Ucsp DLL 3
Ucsp DLL 3
Ucsp DLL 3
C. Learning At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the learners At the end of the session, the At the end of the session, the learners are expected to
Competencies/ learners are expected to are expected to analyze the learners are expected to explain explain the importance of cultural relativism in
Objectives analyze the significance of significance of cultural, social, the importance of cultural attaining cultural understanding
Write the LC cultural, social, political and political and economic symbols relativism in attaining cultural
code for each economic symbols and and practices understanding
II. CONTENT Analyze the Significance of Analyze the Significance of Explain the Context, Content Explain the Context, Content Processes and
Cultural, Social, Political, and Cultural, Social, Political, and Processes and Consequences of Consequences of Socialization
Economic Symbols and Economic Symbols and Practices Socialization
A. References
1. Teacher’s
Guide Pages
2. Learner’s
Material Pages
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
B. Other Learning Understanding Culture, Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society and Politics by
Resources Society and Politics by and Politics by Jenneth D. Dela and Politics by Mayorico C. Mayorico C. Apelado Jr. (SLM from DepED)
Jenneth D. Dela Cruz, Cruz, Jonathan F. Batac and Apelado Jr. (SLM from DepED)
Jonathan F. Batac and Donna Donna Marie Daya SLM from
Marie Daya SLM from DepED)
IV. PROCEDURES These steps should be done These steps should be done These steps should be done These steps should be done across the week. Spread
across the week. Spread out across the week. Spread out the across the week. Spread out the out the activities appropriately so that students will
the activities appropriately activities appropriately so that activities appropriately so that learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of
so that students will learn students will learn well. Always be students will learn well. Always learning by the students which you can infer from
well. Always be guided by guided by demonstration of be guided by demonstration of formative assessment activities. Sustain learning
demonstration of learning by learning by the students which learning by the students which systematically by providing students with multiple
the students which you can you can infer from formative you can infer from formative ways to learn new things, practice their learning,
infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain assessment activities. Sustain question their learning processes, and draw
assessment activities. learning systematically by learning systematically by conclusions about what they learned in relation to
Sustain learning providing students with multiple providing students with multiple their life experiences and previous knowledge.
systematically by providing ways to learn new things, practice ways to learn new things, Indicate the time allotment for each step
students with multiple ways their learning, question their practice their learning, question
to learn new things, practice learning processes, and draw their learning processes, and
their learning, question their conclusions about what they draw conclusions about what
learning processes, and draw learned in relation to their life they learned in relation to their
conclusions about what they experiences and previous life experiences and previous
learned in relation to their knowledge. Indicate the time knowledge. Indicate the time
life experiences and previous allotment for each step allotment for each step
knowledge. Indicate the time
allotment for each step
A. Reviewing What is ethnocentric and Review the previous lesson The teacher will review the The teacher will review the previous lesson
previous lesson or Cultural relativism? previous lesson
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Picture analysis: Are you The learners will write down
purpose for the familiar with some of at least 10 significant
lesson Filipino symbols and experiences in each stage, you
practices? Identify them have acquired from your
and write down your society that makes you the
answer below each person you are today.
picture. (The teacher will
show pictures through
slides deck presentation)
C. Presenting
How many symbols and Learners will share their
practices did you get from experiences in each stage in the
instances of the
new lesson the activity? class
D. Discussing new (Discussion with the aid of (Discussion with the aid of
concepts and Slides deck) Slides deck)
practicing new skill *Meaning of Symbol Meaning of Socialization
#1 *Functions of Symbols and Types of Socialization
E. Discussing new (Discussion with the aid of (Discussion with the aid of Slides (Discussion with the aid of (Discussion with the aid of Slides deck)
concepts and Slides deck) deck) Slides deck) Context of Socialization
practicing new skill Types of Symbols Political Symbols and Practices Three parts of Socialization
#2 Cultural Practices Political Symbols and Practices
Social Symbols and Practices Economic Symbols
Economic Symbols
F. Developing Teacher gives a short quiz about (Discussion with the aid of Slides deck)
Mastery the topic discussed 2 types of status
G. Finding practical As a youth, why do we need to Activity: #mysocialgoal
applications of understand Significance of DIRECTIONS: Write at least three (3) social goals to
concepts & skills in Cultural, Social, Political, and the people that
daily living Economic Symbols and Practices surrounds you.
J. Additional
activities for
application or
VI. REFLECTION Reflect on your teaching and Reflect on your teaching and Reflect on your teaching and Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a
assess yourself as a teacher. assess yourself as a teacher. Think assess yourself as a teacher. teacher. Think about your students’ progress this
Think about your students’ about your students’ progress this Think about your students’ week. What works? What else needs to be done to
progress this week. What week. What works? What else progress this week. What help the students learn? Identify what help your
works? What else needs to needs to be done to help the works? What else needs to be instructional supervisors can provide for you so
be done to help the students students learn? Identify what help done to help the students learn? when you meet them, you can ask them relevant
learn? Identify what help your instructional supervisors can Identify what help your questions
your instructional provide for you so when you meet instructional supervisors can
supervisors can provide for them, you can ask them relevant provide for you so when you
you so when you meet them, questions meet them, you can ask them
you can ask them relevant relevant questions
A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me