Amount paid: $
Presidents Choice Financial®
PC Insiders World Elite Mastercard®
MS STEPHANIE S SCHULTE - 5161 7922 3311 6256
Transaction Posting
date date
dd/mm dd/mm Account activity Amount
Transaction Posting
date date
dd/mm dd/mm Account activity Amount
Transaction Posting
date date
dd/mm dd/mm Account activity Amount
Interest rates
Interest charges Annual Daily
on this statement interest rate interest rate
For more details, see the Important information for you section or to check your
balance, visit
Important Information for you
For information about your account or to report a How we calculate interest Transactions in a foreign currency
lost or stolen card, call 1 866 246 PCMC (7262) Different rates of interest may apply to different Any transaction (debit or credit) made in a foreign
(Canada and U.S., toll free). types of interest-bearing transactions. For each currency will be converted to Canadian dollars at
Elsewhere, call collect 647 426 1343 type of interest-bearing transaction, the exchange rates determined by Mastercard
applicable Daily interest rate is the rate of International Incorporated in effect on the date
Write to: Presidents Choice Financial Mastercard interest that applies to that type of transaction that we process the transaction, which may be
P.O. Box 4403, STN A divided by the number of days in the year (365 different from the rates in effect on the
Toronto, ON days, except in a leap year, when it is 366 days). transaction date. The Mastercard exchange rate
M5W 5Y4 Your statement shows the annual rate of interest and the Foreign Currency Conversion Markup
Lost or stolen cards /unauthorized use of and the daily interest rate for each type of percentage, which is a percentage of the amount
account interest-bearing transaction made during the of the transaction that is charged for purchases
billing period covered by the statement, and any and cash advances and deducted from refunds
You must inform us immediately of any actual or
prior billing period to which interest applies. For and credits, are incorporated into the conversion
suspected loss or theft or any actual or suspected
each type of interest-bearing transaction, the rate and the Canadian dollar transaction amount
unauthorized use of your account or any cards,
average daily balance is the sum of all daily shown on your statement. The amount of a
convenience cheques, PIN or passwords for your
balances for that particular type of transaction purchase and any corresponding refund may
account by calling one of the 24-hour numbers
during the applicable billing period divided by the differ as a result of the Foreign Currency
shown above.
number of days in that billing period. Interest is Conversion Markup percentage and any
Errors in your statement calculated at the end of each billing period for differences in exchange rates from the date we
If you notice any errors in your statement, you each type of interest-bearing transaction by process the purchase transaction and the date we
must notify us as soon as possible and no later multiplying together: (i) the average daily balance process the refund transaction. If the amount of a
than 30 days from your statement date (mailed for that type of transaction, (ii) the applicable refund or credit is less than the amount of the
notices must be received by us within 30 days of daily interest rate, and (iii) the number of days in original transaction, you are responsible for the
your statement date). If we do not receive notice the applicable billing period. The interest difference.
from you within that 30 day time period, your calculated for each type of interest-bearing
statement will be considered by us complete and
Cash Limit and Cash Available
transaction is then added together, and the total
Your Cash Limit and Cash Available is as of the
accurate except for any improper credits to your is added to your account balance at the end of
date of this statement and may be changed
account or any transfers still being processed. The your billing period.
without further notice. Your daily cash limit may
notice you give us must identify your account, the
relevant transaction(s) and what you think the
Interest-free grace period on purchases be less than your credit limit and a daily
No interest will be charged on new purchases withdrawal limit may also apply. We may limit the
error is.
(meaning purchases which have not appeared on number and amount of cash advances and decline
Payments any previous statement), if you pay your current them for any reason.
You may pay your account balance in full at any statement balance by the payment due date. If
time. However, each billing period you must pay at
For more information
you do not pay your current statement balance in
To find out more about the features, rights and
least the amount shown as the Minimum payment full by its payment due date, the interest-free
obligations of your Presidents Choice Financial
on your statement by the Payment due date date grace period will not apply and interest will be
Mastercard including how we apply payments and
shown on your statement. You are responsible for charged on all billed purchases shown on your
credit balances to your account and the items
selecting a payment method which ensures that statement until you pay your current statement
addressed above, please refer to your Cardholder
your payment is received and applied by us to balance in full. There is no interest-free grace
Agreement or find it online by visiting our website
your account by the payment due date. Payments period on cash advances.
must be made in Canadian currency.
Interest on your statement
Credits from merchants (refunds) The interest shown covers the period up to the
If you return a purchase and we receive a credit statement date. Interest for the period after the
from the merchant, we will deduct the amount of statement date will appear on your next The cash limit is included in the credit limit. This is
the credit from the balance owing on your account. statement. not an additional amount.
Credits will not be treated like a payment made by
you, and do not count towards your Minimum
Available credit as noted on your statement
payment amount on your statement or towards This is the credit available to you as of the end of
payment in full of your statement balance. the period covered by your statement, provided
your account is in good standing.
Mastercard is a registered trademark, and the circles design is a trademark of Mastercard International Incorporated.
President's Choice Bank is a licensee of the marks.
Trademarks used under licence.
Presidents Choice Financial Mastercard is provided by Presidents Choice Bank.
The loyalty program is provided by President's Choice Services Inc.
To make a payment, you can register for telephone or internet banking through your financial institution. If you choose to mail your
payment, just send the bottom portion of your statement along with your cheque or money order payable to Presidents Choice
Financial Mastercard. For information on registering for Pre-Authorized Payments, please visit
· When you pay by mail, please allow sufficient time for delivery.
· Please do not send cash through the mail.
· Please write your account number on the front of the cheque.
· Please do not staple cheque to payment stub.