Working With Sigils
Working With Sigils
Working With Sigils
How sigils work ............................................................................................... 4
The holographic model of the universe and the collective
unconscious connection ........................................................................... 5
Sigils of deities? Yantras in the tantric traditions? Do they work
like sigils that you make on your own? ................................................... 7
How to know if your sigil worked? .......................................................... 11
How to make a sigil ...................................................................................... 12
The desire writing method .................................................................... 12
Creating sigils with magick squares (Kameas)............................... 14
Creating sigils with sigil wheel ........................................................... 20
Combining sigils........................................................................................22
Sigil Generator............................................................................................22
How to charge a sigil: Methods of charging a sigil ............................23
Charging sigils with intense emotions like rage, sadness, love,
euphoria and fear ....................................................................................... 24
Charging a sigil with sexual orgasm ..................................................25
Charging a sigil with blood ................................................................... 26
Charging Sigils by Chanting..................................................................27
Charging Sigils with Crystals ...............................................................27
How to Charge a Sigil on Your Body ...................................................28
How to activate a sigil ................................................................................ 29
Burning a Sigil and/or destroying it ....................................................... 31
Conclusion .......................................................................................................32
What's the big deal with sigils? What is a sigil, even? Are they even
effective? If so, how to make a sigil? Also, how to charge a sigil
The answers to the above questions lie in the idea that the key to
any successful magickal spell is non-attachment of the conscious
mind to the desired end result.
Lust for desire and fear of failure are two poles of the same
We'll also briefly discuss sigils that are of servitors and deities, but
details on it deserve articles on their own. It wouldn't be justified if I
am not able to share my own experiences, and it is not ideal to fit
them all in this article.
Hence, I recommend only working with them when you have some
experience with basic sigil magick, which will only require you to
believe in working with your own subconscious. Learning how to
make a sigil that effectively channel your desire into the cosmos
first is a good idea.
In either case, a sigil is used used to help manifest the will of the
occultist (you), by bypassing the conscious mind, which is always
riddled with conflicting desires and fear of failure, and accessing
the power of the subconscious.
How do sigils work, then?
Here I present to you mental models that may explain how sigils
work. There are a dozen, but I'll stick to the most popular and
rational ones (doesn't mean that they are necessarily the most
The best part about learning how to make a sigil and charge it is
that you don't have to believe in the existence of the supernatural or
any wild theories. The pure psychological model is the easiest
paradigm that explains how sigils work.
Much like a video game, what you see and experience only come
into manifestation when you as the observer, experiences it.
Kali Yantra
The Sri Yantra on the other hand contains all the feminine forces
Sri Yantra
Lilith Sigil
The functioning of yantras and sigils of deities can be explained by
the same holographic principle of the universe elaborated earlier,
where the sigils are used to access certain information containers
within the matrix.
There are dozens of other theories on how sigils work, but let me
assure you that if you have enough practical experience working
magick, you will know that every one of them will seem
incomplete. Hence, use the paradigms to convince your mind
initially, to motivate yourself to learn how to make a sigil, how to
charge a sigil and work with them.
The underlying idea behind both Yantras and Sigils can be said to
be the same, and the same explanations can be used for how they
Many such sigils are also taken from grimoires. A sigil that
embodies an archetype, deity or a spirit is often envisioned by the
occultist in their minds, which is then used to keep contact with the
being from then on. Once again grimoires also contain such sigils.
Most yantras that are said to manifest desires are usually derived
from classical tantric texts that are equivalent to grimoires. Yantras
that embody archetypes and deities are the most common type of
yantras, and are often very complex and embody many layers of
meaning that is abstracted into it. The deity in any Tantric tradition
has the Gross (idol) form, the yantra form and the Mantra form. As
discussed before: They can be said to be abstraction of energies and
universal concepts. Every yantra holds a lot of information
compressed into a geometrical form. This information includes both
universal concepts and archetypes, often in the form of deities that
are anthropomorphic representations of those concepts.
This is pretty straightforward. Magick works through synchronous
events. In most cases, people, events and opportunities will show up
in your life that aligns with the desires that you wanted to
Now that have mental models on how sigils work, let's move on to
how to make a sigil, charging sigils and how to activate a sigil that
are made to serve the purpose of a talisman.
There are a myriad of different ways to make a sigil and prepare it,
some more complicated than others. What method you choose
depends on you, but the simplest method can work just as well as
the more complicated ones, provided you have enough mind control
and practice.
Example :
Now use the above letters to make a sigil (pictorial version of the
letters) by rearranging the letters into different positions:
The history and study of magic squares are quite vast and if you are
interested in a detailed account of what they are and how they
originated, you can read about it here.
For our purpose here though, we only need understand that each
planet is associated with its own unique matrix grid and that the
planets themselves are associated with different types of qualities.
Day: Wednesday
Color: Purple
Color: Green
Day: Tuesday
Color: Red
Day: Thursday
Color: Blue
Sign: Sagittarius
Day: Saturday
Color: Black
Sign: Capricorn
Moon (Luna)
Day: Monday
Color: Silver
Sign: Cancer
Qualities: Clairvoyance, sleep, emotions, astral travel, imagination,
women, birth, and reincarnation.
Sun (Sol)
Day: Sunday
Color: Yellow
Sign: Leo
First, write down the desire. For example: I want to master lucid
dreaming this year.
5.Add the numbers, total it and pick the first digit of the
sum. 5+3+3+4+4+5+7+2+8+1+7+9 = 50 (5)
6. Pick the appropriate planetary matrix, corresponding to the
desire. In this instance, our desire is very much moon related:
Sigil Wheel
Simply trace the letters over the Sigil wheel to get the sigil:
If you still want to combine sigils (for example in the case of related
desires), you can pretty much do it anyway you want. Simply
overlay one on top of the other, for example. The sky is the limit!
This ensures that the subconscious knows exactly what the sigil is
supposed to mean and to be associated with later down the road.
Mastering the art of how to make a sigil properly in itself comes
with experience.
Ideally, it is advised that you let the conscious mind lose the
meaning of the sigil completely before the sigil charging process.
Remember: Lust for desire is always accompanied by fear of failure
in the subconscious, which acts as a self fulfilling prophecy,
blocking the effectiveness of your magick.
Hence, make multiple different sigils (over the course of a week for
example) and then pick up a sigil to randomly charge later. Of
course, you may not be able to completely forget the intent/desire.
Even so, this should help tone down the „lust for desire‟ factor.
Ideally, the method has to be written down on the sigil before you
put it away for a week (or more) right after creating it so you don‟t
have to remember the actual desire behind the sigil and obsess over
it during the charging ritual.
After the sigil charging process is done, it is then “sent off” into the
universe by various methods like burning, sending it into the river,
burying it and so on.
Your sexual energy is the most potent tool you possess. It is the
power you possess that creates life itself and it is through the
transformation of this energy that every other creative energy
sprouts from, within you.
Not only that, during the climax of a sexual activity (be it actual sex
or masturbation) you reach a point of satori for a fraction of a
second before tumbling down again. The only other way to get to
the same space, and for longer is through years and years of
meditation and mental training.
Just like how your sexual energy is the source for all creative
faculties within you, your blood can be considered as the physical
manifestation of the life force within you. By charging sigils with
blood, you inevitably associate this force to the sigil to your
An example:
Use the emotion of sadness or rage to prick your thumb with the
needle and anoint the sigil with your blood while focusing intently
and solely on the sigil. Be careful not to hurt yourself too much,
because there is no need to. Maintain total control throughout the
Note: If you are a female, then you have a two fold power of both
blood and sex energies.
Although taboo, menstrual blood can also be used to charge a sigil.
The benefit? The menstrual blood has the combined effect of both
sex (creative) energy and blood (life) energy!
Getting into a trance state/altered state of mind where the sigil can
leave a lasting impact on the subconscious is key to successfully
charging a sigil. By chanting mantras, a trance state can be
That being said, after you tattoo them, how to charge sigils on your
body? The very act of tattooing such a sigil on your body should be
sacred. This is the only way to truly charge a sigil on your body -- in
the process of tattooing itself.
Often, such sigils are used to protect and defend an area or yourself
or to bring positivity and/or negative effects in a particular area.
Such sigils may already possess power from its creation and
charging phase, but certain types of functions, when sigilised,
require repeated activation. For example, a sigil of a deity on your
body will pretty much function like an idol of the deity. By repeated
chanting and meditating, you “activate” the power of the sigil and
reinforce it. Activating a sigil can be very useful in times when you
require that quick “power back up” before you set about completing
a challenging task.
Close your eyes and visualize the sigil while focusing on the part of
the body where the sigil is tattooed to.
Breathe on the sigil tattoo constantly until you get into a trance.
Trace the sigil continuously until you get into a trance or almost
into a trance.
Exercise the part of the body where the sigil is until you get into a
trance state, while focusing on the sigil
Your imagination is your limit here. The key to activating a sigil is
to focus intently on the sigil while getting in a trance state, much
like charging a sigil!
Burning a sigil or destroying it is done for two purposes:
The process is largely the same with charging a sigil, except you do
not use elaborate methods and techniques. Getting into a meditative
trance and simply burning and/or destroying the sigil in any way
should do the trick.
Before working with sigils though, I'd suggest you take a week or
two to master the following skills: