BOMPAS PARR Thefutureofp-Leisurereport 2024

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This report forms part of a new series by Bompas & Parr -

The Future of P-Leisure started in July 2022. In it we

explore the idea of ‘public leisure’ in a way that ultimately
delivers ‘pleasure’ to its audiences. Previous reports have
covered anything from Streaming Districts to Underwater
Frontiers. This report takes a look at the world of Museums
- what is the future of entertainment in the museum space?
P-Leisure Report For this year’s instalment, we’re
plunging into everything museological
As a result, this is a time of immense
openness for museums. Museums
- weening out the future of museums don’t exist within the four walls of a
2023: The Future as integral spaces of inspiration for
people around the world. We want to
building, but can spill out onto the
street. Museums live in the minds and

of Museums unearth the raw material of museum

experience, and make radical
imaginations of the people who visit.
They exist in the digital realm, as they
predictions about where it might be do in the ever more physical cultural
headed over the next decade. custard we all wade through everyday,
Welcome to Bompas & Parr’s P- whether we like it or not.
Leisure Report, a report on the Trash all the preconceptions you
pleasures of public leisure in a way might have about museums - This report is designed to stimulate
that itself gives its readers (or untouched collections held behind your creativity as we dream up the
listeners) pleasure. glass, endless corridors of perfectly future of civic and public space. It is
catalogue artefacts. This is a study of presented in the context of the
museums as living, community-centre studio’s forthcoming Museum of
spaces that shape how we perceive Shakespeare, a most-modern,
the past, and where we might cultivate polysensory spectacle, building on 400
dreams for the future. years of creativity and the archeology
of The Curtain Playhouse, where
We at Bompas & Parr consider Romeo & Juliet was first performed.
museums (and cultural institutions
more generally) to be at a moment of At Bompas & Parr we love museums.
epochal shift. Pressures to decolonise We love visiting them. We love making
the museum have reached a high them, and we love testing their limits.
point. The consensus among those
that work in the sector is that now is Let’s look to their future, now…
the time for fundamental shifts in the
narrative and practice of museum
experience. This is a great thing -
revealing exciting new creative
domains for museums, their curatorial
direction and experiential possibilities.
As a genre of experience, museums have perhaps an Initiated by the great theorist of space Michel
unrivalled capacity to be weird. October 2022 saw Foucault, this concept of the heterotopia has never
the opening of Europe’s only crab museum, a been more relevant. Literally meaning a space made
‘satisfyingly baffling’ attraction that uses decapods as up of difference, the heterotopia is somewhere you
lenses to read history, science and climate change. go to be surprised - find objects (or people) lying in
We wonder, how weird is too weird for the conjunction with things that are… well… different.


Curating collections that give meaning to the lives of

ordinary people, giving them an environment to find
a sense of belonging surrounded by the artefacts that
have helped build human civilisation.

They’re also places where people can go to solve the

creative problems they encounter in their own lives,
either personally or professionally.
Museums are uniquely placed to tell the history and
future of our emotions, letting guests reflect on their Places to remove oneself momentarily from the
own personal emotional journey through life. present, to find a space of reflection on the world
and our lives within it.


Museums look into the past in order to find solutions

for tomorrow’s challenges. Museums are uniquely
futuristic - able to use the past to build the future.
Between April 2023 and June 2023, there were a
total of 10.3 million visits to DCMS sponsored
museums and galleries. This was 22.6% larger than
the same period in 2022. However, visitor
numbers between April 2023 and June 2023
remain around a fth (19.2%) lower compared to
the same period, pre-pandemic, in 2019.
The Young V&A reopened in 2023, formerly
known as the Museum of Childhood. This new
monica signi es a shift in the museum’s approach
to its young demographic. It takes an active role in
youth participation, hoping to be “a world-class
museum that nurtures curiosity, experimentation
and celebrates play, Young V&A will be a global
champion for children’s creativity in all its forms.”
Museums have a special responsibility for inclusive
employment, seeing as their role in society is to
re ect the culture and make up of that society.

4% of museum staff live with disabilities, yet 24%

of the population live with disability
Predictive Territories

Super Optimised Spatial

Polarised Personalisation Storytelling The Anti-Museum

The Ultimate Date Museum Rollercoaster Pedagogy Endless In-betweens

Prediction 1

Prediction 1:
Polarised Personalisation

Image(s) goes here

One image is best

We live in a time of increasingly polarised And yet, this rise in individualism is occurring at a
personalisation, with brands, business and consumers time when things are, simultaneously, more
exhibiting a desire for experiences that either collectively organised. User generated content, the
Radically collective radically individualise or disperse our sense of self
outwards into the collective.
sharing economy, subscription-based entertainment
and, most recently, AI image and text generation, all
pose challenges to the idea of society as prioritising
or radically According to researchers at the University of
Waterloo and Arizona State University, the world is
the individual.

individual getting more individualistic. They’ve even managed to

quantify it. Between 1960 -2012, the world became
We’re seeing this push and pull between the
individual and collective play out in the realm of
12% more individualist, based on data analysis over museums. Curatorial strategies, technology and
this period in 78 countries. experiential are toggling between making guests the
protagonists on their own personal odyssey, or asking
them disappear into the crowd.
BETWEEN 1960-2012, THE
- Henri C Santos et al. - Association for Psychological Science
Prediction 1:
Polarised Personalisation


Self help | Self optimisation | Guest as protagonist Interests in networks | Sharing economies

Digital way-finding | Echo-chambers | Dating apps Inclusivity & accessibility | “Democracy at the Top”

Predictive algorithms | VR headsets Crowd sourcing | User generated content

Things get really interesting, though, when one becomes the other…

- VR Ego death
- Sense of oneness
- High IOS scale experiences
- Dissolution of self


- Convenience
- Sense doing good
- Polyamory
- Funding
Prediction 1:
Polarised Personalisation


Digital Wayfinding for Democratised Curation And

Collectively Individual Beyond
Not only is the curation of
The best thing for talkability in museum collections becoming
museum experience is to give more participatory and
people highly individual democratic, but the long term
experiences, that they compare strategic trajectories of museums
with their friends after the is also becoming increasingly
experiences has ended. We community-focussed. Initiatives like
predict, then, greater a use of Democracy at the Top, are guiding
innovative digital way finding to the museum and heritage sector
make museum spaces capable of in ways it can put community at
accommodating thousands of the heart of its governance and
visitors a day, but feel, to each decision making. This isn’t
visitor utterly bespoke and temporary outreach for a
personal. Endless chat then particular exhibition, but a
ensues. permanent and robust
collectivised vision for what a
Museum Of Emotions museum should be.

We envisage a world of museums The Museum of Absolute Ego

that merge with psycho-therapy Death
practices, where guests are able to
unpick their own emotional How could a museum unite you
narratives through the museum mind, body and soul with the
experience. Guests can expect to past.? We envisage more
leave museums emotionally exhibitions that help us disappear
enlightened and transformed. entirely - creating spaces that
intermingle visitors deeply within
the collective consciousness of the
Prediction 1:
Polarised Personalisation

Hypothetical Scenario -
Polarised Personalisation
In this hypothetical scenario, attention. These museums crowd, losing their sense of self
cultural trends have undergone employ cutting-edge in a shared and interconnected
a radical transformation, technology to create narrative.
leading to a society deeply personalized narratives,
divided between two extreme allowing individuals to curate
The cultural divide has
ideologies: radical individualism their own journeys and
transformed museums into
and radical collectivism. The become the heroes of their
arenas of ideological
polarization of these ideologies stories. Visitors can customize
expression, re ecting the deep
has seeped into every aspect their experiences, selecting
societal schism. People now
of people's lives, nding its speci c exhibits, themes, and
make choices based on their
greatest expression in cultural even altering historical events
preferred mode of experience,
experiences. Individuals are to suit their desires.
seeking either to celebrate
now driven by a burning desire
their individuality or to dissolve
to either be the sole
On the other hand, there are it entirely. These museums act
protagonist of an experience
museums designed for those as cultural battlegrounds,
or to completely merge with
embracing radical collectivism. where the clash between
the collective consciousness,
These museums focus on individualism and collectivism is
seeking a state of total "ego
dissolving individual boundaries fought through the medium of
and fostering a sense of unity. immersive art and storytelling.
Visitors enter immersive
Museum experiences have spaces where their identities
been particularly affected by merge into a larger collective
this cultural dichotomy. On consciousness. Through virtual
one hand, there are museums reality, biofeedback, and other
that cater to the radical technologies, these museums
individualists, offering facilitate experiences where
immersive exhibitions that individuals become
place visitors at the center of indistinguishable from the

Scott Gilbert,
Professor of Biology
Swarthmore College
Prediction 2

Prediction 2:
Super Optimised Spatial Storytelling

Prediction 2:
Super Optimised Spatial Storytelling

Giving Shape To
Knowledge In
Museums will deliver ever-more optimised
storytelling experiences, making visitors anticipate
the next instalment of their spatialised narratives, just
as they might eagerly await the next season of their
favourite streaming series.

In world where everyone, everywhere thinks they

know everything, the shape we give knowledge,
rather than the knowledge itself, has become of
primary importance. It is increasingly incumbent on
museums to give thrilling, spatialised shape to
civilisation’s knowledge.

As a result the visitors’ demand for stories, great

stories, has risen. Gone are the days of passive
observation and detached contemplation within
museum walls. Museums must provide a compelling,
emotionally motivated vision.

Raising Awareness No More Cinematic Museums

In this trouble-ridden world, it is

Cinema-goers are increasingly
no longer enough to simply ‘raise
familiar with the concept of the
awareness’. Museums (and
blockbuster Exhibition On
cultural institutions more
Screen (EOS) where major
generally) will begin to enact the
exhibitions (such as the Vermeer
changes people want to see.
at the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam),
Museums will become, in short,
become an amazing cinema-
prototypes of another world.
based adventure. The format is
Museums will become a parallel
an interesting one - spatial
“now”, rather than an abstract
stories becoming cinematic.
Expect a great deal of
experimentation with this form
Real Hybridity in the coming months and years.

Current incarnations of hybridity,

AI and Unknowable
dominated by VR headsets, are
too cerebral to give guests a
truly immersive experience. All
AI might be capable of a greater
experience, now, is hybrid, with
understanding of a museum's
Gen Z able to switch uidly
collections than a human ever
between physical and digital
could. It can now tell stories that
worlds. This more dynamic,
would otherwise be impossible,
physical and playful form of
or even reorganize them into a
hybridity is the future.
tailored journey for different
audiences. Forget the AI
scaremongering, let’s use this
technology to discover new
things about ourselves.
Prediction 2:
Super Optimised Spatial Storytelling

Hypothetical Scenario -
In this future, museums have captivating narratives, blurring instalment of museum
undergone a profound the lines between reality and narratives. The stories may
transformation, shifting their ction. span different genres, from
primary function from being historical reenactments to
information hubs to becoming fantastical realms, offering
Museums have become like
immersive storytelling something to captivate diverse
vast interactive theaters,
experiences. The art of interests. Museums have
offering episodic story arcs
storytelling has evolved to become cultural hubs,
and multi-layered plots that
such an extent that people fostering a sense of
unfold as visitors progress
now engage with museum community and shared
through various exhibits. Each
narratives in a manner akin to enthusiasm as visitors discuss
exhibit becomes a chapter,
how they immerse themselves and speculate on the unfolding
building upon the previous
in the latest Net ix series. narratives, forming online fan
one, enticing visitors to
communities akin to those
explore further. The
surrounding popular TV
Gone are the days of passive storytelling experience is not
observation and detached limited to visual displays but
contemplation within museum engages all the senses,
walls. Instead, visitors step into incorporating soundscapes, In this future, museums have
dynamic worlds where scents, and tactile elements to seamlessly merged art,
storytelling takes center stage. create a truly immersive technology, and storytelling to
Technologies, such as adventure. create unforgettable
augmented reality, virtual experiences that leave visitors
reality, and holography, have yearning for more, blurring the
Just as people eagerly await
revolutionised the museum boundaries between
the next season of their
experience. These tools traditional museums and the
favourite streaming series,
transport visitors into entertainment industry.
visitors anticipate the next
Prediction 3
Prediction 3:
The Anti Museum

Prediction 3:
The Anti Museum


Prediction 3:
The Anti Museum

Museums are at a
It's no secret that museums are at a crossroads. They
are reexamining their collections, the legitimacy of
how they were acquired, and how they can be used
to create immersive visions for the future for their

Concepts of a “collection” will continue to


The categories of collections are no longer limited to

art, antiques, historical pieces, or other precious
items. Novel collections such as memes, internet
trash, crabs and other miscellanea are forming the
basis of celebrated institutions. Beyond this - people
will continue to question whether the museum
needs a physical collection at all.

Can a collection be entirely intangible? Can a

museum be a particular way of walking down a
street? These sorts of questions will be guiding the
future of museum experience.
Prediction 3:
The Anti Museum

New Forms of (Im)permanence

Disappearing Museums project Invisible Museums of the feel uncomfortable about the very important part to play in the
Traditionally, museums stand for Unseen - an outdoor digital fact that you’re in a museum will future in the anti-museum.
permanence - the permanent experience built gradually by the grow in popularity. A kind of
place that culture and history are movements and messages of cultural masochism, if you will. This Museum of Stolen Things
held and made accessible. The previous participants. The work notion of curating discomfort was Unesco, the United Nations
necessity for permanence, though, exists in two realms of the unseen: coined recently by The Hunterian Educational, Scienti c and Cultural
is being thrown into question, with the architecture of the imaginary Museum in Glasgow, Scotland, to Organization, is planning a virtual
the emergence of speculative museum and the contents of the address historic power imbalances museum of stolen cultural objects.
museum designs like the museum’s unseen “galleries.” within the museum and across all
‘disappearing museum’ from The its activities. The notion isn’t an The digital experience will launch
Random Institute. The Amnesiac Museum exhibition, but an intervention in 2025 with 600 works of art on
Some museums are giving up across the museum’s entire the list of Interpol.
“These colossal blueprints,” say the entirely on the past - looking to curatorial practice.
random institute, “made of bring guests a visceral sense of A satire, surely, of places like the
biodegradable material that what the future holds. This is the In this new frame, the Hunterian British Museum, which is accused
naturally dissolves when exposed case with the planned Museum of put on ‘The Trembling Museum’, of exhibiting items stolen during
to rain, contrast with the sturdy, the Future in KSA, housed in what shaking the very foundations of the Imperial rule, the experience is set
integrated, and permanent is (according to His Highness museum’s collection of African Art, to expand awareness of the
structures of typical museum Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al devised through a collaboration illegally traf cked cultural artefacts.
architecture.” Maktoum) ‘the most beautiful between filmmaker and scholar
building in the world’. Instead of a Manthia Diawara and art historian
Invisible Museums collection, instead guests are and curator Terri Geis.
As museums become more allowed to navigate a set
community-led, people are of multi sensory ‘possible futures’, Memes Museum by 9GAG
wondering whether the museum is ‘bringing hope and knowledge back The Memes Museum by 9GAG is
something that needs a physical to the present.’ a museum that collects internet
collection for it to be a museum. trash - almost the opposite, you
Artist Jeanette Andrews is taking Curating Discomfort could say, of what a traditional
this notion to the extreme with Museums that actively make you museum would house. But internet
her trash has, I’m afraid, a massively
Prediction 4

Prediction 4:
The Ultimate Date Museum

ONS survey, 2023
Prediction 4:
The Ultimate Date Museum

Museums Designed
To Stimulate
Let’s be real - young people are bored, looking for things
to do with their free time, whether it be after school or
on the weekend. 2010 - 19 saw a £1bn decline in
spending on youth services, resulting in the closure of 760
youth centres and 4,500 youth worker jobs. You simply
have to ask: what are kids meant to do?

People are also lonely, with over 7% of the population

often or always feeling lonely - that’s almost 4 million

We also live at a time when online spaces are much more

convivial than physical spaces, with IRL life needing to do
much more to make people feel included, represented
and stimulated.

Museums should step in.

Museums will become increasingly convivial - their

contents and collections becoming a vibrant backdrops to
a greater variety of complex leisure and social occasions.

Museums will become a place where young people hang

Prediction 4:
The Ultimate Date Museum
Prediction 4:
The Ultimate Date Museum

Muzak Museums Talk to Your Artefact

No Pressure, People This may sound counter-intuitive, Museums are traditionally quiet,
but for museums to become sombre spaces of reflection.
more inclusive, perhaps they Visitors pass from artefact to
need to stop trying so hard. As artefact, reading informative
@turtlekiosk so eloquently says, placards and learning the history
one of then the most convivial of objects. The Ultimate Date
ways to experience a museum is Museum explores a museum
to ‘dilly dally’. Museums of the space that actively encourages
future should take inspiration discussion, moving between
from Muzak, background music, artefacts with friends, and even
in order to become the meeting others, through
historical and cultural backdrops placemaking design for groups,
to a vibrant social present. artefacts that talk back to you
and large dining tables in
Museum cafes.
Public Sculptures
A survey conducted in 2022 by 24 Hour Museum
Art UK revealed that 79% of Typically, museums close just as
statues and sculptures dedicated the working day finishes.
to named people in London are Museums of the future will host
- perhaps unsurprisingly - men. night experiences, bookable only
Public sculptures are the Muzak in groups - experience a
Museum par excellence, greater collection, hosted by great
monumental experimentation is storytellers - for example a
needed in the cities of this Punchdrunk guided tour at
world. midnight.
Prediction 5
Prediction 5:
Rollercoaster Pedagogy

Prediction 5:
Rollercoaster Pedagogy

High Speed
“In the largest galleries with the most components,
Serrell and Korn have found that visitors spend less
time in large exhibitions than in small exhibitions.
Visitors usually spend 14-30 min in a museum, with
80% of visitors staying, on average, less than 20 min”

Museum visitors are currently spending less time in

large exhibitions - we hypothesise that this could be
due to a lack of wayfinding, and storytelling to
encourage visitors to traverse between exhibit items.
What if museums enabled super fast experiences?
What if visitors were given the means to travel from
artefact to artefact at high speed?

Rollercoaster Pedagogy explores a world where you

can stop by a museum on your commute home
from work to immerse yourself in history at pace.

Source: Paying Attention: The Duration and Allocation of Visitors' Time in Museum Exhibitions
Prediction 5:
Rollercoaster Pedagogy

MpH = Museums per Hour

Funfair Galleries Drive Thru Museums
Combining the thrill of the Museums viewed from behind
funfair with the education of a the steering wheel. Disused car
museum. Bob up and down and parks are transformed into
round on a carousel of history. museums spaces, where visitors
See manuscript contents of can drive through to view an
yesteryear unfold as you slide exhibition at 5mph. Museum
down a helter skelter. View a staff don rollerskates to deliver
collection of Chinese ceramics information, and those that wish
as you wobble through a fun to stick around can finish off in a
house. Munch on buckets of museum diner.
nootropic infused popcorn to
fuel your thinking as you wonder
between museum rides.

Travelator scrolling
Imagine a museum that evolved
around you, whilst you travelled
along a travelator at high speed.
Everyday we scroll through
instagram - travelator scrolling
puts that scrolling action at our
feet, with content projected and
displayed around the visitor.
Hypothetical Scenario
- Rollercoaster Pedagogy
In the future museums have taken a Museums gradually become more
new approach to their location intertwined in the everyday - studies
strategy. The British Museum has found show that people are visiting museums
its lost items and has decided to on average once a week - a vast
innovate by opening up smaller, faster increase compared to past surveys (in
museums in local towns, in order to 2016, people were visiting museums
drive accessibility and create new only 3 - 4 times per year). Museums
reasons to visit its collections. span more age groups as the museum
visit seamlessly slots into the everyday
British Museum hubs target different consumer journey.
audiences with different formats:
• Commuters who are leaving town
to head back to their villages are
encouraged to head home via the
BM Drive Thru, to see bi-monthly
rotating collections so that they can
learn more about the history of
their local area
• Gen Alpha head to the BM funfair
at the weekend to learn about
unusual histories and to see
artefacts in a new light
• The British Museum takes over
travelators in airports and
underground stations, to enlighten
travellers with contextual exhibits
Prediction 6

Prediction 6:
Endless In-Betweens

Prediction 6:
Endless In-betweens

In Love with
Liminal spaces have become the source of immense
interest online in the last few years. 2019 saw the
emergence of The Backrooms - posts depicting eerily
deserted in-between spaces such as corridors and
waiting rooms.

To experience the backrooms, visitors explore and

endless maze of empty office rooms or other
institutional-like rooms, with no expectation or hope
of them ending. What unites them is an eerie sense
of abandonment.

The Backrooms are reached by you ‘noclipping out

of reality’ - accessed via digital glitches in graphic
code, meaning you can pass through walls or achieve
impossible feats.

#liminalspaces has amassed 100 million views on

TikTok, with videos finding entrances to the
backrooms on Google Earth growing popular.

In 2022, The Backrooms became its own game -

Escape the Backrooms, where players traverse
through eerie backrooms levels while avoiding
entities and other danger to try and escape.
Prediction 6:
Endless In-betweens

Finding The Backrooms

The Outernet and Beyond… Borderlands The World’s Most Beautiful Archive Sleepovers
This love of liminality has found its The liminal is an important Corridor Museums with collections are
way into the programming of the conceptual starting point for The world’s most beautiful corridor waking up to the fact that often
Outernet (the immersive video Bompas & Parr’s forthcoming is set to re-open at the end of this their most fascinating spaces are the
experience space at Centre Point in Museum of Shakespeare, situated year - The Vasari Corridor or archives. This is the case for
London) - with Liminal Lands by on and around the ruins of the Corridoio Vasariano in Florence, London’s Science Museum’s new
Jakob Kudsk Steensen. This piece Curtain Theatre in Shoreditch, leading from the Palazzo Piti and archive space, held in large WW2
created intriguingly liminal landscape London. Theatrical p-leisure was, in the Palazzo Vecchio. Over the aircraft hangars outside of the city.
textures between the physical and Shakespeare’s time, banned from centuries the corridor has been Far from the linearity of The Vasari
digital, making visible the otherwise taking place within the city walls - filled with priceless works of art, for Corridor, this is museum experience
unseen macro and microscopic forced onto the city’s edges. Part of the nobility to enjoy as they strode at its most explorative, non-linear
ecosystems of the wetlands of the job of the museum, then, is to in peace from one palace to the and immersive. What about archive
Southern France. re-awaken this ‘edgy’ nature of next. The 73 windows were sleepovers amidst the extraordinary
theatrical experience in this period gradually blocked to protect the collections of a museum like the
The Outenet is, itself, a deeply - while also allowing guests to paintings as the corridor was Science Museum? Allow kids
liminal type of experience - playing merge their creativity with that of opened to the public. Closed in (supervised of course), to set up
with the distinction between inside the bard himself. 2016 for renovation - the windows camp for the night, surrounded by a
and outside, public and private of the Vasari Corridor will be potentially never ending journey of
space. Expect more of this form of opened once again, allowing light to education and discovery.
blurring in the future. stream through the corridor once

2023 saw the start of construction

started on The Line - the much
anticipated line city in Saudi Arabia.
As the concept of the city moves
from a networked space, to a linear
space, we envision similar shifts in
the layouts of museum spaces.
What, we wonder, might the
curatorial challenges of the linear
museums of The Line be?
Predictive Territories - Summary

Super optimised spatial

Polarised Personalisation storytelling The Anti-Museum

The Ultimate Date Museum Rollercoaster Pedagogy Endless In-betweens

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