Andi Aspian Nur Apsari-Fitk
Andi Aspian Nur Apsari-Fitk
Andi Aspian Nur Apsari-Fitk
A Skripsi
Andi Aspian Nur Apsari (11140140000064). The Effect of Using Posters on
Students’ Writing of Descriptive Text; (A Quasi-Experimental Study at the
Eighth-Grade Students of Mts.S Al-Ikhlas Lambuya in the Academic Year
2019/2020). A Skripsi of Department of English Education, Faculty of Tarbiyah
and Teaching Science. State Islamic University Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2019.
All praises be to Allah, the Lord of the world, who has given the Mercy and
Blessing so that the writer can complete the study to become this skripsi. Peace
and salutation always be upon the Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi
wasallam, his families, his companions, and his faithful followers.
Alhamdulillah, all obstacles the writer met from the beginning to the end of
this skripsi completion process can be solved until it can be presented to the
Department of English Education, Faculty of Educational and Teaching Sciences,
Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of S.Pd (strata 1) in English Education. This could not
happen without the help and support of many people who on this occasion the
writer would like to thank.
First, the writer would like to express his deepest gratitude for his beloved
parents, Mr Andi Syamsuddin and Mrs Andi Murni, My little sister Andi Alya
Nur Syahra for all the support, prayer, and patience waiting for this skripsi to be
completed. Furthermore, the writer would also like to express his utmost gratitude
and honor to his advisors, Dr. Fahriany, M.Pd. and Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. for
their time patiently giving the valuable advices and inputs to the writer from the
beginning to the end of writing this skripsi.
Therefore, the writer also would like to show his sincere gratitude and
appreciation to:
1. Dr. Sururin, M.Ag. as the Dean of Faculty of Educational and Teaching
2. Didin Nuruddin Hidayat, MA, Ph.D. as the Head of English Education
Department, Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum. as the Secretary of English Education
Department and the writer’s comprehension test examiner, Drs. Nasifudin
Jalil, M.Ag. and Mr. Zaharil Anasy, M.Hum as the writer’s comprehension
test examiner, Mr. Junaedi for all the help and convenience given to the writer
which without him maybe the writer has not finished his study yet, and all
lecturers in the English Education Department for the time, knowledge, and
motivation given to the writer for the past five years so that the writer could
complete his study.
3. The Head of Mts. S Al-ikhlas Lambuya Mr. Amir, M.Pd who has permitted
this research to be conducted, Ms. Asma Unaidah, S.Pd as the teacher in
Mts.s Al-ikhlas Lambuya who helped the writer did the research, and all the
eighth grade students of Mts.s Al-ikhlas Lambuya have become the data
source of this study. Thank you for the brief yet meaningful laughter and
4. His close friends (Andi Rahmat, S.Sos., Icang, Anis Hasib Abdurrahman,
Erni Duwiyanti, Elsa Nur Alipah, S.Pd., Syifa Fauziyah, Wahyu Khairunnisa,
S.Pd., Sarudin), DEE Class C 2014 and Team of PPKT SMP Dua Mei for all
the help and motivation that continuously given to the writer.
5. His beloved family A-Z, HmI Komisariat Tarbiyah Cabang Ciputat, Distrik
HmI PBI, IKA Al-ikhlas Lambuya, IKA Al-ikhlas JakBanJabar and Team of
Spectrum Tangsel you are all amazing.
6. And for everyone who has supported and contributed to the completion of
this skripsi that cannot be mentioned one by one. Finally, the writer realizes
this research is far from being perfect.
Therefore, the writer welcomes the corrections and suggestions given by the
readers to make this skripsi better.
A. Writing ............................................................................... 7
1. Definition of Writing.................................................... 7
2. Writing Process ............................................................ 8
3. Writing Purpose .......................................................... 13
B. Descriptive Text ................................................................ 13
1. Definition of Descriptive Text .................................... 13
2. Kinds of Descriptive Text ........................................... 14
3. Characteristics of Descriptive Text ............................. 15
4. Language Feature of Descriptive Text ........................ 16
5. Generic Structure of Descriptive Text ........................ 16
C. Media Poster ..................................................................... 17
1. Understanding Media and Poster ................................ 17
2. Characteristics of Poster .............................................. 19
3. Advantage of Poster .................................................... 19
D. Procedure in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text by
Using Posters ..................................................................... 20
E. Previous Related Study ..................................................... 21
F. Thinking Framework ......................................................... 22
G. Research Hypothesis ......................................................... 22
BIBLIOGRRAPHY .................................................................... 47
APPENDICES ............................................................................. 49
Appendix 1 Syllabus……………………………………………………….50
Appendix 2 Sample of Lesson Plan Experimental Class…………….…….56
Appendix 3 Sample of Lesson Plan Controlled Class …………………….63
Appendix 4 Kisi-kisi…………………………..…………………………...70
Appendix 5 Lembar Kerja Siswa…………………..…….………………...72
Appendix 6 Instrument Pre-test dan post-test.....…………….…………….73
Appendix 7 Hasil Kerja Siswa ………….………………………………....74
Appendix 8 Pengesahan Proposal Skripsi…………………………………77
Appendix 9 Surat Bimbingan Skripsi……..……………………………….78
Appendix 10 Surat Izin Penelitian…………………………………………..80
Appendix 11 Surat Keterangan Mengambil Penelitian……………………..81
Appendix 12 References Examination Paper……………………………….82
Appendix 13 Documentation………………………………………………..86
Writing means pouring what the writer thinks or feels that come across from
the writer’s mind in a written form. Apparently writing needs some efforts to gain
good result of a writing especially writing in foreign language. Many students in
class suffer the hard part of writing it is how about to start; how to start from
digging the information, express about the thing and choose the content. The
government try to find the effective and good ways in order to enhance the ability
in any part of subject in a school, include English. It is obviously can be seen from
the changing and evaluating the curriculum time by time.
Zunita Mohammad Maskor & Harun Baharudin. (2016), Receptive Vocabulary
Knowledge or Productive Vocabulary Knowledge in Writing Skill, Which One Important?, HR
Mars, Vol.6 (11), p. 265
John Langan, Exploring Writing: Sentence and Paragraphs, (New York: McGraw-Hill,
2010), p. 10
As many writing teachers have experienced, most of the main problem that
made students do not start to write because they feel unconfident and
unenthusiastic there may some reasons for them not to start to write, they never
written much in their first language or they think that they do not have anything to
say and cannot come up with ideas.5And writing needs to combine all the
techniques and abilities possessed by students both in terms of vocabulary and
sentence structure; combined sentences into a paragraph even text or essay. In
addition, the amount of using the same approach in learning English language
considered as a boring learning process activities that will arising students’
laziness. These problems drive student that writing as a big wall in learning
English language. The problems are coming from the way of the teachers when
they teach the language in a static way and the thing that teachers bring in a
learning process. The way of the teachers teach the language when they are using
the same strategy, it will reduce the change of the appropriate way to teach the
language because each student has their own approach. By using the various
approaches or strategies, it will help the teacher to find the best way to teach the
language. And the thing that teachers bring is another factor of the way to teach
English because when the teachers using a thing like realia, model and graphic
Rosya Kurniati, The Effectiveness of Using Picture on Students’ Writing of Recount Text,
(Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015), p. 2.
Ariyanti. (2016), The Teaching of EFL Writing in Indonesia, Dinamika Ilmu, Vol. 16
(2), p.264
Jeremy Harmer. The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th Edition). (London:
Pearson, 2007), p. 329
materials it will arise the attention of the students in a class. The use of the
strategy and thing can facilitate the teacher in order to make students exited in
learning the language.
Based on preliminary observation that the writer has conducted, there are
some obstacles faced by students while they are studying. The first is the usage of
media that used by teacher is limited, so in the learning process the students
dominantly gain the same technique time by time so that the variation of the
learning process is almost the same that caused the laziness of the students in
learning the subject arise. The second is English considering as one of the
toughest subject in the school. English is not easy to be learned because the
formulation of composing the word on language is different from our mother
tongue even our lingua franca. The next is students unhabituated to write even in
their first language besides writing will stimulate their brain to say what they are
thinking about. The forth is the students sometimes could not put the part of
speech, tenses and systematic rules in certain type of text. The next is the students
cannot compose the word into sentences or paragraph. The sixth is the teacher still
trying to find the appropriate ways to pump up the motivation in learning the
Descriptive writing is a text type which describe about person, place, or thing
as if the reader can see, feel, hear, or touch it in order to describe about certain
people or things. Descriptive text functionally used to describe something in a
detail so that the reader can understand even imagine the thing that described even
though they have not seen it before. According to Langan, “The main purpose of a
descriptive essay is to make readers see or hear, taste, smell, or feel what you are
writing about.6 In introducing descriptive text, the teacher usually facilitate
students with a visual aid to stimulant the student so that they will feel enthusiast
and focus while teaching descriptive text. As stated by Smaldino, one role that
John Langan, College Writing Skills (8th Edition). (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010), p.
visuals definitely play is to provide a concrete referent for ideas 7. Visual also can
motivate learners by attracting their attention, holding their attention and
generating emotional responses8.There are some students who understand lesson
visually. Furthermore, visual could make students easy to understand the
information even the difficult one.
The use of visual aid such as posters is commonly applied in learning process
because with posters, students are expected to increase their attention to the
learning process.
Posters can be used as learning media or resource for student because poster
could simplify message and understandable by seeing the poster. In this way, not
only students feel facilitated, but teachers also because posters guarantee the
effectiveness and the efficiency at the time. The main reason the writer chose
posters because posters have powerful message that could grab the students’
attention and communicate the message quickly.
Based on the problem and explanation above, the writer would like to conduct
a research entitled The Effect of Using Poster on Students’ Writing of
Descriptive text (A Quasi-Experimental Research at the Eighth Grade
Students of MTs Al-Ikhlas Lambuya academic year 2018/2019).
Sharon E. Heinich, Robert Russel and James D. Smaldino, Instructional Technology
and Media for Learning (8th Edition). (Ohio: Pearson, 2004), p.82.
Sharon E. Heinich, Robert Russel and James D. Smaldino, Loc, Cit.
According to the formulation of the problems above, the objective of the study
is to get empirical evidence does using poster is effective towards students’
writing descriptive text at the eighth grade of MTs Al-Ikhlas Lambuya academic
year 2018/2019.
The result of the research is expected could define the problems in teaching
Jeremy Harmer, How to Teach Writing, (Essex: Pearson Education, 2004), p.3
Luu Trong Tuan, “Teaching Writing through Reading Integration”, Journal of Language
Teaching and Research, Vol. 3 No. 3, 2012, p. 489.
product”.3The process is the activity of bringing together writing ideas and using
them so that they become a writing product can be understood and understood
by the reader.
Furthermore, Oshima and Hogue state writing is a process of creating,
organizing, writing, and polishing.4In this process, one creates ideas, organizes
the ideas, writes a rough draft and the final step one polishes the rough draft by
editing it and making revisions. This means that when someone is writing
something, one has thought about what he will say and the purpose of writing
for the readers. When the writing process is finished, he as the writer will re-read
to find out if there are errors or words that need to be replaced. Therefore,
writing is never a one-step action; it is a process that has several steps.
Based on the definitions above, we can conclude that writing is an activity
to organize ideas in the mind to be conveyed and communicated to the reader in
a way that is acceptable and understood.
2. Writing Process
Writing process is very important for students in learning a language; as
they need to learn to speak fluently, they also need to learn to write fluently. The
writing process can help students compose their thoughts or ideas in the form of
final writings that the reader can accept and understand. Oshima and Hogue
mentioned there are four steps in writing process, they are creating (pre-writing),
planning (outlining), writing, polishing.5
a. Creating (Pre-writing)
Pre-writing is a step that is definitely done before writing. This step is
where the author selects the topic and gets information about the topic that has
been chosen. There are several brainstorming techniques that will help students
to develop a topic and get a word:
Caroline Linse and David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching: Young Learners,
(New York: McGraw Hill Companies, 2005), p. 98.
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, Writing Academic English, (Pearson Longman, 2005), p.
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit., pp. 265-273.
1) Journal Writing
In a journal writing, students can write daily activities, note advice that
are meaningful to them, maybe also a meaningful dream, or a discussion of a
problem that students do with themselves. A personal journal can be a very
valuable source and since it is owned by the author oneself so that one can
freely express one thought without having to consider the opinions of others.6
2) Listing
The listing is the next brainstorming technique where the author will
write anything that comes to mind as quickly as possible when it comes to
them in the state of they think about a topic. This aims to make as many ideas
as possible in the shortest possible time and find focus on the topic.
3) Free Writing
With limited time, students are ordered to make a single word or phrases
related to the topic. The limited time obligate students thinking fast. Free
Writing is a brainstorming activity in which it is free to write about a topic
since the main objective of the step is for looking a specific focus without
thinking about appropriateness, grammar, spelling, logic, or organization.7
Here is the procedure of free writing:
a) Write the topic at the top of the paper.
b) Write as much as one can about the topic until one run out of ideas.
Include such supporting items as facts, details, and examples that come
into one’s mind about the subject.
c) After one has run out of ideas, reread the paper and circle the main idea(s)
that one would like to develop.
d) Take each main idea and free write again.
4) Clustering
Student’s form word related to a stimulus supplied by teacher. The word
are circled and then linked by lines to show discernible cluster. Clustering is
simple powerful strategy.
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit.,p. 266.
Ibid., p. 268.
b. Planning (outlining)
After choose the topic, narrow it, and generate the ideas by brainstorming,
the next step of writing process is organizing the ideas into an outline. The steps
that needed to do are making sub lists, then writing the topic sentence, and make
the outline.
c. Writing
In this step, one needs to write the rough draft. The point is to get the
thoughts down on paper.8Follow the outline as closely as possible, and don't
worry about grammar, punctuation, or spelling because a rough draft is not meant
to be perfect. There are always new ideas arise along with someone writing, so do
not be fixated on the outline that has been made. These ideas can be recreated,
replaced, added, or deleted as long as they are in accordance with the topic of
d. Polishing
This step is also called revising and editing. Revising is used to deal with
the big issues of content and organization, where editing is used to work on the
smaller issues of grammar and punctuation. After one writes the rough draft, the
next step is to revise it in order to improve what has been written. At this rate, the
content and organization, including unity, coherence, and logic needed to be
considered. The second step in polishing the writing is by proofreading (editing)
the paper for possible errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, and
Based on Binder and Lopez-Nerney as stated by Rosya Kurniati’s skripsi
there are three stages of writing – planning, writing and finalizing which are
divided into some parts in each stage. Planning is divided into four stages –
formulating a question, determining purpose and audiences, generating ideas and
organizing/outlining. Writing is divided into drafting and revising, and the final
Caroline Linse and David Nunan, op.cit., p. 107.
Alice Oshima and Ann Hogue, op.cit., p. 273.
their mind about a topic. The objective is to allow ideas just come and flow onto
paper. The other step is mind-mapping, which is in form of drawing of branches.
Mind-mapping not only helps in generating ideas but also in organizing them.
This method helps writers develop new ideas by finding connections to their
original thoughts.
4) Organizing/Outlining
When the first three stages are done, the next stage is to choose information
which writers want to put in their writing. By noticing ideas which best respond
to the question writers formulated, this stage can be done. After that, categorize
the different types of information and organize them so the readers can follow
writers’ thought easily.
b. Writing
1) Drafting
Draft is an attempt of the first complete writing based on the outline.
Additional drafts continue to build on the foundation of the first draft. At final
writing, a number of drafts may be produced. While making a draft, writers
should concern about the ideas and the organization of them and should not
spend much time worrying about grammar.
2) Revising
Revising is to check organization of the paragraphs and the clarity of the
ideas which should be explained logically and clearly. From revising stage,
writers should get feedback from another reader. It can be gotten from teacher,
students or someone who is equal to the writers. The way to get feedback from
someone who has equal information or knowledge is called peer feedback or peer
c. Finalizing
1) Editing
Editing is checking process for spelling, punctuation and grammar errors.
Besides, writers should check the flow of their idea. Writers can read their
writing aloud to help spot any errors and check for any sections or parts. More
skilled writers tend to look at issues of general meaning and overall structure
3. Writing Purpose
Marjorie Farmer describes the purpose of writing as follow: 11
a. To clarify a thought, a feeling, an impression, or an experience for a
b. To provide information for readers,
c. To persuade readers to accept an idea,
d. To create a piece of imaginative literature that a reader might enjoy.
B. Descriptive Text
1. Definition of Descriptive Text
Siburian defines a descriptive text as “a piece of writing that is intended
to convey meaning to the reader through sensory details and provides image to
the reader.”12Kane in Maisitoh and Suprijadi states the same thing as
“description is about sensory experience how something looks, sounds, tastes.
Marjorie Farmer, Composition and Grammar II, Steps in The Writing Process, (San
Fransisco: Laid law Brothers Pub, a Division of DoubleDay & Company, Inc. 1985), p.13
Tiur Asih Siburian, “Improving Students’ Achievement on Writing Descriptive Text
through Think Pair Share”, International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics
World (IJLLALW), Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013, p. 33.
Mostly is about visual experience, but description also deals with other kinds
of perception.”13
In addition, Gerot and Wignell in Maisitoh and Suprijadi also define
descriptive text as “a kind of text which is aimed to describe a particular
person, place or things.”14 This is in line with Siberian that states descriptive
text as “a paragraph that is defined as a group of sentences that are closely
related in thought and which serve one comment purpose often used to
describe what a person looks like and acts like, what a place looks like and
what an object looks like”.15
From the definitions mentioned above, it can be conclude that
descriptive text is a text for describe person, animal or a thing by visual
experience. It is used to create a visual image of people, place, or things in a
distinct way that the reader can get into the author's experience.
Siti Masitoh and Dasep Suprijadi, “Improving Students’ Ability in Writing Descriptive
Text Using Genre Based Approach (GBA) at the Eight Grade Students of SMP Islam Terpadu
Fitrah Insani”, ELTIN Journal, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2015, p. 40
Tiur Asih Siburian, op.cit., pp.33-34.
Ibid., p. 34.
Siti Masitoh and Dasep Suprijadi, op.cit., p. 41.
C. Media Poster
1. Understanding Media and Poster
The word media comes from Latin, which is medius which literally means
middle, intermediary, or introduction. In addition, the word media also comes
from Latin which is the plural form of the word medium, and literally means
intermediary or introduction, namely the intermediary for the introduction of
the message source with the recipient of the message.19 In learning process,
media is a physical facilities to convey the content in a learning process.
Media in learning is a container of messages, the material to be conveyed
is the learning message. The goal to be achieved is the learning process. The
creative use of media will increase the possibility for students to learn more,
keep in mind what they learn well, and improve their performance in
performing skills according to the learning objectives. In using a media in
learning process will solve the obstacle of students with different style in
earning the lesson.20
The use of media is very helpful to deliver a message from the picture and
keep the attention from the students but it does not mean change the function
of teacher but the media just help the teacher to teach the lesson and help the
students to understand the lesson easily. By using a media the teacher learn
how to manage the class while in learning process so that it will be very
interesting and then students can learn the lesson through media with fun.
Poster is one of the graphic media that has the most strength as a medium
for delivering messages. Graphic media is visual media that presents facts,
ideas, and ideas through words or images. This media functions to channel
messages from the message source to the recipient of the message, attract
attention, clarify the presentation of ideas, illustrate facts that are quickly
Rudi Susilana dan Cepi Riyana, Media Pembelajaran, (Bandung: CV Wacana Prima,
2009), p. 6.
Mohamad Zaid Mohd Zin, Educational Technology Media Method in Teaching and
Learning Progress, American Journal of Applied Sciences Vol. 9 No. 6, 2012, p. 876 Accessed on
17th September 2018.
Megawati, Pengaruh Media Poster Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kosakata Bahasa Inggris,
Getsempena English Education Journal (GEEJ) Vol. 4 No. 2 November 2017, p. 111 Accessed on
9th November 2018.
Megawati, loc, cit.
new experience and transferring the message. The flexibility of the media also
being a consideration in teaching because media reach any level of students.
2. Characteristics of Poster
Poster is a kind of picture that has its own characteristic such as:
a. It is like picture
b. It is used to give some information or ideas
c. It has interesting thing
d. It can take people’s attention easily
e. It has one or more ideas through the fact on it
f. It is brave, dynamic, directly and surprised for readers
g. It is well organized, interesting, and easy to be understood
h. It has an appropriate and clear message.
3. Advantages of Poster
The benefits obtained from the use of media poster are:
a. Improve taste
b. Mutual understanding and sympathy in the classroom
c. Produce significant changes in student behavior
d. Demonstrate the relationship between subjects and needs, as well as
student interest with increasing student learning motivation
e. Bring freshness and variety to students' learning experiences
f. Making learning outcomes more meaningful for various students'
g. Encourage the meaningful use of subjects by involving imagination
and active participation that increases learning outcomes.
h. Provide the necessary feedback, which can help students discover how
much they have learned
i. Complete a rich experience with knowledge of concepts that are
meaningful and can be developed
Arief S. Sadiman dkk, Media Pendidikan, (Jakarta, Rajawali Pers, 2009), p. 29.
Arief S. Sadiman dkk, op, cit., p.31.
The similarities between the writer’s research and this research are the writer
uses writing approach and media as a learning instrument. The differences are the
writer research conducting in junior high school not senior high school and the
media that used are posters not pictures.
F. Thinking Framework
The writing skill is one of skills in English language. It is the most complex
skill because when teaching it, many students still lack of vocabulary, grammar,
and knowledge of writing systems. To overcome the problems, the writer uses
poster in students’ writing descriptive to show the effectiveness of using poster in
writing descriptive.
Figure 2.1
G. Research Hypothesis
Based on the theories and thinking framework above, therefore, a research
hypothesis is formulated as follow:
There is effectiveness of using poster towards students’ writing descriptive
Table 3.1
Quasi-Experimental Designs
Pre-and Post-test Design Time
Select Control
Pre-test No treatment Post-test
Experimental Pre-test Experimental Treatment Post-test
John W. Cresswell, Education Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th ed., (Boston: Pearson Education, 2012), p.295.
Donald Ary,, Introduction to Research in Education Eight Edition, (Belmont:
Nelson Education, 2010), p.148
Cresswell, op.cit., p.297
Table 3.2
Scale for assessing the students’ Writing Descriptive Text
Component of
Score Indicators
6 Few noticeable of grammar or word order.
Some errors of grammar or word order which do
not, however, interfere with comprehension.
Errors of grammar and word order fairly frequent;
4 occasional re-reading necessary for full
Errors grammar and word order frequent; effort of
interpretation sometimes required on reader‟s part.
Error of grammar and word order very frequent;
reader often has to rely on own interpretation.
Errors of grammar and word order so severe as to
make comprehension virtually impossible.
Arthur Hughes, Testing for Language Teachers Second Edition, (Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press, 2003), p.101-102
1. Preliminary Test
Preliminary analysis was the first step that should be done after collecting
all data of the research. It was useful to know whether the data were qualified or
not. In this step, the normality test and the homogeneity test were analyzed.
a. Normality Test
Normality test was one of the crucial requirements that should be followed
in analyzing the data of the research. It was done to examine if the distribution
of data collected was normal or not. The analysis of normality test in this
research used Kolmogorov Smirnov by using SPSS software. Then, if the
normality score was more than 0.05, it could be said that the distribution data
were normal. On the contrary, if the score of normality test showed less than
0.05, it could be concluded that the distribution data were not normal. By
using SPSS, the steps to normality test are:
b. Homogeneity Test
Homogeneity test was used to test whether the data from two groups had
the same variant. Like normality test, this test also used SPSS software. This
research also used Kolmogorov Smirnov with α=0.05. The data can be said
homogenous if the homogeneity score was more than 0.05. The steps to test
homogeneity are:
2. T-test
As mentioned before, t-test was used to know the effect of using posters.
The researcher used t-test to determine whether the null hypothesis or alternative
hypothesis, is accepted or rejected. The t-test used in this research specifically is
Independent-samples T-test with a two-tailed test of significance. If the result
indicates p-value or Sig (2-tailed) higher than the significance level of Sig α=0.05
(5%), then, the null hypothesis is accepted. On the contrary, if p-value is lower
than Sig α=0.05 (5%), then the alternative hypothesis is accepted.
( )
Pooles Standard Derivation
After obtaining the result, then they can be interpreted based on the
criteria: 0-0.2=weak effect; 0.21-0.5= modest effect; 0.51-1.00= moderate
effect size; and >1.00 = strong effect.6
H. Statistical Hypothesis
After calculating the data by using t-test, the researcher uses criteria with
significance degree 0.05 for testing the hypothesis. The calculating of
statistical measurement as follows:
Daniel Muijs, Doing Quantitative Research in Education, (London: Sage Publications,
2004), p. 136.
Ibid., p. 139.
A. Research Finding
1. Data Description
In this chapter, the writer shows the result of the tests that has been given to
the students that obtained from the research. The data is from both experimental
class and control class. The test result consist of pre-test that was conducted at the
beginning of the research and the post-test at the end of the research.
In the experimental class, it submitted from 34 students the mean score of pre-
test is 43.82with the highest score is 70 and the lowest score is 20. Meanwhile, the
mean of the post-test relatively ascended with 62.50 mean score which is for the
highest score is 80 and 40 as the lowest score. The difference score between pre-
test and post-test showed that the post-test is higher than the pre-test with 18.67.
For the detailed score result, it can be seen in table 4.1.
Table 4.1
Experimental Class
Students’ ID Gained Score
Pre-Test Post-Test
A1 50 75 25
A2 60 65 5
A3 30 70 40
A4 40 55 15
A5 40 50 10
A6 40 75 35
A7 20 50 30
A8 50 60 10
A9 30 50 20
A10 65 75 10
A11 40 60 20
A12 60 65 5
A13 70 75 5
A14 20 55 35
A15 60 60 0
A16 65 75 10
A17 50 60 10
A18 45 40 -5
A19 50 45 -5
A20 60 75 15
A21 45 75 30
A22 20 50 30
A23 50 40 -10
A24 30 60 30
A25 20 65 45
A26 60 80 20
A27 45 65 20
A28 50 65 15
A29 50 50 0
A30 60 80 20
A31 20 70 50
A32 30 70 40
A33 20 60 40
A34 45 60 15
∑ 1490 2125 635
Mean 43.82 62.50 18.67
Maximum Score 70 80 45
Minimum Score 20 40 -10
In the experimental class, it submitted from 34 students the mean score of pre-
test is 47.50with the highest score is 70 and the lowest score is 20. Meanwhile, the
mean of the post-test relatively ascended with 53.08 mean score which is for the
highest score is 80 and 20 as the lowest score. The difference score between pre-
test and post-test showed that the post-test is higher than the pre-test with 5.58.
For the detailed score result, it can be seen in table 4.2.
Table 4.2
Control Class
Students’ ID Gained Score
Pre-Test Post-Test
A1 60 65 5
A2 60 60 0
A3 45 30 -15
A4 20 40 20
A5 20 40 20
A6 60 55 -5
A7 55 50 -5
A8 60 60 0
A9 40 40 0
A10 60 75 15
A11 30 40 10
A12 20 30 10
A13 70 80 10
A14 60 50 -10
A15 60 65 5
A16 40 50 10
A17 20 45 25
A18 40 60 20
A19 50 60 10
A20 50 55 5
A21 70 70 0
A22 40 20 -20
A23 50 45 -5
A24 30 65 35
A25 60 55 -5
A26 30 20 -10
A27 65 70 5
A28 40 40 0
A29 40 55 15
A30 60 65 5
A31 65 70 5
A32 50 50 0
A33 40 60 20
A34 55 70 15
∑ 1615 1805 190
Mean 47.50 53.08 5.58
Maximum Score 70 80 35
Minimum Score 20 20 -20
As the data result that had been shown in descriptive statistics above, it is then
compared to figure out the general explanation of the scores between experimental
and control class and then it will used to see the progress in each class. It can be
seen to the following figure:
Mean Score
Pre-test Post-test Gained score
Classes Progress
Experimental Class Control Class
To calculate the normality of the test, in this case to know the data from two
classes have been normally distributed or not. The writer used Komogrov-
Smirnov.Spss was used to analyze the data. The result can be seen as follow:
Table 4.3
Normality Test Result of Pre-test and Post-test
in Experimental Class and control Class
b. Homogeneity Test
After normality test, the writer did the homogeneity test in order to test the
similarity of the sample in both classes. The writer used Levene statistic to
calculate the homogeneity test. The result are presented as follows:
Table 4.4
Homogeneity test result of Pre-test and Post-test
The homogeneity test result showed that the pre-test from both classes is
0.905 as the significance of the data, which is higher than α= 0.05 (0.905>0.05).
Therefore, based on the pre-test result, the classes have homogeneous variances.
Moreover, the result of the post-test from both classes is 0.118 as the significance
of the data which is higher also than α= 0.05 (0.118>0.05). From the result of the
data the writer could conclude that the both of the classes are homogeneous.
After finishing the normality and homogeneity test, the data was calculated by
using t-test to figure out the effectiveness of using posters students’ writing of
descriptive text in experimental class and students’ writing of descriptive text in
control class in this case without using any posters. The data was from the mean
score of post-test experimental and control class. The standard significance was
0.05, the result of hypothesis test by using SPSS 24 could be presented as follows:
Table 4.5
The Result of T-test scores
Table 4.6
Independent Sample Test of Experimental Class and Control Class
In table 4.5 and 4.6, it shows the result of t-test analysis of pre-test and post-
test score in experimental class and control class. We can see two tables presented
as the result of t-test data analysis, the Group Statistics and Independent Sample
Test. The table in Group Statisticspresent the general of the data, including sample
size, mean, standard deviation and standard error mean. In addition, the data that
used later on will be needed to count the effect size of the data.
The Independent Sample Test used to read the result. In analyzing the data, the
equal variances assumed is used to read the result because the data is
homogeneous as previously recognized. From the table in pre-test, the
independent sample test shows a result of p-value or sig (2-tailed) =1.000.As this
research refers to a significance level of sigα= 0.05 (5%), therefore, the p-value is
higher than the significance value.
In other words, when p-value =1.000 ≥ sig α= 0.05, so the null hypothesis is
accepted while the alternative hypothesis is rejected. This proves that there is no
statistical significances of the pre-test result between the two classes.
While the post-test score in experimental class and control class after the
experimental group was given a treatment with posters and the control class with
lecturing and group discussion. In similar to the t-test result of pre-test, the
independent sample test resulted p-value or sig (2-tailed) = 0.005. From the result,
it can be concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and the alternative
hypothesis is accepted because p-value (0.005) is still on the place sig α= 0.05
In addition to t-test analysis of pre-test and post-test score, the gained score of
pre-test and post-test result is also analyzed as shown in Table 4.7. Based on the
table, the independent sample test resulted p-value or sig α= 0.05 (2-tailed)=
0.000. From the result, it can be concluded that the null hypothesis is rejected and
the alternative hypothesis is accepted because p-value (0.000) is less than sig α=
0.05 (5%).
Table 4.7
T-test Result of Gained Scores
d. Effect Size
In final, since the t-test result proved statistical significance in the post-test
and gained scores result, the writer analyzed the effect size of the t-test result in
order to find out the level of significance on the effect (weak or strong).
To get the effect size, the calculation refers to Cohen’s d effect size
calculation. In this calculation, mean and the standard deviations of pre-test and
post-test of both classes (experimental and control class) are required which have
been obtained earlier in t-test result from the group Statistics table. The effect size
result is recapitulated in Table 4.8.
Table 4.8
The Effect Size Result
Statistics of Post-test Control Class Experimental Class
Mean 53.08 62.50
Std. Deviation 15.025 11.231
Effect Size 0.7*
*the result is obtained by manual calculating using cohen’sd formula
d= ; =
(1) =
(2) d = = 0.7
In the Table 4.8, it shows that the effect size or the level of significance effect
is 0.7. It indicates that there is a moderate effect of using posters on students’
writing descriptive text. This is based on Cohen’s d effect size criteria in which
0.7 ranges in moderate effect scale that is close to the strong effect scale.
B. Discussion
In the description of the data which was taken from 34 students of the
experimental class, Table 4.1 showed the description of the experimental class
score which has the mean score of pre-test 43.82 before using posters was
implementing. After implementing posters as a media in learning process, the
mean score of the experimental class ascended to 62.50. Meanwhile, in the Table
4.2 showed the mean score of the control class in pre-test was 47.50, little bit
higher than the mean score in experimental class and the post-test mean score was
53.08, lower than the experimental class has gained. Both classes in post-test have
Based on Table 4.5 also showed that the experimental class (mean= 62.50,
Standard Deviation=11.23) and the controlled class (mean= 53.08, Standard
Deviation= 15.02). Furthermore, in Table 4.6 it can be seen that the result of value
is 2.871 followed by sig. (2-tailed) 0.095. The value is compared to the table to
know whether using poster as a media has an effect to improve students’ writing
of descriptive text or not.
In addition, based on the calculation of the t-test that H0 was rejected and H1
was accepted if p < α. However, if p > α, H0 was accepted and Ha was rejected.
Based on the calculation, the result of p was lower than α, which was 0.095 <
0.05. Therefore, Ha was accepted and H0 was rejected. Thus, there is a significant
difference between the students’ score in writing test using Poster as a media and
the students’ score in writing test without using Poster as a media at eighth-grade
students of Mts.s Al-ikhlas Lambuya.
A. Conclusion
Based on the research in chapter IV, it proved that the posters as a media has a
significant effect on students’ writing of descriptive text at eight grade students of
MTs.s Al-ikhlasLambuya. It is explained that the using of Posters is more
effective than the ordinary teaching learning. In the statistical hypothesis, Ha will
accepted and Ho will rejected if α= 0.05 < Sig. 2 tailed. It is shown the
independent sample t-test result of p-value (2-tailed) = 2.925 in the post-test and
0.000 in gained score. The obtained p-value is less than sigα= 0.05 (5%),
therefore, the null hypothesis (Ho) of the research is rejected and the alternative
hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. It strengthen by the effect size by using Cohen’s
which resulted 0.7 that enough to the strong effect scale. Moreover, the mean
score of the experimental class is higher than the mean of the control class. It is
indirectly explain that the using of poster as a media is significant and positive to
the learning process in the class especially writing descriptive text.
In conclusion, the research has proven that posters as a media improved the
students’ writing ability of descriptive text at the eighth grade of Mts.s Al-ikhlas
Lambuya in academic year 2019/2020.
B. Suggestion
The research found that the using of posters is effective on students’ writing of
descriptive text with the strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the researcher
would like to give the suggestions that hopefully useful for students, teachers and
other researchers who are dedicated their research in writing activities by using
posters as media in descriptive text. Some suggestions that may be important to be
considered are:
2. For Students
Students can use posters as a facility to practice and drill their writing skill
in descriptive text. For the students who find some struggles, this method can
facilitate and help to describe anything that you want to describe. With
continual practice by using this method, the students’ writing skill hopefully
will eventually improve.
Ariyanti. The Teaching of EFL Writing in Indonesia, Dinamika Ilmu, Vol. 16 (2),
Ary, Donald. Introduction to Research in Education Eight Edition, Belmont:
Nelson Education, 2010.
Asih Siburian, Tiur. “Improving Students’ Achievement on Writing Descriptive
Text through Think Pair Share”, International Journal of Language
Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), Vol. 3 No. 3, 2013.
Cresswell, John W. Education Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating
Quantitative and Qualitative Research, 4th ed., Boston: Pearson Education,
E. Heinich, Robert Russel, Sharon and D. Smaldino, James. Instructional
Technology and Media for Learning (8th Edition). Ohio: Pearson, 2004.
Farmer, Marjorie, Composition and Grammar II, Steps in The Writing Process,
(San Fransisco: Laid law Brothers Pub, a Division of DoubleDay &
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Harmer, Jeremy. How to Teach Writing, Essex: Pearson Education, 2004
Harmer, Jeremy. The Practice of English Language Teaching (4th Edition).
London: Pearson, 2007.
Hughes, Arthur. Testing for Language Teachers Second Edition, (Cambridge:
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Kurniati, Rosya. The Effectiveness of Using Picture on Students’ Writing of
Recount Text, Jakarta: UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2015.
Langan, John. College Writing Skills (8th Edition). New York: McGraw-Hill,
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Learners, New York: McGraw Hill Companies, 2005.
Sekolah : MTs Al-Ikhlas Amberi
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris
Kelas : VIII
Kompetensi Inti :
3.1 Menerapkan Teks deskriptif pendek Mengamati KRITERIA PENILAIAN 16 JP Buku Teks wajib
struktur teks dan dan sederhana, tentang
Siswa menyalin dengan tulisan Tingkat ketercapaian Keteladanan
unsur kebahasaan orang, binatang, dan
tangan yang rapi beberapa teks ucapan dan
untuk benda fungsi sosial teks
deskriptif tentang orang, tindakan guru
melaksanakan deskriptif tentang
Fungsi sosial binatang, dan benda, sangat menggunakan
fungsi sosial teks orang, binatang,
pendek dan sederhana dari setiap tindakan
deskriptif dengan Membanggakan, menjual, benda, pendek dan
berbagai sumber, dengan komunikasi
menyatakan dan mengenalkan, sederhana.
menggunakan ejaan dan tanda interpersonal/
menanyakan mengidentifikasi, baca dengan benar. Tingkat kelengkapan transaksional
tentang deskripsi mengkritik, dsb. dan keruntutan dalam dengan benar dan
orang, binatang, Siswa membaca dan menyebutkan dan akurat
dan benda, pendek Struktur text mendengarkan teks-teks tersebut menanyakan tentang
dan sederhana, (gagasan utama dan untuk memahami isi pesannya. deskripsi orang, Contoh teks dari
sesuai dengan informasi rinci) sumber otentik
Dengan bimbingan guru, siswa binatang, benda dalam
a. Menyebutkan nama mengidentifikasi fungsi teks derkriptif. Sumber dari
penggunaan nya .
orang, binatang, benda sosialnya, struktur teks internet, seperti:
Tingkat ketepatan
4.11 Menangkap makna dan nama bagian- (termasuk a.l. gagasan utama dan unsur kebahasaan: tata - www.dailyengli
dalam teks bagiannya yang dipilih informasi rinci), dan unsur bahasa, kosa kata,
deskriptif lisan dan untuk dideskripsikan kebahasaan dari setiap teks ucapan, tekanan kata,
tulis, pendek dan tersebut. - http://americane
b. Menyebutkan sifat orang, intonasi, ejaan, tanda
binatang, benda dan Menanya baca, kerapihan
4.12 Menyusun teks files/ae/resource
bagiannya, dan tulisan tangan.
deskriptif lisan dan Dengan bimbingan dan arahan _files
tulis, pendek dan c. Menyebutkan tindakan guru, siswa menanyakan dan Sikap tanggung jawab, - http://learnenglis
dari atau terkait dengan mempertanyakan tentang fungsi kerjasama, cinta
sederhana, tentang h.britishcouncil.
orang, binatang, benda sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur damai, dan percaya
orang, binatang, org/en/
yang semuanya sesuai kebahasaan dari setiap teks diri yang menyertai
dan benda, dengan
dengan fungsi sosial yang tersebut. tindakan menyebutkan -
hendak dicapai. dan menanyakan
fungsi sosial,
Mengumpulkan Informasi tentang deskripsi
struktur teks, dan
Panjang teks: kurang lebih orang, binatang,
unsur kebahasaan Secara kolaboratif, siswa
yang benar dan 6 (tiga) kalimat. mencari dan mengumpulan benda, dalam teks
sesuai konteks. beberapa teks deskriptif tentang deskriptif.
Unsur kebahasaan orang, binatang, dan benda,
(1) Penyebutan kata benda sangat pendek dan sederhana
singular dengan a dan dari berbagai sumber, termasuk
the, dan plural (-s). dari internet, film, koran, CARA PENILAIAN:
majalah, buku teks, dsb.
(2) Kata ganti it, they, she, Kinerja (praktik)
we, dst.; our, my, your, Siswa membaca rujukan dari
Tugas menganalisis dan
their, dst. berbagai sumber, termasuk buku
menghasilkan teks
teks, untuk mengetahui fungsi
(3) Kata sifat tentang deskriptif tentang orang,
sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur
orang, binatang, benda binatang, benda nyata di
kebahasaan dari teks deskriptif
dalam kehidupan siswa lingkungan sekitar.
tentang orang, binatang, dan
di rumah, sekolah, dan benda.
sekitarnya, dengan atau Observasi:
tanpa kata keterangan Siswa membaca semua teks (penilaian yang bertujuan
quite, very. deskriptif tentang orang, untuk memberikan
binatang, dan benda yang telah balikan secara lebih
(4) Frasa nominal seperti terkumpul tsb., secara lebih cepat)
dark brown, cute little cermat dengan cara
cat, beautiful red Observasi terhadap
mengidentifikasi dan tindakan siswa
flower menyebutkan: menggunakan bahasa
(5) Kata kerja untuk - fungsi sosial setiap teks Inggris untuk
menyatakan keadaan menyebutkan dan
dan tindakan rutin - nama orang, binatang, benda
menanyakan deskripsi
dalam simple present yang dideskripsikan
orang, binatang,
tense: be, have, go, - sifat orang, binatang, benda benda, ketika muncul
play,get, take, dll. yang dideskripsikan kesempatan, di dalam
(6) Penggunaan nominal - tindakan orang, binatang, dan di luar kelas.
singular dan plural benda yang dideskripsikan Observasi terhadap
secara tepat, dengan kesungguhan,
atau tanpa a, the, this, - kosa kata, tata bahasa,
those, my, their, dsb ucapan, tekanan kata, ejaan, tanggung jawab, dan
secara tepat dalam tanda baca yang digunakan kerja sama siswa
frasa nominal dalam proses
Secara kolaboratif siswa meniru
pembelajaran di setiap
(7) Ucapan, tekanan kata, contoh-contoh yang ada untuk
intonasi membuat teks deskriptif sangat
(8) Ejaan dan tanda baca pendek dan sederhana tentang Observasi terhadap
orang, binatang, dan benda untuk kepedulian dan
(9) Tulisan tangan mencapai fungsi sosial yang kepercayaan diri
berbeda-beda, dengan struktur dalam melaksanakan
Topik teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang komunikasi, di dalam
Orang, binatang, benda di sesuai konteks. dan di luar kelas.
sekitar dan relevan dengan
kehidupan siswa, dengan Mengasosiasi Penilaian diri:
memberikan keteladanan Siswa membandingkan fungsi Pernyataan siswa secara
tentang perilaku jujur, sosial, struktur teks (termasuk tertulis dalam jurnal
disiplin, percaya diri, a.l. gagasan utama dan informasi belajar sederhana
kerjasama, dan rinci), dan unsur kebahasaan dari berbahasa Indonesia
bertanggung jawab. beberapa teks deskriptif tentang tentang pengalaman
orang, binatang, benda yang belajar memahami dan
telah dikumpulkan dari berbagai menghasilkan teks
sumber tersebut di atas. deskriptif tentang orang,
binatang, benda,
Siswa memperoleh balikan termasuk kemudahan dan
(feedback) dari guru dan teman
tentang fungsi sosial, struktur
teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang Tes tertulis
digunakan dalam teks deskriptif
yang mereka hasilkan. Membaca dan menulis
teks deskriptif yang
Mengkomunikasikan menuntut pemahaman
dan pemaparan tentang
Siswa membuat beberapa teks deskripsi orang,
Kepala Madrasah Guru Mata Pelajaran
Kelas/Semester : VIII / 2
D. Materi Pokok
1. Pre-Test : Descriptive Text (Describing Person, Animal and Thing)
2. Treatment I : Describing People
3. Treatment II : Describing Animal
4. Treatment III : Describing Thing
Guru Menjelaskan apa itu poster serta
fungsinya dalam pembelajaran kelas hari ini.
Guru menjelaskan generic structure dan
language feature dari descriprive text
Guru menunjukkan sebuah poster dan meminta
siswa untuk menganalisis poster tersebut
Guru memfasilitasi siswa dengan menjelaskan
poster dan contoh kalimat dalam mencocokkan
ciri-ciri sifat atau karakteristik tentang sesuatu
tersebut dengan teks yang akan dibaca oleh
Untuk lebih mendalami materi, Guru kemudian
mengelompokkan siswa dalam beberapa
kelompok (4-5 orang perkelompok)
Membagikan poster secara acak
(orang/binatang/benda) kemudian didiskusikan
dengan teman kelompoknya
Setiap kelompok diminta untuk memahami dan
membahas apa saja ciri, sifat dan karakteristik
berdasarkan poster yang mereka dapat.
Guru memfasilitasi setiap kelompok dalam
melaksanakan tugas dengan cara menghampiri
kelompok satu persatu
Setiap kelompok diminta untuk menuliskan
hasil diskusi mereka dengan kembali
menampilkan poster dan mempresentasikan
dalam bentuk descriptive text
Guru menanyakan kembali dengan cara
menunjukkan beberapa bagian dari poster
yang telah dipilih untuk dijelaskan kembali
oleh siswa
I. Penilaian
1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk dan Contoh.
Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Menyebut adjective untuk Teks Essay Identify the
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang dan Tertulis given picture
benda. and describe
Menjelaskan struktur teks dari teks the picture
Menentukan adjective yang tepat untuk
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang atau
Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda
dan bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk
Menyebutkan nama, sifat dan tindakan dari
orang, binatang, benda yang semuanya
sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak
2. Instrumen Penilaian
Lembar Kerja Siswa (Terlampir)
Lembar Penilaian Sikap
3. Pedoman Penilaian
Skor Maksimal : 50
Nilai Siswa :
Jakarta, 12 Juli 2019
Kelas/Semester : VIII / 2
C. Tujuan Pembelajaran
D. Materi Pokok
1. Buku
2. Internet
3. Video
G. Media Pembelajaran
1. Poster
2. Slide
H. Kegiatan Pembelajaran
mendeskripsikan orang/binatang/benda.
Guru meminta siswa menjawab apa itu teks
deskripsi dan hal apa saja yang harus
dideskripsikan ketika mendeskripsikan orang,
binatang dan benda berdasarkan video yang
telah ditonton (siswa mengajukan diri untuk
menjawab, atau jika tidak ada maka guru
menunjuknya secara acak)
Guru membenarkan dan menambahkan
jawaban mereka, kemudian menjelaskan lebih
detail pengertian teks deskripsi, struktur
teksnya, dan adjective yang digunakan untuk
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang dan benda
melalui gambar-gambar yang ditayangkan di
power point
Guru menunjukkan contoh teks deskripsi
mengenai Ir. Soekarno
Guru kemudian menunjuk siswanya satu per
satu untuk membaca teks tersebut perkalimat
Guru meminta siswa mengidentifikasi struktur
teks dari teks tersebut dan menemukan
adjective apa saja yang digunakan di teks
Guru kemudian meminta siswa untuk
membacakan jawabannya (siswa menjawab
dengan cara megajukan diri, atau jika tidak ada
maka guru menunjuknya secara acak)
Guru memberikan reward (feedback) kepada
mereka yang telah menjawab
Guru membagi siswa ke dalam tiga kelompok
kemudian memberikan tiga buah gambar
secara acak (orang, binatang atau benda kepada
ketiga kelompok tersebut dan meminta masing-
1. Penilaian
1. Indikator, Teknik, Bentuk dan Contoh.
Indikator Teknik Bentuk Contoh
Menyebut adjective untuk Teks Essay Identify the
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang dan Tertulis given picture
benda. and describe
Menjelaskan struktur teks dari teks the picture
Menentukan adjective yang tepat untuk
mendeskripsikan orang, binatang atau
Menyebutkan nama orang, binatang, benda
dan bagian-bagiannya yang dipilih untuk
Menyebutkan nama, sifat dan tindakan dari
orang, binatang, benda yang semuanya
sesuai dengan fungsi sosial yang hendak
2. Instrumen Penilaian
Lembar Kerja Siswa (Terlampir)
Lembar Penilaian Sikap
3. Pedoman Penilaian
Skor Maksimal : 50
Nilai Siswa :
Jakarta, 12 Juli 2019
1. In this writing test you will have 15 minutes to describe a thing.
2. The story will be related to our material, descriptive.
3. First, I will show you some posters that you need to explain and choose a poster that
you like to describe.
4. You will get guideline in preparing the story.
5. Start to write in count of three.
1. Alexander Graham Bell
2. Elephant
3. Handphone
1. Which poster do like to describe?
2. Start by introducing the poster
3. What are their characteristics?
4. Why do you like it?
Question Explanalion
1. Start 1) Identifying the
introducing the main idea of the
poster! poster.
6. In this writing test you will have 15 minutes to describe a thing.
7. The story will be related to our material, descriptive.
8. First, I will show you some posters that you need to explain and choose a poster that you
like to describe.
9. You will get guideline in preparing the story.
10. Start to write in count of three.
11. Write with at least 6 sentences.
4. Alexander Graham Bell
5. Elephant
6. Handphone
5. Which poster do like to describe?
6. Start by introducing the poster
7. What are their characteristics?
8. Why do you like it?
Read the text carefully