C++ SIMP Updated-2023
C++ SIMP Updated-2023
C++ SIMP Updated-2023
1. What is a function? How to declare and define functions in C++? Explain with
2. Explain call by reference and value with example
3. List out and explain the different variables and operations used in C++ with examples,
explain briefly the importance of Scope resolution operators
4. What is an inline function? How is it different from normal function?
5. What is function overloading? Explain with examples
6. What is a default argument? Explain with examples.
7. explain C++ Tokens and reference variables in C++ with examples.
Module-3(Study any 5 questions)
1. Explain multilevel and multiple inheritance with the help of programming examples
2. Describe the importance of constructor and destructor. Explain its use with a program
3. illustrate the use of different types of inheritance with a programming example for
4. Explain base and derived classes pertaining to inheritance with examples
5. What is hybrid inheritance? Explain with example
6. Differentiate between Single,Multiple Hierarchical and Hybrid Inheritance with
appropriate code snippets -10M