Week 1
Week 1
Week 1
Pamantayang Pangnilalaman The learner demonstrates understanding of…key concepts of functions./ key concepts of rational functions/ key concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and
(Content Standards) logarithmic functions. /
Pamantayan sa Pagganap The learner is able to… accurately construct mathematical models to represent real-life situations using functions. / accurately formulate and solve real-life problems
(Perfomance Standards) involving rational functions./ apply the concepts of inverse functions, exponential functions, and logarithmic functions to formulate and solve real life problems with
precision and accuracy.
Lesson Objective
- Students will be able to - Students will be able to - Students will be able to solve
represent real-life perform addition, subtraction, problems involving functions.
situations using functions, - Students will be able to multiplication, division, and
including piece-wise evaluate a function given a composition of functions.
functions. specific input.
Kagamitang Panturo - Whiteboard and markers - Whiteboard and markers - Whiteboard and markers Whiteboard and markers
(Learning Resources) - Examples of real-life situations - Function notation examples - Examples of functions in - Examples of problems involving
- Graphing calculators or - Graphing calculators or various forms functions
graphing software graphing software - Graphing calculators or - Graphing calculators or
- Handouts with practice - Handouts with practice graphing software graphing software
problems problems - Handouts with practice - Handouts with practice
- Writing materials (notebooks, - Writing materials (notebooks, problems problems
pens) pens) - Writing materials (notebooks, - Writing materials (notebooks,
pens) pens)
a. Reviewing Previous - Recap the concept of - Recap the concept of functions
Lesson or Presenting the - Recap the concept of functions and function notation. and different types of functions.
functions and their significance - Recap the concept of - Introduce the idea of - Introduce the idea of solving
New Lesson
in mathematics. functions and function notation. performing operations and problems involving functions.
- Introduce the idea of - Introduce the concept of compositions of functions.
representing real-life situations evaluating functions.
using functions.
b. Establishing purpose for - Explain that the purpose of - Explain that the purpose of - Explain that the purpose of
the lesson this lesson is to learn how to - Explain that the purpose of this lesson is to teach students this lesson is to teach students
model and represent real-life this lesson is to teach students how to perform addition, how to apply their understanding
situations using functions, how to evaluate a function for a subtraction, multiplication, of functions to solve real-world
particularly focusing on piece- given input value. division, and composition of problems.
wise functions. functions.
f. Developing Mastery - Distribute handouts with - Distribute handouts with - Distribute handouts with
- Distribute handouts with
practice problems involving real- practice problems involving practice problems involving
practice problems involving
life scenarios and piece-wise operations and compositions of various types of functions and
function evaluation.
functions. functions. problem-solving scenarios.
- Allow students time to work
- Allow students time to work - Allow students time to work - Allow students time to work
on the problems individually or
on the problems individually or on the problems individually or on the problems individually or in
in pairs, providing assistance as
in pairs, providing assistance as in pairs, providing assistance as groups, providing support and
needed. needed. guidance as needed.
g. Finding practical - Engage students in a - Engage students in a - Engage students in a discussion - Engage students in a
applications of concepts discussion about how discussion about real-life about real-life scenarios where discussion about real-life
and skills in daily living understanding functions, scenarios where function operations and compositions of applications of function problem-
including piece-wise functions, evaluation is applicable, such as functions are applicable, such as solving, such as predicting trends,
can be applied in various real- calculating costs based on modeling financial transactions, optimizing resources, or making
life situations, such as quantity, determining the growth analyzing data trends, or informed decisions based on
budgeting, scheduling, or of investments over time, or predicting outcomes in various mathematical models.
analyzing trends in data. analyzing data trends. situations.
h. Making generalizations - Summarize the key concepts - Summarize the key concepts - Summarize the key problem-
- Summarize the key concepts
and abstractions about learned in the lesson, learned in the lesson, solving strategies and concepts
learned in the lesson,
the lesson emphasizing the importance of emphasizing the importance of learned in the lesson, emphasizing
emphasizing the importance of
understanding how to evaluate understanding how to perform the importance of applying
functions in representing and
functions for practical problem- operations and compositions of mathematical skills to real-world
analyzing real-world
solving. functions for problem-solving. situations.
- Encourage students to - Encourage students to - Encourage students to
- Encourage students to
generalize their understanding generalize their understanding generalize their problem-solving
generalize their understanding
by reflecting on how they can by reflecting on how these techniques and reflect on how
by reflecting on how they can
apply function evaluation in concepts can be applied in they can apply them beyond the
apply these concepts beyond the
various contexts beyond the different contexts beyond the classroom.
classroom. classroom.
i. Evaluating learning - Assess student learning - Assess student learning - Assess student learning
through their participation in - Assess student learning through their participation in through their participation in class
class discussions, completion of through their participation in class discussions, completion of discussions, completion of
practice problems, and their class discussions, completion of practice problems, and their practice problems, and their
ability to accurately represent practice problems, and their ability to accurately perform ability to accurately solve
real-life situations using ability to accurately evaluate operations and compositions of problems involving functions.
functions, including piece-wise functions for given input values. functions. Use a rubric to Use a rubric to evaluate their
functions. Use a rubric to Use a rubric to evaluate their evaluate their understanding and understanding and proficiency in
evaluate their understanding and understanding and proficiency in proficiency in applying these applying these problem-solving
proficiency in applying these applying these concepts. concepts. techniques.
a. Number of learners
who earned 80% of
the evaluation
b. Number of learners
who require
additional activities
for remediation who
scored below 80%
c. Did the remedial
lesson work?
d. Number of learners
who have caught up
with the lesson
e. Number of learners
who continue to
require remediation
f. What difficulties did
I encounter which
my principal or
supervisor can help
me solve?
g. What innovation or
localized materials
did I use/discover
which I wish to
share with other