student may irrevocably renounce to studies. A declaration of renounce signed
by the student, delivered to the Student Secretary, produces the loss of the condition of
PGOP student.

Art. 12 - Transfers
1. The transfer to/from a PGP is allowed only between PGP with the same name, after
authorization from the Council of both origin and destination University.
2. The transfer request must be accompanied by a detailed certification of training
activities performed in the PGP of origin. A copy of the exam transcript, and a
summary with the training activities are required.
3. The acceptance of transfer request is related to:
• the presence of vacancies and/or accommodation capacity of the PGP verified by
the PGP Council

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
• the assessment by the Council of the training activities overlapping between the
two PGP
In the case of PGP with the same name but different types (e.g. that do not follow the
guidelines for Postgraduate Orthodontic Education approved by the WFO and those
of NEBEOP) it is also recommended a meeting with the Director or with who
replaces him.
4. The transfer is not permitted during the first year and it is possible only after the final
exam of the first year.
5. In any case, the transfer request must be presented within the terms, from 15th
September to 30th October, as provided by the University Regulations. Transfer
request after the deadline may be submitted with adequate justification to the Rector,
but no later than 31st December. Transfers during the year are not allowed.
6. The terms and conditions for the application and completion of the transfer procedure
are defined according to the academic year and communicated by the Student
Secretary to the parties concerned.
7. The student who transfers can move to another University only after one academic

Art. 13 - Incompatibility and compatible activities

1 Simultaneous registration at several PGP is forbidden according to the current
legislation and University Regulations.
2. The ownership of research grant is not compatible with the attendance of a PGP.
3. When possible, University Regulations allow the simultaneous attendance of a
Research Doctorate Program.

Art. 14 - Attendance, mode of attendance recording and other duties

1. Attendance is obligatory. The Postgraduate Students have to attend the classes
2. Attendance recording is delegated to the PGP Director or to the Tutors who account
to the PGP Director.
3. The PGP Director certifies the adequacy of attendance.
4. For each course the students will have to gather all the presences provisioned by the
valid internal regulation (not less than 75%).
In case of absences superior to 75%, the PGOP Council will decide if the student can
be admitted to the exam being obliged to repeat the attendance of the course only in
case of very low mark. Otherwise, the PGOP student is obliged to attend the course
again. In both the aforementioned cases, a second failure in the exam or a second
absence from the exam is cause of elimination of the postgraduate student from the
PGOP, which must be done with a decision by the PGOP Council.
5. For special and exceptional reasons, the attendance of the postgraduate student in the
program can be prolonged for a specific period of time (no longer than 1 year).
Exceptional cases are submitted to the PGOP Council.
6. The Postgraduate Students have to report to the Secretariat their addresses and their
phone numbers. If a change in their address or their phone number during their
studies takes place, the change must be notified to the Secretariat of the PGP in time.
7. The Postgraduate Students must completely abide by the internal regulations of the
PGOP that they attend and to be in close cooperation with their supervisor.
8. The Postgraduate Student participates in the undergraduate education according to
his/ her training program in the division where he/ she belongs.

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
Art. 15 - Profit assessment and examination board
1. In each academic year, the PGP student must pass an intermediate evaluation with the
staff after six months and a theoretical-practical exam to be admitted to the next year
at the end of each academic year, but not earlier than 21 days before the end of the
2. The examination board is nominated by the PGP Council and is composed of at least
three members of the PGP Council. It is chaired by the Director or, in case of his
unavailability, by the Vice Director.
3. The examination board assesses the overall theoretical and clinical knowledge of the
candidate in each discipline and related technical skills and clinical activities required
for the academic year. The minimum vote for passing the exam is eighteen/thirty. In
case of maximum vote (thirty/thirty), the exam may be passed with laude if the
examination board unanimously agrees.

Art. 16 - Degree achievement and final thesis examination board

1. For the title of Specialist in Orthodontics, the PGOP student must:
• to complete the training of the PGOP;
• to present 10 cases treated and completed during the program and documented
according to the rules of the Italian Society of Orthodontics (SIDO) and/or the
Italian Board of Orthodontics (IBO);
• to complete the thesis started the first year and submit it to national or international
congress, or to have it at least accepted from a scientific journal.
2. At the end of the program, in a special ceremony, the PGOP student is granted
Specialist in Orthodontics.
3. The final examination is based on: a) the presentation of the thesis, written in Italian
and in English under the guide of a supervisor; b) the presentation of 10 fully
documented cases through the analysis and evaluation of various diagnostic, progress
and final records; c) the annual evaluations and; d) the professor-tutors judgments.
The final grade is the mean value that results from the mean value of the marks in the
three annual examinations and the mark of the final examination. Grading ranges
from 30 to 50.
4. Thesis supervisors may be all the members of the PGOP Council.
5. The Postgraduate Student cooperates with the supervisor of his/her PGOP thesis, who
is defined by the PGOP Council. The student has the right to ask the change of his/her
advisor or his/her paper's supervisor as well.
6. The PGOP final thesis can be presented only after the theoretical and practical final
third year examination. The session for presenting the thesis can be set only when the
thesis is completed.
7. The examination board for the thesis and degree of specialty is elected by the PGOP
Council and it is composed of 5 members, and at least 2 alternate members. The
examination board is headed by the PGOP Director or, in case of his unavailability,
by the Vice Director.
8. The thesis is marked from 0 to 20. In case of maximum vote (fifty/fifty), the exam
may be passed with laude and/or mention and/or dignity of printing if the
examination board unanimously agrees.
9. After completion of the PGOP the postgraduate students must transfer the patients
whose treatment has not been completed to the new postgraduate students. Thus,
every postgraduate student must possess the initial, progress and final full records of
all patients before their transfer to the new postgraduate students.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
Art. 17 - Insurance Protection
1. For PGP students, University guarantees the Insurance protection for third party civil
liability related to specific training and teaching activity.
2. For the PGP student, University Guarantees the Insurance protection also for the
theoretical-practical activity according to the policies.

Art. 18 - Evaluation of working capacity and health surveillance

1. PGP students, before beginning the training, must have a positive assessment of
working capacity by the competent doctor.
2. PGP students are subjected to health and physical surveillance based on the risk
assessment related to their activities, according to current legislation for employees.
3. PGP students are required to undergo a medical examination for the working capacity
assessment and health and physical surveillance, if required.
4. The hospital or the structure where PGP student performs professionalizing periods or
technical-practices activities must request to PGP students, before starting each
activity, this documentation, even integrated in the light of possible specific risks.

Art. 19 - Training and welfare activity.

1. Activities and related responsibilities, according to the progressive training of the
PGOP, are required to achieve the degree of specialty in Orthodontics.
2. PGOP registration implies that PGOP student follow, with profit the whole training
program and to carry out the theoretical and practical activities provided by
University Regulations. In particular the number of hours for each PGOP student
during the orthodontic training is equal to 40 hours per week divided into
professionalizing activities and in educational activities according to the guidelines
proposed by NEBEOP.
3. The PGOP Council, according to the training program, decides for each year of
specialization the educational, technical and clinical activities.
4. Each PGOP student is duly authorized to attend the host hospital and to participate, as
required by PGOP and under the tutorial guide, to all clinical activities.
5. These activities must result from the official documentation (medical records,
operating room logs, medical reports of outpatient and diagnostic activities). Thus,
PGOP students must sign all performed clinical activities, assuming their
responsibilities according to a progressive training.
6. Taking in charge a patient, PGOP student must always serves under the supervision
of a tutor, who must always be present or available for consultation and possible
timely intervention.
7. The activity of the PGOP student must take place under the guide of an individual or
group Tutor. The relationship between tutor and PGOP student implies: a) guided
activities: PGOP student operates under the immediate control of an individual or
group Tutor; b) on-call guided activities: PGOP student operates always and promptly
under the control of an on-call Tutor, responsible of his/her clinical activities (e.g.
monitor or audio-visuals, when available).

Art. 20 - Absences, delays and recovery of suspension periods

1. Absences exceeding forty days, even for pregnancy and disease, or unjustified
absences suspend the training program.
2. The recovery of suspension period of the training program can modify the ending
date of the training program. The admission to the next year, or to the final thesis
session, if the PGP student is enrolled at the last year, it is set only after the

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
suspension period recovery. The PGP Council deliberates extraordinary sessions for
the PGP students who need to recover the suspension period.
3. Absences for personal reasons, previously authorized, except for particular cases, do
not suspend the training program, if not exceeding forty days in a year. PGP student
must inform PGP Director of the absence and must be authorized.

Art. 21 - Absences due to illnesses

1. In case of illness, regardless of its duration, PGP student must immediately inform the
PGP administrative responsible and deliver the certificate the day after.
2. If the period of absence includes holidays or days of rest, these are included in the
days of absence.
3. When the absences due to illnesses exceed 40 working days, even if not consecutive
days, the over 40 days absences, must be recovered.

Art. 22 - Absences related to the protection of pregnancy and motherhood pregnancy

1. The PGP student has immediately inform the administrative office about her
pregnancy status to in order to take security and protection measures necessary for the
protection of the newborn and mother health. The period of maternity leave lasts five
months and the PGP student can refrain from work one month before and four
months after the expected birth date, if the specialist of the National Health Service
certifies that this will be safe and not dangerous for both pregnant and unborn. In case
of birth after the expected date, the PGP student must refrain from work until the
birth and for at least three months after. During the months of suspension, the PGP
student cannot carry out any clinical and teaching activity.
2. PGP student can require to the administrative office, with at least 15 days in advance,
to extend the period of suspension, taking advantage of parental leave, indicating the
restarting working date. This type of leave, accessible by both parents (for the mother
after maternal leave and for the father after baby birth), can be used for a minimum
period of 40 days and it must always be recovered. For accounting absences, all
absences above 40 days, even if due to different reasons, will be summed.

Art. 23 - Extension of the PGOP duration

In case that a postgraduate student presents any deficiency in his theoretical knowledge
and clinical skills the extension of his postgraduate studies may be necessary. In particular
cases, it may be necessary to repeat one year. This is possible only for one year. After this
opportunity, the PGOP student loses the condition of PGOP student.
For special and exceptional reasons, the attendance of the postgraduate student in the
program can be prolonged for a specific period of time (in general, no longer than 1 year).

Art. 24 - Economic treatment

For the PGOP student, although the PGOP follows the WFO and the NEBEOP guidelines,
is not provided any annual salary.

Art. 25 - Incompatibility and compatible activities

1. During the PGP, the PGP student can carry out professional activity outside the
structures in which performs training.

Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
2. The PGP student can, with the approval of the PGP Director, take part in the
intramoenia activities of the doctors and tutors operating in the related structures
without invoicing.

Art. 26 - Final rules

Foreverything not included in these Regulations, the current University Regulations,
Statute, and Postgraduate Medical Program Regulations are applied.

Art. 27 - Approval and enactment

These Regulations have been submitted in English and approved by PGOP Council on 13
February 2015 with immediate entry into force. Therefore, during the three years and half
of the PGOP that leads to the Specialty in Orthodontics, the activities of the postgraduate
students are in accordance with these Regulations. The registration and the enrolment in
the PGOP of the Second University of Naples imply the acceptance from the PGOP
students of all points of these regulations as well as the regulation of the Orthodontics
Department. Any violations of the above regulations result in imposition of penalties or
expelling from the program.

Date / /

Postgraduate Orthodontic Program Student Signature


Postgraduate Orthodontic Program Director Signature


Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples

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