Syllabus in Ge11 The Entrepreneurial Mind
Syllabus in Ge11 The Entrepreneurial Mind
Syllabus in Ge11 The Entrepreneurial Mind
Well-equipped and
LAC commits to providing CORE VALUES
morally empowered
excellent services anchored The LAC shall, in the pursuit of its vision, be
professionals in
on Moral Governance that endeavored towards the holistic development LEADERSHIP
lays the foundation for of man to the search for truth on Moral
Autonomous Region in
becoming a Premier Governance and achieving academic ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE
Muslim Mindanao
Learning Institution and a excellence.
Agriculture Department
Academic Year 2022-2023
College Goals
A. To produce Licensed Professional Agriculturists.
B. Develop highly competent faculty members
C. establish sustainable and profitable Income generating projects
D. Engage in research and relevant extension activities.
Program Outcomes
A. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice(PQF level 6descriptor);
B. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino;
C. Effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams (PQF level 6 Descriptor)
D. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibilities
E. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722)
F. Generate and share knowledge relevant to specific fields in the study of agriculture;
G. Formulate and implement agricultural development plans and programs,
H. Understand and apply the concepts of Animal Productivity and sustainability in the contexts of regional, national, and global
I. Engage in agricultural Production and post-production activities
J. Perform the task in the technical and scientific fields
K. Monitor and evaluate development programs in the livestock industry,
L. Employ relevant tools in information technology in solving agriculture related problems, and
M. Promote sound agricultural technologies to various clients and in the manpower development for agriculture in general
Course Information
Pre-requisite: NONE Course Credit: 3 units3 1hr./wk
Course Description
Upon completion of this course, students will develop an “Entrepreneurial mind-set”, the underlying beliefs and assumptions that drive the behaviours that
allow entrepreneur to succeed. Specifically, this course will help the students in building their passion of creating their own business. In today’s global
entrepreneurial economy, all members of the society whether self- employed or employed by others will benefit from understanding and embracing an
entrepreneurial mind-set.
Course Learning Outcomes
Week 2 At the end of the lesson, the 2. Appraising yourself for an Lectures HOMEWORK
students shall be able to: Entrepreneurial Career Classroom discussion
Identify important 2.1 Assessing your personal
characteristics or entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial competencies
competencies which you 2.2 PEC’s Self Rating
have to develop or Questionnaire
strengthens 2.3 Developing yourself for
Enumerate guidelines that Entrepreneurship
are important in
Identify the tools and
behaviour associated with
WEEK 3-4 At the end of the lesson, 3. Search for Business Lectures quiz
the students will be able Opportunity, Ideation, Classroom discussion
to: Innovation and Creativity
Discuss entrepreneurial 3.1 Search for business
activities in search of opportunity
business opportunities 3.2 Ideation
Describe the concept 3.3 Entrepreneurial
of ideation, creativity
innovation and 3.4 Environmental stimulants
creativity for creativity
Discuss the factors to 3.5 The concept and the
consider in evaluating the impact of innovation
business potential of an idea
Week 5 At the end of the lesson the 4. Entrepreneurship Trend and Reaction paper
students shall be able to: Issues Lectures
4.1 Successful entrepreneurs Classroom discussion, success
Motivate and inspire stories of the entrepreneurs
students to be the future
Encourage the readers to
apply the theories discuss,
thereby, providing them the
opportunity to become self-
Identify the
entrepreneurial qualities
demonstrated by
successful entrepreneurs
Discuss managerial
skills and practice exercised
by the successful
Week 6 Preliminary exams
Week 7-8 Increase participant’s 5. Business Ownership and Recitation,
awareness of different Organization Lectures homework
forms of business 5.1 Definition, types and Classroom discussion, success
ownership, thereby, composition of business stories of the entrepreneurs
allowing them to choose organization
the right form of 5.2 Advantages and
organization in putting up a disadvantages
new business 5.3 General requirement and
Help participants analyse the procedures for registration,
advantages and dealing with LGU, other
disadvantages of each form government and private
or organization bodies.
Provide participants the legal
requirements of each type of
ownership and organization
Week 9-10 Define what capital is and 6. Financing the venture Recitation,
its kinds 6.1 Capital requirements Lectures homework
Enumerate the sources 6.2 Source of capital Classroom discussion,
of capital 6.3 Understanding IPO and
Identify the kinds of source process of IPO
for a type of business 6.4 Dealing with investment
Define initial public bankers, risk in going
offering or IPO and its public and borrowing
process from the banks.
Enumerate the risk involved 6.5 The C’s of credits and
in each kind of source. using someone else’s
Week 11 Define marketing and 7. Production of Goods and
marketing Services
management The concept and factors of
Explain the responsibilities of production
the marketing manager that is 7.2 Cost of production
included in production and 7.3 Making production,
pricing planning and producing
Discuss the importance of quality
marketing in an enterprise 7.4 How to develop product
and manage on how to
control inventory
7.5 Marketing concept and
philosophy, market
research and need for
marketing plan
7.6 Concept fair pricing,
basic principles pricing
7.1 and pricing service
Week 13-14 Identify the importance of 8. Business Plan Lectures Homework, quiz,
business planning and its 8.1 Concept of business plan Classroom discussion, class recitation
advantages, as well as the and principles of planning
step by step procedure in 8.2 Stages of business plan
preparing a business plan and criteria of effective
Enumerate the factors and planning
other necessities on how to 8.3 Components of the
manage and start a business Business Plan (SWOT
successfully Analysis)
8.4 Outline of Business Plan
8.5 Importance and some
rules to observe in
business plan
8.6 Planning and organizing
in marketing, production,
organizational and
8.7 How to register your
Business and other
registering agencies
Week 15 Apply the guidelines 9. . Start- up operations, getting Reaction paper about “Business in the Homework, quiz,
in starting up business started in business New Normal” class recitation
Determine how to comply with
government clearances
Identify the process on how
to register a business name
without legal complications
Identify sources of capital
and minimize costs and
expenses at start up stage
Apply basic guidelines in
getting started in the business.
Week 16-17 Discuss the functions of a 10. Understanding the basics of Reaction paper,
financial manage, uses and accounting and finance, essay
sources of funds, the rules financial management
of sound financing and
financial record keeping
Be acknowledgeable in the
analysis of the financial
statement, budgeting and
management, and some of the
reasons why business fails.
Suggested References and Readings
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