Regolamento Generale Rev002en
Regolamento Generale Rev002en
Regolamento Generale Rev002en
( (+39) 081 5665495 –(+39) 081 5665501-7(+30) 081 5665477– E-MAIL:
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
Second University of Naples
Postgraduate Orthodontic Program Regulations
Art. 1 - Definitions
According to the present Regulations, a) PGP is the Postgraduate Program; b) PGOP is
the Postgraduate Orthodontic Program; c) OD is the Orthodontic Division; d) Scientific
Department is the Multidisciplinary Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental
Specialties; e) SUN is the Second University of Naples; f) University Regulations are the
University Academic Regulations issued by D.R. n.1621/2008 and next n.840/2013; g)
Statute is the Statute of the Second University of Naples issued by D.R. n. 171/24
February 2012; h) Postgraduate Medical Program Regulations are the Regulations,
according to the European Union Regulations, issued by D.R. n. 856/7 September 2012.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
4. The topic debated on line must be proposed to the Council during the first possible
5. Currently, the PGOP academic staff includes 9 professors of the Multidisciplinary
Department of Medical-Surgical and Dental Specialties and 9 professors of other
Departments of the Second University of Naples as well as it includes other Italian or
foreign scientists of high standards.
4. The admission to the next year requires good standing with the payment of the fees
for the previous year and passing the final theoretical and practical exams.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
certifications. They can only require certificates for the academic years for which
they have fully paid taxes and contributions.
5. In case of ending career (degree achievement, study interruption, transfer,) any debit
or credit situation toward the Administration must be solved.
6. All postgraduate students have to purchase the instruments necessary for their
clinical and laboratory training.
Art. 12 - Transfers
1. The transfer to/from a PGP is allowed only between PGP with the same name, after
authorization from the Council of both origin and destination University.
2. The transfer request must be accompanied by a detailed certification of training
activities performed in the PGP of origin. A copy of the exam transcript, and a
summary with the training activities are required.
3. The acceptance of transfer request is related to:
• the presence of vacancies and/or accommodation capacity of the PGP verified by
the PGP Council
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
• the assessment by the Council of the training activities overlapping between the
two PGP
In the case of PGP with the same name but different types (e.g. that do not follow the
guidelines for Postgraduate Orthodontic Education approved by the WFO and those
of NEBEOP) it is also recommended a meeting with the Director or with who
replaces him.
4. The transfer is not permitted during the first year and it is possible only after the final
exam of the first year.
5. In any case, the transfer request must be presented within the terms, from 15th
September to 30th October, as provided by the University Regulations. Transfer
request after the deadline may be submitted with adequate justification to the Rector,
but no later than 31st December. Transfers during the year are not allowed.
6. The terms and conditions for the application and completion of the transfer procedure
are defined according to the academic year and communicated by the Student
Secretary to the parties concerned.
7. The student who transfers can move to another University only after one academic
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
Art. 15 - Profit assessment and examination board
1. In each academic year, the PGP student must pass an intermediate evaluation with the
staff after six months and a theoretical-practical exam to be admitted to the next year
at the end of each academic year, but not earlier than 21 days before the end of the
2. The examination board is nominated by the PGP Council and is composed of at least
three members of the PGP Council. It is chaired by the Director or, in case of his
unavailability, by the Vice Director.
3. The examination board assesses the overall theoretical and clinical knowledge of the
candidate in each discipline and related technical skills and clinical activities required
for the academic year. The minimum vote for passing the exam is eighteen/thirty. In
case of maximum vote (thirty/thirty), the exam may be passed with laude if the
examination board unanimously agrees.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
suspension period recovery. The PGP Council deliberates extraordinary sessions for
the PGP students who need to recover the suspension period.
3. Absences for personal reasons, previously authorized, except for particular cases, do
not suspend the training program, if not exceeding forty days in a year. PGP student
must inform PGP Director of the absence and must be authorized.
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples
2. The PGP student can, with the approval of the PGP Director, take part in the
intramoenia activities of the doctors and tutors operating in the related structures
without invoicing.
Date / /
Appendix A1. Regulation of the Postgraduate Program in Orthodontics of the Second University
of Naples