1.5-Dream Buyer Avatar Worksheet
1.5-Dream Buyer Avatar Worksheet
1.5-Dream Buyer Avatar Worksheet
1. W
here does your dream buyer hang out and congregate?
Name both online and offline places where your dream buyers hang out and
congregate. The more detailed and specific, the better.
‘Hangs out in the Mothers of Melbourne Facebook group’ is more precise and
‘Likes the outdoors’ is too general to mean anything insightful and actionable.
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‘Likes going to the park every Saturday morning with her two kids’ shows habits and
values and is specific.
‘Obsessively reads Rockin Mama, Mamavation, and Reddit’ is defined and revealing.
Knowing exactly where your dream buyers are hanging out influences a lot of things
including where you should advertise, what you should advertise, the tone of your
copy, and vernacular to use.
Write your findings as a simple sentence: ‘When Sally is curious about a topic, the first
place she goes is Google search on her iPhone’.
By knowing what it’s like walking in your customer’s shoes, you’ll be able to create
better products and services that address their specific pain points and problems.
Here are a few examples to get your creative juices flowing: ‘I wish someone would
just write this sales copy for me’. ‘I need to lose ten kilos before my wedding’.
‘Ugh. I wish I could just have someone run my Facebook ads for me’.
Your dream buyer’s frustrations and challenges are integral to the products and
services you offer. Whatever it is you are selling has to solve a problem large enough
that your dream buyer will happily part with their hard- earned money for you to solve
it for them.
Knowing their biggest frustration and challenges also will determine the emotions you
speak to in your copy and advertising. There are a number of emotions behind
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the challenges and frustrations your dream buyer is experiencing – they could be
sadness, anger, fear, remorse, hope, a desire for something better. By speaking to
exactly what your dream buyer is feeling, you’ll be able to connect with them
emotionally on more than just a rational level.
It will also reflect the types of stories you tell. The logic here is simple. When your
dream buyer sees a testimonial from a customer who solved their biggest frustrations
and challenges with your product or service, then they are more likely to buy from you.
They can see this positive transformation take place in someone else.
When your products or services help your dream buyer attain their hopes, dreams,
and desires, it becomes much easier to write copy for your landing pages, website,
ads, and other assets you leverage to sell more goods and services.
Here are a few examples of copy written to speak to a dream buyer’s desires:
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What are your dream buyer’s deepest fears? What keeps them up at night, tossing
and turning, unable to sleep? What do they worry about in their mind but never tell
anyone? Fully understanding your market’s deepest and most primal fears is an often
overlooked component to crafting a customer avatar. However, in my opinion, it’s
equally as important, if not more, than understanding their hopes, dreams, and
desires. Why? People are motivated more by pain than they are by pleasure. They are
more motivated by fear of loss than they are by the desire to gain something.
Therefore, calling out their fears in your copy and ads is an incredibly important
element to get your dream buyer to take action and motivate them to move away from
what they fear most.
A good example of fear used to motivate people into taking action is the approach
used by insurance companies. They call out their prospects’ deepest fears more than
they do the benefits of getting covered.
‘Life insurance can help ease your worries that your loved ones will be taken care of
and may not have to deal with the financial strain that could arise from you no longer
being around, or the financial hardship that can impact your kids through their
surviving parent. If you have a partner, would he or she be able to take care of the
kids without your help? Prevent your partner’s financial hardship affecting your kids’
welfare and future’.
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You see, there is already language and niche-specific terms being used in your
customer’s mind for their hopes, dreams, pain, fears, and desires. Your job is to listen
and write them down. What industry terminology are they using, what specific
vernacular and niche-specific terms?
When using The Halo Strategy to conduct research on where your buyers are hanging
out and congregating, you must document the exact phrases and terminology they
use and store them in a spreadsheet to spark ideas for website copy, landing pages,
and ads. Take specific comments from Reddit, Facebook Group, or YouTube, and
document your audience’s word-for-word responses.
In today’s day and age, scepticism is rampant. Now more than ever, people are
attracted to people (and businesses) who speak their language, get their sense of
humour, or share the same point of view. Every time they read your copy, your goal is
for your dream buyer to say to themselves, ‘Whoa, it’s like they’re talking directly to
8. What does a day in your dream buyer’s life look like?
7:05am - Mike wakes up to the sound of marimbas on his iPhone’s alarm clock.
7:15am – Checks his inbox to make sure the world isn’t coming to an end from any
emails that came in overnight. Then opens up Instagram to see who’s commenting
and liking his latest post.
8:10am - Brews the new Colombian roast using his shiny new French press.
8:32am - Stuck in traffic on Punt road listening to his favourite Drake playlist on Spotify.
9:03am - Gets into the office.
9:18am - Checks email and calendar.
10:01am – Checks the stats in Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, and custom
12:05pm - Eats favourite Poké bowl from new hipster joint on the corner.
1:12pm – On his way back to the office, checks Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
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2:04pm - Afternoon lull, wishing his office had a nap pod for him to have a siesta.
2:38pm – Write new Facebook Ads and email sequence.
4:05pm - Brainstorms how to generate more leads to meet quarterly growth goals and
revenue targets.
Imagining what your ideal customer’s daily life looks like adds an incredible personal
element to your marketing. It also becomes practical – when is the best time to email
your prospects? When are they most likely to respond? When are they most
Your dream buyer is a completely different person at 8am on a Monday morning than
at 6:30pm on a Friday. Be aware of this and use it in your marketing.
Where are the touch points in your dream buyer’s journey where you can insert
surprises, do the unexpected, be remarkable, and bring a smile to their face? Maybe
it’s a handwritten thank-you note after signing up for your service, a personalised
email sent on their birthday, or a free box full of company swag and cookies (who
doesn’t love cookies?).
Inserting happiness into the buyer’s journey can create a deeper level of emotional
connection that cultivates loyal and raving fans for the long term.
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The end result is a much deeper, more intimate understanding of where and how to
reach your dream buyers, and how to speak to them. The compounding result will
cause massive breakthroughs that geometrically grow your business and allow you to
dominate your market.
Defining your target market is one of the hardest parts of starting a business. The
good news is that once you do it, everything else will quickly start falling into place.
You just have to figure out which medium to use to effectively reach them, and which
marketing strategies they respond to.
Action Points
● Identify the 20% of customers who account for 80% of your sales volume and
profits, and then your Power 4% of customers.
● Using The Halo Strategy, identify their pains, fears, hopes and dreams
● Organise and study your findings.
● Create your dream buyer avatar
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