Latex Viva Questions and Answers
Latex Viva Questions and Answers
Latex Viva Questions and Answers
Answer: The content on the title page is centered using the \begin{center} and
\end{center} commands, which center all content between them.
Answer: The \includegraphics command inserts images into the document. In this
code, it is used to add the university and college logos to the title page.
Answer: The \normalsize command sets the font size to the default size (normally 12pt
for this document class). It is used here to maintain a standard font size for certain parts
of the title page text
Answer: The \vfill command inserts a flexible vertical space that expands to fill the
remaining space on the page. This ensures that the signatures and external viva sections
are pushed towards the bottom of the page.
Answer: The \hline commands are used to draw horizontal lines across the entire table
width. They are used to separate rows and to draw borders at the top and bottom of the
Answer: The subfig package is used to place multiple subfigures within a single figure
environment, allowing side-by-side placement of figures with separate captions.
Answer: The \includegraphics command inserts the image smvitm.jpg with a width of
35% of the text width (0.35\textwidth).
Answer: The \hspace{0.05\textwidth} command adds horizontal space (5% of the text
width) between the two subfigures, providing separation between them.
26. How can you reference the first subfigure in the text?
Answer: You can reference the first subfigure in the text using the \ref{fig:fig1}
command, which will produce the subfigure's label (e.g., "Figure 1(a)").
27. Why are the amsmath and amssymb packages used in this document?
Answer: The amsmath and amssymb packages are used to provide enhanced
mathematical typesetting capabilities, including additional symbols, fonts, and
environments for displaying equations.
Answer: The minipage environment is used to create a box of specified width, allowing
the content inside to be placed side by side. Here, two minipage environments of width
0.48\textwidth each are used to place two sets of equations side by side.
Answer: You can reference a theorem by using the \ref command with the
corresponding label. For example, \ref{pythagorean} references the theorem labeled
Answer: References are cited using the \cite command, which links the citation to an
entry in the bibliography.
Answer: The \bibliography environment is used to list all the references cited in the
document. Each reference is formatted as a \bibitem entry with a unique identifier used
by the \cite command
Answer: The \cite command is used to reference an entry in the bibliography. It inserts
the citation number or text at the point where the command is used and links it to the
corresponding \bibitem in the bibliography.
Answer: Multiple references are cited together by using multiple \cite commands
within the same set of braces. For example, \cite{smith2010, johnson2012, brown2015}
35. How are nodes defined and customized in the TikZ picture?
Answer: Nodes are defined using the node command and can be customized with
various styles, such as shape=rectangle, rounded corners, draw, and align=center.
Specific styles like red, cyan, magenta, and blue are used to set the color of the nodes.
37. How do you specify the input and output for an algorithm using algorithm2e?
Answer: The input and output for an algorithm are specified using the \KwIn{} and
\KwOut{} commands, respectively. For example, \KwIn{Two non-negative integers
$a$ and $b$} and \KwOut{$\gcd(a, b)$}
38. What do the options [linesnumbered,ruled,vlined] in the algorithm2e package