Pathfast: Host Interface Specifications
Pathfast: Host Interface Specifications
Pathfast: Host Interface Specifications
1. Index
1. Index 2
2. Revision History 3
3. Introduction 4
3.1 Purpose 4
4. General Description 6
4.1 Product Perspective 6
5. Specific Requirements 7
5.1 Protocol Specification 7
5.2 Low Level Interface 7
5.3 Data Link and Logical Layer 7
5.4 Sessions 7
5.4.1 Common: Message Header and Message Terminator Records 8 Message Header Record ("H" Record) 8 Message Terminator Record ("L" Record) 9
5.5 Test Order Downloading 10
5.5.1 Receive Session from DMS 10
5.5.2 Host Query 10
5.5.3 Test Request Message (from PATHFAST to Host) 10 Request Information Record ("Q" Record) 12
5.5.4 Test Order Message (from Host to PATHFAST) 12 Patient Information Record ("P" Record) 12 Test Order Record ("O" Record) 14
5.6 Rejected Test Order Message Uploading 16
5.6.1 Rejected Test Order Message 16 Comment Record (“C” Record) 16
5.7 Test Results Uploading 18
5.7.1 Test Result Message (from PATHFAST to Host) 18 Patient Information Record (“P” Record) 18 Test Order Record (“O” Record) 20 Result Record (“R” Record) 22 Comment Record (“C” Record) 24 Error Messages 25
6. Not Supported Record 27
7. Transmission Abort and Errors 27
7.1 Error Conditions and Actions 27
7.2 List of Communication Errors 28
8. Appendix- PATHFAST Test Codes 29
9. Appendix –Supported Characters by PATHFAST 29
9.1 Supported Characters for Sample ID 29
9.2 Supported Characters for Patient name 29
9.3 Supported Characters for Delimiters 29
9.4 Connecting with Host Computer 29
9.4.1 Using D-Sub Type Connector with 25 Pins 30
9.4.2 Using D-Sub Type Connector with 9 Pins 30
10. Limitations 30
2. Revision History
Revision History
3. Introduction
3.1 Purpose
This document is a guide to integrate a Laboratory Information Management system with
PATHFAST instrument using the ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials)
specification to transfer information between clinical instruments and computer systems.
Communication between PATHFAST and Host computer consists of receiving test request from
Host computer and sending test results to Host computer. Communication is performed
through RS232C based on ASTM1394 (High Level) and ASTM1381 (Low Level) standards.
ASTM1381 (Low Level) communication protocol is used for transferring or receiving messages
in Host Interface of PATHFAST instrument.
ASTM1394-91 standard defines how to treat the transferred data as messages. The message
consists of several records as described in the following. These messages are translated into
one or more frames. Frames are transmitted based on ASTM1381 standard.
<STX>[frame #][Text] <ETB> [Check Sum: upper byte][Check Sum: lower byte]<CR><LF>
The [Text] in a frame above consists of one single record of followings and <CR>=0x0d(hex) at
the end.
Records are: Header (H), Terminator (L), Patient (P), Test Order (O), Test Result (R),and
Comment (C)
PATHFAST does not support frames with more than one [Record] set inside.
Set only one [Text] in a single frame though the text length is less than or equal to 240 bytes.
When a [Text] exceeds 240 bytes, it is divided into more than two frames by setting <ETB> at
the end of the divided frame.
<STX>[frame #][H Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
<STX>[frame #][P Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
<STX>[frame #][O Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2> <CR><LF>
<STX>[frame #][R Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
<STX>[frame #][C Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
<STX>[frame #][L Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
Here: <C1> means upper byte of checksum and <C2> means lower byte of checksum.
Example for the [Text] exceeded 240 bytes (R Record exceeded 239 bytes)
[Intermediate Frame]
<STX>[frame #][R Record]<CR><ETB><C1><C2><CR><LF>
=>R Record contains first 239 bytes.
For last frame: R Record contains less than or equal to 239 bytes of data
<STX>[frame #][R Record]<CR><ETX><C1><C2><CR><LF>
4. General Description
If the operator requires an upload session, PATHFAST instrument will transmit a subset of
sample results (identified by the user) stored in the instrument patient database or QC database.
The second condition will occur, if automatic uploading has been requested, at session
In case the communication session is not generated from PATHFAST instrument, any host
computer message is ignored.
All information received by the host computer must be associated with a Sample ID which is the
primary key of the database. In addition to programmed tests a certain amount of information
can be associated with a Sample ID (patient data) and PATHFAST stores only information that
PATHFAST can receive six (6) test orders for one batch assay at maximum. For example, when
eight (8) test orders, PATHFAST sends reject information for those tests which could not be
received. For those test, you need to start again with querying the host computer to get test
orders. The host computer needs to send residual test orders and those retesting is needed.
The ordered tests are set for lanes in the order of received test order records (“O” record).
The host computer must refer to the PATHFAST specific computer codes of the tests so that
PATHFAST identifies tests ordered. Refer to “Appendix – PATHFAST Test Codes” of this
5. Specific Requirements
According to ASTM standard the following characters cannot be part of data records:
<SOH>, <STX>, <ETX>, <EOT>, <ENQ>, <ACK>, <DLE>, <NAK>, <SYN>, <ETB>, <LF>,
<DC1>, <DC2>, <DC3>, <DC4>.
Timeout and retry logic are those specified by ASTM standard; the Low Level Clinical Message
State Diagram representing the automatic operation executed had been referenced.
In interrupt request status PATHFAST instrument accepts EOT from host computer. And
message transmission is aborted. Refer to “Transmission Abort and Error Messages” for details.
PATHFAST sends [NAK] up to 6 times which request the host computer to retry transmission,
when received message is invalid frame. When the repetition exceeds 6 or in case of error
needed to be aborted, PATHFAST sends [EOT] of abort request to the host computer and wait
for [EOT] to be sent.
5.4 Sessions
There are two types of sessions that PATHFAST instrument handles with the ASTM interface:
the test orders download and the test results upload. These sessions can be initiated by the
operator or automatically activated by the instrument.
When the user requests a download operation, PATHFAST instrument will send a request to
the host computer for test orders requested for specific sample using Sample ID as a key, and
the host will transmit test orders for that specific sample.
PATHFAST does not accept test orders initiated by the host computer.
The maximum length of a record is defined as 1000 for PATHFAST instrument.
Delimiters used in a record are described in field description of Header Message Record
In general, delimiters for repetition and components can be omitted if they are not used but the
delimiter which defines field component is not allowed to omit in any cases.
|@^\| (Not allowed to omit)
3 Message Control ID Not Supported
4 Access Password Not Supported
5 Sender Name or ID Consists of three components.
When sending to host computer from
PATHFAST, the following three components are
set as instrument information.
Component 1: instrument name PATHFAST01
Component 2: serial number (9 bytes)
Component 3: software version (11 bytes)
6 Sender Street Address Not Supported
7 Reserved Fields Not Supported
8 Sender Telephone Number Not Supported
9 Characteristics of Sender Not Supported
10 Receiver ID Set instrument name PATHFAST01 as Receiver
ID when sending from host to PATHFAST (Not
allowed to omit).
Instrument serial number is not supported.
11 Comment or special Instructions Not Supported
12 Processing ID Always set to ‘P’ meaning Production
13 Version No. Set to the current ASTM standard version = ‘1’
14 Date and Time of Message Format is YYYYMMDDHHMMSS
System date of the data transmission.
Sample Record
Sample Record
5.5 Test Order Downloading
Test order downloading is used to request test orders available on the host computer and to
have them on PATHFAST instrument.
When starting download session, the host computer shall be ready and it shall send the test
orders stored for the specific sample designated by PATHFAST using Sample ID.
If PATHFAST is configured to communicate with the host computer, PATHFAST sends a query
message created by reading Sample ID with handheld barcode reader to the host computer.
And the host computer shall transmit test order information to PATHFAST within the designated
time (60 seconds).
The host computer sends all the requested tests need to be assayed by PATHFAST. The host
computer shall send the test orders in separate messages, which means one Test Order
Message shall contain null or only one test item. So there exist messages corresponding to the
number of test items ordered by host computer. These Test Order Messages for one Sample ID
shall be sent in one downloading session.
PATHFAST receives Test Order Messages and recognizes each needed field to store the data.
The rest of the data which are not needed for PATHFAST shall be ignored.
Because PATHFAST is asking for information regarding a specific Sample ID, it will reject any
type of information associated with different Sample IDs.
If the test order is not recognized as one of those supported by PATHFAST, it will be rejected.
PATHFAST will inform the host computer by creating and sending Reject Message to the host
The details will be given in section 5.6.
5.5.3 Test Request Message (from PATHFAST to Host)
The Test Request Message is used by PATHFAST to request information for each specific
sample that PATHFAST read its Sample ID barcode. It is composed from a Message Header
Record, a Request Information Record and a Message Terminator Record.
The Request Information record requests information for one specific Sample ID at a time. (The
ASTM protocol limits the number of Request Information records to one). As a consequence
PATHFAST will wait for the host answer before sending a second Request Information record
for a second sample.
An example for the complete message (composed by header message record, request
information record and message terminator record) is given by:
5.5.4 Test Order Message (from Host to PATHFAST)
As an answer to the PATHFAST Test Request Message, the host computer sends the Test
Order Message. It contains the records specifying which tests are being requested for the
queried Sample ID.
The host computer shall send this message within the designated time (60 seconds).
The message consists of Header Record, Patient Record, Order Record and Terminator
If no requested assay found in the database, the host computer shall send only Header Record
and Terminator Record.
PATHFAST process assays according to the information received from the host computer.
The maximum number of assays that PATHFAST can receive is 6.
The host computer shall not send assay item information which had been completed.
12 Reserved Field Not Supported
13 Patient Telephone Number Not Supported
14 Attending Physician ID Not Supported
15 Special Field #1 Not Supported
16 Special Field #2 Not Supported
17 Patient Height Not Supported
18 Patient Weight Not Supported
19 Patient’s Known or Not Supported
Suspected Diagnosis
20 Patient Active Medications Not Supported
21 Patient’s Diet Not Supported
22 Practice Field #1 Not Supported
23 Practice Field #2 Not Supported
24 Admission and Discharged Not Supported
25 Admission Status Not Supported
26 Location Not Supported
27 Nature of Alternative Not Supported
Diagnostic Code and
28 Alternative Diagnostic Code Not Supported
and Classifiers
29 Patient Religion Not Supported
30 Marital Status Not Supported
31 Isolation Status Not Supported
32 Language Not Supported
33 Hospital Service Not Supported
34 Hospital Institution Not Supported
35 Dosage Category Not Supported
Sample record:
13 Test Order Record (“O” Record)
23 Date/time Results Reported Not Supported
or Last Modified
24 Instrument Charge to Not Supported
Computer System
25 Instrument Section Not Supported
26 Report Type Always set “O” which means test order.
(Not allowed to omit)
27 Reserved Field Not Supported
28 Location of Ward of Not Supported
specimen Collection
29 Hospital Information Flag Not Supported
30 Specimen Service Not Supported
31 Specimen Institution Not Supported
Sample Record:
The Test Order Message consists of Header Record, Patient Information Record, Test
Order Record and Terminator Record.
Sample message is shown below.
When the sample has no item to order, Test Order Message becomes as follows.
5.6 Rejected Test Order Message Uploading
At completion of download operations, PATHFAST will transmit a message to inform the host
computer about rejected test orders and samples.
When PATHFAST received illegal information from the host, it informs the host of the reason of
rejection by using the above message.
If the download process has been completed normally, no Rejected Test Order Message shall
be sent.
Record Type ID Always set ‘C’. Identify record type as comment record.
Sequence Number 1 through n. Sequential number starting from 1. “1” is
for the first comment record in a packet. “n” is for the
last comment record before Terminator Record.
Comment Source Always set to ‘I’
Comment Text This field indicates the reason of the test order rejection. It
consists of three components.
Component 1: Reason of Rejection.
BAD_TEST: Invalid test code.
QC_MA_ID: The ID is already used in QC database
BAD_S_ID: Invalid Sample ID.
WRONG_ID: SID sent by the host is already used
PDB_FULL: Patient data base is full
M_TEST_E: Too many tests received than supported
UKNOWN_T: Unknown test requested
NO_TESTS: No test ordered for patient record
NO_PATIE: No patient information record received
BAD_RECO: Incorrect record format
Component 2: Sample ID
Sample ID corresponding with the rejected test. Nothing is
set depending on reason of rejection.
The possible reasons for the rejection are summarized in the following table.
Sample Record
Reject Message consists of Header Record, Comment Record and Terminator Record.
Following is an example.
Note that all sample information is deleted because of the reject message. The valid test order
for the sample is stored in PATHFAST, though some order for the sample is rejected.
5.7 Test Results Uploading
Test Result Uploading allows transmission of results of the tests performed on PATHFAST to
the host computer. Results, related to patient, QC samples are transmitted on explicit user
request or automatically at assay completion.
Beside the above, the operator can choose samples of which result data shall be transmitted to
the host and manually start the uploading session.
The type of data to be transferred during an automatic upload session depends upon the
instrument set-up (the automatic data transmission can be set to ON or OFF).
The message consists of a Message Header record, a Patient Information record, one or more
pair Test Order records followed by one or more Results records (depending upon the number
of available test results and the number of results for each specific test).
In the message, unit combined with the specific assay item is also sent to the host.
The Message Terminator record completes the transmission of data.
The Patient Information Record is set for each Test order record.
9 Patient Sex Patient sex is expressed Not Supported
with following letters.
M or m for male, F or f for
female, U or u for unknown
sex. Any other letter shall
be recognized as unknown.
10 Patient Race-Ethnic Not Supported
11 Patient Address Not Supported
12 Reserved Field Not Supported
13 Patient Telephone Not Supported
14 Attending Physician ID Not Supported
15 Special Field #1 Not Supported
16 Special Field #2 Not Supported
17 Patient Height Not Supported
18 Patient Weight Not Supported
19 Patient’s Known or Not Supported
Suspected Diagnosis
20 Patient Active Not Supported
21 Patient’s Diet Not Supported
22 Practice Field #1 Not Supported
23 Practice Field #2 Not Supported
24 Admission and Not Supported
Discharged Dates
25 Admission Status Not Supported
26 Location Not Supported
27 Nature of Alternative Not Supported
Diagnostic Code and
28 Alternative Diagnostic Not Supported
Code and Classifiers
29 Patient Religion Not Supported
30 Marital Status Not Supported
31 Isolation Status Not Supported
32 Language Not Supported
33 Hospital Service Not Supported
34 Hospital Institution Not Supported
35 Dosage Category Not Supported
Sample record:
19 Test Order Record (“O” Record)
This record is not allowed to omit.
19 User Field #1 Not Supported
20 User Field #2 Not Supported
21 Laboratory Field #1 Not Supported
22 Laboratory Field #2 Not Supported
23 Date/time Results Not Supported
Reported or Last
24 Instrument Charge to Not Supported
Computer System
25 Instrument Section Not Supported
26 Report Type Always set “F”
27 Reserved Field Not Supported
28 Location of Ward of Not Supported
specimen Collection
29 Hospital Information Not Supported
30 Specimen Service Not Supported
31 Specimen Institution Not Supported
Sample Record:
21 Result Record (“R” Record)
A result record is sent to the host computer for each available test result. For double tests all
available single values will be transmitted to the host computer (no mean values). Each result
record will contain only one of available test results.
For quantitative assay, the test result is the quantitative value. So only one result record is
created and sent to the host computer.
For qualitative assay, the test results are quantitative value and the judgment. So two result
records are created and sent to the host computer.
Result Record:
No Field Patient Sample QC Sample
1 Record Type ID Always set “R”. Identify this record as Result.
2 Sequence Number 1 through n. Sequential number starting from 1.
“1” is for the first result record in a packet. “n” is
for the last result record before Terminator
3 Universal Test ID This field consists of six components.
The first three components are not supported.
Component 4: Test Item Number
Component 5: Test Name
Component 6: Reagent Lot Number
4 Data or Measurement This field consists of two components.
Value Component 1: test result (one of the
quantitative value or judgment)
Component 2: “F” for quantitative result or “I” for
qualitative result
“I” is on of the followings
“-“, “+-“, “+”, “2+”, “3+”, “4+”, “5+”
5 Units Unit is set in this field when the previous field
(field #4 above) is filled with quantitative value.
None is set for qualitative result.
6 Reference range Not Supported
7 Result Abnormal Flag This field contains one or combination of the
following result abnormal flags.
N: Normal
A: Abnormal (Detailed remarks are set in
comment record)
>: Exceeded measurable upper limit
<: Exceeded measurable lower limit
L: Lower than normal range(Detailed remarks
are set in comment record)
H: Higher than normal range(Detailed remarks
are set in comment record)
Result abnormal flags are set at maximum of
three of the above.
@ is used as Repetition Delimiter.
“L” or “H” is not added for qualitative assay
8 Nature of Abnormality Flag Not Supported
9 Result Status Always set “F”
10 Data of Change in Not Supported
Instrument Normative
Values or Units
11 Operator Identification Operator ID is set, 20 bytes maximum.
12 Date/Time Test Started Not Supported
13 Date/Time Test Assay date and time is set in the format of
14 Instrument Identification Not Supported
Sample Record:
The Comment record allows integration of the transmitted test results with possible error
One comment record always follows the result records.
Comment Record:
No Field Description
1 Record Type ID Always set “C”. Identify this field as Comment
2 Sequence Number 1 through n. Sequential number starting from 1. “1”
is for the first comment record in a packet. “n” is
for the last comment record before Terminator
3 Comment Source Always set “I”.
4 Comment Text This field consists of five components.
Component 1: Remark
When “A” is set in “Abnormal Result Flag” field,
remarks are set here. Five remarks can be set
at maximum. @ is used as repetition delimiter.
Component 2: Judge against reference range.
When “L” is set in “Abnormal Result Flag” field,
one of the following remarks is set here.
“L”, “2L”, “3L”, “4L”, “5L”
When “H” is set in “Abnormal Result Flag” field,
one of the following remarks is set here.
“H”, “2H”, “3H”, “4H”, “5H”
Component 3: Information of mechanical error
When mechanical error has been detected,
errors are set here up to five at maximum. @ is
used as repetition delimiter.
Component 4: Hematocrit Value (%)
When whole blood sample is assayed, HCT% is
set here. None is set for samples other than
whole blood.
Component 5: Calibration date and time
Date and time when calibration assay was
performed for the test item corresponding to the
assay result is set here. The format is
Sample Record:
Test Result Message containing Header Record, Patient Information Record, Result Record,
Comment Record and Terminator Record is shown below as an example.
P|1||99999991||SmithJohnM ||19980305|F||||||||||||||||||||||||||<CR>
P|2||99999991||SmithJohnM ||19980305|F||||||||||||||||||||||||||<CR>
O|1|00228411303^1^||^^^1^cTn I^0000000002|||||||||||1||||||||||F|||||<CR>
R|1|^^^1^cTn I^0000000002|128.5^F|ng/dl||H@A||F|| Administrator
Remarks are sent to the host computer in “C” record after the assay run completed.
They show the reason of the blank data in result data field and they also indicate that the
numeric result data sent shall be suspected as erroneous data.
In the table below, remarks are listed with their meanings, how the data is treated in
Code Description Data Handling User Action
The Remark Code is added to the
S No Sample found result. Asterisks are printed Re assay
instead of data.
The Remark Code is added to the
NT No Tip found result. Asterisks are printed Re assay
instead of data.
The Remark Code is added to the
No valid calibration available on
NC result. Asterisks are printed Re calibration
assay completion.
instead of data.
The Remark Code is added to the
Contact your
Secondary count is lower than
ED result. Asterisks are printedPATHFAST
predefined value.
instead of data. representative
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block L is The Remark Code is added to the
too high. result.
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block S is The Remark Code is added to the
too high. result.
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block T is The Remark Code is added to the
too high. result.
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block L is The Remark Code is added to the
too low. result.
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block S is The Remark Code is added to the
too low. result.
Contact your
Temperature of Heat Block T is The Remark Code is added to the
too low. result.
The Remark Code is added to the Contact your
Error reported by sample
UK result. Asterisks are printed PATHFAST
recognition sensor
instead of data. representative
Contact your
LED light signal of sample
ER Assay run will be aborted. PATHFAST
recognition sensor too low.
Assay result was calculated
DF Data will print with remark added. None
with default Hct%.
Measured QC is out of control
OR Data will print with remark added. Re assay
Remark added for recalculated
data using new Hct% value
RS None None
when transmitted to the host
The Remark Code is added to the
AE Abnormal luminescent count result. Asterisks are printed Re assay
instead of data
The Remark Code is added to the Contact your
HC Hct% calculation error result. Asterisks are printed PATHFAST
instead of data representative
The Remark Code is added to the Contact your
Calculation error other than HC
CI result. Asterisks are printed PATHFAST
instead of data representative
The Remark Code is added to the Contact your
BE PMT position error result. Asterisks are printed PATHFAST
instead of data representative
Error Codes
Error Codes are also sent to the host computer in “C” record after the assay run
Only Error Codes reported during assay run are sent to host computer when the assay
run completed and the results are reported. If the assay run is aborted by the operator or
PATHFAST, no Error Codes are sent to host computer.
6. Not Supported Records
The Scientific record and the Manufacturer Information record are not supported by PATHFAST
Condition Action
Host computer is not If PATHFAST is the sender, it initiates [EOT] to end the session and if it
responding is the receiver, it initiates [EOT] to request for abortion to the host and
wait for [EOT] from the host.
No further messages are sent to the host.
PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message.
Host computer sent EOT If PATHFAST is the sender, it initiates [EOT] to end the session and if it
is the receiver, it does nothing.
No further messages are sent to the host.
PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message.
PATHFAST ’s operator If PATHFAST is the sender, it initiates [EOT] to end the session and if it
requested to stop is the receiver, it initiates [EOT] to request for abortion to the host and
communication waits for [EOT] from the host.
No further messages are sent to the host.
PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message.
Number of retry in low level If PATHFAST is the sender, it initiates [EOT] to end the session and if it
communication exceeded is the receiver, it initiates [EOT] to request for abortion to the host and
the designated number wait for [EOT] from the host.
No further messages are sent to the host.
PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message.
Checks which need to be retried when failed:
-. Check for starting [STX]
-. Check for modular 8
-. Check for checksum
-. Check for limited characters
-. Check for text length
-. Check for record sequence
-. Check for number of fields
-. Check for each field (specific for each field)
-. Others
Frame error found in low PATHFAST initiates [EOT] to request communication abort to the host
level communication to and wait for [EOT] from the host.
abort No further messages are sent to the host.
PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message
Checks which need abortion when failed:
-. The number of frames in a message received exceeded 100.
-. More than one record was found in a text
-. Frame numbers inconsistent
-. Other unexpected errors
-. Total record length received exceeded 1000
-. Others
Other: PATHFAST sends nothing when it is waiting for [ENQ] from the host.
Invalid codes were PATHFAST informs the operator by showing corresponding message
received during waiting for When it is waiting for [EOT], it initiates [EOT] to request for abortion to
ENQ or EOT the host and waits for [EOT] from the host.
8. Appendix- PATHFAST Test Codes
The ASCII set of characters considered is in the decimal range 32 to 126, because a Sample ID
can be accepted only if it contains at least one character different from a space.
To connect PATHFAST with the host computer, use RS232cC cross cable. The
connector of PATHFAST is located on the back (refer to Operators Manual for details.)
The connector prepared on PATHFAST is D-Sub type female connector with 25 pins.
In the drawings on the next page, “1:SLD” means shield line and it shall be connected
on PATHFAST side, but it shall not be connected on PC side.
9.4.1 Using D-Sub Type Connector with 25 Pins
When you want to use D-sub type connector with 25 pins to hookup with the host computer,
refer to the following drawing for cable wiring. Numeric value in front of each signal name is pin
number of the connector.
Pins, Pins,
Male Female
Pins, Pins,
Male Female
10. Limitations
Note: This service is not intended for secure transactions such as banking, social media, email, or purchasing. Use at your own risk. We assume no liability whatsoever for broken pages.
Alternative Proxies: