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A Internship Report
Submitted by
Computer Engineering
[July 2024]
I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who provided me with the possibility
to the completion of the internship. A special gratitude of thanks to our Prof_______________,
whose contribution in stimulating suggestions and encouragement, helped me to coordinate the
internship, especially in drafting this report.
Furthermore, I would also like to acknowledge with much appreciation the crucial role of the
Head of Department, Prof. Sohil Shah, who gave the permission to use all required equipment
and the necessary material to fulfil the task. Last but not the least, many thanks go to the
teachers and my friends and families who have invested their full effort in guiding us in
achieving the goal.
And I also sincerely thankful to my Guide for giving us knowledge about internship and always
gives us Motivation, guidance and encouragement.
Cascading Style Sheets or CSS are an important way to control how your Web pages look. CSS
can control the fonts, text, colours, backgrounds, margins, and layout. But it can be very difficult
to learn CSS, and some people would rather not learn it. There are some very good reasons to
learn CSS so that you can control your Web pages look.
Modify your site designs to look how you want them to look
It's easy to take a free Web template and build a website. But these templates can be very plain or
common. So your website will look like every other site on the internet. By learning CSS you can
modify pre-built templates so that they have your colours and styles. Thus you'll have a
customized website without a lot of effort.
Introduction of Company
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About us
IIT Bombay is one of the top rated leading technical universities in the world. The institutes
academic and research programmes in Humanities and Social Sciences, in Design and in
Management are highly regarded as well. Second in the chain of IITs, the institute has
flourished for over 53 years.
The main Vision of IIT Bombay is to provide transformative education that fosters intellectual
growth, ethical leadership, and societal responsibility. We are committed to advancing
cutting-edge research and innovation that addresses key challenges facing India and the world.
Through collaboration with industry, government, and society, we aim to cultivate a culture
of innovation and entrepreneurship, empowering our students and faculty to make meaningful
contributions to the nation's progress.
• The main goal is to create an atmosphere where ideas seamlessly transition into tangible
• The main focus is to train engineers, with the aim of developing a skilled workforce to
support the economic and social development of India.
• And also strive tirelessly to push the limits of potential and forge a future defined by
innovation and advancement
Tutorial 1: Introduction of CSS
Tutorial 2: First CSS File
In this tutorial we learn, how to create a CSS file, syntax of CSS, Linking a CSS file with the
HTML file.
It is made through text editor.
Syntax of CSS is:
How to declare CSS?
Syntax Example:
Chapter 4: Conditional Statements
Python supports the usual logical conditions from mathematics:
• Equals: a == b
• Not Equals: a != b
• Less than: a < b
• Less than or equal to: a <= b
• Greater than: a > b
• Greater than or equal to: a >= b
If single
If (Condition):
<tab> output
If with else If
<tab> output else:
<tab> output If with else if If (Condition):
<tab> output elif (Condition):
<tab> output else:
<tab> output
If bit operator
If (Condition) and (condition):
<tab> output
If (Condition) or (condition):
<tab> output equal
If (a==10):
<tab>output Not equal If (a!=10):
An if statement in python takes an expression with it. If the expression amounts to True, then
the block of statements under it is executed.
If it amounts to False, then the block is skipped and control transfers to the statements after the
block. But remember to indent the statements in a block equally.
This is because we don‘t use curly braces to delimit blocks. Also, use a colon(:) after the
Before starting with the example, let us see various types of variables and data types in Python
as it will help in better programming.
Here, since 7>6, the condition is true. So, it prints the given string.
We know, 1 has a Boolean value of True. So, the condition is true, and it prints ‗yay‘.
Python if-else Statements
What happens when the condition is untrue? We can mention that it in the block after the else
statement. An else statement comes right after the block after ‗if‘.
Here, 2 is not less than 1. So, the statements in the else-block are executed. It prints 1.
Python allows the elif keyword as a replacement to the else-if statements in Java or C++.
When we have more than one condition to check, we can use it. If condition 1 isn‘t True,
condition 2 is checked. If it isn‘t true, condition 3 is checked.
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As we saw, else if causes a syntax error. We must use elif. Here, 2 is not less than 1, so, the
condition with elif is checked.
Since it is true (1<3), it prints 1. Also, you can put an else statement after your elif statements
if you want. Since in the last example, the first two conditions are false, the else is executed.
So, it prints 1.
You can put an if statement in the block under another if statement. This is to implement further
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Here, a is 1. So, b is checked. Since it is 2, it prints the given string. Not every if block has to
have statements though.
If you only need to write a single statement under if, you can write it in the same line using
single statement python decision making constructs.
You can also use semicolons to write more than one statement in the same line as the condition.
However, this may affect the readability of your code.
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When you want some statements to execute a hundred times, you don‘t repeat them 100 times.
Think of when you want to print numbers 1 to 99. Or that you want to say Hello to 99 friends.
A while loop in python iterates till its condition becomes False. In other words, it executes the
statements under itself while the condition it takes is True.
When the program control reaches the while loop, the condition is checked. If the condition is
true, the block of code under it is executed.
Remember to indent all statements under the loop equally. After that, the condition is checked
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This loop prints numbers from 3 to 1. In Python, a—wouldn‘t work. We use a-=1 for the same.
1. An Infinite Loop
Be careful while using a while loop. Because if you forget to increment the counter variable in
python, or write flawed logic, the condition may never become false.
In such a case, the loop will run infinitely, and the conditions after the loop will starve. To stop
execution, press Ctrl+C.
However, an infinite loop may actually be useful. This in cases when a semaphore is needed,
or for client/server programming.
A while loop may have an else statement after it. When the condition becomes false, the
block under the else statement is executed. However, it doesn‘t execute if you break out of
the loop or if an exception is raised.
In the following code, we put a break statement in the body of the while loop for a==1.So, when
that happens, the statement in the else block is not executed.
Like an if statement, if we have only one statement in while‘s body, we can write it all in one
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We can see that there were two statements in while‘s body, but we used semicolons to separate
them.Without the second statement, it would form an infinite loop
Python for loop can iterate over a sequence of items. The structure of a for loop in Python is
different than that in C++ or Java.
That is, for(int i=0;i<n;i++) won‘t work here. In Python, we use the ‗in‘ keyword. Lets
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This function yields a sequence of numbers. When called with one argument, say n, it creates a
sequence of numbers from 0 to n-1.
We use the list function to convert the range object into a list object.
Calling it with two arguments creates a sequence of numbers from the first to the second.
We can also pass three arguments. The third argument is the interval.
We aren‘t bound to use the range() function, though. You can use the loop to iterate on a list or
a similar construct.
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We can also iterate on a string.
The len() function returns the length of the list. When you apply the range() function on that, it
returns the indices of the list on a range object.
Like a while loop, a for-loop may also have an else statement after it.
When the loop is exhausted, the block under the else statement executes.
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Like in the while loop, it doesn‘t execute if you break out of the loop or if an exception is raised.
We can also nest a loop inside another. We can put a for loop inside a while, or a while inside
a for, or a for inside a for, or a while inside a while.
Or we can put a loop inside a loop inside a loop. We can go as far as we want.
Let‘s look at some nested while loops to print the same pattern.
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Loop Control Statements in Python
For this, we have three keywords in Python- break, continue, and pass.
2. break statement
When we put a break statement in the body of a loop, the loop stops executing, and control
shifts to the first statement outside it.
3. continue statement
When the program control reaches the continue statement, it skips the statements after
It then shifts to the next item in the sequence and executes the block of code for it. You can use
it with both for and while loops.
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If here, the iteration i+=1 succeeds the if condition, it prints to 5 and gets stuck in an infinite
4. pass statement
When we need a particular loop, class, or function in our program, but don‘t know what goes
in it, we place the pass statement in it.
It is a null statement. The interpreter does not ignore it, but it performs a no-operation (NOP).
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