Persian Ky - 15
Persian Ky - 15
Persian Ky - 15
Chapter: 15
~ After the collapse of the Muslim Caliphate and the Byzantine empire, political power vacuum appears around the edges of the newly formed Ottoman Empire ~ The Mongols get driven from China in 1368 due to rebellion against the deeply unpopular leaders ~ Ming (meaning Brilliant) dynasty created, lasting until 1644 ~ Ming dynasty pushes Mongols back to the north plains of Asia (Mongolia) ~ Ming reestablishes influence in neighboring govts, like Korea, Vietnam, and Tibet, extract tribute payments from them ~ Ming gains power and dominance, and appears to b poised to fill the power vacuum, but instead withdraws to make internal improvements and therefore letting slip the chance for China to become the world power ~ Western Europeans capitalize on this chance, and European trade becomes increasingly dominant as it spreads to the Americas ~ However, despite trade dominance, Europe is unable to stop bitter strikes and peasant rebellion because it couldnt overcome its internal economic and demographic structure ~ However, strengthening feudal governments proved successful, and feudal wars led to innovations in military innovation, such as nonaristocratic mercenaries ~Mongols support of trade inadvertently spreads Asian technologies to the relatively simple West ~ China gains lots of trade experience under the Ming dynasty initially through unusual amounts of state sponsored trading expeditions ~ Chinese fleets include up to 2700 coastal boats, 400 naval ships, and at least 400 long distance trading ships, and 9 great treasure ships that plowed through the Indian Ocean, Persian Gulf, and the Red Sea establishing trade contacts ~ they eventually halt it to conserve money for battles with the Mongols and to improve internally at Beijing, as per Chinese traditions ~ The value of European exports never equaled the value of the goods it imported from China ~ Europeans send wool, tin, copper, honey, salt ~ Asians send luxuries such as cinnamon, nutmeg, silks, sugar, perfumes, jewels ~ Navigational expanses allow for more expansion past the Atlantic ~ Sufiism rises as Islamic religious leaders gain the upper hand over poets, philosophers, and scientists ~ Muslims are driven out of Portugal and Spain as Christian Europeans invade and conquer ~ Catholic church comes to terms with capitalism and
ECONOMIC Type of System Technology, Industry Trade, Commerce Capital/Money Types of Businesses
RELIGIOUS Holy Books Beliefs, Teaching Conversion Sin/Salvation Deities SOCIAL Family Gender Relations Social Classes Inequalities Life Styles INTELLECTUAL, ARTS Art, Music Writing, Literature Philosophy Math & Science Education NEAR: GEOGRAPHY Location Physical Movement Human/Environment Region
~ China maintains ethnocentric, xenophobic attitude ~ China reinstates negative view of merchants after the fall of the Mongols
~ As Sufi movement rises, literature emphasizing secular themes regresses, new art and poetry focuses on religion and piety, and religious poetry in particular becomes part of the education for upper class children ~ Renaissance political and cultural movement meaning rebirth, stressed secular subjects in lit and art, centered in Italy due to contact with Roman tradition ~ religious art continues in the Renaissance, but used more realistic portrayals, and some non religious themes as well ~ According to the Renaissance view, human achievements should be respected for what they were, not as a divine plan ~ Black death emerges in the East, decimates Chinas population (30% reduction), spreads west along the trade routes into India, the middle east, and eventually East Europe ~ Recurrent famines in Europe as population cant grow enough food on the land