Python Programming

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Python Programming for

Python print()
Python print() is used to print the output on the

print "hello world" using print()

print("hello world")

Now lets print your name in my case "Nishant Tiwari"

print("Nishant Tiwari")

Add, sub, multiply, and divide two number together and print the

Python Programming for Beginners 1


💡.py is the file extension for python file

Python Comments
Python Comments are used to explain your python
code and make your code more readable.

There are two types of Python Comments

1) Single Line Comments

Single Line Comments starts with #

print(10+20) #example of single line

💡 If you use Python Comments on a line then python will ignore

the rest of the line

2) Multi Line Comments

Multi Line Comments starts and ends with ''' or """

example of muti-line comment

Python Programming for Beginners 2


Python Variables
Variables are the space or a location used to
store data in memory

Assign the value 10 to a variable

a = 10 #here a is a variable
print(a) #output: 10

Reassigning value to a variable

a = 20 #now new value is 20 to variable a

print(a) #output: 20

Now let us take three variable and print the values of each

a = 30
b = 40
c = 50
#print in a single line
print(a,b,c) #output: 30 40 50
print(a) #output: 30
print(b) #output: 40
print(c) #output: 50

Assign multiple value to multiple variables

a,b,c = 30,40,50 #same as above

print(a,b,c) #output: 30,40,50

Python Programming for Beginners 3

Assign single value to multiple variables

a = b = c = 10
print(a,b,c) #output: 10 10 10

Rules and Naming Convention for

There are some following rules for variables :

Variables always starts with Capital Letter, Small Letter or

an Underscore (_)

a = "hello"
A = "world"
_ = "dx4iot here"
print(a) #output: hello
print(A) #output: world
print(_) #output: dx4iot here

Variables always start with Capital Letter, Small Letter, or

an Underscore (_)

% = "hello"
1 = "hello"
print(%) #output: Error
print(1) #output: Error

If there is a variable of two words then separate it using _

(snake case) or use camelCase

snake_case = "hello" #output: hello
camelCase = "world" #output: world

Python Programming for Beginners 4

Python Data Types
Variable can store data of different types such
as int, float ,list, tuple ,set, etc

There are different data types such as:

There are three types of data type under numbers

1) Integer (int) : integer values such as (-1,0,1,2)

a = 10 #int (integer)
print(type(a)) #output: <class 'int'>

💡 type() is used to check the type of data

2) Float : a floating-point number (10.3, 13.001, 21.223)

b = 10.5 #float
print(type(b)) #output: <class 'float'>

3) Complex: expressed in the form x + yj (x is the real part

and y is the imaginary part)

c = 1 + 2j #complex (1+2j => x + yj)

print(type(c)) #output: <class 'complex'>

Python Programming for Beginners 5

List is used to store multiple elements of different data
types. List is an ordered sequence of mutable elements.

Example of a simple list

d = [10,10.5,20]
print(d) #output: [10, 10.5, 20]
print(type(d)) #output: <class 'list'>

print the first element of a list

d = [10,10.5,20]
print(d[0]) #output: 10
print(d[1]) #output: 10.5

Insert an element to the first position of a list

fruit = ["apple","mango","grapes"]
print(fruit) #output: ['banana', 'apple', 'mango', 'grapes']

💡 List is always mutable (changeable) that's why we add an

element to add

Tuple is the same as list it is also used to store multiple
elements of different data types but the difference is tuple
is immutable.

Example of a simple tuple

Python Programming for Beginners 6

months = ("jan","feb","march")
print(months) #output: ('jan', 'feb', 'march')
print(type(months)) #output: <class 'tuple'>

print the first element of a tuple

months = ("jan","feb","march")
print(months[0]) #output: jan

💡 Tuple is immutable so if we try to insert an element it

will throw an error

months = ("jan","feb","march")
months.insert(0,"april") #ERROR

String is a sequence of characters that are immutable

Example of a string

a = "hello world"

Example of a multi line string

e = """nishant
age: 19


Python Programming for Beginners 7

Set is used to store unique elements (set automatically
removes duplicate elements).

Example of a set

f = {1,5,6,9,2,4,4}
print(f) #output: {1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 9}
print(type(f)) #output: <class 'set'>

Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs

Example of a simple dictionary

#dictionary : key/value
name = {1:"nishant",2:"kartik"}
print(type(name)) #output: <class 'dict'>
print(name[1]) #output: nishant

Python Type Conversion

Converting the value of one data type to
another is known as type conversion

There are two types of type conversion

1) Implicit Type Conversion: In Implicit Type Conversion
python automatically convert the value of data type to

Example of Implicit Type Conversion

Python Programming for Beginners 8

a = 10 #int
b = 20.3 #float
c = a + b #python automatically convert to float
print(type(a)) #output: <class 'int'>
print(type(b)) #output: <class 'float'>
print(type(c)) #output: <class 'float'>

💡 Remember this table

int + int = int
int + float = float
float + float = float
float + int = int
str + int = error
str + float = error

2) Explicit Type Conversion: In Explicit Type Conversion user

convert one data type to the required datatype

Example of Explicit Type Conversion

a = 100 #int
b = "40" #str
c = int(b) #convert to int
d = a + c #int + int = int
print(type(d)) #output: <class 'int'>

Python Input()
Input() statement is used to take input from
the user

Example of a Input()

Python Programming for Beginners 9

a = input() #take input from the user and store it to a variable

Take two numbers from user

a = int(input("Enter first num: ")) #user input: 10

b = int(input("Enter second num: ")) #user input: 20
c = a + b #int
print(a+b) #Output: 30

Python Operator
Operators are used to perform operations (eg:
addition, compare two value, assign a value,

Some types of Operators are :

Arithmetic Operator : For mathematical operations (+, -,

/, %)

Comparison Operator: Compare two values (x > y, x < y, x

!= y)

Logical Operator: For logical operations (and, or, not)

Assignment Operator: Assign values to variables (a= 10, x

= 20)

Python Operator: Arithmetic


Python Programming for Beginners 10

Arithmetic Operator are used to perform
mathematical operations (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, etc)

Example of Arithmetic Operator

#take two variable and assign some values to it

a = 3 #first variable
b = 2 #second variable

print(a+b) #output: 5

print(a-b) #output: 1

print(a*b) #output: 6

print(a/b) #output: 1.5

#Modulus: remainder of the division

print(a%b) #output: 1

#Floor division: result in whole number

print(a//b) #output: 1

#Exponent: power
print(a**b) #output: 9

Python Operator: Comparison

Comparison Operator are used to compare two
values (x is greater than y, x is less than y,

Example of Comparison Operators

Python Programming for Beginners 11

#take two variable and assign some values to it
x = 10 #first variable
y = 20 #second variable

#x is greater than y
print(x > y) #output: false

#x is less than y
print(x < y) #output: true

#x is equal to y
print(x == y) #output: false

#x is not equal to y
print(x != y) #output: true

#x is greater than or equal to y

print(x >= y) #output: false

#x is less than or equal to y

print(x <= y) #output: true

Python Operator: Logical

Logical Operator are and, or, not operators and
are used on conditional statements

💡 Truth table for and operator

True and True = True
True and False = False
False and True = False
False and False = False

💡 Truth table for or operator

True or True = True
True or False = True
False or True = True
False or False = False

Python Programming for Beginners 12

💡 Truth table for not operator
True = False
False = True

Example of Logical Operators

#take two variable and assign some values to it

x = True
y = False
print(x and y) #output: False
print(x or y) #output: True
print(not y) #output: True

Python Operator: Assignment

Assignment Operator are used to assign a value
to a variables (x = 10, y = 20, etc)

Example of Assignment Operators

a = 5
print(a) #output: 5

#Reassigning value to a variable

a = a + 5
print(a) #output: 10

a = a - 5
print(a) #output: 5

Python Programming for Beginners 13

💡 You can also write a = a + 5 as a += 5 and same for
subtraction , multiplication ,division etc.

a = 5

#Reassigning value to a variable

a += 5
print(a) #output: 10

a -= 2
print(a) #output: 8

Python if/else statement

If and else statement is used for decision
making (If one statement isn't true then runs
the next one)

Simple Example of if/else statement

#take two variable and assign some values to it

a = 20
b = 10
#first condition is false because a is less than 2
if a<b:
print("a is less than b")
#second condition is true because a is greater than 2
elif a>b:
print("a is greater than b")
#third condition is false because a is not equal to 2
print("a is equal to b")

💡 elif is short for else if (used for multiple expressions)

💡 else if no statement is true then at last else statement
is executed

Python Programming for Beginners 14

Python Program to Check if a number is
Odd or Even (IF/ELSE)
This python program checks whether the number is even or odd.
To check even/odd numbers we need to use the if/else
statement. In the if condition we need to make sure the input
number % 2 is always 0 (even) and for the else condition all

the numbers are odd.

#create a variable and assign input()

num = int(input("Enter a number: "))
if (num % 2) == 0:
print(num,"is an Even Number")
print(num,"is an Odd Number")

Python for loop

For loop is used to iterate over a sequence of
numbers, string, list, etc

Simple Example of for loop

#print the value from 0 to 4, and when the loop end, it prints hello world
for x in range(5):
print("hello world")
hello world

#print the value from 5 to 10, and when the loop end, it prints hello world
for x in range(5,21):
print("hello world")

Python Programming for Beginners 15

hello world

Print the table of any number

#create a varaible and assign input()

num = int(input("Enter a num: ")) #user input: 2
#runs 1 to 10 times
for i in range(1,11):
print(num*i) #mutiply num by i

Iterating over lists with for loop

#create a list of fruits

fruit = ["apple","banana","grapes"]
#iterating each elements of list
for i in fruit:

💡 Generally, if you need to print an element of a list you

need to use print() each time for each element. And, with the
help of for loop, you can just directly iterating each
element of a list.

Python Programming for Beginners 16

Iterating over string with for loop

helloWorld = "hello world"

#iterating each characters of string
for i in helloWorld:
print("hello world")

hello world

Python while loop

While loop is same as for loop, it runs until
the condition is True

Simple Example of while loop

a = 1
#loop runs until the value of a is not greater than 9
while a < 10:
print(a) #print the value of a each time until loop end
a = a + 1 #adding the current value of a with 1
print("hello world") #when the loop end then (hello world) prints

Python Programming for Beginners 17

hello world

Example of infinite loop

If the condition of while loop is always True, we get an

infinite loop

#since while loop is always true

while True:
print("hello world")
#output: infinite times hello world

💡If the loop is always False then nothing happens because

while loop runs until the condition is true

#since while loop is always true

while False:
print("hello world")
#output: nothing happen

Python Break & Continue Statement

Break statement breaks the current loop
containing it

Example of Break Statement

First, we iterate each character of a string inside a for
loop then if the character (x) is equal to "o" it breaks the

#python break
a = "hello"
for x in a:

Python Programming for Beginners 18

if x == "o":
print("hello world")
hello world

Continue Statement begin the next iteration of

the loop

Example of Continue Statement

First, we iterate each character of a string inside a for

loop then if the character (x) is equal to "l" it just
continues to the next iteration.

#python continue
a = "hello"
for x in a:
if x == "l":
print("hello world")
hello world

Python Numbers
There are three types of data type under numbers
1) Integer (int) : integer values such as (-1,0,1,2)

2) Float : a floating-point number (10.3, 13.001, 21.223)

Python Programming for Beginners 19

3) Complex: expressed in the form x + yj (x is the real part
and y is the imaginary part)

Example of integer

a = 5 #int (integer)
print(type(a)) #output: <class 'int'>

Example of float

b = 5.5 #float
print(type(b)) #output: <class 'float'>

Example of complex

c = 5 + 3j #complex (1+2j => x + yj)

print(type(c)) #output: <class 'complex'>

max() method
max() method return the highest value
Example of max() method
If we have three numbers then the min() method return the
lowest number

print(max(80,90,100)) #output: 100

print(max(1000,-20,300)) #output: 1000
print(max(30,0,-1)) #output: 30
#negative numbers
print(max(-1,-2,-10)) #output: -1
#floating numbers
print(max(3.0,3.1,3.2)) #output: 3.2

min() method
min() method return the lowest value
Example of max() method

Python Programming for Beginners 20

If we have three numbers then the min() method return the
lowest number

print(min(80,80,100)) #output: 80
print(min(30,40,50)) #output: 30
print(min(-1,-2,-3)) #output: -30

Python List
List is used to store multiple elements of
different data types. List is an ordered
sequence of mutable elements.

Example of a empty list

a_list = []
print(a_list) #output: []

Example of list of integer values

a_int = [1,2,3,4,5]
print(a_int) #output: [1,2,3,4,5]

Example of list of float values

a_float = [1.0,2.2,3.4,3.5]
print(a_float) #output: [1.0,2.2,3.4,3.5]

Example of list of string values

Python Programming for Beginners 21

a_str = ["apple","mango","grapes"]
print(a_str) #output: ["apple","mango","grapes"]

Example of list with mixed data types

a_mix = [1,1.0,"apple"]
print(a_mix) #output: [1,1.0,"apple"]

accessing the elements of a list

a_mix = [1,1.0,"apple"]
print(a_mix[0]) #output:1
print(a_mix[1]) #output: 1.0
print(a_mix[2]) #output: apple

Nested list
A nested list means list within a list
Example of Nested list

nest_list = ["hello",[1,2,3]]
#print the 1 of 0 element
print(nest_list[1][0]) #output: 1
#print the 1 of 1 element
print(nest_list[1][1]) #output: 2
#print the 1 of 2 element
print(nest_list[1][2]) #output: 3

Negative Indexing
Negative Indexing means index starts from the end
Example of Negative Indexing

#negative indexing
a = [1,2,3,4,5]
#print the last element of the list
print(a[-1]) #output: 5

Python Programming for Beginners 22

#print the second last element of the list
print(a[-2]) #output: 4

find the length of a list

len() method prints the length of a list

#to find length of a list

a = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
#there are 10 elements in a list so length of a list will be 10
print(len(a)) #output: 10

Python List Methods

There are different types of list methods :

append() is used to add the elements to the end of the list
Example of append()

fruit = ["apple","mango","grapes"]
print(fruit) #output: ["apple","mango","grapes"]
#append "banana" to the end of the list
print(fruit) #output: ["apple","mango","grapes","banana"]

extend() is used to merge two list
Example of extend()

lang = ["English","Hindi"]
lang1 = ["French","German"]
#add elements of lang1 to the end of lang list
print(lang) #output: ['English', 'Hindi', 'French', 'German']


Python Programming for Beginners 23

index() is used to find the position of the element in a list
Example of index()

lang = ['English', 'Hindi', 'French', 'German']

#print the position of "French"
print(lang.index("French")) #output: 2

insert() is used to insert an element at a specified position

Example of insert()

lang = ["English","Hindi","French"]
#inserting "German" on 2 position
print(lang) #output: ['English', 'Hindi', 'German', 'French']

Example of count()

count() is used to calculates the total existence of a given

element of List.

list_int = [1,2,3,1,2,1,1,5]
#print the total occurrence of 1 in a list
print(list_int.count(1)) #output: 4

remove() is used to remove an element according to their
element name
Example of remove()

lang = ["English","Hindi","French"]
#remove "French" from above list
print(lang) #output: ["English","Hindi"]

Python Programming for Beginners 24

pop() is also used to remove an element but according to
their index position
Example of pop()

lang = ["English","Hindi","French"]
#remove "Hindi" from above list
print(lang) #output: ['English','French']

reverse() is used to reverse the element of a list

lang = ["English","Hindi","French"]
#reverse the element
print(lang) #output: ['French', 'Hindi', 'English']

sort() is used to sort the elements of a list in ascending
order (by default)

Example of sort()

list_int = [1,5,4,7,8,3,2,1]
#sort in ascending order
print(list_int) #output: [1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8]

Sort in descending order

Python Programming for Beginners 25

list_int = [1,5,4,7,8,3,2,1]
#sort in descending order
print(list_int) #output: [8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1]

Python Tuple
Tuple is the same as list it is also used to
store multiple items of different data types
but the difference is tuple is immutable.

Example of a empty tuple

e_tuple = ()
print(e_tuple) #output: ()

Example of a simple list

months = ("jan","feb","march")
print(months) #output: ("jan","feb","march")

accessing the elements of a tuple

months = ("jan","feb","march")
print(months[0]) #output: jan
print(months[1]) #output: feb
print(months[2]) #output: march

Nested Tuple
Nested Tuple is same as Nested List

Example of Nested Tuple

Python Programming for Beginners 26

n_tuple = ("hello",(1,2,3))
#print the 1 of 1 element
#print the 1 of 2 element

Negative Indexing
Negative Indexing means index starts from the end
Example of Negative Indexing

e_tuple = (1,2,3)
#print the last element of the tuple
#print the second last element of the tuple

Python Set
Set is used to store unique elements (set
automatically removes duplicate elements)

Example of a empty set

my_set = {}
print(my_set) #output: {}

Example of a simple set

my_set = {1,2,9,6,8}
print(my_set) #output: {1, 2, 6, 8, 9}

Example of list with mixed data types

Python Programming for Beginners 27

my_set = {1,1.0,"hello world",2,2}
print(my_set) #output: {'hello world', 1, 2}

Set does not support Indexing

a = {"a","b","c"}
print(a[0]) #Error: not support indexing

Add a element to a set

my_set = {1,2,9,6,8}
print(my_set) #output: {1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9}

Add a multiple element to a set

my_set = {1,2,9,6,8}
print(my_set) #output: {1, 2, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}

Remove a element from a set

my_set = {1,2,9,6,8}
print(my_set) #output: {1, 6, 8, 9}

Set Operation
The set operations are performed on two or more sets to
obtain a combination of elements

Union : all elements which are in either A or B (or both)

Python Programming for Beginners 28

a = {0,1,2}
b = {3,4,5}
print(a|b) #output: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

Intersection : all elements which are in both A and B

a = {0,1,2,3,4}
b = {0,2,4,9,8,7}
print(a&b) #output: {0, 2, 4}

Python Dictionary
Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs

Example of a simple dictionary

my_dict = {"fruit":"apple","veg":"carrot"}
print(my_dict) #output: {'fruit': 'apple', 'veg': 'carrot'}

accessing values of a dictionary

my_dict = {"fruit":"apple","veg":"carrot"}
print(my_dict["fruit"]) #output: apple
print(my_dict["veg"]) #output: carrot

print dictionary keys only

my_dict = {"fruit":"apple","veg":"carrot"}
#with the help of keys()
print(my_dict.keys()) #output: dict_keys(['fruit', 'veg'])

print dictionary values only

Python Programming for Beginners 29

my_dict = {"fruit":"apple","veg":"carrot"}
#with the help of values()
print(my_dict.values()) #output: dict_values(['apple', 'carrot'])

add multiple values to a single key

my_new = {"fruit":["apple","mango","grapes"],"veg":["carrot","potato","tomato"]}
#output: {'fruit': ['apple', 'mango', 'grapes'], 'veg': ['carrot', 'potato', 'tomato']}

accessing multiple values

my_new = {"fruit":["apple","mango","grapes"],"veg":["carrot","potato","tomato"]}
print(my_new["fruit"][0]) #output: apple
print(my_new["fruit"][1]) #output: mango
print(my_new["fruit"][2]) #output: grapes

Python Function
Function are the block of code and it only runs
when it called

Example of simple Function

def hello():
print("my name is nishant")
#output: no output because function is not called

calling a function

def hello():
print("my name is nishant")
hello() #function called
#output: my name is nishant

Python Programming for Beginners 30

Adding numbers inside a function

#create a addnum function

def addnum():
#output: 60

Passing values to a function

def hello(f,l):
fname = "Nishant"
lname = "Tiwari"
#passing fname and lname as a parameter to a function
#output: Nishant Tiwari

Python Types of Function

There are two types of function:

built-in function: there are many function which are

already available on python are known as built-in
function. For example:

min() , max() , int() , float() , type() , len()

user-defined function: which are created by an user are

known as user-defined function

Example of user-defined function

def hello():
print("hello world")

Python Programming for Beginners 31

Python Global and Local
Global variable can be used anywhere in the program

Example of a Global Variable

x = 10 #old value: 10
def hello():
#use of global variable inside a function
global x
#reassign a value to x
x = 20 #new value: 20
hello() #first print the old value
print(x) # then the new value

Local variable are use within there scopes

Example of Local Variable

def hello():
x = "hello" #local variable
hello() #output is hello
print(x) #error because local variable are use within there scopes
'x' is not defined

Python Lambda & Anonymous


Python Programming for Beginners 32

Lambda function is also known as Anonymous
Function are those which are defined without
a name

Example of a simple Lambda Function

num = lambda x:x #return x

print(num(10)) #output: 10

Multiply a number using Lambda

multi = lambda x:x*2 #return x*2

print(multi(10)) #output: 20

Add two numbers using Lambda

#using lambda
add = lambda x,y:x+y #return x+y
print(add(2,55)) #output: 57

#using function
def add(a,b):
return a+b
print(add(5,6)) #output: 57

Python Program to Check if a number is Odd or Even using


oddeven = lambda num: True if num%2 == 0 else False

print(oddeven(55)) #output: False

Python File Handling

Python Programming for Beginners 33

File handling is used to create, read,
update, and delete files

opening a text file in python

With the help of the open() method, you can open any file
in python

f = open("hello.txt")

reading a text file in python

With the help of the read() method, you can read any data
of a file

hello world
f = open("hello.txt","r") #"r" : Opens a file for reading
print( #Output: hello world
f.close() #closes the opened file

💡 If you don't need to use f.close() you can also open a

file as following :

#same as above example

with open("hello.txt","r") as f:

writing a text file in python

With the help of the write() method, you can write any
data to a file

f = open("test.txt","w") #ppens a file for writing

f.write("hello world my name is nishant\n")
f.write("hello world\n")

Python Programming for Beginners 34

#This program will create a new file named hello.txt in the current directory
hello world my name is nishant
hello world

Python Try Except

Try Except statement is used to handle the

Example of try except statement

#If try condition is false then except condition runs

print("hello world")

Example of else statement with try except

#If try condition is true then only else condition will run
print("hello world")

#If try condition is false then only except codition will run
print(x) #x is not define
print("hello world")
#output: hello world

Python Programming for Beginners 35

Example of finally with try except

#Finally runs in each case either try is true or false

print("hello world")
#If try condition is false then except and finally wil run
print(x) #x is not define
print("hello world")
hello world

Raise an exception
raise keyword is used to throw an exception for a
condition if a condition occurs

#raise an exception
x = 5
if x < 11:
raise Exception("Sorry, no number below 11")
Exception: Sorry, no number below 11

Python Programming for Beginners 36

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