IDS-iSYS Connection Protocoll V14 Revision M1
IDS-iSYS Connection Protocoll V14 Revision M1
IDS-iSYS Connection Protocoll V14 Revision M1
Contents 1
Contents (continued)
7- Important comments 67
The ASTM Compatible version is the original connection protocol version, existing in the IDS-iSYS software
versions prior to V10.00.
The ASTM Compatible V2 version offers additional functionalities for the transfers to the LIS:
• transfer of the traceability associated with a result,
• transfer of messages associated with a result in a Comment block,
• transfer of quality control results (if the option is selected).
The ASTM Compatible V3 version offers, in addition to the features of ASTM Compatible V2 version:
• transfer of the operator identifiers,
• transfer of the traceability associated with a result including information about AP Substrate and
pretreatment washer,
• results are resent when a clot is detected on a sample,
• transfer ofTanner stage.
This document describes the structure and construction of ASTM messages used in each version of the
connection protocol.
The ASTM message has a hierarchical structure, each block from the lower level refers to the block from the
level immediately above, except for the comments blocks.
The structure of the ASTM message is the following for this version of protocol:
Patient 1
Order 1
Result 1
Result n
Order n
Result 1
Result 2
Message Terminator
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|2|20111124135800
R|1|^^^25OHD|25,2|ng/mL|10,0 to 100,0|N||F||||20111124133726|IDS-iSYS
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|2|20111124135800
This block is the first in the message, and is the one which defines its characteristics.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type H Fixed value H to indicate a Header block.
Delimiters Definition |\^_ Definitions of the delimiters that will be used in the
message. These are the 4 characters which follow
the H, with the following being initialized:
• The field delimiter ( I ) which separates the various
• The repeat delimiter ( \ ) which separates a
repetition in a field.
• The component delimiter ( ^ ) which separates
the various components of the field.
• The escape delimiter ( _ ) which indicates an
escape sequence for dealing with special
N.B. The record delimiter is fixed and is always the
character ASCII 13 (carriage return).
Message Control ID Not used.
Access Password Not used.
Sender Name or ID IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name or identifier of the issuer:
•Not used in the direction LIS => analyser.
•Fixed at IDS-iSYS + Serial number in the direction
device to LIS.
Sender Street Address Not used.
Reserved Field
Sender Telephone Number Not used.
Characteristics of Sender Not used.
Receiver ID Not used.
Comment or Special Not used.
This block represents the information relating to a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type P Fixed value P to indicate a Patient block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the Patient block in the message starts
at 1 and is increased for each block in the
Practice Assigned Patient ID Not used.
Laboratory Assigned Patient 20105863 PID.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Patient Telephone Number Not used.
This block represents the information about one or several test requests for a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID O Fixed value O for indicating an Order block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the order within the Patient block starts
at 1 and is increased for each Order block in the
Container and Specimen ID 01^7148345 This field consists of 2 components:
• The type of container used for the sample
(2 digits).
• 01 PT_11_4.5 mL.
• 02 PT_13_6 mL.
• 03 ST_13_5 mL H.
• 05 Cup 500 µL.
• 06 Cup 2 mL.
• 07 PT_16_10 ml.
• 08 to 17 for configurable containers.
PT for Primary Tube; ST for Secondary Tube
For correct functioning of the apparatus, it is
important to allocate the correct type of container
used for the sample.
If this component is null, the default container type
defined for the tray will be used.
• The SID of the profile concerned by the request.
Instrument Specimen ID Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Priority R This field may contain the values:
• S = STAT.
• A = ASAP.
• R = Routine.
• C = Callback.
• P = Preoperative.
For the device, only S has any influence, the
passage of the associated profile into Urgent, and
the other values are ignored.
Requested/Ordered Not used.
Date and Time
Specimen Collection Not used.
Date and Time
Collection End Time Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Specimen Descriptor S This field consists of two sections:
• The sample type which can take for the IDS-
iSYS the following values:
• U = Urine.
• S = Serum.
• O = Other.
• The sample source (place where the sample
was taken) is not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID R Fixed value R for indicating a Result block.
Sequence Number 1 The number of the result within the Patient block
begins at 1 and is increased for each Result block
in the message.
Universal Test ID ^^^25OHD This ASTM field consists of 4 components:
• Universal test ID.
• Universal test ID name.
• Universal test ID type.
• Manufacturer’s code.
Only the last component is used and will be
provided with information with the unique IDS-
iSYS identifier of the analyte.
Data or Measurement Value 25,2 The value in the form of ASCII chain.
Results which cannot be calculated are sent in the
format * * * * * . Each character * is separated by a
space.If the value is outside the measuring range,
is transmitted in this field:
• * * * * * when the result is below the measuring
• * * * * * when the result is above the measuring
(For 25OHD: <5 or >140)
Units ng/mL Blocks used
Reference Range 10,0 to 100,0 Normal reference values used for the patient sent
through in the form of an ASCII chain.
Result abnormal Flags N This field may take the values:
• L = Below low normal.
• H = Above high normal.
• LL = Below alarm low.
• HH = Above alarm high.
• < of absolute low (Field of measurement).
• > of absolute high (Field of measurement).
• N = Normal.
• A = Abnormal.
• U = Significant change Up.
• D = Significant change Down.
• B = Better.
• W = Worse.
Only A and N are managed by IDS-iSYS.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Nature of Abnormality Testing S This field forces S or A for the IDS-iSYS can take
the values:
• A = Age.
• S = Sex.
• R = Race.
And is able to provide an indication about the
bases on which the values of normality were
Result Status F This field forces to F or P (replicate) on the IDS-
iSYS can take the following values:
•C = Correction.
•P = Preliminary results.
•F = Final results.
•X = Request not honored.
•I = Results pending.
•S = Partial results.
Date of change in Instrument Not used.
Normative Values
Operator ID Not used.
Date and Time Test Started Not used.
Date and Time Test 20111124133726 Date and time of result of test on the GUI.
Instrument Identification IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name of device + Serial number.
This block represents a request for information whose origin now can only be the IDS-iSYS.
This request will be used by the IDS-iSYS after discovering a tube for a patient whose profile is
known on the work list in order to request the tests to be carried out on this tube.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID% Q Fixed value Q to indicate a Request Information block.
Starting Range ID Number ^7148344 This field consists of 3 elements; only the first 2 are
used by the IDS-iSYS in order to specify the PID
(optional) and the SID (obligatory) allowing the profile
quoted to be identified.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Request Information O Potential values:
Status Code
• C
• P
• F
• X
• I
• S
• M
• R
• A
• N
• O
• D
Only the values O and A are managed in the
direction IDS-iSYS to LIS.
A is used when the LIS does not respond to a
request. In such cases, the request is cancelled
(this field takes the value A). The request is
transmitted 3 times, after which the transmission is
This block is used in order to indicate the end of an ASTM block. It consists of the following fields:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID L Fixed value L for indicating a Terminator block.
Sequence Number 1 Always at 1 as there is only one sequence per
Termination code N This code designates of end of the message with
the following values, depending on the situation:
• N = Normal.
• T = Abandon issuer.
• R = Abandon receiver.
• E = Unknown Error.
• Q = Error in last request.
• I = No Information available for last query.
• F = Last request for information processed. of
2-8-1-Equipment configuration
Communication with the centralized computer system is connected to the PC associated with the analyser and
can be made by:
• RS232C link. DB9 standard pinouts.
• TCP/IP link. Ethernet cable (RJ45,8 pins)
• Configurable options:
The sample container is set with the type sent in the field
«Container and Specimen ID» (see Order Block, page 9).
The user can modify this container type until the sample is
processed by the analyser (blue colour code).
The quality control results are transferred to the LIS when the option is selected (see 3-10-3- Transferring
quality control results, page 37).
The ASTM message has a hierarchical structure, each block from the lower level refers to the block from the
level immediately above, except for the comments blocks.
The structure of the ASTM message is the following for this version of protocol:
Patient 1
Order 1
Result 1
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Result n
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Order n
Result 1
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Result n
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Message Terminator
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|4|20111124135800
R|1|^^^25OHD^04^F^1|63,9|ng/mL|10,0 to 100,0|N||F||||20111123171733|IDS-
iSYS B300B0378
! A blue italic font identifies the differences with Compatible ASTM in the description of the
various fields of each block.
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|4|20111124135800
This block is the first in the message, and is the one which defines its characteristics.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type H Fixed value H to indicate a Header block.
Delimiters Definition |\^_ Definitions of the delimiters that will be used in the
message. These are the 4 characters which follow
the H, with the following being initialized:
• The field delimiter ( I ) which separates the various
• The repeat delimiter ( \ ) which separates a
repetition in a field.
• The component delimiter ( ^ ) which separates
the various components of the field.
• The escape delimiter ( _ ) which indicates an
escape sequence for dealing with special
N.B. The record delimiter is fixed and is always the
character ASCII 13 (carriage return).
Message Control ID Not used.
Access Password Not used.
Sender Name or ID IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name or identifier of the issuer:
•Not used in the direction LIS => analyser.
•Fixed at IDS-iSYS + Serial number in the direction
device to LIS.
Sender Street Address Not used.
Reserved Field
Sender Telephone Number Not used.
Characteristics of Sender Not used.
Receiver ID Not used.
Comment or Special Not used.
This block represents the information relating to a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type P Fixed value P to indicate a Patient block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the Patient block in the message starts
at 1 and is increased for each block in the
Practice Assigned Patient ID Not used.
Laboratory Assigned Patient 20105863 PID.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Patient Telephone Number Not used.
Attending Physician ID DUPONT Name of doctor associated with profile.
Special Field 1 This field allows to define the profile type sent.
This field can take the values:
• NULL for a patient
• 02 for a control
Special Field 2 Not used.
Patient Height Not used.
Patient Weight Not used.
Patient Known or Suspected Comment Comment associated with profile.
Patient Active Medication Not used.
Patient Diet Not used.
Practice Field 1 Not used.
Practice Field 2 Not used.
Admission and Discharge Not used.
Admission Status Not used.
Location Not used.
Nature of Alternative Not used.
Diagnostic Code
Alternative Diagnostic Code Not used.
Patient Religion Not used.
Marital Status Not used.
Isolation Status Not used.
Language Not used.
Hospital Service Radiology Department associated with the profile.
Hospital Institution Not used.
Dosage Category Not used.
This block represents the information about one or several test requests for a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID O Fixed value O for indicating an Order block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the order within the Patient block starts
at 1 and is increased for each Order block in the
Container and Specimen ID 01^7148345 This field consists of 2 components:
• The type of container used for the sample
(2 digits).
• 01 PT_11_4.5 mL.
• 02 PT_13_6 mL.
• 03 ST_13_5 mL H.
• 05 Cup 500 µL.
• 06 Cup 2 mL.
• 07 PT_16_10 ml.
• 08 to 17 for configurable containers.
PT for Primary Tube; ST for Secondary Tube
For correct functioning of the apparatus, it is
important to allocate the correct type of container
used for the sample.
If this component is null, the default container type
defined for the tray will be used.
• The SID of the profile concerned by the request.
Instrument Specimen ID Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Priority R This field may contain the values:
• S = STAT.
• A = ASAP.
• R = Routine.
• C = Callback.
• P = Preoperative.
For the device, only S has any influence, the
passage of the associated profile into Urgent, and
the other values are ignored.
Requested/Ordered Not used.
Date and Time
Specimen Collection Not used.
Date and Time
Collection End Time Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Specimen Descriptor S This field consists of two sections:
• The sample type which can take for the IDS-
iSYS the following values:
• U = Urine.
• S = Serum.
• O = Other.
• The sample source (place where the sample
was taken) is not used.
R|1|^^^25OHD^04^F^1|63,9|ng/mL|10,0 to 100,0|N||F||||20111123171733|IDS-iSYS
This block represents the information sent through by the IDS-iSYS to the LIS after a test has been carried out
for a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID R Fixed value R for indicating a Result block.
Sequence Number 1 The number of the result within the Patient block
begins at 1 and is increased for each Result block
in the message.
Universal Test ID ^^^25OHD^04^F^1 This ASTM field consists of 8 components:
- Universal test Id : forces NULL
- Universal test Id Name: forces NULL.
- Universal test Id Type: forces NULL.
-Manufacturer’s Code: contains the unique
IDS-iSYS identifier for the analyte.
-Test type: 02 for a control, 04 for a patient
-Result type: F for final, P for partial.
-Replicate number: 1, 2,up to 10
-Control identifier, defined as follow:
• 21 for a control Level 1
• 22 for a control Level 2
• 23 for a control Level 3
• 24 for a control Level 4
For a patient,this component is NULL.
-Dilution rate: NULL if not applicable.
Data or Measurement Value 63,9 The value in the form of ASCII chain.
Results which cannot be calculated are sent in the
format * * * * * . Each character * is separated by a
space.If the value is outside the measuring range,
is transmitted in this field:
• < Low limit of the sample measurement range,
when the result is below the measuring range
• > High limit of the sample measurement range,
when the result is above the measuring range
(For 25OHD: <5 or >140)
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Result abnormal Flags N This field may take the values:
• L = Below low normal.
• H = Above high normal.
• LL = Below alarm low.
• HH = Above alarm high.
• < of absolute low (Field of measurement).
• > of absolute high (Field of measurement).
• N = Normal.
• A = Abnormal.
• U = Significant change Up.
• D = Significant change Down.
• B = Better.
• W = Worse.
L, H, <, >, A and N are managed by IDS-iSYS.
All associated messages are sent in a Comment
Nature of Abnormality Testing S This field forces S or A for the IDS-iSYS can take
the values:
• A = Age.
• S = Sex.
• R = Race.
And is able to provide an indication about the
bases on which the values of normality were
Result Status F This field forces to F or P (replicate) on the IDS-
iSYS can take the following values:
•C = Correction.
•P = Preliminary results.
•F = Final results.
•X = Request not honored.
•I = Results pending.
•S = Partial results.
Date of change in Instrument Not used.
Normative Values
Operator ID Not used.
Date and Time Test Started Not used.
Date and Time Test 20111123171733 Date and time of result of test on the GUI.
Instrument Identification IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name of device + Serial number.
This block represents a comment.
This type of block can be inserted after a Result Block. Depending on configuration, several Comment blocks
can be sent.
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID C Fixed value C for indicating a Comment block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the comment begins at 1 and is
increased for each comment block in the
Comment Source I Issuer can take the following values:
• P = Practice.
• L = computer system in the direction LIS.
• I = Instrument.
Comment Text FOR, MRE! If the field Comment Type takes the value N, this
field contains the message associated with a
Comment Type N Type of comment. This field can take the values:
• G = Generic comment (any permitted).
• T = Test name comment.
• P = Positive test comment.
• N = Negative test comment.
• I = Instrument flags comment.
This block contains traceability information sent by IDS-iSYS to the LIS, and follows a Result block.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID M Fixed value M for indicating a Manufacturer
Information block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the block associated with a result,
begins at 1 and is increased for each
Manufacturer Information block in the message.
Universal Test ID ^^^25OHD^04^F^1 • Universal test ID: NULL.
• Universal test ID name: NULL.
• Universal test ID type: NULL
• Manufacturer’s code
• Test type: 02 for a control, 04 for a patient.
• Result type: always F for final.
Depending on the test, a final result can be a
mean value.
• Replicate number: 1, 2, up to 10
• 52 for Biochemistry.
Component information This field will be used only for control transfers.
For a patient, this field is NULL.
For a control, this field consists of:
• target value,
• low value of acceptable range,
• high value of acceptable range
• lot number
• bottle number,
• expiry date.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Reagent traceability 25OHD^0952^209525602 This field contains infomation for each reagent
987^20120229 used in the assay:
Reagent 1^Lot^Bottle Number ^Expiry date\
Reagent 2^Lot^Bottle Number ^Expiry date\…….
This block represents a request for information whose origin now can only be the IDS-iSYS.
This request will be used by the IDS-iSYS after discovering a tube for a patient whose profile is
known on the work list in order to request the tests to be carried out on this tube.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID% Q Fixed value Q to indicate a Request Information block.
Starting Range ID Number ^7148344 This field consists of 3 elements; only the first 2 are
used by the IDS-iSYS in order to specify the PID
(optional) and the SID (obligatory) allowing the profile
quoted to be identified.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Request Information O Potential values:
Status Code
• C
• P
• F
• X
• I
• S
• M
• R
• A
• N
• O
• D
Only the values O and X are managed in the
direction IDS-iSYS to LIS.
A is used when the LIS does not respond to a
request. In such cases, the request is cancelled
(this field takes the value A). The request is
transmitted 3 times, after which the transmission is
This block is used in order to indicate the end of an ASTM block. It consists of the following fields:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID L Fixed value L for indicating a Terminator block.
Sequence Number 1 Always at 1 as there is only one sequence per
Termination code N This code designates of end of the message with
the following values, depending on the situation:
• N = Normal.
• T = Abandon issuer.
• R = Abandon receiver.
• E = Unknown Error.
• Q = Error in last request.
• I = No Information available for last query.
• F = Last request for information processed. of
3-10-1-Equipment configuration
Communication with the centralized computer system is connected to the PC associated with the analyser and
can be made by:
• RS232C link. DB9 standard pinouts.
• TCP/IP link. Ethernet cable (RJ45,8 pins)
• Configurable options:
The sample container is set with the type sent in the field
«Container and Specimen ID» (see Order Block, page 24).
The user can modify this container type until the sample is
processed by the analyser (blue colour code).
The quality control results are transferred to the LIS when the option is selected (see 4-10-3- Transferring
quality control results, page 56).
The ASTM message has a hierarchical structure, each block from the lower level refers to the block from the
level immediately above, except for the comments blocks.
The structure of the ASTM message is the following for this version of protocol:
Patient 1
Order 1
Result 1
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Result n
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Order n
Result 1
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Result n
Comment 1
Manufacturer 1
Message Terminator
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|5|20111124135800
R|1|^^^25OHD^04^F^1|63,9|ng/mL|10,0 to 100,0|N||F||||20111123171733|IDS-
iSYS B300B0378
! A blue italic font identifies the differences with Compatible ASTM V2 in the description of the
various fields of each block.
H|\^_|||IDS-iSYS B300B0378|||||||P|5|20111124135800
This block is the first in the message, and is the one which defines its characteristics.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type H Fixed value H to indicate a Header block.
Delimiters Definition |\^_ Definitions of the delimiters that will be used in the
message. These are the 4 characters which follow
the H, with the following being initialized:
• The field delimiter ( I ) which separates the various
• The repeat delimiter ( \ ) which separates a
repetition in a field.
• The component delimiter ( ^ ) which separates
the various components of the field.
• The escape delimiter ( _ ) which indicates an
escape sequence for dealing with special
N.B. The record delimiter is fixed and is always the
character ASCII 13 (carriage return).
Message Control ID Not used.
Access Password Not used.
Sender Name or ID IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name or identifier of the issuer:
•Not used in the direction LIS => analyser.
•Fixed at IDS-iSYS + Serial number in the direction
device to LIS.
Sender Street Address Not used.
Reserved Field
Sender Telephone Number Not used.
Characteristics of Sender Not used.
Receiver ID Not used.
Comment or Special Not used.
Radiology||TANNER STAGE^5
This block represents the information relating to a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type P Fixed value P to indicate a Patient block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the Patient block in the message starts
at 1 and is increased for each block in the
Practice Assigned Patient ID Not used.
Laboratory Assigned Patient 20105863 PID.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Patient Telephone Number Not used.
Attending Physician ID DUPONT Name of doctor associated with profile.
Special Field 1 This field allows to define the profile type sent.
This field can take the values:
• NULL for a patient
• 02 for a control
Special Field 2 Not used.
Patient Height Not used.
Patient Weight Not used.
Patient Known or Suspected Comment Comment associated with profile.
Patient Active Medication Not used.
Patient Diet Not used.
Practice Field 1 Not used.
Practice Field 2 Not used.
Admission and Discharge Not used.
Admission Status Not used.
Location Not used.
Nature of Alternative Not used.
Diagnostic Code
Alternative Diagnostic Code Not used.
Patient Religion Not used.
Marital Status Not used.
Isolation Status Not used.
Language Not used.
Hospital Service Radiology Department associated with the profile.
Hospital Institution Not used.
Dosage Category TANNER STAGE^5 Allows defining the Tanner stage.
The second component of the field can take the
values from 1 to 5 (integral values).
This block represents the information about one or several test requests for a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID O Fixed value O for indicating an Order block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the order within the Patient block starts
at 1 and is increased for each Order block in the
Container and Specimen ID 01^7148345 This field consists of 2 components:
• The type of container used for the sample
(2 digits).
• 01 PT_11_4.5 mL.
• 02 PT_13_6 mL.
• 03 ST_13_5 mL H.
• 05 Cup 500 µL.
• 06 Cup 2 mL.
• 07 PT_16_10 ml.
• 08 to 17 for configurable containers.
PT for Primary Tube; ST for Secondary Tube
For correct functioning of the apparatus, it is
important to allocate the correct type of container
used for the sample.
If this component is null, the default container type
defined for the tray will be used.
• The SID of the profile concerned by the request.
Instrument Specimen ID Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Priority R This field may contain the values:
• S = STAT.
• A = ASAP.
• R = Routine.
• C = Callback.
• P = Preoperative.
For the device, only S has any influence, the
passage of the associated profile into Urgent, and
the other values are ignored.
Requested/Ordered Not used.
Date and Time
Specimen Collection Not used.
Date and Time
Collection End Time Not used.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Specimen Descriptor S This field consists of two sections:
• The sample type which can take for the IDS-
iSYS the following values:
• U = Urine.
• S = Serum.
• O = Other.
• The sample source (place where the sample
was taken) is not used.
R|1|^^^25OHD^04^F^1|63,9|ng/mL|10,0 to 100,0|N||F|||SYSTEM^SYSTEM|
20111123171733|IDS-iSYS B300B0378
This block represents the information sent through by the IDS-iSYS to the LIS after a test has been carried out
for a patient.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID R Fixed value R for indicating a Result block.
Sequence Number 1 The number of the result within the Patient block
begins at 1 and is increased for each Result block
in the message.
Universal Test ID ^^^25OHD^04^F^1 This ASTM field consists of 8 components:
- Universal test Id : forces NULL
- Universal test Id Name: forces NULL.
- Universal test Id Type: forces NULL.
-Manufacturer’s Code: contains the unique
IDS-iSYS identifier for the analyte.
-Test type: 02 for a control, 04 for a patient
-Result type: F for final, P for partial.
-Replicate number: 1, 2,up to 10
-Control identifier, defined as follow:
• 21 for a control Level 1
• 22 for a control Level 2
• 23 for a control Level 3
• 24 for a control Level 4
For a patient,this component is NULL.
-Dilution rate: NULL if not applicable.
Data or Measurement Value 63,9 The value in the form of ASCII chain.
Results which cannot be calculated are sent in the
format * * * * * . Each character * is separated by a
space.If the value is outside the measuring range,
is transmitted in this field:
• < Low limit of the sample measurement range,
when the result is below the measuring range
• > High limit of the sample measurement range,
when the result is above the measuring range
(For 25OHD: <5 or >140)
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Result abnormal Flags N This field may take the values:
• L = Below low normal.
• H = Above high normal.
• LL = Below alarm low.
• HH = Above alarm high.
• < of absolute low (Field of measurement).
• > of absolute high (Field of measurement).
• N = Normal.
• A = Abnormal.
• U = Significant change Up.
• D = Significant change Down.
• B = Better.
• W = Worse.
L, H, <, >, A and N are managed by IDS-iSYS.
All associated messages are sent in a Comment
Nature of Abnormality Testing S This field forces S or A for the IDS-iSYS can take
the values:
• A = Age.
• S = Sex.
• R = Race.
And is able to provide an indication about the
bases on which the values of normality were
Result Status F This field forces to F or P (replicate) on the IDS-
iSYS can take the following values:
•C = Correction.
•P = Preliminary results.
•F = Final results.
•X = Request not honored.
•I = Results pending.
•S = Partial results.
Date of change in Instrument Not used.
Normative Values
Operator ID SYSTEM^SYSTEM Identifying the operators who handled the profile.
This field consists of 2 components:
- Identifier of the operator who creates the
profile; if the profile was transferred by the LIS,
the identifier SYSTEM is sent.
- Identifier of the operator who stores/tranfers
the profile; if the profile was automatically
stored/transferred, the identifier SYSTEM is
Date and Time Test Started Not used.
Date and Time Test 20111123171733 Date and time of result of test on the GUI.
Instrument Identification IDS-iSYS B300B0378 Name of device + Serial number.
This block represents a comment.
This type of block can be inserted after a Result Block. Depending on configuration, several Comment blocks
can be sent.
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID C Fixed value C for indicating a Comment block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the comment begins at 1 and is
increased for each comment block in the
Comment Source I Issuer can take the following values:
• P = Practice.
• L = computer system in the direction LIS.
• I = Instrument.
Comment Text FOR, MRE! If the field Comment Type takes the value N, this
field contains the message associated with a
Comment Type N Type of comment. This field can take the values:
• G = Generic comment (any permitted).
• T = Test name comment.
• P = Positive test comment.
• N = Negative test comment.
• I = Instrument flags comment.
This block contains traceability information sent by IDS-iSYS to the LIS, and follows a Result block.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID M Fixed value M for indicating a Manufacturer
Information block.
Sequence Number 1 Number of the block associated with a result,
begins at 1 and is increased for each
Manufacturer Information block in the message.
Universal Test ID ^^^25OHD^04^F^1 • Universal test ID: NULL.
• Universal test ID name: NULL.
• Universal test ID type: NULL
• Manufacturer’s code
• Test type: 02 for a control, 04 for a patient.
• Result type: always F for final.
Depending on the test, a final result can be a
mean value.
• Replicate number: 1, 2, up to 10
• Control identifier, defined as follow:
• 21 for a control Level 1
• 22 for a control Level 2
• 23 for a control Level 3
• 24 for a control Level 4
For a patient, this component is NULL.
• Dilution rate: NULL if not applicable.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Reagent traceability 25OHD^0952^209525602 This field contains infomation for each reagent
987^20120229 used in the assay:
Reagent 1^Lot^Bottle Number ^Expiry date\
Reagent 2^Lot^Bottle Number ^Expiry date\…….
This block represents a request for information whose origin now can only be the IDS-iSYS.
This request will be used by the IDS-iSYS after discovering a tube for a patient whose profile is
known on the work list in order to request the tests to be carried out on this tube.
Here are the various fields of this block used in the protocol version:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID% Q Fixed value Q to indicate a Request Information block.
Starting Range ID Number ^7148344 This field consists of 3 elements; only the first 2 are
used by the IDS-iSYS in order to specify the PID
(optional) and the SID (obligatory) allowing the profile
quoted to be identified.
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Request Information O Potential values:
Status Code
• C
• P
• F
• X
• I
• S
• M
• R
• A
• N
• O
• D
Only the values O and X are managed in the
direction IDS-iSYS to LIS.
A is used when the LIS does not respond to a
request. In such cases, the request is cancelled
(this field takes the value A). The request is
transmitted 3 times, after which the transmission is
This block is used in order to indicate the end of an ASTM block. It consists of the following fields:
* The field value corresponds to the above block
ASTM Name of the field Value* Description and use in IDS-iSYS system
Record Type ID L Fixed value L for indicating a Terminator block.
Sequence Number 1 Always at 1 as there is only one sequence per
Termination code N This code designates of end of the message with
the following values, depending on the situation:
• N = Normal.
• T = Abandon issuer.
• R = Abandon receiver.
• E = Unknown Error.
• Q = Error in last request.
• I = No Information available for last query.
• F = Last request for information processed. of
4-10-1-Equipment configuration
Communication with the centralized computer system is connected to the PC associated with the analyser and
can be made by:
• RS232C link. DB9 standard pinouts.
• TCP/IP link. Ethernet cable (RJ45,8 pins)
• Configurable options:
The sample container is set with the type sent in the field
«Container and Specimen ID» (see Order Block, page 43).
The user can modify this container type until the sample is
processed by the analyser (blue colour code).
! Data sent by the LIS to IDS-iSYS are the same for the protocol versions ASTM Compatible
and ASTM Compatible V2.
• Profiles can be sent by the LIS by downloading of the work list and/or in answer to a request sent by IDS-
iSYS (the two modes are managed interchangeably).
• When a new SID is detected on IDS-iSYS (barcode reading or keyboard entry), IDS-iSYS examines the work
list first of all.
• If the associated profile is not in the work list, IDS-iSYS sends a request to the LIS. The LIS must send a
message in answer to each request.
• If the LIS does not answer to a request, IDS-iSYS will not send or accept a new message.
• When no profile is associated to a request sent by IDS-iSYS, the LIS must send a message containing a Test
Order block with the Report Type field fixed at the value Z.
• In answer to a request, the LIS must send a message containing a Test Order block with the profile and with
the Report Type field imperatively fixed at the value Q.
• The «Specimen type» in the field «Specimen Descriptor» (see Order Block, page 9) must be sent with the
value corresponding to the sample type: S for Serum, U for Urine (in this case, verify that the assay protocol
is defined for this sample type). The type «Other» (value =O) must not be used for Immunoassays.
• In the case of a field containing multiple components, if the last component(s) takes a NULL value, the last
component delimiter(s) can be not sent.
• The exchanges between IDS-iSYS and LIS can be recorded by selecting the option available in the tab
The transfers between both systems will be recorded in a log file, in the interface software folder (folder GUI).
The log must be activated only for a sort period of time, to solve transfer problems.
Activating the log permanently may cause interface software dysfunctions.
• The barcode should contain at least 5 digits for the removable rack configuration (sample tubes identified by
the barcode reader integrated into the sample compartment) or at least 4 digits (except if Interleaved 2/5) for
the fixed tray configuration (sample tubes identified by the barcode reader in the front of the analyser).
• If data sent by the LIS cannot be processed, the message is accepted but the corresponding profile will not
be created in the worklist.
• For system equipped with the option «Clot detection», when a clot is detected in a sample, all the results
previously transferred to the LIS will be resent with a field Report Type set at the value C (correction) in the
Test Order block.
In the Result block, the field Result abnormal Flags is then forced to A.
With the versions ASTM Compatible V2 and ASTM Compatible V3, a message FIB is sent in the Comment
7- Important notes
IDS-iSYS Connection Protocol - Revision N1 67
Software version V 14