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Public Disclosure Authorized

June 2004


West African Gas Pipeline

Environmental Impact Assessment

E981 v. 7


Environmental Impact Assessment

West African Gas Pipeline

Prepared for West African Pipeline Company June 2004

Disclosure Locations
Venues at which the Environmental Impact Assessments, Appendices, and Resettlement Action Plans and Other Documents Supporting the West African Gas Pipeline Project have been Disclosed to the Public are as Follows:
Country UNITED STATES NIGERIA Venue World Bank Offices MIGA WAGP EA Rep Office Lagos State Ministry of Environment Ogun State Ministry of Environment Liaison Office Federal Ministry of Environment Liaison Office Federal Ministry of Environment Badagry Local Government Office Ado Odo Ota Local Government Office Ifo Local Government Office Ogun State Ministry of Lands and Housing Lagos State Lands Bureau Federal Ministry of Environment WAGP EA Rep Office Ministre de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestires Gbetsogbe Palace Domocile du chef traditionnel Baguida Ministre de lnergie et des Ressources Hydrauliques Ministry of Land Affairs WAGP EA Rep Office Documentation Center of the Ministry of Environment, of Habitat and Urbanism (MEHU) Beninese Agency for Environment (ABE) Documentation Center of Ministry of Mines, Energy and Hydraulic (MMEH) Mayoralty of Abomey-Calavi Mayoralty of Ouidah Institute of Endogenous Development and Exchanges (IDEE) Documentation Center of the University of Abomey-Calavi WAGP EA Rep Office EPA Library Greater Accra Regional Coordinating Council EPA Greater Accra Regional Office Accra Metropolitan Assembly Shama Ahanta East Metropolitan Assembly EPA Central Regional Office Central Regional Coordinating Council Western Regional Coordinating Council EPA Zonal Office Tema Municipal Assembly EPA Western Regional Office Volta Regional Coordinating Council EPA Volta Regional Office Ghana EPA Location Washington, DC Washington, DC Lagos Lagos Abeokuta Lagos Abeokuta Badagry Ado Odo Ota Ifo Abeokuta Lagos Abuja Lom Lom Gbetsogbe Gbetsogbe Baguida Lom Lom Cotonou Cotonou Cotonou Cotonou Abomey-Calavi Ouidah Ouidah Abomey-Calavi Tema Accra Accra Amasaman Accra Sekondi Cape-Coast Cape-Coast Sekondi Tema Tema Sekondi Ho Ho Accra




Table of Contents
Acronyms and Abbreviations Authors and Contributions Acknowledgements Executive Summary ......................................................................................................... ES-1 Project Benefits...................................................................................................... ES-1 Project Description................................................................................................. ES-4 Pipeline and Facilities ................................................................................ ES-4 Construction............................................................................................... ES-6 Alternatives ............................................................................................................ ES-7 Baseline Information.............................................................................................. ES-8 Natural Environment.................................................................................. ES-8 Onshore ...................................................................................................... ES-8 Offshore ..................................................................................................... ES-9 Human Environment................................................................................ ES-10 Impacts and Mitigation ........................................................................................ ES-11 Impacts..................................................................................................... ES-11 Emergency and Upset Conditions............................................................ ES-14 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts......................................................... ES-15 Mitigation................................................................................................. ES-16 Results...................................................................................................... ES-18 Management and Monitoring Plan....................................................................... ES-22 Summary and Conclusion .................................................................................... ES-22 Chapter 1 Introduction....................................................................................................... 1-1 1.1 Project Overview .......................................................................................... 1-1 1.2 Project Justification....................................................................................... 1-7 1.2.1 WAGP Benefits for Nigeria.............................................................. 1-7 1.2.2 Project Implementation................................................................... 1-15 1.3 Legal and Policy Framework ...................................................................... 1-16 1.3.1 Introduction..................................................................................... 1-16 1.3.2 Major Environmental Regulations.................................................. 1-19 1.3.3 Relationship of Project to World Bank Safeguard Policies and OPIC Prohibitions. ................................................................... 1-27 Chapter 2 Project Description ........................................................................................... 2-1 Summary for West African Gas Pipeline in Nigeria ................................................ 2-1 2.1 General Layout and Physical Description..................................................... 2-2 2.2 Natural Gas Sources (Upstream of WAGP)............................................ 2-10 2.3 Natural Gas Consumption (Downstream of WAGP) .............................. 2-12 2.4 Facility and Process Description................................................................. 2-14 2.4.1 Alagbado Tee .............................................................................. 2-15 2.4.2 Onshore Mainline in Nigeria .......................................................... 2-26 2.4.3 Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Primary Control System .... 2-31 2.4.4 Offshore Main Trunk Line and Laterals ......................................... 2-47

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2.11 2.12


2.4.5 R&M Stations and Onshore Portions of Laterals and Trunk.......... 2-49 Solid and Hazardous Waste from Pipeline Operations............................... 2-49 2.5.1 Domestic Solid Waste..................................................................... 2-50 2.5.2 Non-Hazardous Industrial Solid Waste .......................................... 2-50 2.5.3 Hazardous Waste ............................................................................ 2-50 2.5.4 Semi-Solid Waste............................................................................ 2-51 Operational Control and Safety Systems .................................................... 2-51 2.6.1 Operational Control Systems .......................................................... 2-51 2.6.2 Fire and Gas Detection and Protection Systems ............................. 2-53 2.6.3 Emergency Shutdown Systems....................................................... 2-53 2.6.4 Venting, Flaring, and Blowdown.................................................... 2-57 Design and Other Pre-Construction Activities ........................................... 2-59 2.7.1 Front End Engineering Design (FEED).......................................... 2-59 2.7.2 Design Basis: Philosophy and Standards........................................ 2-60 2.7.3 Other Pre-construction Activities ................................................... 2-62 Construction................................................................................................ 2-63 2.8.1 Alagbado Tee .............................................................................. 2-64 2.8.2 Onshore Pipeline and Marshalling Yards ....................................... 2-65 2.8.3 Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Primary Control System .... 2-87 2.8.4 Shore Crossings .............................................................................. 2-94 2.8.5 Offshore Main Trunk ...................................................................... 2-97 2.8.6 R&M Stations ............................................................................... 2-100 2.8.7 Weight Coating Plant.................................................................... 2-100 Commissioning ......................................................................................... 2-102 2.9.1 Flooding, Cleaning, Gauging, and Reflooding ............................. 2-102 2.9.2 Hydrostatic Testing....................................................................... 2-103 2.9.3 Dewatering and Drying................................................................. 2-103 2.9.4 Air Expulsion and Nitrogen Packing ............................................ 2-105 2.9.5 Hiring and Training....................................................................... 2-105 2.9.6 Ongoing Maintenance and Testing ............................................... 2-105 2.9.7 Regulatory Review and Participation ........................................... 2-105 Start-up...................................................................................................... 2-106 2.10.1 Line Fill with Gas ......................................................................... 2-106 2.10.2 Ongoing Maintenance and Testing ............................................... 2-106 2.10.3 Regulatory Review and Participation ........................................... 2-106 Pipeline Operations................................................................................... 2-106 Decommissioning and Abandonment ....................................................... 2-107 2.12.1 Alagbado Tee ............................................................................ 2-107 2.12.2 Onshore Pipeline........................................................................... 2-108 2.12.3 Compressor Station....................................................................... 2-108 2.12.4 Offshore Pipeline .......................................................................... 2-108 2.12.5 R&M Stations ............................................................................... 2-108 Remaining Uncertainties........................................................................... 2-108

Chapter 3 Project Alternatives .......................................................................................... 3-1 3.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 3-1 3.2 Project Alternatives....................................................................................... 3-2
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3.3 3.4



3.2.1 World Bank Regional Energy Sector Project Alternatives............... 3-2 3.2.2 EIA Project-Level Alternatives......................................................... 3-3 World Bank Regional Energy Sector Alternatives Analysis ........................ 3-4 EIA Project-Level Alternatives Analysis...................................................... 3-6 3.4.1 No-Project Alternative ...................................................................... 3-9 3.4.2 The Proposed Project Alternative: Developing a Gas Pipeline and Piping Gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana ................ 3-9 3.4.3 Power Generation and Delivery Alternative: Developing Gas-Powered Electricity Generating Stations in Nigeria, and Transmitting the Electrical Power to Benin, Ghana, and Togo ...... 3-10 3.4.4 Natural Gas Fuel Export Alternative: Converting the Gas to LNG or CNG and Exporting via Tanker or Road from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana ................................................................. 3-11 3.4.5 Renewable Fuels Alternative: Meeting Electricity Generating Demands in Benin, Ghana, and Togo with Renewable Resources (Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Agrofuels) ...................................................... 3-12 3.4.6 Project-Level Alternatives Rankings .............................................. 3-13 Overall Pipeline Routing Options............................................................... 3-18 3.5.1 Onshore Option............................................................................... 3-20 3.5.2 Offshore Option .............................................................................. 3-21 3.5.3 Onshore/Offshore Option Selected Overall Routing Option ....... 3-21 3.5.4 Comparison and Selection of Proposed Option .............................. 3-22 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 3-23

Chapter 4 Project Design Alternatives ............................................................................. 4-1 4.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 4-1 4.2 Evaluation Criteria for Alternatives.............................................................. 4-1 4.3 Routing Options from Existing Gas Transmission Network to Coastal Compressor Station................................................................................................... 4-8 4.3.1 Selection Criteria for Onshore Route from Alagbado Tee to Compressor Station Site................................................................................ 4-8 4.3.2 Onshore Routing Options within Nigeria ......................................... 4-8 4.3.3 Extending Pipeline Onshore for Gas Delivery to Benin................. 4-12 4.4 Onshore Lateral and R&M Station Alternatives......................................... 4-15 4.4.1 Onshore Lateral and R&M Station Alternatives in Benin .............. 4-15 4.4.2 Onshore Lateral Alternatives in Togo............................................. 4-15 4.5 Design Considerations ................................................................................ 4-16 4.5.1 Sizing of Offshore Pipeline and Midline Compression Facilities .. 4-16 4.5.2 Future Compression Facilities at Takoradi ..................................... 4-16 4.6 Construction................................................................................................ 4-16 4.6.1 Pipeline Construction Methods....................................................... 4-16 4.6.2 Equipment Transport to Compressor Station.................................. 4-17 4.6.3 Ancillary Facility Construction....................................................... 4-18 4.7 Commissioning and Start-up....................................................................... 4-20 4.7.1 Treatment of Hydrotest Water Prior to Discharge.......................... 4-20 4.7.2 Discharge of Hydrotest Water ........................................................ 4-20 4.8 Project Operations....................................................................................... 4-20
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4.8.1 Liquid Storage Tanks...................................................................... 4-20 4.8.2 Waste Management......................................................................... 4-20 4.8.3 Sanitary Waste Water Disposal ...................................................... 4-21 4.8.4 Stormwater Management ................................................................ 4-21 4.8.5 Utilities............................................................................................ 4-21 Chapter 5 Existing Situation.............................................................................................. 5-1 Overview................................................................................................................... 5-1 Natural Environment..................................................................................... 5-1 Onshore ......................................................................................................... 5-1 Offshore ........................................................................................................ 5-2 Human Environment..................................................................................... 5-3 5.1 Existing Environment and Resources ........................................................... 5-3 5.1.1 Onshore Environment ....................................................................... 5-7 5.1.2 Offshore Environment .................................................................... 5-58 5.1.3 Ecologically Sensitive Areas .......................................................... 5-94 5.2 Existing Socioeconomic Situation .............................................................. 5-94 5.2.1 Introduction on Data Sources and SIA Methodology..................... 5-94 5.2.2 Background and Geographic Detail................................................ 5-96 5.2.3 Macroeconomic Overview.............................................................. 5-99 5.2.4 Population and Demographics National, Regional, and Local .... 5-99 5.2.5 Ethnic and Cultural Background................................................... 5-102 5.2.6 Historical and Cultural Resources ................................................ 5-104 5.2.7 Infrastructure and Quality of Life ................................................. 5-105 5.2.8 Education ...................................................................................... 5-107 5.2.9 Land Tenure and Residential Ownership...................................... 5-108 5.2.10 Land and Water Use...................................................................... 5-109 5.2.11 Energy Consumption .................................................................... 5-110 5.2.12 Microeconomic Situation.............................................................. 5-111 5.3 Existing Public Health Situation............................................................... 5-119 5.3.1 Health Infrastructure ..................................................................... 5-120 5.3.2 Health Indicators........................................................................... 5-123 5.3.3 Food and Nutrition........................................................................ 5-124 5.4 Existing Safety Situation........................................................................... 5-124 5.4.1 Overview....................................................................................... 5-124 5.4.2 Institutions Responsible for Health Care Delivery ....................... 5-125 5.4.3 Institutions Responsible for Fire Fighting .................................... 5-126 5.4.4 Institutions Responsible for Disaster Management ...................... 5-127 5.5 Stakeholder Consultations ........................................................................ 5-127 5.6 Oversight and Monitoring Agencies......................................................... 5-130 Chapter 6 Impact Assessment............................................................................................ 6-1 Overview................................................................................................................... 6-1 Beneficial Impacts ........................................................................................ 6-1 Direct Negative Impacts ............................................................................... 6-2 Emergency and Upset Conditions................................................................. 6-5 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts.............................................................. 6-6
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6.1 6.2







Introduction................................................................................................... 6-6 Project Activities and Affected Media.......................................................... 6-8 6.2.1 Project Activities............................................................................... 6-8 6.2.2 Affected Media ................................................................................. 6-9 Comprehensive Impacts Identification/Screening ...................................... 6-11 6.3.1 Overview......................................................................................... 6-11 6.3.2 Impact Identification Process.......................................................... 6-11 6.3.3 Impact Screening/Identification of Focus Areas............................. 6-12 6.3.4 Impact Screening Results................................................................ 6-13 Impact Severity Assessment Methodology................................................. 6-19 6.4.1 Significance Criteria ....................................................................... 6-19 6.4.2 Likelihood Criteria.......................................................................... 6-29 6.4.3 Severity Matrix and Conclusions.................................................... 6-29 6.4.4 Application of the Severity Assessment Methodology................... 6-30 6.4.5 Uncertainties ................................................................................... 6-32 Beneficial Impacts ...................................................................................... 6-32 6.5.1 Beneficial Environmental Impacts.................................................. 6-37 6.5.2 Beneficial Socioeconomic Impacts................................................. 6-37 6.5.3 Community Development/Health and Safety Benefits................... 6-44 Potential Onshore Impacts .......................................................................... 6-46 6.6.1 Site Preparation and Construction .................................................. 6-46 6.6.2 Commissioning and Start-up......................................................... 6-179 6.6.3 Operations and Maintenance......................................................... 6-184 6.7.2 Commissioning and Start-up......................................................... 6-220 6.7.3 Operations and Maintenance......................................................... 6-224 6.7.4 Decommissioning ......................................................................... 6-227 Emergency and Upset Conditions............................................................. 6-227 6.8.1 Controlled Gas Release................................................................. 6-228 6.8.2 Uncontrolled Gas Release............................................................. 6-228 6.8.3 Fire ................................................................................................ 6-232 6.8.4 Explosion ...................................................................................... 6-233 6.8.5 Offshore Fuel Spills ...................................................................... 6-235 Secondary and Cumulative Impacts.......................................................... 6-236 6.9.1 Environmental Secondary Impacts ............................................... 6-236 6.9.2 Socioeconomic Secondary Impacts .............................................. 6-239 6.9.3 Upstream Development Impacts................................................... 6-239 6.9.4 Health and Safety Secondary Impacts .......................................... 6-241 6.9.5 Cumulative Impacts ...................................................................... 6-241

Chapter 7 Mitigation and Amelioration Measures.......................................................... 7-1 7.1 Introduction................................................................................................... 7-1 7.2 Required General Mitigation Measures ........................................................ 7-3 7.3 Required Specific Mitigation Measures........................................................ 7-3 7.4 Potential Mitigation Measures .................................................................... 7-20 7.4.1 Utilize Horizontal Directional Drilling for Wetland Crossings...... 7-20 7.4.2 Perform the Shore Crossing from the North Side of the Lagos Lagoon Thus Avoiding the Barrier Island ...................................... 7-22
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Residual High Impacts from Onshore Construction in Nigeria...... 7-22

Chapter 8 Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan................................. 8-1 8.1 Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System ............................ 8-3 8.1.1 Operational Controls......................................................................... 8-5 8.1.2 Change Management ...................................................................... 8-11 8.1.3 Biological and Cultural Resource Chance Finds ............................ 8-13 8.2 Monitoring .................................................................................................. 8-14 8.2.1 Performance/Implementation Monitoring ...................................... 8-14 8.2.2 Empirical Monitoring...................................................................... 8-14 8.2.3 Monitoring Oversight Responsibilities ........................................... 8-20 8.3 WAPCo Human Resources, Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority.......... 8-20 8.4 EPC Contractors.......................................................................................... 8-25 8.5 Government Regulatory Agencies.............................................................. 8-27 8.6 Financial Resources .................................................................................... 8-28 8.7 Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building..................................... 8-30 8.8 Reporting..................................................................................................... 8-30 8.9 Health, Safety, and Environment Management Plan Sections ................... 8-32 8.9.1 Land Use ......................................................................................... 8-32 8.9.2 Topography, Geology, and Soils .................................................... 8-36 8.9.3 Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology ....................................................................................... 8-41 8.9.4 Air Quality ...................................................................................... 8-49 8.9.5 Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste............................................... 8-54 8.9.6 Cultural Conditions......................................................................... 8-58 8.9.7 Socioeconomic Conditions ............................................................. 8-62 8.9.8 Public and Worker Health and Safety............................................. 8-67 8.9.9 Emergency Preparedness and Response ......................................... 8-71 Chapter 9 Nigeria Conclusion............................................................................................ 9-1

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References Appendices Appendix 1-A: Appendix 1-B: EIA Terms of Reference Applicable Local and International Regulations

Appendix 2A-1: Air Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Analyses Appendix 2A-2: Natural Gas Sources and Transmission Infrastructure (Upstream of WAGP) Appendix 2-B: Appendix 2-C: Appendix 2-D: Appendix 2-E: Appendix 2-F: Appendix 5-A: Appendix 5-B: Appendix 5-C: Appendix 5-D: Appendix 6-A: Appendix 6-B: Appendix 6-C: Appendix 7-A: Appendix 7-B: Appendix 8-A: Appendix 8-B: WAGP Waste Estimates WAGP ROW Access Policy Onshore-Offshore Commissioning Procedures and Specifications List Onshore-Offshore Technical Specifications List Potential Hazardous Materials First Season EBS Second Season EBS SPI Study Report Stakeholder Consultations Anchor Handling Air Quality Impact Assessment Qualitative Risk Assessments Mitigation Measures for Baobab Tree in Tema HIV/AIDS Policy Project Execution Plan Chapter 15: HSE Plan Operational Controls

8B1.0 Tier 1: WAGP HSE Policy Statement 8B2.0 Tier 2: WAGP HSE Management System Procedures 8B2.1 WAGP External Communications Procedures (To Be Developed) 8B2.2 HES Training 8B2.3 HES Audit Protocol 8B2.4 WAGP Management of Change 8B2.5 WAGP Compliance and Permitting Plan 8B2.5.1 WAGP Project Authorizations 8B2.5.2 WAGP Pipelines Hydrotesting Discharge Ecotoxicity Testing Plan (Rev A) 8B2.5.3 WAGP Waste Water Discharge Controls (To Be Developed) 8B2.5.4 WAGP Stormwater Management Plan 8B2.5.5 WAGP Air Emissions Management Procedure
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8B2.5.6 WAGP Project Execution Plan Chapter 21: Operations Plan 8B2.6 WAGP Waste Management Plan 8B2.7 Emergency Response 8B2.7.1 WAGP Spill Prevention and Control Procedure 8B2.8 WAGP Habitat, Biological, Cultural Resource Management Procedures 8B 2.8.1 ROW Reinstatement Criteria 8B 2.8.2 Proposed Wetland PL Construction Methods Study 8B 2.8.3 WAGP Sea Turtle Nesting Protection Procedure 8B 2.8.4 WAGP Chance Finds and Archeological Salvage Procedure 8B 2.8.5 WAGP Anchor Handling 8B 2.8.6 WAGP Procedure for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks 8B2.9 Incident Investigation Procedure 8B3.0 WAGP Land Acquisition and Right of Way (ROW) Management Procedure 8B3.1 WAGP Resettlement Action Plan 8B3.2 WAGP ROW Access Policy 8B4.0 Risk Management 8B4.1 Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis 8B4.2 WAGP Environmental Design Basis 8B4.3 WAGP Loss Prevention Design Basis 8B4.4 Onshore Offshore Specifications List 8B5.0 WAGP Contractor Management Procedures 8B5.1 Exhibit F: HSE Standards 8B5.2 Exhibit N: WAGP Security Plan 8B5.3 Exhibit K: Drugs Standard-IFT Appendix 8-C: Environmental and Social Advisory Panel Terms of Reference

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List of Figures
Figure ES-1 Figure 1.1-1 Figure 1.1-2 Figure 1.1-4 Figure 2.1-1 Figure 2.1-2 Figure 2.4-1 Figure 2.4-2 Figure 2.4-3 Figure 2.4-4 Figure 2.4-5 Figure 2.4-6 Figure 2.8-1 Figure 2.8-2 Figure 2.8-3 Figure 2.8-4 Figure 2.8-5 Figure 2.8-6 Figure 2.8-7 Figure 2.8-8 Figure 3.5-1 Figure 4.3-1 Figure 4.3-2 Figure 5.1-1 Figure 5.1-2 Figure 5.1-3 Figure 5.1-4 West Africa Gas Pipeline Project Area....................................................... ES-2 West African Gas Pipeline Project Route...................................................... 1-2 WAGP Onshore Route in Nigeria.................................................................. 1-3 WAGP Reserved Capacity No VALCO Scenario .................................. 1-7 Proposed Pipeline Route ................................................................................ 2-3 Overall WAGP System Schematic Diagram ................................................. 2-7 Alagbado Site Location................................................................................ 2-17 Alagbado Tie-in Site .................................................................................... 2-21 Pipeline Route in Relation to Tee and Compressor Station ..................... 2-27 Compressor Station Site Location ............................................................... 2-32 Compressor Station Configuration .............................................................. 2-35 Flare Stack Location in Compressor Station ............................................... 2-41 Proposed Road Transport Route from Lagos............................................... 2-67 Pipeline Installation Methods in Uplands: Trenching ................................. 2-73 Pipeline Installation Methods for Road Crossings: Thrust Boring.............. 2-74 Typical Trenching Operation in Wetlands................................................... 2-79 Typical HDD Operation............................................................................... 2-81 Approximate Location of Temporary Unloading Facility and Access Road Relative to Compressor Station .......................................................... 2-89 Typical Temporary Dock Construction ....................................................... 2-91 Shore Crossing by HDD .............................................................................. 2-95 Overall Routing Options .............................................................................. 3-20 Routing Options in Nigeria: East-of-Lagos and West-of-Lagos Routes A, B and C...................................................................................................... 4-9 Benin Onshore Routing Alternatives ........................................................... 4-13 Location of the WAGP Project Within Nigeria from Alagbado Tee to Badagry...................................................................................................... 5-4 Onshore Sampling Locations in Nigeria........................................................ 5-6 Borehole Lithology ...................................................................................... 5-13 Direction of Groundwater Flow................................................................... 5-13

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Figure 5.1-5 Figure 5.1-6 Figure 5.1-7 Figure 5.1-8 Figure 5.1-9

Diurnal Variation in Ambient Air and Tidal Water Temperature in the Project Area ................................................................................................. 5-25 Water Temperature Related to Air Temperature in the Project Area .......... 5-26 Overall Mean Values of Pollutant Gases and Noise Levels Obtained at the Compressor Site Dry Season EBS ...................................................... 5-33 Offshore Stations Surface Water Metal Concentrations for Nigeria.......... 5-62 Offshore Stations Surface Water Nutrient Concentrations for Nigeria...... 5-62

Figure 5.1-10 Offshore Stations Surface Water Alkalinity and COD Concentrations for Nigeria.................................................................................................... 5-63 Figure 5.1-11 Distribution of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons for Nigeria Station N04C............. 5-64 Figure 5.1-12 Comparison of Mean PAHs Across Nigeria Sampling Locations............... 5-65 Figure 5.1-13 Distribution of Total Phytoplankton Abundance at Sampling Stations Off Nigeria ................................................................................................... 5-69 Figure 5.1-14 Distribution of Total Zooplankton Abundance at Sampling Stations Off Nigeria.......................................................................................................... 5-69 Figure 5.1-15 Distribution of Species Richness (S) by Country - Wet Season EBS.......... 5-70 Figure 5.1-16 Benthic Macrofauna Distribution on Main Pipeline Route in Nigeria ........ 5-72 Figure 5.1-17 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity Index Distribution on Main Pipeline Route in Nigeria............................................................................. 5-72 Figure 5.1-18 Benthic Macrofauna Distribution Along the Nigeria Lateral ...................... 5-73 Figure 5.1-19 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity Index Along the Nigeria Lateral .......................................................................................................... 5-73 Figure 5.1-20 Occurrence of Dominant Sedentary Polychaetes Across Countries ............ 5-74 Figure 5.1-21 Occurrence of Dominant Errant Polychaetes Across Countries .................. 5-75 Figure 5.1-22 Occurrence of Dominant Sedentary Polychaetes for the Entire Offshore Study Area ................................................................................................... 5-75 Figure 5.1-23 Occurrence of Dominant Errant Polychaetes for the Entire Offshore Study Area ................................................................................................... 5-76 Figure 5.1-24 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Distribution Along the Diagonal of Nigeria Wet Season EBS .......................................................................... 5-77 Figure 5.1-25 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity index Distribution Along the Nigeria Diagonal Wet Season EBS........................................................... 5-77 Figure 5.1-26 Abundance and Distribution of Major Macrobenthic Fauna Group at Replicate Stations......................................................................................... 5-78 Figure 5.1-27 Distribution of Diversity at Replicate Stations ............................................ 5-78

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Figure 5.1-28 Catch Rates Along Pipeline in Nigeria ........................................................ 5-80 Figure 5.1-29 Catch Rates at Indicated Depth Ranges Along the Laterals ........................ 5-81 Figure 5.1-30 Shannon Diversity Index of Fisheries Species Along the Laterals and Main Pipeline ............................................................................................... 5-82 Figure 5.1-31 Shannon Diversity Index Values Wet Season EBS ................................... 5-83 Figure 5.1-32 Catch Rates by Depth Range on the Laterals Wet Season EBS ............... 5-84 Figure 5.1-33 Catch Rates at Stations off Nigeria Wet Season EBS............................... 5-85 Figure 5.1-34 Catch Rates at Stations Along Main WAGP Pipeline Route Wet Season EBS .......................................................................................... 5-85 Figure 5.1-35 Black Tern.................................................................................................... 5-86 Figure 5.1-36 Royal Tern ................................................................................................... 5-86 Figure 5.1-37 Humpback Whale......................................................................................... 5-87 Figure 5.1-38 Humpback Whale Breaching ....................................................................... 5-87 Figure 5.2-1 Figure 5.2-2 Figure 6.1-1 Figure 6.4-3 Figure 6.6-1 Figure 6.6-2 Figure 6.6-3 Figure 6.6-4 Figure 6.6-5 Figure 6.6-6 Figure 6.6-7 Figure 6.6-8 Figure 6.6-9 Communities Map for Onshore Pipeline Route, Nigeria............................. 5-97 West African Gas Pipeline Equipment/Material Delivery Route .............. 5-106 Impact Assessment Methodology .................................................................. 6-7 Severity Matrix ............................................................................................ 6-30 Land Use in Nigeria Project Area................................................................ 6-53 ypical Upland ROW Land Cover................................................................. 6-55 Current Land Cover at Proposed Compressor Station Site.......................... 6-61 Location of Horizontal Direction Drilling Footprint ................................... 6-69 Alagbado Tee Existing Installation .......................................................... 6-76 Thrust-boring for Road-Crossing................................................................. 6-85 ...................................................................................................................... 6-86 ...................................................................................................................... 6-86 ...................................................................................................................... 6-87

Figure 6.6-10 ...................................................................................................................... 6-87 Figure 6.6-11 Options for Transport of Heavy Equipment to Compressor Station.......... 6-137 Figure 6.6-12 Transportation Routes in Nigeria............................................................... 6-143 Figure 6.7-1 Small Fishing Boat Typical of Nearshore Area (observed in Ghana) ....... 6-202

Figure 6.7-2a Plankton Sampling During the First Season Offshore Baseline Survey.... 6-204

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Figure 6.7-2b Plankton Sampling During the First Season Offshore Baseline Survey.... 6-204 Figure 6.7-3 Documenting Water Quality (Color) During First Season EBS................ 6-212

Figure 8.3-1a WAPCo HSE Organization Chart............................................................... 8-20 Figure 8.3-1b WAGP Construction Management Agreement Organization..................... 8-21 Figure 8.3-1c WAPCo O&M Organization, Phase 4/5 ..................................................... 8-21

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List of Tables
Table ES-1 Table 1.2-1 Table 1.2-2 Table 1.2-3 Table 1.3-1 Table 1.3-2 Table 1.3-3 Table 1.3-4 Table 2.1-1 Table 2.1-2 Table 2.2-1 Table 2.2-2 Table 2.2-3 Table 2.3-1 Table 2.3-2 Table 2.3-3 Table 2.4-1 Table 2.4-2 Table 2.4-3 Table 2.4-4 Table 2.4-5 Table 2.6-1 Table 2.7-1 Summary of WAGP Project High and Moderate Severity Impact by Project Activity, Planned Mitigation, and Residual Impact Severity ....... ES-19 Basic Development Indicators ....................................................................... 1-8 Value of Global Warming Damages Avoided ............................................. 1-12 Estimated Air Pollutant Emission Reductions due to WAGP ..................... 1-13 National/Local Legislation Relevant to the Federal Republic of Nigeria.... 1-17 Summary of Relevant Regional and International Regulatory Instruments 1-18 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues .................................................. 1-28 WAGP and OPIC Prohibitions .................................................................... 1-34 Pipeline Lengths and Lateral Sizes ................................................................ 2-6 Ancillary Systems and Facilities and Their Locations .................................. 2-9 Predicted Fuel Gas Compositions................................................................ 2-11 Predicted Fuel Gas Property ........................................................................ 2-12 WAGP Gas Pipeline Receipt Gas Quality Specification............................. 2-12 Expected Gas Delivery Demand.................................................................. 2-13 High-Case Demand and Maximum Capacity of Pipeline............................ 2-13 Foundation Customer Developments........................................................... 2-14 ...................................................................................................................... 2-15 Nigeria Onshore Pipeline............................................................................. 2-26 Lagos Beach Compressor Station ................................................................ 2-31 Blowdown Volume and Rates at the Compressor Station ........................... 2-43 Offshore Pipeline ......................................................................................... 2-47 Blowdown Volume and Rates for All Segments ......................................... 2-58 Preliminary Engineering Phase Reviews ..................................................... 2-59

Table 2.7-2 Design Codes for Major Pipeline Components ................................................ 2-61 Table 2.8-1 Table 2.8-2 Table 2.8-3 Table 2.8-4 Raw Materials Required for Construction of Tee Facilities..................... 2-65 Occurrence of Road Crossings During Onshore Pipeline Installation in Nigeria ..................................................................................................... 2-77 Occurrence of River, Stream and Wetland Crossings in Nigeria ................ 2-84 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Onshore Pipeline..................... 2-86

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Table 2.8-5 Table 2.8-6 Table 2.8-7 Table 2.8-8 Table 2.8-9 Table 2.9-1 Table 2.9-2

Raw Materials Required for Construction of Lagos Beach Facilities ......... 2-94 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Shore Crossings by HDD........ 2-97 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Offshore Pipeline .................. 2-100 Raw Materials Required for Line Pipe Coating (30in pipe) ...................... 2-101 Wastes Generated....................................................................................... 2-102 Location and Volume of Water Displacement/Discharge ......................... 2-103 Location and Volume of Hydrotest Water Discharge................................ 2-104

Table 2.13-1 Remaining Uncertainties............................................................................ 2-109 Table 3.3-1 Table 3.4-1 Table 3.4-2 Table 3.4-3 Table 3.5-1 Table 4.1-1 Table 5.1-1 Table 5.1-2 Table 5.1-3 Table 5.1-4 Table 5.1-5 Table 5.1-6 World Bank Draft EFA Summary of Alternatives ........................................ 3-7 Cost Comparison of Fuels............................................................................ 3-13 Comparative Assessment of Project-Level Alternatives ............................. 3-14 Comparative Evaluation of Project-level Alternatives ................................ 3-19 Overall Routing Options Critical Factors ................................................. 3-22 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects .................................. 4-2 Land Cover Estimates for Proposed ROW .................................................... 5-7 Broad Community Characterizations in the Project Area.............................. 5-7 Sedimentary Formations in the Overall Nigeria Onshore Project Area ...... 5-10 Summary of the Hydrogeophysical Characteristics at the Six VES Stations......................................................................................................... 5-12 Groundwater Trace Metals Concentrations (ppm)* .................................... 5-14 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Content (ppm) of the Groundwater at the Proposed Compressor Station Site ..................................................... 5-14

Table 5.1-7a Mean Particle Size Distribution of Soils from the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area............................................................................... 5-16 Table 5.1-7b Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area Dry Season EBS................................................ 5-16 Table 5.1-7c Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Barrier Island (Coastal Area) Wet Season EBS...................... 5-17 Table 5.1-8 Table 5.1-9 Heavy Metal Concentrations (ppm) of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area............................................................................... 5-17 Mean Particle Size Distribution of Soils from Habitats Within the Inland Area............................................................................................. 5-19

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Table 5.1-10a Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in Habitats Within the Inland Area Dry Season EBS.................................................................... 5-19 Table 5.1-10b The Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Inland Area Wet Season EBS ................................................. 5-20 Table 5.1-11 Heavy Metal Concentrations (ppm) of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area............................................................................... 5-20 Table 5.1-12a Water Bodies Surveyed in January 2003 ..................................................... 5-22 Table 5.1-12b Physical Characteristics of Water in the Study Area (January 2003).......... 5-23 Table 5.1-13 Summary of Physical Characteristics of Water from Water Bodies Surveyed in the Study Area (January 2003) ................................................ 5-23 Table 5.1-14 Descriptive Statistics of Water Temperature in the Study Area (Morning and Afternoon)............................................................................. 5-24 Table 5.1-15 Parameters and Major Ions in the Investigated Water Bodies*................... 5-26 Table 5.1-16 Salinity Parameters and the Major Ions of the Major Water Bodies in the Project Area ....................................................................................... 5-27 Table 5.1-17 Project Area Water Body* Oxygen and Nutrient Compounds by Sample.......................................................................................................... 5-28 Table 5.1-18 Oxygen and Nutrient Compounds in Major Water Bodies* in the Project Area ................................................................................................. 5-28 Table 5.1-19 Descriptive Statistics of Heavy Metal Content of the Investigated Water Bodies*.............................................................................................. 5-29 Table 5.1-20 Heavy Metal Contents of Some Water Bodies* in the Study Area ............. 5-29 Table 5.1-21 Physical Characteristics of Sediments from Water Bodies in the Project Area ................................................................................................. 5-30 Table 5.1-22 Descriptive Statistics of pH, TOC and THC in Sediments From Water Bodies in the Project Area ........................................................................... 5-30 Table 5.1-23 Mean Values of Sediment pH, TOC and THC in Water Bodies in the Project Area ................................................................................................. 5-31 Table 5.1-24 Sediment pH, TOC and THC Wet Season EBS ...................................... 5-31 Table 5.1-25 Sediment Heavy Metal Concentrations at the Project Area Compared With Other African Environments (ppm) .................................................... 5-31 Table 5.1-26 Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water Sediments From the Project Area (ppm)............................................................................................................ 5-32 Table 5.1-27 Summary Results of Ambient Pollutant Gases and Noise Levels Obtained at the Compressor Site (February 2003) ...................................... 5-33

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Table 5.1-28 Summary Results of Ambient Pollutant Gases at the Compressor Site Wet Season EBS .......................................................................................... 5-34 Table 5.1-29 Biomass Estimates for the Herb Layer in the Different Habitat Types ....... 5-35 Table 5.1-30 Plant Species Composition Within the Strandline Zone Dry Season EBS5-36 Table 5.1-31 Plant Species Composition Within the Marsh Habitat ................................ 5-37 Table 5.1-32 Plant Species Composition in the Coastal Savanna Habitat ........................ 5-37 Table 5.1-33 Plant Species Composition in the Raphia Palm Dominated Swamp Dry Season EBS........................................................................................... 5-38 Table 5.1-34 Plant Species Composition in the Farms and Bush Fallows Dry Season EBS .............................................................................................................. 5-39 Table 5.1-35 Plant Species Composition Within the Secondary Forest Area Dry Season EBS.................................................................................................. 5-39 Table 5.1-36 Population Density of the Major Economic Plants Dry Season EBS....... 5-40 Table 5.1-37 Mammals in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROW Dry Season EBS .............................................................................................................. 5-41 Table 5.1-38 Birds Seen or Heard in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa ......... 5-42 Table 5.1-39 Reptiles Reported to Occur in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa ........................................................................................................... 5-43 Table 5.1-40 Amphibians Recorded in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa ...... 5-44 Table 5.1-41 Average Dry Season Microbial Densities of Soil Samples from Part of the Project Area*.......................................................................................... 5-46 Table 5.1-42 Average Microbial Densities of Soil Samples from A Beach Transect of WAGP EIA Project (Dry Season)*.............................................................. 5-47 Table 5.1-43 Mean Numbers of Soil Microarthropods Extracted from the Soil in Different Habitat Types (Mean Based on Four Sampling Units) ................ 5-48 Table 5.1-44 Distribution of the Recorded Fish Species in the Study Area ..................... 5-50 Table 5.1-45 Average Microbial Densities of Water Samples from WAGP EIA Project* ........................................................................................................ 5-51 Table 5.1-46 Concentrations of Photosynthetic Pigments in the Investigated Water Bodies* ........................................................................................................ 5-51 Table 5.1-47 Variation in Photosynthetic Pigments in Relation to Tide Regime in the Study Area.............................................................................................. 5-52 Table 5.1-48 The Occurrence of Aquatic Macrophytes in the Study Area....................... 5-53 Table 5.1-49 Average Microbial Densities of Sediment Samples* .................................. 5-54

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Table 5.1-50 Occurrence of Amphibian Tadpoles and Macroinvertebrate Animals Associated with Aquatic Macrophytes in the Selected Onshore Water Bodies................................................................................................ 5-55 Table 5.1-51 Summary of Species Richness, Abundance, Diversity, and Distribution of the Major Groups of Macrobenthic Fauna in the Project Area Sediment ...................................................................................................... 5-57 Table 5.1-52 Diversity of Macro-Invertebrate Sediment Fauna of the Investigated Water Bodies in Relation to Tidal Regime .................................................. 5-58 Table 5.1-53 Summary of Offshore Sediment Physicochemical Measurements for All Countries ...................................................................................................... 5-66 Table 5.1-54 Rapid Field Assessment of Sediment, Nigeria Stations............................... 5-67 Table 5.1-55 Results of Primary Productivity Recorded at Stations Offshore Nigeria in July, 2003................................................................................................. 5-71 Table 5.1-56 Dominant Species Recorded at the Laterals and Along the Main Pipeline Route with Catch Rates Wet Season EBS .................................. 5-84 Table 5.1-57 Marine Mammal Sightings During the October 2002 Geophysical Survey .......................................................................................................... 5-87 Table 5.1-58 State of Knowledge of Sea Turtle Presence in the Project Area and Environs ....................................................................................................... 5-88 Table 5.1-59 Officially Protected Species Known to Occur in the Project Area.............. 5-90 Table 5.2-1 Table 5.2-2 Table 5.2-3 Table 5.2-4 Table 5.2-5 Table 5.2-6 Table 5.2-7 Table 5.2-8 Table 5.2-9 Administrative Distribution of Communities Along the Pipeline ROW ..... 5-98 State Location of Surveyed Communities ................................................... 5-98 Population Density in Relevant LGAs in Lagos and Ogun States............. 5-100 Population Counts of Surveyed Communities and Population, 1996 and 2000............................................................................................ 5-101 Migratory Status of Households in Surveyed Communities...................... 5-102 Ethnic groups in the Surveyed Communities............................................. 5-103 Land and/or Water Ownership Around Dwellings in Surveyed Communities .............................................................................................. 5-108 Ownership Status of Residences in Surveyed Communities ..................... 5-109 Land Use Around Dwellings in Surveyed Communities........................... 5-110

Table 5.2-10 Affordability and Reliability of Energy Sources in Surveyed Communities .............................................................................................. 5-110 Table 5.2-11 Distribution of Energy Sources by Domestic Use in Surveyed Communities .............................................................................................. 5-111

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Table 5.2-12 Employment Distribution by Occupation in the Surveyed Communities (population aged 14 and over)............................................. 5-112 Table 5.2-13 Employment Distribution by Type of Employer in the Surveyed Communities (population aged 14 and older)............................................ 5-112 Table 5.2-14 Crop Production Among Survey Communities ......................................... 5-113 Table 5.2-15 Livestock Rearing in Surveyed Communities ........................................... 5-114 Table 5.2-16 Fishing Methods Within Surveyed Communities...................................... 5-115 Table 5.2-17 Income Earners per Household in Surveyed Communities ....................... 5-116 Table 5.2-18 Household Annual Income Distribution in Surveyed Communities ......... 5-117 Table 5.2-19 Distribution of Household Expenditures in Surveyed Communities......... 5-118 Table 5.2-20 Ownership of Household Items in Surveyed Communities....................... 5-119 Table 5.3-1 Table 5.3-2 Table 5.3-3 Table 5.3-4 Table 5.3-5 Table 5.3-6 Table 5.5-1 Table 5.5-2 Table 5.5-3 Table 5.6-1 Table 6.2-1 Table 6.2-2 Table 6.2-3 Table 6.3-1 Table 6.3-2 Table 6.4-1 Reliance of Surveyed Households on Water Source Type ........................ 5-120 Proximity of Surveyed Households to Most Frequently Used Water Supply Sources........................................................................................... 5-121 Sanitation: Household Human Waste Disposal Methods in Surveyed Communities .............................................................................................. 5-122 Sanitation: Household Non-human Waste Disposal Methods in Surveyed Communities.............................................................................. 5-122 Household Health Care Utilization by Type of Provider and Facility....... 5-123 Incidence of Illness and Disease in Surveyed Households, 2002.............. 5-124 WAGP Stakeholder Consultation Summary All WAGP Countries ....... 5-128 WAGP Stakeholder Consultation Summary Nigeria.............................. 5-129 WAGP Consultation Summary by Country and Individual Stakeholder ................................................................................................ 5-129 Government Agencies and Responsibilities for Regulatory Oversight in Nigeria........................................................................................................ 5-130 General On- and Offshore Project Activities................................................. 6-9 Initial Screening List of Affected Media ..................................................... 6-10 Post Screening List of Affected Media........................................................ 6-10 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Focus Areas (March 2003) ............................................................... 6-14 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impact Focus Areas (March 2003) .................................................. 6-18 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria ...................................... 6-23

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Table 6.4-2 Table 6.4-4 Table 6.5-1 Table 6.6-1 Table 6.6-2 Table 6.6-3 Table 6.6-4 Table 6.6-5 Table 6.6-6 Table 6.6-7 Table 6.6-8 Table 6.6-9

Likelihood Criteria....................................................................................... 6-29 How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Impact Assessment...................... 6-33 Local Content Value in Millions of Dollars (and as percentage of total project capital cost) ...................................................................................... 6-39 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts ........................................................................... 6-48 Construction Equipment Noise Levels ........................................................ 6-65 Estimated Total Air Emissions for Site Preparation and Construction Phase (metric tons for entire phase)........................................................... 6-125 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Movements to and from Upland Construction Sites ......................................................................... 6-127 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Mobile Generator Operation at Upland Construction Sites ......................................................................... 6-128 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Movements to and from Tee .......................................................................................................... 6-131 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Mobile Generator Operation at Tee .......................................................................................................... 6-132 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arsing from Mobile Generator Operation at Compressor Station Site............................................................................. 6-134 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Transportation of Heavy Equipment from Port of Lagos .................................................................. 6-135

Table 6.6-10 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Transportation of Pipe Lengths from Port Harcourt to the Coating Facility .................................. 6-140 Table 6.6-11 Land Use in Nigeria ROW......................................................................... 6-153 Table 6.7-1 Table 6.7-2 Table 6.7-3 Table 6.7-4 Table 6.7-5 Table 6.8-1 Table 6.8-2 Table 6.8-3 Table 6.8-4 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts ......................................................................... 6-199 Air Emissions per Day per Offshore Fleet................................................. 6-216 Air Emissions per Day per Nearshore Fleet .............................................. 6-217 Maximum Discharge/Fill Flow Rates 0.9 meter/second pig speed ........... 6-222 Nominal Discharge/Fill Flow Rates 0.6 meter/second pig speed .............. 6-222 Possible Causes of an Uncontrolled Gas Release ...................................... 6-229 Receptors Potentially Affected by Gas Release......................................... 6-229 Possible Causes of Fire .............................................................................. 6-232 Receptors Potentially Affected by Fire...................................................... 6-232

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Table 6.8-5 Table 7.2-1 Table 7.3-1 Table 8-1 Table 8.2-1

Receptors Potentially Affected by Explosion ............................................ 6-234 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact ............................................................................................. 7-4 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category...................... 7-14 [Impact] Section of the WAPCo HSEMP...................................................... 8-3 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring ............................................... 8-15

Table 8.9-1a Land Use Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .................................................. 8-33 Table 8.9-1b Land Use Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .................................................. 8-34 Table 8.9-2a Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ............. 8-37 Table 8.9-2b Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ............. 8-39 Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .................................................................. 8-42 Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .................................................................. 8-45 Table 8.9-4a Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ............................................... 8-50 Table 8.9-4b Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ............................................... 8-52 Table 8.9-5a Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ....... 8-55 Table 8.9-5b Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ....... 8-56 Table 8.9-6a Cultural Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP.................................. 8-59 Table 8.9-6b Cultural Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP.................................. 8-60 Table 8.9-7a Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ...................... 8-63 Table 8.9-7b Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP ...................... 8-64 Table 8.9-8a Public and Worker Health and Safety Section of the WAPCo HSEMP...... 8-68 Table 8.9-8b Public and Worker Health and Safety Section of the WAPCo HSEMP...... 8-69 Table 8.9-9a Emergency Preparedness and Response Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .. 8-72 Table 8.9-9b Emergency Preparedness and Response Section of the WAPCo HSEMP .. 8-73

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation AASHTO ABE ABS AC acfh ACI AES Ag AGI AID AIDS AISC AIT AIW Al ALARP AML ANSI API As ASCE ASME ASNT ASTM atm AVR AWS Meaning American Association of Highway and Transportation Officials Benin Environmental Agency American Bureau of Shipping Alternating Current Actual Cubic Feet per Hour American Concrete Institute Engineering Company Silver Above Ground Installation Agency for International Development Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome American Institute of Steel Construction Auto Ignition Temperature Atlantic Intermediate Water Aluminum As Low As Reasonably Practical Approved Manufacturers List American National Standard Institute American Petroleum Institute Arsenic American Society for Civil Engineers American Society of Mechanical Engineers American Society of Non-Destructive Testing American Society for Testing and Materials Atmosphere Automatic Voltage Regulation American Welding Society

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation B Ba BA BAT Bbl Bcf BDV BHP BME BMP BOD BP BPT Br BS BS EN Btu C C Ca CaCO3 CADD CAE CAPEX CBD CBO cc CCR CCTV Boron Barium Breathing Air


Best Available Technology API Barrel Billion cubic feet Blowdown Valve Break Horse Power Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement Best Management Practice Biological Oxygen Demand Best Practice Best Practicable Control Technology Bromine British Standard British Standard Euro-Norm British Thermal Units Celsius Celsius Calcium Calcium Carbonate Computer Aided Design and Drafting Computer Aided Engineering Capital Expenditure Convention on Biological Diversity Community Based Organization Cubic centimeter Central Control Room Closed Circuit Television

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Meaning Centralized Dispatch Center Clean Development Mechanism (Kyoto protocols Greenhouse Gas Reduction) Communaut Elctrique du Bnin Center for Environment and Development in Africa Communaute Financiere Africaine (African Financial Community) Communaute Financiere Africaine Franc Chlorofluorocarbon Code of Federal Regulations Colony Forming Unit Methane Central Intelligence Agency Construction Industry Institute Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora Chloride Centimeters Computerized Maintenance Management System Consortium Electric Power Consortium Management Team Compressed Natural Gas Chevron Nigeria Limited Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Chemical Oxygen Demand Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea Cathodic Protection ChevronTexaco Project Development and Execution Plan

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation CPI CPT CPU CPUE Cr CR CRA CRT CSC Cu CWAG D dbh dB dBA DC DCS DD DDET DGPS DIN DNV DO DOI DP DPR DPS DSC E Cone Penetration Test Central Processor Unit Catch per unit effort Chromium Critically Endangered

Meaning Chemical Process Industries

Corrosion Resistant Alloy Cathode Ray Tube Convention on the Continental Shelf Copper Chevron West African Gas Normal Outside Diameter Diameter Breast Height Decibels Decibels weighted to A scale Direct Current Distributed Control System Due Diligence Department of Properties, Registration and of Stamps Digital Global Positioning System Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German Industrial Standard) Det Norske Veritas Dissolved Oxygen Declaration of Isolation Dynamic Positioning Department of Petroleum Resources Dynamic Positioning System Decision Support Center East

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Environmental Action Plan Environmental Baseline Survey Electrical Conductivity Equatorial Counter Current Economic Community of West African States Engineering Equipment and Materials Users Association Emergency First Aid Teams Engineering Flow Diagram Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria Environmental Guidelines and Standards Environmental Impact Assessment Environmental Impact Study Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association Escravos Lagos Pipeline Electromagnetic Compatibility Environmental Management Plan Environmental Management System Endangered Euronorm Environmental Protection Agency Engineering, Procurement, Construction Export Processing Zone Emergency Response Environmental Resources Managers Limited Emergency Response Plan Emergency Response Team Emergency Shutdown

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Emergency Shutdown Valve Environmental Sensitivity Index Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Environmental Solutions, Ltd. Emergency Support System Et alli (and others) Eastern Tropical Zone Fahrenheit Fire and Gas Fire and Smoke Food and Agricultural Organisation of the United Nations Factory Acceptance Testing Formazin Attenuation Unit Fusion Bonded Epoxy Fail Closed Failure Characteristic Analysis Iron Front End Engineering Design Front End Loading Federal Environmental Protection Agency Final Investment Decision Facilities Information Network Failure Mode and Effect Analysis Federal Ministry of the Environment Federal Minister of the Environment Fail Open Free on Board Federal Office of Statistics

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation FRP Ft G Gal GC GDP GEF GEPA GEST Gg GHG GIEC GNPC GOg LME GPHA GRE GRP GSS GTA GTG H2CO3 H2S ha HAT HAZAN HAZID Feet Gram Gallon Guinea Current

Meaning Fiber Reinforced Plastic

Gross Domestic Product Global Environment Fund Ghana Environmental Protection Agency Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, and Technology Gigagram Greenhouse Gas International Group of Experts on the Climate Ghana National Petroleum Corporation Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem Ghana Ports and Harbors Authority Glass Reinforced Epoxy Glass Reinforced Plastic Ghana Statistical Service Gas Transportation Agreement Gas Turbine Generator Carbonic Acid Hydrogen Sulfide Hectare Highest Astronomical Tide Hazard Analysis - (A formal procedure used to identify hazards, quantify their impact, and analyze problems associated with a given process) Hazard Identification

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Meaning Hazard and Operability Study (A formal procedure used to identify hazards and operability problems associated with a given process) Hazardous Operations Hydrogen Carbonate Horizontal Directional Drill Helium Human Factors Engineering Human Factors Implementation Plan Mercury Hydrogen Induced Cracking High Integrity Pressure Protection High Integrity Pressure Protection System High Integrity Protection System Human Immunodeficiency Virus Human Machine Interface Heads of Agreement Harmonised Chemical Offshore Notification Scheme High Pressure High Power Horsepower Hour Human Resources Hardness Rockwell (C Scale) Health, Safety, and Environmental Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System High Voltage Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning Interconnect

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Industrie Bninoise des Corps Gras Institute of Corrosion Insulated Cable Engineers Association, Inc. Inside diameter International Electrotechnical Council Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Illuminating Engineering Society of America Issued for Approval International Finance Corporation Issued for Design Issued for HAZOP International Finance Institution Incident Free Operations Inter Government Agency tablissement Gographique National International Institute of Tropical Agriculture Information Management Integration Management Entity International Maritime Organization Inches International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage International Project Agreement Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Industrial Risk Insurers Internal Rate of Return Impoverishment Risks and Reconstruction Intrinsically Safe

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation ISA ISO ISSER IT ITB ITCZ ITD ITF IUCN JHA J.O.R.T. JVA K kg khz km km2 KO KP kW kWh L LAN LAT lb lbs/MWh LC50 LCN LCO

Meaning Instrument Society of America International Organization for Standardization Institute of Statistical, Social, and Economic Research Information Technology Invitation to Bid Inter-tropical Convergence Zone Inter-tropical discontinuity Inter-tropical front The World Conservation Union Job Hazard Analysis Official Journal Joint Venture Agreement Potassium Kilogram Kilohertz Kilometers Kilometer Squared Knock Out Kilometer Post Kilowatt Kilowatt Hour Liter Local Area Network Lowest Astronomical Tide pound Pounds per Megawatt Hour Lethal Concentration, 50 Percent Local Country Nationals Light Crude Oil

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Meaning Local Gas Distribution Company Lower Explosive Limit Lower Flammability Limit. Local Government Areas Lithium Large Marine Ecosystem Liquid Natural Gas Letter of Intent Low Pressure Liquid Petroleum Gas Low Point of Paving Lower Risk Low Voltage Land Valuation Board Meter Square meter Meter Cubed Monitoring and Evaluation Manual Alarm Call Marine Pollution Convention Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure Metal Clad Motor Control Center Multi-Criterion Decision Analysis Main Control Room Ministries, Departments, and Agencies Mean Down Time Ministry of the Environment, Housing, and Town Planning
Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 AA-11

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation mEq Mg mg mg C/m2/day MIGA MIS mL mm MM MMm3D MMcmd MMS MMscfd MMTPA Mn Mo MOC MoLGRD MOU MP Ms MSC MSDS MTons MTBF Mtpa MTTR mV milliequivalent Magnesium Milligram


mg carbon per square meters per day Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency Management Information System Milliliter Millimeter Million when used in the context of gas flow or heating value. Thus MMBtu implies million Btus. Million meters cubed per day Million cubic meters per day Maintenance Management System Million Standard Cubic Feet per Day Million Metric Tons per Annum Manganese Molybdenum Management of Change Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development Memorandum of Understanding Medium Pressure Millisecond Ministerial Steering Committee Material Safety Data Sheet Million tons Mean Time Between Failure Million Tons per Annum Mean Time To Repair millivolt

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Mega Volt Amps Regulation Megawatts Mega Watt Hour Naira Newton Nitrogen North Main coastal road in Togo Sodium National Association of Corrosion Engineers Sodium Chloride National Disaster Management Organization North Atlantic Deep Water Nigeria National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control National Association of Pipe Coating Applicators Nominal Bore Nigeria Federal Department of Petroleum Resources Non Destructive Testing North East National Electric Code National Engineering Manufacturers Association National Electric Power Authority Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment Nigerian Gas Company Non-Government Organizations Ammonia Nickel

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Meaning Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research Nanometer Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation Nitrite Nitrate Nitrous Oxides No Observable Effect Concentration Nigerian Ports Authority National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Nominal Pipe Size Net Present Value Nephelometric Turbidity Units North West Operations and Maintenance Organization of African Unity Operational Directive Ozone Depleting Substance Original Equipment Manufacturer International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil On-the-Job-Training Operational Policy Operating Expenditure Overseas Private Investment Corporation Oxygen Reduction Potential Occupational Safety and Health Administration Commissions of Oslo and Paris Overhead Traveling Crane LOffice Togolaise des Phosphates Phosphorus
Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 AA-14

Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams Public Address/General Alarm Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Pressure Alarm Low Low Project Affected People Pre-assembled Piperack Process Automation System Lead Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls Process Control System Public Display Package Project Execution Plan Project Execution Strategy Process Flow Diagrams Passive Fire Protection Process Hazards Analysis Profitability Index Project Implementation Committee Proportional Integral Derivative Programmable Logic Controller German Engineering Company Feasibility study less than or equal to 10 micro meters Phosphate People on Board Persistent Organic Pollutants Provisional National Defense Council Law Protecting People and the Environment CT Policy 530 Parts Per Billion

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Acronyms and Abbreviations

Acronym or Abbreviation PPE ppm PSI PSIA psig PSS PSV PVC PWHT QA QC QRA R&M Stations RAM RAP RBI RCM Redox RF RFQ RGPH ROV ROW RP RPD RTD RTJ RV RVP Parts Per Million Pounds per square inch

Meaning Personal Protective Equipment

Pounds per Square Inch Absolute Pounds per Square Inch Gauge Plant Safeguarding System Pressure Safety Valve Polyvinyl chloride Post Weld Heat Treatment Quality Assurance Quality Control Quantified Risk Assessment Regulating and Metering Stations Reliability, Availability, and Maintenance Resettlement Action Plan Risk Based Inspection Reliability Centered Maintenance Reduction/Oxidation Raised Face Request for Quotation Recensement General de la Population ed de LHabitat Remotely Operated Vehicle Right of Way Recommended Practice Redox Potential Discontinuity Resistance Temperature Device Ring Type Joint Relief Valve Reid Vapor Pressure

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Acronyms and Abbreviations



South Atlantic Central Water Shama-Ahanta East Metropolis Area Safety Analysis Function Evaluation Chart Safety and Operability Studies Statistical Analysis System Societe dAdministration des Zones Franches Structured Breakdown of Costs Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Standard cubic foot Shut Down Valve Selenium South East Seconds Safety, Health and Environment Silicon Socioeconomic Impact Assessment Safety In Design Safety Integrity Level Simultaneous Operations Silicate oxide Safety Instrumented System Systems Integration Test Sponsor Management Committee Shell Nigeria Gas Limited Sulfur Dioxide Sulfate Sulfur Oxides

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Socit Bninoise des Brasserie Socit Bninoise de Gaz S.A. Sequence of Events Protocol Relating to the International Regulations for the Safety of Life at Sea Standard Operating Procedure Socit Togolaise de Gaz S.A. Shell Petroleum Development Company Sediment Profile Images Single Point Mooring Safe Practices and Procedures Manual Statistics Package for the Social Sciences Strontium Safety Shutdown System Sea Surface Temperature South-Southwest Sexually Transmitted Disease Standards of Training Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarer South West To Be Advised To Be Determined Total Corrosion Allowance Third Country Nationals Tema Development Corporation Tri-ethylene Glycol Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association, Inc. Total Hydrocarbons Tetrakis(hydroxymethyl)phosphonium Sulfate Threshold Limit Value

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning Tema Municipal Authority Tema Municipal Executive Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres ton Tema New Town Total Organic Carbon Total Organic Matter Terms of Reference Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Total Quality Management Total Suspended Solids Tropical Surface Water Tema Traditional Council Takoradi Thermal Plant True Vapor Pressure microgram micrometer MicroSiemens per centimeter Uniform Building Code Uniform Effluent Standards Unincorporated Joint Venture Underwriters Laboratory United Nations Conference on Environment and Development United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization United Nations Organization Uninterruptible Power Supply United States

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Acronyms and Abbreviations


Meaning United States Environment Protection Agency

Volts Alternating Current Volta Aluminum Company Volts Direct Current Video Display Unit Vertical Electrical Sounding Value Improvement Practices Volta River Authority Very Small Aperture Terminal/Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition Variable Speed Drive System Vulnerable West West African Gas Pipeline West African Gas Pipeline Authority West African Pipeline Company West African Power Pool World Bank Water Depth Waste Heat Recovery Unit World Health Organization Waste Management Plan Whispering Palms Wall Thickness Year Hydrographical zero Zinc

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Nigeria Environmental Impact Assessment Authors and Contributors

Funso Adeniyi Olajire Alao Agboola Amusan Pius Anada Godwin Asibor Ibrahim Attah Larry Awosika Adetola Badejo Joseph Bamidele Albert Ikolo Victor Imevbore Tunde Imoobe Michael Kehinde Elijah Ohimain Adeolu Ojo Anthony Okoh Lanre Olorunda Olumide Omisore Festus Orepo Osakwe Ibrahim Salau Alabi Soneye Lekan Taiwo Miriam Vwioko S.I. Abumere A.S. Gbadegesin C.O. Ikporukpo S.I. Okafor O. Oluwasola Hydrobiology, Fisheries and Water and Sediment Physico-chemistry Field Coordinator Soil Chemistry and Land Use Wildlife Statistical Analysis Analytical Chemist Oceanography and Coastal Geology Soil Biology Vegetation Acting Lab Manager Project Director Benthic Invertebrates Groundwater/Hydrogeology and Shallow Groundwater Resources Wetlands Delineation Project Manager Microbiology Safety Quality Control Soil Chemist Sample Preparation and Extraction Air Quality/Pollution Chemistry Climate and Meteorology Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Data Management Sample Custody Socioeconomic Team Leader Field and Report Coordination, Secondary Data, and GIS Support. Social Management Plan Social Impact Assessment Fieldwork, Culture, and Lifestyles

Authors and Contributors

United States
Henry Camp Ed Carr Marlene Cole Theodore Coogan James Gardiner William Gibson Sakina Khan Johanna Kollar J. Renee Morin Walter Palmer Kathy Thrun Existing Condition, Offshore and Onshore Environment, Impacts Analysis Air Quality Modeling Senior Ecologist Geographic Information Systems Engineering Author Habitats, Biological Resources and Environmental Management Socioeconomic Impact Analysis, Reviewer Coastal Zone Management, Wetlands Ecology, and Hydrology Environmental Impacts Analysis, Editor Technical Director/Reviewer and Socioeconomics Program Director, Chemistry

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The West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) team wishes to acknowledge and thank the West African Pipeline Gas Company Ltd. (WAPCo) and their WAGP engineering and front end engineering design (FEED) (Paragon and PCS Engineering) teams for their support throughout this project and, in particular, for providing the technical and project planning information necessary to produce a sound EIA for the proposed WAGP. We particularly wish to thank Mr. John Cornwell of WAPCo for his continuous guidance and encouragement. We were fortunate to receive constructive contributions and comments from a large number of West African and international agencies and organizations; we offer our deep appreciation to: Nigeria Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv) Ministry of Petroleum Resources West Africa Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) International World Bank World Bank Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) United States of America The United States Agency for International Development and their technical support contractor, Nexant

Executive Summary
The proposed West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) will transport natural gas from Nigeria to Benin, Ghana, and Togo by way of a newly constructed 620 kilometer (km) (385 miles) long pipeline. The proposed pipeline will originate in Itoki, Nigeria, where it will connect to an existing natural gas system at the Alagbado Tee facility, traverse to the Nigeria coastline, and then run offshore to a distribution point near Takoradi, Ghana. Lateral branches will bring the gas to onshore distribution points near Cotonou, Benin; Lom, Togo; and Tema, Ghana to supply industrial and commercial gas customers, including electric power utilities. The map provided as Figure ES-1 shows the overall project area and the pipeline route. The WAGP project proponent is the West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited (WAPCo), an incorporated joint venture partnership formed in May 2003 between an affiliate of Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), an affiliate of The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), Socit Beninoise de Gaz S.A. (SOBEGAZ), Socit Togolaise de Gaz S.A (SOTOGAZ), and a subsidiary of the Volta River Authority (VRA). The total capital investment for WAGP, estimated at US$500 million, is being financed by the joint venture partners, each holding a percentage of the shares in the project. WAGP will be a gas transportation facility and WAPCo will neither own nor sell the product moved through WAGP, but will instead charge tariffs to its customers who move gas through WAGP. The primary anticipated gas transportation customer is another incorporated joint venture, N-Gas Limited (N-Gas), which is owned directly or by other affiliates of NNPC, CNL, and SPDC. The natural gas to be moved through WAGP will primarily come from the Niger Delta, and will consist of associated and non-associated gas from various gas fields in the Delta region. In order to maximize gas transport capacity, the great majority of the WAGP system will be a high-pressure system. Gas transport capacity of WAGP as initially built is 190 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) and the project design capacity with all planned compressors, including a midline compressor in Togo, would be 578MMscfd. The actual rate of gas transport through WAGP will depend on end-user customer demand for natural gas.

Project Benefits
WAGP has the potential to bring about social and economic benefits at the global, regional, national, and local levels. From a global perspective, the WAGP project represents a major investment in infrastructure in a region that is one of the least developed in the world. Development of regionally integrated energy infrastructure and clean, reliable energy sources is vital to the economic development of the region. WAGP will provide another important global benefit by providing a means for bringing to market currently flared gas in the Niger Delta. In doing so, WAGP will contribute to the Global Flare Reduction Initiative, an initiative led by the World Bank that seeks to eliminate gas flaring worldwide. Elimination of gas flaring has many potential benefits, including reducing air pollution, and related impacts on communities; capturing and providing fuel for power and industry;

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Figure ES-1 West Africa Gas Pipeline Project Area

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spurring economic development; and at the global level, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and combating global warming (Appendix 2A-1 describes expected reductions in GHG emission). WAGP will also provide additional reduction in GHG emissions and associated global warming impacts by inducing a switch to gas fuel from other fossil fuels (primarily light crude oil) among end-user gas customers. WAGP is a major initiative to integrate the regional energy sector and there is evidence that such regional integration provides benefits of increased flexibility, resilience, distribution, abundance, and diversity of energy supplies. The development of WAGP to date has broken new ground in bringing together governments and private sector enterprises and generally enhancing regional collaboration in the four countries. The project has started Nigeria on a path of extensive economic cooperation and energy integration with Benin, Ghana, and Togo, as well as cooperation and harmonization on many levels. Once approved, built, and put into operation, WAGP will become a permanent basis for cooperation among the countries, and one that has the potential to lead to broader economic cooperation and development. By supplying gas to regional power providers, WAGP will support the West Africa Power Pool (WAPP), another regional energy sector initiative that will also bring about substantial cooperation and integration. The natural gas source provided by WAGP will allow the WAPP to make reliable electricity available to many more areas and customers in the region, allow migration to cleaner gas-fired power generation to satisfy regional power demand, and cut power generation costs roughly in half. Switching from more polluting fuels to natural gas by end-user gas customers in Benin, Ghana, and Togo will bring about a substantial reduction in air pollutant emissions of sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulates. WAGP will provide a number of important benefits at the local and national level for the people of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. WAGP provides a clean, reliable energy source for expanding power generation in Benin, Ghana, and Togo and thus reduces the energy supply gaps in these countries. Monetary benefits to the countries are also realized through taxes paid by WAPCo. The gas producers will realize additional revenue from the sale of gas transported by WAGP. Local economies will benefit from WAPCos commitment to hiring employees and contractors from surrounding communities to staff construction and operations workforce (total workforce estimated at more than 1,000); from WAPCos commitment to purchase 15 percent of supplies and materials locally; and from planned community development programs. As a nation, Nigeria will see economic benefits and infusion of funds into the national economy through the return on sales of Nigerian gas; tariffs charged for transportation of gas through the ELPS; and income tax on WAPCo operations. WAGP will provide important environmental benefits to Nigeria as it brings currently flared gas in the Niger Delta region to market and in doing so reduces air pollution and related impacts on communities; reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and combats global warming. The majority of beneficial impacts associated with WAGP are socioeconomic effects. The provision of a market and a financial return for natural gas currently being wasted will provide an infusion of funds into Nigeria. Because a portion of the returns on the sale of this

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gas is expected to remain in Nigeria, these will have positive economic impacts. Additionally, taxes paid by WAPCo to Nigeria will help strengthen the national economy and support economic development. Total tax benefits received by Nigeria over the lifetime of the project are projected to be in the range of $76 million to $95 million (WAGP, 2004). More economic benefits both direct and indirect will be generated through Nigerias participation in the pipeline project and return on equity investments and transportation tariffs. To involve and benefit local communities, WAPCo has made a commitment to purchase 15 percent of all goods and services required during construction from local businesses. This local content value for onshore construction procurement in Nigeria is estimated at $39.6 million. Employment income perhaps the largest contribution to socioeconomic benefits will be generated in many surrounding communities as local jobs are created both temporarily during construction and permanently throughout the operation and maintenance of the project. Local workers will be hired by contractors for several aspects of construction. In general, increased employment levels are expected to boost personal income and strengthen the local economy. Moreover, payments for local contract work will be substantial, generating direct, indirect, and induced benefits for the surrounding communities. Community Development and Health and Safety Benefits will occur through WAGPs planned Community Development Program and improved infrastructure. This program will target education and healthcare support during the construction period. Participatory needs assessments have identified future opportunities in terms of income generation and capacity building that can be incorporated into later year operations. Secondary benefits will be realized through new industrial development and the associated creation of employment opportunities and income facilitated by the availability of reliable energy transported through WAGP. Industrial development may also spur economic and land development, particularly in areas around major towns and cities. Local businesses such as food markets and household goods stores may see secondary benefits resulting from spending of wages earned in jobs directly and indirectly created by the project.

Project Description
Pipeline and Facilities
The main feature of WAGP is the 620km natural gas pipeline itself. The pipeline will connect to the existing Escravos-Lagos Pipeline (ELP) at the existing Alagbado Tee facility near Itoki, Nigeria. From there, a 30in diameter pipe will traverse 56km to a new compression facility at Badagry Beach, known as the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. A 20in line diameter pipe will be routed from the compression facility to the sea and run offshore for more than 500km, terminating near Takoradi, Ghana. Lateral branches off the main offshore line will bring the gas to new onshore distribution points near Cotonou, Benin; Lome, Togo; and Tema, Ghana. Sources of available natural gas volumes from existing oil and gas operations in Nigeria have been identified to provide the initial pipeline system capacity of 190MMscfd (Appendix 2A-

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2 describes natural gas sources and transmission infrastructure upstream of WAGP). Most of this available natural gas is associated gas (i.e., produced with oil from the same reservoir or wellhead source), which is currently flared. Non-associated gas will also be produced as needed to supply WAGP, particularly as associated gas supply sources decline over time. The demand for WAGP gas is expected to increase with time and WAPCo plans corresponding increases in system capacity by boosting operating pressure. The WAGP Treaty and International Project Agreement (IPA) give exclusive transport rights to the NNPC, CNL, and SPDC joint ventures for the first 200MMscfd of capacity for 10 years and make provisions for development of open commercial access above these limits. Sources for gas volumes above 200MMscfd are not specifically known at this time and could involve existing or new oil and gas facilities. The existing ELP system can deliver up to 200MMscfd of natural gas to the Alagbado Tee without a need for upgrades or repairs. WAPCo is conducting a joint, due diligence assessment to ensure that the ELP can transport gas volumes up to the WAGP design capacity. The Alagbado Tee is the point where the WAGP transmission system is connected to the ELP transmission system. The Alagbado Tee will be improved to integrate WAGP and provide custody transfer, metering, and monitoring of the natural gas. The Nigeria section of WAGP will begin at the connection at the Alagbado Tee. The pipeline will extend southwesterly approximately 56km to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station in Nigeria. The route will either share or run adjacent to an existing natural gas pipeline Right of Way (ROW) for the first 36km and then continue on land previously unoccupied by or adjacent to any pipeline ROW. Natural gas will be transported from the Alagbado Tee under low pressure to the planned Lagos Beach Compressor Station to boost gas pressure for transmission offshore. The compressor station will be built on an 8.5ha site west of the village of Ajido, located approximately 12km east of Badagry, Nigeria and approximately 0.85km north of Badagry Creek. The compressor station will be one of two locations for system controls and the Emergency Shutdown (ESD) systems, the other located at WAPCo headquarters. Gas compression will initially occur only in Nigeria but provisions are being made in the design of the transmission system for expansion of compression capability in the future through the possible installation of midline compression facilities at Lom, Togo as well as additional compressors at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Should requirements necessitate extending the pipeline past Ghana, future compression facilities can be installed at the Takoradi location. Compressed natural gas will be sent from the Lagos Beach Compressor Station via a 20in pipeline for 567km to the Takoradi Thermal Power Plant. At three points along the pipeline route, tie-ins will be made for laterals to extend from the main offshore trunk line to distribution points near Cotonou, Benin; Lom, Togo; and Tema, Ghana. The pipeline route does not cross any shipping lanes and avoids passing through anchorage areas. Regulating and metering (R&M) stations at the end point of the offshore laterals in Benin, Togo, and Ghana as well as the terminus of the main trunk line at Takoradi, Ghana are where the WAPCo transmission system will end and customer usage and/or local gas distribution
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by local gas distribution companies will begin. Pipeline pressure is reduced at the station and custody transfer and metering of the natural gas from WAPCo to the customer or local gas distributor will occur. A link line will extend 9.5km from the Benin R&M station to a relocated electric power facility at Maria Gleta and 1.0km from the Togo R&M station to an existing electric power facility across the Lom-Cotonou road. These link lines are considered in this EIA because WAPCo will build them, but they may be permitted separately from the rest of the pipeline. A temporary concrete weight-coating plant will be built on a currently unused industrial site near the port of Tema for the coating of approximately 600km of 20in offshore pipeline. Existing facilities in Choba, Nigeria will provide for the coating of 13km of 30in onshore pipeline to be installed in onshore wetland areas in Nigeria.

The pipeline itself will be constructed by linking 12ft sections of steel pipe having a wall thickness of approximately 0.5in, coated on the outside for corrosion protection. An external concrete weight coating is added to the pipeline where the pipeline is installed in saturated or marsh environments. The onshore pipeline will be installed in an excavated trench within a 25m ROW to a nominal depth of 0.9m in upland areas, wetlands and marshes, and stream crossings. Onshore pipeline construction activities in Nigeria are expected to last 6 to 8 months and involve 450 workers. Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) techniques will be used to install the pipeline underneath Badagry Creek (downstream of the compressor station). The offshore pipeline will be placed directly on the seafloor in water depths in excess of 8m. In sections of the route where the water depth is less than 8m, the pipeline will be buried below the seafloor as a result of either HDD or trenching. This design alternative was selected given that it would reduce the impact to the benthic environment, among other reasons. For the great majority of its route, the pipeline will lie in waters 30m to 50m deep; the deepest point will be 70m below sea level. Commissioning of the pipeline segments will involve flooding with water, cleaning, gauging, and reflooding with treated water; hydrostatic testing; dewatering and drying; and air expulsion and nitrogen packing. Water for hydrostatic testing will be drawn from surface water bodies. Any biocides used for corrosion protection will be neutralized prior to discharge into the ocean. Construction of the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, including excavation, clearing and backfilling of the footprint, and the actual construction, will last 12 months to 15 months and involve a work force of 300 workers to 450 workers. Approximately 25,000m3 of soil will be excavated and then re-used as compacted fill. A temporary batching plant may be erected to supply concrete needs or concrete may be transported by truck from local providers. All deliveries of major equipment (e.g., compressors, tanks) will originate in the Port of Lagos and then be transported to the compressor station site via either existing roads from the Port of Lagos to Badagry, with delivery along the Badagry Creek road, west of Ajido, or

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transported through Lagos Lagoon and Badagry Creek to a new unloading facility and dock linked by a new access road to the site.

The need for alternative energy supplies in Benin, Ghana, and Togo is established by the coincidence of future energy deficits forecast in these countries and the comparatively high cost of thermal electricity generation using imported fuels. This need, together with the supply of natural gas, the requirement to reduce gas flaring in Nigeria, and the technical feasibility of delivering natural gas from Nigeria to Ghana, Togo, and Benin, provide a compelling rationale to proceed with the WAGP project. Even while using different approaches, both the World Banks draft Economic and Financial Analysis (EFA) and WAPCos project alternatives analysis conclude that the proposed WAGP design is the optimal solution. The World Banks draft EFA identified alternatives as part of a regional energy sector optimization strategy and studied domestic power development alternatives (hydroelectric, oil and gas, coal, nuclear, wind, solar), power importation alternatives (Cte dIvoire Liquid Natural Gas, Nigeria), and gas resource and transportation alternatives (gas source other than Nigeria, Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) or Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) transportation, alternate routes for the pipeline). The project alternatives considered in this EIA reflect the business capabilities and objectives of WAPCo and a limited number of competing power options and/or alternative energy resources. Besides the No-Project and Proposed Project Alternatives, the EIA evaluated a select number of alternate scenarios. Two alternatives considered developing gas-fueled power generation and export stations in Nigeria, and exporting natural gas as LNG meet some of these objectives but do not provide comparable benefits. These alternatives would produce more substantial environmental and socioeconomic impacts than WAGP, do not provide as timely a solution, and/or incur higher costs and the same benefits as WAGP. A renewable fuels alternative does not contribute to flare reduction in Nigeria and presents challenges in terms of reliability, security, and feasibility for Benin, Ghana, and Togo. In addition, it is doubtful that the renewable fuels alternative could provide sufficient power for industrial uses. Alternatives for the pipeline routing were considered: onshore/offshore, onshore, and offshore. The selected option, a combination of onshore and offshore routes, provides the greatest benefits at the lowest level of environmental and socioeconomic impacts and least cost. The EIA considered design alternatives for nearly every aspect of the project. Selection of preferred alternatives when devising, considering, and choosing between design options were based on a number of factors including: overall safety of the public and workers; environmental impact; potential impacts to communities; acceptance by stakeholders; best available practicable technologies; feasibility of construction, operation, and maintenance; and cost of construction, operation, and maintenance.

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Final design of the pipeline route was given considerable attention due to the linear nature of the project and the extensive overall length. Within the preferred Onshore/Offshore option, more specific routing options were considered and chosen in order to minimize environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Alternate construction techniques for installing the pipeline across the shorelines were considered. In Nigeria, HDD was selected as it created the least disturbance in the Badagry wetland-lagoon-barrier island crossing from the Lagos Beach Compressor Station.

Baseline Information
Natural Environment
The climate in the area is tropical with alternating wet and dry seasons. Air quality in the rural areas is generally good, while air quality in cities is poor, with elevated concentrations of carbon monoxide, lead, volatile hydrocarbons, ozone, and particulate matter all pollutants associated with transportation sources. Existing concentrations of particulate matter exceed European and World Bank long-term standards in certain samples, indicating that existing air quality may be poor (with respect to particulates) in certain parts of the study area.

Satellite images of the onshore pipeline ROW proposed in each of the four countries, including Nigeria, are shown in the oversized maps attached at the end of the Regional EIA report. From the Alagbado Tee in Nigeria, the proposed pipeline ROW follows an existing natural gas ROW already cleared of natural cover for the first 40km of its route. The ROW passes through a patchwork mosaic of fallow, agricultural, and residential areas with some secondary forest and seasonal wetlands. This pattern is mostly sustained through the uncleared new ROW route to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, where the ROW then passes though the marsh, Badagry Creek, and the sandy barrier island, and out to sea. Soils near the shoreline tend to be sandy; away from the immediate coast, soils derived from the sedimentary rock are highly weathered, with low organic content, and of low inherent fertility. Soils in swamps/marshy areas tend to be acidic, with high organic content. Soils in the study area are generally free from metals or hydrocarbon contamination. Surface water bodies (both tidal and non-tidal) in the ROW include Badagry Creek, Yewa River, Ologe Lagoon, and tributaries of the River Owo. The physical and chemical characteristics of the surface water bodies do not indicate the presence of contaminants (although water quality for drinking is relatively poor). In general, water bodies in the study area are characterized by low turbidity. Tidal waters are near neutral, non-tidal waters are slightly acidic, and water from hand-dug wells is acidic. Tidal waters are slightly brackish; non-tidal and hand-dug well waters are relatively fresh. Sediments from the investigated area of Badagry Creek are essentially sandy, ranging from sandy silt (at Topo Island), through clayey sand (at the ROW), to sand eastward of the ROW. Sediments from the non-tidal water bodies contain more silt and clay. The wide range of sediment pH (3.4 to 8) measured in the dry season is due to variations in sediment grain size, organic carbon content, and the

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surrounding ecosystems in the brackish to saltwater environments. Measured coliform bacterial densities suggest that some of the water bodies may not be potable. Plankton community samples indicate that the brackish waters have high productivity. The finfish fauna reflects the mixed nature of the water environment comprising marine, brackish, and freshwater species. Fish communities in habitats connected with marine areas have species that are exclusively onshore, some that are exclusively marine, and others that travel between the two habitats. These habitats are therefore often rather rich in species and in abundance. The onshore habitats in Nigeria contain typical assemblages of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates, as the habitats tend to be both typical and common for the broader area where each is found. Certain habitats, such as mangroves, heavily vegetated wetlands, and secondary forests, support higher biodiversity and more protected species than other habitats. Terrestrial species of concern include pythons, monitor lizards, Nile crocodile, sitatunga, herons, egrets, and hawks.

The offshore region is classified as a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) by the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development. The northern portion is thermally unstable and undergoes intensive seasonal upwellings; the southern portion is thermally stable and depends on the nutrient input from land drainage, river flows, and wave turbulence. These characteristics make the area highly productive and rich in fishery resources and biological diversity. Species diversity and abundance of plankton is linked to seasonal variation of the oceanographic regime and the rapid development of plankton has a rippling effect on fish populations. Fish production in the Gulf of Guinea is high and the migration of important fish stocks (e.g., herrings, shads, mackerels, tunas, and jacks) is dependent on upwelling events and the movement of climatic fronts and ocean currents. The rich fishery resource supports artisanal fisheries, local industrial fleets, and large international commercial offshore fishing fleets. Sea turtles nest on the sandy beaches near the shoreline crossing locations. Other marine species of concern include cetaceans (whales), dolphins, and the West African manatee. Physicochemical properties of the water column in the ocean indicate a healthy marine environment. Turbidity is generally low in the offshore, oceanic waters; however, there is a coastal zone of turbid, greenish water, which meets the clearer oceanic water 6km to 8km from the coast. On the seabed, the benthic communities are mature and in equilibrium with local physical conditions indicating little disturbance; biological composition of the benthos is generally homogeneous. Concentrations of metals and hydrocarbons were similar to region-wide averages, indicating little or no contamination.

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Human Environment
The proposed pipeline route onshore is all within the Lagos metropolitan area. As compared to most rural residents in Nigeria, many of the residents in the surveyed communities enjoy relatively high income and access to infrastructure and are relatively cosmopolitan. However, access to water within the immediate pipeline vicinity has been a problem for some communities (the quality of water is poor and often polluted), and most residents surveyed use open pit latrines for sanitation. The Lagos area is more densely populated and experiencing more rapid population growth than other areas in Nigeria. A plurality (43 percent) of residents surveyed are self-employed; other major sources of employment include the public (24 percent) and private sectors (22 percent). Traditional, rural fishing or non-fishing villages of mostly native peoples exist near the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Badagry Beach. Residents in most of the surveyed communities have access to basic infrastructure, including education and health care facilities. The Yoruba make up the overwhelming majority of the population in the project area. Although the majority of households in the surveyed communities are native to their respective community, there are no indigenous peoples, as defined by World Bank policy, in the pipeline ROW. For the pipeline itself, the actual amount of land taken in any area along the pipeline route is at most a 25 meter-wide strip. Thus, the project would affect relatively few people in any one locality and would in general only affect an isolated portion of a larger village or community. The planned pipeline and associated facilities will contact about 2,500 individual land plots in 27 settlements. About 67,000 people live in the communities along or near the pipeline. A total of 149 structures were within the ROW at the time of the estate survey; 97 of these were residential (28 fully complete, 35 partially complete, 24 only a foundation). Fully complete structures generally are cement block or concrete with metal roofs (aluminum or galvanized iron). Based on reconnaissance performed during engineering, environmental baseline, estate, and socioeconomic surveys, important cultural resources exist in the vicinity of the ROW, including churches, gravesites, praying grounds, shrines, and the homes and palaces of traditional rulers. The planning of the pipeline ROW and the related facilities included consideration of environmental and socioeconomic issues and care was taken to avoid community and population centers and cultural areas. This plan avoided known resources and the need for major resettlement of people. WAPCo is still in the process of conducting a literature review for archaeologic resources. This literature review will be followed by an archaeologic walk-through, which is scheduled to be completed in July 1004. WAPCo also will have a chance finds procedure in place throughout the construction phase (adherence to this procedure will be an explicit tem of construction contracts), and will provide cultural properties training to construction workers.

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Impacts and Mitigation

In addition to the benefits summarized above, the WAGP project as proposed in Nigeria has the potential to create a few direct negative impacts that can be mitigated to low levels, some risks associated with emergency and upset conditions, and some secondary and cumulative impacts. Initial screening was conducted to identify impacts that affect environmental and socioeconomic conditions. WAPCo participated in this initial step to identify impacts and issues that may affect project implementation or siting; cycle these back to the project design engineers; and recognize impacts that may warrant mitigation measures. A methodical and rigorous impact assessment was conducted to establish severity levels of specific project activities on each of the potentially affected environmental media and socioeconomic aspects. For the entire project, this resulted in 2,299 potential impacts being evaluated (209 activities, 11 impact media) using the methodology described in Chapter 6 of this EIA report. The impact assessment process took into account information on mitigation measures that was available at the time and was described in the project design specifications. When potential impacts were initially judged to be high or moderate even with the implementation of planned mitigation measures, additional measures were recommended to reduce the anticipated impacts to lower levels. In assessing socioeconomic impacts, it was assumed that the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) would be properly implemented. The RAP intends to mitigate displacement of current land and reduction in means of livelihood for people affected by the project. Direct negative impacts associated with the project include potential onshore and potential offshore impacts to the environment, socioeconomic conditions, and health and safety of workers and members of the general public. Onshore Environmental Impacts Fifty-four different activities were evaluated in detail across five categories of potential environmental impacts: land use; habitat and biological resources; soils, topography, and geology; water resources and hydrology; and air. Of the 270 impact possibilities that were assessed, 173 (64 percent) were determined to be of negligible concern and 74 (27 percent) were evaluated as being of low or moderate severity because they are short-term in duration, reversible, localized in area affected, and/or unlikely to occur given planned management practices. Many possible high severity impacts have been entirely avoided through the alternatives review and selection process, described in Chapter 4. However, some environmental impacts are inevitable with a project of this nature and scale. The most significant potential environmental impacts are associated with three activities in the site preparation and construction phase in Nigeria:

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Construction activities associated with installing the pipeline, particularly clearing and trenching; The potential impacts associated with traditional trenching methods to install the pipeline across Badagry Creek and across the barrier island if HDD methods, the preferred option, fails for any reason (unlikely); and The option of transporting the heavy equipment needed to construct the Lagos Beach Compressor Station via barge up Badagry Creek, which would require building new infrastructure (new dock and short access road) and dredging a small portion of the creek (the roadway transport option would result in a different set of less severe potential impacts). The potential environmental impacts of greatest concern involve conversion of farmland to pipeline ROW for the project duration and perhaps longer; disturbance of habitats and changes to hydrology as a result of trenching to install the pipeline in wetlands areas; changes in habitats, soils/sediments and topography, and hydrology associated with the barging option for heavy equipment delivery to the compressor station construction site; and negative effects on habitats resulting from trenching across Badagry Creek and the barrier island (if HDD is unsuccessful). Even these impacts, however, would be localized and not expected to significantly degrade any unique or especially sensitive natural resources. For example: The entire onshore portion of the pipeline in Nigeria, from the Alagbado Tee connection to Badagry Beach, would be 56km (35 miles) long. With a maximum width of 25m (82 feet), the pipeline ROW would occupy a total footprint of 140ha (346 acres). However, only 20km and 50ha would be on land that is not currently occupied by or adjacent to an existing pipeline ROW. The pipeline ROW would traverse a total of 31ha (76 acres) of wetland. The ROW across the barrier island would occupy a footprint of 1ha (2.5 acres). If the compressor station construction equipment is transported through Badagry Creek, dredging and construction would disturb an estimated 1.8ha (4.5 acres). During the course of this assessment, as activities of high concern were identified, alreadyproposed mitigation and monitoring measures were strengthened (e.g., WAPCo Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for Construction and Maintenance Operations), or entirely new measures developed (e.g., WAGP Storm Water Management Plan, Air Emissions Management Procedure, Spill Prevention and Control Procedure, and Procedure for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks). Implementation of these measures will minimize, and in some cases prevent, potential significant adverse impacts identified in this assessment. Onshore Socioeconomic and Health and Safety Impacts The WAGP project is expected to result in the following categories of negative socioeconomic impacts: transportation and other infrastructure; social and cultural
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conditions; access to goods and services; means of livelihood; and public/worker health and safety. These impacts are evaluated and assessed in detail, with most impacts considered to be of low to moderate severity. There are no anticipated socioeconomic impacts of high severity associated with the project in Nigeria. The influx of workers and equipment for the Alagbado Tee, onshore mainline, and compressor station construction will increase the pressure on existing infrastructure systems, particularly transportation. Pipeline construction will require 20 truck trips per day, and the Tee and compressor station construction will each require a total of 50 to 100 truck trips. There are various mitigation measures planned by WAGP that will ameliorate impacts on transportation infrastructure, such as delivery of material during off peak time frames and avoidance of congested roads. In terms of social and cultural conditions, the influx of construction workers at the mainline, Tee, and compressor station sites has the potential to result in negative impacts such as short term changes in gender ratios and differential incomes for surrounding communities. An additional impact on social and cultural conditions stems from the disturbance of physical cultural resources; six churches, 16 gravesites, three praying grounds, and 60 shrines have been identified within the ROW. In addition, 37 built and 43 partially built residences will be displaced. Impacts on displaced resources will be mitigated through the framework of the RAP. There is also the potential for disruption of community access to goods and services as the influx of construction workers places strains on services and results in price inflation, and as the increased construction traffic impedes access. The workers concentrated in a smaller area at the compressor station, in particular, may result in moderate impacts on the availability of goods and services. Means of livelihood are expected to be moderately impacted by the influx of construction workers, by construction traffic (particularly if transportation of compressor station equipment occurs on existing roads), and by road/pathway obstruction, all of which have the potential to disrupt economic activity in communities. The clearing and removal of structures is also expected to displace economic activity (other than livestock grazing) on land within the ROW, Tee, compressor station, and construction camps (if built), though the RAP is expected to fully mitigate the majority of losses associated with such land acquisition. If trenching takes place in wetland areas and Badagry Creek, impacts to fisheries and loss of economic activity may occur. A key potential impact on public and worker health and safety is the increase in accident and illness rates associated with the transportation of equipment. Mitigation measures include driver training and avoidance of congested roads. The influx of workers could also result in increased incidence of life-threatening or incurable illnesses such as HIV/AIDS. Impacts will be ameliorated by targeted mitigation measures such as HIV/AIDS awareness programs for workers, and worker camp (and if needed housing camp) management measures. Accident rates for workers are also expected to be elevated due to higher exposure of occupational risk during construction activities, particularly from earthmoving equipment;

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however, these are mitigated through overt Health, Environment, and Safety (HES) management system requirements of the EPC contractors. Offshore Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts The offshore portion of the project in Nigeria begins at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, where gas transmission will occur via an offshore 20in (50.8cm) pipeline. The pipeline route will run generally southwest from Badagry Beach for 40km (25 miles) to the edge of the Nigerian territorial waters. None of the activities associated with the offshore pipeline is expected to result in high severity environmental, socioeconomic, or health and safety impacts. Activities of most concern occur during the site preparation and construction phase and include the passive installation of the pipeline in water that is greater than 8m deep (i.e., the pipeline will be laid on the sea floor in waters this deep), the movement of barges and vessels near the shoreline and ports, pipeline burial in less than 8m water depth (if necessary), and shore crossing implemented via jet trenching (which is not a preferred alternative and will be used only if HDD fails). Filling the onshore and offshore pipeline with water from Badagry Creek during start-up operations and the subsequent discharge of the first fill of the onshore pipeline back into the creek is also a potential concern, although no chemicals are expected to be introduced to the first fill water, which will also be filtered prior to discharge. These offshore activities could potentially affect benthic habitats, water quality and resources, and means of livelihood of coastal peoples. Overall, 15 offshore activities over the life of the project were analyzed for Nigeria across 11 different potentially affected media. Of these media and activity combinations, 138 activities (84 percent) were found to have no impacts, 17 (10 percent) low severity impacts, and 10 (6 percent) moderate severity impacts. None of the proposed offshore activities are expected to cause high severity impacts.

Emergency and Upset Conditions

Emergency and upset conditions may, in a low probability, high consequence worst case scenario, lead to events with a significant potential for impact to human and environmental receptors. The most significant possible events are: Controlled gas release: Blowdowns and other controlled gas releases may occur at the Alagbado Tee, the midline manual venting facility, and the Lagos Beach compressor station. Because controlled blowdowns are expected to be very infrequent and will be conducted at rates that will ensure effective dispersion (or combustion in the case of non-routine flaring at the compressor station), the impacts to environmental receptors and to the health and safety of workers and the general public are expected to be minor, if any. Uncontrolled gas release: Uncontrolled gas releases may occur anywhere along the pipeline due to a rupture, or at WAGP facilities due to a rupture of piping or poor maintenance. The WAGP pipeline and facilities have been designed with safeguards

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to prevent uncontrolled releases and with mitigation measures to minimize their impacts, should they occur. Fire: The potential sources of fires include the uncontrolled release of gas or the ingress of air into piping containing gas. Since the WAGP facilities have been designed to avoid fire hazards, the likelihood of a fire occurring is considered low to very low. The significance of any resulting impacts would vary with the size and duration of a fire, if one occurs. Worst-case conditions could involve significant impacts to some workers, but are unlikely to extend to members of the general public, because the proposed facilities are all isolated from population centers. Explosion: The likelihood of an explosion arising from the buried (or submerged), corrosion-protected pipeline is very low. Also, equipment in the facilities will be spark-proof in areas where the risk of explosion is significant in order to reduce the likelihood of explosion. Nevertheless, in the unlikely event of a large explosion, public health and safety would be of highest concern at the compressor station, given its proximity to residential and industrial buildings. There also could be a variety of socioeconomic effects from an explosion. WAPCo has conducted studies to maximize the safety of the WAGP pipeline and facilities and is developing an emergency-response strategy and system safeguards.

Secondary and Cumulative Impacts

In addition to the primary, direct impacts, there are various indirect consequences that may occur. These indirect impacts may occur in areas beyond the immediate influence of the WAGP Project, at an undetermined time in the future, or as a result of complex pathways (second- or third-level impacts). Secondary impacts affect the same qualities identified for direct impacts (e.g., land use, water quality, livelihood, etc.). Many secondary effects were not considered to be significant. Several identified secondary impacts attributable to the proposed WAGP project include the following: in the onshore environment, increased access to hunting grounds and timber stands due to ROW maintenance, potential for incremental changes in ecology due to solid waste generation, changes in wetlands vegetation, and decrease in groundwater quality; and in the offshore environment, the potential for a localized increase in fisheries production. Cumulative impacts are the incremental effects of proposed development activities evaluated in tandem with pre-existing or additional proposed development activities. They may be considered distinct from direct (primary) and indirect (secondary) impacts from the proposed project in that cumulative impacts may occur when a receptor is already impacted by existing sources and/or from other separate, planned sources. Nigeria has few existing industrial development projects that are currently additive to any direct WAGP project impacts. Therefore, few cumulative impacts have been identified; the ones described in this report consist of the following: short term increased marine traffic, strain on waste management infrastructure (more so during construction rather than operations), longer term upstream development impacts (particularly to meet expected increases in gas demand in Benin, Ghana and Togo), and increased water and road transport.

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The following general mitigation principles were applied to address the linear nature of the design and construction of the onshore pipeline installation: Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses. Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of ROW, fragmentation of properties, and agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement at the end of the work to clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts. Wastes generated during construction could include vegetation removed during clearing and minimal amount of fluids related to equipment operations. Mosquitoes will be controlled in the areas of construction operations by limited spraying of pesticides. Potential impacts from any hazardous materials and wastes are mitigated by adherence to the Hazardous Materials Management Plan and a Spill Prevention and Control Plan. The project has the potential to impact land use, habitat and biological resources, topography and soils, water resources, and air quality. For the most part, these impacts are expected to be minor and limited to the immediate vicinity of the project. A few potential impacts were assessed to be of moderate or high severity, but these can be adequately mitigated as described below and should not pose any concern at the regional level. The mitigation and monitoring in place to minimize the potential environmental impacts includes: Clearly defining the cut zones in order to limit deforestation and establishing protective perimeters around productive habitats such as wetland areas and spawning beds.

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Restoring vegetation at end of the work. Avoiding deforestation and destruction of bordering vegetation, including clearing the ROW in such a way that trees fall within the ROW and refraining from disturbing mangrove trees and vegetation outside the ROW. Not working in breeding grounds during breeding seasons. Scheduling work and setting the calendar of activities taking into account the use that wildlife makes of the land. Protecting known productive habitats, wet areas, and spawning beds. Developing and maintaining policies and related training programs regarding fishing, hunting, and tree harvesting. Developing and maintaining effective protection of sea turtles during the construction at the shoreline crossing. Potential impacts in the social and economic aspects are related to loss of land or land use, interruptions to means of livelihood (farming and fishing), disturbances to cultural resources, and influx of workers. The project has developed plans to mitigate these potential impacts that include: Providing for a work schedule that will avoid disturbing the traditional life of communities (e.g., sowing, growing, harvesting seasons in or adjacent to cultivated lands or festivals and other celebrations in the places they are held). Establishing a communication program to inform communities of on-going work and establish appropriate measures to minimize the disturbance caused by the work. Guaranteeing access to private property and the safety of residents and passersby during the course of the work by enacting appropriate measures (fencing, guards, etc.). Minimizing service interruptions during the work by notifying the concerned jurisdictions and taking the appropriate measures to keep interruptions to a minimum for the residents of the affected area. Minimizing disruption to road traffic, farming, fishing, forestry, tourist, and other community activities by avoiding blocking public access, including blocking access to fishing when crossing inland surface water. Developing and maintaining an external communication procedure that minimizes impacts through proper training, public notices, designations on nautical maps, etc. Reducing depletion of energy resources and creation of pollution by maintaining transportation vehicles, compressor engines, and power generators in good working order.

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Following the maintenance approach in the previous item for all other equipment and machinery needing periodic inspection and maintenance to attain optimal efficiency and reduction in fuel consumption. Conducting regular and frequent HIV/AIDS awareness training for construction workers, with more frequent and focused training for workers with higher risk (truckers, offshore crew change, etc.). Avoiding impacts to archaeologic resources by completing a literature review for such resources, conducting an archaeologic walk-through, implementing a chance finds procedure throughout the construction phase (adherence to this procedure will be an explicit term of construction contracts), and providing appropriate training to construction wokers. Public and worker health and safety is a central concern for all project activities and was given a high degree of attention in the assessment of potential impacts and development of the following mitigation measures and plans: Heightening the safety of workers and of the surrounding communities by establishing safety and emergency action plans and related training programs. Ensuring that all employees adhere to the safety program. Providing for the establishment of emergency plans and action plans in the event of fire, accidents causing injury, accidental spills of contaminants, or gas leaks.

The result of the assessment was that no potentially high severity impacts (as defined by the methodology) would remain after the planned mitigation measures are applied in accordance with current commitments and plans. All of the residual impacts become either moderate or low severity. Those that were initially ranked high and moderate are summarized in Table ES-1 with the residual severity after application of the planned mitigation.

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Table ES-1 Summary of WAGP Project High and Moderate Severity Impact by Project Activity, Planned Mitigation, and Residual Impact Severity
Impact Category/Potential Impact High Severity Impacts Conversion of current land use within pipeline ROW and facility footprints Project Activity Construction Planned Mitigation Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures (such as ROW Access Policy). Compensate for major residual impacts (as described in the RAP). Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures, such as Compliance and Permitting, Turtle Nest Protection, Wetland Construction Methods, and Prevention of Salt Water Intrusion. Same as for impacts to wetlands, etc. above Residual Impact Severity Moderate

Impacts to wetlands, forests, streams, lagoons, barrier island, and gulf waters habitats



Change in soil surface and topography within pipeline ROW and facility footprints



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Table ES-1 Summary of WAGP Project High and Moderate Severity Impact by Project Activity, Planned Mitigation, and Residual Impact Severity
Impact Category/Potential Impact Moderate Severity Impacts Changes in air quality, noise and vibration Project Activity Construction, Operation Planned Mitigation Train staff in human and environment protection. Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures (such as Air Emissions Management, Contractor Management, Compliance and Permitting) Train staff in human and environment protection. Avoid disruption of known or potential cultural or archeological sites. Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures (such as Chance Finds & Archeological Salvage). Minimize disruption to road traffic, farming, fishing, forestry, tourist, and other community activities Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures (such as External Communications and Contractor Management). Recruitment of labor from surrounding communities, as appropriate. Presence of workers during working hours only and for limited construction period. Maintenance of closed construction camps (as appropriate) and restriction of access to camps and work locations to authorized personnel only. Implementation of HIV/AIDS awareness programs for workers. Development of special service facilities by work crews and contractors to meet worker service needs. Improvements to local infrastructure such as transportation upgrades in order to improve worker access. Compensate for major residual impacts (as described in the RAP). Residual Impact Severity Low

Incidental destruction or alteration of significant cultural, historical, or archeological sites



Disruption of community activities, impairment of maritime traffic, and perturbation of fishing Strains on infrastructure, social and cultural conditions, access to goods and services and means of livelihood due to influx of construction workers





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Table ES-1 Summary of WAGP Project High and Moderate Severity Impact by Project Activity, Planned Mitigation, and Residual Impact Severity
Impact Category/Potential Impact Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to hazardous material spill in a densely populated area or from other mishaps associated with installation of pipeline Project Activity Construction Planned Mitigation Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Train staff in human and environment protection. Implement appropriate operational controls/procedures (such as External Communications, Emergency Response, Spill Prevention and Control, Loss Prevention Design Basis, and Contractor Management). Same as immediately above. Residual Impact Severity Low

Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to gas leak from the pipeline Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters and general operation of vessels and equipment




Same as immediately above.


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Management and Monitoring Plan

A comprehensive Health, Safety, and Environment Management Plan (HSEMP) has been established to achieve regulatory compliance, institutional responsibilities (e.g. World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines), and other related commitments. For each potentially severe impact (high or moderate severity), the HSEMP identifies and describes the linkage between: regulatory requirements, institutional responsibilities and other commitments; WAPCo operational controls (e.g., best management practices (BMPs), construction and operation specifications, procedures, and work instructions); monitoring approach; mitigation and regulatory role; and mitigation measures. The HSEMP describes an HSE organization and outlines approaches for training, auditing, independent reviews, waste management practices, emergency response, construction activities, contractor requirements, air emissions, preventive maintenance, and change management. WAPCo has developed roles, responsibilities and authorities and committed the financial resources to implement the HSEMP. Potential socioeconomic impacts will be addressed through the RAP prepared by WAPCo. The RAP will ensure that affected peoples receive compensation for lost land and resources.

Summary and Conclusion

For Nigeria, WAGP has the potential to bring about social and economic benefits at the global, regional, national, and local levels. For a project of its size and complexity, after application of appropriate mitigation measures WAGPs potential negative impacts are relatively minor and the project is largely benign from the standpoint of environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Thus, the potential benefits of the project substantially outweigh the potential negative impacts.

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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Project Overview

The West Africa Gas Pipeline (WAGP) project proposes to construct and operate a natural gas transmission pipeline to transport natural gas from Nigeria to three other West African countries: Benin, Ghana, and Togo. WAGP will originate at a connection to an existing natural gas pipeline just west of Lagos in Itoki, Nigeria, and extend 620 kilometers (km, or 385 miles), predominantly offshore in the Gulf of Guinea, to a point near Takoradi, Ghana. Lateral pipelines will branch off along this route to transport gas to locations near Cotonou, Benin, Lom, Togo, and Tema, Ghana. The proposed overall pipeline route is presented on a map in Figure 1.1-1. The Nigeria section of WAGP will begin near Itoki where WAGP will connect to the existing Escravos-Lagos Pipeline (ELP, owned by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation or NNPC), at a connection termed the Alagbado Tee. From the Alagbado Tee, WAGP will extend over land in a southwesterly direction for approximately 56 kilometers (km) (35 miles), to the point where it goes offshore near Badagry. The first 4km of the pipeline route will share an existing Right of Way (ROW) with two gas pipelines built recently by Nigerian Gas Company (NGC, a subsidiary of NNPC) and Shell Nigeria Gas. For the subsequent 32km to a point near Agbara Estate, the WAGP ROW will run adjacent to Shells existing ROW. From Agbara Estate to the beachhead where the pipeline goes offshore, a distance of approximately 20km (12.5 miles), WAGP will be constructed in a new ROW (i.e., this final portion of the route will not be in or adjacent to any existing ROW). A map of the WAGP route onshore in Nigeria is presented in Figure 1.1-2. A compressor station, referred to as the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, will be built in Nigeria to boost gas pressure in the pipeline for transmission offshore. This compressor station will be located on the pipeline route west of Ajido, near Badagry, roughly 2 km (1.2 miles) inland from the beachhead, and just inland of Badagry Creek. From the beachhead near Badagry, WAGP will extend into the Gulf of Guinea in a southwesterly direction, to a distance of approximately 15km (9 miles) from shore. There the route will turn west and run roughly parallel to the shoreline, passing out of the territorial waters of Nigeria and into Benin territorial waters. The WAGP project proponent is the West African Gas Pipeline Company Limited (WAPCo), an incorporated joint venture between an affiliate of Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), an affiliate of The Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC), and a subsidiary of the Volta River Authority (VRA). In addition, two companies incorporated in Benin and Togo, respectively Socit Beninoise de Gaz S.A. (SOBEGAZ), and Socit Togolaise de Gaz S.A. (SOTOGAZ), have options to participate in the ownership of WAPCo.

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Figure 1.1-1 West African Gas Pipeline Project Route

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WAPCo was formed in May, 2003 specifically to construct, maintain, and operate WAGP. Prior to that time, development of WAGP was carried out by an unincorporated joint venture of these companies referred to as the Joint Venture or the Commercial Group. The project has been and will continue to be financed by the joint venture participants, with each participant originally holding a percentage of the project and now holding a percentage of the shares in WAPCo. The total capital investment for WAGP is estimated at US$500 million. WAGP will be a gas transportation facility. WAPCo will not sell the product moved through WAGP, but will instead derive revenue by charging tariffs from its customers for moving their gas through WAGP. The primary anticipated gas transportation customer is another incorporated joint venture, N-Gas Limited (N-Gas), which is owned directly by, or by other affiliates of NNPC, CNL, and SPDC. The natural gas to be moved through WAGP will primarily come from the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, and will consist of associated gas from various oil fields, and non-associated gas from various gas fields in the Delta region. Associated natural gas shipped via WAGP is currently being flared at its point of origin. NGas will transport natural gas from the Delta region to the Alagbado Tee via the existing ELP, which is owned by NNPC and operated by the Nigerian Gas Company (NGC), a subsidiary of NNPC. Anticipated end users of the natural gas transported through WAGP include electric power utilities and industrial and commercial gas customers in the three receiving countries. Several primary foundation gas customers have been identified, including the VRA electric power station in Takoradi, a relocated electric power station proposed by Communaut Elctrique du Bnin (CEB) at Maria Gleta, Benin; and an existing CEB power station near Lom, Togo. Once WAGP is operating and providing a ready supply of natural gas, it is anticipated that additional existing industrial and commercial users will switch to gas fuel, and that new power generation and industrial facilities will be developed to take advantage of the available gas. The great majority of the WAGP system will be a high-pressure system in order to maximize gas transport capacity. As mentioned above, the Lagos Beach Compressor Station will pressurize the gas. WAPCo has made provision for the installation of up to six compressors at Badagry, and for the eventual construction of a midline compressor station in Lom, to enhance the capacity of the system. This additional compressor capacity will be installed/built some time in the future (i.e., after the initial construction stage of the project), once growing demand for natural gas from WAGP justifies the increase in system capacity. Gas transport capacity of WAGP as initially built is expected to be 190 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd, or 5.3 million cubic meters per day (MMcmd)). The system design capacity assuming additional compressors installed near Badagry will be 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd), at a maximum operating pressure of 153 barg. Ultimate system capacity would be 578MMscfd (16.4MMcdm) with midline compression at Lom. The actual rate of gas throughput by WAGP will depend on end-user customer demand for natural gas. There is some question, for example, as to whether the VALCO aluminum smelter in Ghana will continue operation. This smelter would purchase substantial amounts of electric power from the VRA Takoradi power plants, which are a key WAGP foundation

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customer. The question of VALCOs continued operation therefore has a significant bearing on the demand for gas from WAGP as will be shown in data presented below. Projected WAGP reserved capacities (throughput capacity reserved by customers) under various scenarios are presented in Figures 1.1-3 and 1.1-4. These projections are based on two main scenarios: the with VALCO scenario, in which the VALCO smelter is assumed to continue in operation (resulting in higher demand for natural gas fueled power generation Figure 1.1-3); and the no VALCO scenario, in which the VALCO smelter is assumed to cease operation (resulting in lower gas fueled power demand in the near term Figure 1.1-4). Within each of these two main scenarios, low, high, and mid-range gas demand projections are presented, termed respectively the P90, P10, and P50 projections.1
Figure 1.1-2 WAGP Reserved Capacity - "With VALCO" Scenario
800 700 600 500

Figure 1.1-3

P50 Reserved Capacity P10 Reserved Capacity P90 Reserved Capacity

400 300 200 100 0 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026

The P10 demand projection is a high-end projection and is considered to have a 10 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded. The P90 demand projection is a low-end projection and is a level considered to have a 90 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded. The P50 demand projection is a mid-range projection that is considered to have a 50 percent chance of being equaled or exceeded. These projections are from Purvin and Gertz (2003). The Purvin & Gertz report is an independent market analysis commissioned by the West Africa Gas Pipeline Authority and WAPCo to establish a mid-market forecast as an input to determining the gas pipeline tariffs. In the remainder of this chapter emission reductions and other economic benefit projections that are based on gas demand are all based on mid-range demand projections.

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Figure 1.1-4 WAGP Reserved Capacity No VALCO Scenario

800 P50 Reserved Capacity P10 Reserved Capacity P90 Reserved Capacity



500 MMscf/d





2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026


Project Justification

WAGP has the potential to bring about significant benefits well beyond the financial returns for its shareholders. These include substantial social and economic benefits for society at large at the global, regional, national, and local levels. The WAGP Regional Final Draft EIA Rev 1 details beneficial and detrimental project impacts at the global and regional level and summarizes impacts at the national and local level. That report indicates that for a project of its size, complexity, and potential benefits, WAGPs negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts are relatively benign (after application of appropriate mitigation measures), and that overall the significant potential benefits of the project substantially outweigh the potential detrimental impacts. This Nigeria EIA report focuses on the positive and negative impacts of WAGP in Nigeria. The potential negative impacts, and the corresponding mitigation measures, are addressed in detail in the remainder of this volume. The ultimate conclusion of this analysis is that within Nigeria, the project is also largely benign from the standpoint of environmental and socioeconomic impacts, and that the significant potential benefits of the project to Nigeria substantially outweigh the potential negative impacts. Potential benefits of the project to Nigeria are summarized in the following subsections.

1.2.1 WAGP Benefits for Nigeria

The WAGP project represents a significant investment in infrastructure development in Nigeria, which by most economic and social indicators among the less-developed countries
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of the world (see Table 1.2-1). Based on World Banks World Development Indicators (World Bank, 2004), Nigeria falls within the lowest income group among countries worldwide, with a per-capita gross national income (GNI) of US$300, compared to the global average of US$5,120. Nigerias and the West Africa regions energy sector is considered among the least developed in the world (Yartley, 2003). Development of regionally integrated energy infrastructure and clean, reliable energy sources is widely viewed as vital to the acceleration of overall economic development in Nigeria and all countries in the region (WEC, 2003). Table 1.2-1 Basic Development Indicators
Country/Region Nigeria Sub-Saharan Africa World European Union GNI per capita (US$, Atlas method) 300 450 5,120 20,320 Life Expectancy (Years) 45.3 45.8 66.7 78.3

Source: World Bank 2003. All data are for 2002.

Clearly, significant investment in infrastructure development, particularly in the energy sector, is highly desirable in this region of the world and in Nigeria. Such investment has the potential to contribute to general economic growth, general improvement in social indicators, and stability in Nigeria and the region. The following subsections summarize additional specific benefits for Nigeria that will be brought about by WAGP. Enhanced Integration into the Regional Economy

It has long been recognized that cooperation among the countries of West Africa is key to accelerating the rate of development in the region, and can yield benefits to all countries involved, including Nigeria. To this end the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) was formed in 1975, with the objective of increasing economic cooperation among the countries of the region, and continues to work toward that goal. It is clearly to Nigerias benefit to participate as fully as possible in an integrated regional economy. In the energy sector, there is strong evidence that regional integration of energy development provides many benefits in terms of increasing the flexibility, resilience, distribution, abundance, and diversity of (and from Nigerias perspective, markets for) energy supplies, and also in enhancing regional collaboration and increasing economic inter-dependence among countries of a region (WEC, 2003). As stated above, development of regionally integrated energy infrastructure is recognized as a vital step in the acceleration of overall economic development in the West Africa region (ibid). This understanding has led to two major initiatives for energy integration in West Africa: WAGP; and

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The West Africa Power Pool (WAPP), an initiative to develop integrated electric power infrastructure throughout the West Africa region (discussed in more detail below). The development of WAGP has broken considerable new ground in bringing the government and private sector enterprises in Nigeria together with those in the other three WAGP countries. It has brought about unprecedented collaboration among the energy planners and economic policymakers from all four WAGP countries, initiated formally with the signing of a Heads of Agreement (HOA) among the governments of the four countries in 1995 mapping out plans for the commercial development of WAGP. Intensive, collaborative planning since that time among the involved governments and the Commercial Group of WAGP partners has resulted in comprehensive joint plans for project development, and further formalized agreement among the WAGP countries. The Governments of the WAGP countries signed the Treaty On The West African Gas Pipeline Project in January 2003, which: Established the WAGP Authority, an administrative body to act on behalf of the four WAGP countries to oversee the regulation of WAGP, together with associated governance and appeal processes; and Laid the groundwork providing for a harmonized investment regime to apply to WAGP in all four countries. Comprehensive provisions setting out the detail of the fiscal, legal, regulatory, and pricing regimes to apply to the project were agreed in a formal agreement, the International Project Agreement (IPA), signed in May of 2003 by the four Governments and WAPCo (World Bank, 2004c). The Treaty and IPA provide for the WAGP Authority to have jurisdiction across all four countries, as the oversight agency for WAGP.2 WAPCo itself, formed in 2003, represents an international partnership of private sector entities and government corporations that is unique in the region. The project has therefore started Nigeria on a path of extensive economic cooperation and energy integration with Benin, Ghana, and Togo, as well as cooperation and harmonization on many levels. Once approved, built, and put into operation WAGP will become a permanent basis for cooperation among the four WAGP countries, and one that has the potential to lead to broader economic cooperation and development benefits in Nigeria and the region.

Note that environmental oversight for WAGP, including approval of the country-specific EIAs, remains with the national environmental authorities

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Contribution to WAPP

As stated above, WAPP will also bring about substantial energy cooperation and integration in the region. It will provide the infrastructure for electrical cooperation among 14 West African nations. WAPP will make reliable electricity available to many more areas and customers in the region, allow for the migration to cleaner hydropower and gas-fired power generation for much of the regions power generation, and cut power generation costs roughly in half compared to current costs (World Bank, 2004a). From Nigerias perspective, it will also provide a substantial market for Nigerian natural gas. The scheme will be dependant on two main primary energy sources (WEC, 2003): Hydropower, mainly on the Niger (Nigeria), Volta (Ghana), Bafing (Mali), and Bandama (Cte D'Ivoire) Rivers; and Natural gas for thermal power stations including Nigerian gas delivered by WAGP to power plants in Benin, Togo, and Ghana. In view of the substantial potential benefits WAPP will bring to Nigeria, WAGPs complementarity in objectives with WAPP represents a benefit of WAGP for Nigeria. Income Taxes

Nigeria will benefit from income taxes from WAGP. After a 60-month tax holiday, WAPCo will pay a 35 percent income tax in all four WAGP countries. In accordance with the IPA, WAPCo income taxes will be apportioned to each WAGP country according to a formula that takes into account the pipeline length in each country (45 percent), and the capacity reservations for delivery in each country (45 percent), with a small portion of the income tax (5 percent) shared equally. Projected income taxes to be paid by WAPCo to Nigeria over the lifetime of the project is in the range of US$76 million to US$95 million (WAGP, 2004).3 Revenue Benefits

Nigeria will benefit directly from WAGP through the return on sales of Nigerian gas. A portion of the returns on the sale of this gas will remain in Nigeria, and will provide an infusion of funds into the national economy. Nigeria will also benefit from the tariff charged for transportation of gas through the ELPS. Nigerian equity investment in the will provide an additional benefit to Nigeria. Environmental Benefits

WAGP will provide an important environmental benefit to Nigeria and globally by providing a means for bringing currently flared gas in the Niger Delta region to markets. In doing so, WAGP will contribute to the Global Flare Reduction Initiative, a worldwide initiative led by the World Bank that seeks to eliminate gas flaring worldwide. Elimination of gas flaring has

Undiscounted nominal 2003 US$; not adjusted for inflation. Based on mid-level gas demand projection (modified P50). Low and high values reflect no VALCO and with VALCO scenarios respectively.

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many potential benefits, including reducing air pollution and related impacts on communities, providing increased fuel for power and industry, spurring economic development, and reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and combating global warming. WAGP is also a significant project in the CNL and SPDC joint venture gas program portfolios that are intended to monetize currently flared gas and assist Nigeria to achieve its 2008 Flares Out initiative. Promoters of the Global Flare Reduction Initiative indicate that the greatest challenges for flare reduction worldwide are in the lesser-developed countries that carry out significant flaring, including Nigeria. A key to success of the initiative in less developed counties is increased investment in energy infrastructure aimed at bringing flared gas to markets and enhancing gas market efficiency (Kaldany, 2001). WAGP constitutes precisely this kind of investment, in one of the countries and regions of the world that presents the greatest challenge for flare reduction and therefore most needs this type of investment. WAGP will provide additional reduction in GHG emissions, and associated global warming impacts, by inducing a switch to natural gas fuel from other fossil fuels (primarily light crude oil) among end-user gas customers in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. The use of natural gas fuel results in approximately 20 percent lower GHG emissions per unit of energy than does the use of other liquid fossil fuels. Nigeria will participate in the global benefits associated with these GHG reductions. Table 1.2-2 presents the economic value4 of projected GHG emission reductions brought about by WAGP over the projects lifetime, considering reductions associated with both flare reduction in Nigeria and fuel switching in the other three WAGP countries. The estimated value of GHG emission reductions worldwide, and Nigerias share of this benefit, are presented.

This is an estimate of the net present value of global climate change damages that will be avoided as a result of the GHG emission reductions achieved by the project. The values are not based on global GHG trading market values, but rather on an evaluation of damages caused by global climate change. The high-end and low-end estimates of the value of these damages are presented in the Asian Development Bank workbook: Economic Evaluation of Environmental Impacts - A Workbook (ADB 1996). The first two rows of data in Table 1.2-1 present estimated values of damages avoided globally due to the projects GHG reductions.

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Table 1.2-2 Value of Global Warming Damages Avoided Due to WAGP GHG Emission Reductions (Million US$)
Worldwide Nigerias Share Low value High value Low value High value 224.6 505.4 5.44 12.2

Notes: 1. Discounted at 12% 2. Based on P50 gas demand projection and maximum baseline scenario5

WAGP will bring about additional environmental benefits to Nigeria in the form of reduced emissions of specific air pollutants. Emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and suspended particulates (expressed here as the respirable fraction, PM10) will be reduced in Nigeria, due to the reduction in gas flaring. These emission reductions will bring about an improvement in air quality in the areas surrounding the present flares, primarily in the Niger Delta region. This represents an important environmental benefit in terms of improved air quality, associated human health benefits, and reduced air pollutant-related property damage. Emissions of SO2, NOx, and PM10 will also be reduced in Benin, Ghana, and Togo as a result of WAGP, as power plants and industrial and commercial facilities in these countries switch to cleaner-burning gas fuel. Reductions in SO2, NOx, and PM10 emissions in Benin, Togo, and Ghana will benefit Nigeria because these atmospheric pollutants not only affect areas immediately surrounding their emission points, but can also be transported long distances in the atmosphere, and can affect air quality far from the point of origin (EPA, 2004). Reduction in the regional load of these pollutants will benefit overall regional air quality including that of Nigeria. Table 1.2-3, presents the SO2, NOx, and PM10 emissions reductions expected to be brought about by WAGP over the lifetime of the project.

See Appendix 2A-1 for details regarding assumptions and CO2eq emission reduction estimates used in deriving the values in Table 1.2-2. Emission reduction estimates have been adjusted to reflect declining associated gas input to WAGP over project lifetime. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 1-12

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Table 1.2-3 Estimated Air Pollutant Emission Reductions due to WAGP (thousand tonnes over 20 years)
Country Benin Ghana Nigeria Togo Total SO2 123 571 0.42 147 842 NOx 62.7 297 27.3 66.8 454

2.5 1.9 3.8 12.8 21.0

Source: Appendix 2A-1 Notes: 1. Country numbers may not add up to total due to rounding 2. Based on P50 gas demand projection and maximum baseline scenario. See Appendix 2A-1

Jobs and Materials Procurement

WAPCo is committed to maximizing the hiring of employees and contractors from surrounding communities, for both construction and operation of WAGP. The terms of the IPA formally commits WAGP to a minimum local content requirement of at least 15 percent of the total capital cost. It is anticipated that this requirement will be easily met through construction labor hiring, selected services contracts and materials procurement from surrounding communities. The total value of labor and materials procurement in Nigeria during the construction of WAGP is projected to be US$41 million (WAGP 2004). With regard to labor, WAGP has contractual requirements and will strongly influence its EPC contractors to hire construction crewmembers from the communities local to the construction sites to the extent practicable. Contractors will also draw labor as needed for both construction and operation from larger population centers and cities within each WAGP country. The majority of the jobs created by WAGP will be shorter-term jobs during the construction phase. Opportunities for employment of people from the local area during the WAGP operational phase are more limited, although a small number of long-term jobs will be created by WAGP. Job creation has benefits at the local and national levels that go well beyond welfare improvements for employees themselves. Infusion of cash into the local communities has a ripple effect throughout the local economies, resulting in increased demand for goods and services, and secondary and tertiary opportunities for business, employment, or income improvement. Employment in Nigeria on the level anticipated by WAGP has the potential to bring about economic development within the affected Nigerian communities. Sourcing of certain materials from within Nigeria will also benefit local businesses and their employees. As with local hiring, the infusion of cash to local communities associated with materials procurement will have a ripple effect throughout the local economies, and has the

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potential to bring about some degree of economic development within these Nigeria communities. Community Development

In order to support WAPCos role and efforts with regard to corporate responsibility to the communities in which it operates, WAPCo intends to establish a community development program. This program is carried out at the sole discretion of WAPCo, in consultation with the surrounding communities, and supplements compliance requirements to address socioeconomic impacts of the project. The community development program will emphasize capacity-building, training and institutional strengthening. The overall objective will be to help communities increase their productivity and competitiveness in the marketplace so that they can make long-term social and economic improvements. WAPCo has developed a list of priority community development areas, via a participatory needs assessments (PNA) process (Terra, 2003). WAPCo has also encouraged community members to identify and rank in order of priority their own needs, and these have then been assessed and ranked in order of priority by WAPCo based on greatest impact on health, education, income generation, etc. The results of the PNA work and community consultations indicate the following initial priority areas for community development in Nigeria during WAGP construction and in the first few years of operation (Ibid): Youth and development (technical skill training, apprenticeships); Scholarship programs; Community and preventive health program (clinics and education); and Clean water supply. WAPCos focus during this initial timeframe will be on education and healthcare support, and overall fixed budget commitments towards these objectives are being finalized. The PNA work also identified future opportunities in terms of income generation and capacity building that can be incorporated into later year operating budgets. Distribution of benefits will be based on a geographic allocation in terms of community impact of WAGP operations, initially established as follows: 50 percent 20 percent 20 percent 10 percent Nigeria Benin Ghana Togo

Implementation plans are being developed, with initial efforts scheduled for before and after the Final Investment Decision. This voluntary community development program will provide direct benefits to communities in the WAGP countries, in terms of quality of life improvements, and long-term social and economic improvements.

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Enhancement of Environmental Knowledge Base

An additional benefit already provided by WAGP is a significant contribution to the scientific knowledge about the terrestrial environment in Nigeria, and the marine environment in Nigerias territorial waters. The environmental baseline survey (EBS) conducted in support of this EIA included extensive sampling and analysis of sediment, water, soil, and biota along the entire onshore and offshore WAGP route in Nigeria, over both of the two main climatic seasons. Thousands of samples were collected and analyzed, and the results have been catalogued and entered into databases. These data represent a significant resource for understanding and managing the related areas.

1.2.2 Project Implementation

On 5 September 1995, the HOA was signed by the Countries to construct a pipeline to transport natural gas from Nigeria to Ghana through Benin and Togo. The HOA required that an independent feasibility study be conducted to determine the viability of the pipeline. The Engineering Feasibility Study was carried out by Pipeline Engineering GmbH of Germany and documented in a report issued in March 1999. This study determined that WAGP was technically and commercially feasible, pending additional evaluation. In a formal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) dated 11 August 1999, the Countries appointed a consortium known collectively as the Commercial Group to be the Project Developer for WAGP. At that time the Commercial Group included CNL, the Ghana National Petroleum Company (GNPC), NNPC, SPDC, SOBEGAZ, and SOTOGAZ. In May 2001, VRA replaced GNPC as a member of the Commercial Group. In the MOU, the Countries confirmed the exclusive designation of the Commercial Group as the Project Developer. This definitional phase was intended to fully establish the commercial viability of the pipeline and execute certain technical studies, including a detailed EIA. On 31 January 2003 in Dakar, Senegal, the Countries signed the WAGP Treaty, which will operate under international law. This treaty commits the countries to establishing a harmonized investment regime for WAGP across the four countries and sets up a single regional entity (the WAGP Authority) with administrative authority, under the control of the states, to regulate pipeline construction and operation. Functionally, the WAGP Authority will report to the relevant Energy/Petroleum Ministries in each of the four countries. On 19 May 2003, the four funding sponsors signed a Shareholders Agreement forming WAPCo. On 22 May 2003, WAPCo executed an International Project Agreement (IPA) with the governments of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The IPA sets out the commercial and regulatory structure applicable to the project, to be harmonized across all four countries, consistent with the intentions of the WAGP Treaty. WAPCo is the legal entity that will build, own, and operate WAGP in all four countries. The Countries are currently proceeding with the legal and administrative steps necessary to ratify the WAGP Treaty and introduce WAGP-specific legislation as required by the IPA.

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These activities need to be completed before WAPCo takes a Final Investment Decision to build the pipeline. The current objective for implementation of the WAGP project is completing the current predevelopment activities, such as the front-end engineering design (FEED) that will be approved by the Countries. Once the design and Pipeline Development Plan are approved, licenses to construct the pipeline shall be granted by each relevant Energy/Petroleum Ministry, based on a recommendation from the WAGP Authority. Along the same schedule, the EIA is being submitted for public disclosure and then finalized upon receipt of and response to public comments. WAPCo forecasts pipeline construction activities commencing in 2004, and for first gas, or gas delivery, to occur in 2006.


Legal and Policy Framework

1.3.1 Introduction
In Nigeria, several legislation and regulations guide the operations of the oil and gas industry. These regulations include local laws as well as some international treaties, acts and conventions. In this section, an overview of the laws pursuant to the WAGP project is presented. Local regulations for the oil and gas industries are under the jurisdiction of four government agencies: the Federal Ministry of Environment (FMEnv),6 the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR), the Lagos State Environmental Agency and the Ogun State Environmental Agency. FMEnv and DPR regulations applicable to WAGP are briefly discussed here. These regulations are contained in the following documents: DPR Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria (EGASPIN, 2002); and Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA, now the Federal Ministry of Environment) Environmental Guidelines and Standards, including the FEPA EIA Decree No. 86 of 1992. A listing of the Nigerian national legislative frameworks pertinent to gas industry activities and international regulations are presented in Tables 1.3-1 and 1.3-2, respectively. A summary of these regulations (both local and international) is presented in Appendix 1-B.

Formerly the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA).

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Table 1.3-1 National/Local Legislation Relevant to the Federal Republic of Nigeria

Applicable Regulations Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) Environmental Guidelines and Standards (EG&S) for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria National Inland Waterways Authority Decree No. 13 Lagos Urban and Regional Planning Board and Town Planning Authority Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency (LASEPA) Edict Mineral Oils (Safety) Regulations Oil and Gas Pipelines Act and Regulationsa Environmental Impact Assessment Act National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria (DPR): Effluent Limitation Regulations; Pollution and Abatement in Industries in Facilities Producing Waste; and Management of Solid Hazardous Wastes. Federal Environmental Protection Agency Act Endangered Species (Control of International Trade and Traffic Act 1985, CAP 108, LFN 1985) Associated Gas Re-Injection Decree No. 99 Criminal Justice (Misc. Provisions) Act Petroleum Pollution and Distribution (Anti-Sabotage) Act Oil in Navigable Waters Act

Year Adopted 2002 (revised from 1991 and interim 1999) 1997 1997 1996 1995 1995 1992

1991 (revised in 2002; see above)

1988 1985 1979 1975 1975 1968

This law will eventually be overridden by the Enabling Legislation (legislation passed in each State for the purpose of implementing the International Project Agreement and establishing the necessary enabling environment) of that State.

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Table 1.3-2 Summary of Relevant Regional and International Regulatory Instruments

Regulation Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Ramsar Convention) Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (GOG-LME) United Nations (UN) Convention on Biological Diversity International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992 (IOPC Fund), London UN Framework Convention on Climate Change Convention of Fisheries Cooperation among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Cooperation Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Basel Convention) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer [Note to Reviewer: The protocol was amended for the first time on 29 June 1990 in London. A second set of amendments was adopted in Copenhagen in November 1992; these entered into force on 1994.] Vienna Convention on the Ozone Layer UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), Montego Bay Convention for Co-operation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region (Abidjan Convention) Protocol Concerning Cooperation in Combating Pollution in Cases of Emergency in the West and Central African Region International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarer (STCW) Protocol Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of life at Sea (SOLAS PROT) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and National Heritage (World Heritage Convention), Paris International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) [note: supercedes OILPOL, 1954] Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution By Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter [Note: The Convention was amended in 1992] Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG) African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic Convention of the High Seas, Geneva Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone Convention on the Continental Shelf Memorandum of Understanding Concerning Conservation Measures for Marine Turtles of the Atlantic Coast of Africa Year Adopted 2001 1999 1994 1992 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1985 1982 1981 1981 1978 1978 1975 1974 1973 1972 1972 1968 1965 1958 1958 1958 1999

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The regional and international guidelines in Table 1.3-2 are treaties and conventions the country of Nigeria has ratified. Furthermore, international treaties such as the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance Especially as Waterfowl Habitat, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), International Convention on the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 (Marine Pollution Convention (MARPOL) 73/78) are cited among the World Banks list of key international agreements on environment and natural resources (Environmental Assessment Sourcebook Update, Number 10, Environment Department, World Bank). In addition to Nigerian laws, regulations and international treaty commitments, this EIA is also structured to address the World Banks environmental and socioeconomic safeguard policies, and the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) prohibitions. Their applicability to the WAGP project is discussed in more detail in Section 1.3.3, below.

1.3.2 Major Environmental Regulations Environmental Guidelines And Standards For The Petroleum Industry In Nigeria 2002 (Revised from 1991; Interim Guidelines of 1981 and 1999) Objective: Made pursuant to the statutory regulatory functions of the Ministry of Petroleum Resources to, among other things, prescribe guidelines and standards to ensure that petroleum industry operators do not degrade the environment in the course of their operations. Highlights of the Provisions An EIA is mandatory prior to commencing onshore exploration drilling and production operations, the construction of onshore and offshore oil and gas transmission pipelines greater that 50km in length, and the construction of oil and gas separation facilities. Oil and gas installation operators shall be required to ensure that the levels of pollution control technology are fully in line with the Best Practicable Control Technology (BPT) currently available. BPT represents the average of the best existing performances of well-known technologies for the control of these specific pollutants (Part 111, Article 1.0). During gas flaring, pre-treated clean gas shall be burnt and the flare shall be luminous and bright (i.e., show complete smokeless combustion at operating gas flow rate. The relative density of emitted smoke shall not exceed two Ringelmann Number, which is related to 40 percent of smoke density and 60m from the base of the flame (Part 11, Article 4.1). Contingency plans for accidental release of pollutants are subject to DPR approval and must include the following:

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The purpose and objectives of the plan; A description of the facilities and areas of operation; The results of environmental sensitivity index (ESI) mapping; Details of the response equipment that is to be held available; Details of the containment and clean-up procedures that are to be used for inland, near-shore and offshore waters; and The communication network that is to be established. Specifies requirements concerning the remediation of land in the event of oil spill incident specifically, it is mandatory on those responsible for the spill to restore the impacted land to its original state, as far as is possible. The restoration process must achieve the following: For waters, there must be no visible sheen within the first 30 days of the spill. For swamp areas, there must be no oil stain within 60 days of the spill. For land, the oil content of the soil must be less than 30 parts per million (ppm) within six months of the spill. Environmental Impact Assessment Decree No. 86, 1992

Objective: To set out the procedure and methods to enable the prior consideration of an EIA on certain public or private projects and give specific powers to FMEnv to facilitate environmental assessments of proposed projects. Highlights of the Provisions Pertains to a restricted public or private project without prior consideration of the environmental impact. Specifically, the public or private sector of the economy except where they are exempted pursuant to the Decree, are enjoined not to undertake or embark or authorize projects or activities without prior consideration at early stages of their environmental effects (Section 2(1)). Where the extent, nature or location of a proposed project or activity is such that it is likely to significantly affect the environment, an EIA must be undertaken in accordance with the provisions of the Decree. The proponents of such projects or activities are required, before embarking on the proposed project, to apply in writing to FMEnv, so that an EIA may be undertaken while the project is being planned (Section 2(4)).

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Makes EIA mandatory for certain specified projects/activities. Projects that require mandatory EIA are: oil and gas field development, construction of offshore pipelines in excess of 50km in length, construction of oil and gas separate processing, handling and storage facilities. Construction of oil refineries and construction of product depots for the storage of petrol, gas, or diesel (excluding service stations) which are located within 30km of any commercial, industrial or residential areas and which have a combined storage capacity of 60,000 barrels or more (Section 13 and schedule there to). An EIA is also mandatory where: conversion of forest land to other land uses is planned to take place within river basin catchment areas, irrigation areas for hydropower generation of areas adjacent to state and national parks and national marine parks, and where clearing of mangrove swamps is planned or islands adjacent to national marine parks (Section 13 and schedule thereto). Provides for fair examination of EIA of an activity. Specifically, for any EIA submitted by a proponent of an activity, it is required that FMEnv gives an opportunity to governmental agencies, members of the public, experts in any relevant discipline, and interested groups to make comments on the EIA of the proposed activity. FMEnv is required to give its decision in writing including reasons thereof and provisions if any, to prevent, reduce, or mitigate damage to the environment (Section 7). Grants public access to information relating to environmental assessment (Section 57). Prescribes that the minimum level of environmental impact assessment must include the following stipulations, (a) through (h): Description of the proposed activities; Description of the environment of the proposed project including specific information necessary to identify and assess the environmental effects of the proposed activities; Description of all practical activities as appropriate; An assessment of the likely potential environmental impacts of the proposed activities and the alternatives, including the direct or indirect, cumulative, short term and long-term effects; An identification and description of measures available to mitigate adverse environmental impacts of proposed activity and assessment of those measures; An indication of gaps in knowledge and uncertainty which may be encountered in computing the required information;

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An indication of whether the environment of any other state or Local Government Area (s) outside Nigeria is likely to be affected by the proposed activity or its alternatives; and A brief and non-technical summary of the information provided under paragraphs (a) through (g) (Section 4). National Policy on Environment (1989, Revised 1999). Issued by Federal Environmental Protection Agency (FEPA) Objective: The goal of the National Policy on the Environment is to achieve sustainable development in Nigeria, and in particular to: Secure a quality of environment adequate for good health and well-being; Conserve and use the environment and natural resources for the benefit of present and future generations; Restore, maintain, and enhance the ecosystem and ecological processes essential for the functioning of the biosphere to preserve biological diversity and the principle of optimum sustainable yield in the use of living natural resources and ecosystems; Raise public awareness and promote understanding of the essential linkages between the environment, resources, and development, and encourage individual and community participation on environmental improvement efforts; and Co-operate in good faith with other countries international organizations and agencies to achieve optimal use of Trans-boundary natural resources and effective prevention or abatement of Trans-boundary environmental degradation (Article 2.0). Highlights of the Provisions The National Policy on the Environment is a program of actions rooted in a conceptual framework within which the linkages between environmental problems and their causes, effects, and solutions can be discussed. This is achieved in the policy document through five major policy initiatives: Preventive activities directed at the social, economic, and political origins of the environmental problems; Abatement, remedial, and restorative activities directed at the specific problems arising from industrial production processes, problems caused by rapid population growth and the attendant excessive pressure of the population on the land and other resources, and problems due to raid growth of urban centers; Design and application of broad strategies for sustainable environmental protection and management at systematic or sub-systematic levels;

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Enactment of necessary legal instruments designed to strengthen the activities and strategies recommended by this policy; and Establishment/emplacement of management organs, institutions and structures designed to achieve the policy objectives (Article 3.0). Provides for comprehensive proposed implementation strategies for the various sectors of the economy covering issues such as: human population, culture, housing and human settlements, biological diversity, natural resources conservation, land use and soil conservation, agriculture, water resources, forestry, wildlife and protected natural areas, marine and coastal area resources, mining and mineral resources, industry, energy, trade, tourism, and science and technology. It also provides for implementation strategies for specific issues such as: disasters, drought and desertification, flood and erosion, and cross-sectoral issues as: sanitation and waste management, toxic, hazardous, air pollution, noise pollution, working environment (occupational health and safety), and public participation. The proposed implementation strategies covers matters such as: institutional and inter-governmental arrangements, legal arrangements, international treaties and obligations, financing environmental protection and natural resources conservation, and the use of economic instruments and incentives in the management of the environment and natural resources (Articles 4.0 11.0). In particular, the sustainable exploitation strategies to be adopted in the oil and gas sector nationally will seek to: Evolve a realistic national conservation policy that ensures optimum economic returns from oil and gas exploration and production, while ensuring adequate provisions for strategic reserves and taking into consideration the welfare of the local inhabitants of the oil and gas producing areas; Ensure minimal disturbance of the soil topography, vegetation, sensitive ecological zones, including critical wildlife habitats, wetlands, avian migratory routes, etc. during the process of exploration, production, refining, transportation, and marketing of oil and gas; Proscribe all forms of oil and gas exploration and production in estuaries, coastal waters, beaches and resorts, and take such measures as will minimize disturbance to any contamination of benthic and aquatic habitats; Minimize disturbances/displacement of the local inhabitants, their artifacts, roads historical sites sacred groves/places of worship, etc., source of livelihood (agriculture, fishing, transportation etc.) and pay adequate compensation for proven cases of pollution; Prescribe stringent regulations for the efficient collection, treatment and disposal of oil field wastes (drilling muds and addition formation waters etc.);

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Monitor water quality in open drains, streams and other water bodies around oil and gas operations, as well as groundwater quality in all areas prone to pollution; Inspect periodically pipelines, ships, barges, tanks, and other oil field and refinery facilities for early detection of corrosion, fatigue leakages, damages, etc., and ensure prompt maintenance; Encourage all oil and gas operators to keep accurate records of crude oil and product spills as well as other accidents that impact environmental quality and report them promptly to the appropriate authorities; Maintain an inventory of certified/approved oil spill control chemicals and document their toxicity levels and biodegradability; Monitor air emissions and gaseous wastes (CO, CO2, NO2, H2S, CH4, SO2, etc.) discharged at production platforms, refineries petrochemical and gas processing facilities through continual air quality sampling as well as through daily visual checks for leakages around tanks, pumps pipelines and transfer points; Promote conservation and restoration of natural formation pressure through elimination of gas flaring and the re-injection of produced associated gas and formation waters; Promote the complete utilization of produced associated gas, reduce gas flaring and the production of greenhouse gases; Monitor regularly the functioning of well head and drilling platform devices to prevent blowouts and install early warning electronic devices for their detection and prevention; Install pressure monitoring gauges and automatic shut-off devices on pumps and pipelines and ensure their integrity through periodic inspection and testing; Prescribe minimum standards of environmental safety in all upstream and downstream oil sector facilities and maintain regular environmental audits of all existing oil and gas production facilities to ensure the adoption of environmentally safe practices as well as compliance with set standards; Prescribe minimum environmental and safety regulations for the protection of the health of workers, the general public and the environment and ensure compliance through terms of competent inspectors; Prescribe a realistic Quality Control Assurance scheme for the adoption of all operators and monitor compliance; Ensure the implementation of the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan;

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Prepare a national Plan of Action for Awareness Preparedness for Emergencies at the Local Level (APELL); Prescribe stringent penalties for deliberate sabotage of oil and gas installations; Promote research aimed at accumulating baseline ecological data on oil and gas production areas; Encourage the establishment of waste/crankcase oil recovery and reuse systems; and Review and periodically harmonize existing laws to reflect new realities in environmental management in the sector. National Guidelines and Standards for Environmental Pollution Control in Nigeria, 1991 Effluent Limitations Regulations

Objective: This regulation was made pursuant to Section 37 of the FEPA Act Cap 131 LFN, to regulate ways and manners of treating effluent as well as installation of anti-pollution equipment by industries operating in Nigeria. Highlights of the Provisions Mandates every industry to install anti-pollution equipment for the detoxification of effluent and chemical discharges emanating from the industry (Regulation 1(1)). Such installed anti-pollution equipment shall be based on Best Available Technology (BAT), BPT or the Uniform Effluent Standards (UES) (Regulation 1(2)). An industry which discharges effluent shall treat the effluent to a uniform level as specified in the schedule to the receiving water into which the effluent is discharged (Regulation 3(1)). An industry specified in column 1 of schedule 3 to the regulations shall be subject to the additional sectoral effluent limitations set out in columns 2 and 3 respectively, to the schedule (Regulation 4). The regulation sets out effluent limitations and gaseous emissions guidelines in Nigeria for the petroleum exploration and production industry. Contravention of this regulation is an offense punishable as specified in Section 35 or 36 of FEPA (Regulation 5).

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Pollution Abatement in Industries and Facilities Generating Wastes

Objectives: This regulation is made pursuant to FEPA Act, CAP 131 LFN Section 37, to designate and regulate the management of solid and hazardous wastes generated from facilities in Nigeria. Highlights of the Provisions Unless with the approval of the Agency (FEPA, now FMEnv), no industry or facility shall release hazardous or toxic substances into the air, water or land of Nigerias ecosystem and such limits approved by the Agency shall not be exceeded. Storage, treatment, and transportation of harmful toxic waste without permit are also prohibited (Regulations 1, 10, and 15). Mandates that an industry or facility has a pollution monitoring unit within its premises, sets up a machinery for combating pollution hazard and maintains equipment in the event of an emergency, and assigns the responsibility for pollution control to a person or corporate body accredited by the Agency (Regulations 2 and 8). Solid waste generated by an industry or facility, including sludges and all by-products resulting from the operation of pollution abatement equipment shall be disposed of in an environmentally safe manner, and no industry solid waste shall be disposed of in any municipal landfill (Regulation 16). Enjoins every industry or facility that is likely to release gaseous particles or solid untreated discharges to install into its system a prescribed abatement equipment by the Agency (Regulation 17). Empowers the Agency to demand environmental audit from existing industries and environmental impact assessment from new industries and major development projects and the industries shall comply within 90 days of the receipts of the demand (Regulation 21). Places responsibilities of collection, treatment, transportation, and final disposal of waste on the industry or facility generating the waste, and imposes a liability, on such industry or facility, for any clean-up, remediation or restoration connected with the waste and where necessary, compensation to all affected parties (Regulation 11(1) (2)). Any person or group, whether corporate or unincorporated who contravenes any provision of the regulations shall be guilty of an offense and liable on conviction to the penalty specified in Sections 35 or 36 of the FEPA Act (Regulation 22). Establishes monitoring pollution units, pollution response centers and other machinery for combating pollution (Regulations. 3, 6, and 7).

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Management of Hazardous Waste Regulation

Highlights of the Provisions Designate those solid wastes, which are dangerous or extremely hazardous to the public health and environment. In order to determine if the waste generated is to be designated as dangerous i.e. hazardous waste or extremely hazardous waste in accordance with the stipulations under Part II of the Regulations, the generator or operator has to consult the dangerous waste list, characteristics and criteria set out under schedules 6-13 and follow the detailed cross checking procedures established there. Provides for surveillance and monitoring of dangerous and extremely hazardous waste and substances, until they are detoxified, reclaimed, neutralized, or disposed of safely. Provides the form and rules necessary to establish a system for manifesting, tracking, reporting, monitoring, record keeping, sampling and labeling dangerous, and extremely hazardous wastes. Establishing the siting, design operation closure, post-closure, and monitoring requirements for managing hazardous waste disposal facilities. Encourage recycling, reuse, reclamation, and recovery to the maximum extent possible.

1.3.3 Relationship of Project to World Bank Safeguard Policies and OPIC Prohibitions.
In this section the features of the overall WAGP project are compared to the specific provisions of the World Banks environmental and socioeconomic safeguard policies, and to the U.S. Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC) prohibitions. The results of this comparison are presented in Tables 1.3-3 and 1.3-4.

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

World Bank Policy WAGP Response GENERAL POLICY POINTS The Bank requires an environmental assessment This EIA document constitutes the EA for the (EA) of projects proposed for Bank financing to WAGP project. It contains an assessment of all of the specified points, as follows: ensure they are environmentally sound and sustainable, and thus improve decision-making. a) Risks and impacts evaluation - Chapter 6; The EA: b) Project alternatives analysis Chapters 3 a) Evaluates a projects potential and 4; and environmental risks and impacts in its c) Mitigation measures and environmental area of influence; management plan Chapters 7 and 8. b) Examines project alternatives, identifies The Terms of Reference for this EIA are ways of improving project selection presented in Appendix 1-A. siting, planning, design; and c) Proposes implementation by preventing, minimizing, mitigating, or compensating for adverse environmental impacts and enhancing positive impacts; includes mitigating and managing adverse environmental impacts throughout project implementation. EA takes into account the natural environment; This EIA takes into account all of these aspects, in human health and safety; social aspects, and the following sections: transboundary and global environmental aspects. a) Natural environment Sections 5.1, and Sections 6.5 6.8; b) Health and safety and social aspects Sections 5.2, 5.3 and 6.5-6.8; c) Transboundary effects Section 6.6; and d) Global effects Chapter 1 of the Regional EIA report provides a general discussion and Appendix 2A-2 of this EIA report provides a greenhouse gas analysis. Borrower is responsible for carrying out the EA. This EIA has been carried out by ICF Consulting, an independent consulting firm of EA experts The borrower retains independent EA experts under contract to WAPCo, and by local EIA not affiliated with the project to carry out the experts subcontracted by ICF Consulting. EA. Advisory panel of independent experts. World Bank action item. The Bank advises the borrower on the Banks EA requirements. The Bank reviews the findings and recommendations. The Bank may, if appropriate, require additional EA work, including public consultation and disclosure.

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

World Bank Policy The Pollution Prevention and Abatement Handbook describes pollution prevention and abatement measures and emission levels that are normally acceptable to the Bank. The EA report must provide full and detailed justification for the levels and approaches chosen for the particular project or site. Depending on the project, a range of instruments can be used to satisfy the Banks EA requirement. OP 4.01 Paragraph 7 requires a Regional EA for projects spanning several countries. When the borrower has inadequate legal or technical capacity to carry out key EA-related functions (EA review, monitoring, inspection) the project should include components to strengthen that capacity. WAGP Response This EIA describes all emissions associated with WAGP and the emission levels (see Chapter 2), assesses associated impacts (see Chapter 6), and presents justification for these emission levels (see Chapters 7 and 8).

The Regional EIA for WAGP satisfies this requirement. The WAGP EIA includes 4 separate, country-specific EIAs, this being one of those four. The project is further supported by four country-specific Resettlement Action Plans. This EIA addresses Bank Policy by identifying key government institutional roles with respect to the oversight and management of WAGP, and government agencies currently responsible for these roles in the WAGP countries. Any additional Institutional Assessment is not applicable to WAPCo as a private investor. The borrower consults project-affected groups A comprehensive program of stakeholder and local non-governmental organizations about consultation has been carried out in conjunction the projects environmental aspects and takes with WAGP and this EIA. See Chapter 5 for a their view into account. summary of this program for details. Throughout the stakeholder consultation process For meaningful consultation, the borrower information has been provided to stakeholders by provides relevant material in a timely manner prior to consultation and in a form and language WAPCo in a timely manner as specified (Chapter 5). that are understandable and accessible to the groups being consulted. Information has been provided in the initial stages The borrower provides for the initial consultation a summary of the proposed projects as specified (Chapter 5). The draft EIA, including a summary, will be made available in publicly objectives, description, and potential impacts, accessible places. and for consultation after the draft EA, a summary of EAs conclusions and the draft available in a public accessible place. The executive summary is distributed to the World Bank action item. executive directors and makes the reports available through the Infoshop. During project implementation, the borrower The Environmental Management Plan (see reports on compliance, status of mitigation Chapter 8) specifies a plan for status and measures, findings of monitoring programs. compliance monitoring and reporting. NATURAL HABITATS (OP 4.04, September 1995) Bank does not support projects that involve the WAGP will not result in the significant significant conversion of critical natural habitat. conversion of critical natural habitat, as indicated in Chapters 5 and 6 of the EIA.

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

World Bank Policy Projects are sited on land already converted when feasible. WAGP Response Significant care was taken in siting WAGP onshore components to use existing pipeline ROWs or land already converted. This was done wherever feasible. Siting considerations and assessment of siting alternatives are presented in Chapters 2, 3, and 4. If natural habitats would be significantly Every effort was made to avoid habitat loss in the converted, acceptable mitigation measures are design and siting of WAGP (See Chapters 2 included in design: minimizing habitat loss and through 4). Mitigation measures have been establishing and maintaining ecologically similar adopted to mitigate any minimal habitat loss protected area. associated with the project as specified in Chapter 7. Institutional capacity of implementing WAPCo is a private sector entity and a member of organization should be taken into account. the regulated community, and is not in a position to propose changes to government regulatory bodies or regulations. Project needs to take into account the views, A comprehensive program of stakeholder roles of affected groups (NGOs, communities) in consultation has been carried out in conjunction project design/implementation. with this EIA. Views expressed by stakeholders were taken into account in the design of WAGP (Section 5.5). PEST MANAGEMENT (OP 4.09, July 1996) Not Applicable WAGP is not a public health In Bank financed public health projects, the project. Bank supports controlling pests primarily through environmental methods. Where environmental methods alone are not effective, the Bank may finance use of pesticides for control of disease vectors. Use of a pesticide is contingent on an assessment WAGP will limit its use of pesticides to the of associate risks (made in context of projects control of mosquitoes and mosquito-borne diseases during the construction phase. Pesticide EA) taking into account proposed use and the intended users. The following criteria apply to Management Plan policy requirements are met via mitigation measures and operational controls as the selection and use of pesticides: a) have described in this EIA (see Chapters 7 and 8). negligible adverse health effects, b) effective against target species, c) minimal effect on non Herbicides will not be used to remove or control target species and environment, d) takes into account need to prevent development of vegetation in the pipeline ROW. This is an resistance in pests. explicit term of ROW clearing and maintenance contracts. Pesticides must be manufactured, packaged, Pesticide Management Plan policy requirements labeled, handled, stored, disposed of, and are met via mitigation measures and operational applied in acceptable standards. controls as described in this EIA (see Chapters 7 and 8).

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

World Bank Policy WAGP Response INVOLUNTARY RESETTLEMENT (OP 4.12, 2001) The objective of the Banks resettlement policy A comprehensive WAGP Resettlement Action is to ensure that the persons displaced by a Plan (RAP) is being prepared to supplement project benefit from it. WAGP land acquisition procedures. This plan details measures to ensure that all project-affected people will be addressed properly. Involuntary resettlement should be avoidable or Involuntarily resettlement has been avoided to the minimized where feasible. extent possible in the planning of WAGP. Extensive measures were taken to avoid displacement of people or other resettlement impacts, particularly in the routing of the pipeline and siting of ancillary facilities (Chapters 2 and 3). Involuntary resettlement for WAGP is considered minimal. Where displacement is unavoidable, resettlement A comprehensive WAGP RAP is being prepared to supplement WAGP land acquisition plans should be developed to: procedures. This plan details measures to ensure 1) Compensate for losses; that project-affected people are: 2) Assist with the move and support during 1) Compensated for losses; the transition period; and 2) As determined, assisted with any move and 3) Assist in their efforts to improve or at supported during the transition period; and least to restore earning capacity and 3) As determined, assisted in their efforts to production levels. improve or at least to restore earning capacity and production levels. Community participation in planning and Comprehensive community consultation is being implementing resettlement. carried out in conjunction with the development of the RAP. This is detailed in the RAP. A participatory approach is being used in development of the RAP. Resettlers should be integrated. Physical displacement is low to non-existent. To the very limited extent that resettler integration will be required; the RAP provides measures to ensure that resettlers will be integrated into host communities. Land, housing, and infrastructure compensation The project will not resettle or displace or affect any indigenous populations or ethnic minorities. provided to adversely affected population, The RAP details plans to provide compensation indigenous groups, ethnic minorities (where and/or in-kind restitution to all project-affected appropriate). people. Resettlement plan, timetable, and budget. The RAP will provide a detailed schedule and budget for resettlement associated with WAGP.

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

World Bank Policy WAGP Response The WAGP RAP reflects this organization and Content and level of resettlement plan: will provide all content specified. a. organization responsibilities b. Community participation and integration with lost population c. Socioeconomic surveys d. Legal framework e. Alternative sites and selection f. Valuation and compensation for lost assets g. Land tenure, acquisition, and transfer h. Access to training employment and credit i. Shelter infrastructure and social services j. Environmental protection and management k. Information schedule Bank roles and project options. PROTECTION OF CULTURAL PROPERTY (OP NOTE 11.03, Sept. 1996) The WB general policy is to assist in WAGP will affect very few known cultural preservation and to avoid elimination: properties or sites. The Bank declines to finance projects WAGP will not significantly damage nonthat will significantly damage nonreplicable cultural property; and replicable cultural property; WAPCo will have a Chance Finds The Bank will assist in the protection procedure in place throughout the and enhancement of cultural properties construction phase and adherence to this in WB financed projects; procedure will be an explicit term of construction contracts. WAGP does not Deviation justified only where project and will not deviate from the WB policy benefits are great and unavoidable; and on the Protection of Cultural Property. Policy pertains to any WB project. Management of cultural properties is the responsibility of government: Need to determine what is known about cultural properties; and Reconnaissance survey is to be undertaken. Reconnaissance has been performed by engineering, environmental baseline, estate, and socioeconomic survey teams, which have surveyed all construction sites in detail. Based on this reconnaissance and on consultation with stakeholders in and around the project footprint, WAPCo has identified a limited number of cultural properties on the surface (which are listed in Chapter 5 and are being addressed by the RAP). WAPCo is in the process of conducting a literature review for archaeologic resources. This literature review will be followed by an archaeologic walk-through, which is scheduled to be completed in July 2004. WAPCo also will have a Chance Finds procedure in place throughout the construction phase (adherence to this procedure will be an explicit term of construction contracts), and will provide cultural

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Table 1.3-3 WAGP and World Bank Safeguard Issues

WAGP Response properties protection training to construction workers. PROJECTS ON INTERNATIONAL WATERWAYS (OP 7.50) The Policy applies to projects on bodies of water WAGP does affect international waterways; inon their tributaries that form a boundary between country regulatory approvals will be obtained. or flow through two or more states. World Bank advises that (1) the Policy is It sets out notification requirements. triggered by WAGP and (2) the WAGP Treaty satisfies the notification requirements of OP 7.50 because all four of the affected riparian states are party to the Treaty and therefore specific notification and details about the Project would be redundant. PROJECTS ON DISPUTED AREAS OP 7.60) Is there any dispute among Riparian including WAPCo is not aware of any Riparian disputes in demarcation of sea (continental Shelf, the proposed project area. economic exclusive zone or other)? DISCLOSURE OF INFORMATION WAPCo and the WAGP project team will disclose this EIA in conformance with the World Bank Disclosure Policy and with the legally required EIA public notice and review procedures in each state. Disclosure implementation steps include: Providing copies of earlier EIA drafts to relevant stakeholders (completed following submittal of the Preliminary Draft EIA report in March, 2003); Advertisements in newspapers and print media, particularly in Project Affected Areas, announcing the project and the availability of this Final Draft EIA; Placement of the draft EIA in town halls, libraries and other public facilities of Project Affected Areas; Stakeholder consultations in Project Affected Areas to present and discuss the EIA content prior to legally required Public Hearings; and Public hearings. World Bank Policy

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Table 1.3-4 WAGP and OPIC Prohibitions

I. OPIC Prohibition Infrastructure and extractive projects located in primary tropical forests. Extractive projects include oil, gas, mineral resources, steam/geothermal and surface resources such as timber. Infrastructure refers to roads, pipelines, and, in some cases, transmission lines, to the extent that these provide human access to otherwise inaccessible areas. Projects involving the construction of large dams that significantly and irreversibly: (A) disrupt natural ecosystems upstream or downstream of the dam, or (B) alter natural hydrology, or (C) inundate large land areas, or (D) impact biodiversity, or (E) displace large numbers of inhabitants (5,000 persons or more) or (F) impact local inhabitants ability to earn a livelihood. Projects involving the commercial manufacturing of ozone-depleting substances (ODS) or the production or use of persistent organic pollutants (POPS) that are banned or scheduled to be phased out of production and use by international agreement during the life of the project. A list of these substances and chemicals can be obtained from OPIC on request. The ODS list is defined by the Montreal Protocol as amended and US implementing regulations. The POPs prohibition refers to 12 products whose ban and phase out are currently subject to negotiation leading to an internationally legally binding agreement by the year 2000. OPICs prohibition is consistent with the position of the U.S. government in these negotiations with respect to the various categories of POPs, which include pesticides, industrial chemicals and unintentional by-products. Projects that require resettlement of 5,000 or more persons. Projects in or impacting natural World Heritage Sites (Areas of significant ecological value that have been internationally recognized as necessary for strict protection by members of the World Heritage Convention). WAGP Response WAGP will not traverse or result in increased human access to otherwise inaccessible areas of primary tropical forests.


Not applicable. WAGP will not involve the construction of dams.


Not applicable. WAGP will not involve the commercial manufacturing of ODS or the production or use of POPS.

IV. V.

WAGP will not require resettlement of 5,000 or more persons. WAGP is not located near and does not affect any World Heritage sites.

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Table 1.3-4 WAGP and OPIC Prohibitions

VI. OPIC Prohibition Projects in or impacting areas on the United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas. Extraction or infrastructure projects in or impacting: protected area Categories I, II, III, and IV (Strict Nature Reserve/Wilderness Areas and National Parks; Natural Monuments and Habitat/ Species Management Areas), as defined by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. Projects in IUCN Categories V (Protected Landscape/Seascape) and VI (Managed Resource Protected Area) must be consistent with IUCN management objectives. Areas protected by the Ramsar Convention are considered within the appropriate IUCN Category to which they are assigned. WAGP Response Based on available information WAGP will not be located near or affect any areas on the 1997 United Nations List of National Parks and Protected Areas. Based on available information WAGP will not be located near or affect any protected area Categories I, II, III, IV, V, or VI. WAGP will not be located in or near any areas protected by the Ramsar Convention.


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Chapter 2 Project Description

Summary for West African Gas Pipeline in Nigeria
West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) facilities and installations in Nigeria will consist of: Facilities and Installations Alagbado Tee A connection to the existing Escravos Lagos gas pipeline at an existing NNPC-Shell facility (Section 2.4.1). Onshore 30 pipeline A subterranean pipeline of diameter 30 inches (in) (76 centimeters (cm)) and length 56 kilometers (km) (35 miles) carrying gas at 40 barg from the Tee along a Right of Way (ROW) to a compressor station 200 meters (m) from the north bank of Badagry Creek in the vicinity of Ajido (Section 2.4.2). Construction Summary Footprint: 0.31 hectares (ha) (0.78 acres) Duration: 4 months Staging Area: 0.028ha (0.07 acres) Workforce: 25 (average) Footprint: 140ha (346 acres) Duration: 6 months to 8 months Workforce: 450 Installation methods: trenching (uplands), push-method trenching (wetlands), thrust boring (road crossings) Crossings: 32 road, 28 wetland or water body Staging Area: 3ha (7.4 acres) within the compressor station construction site (with a possible second at the midline location) Accommodation: homes and hotels, possible camp adjacent to ROW Footprint: 8.5ha (20.9 acres) Duration: 12 months to 15 months Workforce: 300 to 450 Staging Area: 8.5ha (20.9 acres) Accommodation: homes and hotels, possible camp within staging area Shore-crossing method: Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) (also for Badagry Creek) Duration: 6 months to 8 months (for all mainline to Ghana) Workforce: 300 to 920 Fleet Size: 10 vessels to 15 vessels Accommodation: onboard vessels

Lagos Beach Compressor Station and primary control center A facility for boosting gas pressure prior to transmission offshore to Benin, Ghana and Togo (Section 2.4.3). Offshore main line A weight-coated pipeline of diameter 20in (50.8cm) and length 567km lying on the ocean floor carrying gas from the compressor station to Takoradi, Ghana (Section 2.4.4).

Chapter 2

WAGP will employ an existing weight-coating business in Choba to coat approximately 13km of the onshore 30in pipeline that will be installed below wetlands and water bodies. The coating consists of a 2in to 3in (5cm to 7.6cm) thick cement layer applied to the outside of the pipe. The onshore 30in and offshore mainline segments will be commissioned and started-up by: Flooding, cleaning, gauging and reflooding; Hydrostatic testing; Dewatering and drying; and Air expulsion, nitrogen packing and fill with natural gas (strart-up). For the onshore 30in pipeline the source of flood and reflood water will be the Badagry Creek; for the offshore pipeline it will be the Atlantic Ocean. Flood water will be filtered but not chemical treated; reflood water will be treated with a biocide to prevent corrosion. Onshore flood water will be discharged back into the Creek; other fill water will be discharged at the offshore pipeline terminus near Takoradi, Ghana. Gas transport capacity of WAGP as initially built is expected to be 190 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd, or 5.3 million cubic meters per day (MMcmd)). The system design capacity assuming additional compressors installed near Badagry will be 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd), at a maximum operating pressure of 153 barg. Ultimate system capacity would be 578MMscfd (16.4MMcdm) with the planned midline compression at Lom, Togo. Detailed plans for facility decommissioning, abandonment, and facility and ROW reinstatement will be developed towards the end of the lifetime of the project.


General Layout and Physical Description

The West African Pipeline Company (WAPCo) has proposed a pipeline route that extends from a connection at an existing Escravos-Lagos Pipeline (ELP) junction at the Alagbado Tee near Itoki, Nigeria to a beach head in Ajido, Nigeria (near Badagry, Nigeria) and, from there, offshore to the Takoradi Thermal Plant at Takoradi, Ghana. (The ELP is owned by Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) and operated by the Nigerian Gas Company (NGC), a subsidiary of NNPC.) Lateral connections will extend from the offshore trunk to intermediate locations in neighboring countries: Benin, Ghana, and Togo. Figure 2.1-1 illustrates the proposed pipeline route.

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Figure 2.1-1 Proposed Pipeline Route This figure is an oversized plate. It is included in the Regional Final Draft EIA Revision, and will be included here when the report is final.

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WAPCo will provide the connection to the ELP at the Alagbado Tee. From the WAPCo connection, a 30in (76cm) pipeline will extend southwesterly approximately 56km (35 miles) to Lagos Beach in Nigeria where the gas will be compressed on land for transmission offshore. Between the Alagbado Tee and Agbara Estate, a distance of approximately 36km (22 miles), the onshore pipeline route will share an existing Right of Way (ROW) with NGC and Shell Nigeria Gas for the first 4km (2.5 miles). For 31km (19 miles) of the next 32km (20 miles) the WAGP ROW will run adjacent to the Shell Nigeria Gas pipeline ROW. For 1km (0.6 miles) there will be a 25m (82 feet) separation between the two ROWs to allow for installations for construction in this wetland stretch. From there to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, a distance of about 18km (11 miles), and proceeding from there 2km (1.2 miles) to the shoreline downstream of the compressor station after crossing the lagoon, the pipeline will be constructed on land previously unoccupied by or adjacent to any pipeline ROW. A compressor station to be known as the Lagos Beach Compressor Station will be built at Ajido, near Badagry to boost gas pressure for transmission offshore. Gas compression will initially occur only in Nigeria, but provisions are being made in the design of the transmission system for expansion of compression capability in the future through the possible installation of midline compression facilities at Lom, Togo as well as additional compressors at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Should requirements necessitate extending the pipeline past Takoradi, Ghana, then future supplementary compressor can be installed at Takoradi. While the initial design calls for a compression station at the Lagos Beach station, a temporary bypass pipeline will be installed around the compressor station to expedite initial gas deliveries into customers while the construction of the permanent station bypass and compressor station are completed. This will allow a minimal flow of gas to downstream customers. Based on anticipated delivery rates and pressures from the upstream ELP system, delivery rates in the range of 30MMscfd to 60MMscfd will be possible without compression. Initial pipeline capacity with compression at Lagos Beach will be 190MMscfd. (5.3MMcmd) From the Lagos Beach compression station, the gas will be transmitted through a 20in (50.8cm) or 18in (45.7cm) diameter pipeline installed offshore a distance of approximately 15km (9 miles). From Lagos Beach, the route will turn west and extend through the territorial waters of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo, terminating at Takoradi, Ghana. The offshore pipeline will be placed on the seafloor in 24m to 72m (78 feet (ft) to 236ft) water depths, its distance from shore varying between approximately 15km and 25km (9 miles and 15 miles). At three locations, connections will be made in the main offshore trunk to 8in to 18in (20.3cm to 45.7cm) laterals, which will transmit the gas to targeted delivery points at Cotonou, Benin; Lom, Togo; and Tema, Ghana. These laterals are in addition to the main trunk line terminus at Takoradi, Ghana. Table 2.1-1 summarizes the pipeline lengths and diameters between the various points along the pipeline system. Figure 2.1-2 is an engineering schematic of the whole system. Table 2.1-2 shows the WAGP ancillary systems and facilities.

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Table 2.1-1 Pipeline Lengths and Lateral Sizes

Segment Type Onshore Mainline (Nigeria) From ELP Badagry Beach Offshore Mainline Cotonou Offshore Subsea Tie-in Lom Offshore Subsea Tie-in Tema Offshore Subsea Tie-in Cotonou Offshore Subsea Tie-in Lom Offshore Subsea Tie-in Tema Offshore Subsea Tie-in To Badagry Beach Cotonou Offshore Subsea Tie-in Lom Offshore Subsea Tie-in Tema Offshore Subsea Tie-in Takoradi Shore Crossing Cotonou Shore Crossing Lom Shore Crossing Tema Shore Crossing Cotonou Regulating and Metering (R&M) Station Lom R&M Station Tema R&M Station Takoradi R&M Station Site of Future Communant Elctrique du Bnin (CEB) Facility at Maria Gleta CEB power plant Length 56.0km 86.0km 106.6km 153.4km 221.0km 567.0km 14.7km 18.3km 16.4km 49.4km 616.4km Cotonou Shore Crossing Onshore Laterals Lom Shore Crossing Tema Shore Crossing Takoradi Shore Crossing 5.1km 0.25km 0.52km 0.9km 6.77km 8in (20.32cm) 10in (25.4 cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) 18in (45.7cm) 20in (50.8cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) Diameter 30in (76.2cm) 20in (50.8cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) 20in (50.8cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) 20in (50.8cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm ) 20in (50.8cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) 8in (20.3cm) 10in (25.4cm) base case or 18in (45.7cm) 18in (45.7cm)

Offshore Mainline Subtotal Offshore Laterals Offshore Laterals Subtotal Offshore Total

Onshore Laterals Subtotal

Link Lines

Cotonou R&M Station


10in (25.4cm) base case or 8 in (20.3cm) 8 in (20.3cm) base case or 10 in (25.4cm)

Lom R&M Station Link Lines Total Grand Total

0.32km 9.82km 689km

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Table 2.1-2 Ancillary Systems and Facilities and Their Locations

Ancillary System Control Room/Facilities, including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Communications Center Workshop, Offices, Sanitary Facilities Gas Filtration, Cleaning, Scrubbing Equipment Compressor(s) Fuel Gas Supply System (for compressors, gas heaters, generators, and instrumentation, etc.) Air Compression for Instrumentation Gas Coolers Gas Heaters Electrical Systems Emergency Shutdown, Flare/Vent, Fire & Gas Detection Systems Gas Metering Run Gas Quality Measurement (as required by Transportation Agreements) Pressure Regulating Run Odorization Groundwater Wells and Water Treatment Plant X X X X X X Alagbado Tee X Lagos Beach Compressor Station X Main facility Back-up SCADA control system X X X Delivery Point R&M Stations X SCADA control facility at WAPCo headquarters (Accra, Ghana) X X Midline compressors possible at Lom subject to gas demand X


X X X YES X X X (for control purposes) X X X

If Midline compressors are installed at Lom X X X X X X X

X = To be installed after additional design and analysis. Shore crossings to all onshore destinations will occur through directionally drilled boreholes from onshore drilling sites or by conventional trenching methods where directional drilling methods are not possible. For example, this could be due to the hardness of the rock at the site of the shore crossing. Section 2.8.4 explains those circumstances in more detail. The laterals will extend onshore a distance of 0.5km to 1km (0.3 miles to 0.6 miles) except in Benin where the lateral will extend a distance of approximately 5.0km (3.0 miles) to the R&M station.

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A link line will extend 9.5km (5.9 miles) from the Bnin R&M station to a future CEB facility at Maria Gleta and 0.81km (0.5 miles) from the Togo R&M station to an existing CEB facility across the Lom-Cotonou road. These link lines, considered in this environmental impact assessment (EIA) because WAPCo will build them, will be permitted separately from the rest of the pipeline. At the R&M stations, the gas will undergo heating (to prevent hydrate formation), pressure reduction, and sales metering and custody transfer to customers and/or local gas distribution companies (Table 2.1-1). The description of the WAGP project given in this chapter is as thorough a description as can be provided at this time, prior to detailed design and engineering. However, there are a number of aspects of the WAGP system design and construction where WAPCo will choose from several existing options, depending on further site investigation and construction contractor preferences. These options are described in the appropriate subsections of Chapter 2 (where the facilities themselves are described) and included in Table 2.13-1 in Section 2.13.


Natural Gas Sources (Upstream of WAGP)

Initial pipeline capacity following construction and startup of WAGP is expected to be 190MMscfd (5.3MMcmd) with compression at Lagos Beach, with an initial delivery volume of 140MMscfd (3.9 MMcmd). The ultimate system design capacity is for 462 MMscfd (13.1MMcmd) with supplementary compression at Takoradi and a maximum operating pressure of 153 barg for the 20in mainline. The initial delivery volume rate and the ultimate system design capacity are based on an assumed demand scenario. The actual rates, up to the ultimate design capacity, will depend on market demand. To support this initial capacity and some of the expected future gas demand, WAPCo has identified available gas volume sufficient for the transport of up to 200MMscfd (5.7MMcmd) from oil and gas operations in Nigeria. Most of this available natural gas is associated gas, (i.e., produced with oil from the same reservoir or wellhead source). The utilization of this gas after transporting it through the WAGP will contribute to a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions as most of the associated gas is currently flared. Appendix 2A-1 provides details on greenhouse gas emission reductions calculations and assumptions. As gas demand increases and the WAGP system is expanded via additional compressors, associated gas reserves may become depleted or may not be able to completely provide for the increased demand. Subsequent delivery requirements are likely to be supplemented with non-associated gas.1 The ability to eventually increase the volume of gas transmitted to serve a potentially larger customer base has been incorporated in the design of the proposed system up to a design capacity of 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd). The project design calls for up to six compressors to be installed at the Lagos Beach location over time.

Greenhouse gas emission reduction estimates in Appendix 2A-1 have been adjusted to reflect declining associated gas input over time. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-10

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Although oil and gas facilities associated with the available gas volume identified above (200 MMscfd (5.7MMcmd)) are already in place or are expected to be installed before the end of WAGP construction, the sources for gas volumes above 250MMscfd (7.1MMcmd) are not specifically known at this time and could involve existing or new oil and gas facilities. Appendix 2A-2 provides additional information regarding oil and gas facilities operated by the Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL) NNPC and Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) NNPC operating joint ventures, who, per the WAGP Treaty and International Project Agreement (IPA), have an exclusive right to transport their gas up to a volume of 200MMscfd (5.7MMcmd) or 10 years, which ever occurs first. Meeting either criterion, the WAGP Treaty and IPA also dictate the gas transport would then convert to an open access system, where gas transport from any source could occur if certain technical and economic criteria are met (criteria to be developed via an Access Code agreed to between the States and WAPCo). There is little to no information at this time regarding potential open access gas sources outside of the CNL-NNPC and SPDC-NNPC operating joint ventures. WAGP gas from the CNL-NNPC and SPDC-NNPC operating joint ventures will be delivered to the Alagbado Tee via the existing EscravosLagos Pipeline (ELP) system without a need for upgrades or repairs to the ELP system, to meet the initial WAGP gas demand of up to 200MMscfd. This initial natural gas supply amount exceeds the 190MMscfd initial capacity of WAGP. Information regarding this system can also be found in Appendix 2A-2. Currently, WAPCo and NGC are conducting a joint, due diligence assessment to ensure that the ELP can transport gas volumes up to the WAGP design capacity of 462MMscfd. The predicted gas composition and other properties are listed in Tables 2.2-1 to 2.2-3. Table 2.2-1 Predicted Fuel Gas Compositions
Components Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane Hexanes Heptane+ CO2 N2 Mole Fraction 88.75 percent 5.93 percent 1.28 percent 0.26 percent 0.26 percent 0.09 percent 0.06 percent 0.06 percent 0.10 percent 2.55 percent 0.66 percent

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Table 2.2-2 Predicted Fuel Gas Property

Properties Molecular Weight Lower Heating Value (mass) Lower Heating Value (volume) Wobbe Index Modified Wobbe Index Fuel Volume Ratio Fuel Mass Ratio Values 18.46 19,770 British themal unit (btu)/pound (lb) 962 btu/standard cubic foot (scf) 1,205 50.0 (at 120o Fahrenheit (F) 1.013 1.09

Table 2.2-3 WAGP Gas Pipeline Receipt Gas Quality Specification

Parameter H2S, Maximum Total Sulfur, Maximum CO2, Maximum N2, Maximum O2, Maximum Total Inert (CO2 + N2), Maximum Solid, Dust, Gums, Other Solids Water Content, Maximum Limitations 4 parts per million by volume (ppmv) 28 parts per million (ppm) 4.0 volume percent 3.0 volume percent 10 ppmv 5.0 volume percent Free by normal commercial standards 7 lb/MMscfd

Under the IPA for WAGP, there is a provision for open access, i.e., that access to the pipeline is available to other producers and consumers. For total sales volume requirements below 200MMscfd, gas supply is reserved for Nigerian sources. For total incremental sales volumes above 200MMscfd, gas supply may come from any source along the pipeline route, up to the tie-in with WAPCo, if the appropriate contractual relationships are in place between gas sellers, shippers, users and WAPCo. These contractual relationships include facility interconnection agreements, gas composition, EIA requirements, etc. This EIA addresses the environmental impacts associated with all potential rates of gas transport, from the minimum viable rate to the design capacity of 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd). WAPCo intends to address any project expansion over 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd) via a supplementary EIA.


Natural Gas Consumption (Downstream of WAGP)

Electrical power producers and industries with the capability to use natural gas are the primary consumers that could benefit from the construction of the pipeline. According to a recent market report, close to 80 percent of potential natural gas demand would come from the modification of existing power generation plants, or from new power plants. Negotiations have started with potential gas sales and purchase customers, and to date the Takoradi Thermal Plant in Ghana and Communaut Elctrique du Bnin (CEB) in Cotonou, Benin and Lom, Togo have signed letters of intent with the WAGP consortium to purchase natural gas. In terms of industrial use of natural gas; the Tema oil refinery in Ghana and

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LOffice Togolaise des Phosphates (OTP) in Togo appear to be the most significant potential industrial users (Purvin and Gertz, 2003). When gas demand reaches the 462MMscfd (13.1MMcmd) design capacity, the expected gas delivery volumes are expected as follows (Table 2.3-1), based on current market analyses (WAGP, 2002b). Table 2.3-1 Expected Gas Delivery Demand
Outlet Cotonou, Benin Lom, Togo Tema, Ghana Takoradi, Ghana Total Anticipated Delivery 27MMscfd 0.76MMcmd 57MMscfd 1.61MMcmd 252MMscfd 7.14MMcmd 126MMscfd 3.58MMcmd 462MMscfd 13.09MMcmd

The WAGP system can be configured to deliver higher or lower volumes to individual customers, based on the maximum hydraulic design capacity of each individual lateral, and the system hydraulic relationships between the laterals (i.e., higher demand in Benin and/or Togo would reduce the capacity for Tema due to pressure drops). The total capacity of the system, however, is designed to deliver 462MMscfd. The high case demand forecast, based on current market analyses and future installation of mid-line compression facilities at the Lom R&M station site (beyond the initial design capacity) is provided in Table 2.3-2, below. Table 2.3-2 High-Case Demand and Maximum Capacity of Pipeline
Segment Cotonou Lateral Lom Lateral Tema Lateral Takoradi Total High Case Demand Forecast 34MMscfd (0.962MMcmd) 57MMscfd (1.61MMcmd) 333MMscfd (9.43MMcmd) 126MMscfd (3.58MMcmd) 550MMscfd (15.6MMcmd) Maximum Capacity 100MMscfd (2.83MMcmd) 105MMscfd (2.97MMcmd) 342MMscfd (9.68MMcmd) N/A 578MMscfd2 (16.4MMcmd)

Total system capacity would be 578MMscfd (16.4MMcmd) with a 20in diameter mainline and midline compression at Lom. A future system incorporating these elements is beyond the scope of this EIA other than the initial land use impacts associated with acquiring the future Togo compressor station site. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-13

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The development activities encouraged by the WAGP project and taken on by the initial foundation customers, VRA in Ghana at Takoradi and CEB in Togo and Benin, are summarized in Table 2.3-3. Other additional gas consumers have not been definitively identified at the time of this EIA, nor has the scope of local distribution systems to deliver gas to future customers. Foundation customers and induced secondary developments are described further in Section 6.9.3. Other than the specific Beninoise and Togolese link lines to CEB referenced in this EIA, future local distribution systems would not be constructed or operated by WAPCo. However, the R&M stations have been located in as optimal a manner as possible to minimize future impacts from downstream gas transmission facilities (Section 6.9). Table 2.3-3 Foundation Customer Developments
Location Maria Gleta, Benin Developments Relocation of the existing CEB power plant in Cotonou to Maria Gleta 25MW gas turbine, possible later addition of a 25MW Gas Turbine and steam tail for combined cycle operation, with total capacity increasing to 75MW. The proposed site for relocation would have a footprint of 20ha (49.4 acres). Currently, these facilities use light crude oil (Bonny Light from Nigeria) in 4 gas turbines and will switch to natural gas as fuel. A steam tail will be added to two of the turbines to generate additional power via combined cycle operations. Anticipated expansion is within the current footprint. WAPCo R&M station located on plant property. (Purvin and Gertz, 2001) Retrofit the single 25MW gas turbine (nominal capacity at Lom) currently fuelled by jet kerosene, with the possibility of installing an additional 25MW gas turbine and steam tail for combined cycle (75MW total power) at a later date (Purvin and Gertz, 2002). Anticipated expansion/upgrades will occur on plant property, within the existing footprint.

Takoradi, Ghana

Lom, Togo


Facility and Process Description

This section describes the major permanent facilities making up the WAGP transmission system, the major components of those facilities, and their operation. In this section, less emphasis is placed on construction of the facilities and their components. Section 2.8 deals with construction aspects of the WAGP transmission system. The principal facilities of the proposed transmission system are as follows: Alagbado Tee; Onshore pipeline in Nigeria; Lagos Beach Compressor Station and primary control center; Offshore main trunk and lateral lines; R&M stations and onshore trunk and lateral lines; and Backup control center located at WAPCo Headquarters.

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The following subsections describe the location, processes, and emission inventories expected during facility operation. The facilities that will operate in Nigeria are: Alagbado Tee; Onshore pipeline; Lagos Beach Compressor Station and primary control center; and Offshore main line.

2.4.1 Alagbado Tee

The existing Alagbado Tee facilities consist of a launcher, scrubber, metering facilities, and condensate handling equipment. The WAGP project components listed in Table 2.4-1 would be an incremental addition to the existing industrial facility. Table 2.4-1 Alagbado Tee Overview
Aspect Location Site Area Description Alagbado, Nigeria 0.31ha (0.78 acres); 0.11ha (0.28 acres) of which are outside existing facility footprint Provide custody transfer, metering, and monitoring of the natural gas from ELP to WAGP transmission System Gas Scrubber Figures/Further Descriptions Figure 2.4-1 Figure 2.4-2



Main Equipment

Liquid Storage Tanks

Custody Transfer and Metering Fuel and Instrument Gas Systems

Section Section Section Sections and Location The Alagbado Tee is approximately 3.2km (2 miles) off the Ijoko Ota road at Itoki, Nigeria. Figure 2.4-1 shows a site location map for Alagbado. The facility will occupy approximately 0.31ha (0.78 acres), which includes an area approximately 0.11ha (0.28 acres) above the present footprint of approximately 0.6ha (1.5 acres) used by NGC and SNGL operations for delivery of gas to customers downstream of the ELP terminus. The additional area is needed to accommodate the WAPCo operating systems. A planned 25m (82ft) wide buffer zone around the facility will be included in the 0.11ha incremental footprint. Access to the facility will be via the Ijoko Ota road, which is off the Lagos to Abeokuta road.

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Chapter 2 Process Description The Alagbado Tee is the starting point of the onshore portion of the transmission system. It is the point where the WAPCo transmission system is connected to the ELP transmission system. Its purpose is to provide custody transfer, metering, and monitoring of the natural gas from ELP to WAPCos transmission system. The major operating components of the Tee will be skid mounted, and installed in two parallel equipment runs to provide 100 percent uninterruptible operational back up. This design is accompanied by single installation of non-operationally critical components (e.g., liquid tanks). The Alagbado Tee will be manned by NGC personnel. The Tee currently supports NGC pig traps receiver from Egbin Node and a launcher for Ewekoro supply as well as valves for routine pigging of the pipeline system. The SPDC facility consists of a launcher, scrubber, metering facilities, and condensate handling equipment. The new transmission system components at the Tee will include the following, which will be operated by WAPCo unless otherwise stated: Gas scrubber (to be operated by NNPC); Over-pressure protection (e.g. relief valves, excess pressure control valves, etc.); Pressure control valve; Custody transfer metering (to be operated by NNPC); Gas sampling and analysis; Automated shutdown valves; Line-break facility; Safety and emergency shutdown (ESD) system, Safety Shutdown System (SSS); Liquids-handling tank; Venting/blowdown systems using existing ELP facilities at the Alagbado Tee; Fuel gas system; Pressure and temperature measurement; Pig launching for the WAGP onshore pipeline; Electrical power supply consisting of gas generator, small standby diesel startup generator, and solar; Instrumentation and control with natural gas;
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SCADA/very small aperture center (VSAT) operating and monitoring systems; Corrosion protection system (Section; Small equipment control room; Potable and non-potable water systems and gravity tank storage; and Sanitary septic system. Regardless of the operator, WAPCo will construct the facilities listed above. Figure 2.4-2 is a site plan view illustrating existing Tee configuration and planned installations. The following paragraphs explain the function of significant components of the Tee. Gas Scrubbers

The pipeline will be operated as a dry-gas pipeline. The contractual moisture content of all upstream natural gas sources delivered to WAPCo shall not exceed seven pounds per MMscfd of natural gas and liquids will not be allowed to accumulate in the pipeline. Continuous gas monitoring via dewpoint analysers will be employed to ensure contractual moisture levels are met. Nonetheless, provisions to collect and flash liquids from the various sources at the Tee, as well as at the other downstream WAPCo facilities, will be provided. The gas scrubber will remove entrained solids or liquids entering the Tee from upstream sources. Liquids from the scrubber are expected to consist of water and gas condensates. The solids are expected to consist of pipe scale solids. Liquids and solids, if any, will be removed from the system via gravity and pressurized drains to a handling tank. As entrained solids and liquids will enter the Tee only during upset conditions, the quantities involved are expected to be incidental and may accumulate very slowly over time. Most of the liquid accumulation is expected to evaporate from the open-air tank. The scrubber will be vented to the ELP vent system. Liquid Storage Tanks

Removed liquids at the gas scrubber or other facility drainage points will be gathered via pressure- and gravity-drain systems via a header system and vent stack to a single 16,000 liter (L) (4,200 gallon (gal)) liquids-handling tank. The liquids-handling tank will be placed in a secondary containment vault. The accumulated liquids will await periodic removal by a local waste removal vendor, if needed. The liquids-handling tank will be equipped with a high level gauge and will be vented to the atmosphere. The secondary contaminant vault will be equipped with a drain valve that will normally be closed during operation. WAPCo will not accept pipeline liquids at the Tee from pigging operations at upstream sources (Section

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Pig Launcher/Receiver

A pig launcher/receiver is a special appurtenance built into a pipeline to allow devices, known as pigs, to be inserted/removed from the pipeline. The pigs can either be mechanical or instrumented pigs, also known as smart pigs or intelligent pigs. Mechanical pigs are used to either scrape the walls of the pipeline to remove debris or to physically move liquids through the lines, such as to remove hydrostatic test water from a new pipeline or to remove liquid accumulations from low points in an existing pipeline. Instrumented pigs are used to inspect the condition of the pipe through various measuring devices. These instruments may be used to measure pipe wall thickness, to detect corrosion pits, to detect defective welds, or to detect defects in the manufactured pipe. Even though the gas will have low liquid content and be nearly free of condensates, normal natural gas pipeline operation can result in the accumulation of liquids in the transmitting line over time. To enable removal of these liquids as well as to monitor pipeline integrity, the Tee is already equipped with a pig receiver (operated by NNPC to capture liquids from upstream of the Tee) and will be equipped with a pig launcher to service the onshore pipeline spread from the Tee to the WAPCo Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Accumulated liquids from pigging operation between the Tee and the compressor station will be managed at the compressor station. The pig launcher will be vented to the existing ELP vent system. As stated previously, WAPCo will not accept pipeline liquids at the Tee from pigging operations at upstream sources. Vent System

Substantial safety components are designed into WAPCo gas transmission system to prevent upset events; however, start-up, emergency, as well as upset conditions may require depressurization of the system to safely manage responses to those events. In response to start-up, emergency, or upset conditions and to allow for system blowdown (depressuring) during these events, all pressurized vessels, lines, and operating components at the Tee will be connected to the existing ELP vent system. The ELP vent system consists of a relief header, vent scrubber, and vent stack. The decision to use the existing ELP vent rather than construct a separate vent system was based on an anticipated small cumulative contribution of vent gas and liquids from the WAPCo system to the ELP vent system. The primary function of the vent system is to lower the pressure of the gas released from the equipment at the Tee in a controlled manner during an overpressure event. The worst-case blowdown event for the Tee would involve the blowdown of gas contained within the system components of the Tee itself. In an upset condition, the Tee would be isolated from the rest of the transmission system, including the ELP inlet, by an emergency shutdown system. A controlled blowdown of the entire facility is expected to take less than 10 minutes at a rate of 100MMscfd and result in the release of 2,000scf of gas. A complete description of blowdown events and the emergency shutdown system to control such events is provided in Section 2.6.3. Though the vent will normally not be operating at the Tee, a small amount of purge gas will be continuously injected into the vent header piping at the extremities to ensure that the

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header system remains free of oxygen to prevent backflash from an unplanned ignition. The venting of this purge gas is not expected to exceed approximately 155 actual cubic feet per hour (acfh), which represents approximately 0.003 percent of initial pipeline capacity (140MMscfd) and is equivalent to the rate of purge venting at the R&M stations. Custody Transfer Metering Runs

Custody transfer metering runs and associated equipment will be installed to gauge and record gas volumes transferred at the Tee. Associated equipment will include a gas chromatograph, a dew-point measuring system, and a manual sampling point. The metering system will consist of one or more uncovered, skid mounted parallel meter runs, sized to deal with the entire range of design flow rates. There are no sources of emissions to atmosphere or liquid effluent generated by the operations of the metering package at the Alagbado Tee. Electrical Power

A 46 horsepower (hp) natural gas powered generator will provide primary electrical power to the Tee. The Tee will have batteries for a 24-volt (V) direct current (DC) control and shutdown system and will also have batteries for a 230V alternating current (AC) uninterruptible power supply (UPS) system. The overall power system is designed to be uninterruptible but is intended to also minimize the need for the delivery of emergency operation diesel or other liquid fuels for power to the Tee. Instrument Gas System

Natural gas will be taken from the system at Alagbado to be used as the control medium for pneumatic instrumentation, pumps and some valve actuation. Each pneumatic user (instrument) should use approximately 1 standard cubic foot per minute (scfm). With this estimate, it is expected that the pneumatic devices at the Alagbado Tee should use approximately 5scfm, equivalent to approximately 0.005 percent of initial pipeline capacity of 140MMscfd. Unlike at the compressor station (Section, there are enough pneumatic users to justify the installation of flameproof equipment rather than air compressors for an instrument air system. The fugitive emissions from the instrument gas system and other sources (flanges, valves, etc.) are not expected to exceed 0.25scfm (5 percent of the 5scfm usage rate). Fuel Gas System

Natural gas will be taken from the system at Alagbado to be used as a fuel to operate the Tees primary electrical power generator. Fuel gas consumption is expected to total 0.75MMscfd, equivalent to approximately 0.5 percent of the140MMscfd initial pipeline capacity. Fugitive emissions are not expected to exceed 5 percent of this figure (0.038MMscfd). Solid and Hazardous Waste

Section 2.5 presents a complete description of sources of solid and hazardous waste at the various WAPCo facilities and an explanation of how they will be managed. Rates and
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volumes for wastes generated during operations (including liquids accumulated in the liquids-handling tank) are given in Appendix 2-B. Water and Waste water Normally the Tee will be unmanned, but workers will occasionally be present to maintain the SCADA and VSAT systems housed there. Consequently, domestic potable water will be provided for occasional use by up to two workers. If this cannot be provided by sinking a well to groundwater, it will be brought in by tanker truck in sufficient quantities to ensure a supply of 50gal/person/day (189L/person/day) (Corbitt, 1990). There will be no firewater system at the Tee. Fire fighting systems are described in Section 2.6.2. Sanitary waste water from occasional usage by up to two workers will be treated through a septic tank system that is capable of collecting and holding the waste water. The design of the sanitary waste septic system will be done in accordance with the design parameters contained in the environmental standards adopted for this project and applicable local requirements. It will be sized to cope with six facility operators or 1,135L (300gal) per day. The preferred option for disposing of treated sanitary waste water is discharge into the soil by means of a properly designed and sized drainage field. Other options for disposing of treated sanitary waste water would be: Discharging into nearby receiving waters; and Hauling off-site for disposal. Although the facility will require no process water and therefore generate no process waste water, other waste water sources will exist, including equipment wash-down water and incidental process-area stormwater that may come in contact with operating equipment. To minimize the latter, some equipment, especially that which undergoes routine maintenance, will be erected beneath a roof to limit exposure to stormwater. Waste water from this source, though expected to be small, will be gathered beneath the component on drip pans and drained via gravity drains to the liquids-handling tank. Non-contact stormwater will not be collected but will drain freely from the facility. Other Facility Components Other components important to operations at the Tee include: Guard/security building; Generator and SCADA building for both NGC and WAGP personnel; SCADA/VSAT system; Parking area; Security fence; and A transformerrectifier unit for the corrosion protection system (Section

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Chapter 2 Facility Material Management Summary Rates and volumes for wastes generated during operations (including liquids accumulated in the liquids-handling tank) are given in Appendix 2-B. Sanitary waste water is discussed in Section

2.4.2 Onshore Mainline in Nigeria

Table 2.4-2 provides an overview of the Onshore pipeline in Nigeria. Table 2.4-2 Nigeria Onshore Pipeline
Aspect Location Site Area Description Alagbado, Nigeria to Ajido, Nigeria 140ha (346 acres); or, 56km pipeline, along a 25m ROW Purpose The onshore pipeline will provide the connection from the Alagbado Tee to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Crossings NGC/NNPC pipeline 32 road crossings 28 wetland and water bodies Main Equipment 30in Pipeline Isolation Valve and Manual Venting Facilities Figures/Further Description Figure 2.4-3 Figure 2.4-3 Section Section Section Section Facility Location A 30in (76cm) pipeline of wall thickness ranging from 0.469in to 0.562in (1.19cm to 1.43cm) will be installed below grade at a distance of 56km (35 miles) from the Alagbado Tee to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. For most of its route, the pipeline will be buried to a minimum depth of 0.9m (3ft), and 1.2m (4ft) deep at road crossings.3 Figure 2.4-3 illustrates the pipeline route in relation to the Tee and the compressor station (see above), running for the most part alongside the existing SPDC ROW (Section 2.1). The WAPCo Right of Way Access Policy (Appendix 8B-3.2) will govern access to the ROW by the local population.

per API Recommended Practice 1102. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-26

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Chapter 2 Process Description The transmission system components to be installed in the onshore pipeline include: 30in pipe (with corrosion protection coating and cement weight coating in wetlands, seasonal swamps or marshes, and possibly in river crossings) within a pipeline ROW with an average width of 25m; One midline isolation valve; Corrosion protection system; and Temporary marshalling yards. The following paragraphs explain the function of the significant onshore pipeline components. 30in Pipe (Cement Weight Coated in Wetlands or Marshes)

The onshore pipeline will provide the connection from the Alagbado Tee to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. The pipeline will carry natural gas between these two points at a contractual minimum operating pressure of approximately 40 barg. The following areas through which the onshore pipeline will pass warrant special consideration during the construction phase: Crossovers with other pipelines; Streambeds/river crossings; Road crossings; and Significant wetlands areas. An inventory of each of these areas is given in Section, Onshore Pipeline Installation Methods, where they are discussed further. Isolation Valve and Manual Venting Facilities

An isolation valve will be placed in the pipeline at a strategic location for safety of people and personnel that, when operated, will reduce the volume of gas and duration of release during a controlled onshore pipeline blowdown (depressuring) event. This location is currently envisaged to be adjacent to the existing 12in SNGL Pipeline valve, south of the Odowe Idi Iroko Road and is indicated in Figure 2.4-3. The worst-case blowdown event for the onshore pipeline would involve the controlled release of gas contained within the onshore pipeline itself. In an upset condition involving the onshore pipeline, the pipeline would be isolated from the upstream Tee by the emergency shutdown system (Section 2.6.3) and allowed to blowdown at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station flare. A controlled blowdown of the entire onshore pipeline is expected to take 18 hours at a blowdown rate of 50MMscfd and result in the release of 37MMscf of gas. The rate of 50MMscfd has been chosen as the most practical design basis considering

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the low elevation of the vent, the close proximity to the Odowe Idi Iroko Road (a major transportation route) and, hence, the need for effective dispersion of the gas cloud. A complete description of blowdown events and the emergency shutdown system to control such events is provided in Section 2.6.3. Manual venting facilities will also be installed should the line need to be depressurized at the midline isolation valve, which would occur in only the most extreme circumstances (Section Blowdown duration and release volumes at the midline isolation valve are expected to be almost identical to a controlled blowdown at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Corrosion Protection Systems

All onshore line pipe will be externally coated with a fusion bond epoxy (FBE) coating. This will be applied at a coating yard likely to be located outside of West Africa and so aspects of the FBE coating operations are not within the scope of this EIA. The FBE is intended to provide the first line of corrosion protection for all line pipe, simply in the form of a barrier. Shrink-wrap will be applied on all weld joints as the line pipe is being assembled at the installation site as further corrosion protection. In addition to FBE coating and shrink-wrap, added corrosion protection will be achieved electrochemically by means of impressed-current cathodic protection systems in which a low voltage DC current is applied to counterbalance the corrosion process. The components of these systems will be a transformer-rectifier unit (to transform AC to DC) at the Tee and the compressor station and impressed current groundbed anodes to transmit current across pipeline, preventing external corrosion from occurring and maintaining pipeline integrity. Water and Waste water There will be no consumption of water and no sources of process waste water during the operation of the 56km (35 miles) onshore pipeline system. Nonetheless, incremental stormwater runoff may occur until reinstatement of the ROW is complete, see Section Solid and Hazardous Waste During the lifetime of the transmission system, the wastes to be removed and disposed of during maintenance of the 25m (82ft) wide ROW would be overgrowth and illegally dumped wastes. Vegetation clearance will be performed four times a year by hand. No pesticides will be used. It is expected that local inhabitants would remove overgrowth debris from this maintenance for use as firewood. Nonetheless, provisions will be made for the management of this overgrowth debris, including possibly accumulation and burning. Other wastes would be managed off-site in accordance with local regulations and an approved waste-management plan. Hazardous wastes will not be generated by operation of the onshore pipeline.

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Chapter 2 Facility Material Management Summary Under routine operations there will be no emissions to atmosphere other than incidental fugitive emissions at valves, flanges, or waste water discharges. As a highly implausible worst-case scenario, all of the vegetation cleared along the ROW would require disposal four times per year. In Nigeria this would be an area of 140ha. Assuming an average height of 1m and clearing four times per year, the worst-case waste volume requiring landfill would be 0.56 million cubic meters per year (Mm3/yr).

2.4.3 Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Primary Control System

Table 2.4-3 provides an overview of the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Table 2.4-3 Lagos Beach Compressor Station
Aspect Location Site Area Workforce Purpose Description Ajido, Nigeria 8.5ha (20.9 acres) 30 operators and maintenance personnel The compressor station is being installed to deliver gas at the designed transmission rate, and is required in order to boost upstream pressure from the Alagbado Tee to downstream destinations. Gas Scrubbers Liquid Storage Tanks Gas Compression Flare System Pig Launcher/Receiver Freshwater System Fire Fighting System Sanitary and Process Waste Water System Electrical Power Fuel and Instrument Gas Systems Figures/Further Descriptions Figures 2.4-4, 2.4-5, and 2.4-6 Figures 2.4-4, 2.4-5, and 2.4-6 Section

Main Equipment

Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Section Sections and Facility Location A compressor station will be constructed at the terminus of the onshore pipeline at Ajido, near Badagry, in Nigeria. Figure 2.4-4 illustrates the location of the compressor station. The compressor station will be the location for the primary SCADA/VSAT control and ESD systems.

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Figure 2.4-4 Compressor Station Site Location

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The compressor station is just to the west of the village of Ajido and to the south of Lagos Badagry expressway. It is approximately 12km (7.5 miles) East of Badagry, Nigeria. It lies approximately 0.85km (0.5 miles) north of the Lagos Lagoon. The site footprint will be 220m by 385m (787ft by 1,260ft) (i.e., approximately 8.5ha (21 acres)). This comprises the footprints of the: Compressor station itself: 140m by 185m (459ft by 607ft) (i.e., 2.6ha (6.4 acres)) Flare stack site: 100m by 100m (328ft by 328ft) (i.e., 1ha (2.5 acres)) Buffer zone around both the above: 4.9ha (12.1 acres) Access to the compressor station during the operations phase will be via the existing road network and, if it is decided that it should be built, from a dock by the nearby lagoon and an associated access road that would both be built to enable the transport of heavy equipment to the site during construction (Sections 2.8.3 and 2.13). Process Description For gas to be delivered at the design transmission rate, compressors are required in order to boost upstream pressure from the Alagbado Tee to downstream destinations. The compressor station is being installed in the transmission system for that purpose. Pressure upstream of the compressor station is expected to be 40 barg at the maximum operating flow rate and a maximum operating pressure of 153 barg to 164 barg after compression at the same flow rate. The facility will come on line six months after first gas; natural flow will be strong enough for gas delivery until then. The facility will be manned 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The nominal staff number is expected to be 25 to 30 persons. Like the Alagbado Tee, the major components of the compressor station will be installed in two parallel equipment runs to provide 100 percent, uninterruptible operational backup and accompanied by single installation of non-operationally critical components. Should the compressor station require isolation from the main transmission line for an extended period, or during start-up, a bypass pipeline around the compressor station has been included in the design to allow uninterrupted delivery of the gas, albeit at a lower pressure and transmission rate. Though lower quantities of gas will be delivered under a bypass situation, delivery will not be cutoff entirely and safety will not be compromised. Figure 2.4-5 is a site plan view illustrating the compressor station configuration.

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iF2RPPIPS iF2PQUSVS xF2PITSVU wfpEQUPH si2egu Ist2eqi2gsyx gffi gywiy wfpEQUTH Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi py2yievv2si2vex2ii2hqF2eqEEvEpEvHHEHHEPPHPEP ei2vsws iF2PRVVPI xF2UTTIW esx25I 5I2gyyvi wfpEQUQH Ist2eqi2gsyx 5P2gyyvi gffi gywiy wfpEQUUH IRFR2x2IIFPSHw Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi y2pvei wggGsgrqF si2egu pvei2gffi piv2qe2ush 22y @piA Ist2eqi2gsyx gffi @piA pi Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi pi gywiy pi pi @piA eusxq ei2exsesyx ush QwxTw Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi R2x2VFVw pi VFSw si2egu pi @piA Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi @FA esx25P gyxyv2fvhqF @piA Ist2eqi2gsyx gffi pi @piA Ist2eqi2gsyx pi g2yqysxq2sivsxi v vexgri2ush gffi @piA Pnd2eqi2gsyx gffi R2x2IPw @piA pi Ist2eqi2gsyx gffi VFV2x2IWFPw


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The compressor station components are as follows: Liquids knockout vessels; Over-pressure protection (e.g., relief valves); Pressure control valves; Under-pressure protection; Low pressure protection against air ingress; Automated shutdown valves; Safety and Emergency Shutdown (ESD) system; Inlet, outlet system controls (which may include flows and water content); Pressure and temperature measurement and controls; Gas chromatograph, dew point measuring device, and manual sampling point; Utility gas supply and metering; Pig receiving for the WAGP onshore pipeline; Pig launching for the WAGP offshore mainline; First and second stage turbine compressors; First and second stage suction scrubbers; First and second stage coolers; Filters and separators; Flaring system for sectional and complete station de-pressurization; Fuel gas scrubber and superheater systems; Liquids storage tank; Instrument air system; SCADA/VSAT operating and monitoring systems; Corrosion protection system (Section; Fresh water system (two water wells and treatment plant); Offices, control room, maintenance shop, and warehouse; Cathodic protection system; Fuel storage tanks; Chemical storage compound; Waste management compound; Fire detection and suppression system; Sanitary septic system; Temporary concrete batch plant; and Clearing for medical evacuation helicopter landing. The following paragraphs explain the function of the significant compressor station components. Gas Scrubber

Like at the Alagbado Tee, undesirable solids or liquids, if any, from upstream sources will be first removed at a gas scrubber and drained to the facility liquids-handling tank via a pressurized drain system. Again, liquids from the scrubber are expected to consist of water and gas condensates, and the solids are expected to consist of pipe scale. As entrained solids and liquids will be present in the gas only during upset conditions, the quantities involved are

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expected to be incidental and will accumulate only very slowly over time. The scrubber relief system is piped to the compressor station flare system. Liquids Storage Tanks

Removed liquids at the gas scrubbers or other transmission drainage points, will be pressure and gravity drained through a header and flare systems to a 16,000L (4,200gal) liquidshandling tank where they will await removal by a waste removal vendor. The liquidshandling tank will be placed inside a secondary containment vault and have a high liquids level alarm, automatic shut-off system and be vented to the atmosphere. The secondary contaminant system will be equipped with a drain valve that will be operated normally closed. The liquids that drain into the tank are equipment washdown liquids, lube oil from the compressor and some rainwater containing small quantities of condensate and entrained solids such as pipeline scale. The contents of the tank will be removed periodically by an approved contractor and disposed of off-site according to an approved waste management plan (Chapter 8). Gas Compression

The initial gas volume (140MMscfd; 3.9MMcmd) will be compressed in two stages and undergo filtration and cooling between stages before being sent offshore. Selecting twostage, inter-cooled compression allows wider variations in efficiencies in compressor selection and ultimately produces overall energy savings. The energy savings resulting from the cooled compression become apparent in the later years of the project. Each compressor (six in total to support the maximum 462MMscfd capacity) will be driven by a 12,000 horsepower (hp) gas turbine engine. At maximum capacity, depending on gas market demand, the compressor system would comprise five tandem-operating and one backup compressors and related components (filters, coolers). The first two compressors will be installed to come on line six months after first gas. An additional compressor will be installed every five years thereafter. Each compressor and related components, including backups, will be installed in covered enclosures. The turbines are natural gas fueled, low nitrogen oxide (NOx) engines. Exhaust emission from the gas turbines will be controlled by a dry-type combustion emission suppression system to reduce the emission levels of NOx, carbon monoxide (CO), and other contaminants to below those specified by the World Bank guideline and local regulations.4 The dry-type technique controls emission levels by limiting the formation of pollutants in the burning zone by utilizing the lean-premixed combustion technology. Unlike water or steam injection methods, it does not require frequent combustion inspections and does not decrease the hardware life resulting from the use of diluent injection. The techniques are relatively new and are being continuously improved under the current manufacturers development programs.

See WAGP-W-S-SA-SA-0001-0, Environmental Design Basis. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-38

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Noise produced from the gas turbine compressor operation is controlled by silencers and acoustic insulation provided with the turbine enclosure to reduce it below the upper acceptable limits for industrial hygiene/hearing protection in the workplace (85 decibels (dB)) and in compliance with World Bank and local regulations at the station boundary (55dB). Main noise sources typical of gas turbine compressor facility are the gas turbine combustion air intake, exhaust, gas turbine casing, gearbox, compressor, process piping, valves, coolers, blowdown vents, and other background noises such as generators. All of these noise sources must be added together and compared with the noise limit criteria taking into account the distance attenuation from the sources to the measured noise receptor area(s). The noise control systems must be designed and evaluated during the detailed design stage to prevent the site sound levels from exceeding the limits specified by the World Bank guideline and local regulations. Flare System

To allow for a controlled system blowdown during emergency and upset conditions and other events, such as start-up, all pressurized vessels, lines, and operating components at the compressor station will be connected to the facility flare system. Unlike the Alagbado Tee and R&M stations, where controlled blowdown will be vented to the atmosphere, blowdown of natural gas at the compression station will be flared because: Gas releases will be larger and more frequent as the compressor station is larger and more complicated than the Tee and the R&M stations and will require more maintenance for safety reasons; and The compressor station has been designated at the facility to handle a controlled blowdown of the entire offshore pipeline, including the laterals into Benin, Togo and Ghana. The flare system will consist of relief header, flare scrubber, flare stack and smokeless burner tip and is designed to be capable of gathering and disposing of hydrocarbons released during the largest single contingency relief or blowdown event at the facility, and for the offshore pipeline when operating at design capacity. All relief and blowdown valves shall discharge into flare header and be routed to the flare scrubber. Carryover and flashed liquids within the flare header shall be separated from the gas and removed in the flare scrubber and sent to the liquids storage tanks (Section Although the flare will not be operating continuously, a small amount of purge gas will be continuously injected into the flare header piping at the extremities to ensure that the header system remains free of oxygen. Purge gas velocity will be approximately 0.05ft/second (sec) (0.015m/sec). The 16in (40.64cm) flare header will therefore yield purge gas at a rate of approximately 250acfh, equivalent to approximately 0.008 percent of initial pipeline capacity. All flare and purge gas shall be measured and recorded. A pilot flame will also be continuously operated in the flare to combust the purge gas. Operating flares produce significant heat, which can be dangerous to workers, nearby residences, and the environment. In order to provide safe operating distances between the

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flare and those receptors, a flare height and radiant diameter buffer zone was provided in the flare system design assuming a worst-case but controlled blowdown release rate of 100MMscfd of gas. A study was performed that indicated a flare height of 46m (151ft) and a radiant diameter of 50m (164ft) are required to reduce exposure to radiant heat by plant occupants or other receptors to acceptable levels under the worst-case blowdown event (Holmes, 2003). Accordingly, a gated and locked flare perimeter area with controlled access is included in the design. Total radiant heat at the perimeter of the controlled area will not exceed 1.57 kilowatts (kW)/m2 (1,500 Btu/m2). Figure 2.4-6 illustrates the location of the flare stack in relation to the compressor station. In the event that the compressor station is isolated from onshore and offshore pipelines, a blowdown of the compressor station itself would take less than five minutes and result in the release of up to 460m3 (16,250scf) of gas. Table 2.4-4 shows blowdown volumes and rates at the compressor station. Pig Launcher/Receiver

Both pig launching and receiving traps will be provided at the compression station to facilitate pipeline liquids removal and pipeline integrity monitoring between the Alagbado Tee and the compressor station (Section and in the offshore main trunk from the compression station to the R&M station at Takoradi, Ghana. Liquids received from the 56km (35 mile) onshore pipeline between the Alagbado Tee and the compressor station will be sent by way of a flash tank to the facility flare system. Carryover liquids, if any, will be drained to the liquids-handling tank. Liquids produced from pigging operations downstream of the compressor station will be managed at the Takoradi R&M station. Maintenance pigging for the onshore line from Alagbado to Lagos Beach is expected to take place annually for the first five years. The type and quantity of liquids and debris thus pigged out would determine how frequently to pig in future years and whether or not to pig the mainline downstream from Lagos Beach. Freshwater System

Potable and utility freshwater as well as firewater will be provided to the compression station by two planned groundwater wells. Groundwater will be filtered to standards suitable for its intended use. The estimated expected daily use of water from the two wells is 159L (42gal) per day per inhabitant. Maximum expected operators/maintenance personnel on-site are 30, leading to an estimated total water use, excluding fire fighting, of 4,770L (1,260gal) per day. Fire Fighting Systems

The compressor station will contain a firewater system consisting of a firewater distribution system, firewater equipment (pumps, tanks and control valves), hydrants, firewater monitors, hose reel stations, gas extinguishing systems, and portable fire extinguishers. Water will be supplied from groundwater wells described in Section and will undergo no treatment other than filtration at fire-pump suction.

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Table 2.4-4 Blowdown Volume and Rates at the Compressor Station

Section Blowdown Interval (Hours) at: 50 MMscfd 75 MMscfd 100 MMscfd 5.6 5.6 11.2 4.2 4.2 8.4 Blowdown Interval (Days) at: 50 MMscfd 75 MMscfd 100 MMscfd 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 Actual Volume Released 17.5 MMscfd 0.496Mcmd 17.5 MMscfd 0.496Mcmd 35.0 MMscfd 0.991Mcmd 649 MMscfd 18.4Mcmd 711 MMscfd 20.1Mcmd 801 MMscfd 22.7Mcmd 876 MMscfd 24.8Mcmd 170 MMscfd 4.81Mcmd 186 MMscfd 5.27Mcmd

Onshore Pipeline Alagbado Tee to 8.4 Midline valve Midline valve to Lagos 8.4 Beach Alagbado Tee to 16.8 Lagos Beach Offshore Pipeline (18in Case) Lagos Beach to Takoradi (without 311.6 laterals) Lagos Beach to all 341.2 R&Ms (with spurs) Offshore Pipeline (20in Case) Lagos Beach to Takoradi (without 384.7 laterals) Lagos Beach to all 421.2 R&Ms (with laterals) Lagos Beach to Takoradi (without 81.5 laterals) (40 barg initial pressure) Lagos Beach to all R&Ms (with laterals) 89.3 (40 barg initial pressure)

207.7 227.4

155.8 170.6

13.0 14.2

8.7 9.5

6.5 7.1

256.4 280.8 54.4

192.3 210.6 40.8

16.0 17.5 3.4

10.7 11.7 2.3

8.0 8.8 1.7






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At Lagos Beach the fire protection system will be installed to provide cooling water to protect the equipment in the event of a gas fire. The firewater system will be designed for a nominal 450m3/hour (2,000gal/min). A looped underground firewater ring constructed of 10in (250cm) high density polyethylene will carry the firewater to end devices. Firewater will be supplied from a 170m3 (45,000gal) storage tank. Two firewater booster pumps, one diesel and one electric, will be installed. Each booster pump will have nominal capacity of 675m3/hour (hr) (3,000gal/min). Pressure is maintained on the firewater loop utilizing two jockey pumps of 100gal/min capacities. Sustained firewater pressure will be maintained at 7 bars to 8 bars (100 pounds per square inch (psi) to 120 psi). The firewater loop will deliver to four hydrant monitors strategically located with a delivery capacity of 45m3/hr (200gal/min). Each monitor will cover approximately 50m. There will be four firewater hose stations located approximately 25m from each monitor. The fire hose stations will house 50m of 1.5in flexible fire hose with 23m3/hr (90gal/min) nozzle capacities. Three stub-ups will be provided for future additions. Used firewater will drain away from the site to grade or via gravity drains to the facility liquids-handling tank. Sanitary and Process Waste Water

A sanitary waste water treatment system to collect waste fluids coming from toilets, lavatories, and showers will be installed. Treatment of the sanitary waste water at the compressor station will incorporate a biological-type sewage waste treatment plant sized to accommodate a staff of 25 to 30 workers. Using values of 190L/person/day (50gal/person/day) from the Standard Handbook of Environmental Engineering (Corbitt, 1990), the sewage treatment system would be designed to handle 4,730L/day to 5,690L/day (1,250gal/day to 1,500gal/day) of black water effluent (i.e., sewage waste). However, it is anticipated that the compression station facilities will also include showers and sinks for cleanup at the end of shifts. If this gray water from sinks and shower facilities is included as an additional 76L/day (20gal/person/day), then the sewage treatment package will need to handle approximately 6,620L/day to 7,940L/day (1,750gal/day to 2,100gal/day). The treatment system will be a RedFox Unit with the following features: (1) screening of coarse solid waste; (2) compensation of flow rates and pumping; (3) biological purification in a reactor of activated sludge in an aeration chamber; (4) secondary sedimentation; and (5) contact chamber and chlorination system (as necessary depending on disposal method chosen). The design of the sanitary or sewer waste treatment plant shall be done in accordance with the design parameters in the environmental standards adopted for this project and any applicable local requirements. The preferred option for disposing of treated sanitary waste water is discharge into the soil by means of a properly designed and sized drainage field without chlorination, (chlorination not appropriate for drainage field discharge). Other options for disposing of treated sanitary waste water are: Discharging into nearby receiving waters (probably the Lagos Lagoon), possibly after chlorination; and

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Hauling off-site for disposal (off-site disposal location would determine appropriateness of chlorination). Other waste water will include equipment wash-down water and incidental process-area stormwater. To minimize the latter, all system components subject to maintenance needs and that generate oily or hazardous maintenance wastes or have the potential for leaks and spills will be placed under roof cover. Waste fluids from these sources will be gathered beneath the system components on drip pans and drained via gravity drains to the facility liquidshandling tank. Non-contact stormwater will not be collected and allowed to flow freely from the facility. Equipment wash-down water volume is expected to be 500gal/year. These liquids will be collected in the liquid storage tanks described above in Section and will either be recycled in an internal water recycling system or hauled off-site for handling at an approved/licensed waste management facility (Chapter 8). Process-area stormwater volumes will be incidental. Electrical Power

Initially there will be two natural-gas-powered 2 megawatt (MW), 6,600 volt (V) generators, with an emergency 500 kilowatt (kW), 415V diesel backup generator system to provide respectively primary and emergency electrical power at the compressor station. The primary system will be operated 24 hours per day. A 79,000L (21,000gal) diesel supply tank will be provided to store diesel fuel for continuous operations of the compressor station diesel emergency generation and fire engines fuel needs. The generator day tank will be housed in a secondary containment system beneath the generating unit it will serve. Similarly, a diesel powered pump firewater day tank, designed for 12 hours of operation at full load, will be located at the base of the diesel firewater pump skid. The station will also have batteries for a 24 volts direct current (VDC) control and shutdown system. The station will also have batteries for a 230 volts alternating current (VAC) UPS system. The overall power system is designed to be uninterruptible but is intended to also minimize the need for the delivery of emergency operation diesel or other liquid fuels for power to the compressor station. Instrument Air Instrument air will be provided as the control medium for pneumatic instrumentation, and valve actuation. Pneumatic hand tools will also use the compressed air. The compressed air system will be supplied with a minimum of two 100 percent air compressors, two 100 percent heatless desiccant type air dryers and related headers systems and controls. Screw type compressors will be used. The air compressors will be driven by electric motors. Air will be used instead of gas, as at the Alagbado Tee and R&M stations, because the greater number of installations equipment requiring pneumatic power makes the installation of air compressors preferable to installing flameproof equipment throughout the plant. Liquids (e.g., water) removed from the compressed air system scrubbers and filter separators will be sent to the liquids-handling tank via the atmospheric drain header.

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Chapter 2 Fuel Gas System Natural gas will be taken from the system at the compressor station to be used as fuel to operate the generators, fuel skid heater and compressor turbines. The primary source of fuel gas is process gas from the discharge off the first stage of compression. Gas enters the fuel gas package and is let down across a pressure control valve. This valve regulates the pressure of the fuel gas system to maintain sufficiently high pressure to the main compressor gas turbine driver. Liquids, if any, are separated from the gas stream in a fuel gas scrubber. The liquid-free vapor stream is then heated in the indirect fired fuel gas superheater above its dew point under temperature control. The gas is then filtered using fuel gas filters to remove any solid particles (such as pipe scale, etc.) prior to distribution. The quantity of lowpressure (LP) fuel gas required in the facility is relatively small and thus a dedicated LP fuelgas-conditioning package is unnecessary. A small stream of high-pressure (HP) fuel gas is taken downstream of the fuel gas filters and let down for distribution through the LP fuel gas header. For start-up of the facility, fuel gas is taken from the pipeline to be used for starting the power generation system. This in turn will be used to start the main compressor. Based on the 20in lined pipe scenario and mid-case reserve forecast, the initial fuel gas consumption for a single compressor is estimated at 3.32MMscfd. The maximum fuel use at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station is estimated to be 14.3MMscfd based on additional compressor installations over time (maximum of five compressors in year 2024, 20 years after gas start-up). Fugitive emissions are not expected to exceed 3 percent of this figure (0.01MMscfd initially, 0.43MMscfd at the maximum capacity in the later years). Solid and Hazardous Waste See Section 2.5 for complete description of the sources of solid and hazardous waste at the various WAPCo facilities and explanation of how they will be managed. Rates and volumes for wastes generated during operations (including liquids accumulated in the liquids-handling tank) are given in Appendix 2-B. Other Facility Components Other significant components of the compressor station include: An office building, a meeting room, toilet and shower room, break room with pantry and kitchenette, a telecommunications room, and an office supply storage room; Warehouse building including a storage room for maintenance equipment and spare parts and a washroom; and SCADA building, a main control room and a guardhouse with a toilet and washbasin for security personnel to use a transformerrectifier unit and corrosion indicators (sacrificially corroding coupons) for the corrosion protection system (Section

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Chapter 2 Facility Material Management Summary Rates and volumes for wastes generated during operations are given in Appendix 2-B. Wastes will include liquids accumulated in the liquids-handling tank, 500 gal/year of which will be equipment wash-down water volume. Sanitary waste water is discussed in Section

2.4.4 Offshore Main Trunk Line and Laterals

Table 2.4-5 provides an overview of the Offshore Pipeline. Table 2.4-5 Offshore Pipeline
Aspect Location Description From Ajido, Nigeria to Takoradi, Ghana Site Area 567km (352 miles) Purpose The purpose of the offshore pipeline is to carry the compressed natural gas between the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Takoradi R&M station and along the laterals to the intervening R&M stations in Benin, Ghana and Togo. Main Equipment 20in or 18in (50.8cm or 45.7cm) Concrete Weight Coated Main Trunk Line and Laterals (various widths) Subsea Lateral Take-Off and Provision for Temporary Line Pig Launcher Monitoring and Corrosion Protection System Control Systems Figures/Further Descriptions Figure 2.4-1 Figure 2.4-2 Section



Section Facility Location The offshore pipeline will be placed directly on the seafloor (and, for certain shore crossings, in jetted trenches) a distance of 567km (352 miles) from the Lagos Beach Compressor Station to the Takoradi thermal power plant. At three points along the pipeline route, ties will be made for laterals to extend from the main offshore trunk line to Cotonou, Benin; Lom, Togo; and Tema, Ghana; in addition to the terminus of the main trunk line at Takoradi, Ghana. Figure 2.1-1 illustrates the offshore pipeline route (see above). It is currently envisaged that the diameter of the line pipe comprising the mainline will be 20in (50.8cm). Midline compressor facilities may be required at Lom sometime during the middle of the life of the project as the market demand increases. The diameter of each lateral is given in Table 2.1-1.

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Chapter 2 Process Description The offshore transmission system components to be installed include: 20in (50.8cm) concrete-weight-coated main trunk line and laterals; Subsea lateral line take off and provision for temporary installation of a pig launcher; and Corrosion protection system. The components that will be installed in Nigeria are: 20in (50.8cm) concrete weight coated main trunk line; and Corrosion protection system. The following paragraphs explain the function of the significant offshore pipeline components. 20in (50.8cm) Concrete Weight Coated Main Trunk Line and Laterals (various widths)

The purpose of the offshore pipeline is to carry the compressed natural gas between the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Takoradi R&M station and along the laterals to the intervening R&M stations in Benin, Ghana and Togo. The maximum allowable operating pressure between these points will be 153 barg. In addition, the offshore pipeline will be entirely coated with concrete weight coating to overcome buoyancy forces as well as lateral drag force due to waves and currents. Actual radius of cement coating to be installed will be determined during detailed design, but is anticipated to average 3in (7.6cm) as described further in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA. The offshore pipeline will be placed directly on the seafloor in water depths in excess of 8m (26ft). In sections of the route in Nigeria that are less than 8m (26ft) deep the pipeline will be either buried below the seafloor as a result of HDD (for the shore crossing) or covered with concrete mats, such as in areas of hard bottom substrate. Section 2.8 describes the basis for these specifications and other aspects of the offshore pipeline construction in more detail. The preferred minimum depth for unburied (or uncovered) line pipe is 8m below sea level. An alternative, deeper minimum burial criterion of 30m (98ft) is discussed in Chapter 4. For the great majority of its route, the pipeline will lie 30m to 50m (98ft to 164ft) below sea level. At the deepest point it will be 70m (230ft) below sea level. The pipeline route does not cross any shipping lanes and avoids passing through anchorage areas. Lateral Line Pig Launchers

Lateral line pig launchers are described in Section of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs. There will be none in Nigerian waters.

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Corrosion Protection System

All offshore line pipe will be coated externally with an FBE by an FBE coating vendor. The FBE is intended to provide the first line of corrosion protection in the subsea environment. Like the onshore pipeline, shrink-wrap sleeves will be applied at the weld joints as the line pipe is being assembled. Furthermore, all 20in line pipe downstream from the Lagos Beach Compressor Station will be coated internally with an FBE. In addition to the physical protection methods described above, the offshore line pipe will be protected by a sacrificial-anode cathodic protection system, in which a sacrificial zinc/aluminum anode will be attached to the offshore line pipe at a frequency of one anode for every 25 joints (approximately 305m or 1,000ft) of line pipe and corrode in preference to other metal components of the line pipe. Cathodic protection potential measurements can be performed on the onshore pipeline ends on a periodical basis to ensure cathodic system is protecting the pipeline. Facility Material Management Summary With the exception of an upset condition such as during a leak or rupture, there will be no emissions including those from solid or liquid sources from the operation of the offshore pipeline. A small amount of gas will be released from the subsea pig launcher each time it is disconnected from the subsea tie-in during pigging, approximately 0.34m3 to 1.27m3 (12ft3 to 45ft3).

2.4.5 R&M Stations and Onshore Portions of Laterals and Trunk

The R&M stations and onshore pipeline portions in Benin, Ghana, and Togo are described in Section 2.4.5 of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs.


Solid and Hazardous Waste from Pipeline Operations

Solid waste generated at the Alagbado Tee and Lagos Beach Compressor Station can be divided into the following categories: Domestic solid waste; Non-hazardous industrial waste; Hazardous industrial waste; and Semi-solid waste. These wastes will be generated during the construction as well as the operations phase, although the quantities generated in the operations phase will be much less. This section outlines the types and quantities of waste generated in the operations phase. The quantities and types of waste generated are described in Appendix 2-B. WAPCo Waste Management Plan is described in Appendix 8B2-6. WAPCo has identified existing waste management facilities. These facilities will be audited and formally approved by WAPCo prior to use. In cases where audits identify the potential for mismanagement of wastes, WAPCo will consider one or more of the following:
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Work with proposed waste management facility to correct identified deficiencies; Consider alternative in-region waste management facilities, including those used by WAPCo Sponsors; and Consider out-of-region waste management facilities or consider development of onsite waste management facilities at WAPCo facilities in accordance with World Bank requirements. WAPCo will assume its responsibilities as a waste generator, from the generation to ultimate disposal.

2.5.1 Domestic Solid Waste

Included in this type of waste are food scraps, pruning, grass or tree clippings, paper, cardboard, wood scraps, and all other biodegradable refuse that is generated in facilities such as offices and eating facilities at the site. This domestic waste may be stored in properly labeled plastic or metal drums located at strategic locations at the site. Domestic waste at the facility will be disposed of at an approved off-site landfill by waste carriers and operators who have been duly authorized by appropriate environmental authorities.

2.5.2 Non-Hazardous Industrial Solid Waste

Included in non-hazardous solid waste are waste materials generated in operating or maintenance areas that did not come in contact with hydrocarbons, solvents, etc. This nonhazardous waste will be stored in properly identified plastic or metal drums that are strategically located throughout the facility. Non-hazardous waste will be periodically collected and taken to a designated waste material storage location on site. Non-hazardous waste materials will be used and/or recycled as much as possible and any remaining nonhazardous wastes will be occasionally transported by an approved waste carrier for disposal or recycling at a to-be-determined approved off-site disposal or recycling facility.

2.5.3 Hazardous Waste

Hazardous wastes are typically identified via laboratory testing of hazardous characteristics or are designated as hazardous by local regulations. For WAGP, these wastes are likely to include sediment sludge, packing, belts, hoses, fireproofing, paint cans, activated carbon filters, mineral wool, grease, rags, gloves, oakum and other materials commingled with oil, hydrocarbons, solvent, paint, and any other material that contains hydrocarbon residue including pigging wastes. Hazardous waste will be stored in properly labeled and sealed plastic or metal drums that are strategically located throughout the facility where this waste may be generated. Pigging fluids will be contained in the liquids-handling tank, awaiting removal be a waste removal contractor. Periodically, the hazardous waste will be collected and taken to hazardous waste temporary storage locations on-site. Temporary hazardous waste storage facility will have a concrete floor and a continuous concrete barrier approximately six inches high around the

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perimeter of the concrete floor. The storage site will contain a roof to protect the drums from the weather. The storage site will also be lighted and contain adequate ventilation. Hazardous waste carriers and operators who have been duly authorized by appropriate environmental authorities will perform the treatment and final disposal of this hazardous waste at a to-be-determined, approved off-site treatment plant or disposal locations. Appendix 2-D lists potentially hazardous materials.

2.5.4 Semi-Solid Waste

Semi-solid waste generated will include sludge from the sanitary and industrial waste water treatment plants. Sludge from the industrial waste treatment plant shall be periodically extracted and placed into properly identified and sealed metal or plastic drums or vessels. Semi-solid waste shall be treated and disposed of at a to-be-determined, approved off-site treatment plant.


Operational Control and Safety Systems

2.6.1 Operational Control Systems

WAGP facilities will be capable of continuous and automatic operations across the entire pipeline system. Pipeline and facilities control will primarily be from a Central Dispatch Center (CDC) located at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and in event of an emergency situation, from a backup CDC co-located with WAPCo Headquarters. The CDC shall be capable of complete pipeline and facility operation, start-up, shutdown, and initiation of emergency shutdown and blowdown systems. All information necessary to achieve these requirements shall be available within the CDC and at the backup CDC. R&M stations will be monitored and controlled from the CDC or backup CDC with the ability to be controlled locally. Gas compressors will have a local control station at Lagos Beach, which will be linked to the CDC. Pipeline, plant facilities, and personnel shall be protected from hazardous conditions by appropriate safety devices and procedural controls. The Process Control System (PCS) will serve as the central point for the process control operations at the Alagbado Custody Transfer Station, the Lagos Beach Control and Dispatch Center (CDC), and at each of the four R&M stations. The backup CDC located within WAPCo Headquarters will have the ability to perform identical functions. The PCS shall provide the following functions as a minimum: Centralized control of the process facilities from each sites control room; Remote control of process valves, motors, compressors, etc.; Interface with other plant systems which include, but are not limited to, the SSS, compressor control panels and SCADA system;

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Continuous capacity and pressure control of the control loops defined in the piping and instrument diagrams and cause and effect diagrams; Measurement and calculations associated with gas flow, volumes, and composition; and Sequencing, configuration, and logic control of all control sequencing and control loops (control sequencing includes the necessary logic to accomplish all Level 2 and Level 3 shutdowns of the process system controlled and sequenced by the PCS). The control system will consist of three tiers: Primary and backup SCADA computers located in the central control center at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. The main function of the SCADA system will be operational interface to support operation of the complete pipeline network. The SCADA system will report pipeline system status to the control center, showing normal, abnormal or alarm conditions, so operators can monitor and take action if needed. Remote terminal units at each field compressor, metering, or pigging station will receive and execute commands from the control centers. Communications/control computers also located in the dispatching and backup dispatching centers for the purpose of communications and issuing control commands and initiating corrective actions. Operators will be able to view the entire system and ensure that the demand for product flow is met and that pipeline-operating conditions are safe and optimized. Corrective actions can be initiated, either automatically or with operator over-ride, if necessary. The backup dispatch center will be located at WAPCo Headquarters. The remote stations will have a degree of local automation and control which will ensure safe and continuous operation of the station independent of whether the operator is present on-site and whether he will take the required corrective action. Similarly, the individual stations will be able to operate safely with or without communications from the central dispatch or backup dispatch centers. Local control of the facilities from the plant for at least maintenance purposes. The SCADA system will provide the mechanism by which the data will be collated, transferred and stored and will utilize VSAT telecommunications technology for data transmission and voice communications as it provides the lowest total cost of ownership. The system will be designed to serve only the pipelines telecommunications needs. VSAT facilities will be located at each pressure reduction, metering, and compressor station. Local and international communications system where available will also be utilized as a backup. Voice communication from the R&M stations to customers facilities will be provided by line of sight radio link.

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2.6.2 Fire and Gas Detection and Protection Systems

The Fire and Gas Detection and Protection System (the F&G system) will provide a common central facility for all fire and gas detection and protection equipment and will be dedicated only to the detection of and protection against fire and gas. No other monitoring control or shutdown function shall be incorporated into this stand-alone system. It will be designed to operate under normal conditions with minimum operator interface. The process and essential-services areas within each WAGP site will be continually monitored by detectors that initiate alarms upon detection of a hazard. All F&G detection equipment will be provided with line monitoring facilities on both input and output circuits. Common facilities such as power supplies will be duplicated, but the system shall be designed utilizing simplex fail-safe input and output (I/O) units, and functional logic modules. The F&G System will operate normally from an external 24VDC System with a backup battery within each panel for four hours of operation. The F&G system will be capable of operating for up to eight hours without air conditioning in an ambient temperature of 40 Celsius (C). The F&G system shall have the capability to annunciate two different types of alarm tones. One alarm tone shall alert the operator of confirmed fire detection with in the perimeter of the facility. A different alarm tone will alert the operator of a confirmed high-gas detection within the perimeter of the facility. The F&G system will generate a low-level gas-detected alarm at 20 percent of the lower explosive limit (LEL) and a high-level gas-detected alarm at 60 percent LEL. Executive actions resulting from detection of fire or gas will result in alarms, equipment or facility shutdown, depending the on level of alarm and location. Fire detection will employ various detection methods including ultraviolet (UV) detectors, heat detectors, smoke detectors, and rate of rise detectors dependent on application/ location. Gas detection will employ conventional point detection methods. Open path line of sight gas detectors will be utilized within the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Outputs from the F&G System will be processed in the SSS for executive actions. Depending on location and application, suppression systems may include handheld fire extinguishers (either carbon dioxide (CO2) or dry powder), trolley-mounted extinguishers (dry powder), hose reels, fixed monitors, and inert-gas suppression systems. No Halon will be used in WAGP facilities. The fire fighting system for the compressor station is described in Section

2.6.3 Emergency Shutdown Systems

All WAGP sites shall include Emergency Shutdown Systems to alarm and shut down systems in the event of process upsets, power failures and emergencies such as fires or accidental releases of flammable vapors. These Emergency Shutdown Systems shall be independent of Plant Control Systems described in Section 2.6.1.

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Emergency Shutdown and Control of WAGP Facilities will be managed by two separate systems: the SSS5 and the PCS.6 The principal aims and objectives of the SSS and the PCS are to minimize the consequence of an incident, hazard or accident, in order to ensure the following: Protection of personnel and public; Minimization of potential for adverse environmental impact; Protection of the installation, equipment and facilities infrastructure; and Maintenance of safe operations compatible with business requirements. Safety Shutdown System (SSS) The Safety Shutdown System for WAGP facilities will be designed for high integrity operation. It shall be a stand-alone system that initiates the shutdown and blowdown/depressurization of systems and facilities during upset or abnormal conditions. The system components, such as sensors, logic, actuators, etc., shall be designed to operate independently of other control and monitoring systems. Since reliability of safe operation is of primary importance, the system shall be designed on an inherently fail-safe principle. The WAGP facilities will have four levels of shutdown. Starting with the highest, these are: Manual Emergency Shutdown shutdown, isolation and depressurization of all WAGP facilities; Level 1 for localized shutdown, isolation and depressurization of the relevant facility; Level 2 for localized shutdown and isolation without depressurization of the relevant facility; and Level 3 for localized individual equipment shutdown and isolation without depressurization at the relevant facility. A Level 3 shutdown may result in escalation to a Level 2, which in turn to may escalate to a Level 1 shutdown. This is called cascading when one executive action initiates further higher-level shutdowns. Manual Emergency Shutdown (ESD)

Manual Emergency Shutdown is the highest level of shutdown. ESD activation will result in the shutdown, isolation and automatic depressurization of all process and utility systems throughout the WAGP system. This will include electrical isolation of non-essential equipment to minimize the potential for ignition sources. This will normally be initiated at

5 6

Described in WAGP Technical Specification WAGP-P-I-SA-0070 ESD System Specification. Described in WAGP Technical Specification WAGP-P-I-SA-0073 Process Control System Specification. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-54

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either of the CDCs by Operator intervention and only in extreme circumstances. It will result in the following: Shutdown and isolation of gas feed from the ELP and closure of ESD valves at Alagbado Tee facility; Equipment shutdown, closure of ESD valves and depressurization of facilities via flare system at Lagos Beach; Equipment shutdown, closure of ESD valves and facilities depressurization via vent system at the R&M stations; Electrical isolation of all non-essential equipment; and Activation of audible and visual alarms located around the facility such that in event of an emergency shutdown personnel will be alerted to the situation. These alarms will be specific to a Manual ESD. Level 1 Shutdown

Alagbado Tee

A Level 1 shutdown at the Alagbado Tee station will be initiated by the following events: Manual initiation (from the local station control room); Receipt of an ESD signal from Lagos Beach Compressor Station CDC or the backup CDC; and Total loss of instrument electrical power. A Level 1 shutdown at Alagbado will result in the following actions: Closure of ESD valves; and Activation of audible and visual alarms located around the facility such that, in event of a Level 1 shutdown, personnel will be alerted to the situation. These alarms will be specific to a Level 1 shutdown.
Lagos Beach Compressor Station

A Level 1 shutdown at Lagos Beach Compressor Station will be initiated by any of the following events: Manual initiation (from the CDC, backup CDC or plant egress); Confirmed fire detection within a hazardous area; High liquids level in atmospheric drains tank; Low instrument air pressure at Lagos Beach Compressor Station; Total loss of instrument electrical power at Lagos Beach Compressor Station; and Detection of high gas level beyond process boundaries.

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A Level 1 shutdown at Lagos Beach Compressor Station will result in the following actions: Equipment shutdown, closure of ESD valves and depressurization of facilities via flare system; Isolation of electrical power to rotating equipment and non-essential equipment; Activation of audible and visual alarms located around the facility such that so that in event of a Level 1 shutdown, personnel will be alerted to the situation. These alarms will be specific to a Level 1 shutdown; and Depending on the type of emergency, automatic start-up of fire fighting systems may be initiated (Section 2.6.2).
R&M Stations

The events that will initiate a Level 1 shutdown at the R&M stations are described in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA Rev 1, as are the resulting actions. Level 2 Shutdown All Facilities

A Level 2 shutdown at any facility will be initiated by the following events: Manual initiation (from the local station control room); High liquid level in the gas scrubbers/vessels; Complete loss of backup power from the UPS; and Failure of any equipment or process system that results in the complete loss of gas feed to the facility or the ability to control it. A Level 2 shutdown at any facility will result in: A complete localized plant shutdown, and will cause the entire process to shut in, rotating equipment to stop and heaters to be shutdown; Level 2 shutdown functions are limited to blocking in the affected system; Manual depressurization may be initiated from the local control room; and Each process and utility subsystem will be capable of being shutdown from the local control room. Level 3 Shutdown All Facilities

Level 3 shutdown refers to automatic equipment shutdowns resulting from protection of individual equipment items or process trips, e.g., air compressor, generator, etc. shutdown by equipment protection systems supplied as part of equipment package;

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Each unit of electrical equipment package shall also have a local push-button for shutdown; and Alarms will be built into control loops to sound audible warnings for deviation from operating conditions for those controlled variables that will give the operator sufficient time to take remedial action.

2.6.4 Venting, Flaring, and Blowdown Depressurization Events Worst-case depressurization events in Nigeria are outlined in Sections and Flaring will only take place at Lagos Beach and will not be a normal operational occurrence. It will only occur during emergency shutdown, maintenance or, possibly, start-up activities. The overall philosophy is to isolate and depressurize equipment and facilities using the SSS and PCS functions as outlined in Section 2.6.2. A table of rates and volumes for the blowdown of each segment is given in Table 2.6-1. Depressurization of Onshore Line in Nigeria

The onshore line from Alagbado Tee to Lagos Beach Compressor Station will have a midline break valve and manual venting facilities should the line need to be depressurized at the midline valve (Section The entire onshore section in Nigeria can be manually depressurized under controlled conditions at Lagos Beach Compressor Station (Section Depressurization of Lagos Beach Compressor Station

Lagos Beach Compressor Station can be depressurized by closing inlet and outlet ESD valves, and releasing the contained volume of the station to the flare stack (Section Depressurization of Offshore Mainline (including Laterals)

The offshore section, including laterals, can be manually depressurized under controlled conditions at Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Should the Lagos Beach Compressor Station facility be unavailable for depressurization, the stack at Takoradi has been designed to accommodate a controlled manual depressurization of the offshore section including laterals. Depressurization of the offshore line is a highly unlikely occurrence and would in all probability be carried out to facilitate major repairs to the offshore line. This would be a planned and controlled event (Section Depressurization of Laterals

The depressurization of laterals is described in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA.

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Table 2.6-1 Blowdown Volume and Rates for All Segments

Section Onshore Pipeline Alagbado Tee to Midline valve Midline valve to Lagos Beach Compressor Station Alagbado Tee to Lagos Beach Compressor Station Offshore Pipeline (18in Case) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to Takoradi (without laterals) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to all R&Ms (with spurs) Offshore Pipeline (20in Case) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to Takoradi (without laterals) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to all R&Ms (with laterals) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to Takoradi (without laterals) (40 barg initial pressure) Lagos Beach Compressor Station to all R&Ms (with laterals) (40 barg initial pressure) Laterals Cotonou Lateral Lom Lateral Tema Lateral 8.4 8.4 16.8 5.6 5.6 11.2 4.2 4.2 8.4 0.3 0.3 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 17.5 MMscfd 0.496Mcmd 17.5 MMscfd 0.496Mcmd 35.0 MMscfd 0.991Mcmd 649 MMscfd 18.4Mcmd 711 MMscfd 20.1Mcmd 801 MMscfd 22.7Mcmd 876 MMscfd 24.8Mcmd 170 MMscfd 4.81Mcmd 186 MMscfd 5.27Mcmd 4.8 MMscfd 0.136MMcm 6.54 MMscfd 0.185MMcm 16.3 MMscfd 0.461MMcm Blowdown Interval (Hours) at: 50 75 100 MMscfd MMscfd MMscfd Blowdown Interval (Days) at: 50 75 100 MMscfd MMscfd MMscfd Volume Released

311.6 341.2

207.7 227.4

155.8 170.6

13.0 14.2

8.7 9.5

6.5 7.1

384.7 421.2 81.5 89.3

256.4 280.8 54.4 59.5

192.3 210.6 40.8 44.6

16.0 17.5 3.4 3.7

10.7 11.7 2.3 2.5

8.0 8.8 1.7 1.9

2.4 3.5 8.8

1.6 2.3 5.9

1.2 1.7 4.4

0.1 0.1 0.4

0.1 0.1 0.2

0.1 0.1 0.2

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Depressurization of R&M Stations

The depressurization of R&M stations is described in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA. Depressurization Equipment Performance The flare and vent scrubbers shall be designed to remove 99.9 percent of entrained liquid droplets 450 microns or larger from the hydrocarbon gas streams prior to releasing the gas to flare or vent stack. The minimum design pressure for flare and vent system piping and equipment shall be 10.3 barg. The maximum permissible thermal radiation (including solar radiation) from the flare tip measured at 1m above ground elevation at the flare site area boundary shall be 1.57kW/m2 (1,500Btu/ft2).


Design and Other Pre-Construction Activities

2.7.1 Front End Engineering Design (FEED)

WAPCo began a number of technical studies following the August 2002 Preliminary Commercial Evaluation. Immediate efforts focused on risk reduction (e.g., geotechnical and geophysical surveys and the EIA). Concurrent with this phase, FEED is being conducted in Houston, Texas USA. In this phase of the engineering, the design was driven through the development of the following: Process designs; Piping and instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs); System safety systems designs; Project equipment specifications as described above; Preliminary drawings; Design reports; Alternatives analysis for issues likely to be considered significant in this EIA; and Other key project documentation. During this phase, WAPCo proactively solicited stakeholder input and evaluated Best Available Technology (BAT) for incorporation into the designs, to ensure that the project minimizes health, safety, and environmental (HSE) impacts. Several detailed reviews were conducted during the preliminary engineering phase including those in Table 2.7-1. Table 2.7-1 Preliminary Engineering Phase Reviews
Review Item Hazard Identification (HAZID) Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) Facility Route and Siting Conceptual Safety Evaluation Studies/Reviews Week of 11 November 2002 X X Preliminary Week of 27 January 2003 Follow Up Updates Survey Results Design Basis Documents Week of 2 June 2003 Updates if any Updates if any

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Table 2.7-1 Preliminary Engineering Phase Reviews

Review Item Qualitative Risk Assessment Drawing Reviews, including P&ID Project Specifications Preliminary Instrument Protective Function (IPF) Classification Hazards Analysis (follow-up to HAZID & Qualitative Risk Assessment) Preliminary Conceptual and FEED Level Equipment Layout Hazardous Area Classification Fire and Explosion Study Fire Protection Analysis Escape/Evacuation/Rescue Week of 11 November 2002 Week of 27 January 2003 Training X List SD/Control Philosophy Training X Changes X X X Update X Week of 2 June 2003 X As changes occur As needed Update X

During these and other reviews, representatives from EIA and permit/license approval agencies in each of the countries participated to provide relevant input and guidance on regulatory compliance issues and prudent protective measures. Development of the detailed information to support the EIA process was a critical engineering and FEED activity to ensure timely EIA approval before the start of construction. An iterative process of stakeholder input, design adjustment, impact analysis and follow-up stakeholder consultations and impact analyses were used to develop the FEED and a detailed HSE plan (WAGP, 2002b). The HSE plan developed at this stage will be ultimately incorporated into the EIA Environmental Management Plan.

2.7.2 Design Basis: Philosophy and Standards

Design, fabrication, and construction of the transmission system is being done in accordance with the requirements of the environmental laws and regulations of the host country; WAGP regulations; approved, certified design and specification documentation; and restrictions imposed by the environmental management plan of the final EIA. Design Philosophy A number of design philosophies were observed throughout the design of the transmission system. These were: Protection of personnel and public; Minimization of potential for adverse environmental impact; Protection of the installation, equipment and facilities infrastructure; and Maintain safe operations compatible with business requirements.
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Since reliability of safe operation is of primary importance, the system was designed on an inherently fail-safe principle. This section of the EIA will summarize the elements of the design that were incorporated to achieve that principle. Ultimately, in order to uphold the design philosophy tenets, the design process included the development of documented design basis criteria that will be observed throughout construction, start-up and operation of the transmission system. Those documents are available at the WAPCo Operations Office for inspection. Design Standards The technical standards for the engineering, design, and construction of the WAGP system are proposed to be based on the American National Standards Institute (ANSI), American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), and American Petroleum Institute (API) systems. The primary design code of reference will be the ANSI/ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems design code. The ANSI/ASME B31.8 design code is the only general pipeline code that covers both onshore and offshore gas pipeline systems as well as metering and compressor stations. The B31.8 code is the most widely used design code in the industry for natural gas pipelines and is the predominant code of reference for WAGP installations. The components of the pipeline system will be designed and installed using API, ASME, or ANSI design codes that are specific for the component. Listed below in Table 2.7-2 are the design codes for major pipeline components as agreed to between the States and incorporated into the IPA: Table 2.7-2 Design Codes for Major Pipeline Components
Pipeline Component Onshore/Offshore Pipeline Design (including materials) Offshore Pipeline Construction Line Pipe Specification Pipeline Welding Specification Corrosion Protection Other Pipeline Components (Valves, Flanges, Fittings) Process Piping Welding Spec Compression Spec Gas Measurement Spec Safety System Spec Power Turbines Fire Protection Instrumentation Pressure Vessels Design Codea ANSI/ ASME B31.8 API RP 1111, Det Norske Veritas (DNV) OS-F101 API Spec 5L API Stand 1104 National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) RP0675, NACE RP0169 API 6D, ASME B16.5, ASME 16.9 ASME Sec IX (Boilers & Pressure Vessels) API Spec 617 API MPMS Spec 14.3 or ISO 5167 API RP Spec 14C API 616 National Fire Protection Association Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society, API RP 551, International Electrotechnical Council (IEC), NEMA ASME VIII D1

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Table 2.7-2 Design Codes for Major Pipeline Components

Pipeline Component Electrical Systems Buildings Civil Works

Design Codea API RP 540/IEC International Electrotechnical Commission, British Standards, IEC, International Organization for Standardization (ISO) CENELEC, National Engineering Manufacturers Association Local Building Codes British Standards, Euronorm, ISO

The above listed design codes are being established as the minimum design standards for the WAGP system. However, ISO, DNV or other high quality equivalent specifications may be substituted if warranted.

The technical specifications devised by WAGP are listed in Appendix 8B-4.4.

2.7.3 Other Pre-construction Activities

In addition to design activities, WAPCo conducted the activities described in Sections through and are integrated with the EIA processes and deliverables. Routing and Siting Surveys Onshore engineering surveys were conducted to determine ELP tie-in, pipeline routing, Lagos Beach Compressor Station, and R&M locations in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. Offshore surveys were conducted to determine appropriate marine routing of the pipeline. Relatively non-invasive survey techniques were utilized, although soil and seabed coring operations were used for geo-technical evaluation in both the onshore and offshore environments. WAPCo coordinated External Affairs, Engineering, and EIA consulting resources in implementing the surveys, to ensure that all issues and impacts associated with routing and siting were comprehensively and consistently identified. An appropriately scoped HSE Management plan was prepared prior to routing and survey work to minimize the impacts of these activities. Local communities and other stakeholders were advised of the survey activities prior to commencement. Estate Surveying and Identification of Real Estate Titles These activities will determine land tenure aspects of the project for the Nigerian onshore portion of the project and gas delivery points in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. This determination will include assessments of land ownership and other existing rights associated with potential routing or siting options for the pipeline and facilities. The results of these activities will be incorporated into a Resettlement Action Plan following World Bank requirements. Land and ROW Acquisition Land and ROW acquisition activities started via the Estate Survey process described above. Based on this work, WAPCo will negotiate the acquisition of permanent land rights (for

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facilities such as the compressor and R&M stations) and ROWs (for the pipeline itself). Other temporary and permanent estate acquisitions (camps, staging areas, roads, etc.) will be pursued either directly by WAPCo or through contractors or other third parties, with appropriate compensation guidelines established. WAPCo was advised that legal ownership and control of the offshore area, which the pipeline will traverse, is vested in each of the countries on the national government. Accordingly WAPCo will negotiate for ROWs over these offshore areas with the governments concerned. Compensation for acquisition of permanent land rights and ROWs will be in accordance with local and international best practices. WAPCo will deal closely with appropriate government, community, and traditional leaders during negotiations to acquire land or ROWs. WAPCo expects to find few resettlement issues associated with the construction of the pipeline, particularly physical dislocation of people affected by the project. Resettlement plans, which are a World Bank requirement however, will be provided as a supplement to this EIA Report. WAPCo also recognized that initial land and ROW target areas might not be suitable at the time of construction and that alternative routes should be considered as a contingency. Proposed and alternative sites and routes were pursued in a manner consistent with the description above, and all agreements included terms and conditions such as acquisition contingent on EIA approval, Permit issuance etc. Material Procurement, Staging, and Transportation The line pipe itself, along with compressors, vessels, meter runs and pressure-regulating equipment will be fabricated at off-site fabrication yards. The locations of the fabrication yard(s) will be located outside West Africa. The location of staging areas is discussed in Section 2.8. Other Activities Additional Safety and Operational Reviews with EIA and Permitting Agencies will occur during project implementation including: Critical safety equipment and quality assurance inspection and testing; and Functional testing of corrosion and fire protection equipment. Other activities include logistical planning, contracting for construction, and cost minimization studies. Prior to commencing construction, WAPCo and/or the construction contractors will obtain the necessary access permits and approvals in line with the legal framework described in Chapter 1.



This section describes the major construction and installation aspects of the WAGP transmission system.
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The principal elements of the proposed transmission system and major associated temporary facilities are as follows: Alagbado Tee; Onshore pipeline (including onshore laterals) and marshalling yards; Lagos Beach Compressor Station and primary control complex; Concrete batch plant (likely to be located adjacent to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station); Offshore main trunk and lateral lines; R&M stations; and Weight coating plant. The facilities that will be constructed and installed in Nigeria are: Alagbado Tee; Onshore pipeline and marshalling yards; Lagos Beach Compressor Station and primary control complex; Concrete batch plant; and Offshore main trunk. Approximately 20 percent of the 30in onshore pipeline lengths will be coated at an existing weight coating plant in Nigeria. The following subsections describe major aspects associated with the construction and installation of each of these elements.

2.8.1 Alagbado Tee Alagbado Tee Construction Activities Between 50 and 100 truck movements will be required in total during the construction period to bring to the site the materials and equipment for construction and operation of the WAPCo facilities at the Tee. The main plant equipment to be installed is listed in Section Construction equipment and facilities include: Earth moving equipment, etc.; Temporary office; Temporary sanitation facilities (for 50 people, see below); and A 500kW diesel-fueled generator. A temporary staging area equal to 25 percent of the layout area (i.e., 0.028ha/0.07 acres) will be required. This area will be incremental to the 0.11ha (0.28 acre) footprint.

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Construction activities will start with excavation, clearing and backfill of the footprint. Concrete for the foundations will then be prepared and poured. Plant equipment will be installed and a security fence erected allowing for a 25m wide buffer zone around the facilities. It is expected that construction of the Tee will take four months and that the workforce will average 25, with a maximum of 50 at any one time. No provisions for personnel accommodations or related support facilities are to be provided at the Alagbado Tee site as it is expected that most workers will be recruited locally and reside in their own homes. Those who are not will reside in local hotels. The numbers of local workers and non-local workers have not yet been determined (Section 2.13). Alagbado Tee Construction Material Management Summary The precise quantities and types of raw materials will not be known for certain until the construction contract has been awarded and work is undertaken. However, Table 2.8-1 provides a summary estimate of raw material requirements: Table 2.8-1 Raw Materials Required for Construction of Tee Facilities
Type Food and bottled water Construction water (possibly purchased from local wells) Diesel fuel for generators and construction equipment Solvents, lubricating oils, greases, etc. Paint, coatings, welding materials, piping materials, electrical materials Blockwall, concrete, framing lumber, asphalt, rebar Quantity Daily supplies for 25 workers (50 max) 1,100L/day to 2,200L/day (290gal/day to 580gal/day) 230L/day to 450L/day (60gal/day to 120gal/day) Incidental volumes Small quantities sufficient for permanent equipment (Section Sufficient for foundations for a footprint of 0.11ha (0.28 acres)

See Appendix 2-B for details of types and estimated quantities of wastes and waste water generated. Wastes will be treated and disposed of according an approved waste management plan.

2.8.2 Onshore Pipeline and Marshalling Yards Mobilization, Labor, Duration In Nigeria, pipeline lengths will be brought in three at a time by truck from Port Harcourt or Lagos to wherever they are needed on the ROW. This, and the transport of construction equipment, will account for up to 20 truck movements per day. The likely road transport routes from Lagos are shown in Figure 2.8-1.

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Workers will be transported daily either from their accommodation camp, if there is to be one, or from local accommodations. Pipeline installation will be performed by up to three different crews of 100 to 150 workers per crew working simultaneously during daytime hours only. The duration of installation work is expected to be six to eight months. Work will be undertaken in the dry season as far as possible The main plant equipment to be installed is listed in Section Construction equipment and facilities in Nigeria will include: Earth moving equipment; One or two temporary offices; Three sets of temporary sanitation facilities (for 100 to 150 people each); Three 500kW diesel-fueled generators; and Possibly, a temporary construction camp with of footprint of 4ha (10 acres) and a personnel requirement of 20 to 50 people. Onshore Pipeline Installation Methods The onshore pipeline will be installed in an excavated trench within a 25m (82ft) ROW to a nominal depth of 0.9m (3ft) in upland areas and 1.2m (4ft) at road crossings; or for certain wetlands and marshes, in directionally drilled boreholes. The majority of the onshore pipeline will be in upland areas; the theoretical maximum ROW acreage in Nigeria is 140ha (340 acres) (based on a length of 56km, and average width of 25m). The pipe itself will consist of 12m (40ft) random lengths with wall thickness ranging from 0.469in to 0.562in (1.19cm to 1.43cm) that have been pre-coated with a FBE for corrosion protection and weight coated in saturated or marsh environments. Plastic sheeting and hay bales will likely be used to control rainfall runoff until all earth work is completed. Wash-down areas will be designated and controlled for concrete trucks utilized for foundation slabs. Sanitation waste similar to that for normal operations is expected. Biocide use will be limited to common pesticides (e.g., diazinon), to be used to control mosquitoes and mosquito borne diseases within the construction zone. Pipeline Installation Methods (Uplands)

The main method that will be used to install the pipeline in upland terrain is trenching. Thrust boring, similar to horizontal directional drilling (HDD) (Section will be used to cross major roads.

The following is a summary of the basic steps undertaken to install a pipeline in upland terrain by trenching. Onshore pipeline construction will typically begin with the surveying or staking of the construction ROW. After surveying is complete, the construction crew will perform the

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following operations: clearing, grading, fencing (as necessary), digging of trench, stringing, bending, welding, pipe coating, lowering-in, backfilling, hydrostatic testing, and clean-up and restoration. Areas that typically require special construction techniques may be one or more of the following: agricultural areas; crossings including road, railroad, or foreign lines (pipelines or utilities); water bodies and wetlands; unusual topographies such as unstable soils and trench conditions, residential or urban areas, and areas requiring rock removal Surveying This step involves identification of the ROW, determining its legal location (as described in Section and performing soil evaluation. Normal modes of transportation are used to the locations for these activities. Along remote pipeline routes, visual inspection may be done by air. Land survey crews will mark by flags and/or stakes the boundaries of the construction ROW and extra workspaces to show the approved work areas. Also, areas to be avoided, such as wetlands, cultural resource sites, and sensitive species habitat, will be marked with appropriate fencing or flagging based on environmental and archaeology surveys. The centerline for the pipeline will be marked at 200ft intervals, at known crossings of foreign pipelines (pipelines owned by other operators) and at points of intersection, where the line changes horizontal direction. Pipeline locators and other methods will be used to identify these crossings. Clearing and Grading The construction ROW will be cleared and graded to remove brush, trees, roots, and other obstructions such as large rocks and stumps. Crops and other non-wooded vegetation may be mowed while other crops, such as grain, may be left in place to limit soil erosion. The construction ROW will be graded in some places to create a safe working area, accommodate pipe-bending equipment and allow the operation and travel of construction equipment. The natural drainage will be preserved to the extent possible. If necessary, a fence crew, typically operating in conjunction with the clearing crews, will cut and brace fences that intersect or cross the proposed route. Fences may be installed to keep livestock out of the working area. Where necessary, temporary gates will be constructed to allow landowners to move livestock from pasture to pasture, and to allow construction crews access along the ROW. Timber will only be removed when absolutely necessary for construction purposes. Commercially saleable timber may be cut and removed from the ROW. Timber that is not merchantable and other vegetative debris may be chipped, burned, or disposed of according to the landowners wishes. Burning, if used, will be conducted in compliance with local regulations and also performed in a manner to minimize fire hazard and prevent heat damage to surrounding vegetation. Stumps may be buried only in non-tilled land on the construction ROW and only with the agreement of the landowner. Stumps and other timber considered to be non-merchantable may be used to construct off-road vehicle barriers at the request of the landowner. Disposal of materials taken off-site will be done at facilities or locations approved by WAPCo.

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After the ROW has been cleared and the stumps removed, grading may be necessary. Minimum grading will be required in flat terrain. In areas with steep terrain, more extensive grading may be required. A maximum of 12in of topsoil will typically be removed or stripped and segregated. Topsoil that has been removed or stripped will typically be stored on the spoil side (i.e. opposite of the working side of the trench) of the construction ROW. However, circumstances may require the topsoil be stored or placed on the working side adjacent to the ditch or at the edge of the construction ROW. Digging of Trench The pipe trench will be dug using track mounted trenchers or backhoes from the working side of the ROW. Excavated spoils will be placed on the non-working side of the excavation for reuse. Backhoes, rotary wheel ditching machines, or rippers will be used to excavate the trench. The depth of the trench will vary depending on soil type and the class of pipe being buried. Typically when backhoes are used, the trench will be excavated before the welding of the pipe. On the other hand, when rotary wheel ditching machines are used, the trench will be excavated after the welding of the pipe and shortly before the pipe laying. If backhoes are used to excavate, the trench will typically be wider than a rotary wheel ditched trench due to the trench being open for a longer period of time and due to soil stability concerns. Measures will be taken to minimize free flow of water into and through the trench. Ditch plugs, or areas that are not trenched, will be left in place on either side of an approach to a stream crossing or wetland crossing, or to provide free-range to livestock. Road and certain river crossings may be done through thrust boring (in which a bore is drilled from the end of a trench dug on one side of the road through to the end of another trench dug on the other side) or directionally drill boreholes. Other river crossings may be done by conventional open cut methods, particularly if they can be done during low flow or dry season time frames. Where they are to be trenched, construction through water bodies will be scheduled so that the trench is cut just prior to pipe-laying activities. Where fluming or other similar measures are used to maintain stream flow during construction, the crossing will be designed to pass high flows and prevent excessive scouring. Trenching across rivers and streams will be performed in accordance with all applicable country requirements. Pipe Stringing Prior to construction, the pipe will be moved into the project area by barge, rail or truck and placed in pipe storage yards. Within Nigeria, most likely, the majority of the pipe will be stored at a pipe yard adjacent to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station site. The pipe-laying or stringing operation involves transporting pipe sections (joints) from pipe storage yards into position along the prepared ROW. Typically trucks or other vehicles will travel along the ROW and string the individual joints parallel to the centerline of the trench so they are easily accessible to construction personnel. The joints are usually strung on the working side of the trench for bending, welding, inspection, coating and lowering-in operations.

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Bending, Welding, Coating, and Lowering-in Typically, pipe will be delivered to the construction area in straight sections where it is bent to conform to changes required for pipeline alignment and to conform with natural ground contours. Track mounted hydraulic pipe-bending machines perform bending of the sections. Alternatively, some of the special bends may be performed ahead of time, at the pipe factory. After the pipe has been bent, it is aligned and welded. Typically, the joints will be welded together with assistance of line-up clamps. As each weld is completed, the pipe will be placed on supports adjacent to the trench. Each weld will be inspected visually and via X-ray (or some other non-destructive test method) by qualified inspectors. All bending, welding and coating in the field shall comply with industry and company standards and specifications. All pipe will be protected with an external coating designed to protect the pipe from corrosion. Except for a small area at the end of the pipe joint, coating will be applied at the pipe mill before shipment to the site. After welding together in the field, pipe joints are coated with similar or compatible materials. Before lowering-in, the pipe coating will be inspected for defects called holidays, with special attention given to all field applied coatings. In compliance with construction specifications, all holidays will be repaired prior to lowering-in. To avoid kinks, up to three cranes are positioned along the working pipeline spread and used to lower the pipeline into the excavation. Side boom tractors will also be used to lower the pipe into the trench (Figure 2.8-2). The ditch will be free of debris and foreign material. If the bottom of the trench is rocky, the pipe may be lowered onto sandbags or support pillows. Alternative sources of padding for pipe in rocky soil may be sand, gravel, or screened soil, excluding topsoil. In areas where the excavated trench material may damage the pipe, the pipe will be protected with a protective wrap of rock shield. The pipe is placed in the ditch so as to conform to the alignment of the ditch and to prevent damage to the coating. Wherever rain or groundwater has infiltrated the trench, the trench will be dewatered in order to prevent the pipe from floating and also to enable inspection of the pipe in the trench. Usually the dewatering will be accomplished with a portable pump, and the outlet will be placed near the edge of the ROW to prevent backflow into the ditch, while minimizing erosion of surface soils. Hydrotesting As part of the commissioning process the onshore pipeline will be hydrotested (Section 2.9). Backfilling Once the pipe is in the trench, the trench is backfilled using a bulldozer, backhoe, or other suitable equipment. Backfill usually consists of the material originally excavated from the trench. However, in some cases additional backfill from other sources may be required. Any excess excavated materials or materials unsuitable for backfill will be spread evenly over the ROW or disposed of in accordance with reasonable landowner requests. In areas where topsoil has been segregated, the subsoil will be first placed in the trench and then the topsoil will be placed over the subsoil. Backfilling will occur to grade or slightly higher to accommodate any future soil settlement.
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Figure 2.8-2 Pipeline Installation Methods in Uplands: Trenching

During backfilling and final grading, measures will be taken to minimize erosion, restore the natural contour of the ground and restore surface drainage patterns as close to preconstruction conditions as practicable. In order to minimize the possibility of subsurface water flow on slopes along the pipeline trench, sand bags or foam-type trench breakers will be placed across the trench prior to backfilling. In other areas like terrace, levee and stream crossings and the banks at streams and ditch crossings, the trench backfill will be solidly compacted. When the trench crosses streams, wetlands or groundwater, trench plugs may be used to minimize the flow of water from the intersected body to and from the trench. Clean-up and Restoration After the completion of backfilling, all disturbed areas will be finish graded and any remaining trash and debris will be properly disposed of in compliance with country and local regulations. After construction is completed, the entire ROW will be protected by the implementation of erosion control measures, including the site specific contouring, permanent slope breakers (low profile berms constructed diagonally across the ROW to divert runoff), mulch and reseeding, or sodding with soil holding grasses. Contouring will be accomplished using acceptable excess soil from construction. The erosion control measures used will comply with country regulations or guidelines. Cathodic Protection Test, Bonding Leads, and Facilities Cathodic protection test stations, rectifiers, block valves and pipeline markers will be located along the ROW as per Company requirements.

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Line Markers and Signs After construction is complete, line markers indicating the content of the pipeline will remain at each road and river crossing as well as every 2km (6,560ft) along the entire onshore pipeline ROW. Crossings with Roads and Other Pipelines

Thrust Boring Method

Thrust boring is a hydraulic push method used to drive a pipeline under a road or railroad and avoiding open trenching through the road. Thus, where the thrust boring method is used, traffic will not be disrupted. Figure 2.8-3 illustrates a typical thrust boring operation. Figure 2.8-3 Pipeline Installation Methods for Road Crossings: Thrust Boring

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Surveying The surveying is the same as for the trenching method. Clearing Trenches will be dug either side of the road in the direction of the ROW. No clearing is needed for this method except at the entry point and the exit point. However, extra workspace will be needed to string the welded pipe. If any excavation is done in preparation of equipment then proper erosion control measures will be followed. Setup Drilling Equipment The footprint required for the thrust-boring entry location is typically 50m by 30m, located in the approach trench. The drilling equipment, comprising a cutter head attached to flighted auger shafts, is set up in the approach trench. Drill Pilot Hole The cutting head drills horizontally under the road or railroad and exits with high accuracy near the pre-determined exit point in the trench on the other side. The auger pushes the soil fragmented by the cutter out of the hole. The distance limitation of the drill is based upon the size of the pipe and the composition of the substrate to be drilled but these road and rail crossings, typically a few meters long, will be well within that limit. String the Pipe The pipe is pre-welded, inspected and staged at the exit in a string as long as the thrust-bore hole. Depending upon the diameter of the pipe, the hole may need to be reamed to a larger diameter before the pipe string is pulled. Pull the Pipe The pipe is then attached to the drill string and is then pulled back through the hole by the drill rig. Clean-up and Restoration, Reclamation of Surface Pits After the completion of horizontal drilling, any remaining trash and debris will be properly disposed of in compliance with country and local regulations. The site will be cleaned, restored, and reinstated. The mud pits will be leveled and remediated. Backfill within the boundary limits of a road crossing will be carried out in controlled layers of not more than 15cm thickness. Each layer will be thoroughly tamped and consolidated (using mechanical rammers) to the satisfaction of a WAPCo representative and the Road Authorities concerned. Any culverts and drainage ditches shall be restored to their original profile and condition.

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Line Markers and Signs Markers will be placed at the crossing either side of the road or railroad. The cost, specialized equipment needed, and potential for environmental harm in getting the special equipment to isolated jobsites would outweigh the temporary ecological benefits of using the thrust-bore method for small, infrequently used road crossings, which can be crossed easily by normal, open-cut trenching and quickly re-instated.
Crossing with NGC/NNPC Pipeline

The pipeline will cross the NGC/NNPC pipeline at 31507.18E and 64417.93N. The NGC/NNPC pipeline locations and depths will be determined by electronic means in advance of pipeline construction and confirmed by carefully exposing through mechanical excavation or hand digging. NGC/NNPC will be informed of the excavation of the crossing 48 hours in advance. The NGC/NNPC will be excavated and raised while the WAGP pipeline is passed underneath. A 60cm clearance will be established by means of sandbags and the depth of the WAGP pipeline will be maintained for the full angular width of the NGC/NNPC ROW.
Road Crossings in Nigeria

Table 2.8-2 shows the occurrence of 32 road crossings that have been identified from the initial survey. Eleven roads require thrust bore crossings and the remaining twenty-one minor roads or tracks will be crossed by conventional open cut method. Thrust boring of the roads along the pipeline route is expected to take seven to ten days per road on average (possibly as quick as five days, maybe as slow as 14 days). The 21 roads to have open cut crossings require specific consideration including traffic diversion, safety, fill materials, compaction, and road surface reinstatement as required. During the construction, temporary diversion roads shall be provided to maintain public traffic flow. Where applicable, the surface of these diversion roads will be dressed with subbase course material to prevent deterioration during rainy season and to reduce the maintenance costs. At locations where the pipeline is routed across or along roads or highways, adequate detour signs will be maintained and appropriate traffic control systems will be provided. Temporary Marshalling Yards

Marshalling yards will be located as needed along the pipeline route to stage and dispatch labor and equipment. The locations will be based, in part, on the recommendations of the construction contractors and will be known when construction contract award has been made in March 2004. Currently the preferred option is for only one marshalling yard in Nigeria, occupying approximately 3.0ha (7.4 acres) within the footprint of the compressor station site. An additional marshalling yard may be considered at the midline valve location described in Section

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Table 2.8-2 Occurrence of Road Crossings During Onshore Pipeline Installation in Nigeria
Distance Along ROW from Badagry Beach to Road Crossing (m)a 2,054 4,265 8,825 11,913 12,575 13,118 13,459 14,266 16,494 18,085 18,809 19,854 21,677 25,004 32,002 32,572 34,788 35,567 36,417 37,652 37,870 39,142 39,362 41,428 42,501 43,416 45,095 45,765 48,686 49,438 50,846 54,613

Road Ajido Topo Road (offset to Lagos Beach Compressor Station) Imeke/Ajido Road Badagry Expressway Agunmo/Ilogbo Eremi Road Unnamed Road Ilogbo Eremi Igbolo Road Okanran Road Unnamed Road Unnamed Road Egudu Road Ago Titun/Idoyin Road Ago Titun Road Agbara/Igbesa Road Igbesa Road Unnamed Road Unnamed Road Unnamed Road Ago Titun Road Agbara/Igbesa Road Igbesa Road Unnamed Road Unnamed Road Owode Idi Iroko Road Unnamed Road Unnamed Road Owade Ota Town Road Ilogbo Road Unnamed Road Ajibode Road Abeokuta Road Owode Ota Town Road Sango/Ijoko Road

Crossing Method Thrust Bore Thrust Bore Thrust Bore Thrust Bore Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Thrust Bore Thrust Bore Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Thrust Bore Open Cut Open Cut Open Cut Thrust Bore Open Cut Open Cut Thrust Bore Thrust Bore Thrust Bore

Survey marker, in relation to Badagry Beach.

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Pipeline Installation Methods (Wetlands)

Some of the pipeline route including the onshore in Nigeria will cross streams and pass through wetland areas. Installation at those locations will be in excavated trenches using a traditional push method or, as an alternative method, through directionally drilled boreholes. Both methods are described below. To overcome buoyancy forces in those areas, concrete weight coated pipe will be used. Application of the weight coating is explained in Section 2.8.7. Similarly, all shore crossings will be provided by means of directionally drilled boreholes or, if found to be technically unfeasible, in excavated trenches. Horizontal methods are preferred in these settings.
Push Method7

The push method of constructing a pipeline through a wetland has many of the same steps as constructing a pipeline on dry land. The main differences are that the heavy equipment may have to be supported by mats or on a barge, depending upon depth of water on the working side of the ROW; and that pipe floated into place over the trench before installation, rather than lifted over the trench with cranes. The main steps are described below: Surveying This is essentially the same as on dry land, except special modes of transportation, such as all-terrain vehicles or airboats may have to be used to transport the surveyors and survey equipment. Clearing This is essentially the same as on dry land except that if the wetland is forested, the tree stumps and root mass from all plants will be left intact on the non-working side of the ROW. Trenching The pipe trench will be dug using trenchers or backhoes on mats or pontoons or from barges. For wetlands with saturated soils, or very shallow standing water, this equipment may have to be supported on timber mats or on prefabricated equipment mats. If the ROW extends over wetlands or open water, construction of a barge canal may be required and excavation conducted from a barge. Long trenches may be excavated in spreads to minimize caving of the trench wall prior to pipeline lowering. Spoil from the trench will be stored within the ROW on the non-working side of the ROW. Topsoil will be stored separately in zones where there is no standing water or saturated soils. There, filter fences will be installed to control sediment runoff from spoil storage areas along

In accordance with WAGP specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-78

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the work corridor. Stockpiling of soil will be interrupted at intervals to prevent change of sheet flow. Figure 2.8-4 illustrates a typical trenching operation in wetlands. Figure 2.8-4 Typical Trenching Operation in Wetlands

If there is reason to believe the bottom of the pipe trench is at a lower elevation than the wetland, a permanent trench plug of impervious clay will be placed into the trench at the wetland boundaries. Trenching will be conducted in a manner that does not significantly impact hydrology, or surface water flow of streams or wetlands, and in a manner that will not result in saltwater intrusion to a stream or wetland. If the barrier island at Lagos Beach has to be trenched, then temporary trench plugs will be left in place during construction, and permanent trench plugs will be installed after pipeline installation to prevent migration of ocean water into the brackish lagoon. A spoils management program will be developed and implemented for temporary spoils storage and a monitoring program will be implemented to ensure that significant impacts do not occur, as approved by the government agencies. Pipe Welding and Inspection The welding and non-destructive inspection (X-raying) of the pipe will be performed in the uplands or on a barge. Once welded, tested, and approved, a shrink-wrap is applied to each joint and the pipe is lowered into the excavation with cranes.
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Add Floats and Push Pipe into Place A series of floats, such as drums welded onto brackets, will be attached to the pipeline. For short wetland crossings, the pipe string can then be pushed across the wetland. For longer crossings, a cable is also attached to the lead pipe and the pipe string is pushed and pulled across the wetland. Pipe Lowering Once the pipe is in place above the pipe trench, the floats are removed and the pipe is allowed to sink in place. The ends of the pipe segment are capped, pending hydrostatic testing and tie-in with the upland portions of the pipeline. Backfill To stabilize the pipeline, the trench will be backfilled as soon as possible. Excavated wetlands will be backfilled with either the same material as removed or a comparable material that is capable of supporting similar wetland vegetation. Original marsh elevations will be restored. Adequate material will be used so that following settling and compaction of the material, the proper pre-project elevation is attained. If excavated materials are insufficient to accomplish this, material with similar grain size will be purchased locally and utilized in situ to restore the trench to the required elevation. After backfilling, erosion protection measures will be implemented where needed to prevent fish and wildlife habitat degradation and loss. The spoils management program mentioned in the trenching step above will also describe how all spoils will be used, giving preference to the use of spoils for backfill and determining the source of additional backfill material in the event of a spoils shortage, and will provide for the disposition of excess spoils materials. Line Markers and Signs Markers and sign boards will be placed at the ends of the wetlands. The above steps outline the basic push method. There may be some variations made dependent on the type of wetland or water body being crossed. These variations are described in Section
Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Method8

HDD is a pipeline installation method to minimize surface disturbance to ecologically sensitive areas (such as wetlands, stream crossings and beach crossings). WAPCo will use this method to install the Nigeria onshore portion of the pipeline underneath Badagry Creek and for the Nigeria shore crossing (Section 2.8.4). This method has been proven to be the best for having little or no effect upon sensitive aquatic environments. The drilled crossings

In accordance with WAGP specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-80

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will eliminate the wave or storm action on the pipe and reduce the time of installation compared to the conventional method of sheet pilling, excavating and backfilling. The HDD construction technique has distance and soil limitations and has its own types of negative impacts; thus, the HDD method may not be suitable for all wetlands crossings. The basic steps of an HDD pipeline installation are given below. Figure 2.8-5 illustrates a typical HDD operation. Figure 2.8-5 Typical HDD Operation

Surveying The surveying is the same as for the push method. However, if it is known early enough that this method will be used, the survey points for surface locations only apply to the entry and exit points. Survey points through the wetland would not be needed.

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Clearing No clearing is needed for this method except at the entry point and the exit point. However, extra workspace will be needed to string the welded pipe. If any excavation is done in preparation of equipment then proper erosion control measures will be followed. Setup Drilling Equipment The footprint required for the HDD entry location is typically 50m by 30m, located in the adjacent upland. An onshore pipeline access and egress ROW is also required. The drill site would require leveling, fill and compaction in order to support the drilling equipment. Typically up to thirty large truckloads of equipment and supplies are required at each HDD site. The driller will need to excavate a bore pit for the entry hole. Non-hazardous bentonite (montmorillonite clay) will be used as the drilling medium. The water source will be determined by the contractor at each site; however, for drilling occurring in the vicinity of Badagry Creek, lagoon water is more likely to be used than groundwater. The driller will also install a lined return pit to collect the slurry of muds and cuttings circulating back to the surface and prevent them from being washed into the wetland by stormwater runoff. The slurry is then pumped to a lined settling and containment pit which is typically larger and varies in size. The slurry is then passed through shaking sieves and/or hydrocyclones, which separate the drill cuttings from the slurry before being recycled in the drilling operation. Mobile diesel generators provide power to the operation. Depending upon available living accommodations, drilling crews may require temporary living and sanitary facilities. Drill Pilot Hole The drill string drills an arc under the wetland or beach crossing and exits with high accuracy near the pre-determined exit point. The distance limitation of the drill is based upon the size of the pipe and the composition of the substrate to be drilled. A maximum distance of 1,500m (4,900ft) with a corresponding depth of 30m (100ft) is typical. String the Pipe If the HDD exits on land, the pipe is pre-welded, inspected, coated and staged at the exit in a string as long as the HDD hole. Depending upon the diameter of the pipe, the hole may need to be reamed to a larger diameter before the pipe string is pulled. Pull the Pipe The pipe is then attached to the drill string and is then pulled back through the hole by the drill rig. Recover the Drilling Muds The drilling muds that were returned to the mud pit are then reclaimed into a tank and taken off-site for disposal. Typically the used muds are recycled for the next HDD, if possible. However, final disposal does not typically require much treatment, because the slurry of muds and cuttings are primarily native soils, water, and bentonite clay. Bentonite clay is a

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naturally occurring clay and is non-toxic. The disposal of the slurry will performed in accordance with a waste-management plan. Typically, the slurry is disposed of by evacuation to an approved land dump site or spread onto the land for water retention improvement. The amount of slurry requiring disposal is not expected to exceed 3,800L (1,000gal) per HDD operation. Clean-up and Restoration, Reclamation of Surface Pits After the completion of HDD any remaining trash and debris will be properly disposed of in compliance with country and local regulations. The site will be cleaned, restored, and reinstated. The mud pits will be leveled and remediated. Line Markers and Signs Markers and sign boards will be placed at the ends of the wetlands. If the need to minimize surface disturbance is strong enough and the distance exceeds the technically feasible drill distance for the diameter of pipe, the drill rig can be moved near the first exit hole and the HDD process can be repeated. For shoreline approaches and to cross the beach at the landfalls for each country, where it is technically feasible, the HDD process will be used to minimize impact to the shallow water, beach, and dunes habitats. Use of the HDD method is recommended for other isolated wetlands or fringe wetlands along lagoons or rivers only if the ecological value of the wetland is verified as a regional or international wetland (e.g., a Ramsar site). The cost, specialized equipment needed, and potential for environmental harm in getting the special equipment to isolated jobsites would outweigh the temporary ecological benefits of using the HDD method at small, isolated wetlands. Crossing Wetlands and Water Bodies

The following table (Table 2.8-3) contains a preliminary listing of the water bodies that will be encountered along the pipeline ROW during onshore installation in Nigeria between the Tee and the compressor station. These were identified and mapped by the onshore engineering survey team. The categories are groupings of crossings that will be traversed using the same method.
Perennial Swamp

Trenching in these areas can be performed by backhoes, thus barge-mounted equipment is not expected to be required.
Thick Deep Swampy Forest

The two crossings in this kind of environment will require barge-mounted equipment for trenching.

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Table 2.8-3 Occurrence of River, Stream and Wetland Crossings in Nigeria

C/L Station Begina 2,298 3,571 4,669 5,362 8,918 9,593 10,393 14,648 17,242 22,063 27,583 28,664 31,498 33,035 35,000 38,419 40,910 41,755 43,818 44,223 46,879 47,712 49,180 49,204 50,014 50,231 51,582 51,909

C/L Station End 2,759 3,955 4,886 8,093 9,318 9797 10,606 14,928 17,827 22,388 27,708 29,546 31,598 34,354 35,100 35,827 41,180 42,385 44,040 45,095 47,041 48,402 49,371 49,221 50,392 50,239 51,974 51,924

Length (m) 461 424 217 2,731 400 204 213 280 585 325 125 882 100 1,319 100 108 270 630 222 872 162 690 191 17 378 8 392 15

Area (m2) 11,525 9,600 5,425 68,275 10,000 5,100 5,325 7,000 14,625 8,125 3,125 22,050 25,000 32,975 25,000 2700 6,750 15,750 5,550 21,800 4,050 17,250 4,775 425 9,450 200 9,800 375

Description Galloping Swamp 1 (with thick bush and raffia palm) Galloping Swamp 2 (with thick bush and raffia palm) Swamp 1 (with thick bush and raffia palm) Galloping Swamp 3 Galloping Swamp 4 Deep Swamp 1 Deep Swamp 2 Galloping Swamp 5 Deep Galloping Swamp 1 Thick Swampy Forest with raffia Galloping Swamp 6 Thick Deep Swampy Forest 1 (estimated depth 4m) Seasonally Flooded Area Thick Deep Swampy Forest 2 (estimated depth 4m) Swampy Seasonally Flooded Area Seasonal River and Flooded Area Seasonal Swampy Flooded Area Thick Swampy Forest 2 with raffia Seasonal Flooded Area 2 Seasonal Swampy Flooded Area 2 Swamp 1 Swamp 2 (with raffia palm) Galloping Swamp 7 Unnamed Stream (within Galloping Swamp 7 above) Thick Forest Swampy Area 3 Unnamed Stream (within Thick Forest Swamp Area 3 above) Swampy Area 1 Unnamed Stream (within Swampy Area 1 above)

Category Perennial Swamp (PS) PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS PS Thick Deep Swampy Forest Seasonally Flooded Area (SFA) Thick Deep Swampy Forest SFA SFA SFA PS SFA SFA PS PS PS Stream PS Stream PS Stream

Survey marker, in relation to Badagry Beach.

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Trenching work will be conducted in two steps: the first step will be dredging to allow movement of a floating barge; the second step will be trenching from the barge. In this second step, the trench will be dredged by means of a 25 tonne (tn) to 30tn swamp excavator fitted with a clamshell bucket mounted on the barge. Pipe lowering will be conducted as quickly as possible due to the risk of the trench collapsing. Extreme care will be taken during backfilling to ensure that the dredge bucket or barge do not hit the pipeline.
Seasonally Flooded Areas

Pipeline construction activities in seasonally flooded areas will be scheduled and conducted during the dry season so as to minimize impacts.
Rivers and Streams

Rivers and streams will be crossed using the same method that will be used for crossing the wetlands containing them.

The other significant water body to be crossed is the lagoon south of the compressor station in Nigeria. The lagoon is approximately 800m to 1km (0.5 miles to 0.6 miles) wide. HDD of the Nigerian lagoon from the north shore to the barrier island would be expected to take approximately 15 days. Options for crossing the Nigerian lagoon are combined with those for the Nigerian shore crossing and so are discussed in Section 2.8.4. If HDD proves unfeasible then push-method trenching will be used to cross these two water bodies. The push-method trenching and HDD operations would have similar durations. Re-Instatement9

Reinstatement will be undertaken to return the physical environment to a state similar to that in which it was found in order to prevent erosion, encroachment by undesirable vegetation and damage to the pipeline from root systems of unplanned, colonizing plants or trees. Potential land uses of the pipeline ROW area, such as farming or public space, will be considered during reinstatement planning, as these may affect the level or type of appropriate reinstatement. All construction related materials (e.g., timber riprap, prefabricated equipment mats, geotextile fabric) will be removed upon completion of construction. In upland areas, the ROW will be restored by replacing stockpiled topsoil and excavated sediment. This material will be compacted to limit erosion. Excess soil will be re-graded to conform to the surrounding terrain and to limit erosion by wind and running water. The gradient of slopes should not exceed 2:1.

Reinstatement is described further in WAGP specification WAGP-P-Y-SA-0078-1. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-85

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The graded surface will be planted with native grasses only and routinely mowed or cut to minimize tendency for natural reforestation throughout the life of the project. The site to be reinstated will be scarified (ripped and disked to a depth of 6in) and immediately broadcast seeded. Where the pipeline trench may drain a wetland, trench breakers will be installed and/or the trench bottom sealed as necessary to maintain the original wetland hydrology. A permanent slope breaker will be installed at each wetland crossed along with a trench breaker at the base of the slopes near the boundary between the wetland and the adjacent upland areas. Fertilizer, lime, or mulch will not be used in the ROW within a wetland, nor immediately upslope from a wetland. Species suitable for seeding wherever brackish water is present will be used wherever that is required. For all forested wetlands (mangrove swamp) affected native trees will be planted to ultimately restore the temporary construction ROW and the non-maintained portion of the permanent ROW to its pre-construction state. Native shrubs and herbaceous species will also be planted to re-vegetate a 9m (30ft) wide portion of the permanent ROW, which for maintenance purposes will not be allowed to revert to forested wetlands (mangrove) for the life of the project. Revegetation will not occur on portions of land required for maintenance roads or fire-breaks. Onshore Pipeline Construction Material Management Summary The precise quantities and types of raw materials will not be known for certain until the construction contract has been awarded and construction planning and procurement is undertaken. However, Table 2.8-4 provides a summary of estimated raw materials: Table 2.8-4 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Onshore Pipeline (not including shore crossings)
Type 12m 30in Line Pipe Sections (Nigeria) Food and Bottled Water Construction Water (possibly purchased from local wells) Diesel Fuel for Generators and Construction Equipment Solvents, Lubricating Oils, Greases, etc. Paint, Coatings, Welding Materials, Piping Materials, Electrical Materials Pesticides (e.g., diazinon) Drilling Muds (Nigeria) Blockwall Quantity 4,642 joints Daily supplies for 300 to 450 workers 9,000L/day (3,300gal/day) 30,000L/day (7,900gal/day) Incidental volumes Quantities sufficient for approximately 6,200*12m lengths of pipe Small volumes 2,000m3 Sufficient for a block wall 80m in length and 2.4m tall at isolation valve.

Details of types and estimated quantities of wastes and waste water generated will be presented in Appendix 2-B.

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Wastes will be treated and disposed of according an approved waste management plan. They are expected to consist principally of cleared vegetation from the ROW (i.e., the vegetation cover of an area of 140ha in Nigeria and debris consisting of one or two small buildings, approximately 1 tonne of solid non-hazardous waste. Vegetation wastes will first be made available to the local population as a fuel source and, secondarily, disposed of by incineration (burnt on-site).

2.8.3 Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Primary Control System Mobilization Including Transport of Heavy Equipment to Site All deliveries of major equipment (e.g., compressors, tanks) will originate in the Port of Lagos and be transported to the compressor station site via one of two options (see also Table 2.13-1 where all project options are summarized): 1. Using existing roads from the Port of Lagos to Badagry, with delivery along the Badagry Creek road, west of Ajido. This option may necessitate road widening and upgrades to the road network from Badagry to Ajido to accommodate heavier and larger truckloads than the current infrastructure is capable of bearing; or 2. Transport through Lagos Lagoon and Badagry Creek to a newly built unloading facility or dock linked by an access road to the compressor station site (Figure 2.8-6). If the latter option is chosen, the lagoon is likely to have to be deepened in some areas to permit vessels to navigate those areas. Similarly, a temporary unloading facility, possibly a dock, will be required to offload equipment at the site and a road from the dock to the site installed. The temporary unloading facility will be located so as to minimize the length of canal to be dredged through Badagry Creek and adjacent wetlands to the facility and also to minimize the length of access road to be constructed from the facility to the compressor station site or existing road, especially the length through the wetlands adjacent to the creek. A dock, if built, would be 50m long (parallel to lagoon shore) 15m wide (5m of which will jut into the creek) and 3m high (1m above water line, 2m from lagoon bed) (Figure 2.8-7). A crane would be installed on the dock for unloading. The shore of the creek is only 2m deep, making necessary to dredge a channel from the dock to a point 316m from the shore where the water is 3m deep and thus navigable. Dredging will be by clam bucket. If a chemical analysis of the sediment shows it to be suitable, then the dredged sediment may be used as backfill for the access road. The access road is expected to be 10m wide, 1m deep and is not expected to exceed 200m in length. It will therefore require approx 6,000m3 of backfill material. A dock, if built, would be constructed from sheet piling and require 2,750m3 of backfill material.

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Raphia Palm

Bare Land/ Cleared Area Settlement Road

Secondary Forest

Proposed Road 10 m wide

Raphia domin. f/water forest

Proposed Dock 50m x 15m

+/- 316 m from dock based on bathymetry at Pipeline Crossing


Approximate Location of 3m depth

River Bush Fallow

roposed2od2to2hok y2vine roposed2hok vnduse


Coconuts Domin. Barrier Island


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Figure 2.8-7 Typical Temporary Dock Construction

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The dock and access road are temporary facilities but may be retained rather than dismantled if the local community wishes to make use of them after construction ends. As an alternative to a dock with a crane, WAPCo could use a barge-mounted crane with spuds to transfer equipment and materials from a barge to the newly constructed road. This would mean less dredging, as a barge of this kind would have a shallower draft, and would imply a smaller dock since the dock would not have to support a crane. Labor An estimated 300 to 450 craft workers will be required to construct the compressor station over a yet to be determined period. It is likely that many of the skilled craft workers will not be available locally, necessitating relocating a labor force of 150 workers to the construction site plus security resources of up to 50 people. Camp facilities will either be established using existing, local accommodations or the creation of a camp within the footprint of a temporary marshalling yard adjacent to the compressor station site. A temporary camp facility would contain mobile living quarters, portable power generators and sanitary facilities, is expected to have a 200m by 200m footprint, and would be operated as a closed facilitiy with workers being shuttled daily to the site. Construction Methods/Equipment Due to the poor quality of the soil at the compressor site location, approximately 25,000m3 of soil will be excavated and then used as compacted fill. Locally sourced aggregate or, possibly, excess concrete from concrete coating operations in Nigeria will need to be used as additional backfill material (Table 2.13-1). Excavation will be focused on areas that will receive equipment foundations. Compressor Station Construction Activities In addition to the mobilization traffic described above, between 50 and 100 truck movements will be required to bring to the site the materials and equipment for construction and for operation of the compressor station and control center. The main plant equipment to be installed is listed in Section Construction equipment and facilities include: Earth moving equipment (cranes, etc.); Temporary office; Temporary sanitation facilities; A 2500kW diesel-fueled generator; Temporary 38,000L to 57,000L (10,000gal to 15,000gal) diesel storage tanks; and 24-hour security. A staging area equal to 100 percent of the layout area (i.e., 8.5ha/21 acres) will be required to be cleared. This area will be incremental to the 8.5ha footprint and will be restored after construction activities have been completed. Construction activities will start with excavation, clearing, and backfill of the footprint. It is expected that cleared vegetation from grading will be used by locals as firewood. Water will
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be obtained from two deep boreholes extending to a depth of 100m below the site, thus avoiding shallow aquifers used by local inhabitants. Foundations will either be pre-cast and delivered to the construction site, or poured in place using concrete from a temporary concrete batching plant erected for that purpose (Section or from off-site batch plants (Section The amount of concrete required for the foundations is 52,000m3. Plant equipment will be installed and a security fence erected allowing for a 25m wide buffer zone around the facilities. It is expected that construction of the compressor station will take 12 to 15 months and that the workforce will be between 300 and 450, who will be housed in the construction camp described in Section Temporary Concrete Batching Plant Current estimates indicate that more than 52,000m3 of concrete will be required to construct the compressor station. In order to assure supply, a temporary batching plant may be erected to supply concrete needs. The plant would be located within the temporary staging and laydown area described in Section adjacent to the current footprint of the compressor station and would be removed once its operations were complete. The plant would occupy approximately 0.4ha (1 acre) within the site and be used to store raw materials and support concrete batching operations. Operations would last for two to three months. The quantities of raw materials required are 17,000tn cement, 31,000tn sand, 62,000tn aggregate, and 9,200m3 water. Compressor Station Construction Material Management Summary The precise quantities and types of raw materials will not be known for certain until the construction contract has been awarded and work is undertaken. However, Table 2.8-5 provides a summary of estimated raw materials:

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Table 2.8-5 Raw Materials Required for Construction of Lagos Beach Facilities
Type Food and bottled water Sanitary water (3gal/person/day) Construction water (from borehole) Diesel fuel for generators and construction equipment Solvents, lubricating oils, greases, etc. Paint, coatings, welding materials, piping materials, electrical materials Pesticides and rodenticides First-fill volumes for equipment Cement Water for concrete operations Sand Blockwall Framing lumber, asphalt, rebar, structural steel Quantity Daily supplies for 300 to 450 workers 3,400-5,100 liters/day (900-1,350gal/day) 3,800 liters/day (1,000gal/day) 230 to 450 liters/day (60 to 120gal/day) Small volumes Small quantities sufficient for permanent equipment (Section Small volumes 19,000L (5,000gal) diesel, 3,800L (1,000gal) lube oil 17,000 tonnes 9,200m3 31,000 tonnes 1,250m Sufficient for piling and foundations for a footprint of 8.5ha (21 acres), buildings and storage tanks

Details of types and estimated quantities of wastes and waste water generated will be presented in Appendix 2-B.

2.8.4 Shore Crossings Construction Activities Shore crossings may be performed either by HDD or, if that proves unfeasible, by open cut trenching. WAPCo prefers HDD to avoid impacting Badagry Creek. Open cut trenching is described in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA. Shore crossing by HDD is described below. With HDD, a temporary work staging and construction area (approximately 50m by 30m) will be established for approximately four to seven weeks. One or two drilling units will be brought in by truck as discrete, land-transportable skids, requiring ten truck movements. Operations will be performed on 24-hour basis. Once the shore crossing is completed and the equipment has been removed, the area will be remediated. In Nigeria, the base case consists of performing HDD for the shore crossing from the barrier island out to sea, but the possibility exists for by-passing the barrier island by drilling from the north side of Badagry Creek directly out to sea. Figure 2.8-8 illustrates a shore crossing by HDD.

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Chapter 2 Materials Management Summaries Table 2.8-6 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Shore Crossings by HDD
Type Food and bottled water Diesel fuel for generators and construction equipment Solvents, lubricating oils, greases, etc. Welding materials, piping materials, electrical materials Drilling muds for the crossing from barrier island (estimated length 1,200m) Construction water (possibly purchased from local wells) Drilling mud required for HDD from north bank of Nigerian lagoon (approx 1800m) Construction water (possibly purchased from local wells) Quantity Daily supplies for 10 workers 190L/day (50gal/day) Incidental volumes Quantities sufficient for approximately 100*12m lengths of pipe 1,700m3 1,700m3 2,500m3 2,500m3

Details of types and estimated quantities of wastes and waste water will be presented in Appendix 2-B. Cuttings are expected to be approximately 5,400m3 and will be managed via the waste management plan. (It is expected that solids will be buried but that liquids will have to be drawn off and disposed of separately.)

2.8.5 Offshore Main Trunk Mobilization The offshore pipeline will be installed from a lay barge vessel possessing an anchoring or dynamic positioning system (DPS). A pipe barge, supply vessel, and anchor handling vessel will support the anchoring lay barge; all vessels will mobilize from the selected contractors nearest port of availability. The vessels will arrive with all the equipment they need. It is expected that smaller support vessels such as the survey vessel, dive support vessel, and supply boats would mobilize from Tema, Warri, or Port Harcourt. For the laying of the 20in trunk, the fleet will consist of: Eight to ten cargo barges plus a tug (five crew members each); One or two lay barges (200 to 400 crew members each); Two or three anchor handling tugs (five crew members each); A supply boat (five crew members); A dive support vessel (25 crew members); and A survey vessel (25 crew members). The lay barges are not expected to require any port visits during the duration of the WAGP work. (Lay vessels do not come into port unless required by mechanical repairs, vessel
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overhauls, or lack of work.) Due to the length of time that the lay barge will be in operation, there will be a need for offshore bunkering (refueling). The bunkering procedures will be consistent with standard international practice. The EPC contractor will have a spill prevention and response plan that will meet or exceed industry code requirements. The pipeline equipment to be installed consists of weight coated pipeline lengths and lateral tie-ins. Installation equipment includes lifting gear, welding equipment, and generators. Typical fuel consumption rates are 7,500L/day to 9,500L/day (2,000gal/day to 2,500gal/day) for the range of proposed WAGP lay vessels. All needed consumables (food, fuel and water) will be provided by supporting supply vessels. Water consumption is expected to be 12L/person/day (3gal/person/day). A typical supply vessel can transfer up to 340,000L (90,000gal) of fuel. Supplies will be shipped from Tema. The offshore route has been previously surveyed to avoid obstacles during pipe-laying. However, a second survey will be performed to ensure suitable anchorages for the vessels. Labor The crew of the fleet laying the 18in or 20in trunk is expected to number between 300 and 920 members. They will live on the vessels. Crew rotation will occur every one to three months. The crew of the fleet laying the laterals will number between 270 and 380 members. Construction Methods/Equipment The lay barge will begin installation by tying the pipeline into each directionally drilled or excavated subsea exit point. From that location, it will navigate along the main trunk or lateral pipeline route tending up to eight anchors, two from each corner of the vessel, a distance of up to 1km (0.6 miles) from the lay barge. An anchoring vessel will lift and place anchors in accordance with an anchoring plan along which the lay barge will navigate.10 The lay barge will guide itself forward along the tended anchor lines with a global positioning satellite system. Installation will occur on a 24 hours per day, seven days per week schedule. Assembly and installation begins with the offloading of waiting pipe using self-contained overhead cranes from the pipe barge to the lay barge. Line pipe will be staged and assembled along an assembly line of welding, coating, and inspection process. Throughout the process, the pipeline is continually advanced toward the stern of the vessels as the lay barge makes way along the pipeline route. The ends of the line pipe will be aligned and joined by an automatic welder, which when advanced, a weld bead is applied at four separate welding stations. The welds will be inspected via non-destructive techniques (X-Ray or U.T.) when the weld is complete and any out-of-code defects repaired. Also much like the onshore process, each approved weld joint is protected with shrink wrap sleeve. An additional coating of poly foam injected into a


In accordance with WAGP specification WAGP-R-X-SA-1011-0. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-98

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bladder is placed over the shrink-wrap and will be added to the joint to prevent it from catching on conveyor apparatuses. As the pipeline is lowered into the water, over bend and under bend radii (arcs formed in the pipe as it exits the ship and before it comes to rest on the seafloor) are constantly observed and monitored by divers to ensure the pipeline is not overstressed during installation. A protective guard extends below the pipeline-laying vessel to a depth of 20ft below sea level to prevent it from becoming entangled in the nets of fishing vessels. WAGP has performed a survey of seafloor obstructions and the pipeline route is selected to avoid these features as far as possible. Occasionally, however, due to depressions in the seafloor, there may be spans where the pipeline will be unsupported by the seabed. In these instances, sandbags or concrete mats will be manually placed in the depression before being crossed by the pipeline to provide support of the span. Where the pipeline route crosses undersea cables, concrete mats will be used to achieve a 9in (23cm) separation. If the directionally drilled subsea exit point occurs in water depths less than 8m (26ft), jet trenching will be used to ensure that the pipeline is installed below the seabed floor. The lay barge vessel will deploy water-jetting equipment to cut a trench on the seabed by displacing sediment after the pipeline has been laid on the seabed. Water jets break up, remove or liquefy the soil from under the pipeline allowing it to settle at an elevation below the seabed. The pipeline would eventually be covered due to the natural movements of the sediments on the seabed floor. The jet machine ejects plumes of fluidized soil out of the eductors on the sides of the machine to the bottom of the water column. Once a water depth of 8m is reached, the passive (non-buried) pipe laying operations as described above in Section will resume. Duration Installation is expected to proceed at a rate of 2km to 3km (1.24 miles to 1.86 miles) per day. Installation is expected to take 6 to 8 months for the main trunk line and will be carried out so as to avoid the main wet season. As the shore crossing is due to be undertaken by HDD, the crew will stay in place for an extra two weeks. Interruptions due to adverse meteorological conditions at sea are not expected to seriously impact the overall schedule. In the event of storms, the vessels would move into protected waters and return when the seas were safe to return to work. Demobilization Once pipeline laying is complete, the vessels depart taking their equipment with them. Offshore Main Trunk Line Construction Material Management Summary The precise quantities and types of raw materials will not be known for certain until the construction contract has been awarded and construction planning and procurement is undertaken. However, Table 2.8-7 provides a summary of estimated raw materials for the offshore pipeline.
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Table 2.8-7 Raw Materials Required for Installation of Offshore Pipeline

Type Line pipe Lateral tie-ins with associated valves Food and bottled water Diesel fuel for ships, generators and construction equipment Solvents, lubricating oils, greases, etc. Welding materials, piping materials, electrical materials Quantity Approximately 600km Three Daily supplies for between 300 and 920 workers (mainline crew) and 270 and 380 workers (lateral crew) 7,600L/day to 9,500L/day (2,000gal/day to 2,500gal/day) per ship Incidental volumes Quantities sufficient for approximately 600km of pipe

All wastes will be stored onboard and disposed of in accordance with Marine Pollution Convention (MARPOL) 73/78.

2.8.6 R&M Stations

The construction of R&M stations is described in Section 2.8.6 of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs.

2.8.7 Weight Coating Plant

A new concrete weight-coating plant will be built on a 17ha (42 acre) industrial site near the port of Tema, Ghana (on land owned by the Free Zone Board) for the coating of approximately 600km of 20in offshore pipeline. Existing facilities, in Choba, Nigeria, will provide for the coating of 13km of 30-inch onshore pipeline to be installed in onshore wetland areas in Nigeria (other alternatives considered are discussed in Section Facility Location and Size The weight coating facility to be established in Ghana is described in Section of the Regional Final Draft EIA Rev 1. Process Description The weight coating process to be undertaken at an existing plant in Choba, Nigeria consists of the following steps: Receive FBE coated pipe; Move pipe from staging area to process jig; Apply wire mesh reinforcing screen; Combine cement, weighting material (iron ore, river sand or granite), aggregate/sand and water in hopper;

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Extrude mixture to outside of pipe over wire mesh reinforcement; Approximately 5cm to 8.9cm (2in to 3in) are applied; and Wrap pipe with polyethylene and then set aside to cure. The first activity will involve the unloading of FBE coated pipe at the port. Either local cranes or those brought in specifically for that purpose would unload the pipe from large cargo vessels onto waiting trucks. Once loaded on trucks, the pipe will be transported to the plant site. There the FBE-coated pipe is offloaded and staged in pipe racks. Handling at the site is done with cranes and forklifts. When ready, the pipe is placed in a jig and wire mesh attached to the outside to act as a reinforcement agent and assist in maintenance of the cement bond. The weight coat itself is somewhat brittle and may break away from the pipe especially during handling. Ingredients for the weight coating material are managed on site in bulk and combined to specification in a hopper. Iron ore is the preferred aggregate weighting material as it has a higher density than river sand or granite. The weighting material is then pumped to an extruder where the mixture is applied to the rotating pipe. To assist in the curing process and to protect the newly applied un-cured or green concrete coating, the entire pipe is wrapped with polyethylene, ready to be removed from the concrete coating facility and shipped to the port for loadout. The finished pipe is placed on racks to cure for approximately seven days. When cured, the pipe is transferred back to the port where it is loaded onto a material barge and towed to the lay barge. The facility is expected to operate at a similar rate to the new weight coating facility in Tema with a cycle time of about seven days. Facility Material Management Summary The following estimated raw materials (Tables 2.8-8) will be required for the pipeline assembly activities, based on the coating requirements of the 30in pipeline: Table 2.8-8 Raw Materials Required for Line Pipe Coating (30in pipe)
Raw Material Line Pipe Water Cement Aggregate Wire Mesh Adhesives Plastic Wrap Anodes Diesel Fuel Quantity 13km 300 tonnes 1,100 tonnes 1,100 tonnes 37,000m2 (400,00ft2) 1,700L (450gal) 37,000m2 (400,00ft2) 50 2.2m3 Source Imported Local Local Local Imported Imported Local/Imported Imported Local

The following estimated inert waste products (Table 2.8-9) are expected (no non-inert waste produced). Waste disposal will be undertaken according to the facilitys existing waste management procedures.

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Table 2.8-9 Wastes Generated

Waste Adhesive Concrete Plastic Wrap Wire Mesh Sewage Produced Water Quantity 40kg 1,000kg 100kg 200kg 32,000L 600L

Emissions common to diesel engines and generators will be produced in relatively small quantities.



Commissioning will be undertaken in all WAGP pipeline segments (offshore mainline, onshore Nigeria pipeline, offshore laterals, onshore Benin, Ghana and Togo segments) and will consist of the following steps: Flooding, cleaning, gauging, and reflooding;11 Hydrostatic testing;12 Dewatering and drying;13 and Air expulsion and nitrogen packing.14 It is envisaged that the main pipeline will be commissioned first and then the laterals.

2.9.1 Flooding, Cleaning, Gauging, and Reflooding

Upon completion of a pipeline segment and prior to connection with station piping, temporary pigging and testing equipment will be installed at the pipeline ends. For offshore segments, this will be done in such a way as to avoid inhibiting the normal passage of local boat traffic. A single train of pigs will be used to flood, clean and gauge the segment. The segment will be filled with water that has been filtered to remove 99 percent of particles of diameter greater than or equal to 92 microns but not chemically treated. The segment will then be flushed by means of two bi-directional plain or poly pigs. The source of the water will vary according to the segment: water from Badagry Creek will be used for the 56km onshore segment and for filling the offshore main trunk line; water from the Atlantic Ocean will be used for filling the laterals. (In theory, ocean water could be used for the offshore trunk and 56km onshore segments. However, that would require a 2km temporary pipe to carry water from the ocean to the ends of those two segments at Badagry Beach and so is not envisioned
11 12

In accordance with WAGP specification WAGP-P-Y-SA-0086-0. WAGP-P-Y-SA-0087-0 13 WAGP-P-Y-SA-0088-0 14 WAGP-P-Y-SA-0088-0 June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 2-102

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by FEED). Water used to flood the 56km onshore segment will be discharged back into Badagry Creek. Water used to flood the offshore trunk will be discharged into the Atlantic Ocean at Takoradi beach, Ghana. Flood water will be filtered but not chemically treated prior to discharge. The volumes of water used to flood these two segments of the pipeline are given in Table 2.9-1. Table 2.9-1 Location and Volume of Water Displacement/Discharge
Segment Onshore 30in Offshore Mainline Location Badagry Creek Takoradi Beach Volume 23,640m3 (148,550 API Barrels (bbl)) 106,360m3(668,450bbl) Discharge rate 0.376m3/sec 2.37bbl/sec 0.846m3/sec 5.33bbl/sec

Cleaning will be done by two wire-brush pigs next in the train. Finally, a gauging pig will then check the segment for dents, buckles, ovality, or other obstructions. The plate on the gauging pig will be sized to 95 percent of the segments internal diameter and be chamfered at the leading edge. After gauging, the segment will be flooded with water into which a biocide chemical has been injected downstream of the filters. This is in order to mitigate the effects of corrosive anaerobic bacteria entrained within the lagoon water or seawater used for testing activities. The active ingredient of the biocide will be tetrakishydroxymethyl phosphonium sulphate (THPS), which has been chosen as it is effective, is not expected to bioaccumulate and has superior biodegradability to other biocide active ingredients. For the lagoon water used for the 56km onshore and offshore main trunk segments, the effective concentration there will be 190ppm. For the ocean water used for the laterals, the effective concentration will be 125ppm. Hydrotest water from both segments will be discharged into the Atlantic Ocean at Takoradi Beach, Ghana (Section 2.9.3), regardless of water source, because of the biocide.

2.9.2 Hydrostatic Testing

Hydrostatic pressure testing consists of verifying the integrity of the pipeline through subjecting it to increasing internal pressure from water introduced during flooding for that purpose. The testing procedure is described in detail in the WAGP technical specification WAGP-P-Y-SA-0087-0 (Appendix 8B-4.4), including the precautionary measures required to avoid damaging the pipeline, e.g., supporting piping and anchoring temporary flexible hosing. Any leaks and bleeds of hydrotest water will be accounted for. At the end of successful hydrotesting, the pipeline will be depressurized to 1 barg or less.

2.9.3 Dewatering and Drying

After hydrotesting is complete, temporary pigging and testing equipment will be removed and blind flanges installed at ends until the pipeline tie-ins are ready to be installed. It could take weeks or months until tie-in occurs. After tie-ins are installed, the pipeline will be ready
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for dewatering. This will be achieved by means of mechanical techniques using conventional bi-directional pigs with hi-seal facilities in one pigging cycle. Hydrotest water will be treated with a biocide whose active ingredient will be tetrakishydroxymethyl phosphonium sulphate (THPS), which has been chosen as it is effective, is not expected to bioaccummulate, and has superior biodegradability to other biocide active ingredients. Water from Badagry Creek will be used for the 56km onshore segment rather than ocean water; the effective concentration (based upon the physical characteristics of the make-up water) will be 190 parts per million (ppm). WAPCo will discharge hydrotest water, at a minimum, in compliance with the effluent discharge requirements of each country, including the acquisition of discharge permits. To assure this, the THPS-containing hydrotest water will be appropriately treated with hydrogen peroxide in an onshore train of neutralization tanks. Permissible discharge concentrations will be based on the results of a suitable ecotox testing program (using local species). Nigerian Environmental Guidelines and Standards (EGAS) protocols, and the West African industry practice. Appendix 8B-2.5.2 presents the WAGP Pipeline Hydrotesting Discharge Ecotoxicity Leasing Plan. Appropriate waste water discharge controls, which will be developed based on the results of the ecotoxicity and other testing, will be established as part of specific applications for discharge permits appropriate within each country, likely in the 6 month to 12 month timeframe following the Final Investment Decision. A total of approximately 130,000m3 (817,000bbl) of treated water will require discharge from the onshore 30in and offshore mainline. The pig speed will be 5ft/sec and the volumetric rate of discharge will vary according to the diameter of the pipe. Proposed water discharge points for this dewatering operation are shown in Table 2.9-2. These points will be 10m to 15m (33ft to 50ft) offshore below sea level. Table 2.9-2 Location and Volume of Hydrotest Water Discharge
Segment Onshore and Offshore Mainline Location Takoradi Beach Volume 130,000m3 (817,000bbl) Discharge Rate 0.376m3/sec 2.37bbl/sec

Sample points will also be established at these locations. All water shall be discharged through multi-point discharges to maximize dispersion and aeration. Outlets will be below water at all times. During dewatering, the quantity of discharge water will be metered. Dewatering will be considered complete once a target volume has been reached. Dry air purging will be performed within two weeks of hydrotesting by blowing dry, filtered, compressed air through the line to thus attain a dew point of -20C (-4F). Dryness will be verified through tests before purging is commenced.

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2.9.4 Air Expulsion and Nitrogen Packing

After drying is complete, the air inside the pipeline must be expelled before natural gas can be introduced. Nitrogen will be the inert gas used to purge the pipeline. A temporary nitrogen generation unit will be installed on the beach (for the mainline) or on an offshore support vessel (for the laterals) and connected to the pig launcher and a high seal type pig will be launched to displace air. Such a nitrogen generation unit would typically consist of a 8ft by 12ft nitrogen generator, a 4ft by 6ft electrical generator, and three 7ft by 19ft air compressors, each with a 450hp diesel engine and a spark arrestor. The typical fuel requirement for each engine is 2,000L/day (530gal/day). Once the pig is received at the receiver, the nitrogen will continue to purge the pipeline until the gaseous mixture sampled at the receiving end meets the company specified limit of 99 percent nitrogen. The pipeline will then be packed with nitrogen up to a pressure of 0.33 barg (5 pounds per square inch guage (psig)) in the case of the laterals and 0.5 barg (7.2psig) in the case of the mainline. All temporary equipment will be disconnected and final connections made to station piping. The contractor will then hand over the commissioning process to WAGP.

2.9.5 Hiring and Training

Hiring of commissioning contractors will commence during the latter stages of construction. The extent of personnel and other needs for commissioning will be determined during execution phase of the project. WAPCo employees will receive comprehensive training in Health, Environment, Safety (HES), specific job skills (technical and non-technical), Plant Operations, etc. This will be an ongoing process and will commence prior to commissioning and start-up. WAPCo employees will work closely with the Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC) contractor, suppliers, and vendors during construction and commissioning.

2.9.6 Ongoing Maintenance and Testing

Ongoing maintenance will be undertaken throughout this phase: compressors and other equipment will be lubricated, calibrated and tested as well as all control and telecommunications including the VSAT systems. Commissioning ends and start-up will begin when the pipeline is ready for introduction of hydrocarbons.

2.9.7 Regulatory Review and Participation

EIA and Permitting Agency reviews and participation is expected to continue during the construction stage including: Project workshops; Training; Joint safety inspections; Pre start-up safety audit; and Review of specific operating permit requirements.

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2.10 Start-up
Start-up will be undertaken by WAPCo. The main step will consist of filling the pipeline with natural gas, but ongoing testing and maintenance (e.g., of compressors and control equipment) will continue from the commissioning phase.

2.10.1 Line Fill with Gas

A hi-seal pig will be inserted into the launcher and commence displacing the purge nitrogen with high-pressure natural gas. The nitrogen will be vented to a safe location. Once the pig arrives, the venting operation will cease and the pipeline will be filled up to a specified pressure with natural gas.

2.10.2 Ongoing Maintenance and Testing

As with commissioning, hiring and training of start-up personnel will commence during the latter stages of construction and be completed in time to support the schedule. The extent of personnel and training needs will be determined.

2.10.3 Regulatory Review and Participation

As with commissioning, EIA and Permitting Agency reviews and participation is expected to continue during this stage including: Project workshops; Training; Joint safety inspections; Pre start-up safety audit; and Review of specific operating permit requirements.

2.11 Pipeline Operations

The main pipeline operation, the transport of gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana is described in the early sections of this chapter, Section 2.1 through 2.4, particularly through the description of WAPCo facilities, Sections 2.4.1 through 2.4.5. Activities and facilities associated with health and safety of both the workers and nearby communities are listed below: Ancillary equipment, particularly monitoring and control systems are discussed in Section 2.6.1; Emergency shut down systems are described in Section 2.6.3; Fire prevention, detection, and suppression systems are described in Section 2.6.2; Gas detection systems are described in Section 2.6.2;

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Waste management (sanitary, non-hazardous and hazardous) is described in Section 2.5; Hazardous materials management (see below); Maintenance of ROWs is described in Section Access roads will be graded as required; Corrosion control systems: cathodic protection is described in Section and pigging operations (see below); and Training of employees (see below). Regarding pigging operations, it is currently envisaged that an intelligent pig run will be performed at least once during the first five years of operation to set a baseline and verify that the corrosion mitigation program is working effectively. Subsequent intelligent pigging will be performed on the basis of the risk assessments of the Pipeline Integrity Management Plan than according to a pre-arranged time frame (Sections and The transportation, storage, and use of hazardous materials will be in accordance with WAPCo HES procedures and local HES regulations. Their treatment and final disposal will be according to WAPCos Waste Management Plan, which will conform to local HES regulations. Appendix 2-D lists the kind of hazardous materials that will be used, mostly in small quantities (i.e., not more than a few liters or kilograms and mostly much less). WAPCo employees will work closely with mentors to acquire the necessary skills required to competently operate and maintain WAPCo facilities and meet all WAPCo business requirements. Comprehensive training and development plans will be put in place as WAPCo evolves.

2.12 Decommissioning and Abandonment

As described in the Concession Agreement, WAPCo intends to decommission and abandon the pipeline consistent with local regulations and accepted industry practices prevailing at the time of abandonment. Detailed plans for facility decommissioning, abandonment, and facility/ROW reinstatement will be developed towards the end of the lifetime of the project. Measures for each element of WAGP are outlined below.

2.12.1 Alagbado Tee

WAPCo facilities may be taken over by NNPC. If not, they will be dismantled and removed for appropriate disposal according to a management plan to be developed and approved nearer the time.

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2.12.2 Onshore Pipeline

The 56km stretch in Nigeria and the onshore laterals in the other countries will be cut at their respective beaches, flushed, capped, and abandoned in place. If required by the regulations in force at the end of the project lifetime or by the local communities or stakeholders, then the pipeline will be removed and disposed of according to a management plan to be developed and approved nearer the time. However, it may be presumed that the impacts of disinterring an empty gas pipeline would be higher than leaving it in place.

2.12.3 Compressor Station

Detailed plans for facility decommissioning, abandonment, and facility/ROW reinstatement will be developed towards the end of the lifetime of the project. Equipment will be dismantled and removed for appropriate disposal according to a management plan to be developed and approved nearer the time. If required by the regulations in force at the end of the project lifetime, then the concrete foundations will also be removed.

2.12.4 Offshore Pipeline

The offshore trunk and laterals will be cut at their respective beaches, flushed, capped and abandoned in place. A formal decommissioning plan will be developed at the appropriate point in time; it will adhere to the current environmental regulations and incorporate stakeholder concerns.

2.12.5 R&M Stations

Decommissioning of the R&M stations is described in Section 2.12.5 of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs.

2.13 Remaining Uncertainties

Table 2.13-1 summarizes the elements of the WAGP project execution that have yet to be definitively determined. These were discussed within the above text, but are reiterated here for the purpose of clarity. Decisions regarding project uncertainties at this point in time will later be confirmed at the time of the final investment decision or within 6 to 9 months from that date.

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Table 2.13-1 Remaining Uncertainties

Accommodation for construction workforce Water Supply Alternatives Sanitary Waste Water Disposal Alternatives* Alagbado Tee Not yet known how many locals will be employed and therefore how much lodging space will be needed Sinking a well to groundwater (preferred), or Bringing in by tanker truck Discharge into soil via drainage field (preferred); or Discharge into nearby receiving waters; or Hauling off-site for disposal Onshore Mainline Preferred option is one marshalling yard of 3.0ha (7.4 acres) within the footprint of the compressor station construction site An additional marshalling yard may be considered at the midline compressor valve location Not yet known how many locals will be employed. Off-site accommodation (homes or hotels) preferred but may be a need for a camp. The camp would be adjacent to the ROW and have a personnel requirement of up to 50 people Water will be hauled by truck, but the source is to be determined. Lagos Beach Compressor Station Prefer to use existing roads; or Widen existing road (if necessary) from Badagry to Ajidop; or Dredge channel in Badagry Creek, dock and access road built onsite; or Barge-mounted crane with spuds and smaller onshore unloading facility. Prefer to rent houses, estate lodging, etc.; or Rent rooms in local hotels; or If needed after the above two options, build a closed camp for non-local workers Purchased from local sources, to be determined On-site temporary batch plant or off-site plants Purchased from local sources, to be determined Discharge into soil via drainage field (preferred); or Discharge into nearby receiving waters; or Hauling off-site for disposal. Shore Crossing One-stretch HDD from Compressor Station directly out to ocean Two-stretch HDD from the barrier island to the Compressor Station and from the barrier island and then to ocean

Number of Marshalling Yards/Staging Areas

Accommodation for construction workforce

Construction water supply Means of access (esp. for heavy equipment during construction)

Accommodation for construction workforce

Source of aggregate for foundation backfill Source of concrete Source of sand for concrete Sanitary Waste water Disposal Alternatives*


* Chlorination not appropriate with drainage field, possibly appropriate with other two options (dependent upon local regulations and requirements).

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Chapter 3 Project Alternatives

3.1 Introduction

The purpose of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project alternatives analysis is to provide a transparent and objective basis for identifying optimal project alternatives consistent with stakeholder, sponsor and regulatory goals. The alternatives analysis is structured to accord a high priority to environmental and social concerns in the selection process, in addition to considering technical and economic criteria. By explicitly incorporating environmental and social impacts into a high-level, early-stage evaluation of the proposed project, this analysis is expected to assist in identifying the approach to meeting project objectives that offers the best combination (i.e., the minimum) of cost and negative environmental/social impacts (World Bank, 1996). The need for alternative energy supplies in Benin, Ghana, and Togo is established by the coincidence of future energy deficits forecast in these countries and the comparatively high cost of thermal electricity generation using imported liquid fuels. This need, together with the supply of natural gas, the requirement to reduce gas flaring in Nigeria, and the technical feasibility of delivering natural gas from Nigeria to Ghana, Togo, and Benin, provide a compelling rationale to proceed with the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) project. This chapter details the methodology by which WAGP was assessed to be the optimal alternative to meet project objectives in separate analyses conducted by the World Bank (pending finalization) and this EIA. The following sections list alternative project options and comparatively evaluate a selection of them on a comprehensive array of criteria, spanning technical, economic, environmental and social impacts of the project. In the following analyses, project alternatives are identified by the World Bank and this EIA using two differing, but not mutually exclusive, approaches. The World Bank is preparing an Economic and Financial Analysis (EFA) analyzing project alternatives to the WAGP project. While this report has not yet been completed, a summary of an early draft of the report and its initial conclusions is provided in Section 3.3. The alternatives being assessed by the World Bank, listed in Section 3.2.1 and evaluated in Section 3.3, are an extensive range of options intended to examine alternatives across the whole energy sector and to focus on the options that maximize net regional benefits in a broader context of project as defined by the World Bank. On the other hand, the project-level alternatives considered in this chapter as part of the EIA for the most part reflect the business capabilities and objectives of the West African Pipeline Company (WAPCo) and its joint venture partners. The primary objective of the proposed WAGP project is to transport Nigerian-produced natural gas to commercially viable markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. These project-level alternatives, listed in Section 3.2.2 and

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evaluated in Section 3.4, generally cover, and in some cases are a subset of, project alternatives as identified by the World Bank. Apart from differences in the approach used to identify project alternatives, the World Bank EFA and this EIA also used different methodologies in evaluating the short-listed alternatives. These methodologies are described in sections 3.3 and 3.4 respectively. Section 3.5 describes the overall pipeline routing design options considered for the WAGP project. Section 3.6 concludes.


Project Alternatives

As described in the introduction, project alternatives are identified by the World Bank and this EIA using differing approaches. While the World Bank identifies alternatives as part of a regional energy sector optimization strategy, this EIA focuses on project-level alternatives consistent with WAPCos objectives. The EIA does not specifically address all the alternatives that will be included in the World Bank Study; however, certain alternatives were assessed that further validate the EFA screening conclusions as indicated below.

3.2.1 World Bank Regional Energy Sector Project Alternatives

The World Banks EFA is studying alternatives to (i) improve the competitiveness of the energy sectors in Benin, Ghana, and Togo, and (ii) foster regional economic and political integration that would support economic growth; in particular, the development of the West Africa electricity market. As part of that study the World Bank is examining a number of project alternatives, using the No-Project Alternative as the base case. The main alternatives, and variations therein, have been grouped as follows, with cross-references provided to options separately evaluated in the EIA. (The section where the same or similar alternative was considered in this EIA is provided after the alternative in parenthesis.) Domestic Power Development Alternatives In this group the EFA examines power generation alternatives within Ghana, Benin and Togo, considering: Hydroelectric power Oil and gas fired generation Coal-fired generation Nuclear generation Wind power Solar photovoltaics Alternative 1 (see also Section 3.4.5 below) Alternative 1 (see also Section 3.4.2 below) Alternative 8 Alternative 8 Alternative 2b (see also Section 3.4.5 below) Alternative 2b (see also Section 3.4.5 below)

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Chapter 3 Power Importation Alternatives In this group the EFA considers imports from: Cte dIvoire Burkina Faso Nigeria Alternative 4 Alternative 5 Alternative 6 Gas Resource and Transportation Alternatives In this group the EFA considers: The use of indigenous Ghanaian and Beninoise gas Natural gas imports from Cote d'Ivoire Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) transportation Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) transportation Alternative pipeline routes Alternative 2a Alternative 3 Alternative 7/8 (see also Section 3.4.4 below) Alternative 7/8 (see also Section 3.4.4 below) Alternative 7 (see also Section 3.6

3.2.2 EIA Project-Level Alternatives

The project alternatives considered in this EIA for the most part reflect the business capabilities and objectives of WAPCo and its joint venture partners. In addition, a limited number of competing power options and/or alternative energy resources were also considered. The primary objective of the proposed WAGP project is to transport Nigerian-produced natural gas to commercially viable markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo, thereby: Providing a reliable source of energy for electrical power generation and industrial use in the three receiving countries; Providing a commercially viable market for Nigerian natural gas produced at oil wells, reducing the need to flare this gas; and Facilitating regional cooperation and integration of reliable energy services through a large-scale joint venture partnership among four nations in the region.

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Therefore, the project options that were considered as possible technology alternatives during the planning of the WAGP project focused on alternative ways of bringing Nigerian natural gas to market, and alternative means of providing energy resources to Benin, Ghana, and Togo. The following alternatives were considered: The No-Project Alternative; The Proposed Project Alternative: Developing a gas pipeline (8 inch (in) to 30in diameter) and piping gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana (a total distance of 691 kilometers (km)); Energy Generation and Delivery Alternative: Developing gas-powered electricity generating stations in Nigeria, and transmitting the electrical power to Benin, Ghana, and Togo; LNG Fuel Export Alternative: Converting the gas to LNG and exporting it to Benin, Ghana, and Togo; and Renewable Fuels Alternative: Meeting electricity generating demands in Benin, Ghana, and Togo with renewable resources (hydropower, solar, wind, agrofuel). Each project-level alternative is evaluated in Section 3.4.


World Bank Regional Energy Sector Alternatives Analysis

The World Banks draft EFA evaluates all of the reasonable alternatives to the WAGP project. The draft EFA observes that while there are a broad range of options for delivering energy to fill the potential energy gap in the West Africa region, not all are practical or technically feasible at present. In order to focus the analysis on the most realistic options, the draft EFA employs a filter process to eliminate impractical options, comprising technical, physical, cost and implementation criteria. The draft EFA states that it seeks to meet the following two objectives: In the context of the World Bank Groups due diligence, there are two reasons for analyzing the project alternatives. Firstly, to ensure that the Project, as formulated, represents the least-cost way of bringing about the project benefits such that the expected present value of the projects net benefits must be higher than or equal to the expected present value of mutually exclusive project alternatives.1 Secondly, assuming that the Project is indeed the least-cost alternative, for the purposes of assessing the incremental net benefits of the Project, it is necessary to formulate the without project alternative the baseline against which the incremental project benefits are compared. The draft EFA considers three categories of alternatives: (i) domestic power development alternatives (ii) power importation alternatives and (iii) gas resource and transportation

World Bank Operations Policy 10.04, Economic Evaluation of Investment Operations, September, 1994.

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alternatives. Specific project options within each of these categories have been previously listed in section 3.2.1. The methodology used in the draft EFA has minor differences from that used in the analysis of WAPCo project-level alternatives later in this chapter. According to the EFA, consideration has been made to a method of differentiating energy delivery options, while: considering the value of any supply source in a diversified portfolio of energy supply sources; considering environmental/social impacts; and not conducting extensive modeling of unlikely alternatives. In the draft EFA analysis, each of the energy supply options are analysed against the following criteria: Technical Feasibility: Is it technically feasible to satisfy the development and energy policy objectives with the energy delivery option under consideration? Physical or Resource Constraints: Are there sufficient resources to be an alternative to the delivery of natural gas from Nigeria? Cost-effectiveness of Alternatives: Is the delivered cost of energy cost-effective in comparison with electricity generated from gas delivered by WAGP? Implementation Constraints: Are there significant financing, regulatory, stakeholder acceptability or securitisation barriers that would prevent implementation? Environment and Social Impacts: If the above criteria have been satisfied, what is the social and economic impact of the energy delivery methods? The draft EFA filters out projects at each stage of analysis. It does not consider the costeffectiveness of alternatives which are not technically feasible or lack physical resources. Domestic non-gas power generation and power import options have been considered for meeting the regional power shortfall determined within the mid-market case of demand forecast. (The mid-market case represents the median or 50th percentile of the modeled statistical demand distribution.) The draft EFA concludes that at an assumed load factor of 80 percent, electricity generated from WAGP gas is more cost-effective than oil-based generation or any other energy delivery option. If the capacity factor is less than approximately 65 percent (at the World Bank oil price forecast), however, then oil-based generation is more cost-effective than WAGP. A range of gas-based resource and import options were considered in relation to the oil-based scenario. The draft EFA observes that it is difficult to envisage an LNG supply scenario that would yield a full cost of supply less than the equivalent cost estimated for oil and oil-

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product consumption. Further, doubts also exist as to the supply capacity of existing regional LNG export projects. The draft EFA also observes that although the CNG option generates estimates of unit cost that are less than the equivalent cost estimated for oil and oil-product, the cost is higher than the proposed WAGP. In addition the technology is untried and this option does not have a commercial sponsor. Project-level alternatives analysis in this EIA further validates these conclusions in the context of environmental and social impacts (Section 3.4.4 below). On this basis, the draft EFA reaches the initial conclusion that pipeline delivery of natural gas is the most cost-effective means of meeting the growth in regional energy demand when the capacity factor is approximately 65 percent or greater. Substitution from oil to gas also yields environmental benefits. However, the draft EFA observes that future demand for gas-fired generation in the Ghanaian electricity market is ambiguous due to uncertainties about the future operation of the VALCO aluminum smelter. In response, the States and VALCO are finalizing with VALCO and without VALCO tariff structures, where WAGP remains the preferred alternative in either scenario. A comprehensive summary of the performance of each alternative on each criteria of interest is provided in Table 3.3-1, which is taken from a similar table in the draft EFA. More detail on the advantages and disadvantages of each alternative is available in the draft EFA.


EIA Project-Level Alternatives Analysis

This section describes the methodology by which the project-level alternatives identified in the EIA were comparatively assessed and reports the results of these evaluations. For context, most alternatives were analyzed in terms of the primary project objective, delivery of natural gas from Nigeria to markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo (for a detailed technical project description refer to Chapter 2, Project Description). The following aggregate criteria were considered when evaluating alternatives: The potential for both beneficial and negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts; Effectiveness in meeting the primary WAGP project objectives (detailed above); Local and regional suitability, including stakeholder acceptance; Technical feasibility; and Costs (capital and operating). Some of these criteria were disaggregated to generate the following list of specific criteria: Greenhouse gas emissions reduction benefits;

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Table 3.3-1 World Bank Draft EFA Summary of Alternatives

1 Traditional sources of energy 2 Increased indigenous sources 3 4 Gas imports Power imports from Cte from Cte dIvoire dIvoire 5 Power imports from Burkina Faso 6 Power imports from Nigeria 7 Nigerian Gas Alternatives 8 Overseas fuel imports

Hydro generation Technical Feasibility Physical / Resource Availability Yes

Liquid thermal generation Yes

Indigenous Gas Yes No significant gas resources

Indigenous Renewables Yes Yes Yes Yes, in the short term, subject to transmission constraints No Yes Yes - gas; No - electricity Prior satisfaction of Nigerian electricity demand is likely to significantly delay/constrain the availability of electricity for export

LNG Yes Yes - Gas No - LNG

CNG Yes Yes - Gas No - CNG

Pipeline Routes Yes

Coal Yes

Nuclear Yes









Implementation Constraints

Long lead time for largeNo significant scale hydro constraints development; relative to gaslimited private fired electricity sector appetite. LCO is more New hydro is cost-effective less costthan WAGP up effective than to approx. 65% gas-fired LF (@ WB oil generation price forecast) from WAGP but less cost (approx. 7 - 8 effective c/kWh) thereafter. No CO2, SO2 Significant and NOx additional emissions, but emissions potential relative to gas resettlement of fired generation, large numbers Gas flared: 2.7 of people & m tonnes CO2e per annum. Fuel negative use: additional impact on 0.8 m tonnes of ecological CO2 e per resources. annum.


No significant implementation constraints


No significant implementation constraints


Nigerian LNG Securing export wayleaves for A nuclear There are programme is volumes are onshore presently no No significant already routes would likely to face implementation sponsors for a committed to impose significant CNG export constraints European & significant implementation project. constraints N. American delays to gas buyers delivery



Existing renewable technologies are less costeffective than WAGP (wind approx. 7.5c/kWh)


At the current import price of 6.6c/kWh is less cost-effective than electricity generated by WAGP gas. Similar savings on CO2 e per annum in the power sector, but no benefit from flaring reduction or from fuel switching in the C&I sector.



LNG is unlikely to be competitive with existing LCO thermal generation Similar savings on CO2e per annum to that of the proposed gas pipeline from reduced gas flaring and from fuel substitution.


Base load Base load coal Alternative nuclear fired generation routes are less generation is is less costcost-effective less costeffective than than WAGP, effective than WAGP (approx. as designed. WAGP (approx. 4.6c/kWh) 9 c/kWh) No CO2, NOx and SO2 emissions but potential negative health /environmental impacts if exposed to waste material or following malfunction.

Environmental/Social Impact


No damaging greenhouse gases but potential loss of visual amenity, aural intrusion and damage to bird populations.





Potential Emissions of negative NOx, SO2 and particulates impact if from coal-fired pipeline is power stations routed through areas are generally greater than of high those from gas population and oil-fired density plants.

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Environmental impact of construction; Displacement/Land take; Sociological/Public health impact of construction; Economic benefits; Effectiveness in meeting WAGP project objectives; Local and regional suitability/Stakeholder acceptance; Technical feasibility; and Costs (capital and operating). All of these criteria were used when comparing project alternatives; however, some criteria were considered to be more important when comparing alternatives at the overall project design level (e.g., technical feasibility), while other criteria were considered to be more important when evaluating routing alternatives (e.g., stakeholder acceptance). The alternatives described below were initially considered during the scoping and feasibility stages of the project (1996 to 1999). Alternative assessment has continued into the current pipeline planning and design stage incorporating socioeconomic and environmental concerns, as well as investor objectives, project needs, and future gas markets. The reasoning behind the alternatives analysis is presented here. The assessment methodology employed in determining the optimal alternative relied on two distinct but related approaches: A qualitative assessment approach was used to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each project alternative on each criterion of interest. The differential weighting of the different criteria used in the assessment methodology are not explicitly quantified. These discussions are presented in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.5 and summarized in Table 3.4-2. A semi-quantitative approach was used to rank the performance of the different alternatives on the specified criteria of interest on an ordinal scale. This approach is described in Section 3.4.6 and the rankings are presented in Table 3.4-3. This approach facilitates a transparent and readily accessible comparison of the different project alternatives across the different criteria. No explicit weighting methodology was used to assign differential weights to performance on each criterion; instead, each alternatives performance over the diverse criteria was aggregated using an implicit approach consistent with the values and preferences discussed in the alternatives analysis in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.5. The final optimization and selection process used in this approach is presented in Section 3.4.6.

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3.4.1 No-Project Alternative

Taking no action would, naturally, be a feasible option. Under the No-Project Alternative, gas would not be transported to markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. No action on any alternative would mean a lack of a viable energy solution in Benin, Ghana, and Togo, limiting economic growth. Advantages and disadvantages of the No-Project Alternative are provided in Table 3.4-2 and certain key points discussed below. Given the advantages and disadvantages summarized in Table 3.4-2, the No-Project Alternative is not the preferred option because it does not help to alleviate the immediate energy resource needs of Benin, Ghana, or Togo, nor provide a market for Nigerian natural gas, nor advance regional integration. All of the alternatives examined here but one (the supply-side management or renewables alternative) utilize the readily available gas excess in Nigeria, which would result in flare reduction and economic and industrial growth in the region. The possible energy generation scenarios that may occur if the proposed project is not implemented would not provide lower cost or cleaner fuel in a timely, efficient, or technically feasible manner. Based on current information, project alternatives exist that could be commercially and technically viable and implemented with a tolerable level of environmental and socioeconomic impacts; therefore, the No-Project Alternative was rejected from further consideration. While this No-Project Alternative does avoid the negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with the other alternatives (which in the case of the Proposed Project Alternative are limited and tolerable), this does not justify foregoing the socioeconomic and environmental benefits associated with the primary project objectives achieved by WAGP.

3.4.2 The Proposed Project Alternative: Developing a Gas Pipeline and Piping Gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana
The Proposed Project Alternative calls for a gas pipeline to be constructed to supply natural gas from Nigeria to markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. For a detailed technical project description, refer to Chapter 2. The advantages and disadvantages of this alternative are provided in Table 3.4-2 and certain key points discussed below, along with some additional specific information about the pipeline and potential demand for WAGP gas. Chapters 6 and 7 of this EIA report also provide more detail on potential positive and negative impacts and the project sponsors commitment to reducing negative impacts. The West African Gas Pipeline Feasibility Study (PLE, 1999) fundamentally established the need for this project based on the following: Potential demand for natural gas in Benin, Ghana, and Togo; Technical feasibility to implement the project; No major legal nor commercial aspects have been identified that could obstruct project implementation; and Feasibility to implement the project in a cost effective, efficient, and timely manner.

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WAPCo will meet the project objective to transport Nigerian produced natural gas to commercially viable markets in Benin, Ghana, and Togo, providing a more reliable supply of energy and feedstock for a variety of industrial processes, while accelerating regional integration and stimulating foreign investment. At the same time, natural gas currently being flared in Nigeria will be used (with a subsequent reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and reduced dependence on less environmentally desirable fuels) and provide a market and financial return. Economic growth in Benin, Ghana, and Togo is, in part, limited by the lack of a stable energy supply. Thus, this project addresses the needs of all four countries, provides natural gas to support a stable energy supply, reduces greenhouse gas emissions, and provides a revenue stream to Nigeria for natural gas currently being wasted. Finally, a new tax and tariff revenue stream would be enabled for the four countries. These benefits far outweigh the costs associated with constructing WAGP, even when the cost for mitigating any negative impacts is taken into account. The current cost of constructing WAGP is estimated at US$500-$600 million. The initial pipeline demand and capacity are expected to be about 140 and 190 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd) respectively. The pipeline capacity will be augmented to an ultimate design capacity of 462MMscfd with subsequent incorporation of additional compression facilities as demand for gas rises. The aggregate potential gas demand in Benin, Ghana, and Togo is forecasted to grow from 50MMscfd in 1999 to 328MMscfd in 2018, with most of the demand coming from the power sector in Ghana (West African Gas Pipeline Project, Market Report Update, 2003). Thus WAGP will meet the estimated demand, with excess capacity for future growth. First gas is expected to be delivered in 2005. Potential downstream customers for the gas, including gas-driven generating plants, are documented in Chapter 6 and further substantiate the Feasibility Studys assertion that potential demand exists and other sources of natural gas may not be available as soon as WAGP gas, and, possibly, not at a competitive cost.

3.4.3 Power Generation and Delivery Alternative: Developing Gas-Powered Electricity Generating Stations in Nigeria, and Transmitting the Electrical Power to Benin, Ghana, and Togo
Table 3.4-2 provides the advantages and disadvantages associated with this alternative. Certain key points are discussed below, as well as some information about power generation and delivery. In this alternative, many of the same benefits as described for the Proposed Project Alternative are recognized in terms of reliable energy, regional integration, and reduction in natural gas currently being wasted in Nigeria (if natural gas is used as the fuel for power generation). In this alternative, natural gas would not be available as a feedstock for use by industry in Benin, Togo, and Ghana, thus limiting flexibility in end use. Other possible disadvantages include running additional transmission lines onshore with environmental and socioeconomic impacts, particularly the need for permanent land acquisition not only for incremental transmission lines, but also for possible additional generating stations or the expansion of existing power plants. Another negative factor compared to the preferred alternative is that long distance electric power transmission is less efficient due to the power

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loss in cables. There would be a substantial cost associated with construction, operation, and maintenance of onshore transmission lines and increasing and improving the reliability of the current installed capacity in Nigeria. Thus while the benefits are similar, costs may be higher than any new power generation or transmission facilities built in association with WAGP. Further, improvements to the power grids in Nigeria and the other three countries are anticipated to take longer than delivering gas to existing generating plants in each country. Nigeria has an installed capacity of about 5,800 megawatts (MW), although only about twothirds of this capacity is currently reliable. Nigeria itself has a considerable power supply shortfall, thus additional capacity would need to be developed. There is a project to connect grids of Benin and Togo with Nigeria, with an anticipated start-up date of 2006 and secured funding, however there are concerns due to infrastructure constraints in Nigeria (West African Gas Pipeline Project, Market Report Update, 2003). This power supply shortfall indicates the need for new or expanded power plants. The objective of the West African Power Pool (WAPP) project is to integrate the West African power grid, but this will occur over several years. The World Bank is supporting the transmission infrastructure, while generating plant investment is being sought from state utilities and/or the private sector. The total investment requirements are significant, about US$13 billion over the next 20 years. Construction of transmission lines are anticipated to occur between 2003 and 2012, generation plants (mostly gas powered in Nigeria and hydropower in Guinea) between 2013 to 2018, and final organizational, regulatory, and investment activities between 2018 and 2023 (West African Gas Pipeline Project, Market Report Update, 2003). Thus, providing a complete transmission infrastructure to export power to Benin, Ghana, and Togo will take longer than the Proposed Project Alternative. The World Bank views the WAGP project as complementary to the WAPP.

3.4.4 Natural Gas Fuel Export Alternative: Converting the Gas to LNG or CNG and Exporting via Tanker or Road from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana
Table 3.4-2 provides the advantages and disadvantages of this alternative. Certain key points from that table are discussed below with some additional information about costs associated with LNG projects. In this alternative too, many of the same benefits as described for the Proposed Project Alternative are expected in terms of reliable energy, regional integration, and reduction in natural gas currently being wasted in Nigeria; however, there are a number of negative environmental impacts. These include impacts resulting from: the construction and operation of terminals needed to receive LNG tankers (these would likely be more significant than impacts from the Regulating and Metering [R&M] stations needed for WAGP), air emissions from tanker and/or road transport, marine traffic, and construction and operation of onshore pipelines to deliver either LNG or natural gas from LNG regasification facilities (similar to impacts for WAGP). Moreover, massive infrastructure and technology investments would be required for gas liquefaction, storage, and regasification facilities, as well as port upgrades, including terminals, and/or roadways.

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Capital costs for LNG projects are generally higher than for CNG projects; however, LNG projects are capable of transporting more gas at a faster rate than CNG. At the same time, the payback from LNG is faster and may account for the capital costs more quickly. However, the project must be large enough for that payback, such that dedicated markets need to exist, which limits the capacity flexibility that the Proposed Project Alternative represents. For this option, the consumers in Benin, Ghana, and Togo cannot provide the initial market demand necessary.

3.4.5 Renewable Fuels Alternative: Meeting Electricity Generating Demands in Benin, Ghana, and Togo with Renewable Resources (Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Agrofuels)
The primary advantages and disadvantages of this alternative are summarized in Table 3.4-2. Some of the key points about advantages and disadvantages, and additional information about existing hydroelectric resources and costs associated with renewable resources are provided below. Possible renewable resources include hydropower, solar, wind, and agrofuels. The benefits of renewable resources include: (i) the use of generally cleaner energy sources; (ii) a decentralized power supply that may reach domestic consumers faster; and (iii) resources that may complement power supply expansion. However, they would not provide the added benefits of reducing flaring and venting of gas in Nigeria nor provide natural gas for direct use by industrial consumers, as would the proposed alternative. Clearly these options are dependent on the availability of the resources. With the possible exception of hydropower, it is doubtful that wind, solar, or agrofuels would meet the energy demands required for the economies of these expanding, developing countries. The power sector in Ghana has developed around the Akosombo and Kpong hydroelectric stations; the Bui hydroelectric project has been under consideration for years and its earliest start-up date is 2010. But uncertainties exist, however, due to costs and environmental impacts. Benin and Togo purchase imported electricity from VRA hydro facilities in Ghana. Ghanas concerns about hydropower were exacerbated in 1997/1998 and 2001/2002 when as a result of reduced rainfall, the Volta Lake water level dropped and Ghana was left in short supply. Togo and Benin also import power from Ghanas hydroelectric plants. The main source of indigenous generation (in Benin and Togo) is the Nagbeto hydroelectric dam. Communaut Elctrique du Bnin (CEB) is also considering a hydroelectric station in Adjarala, however no start-up date or financing has yet been arranged. Hydro production cost in Benin and Togo is estimated between 0.600 cents/kWh and 11.131 cents/kWh; in Ghana, from 0.600 cents/ kilowatt hour (kWh) to 9 cents/kWh. New supplies are represented by the upper range of costs. By comparison, power production costs for gas turbines in Togo and Benin range from 2.225 cents/kWh to 6.602 cents/kWh, and in Ghana, 1.486 cents/kWh to 4.786 cents/kWh. According to a recent draft market study, gas-fueled thermal plants in Ghana are the most cost-effective source of supply in contrast with any new hydroelectric supplies (West African Gas Pipeline Project, Market Report Update, 2003). Hydropower typically requires extensive land taking, with the potential displacement of a large number of people.
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For the purposes of comparison, costs for a Combined Cycle Plant, which uses both gas turbines and steam generators for energy generation, are provided below along with several alternative fuels (Table 3.4-1). A brief review of the costs summarized below indicate that estimated costs for gas-fueled generating plants are probably less than costs associated with renewable resources. Table 3.4-1 Cost Comparison of Fuels
Combined Cycle 400 3 532 11.73 1.95 Wind 10 3 1,031-2,625 26.41 0 Solar Voltaic 5 2 2,576 9.97 0 Solar Thermal 100 3 3,187 47.40 0 Biomass Gasification 100 4 1,490 44.81 5.34 Landfill Gas 100 1 1,299 78.58 10.48

Size (MW) Lead Time (yrs) Capital ($/kW) Fixed Operations & Maintenance (O&M) ($/kW/yr) Variable O&M ($/MwH)

Sources: EPA, July 2003; EPA, March 2002

3.4.6 Project-Level Alternatives Rankings

The approach in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.5 has been to utilize a qualitative assessment methodology to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each project alternative. In some instances, criteria have been aggregated and the negative and positive effects are bundled together. While this line of reasoning leads to the clear conclusion that the proposed project alternative outranks all other options, this section attempts to provide a disaggregated semi-quantitative approach to the same problem. This section assigns explicit ranks to the performance of each project alternative on each criterion of interest using an ordinal scale. The ranks are assigned by ICF Consulting using professional judgment based on the information presented in the previous sections. This approach facilitates ready comparison of project alternatives with each other and with respect to the baseline No-Project Alternative. While this approach bears similarity to the methods of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA), it must be noted that this section does not attempt to aggregate the performance scores on the diverse criteria using any of the MCDA algorithms. Instead, it relies on the same implicit system of weighting used in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.5 in choosing the optimal alternative. The alternatives were ranked in a manner consistent with the expected impacts described in sections 3.4.1 through 3.4.5.

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Table 3.4-2 Comparative Assessment of Project-Level Alternatives

Project Alternative No-Project Advantages Land that would otherwise be occupied by the pipeline (or other project alternatives) would continue to remain available; in some instances, the population employs this land for income-earning activities (e.g., agriculture). With the reduced need for land acquisition and development, the likelihood of people being displaced would be reduced. No increase in likelihood of environmental impacts. Potential impacts that may be avoided if the No-Project Alternative were implemented include: Habitat disruption; Contamination associated with construction; and Resuspension of sediments (offshore) some sediments could be contaminated. Low-cost fuel solution for Benin, Ghana, and Togo (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Reduction of associated gas flaring in Nigeria and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Cleaner energy matrix in three receiving countries. Potential to spur industrial development, employment opportunities, and foreign investment (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Allows flexibility in destination countries with regard to energy type; can be used as gas fuel or (potentially) feedstock or converted to electrical power. Pipeline reinstatement criteria will consider multiple uses of the pipeline Right of Way (ROW). Disadvantages Lack of energy solution for Benin, Ghana, and Togo (energy alternatives, such as the proposed pipeline, are required for continued economic growth). No reduction in existing environmental impacts would occur. Existing gas resources are being flared, and ongoing flaring from Nigerian oil production would continue to contribute to the production of greenhouse gases. Cleaner fuel (natural gas) would not replace fuel oil in power plant turbines. Ultimately, stopgap solutions to the energy demands in Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo could be expected to be developed. These solutions are likely to be less efficient and more environmentally damaging, and to have significantly lower net benefits (or even have net economic costs) for these countries. Land would be acquired for the pipeline ROW, and therefore likelihood of people being displaced increased. Potential loss of income-earning activities on land developed for pipeline. Boom town socioeconomic effects (pollution, disease, inflation) associated with construction workers. Potential for water quality, ecological, and fisheries impacts, in particular: Habitat disruption; Contamination associated with construction; and Resuspension of sediments (offshore) some sediment could be contaminated. Would require construction in sensitive habitat and ecosystems (both onshore and offshore), such as wetlands, mangroves, and lagoons. Potential safety/security hazards associated with pipeline.

The Proposed Project: Developing a gas pipeline and piping gas from Nigeria to Benin, Togo, and Ghana

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Table 3.4-2 Comparative Assessment of Project-Level Alternatives

Project Alternative Power Generation and Delivery Alternative: Developing gas-powered electricity-generating stations in Nigeria and transmitting the electrical power to Benin, Ghana, and Togo Advantages Low-cost energy solution for Benin, Ghana, and Togo (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Reduction of associated-gas flaring in Nigeria. Potential to spur industrial development, employment opportunities, and foreign investment (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Disadvantages Restriction in choices of energy for industry in Benin, Togo, and Ghana, and therefore loss of the more efficient option of direct use of gas energy by end users. Electricity transmission line would probably have to run onshore for ease of maintenance, leading to significant landtake and other impacts, e.g., loss of income-earning uses of land developed for transmission line. Potential displacement of people, more extensive than those associated with the gas pipeline, due to the extent of transmission lines onshore. Boom town socioeconomic effects (pollution, disease, inflation) associated with construction workers, comparable to gas pipeline. Potential for negative environmental impacts as described above would exist; severity dependent upon construction location and scale of project. Potential for power loss in cables. More costly, lower welfare gains compared to gas pipeline. Natural gas as a primary fuel or energy source for local (mainly industrial) consumption would not be available, and reliance on electrical power energy sources would continue, possibly limiting economic development.

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Table 3.4-2 Comparative Assessment of Project-Level Alternatives

Project Alternative Natural Gas Fuel Export Alternative: Converting the gas to LNG or CNG and exporting from Nigeria to Benin, Ghana, and Togo Advantages Provides fuel solution for Benin, Ghana, and Togo (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Reduction of associated gas flaring in Nigeria. Potential to spur industrial development, employment opportunities, and foreign investment (Economic Implications of the West African Gas Pipeline). Disadvantages Massive infrastructure and technology investment required for LNG liquefaction, storage and re-gasification facilities and port upgrades. Terminals to receive LNG tankers do not exist in Benin, Ghana, or Togo. Onshore pipeline spurs required for gas transmission from ports to delivery terminals and from delivery terminals to consumer facilities. Consequently onshore impacts associated with the Proposed Project Option not avoided under this option and local offshore impacts could be higher if the terminal is installed offshore. Local environmental impacts likely to be higher with terminal installation compared to pipelines and Regulating/Metering Stations. Tankers are slow, subject to weather-induced delays, and emit greenhouse gases. Road transport inefficient, generating greenhouse gas emissions so benefit of flaring reduction would be greatly attenuated. Similar case, but less so, for rail. Massive infrastructure investments required to upgrade roads or create rail links and develop carrier-vehicle fleets. Tanker related accidents could result in explosions, releases of large quantities of greenhouse gas into atmosphere and other high consequence events, more significant than the gas pipeline. Boom town socioeconomic effects (pollution, disease, inflation) associated with construction workers. Scale of onshore construction much greater than that of the pipeline option; potential for boom town effects therefore greater. Significant energy required to liquefy gas prior to transport and for regasification after delivery. Significant energy efficiency loss compared to the pipeline option. More costly energy, so lower overall economic gains, compared to gas pipeline.

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Table 3.4-2 Comparative Assessment of Project-Level Alternatives

Project Alternative Renewable Fuels Alternative: Meeting electricitygenerating demands in Benin, Ghana, and Togo with renewable resources (hydropower, solar, wind, agro fuels) Advantages Cleaner energy for some options (reduced emissions for solar, wind, hydropower). Sustainable development. Complement power supply expansion progress by managing electricity demand. Decentralization of power supply may increase the speed in which energy reaches domestic consumers (versus manufacturing). Disadvantages Reliability/security issues (de-centralized power generation, demand for technically sophisticated facilities beyond the capability of the host countries to maintain). Technically, not a feasible substitute for centralized, fossilfueled generation capacity expansion in developing countries with rapidly increasing energy demands (World Bank, 1996). Potential for hydro, wind development dependent upon wind, water resources, which are not available or sufficient in all countries. Extensive land take requirements for hydro, solar, or agro fuels options. Potential displacement of people can be a severe negative impact relative to other options. Generally higher energy production costs compared to the proposed Project Option. Massive infrastructure investments required for hydropower. Ongoing flaring from Nigerian oil production would continue to contribute to the production of greenhouse gases.

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The following reasoning was used to identify the proposed pipeline project as the optimal alternative: As may be observed in Table 3.4-3, it is evident that the proposed pipeline project outranks or is equal in performance to the power generation and delivery alternative in every criterion. Similarly, the proposed pipeline project outranks or is equal in performance to the natural gas fuel export alternative in every criterion. The proposed pipeline project is marginally inferior in performance to the No-Project Alternative (which envisages expansion of current oil-based power facilities to meet power demand) in terms of environmental impact of construction, displacement/landtake, sociological/public health impacts, and cost. However, the proposed pipeline project is far superior in terms of greenhouse gas reduction benefits, economic benefits and meeting WAGP objectives. Given that the environmental and social impacts of the proposed alternative are relatively minor, and considering the dominance on the economic benefits and greenhouse gas emissions reduction criteria, the proposed project is considered superior to the No-Project Alternative. It is unclear if the proposed pipeline project is inferior in performance to the renewable fuels alternative in terms of environmental impact of construction, displacement/land-take, and sociological/public health impacts. If the renewable fuels mix were to include an incrementally larger hydroelectric component via new dam construction, it may involve a far higher displacement/land-take and sociological cost component than the proposed alternative. Regardless, the proposed pipeline project is far superior in terms of greenhouse gas emissions reduction benefits, economic benefits, meeting WAGP objectives, technical feasibility and cost. Given that the environmental and social impacts of the proposed alternative are relatively minor, and considering the overwhelming dominance on the economic benefits, greenhouse gas emissions reduction, cost and technical feasibility criteria, the proposed project is considered superior to the renewable fuels alternative.


Overall Pipeline Routing Options

WAPCo investigated three Overall Routing Options for feasibility: the Onshore Option, the Offshore Option, and a hybrid Onshore/Offshore Option. These options are illustrated in Figure 3.5-1. The main objective of the initial route selection process was to identify the lowest-cost option that meets the safety requirements of both the general public and pipeline workers while minimizing impacts to the environment and surrounding communities (PLE, 1999). The three options are described in turn in sections 3.5.1 through 3.5.3 and then compared according to evaluation and selection criteria in section 3.5.4.

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Table 3.4-3 Comparative Evaluation of Project-level Alternatives

Criteria Scores Greenhouse Gas Reduction Benefits --++ Sociological/ Public Health Impact of Construction 0/Effectiveness in Meeting WAGP Objectives --+++ Local and Regional Suitability/ Stakeholder Acceptance + +

Project Alternative No-Project Proposed Pipeline Project Power Generation and Delivery Natural Gas Fuel Export Renewable Fuels Scale: +++ ++ + 0 ---/

Environmental Impact of Construction 0/-

Displacement/ Land Take 0/-

Economic Benefits ++

Technical Feasibility ++ ++

Costs 0/-

++ ++ ---




+ + --

++ ++ ---


+ + --


Considerable positive impact Significant positive impact Marginal positive impact No expected impact Marginal negative impact Significant negative impact Considerable negative impact Indicates Uncertainty Range

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Figure 3.5-1 Overall Routing Options2

Option 1 Existing Infrastructure and Onshore Route Option 2 Existing Infrastructure and Offshore Route Option 3 Existing Infrastructure and Onshore/Offshore Route (Selected Option)

3.5.1 Onshore Option

The existing Escravos-Lagos Pipeline (ELP) would supply the proposed natural gas pipeline to the connection at Alagbado Tee. The proposed pipeline would then traverse west through Nigeria to the border with Benin. Offtakes would supply gas to the Cotonou (Benin), Lom (Togo), Tema (Ghana), and Takoradi (Ghana) consumer areas3. The proposed pipeline would be approximately 758km long. Compressor stations would be located at Alagbado (Nigeria), west of Cotonou in Benin, and at Tema in Ghana. R&M stations would be located at Alagbado and at offtake delivery sites throughout the pipeline, including locations in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. Potential impacts associated with onshore routing, as identified during preliminary project planning in the West African Gas Pipeline Feasibility Study (PLE, 1999), would be the disruption of areas of high ecological value, habitat destruction, and potential sabotage due to social and ethnic tensions. Since the publication of the Feasibility Study, the potential for

2 3

Source: PLE, 1999.

At the time of the pipeline routing study was carried out, the pipeline route terminated in Effasu, Ghana (as illustrated on Figure 3.5-1), rather than Takoradi, Ghana. Due to commercial and other considerations, the proposed project, as analyzed in this EIA, now terminates in Takoradi, Ghana.

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negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with onshore pipeline construction and operations have been further considered (please refer to Chapter 6). Similar to the proposed onshore/offshore hybrid option, an onshore pipeline route should maximize the use of the existing ELP pipeline system, thereby minimizing the length of new construction (PLE, 1999).

3.5.2 Offshore Option

The proposed natural gas pipeline would be supplied by the existing ELP at Escravos. The pipeline would originate in the Niger Delta, traverse west for a short distance onshore from the gas processing plant to reach landfall, and then head offshore in a southwesterly direction, eventually turning northwest to follow the Nigerian coastline. As the pipeline traverses westward, offtake spurs would supply consumer areas in Cotonou (Benin), Lom (Togo), Tema (Ghana), and Takoradi (Ghana). The proposed pipeline would be approximately 1,016km long. Compressor stations would be located at Escravos Beach and on an offshore platform near Lagos, both in Nigeria. R&M stations would be located at Escravos Beach and at offtake delivery sites throughout the pipeline in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. Anywhere from 20km to 50km of onshore pipeline upgrades or new installation in the Warri-Escravos area, upstream of the compressor, might also be required. One of the significant potential impacts from offshore pipeline installation is the resuspension of bottom sediments, particularly in areas where sediments could be contaminated (e.g., zones around major cities and harbors). This movement could disturb sediments and cause them to become suspended in the water column. However, the width of the continental shelf allows for the proposed route to be installed a sufficient distance away from nearshore areas, thus minimizing potential disturbance to contaminated sediments that may occur near industrialized areas (PLE, 1999).

3.5.3 Onshore/Offshore Option Selected Overall Routing Option

In this scenario, the pipeline would run onshore in Nigeria before running offshore in the waters of Benin, Ghana, and Togo. The pipeline would be supplied by the existing ELP at Alagbado Tee before running 56km southwesterly to the coast at Lagos Beach in Nigeria. It would then transverse westward offshore for approximately 616km, running parallel to the coasts of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. Offtake spurs would supply consumer areas in Cotonou (Benin), Lom (Togo), Tema (Ghana), and Takoradi (Ghana). The offshore section of the pipeline would be approximately 616km long and the onshore sections of the pipeline would total approximately 73km (including the onshore lateral spurs). A compressor station would be located at Lagos Beach in Nigeria. R&M stations would be located at the compressor station and at offtake delivery sites in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. As with the all-offshore pipeline route, specific routing around areas of potentially contaminated sediments would minimize offshore impacts from pipeline resuspension.

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3.5.4 Comparison and Selection of Proposed Option

From an economic standpoint, the Onshore/Offshore Routing Option emerges as the least costly option and is technically feasible. The additional cost of the Offshore Routing Option vs. the Onshore/Offshore Routing Option ranges between two and eight cents/Million British thermal unit (MMBtu) for three different demand scenarios and the additional unit cost of the Onshore Routing Option vs. the Onshore/Offshore Routing Option is on average 20 cents/MMBtu considering the same three demand scenarios (PLE, 1999). The Onshore/Offshore Routing Option is also preferred over the Onshore Routing Option because an offshore pipeline (for the preferred option, 616km of a total of approximately 689km) results in a lower level of significant impacts such as habitat destruction and displacement of people when compared to onshore pipeline construction activities. The potential for negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts resulting from onshore construction activities will be minimized since the majority of the onshore pipeline in Nigeria makes use of an existing pipeline ROW (see Chapter 4). Of the criteria listed in Section 3.1, the potential for negative environmental and socioeconomic impacts, stakeholder acceptance, and economic costs were considered most important when weighing the overall routing options (PLE, 1999). Overall, the selected option is preferred over the two other options because it has a lower level of anticipated impacts, and is also the least expensive of the three options (Table 3.3-1). Chapter 4 provides detailed routing and design information on this option. Table 3.5-1 Overall Routing Options Critical Factors Critical Factors
Environmental Onshore Terrestrial Habitat

Onshore/Offshore (Selected Option)

Minimal disruption of terrestrial habitat onshore because of minimal onshore corridors, near and/or within existing ROWs. Minimal to moderate: Onshore sections are short but may affect sensitive environments. Moderate potential impact on marine habitat. Impacts localized, mostly short-term.

Potential disruption of ecologically significant habitat because pipeline would require over 758km of onshore ROW corridor. Significant

Minimal disruption of terrestrial habitats onshore because of minimal onshore corridors, near and/or within existing ROWs. Minimal

Environmental Onshore Other Onshore Impact Environmental Offshore Marine Habitat

Not Applicable

Moderate potential impact on marine habitat, mostly short term and localized. The greater offshore impact than selected option due to greater offshore length.

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Table 3.5-1 Overall Routing Options Critical Factors Critical Factors

Environmental Offshore Sediment

Onshore/Offshore (Selected Option)

Moderate potential impact resulting from habitat disruption, e.g., benthic smothering. Possible suspension of potentially contaminated sediments during construction. Minimal to moderate. Some resettlement may be required along the short onshore pipeline route sections. Some land take and socioeconomic disruption likely. Moderate to significant. Less than for Onshore due to shortness of onshore sections.

Not Applicable

Compared to selected option, greater potential for suspension of contaminated sediments during construction, due to greater offshore length. Minimal resettlement of people required because of onshore construction.

Socioeconomic Resettlement

Significant resettlement of people from areas of construction (particularly in Benin, Ghana, and Togo).

Socioeconomic Sabotage

Significant due to great onshore length.

Economic Cost

Least expensive, due largely to easier installation and minimal land acquisition requirements.

Most expensive due to land acquisition needs.

Minimal risk of sabotage for offshore pipeline, potential still exists for onshore portions but reduced due to shortened length. Between Onshore and Onshore/Offshore.



WAGP provides substantial benefits relative to the other options, including providing a reliable source of energy to Benin, Ghana, and Togo; providing a viable market for Nigerian natural gas produced at oil wells, thus reducing the need to flare this gas; and facilitating regional cooperation and integration of reliable energy services through a large-scale fuel delivery project among the four nations in West Africa. Two other alternatives considered -developing gas-powered electricity generating stations and transmitting the electrical power, and exporting natural gas as LNG -- meet some of these objectives but do not provide comparable benefits. They either represent more substantial environmental and socioeconomic impacts than WAGP, do not provide a timely solution, and/or incur costs beyond the benefits. The renewable fuels alternative does not eliminate the flaring of gas in Nigeria and represents some challenges in terms of reliability, security, and feasibility for all three countries. In addition, it is doubtful that the renewable fuels alternative could provide sufficient power for industrial uses. The No-Project Alternative avoids the environmental and socioeconomic impacts associated with WAGP, but meets none of the project objectives.
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If no project were selected, then short-term, unsustainable solutions to energy demands could be undertaken that could represent less efficient and more environmentally damaging solutions with fewer net benefits to the four countries. As described in this chapter, both the World Banks draft EFA and this EIA conclude that WAGP is the optimal project alternative. Three options were considered for the pipeline routing: onshore/offshore, onshore, and offshore. The selected option, a combination of onshore and offshore routes, provides the greatest benefits at the lowest level of environmental and socioeconomic impacts and least cost.

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Chapter 4 Project Design Alternatives

4.1 Introduction

Chapter 2 presents a technical description of the Selected Project Alternative. The range of alternatives from which the Selected Project Alternative was chosen is discussed in Chapter 3. This chapter discusses in more detail alternatives related to specific aspects of the design of the Selected Project Alternative (e.g., pipeline routing, construction methods) that the West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCo) considered, especially those that WAPCo rejected or (where uncertainty remains about the implementability of the desired alternative) disfavor. Selected alternatives, and those that WAPCo favor pending final determination of their implementability, constitute part of the technical project description and thus are described in Chapter 2. Table 4.1-1 provides an overview of WAPCos alternatives of each design aspect, highlighting WAPCos selected alternative and WAPCos reasons for selection.


Evaluation Criteria for Alternatives

The basic criteria used by WAPCo when devising, considering and choosing between design alternatives were the following: Overall safety of the public and workers; Environmental impact; Potential impacts to communities (e.g., businesses, transportation, etc.); Acceptance by stakeholders; Best available/practicable technologies; Feasibility of construction, operation, and maintenance; Cost of construction, operation, and maintenance; Future use of natural gas in the West Africa Region; Monitoring requirements; and Institutional requirements. As discussed in the sections below, additional criteria or more specific aspects of the above criteria were used to evaluate different components of the overall West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) design.

Chapter 4

Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection) West-of-Lagos A (Route approaches north bank of Badagry Creek from a position west of Lagos) o More economic than East-of-Lagos o Better road access than with East-of-Lagos o Location of compressor station better than with West-of-Lagos Routes B or C

Design Aspect Onshore 30 inch (in) Pipeline Routing Options (Section 4.3; Figures 4.3-1, 4.3-2)

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection East-of-Lagos (Route approaches north bank of Lagos Lagoon from a position east of Lagos) o Less economic than the West-of-Lagos alternatives o Land east of Lagos is swampy limiting road access West-of-Lagos Route B (Route approaches north bank of Badagry Creek from a position west of Lagos) o Location of compressor station sub-optimal West-of-Lagos Route C o Location of compressor station sub-optimal Benin Alternative 1 (Continuation of West-of-Lagos A, compressor station at Krake) Benin Alternative 2 (Continuation of West-of-Lagos B, compressor station at Krake) Benin alternatives both excluded because, relative to the Nigeria-only onshore alternatives, they involve greater: o Risk management (to protect safety of workers) o Negative impacts to land use and habitats

Design alternatives that primarily involve one or more of the other three countries are discussed in Chapter 4 of the Regional Final Draft EIA Rev. 1.

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Chapter 4

Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection)

Design Aspect

Sizing of Offshore Pipeline and Midline Compression Facilities (Section 4.5.1)

Offshore Pipeline Burial Depth (Section

Wetland Crossings (Section

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection (including outside existing Rights of Way [ROWs]) o Cost 18in diameter pipeline (midline compressor station under mid-case demand scenario) o Lower capacity than 20in diameter pipeline o Midline compressor station required under midcase demand scenario (A midline compressor station would require a supplemental environmental impact assessment [EIA] for impacts beyond what is described in this EIA. However, land-take for a future midline compressor station is accounted for in this EIA.) Pipeline buried or covered in waters shallower than 30 meters (m) o More sediment suspended than with 8m alternative o Trenching required for part of Benin and Togo shore crossings o Insufficient information that additional burial will definitively protect fishing operations, especially in view of high-energy sediment transport and coastal erosion Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) o Higher probability of operational failure than with push-method trenching o Higher costs

20in diameter pipeline (midline compressor station under high-case demand scenario) o Greater capacity than 18in pipeline o Midline compressor station is required only under high-case demand scenario

Pipeline buried or covered in waters shallower than 8m o Less sediment suspension o Lower costs/tariff impact

Push-method trenching for wetlands o Better costbenefit than HDD o Lower negative impacts associated with mobilization for short wetland crossings

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Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection) HDD for Badagry Creek o Avoids negative environmental impacts Push-method Trenching for Benin Lagoon o Does not result in significantly worse impacts if performed during dry season o Lower cost than HDD for the same final product Still under consideration o By road from Port of Lagos widening roads where necessary o By water through Badagry Creek to a purpose-built dock 200m from compressor station and then along a purpose-built access road

Design Aspect Lagoon Crossings (Section

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection Push-method trenching (Badagry Creek) o Significant negative environmental impacts HDD (Benin Lagoon) o More expensive than push-method trenching without offering relative advantage if crossing undertaken in optimal dry season By water through Badagry Creek to a purpose-built dock within ROW and then along a purpose-built access road o Longer access road (900m) entailing higher negative environmental impacts in wetlands Construction of bypass road around Ajido connecting an existing road to the compressor station site o Likely environmental impacts to wetlands north of Ajido Along existing roads from Port of Cotonou via Badagry o Risk of disruption due to border closures

Transport of Heavy Equipment to Compressor Station (Section 4.6.2)

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Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection) Onshore 30in pipeline to be coated at existing plant in Nigeria Other pipeline to be coated at new plant at Tema

Design Aspect Weight-coating Plants (Section

Number of Marshalling Yards in Nigeria (Section

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection Installing equipment at existing premises adjacent to Port of Tema o Preferred option but premises no longer available Importing pre-coated concrete pipe o Higher transportation costs associated with importation from outside region o Lower employment and procurement benefits for communities neighboring WAGP None

Concrete Supply for Lagos Beach Compressor Station (Section

Trucking in from off-site plants o Insufficient security of supply o Greater number of traffic movements required Temporary on-site concrete batch plant (least preferred alternative) o Insufficient security of supply o Greatest number of traffic movements required o Negative environmental impacts and waste management issues associated with production at site

One (favored number) o No additional footprint (will be within compressor station construction staging area) o Number should be minimized but at least one likely to be needed Trucking in precast concrete piles and foundations (preferred option) o Greatest security of supply

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Chapter 4

Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection) Off-site local accommodation preferred, i.e. commuting from home (for local workers) or hotels Provisions to be made for camp facilities for Nigeria onshore ROW and compressor station facilities Treatment with biocide o Prevents pipe corrosion in event of water being left in pipe for a significantly long period o Treatment with H2O2 prior to discharge prevents undesirable effects when water is no longer needed Aboveground o Can easily provide secondary containment o Ease of maintenance and inspection Septic tank system and discharge into soil via suitably prepared drainage field (preferred) o Cost-effective and least associated impacts to environment

Design Aspect Accommodation for Construction Workers (Section

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection None

Treatment of Hydrotest Water (Section 4.7.1)

No treatment o Risk of corrosion in event of water being left in pipe for a significant period.

Liquid Storage Tanks (Section 4.8.1)

Sanitary Waste Water Treatment and Disposal (Section 4.8.3)

Underground o Risk of leaks to soil and groundwater Open pits and sumps o Risk of leaks to soil and groundwater Septic tank system and discharge into receiving waters o Impact on surface water Septic tank system and hauling off-site for disposal o Associated environmental and cost impacts

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Chapter 4

Table 4.1-1 Overview of Alternatives Relating to Design Aspects1

Selected (or Preferred) Alternatives and WAPCos Reason for Selection (or Provisional Selection) No oil-water separators o Process areas will be covered, limiting the amount of stormwater contact. Site drainage piping will be such that if stormwater comes into contact with operating equipment it will drain into facility process liquids-handling tanks and handled as a single waste stream o Appropriate grading of the facilities will address non-point source (sheet runoff) Connection to existing power grid for Takoradi regulating and metering (R&M) station. On-site fossil-fuel generators at other facilities with solarpower back up at AlagbadoTee and other R&M stations. Groundwater wells (preferred) o Purchasing and trucking may be used at Tee if drilling a well is not technically feasible

Design Aspect Stormwater Management (Section 4.8.4)

Rejected Alternatives and Reasons for Rejection Separate stormwater collection systems including oil-water separators o Stormwater collection facilities for sheet runoff will not be installed due to low probability of contact with pollutants (and low concentration of pollutant contact)

Power Supply (Section


Water Supply (Section

Desalination o Cost

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Routing Options from Existing Gas Transmission Network to Coastal Compressor Station

4.3.1 Selection Criteria for Onshore Route from Alagbado Tee to Compressor Station Site
In addition to the evaluation criteria listed in Section 4.2, the following criteria were considered in the selection of specific onshore routing options: Avoidance of area of high population density; Availability of a Right of Way (ROW); Distance/length of pipeline; and Suitability of sites for a compressor station.

4.3.2 Onshore Routing Options within Nigeria

Because the onshore portion of the pipeline in Nigeria traverses approximately 56 kilometers (km) the largest extent of land when compared to the relatively short lateral delivery spurs onshore in Benin, Ghana, and Togo a set of Specific Onshore Routing Options for the onshore section within Nigeria was developed. One option routed the pipeline to the east of Lagos; three routed it to the west. The routes are named: East-of-Lagos; West-of-Lagos Route A; West-of-Lagos Route B; and West-of-Lagos Route C. Under the East-of-Lagos Option, the onshore section of pipeline would approach the north bank of the Lagos Lagoon from a position east of Lagos. The three West-of-Lagos Options, which are shown in Figure 4.3-1, would involve the onshore section of pipeline approaching the western part of the Lagos Lagoon, known as Badagry Creek, from positions west of Lagos. The compressor station, known as the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, would be located at or near the north shore of Badagry Creek under all of these specific routing options. (Locating the compressor station in Benin instead, and thus modifying the overall Onshore/Offshore Routing Option to run the pipeline onshore in both Nigeria and Benin, was also considered. This alternative routing option is discussed in Section 4.3.3.) East-of-Lagos Option Beginning at Egbin Node, the WAGP route would run parallel to the existing pipeline that supplies the National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) Egbin Thermal Power Plant, and then eastward to avoid the NEPA Housing Estate. The pipeline would then cross the NEPA transmission lines and the Lagos Lagoon. Next, it would run southward, west of Sangotedo (to avoid heavily developed Badore) and cross the Lagos-Epe Expressway near Ajah Junction. From there it would run to a coastal compressor station before going offshore. Once offshore, the pipeline would avoid an anchor-prohibited area designated by the Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) by veering southeast before proceeding west to run parallel
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to the Nigerian shoreline. The length of the onshore section of WAGP would be 36km in this alternative (WAGP, 2000). West-of-Lagos Route A In the West-of-Lagos Route A Option, WAGP would begin at Alagbado Tee and run parallel to an existing Nigerian Gas Company pipeline to Ewekoro; this section would be contained partially within the ROW of the existing pipeline. WAGP would then cross out of that ROW into a ROW parallel to another existing pipeline, that of Shell Petroleum Development Company and Shell Nigeria Gas Limited (SPDC/SNGL), and run alongside the SPDC/SNGL pipeline until it neared Agbara, where it would then turn southwesterly and proceed towards the coastline. SPDC has agreed to share part of the ROW with WAGP, if required. Near Agbara, the pipeline would avoid the Ogun Property & Investment Corporation industrial and housing estate. After Agbara, the area is rural and not well developed. The length of the onshore section of WAGP would be approximately 56km in this alternative (WAGP, 2000). West-of-Lagos Route B West-of-Lagos Route B would initially follow the route of West-of-Lagos Route A but would veer westward south of the town of Igboloye to avoid the towns of Mosafejo and Ilado. The length of the onshore section of WAGP would be approximately 57km in this alternative (WAGP, 2000). West-of-Lagos Route C West-of-Lagos Route C would initially follow the route of West-of-Lagos Route A, except near Agbara the pipeline would run close to the Ologe Lagoon and would pass through an inhabited area near Agbara. The length of the onshore section of WAGP would be approximately 57km in this alternative (WAGP, 2000). Evaluation of Nigerian Routing Options Cost/benefit analysis of East-of-Lagos and West-of-Lagos Route A indicated that the Westof-Lagos Route A was more economic by US$20.6 million. Cost/benefit analysis of Westof-Lagos Routes B and C was not performed because they were judged by WAPCo to be economically similar to West-of-Lagos Route A, as described in a report by WAPCo on Pipeline Routing, Compressor Station and Metering Station Options (WAGP, 2000). Any of the three West-of-Lagos Options is preferable to the East-of-Lagos Option on the basis of availability of suitable land and access to good roads. The particular disadvantages of the East-of-Lagos Option are that it runs close to a populated area near Badore, and that the area east of Lagos is swampy and therefore road access may be limited. This would prove to be a significant drawback during construction and maintenance of the onshore line (WAGP, 2000). For these reasons, the East-of-Lagos site was excluded. The three West-of-Lagos Options are comparable in terms of most of the evaluation factors. However, the options can be distinguished in terms of the suitability of sites for a compressor

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station. Three potential locations were considered for locating a compressor station along the route for the West-of-Lagos Options. These were: Agbara; East of Iworo; and West of Iworo. After considering safety, land availability, population, ease for access for construction and operation, routine maintenance, and operational and environmental factors, the West of Iworo option was considered the optimum location for the compressor station. Because the West-of-Lagos Route A is the only route that would accommodate (or the route best suited for) this compressor location, Route A was chosen with the compressor station to be located near Ajido.

4.3.3 Extending Pipeline Onshore for Gas Delivery to Benin

After selecting the Onshore/Offshore Route as the Overall Routing Option (Section 3.5), WAPCo considered modifying it to reroute the planned onshore section of pipeline through both Benin and Nigeria and locate the compressor station in Krake, Benin, instead of limiting the onshore section of the pipeline to Nigeria and locating the compressor station near Ajido at Badagry Creek, Nigeria. In this permutation, WAGP would thus move offshore in Benin rather than in Nigeria, and Benin would not be supplied by a spur from the offshore pipeline (WAGP, 2002). The main reason for running the pipeline to Benin onshore would be to consolidate facilities and simplify the overall construction of WAGP. The compressor station facility would be combined with the construction of the R&M station already planned as part of the Onshore/Offshore Overall Routing Option, thus eliminating facilities at Badagry Creek and minimizing the number of construction sites (WAGP, 2002). Two revised options for delivering gas to Benin were thus compared against the original options. Benin Onshore Alternative 1 is a modification of West-of-Lagos Route A (Section Benin Onshore Alternative 2 is a modification of West-of-Lagos Route B (Section Benin Onshore Alternative 1 WAGP would initially run along West-of-Lagos Route A, but then veer roughly westsouthwest near Anos Gas Station to continue onshore to a compressor station located in Krake, Benin (Figure 4.3-2), and then run offshore. This option would lengthen the onshore section of the Onshore/Offshore Overall Routing Option by approximately 34km and shorten the offshore section by 30km (WAGP, 2002). Benin Onshore Alternative 2 WAGP would initially run along West-of-Lagos Route B, but instead of turning away from its initial southwesterly course just after Onimosalasi, would continue onshore in a straight line to a compressor station located in Krake, Benin (Figure 4.3-2), and then run offshore.
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Figure 4.3-2 Benin Onshore Routing Alternatives

Figure 4.3-2

Alternative 2

Alternative 1

Krake Compressor Station

1 centimeter equals 3,000 meters

Prepared By:
Drawing Number: Scale: 1:300,000

Figure 4.3-2 Benin

06-May-04 Drawn By: R.F. Bosley


File: Figure 4.3-2.mxd

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File Location Path: Q:\Projects\Benin\mxd\Figure 4.3-2.mxd

Map Projection: Projection Method: Datum: Ellipsoid: Latitude Origin: Longitude Origin: False Easting: False Northing: Scale Factor:

UTM Zone 31N Transverse Mercator World Geodetic System 1984 WGS 84 0.000000000000000N 3.000000000000000E 500000.0000 0.0000 0.9996

4,000 8,000



32,000 Meters


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This option would lengthen the onshore section of the Onshore/Offshore Overall Routing Option by approximately 29km and shorten the offshore section by 24km (WAGP, 2002). Evaluation of Benin Onshore Alternatives The advantage of onshore routing to Benin would be the reduction in personnel requirements that could result from the combination of the compressor station facility and the R&M station into a single location in Krake, rather than having a compressor station at Badagry Creek and an R&M station for the Cotonou spur (from the offshore pipeline). However, the complexity of the compressor station design would increase as a result of interstage draw-off to meet demand in Benin. On one hand, this would reduce the need for compression for the entire system downstream of Benin and would improve energy efficiency. On the other hand, this would increase the risk management required to protect the safety of workers. Furthermore, locating the compressor station at Krake rather than Badagry Creek would increase the length of the onshore pipeline and reduce that of the offshore pipeline. As well as requiring a greater land-take, this might have implications for ease of access for construction and maintenance and for potential disruption to habitats. Furthermore, both Onshore Benin Alternatives would require land outside of existing ROWs. Overall costs would be expected to increase by about US$9 million for both Benin Onshore Alternative 1 and Alternative 2. Also, there is an existing employee base in Nigeria with experience in gas compression, regulation, and monitoring. The benefit of operational experience of Nigerian personnel could thus be lost if the compression station is moved to Krake (WAGP, 2000). Therefore, on the basis of ease of operation of the system and consequent safety considerations, minimizing potential environmental impacts, and cost advantage, the option of retaining the proposed compressor station at Badagry Creek, and not extending the onshore section of pipeline into Benin, is preferred.


Onshore Lateral and R&M Station Alternatives

4.4.1 Onshore Lateral and R&M Station Alternatives in Benin

Onshore lateral and R&M station alternatives in Benin are described in Section 4.4.1 of the Regional and Benin Final Draft EIA.

4.4.2 Onshore Lateral Alternatives in Togo

Onshore lateral and R&M station alternatives in Togo are described in Section 4.4.2 of the Regional and Togo Final Draft EIA.

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Design Considerations

4.5.1 Sizing of Offshore Pipeline and Midline Compression Facilities

The alternatives for the diameter of the offshore pipeline were 20in and 18in. The 20in pipeline alternative has been selected as it has a greater capacity than the 18in and requires no midline compression, based on the mid-case gas demand forecast. If the 18in alternative were to have been selected and implemented, then a midline compression facility similar to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station (Section 2.4.3) would have had to be installed at Lom (Section 2.4.5 of Togo Final Draft EIA) just in order to meet the demand for the mid-case gas reserve forecast. This midline compressor station would not have been built until at least 13 years after the beginning of the project. Even with a 20in pipeline, a midline compressor station will be required at Lom should gas demands meet the high-case reserve forecast. Such a compressor station would require a supplemental environmental impact assessment (EIA) to evaluate the associated environmental and social impacts beyond land use and other footprint impacts described in this EIA. (WAPCo is acquiring the land for the future midline compressor station as part of the initial development and will fence off the area pending future demand and the need for compressor station construction.)

4.5.2 Future Compression Facilities at Takoradi

Future compressor station facilities at Takoradi are described in Section 4.5.2 of the Regional and Ghana Final Draft EIA.



4.6.1 Pipeline Construction Methods Offshore Lateral Burial As stated in Section, the pipeline will be buried or covered to avoid exposure at water depths shallower than 8m. This will be done to prevent scouring from high sea currents in the shallow zones. Consistent with pipeline industry practice in the West African region, the pipeline will lie exposed on the existing seabed in waters deeper than 8m. As an alternative, WAPCo considered burying or covering the pipeline in all waters shallower than 30m. Burying pipeline sections shallower than 30m provides the additional benefits of reducing the potential entanglement of trawlers fishing gear and hindering sabotage. These additional benefits were not fully achieved at shallower depths and thus intermediate depths between 8m and 30m were not considered further. Changing the cutoff between exposed and buried pipeline sections from an 8m depth to a 30m depth reduces the total length of exposed pipe. Thus the total stretch of artificial reef that develops through the attraction of sessile organisms to the hard pipeline surface is also reduced. Shortening the length of the reef results in fewer marine communities in the

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surrounding areas. Although having fewer marine communities may be considered a smaller environmental advantage, it would result in a smaller attraction for fishing vessels; therefore, the 30m alternative would pose a lesser risk of entanglement. Consequently, there would be a health and safety advantage for the deeper cutoff between exposed and buried pipeline sections. The 30m alternative would, however, have the disadvantage of suspending more sediment and smothering more benthos because trenching would be required over a longer distance at Tema and Takoradi. Furthermore, trenching would be required for part of the shore crossings at Cotonou and Lom because the distance from the shoreline to a point where the ocean depth of 30m is too great for horizontal directional drilling (HDD) alone. WAPCo rejected the 30m alternative on the basis of the above considerations. Options for protecting the offshore pipeline are discussed further in Chapter 7. Wetland Crossings WAPCo considered HDD as an alternative method to push-method trenching for crossing larger or more sensitive wetland areas and perennially flowing streams. In the case of the wetland areas, HDD would cause less of an impact overall because it would bypass the wetlands. In the case of perennially flowing streams, HDD would be easier to perform. However, WAPCo deemed that those advantages were not enough to warrant the extra cost of HDD or offset the higher probability of operational failure with HDD and so decided to use push-method trenching. Lagoon Crossings WAPCos favored alternative for the lagoon crossing in Nigeria is HDD, as described in Section, because HDD would avoid impacts to the lagoon by bypassing it. Nonetheless, push-method trenching may have to be used if it is found that the soil conditions are not suitable for HDD. In Nigeria, the possibility exists for the lagoon crossing to be combined with the shore crossing (i.e., HDD from the north shore of the lagoon out to the ocean thus bypassing the barrier island); however, this alternative may prove technically infeasible and a decision is pending until further detailed analyses are completed. Nearshore Trenching and Shore Crossings Nearshore trenching and shore crossing alternatives arise in Ghana and are discussed in Section of the Regional and Ghana Final Draft EIA Rev 1.

4.6.2 Equipment Transport to Compressor Station

The two options under consideration for the transport of heavy equipment to the compressor station site are discussed in Section, namely transport:

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By road from the Port of Lagos; and By water through Badagry Creek to a purpose-built dock 200m from the compressor station site and then along a purpose-built access road to the site. WAPCo also considered: Construction of a temporary dock in the lagoon within the ROW (with an associated access road); Construction of a bypass road around Ajido connecting an existing road to the compressor station site; and Transport along existing roads from the Port of Cotonou via Badagry. Construction of a temporary dock by the lagoon within the ROW was rejected because the access road that would be required is (at 900m) much longer than if the dock is located as described in Section Construction of a bypass road around Ajido has been rejected because of the higher associated environmental impacts. The area that would have to be traversed is predominantly freshwater marsh, which serves many ecological functions for the surrounding habitat. Transport along existing roads from the Port in Cotonou via Badagry was rejected because of the risk of disruption due to sudden border closures.

4.6.3 Ancillary Facility Construction Weight Coating Plant(s) The weight coating plant operations are discussed in Section 2.8.7, where the nature of operations, the frequency of transport movements, and the materials management methods are described. Weight-coating operations will be undertaken in both a new plant in Tema and an existing plant in Nigeria. Material management summaries are provided for total production in Section The distribution of operations between the two sites has recently been determined. The 13km of onshore 30in pipe requiring concrete coating will be coated in the existing facilities near the Onne Free Zone in Nigeria so as to reduce transportation impacts. The weight coating of offshore pipe (varying diameters) will all be done in Tema. As stated there, a new concrete weight-coating plant will be built on a 17 hectare (42 acre) industrial site near the port of Tema on land owned by the Free Zone Board. Originally, this was WAPCos second preference: WAPCos originally selected alternative was to install weight-coating equipment in existing industrial premises adjacent to the Port of Tema (owned by the Ghana Ports and Harbours Authority). However, the premises became unavailable thus ruling out that alternative. That alternative was originally WAPCos first choice because it would not have entailed the impacts associated with preparing a new site and constructing a new facility, and would have
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been closer to the port than the new site and thus would have resulted in relatively less vehicle traffic outside of the port zone and fewer required infrastructural upgrades, such as road widening and resurfacing. Furthermore, the preparation of a greenfield site will take approximately one additional month for concrete plant mobilization than the first-choice alternative would have mainly because of soil grading requirements and establishing utilities. WAPCo rejected the alternative of importing pre-coated concrete pipe because of the increased transportation costs of importing bulkier, heavier pipe from outside the region, which would double the shipping cost. Importantly, materials and labor required for concrete coating are very accessible locally, which allows for employment of local personnel and provides local content opportunities and technology transfer. Marshalling Yard(s) As stated in Section, WAPCos preferred alternative is that there be one marshalling yard in Nigeria, of area 3 hectares (7.4 acres) within the 8.5ha (21 acres) staging area for the compressor station (Section However, discussions with the construction contractor may lead WAPCo to conclude that an extra marshalling yard is necessary. If so, WAPCos preference would be for it to be situated at the midline valve location. In any case, WAPCos approval criteria for marshalling yards stipulate that: The number of marshalling yards will not exceed three in total; No greenfield sites (undisturbed areas) shall be utilized; and Locations with optimally low associated impacts will be favored over alternative sites. Concrete Supply for Compressor Station WAPCos preference is for concrete piles and foundations to be obtained pre-cast off-site. WAPCos second-choice alternative of using off-site concrete batch plants is disfavored as WAPCo deems it to offer insufficient security of supply and increased vehicular traffic outside of the immediate area of the compressor station (assuming that aggregate raw materials and cement material are delivered via barge). WAPCos least-preferred alternative for concrete supply is to operate a temporary concrete batch plant at the site of the compressor station. Section describes the only such plant that WAPCo has determined is required. Construction Camps WAPCo anticipates that it may not be possible to house all workers involved in construction of the compressor station in existing local accommodations so provisions will be made for closed camp facilities in the vicinity of the compressor station, as described in Section

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Similarly, as stated in Section, provision will be made for a camp to accommodate construction workers working on the onshore Nigeria segment although WAPCos preference is to use existing local off-site accommodations for workers who do not commute from their own homes locally. No other construction camps are planned, as fewer workers will be required at other construction sites and they will be recruited locally and lodged in local accommodations.


Commissioning and Start-up

4.7.1 Treatment of Hydrotest Water Prior to Discharge

The alternative of not treating the hydrotest water was considered and rejected because of the risk of corrosion occurring if untreated water were left in the pipe for a significant period. A possible scenario for water being left in the pipe would be a delay in the construction of the offshore pipeline leading to a delay in the discharge of hydrotest water from the onshore mainline. Neutralization prior to discharge will occur at discharge locations in Benin, Ghana and Togo and is described in Section 4.7.1 of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs.

4.7.2 Discharge of Hydrotest Water

Treated hydrotest water will be discharged in Benin, Ghana and Togo and is described in Section 4.7.2 of the Benin, Ghana and Togo Final Draft EIAs.


Project Operations

4.8.1 Liquid Storage Tanks

WAPCo has decided that there should be no buried storage tanks because of the risk of leaks to soil and groundwater resources (e.g., in Lom where there is a shallow aquifer used by local market gardeners). WAPCo has decided to use aboveground tanks, which are easier to maintain and inspect, and for which secondary containment can be provided. Open pits and sumps have been rejected for the same reasons. Lined sumps and pits were considered but rejected due to the greater environmental risks and the higher construction costs compared to tanks, particularly in light of the small liquid volumes expected.

4.8.2 Waste Management

Waste disposal is discussed in Section 2.5 and Chapter 8. One management option, on-site incineration, has been rejected on grounds of potential impacts from atmospheric emissions.

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4.8.3 Sanitary Waste Water Disposal

The general options for sanitary waste water disposal at the Alagbado Tee, Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Control Center as follows: Treatment in a septic tank system and discharge into soil via a suitably prepared drainage field; Treatment in a septic tank system and discharge into receiving waters; and Treatment in a septic tank system and hauling off-site for disposal. WAPCo has not yet finally decided which option(s) to use. The first option is WAPCos preferred option because it has the least associated impacts to the environment and is costeffective. The second option does have an associated impact to surface waters and, in any case, is not feasible at all sites. The third option would have environmental and cost impacts associated with the transport of the waste water along roads. (Sections and

4.8.4 Stormwater Management

WAPCo considered installing oil-water separators but rejected this alternative as unnecessary on the grounds that process areas where stormwater could come into contact with operating equipment will be covered and any stormwater (or washwater) from this area will drain to the facility liquids-handling tanks (Sections and Low stormwater volumes collected with industrial process water would then be handled as industrial waste water and disposed off-site. Stormwater collection facilities separate from the facility liquids-handling tanks were also considered, but this design was rejected because the volume of collected stormwater is likely to be low due to the covering of operating equipment.

4.8.5 Utilities Power Supply The Tee and the compressor station will be supplied by fossil-fuel generators. The following alternatives were considered for energy supply to WAPCo facilities: Fossil-fuel use (on-site natural-gas and back-up diesel generators); Connecting to existing power grid; and Off-grid solar power. Each has its own merits but WAPCo judged that only a fossil-fuel generator would provide a secure, sufficient, autonomous power supply.

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The costs of connecting to a local power grid would be low, but WAPCo has judged that this alternative grid supply would not be reliable enough for operational and long-term needs (except at the Takoradi R&M station). Off-grid solar power would provide an autonomous power supply with low environmental impacts but at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station the cost of solar power would be prohibitive due to the size and number of battery storage facilities and size of solar panel equipment. However, solar power will be used as a partial back-up supply at the Alagbado Tee. Water Supply Desalination to meet water needs was considered but rejected on costbenefit grounds for all WAPCo facilities, particularly in light of relatively low volume needs for operations. Instead, as described in Sections and, wells will be sunk to groundwater at all WAPCo facilities (except at the Takoradi R&M station, which will be tied into the existing Volta River Authority water system). There remains a doubt as to whether sinking a well will be feasible at the Tee; should that prove to be the case, water will be purchased locally and trucked in.

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Chapter 5 Existing Situation

This chapter describes the existing environment and resources as relevant to the EIA. The project study area includes both the onshore and offshore environments in Nigeria that could potentially be impacted by the proposed WAGP project. The offshore section of the proposed pipeline extends about 40km along the coast of Nigeria from Badagry Beach (Figure 5.1-1). The onshore section of the pipeline in Nigeria runs 56km from the Alagbado tie-in point to Badagry Beach (Figure 5.1-2).

Natural Environment
The climate in the area is tropical with alternating wet and dry seasons. Air quality in the rural areas is generally good, while air quality in cities is poor, with elevated concentrations of carbon monoxide, lead, volatile hydrocarbons, ozone, and particulate matter all pollutants associated with transportation sources. Existing concentrations of particulate matter exceed European and World Bank long-term standards in certain samples, indicating that existing air quality may be poor (with respect to particulates) in certain parts of the study area.

From the Alagbado Tee in Nigeria, the proposed pipeline Right of Way (ROW) follows an existing natural gas ROW already cleared of natural cover for the first 40km of its route (Alagbado Tee near Itoko to the Agbara Estate area). The ROW passes through a patchwork mosaic of fallow, agricultural, and residential areas with some secondary forest and seasonal wetlands. This pattern is mostly sustained through the uncleared new ROW route to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, where the ROW then passes though the marsh, Badagry Creek, and the sandy barrier island, and out to sea. Soils near the shoreline tend to be sandy; away from the immediate coast, soils derived from the sedimentary rock are highly weathered, with low organic content, and of low inherent fertility. Soils in swamps/marshy areas tend to be acidic, with high organic content. Soils in the study area are generally free from metals or hydrocarbon contamination. Surface water bodies (both tidal and non-tidal) in the ROW include Badagry Creek, Yewa River, the Ologe Lagoon, and tributaries of the River Owo. The physical and chemical characteristics of the surface water bodies do not indicate the presence of contaminants (although water quality for drinking is relatively poor). In general, water bodies in the study area are characterized by low turbidity. Tidal waters are near neutral, non-tidal waters are slightly acidic, and water from hand-dug wells is acidic. Tidal waters are slightly brackish; non-tidal and hand-dug well waters are relatively fresh. Sediments from the investigated area of Badagry Creek are essentially sandy, ranging from sandy silt (at Topo Island), through clayey sand (at the ROW), to sand eastward of the ROW. Sediments from the non-tidal

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water bodies contain more silt and clay. The wide range of sediment pH (3.4 to 8) measured in the dry season is due to variations in sediment grain size, organic carbon content, and the surrounding ecosystems in the brackish to saltwater environments. Measured coliform bacterial densities suggest that some of the water bodies may not be potable. Plankton community samples indicate that the brackish waters have high productivity. The finfish fauna reflects the mixed nature of the water environment comprising marine, brackish, and freshwater species. Fish communities in habitats connected with marine areas have species that are exclusively onshore, some that are exclusively marine, and others that travel between the two habitats. These habitats are therefore often rather rich in species and in abundance. The onshore habitats in Nigeria contain typical assemblages of birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates, as the habitats tend to be both typical and common for the broader area where each is found. Certain habitats, such as mangroves, heavily vegetated wetlands, and secondary forests, support higher biodiversity and more protected species than other habitats. Terrestrial species of concern include pythons, monitor lizards, Nile crocodile, sitatunga, herons, egrets, and hawks.

The offshore region is classified as a Large Marine Ecosystem (LME) by the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development. The northern portion is thermally unstable and undergoes intensive seasonal upwellings; the southern portion is thermally stable and depends on the nutrient input from land drainage, river flows, and wave turbulence. These characteristics make the area highly productive and rich in fishery resources and biological diversity. Species diversity and abundance of plankton is linked to seasonal variation of the oceanographic regime and the rapid development of plankton has a rippling effect on fish populations. Fish production in the Gulf of Guinea is high and the migration of important fish stocks (e.g., herrings, shads, mackerels, tunas, and jacks) is dependent on upwelling events and the movement of climatic fronts and ocean currents. The rich fishery resource supports artisanal fisheries, local industrial fleets, and large international commercial offshore fishing fleets. Sea turtles nest on the sandy beaches near the shoreline crossing locations. Other marine species of concern include cetaceans (whales), dolphins, and the West African manatee. Physicochemical properties of the water column in the ocean indicate a healthy marine environment. Turbidity is generally low in the offshore, oceanic waters; however, there is a coastal zone of turbid, greenish water, which meets the clearer oceanic water 6km to 8km from the coast. On the seabed, the benthic communities are mature and in equilibrium with local physical conditions indicating little disturbance; biological composition of the benthos is generally homogeneous. Concentrations of metals and hydrocarbons were similar to region-wide averages, indicating little or no contamination.

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Human Environment
The proposed pipeline route onshore is all within the Lagos metropolitan area. As compared to most rural residents in Nigeria, many of the residents in the surveyed communities enjoy relatively high income and access to infrastructure and are relatively cosmopolitan. However, access to water within the immediate pipeline vicinity has been a problem for some communities (the quality of water is poor and often polluted), and most residents surveyed use open pit latrines for sanitation. The Lagos area is more densely populated and experiencing more rapid population growth than other areas in Nigeria. A plurality (43 percent) of residents surveyed are self-employed; other major sources of employment include the public (24 percent) and private sectors (22 percent). Traditional, rural fishing or non-fishing villages of mostly native peoples exist near the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and Badagry Beach. Residents in most of the surveyed communities have access to basic infrastructure, including education and health care facilities. The Yoruba make up the overwhelming majority of the population in the project area. Although the majority of households in the surveyed communities are native to their respective community, there are no indigenous peoples, as defined by World Bank policy, in the pipeline ROW. For the pipeline itself, the actual amount of land taken in any area along the pipeline route is at most a 25 meter-wide strip. Thus, the project would affect relatively few people in any one locality and would in general only affect an isolated portion of a larger village or community. The planned pipeline and associated facilities will contact about 2,500 individual land plots in 27 settlements. About 67,000 people live in the communities along or near the pipeline. A total of 149 structures were within the ROW at the time of the estate survey; 97 of these were residential (28 fully complete, 35 partially complete, 24 only a foundation). Fully complete structures generally are cement block or concrete with metal roofs (aluminum or galvanized iron). Important cultural resources exist in the vicinity of the ROW, including churches, gravesites, praying grounds, shrines, and the homes and palaces of traditional rulers. The planning of the pipeline ROW and the related facilities included consideration of environmental and socioeconomic issues and care was taken to avoid community and population centers and cultural areas. This final plan avoided these resources and the need for major resettlement of people.


Existing Environment and Resources

This section gives a descriptive overview of the environment around the pipeline Right of Way (ROW) and compressor station starting from the shoreline at Badagry to the tie-in point at Alagbado (Figure 5.1-1). Information reported is based on a combination of literature search, field studies, and laboratory analyses. A First Season Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) was conducted in December 2002, during the dry season, while a wet season EBS was conducted during the wet season in July 2003. Results of fieldwork discussed below come
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Figure 5.1-1 Location of the WAGP Project Within Nigeria from Alagbado Tee to Badagry
242'0"E 360'0"E 318'0"E




Alagbado Tee

( Porto Novo! ( Lagos!

Badagri Beach




! (


Pipeline Station

! !

Compressor Station (Proposed) Gas Terminal Inlet Nigerian ROW WAGP Final Route




Kilometers 25
3 -18



Bathymetric Contour (Meters)


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from the dry season EBS unless otherwise noted. Details of these two studies can be found in the First Season EBS Report (Appendix 5-A), which documents the dry season results, and the Second Season EBS Report (Appendix 5-B), which documents the wet season results. The EBS reports document in detail the scientific collections and analyses performed for baseline purposes, scientific and regulatory data collection expectations of the host countries, and/or in the event of future liability challenges. Liability challenges could include charges of pollution and or ecological impacts resulting from WAGP construction or operations. Quantitative data are compared, where possible, to relevant reference levels (including regulatory standards) in order to provide the reader with an understanding of the current overall quality of the existing environment and resources. As directed by the legal authorities identified in Chapter 1 (Section 1.3), certain impacts that are relevant to the proposed gas pipeline are identified and assessed in this document (see Chapter 6). The review of existing conditions is in accordance with the laws, regulations, and other guidelines of Nigeria, as well as international guidelines. The Nigerian section of the proposed pipeline ROW includes approximately 56 kilometers (km) onshore (from Badagry Beach to the Alagbado tie-in point). For the environment north of Agbara, the pipeline is sited alongside an existing pipeline. The environmental baseline studies prepared for that pipeline (Shell Nigeria Gas Limited, 2000) were reviewed for descriptive information. The information and data in that report were supplemented by additional studies. The biological setting of the coastal/nearshore part of the proposed ROW is visible in Figure 5.1-2. The pipeline comes out of the waters of the Atlantic and crosses a sandy beach around Badagry, then a barrier island that consists of a sandy beach, used mainly used as a landing point for small fishing crafts by the local villagers, a coconut grove (which is also farmed), and a more intensively farmed strip of land. Just before the lagoon (Badagry Creek), the ROW crosses a narrow strip of marshland colonized by naturally occurring sedges (Cyperus spp.), often harvested by the local population for the purpose of mat making. In addition, some portions of this strip are planted with sugarcane, a flood tolerant crop. From this strip, the ROW enters Badagry Creek and emerges into a strip of marshland and degraded raphia palm area. This strip of land is subjected to inundation for most parts of the year and the raphia palms that grow therein, along with some tall grasses and sedges, are burned annually. The ROW then crosses another strip of bare/cleared coastal savannah used primarily as grazing land for livestock (and usually heavily overgrazed). It is burned each year by the cattle rearers in order to hasten the regrowth of grasses for their livestock. The ROW then enters a raphia-dominated freshwater forest that occurs around Agbara; near here the ROW links to the already existing Shell pipeline. Agricultural practices in the vicinity include permanent crop farming (mostly cola nuts). Hunting is a regular occupation, as several wildlife species occur in the area. The ROW crosses from there into farmlands that are either active or undergoing fallow periods. Typically, such farmlands are either within and around settlements or not too far from them. From the farmlands, the ROW moves into secondary forest, which is occasionally interspersed with farmlands and residential areas. This mosaic

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Figure 5.1-2 Onshore Sampling Locations in Nigeria

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pattern is sustained until the ROW terminates at the tie-in station in Alagbado, with the last 3 km to 5 km under various levels of residential development. Table 5.1-1 provides an estimate of the length in meters (m) and area in hectares (ha) of each habitat/land cover type within the proposed ROW in Nigeria. Table 5.1-1 Land Cover Estimates for Proposed ROW
Habitat/Land Cover Lagoon Bare/Cleared/Farm/Settlement Beach Coconut Grove Forest/Secondary Forest Forested Wetland Grassland Mosaic with Interspersed Wetlands Marsh Mosaic of Forested and Cleared Total Total Length (m) Area (ha) 533 1.3 2,507 6.3 37 0.1 213 0.5 27,328 68.3 8,663 21.7 3,201 8.0 704 1.8 12,813 32.0 56,000 140


Onshore Environment

A number of discrete ecological communities were identified in the dry season EBS within two broad regions: coastal/nearshore and inland/onshore (Table 5.1-2). The descriptions below generally follow this categorization. In addition, affected wetlands were mapped as part of the wet season EBS, and more detailed results can be found in the Second Season EBS Report (Appendix 5-B). Figure 5.1-2 shows the onshore sampling locations. Table 5.1-2 Broad Community Characterizations in the Project Area
Area Coastal/Nearshore Community Characterizations Strandline/Sandy Beach Coconut-Dominated Barrier Island Bare Land/Cleared Land/Farms and Grassland Mosaic Marshy Swamp Raphia Palm-Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest with Cyperus and Reeds Grassy/Cleared Area and Coastal Savanna Mosaic of Bush Fallow/Farmland/Built Up Area Secondary Forest (patches within other types)


Physical Environment

This subsection presents information on the physical environment of the onshore parts of the project location. The environment discussed here covers the onshore stretch of the pipeline, from the tie-in point at Alagbado, Ogun State, to Badagry Beach, Lagos State, in Nigeria.

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The climate in the Gulf of Guinea and Central Eastern Atlantic is strongly influenced by Inter-tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) weather patterns. Maritime tropical air masses, characterized by warm, humid southwesterly winds and the continental air mass, characterized by hot, dry northeasterly winds, converge in the ITCZ. The alternating wet season and dry season phenomenon is determined by the north-south oscillation of air masses in the ITCZ. Winds from the southwest and south-southwest blow year round with monthly averages between 2 meters per second (m/s) and 4m/s. While there are two main seasons during the course of the year, the annual weather patterns are somewhat more complicated due to a short break in the wet season in August. The typical weather is as follows: Long summer rainy period stretches from April to July and starts with storms and strong, humid southwesterly winds. There is an upwelling event along the shoreline in July; Short dry period occurs in August as rainfall amounts suddenly decline about 75 percent; Short rainy period is associated with decreasing winds and a weak upwelling during October and November. Ocean surface temperatures increase during September, reaching 28 degrees Celsius (C); and Long dry season stretches from December to March and is characterized by persistent Harmattan winds, which derive from anticyclone systems in the north. The mean annual rainfall in the region ranges from 500 millimeters (mm) to 2,000mm. During the wet season, rainfall events can be as much as 140mm per day. Along the coast, the mean annual rainfall ranges between 920mm and 1491mm. As one would expect at near sea level in the equatorial zone, temperatures are high and only vary approximately 8C throughout the year. Maximum temperatures are 32C during the dry season (February, March), and a minimum of 22C often occurs in August. Land Use

Land use is discussed below by broad community type (e.g. Table 5.1-1). Since land use is strongly related to land cover, the latter is also described. Additional details on land use can be found in the Socioeconomic Impact Assessment.

The coastal region of the study area encompasses mostly the stretch of barrier island that occurs between the Atlantic Ocean and the Badagry Creek. This strip of barrier island varies in width, from 500m to 900m. The characteristics of the vegetative cover are available from

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recent imagery (e.g. Figure 5.1-1) and a land cover map can be found in the appendix to the EBS (Appendix 5-A). The barrier island contains four major land cover types: Strandline/Sandy Beach This land cover type occurs immediately at the edge of the Atlantic Ocean and consists of mostly bare sands inhabited by creeping plants (mainly rhizomatous and stoloniferous1) above the shoreline. The soils are medium to coarse grained and are very deep, mostly exceeding the 1m-mark. The large sizes of the sand grains make the soils relatively immune to wind and water erosion. Coconut Dominated Barrier Island This land cover type occurs immediately beyond the strandline and is very extensive within the study area, especially around the proposed beach crossing at Badagry. The coconuts are quite matured with an average height of 20m. The undergrowth consists of tall grasses with a few scattered shrubs. Settlements consisting of thatched huts occur within this land cover and the spaces between the coconuts are farmed intensively. The major crop grown is cassava. The soils here are sandy but with finer grain size. The grains become finer with distance from the shoreline. Bare Land/Cleared Land/Farms and Grassland Mosaic This land cover category consists of a mixture of cleared land and/or natural clearings and grasslands. The vegetation consists of grasses such as spear grass (Cynodon dactylon and Andropogon gayanus). There are also a few trees like the black plum and young coconut trees. The soils are generally sandy, but very fine, and are deep, loose, and friable. Crops planted in the area include cassava, yams, and maize. The area is seasonally burned. Cassava plots within the scattered young coconut palms and mango trees are common. Marshy Swamps This land cover consists of a narrow belt of marshy area at the fringe of Lagos Lagoon. Extensive mats of the sledge Cyperus and scattered stands of coconut and flood tolerant trees dominate this area. Cyperus is used locally in making mats. The plant is considered to have great economic value by the people in the area. The area is cropped with coconuts, sugarcane, oil palm, and plantain. The area is poorly drained and this, coupled with the massive clayey structure of the soils, subjects the area to inundation, which makes access difficult.

The inland portion of the site consists of the land cover types described below.

A rhizome is a horizontal plant stem with shoots above and roots below serving as a reproductive structure; a stolon is a horizontal branch from the base of plant that produces new plants from buds at its tips.

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Raphia PalmDominated Freshwater Swamp Forest with Cyperus and Reeds This land cover category is quite extensive around the area. The soils in this area are generally poorly drained, very poorly aerated (due to water-logging), massive in structure, deeply flooded, and contain a high content of organic material. Grassy/Cleared Area and Coastal Savanna This belt is heavily grazed and subjected to annual burning. There are scattered shrubs and trees within the large expanse of grasses. Soils in this habitat are loose, generally noncoherent, and sandy. Mosaic of Bush Fallow/Farmland/Built-up Area Active and fallow farmlands make up this land cover type, which is quite often close to settlements. Cassava and yams form the major crops in the area, although fast growing trees also occur. A few orchard trees such as mango and guava are also planted, especially close to residences. The soils are well-drained sandy loam and friable. Cultural Resources

The cultural resources observed on-site during fieldwork for the EBS include burial grounds and ancestral shrines. In all, two ancient cemeteries were observed, one at Aradagun Village and the other at Ajido. However, neither of the two cemeteries is located within a 2km offset of the pipeline ROW. Numerous shrines associated with traditional religion are also found within the proximity of project activities. Section 5.3 provides more detail on cultural resources. Geology and Hydrogeology

The geology of the onshore part of the study area is mostly sedimentary, classified as Cretaceous Tertiary and Quaternary sediments (Buchanan and Pugh, 1955). Jones and Hockey (1964) recognized five major geological formations in this area (Table 5.1-3). The oldest sediments in this area were laid down during the transgression of the sea from the south in late Senonian times. Subsequently, the history is one of gradual retreat of the sea accompanied by subsidence, which allowed accumulation of sediments near the present-day coastline in the southwest and southeast. Table 5.1-3 Sedimentary Formations in the Overall Nigeria Onshore Project Area
Geological Formation Alluvium Coastal Plain Sands Ilaro Formation (sands, clays, and shales) Age Recent Pleistocene to Oligocene Upper Eocene Middle Eocene Lower Eocene Paleocene Upper Senonian

Ewekoro Formation (shales and limestones) Abeokuta Formation (sandstones and clays)

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Generally, the Abeokuta Formation is predominantly arenaceous at the base, with considerable thickness of clays and shales of continental to marine origin. It is bounded to the north by the basement complex and merges imperceptibly into the Ewekoro Formation to the south. The Ewekoro Formation consists of fossiliferous paleocene limestone and shales. The shale gives rise to a distinct group of clayey soils, most of which are poorly drained to seasonally swampy. The coastal plain sand is mostly soft, poorly sorted, clayey sands, pebble sands, and sandy clay, and is lithologically indistinguishable from the Ilaro Formation. They all weather into red and brown sandy soils and clayey grits, but are modified by the seasonally fluctuating water table as conditioned by topography (relief). The recent alluvial material overlies the coastal plain sand and Ilaro and Ewekoro Formations, and is mainly a deposit of littoral and lagoonal sediments of the coastal belt and the alluvial sediments of the major rivers. Table 5.1-4 contains results from the dry season EBS Vertical Electrical Sounding (VES) survey around the proposed compressor station. The table shows a 5-layered subsurface with resistivity values and thicknesses. There are two water-bearing horizons; the first is encountered from a depth of about 5m to 30m except at locations five and six where this occurs at a depth of about 2m to 4m. The second water-bearing horizon is separated from the first by a dry sand layer varying in thickness from about 4m to 35m. The results indicate that the water table is about 10m below the ground surface. The VES diagrams are presented in Appendix 5-A while the borehole logs are shown in Figure 5.1-3. Based on the VES survey and the observations from three monitoring wells drilled around the compressor station site, groundwater was determined to be flowing in a northeasterly direction. This is depicted in Figure 5.1-4.

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Table 5.1-4 Summary of the Hydrogeophysical Characteristics at the Six VES Stations
VES Location Number of Layers 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 Resistivity (Ohm-m) 8248.2 26941.4 2848.7 25892.2 280.8 23572.4 4852.0 4565.7 12646.1 338.9 26010.7 18718.6 1453.5 8747.7 701.1 26649.5 19099.7 3128.6 10223.1 593.6 3811.2 33941.8 2861.2 6214.7 1295.0 10915.7 41428.1 1206.6 75080.6 3145.1 Thickness (m) 0.1 4.8 17.4 12.5 Infinity 4.9 0.1 24.9 20.5 Infinity 1.7 6.3 7.6 34.5 Infinity 1.2 5.3 19.1 24.0 Infinity 0.2 2.0 1.8 20.6 Infinity 0.7 1.4 1.4 4.8 Infinity Depth (m) 0.1 4.9 22.3 34.8 Infinity 4.9 5.0 29.9 50.4 Infinity 1.7 8.0 15.7 50.2 Infinity 1.2 6.5 25.6 49.6 Infinity 0.2 2.2 4.0 24.6 Infinity 0.7 2.1 3.5 8.3 Infinity Comments Topsoil Dry sand Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand Topsoil Dry sand Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand Topsoil Dry sand Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand Topsoil Dry sand Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand Topsoil Mottled clay Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand Topsoil Mottled clay Wet sand Dry sand Wet sand

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Figure 5.1-3 Borehole Lithology


Figure 5.1-4 Direction of Groundwater Flow

BH 2 06o2500N 002o5920E DTW = 6m

BH 3 06o2459N 002o5922E DTW = 8m

BH 1 KEY: General Groundwater Flow Direction BH Borehole DTW Depth to Water 06o2459N 002o5921E DTW =7m

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Results from laboratory analyses of groundwater samples from the boreholes indicate approximately neutral pH, trace/non-existent heavy metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (Tables 5.1-5 and 5.1-6). Analysis of groundwater for potability occurred in the wet season EBS and these results can be found in Appendix 5-B. Table 5.1-5 Groundwater Trace Metals Concentrations (ppm)*
Manganese Chromium Cadmium








6.8 7.1 6.9

0.015 0.014 0.012

<0.001 <0.001 <0.001

0.041 0.041 0.051

<0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.024 0.041

<0.001 <0.001 <0.001

0.028 0.059 0.061

0.085 1.063 1.502

* ppm = parts per million.

Table 5.1-6 Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Content (ppm) of the Groundwater at the Proposed Compressor Station Site
Component Naphthalene 2-Methyl Naphthalene Acenaphthalene Acenaphthene Florene Phenathrene Anthracene Fluoranthene Pyrene Benzo(a)anthracene Crysene Benzo(b)fluoranthrene Benzo(a)pyrene Benzo(k)fluoranthrene Indeno(1,2,3) perylene Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene Benzo(g,h,i) perylene Total ( ppm) BH1 0.000 0.030 0.025 0.000 0.000 0.055 0.068 0.079 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.257 BH2 0.000 0.021 0.017 0.000 0.000 0.073 0.082 0.112 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.306 BH3 0.000 0.019 0.014 0.000 0.000 0.047 0.092 0.107 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.280

The assessment of deeper groundwater hydrology focused on the location of the proposed compressor station. Hydrogeology was not investigated in the rest of the ROW due to the fact that no impacts to groundwater are anticipated because the pipeline will be buried in the upper soil depths, and therefore impacts to deep groundwater hydrology would not be expected over the entire length of the onshore portion of the pipeline. Shallow groundwater

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resources were assessed during the Second Season EBS and the results can be found in Appendix 5-B. Soils and Terrain/Topography

Soils in the project area are considered to have developed in the superficial recent alluvium (Thomas, 1959; Hansell, 1965). It was observed that the recent alluvial material deposits were more than 67.2m deep in areas around Pakuro (near Ilaro) and 125m deep in areas around Dahomey (Benin Republic). Therefore, the various underlying sedimentary formations are likely to have very little to no influence on the soils. Marine deposition of sand (Adejuwon, 1974) and the accumulation of lagoonal and continental dead organic matter, along with the sedimentation of materials brought down by rivers and fluvial sorting of the sand ridge materials after emergence, contribute to the production of the recent alluvium, which gives rise to the soils in the area. Moss (1957) also indicated that soils in the area were developed from sandstone, terrace sands, shale, and river alluvium. The soils are slightly acidic in the top horizons (pH range of 4.3 to 6.0) and this acidity increases with soil depth (subsoil pH ranges from 3.5 to 4.8). The exchangeable bases and cation exchange capacity are generally low (Amusan and Ashaye, 1989), varying from 0.34 centimoles of positive charge per kilogram (cmol (+) Kg-1) to 14.82 cmol (+) Kg-1 and 1.14 cmol (+) Kg-1 to 21.06 cmol (+) Kg-1 soil, respectively. The percent aluminum saturation of the soils is high, especially in the subsoil, and this suggests possible mobilization of heavy metals in the subsoil, due mainly to poor drainage, poor aeration, and acidic solum. Soil pH is important because metals buried in certain acidic soils may need to be protected against external corrosion. Soils in the project area tend to be near neutral or slightly acidic at the surface, with increasing acidity at greater depths, and have low total organic matter (TOC) content (see Table 5.1-7c). In contrast, the hydric soils2 in swamps/marshy areas tend to be acidic, with high TOC. In the freshwater forested swamps, soils are often flooded or waterlogged. Soils in the marshy swamps, such as those dominated by sedges (Cyperus spp.), exhibit poor drainage and are muddy. Erosion susceptibility of the swampy soils is low, but the soils can easily be puddled and degraded if worked when wet. In acidic areas (pH less than 6) of poor drainage, metals, such as naturally occurring or exogenous iron (Fe) and aluminum (Al), may be mobilized (i.e., there is a potential for corrosion to occur). Soils of more upland forests and coastal savannas tend to have low organic matter content with neutral to slight acidity, be well drained but have moist sub-soils. Soils in areas that have been repeatedly cleared tend be sandy, loose and well drained. In habitats other than swamps, soil redox values indicate the presence of adequate oxygen important for soil microand macro-organisms and for processes such as decomposition in the soil.

Hydric soils are characterized by excessive moisture and are prone to flooding and saturation during at least the wet season.

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Samples were collected from the various habitat types identified within the study area during the first season field sampling. Based on observations from the field sampling, two major areas were sampled; coastal (nearshore) areas and inland areas.
Coastal Area Soils

This is the land area between the Atlantic Ocean and the Badagry Creek. In width, the land area covered extends from about 500m to 720m. Characteristics of soils for the coastal/nearshore habitat types observed during the dry season EBS are shown in Tables 5.1-7 through 5.1-8. For the coastal transect, three out of the four habitat types present on the barrier island were chosen for sampling. Based on visual observations during the fieldwork, the field team determined that there is likely to be a close similarity between the chemical properties of the soils on the beach and that of the coconut grove. Therefore, samples were not analyzed from the coconut-dominated barrier island. Table 5.1-7a Mean Particle Size Distribution of Soils from the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (N) 06 23.81 06 23.97 06 24.15 Longitude (E) 002 59.32 002 59.32 002 59.31 Habitat Type VCS Bare beach sand Bare land/ cleared area/ grassland Marshy/Swamp 4 3 1 CS 29 34 5 MS 53 47 11 FS 7 7 11 VFS 0 0 2 TS 93 91 30 Sand Fraction (percent) Soil Separate (percent) Silt 1 2 28 Clay 6 7 42 Sand Sand Clay Texture

VCS = Very coarse sand; CS = coarse sand; MS = medium sand; FS = fine sand; VFS = very fine sand; TS = total sand

Table 5.1-7b Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area Dry Season EBS
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (N) Longitude (E) 06 23.81 002 59.32 06 23.97 002 59.32 Habitat Type Bare Beach Sand Bare Land/Cleared Land/ Farms and Grassland Mosaic Marshy/Swamp pH 6.9 6.5 4.9 TOC (percent) 0.47 0.98 37.05 THC (ppm) 12.09 13.12 6.42 Salinity (ppm) ND ND 35.45

06 24.15

002 00.31

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Table 5.1-7c Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Barrier Island (Coastal Area) Wet Season EBS
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (oN) Longitude (oE) 06o 23 50 002o 59 19 o 06 23 57 002o 59 19 o 06 24 04 002o 59 19 o 06 24 09 002o 59 19 Habitat Type Bare Beach Sand Coconut Dominated Barrier Bare land/Cleared Area/Grassland Cyperus dominated marsh pH 6.43 6.34 6.60 5.58 TOC (percent) 0.29 0.62 0.54 29.4

Table 5.1-8 Heavy Metal Concentrations (ppm) of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area
Sampling Coordinates Longitude (E) Latitude (N)


Habitat Type







06 23.81 06 23.97 06 24.15

002 59.32 002 59.32 002 00.31

Bare Beach Sand Cleared Area/ Bare Land/Grassy Marshy/Swamp

0.04 0.06 0.12

<0.001 <0.001 0.2

6.94 13.8 9.84

<0.001 0.28 6.16

<0.001 0.78 <0.001

<0.001 <0.001 0.34

0.12 0.32 3.72

291.3 338.44 2,020.42

Strandline/ Sandy Beach This bare beach sand is commonly fringed by strand vegetation, typified by prostrate plants with creeping stems. In most places, the deep, medium-grained, loose beach sand is bare with numerous thatched huts dotting the habitat. The beach sand is highly leached and is almost devoid of humified3 organic remains other than the shells of sea organisms brought onto the beach by wave actions. Dry season EBS results found that the average pH of representative samples of the beach sand is 6.9. The near neutral pH is likely due to seaspray because of the proximity of the beach to the ocean. The total organic matter content is low, averaging 0.47 percent, with total hydrocarbon content (THC) of 12.09ppm. Coconut-Dominated Barrier Island This area is a highly homogenous habitat type and is quite extensive in the study area. The habitat is characterized by very loose, medium to fine sand, with tall grasses and few scattered shrub species. In texture, the sandy soils become finer with distance away from the shoreline. This habitat, close to the shoreline, supports tall coconut palms that are more closely spaced (i.e., of high density) compared to the scattered stands of the palms in places farther away from the coastline. In terms of physical characteristics, soils in this habitat are not significantly different from those of the beach sand. As is true for the bare beach sand,

Humus is a brown or black organic substance consisting of partially or wholly decayed vegetable or animal matter that provides nutrients for plants and increases the ability of soil to retain water.

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soils in this habitat are highly porous and well aerated, with very rapid infiltration rate, and low moisture holding capacity. The soils are considered to have medium to high permeability since they are loose, unconsolidated, single-grained, medium sand. Apart from the weakly developed A-horizon or uppermost layer, no other visible genetic horizon was observed, which suggests that they are recently formed soils, or Inceptisols of the USDA Soil Taxonomy (1998), and are Cambisols by the FAO/UNESCO (1996) system of soil classification. On the basis of their particle size distribution (i.e. texture), they are loamy fine sand and coarser. These characteristics, coupled with the high annual rainfall in the area, will group the soils as Dystrudepts (Great Group of Soil Taxonomy) and Humic Psammentic Dystrudepts (Subgroup of Soil Taxonomy) (USDA Soil Taxonomy, 1998). The soils are not prone to water erosion in view of the high infiltration and their high intrinsic permeability. The influence of wind erosion is likely to be minimal because the loose sand grains are medium to coarse, which makes them heavy for transport by wind, since the silt content is low. Virtually all the clay particles have been translocated, i.e. eluviated, by percolating water. The translocation is possibly enhanced by the predominance of medium to coarse sand particles with large pore spaces in a region that has heavy annual precipitation. Bare Land/Cleared Area/Farmland Physically, the soils are deep, loose, friable, fine to medium sand. The physical properties of representative soil samples from within the habitat are shown in Table 5.1-7. As seen in the table, medium (47 percent) to coarse (34 percent) sand fractions predominate. In view of the sandy texture, the soils ability to retain moisture is low, but the soils are well aerated. On the basis of morphological and physical characteristics, the soils are not significantly different from those of the coconut palm-dominated area, and are classified the same. Marshy Swamp This habitat is dominated by Cyperus sp., an aquatic sedge. Due to poor drainage conditions in the area and the difficulty of accessibility, a large portion of this habitat has not been highly altered. Typical particle size distribution of soils within this habitat is shown in Table 5.1-7. From the table, it is observed that soils in this habitat have almost equal amounts of sand (30 percent) and silt (28 percent) and about 42 percent clay. The high content of silt and clay can be due to deposition of materials in suspension brought down by lagoon water in addition to overland flow from the surrounding higher physiographic land area. Texturally, the soils are clayey, very poorly drained, poorly aerated and generally contain partly decomposed and un-decomposed organic materials, possibly occasioned by low rates of decomposition due to high moisture and poor aeration. At the time of the dry season EBS (January 2003), the soils were still waterlogged to swampy. The soils are muddy, massive in structure, and dark gray to black at the surface. The soils in the habitat are characterized with aquic soil moisture regime (i.e., in which the soil is saturated long enough to cause anaerobic conditions), wherein the saturating water
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itself is virtually free of DO (USDA Soil Taxonomy 1998) in all the horizons. The texture is clay, and the soils are slightly sticky, plastic wet, and firm moist. They have hue of 2.5Y or yellower, chroma of 3 or less, and distinct redox colorations. These characteristics will group the soils as Aquents (i.e., recently formed poorly drained soils). In view of the low relief characteristic of the habitat and the presence of sufficient vegetation cover, water erosion is not considered to be severe in the habitat.
Inland Area Soils

Soil characteristics of the generalized habitat community types in the inland region are shown in Tables 5.1-9 through 5.1-11. Table 5.1-9 Mean Particle Size Distribution of Soils from Habitats Within the Inland Area
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (N) 06 25.88 Longitude (E) 002 59.14 Habitat Type VCS Raphia Palm Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest Grassy/Cleared Area/Bare Land Bush Fallow/ Farmland CS MS FS VFS TS Sand Fraction (percent) Soil Separate (percent) Silt Clay Texture




06 25.00 06 28.83

002 59.30 002 00.18

1 1

16 10

43 20

27 29

1 15

88 75

3 8

9 17

Sand Clay

VCS = Very coarse sand; CS = coarse sand; MS = medium sand; FS = fine sand; VFS = very fine sand; TS = total sand

Table 5.1-10a Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in Habitats Within the Inland Area Dry Season EBS
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (N) Longitude (E) 06 25.88 06 25.00 06 28.83 002 59.14 002 59.30 002 00.18 Habitat Type Raphia Palm Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest Grassy/Cleared Area/ Bare Land Bush Fallow/ Farmland pH 5.0 6.0 5.9 TOC (percent) 18.36 0.70 2.96 THC (ppm) 9.44 27.26 30.32 Salinity (ppm) 200.88 199.41 94.53

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Table 5.1-10b The Average Chemical Characteristics of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Inland Area Wet Season EBS
Sampling Coordinates Latitude (oN) Longitude (oE) o 06 25 02 002o 59 19 06o 25 14 06o 25 58 003o 00 27 002o 59 48 Habitat Type Marshland/Bush Fallow Raphia palm dominated freshwater swamp forest Bare land/Cleared Area/Grassland pH 5.41 5.03 6.70 TOC (percent) 0.29 1.77 1.45

Table 5.1-11 Heavy Metal Concentrations (ppm) of Soils in the Different Habitats Within the Coastal Area
Sampling Coordinates Longitude (E) Latitude (N)


Habitat Type







06 25.88

002 59.14

06 25.00 06 28.83

002 59.30 002 00.18

Raphia Palm Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest Grassy/Cleared Area/Bare Land Bush Fallow/ Farmland









0.12 <0.001

0.13 0.04

39.83 12.85

2.19 4.04

1.30 2.4

0.07 <0.001

0.41 1.8

1,682.95 2,503.72

Raphia Palm-Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest The soils in this swampy habitat are generally poorly drained, very poorly aerated (due to water-logging), massive in structure, contain a high content of partly decomposed to almost undecomposed organic materials, and were all deeply flooded at the time of wet season surveys (January, 2003). Table 5.1-9 shows the particle size distributions and texture of representative soils from the habitat. The soils are clayey in texture with very high content of clay (about 71 percent), and 22 percent silt. There is sufficient vegetative cover and the relief is generally low. Erosion susceptibility of the swampy soils is therefore low, but the soils can easily be compacted, puddle, and degraded if worked when wet. The soils will classify as Aquents. The pH of soils is about 5.0 (strongly acidic) with a high content of total organic carbon (TOC), about 18.36 percent (Table 5.1-10a). The THC and PAHs average about 9.44ppm and 2.27ppm, respectively.

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Grassy/Cleared Area/Bare Land Tall grasses, scattered shrubs and a few trees characterize this habitat. At the time of the dry season EBS, most of the grasses were burned, and cattle had heavily grazed those that were not burned. Soils in this habitat are loose, generally non-coherent, and sandy. Table 5.1-9 shows the particle size distribution of representative soil samples from within the habitat. The soils have about 88 percent sand, dominated by fine (27 percent) and medium (43 percent) sand fractions. Morphologically and physically, the soils are essentially the same as those similarly mapped and characterized within the barrier island area. The soils are classified as Psammentic (sandy) parts of recently/weakly developed soils (Inceptisols). Soils here are moderately acidic with an average pH of 6.0 and generally have low TOC (about 0.70 percent) (Table 5.1-10a). The soils are sandy in texture, well drained, highly porous, with low capacity to retain moisture and a very low TOC. The average THC content of the soils is 27.26ppm, whereas that of the PAHs is considerably lower, ranging from 0.88ppm to 2.63ppm (PAHs not shown on table). Results of the heavy metal analysis are shown in Table 5.1-11. Mosaic of Bush Fallow/Farmland/Built-Up Area This habitat type is generally widespread in the inland area, especially close to big towns along the proposed pipeline ROW. In this habitat, the proposed pipeline route passes sometimes very close to settlements, across tarred and earth roads, farmlands, and fallow plots. Soils in this habitat are typical of upland, well drained, humic brownish to yellowish red, granular to crumbly, slightly sticky, plastic wet, firm, moist, sandy loam surface soils, with distinctly brownish red, sub-angular blocky, mottledfree, friable, moist sub-soils. The absence of mottles and uniform subsoil color up to 100 centimeters (cm) soil depth indicate that the groundwater table is definitely beyond this depth of investigation. Within this depth of the soils, gaseous exchange between the soils and the atmosphere will not be adversely affected by seasonal changes throughout the year. Table 5.1-7 gives the particle size distribution of representative soil samples taken from the habitat. Although the sand content accounts for about 75 percent of the total soil separates, nevertheless, the sand is mainly very fine (15 percent), fine (29 percent), and medium (20 percent) sand fractions. The soils were classified as Ultisols (Amusan and Ashaye, 1989), meaning low base-status4 forest soils. The relief is generally undulating. Morphologically, soils here are highly ferruginized with an average pH of 5.9 and low TOC of 2.96 percent (Table 5.1-10a). The accumulation of iron (in Fe3+ form) in the soils is evidence of good internal drainage and aeration. The average THC content of the soils is 30.32ppm, whereas PAH was below 2.0ppm.

Base status refers to the amount of cations such as Ca2+, Mg2+, and K2+, associated with organic matter and more fertile soils.

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Distinct Watersheds and Water Quality

Physical Characteristics of Onshore Surface Water. Detailed records of the physical parameters of water measured during the dry season EBS at the investigated stations are presented in Table 5.1-12 and summarized in Table 5.1-13. The surface water bodies (both tidal and non-tidal) were generally brownish in color (as viewed against the general background), ranging from greenish brown through light brown (for Badagry Creek) to dark brown (for Ologe Lagoon and River Owos tributaries). The generally brown coloration of the surface waters can be attributed to their relatively high organic matter content resulting from the decomposition of the dense swamp forest vegetation in the environment. Table 5.1-12a Water Bodies Surveyed in January 2003
Water Samples 1 (LT) 2&3 (LT&HT) 4&5 (LT&HT) 6&7 (LT&HT) 8 (LT) 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Water Body Yewa River Badagry Creek Badagry Creek Ologe River Sea Water Hand-Dug Well Hand-Dug Well Iju River Ore River Iju River Hand-Dug Well Oluwo River Sampling Site Close to Ibaye Village Near Topo Island At Tofa Village At Egan Village At Jegeme At Imeke At Ilogbo At Oko Omi Near Omigbongbo At Osuke At Osuke Oluwo Village Grid Location Latitude Longitude (N) (E) 6 28.16 2 52.09 6 24.46 2 55.86 6 24.55 3 04.33 6 26.16 3 08.54 6 33.84 3 00.12 6 26.11 2 59.34 6 30.06 3 01.90 6 37.54 3 08.68 6 37.58 3 05.17 6 36.08 3 09.50 6 36.36 3 09.55 6 42.66 3 18.16 Alt (m) 18 20 22 23 0 35 32 7 15 19 20 41 Distance to ROW (Km) 15.0 6.0 8.7 14.0 1.2 0.3 0.3 0.6 4.3 3.3 2.7 4.0 Depth (m) 4 6.8 3.3 2.8 0 to 20 3.7 3.7 0.4 5.8 0.3

LT= low tide; HT = high tide

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Table 5.1-12b Physical Characteristics of Water in the Study Area (January 2003)
Depth (m) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 4.0 6.8 6.8 3.3 3.3 2.8 2.8 ca. 10 3.7 9.0 0.4 5.8 0.3 Temperature (C) Air Water 29.4 28.3 31.4 29.6 31.4 29.5 32.0 31.1 32.0 30.1 31.8 30.5 31.8 30.4 30.8 30.0 32.0 29.8 33.8 29.0 29.4 28.4 24.0 25.5 26.0 25.0 26.5 28.0 29.0 28.0 Transparency (m) 0.85 0.54 0.54 0.82 0.82 0.69 0.69 >2 NA NA TB TB TB NA TB Color Dark Brown Light Brown Light Brown Greenish Brown Greenish Brown Dark Brown Dark Brown Light Green Clear Colorless Clear Colorless Dark Brown Brownish Green Dark Brown Clear Colorless Light Green TSS (ppm) 3.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 9.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 1.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 4.0 2.0

NA = Not applicable; TB = Transparent to bottom; n = number of samples; ca = approximately

Table 5.1-13 Summary of Physical Characteristics of Water from Water Bodies* Surveyed in the Study Area (January 2003)
Parameter Depth (m) Air Temperature (C) Water Temperature (C) Transparency (m) Color (visual) TSS (ppm) Tidal Rivers (n=8) 4.36 1.65 31.4 0.85 29.9 0.84 0.7 0.12 Brown 6.0 1.69 Non-Tidal Rivers (n=4) 0.35 0.05 27.1 2.22 26.73 1.49 TB Dark Brown 3.0 1.00 Hand Dug Wells (n=3) 6.17 2.18 30.77 3.11 28.93 0.74 NA Clear Colorless 4.33 2.87

NA = Not applicable; TB = Transparent to bottom; n = number of samples * See Table 5.12a for list of water bodies surveyed.

The dark brown coloration of Ologe Lagoon and the non-tidal rivers is probably due to the fact that they are heavily shaded by dense plant cover from which senescent leaves drop directly into the water course. At various stages of decomposition, these dead leaves release by-products such as humic and fluvic acids, which impart such water bodies with characteristic brown coloration. Unlike the surface water sources, the ground water sources in the study area were generally clear and colorless, having filtered through ground overburden into the aquifer.

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Secchi disc transparency is generally less than 1m into the water column. For water bodies less than 1m deep, light visibility extends directly to the water bottom. On average, the Secchi disc transparency for the tidal water bodies was 0.71 0.12m while transparency extends directly to water bottom in the non-tidal water bodies (Table 5.1-13). In general, water bodies in the study area are characterized by low total suspended solids (TSS). The measured values occur in the range of 2ppm to 8ppm with mean values of 6.0 1.7ppm for tidal waters and 4.3 2.9ppm for the subsurface water (hand-dug wells). The diel pattern, as well as the relationship between ambient air temperature and water temperature in the study area, are depicted in Figure 5.1-5 for the three investigated types of water bodies (tidal and non-tidal water bodies and hand dug wells). Information on the sampling locations is shown in Tables 5.1-12 through 5.1-14. Both ambient air and water temperature follow essentially the same diel pattern, which is characterized by a gradual rise through the morning to a peak in the afternoon and thereafter a gradual fall through evening. From mid-morning through early evening, air temperature is usually slightly higher than water temperature. In contrast, from late evening through mid-morning (7pm to 9am) water temperature is slightly higher than air temperature. The difference between air temperature and water temperature is more pronounced for non-tidal waters, followed by hand-dug wells and least in the open tidal water bodies. In general, air temperature exhibits a significant direct correlation with water temperature over the period mid-morning to evening (Figure 5.1-6). Table 5.1-14 Descriptive Statistics of Water Temperature in the Study Area (Morning and Afternoon)
Water Body Time of Day Statistics N Min (C) Max (C) Range (C) Mean (C) s.d. (C) Percent c.v. N Min (C) Max (C) Range (C) Mean (C) s.d. (C) Percent c.v. Tidal Waters 3 26.2 30.5 4.3 28.2 2.1 7.4 5 30.0 31.8 1.8 30.8 0.6 1.9 Non-Tidal Waters 5 25.0 30.0 5.0 26.8 1.8 6.6 9 25.5 30.4 4.9 27.6 1.5 5.3 Hand Dug Wells 4 27.6 29.2 1.6 28.5 0.7 2.4 6 28.0 30.0 2.0 29.1 0.7 2.2



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Figure 5.1-5 Diurnal Variation in Ambient Air and Tidal Water Temperature in the Project Area
Ambient Air and Tidal Water 35 Temperature (oC) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Time (hrs) Ambient Air Water

Ambient Air and Rivers/S tream

35 Temperature (oC) 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 Time (hrs)
Am bient Air and Hand-dug Wells

Ambient Air Water

15 16 17


35 30 Temperature oC 25 20 15 10 5 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Time (hrs) Water Ambient Air

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Figure 5.1-6 Water Temperature Related to Air Temperature in the Project Area

y = 0.4298x + 15.419 R2 = 0.3052 30 Water Temp (oC)

Water Linear (Water)


20 20 25 Air Temp (oC) 30 35

Chemical Characteristics of Onshore Surface Water. The data obtained on major ions and salinity parameters (pH, salinity and conductivity) of the investigated water bodies are presented in Tables 5.1-15 and 5.1-16. Water pH varies over a wide range of values (4.63 to 8.14). While the tidal waters are near neutral, (7.22 0.66), the non-tidal waters are moderately acidic (6.42 0.23) and hand dug well waters are acidic (5.73 1.33). The tidal waters are essentially oligohaline brackish in nature while the non-tidal and hand-dug well waters are relatively fresh. Table 5.1-15 Parameters and Major Ions in the Investigated Water Bodies*
pH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7.14 7.27 7.00 7.53 7.31 7.20 7.13 8.14 7.60 4.96 6.06 6.59 6.63 4.63 6.41 Conductivity 251 431 435 1106 1523 329 341 51100 187.5 462.0 27.5 54.4 67.5 212.0 56.3 Salinity (percent) 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.8 0.2 0.2 33.5 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 TDS (ppm) 126 207 210 544 757 156 165 32300 89.9 223.0 12.5 25.5 31.6 101.6 26.5 HCO3 (ppm) 37.82 50.02 50.02 52.46 53.68 23.18 23.18 136.64 13.42 0 7.32 12.2 18.3 0 18.3 SO4 (ppm) 12.5 16.9 16.3 20.0 24.6 18.8 19.2 2772 15.3 12.2 3.9 5.5 5.2 3.1 4.4

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies.

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Table 5.1-16 Salinity Parameters and the Major Ions of the Major Water Bodies* in the Project Area
Parameter pH Conductivity (S/cm) Salinity (percent) TDS (ppm) HCO3 (ppm) SO4 (ppm) Ocean (n=1) 8.14 51000 33.5 32200 136.64 2772 Tidal Rivers (n=7) 7.22 0.16 630.6 450.49 0.31 0.23 309.3 224.81 41.48 12.53 18.33 3.45 Non-Tidal Rivers (n=4) 6.42 0.23 51.42 14.69 0.02 0.08 24.03 7.04 14.03 4.61 4.75 0.63 Hand-Dug Wells (n=3) 5.73 1.33 287.2 124.03 0.13 0.047 138.2 60.18 4.47 6.33 10.2 5.18

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies; n = number of samples.

Water salinity along Badagry Creek (at both surface and bottom levels) gradually increases towards the direction of the Lagos Harbor. Conversely, it decreases westward in the direction of Yewa River. Salinity, total dissolved solids (TDS), and conductivity were generally higher at the bottom than at surface water level. The concentrations of DO in water varied from 3.2ppm to 7.0ppm corresponding to 39.5 and 87.0 percent saturation, respectively. On average, the concentration and percent saturation of DO are higher in the tidal waters (66.3 8.8 percent) than non-tidal waters (62.7 16.8 percent) and lowest in well waters (60.9 percent). The concentrations of BOD5 (biochemical oxygen demand) are generally low, most of them being less than 4.0ppm. On average, BOD5 is highest in the non-tidal waters (5.6 2.6ppm) followed by the tidal waters (1.7 0.9ppm). The relatively high values for the non-tidal rivers may be due to their demand for decomposition of organic matter resulting from dead plant matter. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) values are generally lower than their corresponding BOD5 values, especially for non-tidal and well waters. Inorganic nitrogen occurs mainly as nitratenitrogen (NO3N), then ammonium nitrogen (NH4N) and nitrite nitrogen (NO2N), which occurs mainly in traces. Total inorganic nitrogen in the samples occurs in the range of 1.73ppm to 9.34ppm (mean s.d. = 2.0 1.79ppm) comprising 84 1.8 percent NO3N, 14.5 7.7 percent NH4N and 0.7 0.5 percent NO2N (Table 5.1-17). Total phosphate-phosphorus and available phosphate-phosphorus occur in the range of 0.06ppm to 0.13ppm and 0.04ppm to 0.11ppm PO4-P, respectively. Average values are slightly higher in the tidal waters than in the non-tidal and hand-dug well water (Table 5.1-18). During the wet season EBS, overall measurements of NH3 nitrogen and NO3 nitrogen tended to be higher than those of the dry season EBS, while ranges for PO4 phosphorus and SO4 were comparable (Appendices 5-A and 5-B). Tables 5.1-19 and 5.1-20 illustrate the heavy metal results of investigated water bodies in the project area. The physical and chemical characteristics of the water bodies in the study area do not indicate the presence of contaminants (although water quality for drinking is relatively poor).

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Table 5.1-17 Project Area Water Body* Oxygen and Nutrient Compounds by Sample

DO Sat








(ppm Total)

(ppm Avail.)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

5.2 6.0 5.2 5.8 4.6 4.2 4.2 5.8 4.4 3.6 4.8 7.0 3.2 6.0 4.8

67 79 67 78 61 56 56 77 58.3 47.1 62.3 87.0 39.5 77.4 61.9

3.0 3.2 3.0 2.6 2.8 2.0 1.8 3.6 1.4 0.8 4.2 10.3 4.8 3.0 3.0

58.7 89.8 121.0 58.7 58.7 121.0 121.0 614.1 58.7 27.6 89.8 27.6 58.7 27.6 BDL

60 90 120 60 60 120 120 600 60 30 90 30 60 30 BDL

0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.04 0.03 <0.01 0.01 0.04 0.02 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01 0.01

2.51 1.82 1.85 1.88 1.79 3.06 2.05 3.67 2.57 2.80 1.93 1.62 1.62 2.69 1.70

0.39 0.45 0.46 0.50 0.59 0.74 0.74 5.66 0.62 0.32 0.01 0.20 0.11 0.07 0.19

2.92 2.29 2.34 2.41 2.42 3.83 2.79 9.34 3.23 3.15 1.94 1.82 1.73 2.76 1.90

0.13 0.11 0.09 0.13 0.12 0.06 0.05 0.11 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.13

0.10 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.11 0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04 <0.04

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies.

Table 5.1-18 Oxygen and Nutrient Compounds in Major Water Bodies* in the Project Area
Parameter DO (ppm) DO Sat (percent) BOD (ppm) COD (ppm) TOC (ppm) NO2N (ppm) NO3N (ppm) NH4N (ppm) T-N (ppm) PO4P (ppm) PO4P (ppm) Ocean (n=1) 5.8 77 3.6 614.1 600 0.01 3.67 5.66 9.34 0.11 0.11 Tidal Rivers (n=7) 5.03 0.67 66.29 8.78 2.63 0.49 89.8628.84 90.0 27.77 0.03 0.009 2.14 0.44 0.55 0.13 2.71 0.51 0.10 0.03 0.07 0.03 Non-Tidal Rivers (n=4) 4.95 1.35 62.68 16.80 5.60 2.60 58.7 25.39 60.0 24.49 0.033 0.039 1.718 0.127 0.128 0.076 1.85 0.080 0.075 0.034 0.040 0.000 Hand-Dug Wells (n=3) 4.67 0.998 60.93 12.51 1.73 0.93 37.97 14.66 40.0 14.14 0.023 0.012 2.69 0.094 0.337 0.225 3.05 0.21 0.07 0.014 0.04 0.000

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies; n = number of samples.

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Table 5.1-19 Descriptive Statistics of Heavy Metal Content of the Investigated Water Bodies*
Parameter (ppm) Cadmium (Cd) Chromium (Cr) Manganese (Mn) Zinc (Zn) Lead (Pb) Copper (Cu) Nickel (Ni) Iron (Fe) n 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Min 0.018 <0.001 <0.07 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.053 0.803 Max 0.023 <0.001 0.211 0.048 0.067 <0.001 0.088 3.105 Descriptive Statistics (ppm) Median Mean s.d 0.0225 0.0215 0.0019 <0.001 <0.001 0.000 0.1075 0.1159 0.0435 <0.001 0.0073 0.0150 <0.001 0.023 0.0291 <0.001 <0.001 0.00 0.071 0.0696 0.0122 1.705 1.633 1.100 Percent c.v. 8.8 0.0 37.6 204.8 126.4 0.0 17.5 67.4

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies; n = number of samples.

Table 5.1-20 Heavy Metal Contents of Some Water Bodies* in the Study Area
Water Body River Yewa (LT) Badagry Creek (LT) Badagry Creek (HT) Badagry Creek (LT) Badagry Creek (HT) Ologe Lagoon (S) Ologe Lagoon (B) Sea at Jegeme Imede River Well Water Cd (ppm) 0.023 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.023 0.02 0.018 0.019 0.021 0.023 Cr (ppm) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Mn (ppm) 0.086 0.111 0.211 0.105 0.117 0.091 0.11 0.07 0.085 0.173 Zn (ppm) <0.001 <0.001 0.015 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.003 0.048 Pb (ppm) <0.001 <0.001 0.067 <0.001 0.043 0.052 0.062 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Cu (ppm) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 Ni (ppm) 0.053 0.075 0.083 0.08 0.088 0.059 0.069 0.055 0.061 0.073 Fe (ppm) 0.808 2.435 3.105 2.492 2.733 0.975 1.06 0.212 2.349 0.163

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies. Sediment

Physical Characteristics of Onshore Sediment. Information on the particle size distribution and textural classification of bottom sediments from some water bodies in the project area is presented in Table 5.1-21. Sediments from the investigated area of Badagry Creek are essentially sandy, ranging from sandy silt (at Topo Island), through clayey sand (at the ROW) to sand eastward of the ROW. The sand is comprised mostly of medium fraction, the contribution of which increases steadily from west to east along the creek. For instance, the contribution of medium sand fraction increased from 5.5 percent at Topo Island (06 24.464N, 002 55.063E) for 35.0 percent at the ROW to 37.7 percent at Tofa Village to 51.3 percent at Ibode/Orufo (06 24.690N; 003 07.693E). The relative contribution of both silt and clay follow an inverse pattern, i.e. decreasing from Topo Island to Ibode/Orufo Village. Sediments from the main sector are essentially silty clay in nature, with little or no sand fraction content.

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Table 5.1-21 Physical Characteristics of Sediments from Water Bodies in the Project Area
Water Body Yewa River Badagry Creek Badagry Creek Badagry Creek Badagry Creek Ologe Lagoon Ologe Lagoon Ologe Lagoon Ologe Lagoon Imede River Imede River Ijile River Sampling site and location Lat (N) Long (E) 06o 28.155 002o 52.091 06 24.464 06 24.326 06o 24.546 06o 24.690 06o 29.283 06o 28.492 06o 28.555 06o 26.897 06 28.907 06o 30.929 06o 27.799
o o o

VCS 0.00 0.59 0.37 0.09 1.20 0.30 0.00 0.00 8.60 1.40 19.70 0.81

Percent Sand Fraction CS MS FS VFS 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.37 7.34 5.34 15.44 0.92 0.00 0.00 15.70 4.95 45.50 4.28 5.52 35.04 37.65 51.29 2.78 0.00 0.00 26.77 12.50 25.35 9.33 17.18 39.35 42.60 20.33 4.62 0.00 0.00 40.56 28.2 1.40 42.30 7.34 3.90 4.32 0.74 0.62 0.00 0.00 0.37 40.05 0.00 14.25

Total 0.00 32.0 86.0 90.0 89.0 9.0 0.00 0.00 92.0 88.0 92.0 14.25

Percent Percent Silt Clay 33.0 67.0 54.0 2.0 2.0 30.0 39.0 22.0 2.0 2.0 7.0 2.0 10.0 14.0 11.0 8.0 9.0 61.0 61.0 78.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 19.0

Texture Silty Clay Sandy Silt Clayey Sand Sand Sand Silty Clay Silty Clay Silty Clay Sand Sand Sand Clayey Sand

002 55.863 002 59.266 003o 04.325 003o 07.693 003o 05.996 003o 05.239 003o 04.484 003o 08.542 003 04.872 003o 03.171 003o 01.618
o o

Sediment from the non-tidal water bodies contains a total sand fraction in the range of 71 to 92 percent. River Imede sediment is comprised predominantly of coarse sand fraction at the upper reach but fine sand fraction at the lower reach, while silt and clay fractions each contribute less than 8 percent to the sediment. Chemical Characteristics of Onshore Sediment. Information on the sediment characteristics of water bodies in the project area is presented in Tables 5.1-22 to 5.1-26. Sediment pH varies over a wide range of 3.42 to 8.15, i.e., from extremely acidic to moderately alkaline, with values in the range of 5.42 to 5.09 (mean s.d = 4.32 0.69). The pH at Ologe Lagoon is extremely acidic to strongly acidic. It is also extremely acidic at Yewa River. At the non-tidal rivers (Imede and Ijile River) values range from moderately acidic to neutral. Along Badagry Creek, values increase steadily from neutral to moderately alkaline east of the ROW. Table 5.1-22 Descriptive Statistics of pH, TOC and THC in Sediments From Water Bodies in the Project Area
Descriptive Statistics of Concentrations Parameters pH TOC (percent) THC (ppm) n 12 12 12 Min 3.42 0.02 0.39 Max 8.15 16.97 68.48 Median 5.80 2.16 24.28 Mean 5.80 5.14 32.46 s.d. 1.48 6.6 22.8 Percent c.v 25.5 128.8 70.3

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Table 5.1-23 Mean Values of Sediment pH, TOC and THC in Water Bodies in the Project Area
Parameters Yewa River Badagry Creek (n=4) 7.45 0.62 1.40 2.38 014.9 12.9 Water Body Ologe Lagoon (n=4) 4.32 0.69 10.51 8.83 33.9 20.8 Imede River (n=2) 5.99 054 1.30 1.8 33.9 26 Ijile River

pH TOC (percent) THC (ppm)

4.49 9.75 68.5

5.99 1.75 58.0

Table 5.1-24 Sediment pH, TOC and THC Wet Season EBS
Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Sample ID Wagp/onsed/1 Wagp/onsed/2 Wagp/onsed/3 Wagp/onsed/4 Wagp/onsed/5 Wagp/onsed/6 Wagp/onsed/7 Wagp/onsed/8 Wagp/onsed/9 Wagp/onsed/10 Wagp/onsed/11 Field Code pH 5.76 7.27 6.77 7.73 8.24 3.81 4.17 5.84 5.94 7.44 7.68 TOC (percent) 1.56 1.96 1.56 0.29 0.43 10.14 0.23 0.62 0.23 1.07 0.18 THC (ppm) 24.58 2.62 20.5 39.91 37.71 21.95 23.56 32.25 36.84 21.22 28.67

N2 ST1
N2 ST2 N2 ST3 N2 ST4 N2 ST5 N2 S8 N2 ST11 N2 S26 N2 S31 N2 S37 N2 ST39

Table 5.1-25 Sediment Heavy Metal Concentrations at the Project Area Compared With Other African Environments (ppm)
Parameter (n=12) Cd Cr Mn Zn Pb Cu Ni Fe WAGP Project Area Min 0.0 <0.001 1.34 1.1 <0.001 <0.001 0.44 110.3 Max 0.26 0.36 108.3 16.98 7.28 1.5 5.44 9494.52 Med 0.06 0.001 25.75 6.94 0.001 0.0135 1.07 2122.92 Mean 0.0768 0.0723 30.9667 8.2867 0.9773 0.3993 2.2983 3199.13 s.d. 0.0802 0.1343 29.488 6.112 2.116 0.572 1.899 3024.63 Badagry Creek 4.1 147 178.9 15.0 36380 African waters Inland Range 0.1-1.0 ND ND 2.54-140 7.3-6.3 0.96-4.1 ND 460-69000 Mean 0.37 ND ND 82.5 23.2 26.3 ND ND Coastal Range 2.0-4.1 ND ND 130-448 48-68 10.5-2900 ND 1100-52000 Mean 27.8 ND ND 92 57.8 12.77 ND ND

Note: African waters data from Calamari and Naere (1994) and Okoye et al. (1991).

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Table 5.1-26 Heavy Metal Concentrations in Water Sediments From the Project Area (ppm)
Parameters Yewa River 0.001 0.34 51.68 15.84 0.001 1.5 5.44 9494.52 Badagry Creek 0.0209 0.0281 0.0908 0.1795 57.38 34.06 5.73 5.37 0.2108 0.4195 0.3108 0.6195 1.47 1.614 2826 1605.5 Water Body Ologe Lagoon 0.11 0.0476 0.0405 0.056 17.59 10.58 11.05 7.096 0.5808 1.1595 0.466 0.5237 3.315 1.825 4094.3 12945.6 Imede River 0.07 0.05 0.001 0.0 6.1 4.76 3.06 0.44 0.6405 0.6395 0.001 10.0 0.88 0.0 39.02 143.3 Ijile River 0.26 0.001 7.86 10.38 7.28 0.18 1.24 432.06

Cd Cr Mn Zn Pb Ca Ni Fe

The values of TOC in the sediment samples vary widely from 0.002 to 16.97 percent with an overall mean of 5.14 6.6 percent. The mean values for Yewa River and Ologe Lagoon are much higher than for Badagry Creek and the non-tidal rivers (Table 5.1-23). TOC values decrease steadily from north to south (16.97 to 14.82 to 7.22 to 0.04 percent) along Ologe Lagoon. Similarly, values decrease along Badagry Creek with an increase in salinity from east to west. Sediment total hydrocarbon (THC) also varied over a wide range (0.39ppm to 68.48ppm), with a low mean value of 14.9 12.9ppm in Badagry Creek. Sediment heavy metals content in the study area vary widely (Table 5.1-25). On average, the concentration of these heavy metals is lowest in Imede River (Table 5.1-26). The concentrations of Cu, Ni, Fe, Mn, and Cr are relatively high in the tidal waters compared to the non-tidal waters. The values of Cd and Pb are higher in the non-tidal waters than the tidal waters. Distinct Air Sheds and Air Quality

In Nigeria, sampling activities were carried out around the compressor station in February 2003. Hydrocarbons and nitrogen dioxide both had an overall mean concentration of 0.0003 parts per million (ppm). The nitrogen dioxide value, which converts to 0.6g/m3, is well below European Union long-term limit value of 200g/m3. Carbon monoxide concentrations had an overall mean value of 0.002ppm. Measured concentrations of total suspended particles (TSP) averaged 30g/m3, which is below World Health Organization (WHO) longterm guidelines for Europe (150g/m3). Average concentrations of particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter (PM10) were 70g/m3, exceed European Union long-term limit value (50g/m3) (Figure 5.1-7 and Table 5.1-27).

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Figure 5.1-7 Overall Mean Values of Pollutant Gases and Noise Levels Obtained at the Compressor Site Dry Season EBS





0.0001 THC (ppm) Methane (ppm) CO (ppm) NO2 (ppm) PM10 (mg/m3) TSP (mg/m3) Noise (dB)

Table 5.1-27 Summary Results of Ambient Pollutant Gases and Noise Levels Obtained at the Compressor Site (February 2003)
S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Day Sampling Station AQS1 AQS2 AQS3 AQS1 AQS2 AQS3 AQS1 AQS2 AQS3 AQS1 AQS2 AQS3 AQS1 AQS2 AQS3 THC (ppm) 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.001 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Parameters (8-hr mean daily values) PM10 Methane CO NO2 TSP 3 (ppm) (ppm) (ppm) (mg/m ) (mg/m3) 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.059 0.125 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.017 0.118 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.018 0.050 0.000 0.003 0.001 0.011 0.045 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.014 0.090 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.039 0.000 0.003 0.000 0.005 0.011 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.004 0.013 0.000 0.006 0.001 0.033 0.070 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.080 0.064 0.000 0.005 0.000 0.034 0.068 0.000 0.009 0.001 0.036 0.088 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.041 0.089 0.000 0.001 0.000 0.044 0.083 0.000 0.004 0.001 0.043 0.104 Noise (dB) 27.750 28.000 27.125 27.750 29.750 29.000 29.500 28.250 29.250 29.250 29.250 29.250 28.250 28.625 30.750

In the wet season, non-methane hydrocarbons were recorded at the various locations within the compressor stations ranging from less than 0.001ppm to 0.0045ppm. Methane was recorded in virtually all stations but at a very low concentration of about 0.001ppm mean value. The presence of methane in the atmosphere could be indicative of emissions from decaying vegetation in nearby swamps and wetlands. Carbon monoxide ranged from

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0.014ppm to 0.29ppm, much lower than regulatory limits. Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) values ranged from 0.001ppm to 0.002ppm. The wet season concentrations of TSP varied between 220g/m3 and 29,800g/m3, with station mean values of 1,057g/m3 (the maximum value occurred near a main road). Rains are strong atmospheric cleansers and scrub the air of suspended particulates. Measurements taken immediately after rainfall were less than 500g/m3. Nonetheless, all of these measured values exceed the WHO long-term guidelines for Europe (150g/m3). The maximum TSP level was recorded at Station 3 and can be attributed to fugitive contributions from vehicular movements around this point, which is very close (<30m) to the main road leading from the village to Badagry (Table 5.1-28). Table 5.1-28 Summary Results of Ambient Pollutant Gases at the Compressor Site Wet Season EBS
Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Mean Sampling Station AQS 1 AQS 2 AQS 3 AQS 1 AQS 2 AQS 3 AQS 1 AQS 2 AQS 3 AQS 1 AQS 2 AQS 3 AQS 1 AQS 2 AQS 3 THC (ppm) 0.004 0.002 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.002 Parameters (8-hr mean daily values) Methane CO NO2 Noise TSP (ppm) (ppm) (dB) (mg/m3) (ppm) 0.001 0.21 0.002 28.25 18.12 0.001 0.29 0.002 30.5 18 0.001 0.35 0.002 29.8 29.8 0.001 0.026 0.001 25 8.9 0.001 0.02 0.001 27 11.62 0.001 0.023 0.001 27.62 14.75 0.001 0.014 0.001 28.9 0.63 0.001 0.022 0.001 26.9 0.22 0.001 0.027 0.001 30.5 0.27 0.001 0.02 0.001 25.9 12.37 0.001 0.017 0.001 27.37 18.75 0.001 0.026 0.001 31.25 23.25 0.001 0.013 0.001 26.13 0.66 0.001 0.02 0.001 27.63 0.53 0.001 0.071 0.001 31 0.73 0.001 0.153 0.001 28.25 10.57


Noise levels at the compressor station averaged 28.78 decibels (dB) during the dry season EBS (Figure 5.1-7 and Table 5.1-27). During the wet season EBS, the main sources of noise in the area are sea waves breaking on the shore and vehicular movement. Noise levels ranged between 25dB and 31.25dB, with a mean value at 28.25dB. These recorded values are below regulatory limits for 8hr exposure period.

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Biological Environment Vegetation

The pipeline ROW and compressor station site for the WAGP project fall within a number of habitat types which have been described above (see Table 5.1-1). Vegetation in these habitats is described in more detail below. Biomass estimates for the habitats are listed in Table 5.1-29. Table 5.1-29 Biomass Estimates for the Herb Layer in the Different Habitat Types
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Coastal Area Habitats Habitat Type Strandline Farm Grassland/Coastal Savanna Bush Fallow Swamp Forest Secondary Forest Marsh Biomass (g/m2) 48 13 63 5 36 12 250 3 163 4 234 12 136 15

Strandline/Sandy Beach This habitat is located between the extreme high water mark and the coconut groves. Creeping plants (mainly rhizomatous and stoloniferous) above the shoreline characterize the area (Table 5.1-30). The most common species include: dayflower (Commelina erecta var. maritima), Peruvian spikesedge (Kyllinga peruviana), and goats foot vine (Ipomoea pescaprae). The strandline plants are mainly creepers, which are fully exposed to full sunlight. They are scattered in terms of spatial distribution along the shoreline. The biomass of the plants is 48 113g/m2. During the wet season EBS, the commonest species included beach bean (Canavalia maritima), goats foot vine, and cocoplum (Chrysobalanus icaco).

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Table 5.1-30 Plant Species Composition Within the Strandline Zone Dry Season EBS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Scientific Name Brachiaria sp. Cassytha filiformis Chromolaena odorata Chrysobalanus icaco Cocos nucifera Commelina erecta var. maritime Ipomoea pes-caprae Kyllinga tibialis Manihot esculenta Melanthera scandens Panicum maximum Pennisetum purpureum Blutaparon vermicularis Common Name (perennial grass) Love Vine Siam Weed Cocoplum Coconut Dayflower Goats Foot Vine Sedge Cassava Haemorhage Plant Guinea Grass Elephant Grass Silverhead Habit Creeper Twinner Shrub Shrub Tree Creeper Stoloniferous Creeper Herb Shrub Herb Herb Herb Creeper

Coconut-Dominated Barrier Island The second habitat is the main barrier island area where agricultural activities take place. Extensive groves of coconut occur within this area. A few weeds occur under the canopy of the coconut. The coconut groves have a close canopy and have an average height of about 20m. The coconut tree has a mean density of 400 plants per hectare. Most of the coconut trees were chlorotic (an unhealthy state characterized by a loss of green pigment) at the time of the survey. The biomass value for the herb layer is 36 12g/m2. Bare Ground/Cleared Land/Farms and Grassland Mosaic The third habitat consists of a mosaic of bare ground, cassava farms, and grassland. Young populations of coconut also occur here. The grasses include cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica), bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), and gamba grass (Andropogon gayanus). There are also scattered populations of black plum (Vitex doniana). The mosaic of bare ground, cassava farms, and grassland, which occupies the middle part of the barrier island, is dominated by young coconut palms. The canopy height is about 8m. Marshy/Swamp The fourth habitat consists of a narrow belt of marshy area at the fringe of Badagry Creek. This is dominated by extensive mats of jointed flatsedge (also locally called bizzy-bizzy, or Guinea rush; Cyperus articulatus) and scattered stands of coconut and flood-tolerant trees and shrubs. This zone is in turn fringed by aquatic macrophytes such as water hyacinth, smartweed (Polygonum africanum), and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes). A consolidated list of the plants is presented in Table 5.1-31. The canopy of the vegetation is open. The biomass for the herb layer is 136 15g/m2. During the wet season EBS, the biomass for the herb layer was 220 22g/m2.

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Table 5.1-31 Plant Species Composition Within the Marsh Habitat

Scientific Name 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Cyperus articulatus Eichhornia crassipes Ludwigia repens Machaerium lunatus Paspalum sp. Pistia stratiotes Polygonum africana Saccharum officinarium Typha domingensis

Common Name Bizzy-bizzy Water hyacinth

Water lettuce Smartweed Sugarcane Reed

Habit Rhizomatous sedge Free floating Erect herb Shrub Herb Free floating Emergent Erect grass Emergent macrophyte

Inland Habitats

Four habitat types were observed in the inland areas, which spans from Alagbado to Badagry and continue westward, almost paralleling the barrier island. They are discussed below. Coastal Savanna The coastal savanna occurs in parallel belts that are grazed by cattle and subjected to burning annually. There are scattered shrubs and trees within the large expanse of grasses (Table 5.1-32). The vegetation canopy is open and characterized by isolated emergent trees between extensive grassland. The coastal savanna had recently been burned at the time of the wet season survey, largely killing the herbaceous layer. The process of regeneration had just begun. Herds of cattle were seen grazing within the area during the study. Table 5.1-32 Plant Species Composition in the Coastal Savanna Habitat
1 2 3 4 5 6 Scientific Name Elaeis guineensis Imperata cylindrica Panicum maximum Pennisetum purpureum Vitex doniana Zanthozyllum sp. Common Name Oil palm Spear grasss Guinea grass Elephant grass Black plum Habit Tree Rhizomatous grass Erect grass Erect grass Tree Tree

Raphia Palm-Dominated Freshwater Swamp Forest The swamp forest is dominated by raphia palm (Raphia hookeri), which, in places, forms a more or less homogenous belt. A few flood tolerant plants are associated with the raphia palm (Table 5.1-33). The raphia is also subjected to burning (e.g. near the proposed compressor station), which kills the herbaceous layer. The raphia-palm dominated swamp in some places has also recently been burned. The swamp vegetation has a canopy height of about 20m. Herbaceous species (e.g. water lily, Nymphaea lotus) and seedlings of raphia palm dominate the understory. Raphia palm had a mean population density of 600 plants per

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hectare during the dry season survey and 300 plants per hectare during the wet season survey. The lowest population density of five plants per hectare was recorded for Piptadenistrum sp. The biomass value for the herb layer was 163 4g/m2 during the dry season survey, and 350 12g/m2 during the wet season survey. Table 5.1-33 Plant Species Composition in the Raphia Palm Dominated Swamp Dry Season EBS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Scientific Name Alstonia boonei Anchomanes difformis Anthostema aubryanum Cyrtosperma senegalense Ficus sp. Hallea ciliate Nephrolepis biserrata Nymphaea lotus Scleria pterota Raphia hookeri Common Name Stool wood Habit Tree Erect herb Tree Emergent macrophyte Tree Tree Epiphytic fern Floatingleaved Erect grass Tree

Fig Abura Water lily Razor grass Raphia palm

This habitat is commonly associated with either healthy raphia and or stressed/degraded raphia palms. By degraded, it is meant that the raphia palms were stressed either due to annual bush fire or due to changes in local hydrology. The healthy raphia palms are those showing luxuriant growth with virtually no evidence of physiological stress. Except in a few areas where very few stands of plantain and banana were growing at the fringes of the swamp, this habitat is essentially uncultivable for arable cropping. In a number of places however, tapping of the raphia palms for wine is clearly noticeable. Farm/Bush Fallow Mosaic The farm-bush fallow mosaic consists of scattered plots of farms within a matrix of fallow areas. Cassava is the dominant crop. Fast growing plant species typical of the early stages of secondary succession are common in the fallow areas. These include African corkwood (Musanga cecropioides), camwood (Baphia nitida), and African oil palm (Elaeis guineesis). A comprehensive list of the plants within the farms and fallow areas is presented in Table 5.1-34. The height of the vegetation within the bush fallow was variable. The tallest trees were the preserved economic species with an average height of 20m. The crowns of these trees formed a discontinuous canopy. Grasses, shrubs, forbs, and remnants of agricultural crops such as cassava, occupy the gaps between the trees. The crop plants on the farms, which are dominated by cassava, have an average height of two meters. The highest plant population density (1350 plants per hectare) was recorded for cassava. The growth of some cassava was also affected by competition from weeds. Cassavas that were overtaken by weeds showed symptoms of nutrient deficiency. The biomass of the herb layer within farms is 63.5g/m2 while that of the bush fallow is 250 3g/m2.

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Table 5.1-34 Plant Species Composition in the Farms and Bush Fallows Dry Season EBS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Scientific Name Ageratum conizoides Albizia zygia Alchornea cordifolia Anthonotha macrophylla Baphia nitida Chromolaena odorata Elusine indica Ficus exasperate Imperata cylindrical Manihot esculenta Panicum maximum Pennisetum purpureum Rauwolfia vomitoria Spondias mombin Common Name Goat weed Habit Erect herb Erect herb Tree Tree Erect herb Erect grass Tree Rhizomatous herb Shrub Erect herb Erect herb Tree Tree

Camwood Siam weed Bull grass Sandpaper tree Spear grass Cassava Guinea grass Elephant grass African serpentwood Hog plum

Secondary Forest Secondary forests occur in the area, although none coincided with the transects in this survey. For informational purposes, a description of the habitat is provided here. Soils of this habitat were collected but not analyzed. The floristic composition of the vegetation within this habitat is presented in Table 5.1-35. It consists of an association of many plants organized into strata: trees, shrubs, herbs and climbers. This habitat has a well-developed structure and is rich floristically. It has a nearly complete canopy cover. The tallest trees include silk cotton tree (Bombas buonoposense), and breadfruit (Artocarpus communis), which are about 30m in height. Other species forming the canopy layer are: java plum (Spondias mombin), Anthocleista vogelii, Musanga sp., feverbark (Alstonia boonei), and agboin (Piptadenistrum afrianum). The canopy layer reaches about 20m in height. Plants such as greenbriar (Smilax kraussiana) and other lianas form dense tangles around the trees. Anchomanes difformis, swordfern (Nephrolepis sp.), mangabo (Palisota hirsuta), and bush cane (Costus spectabilis) are found at the herb layer. The presence of oil palm attests to the secondary nature of the forest. The biomass value for the herb layer is 234 12g/m2. Table 5.1-35 Plant Species Composition Within the Secondary Forest Area Dry Season EBS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Scientific Name Anchomanes difformis Costus spectabilis Musanga cecropioides Piptadenistrum africanum Spondias mombin Anthoscleista vogelii Palisota hirsute Nephrolepis biserrata Artocarpus communis

Common Name Bush cane Rain tree Agboin Hog plum Cabbage tree Giant sword fern Breadfruit

Habit Erect herb Erect herb Tree Tree Tree Tree Erect herb Epiphytic fern Tree

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Economically Important Plants

Major plants with economic value are listed in Table 5.1-36, which shows the density of each of these species in the project area. Table 5.1-36 Population Density of the Major Economic Plants Dry Season EBS
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Scientific Name Saccharum officinarum Cocos nucifera Elaeis guineensis Hallea ciliate Artocarpus communis Piptadenistrum africanum Manihot esculentum Cola nitida Raphia hookeri Borassus aethiopum Cyperus articulatus Common Name Sugar cane Coconut Oil palm Abura Breadfruit Agboin Cassava Cola nut Wine palm Borassus palm Jointed flatsedge Density (N/ha) 700 50 400 25 17 5 94 10 3 52 1350 120 70 12 600 50 30 8 20 12*

*= Expressed as number per square meter.

Terrestrial Fauna and Wildlife

As described above, onshore areas of the project location cover a variety of habitat types, and for this reason support a diverse number of species. Along the coastline and into the sea, several wildlife species also occur, but the most important taxa are mammals, birds, and reptiles. Virtually all groups of animals occur within the onshore area, including small arthropods like crabs and insects. Mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians known to be present in the area include those listed in Tables 5.1-37 through 5.1-40. These tables also list the conservation status of each species, according to the IUCN (the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, now The World Conservation Union). Decree No. 11 refers to the Convention on International Trade and Traffic in Endangered Species (CITES) Endangered Species Decree of 1985. By virtue of this decree, the hunting, capture of, or international trade in animals listed in Schedule I is absolutely forbidden, while trade in animals listed in Schedule II may only be conducted under license from the Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

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Table 5.1-37 Mammals in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROW Dry Season EBS
Conservation Status Common Name Species Observed During EBSa IUCNb Decree No. 11c Pipeline ROWand Environs

Primates Bosmans Potto Perodicticus potto 2 Endangered Demidovs Galago Galago demidovii 2 Common Mona Monkey Cercopethicus mona 2 Vulnerable Pholidota (Pangolins) Tree Pangolin Manis tricuspis 1 Vulnerable Long-tailed Pangolin Manis tetradactyla 1 Vulnerable Lagomorpha (Hares and Rabbits) Crawshays Hare Lepus crawshayi Common Rodentia (Rodents) Giant Forest Squirrel Protoxerus stangeri Yes Vulnerable Red-legged Sun-squirrel Heliosciurus rufobrachium Common Lord Derbys Flying Anomalurus derbianus Endangered Squirrel Geoffreys Ground Xerus erythropus Yes Squirrel Gambian Giant-pouched Cricetomys gambianus Evidence Common Rat Cane Rat or Grasscutter Thryonomys swinderianus Evidence Common African Brush-tailed Atherurus africanus 1 Common Porcupine Carnivora (Carnivores) Cape Clawless Otter Aonyx capensis 1 Vulnerable African Civet Viverra civetta 2 Vulnerable Two-spotted Palm Civet Nandinia binotata 2 Uncommon Large-spotted Forest Genetta poensis 2 Vulnerable Genet Cusimanse Mongoose Crossarchus obscurus DD 2 Common Gambian Mongoose Mungos gambianus 2 Vulnerable Marsh Mongoose Atilax paludinosus 2 Endangered (Fox) Hyracoidea (Hyraxes) Tree Hyrax (Bush dog) Dendrohyrax dorsalis 2 Common Artiodactyla Bushpig Potamochoerus porcus Very rare Maxwells Duiker Cephalophus maxwelli Evidence 2 Common Bushbuck Tragelaphus scriptus 2 Uncommon Sitatunga Tragelaphus spekei LR 1 Endangered Sirenia (Manatee) West African Manatee Trichechus senegalensis VU Common a Species observed live and free roaming during the EBS are notated with Yes. Others for which there is evidence of occurrence in the area, such as the presence in the form of carcasses for sale in various bushmeat markets, are notated with Evidence. b IUCN categories include: CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), vulnerable (VU), and data deficient (DD); see Section for more detail. c Schedule I: hunting, capture, or trade is absolutely forbidden (see text). Schedule II: trade is allowed only under special licence (see text).

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Table 5.1-38 Birds Seen or Heard in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa
Common Name Species Conservation Status Pipeline ROW and IUCNb Decree No. 11c Environs

Ardeidae (Herons and Egrets) Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis Grey Heron Ardea cinerea Accipitridae (Vultures, Hawks, Kites, Eagles, etc.) Black-shouldered Kite Elanus caeruleus Shikra Accipiter badius Lizard Buzzard Kaupifalco monogrammicus Black Kite Milvus migrans Falconidae (Kestrels, falcons) Common Kestrel Falco tinnunculus Grey Kestrel Falco ardosiaceus Phasianidae (Francolins & Guinea Fowls) Double-spurred Francolin Francolinus bicalcaratus Burhinidae (Thick-knees or Stone Curlews) Senegal Thick-knee Burhinus senegalensis Columbidae (Pigeons and Doves) Red-eyed Dove Streptopelia semitorquata Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis Vinaceous Dove Streptopelia vinacea Red-billed Wood Dove Turtur afer Tambourine Dove Turtur tympanistria African Green Pigeon Treron calva Cuculidae (Cuckoos and Coucals) Senegal Coucal Centropus senegalensis Alcedinidae (Kingfishers) Woodland Kingfisher Halcyon senegalensis Grey-headed Kingfisher Halcyon leucocephala Shining-blue Kingfisher Alcedo quadribrachys Malachite Kingfisher Corythornis cristata Pied Kingfisher Ceryl rudis Meropidae (Bee-eaters) White-throated Bee-eater Merops albicollis Little Bee-eater Merops pusillus Bucerotidae (Hornbills) African Pied Hornbill Tockus fasciatus Capitonidae (Barbets) Speckled Tinkerbird Pogoniulus scolopaceus Hirundinidae (Swallows) Ethiopian Swallow Hirundo aethiopicus Motacillidae (Wagtails, Pipits, Longclaws) African Pied Wagtail Motacilla aguimp Pycnonotidae (Bulbuls) Common Garden Bulbul Pycnonotus barbetus Sylviidae (Warblers) Grey-backed Camaroptera Camaroptera brevicaudata

2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2

Uncommon Common Common Common Common Abundant Common Common Common Uncommon Common Common Uncommon Common Common Uncommon Common Common Uncommon Uncommon Common Uncommon Uncommon Rare Common Common Common Rare Common Common

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Table 5.1-38 Birds Seen or Heard in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa
Common Name Species Conservation Status Pipeline ROW and IUCNb Decree No. 11c Environs

Nectariniidae (Sunbirds) Olive-bellied Sunbird Nectarinia chloropygia Common Collared Sunbird Anthreptis collaris Common Corvidae (Crows, Magpies, etc) Pied Crow Corvus alba Common Passeridae (Sparrows) Grey-headed Sparrow Passer griseus Common Ploceidae (Weavers) Village Weaver Ploceus cucullatus Common Estrildidae (Finches, Waxbills, Mannikins) Bronze Mannikin Lonchura cucullata Abundant Red-billed Fire-Finch Lagonosticta senegala Uncommon Viduidae (Whydahs, Indigo Birds) Pintailed Whydah Vidua macroura Uncommon a All birds listed in this table were seen either during the dry season EBS, the wet season EBS or both. b IUCN categories include: CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), vulnerable (VU), and data deficient (DD); see Section for more detail. c Schedule I: hunting, capture, or trade is absolutely forbidden (see text). Schedule II: trade is allowed only under special licence (see text).

Table 5.1-39 Reptiles Reported to Occur in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa
Common Name Crocodylidae (Crocodiles) Nile Crocodile Short-snouted Crocodile (Alligator) Pelomedusidae (Swamp terrapins) West African Mud Turtle Testudinidae (Tortoises) Forest Hingeback Tortoise Homes Hingeback Tortoise Bells Hingeback Tortoise Varanidae (Monitor Lizards) Nile Monitor Lizard Boidae (Pythons) Royal Python African Rock Python Elapidae (Cobras and Mambas) Spitting Cobra Black Cobra Species Conservation Status Pipeline ROW Decree IUCN and Environs No. 11c

Crocodylus niloticus Osteolaemus tetraspis Pelusios castaneus Kinixys erosa Kinixys homeana Kinixys belliana Varanus niloticus Python regius Python sebae Naja nigricollis Naja melanoleuca


1 1

Common Common Uncommon Common Uncommon Common


1 1 1

Common Uncommon Uncommon Common Common

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Table 5.1-39 Reptiles Reported to Occur in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa
Common Name Species Conservation Status Decree Pipeline ROW IUCN No. 11c and Environs

Viperidae (Vipers) Night Adder Causus maculates Common a The Nile crocodile and Nile monitor were observed from a distance, not within the ROW, but definitely with a 5km radius of it. They are generally believed to be abundant in the area and some baby crocodiles are kept captive in homesteads, but are eventually eaten when they attain the right size. b IUCN categories include: CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), vulnerable (VU), and data deficient (DD); see Section for more detail. c Schedule I: hunting, capture, or trade is absolutely forbidden (see text). Schedule II: trade is allowed only under special licence (see text).

Table 5.1-40 Amphibians Recorded in the Vicinity of the Proposed Pipeline ROWa
Common Name Hyperolidae (Treefrogs) Afrixalus dorsalis Hyperolius fusciventris Hyperolius guttulatus Hyperolius concolor Ranidae (Frogs) Ptychadena taenioscelis Ptychadena oxyrhinchus Ptychadena aequiplicata Aubria subsigilata Phrynobactrachus albolabris Dicroglossus occipitalis Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Common Species Conservation Status Decree Pipeline ROW IUCN No. 11 and Environs

Bullfrog Bufonidae (Toads) Common Toad Bufo regularis Forest Toad Bufo maculatus Pipidae (Clawed Toads) Xenopus tropicalis

All amphibians listed were observed during the field work.

IUCN categories include: CR (critically endangered), EN (endangered), vulnerable (VU), and data deficient (DD); see Section for more detail.

Schedule I: hunting, capture, or trade is absolutely forbidden (see text). Schedule II: trade is allowed only under special licence (see text).

Hunters have stated that the bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus) has not been seen in the area for a long time. However, the manatee (Trichechus senegalensis) has been sighted frequently in the Badagry Creek and its tributaries.

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Thirty-eight bird species were observed during the dry season EBS (Table 5.1-38), while a total of 53 species belonging to 31 families were seen or heard in the study area during the wet season EBS (Appendices 5-A and 5-B). Twenty-eight of these species were recorded in both seasons, which indicates that they are resident. The reptilian fauna of the project area is made up of crocodiles, turtles, tortoises, snakes, and lizards (Table 5.1-39). Sea turtles that nest annually on the sandy shores of Badagry and nearby Takwa Bay include the green (Chelonia mydas), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and the loggerhead (Caretta caretta). Marine turtles are well known to the populace, who admitted hunting them for food and collecting their eggs when they come ashore to breed between August and December (see Section below). Based on reports by the indigenes, the reptilian fauna of the area consists of crocodiles, turtles, land tortoises, snakes, and lizards. Several species of snakes were reported in the area. These include the black cobra (Naja melaneuca), spitting cobra (Naja nigricollis), night adder (Causus maculatus), Gabon viper (Bitis gabonica), and the African python (Python sebae). The monitor lizard (Varanus niloticus), the Nile crocodile (Crocodylus niloticus), and the dwarf (or short-snouted) crocodile (Osteolaemus tetraspis) are hunted for meat (it was noted however that some people consider the monitor lizard a taboo).
Economic Significance of Wildlife

Animals are hunted both for food and for sale. Apart from consumption as food, certain parts of wild animals are also used in folk medicine. Some animals are kept as pets (e.g. baby crocodiles, doves, turtles), but these are invariably consumed as soon as they attain maturity. Soil Organisms

Previous studies of the soil of coastal areas in Nigeria have shown that soil microarthropod densities are extremely low in sandy soils and freshwater swamps when compared with mineral soils in areas where the vegetation is heterogeneous and the clay content of the soil is low (Imevbore et al., 1993; Odeyemi et al. 1994). This implies that such soils are more suitable for agriculture than sandy and swampy soils. These arable soils occur in patches in the coastal areas, and are as suitable for agriculture as soils in the hinterland. The results of the dry season EBS microbial analysis of the soil samples from the inland are shown in Table 5.1-41. Total heterotrophic bacterial count are observed to range on the order of 105 colony forming units per gram (cfu/g) to 106cfu/g, while fungal densities range on the order of 102cfu/g to 103cfu/g. Hydrocarbon degrading bacterial count of the soils varied on the order of 103cfu/g to 104cfu/g, while their fungal counterpart are observed to vary between 0cfu/g and 70cfu/g. The sulfate-reducing bacterial populations are generally low and ranged between 0 cells/g and 103 cells/g.

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Table 5.1-41 Average Dry Season Microbial Densities of Soil Samples from Part of the Project Area*
Total Hydrocarbon Sulphate Total Hydrocarbon Heterotrophic Degrading Reducing Heterotrophic Degrading Sample Code Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria Fungi Fungi (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cells/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g) PT2A 7.8 105 8.3 104 102 3.7 102 08 5 3 PT2B 2.0 10 4.0 10 0 4.0 102 0 6 4 2 3 PT2C 1.0 10 4.3 10 10 6.2 10 21 PT2D 4.8 105 5.2 104 101 1.6 103 42 PT4A 1.2 106 2.3 104 0 2.1 103 23 5 3 3 PT4B 3.3 10 3.8 10 0 2.6 10 70 PT4C 4.0 106 5.1 104 101 4.0 103 40 6 3 2 3 PT4D 2.3 10 2.9 10 10 2.4 10 40 PT5A 8.7 105 7.3 103 102 4.6 102 08 PT5B 1.6 106 3.6 104 103 5.0 102 50 5 4 2 PT5C 7.1 10 1.1 10 0 7.0 10 42 PT5D 1.3 106 3.5 104 0 2.0 102 46 PT6A 7.0 105 6.7 103 0 1.5 103 20 5 4 2 PT6B 4.6 10 5.4 10 0 3.0 10 0 PT6C 1.4 105 4.1 103 0 7.0 102 0 PT6D 4.8 105 4.4 103 101 7.0 103 30 *See Figure 5.1-2 for sampling onshore locations.

Fifteen bacteria and 11 fungi species were identified from the soil samples. The bacterial isolates include: Bacillus subtilis, Bacillus polymyxa, Streptomyces spp., Aeromonas spp., Arthrobacter spp., Sarcinia spp., Proteus mirabilis, Corynebacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Micrococcus luteum, Desulfotomaculum spp., Bacillus cereus, Pseudomonas fluorescence and Flavobacterium spp. The fungal isolates include the following: Microsporium audovinii, Microsporium gypseum, Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium spp., Trichoderma spp., Daldenia spp., Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Penicillium notatum, and Rhodotorula spp. The results of the dry season microbial analysis of the soil samples from a beach transect are as shown in Table 5.1-42. Total heterotrophic bacterial count ranged between 1.6 106cfu/g and 2.8 106cfu/g, while fungal densities were lower, on the order 102cfu/g to 103cfu/g. Hydrocarbon degrading bacteria count of the soils varied on the order 102cfu/g to 104cfu/g while fungal densities varied between 0cfu/g and 25cfu/g. The sulfate reducing bacterial populations in this locality were generally very low and ranged between 0 cells/g and 101 cells/g.

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Table 5.1-42 Average Microbial Densities of Soil Samples from A Beach Transect of WAGP EIA Project (Dry Season)*
Total Hydrocarbon Sulfate Total Hydrocarbon Heterotrophic Degrading Reducing Heterotrophic Degrading Sample Code Bacteria Bacteria Bacteria Fungi Fungi (cfu/g) (cfu/g) (cells/g) (cfu/g) (cfu/g) T1S1 2.8 106 4.5 102 0 1.5 103 25 6 2 T1S2 1.6 10 3.2 10 0 3.4 103 20 6 4 1 2 T1S3 2.8 10 4.4 10 10 3.0 10 0 *See Figure 5.1-2 for sampling onshore locations.

Thirteen bacteria and 12 fungi species were identified from the soil/sediment samples, and these include the following bacteria: Desulfuomaculum spp., Arthrobacter spp., Corynebacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas pseudomallei, Streptomyces spp., Aeromonas spp., Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescence, Bacillus polymyxa, and Flavobacterium spp. The fungi species include Rhodotorula spp., Penicillium spp., Aspergillus flavus, Cladosporium spp., Trichoderma spp., Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, Microsporium gypseum, Cunninghamella spp., Botrytis spp., Microsporium audovinii, Neurospora spp., and Pullularia spp. During the wet season EBS, the total heterotrophic bacterial count ranged on the order of 107cfu/g to 108cfu/g. Fungal densities were lower, in the range of 105cfu/g. Hydrocarbon degrading bacterial count of the soils varied on the order of 104cfu/g to 106cfu/g, while their fungal counterpart were observed to vary between 0cfu/g and 6.5 105cfu/g. The sulfate reducing bacterial populations were generally low and ranged between 0 cells/g and 103 cells/g (Appendix 5-B). The most abundant taxonomic group of soil microarthropod in the study area is Acarina, ticks and mites. This extremely diverse group, which is represented by more than fifty genera in the southwestern region of Nigeria (Badejo, 1999) is poorly represented in the area investigated (Table 5.1-43). This is not unexpected because during the dry season soil microarthropods are normally not very abundant (Badejo, 1990).

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Table 5.1-43 Mean Numbers of Soil Microarthropods Extracted from the Soil in Different Habitat Types (Mean Based on Four Sampling Units)
Microarthropod Group Acarina Mesoplophora sp. Mixacarus sp. Bicyrthermannia nigeriana Epilohmania sp. Nothrus lasebikani Carabodes sp. Muliercula inexpectata Scheloribates mochlosimilaris Galumnella sonpona Pergalumna sp. Teleiolides sp. Belbidae Liacaridae Polyaspidae Parasitidae Symphylla Pseudoscorpionida Chilopoda (Centipedes) Collembola (Springtails) Isoptera (Termites) Homoptera Coleoptera (Beetles) Formicoidea (Ants) Grass Near Beach 0 0 9 0 0 1 6 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 Coconut & Raphia Near Beach 0 5 9 14 1 0 1 1 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 8 2 1 Re-Growth Forest Near Beach 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 0 Cassava/ Forest Mosaic (Ewupe) 0 0 4 0 0 0 10 45 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 7 3 0 Cassava Farm (Onipanu) 5 0 7 0 0 0 40 25 3 0 0 2 3 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 3 17 Raphia Swamp (Igbesa) 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 1 0 1 3 0

The most abundant acarine species are Scheloribates mochlosimilaris and Galumnella sonpona. These pterogasterine mites have been observed to be the most abundant in forest and cultivated soils of other locations in the southwestern zone of Nigeria. They were abundant at Ewupe and Onipanu where the vegetation is close to the original undisturbed forest conditions. Their low densities at locations near the beach suggests that sparse vegetation is not conducive for the growth of their populations. Although the populations of other microrathropod groups are too low to permit detailed discussion of them, the presence of Collembola at the Raphia swamp in Igbesa suggests that this and other groups of detritivorous microarthropods will be extracted from the soil during the wet season sampling. The seasonality of soil microarthropods has been extensively discussed by Belfield (1956) and Butcher et al. (1971). Acarina were also the most abundant taxonomic group of soil microarthropods during the wet season. In all, 21 groups of arthropods were observedin the area include: Acarina, Araneida, Schizopeltida, Isopoda, Diplura, Psocoptera, Hemiptera, and Coleptera larva. All of these groups were recorded from the Rhapia dominated site. In general, the freshwater swamp habitat supported the highest microarthropod populations while the sandy beach supported the lowest population. Using the microarthopod population densities recorded in the area (2,833/m2 to 4,000/m2) as an index, it could be inferred that the soils in the area may not be agriculturally viable. In productive soils of the western region of Nigeria, densities of

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soil mites (Acarina) alone reach a peak of about 80,000 per m2 in the wet season (Badejo and Lasebikan, 1988; Badejo, 1990, Badejo, 1999) (Appendix 5-B). Hydrobiology and Fisheries

Like water quality, most of the available information on the aquatic biological resources of the Nigerian coastal lagoons is from the Badagry Creek. The macrobenthic fauna are composed primarily of mollusks (primarily bivalves and gastropods), crustaceans (most of which are important shellfish), and polychaete annelids. The fish fauna comprise about 30 species, dominated by catfishes, clupeids, and cichlids. In a survey of the fish fauna of the Owo River system, Arawomo (1991) recorded about 18 species belonging to 12 families. The family Cichlidae seemed to dominate both qualitatively and quantitatively. Shrimps were also found in abundance. In the 1990s, the lagoons and creeks in the study area were notorious for the occurrence of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes. It was believed that the weed found its way into Nigerian waters via the Port Novo Creek (Benin Republic) through the Badagry Creek, from where it spread into the riverine areas of Lagos. Although no longer a threat, water hyacinth still occurs in the area together with a wide range of other floating and rooted macrophytes. Most of them belong to the plant families of Azollaceae, Lemnaceae, Araceae, Lentibulariaceae, Convolvulaceae, and Euphobia. Olaniyan (1975) has provided some information on the plankton fauna and flora of the Badagry Creek system, including the abundance of the dominant species. A number of the species are common both to the lagoon and the nearby open sea. The chief among these are the copepods, which seem to be able to tolerate a wide range of salinity. Phytoplankton flora consists mainly of diatom species of Chaetoceros, Biddulphia, and Surirella. Nwankwo (1990a) recorded 48 diatom species from Badagry Creek and the adjacent sea. The dinoflagellates were dominated by species of Ceratium and Peridinium (Nwankwo, 1990b). Fishing is a major occupation of the local people of the WAGP project area in Nigeria. It also holds an attraction for a number of non-indigenes that have migrated to the area from the hinterland. There is evidence from oral interviews that some of the existing communities in the area originally started off or were founded as fishing settlements. However, fishing still exists largely at an artisanal level in the area, subsistence mostly by the local fisherfolks using traditional facilities and gears. The major facility required is a boat, usually a dug-out canoe, which can be propelled by paddling. This is the common in the non-tidal rivers. Canoes with outboard engines occur more in the tidal water bodies, notably Badagry Creek, Ologe Lagoon and the lower reach of Owo River, where water is deep enough for their use. Both men and women, and to some extent children, are involved in fishing. A wide range of fishing gear is employed in the study area. The most common are nets (gill nets, lift nets, and cast nets), traps (usually made into baskets), and hooks on line. Although finfish is the main target of exploitation, shellfish are also obtainable. The latter include crabs, prawns, shrimps, and mollusks (notably gastropods and bivalves and cephalopods). The finfish fauna reflects the mixed nature of the water environment comprising marine, brackish, and freshwater species. A list of some fish species identified in the study area is presented in Table 5.1-44.

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Table 5.1-44 Distribution of the Recorded Fish Species in the Study Area
Species Bagrus bayad Bagrus sp. Chrysicthys auratus Tilapia guineensis Tilapia sp. Oreochromis niloticus Hemichromis fasciatus Clarias sp. Pellonula sp. Ilisha africana Sardinella aurita Gymnarchus niloticus Malapterurs electricus Synodontis spp. Liza spp. Mugil sp. Periophthalnus papillio Pseudolithus sp. Sphyraena sp. Ephippion sp. Hespetus odeo Family Bagridae Bagridae Bagridae Cichlidae Cichlidae Cichlidae Cichlidae Claridae Clupeidae Clupeidae Clupeidae Gymnarchidae Malapteruridae Mochocidae Mugilidae Mugilidae Periophthalidae Scianidae Sphyraenidae Tetraodontidae Hespetinidae Occurrence Tidal Waters Non-Tidal Waters + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Microbial analysis of water samples from the study area reveals the presence of appreciable quantities of heterotrophic bacteria and fungi. Also, the distribution of hydrocarbon degraders, coliform bacteria, and sulfate reducing bacteria is observed to vary extensively, as shown in Table 5.1-45. Total heterotrophic bacterial count is observed to range in the order of 102cfu/mL and 104cfu/mL. Total fungal densities are generally lower than that of bacteria, and range between 20cfu/mL and of 102cfu/mL. Hydrocarbon degrading bacteria counts vary from 1.0 102cfu/mL to 2.4 104cfu/mL, while fungal counts vary between 0cfu/mL and 70cfu/mL. Sulfate reducing bacteria was absent in most of the sample locations, but where present, vary between 0 cells/mL and 102 cells/mL. Coliform bacterial densities suggest that all the water samples are not potable as counts in the range of 5.8 cells/100mL and 1760 cells/100mL were observed. In two cases (WS13s and WS14, both approximately 6km east of Igbessa), the indicator of fecal contamination, Escherichia coli, was observed. Bacterial isolates identified in this location include: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp., Azotobacter spp., Micrococcus luteum, Serratia marcescens, Desulfurvibrio spp., Aeromonas spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Alcaligenes feacalis, Proteus vulgaris, Bacillus cereus, and Bacillus subtilis. The fungal species isolated include: Microsporium audininii, Cephalosporium spp., Cunnighamella spp., Pullularia pullularis, Cladosporium spp., Penicillium camenberti, Alternaria spp., Rhizopus oryzae, Fusarium spp., Penicillium italicum, and Rhodotorula spp.

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Table 5.1-45 Average Microbial Densities of Water Samples from WAGP EIA Project*
Sample Code WS1 WS2S WS2B WS3S WS3B WS11S WS11B WS26 WS29 WS31 WS33 WS34 WS36

TBC (cfu/mL) 6.0 103 1.1 104 2.4 104 2.4 102 2.0 102 3.2 104 3.2 102 2.8 104 2.2 104 2.6 104 1.7 104 3.7 104 1.5 104

HDB SRB (cfu/mL) (cells/mL) 2.0 103 0 3 8.3 10 0 6.9 103 102 1.1 102 0 2 1.2 10 102 1.1 104 102 2 1.2 10 102 1.8 104 102 4 2.2 10 0 6.6 103 0 3 8.5 10 102 4 1.7 10 0 3 5.7 10 0

THF (cfu/mL) 1.5 102 90 3.3 102 1.2 102 1.2 102 4.0 102 1.0 102 3.2 102 20 1.6 102 20 1.2 102 1.4 102

HDF Coliform (cfu/mL) (cells/100mL) 25 736 10 24 43 68.8 23 24 44 24 55 62.4 24 148.8 54 14.6 0 84.8 32 240 07 336 44 36.8 13 57.6

Presence of E. coli suggestive of possibility of fecal contamination. THB - Total heterotrophic bacteria; HDB - Hydrocarbon degrading bacteria; SRB Sulfate reducing bacteria; THF Total heterotrophic fungi; HDF Hydrocarbon degrading fungi.

*See Figure 5.1-2 for sampling onshore locations.

The standing crop of primary producers (mainly phytoplankton) in the study area was assessed by the biomass of primary photosynthetic pigments in the investigated surface water bodies. Highlights of the results obtained are presented in Table 5.1-46. On the whole, total chlorophyll content varies over a narrow range of 1.15g/L to 20.68g/L, averaging 8.63 6.33g/L. The mean chlorophyll crop comprises chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, and chlorophyll-c in the ratio of 3:3:4, respectively. On average, the phaeophytin crop is 3.95 5.36 g/L or about 46 percent mean total chlorophyll crop. This suggests that most of the observed chlorophyll crop occurred in live form (i.e., undecomposed). Table 5.1-46 Concentrations of Photosynthetic Pigments in the Investigated Water Bodies*
Statistics n Min Max Range Median Mean s.d. Percent c.v Chlorophyll-a 10 0.65 8.70 8.70 2.05 2.49 2.26 92 Chlorophyll-b 9 0.19 8.06 8.00 2.80 2.64 2.57 97 Chlorophyll-c 5 1.09 10.40 10.40 0.00 3.49 4.45 128 Total Chlorophyll 10 1.15 20.69 20.68 8.89 8.63 6.33 73 Phaeophytin 6 2.03 15.38 15.38 2.03 3.95 5.36 136

* See Table 5.1-12a for a list of water bodies.

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Table 5.1-47 shows that the non-tidal water bodies are richer in mean total chlorophyll content (mean s.d = 15.5 3.62g/L) than the tidal water bodies (4.70 3.62g/L). Also, the low tide water regime is much richer, both in chlorophyll-a and total chlorophyll content, than high tide water based on measurements from Badagry Creek. Based on the mean concentrations of chlorophyll-a of the different water bodies in the area (2.49 2.26g/L), the trophic status of the investigated water bodies can be classified as mesotrophic (i.e. moderately nutrient rich) following the classification of McColl (1972). The much richer levels of chlorophyll-c in the non-tidal waters (9.34 0.79g/L) compared to the tidal water (0.16 0.38g/L) as well as in high tide waters (0.55 0.55g/L) compared to low tide waters (<0.1 0.1g/L) suggest that algae of the divisions Chrysophyta (i.e. golden algae) and Phaeophyta (brown algae) are the dominant primary producers in those richer water bodies. Similarly, the preponderance of chlorophyll-b in non-tidal waters and low-tide tidal water suggest that Chlorophyta (i.e. green) algae are the dominant primary producers in those waters. Table 5.1-47 Variation in Photosynthetic Pigments in Relation to Tide Regime in the Study Area
Parameter (g/L) Chlorophyll-a Chlorophyll-b Chlorophyll-c Total Chlorophyll Phaeophytin Tidal Water 2.33 2.73 2.31 2.76 0.16 0.38 4.70 3.62 3.08 5.20 Tidal Regime Non-Tidal Water Low Tide 2.95 0.82 5.44 3.26 3.22 2.09 4.13 3.94 9.34 0.79 0.00 0.00 15.50 3.62 9.56 0.67 5.47 5.31 7.69 7.69 High Tide 1.35 0.70 3.45 0.65 0.55 0.55 5.34 0.60 1.66 1.66

The tentative analysis of the plankton communities indicates that the phytoplankton flora is dominated by diatoms (Chrysophyta), green-grass algae (Chlorophyta), and dinoflagellates (Pyrrophyta). Also recorded are members of the blue-green algae (Cyanophyta) and the brown algae (Phaetophyta) in that order of decreasing taxa richness and abundance. The diatoms comprise mostly centric members (Class Centrales) of which the species of the genera Melosira, Coscinodiscus, Chaetoceros, and Bidduphia are the most common. Among the pennate diatoms (Penales) Surrirella, Asterinella, and Navicula spp. are the most common. Most dinoflagellates are members of the two genera Peridinium and Ceratium, while Microcystis and Anabaena are the most common blue-green algae. The green algae are mostly Chloroacaea members, with a few desmids also occurring. The zooplankton fauna comprise rotifers and copepod crustaceans. Whereas copepods predominate in the tidal waters, the rotifers and cladocerans tend to predominate in the nontidal freshwater bodies. Members of the family Brachionidae and Lecanidae dominate the rotifers. Other represented families are Trichocercidae, Synchaetedae, Asplanchnidae, and Testudinellidae, in decreasing order of importance. Perhaps because of the generally low-lying and swampy nature of the study area, the surface water bodies are vegetated by a wide range of aquatic macrophytes. The occurrence and distribution of these plants are indicated in Table 5.1-48. The flora are comprised mostly of floating and submerged forms in the open water, while rooted forms predominate along the

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shoreline and littoral zones. In the tidal waters, especially on the Badagry Creek and Ologe Lagoon, water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) is by far the most common floating weed. On those waters, it forms extensive mats incorporating other weeds, mostly Ceratophyllum, Nymphia (Nymphaeaceae) Salvinia nymphellula, and Azolla africana. These mats are frequently visited by a wide range of waterfowl and serve as a rich source of macroinvertebrate fauna. The occurrence of the invasive water hyacinth is greatly reduced outside the tidal waters, occurring only occasionally at the lower reach of the River Owo. Rooted vegetation, most of which stretches into the watercourse from the shoreline, predominates in the non-tidal water bodies. Notable among these are: Commelina spp., Luduwiga spp. (Onagraceae), Ipomea aquatica (Convoluvulaceae), and the fern, Nephrolepsis sp. (Thelypteridaceae). Table 5.1-48 The Occurrence of Aquatic Macrophytes in the Study Area
Taxa Species Pistia stratiotes Azolla African Ipomea aquatica Eichhornia crassipes Lewna spp. Ceratophylum demersun Nymphia lotus Commelina spp. Ludwigia sp. Nephrolepsis spp. Salvinia nymphellula Family Araceae Azollaceae Convoluvulaceae Eichhorniaceae Lamnaceae Yewa River + + Water Bodies in the Study Area Badagry Ologe Owo Ore Iju Creek Lagoon River River River + + + + + + + + + + + + + Imede River + + + +

Nymphaeaceae Nymphaeaceae Onagraceae Onagraceae Thelypteridaceae Salviniaceae

+ + + -

+ + + +

+ + -

+ + + + + -

+ + + + + +

+ + + +

+ + + + +

Sediment samples from the area are rich in different microbial communities as shown in Table 5.1-49. Average total heterotrophic bacterial counts range between 2.7 105cfu/g and 2.8 106cfu/g. Average total fungal densities vary from 3.0 102cfu/g to 3.6 103cfu/g. Hydrocarbon degrading bacterial populations range between 1.1 104cfu/g and 1.2 106cfu/g, while fungal populations range from 0cfu/g to 3.1 103cfu/g. The sulfate reducing bacteria population varies from 0cfu/g to 103cfu/g. The bacteria species isolated from the sediment include: Proteus vulgaris, Desulfuvibrio spp., Pseudomonas pseudomallei, Sarcinia spp., Corynebacterium spp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Arthrobacter spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae, Micrococcus luteum, Streptomyces spp., Staphylococcus aureus, Aeromonas spp., Bacillus cereus, Bacillus subtilis, Pseudomonas fluorescence, Proteus mirabilis, Bacillus polymyxa, and Flavobacterium spp. The isolated fungal species include: Daldenia spp., Aspergillus niger, Cladosporium spp., Trichoderma spp., Rhodotorula spp., Aspergillus flavus, Botrytis spp., Scopulariospsis brevicaulis, Pullularia spp., Microsporium gypseum, Cunninghamella spp., Penicillium notatum, Rhodotorula spp., Neurospora spp., and Microsporium audovinii.

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Table 5.1-49 Average Microbial Densities of Sediment Samples*

Total Hydrocarbon Heterotrophic Degrading Sample Code Bacteria Bacteria (cfu/g) (cfu/g) 6 SE1 1.8 10 1.5 105 SE2-TO 1.1 106 1.1 104 6 SE3-ROW 2.110 1.2 106 5 SE4 8.8 10 6.5 105 SE5 1.1 106 6.3 104 6 SE6 2.8 10 4.4 104 6 SE8 1.1 10 5.3 105 SE9 1.5 106 7.9 103 5 SE10 6.9 10 1.5 105 SE11 1.3 106 7.7 103 6 SE16 1.2 10 2.3 104 5 SE21 4.9 10 1.1 105 SE23 1.6 106 4.8 104 5 SE24 3.5 10 3.5 104 5 SE31 2.8 10 7.9 103 SE33 6.5 105 1.3 105 5 SE34 5.3 10 4.7 104 5 SE36 2.7 10 6.5 104 SE37 6.2 105 3.6 104 Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (cells/g) 103 103 101 0 0 0 103 102 101 103 102 102 0 0 0 102 102 103 0 Total Hydrocarbon Heterotrophic Degrading Fungi Fungi (cfu/g) (cfu/g) 2.0 103 1.2 102 1.7 103 41 8.0 102 32 3 1.1 10 1.4 102 1.3 103 50 1.4 103 33 2 3.0 10 12 6.0 102 35 3.0 102 21 3 1.9 10 2.1 102 2 9.0 10 52 1.8 102 23 2 5.0 10 15 3.6 103 3.1 102 1.0 103 47 4.0 102 24 4.0 102 0 2 6.0 10 15 1.1 103 1.7 102

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

*See Figure 5.1-2 for sampling onshore locations.

The macrobenthic fauna are composed primarily of mollusks (mainly bivalves and gastropods), crustaceans (most of which are important shellfish), and polychaete annelids. A total of 496 specimens of macroinvertebrate animals belonging to 20 species were observed in the 20 sediment samples analyzed. A summary of the occurrence is given in Table 5.1-50. Three groups of organisms, namely mollusks, dipteran larvae, and oligochaete worms, form the bulk of the fauna, accounting for 56.5, 23.6 and 18.8 percent, respectively. The remaining fauna is comprised of polychaetes, decapods, and neuroptera species. The mollusks, particularly Egeria paradoxa (bivalve) and Pachymelania aurita (gastropod), occur in significantly large numbers in the stations located along Badagry Creek (S2, S3, S4, S5) and Yewa River (S1) respectively. In contrast, larvae and oligochaete worms observed are more abundant in the slow-running forest streams of the study area. The chironomids are more abundant at some stations, while Tubifex tubifex, an oligochaete worm and the oligochaete Nais communis also occur in large numbers. The oligochaetes and chironomidae (which are among the well known organic pollution-tolerant macrobenthic fauna) form the bulk of the macrobenthic fauna in the slow running forest streams in the study area.

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Table 5.1-50 Occurrence of Amphibian Tadpoles and Macroinvertebrate Animals Associated with Aquatic Macrophytes in the Selected Onshore Water Bodies
Badagry Creek Water bodies in the study area Ologe Owo Imede Iju Lagoon River River River + + Ore River Oruku River -

Taxon Amphibia - tadpoles Annelida (Oligochaeta) Branchiodrilus sp. Chaetogaster diastrophus Nais communis Tubifex tubifex Annelida (Hirudinea) Glossiphonia sp. Helobdella punotata Haemopsis marmorata Crustacea (Amphipoda) Gamarus fasciatus Crustacea (Decapoda) Potamalpheops monody Crustacea (Isopoda) Ligia gracilipes Insecta (Coleoptera) Copelatus sp. Hydrocanthus sp. Hydrophilus sp. Hydroporus sp. Philhydrus sp. Insecta (Diptera) Chaoborus sp. Chironomus fractilobus Chironomus transvaalesis Clinatanypus maculates Corynoneura sp. Cricotopus sp. Insecta (Ephemeroptera) Adenophlebiodes sp. Baetis sp. Cloeon cylindroculum Pseudocloeon sp. Insecta (Hemptera) Lothocerus sp. Pelocoris femoratus Insecta (Anisoptera) Cordulid Erythemis sp. Ophiogomphus sp. Oxygaster curtisii Plathemis sp.

+ + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + + + +

+ + + + + + -

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + -

+ + + -

+ + + + -

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Table 5.1-50 Occurrence of Amphibian Tadpoles and Macroinvertebrate Animals Associated with Aquatic Macrophytes in the Selected Onshore Water Bodies
Badagry Creek Water bodies in the study area Ologe Owo Imede Iju Lagoon River River River Ore River Oruku River

Taxon Insecta (Zygoptera) Coenagrion scitulum Lestes dryas Mollusca (Bivalvia) Psidium pirothi Mollusca (Gastropoda) Hydrobia sp. Lanistes libycus Potamopygus ciliatus Species Number

+ 10

+ + 10

+ 13

+ 8

+ 18

+ = Present

- = Absent

Calculation of diversity indices includes a number of measures or indices. Species richness is the total number of species found in an environment or sample. Margalefs diversity index incorporates species composition and total number of individuals in its computation (i.e., D = (S-1)/log N), and is more commonly used in diversity analysis. Pielou's evenness index is a measure of equitability, that is, a measure of how evenly the individuals are distributed among the different species. Shannon Diversity Index (H) is measuring the order/disorder in a particular system. This order is characterized by the number of individuals found for each species/category in the sample. The number of sediment species per station ranged from one to seven. Species diversity was generally low, while the Margalefs index of species richness (D) ranged from 0.00 to 2.06, and the Shannon Diversity Index varied between 0.00 and 1.55. The evenness index also ranged between 0 and 0.96. The macrobenthic sediment fauna of non-tidal waters was less abundant, but, by far, more diverse than those of tidal water bodies (Table 5.1-51). With regard to taxa number (S), species richness, and the Shannon Diversity Index the non-tidal water bodies were, on average, at least twice as diverse as the tidal waters (Table 5.1-52).

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Table 5.1-51 Summary of Species Richness, Abundance, Diversity, and Distribution of the Major Groups of Macrobenthic Fauna in the Project Area Sediment
Major Groups Annelida Oligochaeta Polychaeta Decapoda Diptera Mollusca Bivalvia Gastropoda Neuroptera Abundance(N) Diversity I. II. Taxa number (S) Species Richness (D) 20 3 2 2 1 3 5 3 3 2 2 5 3 5 5 4 3 4 5 1 7 1.373 4 1 1 45 53 51 58 65 8 35 1 10 5 5 6 3 27 4 35 13 6 5 18 7 53 51 58 65 0 0 3 0 2 0 4 1 1 79 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 236 44 2 496 47.58 8.87 0.40 6 1 1 6 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 23 2 0 0 2 2 0 0 33 5 0 1 7 3 0 0 3 2 0 0 3 0 0 1 17 5 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 54 0 0 25 93 2 2 117 18.75 0.40 0.40 23.59 WAGP EIA Onshore Sampling Stations S S1 S2 S3 S4 S5 S6 S8 S9 S10 S11 S12 S13 S15 S16 S23 S24 S29 S33 S36 S37 TOTAL Percent

0.525 0.252 0.254 0.000 0.479 1.737 1.243 1.243 0.558 0.910 1.214 1.443 1.125 1.559 1.674 1.243 1.038 2.056

III. Shannon Diversity Index (H) IV. Evenness Index (E)

0.641 0.094 0.097 0.000 0.266 1.471 0.950 1.055 0.637 0.637 1.390 1.040 0.897 1.327 1.330 1.055 0.926 1.550 0.000 1.317 0.583 0.135 0.139 0.242 0.914 0.865 0.960 0.918 0.918 0.864 0.946 0.558 0.824 0.959 0.960 0.668 0.963 0.677

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Table 5.1-52 Diversity of Macro-Invertebrate Sediment Fauna of the Investigated Water Bodies in Relation to Tidal Regime
Diversity Index Abundance Taxa number (S) Species Richness (D) Shannon Diversity Index (H) Evenness Index (E) Min 3 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 Max 65 3 1.24 3 0.95 0 0.96 0 Tidal Waters Median Mean 48 2 0.502 0.637 0.413 35.8 2.25 0.528 0.415 0.480 Percent c.v. 24.67 69 0.66 0.369 0.323 0.371 29 70 78 77 s.d. Min 1 1 1.038 0.000 0.558 Max 79 7 2.05 6 1.89 7 0.96 3 Non-tidal waters Median Mean 8.5 4.5 1.308 1.186 0.889 17.5 4.17 1.309 1.077 0.774 Percent c.v. 20.95 120 1.46 0.483 0.371 0.269 35 37 34 35 s.d.

As expected, the benthic communities in the sediment and those associated with the aquatic macrophytes in the aquatic system in the study area are admixtures of fresh and brackish water species. The well known brackish water forms include the errant polychaete, Neanthes limnicola, mollusks, Pachymelania aurita, Potamopyqus ciliatus, Egeria paradoxa, Iphigenia rostrata, Mytillus perna, and Tellina senegambiensis, while the freshwater forms include the developing stages of most insecta, the oligochaete worms, and freshwater mollusks. In the sediment, fauna was, on the average, low in abundance. However, in the roots of aquatic plants, there was a large variety and abundance of different stages of insects, leeches and other invertebrates, thus providing a very conducive habitat for detritivorous and omnivorous fish to thrive if other environmental conditions are right. The whole array of common and rare benthic fauna on the roots of the aquatic weeds and the sediment provides an economic and practical utility for supporting fish culture practices.


Offshore Environment
Physical Environment Climate

The offshore climate is similar to that discussed for the onshore environment in Section Bathymetry and Coastal Geology

The project area from Nigeria to Ghana covers the western part of the Gulf of Guinea shelf, which is part of the narrow protrusion of the Equatorial Atlantic shelf. The Gulf is generally regarded as tectonically passive, though earth tremors recorded recently in Nigeria may suggest some crustal instability. There are two minor continental shelves off the coast of Nigeria. The first shelf runs from the coast to a depth of 30m. The second shelf ranges in depth between 30m and 100m, and then drops off to the continental slope. The sediment types within the inner and middle continental shelf consist of more than 75 percent terrigenous sediments, detrital sands with an
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admixture of carbonate on most of the outer shelf and upper slope, and glauconite-rich sediments with mixtures of biogenic carbonate in the outer part of the shelf and upper slope. Currents and Tidal Patterns

The Guinea Current (GC) is the dominant circulation feature in the Gulf of Guinea. It is fed by the North Equatorial Counter Current off the Liberian coast, and flows eastward along the coastlines of Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The concave topography of the Gulf of Guinea causes the GC to jackknife back towards the west as the South Equatorial Current. Seasonal upwelling occurs from June to late September along the coast. The upwelling weakens in September. Coastal configuration is generally west to east. Generally, the waves approaching the coastline of the Gulf of Guinea are produced by the south-southwesterly winds, which are most pronounced during the rainy months of May to July. These winds produce southwesterly swells. The waves break obliquely on the western barrier coast, thereby generating west-to-east longshore currents. The currents sweep sediments along the west coast. Velocities of longshore current as estimated by Allen (1964) ranged from 0.22m/s to 1.0 /s. Waves usually break at oblique angles to the shore at angles ranging from 10 to 30 and open mostly to the east. The tides are also from the southwest and are predominantly semi-diurnal with two inequalities. The west-east littoral drift is interrupted along its way at many locations by the construction of harbor-protecting structures at Lagos, which have altered the natural littoral drift cell patterns. The Lagos moles, which consist of the west and east moles built between 1908 and 1912 to stop the silting of the Commodore Channel (the main entrance to the Lagos seaports), have drastically reduced the amount of sediment available for transport to the downdrift side. At Badagry, the littoral drift starts to slow down, decreasing to about 750,000 cubic meters per year (m3/yr) of sand due to the clockwise rotation (8) off the coast. Much of these littoral sediments do not get past the Lagos moles. NEDECO (1961) estimated that the Lagos moles trap 500,000m3/yr of sand. Echweiber and Ibe (1986) calculated longshore transport of sand in the Lagos area to be 700,000m3/yr. FoworaRenardet Association (1981) estimated littoral drift of 1.5 million m3/yr off the Lagos area. Marine Traffic Patterns

Preliminary information on marine traffic in the area indicates that a wide range of vessels ply the route including small fishing boats, which are either paddle or outboard engine driven, to much larger ocean vessels going to and from the Lagos Harbor. Most of the small fishing vessels operate in the waters only in the daytime (6:00 am to 6:00 pm) and return back to land as the sun is setting. Larger vessels, such as fish trawlers and cargo vessels, on the other hand, generally have no restrictions on their passage. Marine vessels that were sighted during the wet season EBS were documented to provide further data on traffic patterns and resource uses.

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Water Quality and Water Column Characteristics

Turbidity is generally low in the offshore, oceanic waters of the offshore pipeline ROW, except for a slight contribution from floating planktonic organisms. However, there is a coastal zone of turbid, greenish water, which meets the clearer oceanic water six to eight km from the coast. The lagoon water discharged through the Lagos Harbor mouth forms a second sharply defined water mass, which lies south and east of the GC and away from the project area. This lagoon brackish water has the same salinity as the harbor water. The typical pattern of sea surface temperature (SST) measured at Victoria Beach and the Lagos Harbor shows daily fluctuations that are rapid and complex. The surface waters are basically warm with temperatures greater than 24C and are not replaced by surface waters from any other source. These waters lie within the Eastern Tropical Zone (ETZ), which extends from Cotonou in the Republic of Benin to Cape Lopez in Gabon (Longhurst, 1964). The overall pattern shows a clearly defined mean maximum temperature of 29C in April and a mean minimum temperature of 25C in August. Depending on variability within the year, there may be a second maximum in the October/November period and a second minimum in January. There is a regular temperature decline from April/May to September each year, when daily SST cycles at Victoria Beach in Lagos range from 1C to 1.5C per month. This reaches a minimum in September and has been ascribed to overall cooling of the South Atlantic and the Gulf of Guinea during this period of the year. Water column profiles of temperature, turbidity, chlorophyll-a, DO, pH, oxidation reduction potential, and specific conductivity were taken during the dry season EBS at 50 offshore sampling stations in the study area from Nigeria to Ghana. Data collected during this effort are provided in the dry season EBS Report, attached as Appendix 5-A. A brief description of the data is provided below. Temperature profiles taken in Fall 2002 also showed a thermally stratified water column. Surface temperatures of the photic zone were similar throughout the proposed pipeline ROW area, on average 27.8C. Surface waters are generally expected to be cooling in the late fall months relative to late summer when surface waters have reached the annual maximum. The minimum temperature on the pipeline route was 16.3C (off Togo, bottom 65m), while the maximum was 28.8C (off Nigeria, near surface, 5m). Many deeper water sites exhibited numerous distinctly stratified thermoclines, while shallow, nearshore sites demonstrated a distinct primary thermocline with a linear temperature gradient to the bottom, indicating mixing of stratified layers already present. A strong density gradient in the euphotic zone, limiting the vertical exchange of nutrients between surface and deep waters, is likely to exist under these conditions during fall and winter months. Turbidity, as measured in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU), was used to determine the relative ambient concentration of suspended particulate matter in the water column. In general, turbidity values were comparable throughout the proposed pipeline ROW area (both trunkline and lateral) with a slight elevation in upper surface water during the start of the down cast and a decrease in values down to the thermocline, stabilizing toward the bottom.

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The general trend in turbidity was low readings (3NTU to 5NTU range), with minor changes and low standard deviations. Chlorophyll-a concentrations ranged from 0.0g/L to 62.8g/L throughout the water column. Relatively higher concentrations were measured above the thermocline throughout most of the sampling area. A typical series of observations was 36.8g/L at the surface, decreasing by half to 18g/L at 1.5m depth; then readings drop after the thermocline at 15m to a stable 0.7g/L and continue to be stable at that range to the final depth around 27m. Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations throughout the proposed pipeline route ranged from 0.0 to 91.6 percent saturation. The highest DO profiles observed in surface waters were close to supersaturated concentrations, with a concentration of 91.6 percent. Supersaturated conditions typically occur in shallow productive areas, along the pipeline lateral since oxygen is a by-product of phytoplankton photosynthesis and the physical mixing effects of wave action at the surface interface. DO values generally decreased below the thermocline. DO declined steadily with depth reaching lower concentrations around 2 to10 percent in the deeper waters (>53m). This decline is likely due to the consumption of oxygen by fauna and bacteria and from the lack of mixing between oxygen-rich surface waters and depleted subsurface waters. Water column profiles of pH were uniform throughout the sampling area. A slight but insignificant decrease in pH was observed below the thermocline and the lowest pHs were observed at the deepwater stations. Increased pH values were found at the primary thermocline of many stations. The lowest pH value was 7.69 (depth 72m in Nigeria) and the highest pH value was 8.87 (depth 2m in Ghana). The overall average pH of all stations was 8.4 with a standard deviation of 0.1. Oxidation reduction potential (ORP) tended to decrease from the upper surface water after the primary thermocline to the deepest points at the stations in shallow water. As station depths increased to deeper water (>53m) several sites demonstrated an increase in ORP values (sometimes higher than surface water levels). The stations exhibiting this characteristic ORP profile appear to coincide with nearby steep drops in depth. Review of the metals, nutrients, alkalinity, and COD results of the discrete water samples indicates little above anticipated background concentrations in seawater (Figures 5.1-8 through 5.1-10). Variations from individual sample measurements are within the normal range of expected values and represent expected method variability.

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Figure 5.1-8 Offshore Stations Surface Water Metal Concentrations for Nigeria


8000.00 Concentration


Calcium (ppm) Potassium (ppm) Magnesium (ppm) Sodium (ppm)



at 01 N0 1c w at 02 N 02 cw at 01 N0 2c w at 02 N 03 cw at 01 N0 3c w at 02 N 04 cw N0 at 01 4c w at 01 (D N ) 04 cw N0 at 02 4c w at 02 (D ) N 05 cw at 01 N0 5c w at 02 N 06 cw at 01 N0 6c w at 02

N0 1c w

Sample Number

Figure 5.1-9 Offshore Stations Surface Water Nutrient Concentrations for Nigeria



0.8 Ammonia Nitrogen (mg/L) Total Nitrogen (mg/L) Total Phosporous (mg/L) 0.6



0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sample

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Figure 5.1-10 Offshore Stations Surface Water Alkalinity and COD Concentrations for Nigeria



100 Concentration


Alkalinity (ppm) COD (mg/L)




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sample ID

Sediment Quality and Sediment Characterization

Sediment data collected from the offshore environment during the dry season EBS are presented in this section. Characterization data from the Sediment Profile Image (SPI) study is presented below and the entire SPI Study Report can be found in Appendix 5-C. Because of engineering considerations, the proposed route of the pipeline offshore Nigeria was modified during the period when baseline data were being acquired in the field. This required recollection and reanalysis of some sediment samples along the new route and these data were integrated into the assessment of the environment. Review of all of the physical, chemical, and biological data indicates a generally homogeneous environment in the offshore project area that is defined mainly by bottom depth. This allows the use of the acquired data in the assessment and description of the environment.
Chemical Characterization

Hydrocarbons The dry season EBS analyzed hydrocarbons at each of the offshore stations for total hydrocarbons (THC), selected aliphatic hydrocarbons, and selected polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) constituents. Low levels of hydrocarbons, measured as THC, were observed throughout the entire offshore area from Nigeria to Ghana with elevated concentrations in a select few localized areas but none offshore of Nigeria. Nigeria concentrations ranged from 10.6ppm to 21.1ppm with a mean THC concentration of 14.0ppm (comparable to the region-wide average of 24.38ppm). No relatively elevated concentrations (defined as greater than the region-wide mean plus standard error, or 38.07ppm) were detected along the proposed offshore ROW in Nigeria.
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For aliphatic hydrocarbons (e.g., Figure 5.1-11), levels were detected offshore Nigeria within the range of expected values based on the region-wide average (region-wide average of 5.80ppm compared to an offshore Nigeria average of 5.73ppm). Distribution of the targeted saturated hydrocarbons can be used to provide information about the type of source. Concentrations were plotted and evaluated to determine whether patterns could be observed. Although the pattern detected was not completely consistent across these five locations, all indicated aliphatic hydrocarbons were focused in the heavy fuel oil range, from tetradecane (n-C14) through triacontane (n-C30). The fact that heavier saturated hydrocarbons (i.e., hexatriacontane, n-C36) were not detected in these five locations implies that the hydrocarbon source is primarily petroleum and not due to naturally occurring (biogenic) sources. Location N04C represents the highest concentration of total aliphatic hydrocarbons of offshore Nigeria sampling locations. Figure 5.1-11 Distribution of Aliphatic Hydrocarbons for Nigeria Station N04C
Analyte Histogram Profile 2.5 Concentration (mg/kg) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0
N on an e D ec an e D od ec an Te e tra de ca H ne ex ad ec an O e ct ad ec an N e on ad ec an e Ei co sa ne D oc os an Te e tra co sa ne H ex ac os an O e ct ac os an Tr e ia co H nt ex an at e ria co nt an e

Com pounds

For the PAH fraction, targeted individual PAHs, and total PAHs (i.e., the sum of the targeted concentrations) were detected at low levels. Primarily detected were lower molecular weight PAHs (naphthalene through benzo(a)anthracene). Relatively elevated concentrations (defined as greater than the region-wide mean plus standard error, or 7.44ppm) were not detected in the Nigeria sampling locations. On average the detected PAHs in Nigeria locations were lower then the region-wide average (average total PAHs for Nigeria was 2.94ppm compared to the region-wide average total PAH of 5.1ppm). Of the individual analytes detected only Anthracene was detected at higher levels than the region-wide mean (detected at an average of 1.40ppm compared to the region-wide average of 0.820ppm) (Figure 5.1-12). The concentrations detected remain likely negligible.

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Figure 5.1-12 Comparison of Mean PAHs Across Nigeria Sampling Locations

Com parison of Nigeria Mean PAHs to Region-Wide Mean PAHs 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0
2N M a et hy pht l N ha le a Ac ph ne en tha ap le ne Ac hth en yl e ap ne ht he F l ne Ph uor e n en e a An thre ne th Fl rac uo en e ra nt Be he nz ne o( a) Py r en an th e Be ra nz ce o( ne C h b) flu rys en or Be Be ant e n z n zo hre o n ( In (k) a)p e de fl u y n o or ren D a e ( ib e n 1,2 nthr en zo ,3) e ( Be a,h per n z )a yle nt n o( g, hra e h, i) c en pe e ry To len e ta lP AH s

Region-Wide Average

Nigeria Average

Heavy Metals and Other Elements Concentrations of 11 elements were measured and analyzed for the offshore sampling stations along the proposed pipeline route. Concentrations of all metals, except Pb, were similar to average continental crust concentrations (Wedepohl, 1995). Mercury and zinc appeared to be slightly elevated over levels reported for average global continental crust (0.04ppm, and 65ppb, respectively). However, the results of analyzing quality control samples indicated a high bias for these values. Physicochemical Properties Sediment samples were analyzed for a variety of physicochemical properties to establish baseline conditions. At the time of sample collection (i.e., aboard the survey vessel), measurements of sediment pH, temperature, redox potential, and electric conductivity were taken. The samples were analyzed again for pH and electrical conductivity in a fixed laboratory. In addition, sediment samples were analyzed for exchangeable acidity, sulfate, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, and cations (Na, K, Ca, and Mg). A summary of the results is provided in Table 5.1-53.

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Table 5.1-53 Summary of Offshore Sediment Physicochemical Measurements for All Countries
Parameter Mean Minimum Mean Parameter Mean Minimum Mean pH 8.25 7.60 8.70 Total-N (percent) 0.14 0.03 0.52 EC (S/cm) 16.38 7.79 42.40 Na (mEq/100g) 28.45 0.90 87.64 Exch. Acid (mEq/100g) 0.38 0.10 0.80 K (mEq/100g) 1.75 0.09 5.12 SO42(ppm) 1051.64 175.11 4038.71 Ca (mEq/100g) 7.33 1.87 16.54 Total P (ppm) 130.24 3.97 1304.69 Mg (mEq/100g) 9.58 0.71 27.01

S = microSiemens MEq = milliequivalents Physical Characterization

The bulk properties of the sediments were analyzed for TOC and grain size. These physical parameters influence the chemical distribution and benthic community structure of the sediment and are important for the interpretation of data. Sediment samples were primarily sand with over half of the samples were comprised of greater than 70 percent sand. Another large percentage of samples was comprised of sand mixed with clay. Distributions of sediment types over the study area varied, as would be expected considering the large area evaluated. Additional sediment physical characterization from the SPI data is discussed later in this section. Total organic carbon concentrations ranged from 0.08 to 5.09 percent and averaged 1.09 percent. More than 90 percent of the samples had a moderate TOC concentration (less than 3 percent). Sediment Profile Imagery As part of offshore survey, an SPI survey was conducted to provide a rapid assessment of sediment features such as sediment grain size, depth of the redox potential discontinuity (RPD), and biological community type. The results of the analysis were used to assist in decisions concerning number and location for grab sampling stations. In addition, the analysis provides additional physical, chemical, and biological data that is presented here. During the survey, team scientists made visual assessments. The results from the rapid field assessment are presented in Table 5.1-54.

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Table 5.1-54 Rapid Field Assessment of Sediment, Nigeria Stations

Station N6 Position C S N C S N C S N C E W C E W C E W Description Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 1 on 3 Silt clay, Stage 1 on 3 Silt clay, Stage 1 on 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3 Silt clay, higher sand content, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 1 on 3, fine-grained, deep bioturbators Sandy mud, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3, sand in upper fraction, healthy bottom Silt clay, Stage 3, little bit of sand at surface Low penetration, sand Mud with sand surface layer, Stage 3 Silt clay, Stage 3






One representative image from each location was selected for complete image analysis. The results from this comprehensive analysis provide the basis for the spatial characterization of the sediments and benthic habitat presented below. Sediment Grain Size and Bottom Kinetic Gradients The sediments throughout the entire offshore pipeline ROW area surveyed ranged from finegrained silt-clays, (representing low-energy, depositional environments) to coarse sand or granules on rippled bottoms or with shell lag deposits at the sediment-water interface (representing high-energy, sediment transport zones). Water depths throughout the area surveyed ranged from approximately 14m to 77m. While there were a few exceptions, most fine-grained stations occurred at depths exceeding 37m. However, in this nearshore, relatively shallow and generally high-energy regime parallel to the coast, sediment type is more a function of kinetic gradients resulting from a combination of bottom currents, shoreline slope, and transport patterns rather than water depth. Sandy and/or hard cobble/ancient coral bottoms were found throughout the entire depth range sampled and were probably more a factor of geographic location in relation to longshore transport and wave energy profiles in the nearshore zone. Regional patterns of bottom kinetic gradients indicate that as one moves in toward shore along the perpendicular transects sampled in each of the countries (two transects in Ghana, one each in Togo, Benin, and Nigeria), the sediments along all five show evidence of either active or aperiodic sediment transport. All of the stations sampled along these five shoreward transects have either sandy sediments or hard, cobble bottom reflecting the relatively high energy regimes in these areas.

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Bottom Hazards and Areas of Existing Pollution

The entire pipeline length was examined with sidescan sonar, to 500m on either side, for bottom characteristics including bottom hazards. Where significant bottom hazards were detected, the pipeline location was shifted around the obstacle. No shipwrecks or other bottom hazards were identified along the proposed pipeline route off shore Nigeria during the geophysical or environmental surveys. The potential threat of pollution in the marine environment is mainly from industrial, agricultural, and domestic sources. There is evidence of heavy metal concentrations, as well as increasing effects of DDT, aldrin, heptachlor, and tributylin in the coastal waters of Ghana (Ihenyen, 1998; Biney, 1986; Joiris et al., 1997; Nyarko and Evans, 1997). In addition, the relatively recent increase in human population levels in the coastal areas, has been accompanied by fecal and nutrient-pollution of the marine environment (e.g., Afoakwa et al., 1988; Wiafe and Quist, 2002). Biological Environment Plankton

Microalgae or phytoplankton, grouped as diatoms, dinoflagellates, and coccolithophores, are microscopic and range between 30m and 60m in size. Their occurrence is limited to the euphotic zone of the pelagic environment. Species diversity and abundance is linked to seasonal variation of the oceanographic regime; namely, high diversity and low abundance during thermal stratification, and low diversity but high abundance during upwelling periods (Wiafe, 2002). The explosive development of these plankton groups in the offshore and inshore locations have a rippling effect on the development of the fishery of the nearshore and adjoining coastal water bodies as this large production is made available to the fishery of the nearshore habitats. The dry season EBS investigated abundance and diversity of plankton in the offshore environment. Twenty-five plankton samples were collected from the upper 20m to 30m column of the sea, and the zooplankton species identified were predominantly epipelagic. It has been observed that a thermocline exists between 30m and 40m of the water column in the project area during this season (Bainbridge, 1972). This serves as a barrier to the zooplankton during vertical migration. In all, 69 taxa (mostly species) of phytoplankton and 52 taxa of zooplankton were identified. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Chaetoceros spp. while Penilia avirostris dominated the zooplankton, which may have been a result of planktonic responses to seasonality of the hydrographic regime (e.g., Wiafe, 2002). Among the phytoplankton species identified in the samples was Dinophysis acuta, which is a harmful microalga with the potential to cause diarrhetic shellfish poisoning in bloom condition. At concentrations above 500x103 cells/m3, Dinophysis acuta is considered as being in bloom condition (Anderson et al., 2001). For the samples analysed, peak abundance of Dinophysis spp. did not exceed 10x103 cells/m3 at any station, and is not currently harmful to the fisheries. Off Nigeria, the highest and lowest abundance of phytoplankton were recorded off Stations N03 and N01, respectively (Figure 5.1-13).
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Figure 5.1-13 Distribution of Total Phytoplankton Abundance at Sampling Stations Off Nigeria

400,000 350,000 300,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 50,000 0 N01PHY N02PHY N03PHY N04PHY

With regard to the zooplankton, the highest and lowest abundance were recorded off stations N02 and N01, respectively (Figure 5.1-14). Figure 5.1-14 Distribution of Total Zooplankton Abundance at Sampling Stations Off Nigeria

300 250 200 150 100 50 0 N01ZOO N02ZOO N03ZOO N04ZOO

Wet Season EBS Plankton Sampling Results

In the overall wet season EBS, a total of 63 phytoplankton, 63 zooplankton (oblique tow), and 65 zooplankton (vertical haul) taxa were identified in the samples. The phytoplankton community was dominated by Chaetoceros spp., while Penilia avirostris, Temora stylifera, and Para-Clausocalanus5 spp. dominated the zooplankton community. The density of

Para-Clausocalanus is a combined name for Paracalanus and Clausocalanus. The two genera cannot be separated using a dissecting microscope.

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zooplankton obtained by oblique and vertical tows was higher in the latter. P. avirostris ranked highest, in terms of abundance, in the oblique tow but was second highest in the vertical haul. This species is mostly epipelagic (Bainbridge, 1972), and the oblique tow, by its design, samples the upper water column. Phytoplankton species diversity was highest off Ghana (Stations G01 and G02) whilst in the case of zooplankton, Benin recorded the highest diversity. Pooling the sample data together, Ghana exhibited the highest diversity in species with respect to phytoplankton and zooplankton. Benin showed the highest diversity with respect to zooplankton (Figure 5.115). It is necessary to note, however, that all stations off Benin were never less than 25m in depth, which may have contributed to the high diversity recorded off Benin. Figure 5.1-15 Distribution of Species Richness (S) by Country - Wet Season EBS
50 45 Species richness (S) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Ghana Phytoplankton Togo Benin Nigeria

Zooplankton (oblique)

Zooplankton (vertical)

Whereas phytoplankton abundance was highest off Station G02, zooplankton abundance (vertical and step oblique) were highest off Station G01 in the wet season EBS. By pooling data together for all stations, total abundance of zooplankton collected by vertical haul was relatively higher than that collected by step oblique. This could be attributed to the effect of diel vertical migration in zooplankton distribution (i.e. zooplankton move to greater depths with rising of the sun and returns to the upper layers during dusk).
Wet Season EBS Primary Productivity Sampling Results

Primary production is linked to the amount of inorganic carbon assimilated by phytoplankton via the process of photosynthesis in a given volume of water or an area over a given time period. Typically, productivity in offshore ecosystems range from 10mg C/m3day to 100mg C/m3day in terms of volume, or from 75mg C/m2day to 1,000mg C/m2day in terms of area. Thus, the values obtained for the project area (i.e. 4,305mg C/m2day to 5,956mg C/m2day) indicate a system of high productivity. This is not surprising since the coastal ecosystem of

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the project area undergoes seasonal upwelling that commences in July. It should be noted that the samples were collected in July and thus marked the period for the commencement of the upwelling. The wet season EBS results of primary productivity for Nigeria are shown in Table 5.1-55. Table 5.1-55 Results of Primary Productivity Recorded at Stations Offshore Nigeria in July, 2003
Country Station ND01 ND02 ND03 ND04 (mgC/m2day) 3341.1 4454.8 5290.1 4733.2 Country Mean Productivity Standard Error (mgC/m2day) 4455 410


Benthic Organisms

The benthic macrofauna within inshore habitats have been described by Bassindale, (1961), Buchanan (1957), Edmunds (1978), and Evans et al. (1993). The organisms include polychaetes, arthropods, mollusks, bryozoans, and echinoderms. Edmunds (1978) has recorded 68 taxonomic families of mollusks. Some species appear to be declining in abundance (e.g., Cymbium spp., a gastropod; and Panulirus spp., the spiny lobster), while others have disappeared altogether (e.g., Astropecten spp., a sea star). Offshore benthic organisms have been described by Buchanan (1957; 1958). They include a range of polychaete worms, ribbon worms, amphipods, bivalves, gastropods, and decapod crustaceans.
Dry Season EBS Benthic Results

Across all stations sampled during the dry season EBS (62 benthic samples representing 50 offshore locations were analyzed from Nigeria to Ghana), 1,264 individual organisms were identified. Most, approximately 220, were polychaete and crustacean species. Other species include ophiuroids, bivalves, gastropods, sipunculids, and oligochaetes. See the First Season EBS Report (Appendix 5-A) for a complete list of species observed. The number of species and the diversity indices calculated per station for the main pipeline route and the laterals are presented in Figures 5.1-16 through 5.1.19. Stations are arranged from west to east along the main pipeline route; and from south to north (generally corresponding to a trend of deeper water to shallower water) on the laterals. In the Nigerian waters, 33 taxonomic groups were identified, made up of 25 polychaete species, seven crustacean species and four species classified as others. Three stations were sampled along the main pipeline route and four stations were sampled along the lateral. The diversity indices calculated included species richness (d), Pielous evenness (J), and the Shannon Diversity Index. Species richness (as per Margalef) is a measure of the number of species present, taking into account the number of individuals present. Pielou's evenness index is a measure of equitability; a measure of how evenly the individuals are distributed

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among the different species. These are useful quantitative tools for establishing baseline conditions of community properties. Main Pipeline Route Figures 5.1-16 and 5.1-17 show the number of species and the diversity indices estimated for the stations off the main pipeline route. The main pipeline route off Nigeria ranges in depth from 50m to 80m. No clear spatial distribution pattern was observed for the number of species. Station N05-C showed the highest total species and polychaete counts while Station N04-C showed the least counts. Benthic macrofauna grouped under others was absent in samples from both Stations N04-C and N06-C. Polychaete species were dominant in all the stations sampled. Figure 5.1-16 Benthic Macrofauna Distribution on Main Pipeline Route in Nigeria

60 Number of Species 50 40 30 20 10 0 N04-C N05-C Station Total Species Polychaeta Crustacea Others N06-C

Figure 5.1-17

10 Diversity index 8 6 4 2 0 N04-C N05-C Station Margalef's richness (d) Pielou's evenness (J') Shannon-Wiener index (H') N06-C

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Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity Index Distribution on Main Pipeline Route in Nigeria The diversity index also showed a trend similar to the species diversity. Species evenness (J), however, was fairly constant across the stations along the main pipeline route. Lateral Route The species counts for the stations sampled on the lateral were similar (Figure 5.1-18) but low, compared with the other stations. The dominant species observed belong to the polychaetes. No crustacean species were recorded at Station N01-C and no species classified under the others group were recorded at any of the stations along the lateral off Nigeria. The diversity index distribution (Figure 5.1-19) for the lateral indicates that Station NO3-C had the highest diversity and species richness compared to the other stations. Figure 5.1-18 Benthic Macrofauna Distribution Along the Nigeria Lateral

60 Number of Species 50 40 30 20 10 0 N03-C N04-C Station Total Species Polychaeta Crustacea Others N02-C N01-C

100 80 60 40 20 0 Depth (m)

Figure 5.1-19 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity Index Along the Nigeria Lateral

12 10 Diversity index 8 6 4 2 0 N03-C Margalef's richness (d) N04-C N02-C N01-C Shannon-Wiener index (H') Station Pielou's evenness (J')

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For the dry season EBS, polychaetes were the dominant organisms of benthic infauna. Polychaetes occur in two basic forms, errant and sedentary types, based on habits. Errant types are generally mobile predators with jaws for catching prey. Sedentary types are tube dwellers and generally are detritivores or filter feeders. A total of 625 individual polychaetes belonging to 38 families were recorded in the offshore waters. Of this number, a total of 237 individuals (38 percent of the polychaetes) belonging to 14 families were errant polychaetes, while the sedentary polychaetes included 388 individuals (62 percent of the polychaetes by number) comprising 24 families. Polychaete families with counts exceeding 20 individuals were classified as dominant. Based on this classification, the dominant families among the errrants were the Eunicidae, Nephtyidae, and the Glyceridae, and comprised 72 percent of the entire errant forms. Among the sedentary types, the dominant forms included the Maldanidae, Spionidae, Orbinidae, Cirratulidae, Lumbrinereidae, Onuphidae, Capitellidae, and Ampharetidae. They constituted 62 percent of the sedentary forms. The relative occurrence of the dominant errant and sedentary polychaetes are presented in Figures 5.1-20 and 5.1-21. Figures 5.1-22 and 5.1-23 also show the hierarchical dominant errant and sedentary families for the entire offshore study area. Figure 5.1-20 Occurrence of Dominant Sedentary Polychaetes Across Countries

100 Percent occurrence 80 60 40 20 0 Ghana Togo Country Maldanidae Lumbrinereidae Spionidae Onuphidae Orbinidae Capitellidae Cirratulidae Ampharetidae Benin Nigeria

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Figure 5.1-21 Occurrence of Dominant Errant Polychaetes Across Countries

100 Percent occurrence 80 60 40 20 0 Ghana Togo Eunicidae Benin Country Nephtyidae Glyceridae Nigeria

Figure 5.1-22 Occurrence of Dominant Sedentary Polychaetes for the Entire Offshore Study Area

Percent occurrence


0 Lumbrinereidae Ampharetidae Orbinidae Maldanidae Cirratulidae Capitellidae Onuphidae Spionidae


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Figure 5.1-23 Occurrence of Dominant Errant Polychaetes for the Entire Offshore Study Area

100 80 Percent occurrence 60 40 20 0 Eunicidae Nephtyidae Family Glyceridae

Wet Season EBS Benthic Results

During the wet season EBS, in which 75 benthic samples were analyzed, a total of 3,663 individual organisms were identified throughout the WAGP study area. These include polychaetes, crustaceans, mollusks, and species grouped as others, a category that included such organisms as echinoderms, oligochaetes, and sipunculids. Overall, polychaetes were the most dominant taxonomic group, contributing 65.3 percent, followed by the crustaceans (18.9 percent) and an others category, which contributed 12.7 percent. Mollusks were the least abundant group, constituting 3.1 percent. One hundred and sixteen taxa were identified off Nigeria. These comprised 79 polychaete species, 22 crustacean species, three molluscan species and 12 species classified as others. Six stations were sampled on a diagonal, which extended from the subtidal to deeper waters. Main Pipeline Route Figures 5.1-24 and 5.1-25 show the number of species and the diversity indices, respectively, estimated for the stations off the main pipeline route. The main pipeline route of the Nigeria diagonal ranges in depth from 50m to 80m. No clear spatial distribution pattern was observed for the number of species enumerated. Station 2ND04-C showed the highest total species and polychaete counts while Station 2ND06-C, the deepest station, showed the least counts. Benthic macrofauna grouped under others were absent in samples from stations 2ND01-C and 2ND06-C. Polychaete species were dominant in all the stations sampled. The diversity index showed similar trends.

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Figure 5.1-24 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Distribution Along the Diagonal of Nigeria Wet Season EBS
60 50 70 Number of species 40 30 40 20 10 10 0 2ND03-C 2ND01-C 2ND04-C 2ND05-C 2N D06-C 2ND02-C Station Total number of species Mollusca Polychaeta Others Crustacea Depth 0 D 30 20 60 50
Depth (m)

90 80

Figure 5.1-25 Offshore Benthic Macrofauna Diversity index Distribution Along the Nigeria Diagonal Wet Season EBS

70 60 50 Number of species 40 30 20 10 0 2G19-C R1 2G19-C R2 2G06 -C R1 2G06-C R2 2T03-C R1 2T03-C R2 2B01-C R1 2B01-C R2


Total number of species





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Benthic Sampling Replication In addition to standard sampling, replicate benthic sampling and analyses were performed again at four randomly chosen stations in the wet season EBS to assess the overall repeatability of results. Figures 5.1-26 and 5.1-27 show the number of species and the diversity indices estimated for the stations with repeated testing (R1 and R2 indicate the two replicates per station) along the main pipeline across the countries. Figure 5.1-26 Abundance and Distribution of Major Macrobenthic Fauna Group at Replicate Stations

12 D ive rs ity in d e 10 8 6 4 2 0 2 N 01 -C 2 N 0 2 -C 2 N0 3 -C 2 N D 0 4 -C 2 N05 -C 2 ND 0 6 -C S T AT IO N M a rg a le f's sp ec ie s richne s s S ha nno n d ive rsity

Figure 5.1-27 Distribution of Diversity at Replicate Stations

14 Diversity index 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2G19- 2G19- 2G06 2G06- 2T03- 2T03- 2B01 - 2B01C R1 C R2 -C R1 C R2 C R1 C R2 C R1 C R2 STATION Margalef's species richness
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Two stations, 2G06-C and 2B01-C, were shown using multivariate techniques to have a very high repeatability. The highest similarity in station replicate was recorded at Station 2B01-C, which exhibited a Bray-Curtis similarity of 99 percent. The stations with lower similarity scores were 2G19-C and 2T03-C, with Bray-Curtis similarity of 91 percent, which is still appreciably high. The results of this replication suggest that the results of the survey are highly repeatable and can be used to evaluate the benthic community. Fisheries

The resources in the equatorial zones are heterogeneous in size and variety of fish species. For example, a single haul from a trawl net may contain 25 to 30 species of fish of different sizes and age range. Tobor (1965 and 1968) recorded as many as 71 families of fishes, comprising 157 species in the Nigerian inshore waters. The rich fishery resources are supported by a number of factors. The upwelling phenomenon brings cool, nutrient rich waters from the sea bottom to the surface, thus supporting abundant primary production and rich fish resources. The continental shelf, ranging from 27km to 83km wide off Nigeria, also supports an abundance of fish. A third factor is the distribution of the trade winds in the tropical region. Heavy rainfall in the tropics results in loads of rich organic debris brought downstream by large rivers flowing into the Atlantic Ocean that support rich fisheries resources off the coast of West Africa. Small pelagic fish species that inhabit coastal areas are highly diverse. Four species have the highest economic value: round sardine (Sardinella aurita), herring (S. maderensis), anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus), and chub mackerel (Scomber japonicus). Other species caught in smaller quantities include West African sardine (Ilisha Africana), big-eye grunt (Brachydeuterus auritus), and several small carangids. The resource is exploited using various types of netting (e.g., encircling nets and beach seines). This pelagic group is made up of mainly tunas, yellowfin (Thunnus albacares), bigeye (T. obesus), skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis), and black skijack (Euthynnus alleterratus). Other large pelagic species of commercial importance include sailfish (Istiophorus albicans), swordfish (Xiphias glaudius), blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and white marlin (Tetrapturus albidus). Exploitation is either industrial or artisanal, using pole and line, purse seine, and gillnets. The most important coastal demersal fish species belong to the families Sparidae, Haemulidae, Mulldae, Sciaeneidae, Lutjanidae, and Serranidae. They are distributed on soft trawlable grounds (Scieneidae and Sparidae) and rocky grounds (Lithophiae). Both artisanal and industrial trawlers exploit this resource using hand line and set nets. Canoe fisheries for demersals are seasonal, and alternate with the fishery for small pelagics when they are available. Fishing for demersals takes place on the continental shelf and can be divided into three zones: Trawlable grounds extend from shallow ground up to a depth of 75m. From 15m to 75m depths, this area covers 18,500km2;
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Hard bottom extends between 75m and the continental slope, and is exploited mainly by fixed gear; and Shallow rocky coastal grounds around Cape Three Points in Ghana. Crustaceans of primary commercial importance are pink shrimp (Penaeus notialis), caramote prawn (P. kerathurus), deepwater rose shrimp (Parapeneus longirostis), and P. atlantica. The juveniles of these species are caught in the estuaries, mangroves, and on the beach with beach seines during the upwelling season. In nearshore areas, the older peneids are caught by inshore trawlers. With regard to lobsters, the three species of high commercial value are Caribbean spiny lobster (Panulirus argus), green spiny lobster (P. regius), and slipper lobster (Scyllares herklotsii). These are captured with bottom nets set by small canoes on rocky grounds. The dry season EBS investigated the species composition, catch rates (kg/haul), and numbers of individual species by stations for Ghana, Togo, Benin, and Nigeria. The catch rates in Nigeria and elsewhere varied with depth. In general, the catch rate increased with increasing depth (15m to 45m), followed by a decrease at greater depths (50m to 54m). Thus, the most productive area occurred around the 45m depth contour. It must be noted, however, that the highest catch rate was related to high catch of jellyfish, which contributed over 50 percent of the total catch at the corresponding station. Figure 5.1-28 is a graphical representation of the catch rate by stations for Nigeria, while Figure 5.1-29 shows that for the laterals. Figure 5.1-28 Catch Rates Along Pipeline in Nigeria

Catch Rate (kg/haul)

100 80 60 40 20 0
2m (3 1 T0 ) 3m (6 2 T0 ) 5m (1 3 T0 ) 0m (6 4 T0 )

Station (with depth in meters)

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Figure 5.1-29 Catch Rates at Indicated Depth Ranges Along the Laterals

30 Catch Rate (kg/haul) 25 20 15 10 5 0 Takoradi Tema Togo Laterals 0-20 21-40 41-50 Benin Nigeria

A total of 55 species belonging to 36 families were recorded in Nigerian waters during the survey. There were ten crustaceans, one mollusk, one invertebrate, and 43 finfishes. The most abundant species recorded were piper gurnard (Trigla lyra; 0.78kg/haul), longneck croaker (Pseudotolithus typus; 0.32kg/haul), lesser African threadfin (Galeoides decadactylus; 0.25kg/haul), blue crab (Portunus validus; 0.25 kg/haul), brown ray (Raja miraletus; 0.15kg/haul), gladiator swim crab (Callinectes pallidus; 0.15kg/haul), and Guinea flathead (Grammophites gruveli; 0.14kg/haul). The Shannon Diversity Index on the laterals in each country and along the main pipeline are presented in Figure 5.1-30. The figure shows that species diversity was highest off the Nigeria lateral followed by the Tema the lateral. Species diversity was lowest along the Benin and Takoradi laterals. The crustaceans in Nigerian waters consisted of mainly true crabs and shrimps, while mollusks were represented by cuttlefish. Common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis), Guinea flathead (Grammophites gruveli), channel flounder (Syacuim micrurum), piper gunard (Trigla lyra) and big-eye grunt occurred at almost all the stations.

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Figure 5.1-30 Shannon Diversity Index of Fisheries Species Along the Laterals and Main Pipeline

4 Diversity Index 3 2 1 0
a eri Nig nin Be To go ma Te i e rad Lin ko a ain T M

Wet Season EBS Fisheries Sampling Results

In total, 124 fish and invertebrate species from 71 families were represented in the wet season EBS trawl sampling. Eight fish species dominated the catches in terms of numbers and frequency of occurrence in the hauls. When ranked by catch rate in the whole region, streaked gunard (Chelidonichthys lastoviza) emerged the most abundant and Guinean comber (Serranus accraensis) the least abundant of the eight species. The species composition varied among the four countries with the highest number of species recorded in Ghanaian waters. The number of species also varied among laterals with the highest number observed on the Tema lateral. However, the Shannon Diversity Index was highest off Lagos (Figure 5.1-31). Five out of the eight dominant fish species found in the entire region, common cuttlefish, channel founder, Guinea flathead, streaked gunard and West African goatfish (Pseudupeneus prayensis) were present in the hauls made off Ghana and three each off Togo, Benin, and Nigeria. Generally, the catch rates, hence abundance of the demersal species, were highest on the laterals off Ghana (Tema and Takoradi), followed by Togo (Lome), Nigeria (Lagos), and Benin (Cotonou). For each lateral, catch rates varied with depth. The highest catch rate off Lagos was recorded in the inshore waters (21m to 40m; Figure 5.1-32). Mean catch rates also correlated with depth with the highest values recorded in deep waters off Ghana, Togo, and Nigeria (whereas in Benin the catch rates were highest in inshore waters). Differences in the distribution and abundance of demersal species may also be due to factors including the amount of organic mud in the bottom deposits, the occurrence of isolated patches of rocky

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bottom, the occurrence of estuarine condition associated with lagoons and rivers, and the nature of oceanic water masses lying over the continental shelf (Longhurst and Pauly, 1987). As these factors varied from area to area, so did the species compositions, catch rates, and diversity of species. Off Nigeria, a total of 60 species belonging to 41 families were recorded. There were 7 crustacean, five mollusk, five other invertebrate, and 43 fish species. The species were dominated by Angola dentex (Dentex angolensis; 1.95kg/haul), big-eye grunt (1.00kg/haul), common cuttlefish (0.80kg/haul), Congo dentex (Dentex congoensis; 0.68kg/haul), pandora (Pagellus bellottii; 0.52kg/haul), Guinea flathead (0.52kg/haul), and Guinea comber (0.42kg/haul). The differences observed in species composition among stations are expected and may be attributed, among other things, to depth and nature of the seabed at the stations (Williams, 1968; Koranteng, 2001; Mensah & Quaatey, 2002). The following species occurred at almost all the stations on the mainline: streaked gunard, common cuttlefish, African loligo (Alloteuthis Africana), West African goatfish, Guinea flathead, channel flounder, and sea stars (Astropecten sp). The values of the Shannon Diversity Index are presented in Figure 5.1-31. The figure shows that species diversity was highest off Lagos followed by Tema and the lowest was off Takoradi and Cotonou. The dominant species recorded along the Nigerian lateral and along the entire mainline route, together with the catch rates, are presented in Table 5.1-56. Figure 5.1-31 Shannon Diversity Index Values Wet Season EBS




2 Lagos Cotonou Lome Tema Takoradi Main Line

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Figure 5.1-32 Catch Rates by Depth Range on the Laterals Wet Season EBS
50 45 Catch Rate (kg/haul) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Takoradi 0-20 21-40 41-70 Tema Lome Laterals Cotonou Lagos

Table 5.1-56 Dominant Species Recorded at the Laterals and Along the Main Pipeline Route with Catch Rates Wet Season EBS
Lateral Species Dentex angolensis Dentex congoensis Chelidonichthys lastoviza Galeoides decadactylus Brotula barbata Squatina oculata Sepia officinalis Chelidonichthys lastoviza Squatina oculata Sepia officinalis Syacium micrurum Pseudupeneus prayensis Grammoplites gruveli Serranus accraensis Catch rate (kg/haul) 2.6 0.9 0.53 0.53 0.5 0.47 0.44 1.21 1.12 0.95 0.95 0.84 0.72 0.61


Main Pipeline Route

The catch rates (kg/haul) by station for Nigeria are presented in Figure 5.1-33. Figure 5.1-34 gives the catch rates along the main pipeline route.

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Figure 5.1-33 Catch Rates at Stations off Nigeria Wet Season EBS
50 45 Catch Rate (kg/haul) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 T02 (15 m) T04 (50 m) Stations T01 (66 m) T03 (98 m)

Figure 5.1-34 Catch Rates at Stations Along Main WAGP Pipeline Route Wet Season EBS
50 45 Catch Rate (kg/haul) 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 T04 T05 T09 T10 T14 T15 Stations T19 T20 T21 T24 T26

Marine Birds, Mammals, Reptiles and Amphibians

The aquatic birds of the Gulf of Guinea comprise two distinct groups: creek birds (waterfowl, waders, and fish-eating birds) and oceanic birds that are rarely seen near the seashore (shearwaters, storm petrels, tropicbirds, frigatebirds, gannets, and boobies). These oceanic birds do not appear to be as abundant in the Gulf as the coastal species. For instance, records dating back to the 1960s reveal only limited sightings of a few species (Elgood et al., 1994).

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During the dry season EBS fisheries survey, the survey crew recorded several sightings of black terns (Chlidonias niger) and royal terns (Sterna maxima) as illustrated in Figures 5.1-35 and 5.1-36. (Note: the photographs shown are representative of the species and were not taken during the survey.) During the wet season EBS, the survey crew recorded several sightings of black terns (Chlidonias niger) (Figure 5.1-35), royal terns (Sterna maxima) (Figure 5.1-36), common terns (Sterna hirundo), and a few sandwich terns (Sterna sandvicensis). The black terns were recorded mainly at offshore locations close to estuaries and/or lagoons (e.g. 2G02, Keta lagoon; 2G03, Volta estuary; and 2G13, Korle Lagoon; all in Ghana). These species leave the onshore areas to feed at sea during the afternoon. Figure 5.1-35 Black Tern

Figure 5.1-36 Royal Tern

The marine mammals of the Nigerian coastal and offshore waters include mainly the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), found in the creeks and estuaries. Dolphins are present and whales have been reported. See Figures 5.1-37 and 5.1-38 for representative photographs of the species (not taken by survey personnel). Table 5.1-57 lists other marine mammal sightings during the dry season EBS.

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Figure 5.1-37 Humpback Whale

Figure 5.1-38 Humpback Whale Breaching

Table 5.1-57 Marine Mammal Sightings During the October 2002 Geophysical Survey
Date 22 October 2002 23 October 2002 28 October 2002 Number of Individuals 2 1 2 Species Unidentified Whale Unidentified Whale Unidentified Whale

In addition to the four species of cetaceans inventoried in the dry season, Brydes whale (Balaenoptera edeni), humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae), sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), and common dolphin (Delphnis capensis), the wet season EBS resulted in the addition of the pan-tropical spotted dolphin (Stenella attenuata) and the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncates). Of these two new species, the pan-tropical spotted dolphin was accidentally captured in fishermen's nets on June 6, 2003.

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The Gulf of Guinea serves as an important migration route, feeding ground, and nesting site for marine turtles. Six species have been identified: the loggerhead (Caretta caretta); the olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), the Kemps ridley (Lepidochelys kempii), the hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), the green turtle (Chelonia mydas), and the leatherback (Dermochelys coriacea) (Armah et al., 1997a). All six species of sea turtles have Nigerian and international protection status (see Table 5.1-59 below in Species and Habitats of Conservation Concern). Notwithstanding, populations have decreased due to poaching and habitat destruction. Sea turtles nest on sandy beaches, in the spray zone and grassy areas beyond the high tide mark, and since they always return to the same area to nest, it is important that such beaches are protected from human activities. The young turtles hatch from eggs from their nests in the sand, endeavor to reach the water, and begin to swim away into the sea. In Nigeria, sandy beaches constitute most of the coastline and much of it could serve as prime turtle nesting sites. The nesting period stretches from July to December, with a peak in November (Armah et al., 1997b). The young turtles begin to appear in the sea in April. Green turtles have been reported to nest in Nigeria (Fretey, 2001). The gravid female turtles lay their eggs in burrow-nests along the sandy beaches during a particular period of the year, usually starting in the month of August. As mentioned above in the fauna section, green turtles, olive ridley, hawksbill, and loggerhead nest annually on the sandy shores of Badagry and nearby Takwa Bay. Table 5.1-58 summarizes the occurrence (primarily nesting) of sea turtles in the study area. Additional background on these species may be found in published literature (Fretey, 2001). (Biogeography and Conservation of Marine Turtles of the Atlantic Coast of Africa. UNEP/CMS Secretariat.) Marine turtles nest on sandy beaches above the high tide mark. Table 5.1-58 State of Knowledge of Sea Turtle Presence in the Project Area and Environs
Common Name Loggerhead Green Leatherback Hawksbill Kemps Ridley Olive Ridley Species Caretta caretta Chelonia mydas Dermochelys coriacea Eretmochelys imbricata Lepidochelys kempii Lepidochelys olivacea Status Nests in ROW May nest in ROW Commonly nests in ROW Nests in ROW Found in the region Commonly nests in ROW

No marine reptiles were observed during the dry season EBS, though the survey work did not occur during the time of year (August through November) in which sea turtles are generally present in this region. No marine turtles were observed in the wet season offshore survey. The onshore wet season EBS included a survey of sea turtle occurrence (location and timing) in the project area in Nigeria for use in development of mitigation measures for construction and operation activities. Daily and overnight surveillance was conducted on the site and covered a beach stretch of about 500m on either side of the ROW. This was done to search for signs or tracks left behind on the beach sands by adult turtles coming to lay eggs and/or the hatchlings going out to the sea. Oral interview of the inhabitants was also conducted as

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to the occurrence of turtles in the area. Pictures of the various turtle species were shown to the fishermen to help in the identification of turtles species that occur in the area. The search on the Ajido Beach, around the WAGP ROW confirmed the fact that turtles visit the Ajido Beach and nest there. Two empty shells of the olive ridley were seen. Oral interviews conducted indicated that four to five species of sea turtles nest at the beach at different times of the year. Pictures were used to aid villagers in identifying species. The species are: olive ridley, leatherback, loggerhead, and hawksbill). The first two species are very common during their season. The reported occurrence of a fifth species, green turtle, at the beach is doubtful. The catch rate of turtles is high at Ajido; an individual fisherman can catch between five to ten sea turtles per night while the least number is between one to two turtles per night. Species and Habitats of Conservation Concern

As mentioned above in the onshore section, several conventions and treaties as well as organizations exist to aid the protection of species of conservation concern. Some of these include the African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, the Berne Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species, and the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN; today, the World Conservation Union). There are no designated habitats of special concern in the project area. A number of species in the region have international conservation status. Some of these protected animals have been observed in the study area (see Tables 5.1-37 through 5.1-40). The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which deals only with organisms involved in international trade, lists species of concern into three categories, Appendices I through III, with Appendix I species being the most imperiled by trade. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Reserve (IUCN; today, the World Conservation Union) evaluates the endangerment of taxa (regardless of trade), placing species of concern into three categories on its so-called Red List, starting with the most imperiled: critically endangered (CR), endangered (EN), and vulnerable (VU). The Nigerian version of CITES, Endangered Species (Control of International Trade and Traffic) Decree No. 11 of 1985, also has two schedules. Hunting, capture of, or trade of those species listed in Schedule I is absolutely prohibited. Table 5.1-59 lists the species observed in the project area that have conservation status under IUCN, CITES, and/or Nigerian Decree No. 11. Most terrestrial species were observed in the the baseline surveys. Most marine fish on this list were obtained from IUCN information, while most marine mammals were obtained from the Ocean Biogeographic Information System (OBIS).6 Sea turtle information is discussed in the section above. According to the CITES database, two species of coral, northern star coral (Astrangia poculata) and an oculinid coral (Schizoculina fissipara), occur in Ghana. They are presumably listed due to their harvesting for the


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aquarium trade. Both of these species can occur throughout the coast of Central West Africa and are restricted to rocky shores and jetty pilings. While none of the surveys encountered any coral in the project area, if these species do occur in the project area, they would be limited to the relatively shallow (less than 35m deep), rocky areas. Based on the IUCN Red List, four of the mammal species that are known to occur in the area are endangered or threatened. These include Bosmans potto, Demidovs galago, Mona monkey, and the sitatunga (water deer). Of these four, the first three are primates and tend to be arboreal (tree-dwelling) in nature. Although none of them were observed on-site during the fieldwork, either within the ROW or within a 5km-radius, it is known, both from literature (cf. Hapold 1973; Booth 1960) and interactions with locals that they occur in the area. The Bosmans potto and the galago are nocturnal animals and are typically not observable in the daytime. The Mona monkey, though diurnal, because of its relative vulnerability and reduced number, has retreated deep into the forests and is therefore hardly seen near human influence. Table 5.1-59 Officially Protected Species Known to Occur in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name IUCN Red List CITE Status Status I & II I ll I II & III II II Nigerian Status

TERRESTRIAL REPTILES Nile crocodile Crocodylus niloticus Long-snouted crocodile Crododylus cataphractus Hinged tortoise Kinixys homeana Short-snouted crocodile Osteolaemus tetraspis Royal python Python regis Rock python Python sebae Nile monitor Varanus niloticus MARINE REPTILES Loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta Green sea turtle Chelonia mydas Leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea Hawksbill sea turtle Eretmochelys imbricata Kemp's ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys kempii Olive ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys olivacea TERRESTRIAL BIRDS Shikra Accipiter badius Goliath heron Ardea goliath Cattle egret Bubulcus ibis Little egret Egretta garzetta Black-shouldered kite Elanus caeruleus Grey kestrel Falco ardosiaceus Common kestrel Falco tinnunculus Double-spurred francolin Francolinus bicalcaratus


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Table 5.1-59 Officially Protected Species Known to Occur in the Project Area
Scientific Name Common Name IUCN Red List CITE Status Status II III II III II III LR LR II II LR II VU 2 2 1 2 2 LR II II DD II III 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 Nigerian Status 1 1

Kaupifalco monogrammicus Lizard buzzard Bronze manikin Lonchura cucullata Black kite Milvus migrans Village weaver Ploceus cucculatus African harrier hawk Polyborides typus Red-billed wood dove Turtur afer MARINE BIRDS Damara tern Sterna balaenarum Damara tern Sterna balaenarum TERRESTRIAL MAMMALS Cape clawless otter Aonyx capensis Brush-tailed porcupine Atherurus africanus Marsh mongoose Atilax paludinosus Maxwell's duiker Cephalophus maxwelli Mona monkey Cercopithecus mona Colobus vellerosus W. black and white colobus Cusimanse mongoose Crossarchus obscurus Tree hyrax Dendrohyrax dorsalis Serval Felis serval Demidov's galago Galago demidovii Large-spotted forest genet Genetta poensis Buffon's kob Kobus kob Long-tailed pangolin Manis tetradactyla Tree pangolin Manis tricuspis Gambian mongoose Mungos gambianus Two-spotted palm civet Nandinia binotata Bosman's potto Perodicticus potto Sitatunga Tragelaphus spekei African civet Viverra civetta MARINE MAMMALS Blue whale Balaenoptera musculus Pygmy killer whale Feresa attenuata Globicephala macrorhynchus Short-finned pilot whale Dwarf sperm whale Kogia simus Fraser's dolphin Lagenodelphis hosei Blainville's beaked whale Mesoplodon densirostris Killer whale Orcinus orca Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus False killer whale Pseudorca crassidens Sousa teuszii
Atlantic humpbacked dolphin

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Table 5.1-59 Officially Protected Species Known to Occur in the Project Area
Scientific Name Stenella attenuata Stenella clymene Steno bredanensis Steno frontalis Steno longirostris Trichechus senegalensis Tursiops truncates MARINE FISH Aetobatus narinari Carcharhinus amboinesis Carcharhinus brevpinna Carcharhinus leucas Carcharhinus limbatus Carcharhinus longimanus Carcharhinus plumbeus Carcharias taurus Carcharodon carcharias Centroscymnus coelolepis Dalatias licha Epinephelus itajara Epinephelus marginatus Galeocerdo cuvier Heptranchias perlo Hexanchus griseus Hippocampus algiricus Isurus oxyrinchus Leptocharias smithii Mycteroperca rubra Prionace glauca Pristis pectinata Pristis pristis Raja clavata Rhincodon typus Rynchops flavirostris Squalus mitsukurii Thunnus obesus Urogymnus ukpam Xiphias gladius Common Name
Pan-tropical spotted dolphin


Nigerian Status

Atlantic spinner dolphin Rough-toothed dolphin Atlantic spotted dolphin Long-beaked dolphin West african manatee Bottlenose dolphin Spotted eagle ray Java shark Spinner shark Bull shark Blacktip shark Oceanic whitetip shark Sandbar shark Grey nurse shark Great white shark Portuguese dogfish Kitefin shark Goliath grouper Dusky grouper Tiger shark One-finned shark Bluntnose sixgill shark West african seahorse Shortfin mako Barbeled houndshark Mottled grouper Blue shark Smalltooth sawfish Common sawfish Thornback skate Whale shark African skimmer Green-eye spurdog Bigeye tuna Pincushion r ay Swordfish


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Several species considered to be sensitive either because they face threat of imminent extinction or are vulnerable (i.e. could become endangered in the near future if nothing was done to remove the threat) according to the IUCN Red List (1994, 2002) and the Federal Governments Endangered Species Act (1985), are found in the area. These include Bosmans Potto, Demidovs galago, western black-and-white colobus, mona monkey, brushtailed porcupine, tree pangolin, Cape clawless otter, the serval, manatee, sitatunga, Buffons kob, genets, mongooses, all herons, egrets, pelicans, hawks, eagles, falcons, all three species of crocodile, all marine turtles, and the African python. The pangolins are equally threatened mostly because of their inability to move fast and thus escape human predators as well as the special liking that the people have for the flesh, which makes them hunt the pangolins more intensively. Probably the more vulnerable species is the ground-dwelling long-tailed pangolin, which cannot hide in the safety of trees. Even though they attempt to protect themselves by curling up and their prehensile tails are powerful weapons for holding and possibly strangling would-be predators, this is no barrier to human predators. The rodents are much more successful because of their high fecundity and short gestation periods. They typically give birth to between six and 12 young ones at a time. The Giant forest squirrel, though quite common in the area and actually seen jumping from branch to branch on trees, is quite vulnerable, since they are quite attractive to humans and other predators. They are killed by the dozens on a daily basis and sold on the roadsides. The flying squirrel was not observed throughout fieldwork. All of the carnivores known to occur in the project area were not seen during the fieldwork, probably because of their mostly nocturnal nature and/or because of their predatory skills, which enable them to remain completely hidden among dense foliage. They are susceptible to hunters and are quite attractive both for meat as well as for their products. For instance, skins are very attractive for ornamental purposes, while parts such as the heart are used for making traditional potions and charms. The bushpig (Potamochoerus porcus), which once used to occur quite close to human dwelling has retreated deep into the forests and is only successfully hunted once in a while. The sitatunga has been so decimated by both wild and human predators that the few remaining are not easily seen, especially given that they are normally very shy animals. Their main saving grace has been their ability to reproduce rapidly. The crocodiles, though labelled as endangered are quite common in the area. They typically inhabit the swamps and waters of the area. In spite of persistent and heavy hunting and predation by humans, they are still quite successful here. One or two crocodiles were observed to quickly slide into the water at the approach of the field team, making it impossible to take pictures of them. However, young crocodiles were seen in some homesteads existing in captivity. This is a clear confirmation of their existence and relative abundance in the area. Equally abundant in the area is the Nile monitor lizard, which is much smaller in size than the crocodiles. They are regularly hunted too and are quite often caught in traps. A few were observed from a distance around the project site during fieldwork.

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The pythons are rather restricted in occurrence to the forest zones around Agbara. They are known to occur in fairly sizeable populations, but their populations are gradually being decimated. They are hunted and killed for meat, their skins, and for medicine and other traditional activities. Even though they are reported to occur in some parts that are close to the ROW, the fact that they are nocturnal made it difficult to observe them during the dry season EBS fieldwork.


Ecologically Sensitive Areas

No protected areas were documented in the field.


Existing Socioeconomic Situation

Introduction on Data Sources and SIA Methodology

The socioeconomic impact assessment in Nigeria is based on a detailed examination of the existing social and economic situation in the twenty-seven surveyed communities near the proposed WAGP project ROW. The assessment utilizes primary and secondary data sources to obtain information about the demographics, health, employment, income, education, infrastructure, and sources of energy among the surveyed communities. Primary data were collected through the use of household and community surveys. Secondary sources, including a variety of existing country literature and data sources, were used to supplement the survey information. International secondary sources included the World Bank, the United Nations, and the CIA World Factbook. These secondary sources provided the best available socioeconomic data, which allowed for consistency and comparisons across countries. Whenever possible, however, the results of the household and community surveys form the primary basis for the analysis. The study focuses on the area in and around the proposed WAGP ROW, including the Alagbado Tee site, the pipeline ROW, compressor station site, onshore pipeline ROW from the compressor station to the offshore pipeline shore crossing, and areas to be occupied by ancillary facilities. The household survey was carried out in 27 communities in or adjacent to this footprint. Most of the surveyed communities are categorized as rural, nonfishing communities. Four of the surveyed communities, Ajido, Imeke, Iworo, and Tori-Lovi are situated by or near Badagry Creek, and fishing constitutes a source of livelihood for at least some residents. Itoki and Igbesa are in Ifo and Otta Local Government Areas (LGAs), respectively, and classified as semi urban. Both household and community surveys were carried out in each of the 27 communities. The survey is considered representative of the pipeline corridor as a whole. Household Survey

The household survey was conducted over a period of seven days by 27 teams. Depending on the size of the settlement, each team was comprised of between one and five surveyors. Each questionnaire took between 30 and 60 minutes to complete depending on the level of cooperation of the respondents. Some respondents were initially unwilling to participate in the survey, although the majority cooperated readily with the surveyors.

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The questions in the household survey focused on: Household description; Sources and levels of household income; Spending patterns; Existing economic activities; Access to healthcare facilities and their utilization; Access to education and education levels; and Energy needs and fuel use. An estimated 67,421 people live in the 27 surveyed communities in or adjacent to the proposed pipeline ROW (ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003). This population comprises approximately 13,482 households, of which a random sample of 510 households was drawn for the household survey. In each of the 27 villages, at least ten households were surveyed. Considerably more households were surveyed in the larger communities. Based on these figures, the team sampled a statistically significant number of households in each of the subpopulations as well as in the overall population. The conclusions and assessments of the existing situation reflect the interpretation of results from the survey households and individuals in the surveyed communities. A sufficiently large number of households and individuals were surveyed so that the survey results are likely, with a 95 percent confidence level, to reflect that of the population of the survey area as a whole. This statistical confidence is due to the randomness of the sample selection, which attempted to ensure that no bias was introduced, as well as to the relatively large numbers of households and individuals surveyed. Community Survey

Community surveys were conducted in each of the 27 communities in or adjacent to the project ROW. A diverse group of community members was invited to participate in the activity. The groups generally consisted of between five and ten people, who were of diverse gender, age, and social status. At the community meetings, the survey team explained the purpose of the meeting and asked if residents would be willing to answer questions about existing conditions in the community, and about the potential impacts of the pipeline project on the community. Although a questionnaire was used as a guide by the team, questions were open-ended rather than as multiple choices, which allowed community members to provide free responses. In contrast to the household surveys, which focused on household level data, the community surveys had a broader scope of inquiry and gathered key consensus information about aspects of the community, such as infrastructure and microeconomic trends. The questions in the community survey covered the following areas: Community infrastructure, including markets, transportation, communications, education, and health care facilities; Social and cultural institutions; Gender issues; Economic and social trends (past five years); and

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Input on possible mitigation measures. Upon completion of the household and community survey enumeration, the local team entered the data into a database. Non-parametric and parametric analyses of the datasets were performed using SPSS and SAS. The output of the analysis is presented in the text and tables of this chapter. It should be noted that percentages from the survey were calculated among the total number of responses, including responses that were invalid. As a result some of the tables may not total to 100 percent because the invalid responses are not displayed. These invalid responses do not change the overall results. In addition, percentages from the survey were rounded to the nearest 0.1. As a result of the rounding, some of the tables may not total 100 percent. For the tables that do not total 100 percent as a result of rounding, the difference does not change the overall results. Secondary Sources

Beyond the primary household and community survey data, additional information was obtained from existing regional data sources, including the National Population Census Figure of 1991, the Annual Abstract of Statistics of the Federal Office of Statistics (FOS), and Lagos State Statistical Record. This report is also based on a review of existing data collected by the Nigerian Institute of Social and Economic Research (NISER) and some national level data collected from multilateral sources such as the World Bank, the United Nations, and the African Development Bank. This information provides additional socioeconomic context for the survey area.


Background and Geographic Detail

The proposed pipeline route will start at the Alagbado Tee, near the town of Itoki, and continue 57km to its terminus at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station near Ajido. The initial 40km of this route parallels an existing pipeline ROW owned and maintained by Shell Nigeria Gas Limited (SNGL). There are a number of small villages and areas of agricultural production along this initial 40km section that will be affected by the proposed ROW. Approximately 22 percent of the pipeline ROW is expected to pass through swamps or wetland areas. The proposed pipeline will also cross roads, streams, and rivers. A compressor station will be located at the terminus of the onshore pipeline at Badagry Beach. Due to the need for a large volume of concrete for the construction of this compressor station, a concrete batching plant will also be installed at the compressor station site for use during the compressor station construction phase. The permanent compressor station footprint, and the adjacent, temporary construction area and concrete batching facility will be located on land that is currently cultivated for crops. The proposed pipeline routing, facility siting, and surveyed communities are all in the Lagos metropolitan area, in the western region of Nigeria (Figure 5.2-1).7 Administratively, the communities in and around the proposed ROW fall into two states: Ogun and Lagos. Ogun

States in Nigeria are grouped into six geopolitical zones based on linguistic affinity, contiguity, and cultural affiliations. The project area is in the southwest zone. The terms western and southwestern region are
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Figure 5.2-1 Communities Map for Onshore Pipeline Route, Nigeria

often used interchangeably to describe this region of Nigeria. The broad term western region is used in this section to refer to the region that encompasses Lagos, Ogun, Osun, Ondo, and Oyo States.

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State borders Lagos State directly to the north and east. Some suburban communities in the area share borders with both Ogun and Lagos States. Ogun State contains the longest length of the proposed pipeline ROW, and of the 27 surveyed communities 18 are in Ogun. The communities in Ogun State are in two LGAs, Ado-Odo Otta and Ifo. The remaining nine surveyed communities are in Lagos State. All of these are in the Badagry LGA (see Table 5.2-1). Regardless of state-level jurisdictions, all of the surveyed communities are considered to be within the Lagos metropolitan region. Table 5.2-1 Administrative Distribution of Communities Along the Pipeline ROW
No. of Communities 9 16 2 State Lagos Ogun Ogun LGA Badagry Ado-Odo Otta Ifo

Table 5.2-2 lists the individual communities surveyed, by state in which they are located. Table 5.2-2 State Location of Surveyed Communities
S/N Community State
1 Itoki 2 Ijoko Ota 3 Alade 4 Owode Ijako 5 Ijoko Ilemode 6 Ajibode 7 Ewupe 8 Igberen 9 Egusi Ogun 10 Igboloye 11 Arobieye 12 Abiola 13 Itori 14 Oko-omi 15 Ore Akunde 16 Araromi 17 Ilogbo 18 Igbesa 19 Ilogbo-Eremi 20 Araromi-Ale 21 Iworo 22 Aradagun Lagos 23 Ajido 24 Agemowo 25 Imeke 26 Tori-Lovi 27 Agunmo Note: S/N = Survey Number Source: Nigeria Population Commission (NPC, 1991)

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As a result of the location of the surveyed communities within the Lagos metropolitan region, there is a high level of interaction between the communities and Lagos, which is the most populous city in Nigeria. These interactions and interchange of people, goods, and services, as well as information, have resulted in a high level of awareness within the surveyed communities not only about local issues, but also about regional and national issues. The surveys revealed that community members are very knowledgeable about the history of similar projects in other parts of Nigeria and the effects of these projects on nearby communities, are very conscious of their rights, and have clear expectations of WAPCo in terms of how WAGP effects are managed in their communities. Additionally, as a result of the proximity to Lagos, many of the residents in the surveyed communities are considerably more cosmopolitan than other rural communities and residents in Nigeria. This can be linked to the significant number of non-indigenes in many of the surveyed communities. The heterogeneous population in the surveyed communities is typical of the conditions in many other major metropolitan areas, where general levels of development also tend to be higher than in rural settlements. The surveyed communities enjoy higher average income levels and access to better infrastructure than many communities throughout Nigeria. Nevertheless, infrastructure and general development levels remain basic, and are perceived as such by the members of the communities.


Macroeconomic Overview

Dominated by the oil and gas sector, Nigerias economic base is not well diversified. Although gross domestic product (GDP) actually declined by 0.9 percent in 2002, over the period from 1995 through 2002, Nigeria has achieved a modest average rate of growth of 2.5 percent. Income per capita also grew over the same time period, albeit with a distribution that favors upper income groups. Industry value-added comprises the largest percent of GDP (41.8 percent), followed by agriculture value-added (35.9 percent), and services value-added (22.3 percent). The agriculture sector makes up the largest portion of non-oil GDP, and is particularly important for domestic sales and consumption. At 14.8 percent and 12.8 percent respectively, saving and investment rates in Nigeria are low relative to the rest of Africa. Coupled with a relatively high average annual inflation rate (15.6 percent) these rates do not provide a particularly strong stimulus to economic growth. However, Nigeria is currently undergoing an aggressive privatization plan, which is expected to modernize the countrys infrastructure, improve efficiency, attract more foreign investment in non-oil sectors, and increase growth of the countrys exports in the long-term. Moreover, at US$230 per capita, Nigerias external debt, while high relative to the countrys average income, is significantly below the nearly US$360 for Africa as a whole (African Development Indicators, 2004; CIA World Factbook, 2002).


Population and Demographics National, Regional, and Local


Nigerias population totaled almost 130 million people in 2001, with a projected population growth rate of 2.3 percent. The nations rural population has a slightly lower rate of 1.04

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percent. In 2001, 44.9 percent of the population resided in urban areas; between 2000 and 2005, this proportion is expected to increase by 4.43 percent (World Bank, Country Data Profile, 2002). Population density in the western region of Nigeria is higher than the national average of 139 persons per km2 in 1997. Lagos State, the countrys most commercial and industrial area, has the highest population density among states in the western region, greater than 400 persons per km2. Ogun State has the lowest population density, between 100 to 200 persons per km2 (Shell).8 Table 5.2-3 shows the population densities of the five LGAs in and around the proposed pipeline ROW. Table 5.2-3 Population Density in Relevant LGAs in Lagos and Ogun States
LGA Ado Odo/Ota* Ifo* Alimosho Badagry* Ifako/Ijaye Ojo State Ogun Ogun Lagos Lagos Lagos Lagos LGA Headquarter Ota Ifo Ikotun Badagry Ifako Ojo Number of Households 59,305 55,878 98,305 27,819 92,204 53,129 Total Population 234,647 215,055 430,890 119,267 328,397 213,837 Population Density (km2) 107 --2,327 270 12,340 1,352

Source: The Nigeria Congress Online. * LGAs of surveyed communities.

Source: UN Food and Agriculture Organization, Nigeria Maps, retrieved online in 2003 from http://www.fao.org/ag/agl/swlwpnr/reports/y_sf/Nigeria/e_maps.htm#map2

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Table 5.2-4 lists the populations of the communities surveyed. Table 5.2-4 Population Counts of Surveyed Communities and Population, 1996 and 2000
S/N 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Community Itoki Ijoko Ota Alade Owode Ijako Ijoko Ilemode Ajibode Ewupe Igberen Egusi Igboloye Arobieye Abiola Itori Oko-omi Ore Akunde Araromi Ilogbo Igbesa Ilogbo-Eremi Araromi-Ale Iworo Aradagun Ajido Agemowo Imeke Tori-Lovi Agunmo Population 1996 353 9,378 3,286 595 106 508 391 N/A N/A N/A 136 247 5,200 349 342 496 1,569 15,047 4,522 1,648 2,968 484 4,073 1,611 1,267 N/A N/A 2003 420 11,159 3,910 708 126 604 465 N/A N/A N/A 161 293 6,188 405 406 590 1,863 17,905 5,381 1,961 3,531 575 4,846 1,917 1507 N/A N/A

Note: S/N = Survey Number; N/A = not available Source: Nigeria Population Commission (NPC, 1991).


The population in the surveyed communities is made up largely of relatively young individuals and married households. The heads of households in the surveyed communities have a mean age of 44 years. Most of them are married (71 percent), while 16 percent are single and 7 percent are widowed. In terms of gender, the LGAs where the surveyed communities are located have an almost even distribution of men and women. The population is 51 percent male and 49 percent female in Badagry LGA, 50 percent male and 50 percent female in Ado-Odo-Ota LGA, and 51 percent male and 49 percent female in Ifo LGA. These figures closely mirror the national level ratio of 50.03 percent male and 49.97

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percent female (ICF Housing and Community Survey, 2003; World Bank Country Data Profile, 2002; CIA World Factbook, 2002). Migration into the western region, particularly the Lagos metropolitan area, is common because the Lagos-Ota-Badagry axis is the leading industrial and commercial region of Nigeria. Due also to an extensive transportation infrastructure that connects the area with various communities in the southern region, the Lagos metropolitan area is very attractive to migrants and jobs seekers. Migration into this region has impacted the communities surrounding the pipeline, as people are increasingly using the areas as bases for commuting to urban areas for commerce and work. Although the majority of households in the surveyed communities are native to their respective community, there are no indigenous people, as defined by World Bank policy, in the pipeline ROW. Furthermore, the number of nonindigenes in many of the surveyed communities is relatively significant as indicated in Table 5.2-5. Migrants are typically from other communities in the southern region of the country. Table 5.2-5 Migratory Status of Households in Surveyed Communities
Migratory Status A different community in the southern region of the country The north of the country Another country Nonimmigrant (from the community in which currently residing) Percent of Households 39.5 percent 2.3 percent 0.8 percent 57.0 percent

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003


Ethnic and Cultural Background

Ethnic Groups

The Yoruba are the second largest ethnic group in Nigeria, comprising approximately 21 percent of the nations population (CIA World Factbook, 2002) and traditionally residing in the western region. The proposed pipeline will pass through sections of Nigeria where the Yorubas are the majority ethnic group. Some non-Yoruba ethnic groups are also present but are in the minority. An estimated 77 percent of the households in the surveyed area belong to the Yoruba ethnic group, while 13 percent are Eegun, and 3 percent are Awori. The Eeguns and Aworis are culturally close to the Yorubas and are sometimes regarded as sub-ethnic groups of the Yorubas. Not only are most of the households Yoruba, the Yoruba language is the most widely spoken one in the surveyed communities, even among some of the minority ethnic groups. The ethnic and language composition suggests that the surveyed communities are quite homogenous from an ethnic standpoint and not heavily influenced by external cultures (Table 5.2-6).

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Table 5.2-6 Ethnic groups in the Surveyed Communities

Language Yoruba Eegun Awori Others Percent Ethnic Group 77.2 13.7 3.0 5.3 Language Spoken Growing up 78.5 12.9 3.0 5.3 Language Spoken at Home 79.2 12.2 2.8 5.8

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

Household Characteristics and Structure

The household structure of the Yoruba parallels the patriarchal leadership structure of most Nigerian ethnic groups. Men are typically the head of Nigerian households, heading approximately 73 percent of the households in the surveyed communities. The three different types of male-headed household structures are traditional (one husband and one spouse), polygamous, and single male (male with no spouse, including widowers and males that have never been married). Traditionally, the male is responsible for all the major household decisions. The surveyed communities also included some female-headed households. Household sizes vary from region to region, and between male-headed to female-headed households. In addition to immediate family members, households also frequently include extended family and house helpers. Based on data collected between 1985 and 1990, Nigerias average household size was 5.4 persons (United Nations STATS, 2003). There is no significant difference between rural and urban households, as the size of the households are more influenced by traditional and cultural considerations. However, female-headed households are typically smaller (FOS, 1998). The household size in the surveyed area also varies considerably depending on factors such as the age of the head of households and whether the household is traditional, polygamous, or headed by a single adult. The average household size in the surveyed communities is five members, and ranges up to as large as ten or more individuals. Leadership Structure and Governance

Although the traditional political and social systems vary in different parts of the Yoruba regions, each town usually has a leader (Oba), who achieves his position in one of three ways: inheritance, participation in title associations, or personal selection by an Oba already in power. A council of chiefs usually assists the Oba in his decisions. Title associations, such as the ogboni, also play an important role in assigning and balancing power within the cities (University of Iowa, Department of History, March 1999). For example in Ajido, the Oba of Ajido, the high chiefs, other chiefs, and other members of the cabinet all participate in governance of the town. The town also has a security unit knows as Switan, which is responsible for upholding the law (ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003).

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Supplementing the traditional governance structures are other civil society institutions that participate in some actions of governance. The situation in Igbesa is a good example of the mix of traditional and contemporary institutions. In addition to the leadership of Oba Samuel Olusola Banuso, the Onigbesa of Igbesa, community members indicated that the governance structure also includes: community elders led by Pa Jimoh Akanni Odunsi, the Igbesa Community Association led by Prince A.O. Fagbemi, a Youth Association led by Bisi Eneafe, and the Women Association. In addition, Igbesa has four quarters and each of the quarters has a development association. The community holds bi-annual development activity called malete (ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003). Youth groups are prominent in many of the communities. Their main objective is to mobilize the youths within and outside their communities to participate in the development process of their communities. Youth groups contribute labor for communal activities and funds for development projects. They are also expected to use their positions to lobby policy makers and industry heads to establish community development and infrastructure projects. In terms of conflict resolution and redress, for the most part, people in the western region depend on the court of law to resolve disputes. A significant number of people also use traditional councils. Other forms of governance include the meeting of parties and use of an independent arbitrator (NISER, 2002). Religious and Cultural Groups

The majority of Nigerians are either Muslim (50 percent) or Christian (40 percent), with a small minority (10 percent) practicing indigenous/traditional religions. (CIA World Factbook, 2002). Both Islam and Christianity are practiced in the surveyed communities. This is consistent with religious affiliation in the western region as a whole, where there is a harmonious co-existence between the two dominant faiths. Some traditional worship such as the traditional Yoruba religion also takes place in the surveyed communities. In the cases where the traditional religious beliefs are not formally practiced, they are often amalgamated with Islam or Christianity, or practiced on social and cultural levels.


Historical and Cultural Resources

Historical and cultural resources that were identified during the survey as being located within the ROW include: six churches, 16 gravesites, three praying grounds, and 60 shrines (Estate Survey, 2003). In addition, the surveyed area includes the homes and palaces of traditional rulers, as well as a shrine located approximately 50m from the proposed compression station site near Ajido (ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003). The homes and palaces range from simple to elaborate depending on the position of the associated leader in the Yoruba political hierarchy. Traditional shrines in the area are maintained for historical and cultural purposes. They do not serve a religious purpose because most of the population adheres to Christian or Muslim beliefs.

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Infrastructure and Quality of Life

Due to their nearness to urban centers, residents in most of the surveyed communities have access to basic infrastructure, including education and health care facilities. The following subsections describe key components of infrastructure available to the surveyed communities. Transportation

Nigeria has an extensive but poorly maintained road system, linking the large towns and cities with surrounding rural areas across the country. The roads are the major means of transportation in the area and are generally passable all year round. The state of the countrys rail services is poor, resulting from many years of neglect and failure. The main commercial ports in the western region are the Lagos Apapa and Lagos Tin-can Island ports, located in the Lagos metropolitan area. As indicated in the map below (Figure 5.2-2), the proposed pipeline will cross a number of tracks, roads, and rivers used for transportation purposes. Some of the rivers that will be crossed include the Imede, Ogbe, Ore, and Owo Rivers. The proposed pipeline ROW will also cross three major highways: Otta-Akute, Otta-Idi-Iroko, and Lagos-Badagry highways. There is dense traffic on the Otta-Idi-Iroko and Lagos-Badagry routes since they link Nigeria to the neighboring Benin Republic. In all, the ROW will cross 32 roads, including 11 larger highways that will be crossed using thrust boring and 21 smaller roads that will be crossed using trenching. The use of thrust boring technology will minimize impacts on roads where this method is used. The residents of the surveyed communities are very mobile. There is a lot of foot traffic in the surveyed communities because the journey to work and other activities is largely by trekking. There are also a number of public transport operators that provide train, taxi, and bus services between settlements in and adjacent to the proposed pipeline ROW and the major urban centers of Lagos, Ota, and Badagry. Motorcycle is another major means of transportation within the area. There is some water transport in the Ajido area, which is the only river-oriented community along the proposed pipeline route. About 27 percent of the schoolchildren in the surveyed communities cross the proposed pipeline route on their way to and from school. Members of 52 percent of the households cross the proposed pipeline route in order to fetch fuel wood. Other activities that would necessitate crossing the pipeline route include commuting to work (56.7 percent) and receiving health care (56.9 percent). Telecommunications

Nigerias fixed telephone lines are generally regarded as inadequate (CIA World Factbook, 2002). Compared to urban residents, rural residents must travel longer distances to access a telephone facility (NISER, 2002). Despite a growing number of urban residents using mobile phones, the majority of people in urban and rural areas in the western region do not have access to telephone facilities in their communities. Generally, public phones are not available in the surveyed communities. However, there are some communities where many residents use private phones.
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Figure 5.2-2 West African Gas Pipeline Equipment/Material Delivery Route

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Housing and Other Building Structures

As in other rural areas of Nigeria, there is a mix of traditional and modern house types in the surveyed communities. However, in most of these communities the modern house types, which have concrete walls and aluminum/corrugated iron-sheet roofs, predominate (WAGP Population Density Survey, 2003). Community Amenities, Facilities, and Social Services

The limited community amenities, facilities, and social services available in the surveyed communities include community center/town halls, entertainment halls, market places, and football fields. Less than half of the communities have a community center/town hall and only about 10 percent have entertainment halls. There are football fields in about two-thirds of the communities, which are owned by educational institutions and are available for community use. Additionally, one noteworthy tourist attraction is the Whispering Palm Resort, which is located in Iworo, several kilometers from the ROW. Traditional, open-air markets are very important amenities for shopping and socializing. Both daily/permanent and periodic markets exist in the area. Thirty-three percent of the surveyed communities have daily/permanent markets, whereas 67 percent have periodic markets. Some of these periodic markets operate all year round (21 percent), whereas others operate only during the dry season (23 percent) or the wet season (23 percent). These markets sell both agricultural and manufactured goods. In most of the periodic markets, agricultural goods predominate. Most households purchase their subsistence goods at the markets. Higher order goods are purchased from nearby towns especially Lagos, Badagry, and Otta. Security Environment and Violent Crimes

Generally, there are no violent crimes in the surveyed communities. However, incidence of violent crime is greater in the nearby urban towns of Lagos and Otta.



Nigeria has an extensive primary, secondary, and tertiary educational system. Universal Basic Education, which was launched in 1999, is an ongoing initiative that promots free and compulsory education for public, primary and middle/junior secondary schools. There is an average of one primary school in each of the surveyed communities, whereas only eight surveyed communities have secondary schools (both junior and senior). There are no tertiary institutions in the surveyed communities. About 40 percent of the total household members in the surveyed communities are currently attending different educational institutions, with higher enrollment rates among males compared to females. The highest educational attainment for the largest number of the adult population is secondary school and above. Less than 20 percent of the adult population in these communities has no education, an estimated 30 percent has primary education only, 32 percent has secondary education, and about 15 percent have tertiary education.

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Although Yoruba is the primary language spoken at home in the surveyed communities, English is the countrys official language and the language of educational instruction. The literacy rate is quite high in the surveyed communities, with approximately 86 percent of the population aged 15 and older being able to read and write in English. At the national level, the literacy rate is generally lower among women than men.


Land Tenure and Residential Ownership

The land tenure system in Nigeria varies by ethnic group, community, and state. Generally it is more communal in northern Nigerian states and more individual/private and family based in the southwestern and southeastern parts of the country.In the surveyed communities, land tenure takes on the latter form. However, traditional authorities have some supervisory and distribution roles. The community meetings carried out during the survey support this view. For instance at Ajido, it was explained that land is passed to children from their fathers (although women in the community can also inherit land). However, if someone wants to sell a parcel of land, the consent of the Oba of the town must be obtained before the transaction is carried out. In Igbesa, it was also pointed out that the communitys land tenure system is customary in which families own land. Each family has a chief as the Head who holds supervisory authority on the family land on behalf of other members of the family. Finally, in Itoki, both private ownership and supervisory control by traditional institutions are also evident. Here it was noted that migrants from various places, such as Abeokuta and Ota, have purchased land from the indigenes; and while the Baale has control over some land, individuals who bought their land have control over the land they own. The following findings from the household survey on ownership of land around dwellings are consistent with the observations above, and further substantiate the notion that individual ownership is the most common form of land ownership (Table 5.2-7). Table 5.2-7 Land and/or Water Ownership Around Dwellings in Surveyed Communities
Ownership Owner Member of Household Landlord owned (tenant pays rent, pays in kind, or has free use) Community Public/Government Others Does Not Know/Information Not Available Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003. Percent 41.2 26.4 16.4 2.2 1.9 11.6

In terms of household ownership, the survey shows that owning property is more common than renting in the surveyed communities, a finding that is consistent with many other rural areas. As Table 5.2-8 indicates, owners in the surveyed communities constitute about 51 percent of the population, while renters constitute almost 30 percent. This high level of
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ownership may be due to the prevalence of traditional practices in these areas, which, as a matter of custom, allocate land to individual families in order for them to build on. Renting is more widespread in the urbanized areas of Nigeria, where the traditional, family-based structure is less common and available land is scarce. In the surveyed communities, the average number of rooms per dwelling is about five and roughly 47 percent of the dwellings are shared (ICF household and Community Survey, 2003). Table 5.2-8 Ownership Status of Residences in Surveyed Communities
Status Owner Renter Occupier Not paying Rent Receiving Housing as Part of Job Others Percent of Households 50.8 29.6 17.9 0.3 1.5

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

It should be noted that land ownership in Nigeria is officially regulated by the Land Use Act of 1990 and that land owners do not necessarily own land in the Western sense. The law vests ownership of all land within a state (except those belonging to the Federal Government) in the Governor of the state who holds land in trust for the people. The Governor is responsible for allocating for residential, commercial, and agricultural purposes in accordance with the law. Land located in rural areas is under the control of local government authorities (Federal Government of Nigeria, 2003).

5.2.10 Land and Water Use

Sixty-four percent of Nigerias total surface area is used for agriculture, and land use around dwellings is mostly devoted to different types of agricultural production as well as small businesses. The average farm in the western region is 0.8ha (UN Food and Agriculture Organization, 2002). Table 5.2-9 shows that 86.4 percent of the land around dwellings in the surveyed communities is devoted to agriculture, primarily for subsistence purposes, while only 36 percent is devoted to small businesses and others. As already indicated, fishing is not widely practiced in the area, and is a significant means of livelihood only in four of the surveyed villages (Ajido, Imeke, Iworo and Tori-Lovi). Only about 27 percent of the households in all the communities combined are engaged in fishing. In Ajido, subsistence fishing and smallscale commercial fishing are practiced (ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003).

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Table 5.2-9 Land Use Around Dwellings in Surveyed Communities

Land Use Subsistence Farming Commercial Farming Small Business Others Percent of Households 56.1 30.3 17.7 18.3

Note: Uses are not mutually exclusive; household may use multiple land for multiple purposes. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

5.2.11 Energy Consumption

The primary sources of the western regions household and industrial energy consumption are electricity, natural gas/LPG, and fuel wood. Most households are connected to the electric utility grid, with higher percentages in urban than rural areas. However, due to the volatility and uncertainty in Nigeria Energy and Power Authority (NEPA) supply, power/electricity generators are common fixtures in households, especially among urban residents. Some 91.7 percent of urban residents own generators, compared to 78.9 percent of rural residents (NISER, 2002). In the surveyed communities the sources of energy include electricity, fuel wood/charcoal, and natural gas/LPG and petroleum products (kerosene). Table 5.2-10 sets out the main sources of energy, their affordability (i.e., whether households feel they can afford them) and reliability (i.e. availability all year round). For most of the households, fuel wood/charcoal and petroleum products are the most affordable and reliable sources. Table 5.2-10 Affordability and Reliability of Energy Sources in Surveyed Communities
Source of Energy Electricity Fuel wood Natural gas/LPG Petroleum Products Percent of Households that Deem the Energy Source: Affordable Reliable 25 9.3 34.3 32.7 1.6 0.8 38.9 57.0

Source: ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003.

Different sources of energy are used for different domestic purposes in households, as Table 5.2-11 indicates. For cooking, fuel wood/charcoal is the most widely used source (76 percent), followed by petroleum products (56 percent). Electricity is not extensively used for cooking. Petroleum products and electricity are the most commonly used for lighting, with natural gas/LPG only being used by 11 percent of households. Finally, electricity is by far

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the most important source of energy for cooling (97 percent). The only other source of energy used for this purpose is petroleum products, accounting for 18 percent. Table 5.2-11 Distribution of Energy Sources by Domestic Use in Surveyed Communities
Source Petroleum Products (kerosene) Freely collected Fuel wood Electricity Natural gas/LPG Purchased Fuel wood Charcoal Cooking 55.9 40.3 29.7 29.6 19.0 16.3 Lighting 52.4 51.2 11.2 10.7 10.5 Cooling 18.2 96.8 -

Note: Uses and sources are not mutually exclusive; households may use multiple uses of energy. Source: ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003.

Although the pipeline project is designed to deliver energy to Benin, Togo, and Ghana, it will not provide energy to the region in Nigeria.

5.2.12 Microeconomic Situation

The economy in the surveyed communities is largely based on farming, trade and commerce, and professional services. The proximity of most of the communities to the major commercial and industrial area in Nigeria also contributes to their economy. Although there is widespread poverty, the situation is better than in many other rural areas of Nigeria. Per capita income in the surveyed communities is higher than the national average, and many of the households own many modern consumer goods. However, household budgets are increasingly constrained by rising local prices, particularly of basic and high priority subsistence items. Labor Force and Employment Activities

Approximately 75 percent of the population in the surveyed communities aged 14 and older is currently working, which is higher than the national labor force participation rate of 39.6 percent for individuals aged 15 to 64. Of those who are working, crop farming is the dominant occupation in the surveyed area, followed by trading/commerce and professional services. These three activities jointly account for more than half of the occupational types (Table 5.2-12). Unlike the rest of the broader southwestern region, fishing is not very important in the surveyed communities overall, with only about 4 percent of people of working age engaged in this activity. Although agriculture is an important activity, most workers in the surveyed communities are engaged in the services sector (43.9 percent). The services sector is often linked to the processing and trade of farm products. The household survey does not provide information regarding child labor in the surveyed communities. There is sufficient evidence at the national level, however, to suggest that children are probably economically active in the communities adjacent to the project site. The World Bank estimated that 24 percent of the children aged ten to 14 were part of the nations labor force (World Bank EDSTATS, 2002).
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Table 5.2-12 Employment Distribution by Occupation in the Surveyed Communities (population aged 14 and over)
Occupation Crop farming Trade/Commerce Professional Services Administrative/Managerial Fishing Delivery Services Clothing/Tailoring Taxi/Bus driver Delivery Services Animal farming Worker/Laborer Engineering Carpentry/Furniture Mechanic/Automotive Health Care Professional Construction/Mason Manufacturing Others Does Not Know/ Not Available Percent of Population 26.7 14.0 12.1 6.0 3.8 3.2 2.9 2.5 3.1 2.2 2.2 1.8 1.5 1.3 1.0 0.9 0.4 6.5 9.1

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003

Self-employment is the largest single employment category (43.2 percent) of those who are currently working (aged 14 and older), with the public sector accounting for the second largest source of employment (23.6 percent). This high level of self-employment is common in Nigeria, since people tend to prefer it to working in the public service sector or for another person. In addition, self-employment is perceived as being more lucrative than other types of employment (Table 5.2-13). Table 5.2-13 Employment Distribution by Type of Employer in the Surveyed Communities (population aged 14 and older)
Employer Self Public Private Military Others Does Not Know/ Not Available Percent 43.2 23.6 22.3 1.8 2.6 6.5

Source: ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003.

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Agriculture and Fishing

Agriculture, hunting, forestry, and fishing contributed an estimated 32 percent of the national GDP in Nigeria in 1998. According to World Bank estimates, agricultural GDP increased at an annual rate of 2.9 percent in 1990 to 1998 (NigeriaBusinessInfo.com, 2001). The principal cash crops are cocoa, rubber, and oil palm. Staple foods include rice, maize, taro, yams, cassava, sorghum, and millet. Timber production, the raising of livestock (principally goats, sheep, cattle, and poultry), and small-scale fisheries are also important (NigeriaBusinessInfo.Com, 2001). The major agricultural activities in the western region are crop farming, horticulture, and livestock rearing. The major crops grown by most households along the pipeline ROW include cassava, maize, plantain, yams, and to some extent cocoa, coconut tree, and palm tree. The most common livestock are cattle, goats, and chickens (NISER, 2002).
Crop Farming

An estimated 27 percent of the population in the surveyed communities in and around the proposed ROW is engaged in crop farming. There is agricultural production in the cleared areas along the first 36km of the proposed pipeline route, adjacent to the existing SNGL ROW. The main crops cultivated in the area are the same as those found in southwestern Nigeria, and they are grown for both subsistence and small-scale commercial purposes. Table 5.2-14 indicates that cassava is the most common crop (57 percent) closely followed by maize (56 percent). Other important crops are plantain (31 percent), yam (28 percent), cocoyam (26 percent), and oil palm (23 percent). Among 66 households reporting, annual income from crop farming averaged 14,500 Naira (N) (range from N2,000 to N618,000). Table 5.2-14 Crop Production Among Survey Communities
Crops Beans Cassava Cocoa Cocoyam Ground nuts Maize Palm oil Plantain Potatoes Yam Percent of Farming Households Cultivating 14.4 57.3 7.0 26.4 6.8 55.7 22.5 30.9 5.0 28.0

Note: Sources not mutually exclusive; households may cultivate multiple crops. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

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Animal Farming

Livestock farming is not very important in the surveyed area, and only employs 2.2 percent of the working population. For those who are engaged in this activity, chicken is the most important livestock kept (67.6 percent). The most common animals kept are goats (44 percent), pigs (19 percent) and sheep (15.8 percent). Cattle rearing does not feature prominently in the area (8.1 percent) (Table 5.2-15). Among 26 households responding, annual income from animal farming averaged N14,000 (range from N5,000 to N360,000). Table 5.2-15 Livestock Rearing in Surveyed Communities
Livestock Cattle Chicken & Poultry Ducks Goats Pigs Rabbits Sheep Others Note: Percent of Livestock Raising Households 8.1 67.6 17.8 4.0 19.1 6.8 15.8 59.1 Mean No. Owned 20 20 11 8 8 3 8 4

Sources not mutually exclusive; households may rear multiple livestock.

Source: ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003. Fishing

There is substantial fish production in Nigeria that consists of local, small-scale subsistence activity and takes place along the coastal waters and inland fresh waterways (NigeriaBusinessInfo.com, 2000-2001). There are also commercial fishing activities in the Niger Delta and offshore Lagos. However, since local producers are unable to meet the high demands for fish consumption, approximately 50 percent of all of the fish consumed in Nigeria are imported (NigeriaBusinessInfo.com, 2000-2001). For the limited fishing that takes place in the survey area, specifically in Ajido, Imeke, Aworo, and Toriluvi, the activity is very rudimentary in terms of the methods that are used (Table 5.2-16). These include the use of throw-nets (32 percent), hook lines (24 percent), and net-traps (18 percent). The vessels used for fishing are mostly artisanal/canoe (69 percent) and locally built trawlers (10.3 percent). Fishing is conducted all year-round, and the size of the catch is usually larger during the dry season. Most fishing is done by men, although women participate in fishing when it involves the use of hook lines, net trap, and hand lines. The processing and selling of fish is almost exclusively undertaken by women. Among 21 households responding, annual income from fishing averaged N19,000 (range from N1,000 to N300,000).

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Table 5.2-16 Fishing Methods Within Surveyed Communities

Method Throw Nets Hook Lines Net Traps Trawling Parallel to Shore Trawling Perpendicular to Shore Hand Lines Seine Nets Does Not Know/Information Not Available Percent of Fishermen 31.5 23.6 18.0 5.6 4.5 3.3 2.3 12.4

Source: ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003


Trade and commerce are important economic activities for a sizeable percent of the working population in the surveyed communities. Petty trading is the most significant type and entails the selling of mostly lower value goods. Both men and women participate in the stationary type of petty trading, while women predominate in itinerant petty trading. Industry Mining and Manufacturing

Nigerias main industries are associated with production of crude oil, coal, tin, columbite, palm oil, peanuts, cotton, rubber, wood, hides and skins, textiles, cement and other construction materials, food products, footwear, chemicals, fertilizer, printing, ceramics, and steel (CIA World Factbook, 2002). The majority of the western region residents engaged in small-scale industry are in food processing. A sizeable percent of the community also works in metal fabrication and weaving (textiles). Mining represents a very minor industrial activity in the region (NISER, 2002). Although the nearby Lagos-Ota-Badagry axis is the leading industrial region and commercial cluster of Nigeria, modern industry and manufacturing are not a major source of employment for the inhabitants of the surveyed communities. As Table 5.2-12 shows, less than 1 percent of the population works in the manufacturing sector. Government

The surveyed communities straddle two states and three LGAs. The government employs an estimated 24 percent of the working population in the surveyed communities. Some of these include young adults who are participating in the countrys mandatory civil service.

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Chapter 5 Household Income and Expenditures Household Income

Nigeria has a relatively high level of income inequality, and household income levels vary greatly across regions. Based on cumulative family income figures from 1996 to 1997, Nigeria had a Gini index of 50.6, indicating an uneven distribution of wealth (CIA World Factbook, 2002). Household income in the surveyed communities is indicative of this income disparity, ranging from under N100,000 per annum to over N3 million per annum (these figures referred to the aggregate income earned by all income earners in individual households). The number of income earners in the surveyed communities ranges from one per household to over six per household as shown in Table 5.2-17. However, the majority of the households (67.4 percent) are dependent on one or two income earners. Table 5.2-17 Income Earners per Household in Surveyed Communities
Income Earners 1 2 3 4 5 7 9 Percent of Households 29.7 38.7 24.1 4.7 0.9 0.9 0.9

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

The average annual income per capita for residents in the surveyed communities is N162,229, which is considerably higher than the national average of about N40,000 (the comparison is roughly US$1,300 vs. US$300).9 The higher income levels in the surveyed communities are understandable given the fact that income levels are much higher in the Lagos metropolitan region than the rest of the country (though it should be noted that the Lagos region also has a relatively higher cost of living).10 Table 5.2-18 presents the household income profile in the surveyed communities. The bulk of households income (59.3 percent) is under N200,000 per annum. Note that the income figures in the following table refer to the aggregate income earned by all income earners in individual households.

This is based on the Official Exchange Rate in 2002, which was approximately N120/US$. In the surveyed communities, a total of 459 income earners in 204 households were sampled.


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Table 5.2-18 Household Annual Income Distribution in Surveyed Communities

Income Group < N100,000 N100,000 200,000 N200,001 300,000 N300,001 400,000 N400,001 500,000 >N500,000 Percent of Total Households 33.3 26.0 12.3 4.4 3.9 Total Income Earned N2,777,968 N7,103,000 N6,399,000 N3,244,000 N3,726,000 N51,213,000


Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

Household Expenditures and Consumption

In 1996, average per capita real monthly expenditures nationwide totaled N1,380.80, an increase from N932.08 in 1985. However, the increase in real monthly per capita expenditures was largely accounted for by upper income groups of the population. The poorest 30 percent decreased their monthly per capita expenditures in the period. Femaleheaded households tend to have higher per capita expenditures than male households. A recent survey by the FOS found that approximately 71 percent of all expenditures by the average Nigerian household is for food, with larger shares among the bottom deciles and lower shares among the upper deciles (FOS, 1998). In 1998, the average national private (including individual, household, and non-governmental organizations) consumption per capita11 consisted of 52 percent for food, 14 percent for bread and cereals, 5 percent for clothing and footwear, 15 percent for fuel and power,12 5 percent for health care, 8 percent for education, 3 percent for transport and communications, and 13 percent for other13 consumption (World Bank, World Development Indicators, 2000). In the surveyed communities, expenditure patterns conform broadly to national level data, in that food is the largest single expenditure item. As Table 5.2-19 indicates, food accounts for 20.4 percent of monthly household expenditure in the surveyed communities, which is almost double that of the second most important household expenditure item, education (10.7 percent). Some essential services are not in the top brackets of household monthly expenditures, such as healthcare, which accounts for only 3.5 percent (perhaps because many people self-medicate), as well as energy (4.5 percent) and transportation (4.5 percent).

11 12

Calculated using the purchasing power parity method; otherwise known as international dollars equivalent.

Fuel and power exclude energy used for transport (rarely reported to be more than 1 percent of total consumption in low- and middle-income economies). Other consumption covers gross rent (including repair and maintenance charges); beverages and tobacco; non durable household goods, household services, recreational services, services (including meals) supplied by hotels and restaurants, and purchases of carryout food; and consumer durables, such as household appliances, furniture, floor coverings, recreational equipment, and watches and jewelry.

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The breakdown of household expenditures (Table 5.2-19) is consistent with qualitative information on household spending priorities expressed by heads of households. Food was listed by heads of households as the most important spending priority, while entertainment was considered the least important priority in the surveyed communities. Table 5.2-19 Distribution of Household Expenditures in Surveyed Communities
Expenditure Category Food Education Small Business Expenses Shelter/Accommodation Household Maintenance Remittances Clothing Gardening/Fishing Energy Transportation Household goods Health Care Social/Cultural Obligation Water Travels (other than day to day) Taxes Paid to Government Entertainment Others Average Amount (N/month) 11,585 6,049 4,222 3,819 3,819 3,323 3,179 3,135 2,531 2,526 2,136 1,958 1,899 1,690 1,555 1,507 1,238 1,000 Percent of Total Income Expenditure 20.4 10.7 7.5 6.7 6.7 5.9 5.6 5.5 4.5 4.5 3.8 3.5 3.4 3.0 2.7 2.7 2.2 1.8

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

The relatively higher income in the Lagos area compared to the nation as a whole is reflected in the items purchased and owned by households surveyed (Table 5.2-20). For instance, about 46 percent of the households surveyed own refrigerators/ice-boxes, while 25 percent own cars. For radio ownership, the figure is 90 percent while television ownership is 69 percent. These are much higher than the national averages, which are 6.8 percent for television and 20 percent for radio (World Bank Development Indicators, 2001).

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Table 5.2-20 Ownership of Household Items in Surveyed Communities

Items Radio Television Refrigerator/Icebox Bicycle Car Percent of Households 90.1 69.4 46.3 34.7 25.0

Note: Sources not mutually exclusive; households may own multiple items. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003

A survey conducted by the FOS indicated that the poverty rate in Nigeria increased from 43 percent to 56 percent between 1985 and 1996.14 At 50.5 percent, the incidence of poverty in the western region is below the national average. Among the western region states, Osun State has the highest poverty rate, at 60.1 percent, followed by Ondo (59.6 percent), Ogun (55.0 percent), Lagos (37.2 percent), and Oyo (35.0 percent). There was a higher incidence of poverty in rural areas than in urban areas and female-headed households tend to have a lower incidence of poverty than male-headed households (FOS, 1998). Local Prices

Between 2001 and 2002, the national inflation rate was 15.6 percent (African Development Indicators, 2004). Generally speaking, in the surveyed communities prices of most consumables have increased over the last year. The prices of staple food items exemplify this trend. For instance, on average, a bag of rice that sold for about N3000 in 2002 is more than N4000 now. The respective prices for a standard measure (kongo) of beans are N80 and N110. In the case of a standard measure of Gari (cassava flour), the respective prices are N50 and N80 (ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003).


Existing Public Health Situation

This section describes the public health situation in the surveyed communities in and along the proposed pipeline ROW in Lagos and Ogun States. The information presented is based on the ICF household and community surveys and secondary sources as mentioned in Section 5.2. The information focuses on the health infrastructure for water, sanitation, and health care facilities. This section also discusses the incidences of illness and the diets in the surveyed communities. As a comparative point of reference for some of the existing conditions in the survey region, the following discussion also draws on national and regional level data.

The FOS (1998) disaggregated a sampling of Nigerias population into deciles using real per capita expenditure as a proxy for standard of living and the indicator/measurement for defining poverty.


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Health Infrastructure

In 2000, 78 percent of the urban population and 49 percent of the rural population in Nigeria had access to improved15 drinking water (UN STATS, 2003). In Lagos State in the western region, the major sources of drinking water are private and public taps, wells with pumps, wells without pumps, and surface water (NISER, 2002). In 1995, 80 percent of the population in Lagos State had access to safe drinking water, compared to the 50 percent national average at the time (UNICEF, 1995; FOS, 1995). However, access to water within the immediate proposed pipeline vicinity has been a problem for some communities and the quality of water is poor and often polluted. Communities at Sango and Ota have a pipe borne water supply, but most other communities and villages along the proposed pipeline rely on hand dug wells. In 1999, the Ilogbo and Igbesa community boreholes were not functioning and other villages around the proposed pipeline had to buy water from neighboring boreholes. A number of the villages rely on local stream for their water supply; these include the Ogbe, Patoro, Ajobo, Molegum, Ishara, and Itori streams (Shell Nigeria Gas Limited, 1999).16 The following tables set out the sources of water in the surveyed communities. The most important sources are wells (with and without pumps), private piped/tap water, surface water, and vendor (public piped/tap). However, wells are by far the most important sources. Table 5.3-1 Reliance of Surveyed Households on Water Source Type
Sources Well without Pump Well with Pump Private Piped/Tap Surface Water Vendor Public Piped/Tap Free Public Pipe/Tap Bottled Water Others Use (Percent Households) 75.2 63.7 51.8 45.6 41.5 18.0 11.6 17.3

Note: Sources not mutually exclusive; Households use multiple water sources. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.


Access to an improved water source refers to the percentage of the population with reasonable access to an adequate amount of water from an improved source, such as a household connection, public standpipe, borehole, protected well or spring, and rainwater collection. Unimproved sources include vendors, tanker trucks, and unprotected wells and springs. Reasonable access is defined as the availability of at least 20L per person a day from a source within one kilometer of the dwelling (World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund, Global Water Supply and Sanitation Assessment 2000 Report).

The proposed WAGP pipeline will share the same route as the SNGL for approximately 36km, from the Alagbado Tee to the Agbara estate.


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The proximity of wells to most respondents in the surveyed communities accounts for their frequent use as a source of water. As Table 5.3-2 indicates, 83 percent of surveyed households have direct access to wells (either with or without pumps) and 70 percent have access within 100m of their residences. Surface water sources are generally far from most respondents as less than 25 percent have these sources either directly by their residence or within 100m. Table 5.3-2 Proximity of Surveyed Households to Most Frequently Used Water Supply Sources
Sources Well without Pump Well with Pump Private Piped/Tap Surface Water Vendor Public Piped/Tap Direct to Residence (Percent) Households 36.8 46.1 45.1 4.8 10.3 <100m (Percent Households) 41.7 28.4 17.7 18.1 34.5

Note: The above data may not add up to 100 percent because each survey question was asked separately. The data displayed is the percent of respondents who relied on each source type. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.


Sanitation is generally of better quality in urban than in rural areas. In 2000, 66 percent of the urban population and 45 percent of the rural population had access to improved17 sanitation facilities (UN STATS, 2003). In 1995, 52.6 percent of urban households had access to a flush toilet and 44.1 percent used a pit toilet. Since 1985, the number of rural households with flush toilets has decreased from 18.7 percent to 1.7 percent, while the number of pit toilets has increased from 30.1 percent to 69.0 percent (FOS, 1998). According to the Shell Nigeria Gas Limited (SNGL) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) surveys in 1999, the sanitation conditions in the areas around 40km of the proposed WAGP route are poor, with most communities using open pit latrines. Along the entire WAGP ROW, as Table 5.3-3 indicates, open pit latrines remain the most commonly used method for human waste disposal. A much smaller proportion of households have access to hand flush toilets (Table 5.3-3).

Access to improved sanitation facilities refers to the percentage of the population with at least adequate excreta disposal facilities (private or shared, but not public) that can effectively prevent human, animal, and insect contact with excreta. Improved facilities range from simple but protected pit latrines to flush toilets with a sewerage connection. To be effective, facilities must be correctly constructed and properly maintained. (World Health Organization and United Nations Children's Fund, 2000).


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Table 5.3-3 Sanitation: Household Human Waste Disposal Methods in Surveyed Communities
Type Pit Hand Flush Others Use (Percent Households) 58.4 24.0 17.4

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

Concerning non-human waste disposal, unofficial dumps are the most important means of waste disposal in the surveyed communities, closely followed by burning of waste. As Table 5.3-4 indicates, there is very limited collection of garbage by government agencies. Table 5.3-4 Sanitation: Household Non-human Waste Disposal Methods in Surveyed Communities
System Unofficial Dump Burning Compost Official/Formal Dump Government Collection Other Does not know/information not available Refused to answer Use (Percent Households) 44.8 39.6 5.6 4.9 3.3 0.5 1.0 0.3

Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003.

Health Facilities and Personnel

In Lagos and Ogun States, health care is provided by clinics, hospitals (including maternity homes/wards), pharmacies and drug stores and, to a lesser extent, by priests, herbalists, and spiritualists (which tend to be more prevalent in rural areas). In Lagos State, most people have access to health care facilities within five miles or less of their place of residence (NISER, 2002). In the surveyed communities in both Lagos and Ogun states, health care facilities include hospitals, clinics, pharmacy shops, religious centers and herbalists homes. However, as the Table 5.3-5 indicates, self-medication is widely practiced and second only to hospitals in terms of frequency of use. As expected, the most widely consulted health personnel are orthodox medical doctors. The use of herbal homes and herbalists is not as widespread as one might expect of rural communities. This is probably a consequence of the proximity of the Lagos metropolis, which is characterized by higher levels of development, the presence of non-indigenes, and less of a reliance on traditional practices. Similarly, the use of religious healers and centers in the surveyed communities is not widespread and orthodox western type health care facilities are the most widely patronized in the area. On average, about 18 percent of the surveyed households will have to cross the proposed pipeline ROW in order to access the various health care facilities.

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Table 5.3-5 Household Health Care Utilization by Type of Provider and Facility
Provider/Source Medical Doctor Self Medication Pharmacist Religious Leader Herbalists Nurse Patronization (Percent Households) 78.1 75.8 45.1 26.9 21.3 1.5 Major Health Facility Patronized* (Percent Households) Hospital (68.9) Respondents House (58.6) Pharmacy Shops (32.8) Religious Center (19.2) Herbalist Home (10.4) Clinic (38.1)

* The figures in parentheses refer to highest proportion of respondents who patronize the respective personnel in column 1 at the corresponding facility in column 3. Note: Sources not mutually exclusive; households may use multiple providers. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003


Health Indicators

The general health situation in Lagos State is typical of the situation in the Lagos metropolitan region. In Lagos State, the general health conditions are better in most cases than the national average, with a doctor/patient ratio of 1:160; a maternal mortality rate of eight per 1,000; an infant mortality rate of approximately 85 per 1,000; and a life expectancy of 52 years.18 Incidence of Illness and Disease

As Table 5.3-6 indicates, malaria (93.4 percent) is the most prevalent ailment in the surveyed communities, followed by stomach aches (67.5 percent), skin disease (41.1 percent) and diarrhea (28.7 percent). These findings are consistent with the SNGL Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) conducted in May 1999, which reported that of the 400 individuals surveyed, malaria was the most common ailment, followed by dysentery/diarrhea, stomach ache, cough, pneumonia, skin diseases, sores, malnutrition, eye infections, and mental disorders (Shell Nigeria Gas Limited, 1999). The most common reported illnesses in the Igbesa Health District, which covers part of the proposed pipeline route, are malaria (70.8 percent of cases), diarrhea (9.0 percent), and pneumonia (3.2 percent) (Ado-Odo-Ota Local Government Health Department, 1999).


These facts are contained in page 95 of the report of the second Lagos State Economic Summit 2001.

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Table 5.3-6 Incidence of Illness and Disease in Surveyed Households, 2002

Illness/Disease Malaria Stomach Ache Skin Disease Diarrhea STDS Bilhazia HIV/AIDS Incidence (Percent Households) 93.4 67.5 41.1 28.7 2.0 1.3 1.0

Note: Respondents indicated multiple incidences; data reflects the percentage of households in the survey communities in which any member suffered from the ailment. Source: ICF Household and Community Survey, 2003

The number of children immunized in Nigeria varies greatly by state. The children in Lagos State had the highest immunization rate (83 percent) in the country in 1995 (UNICEF, 1995; FOS, 1995). HIV/AIDS is an increasing health, social, and economic concern. In 1999, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria was estimated at 2.7 million and the number of HIV/AIDS deaths was 250,000. As the above table indicates, HIV/AIDS has the lowest rate of incidence amongst the ailments reported by surveyed households. However, there may be underreporting due to the sensitive nature of the question, the stigma associated with the disease, and lack of awareness. The HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Nigeria is 5.8 percent (African Development Indicators, 2004). This prevalence rate might be a reflection of the highly urbanized nature of Lagos State.


Food and Nutrition

The most commonly consumed food items in the surveyed communities are cassava (garri), pounded yam, yam flour, cocoyam, maize and maize products, plantain and plantain products, vegetables, beans and bean products, as well as some meat and fish in small quantities. The high cost of meat and fish means that most people only consume limited quantities. This diet of high carbohydrate intake and low protein consumption has implications for nutrition. In 1990, 36 percent of the children in urban areas and 46 percent in rural areas in Nigeria were malnourished (FOS, 1998).


Existing Safety Situation


This section addresses the existing institutions, infrastructure, and capacity relating to health and safety, security, and emergency response in the vicinity of the proposed WAGP project sites in Nigeria. The information in this section was obtained from the heads and

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representatives of the concerned organizations and provided to ICF via WAPCo External Affairs. Included in this assessment are federal and state institutions in charge of health, fire outbreak and emergency response. In the area of health, institutions included are the federal and state tertiary health organizations, otherwise known as centers of excellence, as well as secondary health organizations, known as general hospitals or federal medical centers. The agencies in charge of fire fighting are the Federal Government and the state governments, with authority being highly decentralized. The National Emergency Management Agency is responsible for disaster management.


Institutions Responsible for Health Care Delivery

In Nigeria, healthcare matters appear in the concurrent legislative list, meaning that both the Federal Government and the 36 State Governments make and implement laws on health. The Federal Government owns and operates three categories of health institutions nationwide. These are classified as the primary, the secondary and the tertiary institutions. State governments also operate primary, secondary, and tertiary health institutions within their respective domains. Federal and state tertiary health organizations, otherwise known as centers of excellence, comprise a number of teaching and specialist hospitals scattered across the nation. They generally handle cases referred from the secondary health centers. The Federal tertiary hospitals in the Lagos area include the University of Lagos Teaching Hospital (LUTH), located at Idi-Araba; the Federal Orthopedic Hospital at Igbobi; the Federal Eye Centre at Onikan; and the Federal Radiography Centre at Yaba. These hospitals are generally well staffed and better equipped than the lower-level health centers or the tertiary institutions run by the state governments and private individuals. The Lagos State Government runs a tertiary health institution, a teaching hospital attached to the state-owned University. All institutions mentioned above are located within 100km of the proposed WAGP compression station site at Ajido. These institutions can be reached by road within one and a half hours, although the usually heavy Lagos traffic may increase travel time. Secondary Health Institutions

As stated above, both Federal and state governments operate a network of secondary health institutions across the country. These are called General Hospitals or Federal Medical Centers. There is a General Hospital in Sango Ota, at the beginning of WAGP pipeline and another one in Badagry, at the other end of the pipeline. Both are accessible to the project, located less than 10km from any portion of the pipeline. Many of the General Hospitals are well equipped, with qualified staff and supplies. However, most of the qualified personnel in these institutions also own or work in nearby private hospitals and divide their attention between patients in their personal clinics and those they treat in the government centers. The doctors frequently cite inadequate funding from the government, and frequently resort to

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strike actions to press their demands for better funding and improved conditions of service. These circumstances can result in unexpected delays in health care delivery. Primary Health Centers

There are several hundred primary health centers across the nation. Some of them are owned by the Federal and local governments, but most are owned by the states. They are often under equipped and understaffed by nurses and auxiliary health attendants. Some primary health centers are open to patients on selected days of the week. There are primary health centers in Igbesa, Agbara, Tori-Lovi, Ajido, and in many of the other major villages along the WAGP corridor. However, these centers do not have the capacity to provide adequate medical assistance related to major incidents such as disasters.


Institutions Responsible for Fire Fighting

Fire fighting is a shared responsibility between the Federal Government and the 36 State Governments. Fire fighting institutions in Nigeria are highly decentralized. But there are serious public concerns about their effectiveness. Fire incidents are quite common in all parts of the country, especially during the dry season, and the fire service performance is considered low in handling major fire outbreak anywhere in the country. The low level of performance is often the result of obsolete and poorly maintained equipment. For example, in some cases, the fire vehicles are not tested periodically, and when a fire outbreak occurs the firemen discover that their vehicles do not start, or have no water in their tanks. The Chief Fire Officer frequently states in the mass media that the service is not receiving adequate attention from the government in the form of funding, training, and equipment supply. One result of the unreliable state of the public fire fighting infrastructure is that many companies choose to set up their own fire fighting outfits, which in turn may be used for community purposes. Brief descriptions of the two levels of Nigerias fire fighting system are provided below. Federal Fire Service

This is an arm of the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing. The Service has its headquarters in Abuja and branches in all the 36 state capitals. State Fire Departments

Each of the 36 state governments has a fire department attached to its Ministry of Works. Although the state fire departments are supposed to have a branch in each of their LGAs, totaling 774 branches in the entire country, this is not the case. The branches are restricted to a few of the major cities in each state. There is a Federal Fire Service office at Ojuelegba area of Lagos Mainland, about 100km from the proposed compression station at Ajido. There is a branch of the Ogun state fire
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department in Ota and a Lagos state government fire station in Badagry, about 15km from Ajido.


Institutions Responsible for Disaster Management

The main institution responsible for disaster management in Nigeria is the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), an arm of the Presidency, with headquarters at the Federal Secretariat Complex, Garki, Abuja. NEMA was established under Decree No 48 of September 8, 1976, as amended by subsequent Act of Parliament, and its functions are: Collection of emergency relief supplies from local as well as foreign sources and from international and non-governmental agencies; Distribution of such supplies in any area of Nigeria affected by natural or other disasters; Receipt of financial and technical aid from the appropriate federal ministries for disbursement to the affected areas; Determination of the priority of all emergency relief operations in any part of the federation; and Coordination of the activities of all voluntary institutions engaged in emergency relief operation in all part of the federation. NEMAs organization and membership consists of the Minister of Social Development as Chairman and the Director of Social Development as Secretary. Representatives of the Ministries of Health, Agriculture, Communications, Information, Internal Affairs, Transport and Works, and Housing are members of NEMA. Other members are the representatives of the Nigerian Red Cross, Nigerian Armed Forces, and the Nigeria Police Force. With the exception of the Director of Social Development, the Minister of Social Development appoints all members of the agency. Similar to some of the other health and safety institutions in the country, the effectiveness of this agency has also been low. Management and response time are the main challenges facing the agency. The agency has been plagued with allegations of improper management. The Agency was also criticized for taking too long to respond in times of emergency. For instance, NEMA response time for victims of the January 27, 2002 bomb blast in Lagos was four days.


Stakeholder Consultations

To date, WAPCo and the WAGP Project team have conducted over 400 consultations in the all four WAGP countries. Many of the earlier consultations were focused on building awareness of the project and educating stakeholders about natural gas and natural gas pipelines. Stakeholders provided their input on EIA-related concerns, issues and on other matters outside the scope of this EIA as presented below in Table 5.5-1.

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Table 5.5-1 WAGP Stakeholder Consultation Summary All WAGP Countries

No. of Consultations Where Issue Category Was Raised EIA Related Issues Awareness/Education 149 Land Acquisition/Compensation 116 EIA 79 Community Development 52 Safety 34 Community Reactions 34 Land Acquisition/RAP 32 EIA-Fishing Impacts 15 Implementation Employment 5 Implementation Contractors 2 Non-EIA Related Issues Advocacy 69 Gas Market 36 IPA/Regulatory 20 Permitting/FEED (Technical) 15 IPA /TREATY- Ratification 13 Other 11 WAPCo Formation 10 Tariff/Cost/etc 10 Permitting General 7 Issue Category

Note that for these and subsequent tables, not all WAGP consultations have been documented or captured for analysis, although clearly the issues and concerns raised in these informal meetings follow the same trends as raised in this EIA. More specifically in Nigeria, the issues and concerns followed similar trends (Table 5.5-2).

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Table 5.5-2 WAGP Stakeholder Consultation Summary Nigeria

No. of Consultations Where Issue is Raised EIA Related Issues Awareness/Education 12 Land Acquisition Compensation 23 EIA 12 Community Development 4 Safety 9 Community Reaction 6 Implementation Contractors 1 Implementation Employment 3 Non-EIA Related Issues Advocacy 6 Gas Market 1 IPA /TREATY Ratification 1 IPA/Regulatory 1 Other 1 Permitting/FEED (Technical) 2 Issue Category

For Nigeria, in terms of the types of stakeholders engaged, Table 5.5-3 below provides a summary of Stakeholder Group and Number of consultations as follows: Table 5.5-3 WAGP Consultation Summary by Country and Individual Stakeholder
Stakeholder Group Stakeholder Name Ajido Community Baale of Ewupe Community Baale of Owode Community Badagry Community Baoole of Imeke Communities along ROW Igbessa Community Ijoko/Itoki Community Iworo Arojomo Community Lagos Community Ore-Akinde Community Otta Community Tori-Lovi Community Federal House of Representatives Ado-Odo Local Government Department of Petroleum Resources FMPR Government Officials Lagos State Fire Service Manufactures Association of Nigeria (MAN) No. of Consultations 2 1 1 3 1 1 3 6 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2


Govt. Parliaments Govt. Agencies (Ministries, Local Govt., etc.) Trade & Industry Leaders

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Appendix 5-D provides a summary table of individual consultations as well as minutes and notes from a number of the consultations.


Oversight and Monitoring Agencies

Table 5.6-1 identifies government agencies in Nigeria responsible for different aspects of environmental and socioeconomic management and oversight. Table 5.6-1 Government Agencies and Responsibilities for Regulatory Oversight in Nigeria
Jurisdiction/Oversight Pipeline Permitting and Licensing (including Licensing, Design Review, Installation) Environmental Impact Assessment (Approval, Monitoring) Hazardous Waste Management Solid Waste Management (Household and Non-hazardous Wastes) Clean-up Standards Air Quality Water Quality Effluent Discharge Permits (Offshore, Onshore, Sanitary, Stormwater) Endangered Species Protection (including IUCN, CITES, etc.) Marine Fisheries Freshwater Fisheries Wetlands Protection Marine Mammal Protection Turtle Protection Inland Waterways, Rivers and Stream Crossings Port Authorities Marine Safety and Vessel Inspection MARPOL Compliance Archeological and Cultural Resources Labor Relations Public Health Public Safety Occupational Safety Agency Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Local Government Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources TBD TBD Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources TBD TBD National Inland Waterway Authority Nigerian Port Authority Minister of Transport Nigeria Navy Nigeria Navy TBD TBD TBD TBD Department of Petroleum Resources Ministry of Labour

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Table 5.6-1 Government Agencies and Responsibilities for Regulatory Oversight in Nigeria
Jurisdiction/Oversight Traffic Control Hazardous Materials Management Emergency Response Fire Emergency Response Medical Emergency Response Oil Spill Emergency Response Disaster Management Land Acquisition Building Permits Public and Urban Planning (Zoning) Public Lands Administration Agricultural Protection Authority Forestry Resources Tourism Agency TBD Department of Petroleum Resources NAFDAC Federal Fire Service State Fire Departments TBD Federal Ministry of Environment Department of Petroleum Resources National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD

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Chapter 6 Impact Assessment

The West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) project as proposed in Nigeria has the potential to create a number of beneficial impacts, a few direct negative impacts that can be mitigated to low levels, some risks associated with emergency and upset conditions, and some secondary and cumulative impacts.

Beneficial Impacts
WAGP will have a number of significant positive impacts in Nigeria that provide a clear justification for the project and in certain respects offset some of the negative impacts. These include environmental and socioeconomic benefits during the construction as well as the operation and maintenance periods, and those associated with WAGPs Community Development Program. Environmental benefits result from the beneficial use of currently flared associated gas from upstream gas supplied to WAGP, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions and resulting in global climate change benefits. Localized improvements in air quality are also expected to be noteworthy. The majority of beneficial impacts associated with WAGP are socioeconomic effects. The provision of a market and a financial return for natural gas currently being wasted will provide an infusion of funds into Nigeria. Because a portion of the returns on the sale of this gas is expected to remain in Nigeria, these will have positive economic impacts. Additionally, taxes paid by WAPCo to Nigeria will help strengthen the national economy and support economic development. Total tax benefits received by Nigeria over the lifetime of the project are expected to be in the range of US$76 million to US$95 million (WAGP, 2004). More economic benefits both direct and indirect will be generated through Nigerias participation in the pipeline project and return on equity investments and transportation tariffs. To involve and benefit local communities, WAPCo has made a commitment to purchase 15 percent of all goods and services required during construction from local businesses. This local content value for onshore construction procurement in Nigeria is estimated at US$39.6 million. Employment income perhaps the largest contribution to socioeconomic benefits at the local level will be generated in many surrounding communities as local jobs are created both temporarily during construction and permanently throughout the operation and maintenance of the project. Workers from surrounding communities will be hired by contractors for several aspects of construction. In general, increased employment levels are expected to boost personal income and strengthen the local economy. Moreover, payments for local contract work will be substantial, generating direct, indirect, and induced benefits for the surrounding communities.

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Lastly, Community Development and Health and Safety Benefits will occur through WAGPs planned Community Development Program and improved infrastructure. This program will target education and healthcare support during the construction period. Participatory needs assessments have identified future opportunities in terms of income generation and capacity building that can be incorporated into later year operations.

Direct Negative Impacts

Direct negative impacts associated with the WAGP project include potential onshore and potential offshore impacts to the environment, socioeconomic conditions, and health and safety of workers and members of the general public. All of these potential impacts have been assessed for all remaining options and uncertainties associated with certain project details in order to envelop all the different ways the project may go. Onshore Environmental Impacts Fifty-four different activities were evaluated in detail across five categories of potential environmental impacts: land use; habitat and biological resources; soils, topography, and geology; water resources and hydrology; and air. Of the 270 impact possibilities that were assessed, 173 (64 percent) were determined to be of negligible concern and 74 (27 percent) were evaluated as being of low or moderate severity because they are short-term in duration, reversible, localized in area affected, and/or unlikely to occur given planned management practices. Many possible high severity impacts have been entirely avoided through the alternatives review and selection process, described in Chapter 4. However, some environmental impacts are inevitable with a project of this nature and scale. The most significant potential environmental impacts are associated with three activities in the site preparation and construction phase in Nigeria: Construction activities associated with installing the pipeline, particularly clearing and trenching; The potential impacts associated with traditional trenching methods to install the pipeline across Badagry Creek and across the barrier island if horizontal directional drilling (HDD) methods, the preferred option, fails for any reason (unlikely); and The option of transporting the heavy equipment needed to construct the Lagos Beach compressor station via barge up Badagry Creek, which would require building new infrastructure (new dock and short access road) and dredging a small portion of the creek (the roadway transport option would result in a different set of less severe potential impacts). As explained in this chapter, the potential environmental impacts of greatest concern involve conversion of farmland to pipeline right of way (ROW) for the project duration and perhaps longer; disturbance of habitats and changes to hydrology as a result of trenching to install the pipeline in wetlands areas; changes in habitats, soils/sediments and topography, and hydrology associated with the barging option for heavy equipment delivery to the compressor

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station construction site; and negative effects on habitats resulting from trenching across Badagry Creek and the barrier island (if HDD is unsuccessful). Even these impacts, however, would be localized and not expected to significantly degrade any unique or especially sensitive natural resources. For example: The entire onshore portion of the pipeline in Nigeria, from the Alagbado Tee connection to Badagry Beach, would be 56 kilometers (km) (35 miles) long. With a maximum width of 25 meters (m) (82 feet), the pipeline ROW would occupy a total footprint of 140 hectares (ha) (346 acres). However, only 20km with a corresponding area of 50ha would be on land that is not currently occupied by or adjacent to an existing pipeline ROW. The pipeline ROW would traverse a total of 31ha (76 acres) of wetland. The ROW across the barrier island would occupy a footprint of 1ha (2.5 acres). If the compressor station construction equipment is transported through Badagry Creek, dredging and construction would disturb an estimated 1.8ha (4.5 acres). During the course of this assessment, as activities of high concern were identified, alreadyproposed mitigation and monitoring measures were strengthened (e.g., WAPCo Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for Construction and Maintenance Operations), or entirely new measures developed (e.g., WAGP Storm Water Management Plan, Air Emissions Management Procedure, Spill Prevention and Control Procedure, and Procedure for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks). Implementation of these measures will minimize, and in some cases prevent, potential significant adverse impacts identified in this assessment. See Chapter 7 for additional details regarding these mitigation measures. Onshore Socioeconomic and Health and Safety Impacts The WAGP project is expected to result in the following categories of negative socioeconomic impacts: transportation and other infrastructure; social and cultural conditions; access to goods and services; means of livelihood; and public/worker health and safety. These impacts are evaluated and assessed in detail, with most impacts considered to be of low to moderate severity and occurring during the construction phase. There are no anticipated socioeconomic impacts of high severity associated with the project in Nigeria. The influx of workers and equipment for the Alagbado Tee, 30 inch (in) onshore mainline, and compressor station construction will increase the pressure on existing infrastructure systems, particularly transportation. Pipeline construction will require 20 truck trips per day, and the Tee and compressor station construction will each require a total of 50 to 100 truck trips. There are various mitigation measures planned by WAGP that will ameliorate impacts on transportation infrastructure, such as delivery of material during off peak time frames and avoidance of congested roads. In terms of social and cultural conditions, the influx of construction workers at the mainline, Tee, and compressor station sites has the potential to result in negative impacts such as short term changes in gender ratios and differential incomes for surrounding communities. An
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additional impact on social and cultural conditions stems from the disturbance of physical cultural resources; six churches, 16 gravesites, three praying grounds, and 60 shrines have been identified within the ROW. In addition, 37 built and 43 partially built residences will be displaced. Impacts on displaced resources will be mitigated through the framework of the Resettlement Action Plan (RAP). There is also the potential for disruption of community access to goods and services as the influx of construction workers places strains on services and results in price inflation, and as the increased construction traffic impedes access. The workers concentrated in a smaller area at the compressor station, in particular, may result in moderate impacts on the availability of goods and services. Means of livelihood are expected to be moderately impacted by the influx of construction workers, by construction traffic (particularly if transportation of compressor station equipment occurs on existing roads), and by road/pathway obstruction, all of which have the potential to disrupt economic activity in communities. The clearing and removal of structures is also expected to displace economic activity long term (other than livestock grazing) on land within the ROW, Tee, compressor station, and construction camps (if built), though the RAP is expected to fully mitigate the majority of losses associated with such land acquisition. If trenching takes place in wetland areas and Badagry Creek, impacts to fisheries and loss of economic activity may occur. The termination of construction (and possibly operation jobs) may also cause moderate economic dislocation, both from job losses and the removal of markets for goods and services. A key potential impact on public and worker health and safety is the increase in accident and illness rates associated with the transportation of equipment. Mitigation measures include driver training and avoidance of congested roads. The influx of construction workers could also result in increased incidence of life-threatening or incurable illnesses such as HIV/AIDS. Impacts will be ameliorated by targeted mitigation measures such as HIV/AIDS awareness programs for workers and worker camp (and if needed housing camp) management measures. Accident rates for workers are also expected to be elevated due to higher exposure of occupational risk during construction activities, particularly from earthmoving equipment; however, these are mitigated through overt environmental, safety, and health management system requirements of the EPC contractors. Offshore Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts The offshore portion of the project in Nigeria begins at the Lagos Beach compressor station, where gas transmission will occur via an offshore 20in (50.8 centimeters (cm)) pipeline. The pipeline route will run generally southwest from Badagry Beach for 40km (25 miles) to the edge of the Nigerian territorial waters. None of the activities associated with the offshore pipeline is expected to result in high severity environmental, socioeconomic, or health and safety impacts. Activities of most concern occur during the site preparation and construction phase and include the passive installation of the pipeline in water that is greater than 8m deep (i.e., the pipeline will be laid on the sea floor in waters this deep), the movement of barges and vessels near the shoreline

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and ports, pipeline burial in less than 8m water depth (if necessary), and shore crossing implemented via jet trenching (which is not a preferred alternative and will be used only if HDD proves unfeasible). Filling the onshore and offshore pipeline with water from Badagry Creek during start-up operations and the subsequent discharge of the first fill of the onshore pipeline back into the creek is also a potential concern, although no chemicals are expected to be introduced to the first fill water, which will also be filtered prior to discharge. These offshore activities could potentially affect benthic habitats, water quality and resources, and means of livelihood of coastal peoples. Overall, 15 offshore activities over the life of the project were analyzed for Nigeria across 11 different potentially affected media. Of these 165 media and activity combinations, 138 activities (84 percent) were found to have no impacts, 17 (10 percent) low severity impacts, and 10 (6 percent) moderate severity impacts. None of the proposed offshore activities are expected to cause high severity impacts.

Emergency and Upset Conditions

Emergency and upset conditions may, in a low probability, high consequence worst case scenario, lead to events with a significant potential for impact to human and environmental receptors. The most significant possible events are: Controlled gas release: Blowdowns and other controlled gas releases may occur at the Alagbado Tee, the midline manual venting facility, and the Lagos Beach compressor station. Because controlled blowdowns are expected to be very infrequent and will be conducted at rates that will ensure effective dispersion (or combustion in the case of non-routine flaring at the compressor station), the impacts to environmental receptors and to the health and safety of workers and the general public are expected to be minor, if any. Uncontrolled gas release: Uncontrolled gas releases may occur anywhere along the pipeline due to a rupture, or at WAGP facilities due to a rupture of piping or poor maintenance. The WAGP pipeline and facilities have been designed with safeguards to prevent uncontrolled releases and with mitigation measures to minimize their impacts, should they occur. Fire: The potential sources of fires include the uncontrolled release of gas or the ingress of air into piping containing gas. Since the WAGP facilities have been designed to avoid fire hazards, the likelihood of a fire occurring is considered low to very low. The significance of any resulting impacts would vary with the size and duration of a fire, if one occurs. Worst-case conditions could involve significant impacts to some workers, but are unlikely to extend to members of the general public, because the proposed facilities are all isolated from population centers. Explosion: The likelihood of an explosion arising from the buried (or submerged), corrosion-protected pipeline is very low. Also, equipment in the facilities will be spark-proof in areas where the risk of explosion is significant in order to minimize the likelihood of explosion. Nevertheless, in the unlikely event of a large explosion,

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public health and safety would be of highest concern at the compressor station, given its proximity to residential and industrial buildings. There also could be a variety of socioeconomic effects from an explosion. WAPCo has conducted studies to maximize the safety of the WAGP pipeline and facilities and is developing an emergency-response strategy and system safeguards.

Secondary and Cumulative Impacts

In addition to the primary, direct impacts, there are various indirect consequences that may occur. These indirect impacts may occur in areas beyond the immediate influence of the WAGP Project, at an undetermined time in the future, or as a result of complex pathways (second- or third-level impacts). Secondary impacts affect the same qualities identified for direct impacts (e.g., land use, water quality, livelihood). Many secondary effects were not considered to be significant. Several identified secondary impacts attributable to the proposed WAGP project include the following: in the onshore environment, increased access to hunting grounds and timber stands due to ROW maintenance, potential for incremental changes in ecology due to solid waste generation, changes in wetlands vegetation, and decrease in groundwater quality; and in the offshore environment, the potential for a localized increase in fisheries production. Cumulative impacts are the incremental effects of proposed development activities evaluated in tandem with pre-existing or additional proposed development activities. They may be considered distinct from direct (primary) and indirect (secondary) impacts from the proposed project in that cumulative impact may occur when a receptor is already impacted by existing sources and/or from other separate, planned sources. Nigeria has few existing industrial development projects that are currently additive to any direct WAGP project impacts. Therefore, few cumulative impacts have been identified; the ones described in this report consist of the following: short term increased marine traffic, strain on waste management infrastructure (more so during construction rather than operations), longer term upstream development impacts (particularly to meet expected increases in gas demand in Benin, Ghana and Togo), and increased water and road transport.



This chapter assesses potential impacts of the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) project. The methodology used for this assessment was designed to ensure a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of all potential positive and negative effects associated with the project. A main goal of the assessment is to identify where impact mitigation is needed so that appropriate control measures (Chapter 7) and monitoring programs (Chapter 8) could be developed to minimize adverse effects. Where different options remain under consideration for a given activity in the project, impacts have been assessed for all options to inform the decision-making. The impact assessment methodology to be used for this project consists of five major steps:

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Step 1: Identification and description of project activities and their interaction with environmental media; Step 2: Comprehensive preliminary identification of potential impacts; Step 3: Screening, or comparative assessment of impact importance; identification of impacts that are likely to be significant (i.e., identification of focus areas for further study) through application of a basic set of impact significance criteria to the preliminary information available about each impact; Step 4: Detailed assessment of the identified focus area impacts through modeling and other impact quantification/characterization techniques; quantification of impacts to the extent possible and rigorous qualitative characterization of impacts that can not be quantified; and Step 5: Final assessment of the severity levels of impacts through application of the results of the rigorous quantitative and qualitative characterization of impacts developed in Step 4 to a set of objective impact severity criteria; identification of impacts warranting mitigation. These steps are presented in flow chart form in Figure 6.1-1. The summary results of Steps 1 through 3 are presented in Tables 6.3-1 and 6.3-2. The results of the impact severity assessment in Steps 4 and 5 are found in Tables 6.6-1 and 6.7-1 below. Figure 6.1-1 Impact Assessment Methodology

Identify Activities & Media

Step 1

Impact Identification/Screening Process

Identify Project Impacts

Step 2

Identify Focus Areas

Step 3

Conduct Modeling and Quantitative Analyses

Step 4

Impact Severity Assessment Identify Severity Level

Apply Additional Mitigation Measures When Applicable (Results in Chapter 7)

Step 5

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Section 6.2, Project Activities and Affected Media, briefly describes the WAGP project activities that could potentially result in impacts to the surrounding environment. This represents Step 1 in the impact assessment process. These activities are described in more detail in Chapter 2, Technical Project Description, but are summarized here to clarify the basis for subsequent impact identification and assessment steps. Section 6.3, Comprehensive Impacts Identification/Screening, outlines the process used to comprehensively identify potential impacts associated with the WAGP project (Step 2). This section also describes the process used to screen these impacts and identify the most important impacts, or focus areas for further assessment (Step 3). Tables 6.3-1 and 6.3-2 present the results of this impact screening step. Section 6.4 describes the impact severity assessment methodology used in this EIA. A simplified set of the impact significance criteria listed in this section (i.e., areal extent, likelihood/duration of occurrence, and magnitude of the impact) were applied in Step 3 in order to screen impacts and select the focus areas for further analysis. The full impact severity assessment methodology described in Section 6.4 was applied in Step 5 to rank the importance of each impact. In addition to describing the significance and likelihood criteria that are integral to the severity assessment, Section 6.4 also explains the steps taken to expand the impacts discussion for presentation in the Final Draft EIA. Section 6.5, Beneficial Impacts, describes project-wide and Nigeria-specific positive impacts. Sections 6.6 and 6.7 (Onshore and Offshore Impacts) present qualitative, and where available, quantitative descriptions of each of the potential direct negative impacts identified in Section 6.3 after application of Steps 4 and 5. Sections 6.6 and 6.7 are organized according to phases of the project, from siting and construction through start-up, operation and maintenance, and decommissioning. Potential impacts from emergency situations or upsets are discussed separately in Section 6.8, and potential secondary and cumulative impacts are discussed qualitatively in Section 6.9.


Project Activities and Affected Media

Project Activities

Table 6.2-1 provides the basic outline of project activities that have been defined using information available from the Front End Engineering Design (FEED) process. To further focus the analysis, each of the general project activities listed below was broken down into more specific activities, as described in Chapter 2 (e.g., pipeline construction in upland areas includes such specific activities as the influx of workers, clearing of vegetation, transportation of materials and equipment to the site). These activities appear in the impact severity summary tables (Tables 6.6-1 and 6.7-1) in this chapter.

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Table 6.2-1 General On- and Offshore Project Activities

Project Phase General Project Activity ONSHORE Pipeline construction in upland areas Pipeline construction in wetland areas Pipeline construction in lagoons Pipeline construction across barrier islands, beach, and nearshore areas Construction camp/temporary on-site facility development Connection to Tee at Alagbado and related construction Compressor station construction at Badagry Beach (including concrete batching facility and heavy equipment delivery via access roads and/or Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon pier construction) Regulating and metering (R&M) station construction (outside of Nigeria) Pipe cement coating operation (in Ghana and/or Nigeria) Onshore pipeline testing Compressor station, R&M stations, and Alagbado Tee Connection Compressor station, R&M stations, and Alagbado Tee Connection Onshore Pipeline Decommissioning of facilities Abandonment of onshore pipeline OFFSHORE Site preparation and construction in offshore areas (> 8 meters (m) water depth) Site preparation and construction of nearshore areas (< 8m water depth) On and offshore pipeline testing Pigging activities Decommissioning of main trunk and laterals

Site Preparation and Construction


Operations and Maintenance Decommissioning and Abandonment

Site Preparation and Construction

Operations and Maintenance Decommissioning and Abandonment


Affected Media

The WAGP project may potentially result in impacts on the environment, socioeconomic conditions, and/or health and safety. Table 6.2-2 lists the specific media within each of these impact categories included within the screening step of the impact assessment. The comprehensive impact identification process described in Section 6.3 was used to evaluate the potential impacts of each of the project activities listed above on the specific media listed below, in order to initially screen the severity of potential project impacts.

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Table 6.2-2 Initial Screening List of Affected Media

Impact Category Specific Medium Land Use Habitat and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Water Resources Air Quality Noise and Vibration Solid and Hazardous Waste Energy Resources Transportation Cultural Resources Socioeconomics Health and Safetya


Socioeconomic Health and Safety


Both project personnel and the public.

This list was later updated and revised to reflect results from the screening process and to better distinguish between project activities (e.g., hazardous waste generation and noise created by earthmoving equipment) and impact receptors within a specific medium. The revised affected media are listed in Table 6.2-3 and are addressed in the full impact assessment in Sections 6.5 through 6.9. Table 6.2-3 Post Screening List of Affected Media
Impact Category Specific Medium Land Use Habitat and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Water Resources and Hydrology Air Quality Transportation and Infrastructure Cultural and Social Conditions Access to Goods and Services Means of Livelihood Public Health, Safety, and Security Worker Health, Safety, and Security



Health and Safety

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Comprehensive Impacts Identification/Screening


This section describes the steps used for preliminary identification of potential impacts based on available information, and the screening of these impacts to identify those that warrant more detailed analysis. This initial process assisted project proponents by identifying those impacts that may warrant mitigation measures that could be incorporated into the project design during detailed engineering design, or those potential impacts that may affect project implementation or siting. The preliminary identification and screening of impacts were carried out during FEED and preliminary EIA stages consistent with the following: Detailed screening conducted for a Preliminary Impact Assessment Report in Nigeria (DPR EGAS, 2002); Project screening, as described in the Ghana EIA Procedures (Ghana EPA, 1999); Requirements of the United States National Environmental Policy Act1 Environmental Assessment; and World Banks initial environmental assessment process (World Bank, 1993).


Impact Identification Process

Initial, comprehensive impact identification was conducted for the WAGP project using a modified Leopold matrix (Leopold, 1971). The matrix arrays project activities against environmental media, and supports a methodical, comprehensive, and objective identification of the impacts that each project activity may have on each environmental, socioeconomic, and health and safety medium. All potential environmental and socioeconomic impacts of the WAGP project were initially identified through this approach. The matrix used for this process is presented in Tables 6.3-1 and 6.3-2. The main factors used in determining whether an impact may occur at each intersection between a project activity and a specific environmental medium include: Literature reviews; Discussion with project proponent health, safety, and environment advisors; Consultations with local experts; Experience from similar projects worldwide; and Professional judgment.

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Impact Screening/Identification of Focus Areas

Following the comprehensive identification of potential impacts, the identified impacts were screened to distinguish between impacts likely to be negligible or insignificant, and those that warrant more detailed analysis. This screening process was carried out through comparison of the preliminary information available about each impact to a basic set of impact significance criteria (defined below). Through this process, the most significant potential impacts of the project were identified as focus areas for further analysis. Sources of information about each potential impact used in the screening step while qualitatively ranking the importance of the identified impacts included: Overlaying project components on maps of existing conditions to identify potential impact areas and environmental media and features that could be affected; Preliminary field investigation results (e.g. environmental and socioeconomic baseline surveys); Consultation with country and regional experts and residents; Experience from similar projects worldwide; Detailed discussion with design and construction contractors (FEED); Review of published and unpublished documents providing guidance on performing impact analysis for industrial development activities. This includes sources such as: o o o o o The World Bank Environmental Assessment Sourcebook; The EIA provisions of applicable laws and regulations in Nigeria; Applicable international accords; Authoritative texts on performing EIAs (e.g., Canter, 1996); Literature regarding environmental conditions in Nigeria and in the Gulf of Guinea; and

Professional judgment. Impacts that were not screened out as being insignificant in Step 3 were designated as focus areas for additional analysis in subsequent stages of the EIA (i.e., in Steps 4 and 5). As more quantitative and qualitative information became available regarding each impact, the severity of each impact was assessed through application of the impact severity assessment methodology described in Section 6.4 (Step 5). Quantitative information developed about each impact was compared to quantitative indicators included in the impact significance criteria, and detailed, specific information regarding impact likelihood was also compared to the likelihood criteria. This resulted in an assessment of the severity of each impact, and supports conclusions regarding the acceptability of impacts and the need for mitigation measures.

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It should be noted that potential impacts were assessed taking into account the mitigation measures that are part of the project design specifications (as presented in Chapter 2, Technical Project Description, and further identified in Chapter 7, Mitigating and Ameliorating Measures). These mitigation measures were assumed to be implemented as part of the WAGP project. Where no mitigation measures were specified in the project design specifications, impacts were assessed assuming no mitigation measures are applied. As the final severity of impacts was assessed in the EIA process (i.e., Step 5) some impacts were determined to be sufficiently severe to warrant further mitigation. Additional mitigation measures that were identified through the impact assessment process (and were not in the initial project design) are described in Chapter 7. Wherever additional mitigation measures are identified, the impacts were reassessed (i.e., Steps 4 and 5 were carried out again with respect to that impact) to provide a post-mitigation impact assessment. The results of post-mitigation assessments are presented in Chapter 7.


Impact Screening Results

Tables 6.3-1 and 6.3-2 (Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impact Focus Areas) present the results of Step 3, i.e., the identified focus areas by project phase (e.g., Site Preparation and Construction), project activity (e.g., pipeline construction in wetlands), and affected media (e.g., Air Quality). The tables summarize the identified focus areas at the time of screening (February through March 2003) and were presented in the Preliminary Draft EIA. Focus areas are indicated by either an R (regional), for issues that apply to all four countries, or by an X for issues specific to Nigeria. If the row associated with a particular activity is blank, the impacts from that activity were initially considered to be negligible, or of lower significance and screened out of further consideration. However, as more project design specifications were developed, specific activities further defined, and impact receptors more clearly separated from activities, some potential impacts (not screening results) had to be re-introduced and evaluated as part of the full impact assessment presented in Sections 6.5 through 6.7. The potential impacts associated with each focus area are qualitatively, and where possible quantitatively described and evaluated in the corresponding text under Section 6.5, Beneficial Impacts, Section 6.6 for potential negative onshore impacts, and under Section 6.7 for negative offshore impacts.

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Table 6.3-1 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Focus Areas (March 2003)
Habitats and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Solid and Hazardous Waste Noise and Vibration

Cultural Resources

Energy Resources

PROJECT-WIDE Site Preparation and Construction

Social reinvestment Construction camp development/occupation (for pipeline and onshore facilities construction) Technology transfer and capacity building Temporary employment opportunities

Air Quality

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

Operations and Maintenance

General operation of pipeline and distribution of natural gas Use of natural gas as an alternative, lower cost energy source

ONSHORE Site Preparation and Construction

Pipeline construction in upland areas Clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling (including access roads) Pipeline installation at 1 meter depth (including trenching and covering) Option 1: Horizontal directional drilling Option 2: Trenching Option 1: Horizontal directional drilling Option 2: Trenching of lagoon bed (including dredging of channel into lagoon for access by barges)

Pipeline construction in wetland areas Pipeline construction in lagoons

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Health and Safety 6-14

Water Resources



Chapter 6

Table 6.3-1 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Focus Areas (March 2003)
Habitats and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Solid and Hazardous Waste Noise and Vibration

Cultural Resources

Energy Resources

Site Preparation and Construction

Pipeline construction across barrier islands, beach, and nearshore areas Construction camp development/occupation (for pipeline and onshore facilities construction) Compressor station construction at Badagry Beach (including access roads and concrete batching facility) Option 1: Horizontal directional drilling Option 2: Trenching Land leveling and infrastructure development Camp operation Land take (mainly in wetland) and site preparation Concrete batching facility Provision of aggregate and fill Transport of equipment to site Option 1: by road (including widening of existing roads) Transport of equipment to site Option 2: by barge (including dredging of barge canal) Compressor station construction Land take Land clearing and preparation Transport of R&M equipment to sites

Air Quality

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use


R&M stations construction

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Health and Safety 6-15

Water Resources



Chapter 6

Table 6.3-1 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Focus Areas (March 2003)
Habitats and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Solid and Hazardous Waste Noise and Vibration

Cultural Resources

Energy Resources

Compressor station and R&M stations Liquid waste generation (including high volumes of water from hydrotesting testing of pipelines) Gas venting/flaring Filter waste and other solid and hazardous waste generation Gas venting

Pipeline Tee connection at Alagbado

Air Quality

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

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Health and Safety 6-16

Water Resources



Chapter 6

Table 6.3-1 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Focus Areas (March 2003)
Habitats and Biological Resources Topography, Geology, and Soils Solid and Hazardous Waste Noise and Vibration

Cultural Resources

Energy Resources

Operations and Maintenance

Compressor station and R&M stations Solid and hazardous waste management (maintenance lubes, oils, chemicals, dehydrating liquid and filter wastes and refuse) Stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces Sewage disposal Provision of fresh water requirements Venting/flaring Air emissions from mobile sources, backup generators, compressor Air emissions and steam condensate emissions from glycol dehydrator Pigging wastes Fuel transport, transfer and storage Compressor and R&M operation Gas venting Scrubber liquid wastes Gas venting on 57-km pipeline reach in Nigeria Right of Way (ROW) maintenance Pipeline at 1 meter depth


Pipeline Tee Connection at Alagbado Onshore Pipeline

Air Quality

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

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Health and Safety


Water Resources




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Table 6.3-2 Screening Results: Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impact Focus Areas (March 2003)
Habitats and Biological Resources Solid and Hazardous Waste Noise and Vibration Topography, Geology, and Soils Cultural Resources Energy Resources Health and Safety 6-18

Water Resources

OFFSHORE Site Preparation and Construction

Site preparation Trenching and covering of positioned pipe in nearshore shallow areas (between 8m and 30m depth) Positioning and repositioning of barge anchors Positioning of pipe Presence of barges in Gulf waters Materials/supplies/personnel shuttling between barges and shore Sewage/runoff/liquid waste disposal Air emissions from barge equipment Solid and hazardous waste management (maintenance lubes, oils, chemicals, wastes and refuse) Potential pipeline breach

Pipe laying

General barge operation

Air Quality

Land Use

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Operations and Maintenance

Potential pipeline damage due to anchor drag, other navigational activities or corrosion failure Pipeline patrol and inspection

Regular deployment of inspection boats

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Chapter 6


Impact Severity Assessment Methodology

Various impact assessment guidelines and methodologies have been developed to date, and new ones are continually emerging. As clearly stated by Canter (1996), there is no universal methodology that can be applied to all project types in all environmental settings. The United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP, 1996) also emphasizes the need to use tools from existing methodologies that best suit the specific project situation. These sources of information and professional experience provide a backdrop on which to apply the following impact severity assessment methodology. This methodology is based on two sets of criteria (significance and likelihood) that form the basis of the Severity Matrix (Section 6.4.3). The following sections describe the components of the impact assessment methodology in detail.


Significance Criteria

To objectively review those issues warranting consideration as potential impacts (previously identified as focus areas) and to determine the likely significance of those impacts when compared to baseline conditions, the general significance criteria shown in Table 6.4-1 were developed. This EIA uses the significance criteria to evaluate impacts, which enables systematic identification and focus on those resources most likely to be impacted by the proposed pipeline project. Significance criteria were established to systematically determine whether potential impacts would likely be positive, or negative. Negative impacts were further classified as major, moderate, minor, or negligible. Those issues determined to be inconsequential or not applicable after mitigation were eliminated from or screened out from further consideration and are indicated as such in the discussions under Sections 6.6 and 6.7. This impact severity assessment takes into account three main categories of significance criteria: temporal factors, areal extent, and magnitude of the impact. The components to each of these primary criteria are described below (i.e., temporal factors include duration, frequency, and reversibility). In addition to the three main significance criteria, supplementary factors were considered as part of the overall impacts severity assessment: sensitivity of the receptor, indirect or secondary influences, and cumulative effects. Temporal Factors

An assessment of certain temporal factors associated with potential impacts is presented as part of the significance criteria listed in Table 6.4-1. The relative significance level (e.g., minor, moderate) described under each affected category (e.g., environment, socioeconomic) is a combined assessment of the duration of the impact, the impact reversibility, and the frequency of the impact. Duration is defined as the time that is estimated for a population or resource to return to baseline (pre-project) conditions. The duration is calculated from the time the impact begins, which may coincide with the start of the activity that causes the impact. The duration of an impact may be characterized as follows:

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Significance Level Major Moderate Minor Negligible

Description Long-term impact, recovery not expected to occur within five years Moderate-term impact, recovery time between six months and five years Short-term impact, recovery time within six months Impact or recovery is very short term or immediate

Characterization of the duration of an impact as major, moderate, or minor includes consideration of the degree of reversibility of the impact.2 Impacts for which the duration is classified as major, as defined above, would be long-term impacts. Frequency is defined as the number of times an impact is expected to occur over the life of the project. The frequency3 of an impact may be characterized as follows:
Significance Level Major Moderate Minor Negligible Description Continuous impact, impact will occur continuously throughout the life of the project Intermittent impact, impact will occur intermittently over the life of the project Rarely occurring impact, impact will occur a very limited number of times Very rarely occurring impact, less than twice in a period of one year

Areal Extent

Areal extent refers to the location of an impact in terms of the amount of area affected, i.e. localized versus widespread. In this EIA, impacts are considered localized if they are likely to occur only within 100m of the impact source, which is generally pipeline or construction equipment. The extent may be quantified in units of area affected (e.g., square kilometers). The areal extent of an impact is characterized in general terms as follows:
Significance Level Major Moderate Minor Negligible Description Impact to the national, regional, or global environment (e.g., greenhouse gas emissions) Impact to the general vicinity of the project site or study area Impact limited to the immediate vicinity of the project activity Impact limited to a very small part of the activity area and is within the project ROW

Degree of reversibility refers to whether or not an adverse or negative impact is reversible or irreversible over a certain period of time (five years). 3 Note that frequency of the impact is the number of repetitions within a unit of time (i.e., the life of the project); the likelihood (discussed in Section 6.4.2) is the probability of the impact occurring. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-20

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The magnitude of an impact is partially quantifiable in terms of the percent of resource affected and by the relative concentration at receptor points. Percent of resource affected is defined as the quantitative intensity of the impact, and can be measured as the percentage of a resource or a population within the study area that may be affected by an impact. The definitions of major, moderate, minor, and negligible with respect to magnitude may vary depending upon the specific receptor. The magnitude of an impact is characterized as follows for this EIA:
Significance Level Major Description Large amount of the resource or population is affected An easily observable and measurable effect Moderate amount of the resource or population is affected Generally measurable and observable effect Small amount of the resource or population is affected A low magnitude impact may be within the range of normal variation of background conditions The amount of resource or population affected is unnoticeable or immeasurably small




Concentration at receptor points may also be defined with respect to quantitative or semiquantitative criteria, if available and applicable (e.g., noise level in units of decibels, or milligram per cubic meter (mg/m3) of an air pollutant, measured at a particular location). The identified quantitative criteria (benchmarks) would align with standard best industry standards (e.g., for noise impacts, noise exposure limits as set by international standards for worker health and safety), and/or established national standards in the project country. The concentration factor, when quantifiable, may be characterized as follows:
Significance Level Major Description Exceeds the quantitative or semi-quantitative benchmark At or near the quantitative or semi-quantitative benchmark Periodically and briefly exceeds this benchmark although generally within the benchmark Generally only a fraction of (e.g., less than 75 percent) the quantitative or semi-quantitative benchmark Impact not detected or at background conditions, or well below (e.g., less than 10 percent of) the quantitative or semi-quantitative benchmark




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Additional Factors

The following additional factors were considered while conducting the severity assessment: sensitivity of the receptor, indirect or secondary influence, and cumulative effects. Definitions of each additional factor are provided below. Sensitivity of the receptor refers to economic, social, and/or environmental/ecological importance of the receptor, including reliance on the receptor by people for sustenance, livelihood, or economic activity, and to the importance of direct impacts to persons associated with the resource. Impacts that directly affect people or vital natural resources are deemed to be more important than impacts that indirectly affect people or vital resources. The sensitivity of the receptor criterion also refers to potential impacts to Environmentally Sensitive Areas and impacts to species, including loss of endangered species, effects of introduction of invasive species, and similar environmental/ecological impacts. Indirect or secondary influence of a primary impact is considered as an additional factor when assessing the significance level of a potential impact. The direct impact of an activity is assessed by applying the three primary criteria described above. An indirect or secondary influence are those reasonably foreseeable effects that are expected to be caused by the proposed action but occur later in time or are removed in distance, such as influences on adjacent or upstream/downstream areas. Therefore, the secondary nature of the impact is taken into account when evaluating the temporal factors, areal extent, and magnitude of the potential impact. Cumulative effects are those that result from the incremental consequences of an action when added to other past and reasonably foreseeable future actions. The cumulative effects of a particular project activity must be considered when assessing the overall significance level of that impact. These factors were not assigned specific significance values but were considered to allow for a realistic impact assessment in cases when the primary significance rankings did not provide for a complete accounting of all external influences. When the overall impact severity was adjusted to reflect the influence of one or more of these additional factors, a discussion is provided explaining the adjustment. In most cases, the additional factors did not change the impact severity level and therefore are not specifically mentioned in Sections 6.6 and 6.7. However, secondary and cumulative effects anticipated for the project are important considerations in their own right and are discussed separately in Section 6.9. Significance Levels and Criteria

Table 6.4-1 is arranged to show the general media category across the rows of the table (i.e., Physicochemical Environment, Biological Environment, Socioeconomic Environment, and Health and Safety). Each significance level category is indicated by a gray separator row, beginning with negligible, then describing minor, moderate, and major negative significance. Each major significance level includes a short discussion of the specific criteria outlined above.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Criteria Temporal Physicochemical Environment Very temporary effect, even less significant than periodic stress by nature. The duration of the effect is likely to be naturally reversible within a short period of time (less than one week). The frequency of the impact is extremely low (less than two times/year). The impact to the land, air, and water is localized, existing only within the pipeline ROW or facility boundary. Little or no change in physical environment, barely measurable above background conditions (less than five percent change from background). Concentration at receptor points is well below (e.g., no more than ten percent of) identified industry benchmark levels or established national standards. Biological Environment Negligible (negative) The duration of the effect is likely to be naturally reversible within a short period of time (less than one week). The frequency of the impact is extremely low (less than two times/year). Socioeconomic Environment Health and Safety (Personnel and Public)

No discernable health Temporary influence (impact discernable for less effects for any period of time. than one week). The effects are completely reversible and of extremely low frequency (less than two times/year). Localized, isolated change in socioeconomic conditions or commercial activities; not affecting persons other than project personnel. Unlikely to have any measurable impact. No discernable health effects in any area.


Some impact localized on a community or organismal level, but not distinguishable from natural background perturbation. Little or no change in biodiversity, habitat availability, or community structure and function in comparison to background levels.


No discernable health effects to any part of the population.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Criteria Temporal Physicochemical Environment Measurable change lasting only a few days to a few months before recovery, with no observable residual effects. The duration of the impact is likely to be totally reversible, naturally or by intervention within six months and have a moderate frequency of impact (from twice to five times/year). Biological Environment Minor (negative) Short-term (less than a few months) local change of species or population abundance or distribution, habitat availability, or community structure and function. The duration of the effect is likely to be totally reversible, naturally or by intervention within six months and have a moderate frequency of impact (from twice to five times/year). Socioeconomic Environment For single events, duration is one week to six months, with no observable residual effects outside of the duration of impact. Effects are reversible over time. For recurrent events, duration of each impact is brief (less than two weeks) with no observable residual effects outside of the duration of impact. Frequency of impact is moderate (from twice to five times/year). Localized relatively isolated change in socioeconomic conditions or commercial activities affecting population immediately adjacent to the project boundaries. Health and Safety (Personnel and Public) For single events, duration is one week to six months, with no observable residual effects outside of the duration of impact. Effects are reversible over time. For recurrent events, duration of each impact is brief (less than two weeks) with no observable residual effects outside of the duration of impact. Frequency of impact is moderate (from twice to five times/year). Impact is localized to project personnel and local population living within 100m of ROW facility boundary


Localizeda, relatively isolated change in physicochemical environment. Impact consequence is realized within 100m of ROW or facility boundary.

Local change of species or population abundance or distribution, habitat availability, or community structure and function within 100m of ROW or facility boundary.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Physicochemical Criteria Environment Magnitude Some measurable change to the affected environment, up to 10 percent increase/decrease over background conditions when applicable (i.e., some factors do not have associated existing background levels). Concentration at receptor points is generally well within (e.g., no more than 75 percent of) identified industry benchmark levels or established national standards. Temporal The duration of the effect is more than six months but less than five years and reversible within that period of time. Frequency of impact may occur from five to ten times per year. Biological Environment No impact at species, population, or community level but health of individual organisms is negatively impacted, including where organisms avoid project area as habitat. Socioeconomic Environment Some measurable change in socioeconomic conditions, livelihood, living conditions, or social structure, likely to result in only minor hardships for a small minority of the populations of the affected communities. Effects can be largely overcome with existing individual or community resources. Health and Safety (Personnel and Public) Minor injury or illness affecting a small portion of the affected population (<15 percent) with some cases of very brief lost time from work (one to two days) Injuries or illness requiring minor physicians care such as outpatient services.

Moderate (negative) The duration of the effect is more than six months but less than five years and reversible within that period of time. Frequency of impact may occur from five to ten times per year.

For single events, duration of the effect is more than six months but less than five years, and fully reversible after that period of time. For recurrent events, duration of each event is no more than a month, impacts are reversible after each event, and frequency of impact is from five to eight times per year.

For single events, duration of the effect is more than six months but less than five years, and fully reversible after that period of time. For recurrent events, duration of each event is no more than a month, and frequency of impact is from five to eight times per year.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Physicochemical Criteria Environment Areal Localizeda, relatively isolated change in physicochemical environment. Impact consequence is realized up to 500m from ROW or facility boundary. Magnitude Local modification of considerable severity in atmospheric, surface, or subsurface conditions. Significant measurable change from baseline conditions (10 to 20 percent change from baseline). Concentration at receptor points is at, near, or periodically exceeds identified industry benchmark levels or established national standards. Biological Environment Local to widespread change in habitat availability or quality, likely to modify abundance or distribution of species. Impact consequence is realized up to 500m from ROW or facility boundary. Impact evident at community or population level, significant change in population density (e.g., decline in fish species abundance), habitat quality, etc. Socioeconomic Environment Impacts affecting not only project personnel but also surrounding population, local communities/public up to 500m from ROW or facility boundary. Pronounced change in socioeconomic conditions, livelihood, living conditions, or social structure, likely to result in significant hardships or reduction in living standards for a significant portion (but less than half) of the affected community population. Impacts too severe to be overcome or ameliorated with existing individual or community resources. Health and Safety (Personnel and Public) Impacts affecting not only project personnel but also surrounding population (public) up to 500m from ROW or facility boundary.

Injury or illness affecting less than half of the affected population to a greater or lesser degree, with a few cases requiring hospitalization and/or resulting in long-term disability.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Criteria Temporal Physicochemical Environment Biological Environment Socioeconomic Environment The effect is long-term or likely to last more than five years, or is not reversible. For recurrent events, duration of each event is greater than a month, impact frequency is high (more than eight times/year) and impact durations may overlap. Widespread (possibly even beyond study area communities). Health and Safety (Personnel and Public) Effects are of long-term duration (more than five years) or permanent, i.e., not reversible. For recurrent events, duration of each event is greater than a month, impact frequency is high (more than eight times/year) and impact durations may overlap. Impacts affecting not only project personnel but also surrounding population (public) more than 500m from ROW or facility boundary; may cause regional effects.

Major (negative) Long-term (greater than five The duration of the effect is years). Modification will persist long-term (greater than five beyond the duration of the project years) or is not reversible or is not reversible. Frequency of (permanent). Frequency of the impact may occur more than ten the impact may occur more than ten times/year. times/year.


Widespread modification of considerable severity in atmospheric, surface, or subsurface conditions. Areal extent of impact consequence is realized beyond 500m of ROW or facility boundary.

Widespread change in habitat availability or quality, which would likely modify natural abundance or distribution of species beyond 500m of ROW or facility boundary.

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Table 6.4-1 Negative Impact Significance Levels and Criteria

Significance Physicochemical Criteria Environment Magnitude Modification of considerable severity in atmospheric, surface, or subsurface conditions. Significant, measurable change from baseline conditions (more than 20 percent change from baseline when applicable). Concentration at receptor points exceeds identified industry benchmark levels or established national standards.

Biological Environment Impact to affect organisms at or above the ecosystem level.

Socioeconomic Environment Very pronounced change in socioeconomic conditions, livelihood, living conditions, or social structure, likely to affect the majority of people in the affected communities and result in serious hardships, reduction in living standards, or impoverishment. Impacts overwhelm the ability of individuals or communities to recover or overcome.

Health and Safety (Personnel and Public) Impacts affect a large portion or even the majority of the affected population to a greater or lesser degree, with some cases of permanently disabling injury/illness; chronic and irreversible health impacts that may shorten life expectancy, or immediate fatalities.

Physico-chemical and Biological Impacts are considered localized if they are likely to occur only within 100m of the impact source (pipeline or construction equipment).

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Positive impacts are not ranked in terms of significance levels for this severity assessment. If an impact is deemed to be positive, rather than neutral or negative for any of the general media types, it is given a positive label and is described qualitatively and where possible quantitatively in the impacts discussion in Section 6.5.


Likelihood Criteria

To obtain a measure of the severity associated with each potential negative impact, the likelihood criteria shown in Table 6.4-2 were developed. These likelihood criteria were applied to all potential negative impacts to determine whether they can be prevented, mitigated, or are unavoidable. The likelihood of the impact occurring, not the activity occurring, is evaluated here. The severity of an impact is defined by its significance (or consequence) and its likelihood of occurrence. For example, a moderate impact that has a high likelihood of occurrence would be more severe than a major impact with a very low likelihood of occurrence. Table 6.4-2 Likelihood Criteria
Likelihood Level Very Low Definition Impact has less than 1 or 2 percent likelihood of occurring; impact unknown to have previously resulted in similar circumstances in the industry. Impact highly unlikely, given the controls in place (e.g., between 2 to 20 percent likelihood of occurring, impact has been known to result, but only very rarely, in similar circumstances). Impact could occur infrequently during normal operations, but given a breakdown of the safeguards and controls (i.e. lack of maintenance for a protecting device) it could occur more readily (e.g., between 20 to 70 percent likelihood of occurring, impact has been known to result in many similar circumstances, but does not result routinely). Given the controls in place, the impact is likely to occur during normal operations (e.g., over 70 percent likelihood of occurring, impact has been known to result routinely, though not necessarily in all similar circumstances).





Severity Matrix and Conclusions

The Severity Matrix presented in Figure 6.4-3 is constructed by placing the likelihood ranking on the y-axis and the impact significance ranking on the x-axis. Assigning a significance ranking and a likelihood ranking to each impact allows for semi-quantitative evaluation of the severity of the impact.

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Figure 6.4-3 Severity Matrix High Likelihood Medium Low Very Low
Beneficial Impact Low Severity Moderate Severity High Severity






Impact Significance

The overall severity of an impact is defined by the magnitude of its consequence (significance) (Table 6.4-1) and its likelihood of occurrence (Table 6.4-2). Using an indication of severity (significance and likelihood) to comparatively assess and evaluate impacts enables this EIA to systematically identify and focus on those resources most likely to be at risk as a result of the proposed WAGP project. The overall impact severity level is indicated by the position on the impact severity matrix. For example, impacts placed within the red boxes have a high likelihood of occurrence and serious consequence; thus they have a high severity rating. These high-severity impacts become high priority issues for further evaluation or management action. Similarly, impacts in the yellow category are moderate impacts, with a medium priority. Impacts in the green boxes are low and are given lowest priority. Impacts identified by the white boxes indicate positive or beneficial impacts. The criteria and severity matrix set forth in this section are widely applicable to all the types of events and impacts identified. As noted above, impact severity was assessed assuming the execution of project design mitigation measures and best management practices. When potential impacts were initially judged to be high or moderate even with the implementation of planned mitigation measures, additional measures were recommended to reduce the anticipated impacts to lower levels (see Chapters 7 and 8). Therefore, a high-severity rating for a given impact in this chapter does not mean that the project will definitely cause that high impact, but rather the impact is potentially high and warranted additional mitigation as described in subsequent chapters.


Application of the Severity Assessment Methodology

In the screening stage (Step 3), project information was compared in a qualitative manner to a basic set of impact significance criteria (i.e., areal extent, likelihood/duration of occurrence,

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and magnitude of the impact) in order to distinguish negligible or unimportant impacts from those that are important enough to warrant more detailed analysis. The process of predicting and assessing the severity of impacts was therefore initially qualitative (Step 3), but as the focus of the assessment is narrowed to the more important impacts, increasingly rigorous, quantitative techniques were applied. In Step 5, comprehensive qualitative and quantitative information available about each impact was used, and the impact severity assessment methodology was applied comprehensively to each impact, leading to an objective, supportable conclusion regarding the severity of each impact. This in turn supported further conclusions as to the acceptability of the impact, and the need for additional mitigation measures. During Step 4 as much data as possible were collected or developed to characterize each impact with respect to each significance criteria (temporal, areal, and magnitude). Data collection focused on: project location, habitat mapping, environmental, household, and socioeconomic baseline survey results, transportation/political maps, satellite imagery, vegetation mapping, engineering data, and project design reviews. Each potential impact was quantified to the greatest extent possible, and the significance criteria were applied. When appropriate, pollutant pathways, potential for transport through environmental media, and dispersion and retention rates were evaluated. Modeling was conducted for some media (e.g., air quality). Once the potential impact was assigned a significance value (negligible, minor, moderate, or major), the likelihood of the impact occurring was assessed using available data such as engineering calculations of probability of occurrence, reported industry rates, hazard assessment modeling, and best professional judgment. The following table has been completed for each onshore and offshore activity according to the impact significance and likelihood criteria presented above. The significance level of the temporal, areal, and magnitude criteria were assessed individually as negligible, minor, moderate, or major. The average of these scores then gave the overall impact significance. Likelihood was given a value of very low, low, medium, or high. Theses two values were then matched to the corresponding overall impact severity in the matrix presented above, to give a severity level of low, moderate, or high. The resulting impact severity label and color is shown in the box on the far right, as in the example below.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Impacts determined to be beneficial have not been assessed in the same way for each of the significance criteria and are presented separately in Section 6.5. The combination of data, impact prediction tools, historical information from previous projects, best professional judgment, and the severity ranking matrix provided a comprehensive, objective, scientific assessment approach. Best professional judgment was
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used in tandem with quantitative tools such as computer modeling. Impact assessment is a tool to be used for environmental planning and decision-making to assist project proponents in focusing resources on the impacts with the potential to cause the largest negative impacts. For this Final Draft EIA, the results of Step 5 (impact severity ranking) are presented in Tables 6.6-1 and 6.7-1 by project phase and activity. The methodology outlined in Sections 6.1 through 6.4 is an iterative process and was applied on a preliminary basis and after Engineering, Procurement, and Construction tenders were received. This methodology would be repeated as part of WAPCos Change Management Process if the project scope or significant project implementation activities change.



As discussed throughout Chapter 2 and summarized in particular in Section 2.8, WAPCo is still considering options for some of the WAGP project details. In many of these cases, preferred options have been selected, but WAPCo recognizes that the preferred option may not be able to be implemented for various reasons. For example, the preferred option is to utilize environmentally advantageous horizontal directional drilling (HDD) pipeline construction methods across barrier islands to offshore, but those methods may not prove viable given the specific conditions in the field, and the project may have to resort to trenching. In other cases, there are remaining uncertainties about particular aspects of the project, without any preferred options at this time. All project uncertainties that still exist as of this writing will be the subject of further investigation, and final decisions will be confirmed within six months to nine months of the final investment decision. This EIA evaluated the potential impacts of all project alternatives in order to envelop all the different ways the project may go with respect to remaining uncertainties. Table 6.4-4 recaps these uncertainties in Nigeria and summarizes how they were accounted for in the impact assessment. All of those options that were found to potentially cause a high-, moderate, or low-severity negative impact are described in detail in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 of this report, while being clearly labeled as a remaining uncertainty (i.e., those impacts would in fact not occur if an alternate approach is selected).


Beneficial Impacts

WAGP will have a number of significant positive impacts in Nigeria that provide a clear justification for the project and in certain respects offset some of the negative impacts. Significant positive impacts include: Environmental Benefits o The use of currently wasted (i.e., flared) natural gas as an energy source will significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, resulting in global climate change benefits. Localized improvements in air quality will be achieved through the reduction of flared and vented gas in Nigeria.

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Table 6.4-4 How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Impact Assessment

Accommodation for Construction Workforce Alagbado Tee (Nigeria) Not yet known how many locals will be Added demand for lodging will result in benefits in the form of employed and therefore how much lodging increased revenue for local hotels, rental houses, etc. If space will be needed. demand exceeds available capacity, a construction camp may be needed, with a variety of negative impacts of moderate severity. See Sections and through in this report, as well as Sections and through in the regional EIA. Sinking a well to groundwater (preferred); or Considered a low-severity impact in either case. Groundwater Bringing in by tanker truck. would not be used unless prior site investigations confirmed that the proposed withdrawals could be made without significant impacts to available water resources. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA. Either option would be subject to an accepted waste Discharge into soil via drainage field management plan and controlled so that any impacts are of (preferred); or moderate or low severity. See Sections in this report Discharge into nearby receiving waters; or and in the regional EIA. Hauling off-site for disposal. Onshore Mainline (Nigeria) Construction of the compressor station and associated staging Preferred option is one temporary marshalling area may cause high-severity impacts to land use, soils, and yard within the 8.5ha (21 acres) temporary topography, and thus would require mitigation. See Sections staging area; and in this report and in the regional EIA. An additional marshalling yard may be considered at the midline compressor valve location, or elsewhere. Added demand for lodging will result in benefits in the form of Not yet known how many locals will be increased revenue for local hotels, rental houses, etc. If employed. Off-site accommodation (homes or demand exceeds available capacity and a construction camp is hotels) preferred but may be a need for a camp. A camp, if built, would be adjacent to the ROW needed, it would cause a variety of negative impacts of moderate severity. See Sections and through and have a personnel requirement of up to 50 in this report, as well as Sections and people. through in the regional EIA.

Water Supply Alternatives

Sanitary Waste Water Disposal Alternatives

Number of Marshalling Yards/Staging Areas

Accommodation for Construction Workforce

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Table 6.4-4 How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Impact Assessment

Construction Water Supply Water will be hauled in by truck, but the source is to be determined. Hauling water in by truck from an acceptable source should not cause any impacts of concern. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA. Lagos Beach Compressor Station (Nigeria) Prefer to use existing roads without widening; Preferred option would have low impact on traffic. Widening or the road may add minor resettlement impacts. Dredging a Widen existing road (if necessary) from channel in Badagry Creek and building a dock and access road Badagry to Ajido; or would potentially cause high-severity impacts to habitats and Dredge channel in Badagry Creek, dock and biological resources as well as topography and soils. These access road built on-site; or impacts, and the impacts caused by a crane and spuds, would Barge-mounted crane with spuds and smaller require mitigation. See Sections and of this onshore unloading facility. report and the regional EIA. Added demand for lodging will result in benefits in the form of Prefer to rent houses, estate lodging, etc.; or increased revenue for local hotels, rental houses, etc. A Rent rooms in local hotels; or construction camp will create a variety of negative impacts, but If needed after the above two options, build a it should not be so large as to cause impacts of high severity. closed camp for non-local workers. See Sections and through in this report, as well as Sections and through in the regional EIA. Purchased from local sources, to be No significant new impacts are anticipated, regardless of which determined. local supplier is selected. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA. On-site temporary batch plant or off-site plants. Neither option is expected to cause high-severity impacts. An on-site temporary batch plant would take up space within an 8.5ha staging and laydown area already proposed near the compressor station. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA. Purchased from local sources, to be No significant new impacts are anticipated, regardless of which determined. local supplier is selected. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA.

Means of Access (especially for heavy equipment during construction)

Accommodation for Construction Workforce

Source of Aggregate for Foundation Backfill Source of Concrete

Source of Sand for Concrete for Temporary Concrete Plant

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Table 6.4-4 How Uncertainties are Addressed in the Impact Assessment

Sanitary Waste Water Disposal Alternatives Discharge into nearby receiving waters; or Discharge into soil via drainage field; or Hauling off-site for disposal. Either option would be subject to an accepted waste management plan and controlled so that any impacts are of moderate or low severity. See Sections in this report and in the regional EIA. Shore Crossing (Nigeria) Although HDD is environmentally preferred to trenching, both One-stretch HDD from compressor station of these HDD options may still cause high-severity land use directly out to ocean; or impacts because the pipeline ROW must be kept cleared. See Two-stretch HDD from the barrier island to the compressor station and from the barrier island Section in this report and in the regional EIA. to offshore Onshore Laterals and R&M Stations Sinking a well to groundwater (preferred); or Considered a low-severity impact in either case. Groundwater Bringing in by tanker truck. would not be used unless prior site investigations confirmed that the proposed withdrawals could be made without significant impacts to available resources. See Section in this report and in the regional EIA. Either option would be subject to an accepted waste Discharge into soil via drainage field management plan and controlled so that any impacts are of (preferred); or moderate or low severity. See Sections in this report Discharge into nearby receiving waters (Benin and in the regional EIA. and GhanaTakoradi only); or Hauling off-site for disposal.

Nigeria Shore Crossing

Water Supply Alternatives

Sanitary Waste Water Disposal Alternatives

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Socioeconomic Benefits o The provision of a market and a financial return for natural gas currently being wasted will provide an infusion of funds into Nigeria, where a portion of the returns on the sale of this gas is expected to remain. This will have positive economic impacts in Nigeria. Taxes paid by WAPCo to Nigeria will help strengthen the national economy and support economic development. Total tax benefits received by Nigeria over the lifetime of the project are expected in the range of US$76 million to US$95 million (WAGP, 2004). Direct and indirect economic benefits will be generated for Nigeria from its participation in the pipeline and return on equity investments and transportation tariffs. Employment income will be generated in the surrounding communities, as local jobs are created both temporarily during construction and permanently throughout the operation and maintenance of WAGP. In Nigeria, three crews of 100 to 150 workers will be needed for onshore mainline construction, and 300 to 450 workers will be required to construct the compressor station. WAGP has a goal of hiring 50 percent of the onshore and weight coating construction labor from surrounding communities in the region, with the majority of unskilled labor from surrounding communities. It is expected that many of compressor station workers will be recruited from areas in Nigeria. In addition, weight coating activities will support 60 new, temporary workers at an existing facility in Nigeria. Increased employment levels will boost personal income and strengthen the local economy. A commitment by WAPCo to purchase at least 15 percent of all goods and services required during construction (local content as currently defined in the International Project Agreement) from local businesses in surrounding communities of the four countries will contribute to regional growth and economic development. The local content value for onshore construction procurement in Nigeria is estimated at US$39.6 million. This represents 32.9 percent of the total project capital cost for onshore construction. Payments for contract work in Nigeria, Benin, Ghana and Togo (including both labor and local goods/services procurement) during the operation period are estimated to approach US$20 million, and will generate substantial direct, indirect, and induced benefits for the surrounding communities. Improved transportation infrastructure will result if and where WAGP upgrades existing transportation infrastructure in Nigeria, particularly for transportation of heavy equipment. This improved infrastructure will support economic benefits through reduced travel times and transportation costs savings.

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Community Development/Health and Safety Benefits o WAGPs Community Development Program will target education and healthcare support during the construction period. Participatory needs assessments have identified future opportunities in terms of income generation and capacity building that can be incorporated into later year operations. Improvements in health, safety, and emergency management infrastructure may be realized in the areas immediately surrounding the Alagbado Tee, the midline valve, and the Lagos Beach Compressor Station, possibly through community development projects and technology transfer/ partnership between WAPCo and local authorities.


Beneficial Environmental Impacts

The benefits of the WAGP project caused by the reduction in greenhouse gas emissions are derived from two sources: (1) the reduction of associated gas flaring in Nigeria; and (2) the fuel-switching that will occur in the power and commercial/industrial sectors when natural gas is utilized in the receiving countries. Under the median demand scenario (P50), greenhouse gas emissions could be reduced by as much as 85.8 million tons (MMT) of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2eq) over the first 20 years of WAGP. This estimate assumes that under the no project scenario, flaring continues to occur in Nigeria through the year 2025 for the percentage of associated gas transported by WAGP, and the P50 forecast (Purvin and Gertz, 2003) is met in Benin, Ghana, and Togo by the development of new power plants and industrial fuel users utilizing fuel oil (not burning natural gas). As explained in Appendix 2A-1, it was assumed that flaring continues through 2025 (even though there is a planned 2008 flares-out policy) because it is likely that even the gas streams that are currently flared would have begun to be used for some other purpose after that year in the absence of the pipeline, e.g., combustion elsewhere in Nigeria or another country. Also, as indicated in Appendix 2A-2, it is unlikely that flaring can be eliminated without a portfolio of gas projects like WAGP. The actual emission reduction would depend on how flaring is reduced in Nigeria (under the base case), the market demand for natural gas in the receiving countries, and the level of additional power generation and industrial development that would consume more natural gas rather than fuel oil.


Beneficial Socioeconomic Impacts

Substantial short- and long-term positive socioeconomic impacts are expected as a result of WAGP operations in Nigeria both locally and nationally. Of those benefits introduced above, the most significant are anticipated to occur through increased local employment and increased personal income and business revenues through the procurement of goods and services during both the construction and operation phases. Overall, WAPCo has committed to a local content target of at least 15 percent in terms of the total capital cost of the project. Local businesses will be invited to qualify for all international tenders called by WAPCo; as a result, a significant portion of the goods and services used in the construction of the pipeline system will be sourced from businesses in

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local communities. These businesses will directly benefit from increased revenues as the project requires the purchase of construction and operation materials. Additional indirect benefits will occur as local businesses provide goods and services in support of construction, such as those involved in the production of construction material components and the supply of related mechanical and engineering services. As detailed in Chapter 8, WAGP is committed to monitoring and reporting actual local content procured by the project. As households spend income earned both directly and indirectly from the project on goods and services, various sectors in the local economies of communities immediately adjacent to the project sites and facilities may experience increases in revenue and employment (i.e., induced effects). Some of the communities adjacent to the ROW in Nigeria, which are more developed economically, will be able to absorb the increased economic opportunities, and will also benefit from the influx of construction workers and construction-related revenues. During the construction period, key benefits are associated with increases in local employment for pipeline construction activities, resulting in increased personal incomes. Businesses in the surrounding communities are also expected to benefit from providing some material input required for many aspects of this phase. This will provide some limited business growth and revenue benefits to these communities. There will also be some indirect beneficial impacts for businesses in the surrounding communities that provide goods and services in support of direct project construction activities. In addition, the influx of construction workers and the increased income for both local workers and local businesses from the influx will temporarily create market opportunities for food and other goods and services, thereby enhancing income-earning opportunities for local residents that supply these markets. In particular, spending of income earned directly and indirectly from the compressor station construction may support limited local business growth in the immediate vicinity of the compressor station. The operation period will support a limited amount of longer-term employment and income opportunities for communities near the compressor station. Future local procurement of goods and services will mean long-term demand for these inputs from surrounding communities, which may have substantial economic benefits in terms of business revenue and household income. For example, WAGP intends to contract out a variety of services, including compressor and ROW maintenance, PC support, catering, compliance training, legal, and engineering work. WAGP will also provide training to direct hires, which will provide an opportunity for technical skills to be transferred to surrounding communities, creating human capacity benefits as well as the potential for long term increases in income. In addition, infrastructure upgrades required by the project, such as road and water supply improvements (i.e., drilling of drinking water wells), may provide permanent benefits to the community. Site Preparation and Construction Period Benefits

Employment and Income Benefits

Many of the socioeconomic benefits that will be realized by local communities as a result of WAGP activities will occur during the temporary site preparation and construction periods as a result of local procurement of goods and services. The degree to which local procurement
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occurs, however, varies depending on the required skills and available labor pool for each job. Specific initial estimates of labor requirements that will be filled by workers from surrounding communities are described by project category (facility/activity) in the following sections. However, final figures are not available at the time of this writing, and will become available only after the contract for this work is awarded by WAPCo. In general, however, it should be noted that, as per WAPCos International Project Agreement with the states, local goods and services procurement (including labor) will constitute at least 15 percent of capital project costs, and in some cases a much higher percentage. As shown in Table 6.5-1, the local content value for construction work in Nigeria is estimated at US$39.6 million for onshore procurement and total procurement is estimated at US$41.0 million. Table 6.5-1 Local Content Value in Millions of Dollars (and as percentage of total project capital cost)
Activity Onshore Line Pipe Concrete Coating Offshore Total Source: WAGP, 2004 Nigeria 39.6 (32.9%) 1.4 (<1%) 41.0 (10.7%)

In terms of employment, WAPCo maintains as a goal that, at a minimum, 50 percent of the onshore and weight coating labor force employed in the four states (Nigeria, Togo, Benin, and Ghana) will be from those states. Moreover, it is envisioned that the majority of unskilled labor will be employed from closely surrounding communities. Preliminary information from tendering indicates that the EPC contractors will procure substantial labor and services from surrounding communities. As far as practical, all civil construction materials, such as cement, aggregate, reinforcement, and any other available materials will be locally procured. Certain construction activities such as bush clearing will be subcontracted to members of local communities as far as practical. Consumables like fuel, lubricants, industrial gas, catering, etc. will also be procured from surrounding communities. Below, additional information is presented specific to each construction phase job category and the involvement of local hirees, including the expected duration of jobs and other job details (as available). Pipeline and Alagbado Tee Construction Direct positive impacts will result from the construction of the onshore pipelines, which will require three crews of 100 to 150 workers in Nigeria. The Alagbado Tee construction is expected to last three to four months, while other onshore construction will last longer (approximately six to nine months). Initial estimates received by WAPCo from the onshore

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EPC contractor selected to complete this work indicate that between 175 and 250 of the 450 to 750 total hired for onshore pipeline construction in all four states (Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana) will be hired locally (WAGP, 2003). This represents a possible range of roughly 20 percent to 50 percent hired directly from local communities. The onshore contractor will use labor from the surrounding communities for pipeline and station facilities welding and installation, driving and maintenance of vehicles and construction equipment, and also for security personnel. Local contractors will also be used for port handling and customs clearances of imported materials. The line pipe contractor will use local contractors for port clearance of materials essentially. Additional activities such as site clearing, trenching, and security services are expected to be provided entirely by locally hired workers. Indirect impacts are also expected as local businesses provide goods and services in support of construction, such as mechanical, transportation and catering services. In addition, some residents may be able to rent their homes to the workers not housed in the construction camps (to the extent that there is a need for overnight stays). Compressor Station Construction An estimated 300 to 450 workers will be required to construct the compressor station over a period of 12 to 15 months. Due to the large number of workers required, the majority of the labor will likely be imported from areas in Nigeria, generating employment and income benefits. Current estimates indicate that more than 52,000m3 of concrete will be required to construct the compressor station. Concrete will be purchased from a reputable local supplier, thereby generating additional income benefits. Construction Camps for Pipelines and Facility Construction (Uncertainty) If existing local accommodations are inadequate, construction camps may be built to provide housing for onshore mainline and compressor station workers. The mainline camp would be adjacent to the ROW with a personnel requirement of up to 50 people. The compressor station camp would be located within the marshalling yard footprint and house up to 150 people. A number of jobs in support of the construction of a camp may be available to the local population, which would increase individual/household income in the community. The purchase of goods and services from locally-owned businesses will also have a beneficial impact not only during the construction of the camp, but also during the camps operation, through such services as catering and cleaning. The purchase of locally produced goods and materials may support community business growth. Spending of income that results from direct employment at the construction camp and from indirect employment at businesses supporting the camp may increase economic activity across a number of sectors in the immediate locality, and lead to the development of new businesses or expansion of existing businesses locally.

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Pipe Weight Coating Operation In addition to a new concrete weight coating plant in Ghana (for all offshore pipe), an existing plant in Nigeria will be required to coat the line pipe destined to lie on the seabed or at the bottom of wetlands in order to suppress buoyancy. These weight coating activities will support an estimated additional 60 workers at an existing plant located in Choba, Nigeria. Because a weight coating plant already exists at Choba, extensive development is not necessary. If the weight coating for WAGP requires increased purchasing of materials, such as concrete, local businesses that supply these construction inputs may indirectly benefit (the concrete weight coating contractor intends to procure sand, cement, and aggregate locally). Local contractors will be used for port handling and customs clearances of any imported materials.
Increased Tourism Activities

Tourist facilities near construction sites, such as the Whispering Palm Resort in Aworo, are likely to be positively affected by a possible increase in demand for lodging. Patronage of these facilities is expected to increase during the construction period as the resort represents one of the few overnight accommodations available in the area. Operation and Maintenance Period Benefits

The operation period will support a limited amount of longer-term direct employment and income opportunities for the communities and businesses near the pipelines facility, compressor, and R&M stations. An estimated total of 63 personnel will be directly hired by WAGP in support of annual operations across the four states, with income and benefits payments approaching US$60 million over the 20-year period (WAGP, 2004). To the extent that income is earned and used within the region (for example through spending or saving), these income payments will have substantial direct and indirect economic benefits. WAGP intends to contract out a variety of services, including pipeline repair, compressor and ROW maintenance, PC support, catering, compliance training, legal and engineering work. Total payments for contract work (includes labor and local goods/services procurement) across the four states are estimated at US$19.3 million (WAGP, 2004), and will lead to increased incomes for households and businesses in surrounding communities, as well as the potential for new business establishment. New ventures and industries that generate employment and income may be established in response to the additional demand for locally supplied products. There may also be secondary impacts that result from the additional spending of wages earned in jobs directly and indirectly created by the project. This spending of income could benefit many types of local businesses, ranging from suppliers of food to suppliers of electrical household items. The operation period will also provide permanent benefits to the community from infrastructure upgrades required by the project, such as road and water supply improvements (i.e., drilling of drinking water wells).

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Employment and Income Benefits

Pipeline The operation and maintenance of the pipeline will lead to the creation of skilled and unskilled jobs for the surrounding communities. Skilled jobs will include pipeline inspection, maintenance, and operator jobs either from direct WAPCo employment or through regularly scheduled third-party technical services. Unskilled work will include mowing and maintaining the ROW. WAPCo will be providing training to direct hires to equip them with the necessary skills. This will provide an opportunity for technical skills to be transferred into the communities, creating the potential for long-term increases in income for those who undergo training. As detailed above, WAGP will contract out a variety of services, which will lead to increased incomes and business revenues in the surrounding communities. New ventures and industries that generate employment and income may be established in response to the additional demand for locally supplied products. The ongoing needs of the facility could also benefit the economies of surrounding communities by supporting indirect employment at businesses that support operation and maintenance activities, for example mechanical service and supply, off-site material handling, or waste management services. There may also be induced impacts that result from the additional spending of wages earned in jobs directly and indirectly created by the project. This spending of income could benefit many types of local businesses in the immediate vicinity of the project, ranging from suppliers of food to suppliers of electrical household items. Compressor Station Operation and Maintenance The operation and maintenance of the compressor station will require a permanent staff, currently estimated at 15 positions, providing jobs for the local community and beyond. WAGP will contract with local third-party services for both skilled and non-skilled labor to work in and around the facility. As with pipeline operation, unskilled work may include grounds maintenance and basic maintenance of the facility. Skilled jobs will include operator and more advanced maintenance work. These more skilled jobs may only be available to members of local communities if training is provided to local laborers. This will provide an opportunity for technical skills to be transferred into the communities, creating the potential for long-term increases in income for those who undergo training. The ongoing needs of the facility could also benefit the local economy by supporting indirect employment at businesses that supply goods and services, such as food vending, transport and/or off-site material handling or waste management services.

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Improved Infrastructure (Uncertainty)

The project may require the improvement of existing roads in order to transport building supplies and heavy (90 ton (tn)) equipment required for the construction of the compressor station. In addition, a pier may be built on the shores of the creek east of Badagry for delivery of the compressor equipment itself to the site. Improvements to existing roads, such as widening, would allow for faster and more reliable transport of goods and people. The new pier could spur trade and passenger transport and other long-term benefits if left permanently in place. If built and left in place permanently, some transfer of the pier to the community may be necessary in terms of longer-term maintenance, sustainability, etc. (example-future dredging). Any infrastructure improvements that are needed to support weight coating operations may benefit the community. The shipment of products into and out of the plant may require improvements and upgrading of existing roads. These improvements would provide accessibility and safety benefits for all users, as well as vehicle operating cost reductions. In addition, the water needs of the plant may require the installation of a new well, which could have long-term benefits to local businesses and/or households if it means that a more accessible and reliable water supply becomes available.
Increase in Mobility

There will be an increase in mobility/accessibility associated with the maintenance of a service road parallel to the pipeline. Use of this road will be made available to the local population for limited, light transport (pedestrian, motorcycle, and in rural areas, cars and light trucks) and may allow for faster and reliable movement of goods and people.
Macroeconomic Benefits

The WAGP project is also expected to confer macroeconomic benefits to Nigeria through tax payments to be made by WAPCo throughout the projects period of operation, and through other benefits such as the value of equity investment in the pipeline. These impacts are expected to benefit many sectors of Nigerias economy. Whereas the employment and related benefits presented above have predominantly local impacts, the following will be most notable at the regional level. Taxation Benefits There will be substantial tax and tariff payments by WAPCo to the countries involved. These payments will help strengthen the economies of these counties and support development. Total tax benefits received by Nigeria over the lifetime of the project are expected in the range of US$76 million to US$95 million (WAGP, 2004).4

The range cited here is based on demand scenarios discussed in the Regional EIA, Section 6.5. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-43

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Gas Sales, Transportation Tariff, and Equity Investment There will be direct and indirect economic benefits for those countries participating in the pipeline through the turn on gas sales, equity investments and transportation tariffs. Specifically, the financial return for natural gas will provide an infusion of funds into Nigeria, where a portion of the returns on the sale of this gas is expected to remain. Nigeria will also benefit from the ELPS transportation tariff. An additional benefit will accrue based on Nigerias respective equity investment in the pipeline.


Community Development/Health and Safety Benefits

In order to support WAPCos efforts of corporate responsibility to the surrounding communities in which it operates, a community development program will be established. This program supplements all compliance requirements to address socioeconomic impacts and is carried out at the sole discretion of WAPCo but in joint consultation with the communities as described below. It is recognized that an effective community development program will be essential to the success of WAPCos operations and in building trust with the communities. To date, WAPCo has initiated stakeholder consultations and participatory needs assessments (PNA) using local social scientists, separate from EIA assessments, to determine an appropriate direction in line with its evolving Community Development objectives, including: Identification of critical needs and high-yielding community development strategies. Local self-reliance and avoidance of paternalism or dependency. Partnerships with qualified NGOs, other private companies, international agencies, and other members of civil society who will take the lead in program execution. Facilitation for better service delivery to local communities from governments and development institutions. WAPCos Community Development Program intends to emphasize capacity-building, training, and institutional strengthening rather than bricks and mortar projects or activities that require continued WAGP support. The overall objective is to help communities increase their productivity and competitiveness in the marketplace so as to capacitate long-term social and economic improvements. WAPCos consultations and PNA work validate EIA socioeconomic conclusions in Chapter 5, in that WAGP faces a unique opportunity to promote effective access to clean water, elementary health, care and education for its neighbors and to improve their quality of life (Terra, 2003). WAPCos preliminary efforts have encouraged community members to identify and prioritize their own needs. These are then filtered through a set of WAPCo value drivers to
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determine which projects will have the greatest impact on health, education, income generation, etc. This approach replaces traditional top-down models of assistance and corporate philanthropy, in which remote professionals try to guess what will be most effective or appreciated (Ibid). WAPCo value drivers include: 1. Impact Spread benefits as evenly as possible within impacted communities with an aim towards poverty alleviation through high value added social and economic initiatives Local ownership of projects, encouraging self-reliance and avoid dependency Partnership opportunities, transferability, optimizing existing resources, and minimize direct WAGP involvement in implementation

2. 3.

Sustainability Project Management

Consultations and the results of the PNA Work indicate the following initial priority areas during WAGP construction and in the first few years of operation in Nigeria (Ibid). Youth and development (technical skill training, apprenticeships) Scholarship programs Community and preventive health program (clinics and education) Clean drinking water (bore holes) WAPCos focus during the initial timeframe covering the two year construction period will be on Education and Healthcare support; overall fixed budget commitments towards these objectives are currently being finalized. The PNA work also identified future opportunities in terms of income generation and capacity building that can be incorporated into later year operating budgets. Distribution of fixed budget benefits will be based on an overall geographic allocation in terms of community impact of WAGP operations, allotting 50 percent to Nigeria. Implementation Plans are currently being developed, with initial efforts before and after the Final Investment Decision focused on: Continuing consultation, communication and feedback to WAGP communities; Initial and Annual prioritization processes to determine specific communities who will receive that years benefit and specific projects to implement; Development of written agreements with communities in terms of benefits and WAPCos conditions for the communities to receive the benefits; WAPCo resources, administration and other infrastructure to support a sustainable Community Development program; and

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Further assessment of partnership opportunities, including WAGP EPC contractors, NGOs and government in terms of general financial support as well as specific project implementation.


Potential Onshore Impacts

This section describes the direct negative impacts of the proposed project on the onshore environmental conditions, socioeconomic conditions, and public and worker health, security, and safety in the WAGP project area in Nigeria. An impact severity summary table is presented for each of the activities anticipated to have more than negligible impact with all environmental factors considered. The conclusions from each of these impact severity tables are compiled into an overall impact summary table presented directly below (Table 6.6-1). Most of the onshore negative impacts associated with the project are considered moderate to low, with a few high negative impacts. For instance, during the project construction stages, some moderate and high severity negative impacts are anticipated for land use and habitats and biological resources, while most other environmental factors are of low severity. During start up, all environmental impacts are of low severity while a couple of impacts to means of livelihood are moderate. Throughout this impact assessment, the width of the pipeline ROW is assumed to be the full 25m as originally proposed for the project. However, WAPCo has advised that the ROW width may be narrowed in the first 5km from Alagbado to minimize resettlement impacts. The impacts of such a narrower ROW would be slightly less than those described below.


Site Preparation and Construction

The potential impacts that relate to the site preparation and construction phase of the WAGP project are discussed in this section. Impact severity has been assessed both qualitatively and quantitatively using data from the literature and the environmental and social baseline surveys to the greatest extent possible. The activities that relate to the site preparation and construction phase of the project include: acquisition of land, for the Lagos Beach Compressor Station as well as the ROW and the Nigerian Gas Company (NGC) acquisition of land at Alagbado Tee; site clearing soil compaction, and construction at the compressor station; vegetative clearing and trenching along the ROW; possibly creating construction camps; pipeline crossings in rivers and lagoons; and generating and handling solid and hazardous wastes and managing hazardous materials. In addition, existing facilities in Choba, Nigeria will provide for the coating of 13km of 30-inch onshore pipeline to be installed in onshore wetland areas in Nigeria. The ROW traverses several habitat types, including sandy beach, palm forest, mangrove, marshy swamp, freshwater swamp forest, bush fallow/farmland/coastal savanna mosaic, and secondary upland forest.

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Land Use

This section assesses the potential for direct negative land use impacts. Potential socioeconomic and secondary impacts related to land use changes are discussed in Sections through (socioeconomics) and Section 6.9 (secondary impacts). For reference, Figure 6.6-1 depicts the existing baseline land use in the area of Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon, Badagry Beach, the proposed Lagos Beach Compressor Station Site, the last 4.8km of the proposed pipeline route, and the most sensitive habitat to be encountered during construction. An estate survey was also conducted in the ROW and project area to identify current land use, facilities and structures, and all people who own and/or use the land.
Pipeline Construction Upland

Conversion of farmlands within the ROW associated with the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling, etc. of the ROW in upland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Minor Moderate High

High Severity

The pipeline ROW from the Alagbado Tee to the Lagos Beach Compression Station will be 56km (34.8 miles) long. This length can be subdivided into three main segments, as described in Chapter 2: The first 4 kilometers from the Tee will be installed within the existing Shell ROW. The next 32 kilometers of the pipeline will run adjacent to the Shell ROW (set apart by 25 meters for 1km). Information previously obtained for this upland area for the Agbara/Ota Gas Distribution Project EIA (i.e., the existing Shell ROW) described the vegetation along the proposed route as a mixture of farmlands, bush fallow/secondary forest, and freshwater swamps and also noted, Agriculture is practiced at both subsistence and commercial levels. This includes the cultivation of food crops such as cassava, yams, vegetables, and cash crops especially cocoa and kolanut. (Shell Nigeria Gas Limited, 2000.) Shifting the location of the plots of land used for agriculture is more common than permanent and consistently farmed plots, thereby making it more difficult to quantify the amount of land within the proposed ROW that is used for agriculture. The final 20 kilometers will occupy land that is not currently occupied by or adjacent to any pipeline ROW.

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Table 6.6-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions Transportation and Infrastructure

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-48 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

ONSHORE IMPACTS Site Preparation and Construction

Pipeline construction in upland areas Influx of workers Clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling (including access roads) Staging sites for materials Transportation of materials and equipment to site Generator operation Thrust bore road crossings Operation of earthmoving equipment Pipeline installation at 1 meter depth (trenching and backfilling) Generation of solid and hazardous wastes Trenching Generation of solid and hazardous wastes Option 1: Horizontal directional drilling Option 2: Trenching of creek bed Generation of solid and hazardous wastes Option 1: Horizontal directional drilling, including use of drilling muds and water consumption

Pipeline construction in wetland areas Pipeline construction in Badagry Creek Pipeline construction across barrier islands, beach, and shoreline areas

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Chapter 6

Table 6.6-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions Transportation and Infrastructure

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-49 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

Construction camp and temporary on-site facility development/occupation (for pipeline and onshore facilities construction) Connection to Tee at Alagbado and related construction Option 2: Trenching Generation of solid and hazardous wastes Land leveling and infrastructure development Camp/temporary facility operation Generation of solid and hazardous wastes, including gray wastes Influx of workers Land clearing and preparation Transportation of materials/equipment to site Generator operation Water consumption for construction Generation of solid and hazardous wastes

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Table 6.6-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions Transportation and Infrastructure

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-50 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

Compressor station construction at Badgary Beach (including access roads and concrete batching facility) Influx of workers Site preparation for compressor station and concrete batching facility Concrete batching facility operation Generator(s) operation Earthmoving equipment operations Transport of equipment to site Option 1: from Port via Badagry Beach by existing roads Transport of equipment to site Option 2: construction of dock in lagoon/marsh (including dredging of barge canal) and access road Compressor station construction (including concrete pilings, fill and pad) Generation of solid and hazardous wastes

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Chapter 6

Table 6.6-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions Transportation and Infrastructure

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

Second Concrete-weight coating plant (in Nigeria) Coating operations (including provision of sand, water, and gravel) Transport of uncoated pipe to coating facility, and coated pipe to pipeline barge port and other materials Generation of solid and hazardous wastes Hydrotesting discussed under Offshore Termination of heavy construction Gas venting Generation solid and hazardous waste Termination of heavy construction

Commissioning and Start-up

Onshore pipeline testing Compressor station and Alagbado Tee

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Public Health and Safety

Air Quality


Chapter 6

Table 6.6-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions Transportation and Infrastructure

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-52 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use

ONSHORE IMPACTS Operations and Maintenance

Compressor station and Alagbado Tee Provision of fresh water requirements Venting of gas Operation of generators, compressors Pigging of pipeline (wastes) Fuel transport, transfer and storage Generation of solid and hazardous waste ROW maintenance Pipeline at 1 meter depth and midline valve Generation of solid and hazardous waste, gray water, and stormwater Compressor station Camps and temporary worker facilities Void of gas and leave in place

Onshore Pipeline

Decommissioning and Abandonment

Decommissioning of facilities Abandonment of onshore pipeline Key: High




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Air Quality

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Badagry Creek WAGP ROW


Atlantic Ocean
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Considering the total ROW length together with its maximum width of 25m (82 feet), the maximum footprint for the ROW will be 140ha (346 acres). However, only 36 percent of that area (approximately 50ha) will be on land not currently occupied by or adjacent to an existing pipeline ROW. Shrubs, dry land rain forest, and associated active and fallow farmland comprise the natural and cultivated land types along 109ha (269 acres) of this footprint. The remaining 31ha (76 acres) are wetland or riverine habitat and are discussed in Section below. The picture shown in Figure 6.6-2 was taken along the proposed ROW and shows the typical land cover in the upland ROW area. Figure 6.6-2 Typical Upland ROW Land Cover

During construction and pipeline installation activities (approximately six to eight months), the ROW will be continuously cleared. Post-construction, the ROW will be reinstated to natural conditions. However, the ROW vegetation will continue to be cut back and maintained throughout the project life. Access to the ROW for maintenance activities will preclude the availability of the entire 25m ROW for future farming activities, even though the ROW will revert back to a natural vegetal cover. Please refer to the WAGP ROW Access Policy (Appendix 8B3.2) for more details. Because farmland will be converted to non-farmland, other than grazing, for at least the life of the project, the temporal aspect of this impact is major. The width of the ROW to be cleared is negligible, but when the entire length is taken into account, the areal extent of the impact is judged to be minor. The magnitude of the land use impact is also considered minor due to mitigation measures that will be implemented to reinstate the ROW. The reinstated land will be open space and vegetated, rather than being occupied by residential,
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commercial, or agricultural development. The entire ROW is not currently farmed, and where farming uses are displaced, the surrounding areas may instead be cultivated (the project area is not urbanized). Finally, the likelihood of these impacts during the site preparation and construction phase is high (i.e., they will occur). Based on this combination of factors, land use impacts arising from pipeline construction in upland areas in Nigeria are expected to have a high severity. Conversion of current land use due to the staging sites used for materials. (UNCERTAINTY: There may be one or two marshalling yards.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

The preferred option is to have one temporary marshalling yard for construction materials within an 8.5ha (21 acre) temporary staging area next to the compressor station; however, an additional marshalling yard may be considered at the midline compressor valve location, or elsewhere. Each site would occupy approximately 100m by 200m of upland area adjacent to the ROW; therefore, the areal impact is considered moderate. The site(s) would be chosen so as to minimize disruption of farmland and would be reinstated to the original use after the construction phase is complete, resulting in a minor temporal significance and negligible magnitude. Because long-term land use changes would not occur, the likelihood of this impact is low. Based on this combination of factors, the overall severity of this impact is rated as low.
Pipeline Construction Wetlands

Approximately 12.4km of the pipeline route, 31ha (76 acres) assuming a 25m ROW, onshore in Nigeria will cross streams and pass through wetland areas. Installation at those locations will be conducted by excavating trenches and using a traditional push/pull method. Due to the difficulty of accessing these wetland areas, equipment and construction staff will be present for several weeks during installation activities (a small portion of the overall construction phase which could last for up to eight months). The trench will be cut, the pipeline installed, and then the area will be immediately backfilled. Because wetland areas will be reinstated and revert back to natural conditions almost immediately, there will be no conversion of the primary function of the habitat to a different land use and the potential land use impact is negligible. It is noted that this projects ROW access polices cannot impede any future, encroaching residential development within the wetlands along the fringes of the ROW.
Pipeline Construction Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon

The creek south of the compressor station near Lagos is approximately 800m to 1km wide. The HDD pipeline installation technique will be employed, unless it is discovered that this method would not be technically feasible. Traditional trenching of the creek bed would occur only if the construction engineers cannot horizontal directionally drill underneath the creek. In either case, the creek or areas adjacent to the creek banks used as laydown areas
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(50m by 30m in area) during construction will not be occupied for more than several weeks, and will be reinstated and revert back to natural conditions almost immediately. Because there will be no conversion of the primary function of the habitat to a different land use, the potential land use impact is not significant. See Figure 6.6-4 below for the HDD footprint north of Badagry Creek.
Pipeline Construction Barrier Island, Beach, and Shoreline

The preferred option is to use HDD techniques to install the shore crossing segment of the pipeline that connects to the sub-sea main trunk pipeline. HDD for the shore crossing may be performed in either (1) two stretches, from the barrier island to the Lagos Beach compressor station and from the barrier island out to sea, or (2) one stretch, from the north side of Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon directly out to sea, thus bypassing the barrier island. Traditional trenching would occur only if construction engineers cannot horizontal directionally drill. In either case, the area on the barrier island used as laydown areas during construction would not be occupied for more than several weeks, and will be reinstated once the pipeline is installed. The associated impacts to current land uses on the barrier island are discussed below. Conversion of current land use due to HDD pipeline construction method from the barrier island to offshore. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

A temporary work staging and construction area would be needed during HDD operations. The exact location and size of this area will be determined by the EPC contractor, but it is not expected to be larger than 50m by 500m (2.5ha). If it is that large, half of the footprint of the temporary work staffing and construction area would lie within the 25m-ROW and the other half (1.25ha) would run along the outside of the ROW. This area would not be occupied for more than several weeks, and will be reinstated once the pipeline is installed. Therefore, it is not expected to result in significant impacts to land use. Approximately 30 to 40 percent of the barrier island land use along the proposed ROW is cultivated fields. The remaining land within the ROW is strandline/sandy beach or bare land or marshy swamp (on the landward lagoon edge). Once the pipeline is installed, the ROW must be kept cleared for safety reasons and to allow access for maintenance. This means that most of the ROW across the barrier island will be maintained in its current state (i.e., open space with natural vegetation). However, access to the ROW for maintenance activities will preclude the maintenance of cultivated fields and farming activities within the ROW footprint. Those areas will instead be allowed to revert back to natural vegetal cover. Please refer to the WAGP ROW Access Policy (Appendix 8B-3.2) for more details. Because farmland within the ROW will be converted to non-farmland for the operational life of WAGP (20 or more years), the temporal aspect of the impact is major. The areal extent
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of the impact, however, is negligible. The magnitude of the impacts is moderate due to the relatively small fraction of land cover that would not be reclaimable as farmland. Finally, the likelihood of impacts to land use in the affected areas due to HDD is high. Considering all these factors together, the overall severity of land use impacts from these activities is expected to be high. Conversion of current land use from trenching across the barrier island to offshore. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across the barrier island would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

If HDD is unsuccessful in Nigeria, trenching will occur to install the pipeline from the compressor station to the offshore route. Trenching would disrupt land surface within the ROW of the shoreline crossing, but the land would be reinstated after construction and should return to current usage (i.e., open space) within six to eight months, with the exception of cultivated fields. The impacts to land use on the barrier island portion of the ROW would thus be the same whether the pipeline installation technique is HDD or conventional trenching, even though the areal extent of the impact is higher for trenching. The overall assessment of high severity is due to the reasons discussed above pertaining to HDD operations.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Conversion of current land use to infrastructure development for two temporary construction camps one at the compressor station and one midline along the pipeline ROW. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Negligible High Minor

Moderate Severity

The preferred option for accommodating construction workers is to rent houses, estate lodging, etc. or to rent rooms in local hotels. However, it may be necessary to build construction camps if the demand for accommodations exceeds available capacity. In particular, it may be necessary to create one worker camp at the compressor station and a similar facility at the upland pipe midline. At other locations (e.g., at Alagbado Tee), it is expected that local accommodations will be sufficient and construction camps will not be needed. If utilized, the land occupied by a construction camp will change from coastal savanna (in the case of the midline facility) and a combination of freshwater marsh/grassland (in the case of the compressor station construction camp) to a heavily trafficked grouping of buildings with sanitary and mess facilities.

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It is expected that the construction camp at the compressor station will house 300 to 450 individuals for 12 to 15 months. The midline construction camp will be used for up to 50 people for approximately six to eight months, during construction of the upland pipeline. The camps will be installed on pre-mounted skids, rather than permanent foundations or slabs; therefore, the land occupied by the camps will be able to be reinstated to its preconstruction state once the construction phase has concluded. The remaining building materials are expected to be reused or recycled by the local population. Because of the shortterm and reversible nature of the impact, the temporal aspect is considered is minor. If built, the compressor station and midline temporary worker camps will occupy approximately 4ha (9.9 acres) each. The majority of this land will be adjacent to the pipeline ROW for the upland camp, and will be incremental to the compressor station/concrete batching facility boundaries and temporary laydown/staging area for the compressor station camp. Although part of the newly occupied land will be outside of the ROW, the total occupied land would be much less than the 140ha taken up by the pipeline ROW or the 17ha utilized at the compressor station area during construction. Nevertheless, since the facilities would be located more than 100m from the permanent project boundaries, the areal extent of the worker camps in Nigeria is judged to be moderate. The magnitude of the land use impact from the worker camps is considered negligible since the camps will be removed post-construction and the land will revert back to its original state. Even though final infrastructure decisions have not been made, some change to current land use is likely due to the need for some type of construction camp for at least daily worker needs (e.g., canteen) and possibly, as a worst-case scenario, needs to support 24-hour construction operations. Therefore, the likelihood of the impact is considered high. Combined with the other factors above, this supports the overall conclusion that the severity of land use impacts is moderate.
Connection to Tee at Alagbado

The Alagbado Tee is an existing industrial facility, as described in Chapter 2. It is located adjacent to a highway north of Itoki, Nigeria. The installation of some additional facilities at the Tee as part of the scope of the WAGP project will occupy a footprint of 0.11 ha (0.28 acres); a temporary footprint to be used as a staging area during construction would be an incremental 0.028ha (0.07 acres). The staging area would revert to its original use and condition post-construction. Because there will be no conversion of the primary function of the land cover to a different land use, the potential land use impact is negligible. It is not known precisely how many local individuals will be needed for construction of the Tee facilities, but it the number is expected to be small (e.g., 25 people). It is believed that these workers will be able to be accommodated in local hotels and rental houses and that another construction camp at the Tee site will not be needed.

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Compressor Station Construction

Conversion of current land use for the construction of a dock facility and access road on the north edge of the lagoon. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.) In order to transport heavy machinery and equipment to the compressor station site and yet impose minimal adverse impacts on traffic and the road network in the area, equipment may be transported over water through the Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon channel to a dock that would be newly built on the northern edge of the creek/lagoon. This dock would then be linked by an access road to the compressor station site. If the dock is a temporary fixture, the impacts to land use will be not significant (it will revert back to original land use post-construction). If the dock is a permanent facility, this could be a positive land use impact for the community as noted in Section 6.5, Beneficial Impacts, thereby offsetting the approximately 0.25ha loss of current land use or other negative impacts. Conversion of current land use for the construction of the compressor station and the possible concrete batching facility.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

The compressor station and, if needed, the concrete batching facility will be located on land that is currently cultivated for crops. (It is still uncertain whether concrete will be obtained from an on-site temporary batch plant or from off-site plants.) Based on the estimated dimensions of the permanent facilities (compressor station, flare stack site, and buffer zone), a total of 8.5ha (21 acres) will be taken up. An additional 8.5ha (21 acres) will be used temporarily as a staging and laydown area and possibly for the temporary concrete batching plant. The predominant impact of this land acquisition would be the conversion of productive agricultural land to an industrial use. A photo of the proposed compressor station site is provided in Figure 6.6-3.

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Figure 6.6-3 Current Land Cover at Proposed Compressor Station Site

The duration of the land use impact associated with the compressor station facility is the entire project life (15 to 20 years) and will not be reversible until several months to a year after the compressor station is no longer in use. The temporal impact to land use is thus considered major. The areal extent and magnitude of the impact, however, are ranked as moderate. These moderate rankings are higher than the minor rankings for the upland ROW discussed above because: (1) the temporary laydown and staging area (and possible concrete batching facility) is more than 100m from the compressor station boundary; (2) the total area to be occupied by the facilities will be 17ha (42 acres) concentrated in one productive location, compared to 140ha of upland pipeline ROW distributed over a mixed land-use area that is 56km long; and (3) current land uses near the proposed facilities are not industrial, but rather villages, farmlands, or freshwater marsh. When these factors are combined with the high likelihood of occurrence, the overall severity of the resulting impact on land use is considered high.
Concrete Weight-Coating Plant

Conversion of current land use due to the operation of a concrete weight-coating facility. As discussed in Chapter 2, an existing facility in Nigeria will provide for the coating of pipeline to be installed in onshore wetland areas in Nigeria. (All other weight coating will occur in Tema, Ghana.) Because this is an existing facility, land use impacts from the facility operation (from wastes, water usage, etc.) should be incremental to existing conditions and mostly secondary in nature.

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Habitat and Biological Resources

Changes to land use during the site preparation and construction phase have the potential to cause adverse impacts on habitats and biological resources. For example, trenching activities in the pipeline ROW and site preparation where new facilities are to be built can have impacts, especially when sensitive biological resources are present. Noise and vibration during construction can also affect habitat negatively, as can materials transport. In many cases the impacts on habitat from site preparation and construction activities are negligible because these activities will stop and lands will revert to their original uses following construction. Overall, the environmental assessment indicates that significant adverse impacts to individual species, including species of conservation concern listed in Chapter 5 (e.g., sea turtles), are not likely. To the extent possible, the extent of habitat negatively impacted is quantified in the assessment. The construction of the pipeline and related facilities in Nigeria will require clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, and leveling of land for development of infrastructure. These activities may lead to the loss of natural habitat, negative effects on the habitat quality, and/or increased disturbance of biological resources in previously undisturbed areas. The majority of the pipeline route traversing the upland habitat areas will be installed adjacent to the existing Shell ROW. Previous surveys of the Shell ROW reported no threatened or endangered species (SNGL, 2000). The wildlife data collected during the WAGP Environmental Baseline Survey (EBS) is provided in Section, Biological Environment, Species and Habitats of Conservation Concern. Some of the species protected under the African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of International Importance, the Berne Convention on Conservation of Migratory Species, and the World Conservation Union (IUCN) were observed in the study area (Tables 5.1-37 through 5.1-40). In addition, four of the species on the IUCN Red List are known to occur in the area (through the literature and interactions with local residents) but were not observed during the surveys in the ROW or within a 5km radius. The laying of the 30in (76cm) pipeline at a depth of 1m below ground surface over a distance of 56km (35 miles) from the Alagbado Tee to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station in Nigeria will involve clearing and preparation of the 56km Nigerian ROW for the pipeline installation in marshy swamp, freshwater swamp forest, bush fallow/farmland/coastal savanna mosaic, and secondary upland forest habitats, and across roads and streams. These activities will likely result in some habitat and biological resource impacts. Clearing and preparation activities involve movement by heavy equipment, clearing of trees and other vegetation, stripping of soil, and excavation of trenches. Forest clearing could sever animal migration routes and disrupt ecosystem balance in these areas. The pipeline will traverse existing streams and wetlands and, if the ROW is not properly reinstated, there could be long-term degradation of biological resources in these habitats. The land area affected along the entire pipeline ROW (a total of 140ha (346 acres) from the Alagbado Tee to the Badagry Beach shore crossing) will be temporarily disrupted during construction activities and then reinstated and maintained as grassland after the pipeline has been installed. Although the proposed compressor station will permanently eliminate up to 8.5ha (22 acres)

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of habitat, the majority of habitat impacts resulting from the project if reinstatement is implemented properly will be temporary. More than half of the 38 site preparation and construction activities in Nigeria evaluated for impacts on habitat and biological resources were determined to have negligible impact potential. All of the activities assessed as having overall low, moderate, or high impact severity are discussed below. A few activities associated with site preparation and construction, including trenching and development of new facilities at certain locations, may result in high-severity impacts on habitat and biological resources. Although almost certain to occur, the habitat impacts from these activities are limited in areal extent (mostly considered negligible or minor) and in most cases are considered reversible after construction ends. The habitat areas affected, in addition to being relatively small, are generally not unique or rare for the region. Furthermore, as discussed in Chapters 7 and 8, detailed mitigation measures and monitoring plans have been developed to prevent these impacts where possible, and in all cases minimize them. No major country-wide impacts on habitat or biological resources were identified.
Pipeline Construction Upland

Changes to existing habitat and disturbance of biological resources from the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling of land in upland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

As mentioned above, the onshore pipeline ROW will be cleared of vegetation and debris, giving a total upland land take area of 109ha (269 acres). This construction and terrain alteration will affect upland areas currently occupied by bush fallow/farmland/coastal savanna mosaic and secondary upland forest habitats. The 25m wide ROW strip will be cleared of vegetation and topsoil. Any additional clearing will occur only as necessary to provide marshalling areas for construction and access for construction vehicles. After construction, a 25m wide service corridor will be maintained on the upland ROW and will require regular brush removal to maintain herb and grass cover. The maintenance of a service corridor can affect habitat conditions especially in heavily forested areas (Yahner, 1988). One positive impact is the creation of edge effects, which typically result in increased abundance and species diversity of birds and other wildlife. However, clearing may also result in fragmentation that adversely affects biological resources in the forest mosaic. For the initial 36km of pipeline ROW from the Alagbado Tee, the proposed ROW will be adjacent to the existing Shell ROW (for first 4km, the new pipeline will actually share the existing Shell ROW). Habitat fragmentation already will have occurred along these 36km, and the new pipeline ROW will not likely exacerbate these impacts.

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Site clearing activities and trenching will temporarily eliminate wildlife habitat and cause migration out of the project area, but it is likely that the original species will recolonize the area after construction. However, invasive species may instead colonize the site postconstruction, displace native species, and thereby adversely affect habitat and biological resources in the project area. Vegetation clearing along the entire ROW will result in habitat and wildlife impacts and biological resources loss (e.g., timber, firewood, and non-timber products). ROW clearing will continue (for service access) for the duration of the project, but the temporal effect of continued maintenance is discussed in Section 6.3.1, Operations and Maintenance. The temporal impact of the construction phase is assessed only for the construction period and will therefore be minor. Although a substantial amount of land will be affected by ROW clearing, the impact is expected to seldom extend beyond the 25m width of cleared ROW. However, because the pipeline extends roughly 43km in the upland area, there will be some adverse impact across a broad area of habitat. Therefore, the areal extent is considered to be minor rather than negligible. The magnitude of this impact to biological resources is moderate; mitigation measures will be implemented to reinstate the ROW land back to a grassland type habitat condition (see Appendix 8B-2.8.1 for WAPCo Reinstatement Guidelines). In some cases, this may be similar to the original habitat, but secondary succession will not occur due to continued brush clearing that is part of operations and maintenance (Section 6.6.3). However, much of the upland habitat that will be traversed by the pipeline ROW is bush fallow/farmland/coastal savanna mosaic, which is neither a scarce habitat nor one highly susceptible to disruption. In addition, construction of this pipeline segment is expected to have negligible impact to areas of conservation importance. The likelihood of impacts to the quality of the habitat and species diversity during the construction of the pipeline is medium. The habitat and biological resource impacts arising from pipeline construction in upland areas are assessed as moderate severity. Disturbance of surrounding organisms due to noise created by earthmoving equipment and associated machinery.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Moderate Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Earthmoving equipment and other related large machinery may produce noise levels as high as 91 decibels weighted to A scale (dBA). Table 6.6-2 lists typical construction equipment and their associated noise levels.

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Table 6.6-2 Construction Equipment Noise Levels

Equipment Type Backhoe Tractor Trucks Chipper Chain Saw Noise Level at 50 Feet 85dBA 80dBA 91dBA 85dBA 76dBA

Source: Bolt, et al., 1971 and Federal Transit Administration, 1995.

Baseline noise levels were collected at the compressor station site and can be assumed to be similar to the levels elsewhere along the ROW. Details are available in Chapter 5, Existing Situation, but in summary, the average dBA of baseline noise is 28.78. To gauge the relative significance of the noise impact, an increase in noise of 5dBA over background levels is distinctly audible and is generally used as the threshold for a significant noise increase. A 10dBA increase is approximately a doubling of loudness. Some species are more sensitive noise receptors than others. Manci et al. (1988) reports that at noise levels above 90dBA mammals may retreat, freeze, or become startled. For comparison, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) considers exposure to 85dBA for eight hours or longer detrimental to human health. As another benchmark, World Bank guidelines are 70dBA for commercial/industrial receptors outside a projects boundaries, and 55/45dBA (day/night) for residential/institutional/educational receptors outside a projects boundaries (PPAH 1998). No World bank noise guidelines specific to habitats and biota were identified. The expected level of construction noise and associated activity will cause some mammals, birds, and reptile species to temporarily avoid the construction site. Operations in upland areas will only occur during daylight hours, and the construction sites will be constantly making linear progress along the ROW, disturbing any specific area for less than one week. The impacts to biological resources are reversible once the source of noise is removed. The temporal significance of this impact is therefore negligible. Noise from localized sources typically falls off, but only by about 6dBA with each doubling of distance from source to receptor; therefore, organisms outside of the ROW could be affected. Assuming an average source noise level of 83dBA, for instance, at 30.5m (100ft) from the construction site, the average noise level would be approximately 77dBA. At 61m (200ft) from the construction site, the noise levels will have dropped off to approximately 71dBA. Beyond 100m (328ft) of the pipeline ROW, the noise levels should not be more than 67dBA. A distance of 350m to 400m is needed to reach the World Bank daytime guideline level of 55dBA for residential/institutional/education receptors. Given the distance needed for noise attenuation, the areal extent affected by the increase in noise is moderate. The magnitude of the impact is also minor because individual organisms will avoid the area, but wildlife at the population level should not be affected.

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The likelihood that individuals will avoid the project area because of noise levels is dependent upon the receptors threshold level and is considered medium, resulting in an overall moderate impact severity.
Pipeline Construction - Wetlands

Changes to current habitat quality due to trenching across wetlands and streams.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

The pipeline ROW will cross wetlands at various locations (wetlands are interspersed with land at higher elevations). Where trenching occurs during pipeline installation, habitat quality may be degraded. Construction activities associated with pipeline installation that may lead to negative impacts on wetlands include soil compaction, oxidation of exposed hydric soil (or oxygen-poor wetland soil), and siltation from trenching waste overflow. These activities can alter wetland hydrology and negatively affect vegetation communities, wildlife habitat, and wetland function. Site clearing activities and trenching will temporarily eliminate wildlife habitat and cause wildlife migration out of the project area. It is likely that the original species will re-colonize soon after construction. However, invasive species may also colonize the site, displace native species, and thereby adversely affect habitat and biological resources in the project area. Trenching and laying the pipeline will only last a few weeks; however, returning the wetlands to their original state will take more time. The ecological functions of wetlands (groundwater recharge, flow augmentation, flood attenuation, erosion control, sediment removal and/or retention, pollutant removal and/or retention, habitat for fauna and flora including rare, migratory, and usual species) will be adversely affected, at least temporarily. With proper mitigation measures, reinstatement, careful management of trenching wastes, and monitoring, impacts on habitat should be reversible within six months to a few years. The overall temporal impacts to wetland resources are thus moderate. The areal extent for the trenching method includes the 25m ROW for the length of the individual wetlands being crossed. The wetlands area that will be affected by trenching operations is 31ha (77 acres). Some disruption of the wetlands may occur outside of the 25m ROW due to the presences of barges, mats, and overflow of trenching wastes. The overall areal impact to the wetlands is minor. A measurable change to the wetland baseline conditions is expected due to the trenching and vegetation removal. One example is the possible change in pH levels of the wetland soils due to exposure of the highly acidic soils that were previously buried. Even though the wetlands are to be reinstated and conditions are expected to return to normal, the magnitude of the impact is moderate.

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The likelihood of impacts to habitat and biological resources in the wetland areas due to trenching is high. The overall severity of these impacts is high.
Pipeline Construction Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon

It is expected that HDD techniques will be used to traverse Badagry Creek (drilling underneath the creek), rather than trenching the creek bed. If it turns out that HDD operations are not technically feasible, then traditional trenching methods will be employed. Changes to current habitat due to HDD pipeline construction method across creek. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

A temporary work staging and construction area is needed during HDD operations. The exact location and size of this area will be determined by the EPC contractor, but it is not expected to be larger than 50m by 500m (2.5ha). If it is that large, half of the footprint of the temporary work staging and construction area would lie within the 25m-ROW and the other half (1.25ha) would run along the outside of the ROW. This area would not be occupied for more than several weeks, and will be reinstated once the pipeline is installed. The drill site would require leveling, fill and compaction in order to support the drilling equipment. For this reason, marshy areas should not be selected for HDD operations entry locations. The entry point for this HDD activity will be placed approximately 230m north from the northern edge of Badagry Creek (see Figure 6.6-4) to avoid fringe marshlands, with a large portion of the drill area within the 25m pipeline ROW. The exit location would either be offshore or on the barrier island (potential impacts discussed below under barrier island). HDD of Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon from the north shore to the barrier island or the subsea main trunk line tie-in would be expected to take approximately 15 days. The staging/laydown areas used for construction activities at the compressor station site also will be utilized for pipeline installation activities for the segment from the compressor station site to Badagry Beach. Construction activities would take place over several weeks. Any areas outside of the ROW will be reinstated and allowed to revert back to pre-construction conditions. The duration of impacts to biological resources outside of the ROW (the drill site area) will be less than six months with proper reinstatement. These impacts will be reversible, resulting in minor temporal significance. The areal significance will be minor since the maximum footprint of the HDD operations would occupy a total of 50m by 500m (2.5ha) (6.2 acres), with half the area within the pipeline ROW boundary. The magnitude of the impact is minor, rather than negligible, due to the sensitive wetland habitat that is present on the north side of Badagry Creek.

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pigure2TFTER votion2of2rorizontl2hiretion2hrilling2pootprint

Proposed Compressor Station Raphia Palm

Bare Land/ Cleared Area

Road Proposed 30 m x 50 m Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) Raphia domin. f/water forest Secondary Forest



Bush Fallow



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HDD of Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon from the north shore to the barrier island or the subsea main trunk line tie-in would be expected to take approximately 15 days. The staging/laydown areas used for construction activities at the compressor station site also will be utilized for pipeline installation activities for the segment from the compressor station site to Badagry Beach. Construction activities would take place over several weeks. Any areas outside of the ROW will be reinstated and allowed to revert back to pre-construction conditions. The duration of impacts to biological resources outside of the ROW (the drill site area) will be less than six months with proper reinstatement. These impacts will be reversible, resulting in minor temporal significance. The areal significance will be minor since the maximum footprint of the HDD operations would occupy a total of 50m by 500m (2.5ha), and potentially extend beyond the pipeline ROW boundary. The magnitude of the impact is minor, rather than negligible, due to the sensitive wetland habitat that is present on the north side of Badagry Creek. Since the creek environment itself will not be directly impacted (entry location on north side of creek), the likelihood of any long-term degradation of habitat quality due to HDD is low. Thus, the overall impact severity is low. Changes in current habitat quality due to trenching across Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

The possible trenching across Badagry Creek (if HDD is unsuccessful) will result in the loss of biological resources such as fish and benthic organisms by siltation and physical smothering. The suspension of sediments during trenching operations will indirectly have adverse impacts on fish populations and aquatic vegetation. Increased suspended sediments can be lethal to filter-feeding organisms by clogging and damaging their feeding and breathing apparatus. Excess suspended sediments can clog the gills of young fish and limit their ability to respire, but adult fish are likely to move away from the area until water quality is restored. However, in some instances, organic material releases into the water column can represent a food source that attracts some fish species (UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation, 2003). Measurements taken in Badagry Creek during the first season baseline survey indicate that the average total suspended sediment (TSS) is 7mg/L. Generally, a large increase in TSS to 80mg/L or more would be detrimental to fisheries habitat, but much lower TSS loads over long periods of time could be similarly detrimental (DFO, 2000). Typically, trenching activities do not generate more increased suspended sediments than normal boat traffic, bottom fishing, or severe storms. The water depth along the pipeline
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ROW in Badagry Creek ranges from 1.3m near each bank to more than 13m along the main channel. Given the shallow portions of Badagry Creek, it would be difficult to distinguish between natural causes of TSS and those caused by trenching operations (Thales, 2003). Furthermore, the effects of suspended sediments and turbidity are usually short-term (less than one week after the activity occurs) and localized (less than 1km from where the activity occurs) (UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation, 2003). The tidal activity present in Badagry Creek may transport suspended sediments outside the area of immediate impact. However, the baseline survey results (Section 5.1) indicate that most of the sediment fraction of sediments taken from the creek was sand, rather than silt or clay, which settles from the water column more quickly than the other two components. There is the potential for chemical contaminants present in sediments of both water bodies to be released into the water column during trenching operations. Contaminants of concern, particularly heavy metals, which can bioaccumulate in the foodchain, are reported in Chapter 5. Based on the environmental baseline studies for Badagry Creek, there are no pollutants of concern present in levels significantly different from typical background levels occurring naturally in the environment. Trenching and laying the pipeline will take at most a few weeks, but returning the creek bed to its original state may take six months to a few years. Sediment churned up by pipeline installation activities will settle quickly, but re-colonization of the benthos and vegetation could take up to a year. The pipeline will be covered with the excavated sediment, so there will be no need for spoils placement within or outside the lagoon. The overall temporal impacts to the lagoon bed are moderate for this construction method. In Badagry Creek, the areal extent for the trenching method would include an underwater ROW across the width of the creek crossing (~500m). Some disruption may occur outside of the 25m ROW due to the presences of barges, mats, and other equipment on the edges, although the staging area for trenching operations at Badagry Creek would be the same area used for compressor station construction, thereby minimizing habitat impacts. The overall areal impact is minor. Based on the types of impacts described above, measurable change to the ecological baseline conditions is expected due to the trenching, removal of vegetation, and disruption of sediments during installation of the pipeline. The magnitude of the impact to habitat quality in and around the creek is considered moderate. The likelihood of impacts to habitat quality caused by the trenching is high. The overall severity of impacts to the habitat quality of Badagry Creek is high.
Pipeline Construction Barrier Island, Beach, and Shoreline

Portions of Badagry Beach are known turtle breeding/nesting sites. More information is available in Chapter 5, but the sea turtles that nest annually on the sandy shores of Badagry and nearby Takwa Bay include the green (Chelonia mydas), olive ridley (Lepidochelys olivacea), hawksbill (Eretmochelys imbricata), and loggerhead (Caretta). If construction activities take place during the nesting season of sea turtles, it is possible that turtle

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populations could be adversely affected especially if night work takes place. Trenching and HDD activities in the beach area could also destroy existing turtle nests and the eggs therein. The possibility for this impact is present for both Badagry Beach pipe-laying methods. Marine turtles nest on sandy beaches above the high tide mark. Because they often return to the same area to nest, care should be taken to minimize the impact to beaches where nesting occurs. Sea turtles are a protected species under several international treaties ratified by the four West African countries covered in this project. Notwithstanding, populations have decreased due to poaching and habitat destruction. Negative impacts on sea turtles associated with this project will be minimized by adherence to the WAPCO Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for Construction and Maintenance Operations (Appendix 8B-2.8.3, and summarized briefly in Chapter 8 and in the impacts discussion below for the trenching option.) Changes to current habitat due to HDD pipeline construction method across the barrier island to offshore. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The impacts to biological resources from HDD staging areas on the barrier island are similar to those already discussed for the location north of Badagry Creek (see Degradation of current habitat due to HDD pipeline construction method in Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon). The entry point for HDD would be on the north side of Badagry Creek (discussed above), and the exit location would be either offshore or on the barrier island. In the event that an exit/entry location is needed on the barrier island (due to technical limitations), the impacts associated with HDD operations at that location are discussed here. The temporary drill site area will be reinstated after construction of the shoreline crossing. The habitat will only be temporarily disturbed and should return to pre-construction state within six months. The temporal extent of the impact to habitats and biological resources is therefore minor. The areal significance is considered to be minor since the maximum temporary footprint of the HDD construction and staging area would be a total of 50m by 500m (2.5ha, or 6.2 acres), with half the area within the pipeline ROW boundary. The magnitude of the impacts is moderate because of the fragility of the barrier island habitat, the likely presence of marine turtles, and the plan for 24-hour HDD operations. The likelihood of impacts to biological resources in the barrier island area due to HDD is medium since the timing of construction is uncertain and could occur during the marine turtle nesting season. Note that the likelihood will be minimized by adherence to the WAPCo Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for Construction and Maintenance Operations (see Appendix 8B-2.8.3), described in the next impact discussion. The overall severity of impacts to the habitat and biological resources of the barrier island, beach, and shoreline areas is moderate.

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Changes to current habitat or biological resources from trenching across the barrier island to offshore. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Major Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

If the barrier island at Badagry Beach is trenched (rather than crossed by HDD, which is the preferred option), then temporary trench plugs will be used during construction, and permanent trench plugs will be installed to prevent migration of ocean water into the freshwater creek. In the event that saline intrusion occurs, it could lead to the loss of freshwater vegetation along the creek and invasion of exotic species of flora and fauna. This could lead to a major alteration of the existing Badagry Creek habitat. The impacts here are assessed assuming the proper use of trench plugs, following the procedures described in the construction design specification (see WAGP Procedures for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks, Appendix 8B-2.8.6). Trenching and laying the pipeline will only take a few weeks, but returning the sandy beach and shoreline area to its pre-construction state may take several months. With proper reinstatement, impacts to the surrounding habitat should be reversible within this timeframe in most instances. The overall temporal impacts to land use are minor for this construction method. There will be more significant disturbance to the habitat and immediate organisms on the barrier island if the trenching method is used instead of HDD, however, the areal impact will occur within the 25m ROW and is therefore considered to be negligible. There will be a some changes to the barrier island ecological baseline conditions due to the trenching and removal of vegetation and soils necessary to install the pipeline, although this is lessened because 30 to 40 percent of the barrier island ROW is cultivated fields. Taking the presence of marine turtles under consideration, the potential magnitude of the impact to habitat and biological resources on the barrier island is major. In addition to disruption of live turtles, there exists the potential to disturb eggs (which may have been buried prior to the commencement of construction activities) during daytime operations since the egg incubation time is typically 50 to 70 days. However, potential impacts on turtles and nests are expected to be significantly mitigated by adherence to the WAPCo Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan for Construction and Maintenance Operations (see Appendix 8B-2.8.3). This plan specifies daytime and nighttime beach survey procedures, as well as near-shore monitoring procedures. If pipeline construction occurs between August 1 and January 31 (includes period recognized as peak turtle nesting season), then daily visual surveys will begin 2 weeks prior to construction, and if turtles are observed outside this time period, the plan calls for surveys to commence at that time. Mitigation steps are spelled out in the plan for cases where turtles, turtle hatchlings, turtle nests, and turtle eggs are observed.

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The habitat on the barrier island along the ROW will change from its current state during construction of the pipeline, but the impacts are expected to be short-term and localized. The likelihood of significant impacts occurring, given the mitigation measures and monitoring programs committed to by WAPCo in particular, the use of trench plugs to prevent saline intrusion and the turtle monitoring and mitigation plan to minimize adverse impacts on marine turtles is medium for the trenching method. The overall severity of impact to habitat and biological resources from trenching the barrier island is moderate.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Changes to current habitat from land leveling and infrastructure development for two temporary construction camps one at the compressor station and one midline along the pipeline ROW. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

During the construction phase it may be necessary to create one worker camp at the compressor station and a similar facility midway along the pipeline route, if existing local accommodations are inadequate. In other locations existing local accommodations will be utilized. If one or both of these camps are built, the occupied land will change from coastal savanna (in the case of the midline facility) and a combination of freshwater marsh/grassland (in the case of the compressor station construction camp) to a heavily trafficked grouping of buildings with sanitary and mess facilities. It is expected that construction of the compressor station will take 12 to 15 months and that up to 150 workers (of the 300 to 450 person total workforce) will be housed in the construction camp. Following completion, the land occupied by the camp will be reinstated to its pre-construction state. The remaining building materials are expected to be removed by the local population. The midline construction camp will be used by up to 50 workers for approximately six to eight months during construction of the pipeline. The combined temporal impact of these two camps on the surrounding habitat is minor due to the shortterm and reversible disturbance of wildlife populations from human activities and alteration of the land, primarily at the compressor camp site. If built, the compressor station and midline temporary worker camps will occupy approximately 0.4ha (1 acre) each. The majority of this land will be outside of the pipeline ROW for the upland camp, and will be adjacent to the compressor station/concrete batching facility boundaries and temporary laydown/staging area for the compressor station camp. Although part of the newly occupied land will be outside of the ROW, the total occupied land is much less in comparison to the 140ha for the installation of the pipeline ROW or the 17ha utilized at the compressor station area during construction. But since the facilities will be located more than 100m from the permanent project boundaries, the areal impact of the worker facilities in Nigeria is moderate.

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The magnitude of the impact from the worker facilities to habitat and biological resources is minor because the camp developments are not expected to negatively affect entire populations of plants and wildlife. There will be some habitat that is no longer available on a temporary basis, and most wildlife will indeed avoid the area during the construction phase. Because changes in habitat quality and in abundance of biological resources will occur due to the presence of the construction camps, the likelihood of an impact is high. The overall severity of the impact to habitat and biological resources is moderate.
Connection to Tee at Alagbado

The Alagbado Tee is an existing industrial facility, as described in Chapter 2, Technical Project Description. It is located adjacent to a highway north of Itoki, Nigeria. The installation of some additional facilities at the Tee as part of the scope of the WAGP project will occupy a footprint of 0.11ha (0.28 acres); the temporary footprint to be used as a staging area during construction would be an incremental 0.028ha (0.07 acres). The Tee area is already developed and there is no adjacent habitat that would be sensitive to disruption; the limited facilities that will be installed on-site should not have a measurable negative impact on habitat quality or biological resources beyond background levels (of current land use activities). Therefore, the potential habitat and biological resources impact of the new facilities is negligible. A photo of the Tee is provided as Figure 6.6-5. Figure 6.6-5 Alagbado Tee Existing Installation

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Disturbance of current habitat and species population due to the transportation of materials and equipment to the construction site.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The Tee construction site will receive a total of between 50 to 100 trucks of raw materials, including skid mounted and separation equipment, over the four-month construction period. The increased heavy truck traffic will increase noise levels in the immediate surrounding area, possibly disturbing native species. Disturbance could mean that their feeding and breeding patterns are disrupted, or it could drive animals and birds away from forest areas adjacent to the onshore construction sites. Dust settling on roadside vegetation could decrease the quality and viability of these indigenous plants. (Implications of increased dust to air quality are discussed in Section Figure 6.6-11, Options for Transport of Heavy Equipment to Compressor Station, highlights the road corridors that would be used for delivery of equipment not associated with the compressor station. The impacts from transportation of materials will end after the construction period, and the effects felt by nearby organisms will be immediately reversible. The temporal significance of the impact from noise and dust creation is minor. The areal extent is moderate, because species outside of the facility boundaries, but along transportation routes will also be affected. The magnitude of this impact is minor because no population- or community-level effects are expected, but individual organisms may avoid the project area resulting in disrupted migration patterns. The likelihood of impacts to habitat and biological resources from the truck traffic is low because the facility is adjacent to a highway north of Itoki, and existing (already heavily trafficked) roads will be used for transport. The overall impact severity therefore is low.
Compressor Station Construction

The compressor station is immediately to the east of the village of Ajido and to the south of the LagosBadagry expressway. It is approximately 12km (7.5 miles) east of Badagry, Nigeria. It lies approximately 0.85km (0.6 miles) north of Badagry Creek. The compressor station facility will be 220m by 385m, which includes a 50m buffer zone. The entire facility including the buffer zone will occupy approximately 8.5ha (21 acres). An additional 8.5ha (21 acres) will be used temporarily as a staging and laydown area, and the construction camp described above and the temporary (or perhaps permanent) concrete batching plant would be installed within this additional 8.5ha (21 acres).

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Changes to current habitat from site preparation for the compressor station and concrete batching facility.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Minor Low Moderate

Moderate Severity

The compressor station and concrete batching facility combined will occupy a total area of 8.9ha (22 acres). The primary, direct impact of this land acquisition includes loss of potentially productive agricultural land with secondary impacts on habitats and biological resources. Because most of the land being occupied is currently farmland, the magnitude of the impact to habitat will be limited in comparison to occupying pristine, undisturbed lands. There will be an increase in compacted and impermeable surfaces. Increased stormwater runoff from the facility could negatively affect surrounding natural habitats. Site clearing activities, especially noise (discussed below), may drive wildlife away from the construction site. It is expected however, that upon completion of construction activities, wildlife populations will return to pre-construction status in the site vicinity. Because the compressor station will remain for the duration of the project (15 to 20 years), the temporal impact to the habitat is major. Over this period the developed area would be unavailable as habitat for indigenous species of plants or wildlife. The areal impact is moderate since the land occupied by the temporary laydown and staging area is considered to be more than 100m outside the facility boundary. In addition, the total area to be occupied during construction will be 17ha (42 acres) in one location, compared to 140ha of pipeline ROW distributed over a mixed-land use area of 56km. The magnitude of this impact is minor due to the present condition of the land (primarily farmland) to be occupied by the compressor station. Changes to overall natural habitat and biological resources levels will be minimal. Because the likelihood of this impact is low (impacts to natural habitat would be secondary in nature), the overall severity to habitat and biological resources is low. Disturbance to wildlife populations due to noise created from earthmoving equipment operations and associated machinery.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Impacts expected from noise creation during the compressor station construction are similar to those described under upland construction except for the temporal significance. Operations will occur 24 hours per day at this location as necessary, and will continue for 12 to 15 months during the site construction.

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Earthmoving equipment, the highest noise producer (see Table 6.6-2 for dBA levels), will only be utilized for several weeks. However, other construction-associated noise, including operation of the concrete batching facility, will continue throughout most of the construction period. Construction and traffic noise at the compressor station could cause disturbance to animals, including birds, within and around the construction sites. Disturbance could mean that their feeding and breeding patterns are disrupted, or it could drive animals and birds away from forest areas adjacent to the onshore construction sites. Noise from construction equipment could scare wildlife species away from the area, while the associated vibrations could create physiological impacts to wildlife. The impacts to surrounding organisms are reversible once the source of noise is removed. The temporal significance of this impact therefore is minor. All other assessment ratings are identical to those for impacts of noise during upland construction. The overall impact severity to habitat and biological resources is moderate. Disturbance of surrounding habitat and biological resources from transport of equipment from Port of Lagos via existing roads. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may be transported via barge instead of roadways.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Impacts expected from the transport of equipment to the compressor station construction are similar to those described under for the Alagbado Tee, other than the expected likelihood. The compressor station construction site will receive a total of between 50 to 100 trucks of raw materials supplies and heavy equipment during the 12- to 15-month construction period. The increased heavy truck traffic will increase noise levels in the immediate surrounding area, possibly disturbing wildlife populations. Disturbance could mean that their feeding and breeding patterns are disrupted, or it could drive animals and birds away from forest areas close to the onshore construction sites. Dust settling on roadside vegetation could decrease the quality and viability of plant populations. (Implications of increased dust to air quality are discussed in Section This equipment transport option assumes that no roads will be widened. Although the transport will occur on existing roads that already experience traffic, the level of background traffic is less than that of a larger corridor (e.g., the route to Alagbado Tee). Therefore, the likelihood of impacts to habitat and biological resources from the truck traffic is medium, resulting in an overall moderate impact severity.

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Disturbance of surrounding habitat and biological resources from transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to a newly constructed dock and road to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Major High Moderate

High Severity

Although different options are still being considered (see truck transport option above), the compressor station equipment may be transported over water from the Port of Lagos, westward through the Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon channel to a newly built temporary dock that will be linked by an access road to the compressor station site. A final decision on the transport method would be made around the final investment decision plus six to nine months. If this option is selected, a dock facility would be required to offload equipment at the site and a road from the dock to the site installed. The access road is expected to be 10m wide, 1m deep, and is not expected to exceed 200m in length. It would therefore require approximately 6,000m3 of backfill material. The dock itself would be constructed from sheet piling and require 2,750m3 of backfill material. The lagoon would be dredged from the dock to a point 316m from the shore by 50m wide to where it is 3m deep and thus navigable and accessible via shallow draft barges. The average depth of dredging would be 1m, and thus the approximate volume of dredging materials would be 15,800m3. (Please refer to Figure 2.8-6, Approximate Location of Temporary Unloading Facility and Access Road Relative to Compressor Station.) There are various potential impacts to the surrounding habitat and biological resources if this option is selected. Impacts would include: migration out of the area of wildlife species (terrestrial and estuarine); smothering or removal of benthic fauna and flora; and loss of vegetation and disturbance of wildlife habitats. The nature of impacts from dredging the lagoon and placement of dredge spoils as a dock foundation would be the same as discussed above for trenching activities in Badagry Creek. The dredge spoils may also be used as backfill for the access road. If chemical analysis results show the dredge spoils to not be suitable as fill material, they will be disposed of according to the contractors spoils management program (which will need to comply with the WAPCo Waste Management Plan).5 The combined temporal effect of these activities would last greater than 12 months in most cases. Some but not all of the impacts would be reversible during that time period. Plans to remove the dock after construction are not decided at this time. If the dock remains, the secondary impact of changes to estuarine communities of fauna and flora could result from

The WAGP Waste Management Plan and/or operational controls (Chapter 8 and Appendix 8B2.6) will be revised to incorporate a spoils management program to address temporary management during construction and permanent disposal as necessary. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-80

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increased boat and fishing traffic. The overall temporal significance of these impacts would be moderate. The combined areal extent of the access road, dock, and lagoon dredging impacts under this equipment delivery option would also be moderate because impacts could occur more than 100m from the project site, and given the combined acreage disturbed in the lagoon and for the onshore road (1.78ha (4.45 acres)). The magnitude of these impacts would be major due to the alteration of habitat (from wetland to dock, and grassland to access road) and the potential for a large number of biological resources to be negatively affected by this transportation option. The likelihood of impacts to these habitats and biological resources would be high, resulting in an overall high severity of impact on habitat from transport to the compressor station using this option.
Concrete Weight-Coating Plant (in Nigeria)

Disturbance of surrounding habitat and species due to the transport of pipe to and from the coating facility and to upland construction sites.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate High Minor

Moderate Severity

Approximately 4,700 lengths (12m) of pipe will need to be transported during construction of the onshore pipeline in Nigeria, including roughly 1,250 lengths to and from the weightcoating plant. The transport of these lengths is expected to be conducted mainly on preexisting roads to gain access to the construction operations. However, the ROW will also be used as a transport corridor to move pipe. Over the six- to eight-month pipeline construction period, an estimated 20 trucks per day are needed for this transport to the upland areas. The greatest impact to habitat from this transport will be from noise and dust. The truck traffic within the ROW will also compact the soil, thus reducing the likelihood of successful habitat reinstatement. The impacts from noise have been described above for compressor station construction transport using existing roads. One difference will be to the potential magnitude of the impact due to the much higher trip frequency, the number of trucks to be used, and the off-road element. The magnitude of this impact is therefore moderate. If there is substantial nighttime transport (in addition to daytime), a greater number of species may be affected due to nocturnal foraging habits, thus raising the concern level. The likelihood of impact is medium, given that existing roads will be used for most of the transport and that the transport routes will vary over time as pipeline construction progresses. The overall severity of this impact is moderate. Topography, Geology, and Soils

As discussed below, pipeline and other site construction activities will result in generally minor impacts to topography and soils (there are no anticipated impacts to geology), all within the immediate vicinity of the proposed project footprint. There is also the potential

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for spills of hazardous materials or wastes, which could result in some small amounts of soil contamination at the construction sites.
Pipeline Construction Upland

Topsoil is the uppermost layer (first several inches) of the soil profile and generally provides the most fertile growing medium since there are more microorganisms, organic matter, and nutrients than in the subsoil. Removal of more than several inches of soil during clearing and grading activities can lead to the mixing of the subsoil with topsoil. Such homogenization of the soil profiles will reduce the overall soil fertility and soil structure. However, excavated topsoil from clearing and grading operations within the 25m-wide pipeline ROW will be segregated and stored separately from the subsoil, particularly in upland and agricultural areas. Soil degradation is indicated by a lowering of the fertility status, either by a reduction of the nutrient level or by physical loss of topsoil. Clearing and grading the pipeline ROW can potentially lead to such degradation by mixing topsoil with excavated soil, increasing soil compaction, and increasing soil erosion (Sorrell et al., 1982). Change in soil structure due to clearing and grading activities.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

Within the 25m-wide ROW, soil will be stripped and stored on the edge of the ROW, typically within the 5m non-working side. When clearing vegetation and grading occurs in upland and agricultural areas, the excavated topsoil will be segregated and stored separately from the subsoil. Soil compaction will result from the movement of heavy construction equipment (e.g., bulldozer, backhoe, pipeline delivery trucks, stringing equipment, etc.) on the land within the ROW. Soil compaction in turn results in reduced aeration and permeability and therefore reduced water holding capacity and plant growth. This eventually causes an increase in surface runoff and erosion of the soil. Vegetation clearing and grading activities within the ROW may also contribute to soil and sediment erosion. Upland soils that are denuded of vegetative cover and root matrices are more prone to erosion by running water and strong winds. The climate of the project area is such that erosion due to rainfall could be exacerbated. The long dry season is from December to March, and the short dry season covers only the month of August. Therefore, rainfall is predominant for seven months each year. Typically, the heaviest rainfall is in July (average 33.26cm for the project area) and the driest month is December. Plastic sheeting and hay bales will likely be used to control rainfall runoff until all earthwork is completed. With proper erosion controls in place, any transport of eroded spoils from their storage site within the ROW should be very localized in nature. The BMPs to prevent adverse changes in soils are further discussed in Chapter 8.
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Soils in the ROW will be affected throughout the construction phase, which will last approximately six to eight months. The vegetation will then be reinstated but maintained at a short length (along the 15m maintenance corridor) throughout the duration of the WAGP project. The temporal aspect of this impact is therefore moderate. Potential adverse impacts to soil structure are expected only within the 25m ROW. While the areal extent would generally be classified as negligible, due to the cumulative linear magnitude of the land and the potential for stored spoils to be transported via wind or runoff to within 100m of the ROW, the areal extent has been upgraded to minor. The rate of erosion is dependent upon the following: Soil erodability factor (i.e., the cohesive of bonding character of a soil type and its resistance to dislodging and transport due to rain and overland flow); Amount of overland flow; Slope of the land; Agricultural practices; and Conservation practices. The soils data collected in upland areas during the baseline surveys indicate that the grasslands area soils were loose, non-coherent and sandy (88 percent sand), well drained, and highly porous, with a low total organic carbon (TOC) content. Soils in the bush fallow/farmland area (farther north along the ROW) were comprised of a 75 percent sand fraction. Both sand fractions of these soil types are dominated by fine and medium sand particles. Soils that contain high proportions of silt and very fine sand are generally the most erodable. The erodability of soils decreases with increasing clay or organic matter, but the soils in the upland project area are low in total organic matter (TOM). Overland flow parameters would increase due to the compaction of the soil, and could be significant during the rainy season. The topography of the upland ROW is gently undulating, with the slope varying in specific locations from 2 to 15 percent (Nigerian Gas Company Limited, 1998). The land elevation at the Alagbado Tee is 75m and at the compressor station site it is 3.9m; therefore there is a very minimal average slope of 0.13 percent along the pipeline ROW. This will lessen the potential erosion rate. The agricultural practice in the grassland area is heavy cattle grazing, with crop cultivation farther north along the ROW. Given these anthropogenic factors and the existing, disturbed nature of the baseline environment, it is unlikely that a complex soil structure would develop in this portion of the ROW. With proper management during construction, the soil degradation and erosional impacts compared to the baseline conditions should not be more than 20 percent in magnitude; this is an estimated threshold value given BMPs, the type of soils present, the slope, and the potential rainfall. Assuming that construction protocols are followed, the magnitude of this impact to soils is moderate. The likelihood of impacts to soils during the construction of the pipeline is medium. Erosion is likely to occur, especially if construction work is undertaken during periods of heavy
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rainfall because the soils could be exposed for up to six to eight months prior to reinstatement. Therefore, the overall severity of impacts to soils arising from pipeline construction in upland areas is of moderate severity. Soil and sediment erosion due to presence of staging sites. (UNCERTAINTY: There may be one or two marshalling yards.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Staging sites will be strategically located along the pipeline route to temporarily store and dispatch labor and equipment. The locations will be based, in part, on the recommendations of the construction contractors. Whenever possible, pipe lengths will be strung along the cleared ROW and welded within the working side of the ROW. The preferred option is to have one temporary marshalling yard for construction materials within an 8.5ha (21 acre) temporary staging area next to the compressor station; however, an additional marshalling yard may be considered at the midline compressor valve location. It is assumed that the EPC contractor will install staging sites at select areas that have a minimal gradient and do not require extensive clearing of brush. Therefore, clearing and grading activities will be minimized to the greatest extent possible. The temporal impact to soil from staging sites is identical to the impact described above for clearing of vegetation along the pipeline ROW. As discussed above, this impact was judged to be moderate. The staging site(s) will be adjacent to but outside of the ROW and no larger than 100m by 200m. Since they are not expected to extend more than 100m beyond the ROW boundaries, the areal impact is considered to be minor. The magnitude of the impact is expected to be minor since areas will be chosen to minimize those factors (slope, in this case) that result in erosion and since erosion controls will be implemented. The likelihood of the impact occurring is low; even if construction is undertaken during the rainy season, the staging areas should not be susceptible to runoff if the sites are chosen appropriately. The overall impact severity is therefore low. Change in soil structure due to thrust boring of road crossings.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

The thrust boring method will be employed to install the pipeline underneath 32 roads to avoid disruption of normal traffic patterns. Trenches will be dug on either side of the road in the direction of the ROW rather than digging a contiguous open trench across the road. The

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footprint occupied by the drilling equipment will be approximately 50m by 30m at the thrustboring location entry point. Incremental workspace will be needed to string the welded pipe. Figure 6.6-6 is a photograph of thrust-boring operations at a road crossing near Agbara, Nigeria. Figure 6.6-6 Thrust-boring for Road-Crossing

Impacts from subsoil mixing with topsoil and from soil compaction resulting from the movement of heavy equipment is the same for the equipment staging areas as discussed above under clearing and grading activities. The duration for thrust boring operations will be from 5 to 14 days for each road crossing, although 7 to 10 days is the most common duration for this type of operation. Therefore, the temporal impact is considered minor. Even though the majority of the extent of this impact will be contained within the ROW, it can not occur completely within the ROW, since the ROW is 25m wide and the footprint required is 50m by 30m, with some additional space required for pipe stringing activities. The areal extent of the impact is thus considered minor. It is likely that the drilling entry area would be installed on a relatively level (rather than a sloped) footprint, thereby minimizing the potential for a large amount of soil erosion. Therefore, the magnitude of any impact would likely be negligible. Due to the short duration of the operation, the likelihood of impacts to soils in the trenched area on either side of the road during pipeline construction is low. It is not likely that the soils could become saturated with water. Even if construction is undertaken during the rainy season, the construction areas should not be susceptible to runoff if the sites are chosen, graded, and controlled appropriately. As with upland pipeline construction, erosion controls will be implemented. The overall impact severity is therefore low.

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Change in soil structure due to trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate

Moderate Medium


Moderate Severity

The pipe trench in upland areas will be dug using track mounted trenchers or backhoes from the working side (10m adjacent to the 15m reserved for permanent pipeline burial) of the ROW. Excavated spoils will be placed on the non-working side of the excavation for reuse during burial and reinstatement. Figures 6.6-7 thru 6.6-10 illustrate the pipeline installation procedure in upland areas. Figure 6.6-7

West Afr Gas Pipe

Figure 6.6-8

West Afr Gas Pipe

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Figure 6.6-9

West Afr Gas Pipe

Figure 6.6-10

West Afr Gas Pipe

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Once the pipe is in the trench, the trench is backfilled using a backhoe or other suitable equipment. Backfill will consist of the materials excavated (spoils) that were temporarily stored in the nonworking side of the ROW. In areas where the topsoil was segregated from the subsoil, the subsoil will be used as fill material first, and then the topsoil will be placed over the subsoil backfill. Backfilling will occur to pre-existing grade or slightly higher to accommodate any future soil settlement and to overtly demonstrate the exact location of pipeline burial. The temporal impact of this activity is consistent with clearing and grading activities. The soils in the ROW will be affected throughout the construction phase, which will last approximately six to eight months. Grassland vegetation will then be reinstated but maintained at a short length throughout the duration of the WAGP project. The temporal aspect of this impact is therefore moderate. The areal impact is consistent with clearing and grading activities. As discussed above, that impact is considered minor. The placement or storage of soils excavated from the pipeline trench within the ROW exposes that soil to erosion. Similarly, the soils of the open-cut trench would also be exposed. Backfilling of the site and the presence of heavy equipment could result in soil compaction, thus making the soil surfaces more impermeable and increasing runoff and the erodability of the soils. While the trench is open, it functions as a drain, funneling water and increasing the amount of runoff and soil erosion. Assuming proper management during construction, these soil changes compared to the baseline conditions should not be more than 20 percent in magnitude; this is an estimated threshold value given BMPs, the type of soils present, the slope, and the potential rainfall. The magnitude of the impact is therefore considered moderate. The likelihood of the impact occurring is also consistent with clearing and grading activities (medium). Considering all these factors together, the severity of impacts to soils arising from trenching and backfilling in upland areas is rated as moderate. Alteration of topography due to trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Minor Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

During backfilling and final grading, measures should be taken to minimize erosion, restore the natural contour of the ground, and restore surface drainage patterns as close to preconstruction conditions as practicable. However, it is likely that a crown will be left in the middle of the trench to compensate for natural settlement; conversely, if soil characteristics are misjudged, a depression may occur where natural settlement exceeds the additional soil placement. The temporal effects of such changes in topography are likely to last beyond reinstatement and could lead to the secondary impact of an unexpected distribution in vegetative cover.
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Other than mechanical restoration, only erosional and depositional processes, which become less likely to occur post-reinstatement, could restore the topography to its baseline conditions. The temporal aspect of this impact is therefore major. The areal impact is consistent with clearing and grading activities (minor). Since measures will be taken to restore the site to pre-construction contours, any changes from the baseline elevations and topography would be unintentional. The change in topography will likely not be more than a 10 percent; this is only an estimated margin of error for reinstatement activities. Since the ROW will be reinstated and the grassland vegetation will be maintained, any changes in topography will have negligible secondary impacts to the natural flora (i.e., native species will be planted, thereby minimizing the advantage invasive species may have due to changes in topography). The magnitude of this impact is therefore minor. The likelihood of the impact occurring is medium. Given the linear extent of the pipeline route, the uncertainty of soil settlement, washout during rains, and the complexity of existing drainage patterns, it is likely that the topography will not be restored to its original condition along more than 20 percent of the ROW. Based on this combination of factors, the severity of impacts to the existing topography due to trenching and backfilling in upland areas is rated as moderate. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

It is assumed that all project-approved BMPs (see Chapter 8) will be implemented during the storage, usage, transport, and disposal of all hazardous materials and wastes. The impacts from these activities are thus evaluated for the instances where these BMPs fail to protect the surrounding soils and topography (i.e., there is a very low to medium likelihood of occurrence). Management of hazardous materials and wastes is discussed in Chapter 8, Environmental Management Plan. This same approach is used to evaluate impacts under Section, Water Resources. Wastes will be managed on-site and typically disposed of off-site according an approved waste management plan. Wastes are expected to consist principally of cleared vegetation from the ROW (i.e., the vegetative cover of an area of 140ha in Nigeria or approximately 1.5 million m3) and solid debris consisting of one or two small buildings, yielding approximately 1tn of non-hazardous construction waste. Other construction wastes include remnants of piping materials, electrical materials (cables, connections, etc.), incidental maintenance volumes of solvents, lubricating oils and grease, and refuse from food and bottled water supplies for the construction workers. Wastes that could affect soil quality are primarily solvents, oils, and greases.
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If they occur, spills or leakage of these liquids could seep into the surrounding soil and remain for years if not attended to. Depending upon the toxicity, persistence, and mobility of the materials spilled, the effects would be reversible only with treatment. However, in the event of any spill, resulting soil contamination will be excavated from the project site and hauled to an approved disposal facility rather than treated in-situ. Assuming that spills are detected quickly, that free liquids are recovered, and that contaminated soils are managed and/or excavated, the temporal effect to the soils in the project area would be negligible, lasting for less than a few days. The WAPCo Waste Management Plan will be revised to include a specific procedure regarding the disposal of contaminated soil. The areal extent of the impact would depend on the quantity of hazardous materials spilled or wastes not properly disposed. There will not be large volumes of any one hazardous material or wastes in general stored on-site during construction. One to three diesel fuel trucks to supply generators and construction equipment, each capable of carrying 10,000L of diesel fuel, will deliver fuel, following the linear progression of the pipeline construction activities. In most cases, spills would occur within the ROW or nearby the construction site (within 100m of the ROW); therefore, the areal extent of any reasonable mismanagement scenario is considered minor. In the case of solvents, oils, or grease contamination, the existing soil composition would be contaminated by hydrocarbons in the spill area. Given the hazardous materials management methods that will be implemented during the construction phase, the magnitude of such an impact compared to baseline conditions is expected to be moderate, but would depend upon the volume spilled and resulting transport through the soil matrix. The likelihood of a hazardous material spill/leak or mismanagement of hazardous wastes during the 12 to 15 month onshore construction period is low if proper management and spill response practices are implemented. Considering this low likelihood together with the above factors, the severity of any soil contamination is rated as low.
Pipeline Construction Wetland

The pipe trench in wetlands will be dug using trenchers or backhoes operating from mats, pontoons, or barges. For wetlands with saturated soils or very shallow standing water, this equipment may have to be supported on timber mats or on prefabricated equipment mats. If the ROW extends over wetlands or open water, construction of a barge canal may be required and excavation conducted from a barge. Soil will be excavated from the trench and the spoils will be stored within the ROW on the non-working side. A series of floats will be attached to the pipeline. For short wetland crossings, the pipe string can then be pushed across the wetland. For longer crossings, a cable is also attached to the lead pipe and the pipe string is pushed and pulled across the wetland. Once the pipe is in place, the floats are removed and the pipe is allowed to sink in place. The trench will then be backfilled as soon as possible to stabilize the pipeline. Excavated wetlands will be backfilled with either the same material as removed or a comparable material that is capable of supporting similar wetland vegetation. Original marsh

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elevations will be restored. Adequate material will be used so that following settling and compaction of the material, the proper pre-project elevation is attained. If excavated materials are insufficient to accomplish this, material with similar grain size will be purchased locally and utilized in situ to restore the trench to the required elevation. Change in soil structure due to clearing activities.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The process of clearing and grading within wetlands will be the same as for upland areas (described above). The ROW will be 25m in width and any emergent vegetation from the wetlands habitat will be removed. As discussed above for upland areas, soil compaction could result from the movement of heavy construction equipment (e.g., bulldozers, backhoes, pipeline delivery trucks, stringing equipment, etc.) on the land within the ROW. Soil compaction in wetlands can result in reduced aeration and permeability, and thus reduced water holding capacity and plant growth. Compaction may also lead to changes in hydrologic functions of a wetland, but those potential impacts are discussed in Water Resources and Hydrology, below. All pipeline installation through wetlands should be completed within several months. The EPC contractor will plant native trees to restore the temporary construction ROW and the non-maintained portion of the permanent ROW to its pre-construction state. Native shrubs and herbaceous species will be planted to revegetate the central portion of the permanent ROW (that is over the pipe and either side), which for maintenance purposes will not be allowed to revert to forested wetland (e.g., mangrove) for the life of the project. Chapter 8 discusses wetlands construction methods (WAPCo Wetland Construction Methods) and BMPs to reduce soil erosion in more detail. In general, the impact assessment for clearing of the ROW in wetlands habitat is similar to that assessed above for pipeline construction in upland areas. However, the temporal and magnitude factors have been downgraded to minor significance, because there is a need for less clearing in wetlands than in upland areas. The likelihood of impacts to soils during the construction of the pipeline is medium. Erosion is likely to occur, especially if construction work is undertaken during periods of heavy rainfall, because the soils could be exposed to the elements until reinstatement is successful. Given this combination of factors, the overall severity of impacts to soils arising from pipeline construction in wetlands rated as moderate.

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Change in soil structure due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline in wetland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Major Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

Similar to the discussion of pipeline construction in upland areas, there are several potential issues to consider that can lead to alteration of the soil structure in wetlands, including mixing of topsoil with excavated soil, soil compaction, and soil erosion. In wetlands, soil exposure to oxidizing conditions, which can change the chemical composition of the soil, is an additional potential concern. Even though soil will be excavated and replaced in the trench, topsoil will be stored separately in zones where there is no standing water or saturated soils; subsoil that has been excavated will then be used to fill the trench first with the topsoil being replaced last. Therefore, there should be little mixing of soil organic matter with soil mineral matter. The soil composition of dredged spoils excavated from wetlands may be altered by the oxidization of the soil matter and subsequent change in soil redox state, which would then reduce the soils ability to absorb anions, exchange cations, and enhance decomposition rates of organic contaminants. These effects may affect the success of restoration activities postconstruction. The potential for negative impacts to soil due to compaction is greater in wetland areas than in upland areas. Compared to a typical bulk density of 1.0g/cc to 2.0g/cc for mineral (upland) soils, wetland soils generally have a bulk density of 0.2g/cc to 0.3g/cc. In addition, wetland soils typically have a porosity of 80 percent or more compared to 45 percent to 55 percent for mineral soils (Mistsch and Gosselink, 1993). Heavy equipment for trenching (and possibly stringing and laying in the pipeline) may be used in portions or all of the 25m wetland ROW areas. Soil compaction increases runoff and reduces the water-holding capacity of the wetland, which in turn can impair or destroy the ecological functions of the wetland. For example, soil compaction can alter the soils ability to support wetland vegetation. Soils in the marshes within the project area are dominated by the clay fraction (Table 5.1-7a). The physical characteristics of the soil combined with the low relief of the habitat greatly reduce the potential for erosion due to runoff. The temporal nature of the impact is rated as moderate, since wetland soils recovery to preconstruction conditions (e.g., reconsolidation and accumulation of soil horizons) to preconstruction conditions will extend beyond the duration of the construction phase (i.e., baseline conditions are not immediately recoverable once the trench is backfilled). The monitoring approach and schedule for successful reinstatement of wetlands habitat is discussed in Table 8.9-3b of Chapter 8.

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The areal significance will be negligible since the impacts are not expected to occur in excess of the 25m ROW; spoils will be stored on the non-working side of the ROW and then used as backfill. The magnitude of the impacts is considered major since the sensitive wetland habitat serves vital ecological functions, many of which could be eliminated by small changes in soil structure; the compounding factors described above are accounted for here (e.g., compaction to soils can lead to vegetative cover changes). The project corridor has the potential to bisect undisturbed habitat, and even though some of the wetlands habitat is fragmented (there is not one, contiguous wetland), disruption (e.g., alteration of drainage patterns due to soil compaction) in one area can lead to secondary impacts elsewhere. Assuming the construction protocols are adhered to, the likelihood of soils impacts in the wetland area due to trenching the wetland is medium. The overall severity of impacts to the soil quality of wetlands is thus rated as moderate. Alteration of topography due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline in wetland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Major Medium Medium

Moderate Severity

Small changes in topography can affect sediment erosion, drainage patterns, levels of inundation, and the general hydrologic functions of the wetland habitat. In fact, wetland hydrology is often cited as the primary factor influencing wetland development, function, and longevity (Gosselink and Turner, 1978; LaBaugh, 1986; Novitzki, 1989; Shantz et al., 1990). Water resources are further discussed in Section, but changes in topography are the precursor to alteration of hydrology and possibly, long-term alteration of the habitat. Therefore, potential changes to the topography from pipeline construction activities in wetlands are discussed below. Spoils will be stored on the non-working side of the ROW. Piles of sediment and cleared brush could interrupt regular tidal inundation or alter regular flooding and drainage patterns in parts of the various swamps within the area. However, any additional dredged materials that are not used for backfilling or restoration activities will be disposed of properly so that spoils piles do not lead to topographical changes that could alter drainage patterns. Stockpiling of soil will be intermittent (not one contiguous pile) to prevent any change in surface water sheet flow. Oxidization of wetland soils causes compaction of the soil so that even post-restoration the design elevation objectives may not be met. However, the trench will be backfilled as soon as the pipe is laid to stabilize the pipeline placement, thereby limiting the storage of spoils outside the wetland environment. Backfill will be either the same material as excavated or a comparable material that is capable of supporting similar wetland vegetation. Provisions will be made to ensure that adequate material will be used to account for settling and compaction of the material and ensure the proper pre-project elevation is attained.
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The temporal nature of the impact would be moderate, since wetland soils recovery (e.g., settlement and deposition of soils) to pre-construction conditions will extend beyond the duration of the construction phase (i.e., baseline conditions are not immediately recoverable once the trench is backfilled). The monitoring approach and schedule for successful reinstatement of wetlands habitat is discussed in Table 8.9-3b of Chapter 8. The areal significance will be moderate due to impacts that can occur in excess of 100m outside of the ROW, particularly if drainage patterns are affected and the lateral extent of the wetland is greater than 25m or is contiguous with other waterways. Mapping activities carried out during the Second Season EBS have further defined the lateral extent of the wetlands habitat and are presented in Appendix 5-B. The magnitude of the impacts is major since the sensitive wetland habitat serves vital ecological functions, many of which could be eliminated by small changes in topography; the compounding factors described above are accounted for here (e.g., changes in topography lead to greater hydrological impacts). The likelihood of the impact occurring is medium. Given the complexity of restoring the ROW to original elevations, the uncertainty of soil settlement, and the possibility that existing drainage patterns outside the ROW are permanently altered during construction activities, it is likely that along more than 20 percent of the ROW, the topography will not be restored to its original condition. The overall severity of impacts to topographic changes in wetlands is therefore rated as moderate. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Very low Minor

Low Severity

The potential for impacts due to the mismanagement of hazardous materials or the mismanagement of solid or hazardous wastes is very similar to that assessed in upland areas. Although the amount of waste generated will be less due to the size of the wetland construction sites compared to those in upland areas, the habitat is more sensitive, thus retaining a moderate magnitude of impact. However, the likelihood of impacts to wetland soils from hazardous material releases is downgraded to very low since WAPCo will minimize the amount of hazardous materials in wetland areas. There will be no fueling of construction equipment within the wetland areas and no storage of hazardous materials. The overall severity of impacts is therefore low, assuming proper BMPs are in place and followed.

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Pipeline Construction Badagry Creek

It is expected that HDD techniques will be used to install the shore-crossing segment of the pipeline that connects to the sub-sea main trunk pipeline. HDD for the shore crossing will be performed from the barrier island out to sea but the possibility exists for it to be performed from the north side of Badagry Creek directly out to sea, thus bypassing the barrier island. Traditional trenching would occur if construction engineers cannot horizontal directionally drill. In either case, the area on the barrier island and/or the north side of Badagry Creek used as staging areas during construction will not be occupied for more than several weeks, and will be reinstated once the pipeline is installed. The impacts to soils and topography in these locations are discussed here. Change in soil structure due to HDD operations in the Badagry Creek area. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The footprint required for the HDD entry location is typically 50m by 500m; it is assumed that if HDD operations are installed on the north side of Badagry Creek, that adjacent upland areas will be used and not the fringe wetlands. Therefore, impacts from HDD at these locations to soil structure will be similar to those described for thrust boring of road crossings in upland areas, described above, although the potential magnitude of the impact has been upgraded to moderate. The increase in significance is due to the preparation of the drill site area, which would require leveling, fill, and compaction in order to support the drilling equipment. The drilling muds used during HDD operations will be collected in lined pits and eventually reclaimed into a tank and taken off-site for disposal. Any unplanned releases of drilling muds to the surrounding soils would change the physical soil structure, but the bentonite clay to be used in the mud make-up is naturally occurring and is non-toxic. Post-construction, the site will be cleaned, restored and reinstated. The temporary mud pits used to collect slurry of muds and drilling fluids will be emptied, and the site will be leveled and remediated. The land elevations in the vicinity of the creek and shoreline areas are relatively flat and do not vary significantly. In addition, it is assumed that the drilling footprint area for HDD operations will be chosen to minimize the necessity to grade the area, and site elevations will be restored post-construction. Therefore, impacts to topography are considered negligible. Changes to sediment due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline across Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

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In the event that HDD is technically infeasible and cannot be employed to install the pipeline underneath the creek bed, then the traditional push-method trenching will be used, with all of the associated equipment described under pipeline construction (wetland), above. Barges or small boats would be deployed in the creek and the construction equipment would operate from the barges, thereby minimizing the compaction of benthic sediment in the water body. The concern of suspended sediment releases and its effects on habitats and biological resources were discussed in Section; effects of suspended sediment releases from trenching operations in the creek on water quality will be discussed in Section Soil erosion in the form of sediment transport within the creek is not expected to be exacerbated by trenching operations. Compaction of soils is not expected to be a potential impact of concern since the heavy equipment will not be situated on the creek bed. However, consolidation of spoils material from the trenched area during storage could lead to adverse impacts on the soil structure within Badagry Creek. The engineering survey conducted along the ROW path within the creek indicated that the riverbed sediments were predominantly sand to clayey sand, with shells and other organic materials present; however, samples were taken only to several cm depth, where as trenching operations will result in 1m of sediment being temporarily removed from the creek bed and later used to cover the pipeline or disposed of off-site. The WAGP Waste Management Plan and/or Operational Controls (Chapter 8 and Appendix 8B-2.6, among other specific plans in Appendix 8B) will be revised to incorporate a spoils management program to address temporary management during construction and permanent disposal as necessary. Steel probing across the ROW resulted in penetration depths between 0.4m to 1.95m, but this is only a gross estimate of the depth to bedrock or consolidated sediments (Thales, 2003). The First Season EBS results also show clayey sand and sand present in Badagry Creek. Sediment cores and current measurements were collected during the second season EBS, which will provide sufficient information to determine if the sediment horizon is homogenous or not throughout the first 3m, and whether sediment transport would result in a significant loss of sediment from the ROW area during construction. If spoils would be stored temporarily on the construction barge, and then used to cover the pipeline postinstallation, then changes in sediment chemistry due to the oxidation of the sediments would also be a potential impact of concern. The temporal nature of the impact would be minor, since the duration for construction operations is approximately one month. Impacts to changes in the physical and chemical sediment composition (namely, grain size, organic content, and redox potential) will be reversible due to the dynamic nature of the creek sediments transported from upstream will continue to be deposited and creek currents will continue to erode finer sediments. It would require more than six months for a return to pre-construction conditions. The areal significance will be negligible since the impacts are not expected to occur in excess of the 25m ROW and the distance to cross the creek is 800m to 1km; spoils will be stored on the construction barge and then used as backfill or alternatively disposed of off-site (not within the project area).

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The magnitude of the impact is considered minor; mixing of spoils during trenching and backfilling will result in some measurable change to the affected sediment structure but should not result in significant ecological effects to the overall creek habitat. The likelihood of impacts to sediment structure within the creek is low, since it appears that the sediment composition is homogenous, at least up to a minimum of 0.4m and in some instances, 1.95m. The overall severity of impacts to the sediment quality of Badagry Creek is moderate. Alteration of bathymetry within Badagry Creek due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline across Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The movement of sediment and spoils pile storage within the creek bed could temporally alter the bathymetry of the creek. Changes in sediment elevation within the creek bed, however, would not result in the same magnitude of impacts compared to small changes in topography in wetland locations. Because the river currents from upstream would eventually move and redeposit the sediment; the creek would readjust to previous conditions. Survey results indicate that the north bank of the creek is quite shallow (1m), the deepest portion in the trough of the main creek channel is more than 13m, and the south bank remains relatively deep and is more comparable to the depth of the main creek channel rather than the north bank. Slopes on the northern and southern banks are 4.76 and 9.23, respectively. The northern side of the creek is a lower energy environment and receives more deposition; it is therefore more susceptible to lasting changes in bathymetric changes. The temporal nature of the impact would be moderate, since the natural transport and deposition of sediment under approximately pre-project conditions will likely take more than six months to occur, particularly the low energy are of the north creek bank. The areal significance will be negligible since the impacts are not expected to occur in excess of the 25m ROW and the distance to cross the creek is 800m to 1km. The magnitude of the impact is considered minor; excavation of spoils during trenching and replacement during backfilling will result in some measurable change to the creek bed bathymetry but should not result in significant ecological effects to the overall creek habitat. The likelihood of impacts to bathymetry within the creek is low, since no major riverbed obstructions were observed during the engineering survey, and the intent is simply to excavate the trench and then backfill to the original below-water surface elevations. The overall severity of impacts to the bathymetry of Badagry Creek is low.

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Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during Badagry Creek pipeline construction.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes are identical to those assessed in upland areas. The footprint required for the HDD entry location is typically 50m by 500m; therefore, impacts from HDD at these locations to soil structure will be similar to those described for thrust boring of road crossings in upland areas, described above, although the potential magnitude of the impact has been upgraded to moderate. The increase in significance is due to the preparation of the drill site area, which would require leveling, fill, and compaction in order to support the drilling equipment. The drilling muds used during HDD operations will be collected in lined pits and eventually reclaimed into a tank and taken off-site for disposal. Any unplanned releases of drilling muds to the surrounding soils would change the physical soil structure, but the bentonite clay to be used in the mud make-up is naturally occurring and is non-toxic. Post-construction, the site will be cleaned, restored and reinstated. The temporary mud pits used to collect slurry of muds and drilling fluids will be emptied, and the site will be leveled and remediated. The overall severity of impacts from waste generation is low assuming proper BMPs are in place. Disposal of wastes from HDD operations are addressed in the WAPCo Waste Management Plan (Appendix 8B-2.6). The land elevations in the vicinity of the creek and shoreline areas are relatively flat and do not vary significantly. In addition, it is assumed that the drilling footprint area for HDD operations will be chosen to minimize the necessity to grade the area, and site elevations will be restored post-construction. Therefore, impacts to topography are considered negligible.
Pipeline Construction Barrier islands, beach and shoreline areas

Change in soil structure due to HDD operations in the Badagry Beach area. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The impacts are the same as described for the HDD operations in the Badagry Creek area.

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Change in soil structure due to clearing and grading activities across Badagry Beach. (UNCERTAINTY: Clearing and grading across Badagry Beach would occur if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Negligible Minor Medium

Moderate Severity

Change in soil structure due to trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline across Badagry Beach. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Beach would occur if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Negligible Minor Medium

Moderate Severity

The potential for impacts to soil structure at the beach crossing from clearing, grading, trenching, and backfilling is a combination of those considered under the upland and wetland discussions. The land area of the beach is approximately 500m to 720m wide. Several different habitats are present in the area: the strandline/sandy beach, the coconut-dominated barrier island, the farmland mosaic, and the marshy swamp. The marsh swamp fringe is on the southern bank of Badagry Creek. The soils in the ROW will be affected throughout the construction phase, which will last approximately one month. The ROW will then be reinstated and the temporal aspect of this impact is therefore minor. The areal significance will be negligible since the impacts are not expected to occur in excess of the 25m ROW and the distance to cross the beach is approximately 720m. The magnitude of this impact is considered to be minor, since the most sensitive habitat (marshy swamp) is the least dominant habitat type present. More than a 10 percent change in background conditions is not expected to occur since the soils of the strandline/sandy beach, coconut-dominated barrier island, and the farmland mosaic (combined, these habitat types represent approximately 90 percent of the areal extent of the ROW) are not prone to water erosion due to their high intrinsic permeability and should not be influenced by wind erosion when soils are excavated and temporarily stored because the loose sand grains are medium to coarse which makes them heavy for aeolian transport. Section 5.1, Existing Environmental Conditions contains more details about the soil types found in the coastal area. Impacts to the marsh soil structure from soil compaction and oxidation will be noticeable above baseline conditions. The likelihood of impacts to soils during the construction of the pipeline is medium. Installation of an open trench across the stretch of beach could lead to mixing of ocean waters with the waters of Badagry Creek and the marshy swamp area. If the excavated trench does allow mixing of waters, changes in the soil moisture would lead to soil structure
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changes, or the ocean water could transport foreign soils and shoreline sediments from the nearshore marine environment to the freshwater marsh. However, measures to be put in place to prevent this will include temporary trench plugs that will be left in place during construction, and permanent trench plugs that will be installed after pipeline installation to prevent migration of ocean water into the brackish lagoon. The EPC Contractor will ensure that grading activities along Badagry Beach do not facilitate flow between the freshwater areas and the nearshore marine environment. The excavation and pipeline installation activities will be timed so that the trenched area at the beach/marine crossing is completed subsequent to the freshwater area pipeline installation not concurrently. If the trench plugs are breached, the routine ROW reinstatement activities included within the current scope of the project and described previously will not suffice to restore the habitat to baseline conditions and additional restoration measures will need to be taken. The overall severity of impacts to soil from clearing, grading, trenching and backfilling across Badagry Beach is moderate. The land elevation in the vicinity of the beach crossing is of relatively low topographic relief. In addition, it is assumed that site elevations along the ROW will be restored postconstruction. Therefore, impacts to topography are considered negligible. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during Badagry Beach pipeline construction.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The impacts are the same as described for contamination of soils during Badagry Creek pipeline construction.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Change in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for infrastructure development of two temporary construction camps one at the compressor station and one midline along the pipeline ROW. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

The basic construction camp facility requirements were previously described in Section, Land Use.

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The clearing and grading activities at both sites, if needed, could result in soil compaction and soil erosion. As discussed above, soil compaction increases the permeability of the land surface and increases runoff. If the excavated soil is not stored properly or disposed of offsite, it can also erode or be transported and result in siltation and sedimentation of adjacent water bodies. The north edge of the compressor station is freshwater marsh, and grading activities and subsequent erosion and runoff at the compressor station site could negatively impact this habitat. Changes in the topography compared to the baseline at both sites should be negligible, since the future compressor station site has relatively little relief and is currently cultivated land. The midline facility site would be chosen to minimize the need for extensive grading activities. The combined temporal impact of these two camps to soil quality would be minor due to the short-term and reversible disturbance of the physical environment. Once construction activities are finished, both facilities would be dismantled and the occupied area would be reinstated using the reserved topsoil stored from grading activities. The compressor station camp and midline temporary facility would occupy approximately 4ha each. The majority of this land will be adjacent to the pipeline ROW for the upland camp, and will be incremental to the compressor station/concrete batching facility boundaries and temporary laydown/staging area for the compressor station camp. However, construction of the camps and the increase in impermeable surfaces could cause erosion or siltation in areas outside the ROW or permanent facility boundaries. For this reason, the areal extent of the worker facilities in Nigeria is minor. The magnitude of the impact to changes in topography is negligible, as discussed above. Alteration of the soil surface at the worker camp locations would occur within facility boundaries and with proper erosion control techniques, any measurable change to the surrounding affected environment from the baseline should be 10 percent or less and therefore, minor. Because some change in the soil surface and topography will occur due to the presence of the construction camps, the likelihood of an impact is high. The overall severity of the impact to land use is moderate. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid, hazardous, and sanitary wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Some solid construction wastes will be produced from the worker camp assembly. There will also be sanitary wastes due to the presences of up to 450 laborers at the compression station camp. All waste streams are to be contained and disposed of according to BMPs; essentially, no untreated waste water will be discharged directly to the environment, and a
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waste management plan will be implemented during the construction phase (for solid and hazardous waste). General rubbish produced from these worker occupied areas could be more problematic than de minimus releases of solvents and greases from machinery, since it will occur in much greater volumes and need to be trucked off-site more frequently. Degradation of soil quality from solid wastes could occur near the construction camps due to piles of rubbish not being removed in a timely fashion. Improper disposal of waste waters could significantly change the baseline levels of bacteria and microbes in the soil as well as change the pH of the soils in the immediate vicinity of the discharge point. Spills or leakage of hazardous liquids (e.g., lube oil) could seep into the surrounding soil and remain for multiple years if not attended to. Depending upon the toxicity of the waste, the effects would be reversible only with treatment. However, in the event of any spill or soil contamination, the soil will be excavated from the project site and hauled to an approved disposal facility rather than treated in-situ. Assuming that spills are detected quickly, free liquids recovered and contaminated soils managed and/or excavated, the temporal effect to the soils in the project area would be negligible, lasting for less than a few days. The areal extent is minor as described above under land leveling and clearing for the camps. The potential magnitude of impacts to soil from the construction camp wastes is moderate, especially considering the adjacent sensitive habitats of the freshwater and Badagry Creek. The likelihood of impacts to soil from solid, hazardous, and gray wastes is low, assuming proper BMPs are in place (see Chapter 8 for further details). Therefore, the overall severity of impacts from waste generation is low.
Connection to Tee at Alagbado

Change in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for infrastructure development at the Tee.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Minor Medium Minor

Low Severity

During the site preparation and construction phase, clearing, grading, and excavation activities at the Alagbado Tee could result in soil compaction and soil erosion. As discussed above, soil compaction increases the permeability of the land surface and increases runoff. If the excavated soil is not stored properly or disposed of off-site, it can also erode or be transported and result in siltation and sedimentation of adjacent water bodies or alter flooding patterns. It is expected that construction of the Tee will take four months and the structure will remain for the duration of the WAGP project and perhaps longer unless the concrete pad is removed. The temporal extent of the alteration to the soils in the project is major. Plant equipment will be installed and a security fence erected allowing for a 25m wide buffer zone around the facilities. The cleared, graded and paved area would occupy a footprint of
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0.11ha (0.28 acre). Because the affected area is an incremental add-on (present facility is 0.6ha (1.5 acres)), and soil erosion measures will be implemented, the impact to soils and topography is not expected to exceed the project boundaries, and the areal impact is negligible. The land occupied by the Tee operation will be significantly changed from its current state, i.e., grassland to be covered with concrete. However, surrounding land has previously been subjected to construction and maintenance activities due to the presence of the ELP facility and the Shell pipeline. Given these factors, the magnitude of the impact to soils and topography is minor. Given the current land use of the area, the likelihood of a significant impact to the quality or structure of the soils is medium. The overall severity of the impact to land use is low. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during Alagbado Tee construction activities.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes are identical to those assessed in upland areas. The overall severity of impacts from waste generation is low assuming proper BMPs are in place.
Compressor Station Construction

Change in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for infrastructure development at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station site.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

Approximately 25,000m3 of soil will be excavated from the proposed compressor station site, mixed with backfill brought in from another site, and used as compacted fill. The source of the backfill has yet to be determined but is expected to be locally sourced aggregate. It is expected that construction of the compressor station will take 12 to 15 months and the facility will remain for the duration of the WAGP project and perhaps longer, if the concrete pad is not removed during decommissioning. Post-WAGP, the soils will remain compacted to an extent that would render them unusable for non-industrial uses and could not revert to agriculture unless all topsoil was replaced. Based on these considerations, the temporal extent of the alteration to soils is considered major.

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As described in the land use section (Section, the compressor station site will occupy an area of 8.5ha (21 acres). Approximately 100 meters away from this site, there will be another 8.5ha (21 acre) site that will be used temporarily as a staging and laydown area and possibly the concrete batching plant. Considering these two areas together with the space in between, which will also be affected (though to a lesser extent than the sites themselves), the areal extent of the impact is considered moderate. Native materials will be excavated and the area then backfilled with foreign materials, thereby changing the overall substrate of the area and potentially changing local drainage patterns. The magnitude of this impact is rated as moderate. This is more severe than that at the Alagbado Tee due to the larger amount of excavation and subsequent aggregate and fill that will be required at this site. Another reason for the higher severity rating at this site (compared to the Alagbado Tee site) is that the north edge of the compressor station is freshwater marsh, and grading activities and subsequent erosion and runoff at the compressor station site could negatively impact this sensitive habitat, if not properly controlled. Based on this combination of factors, the overall impact significance of these effects at the Lagos Beach compressor station site is rated as moderate. However, the likelihood of an impact is high because some change in the soil surface will certainly occur due to the site preparation and construction activities. These two factors yield an overall severity rating of high. Changes in current soil and topography conditions due to the possible concrete batching facility operations.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Current estimates indicate that more than 52,000m3 of concrete will be required to construct the Lagos Beach compressor station. In order to ensure supply, a temporary concrete batching plant may be erected to supply concrete needs during the construction phase. (It is still uncertain whether concrete will be obtained from an on-site temporary batch plant or from off-site plants, and for offsite plants, whether concrete will be trucked in or whether foundations will be pre-cast offsite and delivered to the compressor station.) If built, the plant would be located within an 8.5ha (21 acre) temporary staging and laydown area adjacent to the compressor station. The plant itself would occupy approximately 0.4ha (1 acre) within the site and be used to store raw materials and support concrete batching operations. Operations would be expected to last for two to three months. The quantity of raw material inputs required for the plant would be approximately 17,000tn cement, 31,000tn sand, 62,000tn aggregate, and 9,200m3 water. The possible land use impacts associated with the construction of this facility are discussed in Section Likewise, the possible changes in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for infrastructure development at the compressor station site including the concrete batching facility are discussed above in this section. However,

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neither of those discussions address the possible impacts associated with the facilitys operations, namely the acquisition of 31,000tn of sand. The proposal is to acquire sand from a reputable local supplier and to have it transported in, rather than extract it from a source near the site (such as from Badagry Creek or some other place that could be significantly affected by the extraction). As indicated in the monitoring section of Chapter 8, WAPCo will work with the EPC contractor to identify candidate suppliers and conduct audits before making a selection to ensure that the required sand is extracted in a manner that does not harm a sensitive resource, such as a unique habitat, and does not otherwise create significant new impacts to local soils and topography. The intent will be to select a supplier that has an environmentally acceptable ongoing operation, where the extraction of the required 31,000tn of sand will not cause any new impacts and where there is an acceptable site restoration plan already in place. With this commitment, the impacts associated with the sand acquisition should have an overall low severity, as indicated in the above table. Changes in soil structure and sediment, and alteration in topography or bathymetry due to construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Major Medium Major

High Severity

If heavy equipment is delivered via the lagoon, dredging activities will occur in Badagry Creek to ensure that there will be enough draft for barge transport from the Port of Lagos to the compressor station site. A temporary dock on the north side of the creek and an access road will be constructed to facilitate deliveries via barge along the waterway. The dock will be located so as to minimize the length of channel that would need to be dredged in the creek and in the adjacent wetlands, and also to minimize the length of access road to be constructed from the dock to the compressor station site, or existing road. Chapter 2 depicts the placement of these facilities. If this option is selected, the dock would be 50m long (parallel to lagoon shore), 15m wide (5m of which will jut into the lagoon), and 3m high (1m above water line, 2m from lagoon bed). As presented in Section, about 15,800m3 of dredged materials would be excavated with a clam bucket dredge and placed on barges for transport to onshore disposal sites. Once the creek sediment is dredged, construction of the dock foundation would require approximately 2,750m3 of backfill material. Beyond the use of dredged materials, the source of this backfill material has not been determined, but the introduction of new materials would change the composition of the creek bed sediments at the site. Dredging in the creek will result in sediment disturbances, movements, and changes in bathymetry. Dredging materials will need to be properly removed and disposed so as to not

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create unnatural elevations near the shoreline that could lead to hydrological changes in the adjacent marsh. Leveling and paving of the new access road could also lead to compaction and erosion in previously undisturbed areas. It is likely that the sediment dredged from the creek will be used as backfill for the access road. The access road is expected to be 10m wide, 1m deep, and should not exceed 200m in length. However, the road will be built through freshwater marshes on the north side of the creek; this environment is especially sensitive to small changes in topography, and it is likely that the building of the access road will alter the topography, and thereby may adversely affect the hydrology and ecological functions of the habitat. Addressing the impact significance criteria: The dock and access road may be left in place for use by the community after the construction has been completed. Although from the communitys perspective the dock and road likely represent beneficial impacts, the overall temporal significance of these ecologically negative impacts is major. The combined areal extent of the development activities is moderate due to the distance from the project site (e.g., dredging 316m from the dock to the main creek channel) and the combined acreage disturbed in both the creek and onshore. The magnitude of these impacts is major due to the amount of disruption in current topography and changes in soil structure and topography expected to result from the installation of these facilities in sensitive habitats. These factors combine to yield an overall impact significance rating of major. Even with the use of best management practices, the likelihood of impacts to soils and topography is medium. Together, these factors suggest that the proposed action at this site will have an overall high severity of impact. Contamination of soils due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Moderate Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The types of impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes are similar to those assessed in upland areas. Spills or leakage of hazardous liquids (e.g., lube oil) could seep into the surrounding soil and remain for multiple years if not attended to. Depending upon the toxicity of the waste, the effects would be reversible only with treatment. However, in the event of any spill or soil contamination, the soil will be excavated from the project site and hauled to an approved disposal facility rather than treated in-situ. Assuming that spills are detected quickly, free

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liquids recovered and contaminated soils managed and/or excavated, the temporal effect to the soils in the project area would be negligible, lasting for less than a few days. The areal extent is considered moderate due to the combined area coverage of the creek, access roads, concrete batching facilities, construction camps, and the compressor station itself, and the potential for any one or all of these sites to become contaminated by hazardous materials or wastes. The quantity and concentration of wastes will be greater for this construction site and the potential magnitude of impacts to soils associated with these larger volumes is considered to be moderate. Because the transportation activities associated with procuring the compressor station equipment are considered under the general compressor station construction activities, the likelihood of the impact occurring is medium. The potential pathways for contamination are more numerous for this activity than for any other onshore Nigeria activities evaluated and include: transport via Badagry Creek, unloading materials at the dock, travel along the access road, and the compressor station site itself. It will be more difficult to properly manage and control waste disposal and hazardous materials at all locations. The WAPCo WMP will address decentralized management practices (e.g., waste tracking log, waste handling manifests) for hazardous materials at each facility location. Assuming proper BMPs are in place, the overall severity of impacts from waste generation is moderate.
Concrete Weight-Coating Plant (in Nigeria)

Changes in soil structure and topography due to concrete weight-coating operations of existing facility. Current estimates indicate that approximately 1,100MT of cement will be required to coat the required portions of Nigerian onshore pipeline. Approximately, 13km of 30inch (in) onshore pipeline to be installed in Nigeria will be coated at an existing weight-coating plant. Since the weight coating facilities are pre-existing, no new impacts to soils, geology, or topography will occur. Contamination to soils from generation of solid and hazardous wastes at the concrete weight-coating facility. Because the facility will be operated by the current owners, the generation of solid and hazardous wastes will not be under WAGP direction. Therefore, the potential impact associated with this project is considered not significant. Water Resources and Hydrology

Movement and alteration of soil structure during construction (as discussed in the previous section) could lead to degradation of the hydrology and/or surface water quality in the natural environment. Changes in surface hydrology can in turn adversely affect conditions that maintain healthy biological resources. Because site preparation and construction activities will occur over a limited time period and in a very localized area, however, most of the water-related impacts are negligible or low.

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Freshwater needs during construction will be met in a variety of ways, based upon the construction location and the availability of local water resources. For example, the concrete batching plant will need a large volume of make-up water for production processes, and the current design specifies use of groundwater. Depending on the source of the water chosen and the amount extracted, this may result in impacts on the quantity or quality of the resource and its availability for other uses. The preferred option of extraction of groundwater to support facility construction and operation has the potential to negatively impact local water supplies. However, studies will be done prior to any groundwater extraction to ensure that groundwater flows are sufficient to support both local uses and the project-related uses. If project-related groundwater withdrawals affect local supplies negatively at any location, such withdrawals will be ended and water will be trucked in to support project activities. Most of the onshore site preparation and construction activities evaluated for Nigeria were determined to have negligible potential impacts on water resources and hydrology. Only two of the 38 activities evaluated have the potential to result in high severity impacts, as discussed below. A few other activities, also discussed below, were assessed as having low or moderate severity impacts. Almost all of these impacts are localized and relatively short in duration and reversible post-construction. No country-wide adverse impacts on water resources and hydrology were identified. Note that all point source discharges of sanitary, stormwater, hydrotest, or process effluents will be managed as permitted by Nigerias regulations, and consistent with the more stringent of Nigerias standards or applicable World Bank guidelines (PPAH 1998), as specified in the Environmental Design Basis for this project (Appendix 8B-4.2).
Pipeline Construction Upland

Potential reduction in local water supply resources. Water needed for upland pipeline construction activities (e.g., dust control) will be transported to the construction sites by truck and should not have direct impact on local water supply resources. Impacts on water resources in the project area are therefore negligible. The source of this water is not determined at this time, but an alternative will be selected such that there will be no significant detrimental impacts on water resources outside the project area. Changes to surface water quality due to earth-moving activities.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

As discussed in the previous section (Topography, Geology, and Soil), the ROW and staging sites will be cleared of topsoil and graded, and the pipeline trench will be dug. The intent is to stockpile soil in the non-working area of the ROW during construction. After construction the soil will be replaced and the area will be reinstated with native vegetation. However, while stockpiled (since pipeline construction will progress linearly, this will be a period lasting one to two months, not the entire construction period of six to eight months), the soil
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is prone to stormwater erosion. The physical impact of sediment loading to streams or other water bodies near the construction site is an increase in turbidity, biological oxygen demand, and eutrophication of the aquatic habitat. Even though some erosion is likely, as discussed above, the adjacent water bodies are more than 1km from the ROW for the majority of the route in the upland areas. Therefore, the likelihood of eroded topsoil entering streams and rivers is very low. Stormwater ditches, culverts, hay bales, and silt fences will be used if the ROW is adjacent to waterways to ensure that only clean runoff enters rivers and creeks. If short-term siltation of nearby water bodies did occur, the temporal effect in the streams would be minor, lasting less than a few months. Water quality should return to its previous condition within this period. If soil erosion does occur, measures will be taken to minimize it. Therefore the impact would not be present throughout the entire construction phase. The areal extent of this impact is of minor significance, because of the localized nature of the trenching. Even if seasonal water bodies were within 1km of the ROW (during the rainy season), sediment transport more than 100m away from the construction area should not occur due to the fact that topographic gradients are minimal. The magnitude of increased turbidity is minor. The likelihood of impacts to surface water quality from erosion of soils during the construction of the pipeline is low, as discussed above. Therefore, the severity of impacts to surface water quality arising from earth-moving activities during pipeline construction in upland areas is low severity. Changes to surface and groundwater quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

It is assumed that all project approved BMPs and mitigation measures will be implemented during the storage, usage, and transport of all wastes and hazardous materials. Management of wastes is discussed as part of Chapter 8, Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan. Appendix 8B2.6 contains the WAPCo Waste Management Plan. Wastes will be managed on-site and typically disposed of off-site according to an approved waste management plan (more details provided in Chapter 8). Wastes are expected to consist principally of cleared vegetation from the ROW (i.e. the vegetation cover of an area of 140ha in Nigeria approximately 1.5 million m3), and solid waste debris consisting of one or two small buildings, approximately 1 ton of non-hazardous waste. It is expected that the cleared vegetation would be hauled away by the local population to be used as a fuel source. Other construction wastes include remnants of piping materials; electrical materials (cables, connections, etc.); incidental maintenance volumes of solvents, lubricating oils, and grease; and refuse from food and bottled water supplies for the construction workers. Wastes that could degrade water quality are primarily solvents, oils, and greases, when used in proximity to surface water bodies such as ponds and streams.

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Very large spills or leaks of these liquids could penetrate the soil and leach into the groundwater thereby causing long-term contamination. However, along the upland pipeline ROW, the depth to the groundwater table ranges from 3.2 to 4.5m. Surface water quality also could be affected by any hazardous liquids flowing directly into water bodies or indirectly from leaching of contaminated soils. However, for upland areas contamination would have to migrate over 100m outside of the ROW to impact waterways. Assuming that spills are detected quickly and free liquids recovered, the temporal effect in the project area would be negligible, because the contaminant would not permeate to the groundwater table, or it would be contained before it reached surface water. The areal extent of the impact would depend on the quantity of hazardous material spilled or wastes not properly disposed. There will not be large volumes of any one hazardous material or wastes in general stored on-site during construction. One to three diesel fuel trucks to supply generators and construction equipment, each capable of carrying 10,000L of diesel fuel, will deliver fuel, following the linear progression of the pipeline construction activities. In most cases, spills would occur within the ROW or nearby the construction site, therefore the areal extent is assessed as minor. In the case of solvents, oils, or grease contamination, the existing surface water quality would be adversely affected where the spill occurred. Given the hazardous materials management methods that will be implemented during the construction phase, the magnitude of such an impact compared to baseline conditions is expected to be moderate, but would depend upon the volume spilled into waterways. The likelihood of a hazardous material spill/leak or mismanagement of hazardous wastes during the 12- to 15-month onshore construction period is low if proper management and spill response practices are implemented, as outlined in the WAPCo Waste Management Plan. The overall severity of impact from solid and hazardous wastes is low.
Pipeline Construction Wetlands and Stream Crossings

Potential reduction in local water supply resources. Water needed for pipeline construction activities in wetlands and stream crossings will be transported to the construction site by truck and should not have any direct impacts on local water supply resources. Impacts on water supply resources in the project area are therefore negligible. The source of this water is not determined at this time, but an alternative will be selected such that there will be no significant detrimental impacts on water resources outside the project area. Change in hydrology from trenching across wetlands and streams.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

Some of the pipeline routes in Nigeria traverse wetlands habitat, and other water bodies as well (Section The engineering survey conducted along the ROW marked the beginning and end point of each water body within the ROW, and these results are presented in Chapter 2. In addition to the area of wetlands within the ROW (31ha, or 77 acres), there is
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generally additional wetland area extending beyond the width of the ROW. Wetland habitats in the vicinity of the project area were delineated and characterized during the Second Season EBS (wet season) (results in Appendix 5-B). The method for pipeline installation is similar to that employed in the upland habitat, except for additional measures that address trenching in standing water. For wetlands with saturated soils or only very shallow water, the construction equipment will be supported on timber mats or prefabricated equipment mats these mats distribute the weight of the equipment over a large surface area. Canals that provide passage for equipment barges may be dredged for traversing large, open-water wetlands. As described in the Topography, Geology, and Soils section, even small changes in soil structure and drainage patterns in wetland habitats can disrupt hydrology, ecological function, and quantity and quality of the water resource. The spoils from trenching activities will be stockpiled on the non-working side of the ROW (Figure 2.8-4 illustrates a typical trenching operation in wetlands). In open-water situations soil will be stockpiled on barges. Stockpiles in the ROW, consisting of hydric soil mixed with unconsolidated organic material, create levies that alter hydrology. The stockpile levies can block natural sources of sediment and impede overland flow or tidal inundation. These impacts may be felt well beyond the immediate vicinity of wetlands and water bodies. Pipeline construction in wetlands has the potential to yield impacts of high severity if adequate preventive/ameliorating measures are not adopted, especially given the sensitivity of wetlands to disruption and the ecological benefits they provide. However, the WAGP Engineering, Procurement, and Construction contractor will adhere to the following BMPs during construction: If the bottom of the pipe trench is at a lower elevation than the wetland, a permanent trench plug will be placed in the trench at the wetland boundary; The pipeline trench will be backfilled as soon as possible; Original wetland hydrology will be restored; and An approved spoils management program will be followed.6 Some BMPs (e.g., stockpiling of soil will be interrupted at intervals to prevent change in surface sheet flow) have already been identified and are discussed in Chapter 8. The temporal effect of the impacts described above is minor and should be reversible within six months after exposure, if ROW reinstatement is successfully accomplished. The areal extent is moderate due to impacts that can occur in excess of 100m outside of the ROW, particularly if the wetland or stream is contiguous with other hydrologic features in the area. The magnitude of the impacts is moderate because some alteration of hydrology is expected

The WAGP Waste Management Plan and/or operational controls (Chapter 8 and Appendix 8B2.6) will be revised to incorporate a spoils management program to address temporary management during construction and permanent disposal as necessary. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-111

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to persist indefinitely. If barge canals are used extensively during construction in Nigeria, the magnitude of the impact should be upgraded to high. The construction of these canals would cause increased siltation, change in water chemistry, loss of wetland and aquatic habitat, removal of emergent vegetation, and other disruptions all of which reduce quality of the surface water resource. The likelihood of impacts to hydrologic patterns in the wetland area due to trenching is high. Because of the complexity of restoring the ROW to its original contours and hydrology, the uncertainty of being able to restore pre-construction soil structure, and the possibility that existing drainage patterns outside the ROW will be permanently altered along close to 20 percent of the onshore ROW that traverses wetlands (<3km), the overall severity of impacts to hydrology from trenching across wetland areas and streams is high. Changes to surface water quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Moderate Very Low

Low Severity

The kinds of impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous materials management are identical to those assessed in upland areas. Although the amount of waste generated will be less due to the size of the construction sites compared to those in the upland habitat, the wetlands habitat is more sensitive, thus retaining a moderate magnitude of impact. In the case of construction in wetlands, the areal extent of the impact is moderate because hazardous material or waste spills in surface water (versus upland soils) will tend to affect a larger area, even if promptly detected. However, the likelihood of impacts to soils from hazardous waste releases is very low because WAPCo, consistent with its waste management plan, will minimize the amount of hazardous materials used in wetland areas. There will be no fueling of construction equipment within the wetland areas, and no storage of hazardous materials. Assuming proper BMPs are followed, the overall severity of impacts to surface water quality from release of solid and hazardous wastes during wetland pipeline construction is low.
Pipeline Construction Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon

If technically feasible, the pipeline will be installed beneath the creek south of the compressor station near Badagry using HDD methods. Otherwise, the pipeline will be installed across the creek using traditional trenching. Potential reduction in local water supply resources due to HDD of Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor/Negligible Minor/Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

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If HDD methods (preferred option) are used to install the pipeline underneath Badagry Creek and at the beach crossing, a supply of water will need to be obtained, primarily as make-up water for the drilling muds. (If trenching methods are used to install the pipeline across Badagry Creek, the impacts to local water supply resources are negligible, given that no local water withdrawals would be needed.) In HDD operations, drilling muds are continuously recycled following cuttings removal, thereby minimizing water usage. Approximately 2,500m3 of water will be used to mix the non-hazardous bentonite drilling medium. This water will be obtained from the groundwater wells to be installed at the compressor station site, the details of which are discussed below, or from local wells, or from Badagry Creek. The temporal effect, areal extent, and magnitude significance of the impacts to local groundwater resources is minor. The water drawn for HDD will be limited to several weeks duration, with a higher rate of drawdown initially for mud mixing, and will be from a well at least 100m deep. Therefore project demands on groundwater supply will not interfere with the local population, who draw water from much shallower wells. The incremental amount withdrawn for this component of the construction phase is incidental. Therefore, the likelihood of an impact occurring is also low, and the overall impact severity is low. If HDD-related water needs are satisfied by drawing from Badagry Creek, temporal effects are considered equivalent to groundwater sources (minor), and areal extent and magnitude significance are considered negligible. The water volume drawn from the Badagry Creek will be inconsequential compared to the amount of water available in the creek, therefore the likelihood of an impact is low. The overall impact severity, as with groundwater use above, is low. Change in surface hydrology from HDD pipeline installation across Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.) The temporary footprint required for the HDD entry location is expected to be up to 50m by 500m (2.5ha); it is assumed that if HDD operations are installed on the north side of Badagry Creek, adjacent upland areas will be used (minimizing impacts to fringe wetlands). As discussed in the preceding section (Topography, Geology, and Soils), negative impacts to the soils within the construction footprint are expected to be of low severity. The primary advantage of HDD operations is that the pipeline is installed beneath the water body; hence, there should be negligible impact to the hydrology of Badagry Creek. The entry and exit points at the soil surface level will be placed well beyond the stream bank edge, thereby minimizing hydrological disruption of Badagry Creek. This potential impact was considered in the assessment and determined to be not significant.

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Change in surface hydrology from trenching pipeline installation across Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The potential impacts to the creek hydrology if the pipeline is trenched across Badagry Creek are similar to those described above for wetlands and stream crossings, given that the creek bank is dominated by freshwater wetland. At the edge of the creek, reinstatement of soils and topography (as planned for other wetlands areas) will be necessary to ameliorate any adverse impact to fringe wetland hydrology. WAGP construction teams will contain the creek within its present banks or prevent the creek from breaching of the banks using methods (e.g., temporary stone dam, trench plugs) described below under the discussion of trenching pipeline installation across Badagry Beach (shoreline crossing). Because the creek has a well-developed, gradually-sloped cross section, significant changes in stream hydrology are not expected. Sediment suspension and changes in bottom contour should be reversible within six months, from flushing and passive redeposition of creek sediment. Therefore, the temporal effect of the impacts described above is minor and should be reversible within six months after trenching activities, if reinstatement is successfully accomplished. The areal extent significance will be minor because only a small area of fringe wetland might be adversely affected by altered hydrology. The magnitude of the impacts is also minor because it is assumed that the original hydrology of the stream will be restored almost entirely to pre-construction conditions following reinstatement. The overall likelihood of impacts to hydrologic patterns in the creek area due to trenching is low, if BMPs are employed. BMPs specific to pipeline installation within the creek bed will be developed if HDD operations cannot be used to install the pipeline for the creek crossing. Some of the BMPs developed for surface soils are applicable in this situation (Table 8.9-2B). As stated previously, restoration of wetland contours and hydrology to pre-construction conditions can be difficult, but natural creek functions such as sediment transport and deposition, should facilitate the process. Therefore, the overall impact to the hydrology in the creek area is low. Changes to surface water quality due to suspended sediment entrainment in Badagry Creek during trenching pipeline installation. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

Disturbance of the creek bed sediment during pipeline trenching operations (if HDD is unsuccessful) will result in suspension of sediment in the water column, as discussed in
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Section Habitats and Biological Resources. Construction equipment will operate from floating barges. Typically, dredging activities do not generate more suspended sediments than normal boat traffic, bottom fishing, or severe storm events. The depth along the pipeline ROW in the Badagry Creek ranges from 1.3m near each bank to more than 13m along the main channel (Thales, 2003). In the shallower areas, it would be difficult to distinguish between natural causes of suspended sediment (e.g., wind) and those caused by trenching operations. Furthermore, the effects of suspended sediments and turbidity are usually short-term (less than one week after the activity occurs) and localized (less than 1km from where the activity occurs) (UK Marine Special Areas of Conservation, 2003). Badagry Creek may be used as a water supply resource for local inhabitants, since samples were tested at less than 0.5 ppt salinity. However, there are shallow groundwater wells installed in the adjacent villages, and these are used as the primary drinking water source. The adverse impact of most concern is that of habitat and biological resource degradation resulting from an increase in suspended sediment in the water column (previously discussed). The temporal effect on surface water quality is minor, since the trenching operations will be limited to several weeks duration. The areal extent significance of the impact is considered moderate because the suspended sediment effects will be localized within 500m of the ROW. Transport of the suspended sediment will be dependent upon seasonal and tidal influences. The magnitude is considered minor because the only sediments that will be suspended in the water column will be those from a narrow trench (not the entire 25m width of ROW necessary for pipeline installation in upland and wetland areas) approximately 1,400m3. Of this total 1,400m3 of sediment that will be moved, only a fraction will become entrained in the water column. In addition, EBS results indicate that there are no elevated levels of heavy metals or other toxic contaminants in the sediments of Badagry Creek that would alter the chemical composition of the water column. The likelihood of an impact occurring is high, since the water column will be impacted by disturbed sediment. The overall impact severity is moderate. Changes to surface water quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The impact significance due to release of solid and hazardous wastes or materials is identical to those assessed in upland areas (pipeline installation via trenching). Additional wastes associated with HDD operations include spent drill cuttings and muds. The drilling contractor will install a lined return pit to collect the slurry of muds and cuttings, with sufficient freeboard to prevent stormwater runoff contamination. The slurry is later pumped to a subsurface containment area, lined to prevent groundwater contamination. Once the pipe segment is installed, the cuttings will be hauled off-site and disposed of in accordance with the WAPCo Waste Management Plan (Appendix 8B-2.6).

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Pipeline Construction Barrier Islands, Beach and Shoreline Areas

Change in water quality of Badagry Creek from trenching pipeline installation across Badagry Beach (shoreline crossing). (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Low Moderate

Moderate Severity

If HDD operations at the Badagry Beach shoreline crossing fail or are determined to be technically infeasible pending further site investigations, the pipeline will need to be installed using traditional trenching techniques. The primary negative impact that could result from these operations would be establishment of a hydrologic connection between the beach and the creek. There is little relief on the barrier island, with no more than a 1m change between the shoreline crossing and the highest point on the beach. Therefore, without proper controls in place during trenching activities, it is probable that when both the shore crossing and the creek shore are breached, ocean water would enter Badagry Creek. This potential for saltwater intrusion will be prevented by the use of temporary and permanent trench plugs and other mitigation measures, spelled out in the construction design specifications (see Chapter 7 and Appendix 8B-2.8.6, WAGP Procedures for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks). Salinity levels of creek water samples during the EBS (dry season) were measured at an average 0.25ppt, whereas the nearshore marine environment would be approximately 25ppt to 30ppt (average marine salinity levels). Depending upon rate of flow from the ocean into the creek during construction if the preventive measures fail and direction of flow and current in the creek (i.e., mixing conditions), surface water conditions could be dramatically altered, either locally or covering several kilometers. Fisheries and vegetation (particularly freshwater marsh) and other organisms accustomed to living in the mostly freshwater environment would be directly impacted by this change in salinity. Decline in species populations could be short-term (until shortly after construction is completed) or longer-term if the ROW is not properly reinstated. To minimize any long-term impacts, proper reinstatement would ensure that there is no direct hydraulic connection via the excavated trench. The impact assessment here assumes that a temporary stone dam may be constructed, which would extend from the shoreline and limit sedimentation in the temporary trench in the shoreline area, and thereby saltwater intrusion landward. In addition, an adequate protective plug will be provided at the creek bank and also at the shoreline crossing. The temporary construction plugs will not be completely removed until absolutely necessary. The open cut trench will be backfilled immediately after the pipe is laid to avoid erosion of sandy soils from the trench and further saltwater intrusion into the trench. Permanent trench plugs will be installed after pipeline installation to prevent migration of ocean water into the creek. The original site topography must be restored once backfilling is complete since the small amount

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of relief on the barrier beach may alleviate some of the landward water flow. Lastly, the natural sediment will also be restored along the coastline. The temporal impact is minor, since the trenching cuts at the creek and shoreline crossing, installation of plugs, and pipeline installation will be completed in a few weeks, and any changes in water quality in the creek will be reversible given the freshwater flow from upstream (or by intervention if saline water continues to migrate landward into the creek). The areal significance of the impact is considered moderate, since the preventive and mitigation measures should limit the amounts of saltwater that could enter the lagoon and be transported, dependent upon the season (wet versus dry) and tidal influences. The magnitude is considered moderate, given that salinity levels in a localized area (and even considering dilution and dispersion) could be changed by more than 20 percent (an increase in 5 ppt) if mitigation fails. The magnitude would be less during the wet season since there would be more upland runoff entering the creek. The likelihood of an impact occurring is low, with BMPs as described above in place, assuming that temporary and permanent plugs and other mitigation measures will be effective. Therefore, the overall impact severity is moderate. Changes to surface water quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The impacts are the same as discussed for generation of solid and hazardous wastes during trenching of Badagry Creek.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Potential reduction in local water supply resources due to camp and facility operations. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.) Bottled drinking water will be trucked in for consumption at the construction sites (1,200L/day to 1,800L/day at 4L/person/day, for an estimated 300 to 450 laborers). The provision of this water would have no effect on the surrounding water quality or local water supply. Impacts from runoff and wastes are discussed below. Water supplies for sanitary purposes (cooking, laundry, etc.) at the temporary construction camps are discussed under Potential reduction in local water resources due to compressor station construction and concrete batching facility operation, below.

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Changes to water quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

The number, size, and duration of operation of the camps and the types of wastes generated have been previously described above, under Section Land Use. Exposing the surrounding cleared land and adjacent ground to solid, hazardous, or sanitary wastes could have negative effects on the water resources, especially groundwater, including shallow wells if the wastes are not properly disposed and treated. If hazardous wastes are not managed correctly, impacts could cause contamination compared to baseline conditions and could be long-term. For example, contaminated groundwater is difficult to treat due to the high cost of treatment, and specialized technology is often required. In the event of a hazardous material spill (e.g., diesel fuel), proper clean up and mitigation measures must occur immediately to avoid permanent damage to adjacent water supplies. There will be a waste management plan and spill response procedures written and implemented for the WAGP construction phase. Temporary sanitation facilities will be installed to treat sanitary waste water prior to disposal. An aboveground septic system will be used, and sanitary wastes will be hauled off-site to an approved treatment and/or disposal facility. With BMPs for hazardous material storage on-site and proper spill management, the temporal and areal significance of impact to water quality should be minor. Due to the potential for water resources to be contaminated if hazardous materials are released, the magnitude significance of the impact is moderate. Following protocols, and given the small quantity of hazardous materials to be stored on-site (Appendix 2-D contains an inventory of potential hazardous materials that will be used), the likelihood of an impact occurring will be low. The overall severity of impacts to water quality and resources from possible spills and improper sanitary waste water disposal is low.
Connection to Tee at Alagbado

Changes to water quality due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management during Alagbado Tee construction activities.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Moderate Very Low

Low Severity

Impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes are identical to those assessed above for construction camps and as discussed in upland areas. In addition, the Tee is not near surface water bodies and the most of the work during the construction phase will occur on the concrete pad that will be laid prior to equipment installation, thereby minimizing any

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transport through soils to the groundwater. The overall severity of impacts from waste generation is low assuming proper BMPs are in place.
Compressor Station Construction

Potential reduction in local water resources due to compressor station construction and concrete batching facility operation.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Construction activities at the compressor station site will require a supply of freshwater. Approximately 3,800L/day of water will be required for the duration of the construction (12 to 15 months), in total approximately 1.7 million L. In addition, concrete for the compressor station foundation will be made on-site by an installed concrete batching facility (described in Section The concrete batching facility will be in operation for approximately two to three months and will consume an approximate water volume total of 9.2 million L. In total, approximately 10.9 million L (2.9 million gallons) of water will be needed at this location during the construction phase. The preferred option to support these operations is extraction of groundwater, which has the potential to negatively impact local water supplies. However, studies will be done prior to any groundwater extraction to ensure that groundwater flows are sufficient to support both local uses and the project-related uses. If project-related groundwater withdrawals affect local supplies negatively, such withdrawals will be ended and water will be trucked in to support project activities. Current plans to meet these water needs are to drill two boreholes at least 100m deep near the compressor station site to avoid disturbing the more shallow groundwater supplies used by the local populations for residential consumption and agriculture. At this time, the groundwater resources in the area have not been investigated to a depth of 100m. Therefore, it is unclear if the groundwater supply boreholes will be pumping water from confined or unconfined aquifers. The recharge rate is also unknown. The sustainable yield of an aquifer is primarily controlled by the amount of recharge it receives, and the recharge rate is dependent on many factors, including soil type, geology and hydrogeology, precipitation, prior soil moisture conditions, runoff, topography, and evapotranspiration. The project area receives a large amount of annual rainfall (on average, greater than 1,500mm), but the soils are dominated by the clay fraction, which limits the amount of water that may reach the aquifers (as recharge) in the area. The vicinity of the compressor station site is low-lying relief, which aids in groundwater recharge to the aquifer. Results from the environmental baseline studies show that, even during the dry season, the water table in the vicinity of the compressor station site is relatively close to the surface (approximately 7m). Pumping of water from a groundwater well lowers the water table near the well (cone of depression). If the aquifer that water is withdrawn from is confined, there
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should be no impact on local water resources. If, however, the aquifer is not confined, there is the potential to lower the depth to water in wells in the surrounding area. At this time, it is unknown if shallow groundwater resources in the project area are hydraulically connected with deeper, available resources. Effects on the water table level could be significant if extraction is inappropriate for the size of the aquifer size and unsustainable during the construction phase duration (15 months) and beyond (if the concrete plant is not dismantled). The temporal impact significance is considered major, given that the concrete batching plant may be left as a permanent industrial facility to be used for other commercial uses. The areal extent and magnitude are considered minor, given the commitment to conduct prior studies of groundwater conditions and to cease withdrawals if negative local impacts occur. Potential for a larger degree of impact exists if the concrete batching plant remains in operation (assuming that the same rate of water extraction occurs on an annual basis). The likelihood of such an impact near the compressor station is low, given the preventive and mitigating measures. The overall impact severity level is low. Changes to surface water quality due to construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

If this option is selected, dredging activities will occur in Badagry Creek to ensure that there will be enough draft for barge transport of large equipment from the Port of Lagos to the compressor station construction site. A temporary dock on the north side of the creek and an access road will be constructed to facilitate deliveries via barge, along the waterway, to the compressor station site. The dock will be located so as to minimize the length of channel that would need to be dredged in the creek and in the adjacent wetlands, and also minimize the length of access road to be constructed from the dock to the compressor station site, or existing road. Chapter 2 depicts the placement of the facilities. Dredge spoils (the approximate volume of dredging materials will be 15,800m3) will be used as backfill for the dock foundation and temporary access road. WAPCo will apply for a dredging permit with the Inland Waterways Authority in Nigeria. Dredging the canal and placement of dredge spoils will increase the suspended sediment load in the water column; the increase in turbidity would be temporary and localized. The potential impacts, concerns, and impact assessment are similar to those discussed above for trenched pipeline installation across the creek. Initial baseline survey results indicate that water bodies in the study area are generally characterized by low total suspended solids (TSS); therefore, changes from background levels will be evident more so in the dry season than in the wet season when the creek is transporting more freshwater and sediment from the

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watershed. When sediments are dredged, any contaminants present will be released into the water column and may have a deleterious affect on biota (discussed in Section, Habitats and Biological Resources). However, results from the environmental baseline studies indicate that there are no elevated levels of heavy metals in the sediments of Badagry Creek. Installation of the access road will also increase surface runoff into adjacent watercourses, and could further increase the TSS load if stockpiles of soil are not properly contained. Construction stormwater runoff will occur until reinstatement of the access road construction area is completed. While the runoff may carry soils, it could also carry contaminants from road traffic (primarily hydrocarbons), but in low amounts unless fuel spills occur. The combined temporal effect of these activities will last less than six months (including the construction period) in most cases. Most of the impacts will be reversible during that time period. The overall temporal significance of these impacts is minor. The combined areal extent of the development activities is moderate due to the distance of impacts from the project site and the combined acreage disturbed in both the creek and onshore. The magnitude of these impacts is moderate due to the amount of newly exposed/excavated land and dredging materials and the subsequent turbidity, but insignificant contamination of the water body is expected. The likelihood of impacts to water quality is medium, given that water quality will be negatively impacted, even if only for a short duration of time. Therefore, the overall severity is moderate. Change in hydrology due to construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Major High Moderate

High Severity

If this option is selected, dredging in the creek would result in changes in creek bathymetry. However, the majority of dredging would be near the dock only to allow for enough draft for boat access. Therefore, impacts to creek hydrology are expected to be minor and localized; disturbances to the creek bathymetry should be reversible without intervention within several years, from redeposition of creek sediment. Dredging materials would need to be properly removed and disposed so as not to create unnatural elevations near the shore line that could lead to hydrological changes in the adjacent marsh. The new access road would be 10m wide, 1m deep, and is not expected to exceed 200m in length. Building the road through the adjacent marshland would alter the hydrology of the area, for the reasons discussed under Topography, Geology, and Soils, and Habitats and

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Biological Resources. The impact assessment is similar to that described in the previous two sections (addressing habitat and soils/topography). The combined temporal effect of these activities would last greater than 12 months in most cases (moderate temporal impact). The areal impact would also be moderate due to the distance from the project site and the combined acreage disturbed in both the creek and onshore. The magnitude of these impacts would be major due to the amount of disruption to current hydrological conditions expected to result from the installation of the road in the marshland. The likelihood that an impact on hydrology would occur is high. Therefore, the overall impact severity would be high. Changes to surface water quality due to compressor station construction.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

A temporary footprint of 17ha (42 acres) will be cleared for use at the compressor station site during the construction phase. The compaction of soils (discussed in Section and installation of 4ha of an impermeable concrete foundation will increase the surface runoff (discussed below) to adjacent areas, especially to the freshwater marsh on the north edge of the site, since the natural topography drains to the marsh area. At this time, the grading design has not been determined. Therefore, surface water quality could be negatively affected from sediment inputs during general construction activities if proper BMPs are not followed. The water quality impacts would last during the majority of the 12- to 15-month construction phase and would be reversible shortly after this period. The temporal effect is therefore moderate. Since impacts are expected to remain within 100m of the facility boundaries, the areal extent is minor. With proper grading, containment, or removal of cleared soils, changes from the baseline conditions outside the project boundaries are not expected to be severe but there will be a measurable change, and the significance is therefore considered minor. The likelihood of such an impact near the compressor station with proper BMPs in place, however, is low, resulting in overall low severity. Change in surface and sub-surface hydrology due to compressor station construction.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

As noted above, compaction of soils increases surface runoff, and the installation of concrete foundations will further increase the surface runoff from the compressor station site. For comparison, undeveloped loamy clay soils such as those found at the compressor station site

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will have a runoff coefficient7 of about 0.26. The runoff coefficient for concrete surfaces is 0.80 to 0.95. The increased runoff may be more than the adjacent natural landscape or water bodies are capable of conveying. The north edge of the compressor station site, however, is marshland. Wetlands are particularly valuable in counteracting the greatly increased rate and volume of surface water runoff from pavement and buildings. Therefore, localized flooding is not expected to be an issue of concern. The subsurface hydrology will also be impacted, since approximately 25,000m3 of soil will be excavated. The excavated soil will be mechanically compacted and re-used as fill, but additional sources of backfill will need to be identified and also placed underneath foundation slabs. Since the depth of excavation will not exceed 1m, these activities will not impact the direction of groundwater flow in the area. Sub-surface or saturated soil flow will be slightly altered, since the fill or aggregate will have different porosity and hydraulic conductivity characteristics. Since any changes to surface and sub-surface hydrology would be long-term, the temporal extent is considered major. These impacts will be localized and within 100m of the facility boundaries, and thus the areal extent is minor. During the rainy season, a sizable increase in runoff is expected when compared to the baseline conditions, and the magnitude is therefore considered moderate. The likelihood of substantial impacts to hydrology in the compressor station area is medium paving, excavation, and backfilling will occur with some resulting changes in hydrology, but surface impacts will be lessened by the adjacent marshland and sub-surface impacts are limited given the depth of excavation. The overall severity is moderate. Changes to water quality due to the generation of solid and hazardous wastes or inappropriate hazardous material management.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes or hazardous materials management during the compressor station construction are similar to those assessed above for construction camps and as discussed under Section Topography, Geology and Soils. However, the quantity of wastes and hazardous materials used will be greater for this construction site (e.g., 230L to 450L of diesel fuel consumed per day). The magnitude of impacts to water quality is assessed as moderate, given the waste quantities and because activities will be occurring within and adjacent to water bodies. The WAPCo Waste Management Plan will address management practices (e.g., waste tracking log, waste handling manifests) for hazardous materials at each facility location.

An empirical value that is a factor in determining the relationship between direct precipitation and amount of surface runoff. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-123

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Concrete Weight-Coating Plant (in Nigeria)

Current estimates indicate that approximately 1,100 metric tons of cement will be needed to coat the required portions of Nigerian onshore pipeline. Approximately 13km of 30in onshore pipeline to be installed in wetland areas of Nigeria will be coated at an existing weight-coating plant in Nigeria. The existing weight-coating facility is located outside of the project area. Information provided by bidders suggests that potential impacts to water resources and water quality will be incremental (to any existing impacts) and secondary in nature. These impacts are considered not significant. WAGP will conduct additional due diligence assessments to ensure that there are no major negative impacts at the facility that will be significantly worsened by the incremental increase in activity associated with this project. Changes to water quality from generation of solid and hazardous wastes at the concrete weight-coating facility. These facilities will be operated by the current owners (not built or managed by WAPCo), and thus the generation of solid and hazardous wastes will not be under WAGP direction. Any impacts related to an incremental increase in generation of wastes as a result of WAGP operations will be a secondary impact. As noted above, WAGP perform additional due diligence to ensure that any incremental impacts will not be significant. Air Quality

Air quality can be affected by a number of activities associated with the site preparation and construction phase, including land clearing, earth moving and leveling, transport of materials and workers, mobile generation of electricity, and short-term operation of facilities producing materials (e.g., concrete) used in construction. The chief concerns for this project are dust generation and diesel engine exhaust. Concern for dust generation is much lower in wetter areas and during the rainy season, and during dry seasons dust can be controlled by watering and other management practices. Emission control measures for fugitive dust and diesel emissions are described in Appendix 8B-2.5.5, WAGP Air Emissions Management Procedures. No high severity or country-wide impacts on air quality were identified. The identified low and moderate severity impacts generally are localized in areal extent (assessed as negligible or minor) and short-term in duration. The low severity impacts typically are assessed as having a low likelihood of causing discernible and persistent impacts on air quality, while the moderate severity impacts typically are assessed as having a medium likelihood. The estimated emissions of selected air pollutants in diesel exhaust from increased truck traffic, earthmoving equipment, and mobile generators during the entire site preparation and construction period were quantified as part of this assessment (see potential impact discussions below for details), and the total country-wide emissions are shown in Table 6.6-3. Roughly 80 percent of the diesel engine emissions that were estimated quantitatively are associated with two activities: mobile electricity generation during construction of the compressor station and truck transport of pipe to upland areas for
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installation. Operation of earthmoving and other construction equipment at the compressor station site is also expected to produce relatively large amounts of diesel emissions. Table 6.6-3 Estimated Total Air Emissions for Site Preparation and Construction Phase (metric tons for entire phase)
Air Pollutant Estimated Emissions Nigeria Emissions from Diesel Engines (Mobile and Fixed Sources)* Carbon monoxide 1,200 Nitrogen oxides 440 Hydrocarbons 110 Particulates 17 Emissions from Concrete Batching Operations (2 Facilities) Particulates (as PM10) <0.08 Fugitive Dust from Facility Construction, Pipe Transport, and Pipe Laying Fugitive dust (as PM10) 35 * Diesel emissions from earthmoving and other construction equipment not quantified and thus not included in totals.

Additional amounts of particulates will be generated locally from the various land clearing, earth moving, transport, and concrete batching operations (estimates also shown in Table 6.6-2). Greater than 95 percent of the fugitive dust emissions estimated for Nigeria are from site construction operations, with by far the highest emissions estimated for construction of the compressor station.8 Quantitative air dispersion modeling was not performed on either the diesel exhaust or particulate/fugitive dust emission estimates, so ambient concentration numbers are not available, but it is not anticipated that these emission levels will result in any widespread or long-term degradation of ambient air quality in the country. Potential short-term, localized impacts will be managed consistent with applicable procedures and standards in the Environmental Design Basis for the project (Appendix 8B-4.2). No applicable air emission standards were identified for either the fugitive dust or diesel exhaust emissions associated with the site preparation and construction activities, so direct comparisons of the emission estimates in Table 6.6-2 with applicable standards are not possible.
Pipeline Construction Upland

Changes in air quality due to clearing of vegetation and leveling.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Estimates from West African Gas Pipeline Project Particulate Emissions from Concrete Batch Plants and from Fugitive Dust from Construction and Pipe Laying Activities, URS Corporation, December 11, 2003. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-125

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Clearing of vegetation and leveling of soils will increase dust levels along the proposed onshore pipeline system route and access routes, especially in the dry season. However, the effects would not be substantial in wetter areas or during the rainy season. Secondary impacts could result if very high levels of dust are experienced during the construction causing respiratory illness, mainly in the workforce. These impacts are discussed in Section Increased dust levels will persist during most of the eight-month construction phase until reinstatement of vegetation is achieved. The location of construction will progress in a linear fashion along the 56km pipeline and not remain fixed during the full eight months. Because the construction location is not stationary, the duration of impacts to air quality will be less than six months for the total ROW length (less than one month for any given 1-km stretch) and will be reversible during this period. The temporal extent of the impact from dust creation is minor. The areal extent of impacts to air quality is three-dimensional. Dispersion of dust will increase the area affected by the increased dust levels, but dissipate the particulate matter quickly. With proper management practices in place (such as watering highly dusty areas) the areal extent should remain within 100m of the ROW, resulting in minor significance. In the immediate vicinity of the construction, the magnitude of impacts will generally be moderate. Levels of particulate matter will be measurable against baseline conditions. The likelihood of significant impacts to air quality during construction is medium especially if construction is conducted primarily during the dry season. Generally, the impacts from construction will be less severe during the wet season, especially in terms of dust creation. The overall severity of impacts to air quality from clearing of vegetation is moderate. Changes in air quality from transportation of materials and equipment to the various construction sites in the upland area.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Approximately 20 truck trips per day throughout the six- to eight-month construction period will be necessary to deliver the pipe segments to the appropriate construction sites. Other trucks will be necessary to transport pipelaying equipment and supplies including diesel fuel and construction water. Both dust and exhaust emissions from vehicles will add locally to the general level of air pollution. This would be a negative, but temporary effect, given air dilution capacities. Duration of impacts from transportation is equivalent to the duration described above for vegetative clearing and soil grading, minor. The areal extent of impacts extends well beyond the ROW due to transport routes using access roads that are not always contiguous with the pipe route. Along the routes used for transport, however, the dust and emission levels

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produced by the truck traffic will not extend far beyond the traveled road, and thus the areal extent can still be considered minor. Assuming that diesel-exhaust emissions will be comparable to US EPA standards for heavyduty trucks, emissions will be similar to those shown in Table 6.6-4.9 These estimates, which are based on the upper limits in U.S. regulatory standards, are provided as benchmark values. Actual emissions in Nigeria could be lower or higher depending on the trucks and fuel used, the condition of the trucks, and the operating conditions. Table 6.6-4 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Movements to and from Upland Construction Sites
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (1998 EPA limit) Mass emitted by a 1,500kW truck in one hour Total emissions over an 8-month period* 1.74g Carbon Monoxide 20.8g Nitrogen Oxides 5.36g Particulates 0.134g

2,610g 67tn (metric) 150,000lbs

31,200g 800tn (metric) 1,800,000lbs

8,0400g 210tn (metric) 450,000lbs

201g 5.2tn (metric) 11,000lbs

* Assuming 20 trucks per day for eight hours per day for 20 days per month for eight months.

This may represent a temporary increase on background levels for certain roads traveled in rural areas, or may contribute incrementally to existing pollutant levels in heavily trafficked spots (see Section, Transportation and Other Infrastructure, for listing of possible congestion areas), but dissipation in the air will dilute increased concentrations very rapidly. Note that these emissions will be dispersed over eight months and over a large roadway network servicing the entire 56km upland ROW (see Figure 6.6-12). The magnitude of this impact is therefore low. The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact on air quality during transportation is low. The overall severity of impacts to air quality from clearing of vegetation is low. Changes in air quality due to the operation of mobile generators.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

All emissions factors in this section from US EPA 1997, Emission Standards Reference Guide for Heavy-Duty and Nonroad Engines, EPA420-F-97-014, www.epa.gov/otaq/cert/hd-cert/stds-eng.pdf. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-127

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Operation of diesel-fueled construction equipment, including generators, will generate air emissions and will negatively impact air quality. Current estimates are for three separate 500kW generators to operate at separate locations along the upland pipeline. Assuming that diesel exhaust emissions will be comparable to US EPA standards for nonroad diesel emission standards, emissions will be similar to those shown in Table 6.6-5 (same source as cited above for truck emission factors). Table 6.6-5 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Mobile Generator Operation at Upland Construction Sites
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (2000 EPA limit) Mass emitted by a 500kW generator in one hour Total emissions over an 8-month period* 1.3g Carbon Monoxide 11.4g Nitrogen Oxides 9.2g Particulates 0.54g

650g 2.5tn (metric) 5,500lbs

5,700g 22tn (metric) 49,000lbs

4,600g 18tn (metric) 40,000lbs

270g 1.0tn (metric) 2,200lbs

* Assuming three generators operating for eight hours per day for 20 days per month for eight months.

Duration of the impact to air quality is minor due to rapid dissipation. The areal extent for this impact is less than the impact from either land clearing or transportation. Negative impacts to ambient air quality will most likely stay within the ROW and staging site boundaries, resulting in negligible areal extent. The overall magnitude of these increased levels is minor due to the continuous movement of air and the dissipation of the pollutants in a short time period. The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The overall severity of impacts to air quality from generator emissions is also low. Changes in air quality due to the operation of earthmoving and other heavy equipment.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Air emissions will be generated during construction activities mostly from operation of combustion sources, including diesel-fueled heavy construction and transportation equipment such as cranes, excavators, and other earthmoving equipment. Emissions from diesel combustion are similar to those produced from the operation of generators. There will also be some dust created from the excavation of land during construction.

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Temporal and areal impact significance is the same as for generator operation, i.e., minor and negligible. Magnitude of this impact is somewhat greater, however, due to the multiple sources and creation of dust. Overall the magnitude of this impact is minor. Similar to generator operation impacts, the likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. Thus, overall severity of impacts to air quality from heavy equipment operation is low.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Changes in air quality due to land leveling and infrastructure development and from worker camp and temporary facility operation. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

During the construction phase it may be necessary to create one worker camp at the compressor station and one worker camp at the upland pipe midline. Clearing of vegetation and leveling of soils at the construction camp sites will increase dust levels in the local vicinity. However, the effects would not be substantial during the rainy season. The camps will be subject to some vehicular traffic and constant human activity. Much of the camp land will be covered with temporary and permanent structures, limiting the amount of exposed bare land. Secondary impacts could result if very high levels of dust are experienced during the construction causing respiratory illness, mainly in the workforce. These potential impacts are discussed in Section Increased dust levels will persist during most of the construction phase because the camp land will be occupied throughout the duration of construction. As the camps are abandoned, reinstatement of vegetation can begin. It is expected that construction of the compressor station will take 12 to 15 months and that the workforce will be between 300 and 450, of which up to 150 will be housed in the construction camp. The midline construction camp will be used for approximately six to eight months during construction of the upland pipeline, with up to 50 workers living there. The combined temporal significance of air impacts for these two camps is moderate. The compressor station camp and midline temporary facility will occupy approximately 0.4ha each. The majority of this land will be outside of the pipeline ROW for the upland facility, and will within the staging area boundaries for the compressor facility camp. Dust from the camps is not expected to affect areas outside the facility boundaries or ROW. For this reason, the areal extent of air impacts for the worker facilities in Nigeria is negligible. The magnitude of the impact from the worker camps to air quality is minor. Any significant levels of dust are expected to dissipate quickly, and the overall amount of dust created at these sites is minimal in comparison to clearing of the ROW itself.

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The likelihood of measurable and persistent impacts to air quality caused by worker camp dust is low. The overall severity of the impact to air quality is low.
Connection to Tee at Alagbado

Change in air quality from land clearing and preparation at the Tee.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Clearing of this site will result in impacts to air quality similar to those from upland pipeline construction. Exposing dry upland areas will cause increased dust and particulate matter levels in the project vicinity. It is expected that construction of the Tee will take four months, with areas remaining bare until after the construction is complete. Reinstatement of all but the concrete foundations should begin at the end of four months. The site surface will have gravel where there isnt foundation or paved road. The temporal extent of the impact to the air quality from increased dust levels is minor and should last no longer than six months. Plant equipment will be installed and a security fence erected allowing for a 25m wide buffer zone around the facilities. This area would occupy a footprint of 0.11ha (0.28 acre). Because increased dust levels will most likely exceed the project boundaries to some extent, the areal impact is minor. The land occupied by the Tee operation will be significantly changed from its current state (i.e., grass land removed and parts covered with concrete). Any significant levels of dust created at the Tee are expected to dissipate quickly and will be mitigated by watering of highly dusty areas. The magnitude of this impact is minor. The likelihood of discernible impacts to air quality from increased dust levels due to land clearing and preparation is low. The overall severity of impacts to the land use at the Tee is low. Changes in air quality due to the transportation of materials and equipment to the site.
Impact Significance Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity


Approximately 50 to 100 trucks carrying heavy equipment and other materials will be delivered to the Tee construction site during the four-month construction period. Both dust and emissions from vehicles will add locally to the general level of air pollution. This would be a negative but temporary effect, given air dilution capacities.

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Duration of impacts from transportation is equivalent to the duration described above for land clearing, i.e. minor. The areal extent of impacts extends beyond the construction site itself due to transport occurring along various access roads. Along these routes, the dust and emission levels produced by the truck traffic will not extend far beyond the traveled road, and thus the areal extent can be considered minor. Typical emissions from each truck are shown in Table 6.6-6. Given that there will be between 100 and 200 truck movements in total, the magnitude of this impact is minor. Table 6.6-6 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Movements to and from Tee
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (1998 EPA limit) Mass emitted by a 1,500kW truck in one hour Total emissions over a 4-month period* 1.74g Carbon Monoxide 20.8g Nitrogen Oxides 5.36g Particulates 0.134g

2,610g 2.0tn (metric) 4,400lbs

31,200g 24tn (metric) 53,000lbs

8,040g 6.2tn (metric) 14,000lbs

201g 0.15tn (metric) 340lbs

*Assuming two trucks per day for eight hours per day for 12 days per month for four months.

The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to air quality during transportation is low given the mobile nature of the pollution source and small number of trips. The overall severity of impacts to air quality due to the transport of equipment and materials is low. Changes in air quality due to the operation of mobile generators.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Operation of diesel-fueled construction equipment, including generators, will generate air emissions and will negatively impact air quality. Current estimates are for one 500kW generator to operate at the Tee. Assuming that diesel-exhaust emissions will be comparable to US EPA standards for nonroad diesel emission standards, emissions will be similar to those shown in Table 6.6-7.

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Table 6.6-7 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Mobile Generator Operation at Tee
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (200 EPA limit) Mass emitted by one 500kW generator in one hour Total emissions over a 4-month period* 1.3g Carbon monoxide 11.4g Nitrogen oxides 9.2g Particulates 0.54g





1.9tn (metric) 4,100lbs

16tn (metric) 36,000lbs

13tn (metric) 29,000lbs

0.78tn (metric) 1,700lbs

*Assuming one generator operating for 24 hours per day for four months.

Duration of the impact to air quality is minor due to rapid dissipation. The areal extent for this impact is less than the impact from either land clearing or transportation and considered minor. Negative impacts to ambient air quality will most likely stay within the ROW and staging site boundaries, resulting in negligible areal extent. The overall magnitude of these increased levels is minor due to the continuous movement of air and the dissipation of the pollutants in a short time period. The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The overall severity of impacts to air quality from generator emissions is low.
Compressor Station Construction

Changes in air quality due to site preparation for the compressor station and concrete batching facility site.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The compressor station and concrete batching facility plus the staging area will occupy a total of 17ha and be in the construction phase for 12 to 15 months. This area is near the Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon where there will be some elevation in dust levels from the removal of vegetation. The duration of impacts to air quality is moderate due to the length of the construction period. The areal extent is negligible, however, as significant increases in dust levels are not expected beyond the vicinity of the site. Elevation in particulate matter from land clearing will be moderate in terms of magnitude due to the acreage of the site. The 2003 WAGP particulate emissions study (cited in introduction to this section) estimated approximately

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270kg/day of fugitive dust emitted (as PM10) during site preparation and construction activities. The likelihood of significant impacts to air quality from land clearing is medium, and the overall severity is moderate. Changes in air quality due to the operation of the concrete batching facility.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

In addition to land clearing, the temporary concrete batch plant located within the current footprint of the compressor station site (which will provide the concrete required for the compressor station construction) could result in negative air quality impacts due to the release of emissions (especially particulate matter and possibly asbestos) to the environment. The concrete batching facility will operate for two to three months, resulting in minor temporal significance. Impacts will be completely reversible after this period. The areal extent is minor as some emissions are expected to travel outside of the immediate facility boundaries, but not to exceed 100m beyond the boundaries. The magnitude of this impact is moderate due to the quantity and type of emissions anticipated at the batching facility. The 2003 WAGP particulate emissions study (cited in introduction to this section) estimated approximately 0.23kg/day of particulates emitted (as PM10) during operation of this concrete batching plant. The likelihood of impacts to air quality from the operation of the batching facility is medium, and the overall severity is moderate. Changes in air quality due to the operation of mobile generators.
Impact Significance Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity


Operation of diesel-fueled construction equipment, including generators, will generate air emissions and will negatively impact air quality. Current plans are for three 500kW generators at the compressor site during construction. Assuming that diesel-exhaust emissions will be comparable to US EPA standards for nonroad diesel emission standards, emissions will be similar to those shown in Table 6.6-8.

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Table 6.6-8 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arsing from Mobile Generator Operation at Compressor Station Site
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (2000 EPA limit) Mass emitted by one 500kW generator in one hour Total emissions over a 15-month period* 1.3g Carbon Monoxide 11.4g Nitrogen Oxides 9.2g Particulates 0.54g





21tn (metric) 46,000lbs

190tn (metric) 410,000lbs

150tn (metric) 330,000lbs

8.7tn (metric) 19,000lbs

*Assuming three generators operating 24 hours per day for 15 months.

Duration of the impact to air quality is moderate because although the generators will operate throughout the compressor construction phase, there will be rapid dissipation in air throughout. Negative impacts to ambient air quality will most likely stay within the compressor and staging area boundaries, resulting in negligible areal extent. The overall magnitude of these increased levels is minor due to the continuous movement of air and the dissipation of the pollutants in short time period. The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The severity of impacts to air quality from generator emissions is also low. Change in air quality due to the operation of earthmoving and other heavy equipment.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Air emissions will be generated during construction activities mostly from operation of combustion sources, including diesel-fueled heavy construction and transportation equipment such as cranes, excavators, and other earthmoving equipment. There will also be some dust created from the excavation of land during construction. Temporal and areal impact significance is the same as for generator operation at the compressor station site, i.e., moderate and negligible. The magnitude of this impact is greater, however, due to the large and constant amount of diesel combustion combined with the creation of dust. It is estimated that approximately 350 to 700 gallons of diesel fuel will be consumed each week during construction for operation of equipment and machinery. Emission rates from diesel combustion are similar to those produced from the operation of generators (Table 6.6-7). Overall, the magnitude of this impact is moderate.

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Similar to generator operation impacts, the likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The overall severity of impacts to air quality from heavy equipment operation is low. Changes in air quality from transport of heavy equipment from Port of Lagos via existing roads. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may be transported via barge instead of roadways.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The compressor station construction site will receive a total of between 50 to 100 trucks (100 to 200 truck movements) of raw materials supplies and heavy equipment during the 12- to 15-month construction period. The presence of these heavy trucks will increase diesel emission levels along the route as well as increase dust levels. The overland truck route is shown in Figure 6.6-11. Because the source of emissions from transport are mobile, the impact to air quality at any one location will be minimal assuming proper maintenance and emission controls are present on the vehicles. The duration of the impact will be minor and will not persist at any location more than a few months. The areal extent is also minor, and increases in dust and other emissions should only be noticeable within 100m or less of the chosen route. Typical emissions from each truck and total truck emissions are shown in Table 6.6-9. The magnitude of the impact to air quality is minor, as temporary measurable increases are anticipated in certain air pollutants along the transport route. Table 6.6-9 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Transportation of Heavy Equipment from Port of Lagos
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (1998 EPA limit) Mass emitted by a 1,500kW truck in one hour Total emissions over a 12-month period* 1.74g Carbon Monoxide 20.8g Nitrogen Oxides 5.36g Particulates 0.134g

2,610g 2.0tn (metric) 4,400lbs

31,200g 24tn (metric) 53,000lbs

8,040g 6.2tn (metric) 14,000lbs

201g 0.15tn (metric) 340lbs

*Assuming one truck per day for eight hours per day for 8 days per month for 12 months.

Similar to generator operation impacts, the likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The severity of impacts to air quality from heavy equipment operation is also low.

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Changes in air quality due to transport requiring construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal to move equipment through Badagry Creek to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Impacts are similar to those described above for the roadway transport option with the additional emissions and dust creation from construction of the access road. Temporal and areal extent are both minor, but magnitude increases to moderate due to the additional construction, although this is somewhat balanced by the shorter surface transport route and thus lower diesel emissions (see Figure 6.6-11 for location of access road from dock). The likelihood of impacts also increases, to medium. Construction of the access road will involve the use of stationary emission-generating equipment at certain locations for longer periods, thus the likelihood of impacts to the surrounding area from combustion and dust is higher than that from a mobile transport truck. The overall impact severity is therefore moderate for the transport of heavy equipment by this option.
Concrete Weight-Coating Plant (in Nigeria)

Changes in air quality due to the transport of pipe segments between Port Harcourt and the coating facility.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

For wetlands and stream crossings along the ROW, approximately 1,250 (12 meter) lengths of pipe will need to be coated and transported during construction of the onshore pipeline (out of the total estimated 4,700 lengths of onshore pipe). Approximately three to five (coated) or up to 10 (uncoated) pipe lengths will be carried per truck for the transport to and from the coating facility during the onshore construction phase. The transport of coated pipe to the wetlands construction sites is addressed above in the second impact discussion of this subsection. The transport of pipe between the port and the weight-coating facility (to and from) is an additional impact, which is evaluated here. Assuming that each truck will transport an average of five pipe lengths, 500 trucks will be required (250 each direction) to transport 1,250 pipe lengths. Table 6.6-10 shows typical emissions per truck and total emissions.

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Table 6.6-10 Diesel Exhaust Emissions Arising from Truck Transportation of Pipe Lengths from Port Harcourt to the Coating Facility
Hydrocarbons Mass emitted per kWh (1998 EPA limit) Mass emitted by a 1,500kW truck in one hour Total emissions over an 8-month period* 1.74g Carbon Monoxide 20.8g Nitrogen Oxides 5.36g Particulates 0.134g

2.610g 11tn (metric) 23,000 lbs

31,200g 130tn (metric) 280,000 lbs

8,040g 32tn (metric) 71,000 lbs

201g 0.80tn (metric) 1,800 lbs

*Assuming three trucks per day for eight hours per day for 167 days over the eight months.

The transport of these lengths is expected to be conducted on pre-existing roads. The increase in traffic will add to the current levels of mobile source emissions and dust, but some of these roads are already heavily trafficked. The duration of the impact to air quality is moderate, as trucks will be almost constantly in transit for more than six months. After transport is complete, impacts to air quality should be completely reversible. The areal extent of the increase in emission levels and particulate matter is minor. Although the extent is outside of the immediate project area, measurable increases in air emissions should not reach more than 100m from the mobile source. The magnitude of this impact is moderate, due to the large number of trucks and their associated emissions. The likelihood of discernible impacts to air quality from the transport of pipe lengths is medium. The overall severity is moderate. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

Pipeline Construction Upland and Alagbado Tee

Strains on overall infrastructure resulting from influx of construction workers.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

As outlined in Chapter 2, pipeline installation in the Nigeria onshore portion of WAGP will be performed by up to three different crews of 100 to 150 workers per crew, working simultaneously. Each crew will work on a separate section of the pipeline, so each community along the ROW will experience the presence of a single crew of 100 to 150 workers at some point during the construction period. Crews will be present in each community for a period of several weeks, as they work their way along the segment of pipeline passing through or adjacent to that community.
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The influx of construction workers will increase the pressure on existing infrastructures including transportation infrastructure, water supply, waste and sewage disposal systems, and communication infrastructure. This becomes a negative socioeconomic impact to members of local communities in two main ways: when demand for infrastructure exceeds capacity, users receive a lower level of service from the infrastructure, resulting in inconvenience and economic dislocation, and forcing changes in social patterns; and increased demand on infrastructure can speed deterioration in the infrastructure itself, resulting in a reduction in the service provided by this infrastructure over a longer period, maybe permanently, but at least until repairs or replacement occur. Infrastructure in the communities adjacent to the pipeline ROW currently has limited capacity or is providing a low level of service (based on the ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003). The additional stresses on this infrastructure associated with the influx of construction workers could result in a further reduction in the ability of infrastructure to meet demand. This impact may be ameliorated to some extent by; improvements to local infrastructure made by the work crews and contractors during the construction period in order to facilitate construction or to mitigate negative impacts to the local communities; and improvements to local infrastructure made possible through WAPCos Community Development improvement programs. The duration (temporal nature) of this impact is considered moderate as the impact will continue throughout the 12 to 15 month pipeline construction phase, and some effects could be long-term or permanent. The areal extent is assessed as moderate, as this impact will affect members of communities all along the ROW that experience an influx of construction workers. The magnitude of this impact is assessed as moderate in view of the stated ameliorating factors. The likelihood of this impact is medium. Overall, this is assessed as a moderate level impact. Strains on transport infrastructure resulting from construction traffic (i.e. transport of equipment).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

During the construction phase vehicles related to WAGP pipeline construction will use roads throughout the region for delivery of supplies, personnel, and equipment. The roads expected to receive the most construction traffic are marked on the following map, Figure 6.6-12.

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Construction traffic will be one of the few noticeable impacts of the pipeline construction beyond the villages adjacent to the ROW. The presence of construction traffic, including large trucks, could potentially result in slowing of traffic flow where the incremental increase in traffic overwhelms road capacity (or adds to already existing traffic congestion). The increased traffic required to support pipeline construction could therefore put strains on transport infrastructure in the region. The greater heavy truck traffic could also result in wear or damage to transport infrastructure. Most negative impacts of construction traffic will be temporary in nature, with duration depending on proximity of affected roads to the pipeline ROW. Roads nearest the ROW, serving particular sections of the ROW, will receive increased traffic for the portion of the construction period during which the associated sections of the pipeline are under construction. Roads more distant from the ROW, serving as main routes to the overall project, will receive increased traffic throughout the construction period. Thus in the areas most sensitive to traffic impacts- in smaller communities and on smaller local roads - impact duration will be shortest. Additional areas that may potentially be sensitive to traffic impacts include areas that will be used by WAGP construction traffic, and that already have heavy or congested traffic. These areas include: Sango-Otta, Alagbado, Ijaiye, Iju Junction, Meran, Agege, Oshodi, Iganmu, Agboju, Oluti, Ojo, and Okokomaiko. This impact will be ameliorated by the fact that truck traffic associated with pipeline and Alagbado Tee facility construction will be fairly moderate; pipeline construction will require 20 truck trips per day and the Tee construction will require a total of approximately 50 to 100 truck trips for delivery of materials. In addition, WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the strain on transportation infrastructure by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads and by delivering to specific staging areas. Bus trips will also be required to move construction workers to and from the sites. In the initial several days of the construction phase construction traffic will be more intensive, as equipment is moved onto the construction sites. As a mitigation measure to reduce strains on transport infrastructure, WAPCo proposes to avoid congested roads and periods of high traffic with delivery truck movements. While this can significantly reduce the strains on transport infrastructure associated with construction traffic, it may not eliminate them entirely. The temporal aspect of this impact is assessed as minor because the impact will be relatively short-term and the impacts reversible (assuming that the roads are properly repaired if there is any damage). The areal impacts will be moderate because the impacts will be felt by communities all along access routes throughout the region, but will be localized to the corridors of these roads. The magnitude is moderate because the negative impacts are expected to affect communities along the affected roads to a significant extent. The likelihood of impact is assessed as medium among communities immediately adjacent to key access routes. Overall this impact is assessed to be of moderate severity.

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Strains on transport infrastructure resulting from road and pathway obstruction from pipeline installation at 1m depth.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor-Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

In cases where the ROW crosses roads and footpaths, some of these may be temporarily closed or obstructed during the construction phase. A list of roads crossed by the proposed pipeline ROW and the method to be used for installing the pipeline under these roads is presented in Chapter 2, Table 2.8-2. The ROW crosses a total of 32 roads. Thrust-boring will be used at 11 larger highways and road crossings, and trenching (open cut method) will be used at the remaining 21 smaller road crossings. In the case of the 11 roads where the pipeline will be installed using the thrust-boring method, there will be no need to close the road during construction. Traffic flow at thrustboring crossings may be briefly affected by the maneuvering of equipment at the crossing, but should never be completely obstructed. For the 21 smaller roads and for footpaths, the pipeline will be installed via trenching. This will necessitate temporary closure of these roads and footpaths, which may affect the ability of this infrastructure to meet the needs of people in the surrounding communities. This impact will be ameliorated by the provision of detours and alternate routes. Because pipeline installation will be ongoing in only a relatively short stretch of the ROW at any one time, it will always be possible for travelers to detour around obstructed areas with a reasonably short detour. Construction is expected to last for a maximum of several days at each road or footpath crossing, and the temporal aspect is therefore considered minor. The areal impact will be moderate as this impact will affect the roads listed, additional smaller pathways not listed, and the communities that use them. The magnitude is considered moderate because in addition to the continuous transportation mitigation measures above, the use of thrust-boring at larger, single event highways crossings and the provision of detours or alternate routes at obstructed roads and footpaths will reduce the inconvenience and economic hardships to a minimum. The likelihood of this impact is medium and overall, this impact is flagged as moderate severity.
Compressor Station Construction

Strains on infrastructure resulting from influx of construction workers.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Major Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

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Impacts on roads and infrastructure associated with the influx of construction workers for compressor station construction will be similar in nature to impacts described above with respect to influx of workers for pipeline construction, although there will be more workers at the compressor station (over 300) and they will be working in a more concentrated area. Compressor station construction workers will also be present throughout the construction period (rather than for only a portion of the construction period as is the case for pipeline construction workers at any particular stretch of the pipeline). Thus although the types of infrastructure impacts resulting from the influx of workers for the compressor station and the pipeline will be the same, the intensity of these impacts at the compressor site will be greater (i.e., major impact magnitude). For this reason, and for the reasons presented above with respect to the influx of construction workers for the pipeline, the impacts on infrastructure associated with the influx of compressor station construction workers are assessed to be of moderate severity. Strains on transport infrastructure resulting from transportation of equipment via existing roads. (Uncertainty)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate High Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

As discussed in Chapter 2, there is uncertainty regarding the means of access to the compressor station site, especially for transporting heavy equipment during the construction period. The preferred option is to use existing roads without widening and is assessed below. The alternative options are (1) to widen the existing road (if necessary) from Badagry to Ajido or (2) to transport equipment via Badagry Creek to a newly constructed dock and road. Widening the existing road may have limited resettlement impacts, which are discussed under Section Means of Livelihood and would be addressed through the Resettlement Action Plan framework. Similarly, any displacement impacts associated with constructing a new access road in order to facilitate transporting the equipment via Badagry Creek would be addressed under the RAP framework. The impacts on infrastructure associated with construction traffic on existing roads for the compressor station will be similar in nature to the impacts described above for pipeline construction traffic. An estimated total of 50 to 100 truck trips are required to support the compressor station construction over the 12 to 15 month period. Compressor station construction traffic is expected to affect fewer roads and road miles than that for the pipeline, but the intensity of the traffic required to supply compressor station construction is expected to be higher, particularly due to the requirements for continuous delivery of raw materials for the cement batching plant and the one-time delivery of very heavy compressor equipment. Thus the magnitude of this impact for compressor station construction is likely to be higher overall than that for pipeline construction, though WAGP will similarly attempt to ameliorate the strain by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along roads. For the reasons presented above with respect to the

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construction traffic for the pipeline, the impacts on means of livelihood associated with the construction traffic for the compressor station are assessed to be of moderate severity.
Second Concrete Weight-Coating Plant (in Nigeria)

Strains on transport infrastructure resulting from construction traffic.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

As discussed in Chapter 2, the great majority of pipe weight-coating required for the construction of WAGP will be carried out in Ghana. The base case plan for weight-coating consists of coating of approximately 600km of offshore pipeline near the port of Tema, Ghana and using existing weight-coating facilities in Choba, Nigeria for coating 13km of onshore pipeline. The weight coating plant in Nigeria would be in operation throughout the WAGP construction phase in Nigeria. An estimated total of 500 to 600 truck trips will be required to carry cement and bare pipe in, and ship concrete-coated pipe out from the existing plant during the construction period. Traffic impacts could occur on existing roads due to this increase in truck traffic. These impacts will be ameliorated by the fact that a relatively small amount of weight coating will be carried out for WAGP in Nigeria, and the weight-coating facility is an existing operation, located in an industrial area. The surrounding area is accustomed to handling the traffic associated with this operation. The temporal impact will be minor since the weight-coating operation in Nigeria is expected to be completed within a short timeframe. The areal impact will be minor because communities along the supply transportation corridor could be affected, but this is likely to be a relatively short corridor (Warri-Port Harcourt). The magnitude is considered minor because the scale of operations and its potential effects on transportation infrastructure are expected to be light. Overall, this impact is flagged as low severity. Social and Cultural Conditions

Pipeline Construction Upland

Impacts on social and cultural conditions resulting from the influx of construction workers. Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

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The influx of non-local workers during the construction phase will potentially result in impacts on the social and cultural conditions in the communities local to the pipeline ROW. These impacts are reduced by the fact that influx of workers will be experienced by local communities only during working hours and commuting periods, and only for the several weeks required for the pipeline to be constructed through or past each individual community. Potential sources of these impacts include: tensions related to the awarding of jobs with the pipeline construction project, particularly non-skilled labor; potentially conflict between the social and cultural traditions of outside workers and those of the local communities, resulting in disruption of the social and cultural traditions of the communities; change in gender ratios in the local area; introduction of a class of workers with higher incomes; loss of labor availability for traditional work within local communities; increase in the incidence of illness and disease due to introduction of same by outside workers; and potential increase in the incidence of crime/prostitution. It should be noted that the extent of some of the above impacts will be limited by the fact that construction workers are expected be recruited from nearby population centers rather than brought in from entirely different regions. The proximity of worker place of residence to the impacted communities means that there may be common or similar economic and social characteristics shared by the groups. As such, tensions relating to the awarding of jobs, potential conflicts between the social and cultural traditions of outside workers and those of the local communities, the incidence of illness and disease and the potential increase in crime and prostitution will be lessened. Several of these potential sources of social /cultural impacts are discussed in more detail below: Change in gender ratios. Since migration and work opportunity on pipeline construction is gender-selective, most of the construction workers are likely to be males. This will lead to a temporary increase in the male population of the communities at or near construction sites, creating a significant gender imbalance that currently does not exist in the pipeline communities. An increase in a population of only males could result in an increase in the incidence of women of marriageable age marrying outside of the community. This could potentially result in a long-term imbalance, possible shortage of marriageable women within the community, and the need for young men to leave the community in order to find wives. This constitutes a significant impact on the social and cultural conditions of the community.

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Differential incomes. Construction workers tend to have monthly cash incomes while many people in the local communities (particularly fishing or rural communities) earn their income on a seasonal basis and in kind. In addition to cash incomes, the new workers are likely to have higher overall incomes and more disposable income than local residents. The differences in income between workers and local people could result in the construction workers purchasing and using goods within the local communities that are unaffordable to the local residents. This could produce local tensions, cause discontent among local community members, cause community members to seek to change their livelihoods or lifestyles, and cause strain the existing social conditions. Reduction in labor availability for traditional work. The lure of higher incomes in construction work (or in providing support services to the construction crews) may attract local residents away from such occupations as farming, fishing, local crafts, trade, and even teaching, thus leading to some occupation change in the area, as well as a reduction in the labor force available in the area for traditional work. As males are more likely to be attracted to the construction work, it is particularly likely that males may abandon traditional work, potentially putting a greater burden on the females of some households to carry out this traditional work formerly carried out by the males. A reduced labor force available for traditional labor, shifting gender roles, and hardship for some families would constitute significant social and cultural change. Crime and disease. The introduction of non-local workers and income disparities between construction workers and members of local communities could potentially result in increasing crime rates and prostitution within the communities adjacent to the ROW. The influx of workers could also result in a higher incidence of illness and disease among local community members, as new strains or new diseases are brought in by the workers. While most of these impacts are likely to be of short duration, the increased incidence of lifethreatening or incurable illnesses (e.g., HIV/AIDS) could have a long-term effect on the social conditions and of the communities and on the means of livelihood of some households. As discussed in Chapter 7, WAGP will develop and implement a plan for the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS associated with project workers. This plan includes HIV/AIDS awareness programs for workers. If construction camps are built, WAPCo will undertake targeted measures to minimize transmission of HIV/AIDS; for example, establishing and maintaining closed camps and restricting access to camps and work locations to authorized personnel and, implementing labor hiring programs away from construction sites to reduce the presence of camp followers, prostitutes, drug dealers/users and other potential HIV/AIDS carriers. Potential secondary impacts from the increased incidence of disease represent potential low- to medium-severity impacts on social and cultural conditions. Impacts on host communities associated with the influx of workers can be exacerbated if family members accompany construction workers to the site. The duration of the WAGP construction period increases the likelihood that the families of some construction workers will seek to move to the area near the construction site. WAPCo has established policies expressly forbidding construction workers from bringing their families to the construction camps or construction areas, and implementation of this policy will be a condition of construction contracts. Thus the influx of family members to construction areas is expected

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to be minimal. Family members are expected to cause only a minor incremental increase in the magnitude of impacts associated with the influx of construction workers. Summary. For impacts on cultural and social conditions, the temporal impact is major since the changes to the social fabric could have lasting impacts on the surrounding communities. The areal impacts are moderate since effects can extend to communities some distance from the ROW. The magnitude is moderate since there may be pronounced changes in the communitys cultural and social conditions. The likelihood of this impact is assessed as medium. Overall, this is flagged as a moderate severity impact. Disturbance of physical cultural resources due to land clearing and leveling and disruption of cultural resources due to conversion of land use.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Minor High Moderate

Moderate Severity

Disturbance of physical cultural resources. The project could potentially disturb physical cultural resources located within the pipeline ROW during site clearing and trenching for the pipeline. In the course to the Estate Survey conducted by WAPCo, six churches, 16 gravesites, three praying grounds, and 60 shrines were identified within the ROW. In addition, several homes and palaces of traditional rulers are within or near the ROW. These cultural resources may be affected by pipeline construction work. WAPCo will employ mitigation measures in order to minimize impacts associated with these resources. Potential mitigation measures include: assistance in moving physical resources; compensation for disturbance or loss of resources; or modifying construction methods in order to minimize disturbance of these resources. Mitigation measures to be applied will be detailed in the WAPCo RAP. These mitigation measures are expected to substantially reduce social and cultural impacts associated with the disturbance of these resources, but may not eliminate them altogether. In addition to the identified physical cultural resources listed above, there is also the potential for the presence of significant cultural resources below the soil surface within the ROW. Subsurface resources would not have been identified during the reconnaissance conducted to date, although desktop cultural and archaeological resource assessments and ground walks indicate the likelihood is low. As outlined in Chapter 8, a comprehensive chance finds procedure will be in place during the construction phase, and adherence to this procedure will be an express condition of the construction contract. Any physical cultural resources encountered during construction will be handled in accordance with this procedure, and therefore negative impacts to any such resources (should they be encountered) would be kept to a minimum. Impacts to subsurface social and cultural conditions would occur only if significant cultural physical resources were to be encountered during construction, and implementation of the chance finds procedure results in the physical movement of these resources. This could result in a sense of cultural loss to the local communities.

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Disruption of other social and cultural land uses. Displacement of current uses of lands within the ROW are expected to result in changes in the social structure of communities as traditional cultural, social, or recreational uses of some areas are disrupted, and some families move to replacement land or purchase and move to new properties in new areas. This impact affects not only those communities adjacent to the ROW that lose portions of their social structure, but also more distant communities into which people may move. Table 6.6-11 presents a summary of land uses within the ROW, as determined by the WAPCo Estate Survey. WAPCo is developing a comprehensive RAP, which is expected to mitigate impacts on means of livelihood and quality of life associated with land use changes brought about by WAGP. However, the RAP may not be able to fully address some less tangible social and cultural impacts associated with land use changes. The temporal aspect of impacts to physical cultural resources is major, as disturbance of physical cultural resources could be permanent. The areal extent of this potential impact is assessed as moderate, as the impact could affect people over a significant area who consider such resources important. The magnitude of this impact is assessed as minor, as it represents an area of lesser concern (as compared to availability of goods and services, for example) for most people. The likelihood of impacts on the identified cultural resources listed above is high, while the likelihood of impacts on as yet unidentified, subsurface resources is considered very low, or quite remote. Overall, this impact is assessed to be of moderate severity. Disruption of social and cultural conditions by construction traffic (i.e., transport of equipment to site).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Medium Minor

Low Severity

The presence of construction traffic, including large trucks on regional and local roads could potentially result in: increased noise levels; increased traffic danger; and slowing of traffic flow where the incremental increase in traffic overwhelms road capacity (or adds to already existing traffic congestion). Potential impacts to social and cultural conditions associated with pipeline construction traffic include: higher transportation costs or longer travel times to social/cultural events; and disturbance of community tranquility or reduction in the utility of roadside social or cultural facilities due to increased noise levels. Impacts of construction traffic will be temporary in nature, with duration depending on road locations and progress of pipeline segment construction. Roads nearest the pipeline route, serving particular sections of the pipeline will receive increased traffic for the portion of the construction period. Roads more distant from the pipeline, serving as main routes to the overall project, will receive increased traffic throughout the construction period. Thus in the areas most sensitive to traffic impacts- smaller communities near smaller local roads - impact duration will be shortest. WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the impact of construction traffic

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Table 6.6-11 Land Use in Nigeria ROW

Land Use Category Agriculture-Structure Agriculture-Flowers Agriculture-Hardwood Agriculture-Medicinal Agriculture-Other Agriculture-Softwood Bush Trap Canal Cultural-Church Cultural-Grave Cultural-Praying Ground Cultural-Shrine Fish Pond Fishing Stream Staking Stick Structure-Blockwork Construct Structure-Blockwork Shop Structure-Blockwork Shop-Partial Structure-Blockwork Shop-Foundation Structure-Commercial Market Square Structure-Commercial Stand Structure-Fenceworks Structure-Fenceworks-Foundation Structure-Generator Shed Structure-Hospital Structure-Residential Structure-Residential-Partial Structure-Residential-Foundation Structure-Shed Structure-Workshop-Foundation Water Tank Water-Borehole/Well Water-Pit Toilet Water-Surface Reservoir Water-Septic Tank Water-Soakaway Pit Wetland Source: WAGP Estate Survey, 2003 Number of Plot Segments 8 26 305 5 8,837 518 1 1 6 16 3 60 13 8 483 5 7 6 5 2 1 19 5 3 1 37 43 63 11 1 3 35 3 5 7 13 8 Total Size of Affected Area (m2) 4,775 13,900 49,368 713 1,201,242 68.134 10 40 1,890 20 108 1,970 1,188 8,400 16,853 15 400 980 375 700 18 6,067 800 27 748 11,250 16,900 18,170 2,070 25 220 1,780 10 1,290 73 1,040 2,303

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by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads and by delivering to specific staging areas. The temporal aspect of this impact is assessed as minor because the impact will be relatively short-term and the impacts reversible (assuming that the roads are properly repaired if there is any damage). The areal impacts will be moderate because the impacts will be felt by communities all along access routes throughout the region, but will be localized to the corridors of these roads. The magnitude is minor because the negative impacts on the community, after mitigation, are expected to be relatively benign in nature. The likelihood of impact ranges from moderate to high among communities immediately adjacent to key access routes. The impact overall is categorized as of low severity.
Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Impacts on social and cultural conditions resulting from the displacement of current uses of land within the construction camp footprint. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate Low Moderate

Low Severity

As discussed in Chapter 2, there is uncertainty regarding the accommodation for workers. Off-site (renting rooms in homes or hotels) is preferred but if existing accommodations are inadequate, two separate camps may be built to house workers for onshore mainline and compressor station construction. The mainline would be adjacent to the ROW with a personnel requirement of up to 50 people. The displacement of people and current uses of land within any construction camp footprint poses the potential for impacts on social and cultural conditions similar to those described above for ROW land, with displacement impacts associated addressed under the RAP framework. The amount of land required for the construction camp is significantly less than that required for the ROW, and it is possible that the potential acquisition of this land will not result in any physical resettlement. Any construction camp may use existing camp or lodging facilities, in which case no land will have to be acquired and no land use changes will be brought about, rendering this impact inapplicable. The compressor station camp would be located within the marshalling yard footprint and house up to 150 people; land use-related impacts would thus not be incremental to those described for the compressor station site (below). Areal extent of this impact is minor and the likelihood is low. Due to the low likelihood of this impact, it is assessed overall as of low severity.

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Compressor Station Construction

Impacts on social and cultural conditions resulting from influx of construction workers.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate High Low/Medium

Moderate Severity

Impacts on social and cultural conditions associated with the influx of construction workers for compressor station construction will be similar in nature to impacts described above with respect to influx of workers for pipeline construction. There will be more than 300 construction workers at the compressor station site, and these workers will be concentrated in a much smaller area than is the case with pipeline construction workers. Compressor station construction workers will be present throughout the construction period (rather than for only a portion of the construction period as is the case for pipeline construction workers at any particular stretch of the pipeline). Thus although the types of social and cultural impacts resulting from the influx of workers for the compressor station and the pipeline will be the same, the intensity of these impacts at the compressor site will be greater (i.e., high impact magnitude). For this reasons, and for the reasons presented above with respect to the influx of construction workers for the pipeline, the impacts on means of livelihood associated with the influx of compressor station construction workers is are assessed to be of moderate severity. Disturbance of physical cultural resources due to site preparation.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Minor Low Moderate

Low Severity

The project could potentially disturb physical cultural resources located within the compressor station footprint during site clearing and facility construction. In the course of physical, environmental baseline, socioeconomic baseline, and estate surveys carried out by WAPCo and contractors on the site, reconnaissance for physical cultural resources was carried out. No such resources were identified within the compressor station footprint. A single physical cultural resource, a shrine, was identified about 50m from the compressor station site near Ajido. No physical impacts to this resource are anticipated during WAGP construction or operation as it is well outside the project footprint. There is also the potential for the presence of cultural resources below the soil surface. Such subsurface resources would not have been identified during reconnaissance, and could be disturbed during construction; however, desktop cultural and archaeological resource assessments and ground walks indicate the likelihood is low. As outlined in Appendix 8-B, Operational Controls, a comprehensive chance finds procedure will be in place during the construction phase, and adherence to this procedure will be an express condition of the construction contract. Any physical cultural resources encountered during construction will
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be handled in accordance with this procedure, and therefore negative impacts to any such resources (should they be encountered) are expected to be mitigated to acceptable levels. Impacts to social and cultural conditions would occur only if significant cultural physical resources were to be encountered during construction, and the chance finds procedure were to determine that the best way to deal with these resources would be to move or alter them in some way. This could result in a sense of cultural loss to the local communities. The temporal aspect of this impact is major, as disturbance of physical cultural resources could be permanent. The areal extent of this potential impact is assessed as moderate, as the impact could affect people over a significant area. The magnitude of this impact is assessed as minor, as it represents an area of lesser concern (as compared to availability of goods and services, for example) for most people. The likelihood of this impact is considered very low, or quite remote. In view of the very low likelihood, this impact is assessed to be of low severity. It is expected that this project will not encounter or disturb physical cultural resources at all. Disruption of social and cultural conditions due to transport of compressor equipment from Port of Lagos via existing roads. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may be transported via barge instead of roadways.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude

Minor Minor Low Minor Low Severity

As discussed in Chapter 2, there is uncertainty regarding the means of access to the compressor station site, especially for transporting heavy equipment during the construction period. Transport of compressor equipment to the compressor station site by road from Port of Lagos would affect social and cultural conditions in communities along the transport route in the following ways: Existing roads may have to be widened including in some highly developed areas, requiring the demolition of structures used by the local community; and Roads may be obstructed during the transportation process, resulting in temporary reduction in mobility for the users of these roads. WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the strain on transportation infrastructure by delivering equipment during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads. The temporal aspects of these impacts are assessed as minor, as any unmitigated impacts will exist for the duration of the transport process only (i.e., for days). The areal extent of the impacts is assessed as minor as impacts will be only in areas of significant development along the transport corridor (that require widening). The magnitude of impacts is assessed as minor after mitigation via the RAP framework. The likelihood of this impact is assessed as low. Overall, this impact is assessed as of low severity.

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Disruption of social and cultural conditions by construction traffic.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

The impacts on social and cultural conditions associated with construction traffic for the compressor station will be similar in nature to the impacts described above for pipeline construction traffic. Compressor station construction traffic is expected to affect fewer roads and road miles than that for the pipeline, but the intensity of the traffic required to supply compressor station construction is expected to be greater than that for pipeline construction, particularly due to the requirements for delivery of raw materials for the cement batching plant and delivery of large heavy equipment. There will also be more than 300 workers commuting to the site if a camp is not constructed at the compressor station. This could create an additional burden to the social and cultural conditions in the vicinity. Thus the magnitude of this impact for compressor station construction is likely to be greater overall as that for pipeline construction. For the reasons presented above with respect to the construction traffic for the pipeline, the impacts on means of livelihood associated with the construction traffic for the compressor station are assessed to be of moderate severity. Disruption of social and cultural conditions through transport of equipment via Badagry Creek to a newly constructed dock and road to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

The option of transporting the compressor equipment to the compressor station site via Badagry Creek and a dock near the compressor station site is assessed in the foregoing environmental impacts section as resulting in environmental impacts of high severity. Habitat for aquatic wildlife is expected to be significantly affected, which may affect fish populations and therefore fishing communities and their traditional cultures. Social and cultural change in local communities may be further exacerbated by the presence of a dock, and the introduction of new commercial traffic utilizing the dock. Socioeconomic effects of the dock, if built, may include inducement of development near the dock site due to increased commerce via Badagry Creek and the dock, resulting in increased boat traffic in the nearby portions of the lagoon, increased road traffic on roads leading to the dock, and in potential water quality impacts, impacts on fisheries, and impacts on fishing communities and their traditional cultures. Thus the development of a dock into Badagry Creek near the compressor station site may result in significant social and cultural change to nearby communities. The duration of these impacts is expected to be major if the dock is left in place permanently, as these changes would be permanent. The areal extent and magnitude of these impacts are expected to be
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moderate in nature. The likelihood of this impact is also assessed as medium. Overall this is assessed as an impact of moderate severity. Note: if the dock is taken down immediately after delivery of the compressor station, the duration of associated cultural and social impacts is expected to be minor. The areal extent and magnitude of these impacts are expected to be moderate in nature. The likelihood of impacts would also be assessed as medium. Overall the impacts would be assessed as of moderate severity. Access to Goods and Services

Pipeline Construction Upland

Disruption of access to goods and services resulting from influx of construction workers.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Medium Severity

The influx of non-local workers to communities near the ROW, Tee, and construction camps (if built) during the construction phase will potentially affect the availability of goods and services to local residents in these communities. Potential sources of this impact include: Increased demand for food, clothing, and other essential goods and supplies, potentially resulting in shortages of or price inflation for these goods; and Increased demand for and consequent strains on existing infrastructure and service facilities. Inflation or shortages. During the construction phase, communities may experience shortages of items due to higher than normal demand by construction crews. This shortage of goods may cause inflation of prices. If there is an inflation effect on essential goods such as food there will be an overall increase in the costs of living for the local community. Given that local prices for goods and services have increased significantly over the last five years (according to survey respondents), any short-term inflation will place additional burdens on household budgets that are already strained. This impact may be ameliorated to some extent by: The ability of community vendors and economies to respond to increasing demand, and to source greater supplies to meet the increased demand; Increased incomes to members of the communities benefiting from the increased commerce (particularly vendors selling high-demand items); and Special supply systems established by the work crews and contractors to bring in supplemental goods from outside of the local communities to meet worker needs.

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The duration of this impact on availability of goods and services is expected to be moderate, as it will continue throughout the construction period. The impact may extend to the communities closest to the ROW and construction camps, but also to communities more distant, if supplies are sourced from these more distant communities. The magnitude of the impact is assessed as moderate in view of the ameliorating factors listed above. The likelihood of this impact is medium. Strains on services. The influx of construction workers will increase the pressure on existing infrastructures and services including transportation infrastructure, water supply, waste and sewage disposal systems, communication infrastructure, health facilities, and security services. Increased strains on infrastructure are considered separately under Section, Transportation and Other Infrastructure. Increased strains on and reduced access to services are considered here. Services and service facilities in the communities adjacent to the pipeline ROW currently have limited capacity or are providing a low level of service (based on the ICF Household and Community Surveys). The additional stresses on these services and facilities associated with the influx of construction workers could result in a further reduction in the ability of the services and service facilities to meet demand. In addition, importation of new strains of pathogens by construction workers could cause increased incidence of illness, resulting in increased strains on health facilities by community members themselves. Any increased incidence of life-threatening or incurable illnesses (e.g., HIV/AIDS) could have a long-term effect on the demand for health services. Increased rates of crime could cause increased injury among community members, and also result in increased stress on both health and security services. Members of local communities could therefore experience reduced access to important services. Impacts on host communities associated with the influx of workers can be exacerbated if family members accompany construction workers to the site. The duration of the WAGP construction period in Nigeria increases the likelihood that the families of some construction workers will seek to move to the area near the construction site. WAPCo has established policies expressly forbidding construction workers from bringing their families to the construction camps or construction areas, and implementation of this policy will be a condition of construction contracts. Thus the influx of family members to construction areas is expected to be minimal. Family members are expected to cause only a minor incremental increase in the magnitude of impacts associated with the influx of construction workers. Impacts to the availability of services in local communities will be ameliorated by the facts that: Workers will be brought in and taken away by bus each day, and for the most part will not move through local communities individually on their way to or form the construction sites;

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Construction camps and construction sites will have their own medical and security services provided by the EPC contractor, reducing the demand on local communities for these services; WAGP will develop and implement a plan for the prevention of the spread of HIV/AIDS associated with project workers, including HIV/AIDS awareness programs for workers; and Improvements to local services, facilities, and infrastructure made possible through WAPCos Community Development improvement programs. The duration of this impact is moderate as the impact will continue throughout the construction phase, and some effects could be long-term or permanent. The areal extent will be moderate, as this impact will affect members of communities all along the ROW. The magnitude of this impact is assessed as moderate in view of the stated ameliorating factors, and the likelihood high. Summary. Impacts of the influx of construction workers on the availability of goods and services could have long-term (major temporal) impact since price hikes and shortages of goods may last well beyond the construction period. The areal extent of these impacts is assessed as moderate since the effects can extend to communities adjacent to the ROW as well as more distant communities. The magnitude is assessed as moderate since there may be pronounced changes in the availability of certain goods and services. The likelihood of this impact is medium. Overall, this is flagged as a moderate severity impact. Disruption of access to goods and services by construction traffic (i.e., transportation of materials to site).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The presence of construction traffic, including large trucks, could potentially result in the slowing of traffic flow where the incremental increase in traffic strains road capacity (or adds to already existing traffic congestion). Goods and service providers must travel to the communities near the ROW via the affected roads, and members of these communities must use the affected roads to reach certain services. The congestion of regional and local roads could make all such travel more costly or time demanding. This constitutes an impact on the availability of goods and services to local communities. The impacts of construction traffic will be temporary in nature. Roads nearest the pipeline route will receive increased traffic for the portion of the construction period during which the associated sections of the pipeline are under construction. Roads more distant from the pipeline, serving as main routes to the overall project, will receive increased traffic throughout the construction period. Thus in the areas most sensitive to traffic impactssmaller communities near smaller local roads - impact duration will be shortest.

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This impact will be ameliorated by the fact that truck traffic associated with pipeline and Alagbado Tee facility construction will be fairly moderate; pipeline construction will require 20 truck trips per day and the Tee construction will require a total of approximately 50 to 100 truck trips for delivery of materials. In addition, WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the strain on transportation infrastructure by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads and by delivering to specific staging areas. Bus trips will also be required to move construction workers to and from the sites. In the initial several days of the construction phase construction traffic will be more intensive, as equipment is moved onto the construction sites. As a mitigation measure to reduce strains on transport infrastructure, WAPCo proposes to avoid congested roads and periods of high traffic with delivery truck movements. While this can significantly reduce the strains on transport infrastructure associated with construction traffic, it may not eliminate them entirely. The temporal aspect of this impact is assessed as minor because the impact will be relatively short-term and reversible (assuming that the roads are properly repaired if there is any damage). The areal aspect is assessed as moderate because the impact will be felt by communities all along access routes throughout the region. The magnitude is minor, because although traffic congestion may be significant in some areas, this is expected to result in only minor impacts on the availability of goods and services to local communities. The likelihood of this impact is low among communities immediately adjacent to key access routes. The impact is assessed as of low severity overall.
Compressor Station Construction

Disruption of access to goods and services resulting from influx of construction workers.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Impacts on access to goods and services associated with the influx of construction workers for the compressor station and construction camp (if built) will be similar in nature to impacts described above with respect to influx of workers for pipeline construction. The 300 or more compressor station construction workers will be concentrated in a smaller area (areal aspect: minor) than is the case with pipeline construction workers, and will be present throughout the construction period (rather than for only a portion of the construction period as is the case for pipeline construction workers at any particular stretch of the pipeline). Thus although the types of impacts resulting from the influx of workers for the compressor station and the pipeline will be the same, the intensity of these impacts at the compressor site could potentially be greater. The same ameliorating factors are present here as are stated above for pipeline/Alagbado Tee construction.

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For these reasons, and for the reasons presented above with respect to the influx of construction workers for the pipeline, the impacts on the availability of goods and services associated with the influx of compressor station construction workers is are assessed to be of moderate severity. Disruption of access to goods and services by construction traffic by existing roads.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The impacts on access to goods and services associated with construction traffic for the compressor station will be similar in nature to the impacts described above for pipeline construction traffic. Traffic associated with the compressor station construction represents additional traffic on additional regional roads, and the impacts of construction traffic associated with compressor station construction are therefore incremental to those associated with pipeline construction. As indicated above, the impacts associated with construction traffic are expected to last throughout the construction period, and to be fully reversible at the end of that period (temporal aspect: minor). Compressor station construction traffic is expected to affect fewer roads and road miles than that for the pipeline (areal extent: minor). The intensity of the traffic required to supply compressor station construction is expected to be greater than that for pipeline construction, particularly due to the requirements for delivery of raw materials for the cement batching plant, delivery of heavy equipment and possible transport of workers if camp facilities are not at the compressor station. However, the effect of this more intense traffic on the availability of goods and services in nearby communities is nevertheless expected to be moderate at most. Mitigation measures indicated above for pipeline construction traffic impacts can also be applied for compressor station construction traffic impacts. The likelihood of this impact is assessed as medium. Overall, the impacts on access to goods and services associated with the construction traffic for the compressor station are assessed to be of moderate severity Means of Livelihood

Pipeline Construction Upland

Economic dislocation resulting from influx of construction workers.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

As outlined in above, pipeline installation in the Nigeria onshore portion of WAGP will be performed by up to three different crews of 100 to 150 workers per crew, working simultaneously. Each crew will work on a separate section of the pipeline, so each

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community along the ROW will experience the presence of a single crew of 100 to 150 workers at some point during the construction period. Crews will be present in each community for a period of several weeks, as they work their way along the segment of pipeline passing through or adjacent to that community. Presence of workers in, and associated impact to, each community will vary depending on each communitys proximity to construction camps (locations of which are not yet definedonly a maximum of two are expected). Communities near the construction camps may experience the presence of workers primarily during non-work hours (in the evenings and days off) and during periods of worker travel between the camps and work locations. This may continue throughout the construction phase. Communities more distant from the construction camps will experience the presence of workers only during working hours, and only for the period during which the pipeline is being constructed within or adjacent to their communities. Impacts associated with the influx of workers will vary in proportion to the amount of time workers are present in the host communities. Construction workers sometimes remain in the communities where construction camps are located beyond the duration of the construction period. Prior evidence from short-term construction projects in Ghana (Takoradi Thermal Plant) show that the socioeconomic effects of the influx of workers to a community (particularly of those workers are housed in construction camps, which may be the case for WAGP in Nigeria) can be long-term and irreversible. Impacts on host communities associated with the influx of workers can be exacerbated if family members accompany construction workers to the site. The duration of the WAGP construction period in Nigeria increases the likelihood that the families of some construction workers will seek to move to the area near the construction site. WAPCo has established policies expressly forbidding construction workers from bringing their families to the construction camps or construction areas, and implementation of this policy will be a condition of construction contracts. Thus the influx of family members to construction areas is expected to be minimal. Family members are expected to cause only a minor incremental increase in the magnitude of impacts associated with the influx of construction workers. The influx of non-local workers during the construction phase will potentially result in impacts on means of livelihood for members of local communities. Causes of this impact include: Tensions related to the awarding of jobs with the pipeline construction project; Loss of labor availability for traditional work within local communities (as local workers shift away from traditional occupations into temporary jobs with the pipeline project or ones that support the construction process); Creation of a large differential in incomes within the community; and The potential increase in the incidence of illness and disease due to introduction of same by outside workers; and the potential increase in the incidence of crime and related injuries/loss.
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Tension related to awarding of jobs. Although the creation of new jobs is a beneficial impact, it has the potential to produce local tension. Based on experiences with past projects of a similar nature, jobs created during construction phases of large projects often do not match local expectations in terms of the number of local hires relative to the total labor pool and/or the level of pay. Often, low levels of education or skilled training limit the opportunity for local worker to take advantage of the job opportunities presented by the project. Tension arises when workers from outside the community are brought in to do jobs local workers perceive themselves capable of doing. Local tension is likely to occur if expectations are not properly managed or if jobs are not distributed in a manner seen by the local communities to be equitable. Based on input received during the 2003 Household and Community Surveys, there appear to be high expectations on the part of local workers in the project area that they will be hired during the construction phase. Although the number of local people hired by the EPC contractor is dependent on the contractors needs and the ability of the local labor force to supply these needs, the awarding of jobs especially to non-local workers could become a source of dispute if not carefully managed. This can result in an impact on the means of livelihood of community members when dissatisfaction, disputes, or inappropriate expectations cause community members to abandon or lose current means of livelihood but not gain equivalent employment with the WAGP construction project. This factor is expected to lead to impacts of temporary duration, localized to communities adjacent to the pipeline, and of moderate magnitude and low to medium likelihood. Differential incomes. Construction workers tend to have monthly cash incomes while many people in the local communities (particularly fishing or rural communities) earn their money on a seasonal basis, and in kind. In addition to monthly incomes, the new workers are likely to have higher overall incomes and relatively more money to spend than local residents. While this additional spending power may support the growth of locally owned businesses to provide goods and services, the differences in income could result in the construction workers purchasing and using goods within the local communities that are unaffordable to the local residents. This could produce local tensions, cause discontent among local community members, and cause community members to seek to change their means of livelihood or lifestyles. This factor is expected to lead to impacts of moderate duration, localized to communities adjacent to the pipeline, and of moderate magnitude and low to medium likelihood. Reduction in available labor for traditional jobs in the community. The lure of higher incomes in construction work (or in providing support services to the construction crews) may attract local residents away from such occupations as farming, local crafts, trade and even teaching, thus leading to some occupation change in the area, as well as a reduction in the labor force available in the area for traditional work. As males are more likely to be attracted to the construction work, it is particularly likely that males may abandon traditional work, potentially putting a greater burden on the females of some households to carry out this traditional work formerly carried out by the males. People earning cash wages on the WAGP construction project may not use this cash to support their families, with the overall effect that when some laborers leave traditional work to assume jobs with WAGP, the families left behind may experience degradation in their overall means of livelihood.
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This may be a temporary effect, lasting for the duration of the pipeline construction. After this period, workers may resume their previous traditional work, particularly if they have planned in advance to make this shift back to their regular means of livelihood. This factor is expected to lead to impacts of moderate duration in communities adjacent to the pipeline and possibly more distant communities, and to be of moderate magnitude and medium likelihood. Increase in disease and crime. The introduction of non-local workers and income disparities between construction workers and members of local communities could potentially result in increasing crime rates and prostitution within the communities adjacent to the ROW. The influx of workers could also result in a higher incidence of illness and disease among local community members, as the workers bring in new strains or new diseases. While most of these impacts are likely to be of short duration, the increased incidence of life-threatening or incurable illnesses (e.g., HIV/AIDS) could have a long-term effect on the means of livelihood of some households. This factor is expected to lead to impacts of potentially major duration in communities adjacent to the pipeline, of moderate magnitude and medium likelihood. As discussed under (Social and Cultural Conditions) and in Chapter 7, transmission of HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases by project workers will be minimized through WAPCos mitigation plans. Summary. Impacts on means of livelihood associated with the influx of workers will range from temporary to longer term in nature, as some (particularly the increased incidence of incurable disease) will have lingering effects on the community. Thus the overall temporal aspect of this impact is assessed as moderate. The areal impacts are moderate since effects can extend to communities some distance from the ROW. The magnitude is also deemed moderate since the impacts, while potentially serious on an individual basis, are unlikely to affect a large proportion of residents in the communities. The likelihood is also medium. Overall, this is flagged as a moderate severity impact. Displacement of economic activity on land within the ROW due to land clearing and leveling.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

At the start of the construction phase all land within the ROW will be closed for access to local residents. Residents currently using the ROW will be precluded from all use of this land (except for the use of roads and pathways across the ROW, as discussed above). For activities on the ROW this impact will be permanent. Livestock grazing will be permitted on a portion of the ROW after the construction phase. All other activities will be precluded indefinitely from the start of the construction phase, and no structures will be permitted on the ROW. The socioeconomic impacts on means of livelihood or standard of living associated with the precluding of local people from the use of ROW land will be substantially mitigated by WAPCo through the RAP. The RAP includes measures to ensure that every person whose

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land, structures, residence, or means of livelihood is affected by land take for the project will receive appropriate compensation, replacement land, or other form of restitution such that their livelihood and standard of living remain at least at the level enjoyed prior to the advent of WAGP. In the great majority of cases land and any structures within the ROW will be acquired by WAGP from the current owners through willing seller/willing buyer transactions, in which landowners will receive full fair market value. Impacts on means of livelihood resulting from the displacement of current land uses within the ROW (after mitigation by the RAP) will therefore be related to: Changes in the economic characteristics of some communities, as some people who farmed or carried out other types of economic activity on the ROW may decide to use the money received in the sale of their lands to go into new types of business; and Greater travel times or costs for community members who obtain replacement lands at a greater distance from their residences than were the lands within the ROW that they formerly used. The temporal impacts are major since the displacement of economic activity (other than livestock grazing) within the ROW will be permanent. The areal impacts are moderate since the impact affects lands directly within the ROW and the adjacent communities. The magnitude of these impacts is moderate after mitigation by the RAP. As stated above, negative impacts on means of livelihood and quality of life are expected to be fully mitigated through the RAP. Anticipated changes to economic characteristics of communities are expected to be of moderate significance to these communities. Overall, this impact is flagged as moderate severity. Disruption of economic activity by construction traffic (i.e., transport of materials to site).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Medium Severity

The presence of construction traffic, including large trucks, could potentially result in: increased noise levels; air emissions and reduced ambient air quality (assessed as low severity in the foregoing environmental impacts section); dust and associated dust fall; road infrastructure wear and damage; increased traffic danger; and slowing of traffic flow where the incremental increase in traffic strains road capacity (or adds to already existing traffic congestion). The potential negative socioeconomic impacts associated with pipeline construction traffic include: health impacts (respiratory illness, injury from accidents, noise-related effects); higher transportation costs or longer travel times; and disturbance of community tranquility or reduction in the utility of roadside facilities due to increased noise levels. All of these potential effects can result in a reduction or loss of means of livelihood for members of local communities.

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Most negative impacts of construction traffic on means of livelihood will be temporary in nature, with duration depending on proximity of affected roads and communities to the pipeline ROW. Roads nearest the ROW, serving particular sections of the ROW, will receive increased traffic for the portion of the construction period during which the associated sections of the pipeline are under construction. Roads more distant from the ROW, serving as main routes to the overall project, will receive increased traffic throughout the construction period. Thus in the areas most sensitive to traffic impacts- smaller communities near smaller local roads - impact duration will be shortest. This impact will be ameliorated by the fact that truck traffic associated with pipeline and Alagbado Tee facility construction will be fairly moderate; pipeline construction will require 20 truck trips per day and the Tee construction will require a total of approximately 50 to 100 truck trips for delivery of materials. In addition, WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the strain on transportation infrastructure by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads and by delivering to specific staging areas. Bus trips will also be required to move construction workers to and from the sites. In the initial several days of the construction phase construction traffic will be more intensive, as equipment is moved onto the construction sites. As a mitigation measure to reduce strains on transport infrastructure, WAPCo proposes to avoid congested roads and periods of high traffic with delivery truck movements. While this can significantly reduce the strains on transport infrastructure associated with construction traffic, it may not eliminate them entirely. The temporal impact of construction traffic on means of livelihood is minor because the impact will be relatively short-term and the impacts reversible (assuming that the roads are properly repaired if there is any damage). The areal impacts will be moderate because the impacts will be felt by communities all along access routes throughout the region. The magnitude is moderate because the negative impacts, after mitigation, are expected to have moderate effect on a significant number of community members. The likelihood of impact ranges from medium to high among communities immediately adjacent to key access routes. The overall impact level is therefore assessed as moderate. Disruption of economic activity due to road and pathway obstruction from pipeline installation at 1m depth.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

As described previously, the ROW crosses 32 roads and a number of footpaths. Eleven major roads will be crossed using the thrust boring technique, while the remainder will be crossed by trenching. Road and pathway obstruction can affect means of livelihood by: Temporarily preventing people from reaching places of work or livelihood activity;

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Increasing travel times or costs for people traveling to places of work or livelihood activity, resulting in reduced net gains for time spent at livelihood activities; Increasing time or cost in the movement of goods and passengers, resulting in costs for travelers, shippers and receivers of goods, and transport operators; and Diverting traffic from passing in front of some places of business, causing loss of customers. A significant portion of the residents in the surveyed communities adjacent to the ROW cross the proposed pipeline ROW in order to get to places of work or other economic activity, for commercial travel in and out of the village, and to collect fuel wood, drinking water, or other resources. The portions of residents in each community who cross the pipeline ROW to reach one of these activities are presented in Section 5.2. Some of the disruption of economic and social activities brought about by road closings may have long-lasting effects. Redirecting of traffic from certain road sections may affect businesses along those sections that depend on road traffic. Although it is likely that traffic will return to the road post construction, there can be a permanent shift of economic activity among roadside businesses. As such, the temporal impact is considered minor to moderate. The areal impact on means of livelihood will be moderate because this impact will be felt not only in communities near the ROW, but also in communities along the corridors of the three major highways crossed by the pipeline. Given the importance of the economic and social activities requiring travel across the ROW by members of the surveyed communities, as well as the importance of the movement of goods and people on the major highways, the magnitude of this impact is considered moderate. Overall, this impact is flagged as moderate severity.
Pipeline Construction - Wetland

Degradation of fisheries and loss of associated economic activity due to trenching in wetlands.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Minor Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

Removal of vegetation in wetland areas and on the slopes adjacent to wetland areas and Badagry Creek, and excavating the trench for pipeline installation on the banks of and within wetlands and the lagoon, have the potential of causing runoff and sedimentation within these wetlands and surface water bodies. Trenching through these areas also has the potential for changing the contour of wetland basins and the hydrological flow regime within wetlands. As indicated in the foregoing environmental impacts section of this report, the degradation of wildlife habitat quality associated with trenching in wetlands is assessed to be an impact of high severity.

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Deterioration in water quality, hydrological flow regime, and wetland habitat has the potential to affect fisheries in or supported by the affected wetlands. Reduction in fish populations could result in reduced incomes and economic hardship among households relying directly and indirectly on fishing as a means of livelihood. The temporal impact of trenching is moderate because the wetland areas are expected to recover from this impact within six months to a year after the end of the construction period, and any impacts on means of livelihood are expected to diminish rapidly thereafter. (Note: hydrological flow regime alteration could be permanent if berms or other features were to be left behind. However, wetland basins will be returned to very close to the original contours, largely mitigating any impact to hydrological flow). The areal impact on means of livelihood is assessed as moderate because while the change in physical conditions is expected to be localized near the construction site, the associated socioeconomic impacts could extend to a wider area. The magnitude of impact is assessed as minor since: (1) the duration of construction activities and associated physical impacts to the wetland areas are not likely to be of long enough duration to result in significant impacts to fish populations; (2) trenching will affect only a portion of the overall resource (habitat critical to fisheries); (3) many of the wetlands affected do not support important subsistence or commercial fisheries; and (4) relatively few households in the surveyed communities near wetland areas rely on fishing in the wetlands or associated water bodies as a means of livelihood. The likelihood of this impact occurring is medium, as it is not certain that trenching will in fact result in the degradation of important subsistence or commercial fisheries. The overall impact is assessed as moderate severity.
Pipeline Construction Badagry Creek

Degradation of fisheries and loss of associated economic activity due to HDD beneath Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The use of HDD to lay pipes beneath Badagry Creek would greatly reduce the potential environmental impacts (as compared to trenching), and therefore the potential for attendant socioeconomic impacts. HDD is the preferred option, though may not be technically feasible, in which case trenching will be used as discussed below. The impact of HDD beneath Badagry Creek on the lagoon environment is assessed in the foregoing environmental impacts section as of low severity. Any attendant impacts on fisheries, and on fishery-related livelihoods, are also therefore expected to be of low severity.

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Degradation of fisheries and loss of associated economic activity due to trenching in Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Trenching across Badagry Creek, has the potential to affect means of livelihood of households relying on the fisheries in Badagry Creek, for the same reasons presented for trenching in wetlands (above). Trenching would only occur if HDD is unsuccessful (HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible). As indicated in the foregoing environmental impacts section of this report, the degradation of the Badagry Creek environment associated with trenching in wetlands is assessed to be an impact of high severity. It should be noted that the household survey indicated that a significant number of households in the vicinity of the compressor station and this section of the pipeline ROW do obtain at least a portion of their livelihoods from fishing in Badagry Creek (lagoon). For this reason the magnitude of this impact is assessed as moderate.
Pipeline Construction Barrier Island, Beach, and Shoreline Areas

Reduction in potential for tourism due to trenching or HDD across the barrier island and beach.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Construction activities on the barrier islands and beach have the potential to cause visual impacts in these areas, which in turn could have a short term impact on tourism activities. At present, tourism activity at the proposed ROW location along the lagoon, barrier island and beach are minimal, and thus visual impacts have an impact only on the potential for tourism activities. This potential will be affected to the extent that the construction process affects the aesthetic character of the lagoon and beach areas and the extent to which the construction induces additional development, which diminishes the attractiveness of the lagoon or beach area as a tourism destination. Visual or aesthetic impacts are expected to be restricted to the construction period and a period of up to one year afterward, by which time the barrier island and beach environment are expected to recover from the construction activity. As the pipeline will be buried and the land returned to its original contour, and as the pipeline will not provide any attraction for induced development after the construction period, impacts on tourism potential are expected to be minimal after this period. This is the case regardless of whether trenching or HDD are used. The only long-term impact on the potential for tourism associated with WAGP will be the preclusion of tourism structure construction within the ROW itself. This impact has been
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addressed above (under displacement of economic activity from the ROW) and will not be considered again here. The reduction in tourism potential represents an impact on a potential means of livelihood. Regardless of whether trenching or HDD are used, the temporal impacts are minor since the change would be temporary. The areal impacts are moderate since an impact on tourism activities could result in secondary reductions in economic activity for a range of businesses inside and beyond the local communities that would benefit from the tourist trade. The magnitude of this impact will be minor or even negligible, because at present tourism activities at the proposed construction locations are minimal, because the construction activities themselves would be expected to result in only minor disturbance of these activities, and because construction activities would only affect a small portion of the overall available resource. The likelihood of the impacts occurring is low because tourism activities are at present minimal and in fact there may be no tourism activity proposed or intended within sight of the construction area during the construction period. Overall, this constitutes a low severity impact. Disruption of fishing activities due to HDD or trenching in the beach and nearshore areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

Pipeline construction across the beach and nearshore areas will affect net fishing activities in the construction zone. As discussed in the Chapter 5 (Existing Conditions), many fishermen in this area fish using nets drawn into the beach. Typically, the net fishing activities involve large numbers of people. During the construction period, fishermen will not be able to use the stretch of beach and nearshore area within the construction zone. The temporal impacts on means of livelihood will be minor due to the fact that any loss of economic activity will be only during the construction period. The areal impacts are minor because the fishing activities will be precluded only in the ROW itself. Fishing will still be possible on other portions of the beach. The magnitude is minor because only a small portion of the overall available beach fishing area will be affected. The likelihood of this impact is high: fishing activity will be precluded from the ROW area of the beach during the construction period. Given this assessment, the overall impact is rated as moderate severity.

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Construction Camps and Temporary On-site Facilities

Impacts on means of livelihood associated with construction camp(s) due to land leveling and infrastructure development. (UNCERTAINTY: New camps will be built only if existing local accommodations are inadequate.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

Potential negative impacts on means of livelihood associated with the development of construction camps for onshore mainline pipeline and compressor station construction include the following: Displacement of economic activity on the land acquired for the construction of camps (if existing facilities are not used). Impacts associated with the acquisition of land by the project would be largely mitigated by WAPCo through the framework of the RAP; and Introduction or increased frequency of disease, prostitution, and crime, resulting in lost workdays and added expense among members of the local communities. The first impact listed above, displacement of people from land, will be similar in nature to the impacts described in above for displacement of current land uses within the ROW. If existing facilities are not used, the construction camp area would represent additional land area (in addition to the ROW land already addressed) for which impacts to means of livelihood are likely to occur. A construction camp at the compressor station site would be located within the marshalling yard footprint. Displacement impacts associated with the compressor station site, as well as mitigation through the RAP framework, are discussed in more detail below. The displacement of people and economic activity from the construction camp land represents an impact of moderate severity for the reasons presented above with respect to the displacement of land uses within the ROW. It should be noted that in the case of the construction camp the temporal duration of land take will be only during the construction period. Thus the temporal aspects of this impact are assessed as minor. The second impact above (increased incidence of disease and crime) has already been fully assessed in the foregoing section addressing the influx of construction workers for pipeline construction. This assessment is therefore not repeated here.
Compressor Station Construction

Economic dislocation resulting from influx of construction workers.

Impact Significance Likelihood
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Moderate Moderate Moderate High Low/Medium

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Impacts on means of livelihood associated with the influx of construction workers for compressor station construction will be similar in nature to impacts described above with respect to influx of workers for pipeline construction. Construction workers for the compressor station represent additional construction worker influx, and the associated impacts will be incremental to the impacts of construction worker influx associated with pipeline construction. The 300 compressor station construction workers will be concentrated in a smaller area than is the case with pipeline construction workers, and will be present throughout the construction period (rather than for only a portion of the construction period as is the case for pipeline construction workers at any particular stretch of the pipeline). Thus although the types of livelihood impacts resulting from the influx of workers for the compressor station and the pipeline will be the same, the intensity of these impacts at the compressor site will be greater (i.e., high impact magnitude) and the duration will be somewhat longer-term. For these reasons, and for the reasons presented above with respect to the influx of construction workers for the pipeline, the impacts on means of livelihood associated with the influx of compressor station construction workers is are assessed to be of moderate severity. Displacement of economic activity on land within the compressor station footprint.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The impacts on means of livelihood associated with displacement of economic activity within the compressor station site will be similar in nature to the impacts described in above for displacement of economic activity within the ROW and construction camp footprint. The compressor station footprint represents additional land area (in addition to the ROW and construction camp land already addressed) for which such impacts to means of livelihood are likely to occur, and the associated impacts are therefore incremental to those noted above for the ROW and construction camp. As stated above, all negative impacts on means of livelihood and standard of living associated with land take for WAGP are expected to be substantially mitigated through the RAP. The compressor station site is currently vacant and unused, and has been used as cropland in the past. Impacts on means of livelihood are therefore restricted to the loss of the use of the compressor station footprint for cropland. No people or structures will be displaced. The compressor station footprint is also a considerably smaller piece of land, compared to the ROW (17ha including the footprint and staging area, as compared to approximately 140ha for the ROW). Thus the areal extent and magnitude of livelihood impacts associated with land take for the compressor station is significantly lower than that for the ROW. Overall, this impact is flagged as a low severity impact.

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Disruption of economic activity by construction traffic via existing roads.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

The impacts on means of livelihood associated with construction traffic for the compressor station will be similar in nature to the impacts on means if livelihood described above for pipeline construction traffic. Traffic associated with the compressor station construction represents additional traffic on additional regional roads, and the impacts of construction traffic associated with compressor station construction are therefore incremental to the impacts of construction traffic associated with pipeline construction. Compressor station construction traffic is expected to affect fewer roads and road miles than that for the pipeline, but the intensity of the traffic required to supply compressor station construction is expected to be greater than that for pipeline construction, particularly due to the requirements for delivery of raw materials for the cement batching plant and the delivery of heavy equipment. Thus the magnitude of this impact for compressor station construction is likely to be the same overall as that for pipeline construction. Mitigation measures indicated above for pipeline construction traffic impacts can also be applied for compressor station construction traffic impacts (Chapter 7). For the reasons presented above with respect to the construction traffic for the pipeline, the impacts on means of livelihood associated with the construction traffic for the compressor station are assessed to be of moderate severity Disruption of economic activity during transport of compressor equipment from Port of Lagos via existing roads. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may be transported via barge instead of roadways.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

As discussed in Chapter 2, there is uncertainty regarding the means of access to the compressor station site, especially for transporting heavy equipment during the construction period. Transport of compressor equipment to the compressor station site by road from Port of Lagos will affect the means of livelihood of households along the transport route in the following ways: Existing roads may have to be widened including in some highly developed areas, requiring the demolition of residences and businesses, and attendant loss of income and expense; and Roads may be obstructed during the transportation process, resulting in very temporary economic hardship for the commercial users of these roads.

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Any impacts to means of livelihood associated with the acquisition and demolition of residences and businesses will be fully mitigated through the RAP. The impacts on means of livelihood associated with transport of the compressor station by road are assessed as follows: the temporal aspects are assessed as minor, as any unmitigated impacts will exist for the duration of the transport process only (i.e., for days). The areal extent of the impacts is assessed as minor as impacts will be felt along mainly in those transport areas that need to be demolished, if any. The magnitude of impacts is assessed as moderate after mitigation via the RAP. The noted impacts will occur if the road transport option is used, so the likelihood of the described impacts is assessed as medium. Overall, this impact is assessed as of moderate severity. Disruption of economic activity through transport of equipment via Badagry Creek to a newly constructed dock and road to the compressor station. (UNCERTAINTY: Equipment may not be transported through Badagry Creek and a dock may not be built.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Medium Severity

The option of transporting the compressor equipment to the compressor station site via Badagry Creek is assessed in the foregoing environmental impacts section as resulting in environmental impacts of high severity. Habitat for aquatic wildlife is expected to be significantly affected, which may have impacts on fish populations and therefore on households relying on these fish populations as a source of livelihood. Any impacts to means of livelihood associated with the acquisition of land for a new access road would be mitigated through the RAP framework. It should be noted that there are no structures identified in the area where the access road would be sited. Secondary negative socioeconomic effects of the dock (if built) may include inducement of development near the pier site due to increased commerce using the pier, resulting in increased boat traffic in the nearby portions of the lagoon, and in potential water quality impacts, impacts on fisheries, and socioeconomic impacts on households relying on these fisheries as a source of livelihood. Some of these impacts will be offset by the increased commerce associated with the dock and transshipment/passenger activity, potential improved work opportunities, and new means of livelihood opportunities for residents in nearby communities. Thus if the dock is left in place, the duration of impacts on fisheries is expected to be major. The areal extent and magnitude of impacts on fisheries and associated means of livelihood are expected to be moderate in nature. The likelihood of this impact is also assessed as medium. Overall this is assessed as an impact of moderate severity.

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If the dock is removed immediately after delivery of the compressor equipment, the temporal aspects of these impacts becomes minor, the likelihood becomes low, and the overall impact severity becomes low. Public Health, Safety, and Security
Pipeline and Compressor Station Construction, Weight-Coating Plant operation

Increased accident and illness rates due to the transportation of materials and equipment to construction sites.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

The construction phase of the WAGP pipeline construction will use roads throughout the region for delivery of supplies, personnel and equipment. The presence of construction traffic, including large trucks could potentially result in an increased incidence of roadrelated accidents. The potential for an increase in accidents is particularly acute where roads are narrow, congested, and of poor pavement quality. Also, adding large trucks to the current mix of vehicles and users on the road (which includes private automobiles, buses, motorbikes and pedestrians), may increase conflict between the different types of users and result in increased accident rates. The incidence of construction-related accidents will be temporary in nature, with duration depending on the proximity of affected roads and communities to the pipeline ROW. However, any injuries sustained to the public could range from temporary to permanent in nature. Roads nearest the ROW that serve particular sections of the ROW will receive increased traffic for the portion of the construction period during which the associated sections of the pipeline are under construction. Roads more distant from the ROW, serving as main routes to the overall project, will receive increased traffic throughout the construction period. The increase in traffic related to construction will also result in reduced ambient air quality and dust, which could increase the incidence and severity of respiratory illnesses for persons in communities adjacent to heavily trafficked roads. It should be noted, however, that the significance of reduced ambient air quality has been assessed as low severity in the foregoing environmental impacts section. An increase in traffic will also result in increased noise levels for the public as well as workers. As detailed in Appendix 8-B (Exhibit F) mitigation measures available to reduce the negative impacts of construction traffic on health and safety include driver training and strict adherence to safety guidelines, road upgrades to improve traffic flow, avoidance of congested roads or periods of high traffic, compliance with road bearing capacity and repair damage caused to roads at the end of the work, air emission controls, and dust suppression measures.
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In addition, WAGP will attempt to ameliorate the impact by delivering material during off peak time frames to avoid adding to the already congested traffic along some roads and by delivering to specific staging areas. The temporal impact of construction traffic on health and safety is moderate because the impact may be medium to long-term and irreversible if serious injuries or illnesses are sustained. The areal impacts will be moderate because the impacts will be felt by communities all along access routes throughout the region. The magnitude is moderate because the negative effects, after mitigation are expected to have measurable effects on a significant number of community members. The likelihood of impacts is medium for communities immediately adjacent to the key access routes. The overall impact is therefore assessed as moderate. Increased incidence of sexually-related diseases due to the influx of workers. The influx of workers could result in a higher incidence of illness and disease among local community members, as the workers bring in new strains or new diseases. While most of these impacts are likely to be of short duration, the increased incidence of life-threatening or incurable illnesses, such as HIV/AIDS and other STDs, could have a long-term effect on the means of livelihood of some households. This impact has been previously assessed in Sections and under Social and Cultural Conditions and Means of Livelihood, and mitigation plans are described in more detail in Chapter 7. Increased illness resulting from solid and hazardous waste generation.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Moderate

Low Severity

Solid and hazardous waste generation will be handled according to an approved wastemanagement plan. Waste is expected to consist principally of cleared vegetation from the ROW (i.e., the vegetation cover of an area of 140ha and debris consisting of one or two small buildings, which will generate approximately 1tn of solid non-hazardous waste. The incorrect disposal of waste could result in health impacts to the public. Planned mitigation measures available will significantly reduce the extent and likelihood of any negative health and safety impacts resulting from solid and hazardous waste generation. Given the expected implementation of the waste management plan, it is unlikely that this activity will result in substantial health and safety impacts for the public. The temporal impact of solid and hazardous waste generation is minor because the impact will be relatively short-term. The areal impacts will be minor because the impacts will occur only at a centralized disposal location. The magnitude is minor because the negative impacts, after mitigation, are expected to have very limited effects on a few communities. The likelihood of impact is low while waste will be generated, it will not be hazardous and will be managed to avoid health impacts. The overall impact level is therefore assessed as low.
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Chapter 6 Worker Health, Safety, and Security

Pipeline Construction - Upland

Increased accident and illness rates due to the transportation of materials and equipment to construction site.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Impacts on workers associated with the transportation of materials and equipment to the construction site will be similar in nature to the impacts described above with respect to impacts on public health and safety. Increased accident rates due to improper use of earthmoving or other heavy equipment.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Daily activities in support of the pipeline construction may pose worker safety issues due to higher exposure of occupational risk if equipment is improperly handled or safety procedures not correctly followed. For example, drilling of hard rocks could result in general occupational hazards and present serious safety concerns if workers are not adequately protected. Impacts will be mitigated through overt HSE management system requirements of the EPC contractors, as detailed in Chapter 7 (Exhibit F) and in Chapter 8 (Appendix 8B-4.3 and Appendix 8B-5.0). Operation of equipment during construction will also result in increased noise levels for the workers and possible hearing injuries. Proper personnel protective equipment will need to be worn to guard against potential hearing loss (Appendix 8B-4.3). The temporal impact is moderate because the impact may be medium to long-term and irreversible if serious injuries or illnesses are sustained. The areal impact is minor because the impacts will affect workers in the immediate construction site. The magnitude is minor because any injuries sustained at work will be treated immediately in all possible cases. The likelihood of impacts is medium as this type of construction activity is not associated with a high incidence of injuries and mitigation measures will be in place to minimize accident rates and injuries. The overall impact is therefore assessed as moderate.

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Increased illness resulting from solid and hazardous waste generation.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Impacts on workers associated with solid and hazardous waste generation will be similar in nature to the impacts described above with respect to impacts on public health and safety. Given the proximity of workers to the site, and potentially longer periods of handling waste, the magnitude is moderate which results in a low severity impact.
Compressor Station Construction

Worker injury resulting from activities associated with construction of the compressor station (i.e., earthmoving equipment operations).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Construction of the compressor station and the associated temporary concrete batch plant may result in construction-related accidents. Construction of the compressor station will take 12 to 15 months and the workforce will be between 300 and 450. The presence of this large crew, and the need to move and operate earth moving equipment, a diesel fuel generator and diesel storage tanks , and construct and operate the concrete batch plant, and construct the compressor itself, creates significant potential for accidents and injury. Impacts will be mitigated through overt HSE management system requirements of the EPC contractors, as detailed in Chapter 7 (Exhibit F) and in Chapter 8 (Appendix 8B-4.3 and 8B-5.0). Operation of equipment during construction will also result in increased noise levels for the workers and possible hearing injuries. Proper personnel protective equipment will need to be worn to guard against potential hearing loss (Appendix 8B-4.3). The temporal impact of the compressor station construction on health and safety is moderate because the impact may be medium to long-term and irreversible if serious injuries are sustained. The areal impacts will be minor because the impacts will affect workers in the immediate construction site. The magnitude is moderate because of the potential severity of injuries. The likelihood of impacts is medium as this type of construction activity is associated with a relatively high incidence of injuries and mitigation measures will be in place to minimize accident rates and injuries. The overall impact is therefore assessed as moderate.


Commissioning and Start-up

The primary activity taking place during commissioning is hydrotesting of the pipeline. The impacts from this procedure are discussed under Section 6.7, Offshore Impacts. Start-up will

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consist of filling the pipeline with natural gas and ongoing testing and maintenance (e.g., of compressors and control equipment) that will continue from the commissioning phase. Land Use

No new land use impact is envisaged during commissioning and start-up operations. Habitats and Biological Resources

Machinery movement and vehicular activities during start-up will decrease in comparison with activities during the construction phase. No new significant habitat loss or disturbance is envisaged during commissioning and start-up operations. Topography, Geology, and Soils

Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Changes in topography and soils due to the generation of solid and hazardous wastes and hazardous materials management during commissioning and start up at the compressor station and Alagbado Tee.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Various incidental volumes of lubricants and solvents will be present at both sites during commissioning and start up. Similar to the analysis conducted for solid and hazardous wastes produced during the construction phase, BMPs, and proper disposal practices are assumed to be in place on all project sites (Appendix 8B-2.7.1). The impacts from solid and hazardous wastes are evaluated for the instances where these practices fail to protect the surrounding soils and topography, i.e., either a Very Low to Medium likelihood of occurrence. Wastes that could be change soil quality are primarily solvents, oils, and greases. Spills or leakage of these liquids could seep into the surrounding soil and remain for multiple years if not attended to. Assuming that spills are detected quickly, free liquids recovered and contaminated soils removed, the temporal affect to the soil would be minor, lasting for less than a few days. However, the effects would be reversible only with treatment. The areal extent of the impact would depend on the hazardous material quantity spilled or wastes not properly disposed. In most cases spills would occur within the compressor station or Tee facility, therefore the areal extent can be assumed to be minor. In the case of solvents, oils, or grease contamination, the existing soil composition would be greatly changed in the spill area. The magnitude of such an impact would be moderate. The likelihood of a spill or leak during the few months to conduct commissioning and startup procedures is low if proper management practices are implemented. The severity of impact of solid and hazardous wastes is low.

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Water Resources

Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Changes in water quality and resources due to the generation of solid and hazardous wastes during commissioning and start up at the compressor station and Alagbado Tee.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Primary wastes from start up and commissioning are solvents, oils, and greases when used in proximity to surface water bodies such as ponds and streams. Groundwater resources would only be affected in the case of very large spills that could then seep into the surrounding soil and possibly the groundwater table and remain for multiple years if not attended to. Surface water quality could also be affected by either direct contact with the contaminants, or through seepage trough soils. Assuming the spill is recovered and contaminated soils excavated, the temporal affect to water quality would be negligible because the contaminant would not permeate to the groundwater level, or would be mitigated in the case of surface water contact. The areal extent of the impact would depend on the quantity of hazardous material spilled or wastes not properly disposed. In most cases spills would occur within the compressor station or Tee facility, therefore the areal extent can be assumed to be minor. In the case of significant solvent, oil, or grease contamination, the existing surface water quality would be greatly changed in the spill area. The magnitude of such an impact would be moderate. The likelihood of a spill or leak during the few months to conduct commissioning and startup procedures is low if proper management practices are implemented. The severity of impact of solid and hazardous wastes is low. Air Quality

Onshore Pipeline Testing

Following displacement of hydrotest water and subsequent discharge (Section 6.7 Offshore Impacts), dry air purging will be performed by blowing dry, filtered, compressed air through the line. After drying is complete, the air inside the pipeline must be expelled before natural gas can be introduced. Nitrogen will be the inert gas used to purge the pipeline. Mechanical pigging devices will be inserted into the pipeline system between the different fluid systems during startup (water, air, nitrogen and natural gas). Both air and nitrogen will be displaced through the vent systems at R&M stations in Benin, Togo, and Ghana until more than 99 percent nitrogen (at 0.5 bar) is left in the pipeline and ancillary facilities. The purge nitrogen will then be displaced with high-pressure natural gas, vented in the same manner as the air/nitrogen mixture. The nitrogen will be vented to a safe location. Once the mechanical pigs are received, the venting operation will cease as the pipeline is now filled to a specified pressure with natural gas. Venting of first air (which is primarily nitrogen) and then purge nitrogen will have no significant impact to the existing air quality due to the inert nature of
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both gases. Some negligible amount of venting of a nitrogen/natural gas mixture may occur until the natural gas reaches customer specifications. All venting will be done through designed vent systems which have been positioned or laid out in a manner that ensures the safety of workers and surrounding area in the case of inadvertent ignition. Nitrogen-natural gas mixtures will be monitored until the specification is achieved.
Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Changes in air quality due to venting of gas at the Alagbado Tee.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Negligible Negligible Negligible Very Low

Low Severity

The majority of venting at the compressor station and Alagbado Tee during the commissioning phase is part of the pipeline testing procedures and is discussed above. A very small percentage of air and nitrogen, nitrogen, and nitrogen-natural gas mixtures, representing fill volumes of the instrument gas, gas fuel lines and other gas utility systems, may be vented through the vent system at Alagbado and the flare system at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. During normal operations, and in the event that the compressor station is isolated from onshore and offshore pipelines, a blowdown of the compressor station itself would take less than 5 minutes and result in the release of up to 460m3 (16,250scf) of gas. This small operating quantity would far exceed the amount of gas vented during start-up procedures. Operating components at the Tee will be connected to the existing ELP vent system. The ELP vent system consists of a relief header, vent scrubber, and vent stack. Venting is only expected to take place at the Tee during emergency or upset conditions. The duration of impacts from venting natural gas at the compressor station is negligible. Due to the small quantity of natural gas to be emitted, the areal extent is also negligible. The magnitude of impacts to air quality is also negligible and will be barely discernible above background levels. The likelihood of a significant impact to air quality from venting at the compressor station is very low and the overall severity of the impact is low. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

No significant impact on transport or other infrastructure is envisaged during commissioning and start-up operations. Social and Cultural Conditions

No significant impact on social and cultural conditions is envisaged during commissioning and start-up operations.

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Access to Goods and Services

No significant impact on access to goods and services is envisaged during commissioning and start-up operations. Means of Livelihood

Pipeline and Compressor Station

Means of livelihood dislocation due to termination of construction jobs.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Moderate Moderate Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Construction job terminations at the completion of the construction phase may have adverse socioeconomic impacts on the local communities. Although the WAGP construction jobs themselves will be beneficial for the local economy, the temporary nature of these jobs, and the adjustment in the local economy required to reabsorb local WAGP construction workers back into the traditional job base after construction jobs end, will cause economic dislocation and potential hardships after the end of the construction phase and at the beginning of the commissioning phase. This impact will be exacerbated by the additional losses in jobs and revenue among services and vendors that support the construction effort during the construction phase. Mitigation measures have been and will continue to be implemented to limit the extent of this impact, including providing full and clear information to construction workers regarding the duration of their jobs at the time of hiring, and full information to the community regarding the duration of the construction period. The temporal aspect of this impact is assessed as moderate since negative consequences are expected to begin at the time of lay-offs, and at least some workers and households are expected to go thorough an extended readjustment period before arranging alternate means of livelihood. The areal extent of the impact will be moderate, as it will affect communities along the pipeline route, and possibly more distant communities, depending on the source of the local labor pool. The magnitude of the impact is assessed as moderate because the release of such a large number of workers over a fairly short period, combined with the removal of markets for goods and services, is expected to have relatively intense socioeconomic impacts on the communities near construction sites. The likelihood of this impact is medium leading to an overall severity assessment of moderate. Public Health, Safety, and Security The commissioning and start-up of the WAGP facilities poses risk of injury in the event of upset conditions. These impacts are discussed in Section 6.8, Upset Conditions.

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Chapter 6 Worker Health, Safety, and Security The commissioning and start-up of the WAGP facilities poses risk of injury in the event of upset conditions. These impacts are discussed in Section 6.8, Upset Conditions.


Operations and Maintenance

The operations and maintenance phase of the WAGP project is the longest phase and will last approximately 20 years. However, most long lasting impacts have already been accounted for under construction (e.g., footprint of the compressor station) and only a few new impacts have been identified under this phase. Operations and maintenance covers the ongoing activities associated with maintaining both the pipeline and the facilities (Alagbado Tee and the Lagos Beach Compressor Station) contained within the onshore foot print. Maintenance of the facilities includes low volume and infrequent venting of gas, operation of generators and small machinery, intermittent pigging of the pipeline and the associated wastes, and generation of low volumes of solid and hazardous wastes and management of hazardous materials. Pipeline maintenance primarily includes periodic clearing of the ROW corridor. Land Use

Onshore Pipeline

Alteration in current land use from ROW maintenance.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

During the lifetime of the transmission system, overgrowth will be removed and disposed of during maintenance of the 25m wide ROW. Vegetation clearance will be performed four times a year by hand. No herbicides will be used. It is expected that local inhabitants would remove overgrowth debris from this maintenance for use as firewood. Nonetheless, provisions will be made for the management of this overgrowth debris, including possibly accumulation and burning (or off-site disposal). Between periods of maintenance, nearby populations may attempt to reclaim ROW land for agricultural use. While prohibited by WAPCo for public safety reasons, this type of encroachment on the ROW may occur but would be continuously disrupted by monthly ROW monitoring/inspection and the quarterly clearing of vegetation. No new land would be occupied during the operation and maintenance phase of WAGP, and ROW land not in the 15m wide burial zone would also be open to farm animal grazing. The duration of the continued maintenance of ROW land is major and will last the lifetime of the project. The areal extent is negligible and will only affect areas within the ROW. The magnitude of the impact to current land use is also negligible because this land was previously occupied during the construction phase and no further land use changes are

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expected. The likelihood of additional impacts to land use during this phase is low and the overall impact severity is also low. Habitat and Biological Resources

Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Disturbance of nearby habitats from operation of generators and compressors.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

There will be generators at both the compressor station and the Tee. The compressor facility will be manned 24 hours per day, seven days per week. The nominal staff number at the compressor is expected to be 15 to 30 persons. WAPCo will not man the Tee facility; NGC will continue to man the facility with a security guard. A 46 horsepower (hp) natural gas powered generator will provide primary electrical power to the Tee. Initially there will be two natural-gas-powered 2MW, 6600V generators, with an emergency 500 kilowatt (kW), 415V hp diesel backup generator system to provide respectively primary and emergency electrical power at the compressor station. The primary system will be operated 24 hours per day. Noise levels from these generators can average between 75dBA to 80dBA (Personal communication, David Poole, 20 October 2003). Sound attenuation devices may need to be employed to reduce the noise level to within acceptable ranges. Noise produced from the gas turbine compressor operation is controlled by silencers and acoustic insulation provided with the turbine enclosure to reduce it below the upper acceptable limits for industrial hygiene/hearing protection in the workplace (85dBA) and in compliance with World Bank and local regulations at the station boundary (55dBA). Main noise sources typical of gas turbine compressor facility are the gas turbine combustion air intake, exhaust, gas turbine casing, gearbox, compressor, process piping, valves, coolers, blowdown vents, and other background noises such as generators. The noise control systems must be designed and evaluated during the detail design stage to prevent the site sound levels from exceeding the limits specified by the World Bank guideline and local regulations. Even with these design safeguards, both the noise from generator operation and generally human activity could disturb wildlife in nearby areas. The duration of impacts to wildlife from noise and activity at these two sites will continue for the life of the project but will be reversible immediately following the absence of noise. The temporal extent during operations and maintenance is, therefore, major. The areal extent of disturbance of wildlife is negligible because noise levels above 55dBA are not expected to reach areas outside the facility boundaries. The magnitude of the impact from noise and activity is negligible. Any avoidance of the facility sites by wildlife will only affect individual animals, not entire populations because the noise created will not reach intolerable levels.

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The likelihood of significant impacts to surrounding wildlife communities is low. The overall impact severity from noise creation from generators and compressors is low.
Onshore Pipeline

Disturbance of surrounding wildlife due to ROW maintenance.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Routine maintenance of the corridor along the upland pipeline ROW would require intermittent removal of vegetation above a few meters high. The effect of this is the permanent loss of the original vegetation, which may be replaced with non-native species leading to a disturbance of original habitat diversity. Also, each time such maintenance activities are being carried out, the associated noise and human presence could lead to disturbance of wildlife species in the fringing forests/bushes and their eventual migration from the area. If this is too frequent, it may lead to their total movement away from the area, leading to a modification in species composition and diversity. The temporal extent of impacts from maintaining ROW land is major and will last the lifetime of the project. The areal extent is negligible and will only affect areas within the ROW. The magnitude of the impact to habitat and wildlife is minor as some changes in species diversity may occur. The likelihood of impacts to habitat and wildlife not previously accounted for during the construction phase is low and the overall impact severity is also low. Topography, Geology, and Soils

Soils in some parts of the project area have been identified to have high TOC content (e.g., the coastal area Bush Fallow Cyprus dominated marsh and the Raphia Palm dominated freshwater swamp forest) and other properties such as pH, which gives them the potential to oxidized buried metal surfaces quickly and easily. Unless adequate protective measures, such as anti-corrosion coating and cathodic protection is put in place, there is a possibility that pipes in these parts will be quickly eroded, giving rise to possible increase in heavy metal loading of the soils. This could in turn lead to nutrient toxicity for plants growing on the soil as well as the soil fauna. Stretches of pipeline prone to corrosion due to soil conditions will be internally coated and have cathodic anodes installed so that this impact can be avoided in most cases.
Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Contamination of soils from pigging wastes.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

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Regarding maintenance pigging operations, it is currently envisaged that an intelligent pig run will be performed after five years of operations. Even though the gas will have low liquid content and be nearly free of condensates, normal natural-gas pipeline operation can result in the accumulation of liquids in the transmission line over time. To enable removal of these liquids as well as to monitor pipeline integrity, the Tee is already equipped with a pig receiver (operated by NNPC to capture liquids from upstream of the Tee) and will be equipped with a pig launcher to service the onshore pipeline from the Tee to the WAPCo Lagos Beach Compressor Station. Accumulated liquids from pigging operation between the Tee and the compressor station will be managed at the compressor station. The pig launcher will be vented to the existing ELP vent system. WAPCo will accept no pipeline liquids at the Tee as a result of pigging operations from upstream sources. At both the compressor station and the Alagbado Tee, undesirable solids or liquids, if any, from upstream sources will be first removed at a gas scrubber and drained to the facility liquids handling tank via a pressurized drain system. Again, liquids from the scrubber are expected to consist of water, gas condensates and the solids are expected to consist of pipe scale. As entrained solids and liquids will be present in the gas only during upset conditions, the quantities involved are expected to be incidental and will accumulate only very slowly over time. Wastes will be kept in a liquids handling tank where they will await removal by a waste removal vendor. See Appendix 8B-2.6, Waste Management Plan, for operational controls dealing with waste issues. Because pigging wastes are held in handling tanks, the risk of spill or leaks of these wastes to soils is minimal. Normal handling of these wastes should not result in an impact to surrounding areas. If a leak or spill does occur, the duration of the impact would be minor assuming proper and prompt clean up procedures. The areal extent would be negligible and not exceed facility boundaries. The magnitude of the impact would be minor considering the nature of wastes generally created from pig runs. The likelihood of a spill or leak resulting in adverse impacts to soil from pigging wastes is low over the life of the project. The overall severity of the impact is low. Change in soil conditions due to the transport, transfer, and storage of fuel.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Only minimal emergency backup quantities of diesel fuel will be required at the Tee because the main energy supply will be provided by natural gas. The compressor station, however, will have an emergency 500kW, 415V hp diesel backup generator system to provide emergency electrical power. A 79,000L (21,000 gallon) diesel supply tank will be provided to store diesel fuel for continuous operations of the compressor station diesel emergency generation and fire engines fuel needs. The generator day tank will be housed in a secondary containment system beneath the generating unit it will serve.

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Impact to soils could occur from a spill or leakage of the supply tank or spills during transport or transfer of the fuel. If fuel did contact soil from a spill or leak the duration of contamination would depend on the quantity spilled. Most spills would be incidental and the second container would stop most leaks from the tank itself, resulting in smaller quantities of fuel spillage before clean-up would commence. The duration of impacts to soil would, therefore, be limited and last less six months under normal circumstances. The temporal extent of impacts from fuel to soil is minor. The areal extent is also minor and will not exceed 100m from the facility boundaries. The magnitude of an impact to soil from a small leak or spill is minor but could raise PAH levels in the contaminated soil to a measurable concentration. Transport and transfer of diesel fuel will not occur on a regular basis because the main supply for the compressor station will only be depleted on an emergency basis. Because contact with diesel fuel is minimal during operation and maintenance phase, the likelihood of an impact to soil from a leak or spill is low. The overall severity of an impact from diesel fuel contamination is low. Change in soils due to hazardous materials management and the generation of solid, hazardous wastes, gray water, and runoff.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The operation and maintenance of the Lagos Beach Compressor Station and the Tee facility could have various potential impacts. Solid and hazardous waste management (e.g., maintenance lubes, oils, chemicals, dehydrating liquid, and filter wastes and refuse) may have impacts to soil and the associated biological resources, if not properly handled and disposed. There will be no stormwater accumulation from process areas except for some amounts of sheet runoff from the covered facilities especially during periods of heavy rain. However, other nonpoint sources of runoff could impact soil resources near the compressor station. In addition, soil contamination from sewage and gray water may occur if these wastes are not handled properly. The quality of soil could degrade as a result of improper solid waste disposal from the operation of the camp. At the Tee sanitary waste water from occasional usage by up to two workers will be treated through a septic tank system that is capable of collecting and holding the waste water. The design of the sanitary waste septic system will be done in accordance with the design parameters contained in the environmental standards adopted for this project and applicable local requirements. The preferred option for disposing of treated sanitary waste water is discharge into the soil by means of a properly designed and sized drainage field. A sanitary waste water treatment system to collect waste fluids coming from toilets, lavatories, and showers will be installed at the compressor station. Treatment of the sanitary waste water at the compressor station will incorporate a biological-type sewage waste
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treatment plant (RedFox Unit (see Section Nigeria EIA) possibly including chlorination system) sized to accommodate a staff of 25 to 30 workers. The preferred option for disposing of treated sanitary waste water is discharge into the soil by means of a properly designed and sized drainage field. Other options for disposing of treated sanitary waste water are: Discharging into nearby receiving waters (probably Badagry Creek) chlorination possibly appropriate; or Hauling off-site for disposal-appropriateness of chlorination dependent on off-site disposal location. With the proper BMPs, consideration of the shallow water table, and disposal practices in place, impacts to soils at the facilities should be minimal. As described under site preparation and construction, there is a risk of unintentional spills and leaks of liquid wastes. The impacts to soil are assessed for stormwater runoff and spill or leaks of other liquid wastes but not for general management practices, these are described in Chapter 8. Impacts from leaks or spills greatly depends on the quantity of liquid involved. There will not be large volumes of scrubbing liquids, maintenance fluids, or lubricants stored on the facility sites. Spills would therefore impact soil quality for less than a few months if promptly excavated and hauled off-site. Untreated non point surface runoff from access roads (dirt or gravel) and other compacted facility surfaces could contaminate surrounding soils if not properly treated. Accumulation of oils and greases from vehicles and other machinery could penetrate surrounding soils and take several months to reverse impacts. The temporal extent of impacts to soil from possible spills and leaks is minor. The areal extent is also minor and should not affect soils more than 100m from the facility boundaries. Magnitude of such an impact to soils could vary depending on the liquid type and quantity. Most any of the possible fluids mentioned above would cause measurable change in soil chemistry above normal background conditions. The magnitude of the impact is therefore, moderate. The likelihood of a hazardous material spill or leak during the lifetime of the project is higher than that during the construction phase due to the longer time period being assessed. Over an approximate 20 year span, the likelihood of an impact to soil quality from liquid waste contamination is medium. The overall severity of this impact is moderate. Water Resources

Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Changes in water quality or resources due to provision of fresh water to facility sites. Potable and utility freshwater as well as firewater will be provided to the compression station by two planned groundwater wells. The estimated expected daily use of water from the two wells is 151L (40 gallons) per day per inhabitant. Maximum expected operators/maintenance

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personnel on-site are 30 leading to an estimated total water use, excluding fire fighting, of 4,770L (1,260 gallons) per day. Firefighting water will be stored in a 45,000 gallon tank. The tank will emptied twice a year for functional testing of the firewater response system. If wells are drilled to an appropriate level, below that of most wells in the vicinity, then no adverse impacts to water resources should be experienced in the local communities. Changes in water quality from pigging wastes.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

See description of possible spills and leaks under Section Contamination could occur in the rare instance of direct contact with surface water (freshwater marsh at the compressor station site) or from seepage from soil into groundwater. Changes in water quality due to the transport, transfer, and storage of fuel.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

See description of possible spills and leaks under Section Contamination could occur in the rare instance of direct contact with surface water especially during transport of fuel to the compressor station or from seepage from soil into groundwater. Changes in water quality from hazardous materials handling or the generation of solid and hazardous wastes, gray water, and stormwater.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The aboveground and below grade (i.e. not buried) storage tanks that would be used to receive liquids from the flare scrubbers at the compressor station could accidentally leak. This could have negative impacts on surface and groundwater, as well as aquatic organisms, although low volumes are expected during the operational lifetime. Similar to the soil quality issues mentioned above, stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces at the compressor station near Lagos, Nigeria could also impact surface water and groundwater. Water contamination from sewage, and gray water as described above, could also occur. The quality of water may degrade as a result of improper solid waste disposal,

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particularly from maintenance operations. Risk of impacts to water quality from spills or leaks are described under Section Contamination could occur in the rare instants of direct contact of liquid or solid wastes with the freshwater marsh at the compressor station site, or from seepage of contaminants from soil into groundwater. Air Quality

Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Changes in air quality due to the venting of gas at the compressor station or Alagbado Tee.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Occasional controlled natural gas release from the pipeline system at one of three points for pressure reduction or during system shutdowns may have negative air quality impacts. Flaring of gas at the compressor station will occur only during emergency and upset conditions. These impacts are discussed under Section 6.8. Although the flare will not be operating continuously, a small amount of purge gas will be continuously injected into the flare header piping at the extremities to ensure that the header system remains free of oxygen. Purge gas velocity will be approximately 0.05 ft/sec (0.015 m/sec). The 16in (40.6cm) flare header will therefore yield purge gas at a rate of approximately 0.004 percent of initial capacity. All flare and purge gas shall be measured and recorded. A pilot flame will also be continuously operated in the flare to combust the purge gas. Impacts to air quality from this small amount of combustion and regular venting will be negligible. The midline vent system (i.e., isolation valve), currently envisaged to be adjacent to the existing 12in SNGL Pipeline valve, south of the Odowe Idi Iroko Road (Figure 2.4-3 in Chapter 2) and the Alagbado Tee vent system will have very little impact on air quality as the systems are essentially closed unless controlled blowdown is needed. The temporal extent of impacts to air quality is negligible for this quantity of gas and should be dissipated within less than a few hours under normal operation and maintenance conditions. The areal extent is minor due to some changes in air quality being present outside the facility boundaries but only for very short periods of time. The magnitude of impacts is negligible and should not cause significant changes, if any, in background levels of combustion or natural gas components. The likelihood of significant impacts to air quality from venting and combustion of minimal purge gas is low, resulting in low impact severity.

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Changes in air quality due to the operation of generators and compressors.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Negligible Low Minor

Low Severity

The operation of generators and other machinery, including the compressors, will release emissions into the atmosphere, resulting in possible air quality impacts. The major air emission will be natural gas combustion products from the turbines exhaust stacks. Air emissions from combustion operations for the project would consist mainly of oxides of Nitrogen (NOx), Carbon monoxide (CO), Carbon dioxide (CO2), unburned hydrocarbons (UHC), and particulate matter (PM), depending on the ash content of the gas. There will also be generators at both the compressor station and the Tee. Both the noise from generator operation and general human activity could disturb wildlife in nearby areas. A 46hp natural gas powered generator will provide primary electrical power to the Tee. Initially there will be two natural-gas-powered 2 megawatt (MW), 6,600V generators, with an emergency 500 kilowatt (kW), 415V hp diesel backup generator system to provide respectively primary and emergency electrical power at the compressor station. The primary system will be operated 24 hours per day. To minimize compressor emissions, natural gas fueled, low NOx turbines will be employed. Exhaust emission from the gas turbines will be controlled by a dry-type combustion emission suppression system to reduce the emission levels of NOx, CO, and other contaminants to below the World Bank and local guidelines. The duration of impacts to air quality from generators and compressors at these two sites will continue for the life of the project but will be reversible following the cessation of combustion. The temporal extent during operations and maintenance is, therefore, major. The areal extent of air quality changes is minor because contaminants are not expected to reach areas beyond 100m of either site. The magnitude of the impact from the generators and compressors is negligible. The likelihood of significant impacts to air quality is low. The overall impact severity from combustion from generators and compressors is low. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

No significant impacts on transportation or other infrastructure are envisaged during the operation and maintenance phase. Impacts on Social and Cultural Conditions

No significant impacts on social and cultural conditions are envisaged during the operation and maintenance phase.

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Access to Goods and Services

No significant impacts on access to goods and services are envisaged during the operation and maintenance phase. Means of Livelihood

Compressor Station, Alagbado Tee, and Onshore Pipeline

Land Use, Economic Dislocation, and Upstream Induced Effects Potential negative socioeconomic impacts of the operational phase of the pipeline include: Continued preclusion of local residents from the use of land within the ROW; Residual economic dislocation effects from the influx of construction workers and activities in the vicinity of worksites and construction camps (if built); and Secondary upstream impacts associated with the development of new gas supply facilities induced by the availability of a new market for gas via WAGP. The first two impacts are addressed fully in Section 6.2 (Site Preparation and Construction Impacts), where they are assessed as permanent impacts. Thus impacts during the operations phase were fully assessed in this previous section and will not be addressed again here. Secondary impacts, including upstream induced impacts, are addressed in Section 6.9.2, of this report. Public Health, Safety, and Security
Compressor Station, Alagbado Tee, and Onshore Pipeline

WAGP operations pose a certain level of risk to health, safety, and security associated with the possibility of controlled or uncontrolled gas release, fire, or explosion. This risk is addressed in Section 6.8, Emergency and Upset Conditions, below. Worker Health, Safety, and Security
Compressor Station and Alagbado Tee

Possible injury and illness to workers resulting from the operation of compressors and generators at either the Lagos Beach Compressor Station or Alagbado Tee sites. Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

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Operation of the compressor station may result in accidents and illnesses such as malaria. There is the potential for work-related injuries to occur as employees operate and maintain the high pressure, gas compression equipment and other typical industrial exposures, including slips, trips, falls, heavy equipment handling, electrical, pneumatics, tools, pinch points, etc. Some exposure to motor vehicle type incidents is also likely. Exposure to tropical diseases (malaria, etc.) poses possible health concerns. Operation of the compressor station plant will also result in increased noise levels for the workers and possible hearing injuries, as indicated above for commissioning and start-up. Proper personnel protective equipment will need to be worn to guard against potential hearing loss (Appendix 8B-4.3). The temporal impact of the compressor station operation on health and safety is moderate because the impact may be long-term, and irreversible if serious injuries are sustained. The areal impacts will be minor because the impacts will be felt by workers at the immediate site. The magnitude is minor because injuries could range from minor to serious or lifethreatening. The likelihood of impacts is low because of mitigation measures such as occupational surveys to identify high noise areas, design to eliminate the hazards, procedures for routine and non-routine activities, and the overall HSE management system. The overall impact is therefore assessed as low.


Decommissioning and Abandonment

Decommissioning and abandonment is the post-project phase. In general, the impacts from decommissioning will depend on the quality of the engineering underpinning the project and proper execution of approved decommissioning plans. As described in the International Project Agreement, the Joint Venture intends to decommission and abandon the pipeline consistent with local regulations and accepted industry practices prevailing at the time of abandonment. In some cases lands are expected to be returned to their pre-WAGP use (e.g., agriculture). Detailed plans for facility decommissioning, abandonment, and facility/pipeline reinstatement will be developed toward the end of the lifetime of the project. Short-term activities associated with facility decommissioning (e.g., heavy machinery, traffic) have the potential to create dust and mobile source emissions and can temporarily disrupt wildlife, and wastes and debris at facility sites can negatively affect soils, water resources, and habitats if not properly managed. At the projects end, it is anticipated that onshore pipelines will be flushed, capped, and abandoned in place. Pipeline corrosion and subsequent leaching of metals into surrounding soil and water is a possibility. Job terminations associated with decommissioning of the pipeline, compressor station, and associated facilities at the end of the operation phase could possibly have negative socioeconomic impacts on the households of terminated workers. Impacts cannot be assessed quantitatively at this time. However, three decommissioning activities were evaluated qualitatively across the 11 environmental, socioeconomic, and public/worker health media (total of 33 potential impacts evaluated), with the following results: 21 were assessed as no impact, and 12 were unable to be evaluated at this time (undetermined). The types of undetermined impacts are described below.

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Land Use

No additional impacts to land use are anticipated at the termination of the project. In some cases, land occupied by the pipeline or facilities may return to pre-WAGP use (e.g., agriculture). Habitat and Biological Resources

Decommissioning of Facilities Temporal Areal Magnitude

Impact Significance Likelihood


Decommissioning of the compressor station and worker facilities could cause temporary disruption to wildlife from increased human activity and noise. The duration of this impact would be short-term. Debris would need to be properly disposed of and removed from the site to avoid contamination of nearby habitats.
Abandonment of Onshore Pipeline

The 56km onshore lateral in Nigeria will be cut at the shoreline, flushed, capped, and abandoned in place. In this case there will be no significant impact to habitats and biological resources. If required by the regulations in force at the end of the project lifetime or by the local communities or stakeholders, then the pipeline will be removed and disposed of according to a management plan to be developed and approved nearer the time. However, it may be presumed that the impacts of disinterring an empty gas pipeline would be higher than leaving it in place. Topography, Geology, and Soils

Decommissioning of Facilities Temporal Areal Magnitude

Impact Significance Likelihood


Possible impacts to topography and soils include contamination from abandoned wastes and debris that are not properly removed from the facility sites, and short-term generation of dust from increased heavy machinery activity. Impacts at the Alagbado Tee are unlikely as NGC and/or SNGL may still be operating. Impacts at the compressor station would be more likely due to the size and complexity of the equipment. However, severity of these impacts cannot be determined at this time.

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Abandonment of Onshore Pipeline Temporal Areal Magnitude

Impact Significance Likelihood


Leaving the pipeline in place will generally not create any impacts to soil or topography along the ROW. There is, however, a slight possibility that the pipeline could corrode once it is void of gas and leach metals into the surrounding soil. The severity of this impact is undetermined. Water Resources
Temporal Areal Magnitude

Impact Significance Likelihood


See discussion under Section Topography, Geology, and Soils. Air Quality

Decommissioning of Facilities Temporal Areal Magnitude

Impact Significance Likelihood


Possible impacts to air quality include creation of dust and mobile source emissions from increased heavy machinery activity, particularly for decommissioning at the compressor station. Severity of these impacts cannot be determined at this time.
Abandonment of Onshore Pipeline

No impacts to air quality are expected from abandonment of the pipeline in situ. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

No new impacts and transportation or other infrastructure are envisioned during decommissioning. Social and Cultural Conditions

No new impacts on social and cultural conditions are envisioned during decommissioning.

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Access to Goods and Services

No new impacts on access to goods and services are envisioned during decommissioning. Means of Livelihood

Pipeline and Compressor Station

Means of livelihood dislocation due to termination of operation-related jobs.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude (unpredictable) Minor-Moderate Moderate (unpredictable) Medium


* Possible moderate severity under specific conditions severity cannot be predicted with confidence at this time.

Pipeline and compressor station job terminations at the end of the operation phase may have adverse socioeconomic impacts on the local communities. Although the WAGP operation and maintenance jobs will be beneficial for the local economy, their termination at the end of the operational phase, and the adjustment in the local economy required to absorb the released WAGP operation and maintenance workers, is expected to result in economic dislocation and hardship. Negative socioeconomic impacts associated with the termination of jobs can be mitigated through provision of clear and timely information to employees regarding their status after decommissioning, thus allowing those employees whose positions will be terminated to plan other means of livelihood prior to the termination of their positions. The magnitude of these impacts will be determined to a large extent by the state of the economy of Nigeria and the Western Region at the time of decommissioning. If the economy is expanding and the job market is strong at that time, the magnitude of the negative socioeconomic impacts associated with worker terminations by WAPCo will be reduced. If, however, the job market is tight, the magnitude of the negative socioeconomic impacts associated with worker terminations by WAPCo will be greater. This factor cannot be predicted at this time. The temporal aspect of this impact could range from minor to major, depending on the economic condition and the time required for terminated employees to find alternate means of livelihood. The areal impact would be minor because the activity only affects 15 to 30 workers and their families. The magnitude of the impact could range from minor to moderate, depending on economic conditions at the time of decommissioning, based on the fact that WAGP will employ only a modest number of full-time operations and maintenance staff, and based on the expectation that mitigation measures will be undertaken to reduce the magnitude of this impact.

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Chapter 6 Public Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts on public health, safety, and security are envisioned during decommissioning. Worker Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts on worker health, safety, and security are envisioned during decommissioning.


Potential Offshore Impacts

From the Lagos Beach Compression Station, gas transmission will occur via an offshore 20in (50.8cm) pipeline. The pipeline route will run generally southwest from Badagry Beach for 40km (25 miles) to the edge of the Nigerian territorial waters. The pipeline will run another 48km (30 miles) to a subsea tie-in offshore Cotonou, Benin, and continue through the territorial waters of Benin, Togo, and Ghana (east to west), terminating at Takoradi, Ghana. In Nigeria, the pipeline will be constructed in water depths that vary from 0m at the beach shoreline to 67m (220ft) at the point where the pipeline crosses into the waters of Benin. Approximately 250m of the pipeline will be in water that is less than 8m deep. None of the activities associate with the offshore pipeline resulted in high severity environmental impacts. Activities of concern include the passive installation of the pipeline in water that is greater than 8m deep (i.e., the pipeline is not buried compared to burial in water depths shallower than 8m), the movement of barges and vessels near the shore line of Nigeria, pipeline burial in less than 8m water depth and shore crossing via jet trenching (which is not a preferred alternative), and discharge of untreated hydrotest waters from the onshore Nigeria pipeline. The receptors primarily affected by these activities include benthic habitats and water quality and resources. Table 6.7-1 shows the severity assessment for offshore pipeline activities over the life of the WAGP project. This table is similar to the structure of the onshore impact table, Table 6.6-1. General and specific activities are described in the far left-hand column, and the receptors affected by these activities run across the top of the table. The colors representing the severity of the impact are identical to those in Section 6.6: green for low severity, yellow for moderate severity, red for high severity, and gray for undetermined severity. Intersections of activities and receptors that are crossed out have not been identified as significant impacts.

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Table 6.7-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Transportation and Infrastructure Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment Water Quality and Resources

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-199 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use / Water Activities

OFFSHORE IMPACTS Site Preparation and Construction

Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore Areas (>8m water depth) Presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Black and gray water and galley waste disposal Generation of solid and hazardous waste (maintenance lubes, oils, chemicals, wastes and refuse) General operation of vessels and equipment (e.g., generators) Passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth

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Table 6.7-1 Severity Assessment: Nigeria Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety Impacts
Habitat and Biological Resources Transportation and Infrastructure Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment Water Quality and Resources

Means of Livelihood Goods and Services Social and Cultural Conditions

Health and Safety

Worker Health and Safety 6-200 Public Health and Safety

General Activity

Specific Activity Description

Land Use / Water Activities

Site Preparation and Construction of Nearshore Areas (<8m water depth) Presence, movement, and anchoring of barges nearshore, including to ports Black and gray water and galley waste disposal Generation of solid and hazardous waste (maintenance lubes, oils, chemicals, wastes and refuse) General operation of vessels and equipment (e.g., generators) Option 1: HDD nearshore approach starting at <8m water depth Option 2: Jet trenching and cutting of shoreline starting at <8m water depth Filling of pipeline with hydrotest waters Pigging of pipeline Exposed pipeline starting at >8m water depth. Void of gas and leave in place

Commissioning and Start-up

On and offshore pipeline testing

Operations and Maintenance

Pigging maintenance

Decommissioning and Abandonment

Decommissioning of main trunk and laterals

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Site Preparation and Construction

In Nigeria, the offshore pipeline will be placed directly on the seafloor in water depths that exceed 8m (23ft). In sections of the route that are less than 8m deep the pipeline will be either buried below the seafloor, as is the case for nearshore approaches to beach crossings, or will be covered, such as in areas of hard bottom substrate. In the discussion below, the potential impacts are categorized based on this construction difference and are evaluated as Nearshore (<8m) and Offshore. It is expected that no burial of pipe will be necessary if HDD shore crossing techniques are used because the HDD exit point will be in 8m of water depth. If trenching is necessary, approximately 250m of pipeline will need to be buried. The offshore pipeline will be installed from an anchoring or dynamic positioning system (DPS) lay construction vessel mobilized from a location that will be known when the offshore installation contract has been awarded. A pipe barge, supply vessel, and anchor handling vessel will support the anchoring lay barge. These vessels are likely to mobilize from Tema, Warri or Port Harcourt. A lateral fleet will also be operating at the same time as the bigger lay barge. The fleet will be supported by a supply boat, dive support vessel and survey vessel. The lay vessel of the lateral fleet will be used to support HDD shore crossings but not trenching, in which it is not needed. Land Use/Water Activities

Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore Areas

Change in current water activities due to the presence and movement of barges offshore 24 hours per day, including support vessel movement.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The laying of the pipeline along the offshore seafloor may temporarily impede fishing activities and other navigational uses in the area. Artisinal fishing will be affected mostly along the nearshore areas (see below). Most of the small fishing vessels operate in the waters only in the daytime (6:00 am to 6:00 pm) and return back to land as the sun is setting. Larger vessels, such as fish trawlers and cargo vessels, on the other hand, generally have no time restrictions on their passage. The proper notification of Nigerian maritime authorities by WAPCo regarding the operation and location of WAGP vessels during construction is expected to reduce any impact to fishing and navigational activities in the area. This notification will make full information available to operators of other vessels in the area. Impacts will be further mitigated through normal safety precautions at sea, including the use of navigational lights and noise making devices. The construction of the offshore pipeline in Nigeria is expected to take approximately four to eight weeks (pipeline lay rate of 2km/day to 3km/day). The impacts from this activity will be reversible almost immediately following the construction activity. The temporal extent to current water activities is therefore minor. The areal extent is also minor as pipeline lay
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vessels are expected to be able to travel as close to the construction corridor as possible, with some impact to fishing activities being noticed within 100m of this area. The anchoring spread for the barge is 10m lateral distance from the vessel for every meter of water depth. The magnitude of the impact to current fishing activities is minor and normal marine activities and use should resume soon after the vessels leave the area. The likelihood of impacts to water activities is low, based on proximity from land (i.e., more distant) and First and Second Season EBS observances of few vessels in the area. The overall severity of this impact is low.
Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth)

Change in current water activities due to the presence and movement of barges nearshore 24 hours per day, including to ports.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

The severity assessment for nearshore water activity disturbance is similar to the description above for offshore construction. The likelihood of impacts is higher nearshore due to the increased presence of fishing vessels. An example fishing boat is shown in Figure 6.7-1. Figure 6.7-1 Small Fishing Boat Typical of Nearshore Area (observed in Ghana)

The construction of the nearshore approach in Nigeria is expected to take approximately four weeks. The impacts from this activity will be reversible almost immediately following the construction activity. The temporal extent to current water activities is therefore minor. The

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areal extent is also minor as pipeline lay vessels are expected to be able to travel as close to the construction corridor as possible, with some impact to fishing activities being noticed within 100m of this area. Again, anchor spread distance for the barge is 10m lateral distance from barge for every meter of depth. The magnitude of the impact to current fishing activities is minor and normal use should resume soon after the vessels leave the area. The likelihood of impacts to water activities is high, as some disturbance will occur, particularly in terms of burial. The overall severity of this impact is moderate. Habitat and Biological Resources

The fisheries resources in the equatorial zones are heterogeneous in size and variety of fish species. For example, during the baseline surveys, 55 species belonging to 36 families were recorded in Nigerian waters. Catch rates were noted to increase with increasing depth up to about 45m water depth where it begins to decline again. Crustaceans of primary commercial importance are Penaeus notialis, P. kerathurus, Parapeneus longirostis, and P. atlantica. The juveniles of these species are caught in the estuaries, mangroves, and on the beach with beach seines during the upwelling season. In near-shore areas, the older peneids are caught by inshore trawlers. With regard to lobsters, the three species of high commercial value are Panulirus argus, P. regius (spiny lobster), and Scyllares herklotsii (slipper lobster). These are captured with bottom nets set by small canoes on rocky grounds. Plankton populations in the offshore environment of Nigeria are both abundant and diverse. Baseline data recorded over 100 different species of phytoplankton and zooplankton. Populations increase during the upwelling that follows the rainy season. (Figures 6.7-2a and 6.7-2b).

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Figure 6.7-2a Plankton Sampling During the First Season Offshore Baseline Survey

Figure 6.7-2b Plankton Sampling During the First Season Offshore Baseline Survey

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In Nigerian waters, 33 taxonomic groups were identified in the benthic environment during the baseline survey. This was comprised of mostly polycheate organisms, but also included some crustaceans.
Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore Areas

Disturbance of benthic communities and wildlife due to the presence and movement of barges and support vessels in Gulf waters.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Pipeline lay and support vessels installing the offshore pipeline in the Gulf of Guinea could cause minor disruption to marine mammals and fish species. The oceanic birds of the Gulf of Guinea comprise Shearwaters, Storm Petrels, Tropicbirds, Frigatebirds, Gannets, and Boobies. The marine mammals of the Nigerian coastal and offshore waters include mainly the West African manatee (Trichechus senegalensis), found in the creeks and estuaries. Dolphins are present and whales have been reported although migratory path of whales is not expected to be an issue in Nigerian waters. Sea turtles and some deeper water fish species could be affected by the 24 hour per day construction operations and the lighting that would accompany the pipe-laying activities. During the construction of the pipeline, the noise level along the pipeline route will increase above background levels due to welding activities and also from power generators and vessel engines. Local noise related impacts, mitigated by minimizing time spent in the area, will reduce to zero as the lay barge moves east to install the remainder of the pipeline. These impacts on the population of aquatic animals such as fishes in the area, though temporary, may lead to their migration from the area, until conditions normalize. Research conducted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration on short-term behavioral responses of the gray whale to underwater noise associated with aircraft, ships and seismic explorations indicate a 0.5 probability that whales will respond to continuous broadband noise (above ca 120dB2) and to intermittent noise (above ca 170dB), usually by changing their swimming course to avoid the source (Moore and Clarke, 2002). Marine mammals, however, are highly acoustically oriented, and more research is needed to assess the potential impacts of noise on these species. If either Port Harcourt or Warri are chosen as launching points for the offshore activities, effects to marine wildlife could be observed from added vessel traffic. However, both of these ports are currently heavily trafficked and the incremental activity would most likely not result in significant impacts. The barges will need to anchor and re-anchor as they are making forward progress along the pipeline (see anchoring specifications in Appendix 6-A). Anchoring will disturb sediment on the seafloor and some benthic communities. The area disturbed will be almost negligible from this activity although the benthic communities may take several weeks to recover.

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Overall this impact is not significant for the further offshore trunk of the pipeline and is discussed more completely under nearshore activities. For the offshore portion of the pipeline, the duration of activities offshore Nigeria is approximately four to eight weeks. The grouping of ships will continue to make forward progress along the route at about 2km to 3km per day. The impact to surrounding species should not last longer than a few weeks, resulting in a minor temporal significance. The areal extent of impacts to fishes and other marine mammals will also be minor as effects from the vessels are not expected to reach further than 100m beyond the pipeline construction zone. The magnitude of this impact is also minor and should only affect individual organisms or schools of fish, but not entire communities or population levels. The likelihood that marine wildlife will avoid the construction area as a result of the presence of vessels is low. The combination of minor impact significance and low likelihood results in a low overall impact severity to marine wildlife. Attraction of marine mammals and birds from macerated galley wastes disposed of overboard. Black (sewage) and gray waste water will be treated and disposed of according to MARPOL standards and will not affect offshore communities. Galley wastes (food refuse) will be macerated and discharged overboard in waters greater than three nautical miles (5.5km) from the shoreline. Some fish and birds will be attracted to this waste as a source of food and may trail the vessels, as they would fish trawlers. This impact is not considered to be significant.
Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth)

Disturbance of benthic communities and wildlife due to the presence and movement and anchoring of barges and support vessels nearshore and in ports.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

Biological resources that may be affected by the pipeline laying include the benthic population and fishery resources along the pipeline route, as well as breeding turtles if construction were to take place during their breeding season. In Nigeria, sandy beaches constitute most of the coastline and much of it could serve as prime turtle nesting sites. The nesting period stretches from July to December, with a peak in November (Armah et al., 1997b). The young turtles begin to appear in the sea from April. Green turtles have been reported to nest in Nigeria (Fretey, 2001). Olive ridley individuals frequent the waters off Nigeria and are often caught by fishermen. Both species of sea turtle are listed by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) and National Wildlife Conservation Regulations under Annex I and are listed by IUCN as endangered.

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These impacts are not expected to be long term, in that re-colonization of an area by benthos is expected to occur almost immediately or very shortly after the activity. Similarly fishes that may move out of the pipeline corridor during the activity are expected to migrate back. In addition, adherence to the WAPCo Turtle Impact Monitoring and Mitigation Plan will minimize possible disturbances of sea turtles, nests, and eggs (see Chapters 7 and 8 for more information). The barges will need to anchor and re-anchor as they are constructing the lateral. Anchoring will disturb sediment on the seafloor and some benthic communities. The area disturbed will be almost negligible from this activity although the benthic flora may take several weeks to recover. The assessment below applies to impact from anchoring and from presence of vessels. The duration of activities to construct the nearshore portion of the pipeline in Nigeria is approximately four to six weeks. The impact to surrounding species should not last longer than a few weeks, resulting in a minor temporal significance. The areal extent of impacts to fishes, marine mammals, and benthic communities will also be minor as effects from the vessels, other than possibly anchoring 10m lateral distance from barge for every meter of depth, are not expected to reach further than 100m beyond the pipeline construction zone. Assuming that construction that might occur during the turtle breeding season has the appropriate avoidance and disturbance mitigation procedures in place, the magnitude of this impact is minor and should only affect individual organisms or schools of fish, but not entire communities or population levels The likelihood that marine wildlife will be disturbed during the construction period to a measurable degree is medium due to the concentration of marine flora and fauna nearshore. The overall severity of the impact to marine wildlife is moderate. Attraction of marine mammals and birds from macerated galley wastes disposed of overboard. Disposal practices will limit the discharge of macerated galley waste to areas greater than 5.5km from the shoreline. Therefore galley wastes would not be disposed of overboard in nearshore areas and thus no additional impact to the marine habitat would be expected. As described above, black and gray waste water will be stored and disposed of appropriately at an onshore facility after treatment. Disturbance of marine habitat and marine wildlife due to the HDD from the onshore area to an offshore exit site in less than 8m water depth. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

In Nigeria the base case is that HDD for the shore crossing will be performed from the barrier island out to sea but the possibility exists for it to be performed from the north side of
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the lagoon directly out to sea, thus bypassing the barrier island completely. The evaluation here assesses the longer distance scenario, which has the greatest potential impact. There will be approximately seven vessels necessary for the lateral construction and HDD shore crossing including a small lay barge. The shore crossing is estimated to take two to four weeks to complete. Drilling mud required for HDD from north bank of Nigerian lagoon (approx 1,800m from the coast line) is approximately 2,500m3. Cuttings are expected to be approximately 5,400m3 and will be managed at the onshore HDD location. There is a risk of loss of up to 10 percent of the 2,500m3 volume of circulating fluid and drill muds to the aquatic environment in case of an HDD that exits into open water or during the auguring/pipe push from the lay barge to the onshore HDD location. These fluids and muds could cause smothering of the benthos in the area of discharge. Impacts from the presence of vessels for HDD shore crossing to the marine wildlife have been incorporated into the discussion for the presence of vessels for lateral construction, above. The duration of impacts from HDD nearshore to marine communities will be temporary and should not exceed the construction phase by more than a few weeks. The impacts will be reversible within the same time frame resulting in minor temporal significance. The areal extent of impacts depends on the quantity and dispersion of fluids and muds from the drilling process. A worst-case estimate would result in impacts to benthic communities up to 500m from the construction site. This range is a moderate areal significance. The magnitude of this impact is minor and is not expected to disturb more than an isolated area of the benthic environment. The likelihood of an impact to benthic communities is low if the muds selected for use are water-based and non-toxic and the quantity of mud breakthrough is minimized. The overall impact severity is low. Disturbance of marine habitat and marine wildlife due to the jet trenching and cutting for nearshore burial from the beach to less than 8m water depth. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Beach would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

Pipeline jetting would use water jets to break-up, remove or liquefy the sediment from under the pipeline allowing the pipeline to settle at an elevation below the seabed if HDD of the shoreline is not possible or unsuccessful. Mobilization for jet trenching is similar to that of HDD offshore except that trenching does not require a lay vessel. The jet machine ejects plumes of fluidised soil out of the educators on the sides of the machine into the bottom portion of the water column. Dependent on the site conditions and sediment type, these plumes of fluidised sediment have the potential to become entrained in the water column. Approximately 250m of pipeline would need to be buried in an offshore ditch and filled with

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a minimum of 0.25m of compacted sediment followed by prefabricated mats or a rock backfill cover. Potential adverse environmental effects on vegetation and fauna species include disturbances associated with the activities of installing berms during the rocky portion of the shore crossing, noise from the drilling and pipe laying operation, barrier effects (current obstruction) of the pipe laying on the bottom and associated commercial fishery concerns. There will be some loss of benthic communities in the areas contacted by the pipe or berms and communities in the immediate vicinity will be affected by modest amounts of sediment displacement associated with these activities. Direct losses are not expected to have notable effects on overall populations or habitat supply as the pipeline represents a small and simple structure passing through a typical shoreline environment. The duration of impacts to the marine habitat will be short-lived, primarily occurring during the two-week construction period. Some benthic communities will continue to recover after pipe laying is complete, resulting in minor temporal significance. According to the study described in Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth), below, there could be some sediment dispersion well beyond the immediate pipeline corridor. Without sediment dispersion modeling being conducted specific to the conditions offshore Nigeria, an exact dispersion plume can not be predicted. Even the absence of modeling, significant impacts to marine habitat, if any from sediment dispersion are not expected to exceed 500m down current from the pipeline construction site and thus a moderate areal extent is assigned to this impact. As noted above there will be some loss of benthic communities, but overall populations are not expected to be affected. The magnitude of this impact is therefore minor. The likelihood of some degree of impacts being realized due to trenching the nearshore route is high. The overall severity of impacts to the marine habitat and biological resources is moderate. Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment

Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore Areas

Sandy and/or hard cobble bottoms were found throughout the entire depth range sampled along the offshore pipeline line with distribution likely related to location in relation to longshore transport and wave energy profiles in the nearshore zone. Regional patterns of bottom kinetic gradients indicate that as one move in toward shore along the perpendicular transects the sediments show evidence of either active or a periodic sediment transport. All of the stations sampled along the pipeline route in Nigeria had either sandy sediments or hard, cobble bottom reflecting the relatively high energy regimes in this area. Sediment samples were primarily sand with over half of the samples being comprised of greater than 70 percent sand. Another large percentage of samples is comprised of sand mixed with clay.

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Disturbance of bathymetry and seafloor sediment due to the passive installation of 20in pipeline in offshore areas (greater than 8m water depth).
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Negligible Negligible High Negligible

Low Severity

Where the pipe is simply laid on the existing soft bottom substrate it is anticipated to settle in the seabed sediments to a depth of 2in to 3in up to one third of its diameter (approximately 6in). These untrenched pipe segments will rely primarily on natural settling to reduce any artificial reef effects, physical barrier effects or boundary layer effects. The application of concrete mattresses at intervals along untrenched segments, presence of periodic free span segments and natural colonization of the pipeline will reduce the extent to which the untrenched pipe segments may be barriers to the movement of benthos. It is anticipated that remaining exposed pipe segments will likely become covered with a veneer of sediment very soon after installation. Over time, segments of the pipe are expected to partially settle into bottom sediments in some areas as well as create spans across others, both scenarios providing potential crossing opportunities for marine benthos. The duration of impacts to sediment movement from laying of the pipeline along the seafloor are permanent, but not permanently negative. The bathymetry will have slightly changed from pre-installation but the overall impact will dissipate soon after installation is complete, particularly in light of the dynamic sediment transport environment in the Gulf of Guinea. The temporal significance is minor for this impact. The areal extent is negligible and impacts should remain within the immediate pipeline corridor. The magnitude of impacts to bathymetry and sediment movement is negligible in the context of the entire Gulf of Guinea seafloor. The likelihood of minimal impacts to the seafloor is high, but the overall severity of the impact from passive pipe laying is low.
Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth)

Disturbance of marine habitat and marine wildlife due to the jet trenching and cutting for nearshore approach from less than 8m water depth to onshore exit site. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

An EIA conducted for a pipeline project in the Georgia Straits (GSX, 2001) calculated that jetting would resuspend roughly 0.54m3 of sediment per meter in a pipeline that was laid 0.4m deep. Fine sand and silt/clay would be suspended approximately 30m above the seafloor and would disperse over several km on either side of the pipeline route at a thickness less than 1mm (<1.8kg/m2). The greatest accumulation of fine sediments would fall within
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300m of the pipeline at a thickness around 1mm (18kg/m2). Fine sediments were expected to settle out after four days where as medium fine sands would settle out in less than nine hours. As HDD operations should result in nearshore pipeline burial out to 8m water depth, jet trenching is not the base case, however, the impacts to bathymetry and sediment have been assessed as follows: The duration of impacts to sediment would be short-lived, primarily occurring during the two-week construction period. Sediment would resettle shortly after trenching is complete, resulting in minor temporal significance. According to the study described above, there could be some sediment dispersion well beyond the immediate pipeline corridor. Without sediment dispersion modeling being conducted specific to the conditions offshore Nigeria, an exact dispersion plume cannot be predicted. Sediment samples analyzed in the project area were found to be generally free of chemical contaminants so resuspension of contaminated sediments is not a factor for the pipeline construction. Even without dispersion modeling significant impacts to bathymetry and sediment are not expected to exceed 500m from the pipeline construction site and thus a moderate areal extent is assigned to this impact. The magnitude of this impact is minor. The likelihood of some degree of impacts being realized due to trenching the shoreline and nearshore areas is high. The overall severity of impacts to the marine habitat and biological resources is moderate. Water Quality and Resources

Water quality measurements were taken in the nearshore and offshore environments in both the wet and dry seasons during the EBS. Figure 6.7-3 shows an example of one of the water quality determinations being conducted during the dry (first) season EBS. Turbidity is generally low in offshore, oceanic waters, except for a slight contribution from floating planktonic organisms. However, there is a coastal zone of turbid, greenish water, which meets the clearer oceanic water four to five miles from the coast. In the nearshore environment, the lagoon water discharged through the Lagos harbor mouth forms a second sharply defined water mass, which lies south and east of the Guinea Current. This lagoon brackish water has the same salinity as the harbor water.

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Figure 6.7-3 Documenting Water Quality (Color) During First Season EBS

Site Preparation and Construction in the Offshore Area

Changes in water quality due to the accidental release of black and gray water wastes offshore.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Approximately 270 to 380 laborers will be working offshore Nigeria on various vessels including one or two lay barges (at different locations). The boats will be staffed and operated 24 hours per day. Gray and black wastes will be collected, treated, and disposed onshore in compliance with MARPOL. WAPCo also has provisions for waste disposal, specifically Wastewater Discharge Controls as part of the Environmental Management Plan outlined in Chapter 8. There should be no impacts to water quality from the back and gray wastes, except in the case of accidental spills or releases. Macerated galley wastes will be dumped overboard only when more than 5.5km from the shoreline. Due to the difficulty in treating spills far offshore, the temporal affect to water quality would be minor because the black or gray wastes would change the immediate water quality for more than a few weeks. The large size and constant mixing of the water body will easily dissipate the increase in suspended solids, bacterial, or pH changes that may arise. The areal extent of the impact would depend on the quantity spilled or not properly disposed. In most cases spills would occur near the immediate pipe laying area, therefore the areal extent can be assumed to be minor. In the case of black or gray water contamination, the existing

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surface water quality would be measurably changed in the spill area. The magnitude of such an impact would be moderate. The likelihood of a spill or leak during the four to eight week Nigerian offshore construction period is low if proper management practices are implemented. The severity of impact of solid and hazardous wastes is low. Changes in water quality due to the accidental release of hazardous materials or solid and hazardous wastes generated offshore along the offshore areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

Impacts from the generation of hazardous or solid wastes, including maintenance volumes of lubricants, oils, and greases are almost identical to those described above for black and gray wastes and are dependent on the volume of material released. The magnitude of the impact would also be moderate, due to the toxic nature of some of the onboard maintenance liquids. There could be some mitigative spill clean up actions for volumes of oils or greases released overboard that would minimize the impact to water quality and thus the marine habitat and wildlife. Overall the severity of this impact is low primarily due to the BMPs, disposal practices, and spill response plans that will be in place to reduce the chance of an accidental release. Changes in water quality due to the passive installation of 20in pipeline in greater than 8m water depth.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Negligible Minor Negligible Medium

Low Severity

Water quality along the pipeline will not be permanently degraded by the pipeline-laying activity. However, during the process, suspended solids and associated turbidity levels in the immediate work area will increase. This effect will be transient, short-lived, and confined to the immediate area of activity. The temporal extent is negligible due to the suspended solids being quickly absorbed and dissipated by the large water mass. The areal extent is also negligible as changes in water quality should only occur within 25m of the pipeline. The magnitude of the impact is minor and the likelihood of an increase in turbidity or other water chemistry levels is medium. The overall impact severity is low.

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Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth)

Changes in water quality due to the accidental release of black and gray water wastes in the nearshore area.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

See discussion for offshore area, above. Changes in water quality due to the accidental release of hazardous materials or solid and hazardous wastes generated offshore in the nearshore area.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

See discussion for offshore area, above. Changes in water quality due to the HDD from the onshore area to an offshore exit side in less than 8m water depth. (UNCERTAINTY: HDD is the preferred option but may not be technically feasible.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

As discussed in Section, Habitats and Biological Resources, both drilling mud and cuttings will be produced from HDD at the shore crossing. Drilling mud required for HDD from the north bank of Nigerian lagoon (~1,800m) is approximately 2,500m3. Cuttings are expected to be approximately 5,400m3 and will be managed at the onshore HDD location. There is a risk of loss of up to 10 percent of the drilling fluid (i.e., drilling mud plus water and other additives) to the aquatic environment in case of HDD that exits into open water and/or from the augering/pipeline push back to the HDD site. These fluids and muds could cause increased turbidity and some aquatic toxicity in nearshore waters. The duration of impacts from HDD to water quality will be temporary and should not exceed the construction phase by more than a few weeks. The impacts will be reversible within the same time frame resulting in minor temporal significance. The areal extent of impacts depends on the quantity and dispersion of fluids and muds from the drilling process. A worst-case estimate would result in impacts to water quality up to 500m from the construction site. This range is a moderate areal significance. The magnitude of this impact is minor and is not expected to raise certain water levels (e.g., turbidity, pH, and trace metals) by more than 10 to 20 percent above background levels for a short duration.

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The likelihood of an impact to water quality is low if the quantity of discharge is minimized. The overall impact severity is low. Changes in water quality due to the jet trenching and cutting for nearshore approach from less than 8m water depth to onshore exit site. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor High Minor

Moderate Severity

Impacts to water quality are similar to those described directly above for HDD except that the areal extent of impacts could reach up to 500m according to the Georgia Straits study previously cited. Loss of drilling muds is not a concern because they are not used in this technique. The likelihood of an increase in turbidity from trenching is high and the overall severity of water quality impacts from jet trenching is moderate. Air Quality

Site Preparation and Construction in the Offshore Area

Changes in air quality due to the general operation of vessels and equipment including diesel-fueled generators.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Operation of diesel-fueled vessels and marine construction equipment, including generators, will generate air emissions and negatively impact air quality. A maximum of 18 vessels will be part of the offshore fleet. Each vessel will use approximately 7,600L to 9,500L of fuel per day. Operation of the boats and equipment will take place 24 hours per day and is estimated to use a maximum of 171,000L diesel fuel per day (145.35 metric tn/day). Air emissions from diesel-fueled equipment include SO2, NOx, CO2, CO, VOC, and PM (Table 6.7-2). More particulate is released from older, intensively used engines than from new, low-mileage engines, probably because of a greater consumption of lubricating oil. Poorly designed and maintained engines may result in as much as three times the amount of organic compounds emitted in comparison to well maintained engines. In general, the overall removal rate of diesel particles from the air is estimated to be low, resulting in an atmospheric lifetime of several days (WHO, 1996).

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Table 6.7-2 Air Emissions per Day per Offshore Fleet

Compound Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Particulates Sulfur Oxides Weight (metric tons) 1.05 458 0.35 12.6 0.17 7.27

Source of emission factors: http://www.epa.gov/region09/air/marinevessel/pdfs/tanwar.pdf

The construction equipment and associated generators will operate during the offshore pipeline construction phase of the project. Air emissions impacts from the construction equipment will be short-term since they are not likely to contribute to cumulative air quality effects beyond the construction period. Duration of the impact to air quality is negligible in any one area as the vessels and pipe laying equipment will be continuously making forward progress. Negative impacts to ambient air quality levels will most likely stay within 100m of the pipeline and vessel boundaries, resulting in minor areal extent. Although emission levels from the generators and other equipment will be high at the source (vessels and generators), the overall magnitude of these increased levels is minor due to the continuous movement of air and the dissipation of the pollutants, given the relative carrying capacity of the atmosphere in the offshore area. The likelihood of a discernible and persistent impact to local air quality is low. The severity of impacts to air quality from generator and diesel-fueled equipment emissions is low.
Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas (<8m Water Depth)

Impact: Changes in air quality due to the operation of vessels and equipment including diesel-fueled generators.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Negligible Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The fleet size nearshore will be approximately half of the main trunk fleets. Estimates for emissions from this size fleet and associated operations are shown in Table 6.7-3. See description for offshore area air quality directly above.

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Table 6.7-3 Air Emissions per Day per Nearshore Fleet

Compound Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Hydrocarbons Nitrogen Oxides Particulates Sulfur Oxides Weight (metric tons) 229 0.50 0.18 6.3 0.09 3.6

Source of emission factors: http://www.epa.gov/region09/air/marinevessel/pdfs/tanwar.pdf


No significant impacts on transportation or other infrastructure are envisaged as a result of offshore construction activity. While there will be some small incremental increase in shipping in and out of Nigeria ports in support of offshore construction activities, this will be insignificant in comparison to current port traffic and capacity. Cultural and Social Conditions

Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas

Changes to social and cultural conditions due to jet trenching and cutting of shoreline. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Low Minor

Low Severity

As mentioned above, nearshore construction activities have the potential to cause a temporary and localized decline in the local fish population, thus affecting the incomes of the local residents who rely on fishing in the affected areas. Changes in the supply of fish would alter the traditional social and cultural character of the villages, in which there are clearly defined roles revolving around fish catches and processing of these catches. The temporal aspects of this impact are likely to be minor since as stated above the changes in fish populations and catches are expected to be short-lived and reversible. The areal extent of these impacts would be minor since they would be confined to the coastal communities near the construction site. The magnitude of this impact is assessed as moderate, as the character of the villages could be fundamentally altered. Given current information, the likelihood of the above impacts occurring is low. Overall this is assessed as an impact of low severity.

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Access to Goods and Services

No significant impacts to access to goods and services from offshore construction have been identified. Means of Livelihood

Site Preparation and Construction in Nearshore Areas

Disruption of marine commercial activity including fishing due to the presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in nearshore waters, and support vessel movement.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

The presence movement, and anchoring of barges and their construction-related vessels in the nearshore zone <8m water depth) has the potential for: Temporary and localized impacts on fisheries in the immediate area of the barges (due to noise, motion, and water quality impacts), possibly resulting in reduced fish catches and impacts on means of livelihood for households relying on fish catches; Temporary and localized displacement of fishermen from fishing areas, again possibly resulting in reduced fish catches and impacts on means of livelihood for households relying on fish catches; and Temporary impacts on navigation, as described above for offshore barge operation. This also poses the potential for impacts on the means of livelihood of the operators of non-WAGP vessels. These potential impacts on means of livelihood will be assessed collectively here. As indicated the temporal aspects of these impacts are minor, as they will occur only for as long as the construction barges are in the Nigeria nearshore area, and they are not expected to cause any lingering effects after departure of the construction barges. The areal extent of these impacts is also minor, as all impacts are expected to be localized to fishing communities or port communities in the immediate vicinity of the construction site. The magnitude of these impacts is also expected to be minor, given that these impacts affect only a very small portion of the overall resource (which encompasses the entire nearshore area in Nigeria). The likelihood of these impacts is assessed as low and the overall severity is low. Disruption of means of livelihood due to jet trenching and cutting of shoreline. (UNCERTAINTY: Trenching across Badagry Creek [or Badagry Beach, if relevant] would occur only if HDD is unsuccessful.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Moderate Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

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Jet trenching of the nearshore seabed and cutting of the shoreline have the potential to disturb local fish populations (these activities are assessed as likely to have impacts of moderate severity on marine life and habitats in foregoing sections). This could affect the incomes of the local residents who rely on fishing. In addition to any impacts on the fish populations, jet trenching of the nearshore seabed and cutting of the shoreline could also disrupt fishing activities, as fishermen may have to change fishing locations or methods to avoid construction sites. This could also affect operating costs and catches, and thereby the livelihoods of fishermen. This could potentially affect the localized economies in fishing communities nearest the construction sites. Impacts could extend beyond the households of those who catch fish, to households that derive income from related downstream work such as drying, smoking, and trading in fish products. This impact is expected to be of short duration. As indicated previously, the environmental, habitat, and biological impacts of jet trenching of the nearshore seabed and cutting of the shoreline are expected to be short-lived, and therefore the associated economic impacts for fishermen will be equally short-lived. The temporal aspects of this impact are therefore assessed as minor. The areal extent of this impact is minor as these impacts are expected to affect only nearby fishing villages. The magnitude of this impact is moderate. Although local fishermen and fishing communities may rely heavily on fish catches for their livelihoods, the project will affect only a small portion of the overall fishing resource available to them. Given current information, the likelihood of the above impacts occurring is medium. The overall impact on means of livelihood is rated as of moderate severity. Public Health, Safety, and Security
Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore and Nearshore Areas

Increased incidence of accident and injury to the public due to marine navigational hazards in nearshore and offshore areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Low Minor Low Severity

The movement of barges and support vessels during pipeline construction will affect the safety of small fishing boats and other non-WAGP boats navigating in the vicinity. Most of the small fishing vessels operate in the waters only in the daytime (6:00am to 6:00pm) and return back to land as the sun is setting. Larger vessels, such as fish trawlers and cargo vessels, on the other hand, generally have no time restrictions on their passage and increased marine traffic and offshore construction related hazards may affect the ability of these boats to safely conduct their activities. This is particularly the case at nighttime or when visibility is limited. However, it should be noted that since the construction process may disrupt fishing activities in general, as noted under Section, there may be fewer boats navigating in the vicinity than would ordinarily be the case, as fishermen may actively avoid the constructions area.
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This impact will be mitigated through use of proper marine safety procedures including lights, sound making devices as appropriate in times of low visibility, and the notification of marine authorities of construction operations. The temporal impact of the offshore construction on health and safety levels is minor because the impact will be for the duration of the construction period and is thus short term. The areal aspect of this impact is moderate, as vessels moving through the construction area from some distance up and down the coast could be affected. The magnitude of this impact is minor, in view of the mitigation measures to be applied, because WAGP construction vessels will affect only a very small portion of the overall resource (Nigerian waters within the Gulf of Guinea). The likelihood of this impact is low because the construction area is not an area of high marine traffic or intensive fishing activity. The overall impact is therefore assessed as low. Worker Health, Safety, and Security
Site Preparation and Construction in Offshore and Nearshore Areas

Increased incidence of accident and injury due general operation of vessels and equipment nearshore and offshore.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate Low Moderate

Moderate Severity

The operation of barges and support vessels during pipeline construction will pose a risk to the health and safety workers. Daily activities in support of the pipeline construction may pose worker safety issues if equipment is improperly handled or safety procedures not correctly followed. Marine work has inherent risks due to weather and sea condition factors and the exposed nature of the work. The temporal impact is moderate because the impact may be medium to long term and irreversible if serious injuries or illnesses are sustained. The areal impact is minor because the impacts will affect workers in the immediate construction crew. The magnitude is moderate although injuries sustained at work will be treated immediately in all possible cases, the magnitude of an incident involving marine equipment could be more severe than the types of incidents associated with regular construction. The likelihood of impacts is low. The overall impact is therefore assessed as moderate.


Commissioning and Start-up

Land Use/Water Activities

No significant impacts to land use from offshore commissioning and start-up have been identified.

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Habitats and Biological Resources

No significant impacts to marine habitats or biological resources from offshore commissioning and start-up have been identified. Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment

No significant impacts to bathymetry or seafloor sediment from offshore commissioning and start-up have been identified. Water Quality and Resources

On and Offshore Pipeline Testing

Changes in water quality or resources due to filling the onshore Nigerian pipeline with water from the Badagry Creek. (UNCERTAINTY: Water from the Atlantic Ocean may be used but is not the preferred option.)
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Minor Medium Minor

Moderate Severity

The source of the water is currently undetermined for both the onshore and offshore hydrotesting procedures but will likely be the Badagry Creek near the compressor station. The Atlantic Ocean is an alternate option but given the engineering requirements, implementation logistics, and the relatively higher cost, it is not preferred. Two separate line fill and discharge events will occur for both the onshore and offshore lines: Untreated source water used for flooding, cleaning and gauging (first fill); and Biocide-treated source water used for hydrotesting purposes (second fill). The water volumes required for each fill event are as follows: onshore 30in pipe, 153,000 barrels (bbls); offshore 20in pipe, 664,000bbls; and Benin, Ghana, and Togo laterals 23,680bbls (840,680bbls per event, 1,681,360bbls total). All creek water will be filtered to 92 microns before filling the pipeline. The preferred option is to discharge the first fill water into both the Atlantic Ocean and Badagry Creek. The onshore pipeline in Nigeria would be discharged back into Badagry Creek after filtration to 92 microns and the offshore mainline would be discharged into the ocean at Takoradi, Ghana. The receiving environment for all biocide-treated discharge water would be the Atlantic Ocean near Takoradi, Ghana, but not offshore Nigeria. The biocidetreated water will be filtered and neutralized before discharge and these impacts are discussed in the Ghana EIA. If WAPCo fills the onshore and mainline offshore pipeline (not including the lateral extensions) with lagoon water then some impact to water resources will be encountered in the

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lagoon. Impacts to lagoon sediments would be mitigated by metering the rate of water uptake so as not to cause disturbances. Maximum estimated fill rates are dependent on pipeline diameter in relation to pigging velocity, and along with fill durations are presented in Tables 6.7-4 and 6.7-5 as follows: Table 6.7-4 Maximum Discharge/Fill Flow Rates 0.9 meter/second pig speed
Line Segment Onshore Line Offshore Mainline Cotonou Lateral Lom Lateral Tema Lateral Diameter (in) 30 20 8.625 10.75 18 Volume (bbls) 153,000 664,000 3,584 5,176 15,116 Volumetric Flow Rate (bbl/s) 2.4 1.0 0.2 0.3 0.9 Total Fill Duration (Days) 0.75 7.32 0.24 0.22 0.21 8.7

Table 6.7-5 Nominal Discharge/Fill Flow Rates 0.6 meter/second pig speed
Line Segment Onshore Line Offshore Mainline Cotonou Lateral Lom Lateral Tema Lateral Diameter (in) 30 20 8.625 10.75 18 Volume (bbls) 153,000 664,000 3,584 5,176 15,116 Volumetric Flow Rate (bbl/s) 1.6 0.7 0.1 0.2 0.6 Total Fill Duration (Days) 1.12 10.99 0.36 0.33 0.31 13.1

The lagoon water system is tidally influenced with upstream input sources extending into Benin. To assess the impact of water extraction in the immediate water body (i.e., near the point of withdrawal), a simple static model estimates that more than 1x10E9 gallons of water are available to the system. This estimate assumes that the entire 210km lagoon system and the associated lakes are available for recharge. The flooding and hydrotesting events would only utilize a minute fraction of that volume (<0.001 percent), and so given the large volume of the associated water system, inputs from upstream would be expected to replenish the water lost in Badagry Creek within a short time period. However, creek current data and complete watershed information is not available and flow rates around the project area are not well determined. A more conservative assessment of the volume percent removed assumes that the water in the immediate area (within 1km around the fill point) was available for flooding. This model calculates that up to four percent of the volume would be removed a much more significant volume. Neither model accounts for groundwater recharge or precipitation inputs.

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The water that would be discharged into Badagry Creek will be re-filtered before discharge. No chemical mixing is expected from the first fill of the onshore pipeline and all debris larger than 92 microns will be filtered out before returning the water to the creek. All necessary discharge permits will be obtained by WAPCo before discharge begins. Appendix 8B-2.5.3, WAGP Wastewater Discharge Controls, describes controls that will be developed as part of specific applications for Discharge Permits/Approvals within each country. The temporal extent is minor as the fill event is of short duration (each time the pipeline is filled with creek water, water will be withdrawn for a period of 11 days). The discharge into Badagry Creek will be closer to 24 hours depending on the flow rate. Given the uncertainty about the extent to which the fill event(s) will have an impact beyond the immediate creek/lagoon area where source water is extracted, the areal significance is assumed to be moderate. The discharge event is not expected to negatively affect the creek water quality if permitted procedures are followed. The magnitude of the fill impact is minor and will be noted by a possible decrease in water levels on the lagoon banks directly following the water removal and/or alteration of water quality parameters due to intrusion of saltwater in the immediate vicinity or further downstream. Proper monitoring and mitigation measures should be in place to prevent impacts to the ecology of the aquatic system, but given the uncertainty of the recharge, the likelihood of this impact is medium. Therefore, the overall impact severity is moderate. Air Quality

No significant impacts to air quality from offshore commissioning and start-up have been identified. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

No new impacts on transportation or other infrastructure are expected from this activity. Social and Cultural Conditions

No new impacts on social or cultural conditions are expected from this activity. Access to Goods and Services

No new impacts on the access to goods and services are expected from this activity.

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Means of Livelihood

On and Offshore Pipeline Testing

Changes in fishery resources due to filling the onshore Nigerian pipeline with water from the Badagry Creek for hydrotesting.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

If WAPCo decides to fill the Nigerian onshore pipeline with water from Badagry Creek then some impact to water resources will be encountered in the Creek. Associated impacts to water quality is assessed as of moderate severity in the foregoing sections. Changes in water quality and habitat could result in changes to the fishery resource, and concomitant impacts on the livelihoods of fishermen and fishing communities. The lagoon water system is tidally influenced and would be expected to replenish the water loss within a short time period. The temporal aspect of this impact is, therefore, assessed as minor. Areal extent of this impact is restricted to fishing communities adjacent to the Creek, and is therefore also minor. The magnitude of this impact is also minor as fish populations are not expected to be affected to any great extent. The likelihood of this impact (assuming the Creek is chosen as the water source) is low, resulting in an overall low impact severity. Public Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts to pubic health, safety, and security are expected from this activity. Worker Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts to worker health, safety, and security are expected from this activity.


Operations and Maintenance

With the exception of an upset condition such as during a leak or rupture, there will be no emissions, including those from solid or liquid sources, from the operation of the offshore pipeline. Maintenance of the line, however, will release a small amount of gas from the subsea pig launcher each time it is disconnected from the subsea tie-in during pigging, approximately 0.34m3 to 1.27m3 (12ft3 to 45ft3). The laterals will be pigged as needed on the basis of the results of any pigging of the mainline the need for pigging the mainline being determined on the basis of pigging Alagbado to Badagry Beach stretch once in the first five years, and will be adjusted as necessary thereafter depending on quantities of liquids and solids removed.

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Land Use/Water Activity

No significant impacts to water activity from offshore operations and maintenance have been identified. Vessels will traffic the pipeline route intermittently but there occurrence will be sporadic and are not considered significant. Habitats and Biological Resources

Fish and other marine wildlife may use the pipeline surfaces as artificial reefs however the primary impact of an increase of species utilizing the pipeline is not assessed to be significant. The secondary impact of an increase in fisheries and fishing along the pipeline nearshore is discussed in Section 6.9, Secondary Impacts. Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment

Because there will be no solid or liquid emissions from the operation of the offshore pipeline, there will be no significant impacts to the subsea bathymetry and seafloor sediments. Water Quality and Resources

Because there will be no solid or liquid emissions from the operation of the offshore pipeline, there will be no significant impacts to the water quality. Air Quality

A small amount of gas (mainly methane) will be released from the subsea pig launcher each time it is disconnected from the subsea tie-in during pigging, approximately 0.34m3 to 1.27m3 (12ft3 to 45ft3). The impact from this small release is not significant. Transportation and Other Infrastructure

No new impacts on transportation or other infrastructure are envisaged as a result of this activity. Social and Cultural Conditions

No new impacts on social and cultural conditions are envisaged as a result of this activity. Access to Goods and Services

No new impacts on access to goods and services are envisaged as a result of this activity.

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Means of Livelihood

Reduction in fish production due to net damage or change in fishing methods or fishing activities from exposed pipeline starting at >8m water depth.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Major Minor Moderate Medium Moderate

Moderate Severity

WAGP operations have the potential to negatively affect fishing activity and fish production in the area of the nearshore pipeline ROW. This is particularly likely if the pipeline is left exposed on the seabed at depths of 8m or greater. Impacts would be less likely if the pipeline is trenched into the seabed to water depths of 30m. One specific impact of the pipeline may be damage to seine drag nets. Often, fishing nets touch the sea floor in waters of 8m or more (based on the results of the ICF Household and Community Surveys, 2003). The exposed pipeline is likely to become encrusted with sea life and to develop a rough texture that can snag nets. This could result in damage to the nets of fishermen using nets near or over the pipeline. Net damage results in significant expenses, lost catch, and lost fishing time for fishermen, affecting their means of livelihood. Another common method of fishing in the area involves large nets pulled onto shore by lines of men and women. Because of the likelihood of nets snagging on exposed pipeline, exposed pipeline at shallow depths or near shore would preclude this activity in the vicinity of the ROW. This impact may be mitigated through: Providing appropriate notification to authorities, so that navigational charts can be updated to indicate the position of the pipeline through a Notice to Mariners; and Providing information in fishing communities (possibly including updated charts) regarding pipeline location, and the risks associated with fishing near the pipeline. The process of updating navigational charts takes time, and not all mariners update charts following a Notice to Mariners. Further, many local fishermen and other mariners in the region do not use charts, and/or ignore warnings of hazards. It is also common practice to intentionally trawl over pipelines or other structure as any seabed structure tends to attract marine life. Thus, mitigation could be expected to reduce impacts on means of livelihood, but not to eliminate these impacts entirely. The temporal aspect of these impacts would be major since the pipeline will become a permanent feature in the nearshore area. The areal impact is minor since means of livelihood would be affected in fishing communities relatively close to the ROW that utilize the affected stretch of shoreline. The magnitude will be moderate since the impacts could

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cause substantial hardships for some fishermen, but the pipeline will affect only a very small portion off the overall resource available to these fishermen. The likelihood of impact on means of livelihood of local fishermen is assessed as medium. The overall severity is thus rated as moderate. Public Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts to pubic health, safety, and security are expected from this activity. Worker Health, Safety, and Security No new impacts to worker health, safety, and security are expected from this activity.



As described in the International Concession Agreement, the Joint Venture intends to decommission and abandon the pipeline consistent with local regulations and accepted industry practices prevailing at the time of abandonment. Detailed plans for facility decommissioning, abandonment and facility/pipeline reinstatement will be developed towards the end of the lifetime of the project. The main trunk and offshore laterals will most likely be cut at their respective beaches, flushed, capped, and abandoned in place. No significant impacts are expected during decommissioning assuming the following procedure is implemented. The offshore line pipe will be protected from corrosion by a sacrificial-anode cathodic protection system, in which a sacrificial zinc/aluminum anode will corrode in preference to other metal components of the line pipe. Cathodic protection potential measurements will be performed on the onshore pipeline ends on a periodic basis to ensure that the cathodic system is protecting the pipeline. After voiding the pipeline, some internal corrosion of the metal could occur as the anodes age and loose their effectiveness after decommissioning. The extent and rate of this corrosion cannot be determined at this time. However, as the offshore pipeline is coated in concrete, the seafloor is protected from any effects and the impacts to the sediment are not significant.


Emergency and Upset Conditions

Emergency upsets may, in the worst case, lead to events with a significant potential for impact on HES receptors. The most significant possible events are: Gas release (controlled); Gas release (uncontrolled); Fire; and Explosion. WAPCo has conducted studies to maximize the safety of the WAGP pipeline and facilities and is developing an emergency-response strategy and system safeguards, which are discussed in Section 2.6 of the country EIAs and Chapter 7 of this report.
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Controlled Gas Release

Blowdowns and other controlled gas releases of a pipeline section or a WAGP facility are discussed in Section 2.6 in the country EIAs. They may occur at the: Alagbado Tee (Nigeria); Midline manual venting facility (Nigeria); Lagos Beach Compressor Station (Nigeria); and R&M stations (Benin, Ghana, Togo). The likelihood of a blowdown of a facility is deemed low because it would occur only under upset conditions. Since pipeline sections require less maintenance than facilities, the likelihood of the blowdown of a pipeline section is deemed very low. Controlled blowdowns will be conducted at rates that will ensure effective dispersion (or combustion in the case of flaring at the Nigeria compressor station), and therefore the impacts to environmental receptors and to the health and safety of public and workers are expected to be of low, if any, severity. Nonetheless, a blowdown of a pipeline section is likely to cause an interruption of supply to WAGP customers and hence of power supply to industrial and residential consumers. The severity of impact on the availability of goods and services varies directly with the duration of the blowdown but is not expected to exceed low as WAPCo will seek to restore service as soon as it considers it safe to do so.


Uncontrolled Gas Release

Uncontrolled gas releases may occur anywhere along the pipeline or at WAGP facilities. Along the pipeline the event causing a release would be a rupture of the pipeline. At the facilities it may be due to a rupture of the piping or poor maintenance. Underlying causes have been identified in qualitative risk analyses and are listed in Table 6.8-1. The WAGP pipeline and facilities have been designed with safeguards to prevent uncontrolled releases and with mitigation measures to minimize their impacts. It may therefore be assumed that the likelihood of such a release is low to very low.

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Table 6.8-1 Possible Causes of an Uncontrolled Gas Release

Onshore Nigeria, Laterals Onshore and Link Lines Sabotage Corrosion Seismic activity Lagos Beach Compressor Stationa Mechanical failure Poor or insufficient maintenance Overpressure Operator error Noncompliance of equipment with design codes Offshore Mainline/ Laterals Anchor drops and draggingc Impacts of trawler equipmentd Corrosion Erosion of seabed by sea currents Seismic activity Sabotage

Alagbado Tee

R&M Stationsb

Mechanical failure Poor or insufficient maintenance Overpressure Noncompliance of equipment with design codes

Mechanical failure Poor or insufficient maintenance Overpressure Heater failure (leading to hydrate formation and overpressure) Operator error Underpressure at pressure reduction valve Non-compliance of equipment with design codes

Identified in WAPCo Qualitative Risk Assessments (QRAs); full text available in Appendix 6-C. Identified in WAPCo QRAs. c WAPCo commits to updating British Admiralty and National Navigation charts to include the as built routing of the entire offshore pipeline and laterals. Further, WAPCo has and will continue consulting with harbor masters and naval authorities regarding ship traffic management to avoid anchoring impacts. d The effects of certain trawler board collisions with the offshore pipeline have been modeled (PCS, 2003), with no impacts expected to pipe integrity and limited impact to concrete coating integrity, only in the case of repeated, same location collision.

Table 6.8-2 shows the receptors that could be potentially impacted by an uncontrolled gas release at a particular location. Table 6.8-2 Receptors Potentially Affected by Gas Release
Habitats and Biological Resources Alagbado Tee Onshore Nigeria Lagos Beach Compressor Station Offshore Mainline and Laterals Onshore Laterals and Link Lines R&M Stations X Air Quality X X X X X X X X Goods and Services X X X X X X X X X Public Health and Safety X X X Worker Health and Safety X

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The impacts on air quality determine the impact on public health and safety and on habitats and biological resources (which is essentially the impact of a gas release on local fauna). A study has been conducted to model the effects on air quality of an uncontrolled full release of the offshore pipeline at Takoradi R&M station (Appendix 6-B). It concluded that the maximum concentrations of methane and hexane, the components of the gas presenting the principal health hazards, would be several orders of magnitude below their respective threshold levels of concern throughout the duration of the release. It may be assumed therefore that impacts on air quality, health and safety, and habitats and biological resources of a simple release would be negligible. The study also considered an uncontrolled full release of the onshore pipeline in Nigeria in the vicinity of the isolation valve. It concluded that the maximum concentrations of methane and hexane would be several orders of magnitude below their respective threshold levels of concern throughout the duration of this release also but that there would be an odor nuisance up to 2km downwind of the release. Similarly, therefore, it may be assumed therefore that impacts on air quality, on health and safety, and on habitats and biological resources of a simple release would be negligible. No studies concerning uncontrolled releases elsewhere on the WAGP pipeline or at WAPCo facilities have been reviewed. However, qualitative risk assessments have been performed; these suggest that the likelihood of simple gas releases at facilities is low to very low, that impact significance will be minor and hence impact severity on environmental receptors and public health and safety will be low. The exposure of workers at WAPCo facilities to uncontrolled releases will be minimized through the gas-detection and emergency-shutdown systems described in Section 2.6 and by providing sufficient means of emergency egress. The significance of impact on worker health and safety is likely to be minor and, since the likelihood of occurrence is likely to be low, impact severity will be low. Potential offshore pipeline breach as a result of anchor drag, impact by boat hulls or equipment, corrosion failure, and natural disasters such as earthquakes (for which Accra, Ghana is prone) can release natural gas (methane) into the water column, which will affect habitats, biological resources , and human health and safety. In Ghana, another potential source of pipeline breach is the effect of the high energy offshore environment washing away sediment. Seabed sediment can be scoured away, which can expose previously buried pipeline to impact by boats and equipment, and can lead to pipeline free-spanning. Once the pipeline is no longer supported by the seabed, it is susceptible to breaching. The likelihood of pipeline breach due to anchor dragging and impact from boat hulls and equipment can be substantially reduced by burying the pipeline beneath the seabed in areas that have significant marine traffic, and in common anchorage areas. As a measure to mitigate this potential impact, WAPCo will conduct more detailed studies to determine the proper burial depth for each lateral to avoid potential exposure of the pipeline to impact damage by shipping. Likelihood of pipeline breach due to corrosion, exposure of buried pipeline, and free-spanning can be greatly minimized through periodic internal and external inspection of the pipeline. WAPCo will implement an inspection and monitoring program as a measure to mitigate this potential impact. These mitigation measures are described in Chapter 7.

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Studies on gas accidents in the Sea of Azov give some idea about methane pollution of the water environment and its possible impact on the benthic and pelagic communities. In this event, the gas was present in water in concentrations of 4mg/L to 6mg/L directly near the accidental well and in concentrations of 0.07mg/L to 1.4mg/L at a distance of 200m from the platform. The increased content of the gas (0.35mg/L) was also found 500m from the well in the windward direction. These results suggest that methane and its analogues can stay in the water environment for a rather long period and spread over considerable distances. The effects of methane are quite varied. Dense populations of the blue-green alga, Beggiatoa sp. were found in bottom sediments of areas of methane seepage on the shelf of the North Sea and near the shore of California. As these microorganisms use gas hydrocarbons as a food source, they can become the base of the food chain for other benthic organisms, resulting in a potential positive impact. Releases of this magnitude are not expected with WAGP, and thus no positive impacts are expected. The results of field studies around the accidental gas well in the Sea of Azov suggest that the gas affects zoobenthic organisms more than the bacterioplankton and phytoplankton. In areas with high concentration of methane, the biomass of benthos declined particularly because of mollusk mortality (Patin, 1999). Based on the information about the potential impact of methane described above, the duration of any local changes in species composition and abundance is expected to be shortterm, and the extent should not exceed 500m from the impact source. Both the substratum and organisms are expected to be adversely affected in the event of pipeline breaches. This situation results in a moderate impact significance and a low to very low likelihood since its occurrence is very rare in industry. The overall severity of this impact is moderate due to the low likelihood of occurrence and the moderate impact significance. To the extent that an undersea uncontrolled release of gas would affect fisheries, such an occurrence would be expected to result in socioeconomic impacts to fishermen and coastal fishing communities relying on these fisheries. Such an uncontrolled release and the associated repair activity could also affect normal fishing patterns, resulting in hardship to fishermen traditionally fishing the area of the release. The impact of an undersea uncontrolled release on fisheries is considered to be of low severity (mainly because of the low to very low likelihood of an uncontrolled release offshore, see above). The socioeconomic impact associated with reduced fish catches would therefore also be expected to be of low severity. The socioeconomic impact associated with disruption of normal fishing patterns is also assessed to be of low severity given the short duration of these impacts, the fact that a very small portion of the overall available resource would be affected, and the low to very low likelihood of this occurrence. The severity of impact on the availability of goods and services will vary with duration of repairs. WAPCo will seek to restore service as soon as it considers it safe to do so.

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The main causes of fires within a facility are from the uncontrolled release of gas or the ingress of air into piping containing gas. Table 6.8-3 lists possible underlying causes of fires at WAPCo facilities. Table 6.8-3 Possible Causes of Fire
Alagbado Tee Power outage Mechanical failure Tube rupture Electrical fault Operator error Poor or insufficient maintenance Loss of fuel/instrument gas Lightning Lagos Beach Compressor Stationa Power outage Overpressure Underpressure at compressors Underpressuring at flare Mechanical failure Tube failure Electrical fault Poor or insufficient maintenance Liquid carryover at vents (leading to fires on ground) Leak from liquids-handling tanks Lightning R&M Stationsb Excessive temperature in heaters Overpressure Formation of hydrates leading to overpressure Power outage Mechanical failure Tube rupture Electrical fault Low liquid level in heaters (leading to formation of hydrates) Operator error Poor or insufficient maintenance Loss of fuel/ instrument gas Underpressuring downstream of pressure- reduction valve Underpressuring at vents Liquid carryover at vents (leading to fires on ground) Lightning

a b

Identified by WAPCo in QRAs. All emissions factors in this section from US EPA 1997, Emission Standards Reference Guide for HeavyDuty and Nonroad Engines, EPA420-F-97-014, www.epa.gov/otaq/cert/hd-cert/stds-eng.pdf.

Table 6.8-4 shows the receptors that could be potentially impacted by a fire at a particular WAPCo facility. Table 6.8-4 Receptors Potentially Affected by Fire
Habitats and Biological Resources X X X Air Quality X X X Goods and Services X X X Public Health and Safety Worker Health and Safety X X X

Alagbado Tee Lagos Beach Compressor Station R&M Stations


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Facilities have been designed to avoid the risk of fire so the likelihood of a fire occurring is low to very low. Impact significance will vary with the size and duration of the fire. It is not expected to be worse than minor for air quality (because the duration of the fire at a facility is not expected to last more than a day and combustion products will be dissipated rapidly by air movements) and, hence, for habitats and biological resources (for the same reasons as above and because the fire is not expected to extend as far as 100m from the facility boundary). Regarding public health and safety, if the fire were to extend beyond a facility it could begin to directly affect the public (e.g., at Lom it could impact the village of Gbtsogb). However, the facilities are all sufficiently isolated for the fire not to spread to centers of population so the impact to health and safety would, in this unlikely event, be probably from smoke. Hence, impact significance could reach moderate. Regarding worker health and safety, the worst-case scenario would be a serious injury or fatality; hence, impact significance would be major. The severity of impact on the availability of goods and services will vary with duration of repairs. WAPCo will seek to restore service as soon as it considers it safe to do so. Worst-case scenarios are not expected to lead to impacts of more than low severity on any of the above receptors because the likelihood of a fire is low, and likelihood of large fires is less than that of smaller, less harmful fires.



The possible causes of an explosion at a facility are similar to those for a fire (see Table 6.8-3). At other points along the pipeline, the prerequisites are an uncontrolled release of gas (see Table 6.8-1), oxygen availability, and a spark. Table 6.8-5 shows the receptors that could be potentially impacted by an explosion at a particular location.

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Table 6.8-5 Receptors Potentially Affected by Explosion

Transportation and Infrastructure Worker Health and Safety X X X X 6-234 Public Health and Safety X X X Cultural and Social Resources Habitats and Biological Resources Air Quality Goods and Services X X (damage to nearby roads) X (damage to nearby road) X X X X (damage to nearby roads, especially to Lom-Cotonou highway) X (shrines at Gao and Gbtsogb) X X

Alagbado Tee Onshore Nigeria Lagos Beach Compressor Station Offshore Mainline and Laterals Onshore Laterals and Link Lines R&M Station





Explosions of gas pipelines can occur on occasion, but the conditions require an uncontrolled leak of gas leading to an undispersed vapor cloud. Next, the concentration of gas needs to remain between the upper and lower explosive limits and come into contact with an ignition source. The likelihood of this arising from a buried, corrosion-protected pipeline is very low. The equipment in the facilities will be spark-proof in areas where the risk of explosion is significant in order to reduce the likelihood of explosion. A study has been performed to model the effects of an explosion at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station. It concluded that there would be only light-to-moderate structural damage in the central building, implying that damage to buildings beyond the site would not occur (ChevronTexaco, 2003). No studies have been reviewed that estimate the effects of an explosion on the above receptors. However, it is reasonable to assume that impact significance will vary with explosion size. Impact on public health and safety is of particular concern at the R&M stations in view of their proximity to residential and industrial buildings. Socioeconomic impacts of an explosion event would be expected to include: Disruption of economic activity due to damaged structures or infrastructure; Loss of the use of damaged residences; Loss of damaged crops or livestock; Loss of other properties or goods;

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Loss of means of livelihood for households of injured wage earners or livelihood earners; and Disruption of economic activity and traditional social interaction due to fear of further explosion events, and reluctance to use areas and facilities near the ROW. These impacts could be expected to be of major magnitude in the immediate area of the explosion event, and of minor magnitude in communities all along the ROW. The areal extent of these impacts is therefore major. Affected households and communities could require years to recover from these impacts, making the temporal duration of these impacts moderate to major. Therefore, despite the very low likelihood of an explosion event, the associated socioeconomic impacts are assessed to be of moderate severity.

6.8.5 Offshore Fuel Spills

Potential impacts that could affect the offshore marine environment could be caused by the accidental release of fuel oil offshore. During the construction phase, the vessel fleet working along the main trunkline of the offshore pipeline will include up to: 8 to 10 pipe barges, 1 to 2 lay barges, 2 to 3 anchor handling tugs, 1 supply boat, 1 dive support vessel, and 1 survey vessel. The fuel requirements for each boat (including generators and construction equipment) will be 7,600 liters per day (L/day) to 9,500L/day. The lay barges are not expected to require any port visits during the duration of the WAGP work. (Lay barge vessels do not come into port unless required by mechanical repairs, vessel overhauls, or lack of work.) Due to the length of time that the lay barge will be in operation and the large amounts of fuel that will be consumed, there will be a need for offshore bunkering (refueling) via barge-to-barge transfer. This activity could occur anywhere from the shoreline to 26km (16 miles) offshore. The bunkering procedures will be consistent with standard international practice. The EPC contractor will have fuel transfer procedures and a spill prevention and response plan that will meet or exceed industry code requirements. Although such refueling operations are common practice and will follow standard procedures, there is a low likelihood for spills during the transfer. Should a large spill occur, which is considered very unlikely, the consequences could be significant, especially if the spill occurred nearshore. The amount of fuel during each transfer and the frequency of fuel transfers are unknown; but given the daily fuel consumption of one ship, an approximate minimum amount of 7,600 liters could be spilled (assuming a refueling ship loses a significant amount of its fuel cargo). Impacts of a large fuel spill would include water quality degradation and damage to biological resources. These impacts could be expected to be of major magnitude in the immediate area of the spill event, since (No. 6) fuel oil (i.e., Bunker C fuel) is a persistent oil, does not evaporate quickly, and can combine with the surface water column (emulsification). Spill trajectories have not been modeled, but oil recovery by skimmers and vacuum pumps can be very effective early in the spill; conversely, the amount of fuel to be transferred could quickly spread 100m beyond the project construction areas; therefore, the areal extent of these impacts is considered moderate. With spill response procedures in place, and given the specific gravity of the fuel oil (making it

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easier to contain and clean-up), the temporal duration of these impacts should be minor. Therefore, the overall impact severity is assessed as moderate.


Secondary and Cumulative Impacts

The majority of potential impacts resulting from WAGP have been discussed under the relevant onshore and offshore sections above. In addition to the primary, direct impacts, there are various indirect consequences that may occur. These indirect impacts may occur in areas beyond the immediate influence of the WAGP Project, at an undetermined time in the future, or as a result of complex pathways (second or third level impacts). These impacts are generally considered to be secondary impacts. According to the United States Code of Federal Regulations, secondary effects are those that are caused by an action and are later in time or farther removed in distance but are still reasonably foreseeable (40 CFR 1508.8). These impacts are generally induced by the initial action (e.g., pipeline construction) but are not immediately realized or easily quantifiable. Secondary impacts affect the same receptors identified for direct impacts (e.g., land use, water quality, livelihood). Environmental, socioeconomic, and health and safety secondary impacts are discussed below. These impacts are described qualitatively, highlighting the potential areas of concern. An exhaustive list of secondary impacts is not provided here, as many secondary effects are not considered to be significant.


Environmental Secondary Impacts

Land Use

The potential for direct negative land use impacts arises when land is converted from one use to another; for example, if agricultural land is converted to industrial use when a new factory is built. Secondary impacts to land use due to the WAGP project would result from unplanned, induced development in the project area, either industrial or residential. Regional land use or development plans for the area are not available. However, it is unlikely that the compressor station site would induce further residential or industrial development since the compressor station serves a single purpose to compress the natural gas for delivery to Benin, Ghana, and Togo. It will not provide fuel locally (which could induce industrial development) and the nominal, permanent staff (25 to 30 people) during operations will not be sufficient in number to induce significant residential development in the surrounding area. Habitats and Biological Resources Hunting by Local Residents

Installation of the pipeline and maintenance of the pipeline right of way (ROW) could result in some secondary impacts to the surrounding habitat and biological resources. As described earlier, the 25m ROW will be reinstated with native grasses, but vegetation will be cleared quarterly, to ensure reliable access for WAPCo pipeline maintenance crews. In some areas, a dirt pathway for access vehicles will remain. Cleared areas and pathways within the ROW

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will increase ease of access for local residents who may use it as a footpath for hunting activities. These potential impacts are expected to occur only where the WAGP ROW will traverse 18km of previously undeveloped habitat (i.e., from the end of the Shell ROW to the compressor station). Of the previously undisturbed 18km of ROW, 30% is wetlands habitat, which will not be accessible by foot regardless. Along over 60% of the ROW onshore in Nigeria, the pipeline runs adjacent to the existing Shell ROW this area has already been disturbed; limited incremental secondary impacts from WAGP are expected. Although the project area is already used as hunting grounds by local residents, increasing access to the habitats can result in the secondary impact of increased exploitation of biological resources from hunting and poaching. Species of special interest within the WAGP footprint include: Bosmans potto, Demidovs galago, Western black-and-white colobus, Mona monkey, brush-tailed porcupine, tree pangolin, Cape clawless otter, the serval, manatee, sitatunga, Buffons kob, genets, mongooses, all herons, egrets, pelicans, hawks, eagles, falcons, all three species of crocodile, all marine turtles, and the African python.10 The majority of these species are not commonly collected for human consumption. However, the sitatunga and the brush-tailed porcupine are much sought after as bushmeat, and are under intense hunting pressure. Timber Harvesting

Commercial logging of undisturbed habitats along the proposed ROW does not occur in any of the countries. The improved access to forested areas along the onshore ROW could lead to increased timber harvesting for fuel wood (household consumption). For cooking needs of residents in the area, fuel wood/charcoal is the most widely used energy source. As stated above under secondary impacts due to hunting, wood harvesting as a secondary impact of WAGP could only occur along a maximum 18km within the onshore Nigeria environment. The onshore environment consists of coastal savanna, raphia dominated forest (which contains seasonal wetlands), and marshland and grassland that is commonly flooded during the wet season. The environmental baseline surveys have not indicated that dense, pristine forest is present. In addition, the WAGP Environmental Management Plan (EMP), presented in Chapter 8, calls for computer analysis of remote sensing images to detect unexpected changes in vegetative cover and/or land use patterns, with subsequent reporting of results to environmental and other authorities. Localized Change in Ecology

The generation of solid wastes during the construction of the pipeline and facilities and from the maintenance phase at the compressor station could cause secondary ecological impacts by attracting insects and various small animals, including rodents. Animals unaccustomed to the


According to the IUCN Red List (1994, 2002) and the Federal Governments Endangered Species Act (1985). Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-237

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human wastes could fall ill, while the increased rodent population could spread various diseases. These potential impacts are very unlikely to occur, since the generation of most solid waste occurs during the construction phase (12-15 months) and all operations will adhere to a waste management plan. Biocide agents such as mosquito control pesticides and rodenticides will be used on a limited basis to ensure that no significant (noticeable beyond background levels) secondary impact of this type occurs. Topography, Geology, and Soils

The WAPCo Reinstatement Guidelines call for restoration along the ROW to pre-project topographical conditions. However, predicting backfill settlement in the soft wetland soils, will prove difficult and slight topographic changes due to overcompensation or undercompensation of predicted time-dependent settlements might occur. In addition, exposure to air can cause some irreversible oxidation in the wetlands soils. These two possibilities, slight topographic changes and soil oxidation, could lead to unexpected changes in vegetative cover in the previously cleared land. Farming or traffic could increase near construction sites due to improved access, leading to increases in erosion or dust creation during the dry seasons. Water Resources and Hydrology

As discussed above under direct impacts, project use of groundwater resources during the construction phase can reduce the supply available to other users drawing from the same aquifer. A potential secondary and more subtle impact beyond affected quantity is a reduction in the water quality (e.g., saltwater intrusion, high concentration of minerals). This secondary impact could be triggered by a reduction in groundwater resources; however, steps that will be taken by WAPCo to ensure that local resources are not adversely affected (described in Chapter 8) should also eliminate any overall reduction in groundwater quality. Air Quality

Air quality will be directly affected by the operation of generators and machinery during the construction phase of the pipeline. Temporary secondary impacts will result if the vegetation that is cleared from the ROW is incinerated either onsite by WAPCo, or once removed by the local population to be used as fuel wood. The influx of workers, camp followers, and families to the primary construction areas would also result in an increase in open fires for cooking and related necessities, which could then increase particulate matter levels in the immediate vicinity. These secondary impacts will be only incremental above background levels and of short-lived duration (on the order of days or weeks). Offshore/Marine Environment

The exposed portion of the offshore pipeline will act as an artificial reef, providing many benthic species (such as barnacles, scallops, clams, and shrimps) a place to attach themselves to the pipeline or new substrate. With the aggregation of the benthic community, fishes will also begin to accumulate in the area of the pipeline. The diameter of the pipeline will allow for some species, such as frogfishes and shrimps, to congregate at the pipeline-sea
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floor interface. The attraction of fishes to this new habitat will create greater recruitment of economically important benthic fishes. A larger recruitment into the area could possibly be seen in increased catch rates of the artisinal and commercial fishers.


Socioeconomic Secondary Impacts

Most negative socioeconomic impacts are the direct result of other primary impacts or activities, such as a decrease in water quality leading to a decrease in fisheries available to local inhabitants. Such secondary socioeconomic impacts result from a primary environmental impact, and are therefore considered primary from a socioeconomic perspective. These negative socioeconomic impacts are assessed in Sections 6.6 and 6.7 above. Positive socioeconomic impacts are expected to result from the additional spending of wages earned in jobs directly and indirectly created by the project. Local goods and services procurement (including labor) will constitute at least 15 percent of the project capital costs during the construction phase, and in some cases an even higher percentage. Increases in area income are expected to benefit many types of local businesses. The indirect and induced benefits of increased local employment and income, as well as the influx of additional resources and personnel during the construction phase and the local content commitment (as per WAPCos International Project Agreement with the states) are discussed in greater detail in Section 6.5.


Upstream Development Impacts

Environmental and socioeconomic secondary impacts that could occur upstream of the project are discussed in a qualitative manner, below.11 These impacts would not be a direct result of the WAGP project or occur within the WAGP project area, and hence are either secondary or cumulative in nature. Given the capital investment, geographic extent of WAGP, and the expected beneficial impacts associated with the project of regional economic development and contributions to the West African Power Pool (WAPP), there is obvious speculation around secondary development and associated socioeconomic benefits. In brief, upstream of the project, industry may increase oil and gas development in order to supply additional natural gas through WAGP. While many of the upstream and downstream impacts are economic in nature, in some instances, negative environmental impacts could also occur with this secondary, induced development. Environmental issues are also addressed in the discussion below.


Downstream of the project, it is likely that industrial development will be induced by a reliable, relatively inexpensive fuel source. This is a beneficial economic impact of the project, as long as any potential negative environmental impacts are adequately identified, addressed and managed. Downstream development impacts are not expected in Nigeria; they are discussed in the WAGP Regional EIA Report. Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-239

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Upstream Development Impacts

Secondary upstream development impacts induced by WAGP would occur in Nigeria, since the source of the natural gas is Nigeria. However, these are minimal for the first 5-10 years of the project, since there are already oil and gas facilities in place to provide the initial demand of 140MMscfd. Even as demand increases over time, there are facilities in place to provide for up to 200MMscfd, with no new wellhead or facility development.12 In fact, as discussed earlier on in this report, the WAGP project will assist in reducing flaring since up to 60 percent of already identified gas supplies to be transported consist of associated gas. Appendix 2A-2, Natural Gas Sources (Upstream of WAGP), contains more detail regarding the sources of supply for WAGP gas and the associated facilities upstream (as defined by the scope of this EIA) of the WAGP project. Upstream sources for WAGP are located in the Niger Delta and are managed and operated by the SPDC or CNL Joint Ventures (JVs). To summarize here, if the demand for natural gas increases over time so that WAGP is transporting more than 200MMscfd, the following upstream development impacts could occur: Upgrades or line repairs to the Escravos-to-Lagos Pipeline System (ELPS);13 Recompletion of existing wells; Augmenting surface facilities to collect, process and transport the gas; Drilling new wells in existing fields, with limited new infrastructure; and Drilling new wells in new fields, with new surface facilities and infrastructure. Impact prediction is difficult as market demand and hence an increasing supply of gas through the WAGP system is highly volatile and not easily forecasted. The Nigerian oil and gas industry is thoroughly regulated in regards to environmental oversight. Any new facilities would be subject to approval by the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) and the Federal Ministry of the Environment (FMEnv) and adhere to the regulations as presented in Table 1.3-4. Quantifying the benefits and impacts of any potential, secondary upstream development is beyond the scope of this EIA. But in short, both the SPDC and the CNL JVs have comprehensive programs in place already to mitigate potential operating risks associated with production of oil and gas, including: Community and worker safety incidents; Transportation incidents;


Minor equipment upgrades may occur within existing facility footprints to ensure a reliable supply (e.g., new compressors replacing older compressors). 13 Managed by NGC. June 2004 Nigeria Final Draft EIA Rev 1 6-240

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Spills and/or unplanned releases of liquid contaminants including produced oil/water and hazardous materials leading to acute and chronic pollution; Air emissions; Fires or explosions; and Negative community or other stakeholder concerns regarding social and environmental performance of the oil industry or government. Continued benefits associated with upstream gas supply to WAGP include: Nigerian / indigenous employment; Technology transfer and local capacity building; Joint venture gas sales revenue; Government tax revenue; and Community development project.


Health and Safety Secondary Impacts

Health, safety, and security impacts are generally the result of other environmental and socioeconomic factors. Impacts to public and worker health and safety, both primary and secondary are described in Sections 6.6, 6.7, and 6.8. One additional secondary impact has been identified in this section the Alagbado Tee facility is managed by NGC. Due to the additional WAGP equipment to be installed, there will be incremental, secondary health and safety impacts associated with the operation of this equipment. Although the level of staffing is low, there is the potential for work-related injuries to occur as NGC employees operate and maintain equipment and systems, including the gas scrubber, liquid storage tank, pressure reduction valve and vent system. Failure of workers to regularly wear safety clothing and gear such over coats, hand gloves, protective goggles, steel-toe booths, helmets etc. could result in serious injuries in certain hazardous situations. At all other WAGP facilities, WAGPCo workers will follow health and safety protocols, and the occurrence of injury is expected to be very low. It is expected that NGC personnel will follow similar industry standards. In addition, to protect the public and minimize potential secondary health and safety impacts, public education regarding the health and safety issues associated with natural gas and natural gas distribution lines will be conducted in the communities surrounding the WAGP project.


Cumulative Impacts

Cumulative impacts are typically defined as the incremental effects of proposed development activities evaluated in tandem with pre-existing or additional proposed development activities. They may be considered distinct from direct (primary) and indirect (secondary) impacts from the proposed project in that cumulative impacts may occur when a receptor is already impacted by existing sources and/or from other separate, planned sources. Therefore,

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significant cumulative environmental impacts can be the result of 1) individually insignificant impacts of the proposed project, or 2) additive impacts of more than one project. Nigeria has few existing industrial development projects that are currently additive to any direct WAGP project impacts. Therefore, few cumulative impacts stemming from existing development are described here. Increase in marine traffic. During construction, pipe laying barges and supply vessels will be an additional impact to the existing boat traffic movements in Nigeria waters. However, the offshore construction area will be approximately 30km from the Port of Lagos and therefore interference with commercial shipping traffic is not expected. No cumulative marine habitat impacts from construction activities are expected. Strain on waste management infrastructure. All WAGP waste will be handled and disposed of according to the WAPCo Waste Management Plan (Chapter 8). No significant cumulative impacts are expected from construction waste disposal in-region. All potential disposal facilities will be audited, with secondary plans for proper waste disposal should those facilities not be able to safely absorb the incremental WAGP waste stream. Upstream impacts. As described in Section, the secondary upstream impacts associated with future gas supply for WAGP would be cumulative in terms of the existing conditions. The Niger Delta is already an active producing area; therefore, insignificant negative impacts of individual projects in the Delta have the potential to be significant from a cumulative perspective. Increased water and road transport. During the WAGP construction phase, transport of pipe and equipment either via the existing road network or through Badagry Creek may lead to more or longer traffic. These in turn can cause additive negative impacts on water quality, habitats and biological resources and air quality. Due to the limited duration of the construction phase, the indirect cumulative impacts on environmental media are not considered to be significant. Cumulative impacts to Badagry Creek. In addition to the potential transport of heavy equipment through Badagry Creek, several other activities that may impact the creek are described above (Section 6.6 and 6.7). These activities include: potential trenching of Badagry Creek/Lagos Lagoon if HDD is not successful; construction of a dock and dredging of the creek as part of the transport option; sourcing hydrotest water from the creek for filling onshore and offshore pipeline; and discharging the untreated (no biocides) water after filtration back into the creek. Trenching of the creek for installation of the pipeline and dredging the creek and construction of a dock for heavy equipment transportation are both construction-phase activities. The area of pipelaying and dredging, however, are not adjacent and thus no cumulative impacts to the habitat or water quality are expected. Additionally, both of these activities are options that will only be exercised if the preferred method is not feasible. For these reasons it is highly unlikely that these impacts would combine to produce any significant cumulative impacts.

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The third activity that directly impacts Badagry Creek is described in detail in Section Hydrotesting does not take place during the same time period as construction but will be part of the commissioning and start-up phase. Due to the timing of hydrotesting, the impact to Badagry Creek will not exacerbate any previous impacts to the creek and no cumulative impacts are expected.

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Chapter 7 Mitigation and Amelioration Measures

7.1 Introduction

In this chapter of the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), mitigation measures are recommended for the potential negative impacts identified in the previous chapter. When determining whether to implement a mitigation measure, especially those recommended to them, the West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCo) takes the following factors into consideration: Feasibility; Ease of implementation; Local suitability; Institutional requirements; Training requirements; Monitoring requirements; Cost (capital and operating); and Cost-effectiveness. The Required General and Specific Mitigation measures, which WAPCo has developed and committed itself to, apply to all WAPCo onshore and offshore project activities in Nigeria including: Pre-construction; Site Preparation and Construction; Commissioning and Start-up; Operations and Maintenance; and Decommissioning and Abandonment. The mitigation measures are presented in Sections 7.2 and 7.3 below. They are categorized by relevant impact category, potential impact, and affected country. The Required General and Specific Mitigation measures are divided into three sections, labeled Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety, and subsequently into seven categories of potential impacts. These categories of impacts by section are: Environmental Land Use; Topography, Geology, and Soils; Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology; and Air Quality (including Noise and Vibration). Socioeconomic Cultural (and Archaeological) Conditions; and

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Socioeconomic Conditions (including Goods and Services, Means of Livelihood, and Transportation and Infrastructure). Health and Safety Public and Worker Health and Safety. Required General and Specific Mitigation measures were conceived before or during this EIA; therefore, the impacts presented in Chapter 6 already take them into account. Furthermore these measures were incorporated into ongoing West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) design considerations and project implementation planning as reflected in the following: WAGP Terms of Reference (WAGP, 2002b-Appendix 1A to this EIA); Exhibit F Independent Contractors Health, Safety, and Environmental Guidelines to the Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) Request for Tender (WAGP, 2002c); and WAPCo Operational Controls (Appendix 8-B of this report). Exhibit F lists the formal plans and other submittals and requirements that the EPC contractors must make to WAPCo. These include: Site-Specific Health, Safety, and Environmental Protection Work Plans, including: o o o Environmental Protection Measures; Emergency Response Plan(s); and Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Inspections, including an inspection prior to start of works;

Hazard Register; Monthly HSE Report; Waste Management Plan (to be submitted at least six weeks prior to mobilization); Effluent Discharge Plan (to be submitted at least six weeks prior to mobilization); Stormwater Management Plan (to be submitted at least six weeks prior to start of work); Security Plan; Annual Health Assessment of Food Handlers; Behavioral Safety Observation Program; Incident Reporting Procedure; and

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Motor Vehicles Inspection and Training. Mitigation measures that have been suggested to WAPCo or that WAPCo is considering but has not committed itself to are discussed in Section 7.4, Potential Mitigation Measures. Their effect on the potential impacts presented in Chapter 6 is assessed and the residual impacts presented here.


Required General Mitigation Measures

For the purpose of this report, Required General Mitigation Measures are those mitigation measures relating to the construction phase that WAPCo has implemented contractually and/or that EPC contractors have indicated they will implement. Table 7.2-1 provides a list of general mitigation measures by impact category, and potential impact. *Note: WAPCo will compensate for major residual impacts as necessary in accordance with a Resettlement Action Plan. Such compensation may be for: Acquisition of land or right of passage; Merchantable timber removed from private lands during Right of Way (ROW) construction; and Disturbed cultural resources and venues. The value of such lands will be determined based on prevailing prices at the time of acquisition and will take into due consideration the value of crops, timber, and/or existing structures present on the lands at the time of acquisition.


Required Specific Mitigation Measures

For the purpose of this report, Required Specific Mitigation Measures are more detailed measures that WAPCo and EPC contractors are committed to implementing to avoid or mitigate adverse impacts. They are presented below in Table 7.3-1 categorized by impact category and affected country. Please note the abbreviated label for each measure. These labels are used in the Chapter 8 Environmental Management Plan (EMP) tables (Tables 8.9.1-8.9.9) as part of ensuring regulatory compliance and implementing required mitigation measures. The labels consist of initial letters (for Specific) followed by a selection of key letters from the impact category. When the same impact category requires multiple labels, a number is added at the end.

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Impact Category/Potential Impact LAND AND WATER USE Conversion of farmlands within the ROW associated with the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling, etc. of the ROW in upland areas Alteration of the land use at the staging sites used for material storage and dispersion Alteration of the land use for the construction of a dock facility and access road on the north edge of the lagoon Alteration of the land use for the infrastructure development of one semi-permanent construction camp at the compressor station, at one midline temporary worker facility, at the Tee, and at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station site Conversion of current land use due to horizontal directional drilling (HDD) pipeline construction method Conversion of current land use for the construction of the compressor station Alteration of water activities due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. ** Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Impacts to soils caused by the HDD pipeline construction method from the barrier island to offshore Impacts to soils caused by the trenching across the barrier island to offshore Impacts to soil structure, geology, and topography conditions associated with clearing and grading activities Impacts to soils caused by the thrust boring for road crossings Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND SOILS Changes in soil structure and sediment, and alteration in topography or bathymetry due to construction of a dock, access road, compressor station and concrete batching facility, a potential construction camp at the compressor station and/or midline temporary worker facility, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station Impacts to soils at the staging sites used for material

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impacts to soils and topography caused by the trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline in upland or wetland areas Impacts to soil structure caused by the HDD operations on barrier islands Alteration of bathymetry within Badagry Creek due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline Change in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for compressor station construction Impacts to soils due to deposition/ release of solid wastes or hazardous materials associated with upland and wetland pipeline construction, compressor station construction, construction camps, or at pipe cement coating facilities Soil and sediment erosion due to presence of staging sites HABITATS, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES, WATER RESOURCES, AND HYDROLOGY Changes in existing ecology and loss of current habitat from the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling, etc. Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures Impact Category/Potential Impact

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Disturbance of surrounding organisms created by earthmoving equipment and associated machinery Alteration of current habitat due to HDD construction on barrier islands Alteration of current habitat including migration of some species due to trenching and backfilling at one meter (m) depth Loss of current habitat from land leveling and infrastructure development for a potential construction camp at the compressor station Disturbance of current habitat and species population due to the transportation of large quantities of materials and equipment to the construction site Disturbance of surrounding species populations due to noise created from earthmoving equipment operations and associated machinery Disturbance of surrounding habitat and biological resources from transport of equipment via existing roads Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Disturbance of surrounding habitat, hydrology, and biological resources from transport of equipment through Lagos Lagoon to a newly constructed dock and road to the compressor station Disturbance of surrounding habitat and species due to the transport of pipe from Port Harcourt to the coating facility to the ROW staging sites Surface water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during construction activities Change in current water quality, hydrology, and resources from trenching Onshore surface water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during pipeline construction Impacts to water quality and resources due to the operation of construction camps and temporary worker facilities Water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes from onshore construction camps Impacts to water quality and resources due to facility operation Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Changes in water quality and resources due to construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Lagos Lagoon to the compressor station Changes to current habitat quality due to trenching and backfilling in wetlands, lagoons, or other water bodies Surface water quality impacts due to earth moving activities Surface water quality impacts due to the suspended sediment entrainment in lagoons, rivers, streams, creeks, and/or other bodies of water Changes in water quality and biological resources due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Changes in water quality and biological resources due to black and gray water and galley waste disposal Changes in water quality and biological resources due to passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth Changes in water quality and biological resources due to HDD or jet trenching and cutting of shoreline starting at <8m water depth Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact AIR QUALITY Changes in air quality due to clearing of vegetation and leveling Changes in air quality from transportation of materials and equipment to the various construction sites Changes in air quality due to the operation of mobile generators Changes in air quality due to the operation of earthmoving and other heavy equipment Changes in air quality due to land leveling and infrastructure development Changes in air quality from worker camp and temporary facility operation Changes in air quality from land clearing and preparation Changes in air quality due to the transportation of materials and equipment to the sites Changes in air quality due to the operation of the concrete batching plant Changes in air quality from transport of equipment via existing roads Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Changes in air quality due to transport requiring construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal to move equipment through Lagos Lagoon to the compressor station Changes in air quality due to the transport of pipe segments from Port Harcourt to the coating facility to the ROW staging sites Changes in air quality from operations venting, flaring and controlled blowdowns Changes in air quality from general operation of vessels and equipment (e.g., generators) CULTURAL CONDITIONS Incidental destruction or alteration of significant cultural, historical, or archeological sites SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS Land acquisition for ROW creates hostile intentions towards workers or pipeline Acquisition of land displaces people from homes Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures Disruption of utility service to a group or population during construction activities

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Negative effects on traffic patterns of the local area Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures Disruption of community activities during construction Creation of a boom town effect, which is followed by a recession after construction is over Impairment of maritime traffic from presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Perturbation of fishing from passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth PUBLIC AND WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to hazardous material spill in a densely populated area Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to gas leak from the pipeline Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

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Impact Category/Potential Impact Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to general operation of vessels and equipment Adverse health risk to general population from mishaps associated with passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth Avoid sensitive receptors in site and route design. Observe protective perimeters around steep and erosion-sensitive gradients, water supply basins, and wet areas. Avoid deforestation or other vegetation losses and/or reinstate vegetation Minimize the footprint in site and route design. Limit the expropriation of Right of Ways, fragmentation of properties, agricultural and forestry areas. Conserve and reuse topsoil during the burial of the pipe, coordinate the work with other land users. Control access to work sites, use adequate road signs on the routes leading to the work sites. Establish adequate human and the environment protection personnel training. Perform reinstatement and at the end of the work; clean and return the elements of the environment that were affected to their original condition. Formulate an emergency action plan in coordination with the interested authorities in the event of an accidental spill during the construction and operational phases. Develop and maintain alignment sheets that reduce impacts by making all relevant operational control information available by operation and geographic location. Compensate for major residual impacts.* Operational Controls (See Chapter 8 EMP) Required General Mitigation Measures

Table 7.2-1 Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, and Potential Impact

* WAPCo will provide compensation for major residual impacts as necessary in accordance with a Resettlement Action Plan. ** Symbol indicates that Potential Impact on vertical columns applies to Impact Category in horizontal rows.

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category Impact Category/Required Specific Mitigation LAND USE (WAPCo is in the process of addressing certain Land Use mitigation measures as part of Resettlement Action Plan development, including community consultations and negotiations with project affected people, e.g., land owners and land users.) Avoid disruption of farming activities by: SFarm-1: Prior to the start of work, checking with farmers regarding the use that they intended for their land; SFarm-2: Performing the work in such a fashion as to harm as little as possible existing farming practices (duration, timing, magnitude); SFarm-3: Keeping to a minimum areas in which farming will be impossible during the work and compensate for losses; SFarm-4: Maintaining access to isolated areas (restoring access after construction); SFarm-5: Entering the Right of Way by the use of existing routes or moving about at the edge of cultivated land, and if necessary coordinating the creation of access roads in cooperation with farmers; SFarm-6: Placing the facilities, as much as possible, at the edge of lots or cultivated land or distribute them in such a way as to occupy as little as possible cultivated land; and SFarm-7: Loosening soil compacted by machinery and put disturbed production areas back into production. Avoid disruption to forestry activities by: SF-1: Notifying the owners of the neighboring occupied land of work duration; and SF-2: Providing for coordination mechanisms with the competent authorities for the disposal of merchantable timber harvested from private lands or with private owners for the recovery of firewood. Avoid disruption of tourist activities by: ST-1: Not encumbering neighboring tourist and recreation areas or by taking the necessary measures to insure access and safe use during and after the work. Minimize the disruption from facility siting by: SFS-1: Using small-footprint facilities to minimize the loss of space; and SFS-2: Installing, as necessary, noise barriers in order to lessen the acoustic impact. TOPOGRAPHY, GEOLOGY, AND SOILS Minimize modification of the soil characteristics by: SS-1: Scarifying, as needed, damaged sites; SS-2: Re-grading the sites, then replacing the layer of topsoil that was previously put to the side during construction work or otherwise salvaging all topsoil; SS-3: Providing accommodations for vehicular traffic anytime there is a risk of compaction or alteration of the surface; SS-4: Restoring the operational site by restoring the original profile of the topography and the soil; SS-5: Strictly regulating heavy machinery traffic; SS-6: Restricting the number of traffic lanes and limiting the movement of the machinery to the work sites and to marked access ways;

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category SS-7: Taking all necessary precautions during the refueling of transport vehicles and machinery at the work site to avoid accidental spills; and SS-8: Maintaining transportation vehicles and machinery in good working order so as to avoid oil and fuel leaks and all other pollutants. Reduce soil erosion and destabilization by: SSED-1: Mechanically stabilizing the soil in order to reduce the potential of erosion; SSED-2: Avoiding excavation and burial in steeply sloped ground and avoiding creation of grade breaks; SSED-3: Providing for the placement of siltation ponds in areas subject to heavy erosion; SSED-4: Obtaining the necessary authorizations for work in wetland areas; SSED-5: Providing for the rehabilitation of the site after the work, including restoring beds, banks, and flow of waterways as necessary; SSED-6: Limiting activities in erodable soils; SSED-7: Selecting vehicles suited to the nature of the soil; SSED-8: As applicable, avoiding the creation of access ways along the axis of long, continuous descending grades in favor of a perpendicular or diagonal orientation (no new access roads anticipated); and SSED-9: At the completion of the work, leveling the disturbed soil and quickly seeding or re-planting bushes in order to control soil erosion. HABITATS, BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES, WATER RESOURCES, AND HYDROLOGY Prohibit hazardous chemicals use as part of Product Acceptance by: SPHCU-1: Prohibiting the use of polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, chlorinated solvents, and thinners, halons, and other chlorinated fluorocarbons. Implement good housekeeping on-site by: SGH-1: Stacking cut wood away from wetland areas and water bodies; SGH-2: Collecting, segregating, handling, transporting, and disposing of wastes in accordance with an approved Waste Management Plan; SGH-3: Storing and handling hazardous materials in accordance with an approved Hazardous Materials Management Plan; SGH-4: Providing secondary containment for liquid waste and hazardous material storage as part of a Spill Prevention and Control Plan; SGH-5: Keeping hazardous materials and wastes away from potable water connections; SGH-6: Operating an approved Stormwater Management Plan in order that stormwater runoff from sites be free from floating materials and eroded soils and other settleable materials; SGH-7: Storing machinery and vehicles in demarcated areas dedicated for that purpose away from sensitive receptors; and SGH-8: Collecting, segregating, handling, transporting, and disposing of wastes in accordance with an approved Waste Management Plan. Reduce surface water quality and wetland impacts by: SQW-1: Controlling traffic in order to avoid leaks and spills of hazardous materials; SQW-2: Conserving vegetation near waterways and wet areas;

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category SQW-3: Taking appropriate mitigation measures in the event of accidental contamination; SQW-4: Avoiding moving machinery near potable water connections (a security perimeter should be established and identified around the sites by marking them or by closing them in by whatever means necessary); SQW-5: When necessary to cross waterways, implementing all necessary measures (wire fences, nets, protective panelling, etc.) to avoid having construction materials, wastes, or wood residues fall into waterways; placing filtration berms and sediment barriers in the ditches that drain the work sites; providing siltation ponds in areas of heavy erosion; crossing perpendicularly where the embankments are stable and the waterways are narrow; using methods that minimize perturbations to aquatic environments and wet areas; and SQW-6: Avoiding blocking waterways; removing any debris or temporary installations used to cross waterways that block the normal flow of surface water; re-establishing, if necessary, the normal flow of the waterways and restoring the original bed and banks, taking all necessary precautions during the re-fuelling of transport vehicles and machinery at the work site to avoid accidental spills; prohibiting the re-fuelling of machinery near waterways. Protect the water table by: SWT-1: Properly sealing wells and bore holes prior to abandonment; and SWT-2: Using appropriate drilling practices. Reducing modification of surface water flow by: SSWF-1: Scheduling intervention periods in areas subject to flooding or in which there is the likelihood of heavy runoffs at times other than the high water season or heavy rains; SSWF-2: Not impairing surface water drainage and providing for the means of restoration; SSWF-3: Restricting to a minimum vehicular traffic beyond the ROW in order to avoid the creation of ruts, and consequently, runoff; SSWF-4: Being mindful of surface drainage at all times; SSWF-5: Avoiding blocking waterways, trenches, or any other channel, and managing water quality impacts because people use them as a drinking water resource; SSWF-6: Removing any debris that blocks the normal flow of surface water; and SSWF-7: Providing accommodations for vehicular traffic anytime there is a risk of compaction or alteration of wet areas. Minimize destruction or modification of the vegetation cover by: SVC-1: Clearly defining the cut zones in order to limit deforestation and establishing protective perimeters around productive habitats such as wetland areas and spawning beds; SVC-2: Protecting trees from the machinery on the edge of the ROW; SVC-3: Restoring the vegetation at end of the work;

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category SVC-4: Avoiding deforestation and destruction of bordering vegetation, including clearing the ROW in such a way that trees fall within the ROW and refraining from disturbing mangrove trees and vegetation outside the ROW; SVC-5: During cutting operations, providing for wood stacking areas beyond wet areas; and SVC-6: Prohibiting the digging of trenches within a one meter of a tree. Minimize destruction or modification of wildlife habitats by: SWH-1: Obtaining authorization to perform work within wildlife or ecological preserves; SWH-2: Not working in breeding grounds during breeding seasons; SWH-3: Scheduling work and setting the calendar of activities taking into account the use the wildlife makes of the land; SWH-4: Protecting known productive habitats, wet areas and spawning beds; SWH-5: Not restricting the movement of fish by paying attention to the size of culverts, the speed of the flow of water, and the water level at the point of minimum flow; SWH-6: Developing and maintaining WAPCo Policies and related training programs regarding fishing, hunting, and tree harvesting; SWH-7: Developing and maintaining effective Sea Turtle Nesting Protection Procedure that applies to potential encounters while constructing the pipeline across beaches; and SWH-8: Implementing the Anchor Specification from Chapter 8, which includes detailed anchoring plans. AIR QUALITY (including Noise and Vibration) Reduce changes to air quality and noise and vibration exposure by: SAQNV-1: Near inhabited areas, avoiding heavy truck traffic and carrying out loud work outside of normal working hours; SAQNV-2: Maintaining transportation vehicles and machinery in good working order in order to minimize gaseous emissions and noise; SAQNV-3: Using dust-control liquids and dust-recovery machinery; and SAQNV-4: Erecting noise barriers if there are complaints from surrounding communities. CULTURAL (and Archaeological) CONDITIONS Avoid disruption of known or potential cultural or archeological sites by: SADCAS-1: Prior to the commencement of the work, undertaking archeological assessments in identified potential sites and encouraging the appropriate analysis (including gathering of inventory data by means of mapping and photographic surveys) and reclamation of archeological artifacts, or avoiding these sites altogether; SADCAS-2: During the work, examining the work site for artifacts of archeological importance, and in the event of any discovery, suspending all activities and notifying the competent authorities; SADCAS-3: Preventing theft or vandalism by not allowing the general public to know the exact location of archeological or exceptional sites; and SADCAS-4: Obtaining the necessary authorizations prior to the execution of the work.

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category SOCIOECONOMIC CONDITIONS (including Goods and Services, Means of Livelihood, and Transportation and Infrastructure) Minimize perturbation to customs and traditions by: SCT-1: Providing for a work schedule that will avoid disturbing the traditional life of communities (e.g. sowing, growing, harvesting seasons in or adjacent to cultivated lands or festivals and other celebrations in the places they are held); and SCT-2: Establishing a communication program to inform communities of on-going work and establish appropriate measures to minimize the disturbance caused by the work. Minimize population displacement by: SP-1: Reaching an agreement with communities with regard to the ways and means of resettlement and respecting those commitments; SP-2: Negotiating, if necessary, for the acquisition of land or the right of passage and providing for adequate compensation; and SP-3: Guaranteeing access to private property and the safety of residents and passersby during the course of the work by enacting the appropriate measures (fencing, guards, etc.). Minimize service interruptions during the work by: SSI-1: Notifying the concerned jurisdictions and taking the appropriate measures to keep interruptions to a minimum for the residents of the affected area. Minimize disruption to road traffic, farming, fishing, forestry, tourist, and other community activities (by reducing damages to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion) by: SRATC-1: Avoiding blocking public access, including blocking access to fishing when crossing inland surface water; SRATC-2: Developing and maintaining an external communication procedure that minimizes impacts through proper training, public notices, designations on nautical maps, etc.; SRATC-3: Using road signs to notify work in progress; SRATC-4: Complying with road bearing capacity and repairing damage caused to roads during and at the end of the work; SRATC-5: Circumventing gathering places; and SRATC-6: Ensure that Construction Contractors implement driver training program and vehicle monitoring equipment (example Drive Right). Avoid impeding road traffic and community activities by: STCA-1: Adjusting work schedules so as not to disturb traffic; STCA-2: Establishing an adequate system of road signs and detours; and STCA-3: Notifying communities of pending work scope, duration and location. Reduce depletion of energy resources by: SER-1: Maintaining transportation vehicles, compressor engines and power generators in good working order; and SER-2: Following this approach for all other equipment and machinery needing periodic inspection and maintenance to attain optimal efficiency and reduction in fuel consumption.

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Table 7.3-1 Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category PUBLIC AND WORKER HEALTH AND SAFETY (including Emergency Response) Optimize public safety and hazardous materials management by: SPSHM-1: Heightening the safety of workers and of the surrounding communities by establishing safety and emergency action plans and related training programs; SPSHM-2: Insuring that all employees adhere to the safety program; SPSHM-3: Providing for the establishment of emergency plans and action plans in the event of fire, accidents causing injury, accidental spills of contaminants, or gas leaks; SPSHM-4: Posting in a location visible to the workers the names and telephone numbers of the people in charge and describing the alert protocol; SPSHM-5: Keeping on hand a supply of absorbent materials as well as properly designated recipients designed to contain petroleum residue and wastes in the event of a spill; SPSHM-6: Informing the drivers and operators of machines of the security standards to be followed at all times; SPSHM-7: Observing applicable standards in site selection and disposal methods when it is necessary to remove or contain pollutants or contaminated substances; SPSHM-8: Providing for storage areas for contaminated products and equipping them with devices designed to protect against any accidental spills; SPSHM-9: Communicating with local communities regarding the operations, hazards, and response plans of the facilities; and SPSHM-10: Developing and implementing a program for monitoring whether the pipeline is remaining covered (where it is buried), and not freespanning as a result of being undermined by sea currents. At the first sign of the pipeline becoming exposed, relative to as-built specifications, this program will stipulate adequately protecting the submerged pipeline with cement bags or matting. Minimize transmission of HIV/AIDS and other communicable disease (see Appendix 7B: WAGP HIV/AIDS Policy) by: SHIV/AIDS-1: Conduct regular and frequent HIV/AIDS awareness training for construction workers, with more frequent and focused training for higher at risk workers (truckers, offshore crew change, etc.); SHIV/AIDS-2: Regularly distributing HIV/AIDS awareness communications materials; SHIV/AIDS-3: Implementing labor hiring programs away from construction sites to reduce the presence of camp followers, prostitutes, drug dealers/users and other potential HIV/AIDS carriers; SHIV/AIDS-4: As applicable, establishing and maintaining closed camps and restricting access to camps and work locations to authorized personnel; SHIV/AIDS-5: Monitor the build-up or presence of camp followers, prostitutes, narcotics dealers/users and other potential HIV/AIDS carriers who may attempt to access construction or camp facilities or attempt to interface with contractor or subcontractor employees; and SHIV/AIDS-6: Establishing working relationships between WAPCo, contractors, private security, surrounding communities and local law enforcement to quickly disburse unauthorized personnel from work locations, camp sites, and surrounding communities.

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Potential Mitigation Measures

The potential mitigation measures are ones recommended by the consultant. Discussion among WAPCo, regulatory authorities and external lenders will result in a decision whether or not to adopt the measures. The potential mitigation measures are discussed in turn for each impact category. When determining whether to implement a potential mitigation measure, WAPCo will take the following factors into consideration: Feasibility; Ease of implementation; Local suitability; Institutional requirements; Training requirements; Monitoring requirements. Cost (capital and operating); and Cost-effectiveness.


Utilize Horizontal Directional Drilling for Wetland Crossings

Employing HDD for pipeline construction in Nigeria would leave the wetlands relatively untouched. No Habitats and Biological Resources ROW clearing of habitat is needed for the HDD method, Water Resources and Hydrology except at entry and exit points. The footprint required for Topography, Geology, and Soils the HDD entry location is typically 50m by 30m. The drill site would require leveling, fill, and compaction in order to support the drilling equipment; consequently the entry and exit points for this HDD activity would be located away from the edge of each wetland area. Laydown areas used during HDD would not be occupied for more than a few weeks. These areas will be reinstated and allowed to revert back to pre-construction conditions. The hydrological regime would be affected for only the duration of operations (typically less than a week). Furthermore, HDD would avoid soil compaction (except at the relatively small equipment installation points) and exposed (unvegetated) soil. Cuttings and waste drilling liquid would be removed according to the waste management plan and so result in less of a negative impact than siltation trenching waste overflow. The duration of impacts to biological resources outside of the ROW (the drill site area) would be less than six months with proper reinstatement. These impacts will be totally reversible within the time period, resulting in minor temporal significance. For the reasons given above, the duration of impacts to water resources and hydrology and to topography, geology, and soils are also minor. The areal significance (for all three receptors) would also be minor and impacts will occur within 100m outside of the ROW, for a total of 0.15 hectares (0.37 acres) for the entry location and a similar area at the exit location. The magnitude of the impact to habitats and biological resources would be minor, rather than negligible, due to the sensitive nature of the

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wetland habitat. Regarding hydrology, it would also be minor, but for topography, geology, and soils it would be negligible. Since the wetland environment itself would not be directly touched, the likelihood of any long-term impact due to HDD is low. The overall impact severity would low. (Please note that the impacts arising from HDD wastes are essentially the same as those of trenching wastes, which are discussed under Sections, Topography, Geology, and Soils and, Water Resources and Hydrology. The secondary impact to habitat and biological resources from solid wastes is discussed as a potential impact under Section 6.9, Secondary Impacts.)
Habitats and Biological Resources

Impact: Degradation of current habitat quality due to trenching across wetlands.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Minor Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

Alternative Impact: Degradation of current habitat quality due to HDD across wetlands.
Impact Significance Likelihood Topography, Geology, and Soils Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

Impact: Degradation of soil structure due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline in wetland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Moderate Negligible Major Moderate Medium

Moderate Severity

Alternative Impact: Degradation of soil structure due to HDD to install pipeline in wetland areas.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity

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Water Resources and Hydrology

Impact: Change in hydrology from trenching across wetlands and streams.

Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Moderate Moderate High Moderate

High Severity

Alternative Impact: Change in hydrology from HDD across wetlands and streams.
Impact Significance Likelihood Temporal Areal Magnitude Minor Minor Minor Low Minor

Low Severity


Perform the Shore Crossing from the North Side of the Lagos Lagoon Thus Avoiding the Barrier Island
Land Use Habitats and Biological Resources Water Resources and Hydrology Topography, Geology, and Soils

As described in Section, the possibility exists for the lagoon crossing to be combined with the shore crossing (i.e., HDD from north shore of lagoon out to the ocean thus bypassing the barrier island).

The advantages are that it would eliminate the high impacts to Habitats and Biological Resources and the low impact to Topography, Geology and Soils at the barrier island. Potential disadvantages are the water requirement for HDD would be higher (though that would not necessarily raise impact severity from low to moderate) and that the exit point of the shore crossing would be closer to the coast than if the HDD entry point were at the barrier island. If the exit point is less than 8m below the ocean surface, jet trenching would be required thus causing the negative impacts to Habitats and Biological Resources, Bathymetry and Seafloor Sediment and Water Quality and Resources offshore described in Sections, and However, this alternative may prove technically infeasible and a decision is pending until further detailed analyses are completed.


Residual High Impacts from Onshore Construction in Nigeria

There are several high impacts from onshore construction in Nigeria that are unavoidable or irreversible or for which feasible mitigation measures have not been identified. Project activities that have the potential to result in high impacts are described below. Pipeline Construction in Upland Areas (Land Use) Impacts to Land Use in Nigeria will be covered by the resettlement action plan.

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Chapter 7 Site Preparation for the Compressor Station and Concrete Batching Facility (Land Use and Topography, Geology and Soils) The high impact to Topography, Geology, and Soils at the compressor station site in Nigeria could be mitigated by replacing the topsoil. However, this could only take place after the decommissioning of the WAGP facilities and the removal of the concrete foundation of the compressor station. It is not known at this stage whether this considerable undertaking will form part of WAPCos decommissioning plans (which will be determined towards the end of the life of the project), nor whether there will be any reason for it to do so, since it is quite possible that in a post-WAGP scenario, the site could be utilized for another industrial use. Construction of a Dock and Access Road at the Lagoon for the Transport of Heavy Plant Equipment to the Compressor Station (Habitats and Biological Resources, Topography, Geology and Soils, and Water Resources and Hydrology) The construction of the loading facility and access road at the lagoon is one of three alternatives under consideration by WAPCo for the transport of heavy plant equipment to the compressor station in Nigeria. The other two are to use existing roads (likely through Badagry to the West of the Compressor Station) or to build a new road around the village of Ajido to the site. At this point and time WAPCo expects the EPC contractor to use the major road artery through Badagry to the west of the compressor station site. This may require some upgrades to the existing roads and bridges.

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Chapter 8 Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan

This chapter describes the Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan (HSEMP) for the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) project. The HSEMP is essential to the West African Gas Pipeline Company (WAPCo) Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System (HSEMS), described in Section 8.1, and its effectiveness in assuring protection of health, safety, environment, and socioeconomic conditions. WAPCo has established and will maintain, as part of its HSEMS, a comprehensive HSEMP to achieve its health, safety, and environmental (HSE) regulatory compliance objectives, institutional responsibilities (e.g., World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines), and other related commitments. Also addressed in the HSEMP are socioeconomic measures that will reduce negative impacts and provide benefit to affected communities, countries, and the region. For each potentially severe impact (high or moderate severity), the HSEMP identifies and describes the linkage between: Applicable regulatory requirements, institutional responsibilities and other commitments; Relevant WAPCo operational controls (e.g., best management practices (BMPs), construction and operation specifications, procedures, and work instructions); Monitoring approach and schedule for conformance to operational controls; Mitigation and regulatory monitoring institutional roles; and Relevant mitigation measures. The HSEMP applies to all WAPCo onshore and offshore project activities including: Pre-construction; Site Preparation and Construction; Commissioning and Start-up; Operations and Maintenance; and Decommissioning and Abandonment. The HSEMP is divided into three sections, labeled Environmental, Socioeconomic, and Health and Safety, and subsequently into seven categories of potentially severe impacts. These categories of impacts by section are: Environmental Land Use; Topography, Geology, and Soils; Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology;

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Air Quality (including Noise and Vibration); and Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste. Socioeconomic Cultural (and Archaeological) Conditions and Socioeconomic Conditions (including Goods and Services, Means of Livelihood, and Transportation and Infrastructure). Health and Safety Public and Worker Health and Safety; and Emergency Preparedness and Response. Except for the Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste and Emergency Preparedness and Response, the HSEMP categories correspond to the affected media categories that were addressed in Chapter 6. (Even though Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste and Emergency Preparedness and Response do not represent project affected media, they do represent aspects of the project that require specific management plans to control activities and mitigate impacts on other affected media.) Tables 8.9-1 to 8.9-9, in Section 8.9 below, describe the linkage between each potentially severe impact and applicable regulatory requirements, other WAPCo commitments, relevant operational controls, a monitoring approach and schedule, and the relevant mitigation measures. The tables are structured as depicted below (symbol indicates that the WAPCo Tier 2 Procedure on vertical column applies to Specific Significant Impact in horizontal row).

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Table 8-1 [Impact] Section of the WAPCo HSEMP

Potential Impact: Description of Impact Other Operational Procedures

WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Procedure 10 Procedure 11 Procedure 1 Procedure 2 Procedure 3 Procedure 4 Procedure 5 Procedure 6 Procedure 7 Procedure 8 Procedure 9 Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Impact 1 Impact 2 Impact 3 Applicable Regulatory Requirements/Commitments Regulation/Commitment 1 Regulation/Commitment 2 Regulation/Commitment 3

Monitoring Approach and Schedule (Section 8.3) Pre-construction Construction Post-construction Operations
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional R General and Specific Mitigation Measures (Sections 7.2 and 7.3)


Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System

WAPCo is in the process of finalizing documentation of a project HSEMS that will be implemented throughout the project to ensure compliance with applicable HSE regulations and other requirements to which the WAPCo subscribes, and to mitigate significant adverse impacts. The HSEMS for the proposed project is patterned after and consistent with the International Organization For Standardization 14001: 1996 Technical Specification and Guidance for Use (ISO 14001) and the draft standard ISO 18001 (Appendix 8-A: cross referenced to Chapter 15 of the West African Gas Pipeline Project Execution Plan, Health, Safety, and Environmental Management System). The outline for the WAPCo HSEMS is provided below: 1.0 Leadership and Project Team Involvement Addresses managements commitment to the project HSE policy statement, project team participation and ownership, and the HSE culture essential to success. Policy and Strategic Objectives Addresses the projects HSE intentions, principles, and high-level objectives.


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Evaluation and Risk Management Addresses identification and evaluation of HSE issues and risks for operations and services, and the development and decision making associated with risk-reduction and management measures. This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a key input to WAPCo Risk Management component of the WAPCo HSEMS. Planning and Resources Addresses the setting of HSE goals and targets and establishment of resourced work plans to achieve them. Components within this element of the HSEMS include: Legal and other requirements; Goals and targets; Project team organization, roles, responsibilities and work plans; and HSEMP, including integration of contractor HSE programs.



Implement and Operate Addresses common program requirements necessary to operate in control and to implement defined system and process improvement changes. Specific elements of this section of the HSEMS include: Procedures, processes, and operational controls (Section 8.1.1); Documentation and record keeping; Training and competence; Communication and awareness; and Emergency preparedness and response.


Monitor and Review Addresses HSE performance monitoring and periodic assessment of system performance, effectiveness and suitability, including: HSE performance measurement, including leading indicator metrics; HSEMS audits; Management review of the HSEMS; and Incident investigation, non-conformance and corrective action processes.

The HSEMS also is intended to ensure conformance to socioeconomic objectives of the proposed project. WAGP has identified those operations and activities that are associated with potential moderate and severe impacts. WAGP has planned these activities, including maintenance, in order to ensure that they are carried out under specified conditions by establishing and maintaining documented procedures to cover situations where their absence could lead to deviations from conformance with WAPCos HSEMS Policy (i.e.; deviations from compliance with WB Safeguard policies, relevant legal requirements, and other commitments to avoid or mitigate adverse environmental, heath and safety and socioeconomic impacts). The following operational controls are descriptions of those documented procedures, presented in their entirety in Appendix 8-B.

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Operational Controls

The purpose of the HSEMS is to identify, plan for, and subsequently minimize potential HSE and socioeconomic (hereafter HSE) impacts. Each potentially severe HSE impact identified in this EIA has associated operational controls that specify appropriate procedures, work instructions, BMPs, roles, responsibilities, authorities, monitoring, measurement, and record keeping that avoid or reduce impacts. Other WAPCo Operating Procedures will be reviewed and, where appropriate, amended to include instructions for planning and minimizing HSE impacts, or to at least reference relevant documents that address HSE impact avoidance and mitigation. To be comprehensive, suitable, adequate, and effective, the HSEMS will ensure that operational controls for avoiding and minimizing impacts are properly maintained and continue throughout the life of the project. Alignment sheets that geospatially reference relevant operational controls, mitigation and monitoring plans, regulatory requirements, training needs, and other specifications will be prepared by WAPCo to enhance effectiveness of the HSEMP. The operational controls, using the following HSEMS hierarchy, are included as Appendix 8B, Operational Controls. And an annotated list of these operational controls is as follows (outline numbers from Appendix 8-B used for consistency): 8B1.0 Tier 1: WAGP HSE Policy Statement: Commits WAPCo to conduct its business in a socially responsible and ethical mannerone that is intended to ensure safety and protect health and the environment. The Policy states that WAPCo strives to be a leader in this regard within the industry and in the West African sub-region. It outlines specific objectives to meet the HSE Policy goals. 8B2.0 Tier 2: WAGP HSE Management System Procedures: Are defined and maintained by WAPCo for the purpose of conforming to its HSE Policy commitments and objectives. The table of contents for these procedures appears in Appendix 8-B. Of particular note from this set are three procedures that apply to the management and use of pesticides and biocides Hazardous Material Communication, Chemical Management Plan, and Hazardous Material Control Procedures. 8B2.1 WAGP External Communications Procedures: Describes roles, responsibilities, authorities and required actions for external environmental communication between WAPCo and interested parties, such as regulatory authorities and the public/local community groups. This procedure will be finalized following the Final Investment Decision when Construction Management Staffing is completed (Section 8.3). 8B2.2 HES Training: Describes the WAPCo approach to conducting required safety training. It applies to all personnel (employees and contractors), involved in work related to WAPCo owned, operated, or maintained pipelines or facilities. Although it does not contain all safety rules and regulations, it does provide information on safety rules, personal protective equipment, hazardous materials/chemicals, and emergency response procedures. These procedures are being amended to also include training on avoiding environmental and socioeconomic impacts.

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8B2.3 HES Audit Protocol: (See description under Performance/Implementation Monitoring in Section 8.2 Monitoring.) 8B2.4 WAGP Management of Change: (See description under Section 8.1.2 Change Management.) 8B2.5 WAGP Compliance and Permitting Plan: Provides a framework for ensuring that proper attention is given to licenses, permits and consents required for regulatory compliance of facility design, construction, installation, commissioning and operation. The objectives of the program are to: ensure that the Project is designed, built, and operated in full compliance with all applicable regulatory requirements; identify and obtain all required permits and approvals for the Projects design, construction, installation, and operations in a timely manner; and identify the fees and administrative costs for budgeting purposes and as an input to the International Project Agreement negotiations. The program will assist the four Countries in developing a common set of WAPCo Regulations for the construction and operation of the pipeline in accordance with the International Project Agreement. Through the permitting process, WAPCo will provide capacity building and/or technology transfer to the countries that are not familiar with natural gas and/or pipeline facilities, particularly in the areas of hazards assessment and safety equipment systems. 8B2.5.1 WAGP Project Authorizations: Lists the agencies or ministries responsible for approval or authorization of different elements of the WAGP EIA and project implementation. The timing and estimated fees of the approvals are indicated if the information is available. 8B2.5.2 WAGP Pipelines Hydrotesting Discharge Ecotoxicity Testing Plan (Rev A): Describes plans (responsibilities, means, time frames, monitoring requirements, material safety data sheets, etc.) for performing ecotoxicity testing on biocide amended hydrotest waters that may be discharged from the WAGP pipelines during commissioning. The purpose of the plan is to ensure compliance with all applicable national and international discharge requirements and establish the scope of testing and analysis including potential dispersion modeling. This plan will be implemented immediately following the Final Investment decision. 8B2.5.3 WAGP Waste Water Discharge Controls: Describes controls that will be developed based on the results of ecotoxicity and other testing. These controls will be developed as part of specific applications for Discharge Permits/Approvals within each country, likely in the 6 to 12 month timeframe following the Final Investment Decision. 8B2.5.4 WAGP Stormwater Management Plan: Describes controls and procedures from the Mitigation Measures in Chapter 7, which focuses on Construction and also includes Operational Stormwater Controls. 8B2.5.5 WAGP Air Emissions Management Procedure: Describes controls and procedures from the Mitigation Measures in Chapter 7, which focuses on

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Construction Air Emissions (dust, exhaust) and also includes Operational Emissions Controls to the extent that they can be identified prior to Detailed Design. 8B2.5.6 WAGP Project Execution Plan: Describes development of a WAPCo organization that is competent in the areas of operations and maintenance, human resource management, information technology, health, environment, and safety, technical, finance, commercial and business development and other areas of work necessary for performing the ongoing natural gas transmission pipeline business contemplated by WAPCo. Commits WAPCo to having staffing plans, training plans, policies, processes, commercial agreements, and procedures to allow a smooth transition from the construction phase to the operational phase with the above mentioned infrastructure and functions in place. Describes development of operations and maintenance work plans, procedures, organization design, skill requirements, recruitment and training plan recommendations for consideration during and after construction of the pipeline, including development of pipeline operations and maintenance functions (e.g., mechanic, electrician, telecommunications, SCADA, rotating equipment, pipeliner, maintenance planner, measurement, metering station operator, compressor station operator, and warehousing) and development of operations and maintenance procedure manuals. 8B2.6 WAGP Waste Management Plan: Applies to offshore construction and landbased sites and is intended for use by parties who manage solid or liquid wastes generated during construction or operations of WAPCo, including waste from pigging operations. It also is applicable to operation of the pipeline and permanent facilities. It describes WAPCos waste management program and provides procedures for routine waste management issues and for how potentially hazardous and nonhazardous waste will be managed. It is intended to serve as a primary waste management reference document that includes compliance requirements in the four countries and as a training tool. It describes WAPCo alternative approaches to minimizing impacts of project waste disposal activities if insufficient waste management capability is found to exist in the region. The list of waste management facilities that WAPCo intends to use appears in the WMP. WAPCo will audit these facilities to determine whether they have sufficient capability to handle waste generated by WAGP. If no capable facilities exist, WAPCo will consider other alternatives including, but not limited to: shipping wastes to facilities currently used by the sponsors both inside and outside of the region and on-site waste management following World Bank requirements. 8B2.7 Emergency Response: Assembles plans, preparations, procedures, and training for responding to emergencies at WAPCo facilities and other emergencies associated with the project (e.g. releases of hazardous substances, fires, explosions, product spills, gas releases, bomb threats, hurricanes, and accidents during transport). The WAGP/WAPCo Emergency Response Plan also serves as a training aid for preparing WAPCo personnel to respond effectively and safely to emergencies. The plan applies to all personnel at WAPCo facilities. Some employees may simply need to know where and how to report for a head count. It includes the following elements: Plans (made before the actual emergency) for coordinating emergency response with outside agencies;
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Preventing emergency incidents; Recognizing emergency situations and alerting others; Emergency response procedures, especially the lines of authority, means of communication, and roles of personnel; Documented training of emergency-response personnel; Evacuation routes and procedures; Safe distances and places of refuge; Personal protective gear and emergency equipment; Decontamination; and Emergency medical treatment and first aid, including surveillance of and consultation with emergency-response personnel. 8B2.7.1 WAGP Spill Prevention and Control Procedure: Describes controls and procedures from the Mitigation Measures in Chapter 7, which focuses on Spill Prevention and Control measures and also includes Operational Controls to the extent that they can be identified prior to Detailed Design. 8B2.8 WAGP Habitat, Biological, Cultural Resource Management Procedures: Outline specific measures to be taken to mitigate impacts to biological and cultural resources affected by the construction of the WAGP project. Specific monitoring and mitigation measures are outlined below for the sea turtle nesting protection procedure (8B2.8.3). Other specific elements of the habitat, biological, and cultural resource management procedures are listed here and presented in Appendix 8-B. 8B2.8.1 8B2.8.2 ROW Reinstatement Criteria Proposed Wetland PL Construction Methods Study

8B2.8.3 WAGP Sea Turtle Nesting Protection Procedure: Describes the plans for mitigating adverse impacts to sea turtle nesting. Plans for daytime, nighttime and near shore surveys are described, including responsibilities, schedule, and scope. The monitoring periods during which mitigation triggers apply are August 1 through January 31. The mitigation measures include: Beach Survey and Near-Shore Triggers: If turtles or turtle nesting are observed in the WAPCo Pipeline ROW beach survey area or in near shore areas two weeks before and/or during the near-shore activities, then construction activities in the WAPCo Pipeline ROW near-shore area and onshore beach area that have the potential to materially disrupt a turtles essential behavior patterns (e.g., activities that preclude a turtle from reaching the beach and nesting) will be limited to daylight hours.

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Turtle Hatchlings Trigger: If turtle hatchlings are observed in the WAPCo Pipeline ROW near-shore area or onshore beach area during the near-shore activities, construction activities in the WAPCo Pipeline ROW near-shore area and onshore beach area will avoid physical disturbances (i.e., direct contact) to any nests or hatchling turtles within the WAPCo Pipeline ROW near-shore area and onshore beach area and allow the turtle hatchlings to reach the sea and disperse. If necessary turtle hatchlings that are found will be captured with out harming them and then notification of the competent local authority will be initiated to allow them to remove the turtle hatchlings. Lighting: Additional construction lighting shall be limited to the immediate area of activities and shall be the minimum lighting required to comply with appropriate health and safety standards. Lighting associated with any onshore and offshore activities shall be minimized through reduction, shielding, lowering and appropriate placement of lights to minimize illumination of the beach and water. 8B2.8.4 WAGP Chance Finds and Archeological Salvage Procedure: (See description under Section 8.1.3 Biological and Cultural Resource Chance Finds) 8B2.8.5 8B2.8.6 WAGP Anchor Handling WAGP Pesticide Management Plan

8B2.8.7 WAGP Procedure for Preventing Salt Water Intrusion into Fresh Water Lagoons and Creeks 8B2.9 Incident Investigation Procedure: Provides guidelines for conducting an investigation to find and prevent root causes for incidents. The minimum requirements for an incident investigation are provided in this information. Supervisors have the option to increase the investigation level through use of the Why Tree schematic if desired. The HES department has ownership of the process, which includes training, implementation, documentation, and reporting. It applies to all employees working on WAPCo-owned, operated, or maintained pipelines or facilities and provides a process to investigate all incidents and near misses. Investigations must be completed on all unplanned incidents that may result in a loss of resources, equipment, property, or injury to personnel. This includes, but is not limited to: On-the-job injuries, illnesses, and fatalities; Environmental releases; Product integrity incidents; Equipment/property damage; Third party injuries or complaints; Mechanical failure; Business interruption;

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Motor vehicle accidents; Fires; and Regulatory violations, or near loss incidents which could have resulted in loss of resources or injury if conditions had been slightly different. 8B3.0 WAGP Land Acquisition and Right of Way (ROW) Management Procedure: Outlines the land acquisition process, roles and responsibilities for the WAGP project. 8B3.1 WAGP Resettlement Action Plan: Identifies people and households directly affected by WAGP that is, those whose land, other assets, or sources of income or livelihood will be directly affected by the project. Presents a thorough analysis of WAGPs impacts on these project-affected people (PAP) and their households, and provides a comprehensive plan for resettlement, compensation, restitution, and/or restoration of livelihoods for every PAP. 8B3.2 WAGP ROW Access Policy: Describes polices regarding access to the pipeline ROW by the local population. These access policies are for use in assessing land use and socioeconomic impacts associated with WAGP, and in assessing the need for compensation of people using land within the project footprint. 8B4.0 Risk Management: Describe roles, responsibilities, authorities and required actions for performing HSE and other risk management reviews for the project (i.e., to identify, assess, evaluate, and develop plans to maintain compliance with legal requirements and to maximize cost-benefit value by controlling (avoiding, preventing, mitigating, transferring, or retaining) significant risks (personnel safety, environmental, reputational and financial)). Risk control measures, particularly in terms of physical asset design (equipment and related hardware), will be evaluated with an appropriate balance between risks/impacts, cost, schedule, and operational requirements resulting in the next level of documentation and guidance to contractors including: 8B4.1 Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis: Provides technical guidance for the design, fabrication, construction, start-up and commissioning of the onshore pipeline system and facilities associated with the WAGP in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana. 8B4.2 WAGP Environmental Design Basis: Describes activities that the WAGP Project Team will follow to design, construct and operate all facilities with a goal toward environmental excellence. It defines practices for complying with applicable national and state environmental regulations in the four countries associated with the pipeline as well as relevant sections of the International Project Agreement (IPA) and subsequently developed WAGP Authority Regulations. Where no regulations exist, the principles of risk management will be used to determine appropriate levels of environmental protection. The Environmental Design Basis covers environmental protection requirements related to the facility design and construction phases of the projects. This document will be updated at the end of each project phase to include changes or additions to the requirements and will incorporate and be consistent with the EIA.

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8B4.3 WAGP Loss Prevention Design Basis: Describes relevant standards, good engineering practices, and principles of risk management to ensure that safety, fire, health and environmental protection activities are conducted responsibly. This specifically includes the designs and siting of new facilities and applies to WAGP project owners, front end engineering, and detailed design contractors. The Loss Prevention and Design Risk Management Specification provides guidance on how to identify, assess and mitigate health and safety risks during project design and includes specific requirements for health, safety, and fire loss prevention (i.e., WAPCo HSE Management Plan requirements, regulations of the four WAGP countries, and international standards on loss prevention). 8B4.4 Onshore Offshore Specifications List: Lists the engineering specifications for both on and offshore construction and operations of the WAGP project. These specifications, where relevant, include measures for avoiding and mitigating HSE impacts. 8B5.0 WAGP Contractor Management Procedures: Describe the requirements to which EPC contractors must adhere during the site preparation and construction phases of the project. They describe roles, responsibilities, authorities and required actions for performing all work in a manner that is in compliance with relevant HSE legislation and regulations, World Bank Safe Guard Policies, WAPCos HSE Policy, and other contractual obligations. 8B5.1 Exhibit F: HSE Standards 8B5.2 Exhibit N: WAGP Security Plan 8B5.3 Exhibit K: Drugs Standard-IFT The Tier 2 HSEMS procedures and the WAGP Land Acquisition and ROW Management, Risk Management, Contractor Management, and Other Operation Procedures listed above are presented in the HSEMP tables (Section 8.9) as column headings (with the exception of the WAGP Investigation Procedure which applies globally whenever problems are encountered). Shading in the Section 8.9 tables indicates that the Tier 2 procedure and some or all of the next lower level procedures, referenced by the Tier 2 procedure that precedes it, apply to the control of that potentially severe impact. For clarification, the External Communications Procedure is referenced in the context of proactive communication. Otherwise it is assumed that WAPCo will react and respond appropriately in the case of stakeholder inquiries. The WAGP Management of Change and WAGP Chance Finds and Archeological Salvage Procedure are described in the following sections.


Change Management

The WAGP Management of Change procedure, noted in the list of Operational Controls presented above is of particular importance to avoid and minimize HSE impacts of the project. As is the case with any major infrastructure development project, change will be an ever-present phenomenon. The change management objectives of this procedure are to: Formally identify changes and conduct an appropriate risk assessment of the proposed change;
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Effectively manage change to minimize risk and improve business performance; Streamline the project change process by eliminating non-essential changes and minimizing changes after a control basis has been set, especially during detailed engineering and construction; Ensure that approved changes are implemented (including associated risk mitigation measures), communicated, and closed out in a timely way; Close-out, including documentation and establishing a permanent record; Establish a separate but linked change process within each outside contract for control of changes against the contract, wherein the contractor will be required to assess the risk associated with changes; and Manage temporary and urgent changes within the overall change process. The project intends to realize these objectives via adherence to the formalized change management process described in the Change Management Procedure. The six steps for change management are: 1. Identification of an item/situation potentially requiring some type of change. 2. Preparation of a Change Request Document that: a. Outlines the nature of the item/situation requiring a change; b. Presents a justification for the change; c. Outlines impacts of the change (e.g., cost, schedule, safety, operability); d. Identifies potential HSE concerns; and e. Estimates human resources and financial requirements to make the change. 3. Prompt evaluation by appropriate individual(s) to determine whether resources should be devoted to furthering the change request (i.e., mechanism to filter out proposals of limited merit). 4. Formal assessment and review of the change request, including:
a. A preliminary assessment at the functional group level; b. A review for compatibility with the HSEMP Plan and identification of

modifications if appropriate; and

c. A subsequent assessment by a top management where higher approval authority is

required. 5. Documentation of the approval or rejection of the change request.

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6. Implementation of an approved change, including communication to appropriate parties concerning the nature, scope, and timing of the change. The formalized change management process requires that HSE and socioeconomic issues be addressed prior to the approval of any change. All EPC contractors will be required to devise their own change management procedures that are in harmony with the WAPCo HSEMS. Contractor change management procedures will also require that HSE and socioeconomic considerations be factored into the approval of changes. Certain changes will be communicated to the appropriate regulatory agencies and external lending institutions (World Bank, MIGA & OPIC), particularly in the detailed engineering phase, 6 to 9 months following the Final Investment Decision. Likely changes to be communicated, and, as needed, approved by certain regulatory authorities and/or external lenders include: Resolution of Implementation Uncertainties per Chapter 2 (Section 2.8); and Design changes that could alter the identified socioeconomic, health, environment or safety impacts and/or affect protective measures associated with these impacts.


Biological and Cultural Resource Chance Finds

As part of the EIA process, WAGP has conducted extensive baseline surveys of biological resources. WAGP also has commissioned engineering, environmental baseline, estate, and socioeconomic survey teams to conduct reconnaissance of cultural resources. This reconnaissance has resulted in a thorough survey of all construction sites. Based on this reconnaissance and on consultation with stakeholders in and around the project footprint, WAPCo has identified a limited number of cultural properties on the surface (which are listed in Chapter 5 and are being addressed by the RAP). WAPCo is in the process of conducting a literature review for archaeologic resources. This literature review will be followed by an archaeologic walk-through, which is scheduled to be completed in July 2004. The findings of biological resource baseline surveys and cultural resource reconnaissance has been the basis of the impact assessment presented in Chapter 6. If the ongoing archeological literature review and walk-through uncovers unique resources that will be affected by the project, then this identification will result in new mitigation measures to protect these. The HSEMP sections that apply to biological and cultural resources were developed subsequent to impact assessment and will be implemented to avoid and mitigate potential impacts to these resources. The WAGP Chance Finds and Archeological Salvage Procedure, which is one of the WAGP Habitat, Biological, Cultural Resource Management Procedures, describes a protocol of BMPs, roles, responsibilities, authorities, and record that shall be followed in the event that project site preparation and construction activities encounter evidence of significant biological or cultural resources such as endangered species or sacred sites. The objective of this procedure is to protect those resources by erring on the side of caution. It directs, as part of site preparation and construction, to scrutinize the work site for artifacts of archeological importance or biological significance and, in the event of a discovery, suspend activities and notify the competent authorities.

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The Tier 3 WAGP Chance Finds and Archeological Salvage Procedure identifies impact avoidance and mitigation measures and follow-up actions for specific resources that project might encounter, such as sacred sites, including human burial grounds, or turtle nesting sites (as addressed in the WAGP Sea Turtle Nesting Protection Procedure).


Performance/Implementation Monitoring

The objective of the monitoring approach prescribed by the HSEMP is to check whether the WAPCo operational controls and mitigation measures conform to planned arrangements, including regulatory requirements, and whether they are being properly implemented. This monitoring will be provided by the WAPCo internal HSEMS audit program. The internal audit program will schedule audits based on the environmental importance of the activity concerned and results of previous audits. Audit checklists will be prepared based on requirements stipulated in the operational controls. Audits will be performed by qualified staff and results will be provided to WAPCo, WAGP Project Team and Contractor management. Correction of deficiencies uncovered by the audits and impacts caused by deficiencies will be mitigated as described in the WAPCo Investigation Procedure.


Empirical Monitoring

In addition to performance/implementation monitoring, certain quantitative, empirical monitoring will occur to ensure that operational controls and mitigation measures are effective and/or to make appropriate corrections to controls and measures (Table 8.2.1). Details of the empirical monitoring are described in Tables 8.9-1 to 8.9-9. Empirical monitoring will be agreed between WAPCo, appropriate regulatory agencies and other stakeholders and the following measurement parameters have been identified, consistent with the significant impacts identified in Tables 8.9-1 to 8.9-9. Final specifications for both performance and empirical monitoring, including reporting requirements, will be arranged by agreement with the appropriate government regulatory agencies and external lenders and will be incorporated into a final WAPCo HSEMS Compliance Assurance Monitoring Plan.

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Table 8.2-1 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring

Aspect to Be Monitored Pre-Construction Construction Sanitary and Other Waste Effluent for Vessels and Onshore Facilities Measurement None Table of Maximum Limits for Effluent Discharges for Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana is provided in 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis. Initial screening will test the efficacy of continued testing to ensure compliance with regard to: BOD5, TSS, Total N, Fats, Oil, and Grease, pH, Cyanide, As, Cd, Cr(t, VI, III), Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag, and Zn Measurement for compliance with the following applicable maximum sound level limits for different facility areas: Absolute Limit, 115 decibels (dBA) General work areas, 85dBA (requiring personal protective equipment) Maintain agreed to levels of local content Measure TSS of water body and compare to non-effected background If trenching across barrier islands and adjacent lagoons, monitor lagoon surface water conductivity for signs of NaCl concentration increase above preconstruction levels Frequency Not applicable Upon discharge from holding tank Action Level Not applicable Refer to 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis

Nuisance Noise Levels

Monitoring monthly or as needed during extremely noisy construction operations

Employment and Procurement (from surrounding communities) Onshore Surface Water Quality Salt Water Intrusion

Quarterly As indicated by routine visual inspection or other observation Weekly until one month following construction

International Project Agreement (overall 15 percent) As detailed following EPC contract award Maintain TSS below 80 mg/l one week after construction If the monthly average conductivity value increases in Badagry Creek and the Benin Lagoon by 10% then find and eliminate source of salt water intrusion

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Table 8.2-1 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring

Aspect to Be Monitored Waste Characterization Measurement See 8B2.6 WAPCo Waste Management Procedure and Plan for characterization requirements for ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, medical and radioactive waste streams. The amount of solid waste generated will be measured by characterization (especially hazardous wastes) Sampling and analysis to determine if hazardous conditions exist, including a minimum of 10 soil samples across the area affected by the ROW and proposed facility and analysis for TOC, grain size, moisture, TPH, and metals (Cd, Cr, Hg, Cu, Fe, Mg, Ni, Pb, Zn, V) Monitoring of local inflationary pressures in villages near the sites of construction camps. Monitoring of the success of the Compensation and Resettlement Plan Measure TSS of water body near intake and discharge point and compare to noneffected background Indicator test needs to be developed Frequency For each waste item when initially encountered during segregation and annually thereafter Action Level Regulatory Requirements

Soil at Takoradi Site in Ghana

Once prior to construction

Population Build-up or Encroachment

Monthly during the construction period

If contaminants are found, conduct cleanup to a level that protects the environment and worker health, and take measures to ensure that hazardous contaminants are not mobilized and allowed to run off the site See 8B3.1 WAPCo Resettlement Action Plan

Post Construction Surface Water Uptake and Discharge of Untreated Hydrotest Water Biocide Treated Hydrotest Water Discharge

Before uptake and once per day during pipeline filling; before discharge and once per day during discharge At beginning of the discharge of the treated hydrotest water but before any water is released into the environment; daily during discharge event

Maintain TSS below 80 mg/l

Use indicator test to ensure level is below limit established by biological toxicity testing. See 8B2.5.2 WAPCo Hydrotest Effluent Ecotoxicity Testing Plan

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Table 8.2-1 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring

Aspect to Be Monitored Vegetation Measurement Computer analysis of remote sensing images to detect unexpected changes in vegetative cover and/or land use patterns (Nigeria and Benin only) Table of Maximum Limits for Effluent Discharges for Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana is provided in 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis. Initial screening will test the efficacy of continued testing to ensure compliance with regard to: BOD5, TSS, Total N, Fats, Oil, and Grease, pH, Cyanide, As, Cd, Cr(t, VI, III), Cu, Pb, Hg, Mo, Ni, Se, Ag, and Zn Measure for compliance with limits, including: Absolute Limit, 115dBA General work areas, 85dBA (requiring personal protective equipment) Offices, control rooms, 55dBA Onshore facility property limit, 50dBA Dew Point Analyzers for delivery of off-specification gas. Controls to shut off gas supply if out of specification Frequency Once at 2.5 and 5 years following construction Action Level Report results to Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment Refer to 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis

Operations Sanitary and Other Waste Effluent for Vessels and Onshore Facilities

Upon discharge from holding tank



Refer to 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis

Condensate Liquid Waste


Liquid Waste Minimization

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Table 8.2-1 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring

Aspect to Be Monitored Ambient Air Quality at Compressor Station Measurement Table of Air Emission Limits or Guidelines for Nigeria is provided in 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis. Initial screening will test the efficacy of continued testing to ensure compliance with the Nigerian Emission Limits for Stationary Sources (DPR, 1999) with regard to: NO2, CO, THC, and Total Suspended Particulates as consistent with EBS measurements previous taken. Temperature and ambient wind speed and direction will also be monitored Oils and greases in water in catch basins running off compressor station site (if constructed) See 8B2.6 WAPCo Waste Management Procedure and Plan for characterization requirements for ignitable, corrosive, reactive, toxic, medical and radioactive waste streams. The amount of solid waste generated will be measured by characterization (especially hazardous wastes). Gauge static water levels in production well to ensure that water usage is not causing excess draw down Frequency Annually for the first 2 years during normal operations for screening purposes and daily during a complete station blowdown (flaring) Action Level Refer to 8B4.2 WAPCo Environmental Design Basis

Surface Water Quality Waste Characterization

During normal operations and during rain event (once each per year) For each waste item when initially encountered during segregation and annually thereafter

Maintain oil and grease less than 10 mg/L As per national and international regulatory requirements

Groundwater Usage near Compressor Station and R&M Stations

Two times per year (1 each in wet and dry seasons) for 5 years; Annually following 5 years

Groundwater monitoring will be done if ground can be used based on the results of hydrologic assessments. If wells are drilled, WAPCo will employ groundwater protection methods

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Table 8.2-1 Summary of WAPCo Empirical Monitoring

Aspect to Be Monitored Proper burial and support of the offshore pipeline (where it is buried) Population Build-up or Encroachment Measurement Frequency Dependant on burial depth study Dive inspections, side-scan sonar, or results other acceptable methods to identify free-spanning or exposed portions of the pipeline Record new settlements and logging Quarterly along the pipeline route Action Level Develop and implement operational control for pipeline burial and support inspection Refer to 8B3.1 WAPCo Resettlement/Action Plan

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Monitoring Oversight Responsibilities

Generally, it is assumed that the overall action party and responsibilities for day-to-day monitoring described above and in Tables 8.9-1 to 8.9-9 will be WAPCo, however a layering or hierarchy of oversight responsibilities includes the following:
Responsible Party EPC Contractors and Subcontractors On-site WAPCo Project Team Inspectors, Field Reps and Monitors WAPCo Project Team HES Staff HSEMS Independent 3rd Party Auditors Regulatory Agencies World Bank Expert Panel World Bank/MIGA/OPIC Staff Chapter 8 EMP Reference Section 8.4 8.3 8.3 8.6 8.5 8.7 8.2.1 Frequency of Monitoring Daily (Tables 8.1 to 8.9) Daily (Tables 8.1 to 8.9) Weekly-Monthly (Tables 8.1 to 8.9) 2 to 3 Audits during the 12 to 15 month construction period To be determined Twice a year To be determined


WAPCo Human Resources, Roles, Responsibilities, and Authority

WAPCo is committed to provide resources essential to the implementation and control of the HSEMS. Resources include human resources and specialized skills. WAPCos Construction Management Team will have dedicated HSE staff, who are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience, performing management and oversight during project site preparation and construction and commissioning and start-up phases. Similarly, WAPCo will have a dedicated HSE staff for the WAGP operations phase. The organizational structure for HSE management and oversight during these phases is depicted below in Figures 8.3-1a to c. The following roles and responsibilities description applies to the Project Construction Management Agreement organization and Construction HSE staff. WAPCo HSE staff, reporting to the WAPCo General Manager of Operations, are not likely to be in place at the start of construction, but are expected to have duties similar to the Construction HSE staff.

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The construction HSE staff will divide their time as needed between the project sites and WAPCo headquarters, and hire third party HSE inspectors as needed to provide day-to-day coverage during construction. EPC contractors are required to provide in-country HSE management and oversight teams (one HSE professional per 50 contractor employees).
Figure 8.3-1a WAPCo HSE Organization Chart
WAPCo WAPCo Managing Director Managing Director

General Manager Operations

General Manager Finance

General Manager Corporate Affairs

General Counsel

General Manager Business and Commercial Development

Project Director Construction Management Agreement

Project Manager Technical Services Agreement

Figure 8.3-1b WAGP Construction Management Agreement Organization

Project Director Project Director Construction Management Construction Management Agreement Agreement

Engineering and Construction Manager

Health Safety Environment Manager

Community Relations Supervisor

To WAPCo GM Corporate Affairs

Business and Planning Manager

Safety Specialists Environmental Specialist

Community Relations Rep - Ghana Community Relations Rep - Togo Community Relations Rep - Benin Community Relations Rep - Nigeria

Operations Rep

To WAPCo GM Operations

Commissioning and Startup Team (to be filled by WAPCo O&M personnel)

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Figure 8.3-1c WAPCo O&M Organization, Phase 4/5

General Manager General Manager Operations Operations

Information Technology and Communications Superintendent

Mechanical Superintendent

Office Assistant

Operations and Maintenance Superintendent

Manager Health, Environment and Safety Technical Services

Security Coordinator HES Specialist

HES Specialist

Reliability/Mechanical Engineer

Also included on the organizational chart above are WAPCo Corporate Affairs professionals and a Construction Community Relations organization. These professionals are crucial to the success of the socioeconomic monitoring process and the continuation of the stakeholder consultation process. Additional project professionals will also be present in each country to manage land use/acquisition and compensation issues reporting to the Engineering and Construction Manager, but working closely with the WAPCo Corporate Affairs and Construction Community Relations organizations. The Construction HSE staff will be responsible for communicating with WAPCo headquarters, project engineers, EPC contractors, and government regulatory agencies to ensure that HSEMS regulatory and impact mitigation commitments are met. The Construction HSE staff will also support WAPCo and Construction line management in terms of compliance with regulatory reporting requirements. The responsibilities of the HSE management and oversight team are as follows: The Construction HSE Manager will: Provide overall HSE management and guidance for project site preparation and construction and commissioning and start-up and advise WAPCo and project line management of the compliance performance of its EPC contractors in terms of legal requirements and conformance with this HSEMP; Participate in the selection and supervision of HSE professionals; Keep WAPCo headquarters HSE staff, Project Management, and EPC contractors informed regarding the status HSE and socioeconomic matters as well as emerging
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issues through verbal reports, informal written reports, or periodic formal reports, as appropriate; Coordinate HSE and socioeconomic-related activities in response to routine or emerging issues; Communicate with EPC contractors regarding compliance issues and other BMP issues, as appropriate; and Communicate with government regulatory personnel as required on HSE and socioeconomic issues. The Construction HSE Manager will be assisted in his job duties by the HSE Professional Staff. The Construction HSE Professional Staff will have the following general responsibilities: Coordinate HSE and socioeconomic activities and functions as WAPCo representatives at the field level; Work with EPC contractor HSE personnel, that is, oversee work, do inspections, and review compliance inspection reports; Communicate the results of inspections to appropriate offices via transmittal of copies of original reports, summaries of reports, or periodic formal and informal reports as appropriate; Communicate with HSE Managers regarding emerging HSE and socioeconomicrelated issues and areas of concern; Communicate with the EPC contractor regarding compliance issues; and Interface as needed with External Affairs staff regarding socioeconomic impacts and continuing stakeholder engagement. With regard to health and safety matters, the HSE Professional Staff will: Conduct assessments and inspections to ensure compliance with applicable government regulations and World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines concerning health issues as specified in the HSEMP; Monitor construction activities regarding health issues and potential impacts, including the effectiveness of the EPC contractors dust control programs; Communicate through verbal and written reports to WAPCo and project line management regarding health and safety issues and areas of concern; Implement contractor orientation and training from WAPCo, and monitor contractor training programs with respect to health and safety issues; and

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Provide advice to contractor field personnel concerning health and safety matters and the interpretation of health and safety regulatory requirements. With regard to environmental issues, HSE Professional Staff will: Conduct assessments and inspections to ensure compliance with applicable government regulations and World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines concerning environmental issues as specified in the HSEMP; Observe EPC contractor site clearing, construction activities, erosion control/mitigation, and site reinstatement activities; Monitor waste water treatment and solid waste management facilities and observe EPC contractor waste handling practices. Prior to start of construction WAPCo will pre-qualify contractors. If no qualified contractors exists, WAPCo will consider other alternatives including, but not limited: shipping wastes to facilities currently used by the sponsors both inside and outside of the region and on-site waste management following WB requirements. Monitor surface water withdrawal practices and hydrotesting effluent discharges; Communicate through verbal and written reports to WAPCo and Project Team line management regarding compliance issues and areas of concern; Implement contractor orientation and training from WAPCo, and monitor EPC contractor training programs with respect to environmental issues; Provide advice to EPC contractor field personnel concerning environmental issues and the interpretation of environmental regulatory requirements; and Implement post-construction monitoring programs as appropriate. With regard to socioeconomic matters, the HSE Professional Staff will interface with the WAPCo Corporate Affairs and Project Team Community Relations Organizations to: Ensure compliance with applicable government regulations and World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines, using assessments and inspections, as specified in the HSEMP; Monitor construction activities regarding socioeconomic issues and potential impacts; Monitor local hiring practices, local purchasing practices, and the WAPCo Resettlement Action Plan and ROW Policy; Review activity schedules and assist in communicating pertinent information to local communities so that conflicts and disruptions can be avoided or minimized;

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Contact and work with appropriate parties if sacred sites or significant archaeological sites are discovered during construction; Communicate through verbal and written reports to appropriate offices regarding socioeconomic issues and areas of concern; Implement contractor orientation and training from WAPCo and monitor EPC contractor training programs with respect to socioeconomic issues; and Provide advice to EPC contractor field personnel concerning socioeconomic matters and the interpretation of socioeconomic regulatory requirements. The construction HSE management and oversight team will be staffed commensurate with work demands, sometimes bringing in qualified third party resources to assist with peak activity periods. Just prior to site preparation, construction, commissioning, and start-up phases, the team will be properly trained to conduct required inspections, assessments, and report submittals. The full construction HSE staff will be actively engaged until near the end of construction, commissioning, and start-up activities. At that point, the team will demobilize and transition with WAPCo HSE staff for management and oversight of operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phases. It is anticipated that some members of the construction HSE staff will transfer to WAPCo HSE staff.


EPC Contractors

WAPCo, more specifically the Construction Project Management Team, will engage several EPC contractors during the site preparation and construction phase of the project. EPC contractors will be responsible for performing all work in a manner that is: In compliance with relevant HSE legislation and regulations, including World Bank Safeguard Policies and Guidelines (the most stringent policies and guidelines provide precedence), and with other requirements to which WAPCo subscribes; In conformance with WAPCos HSEMS; In accordance with the technical and quality specifications of WAPCo; and In compliance with contractual obligations, notably Exhibits F (Independent Contractors Health Safety & Environmental Guidelines), K (Drug & Alcohol Policy), and N (Security Plans). Appendix 8B to the WAGP HSEMP contains relevant HES contractual obligations (Exhibits F (Appendix 8B5.1), K (Appendix 8B5.2) and N (Appendix 8B5.3). Each EPC contractor must develop and provide to WAPCo: Health, Safety and Environment Policy Statements, Programs and Management Systems; Health, Safety and Environment Organization;
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Health, Safety and Environment Responsibilities; Indexes of HSE procedures for design office(s), fabrication yard(s), construction sites and marine operations; Outlines for Employee HSE Training Programs; Waste Management Plans; Emergency Response/Evacuation Plans; Land Transportation Safety Management System; Potable Water Standards; Hazardous Materials Management Program, including MSDS tracking; and Industrial Hygiene and Medical Protection Plans. Site specific HES Plans will also be developed including the following information: 1. Anticipated Local Content 2. Logistics Plans including: All sources of raw materials, fuel, etc.; Proposed staging and storage areas for all onshore construction activities; Anticipated sources of domestic and fresh water supplies; Anticipated design approach to sanitary and process waste water handling; Transportation plans for onshore and offshore, including anticipated delivery methods for all equipment, heavy facility components, etc.; Anticipated use of port facilities; All ancillary facilities-temporary access roads, powerlines, waterlines, energy sources, etc.; Provisions for labor camp management; Provisions for health services; and Provisions for security. 3. Construction methods/equipment along the ROW and at the R&M and compressor station including:

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Equipment assembly/installation; Details around proposed concrete batch plant construction or alternative sources of foundation work cement; Anticipated measures for erosion control (wind and water); Pollution Prevention Plans including substitution, containment, spill response, storage and an assessment of the type and amount of wastes that are likely be generated during construction, start-up, and operation and maintenance; Plans to address noise, night time operations and other issues of concern to local communities; Anticipated approach to all likely road, river and wetlands crossings; Clearly defined application of directional drilling or trenching operations; and Anchoring plans and geo-positioning of barges as applicable. 4. EHSMP oversight and commitment to monitoring consistent with WAPCo mitigation measures (see Chapter 7, Table 7.1: Required General Mitigation Measures by Impact Category, Potential Impact, and Affected Country and Table 7.2: Required Specific Mitigation Measures by Impact Category and Affected Country) Each EPC contractor will be required to provide resources to manage HSE and socioeconomic-related aspects of the work to be performed. Depending on the nature and size of the contractors effort/tasks, the number of HSE personnel will vary, but will not be less than one HSE professional per 50 contract/subcontract employees. The number of individuals assigned by the EPC contractors to manage HSE issues will be determined by the details of the HSEMP. The Construction HSE staff will act as the point of contact for communication of HSE issues from government regulatory agencies, and WAPCo through the Construction Project Management Team will be responsible for communicating any pertinent information arising from such discussions to the appropriate contractors.


Government Regulatory Agencies

Regulatory requirements relevant to WAPCo and the associated governmental agency and the World Bank are listed in Section 5.6. Communications between the Construction HSE staff and government regulatory agencies during the site preparation and construction phases of the project will occur through a variety of mechanisms, including written reports and memos, as well as informal and formal meetings. Meetings will include regularly scheduled sessions as well as additional meetings called on an as-needed basis. At the field level, formal meetings with government regulatory agency representatives will be held as needed to discuss scheduling/planning issues, current areas of concern, and emerging HSE and socioeconomic issues.

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At the management level, formal meetings are expected to occur, but on a less frequent basis. Informal meetings and communications will also occur as necessary. With respect to formal meetings, the Construction HSE Manager will meet with government regulatory agency and World Bank representatives to review HSE and socioeconomic performance based on the analysis of internal HSEMS audits and field report reports. These meetings can be expected to include discussion of upcoming work plans and coordination issues and resolution of problems that could not be adequately addressed at the field level. During the operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phases, communications and interactions between WAPCo and the government regulatory agencies and the World Bank Group will occur at all levels, from the field level to the WAPCo Managing Director level, although the General Manager Operations will be responsible for day-to-day compliance and HSE performance. In general, communications during the operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phases will involve WAPCo HSE staff interfacing with appropriate government regulatory agency representatives depending on the issue involved. At the field level, government regulatory agency field representatives will inform appropriate WAPCo representatives if compliance concerns arise. At the management level, regularly scheduled meetings will occur between HSE Mangers and the appropriate government regulatory agency representative to review HSE performance, areas of concern, and emerging issues. The WAGP Treaty, signed and ratified between the four WAGP countries, and the International Project Agreement between the WAGP countries and WAPCo, identifies the creation of a regulatory body to be known as WAGP Authority, reporting to the relevant Energy Ministries in each State. The WAGP Authority will have a primary regulatory jurisdiction over WAGP, particularly in terms of health and safety issues; however, environmental authorities will have direct oversight of environmental managers as dictated by the environmental laws and regulations in each country. A summary of all jurisdictions having some potential oversight responsibilities over WAGP is presented in WAGP Project Authorizations (Appendix 8B2.5.1).


Financial Resources

WAPCo is committed to provide resources essential to the implementation and control of the HSEMS. Resources include technology and financial resources. The major costs associated with HSE management and oversight during the site preparation and construction phases of the project are for wages, salaries, and benefits. Other significant areas of expense borne by WAPCo via a Construction Management Agreement and approved by the WAGP Authority include:
Component Human Resources WAPCo Construction Management HES Staff Third Party HES Inspectors/Monitors Technical Expertise including Safety, Greenhouse Gas, Financial Commitment $ 2,900,000 $250,000 $575,000

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Component GIS-Remote Sensing, and Environmental Consultants Personnel and Asset Security Planning and Implementation Drug and Alcohol and Contraband Inspection Resources Third Party Auditing (2 to 3 Audits during Construction) Hydrotest Effluent-Ecotoxicity Testing and Operational Controls Development HSE Program Implementation (Communications, Training, and Personal Protective Equipment) TOTAL

Financial Commitment $150,000 $50,000 $50,000 $100,000 $115,000 $4,340,000

Note that WAGP Construction Contractors have responsibilities for certain HSE costs that are explicitly required per the terms of the contract (i.e., Waste Management, Medical Resources, Emergency Response). Because activity levels are expected to substantially decrease during the operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phases relative to the construction phase, a smaller HSE management and oversight team will be needed. Application of the HSEMS will change from construction-focused to operations-focused after the intensity of site preparation and construction management oversight demands undergo transition to different needs during operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment. It is anticipated that many of the day-to-day, routine HSE field monitoring activities will be incorporated into the job duties of on-site operations personnel, with two to four WAPCo HSE Professionals coordinating and overseeing this work and any compliance reporting, plus any HSE business planning (budget, staffing), consulting, or analysis activities. As required, operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phase HSE professionals will draw on outside expertise to provide assistance in special situations. As was the case during the site preparation and construction phases of the project, the major operations, maintenance, decommissioning, and abandonment phase costs associated with the HSE management and oversight are for wages, salaries and benefits, and other related costs. Other significant costs will include:
HSE Cost Component Human Resources WAPCo HES Staff Personnel and Asset Security Planning and Implementation (personnel and hardware) Drug and Alcohol Testing Resources Third Party Auditing (1 Audit every other year) HSE Program Implementation (Communications, Training, and Personal Protective Equipment) HSE monitoring and reporting software (Initial Purchase $200,000) Annual Management Cost Emergency Response Resources Medical Resources Annual Financial Commitment $512,000 $295,000 $15,000 $25,000 $170,000 $50,000 $115,000 $100,000

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HSE Cost Component Waste Management Services TOTAL

Annual Financial Commitment $40,000 $1,322,000

The equipment and other physical needs of the HSE management and oversight during construction include: Motor vehicles in the field; Desk-top personal computers and associated printers; Notebook computers for in-field use; Office space; Periodic use of aircraft and/or ground vehicles to perform pipeline surveillance; and Environmental field measurement kits.


Institutional Strengthening and Capacity Building

WAPCo will provide fixed financial support for a three-person independent, expert panel operating under a Terms of Reference (TOR) established by the World Bank. Its purpose is to provide advice and consultation to government regulatory agencies on HSE and socioeconomic issues and provide written reports on these efforts and their observations. The expert panel is intended to be an independent panel, essentially a third-party independent review board. Although WAPCo provides certain funding for the panel, it has virtually no control over how it operates or what it does. World Bank will recruit and establish the panels TOR, but the expert panel is intended to be relatively independent from World Bank as well. This way it can provide an independent assessment of the success of safeguard measures and policies. This panel will function in this capacity for up to seven years. It is expected that most of the consultations will occur during the site preparation and construction phase of the project. The panels role and frequency of oversight will be reassessed following construction and the first year of operations. It is suggested that the panel comprise science and policy professionals who are highly regarded by their peers in disciplines that include large marine ecosystems (including fisheries, coastal erosion, and estuarine wetlands), pipeline safety and security, human resettlement planning, and HSE regulatory program design and implementation. Terms of Reference for the Environment and Social Advisory panel are presented in Appendix 8-C.



WAPCo will notify the appropriate regulatory authorities as indicated in Section 8.5 and/or provide written reports as follows: Significant Modifications to this HSEMP;

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Significant Design, Routing or Implementation Changes per Section 8.1.2 above; WAPCo Hydrotest Effluent Discharge Work Instruction (Ecotoxicity Testing Plan) and subsequent Waste Water Discharge Controls Plan and Results; Chance Finds per Section 8.1.3 above; Defined Community or HES Incidents including: o o o o o o o o o o Visible Community Protests and/or Work Stoppages; Security Incidents for potential or actual personnel-at-risk, sabotage attempts, asset losses and fraud/extortion; Occupational Lost Work Day cases; Occupational Restricted Duty cases; Occupational Medical cases; Emergency Medical Situations (evacuations, hospitalization, etc.); Fires; Hazardous Material and Hazardous Waste releases or spills; Motor Vehicle Incidents; and Deployment of External Emergency Response Resources.

As applicable, Sanitary Waste discharge monitoring results; Complete Nigeria Onshore Blowdown through the Midline Valve Station; Full system blowdown through the Nigeria Compressor Station flare or Takoradi Vent System; Results from Third Party Independent Monitoring (as defined in Section 8.9 below, not including EPC contractor monitoring); Results from Third Party Independent Audits; WAPCo will make accessible, or provide upon request the following: Land Acquisition status and other Resettlement Action Plan reporting/monitoring requirements; On-site (daily) Inspection and Monitoring Reports (WAPCo and EPC Contractor);

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Internal Audits; Occupational First Aid and Minor Medical cases; Investigations and Root Cause Analysis reports; Reinstatement Assessment Reports; General Modifications to this HSEMP or the WAPCo HSE Management System; Waste Management Plan documentation including: o o On-site collection, storage, and inspections; and Third party transport, recycling and disposal.

Training Records; and Completed alignment sheets geospatially referencing operational controls, mitigation and monitoring plans, regulatory requirements, training needs, etc.


Health, Safety, and Environment Management Plan Sections

The sections of the HSEMP described below are being incorporated into, and will be implemented by, the WAPCo HSEMS.


Land Use

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potential land use impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-1 followed by text describing the particular mitigation measures and BMPs.

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Table 8.9-1a Land Use Section of the WAPCo HSEMP

WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

ct: Loss of current land use disruption of farming, forestry, and tourist activities.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Conversion of farmlands within the ROW associated with the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling, etc. of the ROW in upland areas Alteration of the land use at the staging sites used for material storage and dispersion Alteration of the land use for the construction of a dock facility and access road on the north edge of the lagoon in Nigeria

Not Applicable -Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing -Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing -Construction Practices for Concrete Work -Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe -Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis

Alteration of the land use for the infrastructure development of one semi-permanent construction camp at the compressor station, at one midline temporary worker facility, at the Tee, and at the Lagos Beach Compressor Station site in Nigeria Conversion of current land use due to horizontal directional drilling (HDD) pipeline construction method in Nigeria and Benin Conversion of current land use for the construction of the compressor station or R&M stations Alteration of water activities due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

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Table 8.9-1b Land Use Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss of current land use disruption of farming, forestry, and tourist activities. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Land Use Act (Nigeria) Land Use (Validation of Certain Laws) Act (Nigeria) River Basins Development Authorities Act (Nigeria)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction (FID through FID plus 6 months to 9 months) Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, Camp, and Compressor Delivery in Nigeria Implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (See RAP for additional Monitoring Requirements) Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities (job seekers, camp followers, etc.) Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above particularly: Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing, Construction Practices for Concrete Work, Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe Construction operations contained within the ROW and Facility footprints and existing access roads Mitigation measures (below) Monthly: Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities (job seekers, camp followers, etc.) Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Post Construction Reinstatement Criteria (Appendix 8B2.8.1), particularly land temporarily acquired and for residual edge effects of WAPCo ROW and Facilities that could impact non-WAPCo land useOnce upon completion and once six months after completion of construction (or once after the first rainy season) Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits for: Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities Erosion along the ROW, Stormwater Management within the R&M and compressor stations Annually: HESMS Audits

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Table 8.9-1b Land Use Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss of current land use disruption of farming, forestry, and tourist activities.
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles
AGENCIES Nigeria Federal Department of Petroleum Resources (NDPR), Nigerian Government Ministries, Department, and Agencies (with responsibilities for land acquisition, forestry tourism) including State Ministry of Lands and Housing, Bureau for Lands, Office of State Surveyor General, Town Planning Divisions, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, State Ministry of Tourism/ Tourism Board, and local government councils, Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement (BME), Ghana Ministry of Lands And Forestry (Survey Department, Forestry Commission, Lands Valuation Board, Lands Commission) Ghana Ministry of Environment and Science, Ghana Ministry of Tourism, Ghana Environmental Protection Agency, Tema Development Corporation, Town and Country Planning Department, Kpone and Tema Traditional Councils, Kpone and Tema Municipal and District Assemblies (Buildings Inspectorate, Waste Management, and Factories Inspectorate Units) Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres (TMERF). SCOPE Issue any land use related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding land use changes associated with WAPCo, in particular ensuring that project footprints are minimized. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related land use regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding land use and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating migration, encroachment, and other land use impacts along the ROW. At their discretion, monitor construction activities, for changes in farming, forestry, and tourism. At their discretion, monitor activities and practices related to land reclamation of the pipeline route and other project work sites. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that Land Acquisition oversight will occur in the first 6 months to 9 months of project implementation following the Final Investment Decision Additional oversight, particularly impacts to forestry and/or tourism related impacts would occur 3 to 4 times annually to ensure that impacts are minimized, any unforeseen additional impacts are mitigated and that restoration is completed following construction (and for 1 year following construction). No monitoring or oversight is anticipated for the operational period.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Avoid disruption of farming activities Avoid disruption to forestry activities Avoid disruption of tourist activities Minimize the disruption from facility siting

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Topography, Geology, and Soils

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potential Topography, Geology, and Soils impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-2 followed by text describing the particular mitigation measures and BMPs.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-2a Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Change in topography or soils.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Specific Significant Impacts & Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

Changes in soil structure and sediment, and alteration in topography or bathymetry due to construction of a dock, access road, compressor station and concrete batching facility, a potential construction camp at the compressor station and/or midline temporary worker facility, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Badagry Creek to the Lagos Beach Compressor Station Impacts to soils at the staging sites used for material Impacts to soils caused by the HDD pipeline construction method from the barrier island to offshore in Nigeria and Benin Impacts to soils caused by the trenching across the barrier island to offshore Impacts to soil structure, geology, and topography conditions associated with clearing and grading activities Impacts to soils caused by the thrust boring of road crossings Impacts to soils caused by the trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline in upland and wetland areas Impacts to soil structure caused by the HDD operations on barrier islands Alteration of bathymetry within Badagry Creek and the Benin lagoon due to trenching and backfilling to install pipeline Change in soil surface and topography from land clearing and grading activities for compressor and R&M station construction

Risk Management

HSE Training

-Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing -Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Horizontal Directional Drilling of Shore Approaches -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-2a Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Change in topography or soils.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Specific Significant Impacts & Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

Impacts to soils due to deposition/ release of solid wastes or hazardous materials associated with upland and wetland pipeline construction, compressor station construction, R&M station construction, construction camps, and at pipe cement coating facilities Alteration of topography due to trenching and backfilling to install the pipeline in upland and wetland areas Soil and sediment erosion due to presence of staging sites Alteration of topography and soil erosion from HDD or jet trenching and cutting of shoreline starting at <8m water depth *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

Risk Management

HSE Training

-Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-2b Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Adverse change in topography or soils. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Land Use Act (Nigeria) Land Use (Validation of Certain Laws) Act (Nigeria) River Basins Development Authorities Act (Nigeria) National Inland Waterways Act (Nigeria) Convention on Desertification and Drought (Benin)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, Camp, and Compressor Delivery in Nigeria Implementation of HSE and Other Training Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above particularly: General Onshore Pipeline Construction, Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing, Construction Practices for Concrete Work, Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe (Engineering Specifications WAGP-P-Y-SA-0078, WAGP-P-C-SA-0027, WAGP-P-C-SA-0028, WAGP-P-Y-SA-0003/ WAGP-R-X-SA-P00-00-1004) Horizontal Directional Drilling of Shore Approaches (Engineering Specification WAGP-R-W-SA-P00-00-1012) Wetland Pipeline Construction Method (WAGP HESEMP Appendix 8B-2.8.2 WAGP Specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0) WAPCo and EPC Contractor Hazardous Materials Management Plan WAPCo and EPC Contractor Waste Management Plans Construction operations contained within ROW and Facility footprints and existing access roads Mitigation measures (below) Monthly: HSEMS Internal Inspections and Audits for conformance with relevant operational controls and mitigation Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Post Construction Onshore Reinstatement Guidelines (HESEMP Appendix 8B 2.8.1)-Once upon completion and once six months after completion of construction (or once after the first rainy season) Wetland Pipeline Construction Method Reinstatement (WAGP HESEMP Appendix 8B-2.8.2 WAGP Specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0) Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits especially for: Erosion along the ROW, Stormwater Management within the R&M and compressor stations WAPCo Hazardous Materials Management Plan WAPCo Waste Management Plans Annually: HESMS Audits (especially regarding WAPCo Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Waste Management Plans)

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-2b Topography, Geology, and Soils Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Adverse change in topography or soils.
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles
AGENCIES WAGP Authority, Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment (NFME), Department of Petroleum Resources (NDPR), Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement (BME), Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, and Technology (GEST), Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA), Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres (TMERF) SCOPE Issue any topography, geology, soils related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding topography, geology, and soil changes associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related topography, geology, soils regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding topography, geology, and soils and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating topography, geology, and soils impacts, At their discretion, monitor construction activities, including topsoil removal and stockpiling practices, soil erosion control measures and appropriate clean-up and restoration following hazardous material spills or releases. At their discretion, monitor activities and practices related to land reclamation of the pipeline route and other project work sites. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that impacts are minimized, any unforeseen additional impacts are mitigated and that restoration is completed following construction (and for 1 year following construction). During WAPCo operations it is anticipated that monitoring and inspections would occur 1 to 2 times per year, to ensure proper erosion controls and appropriate clean-up and restoration from hazardous materials releases.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Minimize modification of the soil characteristics Reduce soil erosion and destabilization

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Chapter 8


Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant habitats, biological resources, water resource, and hydrology impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-3.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Changes in existing ecology and loss of current habitat from the clearing of vegetation, removal of structures, leveling etc Disturbance of surrounding organisms created by earthmoving equipment and associated machinery Alteration of current habitat due to HDD construction in Nigeria and Benin Alteration of current habitat including migration of some species due to trenching and backfilling at one meter depth Loss of current habitat from land leveling and infrastructure development for a potential construction camp at the compressor station Disturbance of current habitat and species population due to the transportation of large quantities of materials and equipment to the construction site Disturbance of surrounding species populations due to noise created from earthmoving equipment operations and associated machinery Disturbance of surrounding habitat and biological resources from transport of equipment via existing roads

-Onshore Pipeline & Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads, and Surfacing -Same as above -Same as above -Horizontal Directional Drilling of Shore Approaches -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Disturbance of surrounding habitat, hydrology, and biological resources from transport of equipment through Lagos Lagoon to a newly constructed dock and road to the compressor station Disturbance of surrounding habitat and species due to the transport of pipe from Port Harcourt to the coating facility to the ROW staging sites Water quality impacts and resources disruption due to HDD in Nigeria and Benin Surface water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during construction activities Change in current water quality, hydrology, and resources from HDD in Nigeria and Benin Change in current water quality, hydrology, and resources from trenching in Nigeria and Benin Surface and groundwater quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during pipeline construction Impacts to surface and groundwater quality and resources due to the operation of construction camps and temporary worker facilities Surface and groundwater quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes from onshore construction camps Impacts to surface and groundwater quality and resources due to facility operation

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

-Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Horizontal Directional Drilling of Shore Approaches -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Changes in surface water quality and resources due to construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal for transport of equipment through Lagos Lagoon to the compressor station Changes to current habitat quality due to trenching and backfilling in wetlands, lagoons, or other water bodies Surface water quality impacts due to earth moving activities Surface water quality impacts due to the suspended sediment entrainment in lagoons, rivers, streams, creeks, and/or other bodies of water Marine surface water and biological resource impacts due to hydrotest water discharge Changes in marine surface water quality and biological resources due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Changes in marine surface water quality and biological resources due to black and gray water and galley waste disposal Changes in marine surface water quality and biological resources due to current habitat from passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth Changes in onshore surface water quality and biological resources HDD or jet trenching and cutting of shoreline starting at <8m water depth *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

-Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above WAPCo Hydrotest Effluent Discharge Work Instruction (Ecotoxicity Testing Plan) Waste Water Discharge Controls --Anchoring Specification --Wastewater Discharge Controls --Prevention of Salt Water Intrusion --Prevention of Salt Water Intrusion

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Endangered Species (Control of International Trade & Traffic) Act (Nigeria) National Parks Decree (No. 36) (Nigeria) Sea Fisheries Decree (Nigeria) Oil in Navigable Waters Act (Nigeria) Subsidiary Legislation: Oil in Navigable Waters Regulations (Nigeria) Amendment to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Art.XXI) (Togo) Amendments to Articles 6 and 7 of the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Togo) Convention for Cooperation in the Protection and Development of the Marine and Coastal Environment of the West and Central African Region (All) Convention on Biological Diversity (All) Convention on Fishing and Conservation of the Living Resources of the High Seas Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Ghana, Nigeria) Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (All) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Wastes and Other Matter (All) Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Togo) International Plant Protection Convention (Ghana, Togo) International Tropical Timber Agreement (Ghana, Togo) Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl Habitat (Nigeria, Benin and Ghana) Gulf of Guinea Large Marine Ecosystem Project (GOGLME) (All) Fight Against Water Pollution and Conservation of Biological Diversity in the Great Marine Ecosystem of the Gulf of Guinea GOG-LME (Benin, program participant) Convention of Fisheries Cooperation among African States Bordering the Atlantic Ocean (All) Convention on Trans-frontier Environmental Impact Assessment (Togo) Convention on Intervention on Open Seas (Benin) UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (Benin, Nigeria, Togo) Treaty Banning Placement of Nuclear Arms and Other Weapons of Mass Destruction on or in the Sea or Ocean Floor (Benin) Convention on Telluric Marine Pollution (Togo) African Convention on Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (Ghana, Nigeria and Togo) International Convention for the Conservation of Tuna in the Atlantic (Benin) Convention on Continental Shelf (Nigeria))

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Pre-Construction Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, Camp, and Compressor Delivery in Nigeria. Final determination of Industrial Water Sources for Construction and Operations and potable water supply, including hydrological data from existing and new, on-site water wells and boreholes. Groundwater monitoring will be done if groundwater can be used based on the results of hydrologic assessments. If wells are drilled, WAPCo will employ groundwater protection methods. Final determination of Aggregate and other Raw Material Sources for Weight Coating. Final determination for Sanitary Waste Management Systems, including as needed permits for sanitary waste discharge to adjacent water bodies. WAPCo Hydrotest Effluent Discharge Work Instruction (Ecotoxicity Testing Plan) and subsequent Waste Water Discharge Controls. Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular identification of endangered species, ecological conservation measures, and water protection measures. Determine whether hazardous contaminants are present in soils to be disturbed at the Takoradi site in Ghana. Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above particularly: Exhibit F to the Contract (HSE Guidelines) General Onshore Pipeline Construction, Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing, Construction Practices for Concrete Work, Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe (Engineering Specifications WAGP-P-Y-SA-0078, WAGP-P-C-SA-0027, WAGP-P-C-SA-0028, WAGP-P-Y-SA-0003/ WAGP-R-X-SA-P00-00-1004) Horizontal Directional Drilling of Shore Approaches (Engineering Specification WAGP-R-W-SA-P00-00-1012) and Wetland Pipeline Construction Method (WAGP HESEMP Appendix 8B2.8.2 WAGP Specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0) Turbidity and Sediment loading for all watercourse crossings WAPCo and EPC Contractor Hazardous Materials Management Plan and WAPCo and EPC Contractor Waste Management Plans WAPCo Sea Turtle Nesting Protection Procedures and WAPCo Chance Finds Procedure WAPCo Anchoring Specifications Pesticides Management Plan Construction operations contained within ROW and Facility footprints and existing access roads Mitigation measures (below) Monthly: As applicable, sanitary waste discharge into adjacent water bodies HSEMS Internal Inspections and Audits for conformance with relevant operational controls and mitigation Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Post Construction Onshore Reinstatement Guidelines (HESEMP Appendix 8B2.8.1)-Once upon completion and once six months after completion of construction (or once after the first rainy season) Per Wetland Pipeline Construction Method (WAGP HESEMP Appendix 8B2.8.2 WAGP Specification WAGP-P-Z-CA-0002-0), For required reinstatement of forested (mangrove) wetlands, monitoring by a competent wetland biologists for successful establishment of new wetlands for vegetation cover, species composition, and restored wetland function shall be conducted once annually for three years. Appropriate corrective action should be pursued during this three-year period to ensure that ecological health (based upon 70 percent success as estimated by a combined metric involving vegetation cover, species composition, and wetland function) of these wetlands has been properly restored. Restoration of flow and water quality following creek, river or other watercourse crossings Impacts (if any) from Badagry Creek water sourcing to fill Nigeria onshore and offshore pipelines Hydrotest Discharge (To Be Determined) Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits for/to: Erosion along the ROW, Stormwater Management within the R&M and Compressor Stations WAPCo Hazardous Materials Management Plan and WAPCo Waste Management Plans As applicable, Sanitary Waste Discharge performance Ensure continued burial of pipeline for all watercourse crossings Every 6 months to 9 months: Gauge static water levels in production well to ensure that water usage is not causing excess draw down. Annually: HSEMS Audits (especially regarding WAPCo Hazardous Materials Management Plan and Waste Management Plans)

Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles

AGENCIES Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment (NFME), Department of Petroleum Resources (NDPR), Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement (BME), Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, and Technology (GEST), Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA), Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres (TMERF), Togo Ministrere du Commerce, de lIndustrie, des Transports et du Developpement de la Zone Franche, Nigeria National Inland Waterways Authority, Ghana Marine Fisheries, SCOPE Issue any habitat, biological resource, water resource, and hydrology related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding habitat, biological resource, water resource, and hydrological changes associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related habitat, biological resource, water resource, hydrological regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding any habitat, biological resource, water resource, and hydrology and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating impacts to wetlands and turtle populations or associated with anchoring, waste water discharge, stormwater discharge, river crossing, hydrotest water discharge, and waste management, At their discretion, monitor construction activities, including wetland, beach, and stream crossing, groundwater extraction, discharging of hydrotest water, and anchor handling. At their discretion, monitor activities and practices related to wetland and other vegetation reinstatement along the pipeline route and at other project work sites. Respond to WAPCo initiated chance finds communications. Because the pipeline ROW,

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-3a Habitats, Biological Resources, Water Resources, and Hydrology Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Loss or impairment of habitats or resources, including wetlands, onshore and offshore surface water, groundwater, barrier island, shoreline, and seabeds.
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles
especially in Nigeria, might increase already intense hunting pressure on endangered species, such as Sitatung and Brush-tailed Porcupine populations, that are much sought after as bushmeat, the Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment should be aware of a responsibility to help WAPCo ensure compliance with hunting and fishing policies and prohibitions. This agency should also take responsibility to assist WAPCo to prevent and mitigate unacceptable levels of new deforestation adjacent to the ROW. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that impacts are minimized, any unforeseen additional impacts are mitigated and that restoration is completed following construction (and for 1 year following construction). During WAPCo operations it is anticipated that monitoring and inspections would occur 1 to 2 times per year, to ensure proper hazardous materials controls are in place and appropriate clean-up and restoration from hazardous materials releases.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Prohibit hazardous chemical use as part of Product Acceptance Implement good housekeeping on-site Reduce surface water quality and wetland impacts Protect the water table Reduce modification of surface water flow Minimize destruction or modification of the vegetation cover Minimize destruction or modification of wildlife habitats

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Chapter 8


Air Quality

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant air quality (including noise and vibration) impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-4.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-4a Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Impaired air quality, excess noise and vibration.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Changes in air quality due to clearing of vegetation and leveling Changes in air quality from transportation of materials and equipment to the various construction sites Changes in air quality due to the operation of mobile generators Changes in air quality due to the operation of earthmoving and other heavy equipment Changes in air quality due to land leveling and infrastructure development Changes in air quality from worker camp and temporary facility operation Changes in air quality from land clearing and preparation Changes in air quality due to the transportation of materials and equipment to the sites Changes in air quality due to the operation of the concrete batching facility Changes in air quality from transport of equipment via existing roads Changes in air quality due to transport requiring construction of a dock, access road, and dredging of a canal to move equipment through Lagos Lagoon to the compressor station Changes in air quality due to the transport of pipe segments from Port Harcourt to the coating facility to the ROW staging sites

-Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-4a Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Impaired air quality, excess noise and vibration.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Changes in air quality from operations venting, flaring and controlled blowdowns Changes in air quality from general operation of vessels and equipment (e.g., generators) *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

-Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-4b Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Impaired air quality, excess noise and vibration. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (Ghana, Nigeria) Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer (All) Protocol on Substances that deplete the Ozone Layer (All, except Benin) Vienna Convention on the Ozone Layer (Benin and Nigeria) UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (Benin and Nigeria) Montreal Protocol on Ozone-Depleting Substances including London Amendment (Benin) Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer (Togo, Ghana and Nigeria) Convention on Long Distance, Trans-frontier Atmospheric Pollution (Togo)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction Final Transportation Plans, particularly Ghana Weight Coating Operations and Nigeria Onshore Pipe and Compressor Station equipment delivery Final Detailed Design for Stack Emissions and Noise Management Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular WAPCo expectations regarding dust and noise suppression Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above, particularly: General Onshore Pipeline Construction, Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing, Construction Practices for Concrete Work, Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe (Engineering Specifications WAGP-P-Y-SA-0078, WAGP-P-C-SA-0027, WAGP-P-C-SA-0028, WAGP-P-Y-SA-0003/ WAGP-R-X-SA-P00-00-1004) Dust Control Transportation Plans Noise Measurements Construction operations contained within ROW and Facility footprints and existing access roads Mitigation measures (below) Monthly: Traffic Patterns and Impacts, Adjustments to Transportation Plans HSEMS Internal Inspections and Audits for conformance with relevant operational controls and mitigation Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Post Construction Commissioning Plans for displacement of hydrotest fluids with Air, Nitrogen and Line Pack

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-4b Air Quality Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Impaired air quality, excess noise and vibration. Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Operations Daily: Minimize fugitive emissions, excessive venting/flaring operations Maintenance Program Implementation As Needed: Fence line monitoring of noise and emissions from significant Vent or Flare operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits Annual: HESMS Audits (especially regarding Noise Measurements, Ambient Air or Stack Emissions, and Vehicle Maintenance)

Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles

AGENCIES Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment (NFME), Department of Petroleum Resources (NDPR), Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement (BME), Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, and Technology (GEST), Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA), Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres (TMERF) SCOPE Issue any air quality, noise, and vibration related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding air quality and noise changes associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related air quality, noise, vibration regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding air quality, noise, vibration and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating air quality, noise, and vibration impacts. At their discretion, monitor noise levels associated with construction activities. At their discretion, monitor activities and practices related to WAPCo air emissions monitoring at the compressor station in Nigeria. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that impacts are minimized, and that any unforeseen additional impacts or complaints from surrounding communities are mitigated. During WAPCo operations it is anticipated that monitoring and inspections would occur 1 to 2 times per year, to ensure proper air emissions controls are in place and functioning and to verify noise measurements at the fenceline.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Reduce changes to air quality and noise and vibration exposure

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Chapter 8


Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potential solid, liquid, and hazardous waste impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The WAPCo Waste Management Plan (WMP) addresses impacts related to waste generation, on-site storage, off-site transport, treatment, and disposal for concrete coating operations, onshore construction, offshore construction, hydrotesting and commissioning, compressor station, R&M station and Alagbado Tee operations. The WMP was developed by describing each of these project processes, i.e., determining what kinds of wastes are generated, what are its sources, and how is it characterized. The WMP also includes estimates of waste quantities, i.e., how much waste is generated, on what schedule, and what are the potential environmental impacts and cost implications. The WMP addresses the identified impacts and mitigation measures with respect to solid, liquid, and hazardous waste generation, with special attention to the management of: Cleared Woody Vegetation Scrap Pipe, Steel, and Other Metal Scrap Concrete Batteries Contaminated Fuels Detergents Infirmary Wastes Oily Rags Paint Cans/Drums Process Water Liquid and Crystallized Condensate Stormwater Radioactive Wastes Computer Cartridges Coating Wastes Domestic Wastes Used Filters Glycol from Gas Dehydration Hydrotest Water Packaging Materials Refractory/ Lagging Materials Sewage Used Drums Used Oils and Lubricants

The WAGP waste management plan follows a standard hierarchy of accepted waste management principles, such as: Minimization of waste quantities generated; Recycling and reuse of waste streams after appropriate treatment; Use of safe methods of storage and handling; Effective monitoring, documentation and control of on-site treatment or disposal units (if any), including use of early warning systems for internal controls; Initiating inventory controls, auditing and post project evaluation of regulatory trends to ensure continued compliance; and Use of qualified off-site waste transporters and reputable third-party waste disposal facilities including processes for performance monitoring and auditing. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-5.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-5a Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Over accumulation of solid and liquid wastes and contamination by hazardous wastes.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures
Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Water Management

Waste Management Plan

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Management of Change

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Soils impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during pipeline construction

-Sewage and Sanitation System -Hydrocarbons; Produced Water-Drains 150# ANSI A1 -Pipeline Cleaning and Flooding -Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

Soils impacts due to generation of solid, hazardous, and gray wastes at construction camps Surface water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during pipeline construction Water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes during pipeline construction Water quality impacts due to generation of solid and hazardous wastes from onshore construction camps Water quality impacts due to black and gray water and galley waste disposal *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-5b Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Over accumulation of solid and liquid wastes and contamination by hazardous wastes. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Amendments to the Annexes to the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (Nigeria) Convention on the Ban of the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and on the Control of their Transboundary Movements within Africa (Benin, Togo) Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Nigeria) Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (Togo) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL ) (Benin, Togo) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 ( MARPOL ) Annex III (Togo) International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil, 1954, as amended in 1962 and 1969 (Nigeria) International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (Benin, Nigeria) International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co operation (Ghana, Nigeria) International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (Benin, Nigeria) International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (Benin, Nigeria) Phytosanitary Convention for Africa (Benin, Togo) Protocol concerning Co-operation in combating Pollution in cases of Emergency in the West and Central African Region ( Benin, Ghana and Nigeria) International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund 1992 (IOPC Fund) (Ghana, Nigeria) Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) (Togo) Bamako Convention on Hazardous Wastes (Benin) International Convention on the Civil Liability due to Hydrocarbons (Benin) Protocol on Co-operation in Combating Critical Pollution Incidents (Togo)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction Audits of proposed off-site, Third Party Waste Management facilities and transporters Final EPC Contractor Waste Management Plans Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, and Camp locations Final determination for Sanitary Waste Management Systems, including as needed permits for sanitary waste discharge to adjacent water bodies WAPCo Hydrotest Effluent Discharge Work Instruction (Ecotoxicity Testing Plan) and subsequent Waste Water Discharge Controls. Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular WAPCo Hazardous Material and Waste Management expectations and details of EPC contractor Waste Management Plan Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above particularly: Exhibit F to the Contract Facilities and Environmental Design Basis Documents, including Sewage and Sanitation System, Hydrocarbons; Produced Water-Drains 150# ANSI A1 WAPCo Hazardous Materials Communication, Chemical Management Plan, Hazardous Material Control Procedures and EPC Contractor Plans WAPCo and EPC Contractor Waste Management Plans, including waste characterization

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-5b Solid, Liquid, and Hazardous Waste Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Over accumulation of solid and liquid wastes and contamination by hazardous wastes. Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Monthly: As applicable, sanitary waste discharge into adjacent water bodies HSEMS Internal Inspections and Audits for conformance with relevant operational controls and mitigation Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Post Construction Hydrotest Discharge (To Be Determined) Operations Monthly: o o o Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits WAPCo Hazardous Materials Communication, Chemical Management Plan, and Hazardous Material Control Procedures WAPCo Waste Management Plans including waste characterization As applicable, sanitary waste discharge into adjacent water bodies

Annually: HESMS Audits (especially regarding WAPCo Hazardous Materials Management Plan and WAPCo Waste Management Plans including waste characterization)

Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles

AGENCIES Nigeria Federal Ministry of Environment (NFME), Department of Petroleum Resources (NDPR), Benin Ministere de lEnvironnement (BME), Ghana Ministry of Environment, Science, and Technology (GEST), Environmental Protection Agency (GEPA), Togo Ministere de lEnvironnement et des Ressources Forestieres (TMERF) SCOPE Issue any solid and liquid waste and hazardous waste related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding solid and liquid wastes and hazardous wastes associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-solid and liquid waste and hazardous waste regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding solid and liquid wastes and hazardous wastes and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating solid and liquid waste and hazardous waste impacts. At their discretion, monitor waste accumulation, storage, transportation, characterization and disposal associated with construction activities. At their discretion, monitor during WAPCo operations its waste management activities and practices. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that the Waste Management Plan is being implemented. During WAPCo operations it is anticipated that monitoring and inspections would occur 1 to 2 times per year, to ensure proper hazardous materials controls are in place and appropriate cleanup and restoration from hazardous materials releases.

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Chapter 8


Cultural Conditions

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant cultural and archaeological impacts for Site Preparation and Construction in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-6.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-6a Cultural Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Modifying historical sites or buildings. Disrupting cultural or archeological sites.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Incidental destruction or alteration of significant cultural, historical, or archeological sites *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

-Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Loss Prevention Design Basis

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-6b Cultural Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Modifying historical sites or buildings. Disrupting cultural or archeological sites. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
National Commission for Museums and Monuments Act (Nigeria) National Council for Arts and Culture Act (Nigeria) National Endowment for the Arts Decree (Nigeria) Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (All except Togo) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (Benin, Togo) Statutes of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property (All except Togo)

Monitoring Approach & Schedule

Pre-Construction Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, and Camp locations Cultural Mitigation (Ghana Baobab Tree) Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular WAPCo expectations regarding respect for local customs, expectations regarding cultural & archeological resources and WAPCo chance finds procedures Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above, particularly the Chance Finds Procedure and Mitigation measures (below) Monthly: HSEMS Internal Inspections and Audits for conformance with relevant operational controls and mitigation Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits Annually: HSEMS Audits

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-6b Cultural Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Modifying historical sites or buildings. Disrupting cultural or archeological sites.
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles
AGENCY TBD when ongoing archaeological literature review and walk-through are completed (scheduled for July 2004). SCOPE: Issue any cultural resource waste related administrative authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding cultural resources associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having cultural resource regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding cultural resources and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating impacts on cultural resource. At their discretion, monitor treatment of cultural resources, such as the Ghana Baobab tree during construction activities. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur only from the standpoint of WAPCo initiated Chance Finds or complaints from surrounding communities or other stakeholders, likely only during construction operations.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Avoid disruption of known or potential cultural or archeological sites

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Chapter 8


Socioeconomic Conditions

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant socioeconomic condition, including goods and services, means of livelihood, and transportation and infrastructure, impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, and Operations and Maintenance in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and Togo. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-7.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-7a Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impacts: Perturbation to livelihoods, customs and traditions. Population displacement. Service interruptions. Visual changes to known historical sites and monuments. Damage to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion. Impairment of maritime traffic. Depletion of energy resources.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

Land acquisition for ROW creates hostile intentions towards workers or pipeline

Risk Management

HSE Training

Acquisition of land displaces people from homes Disrupting utility service to a group or population during construction activities Disruption of community activities during construction Negatively affect the traffic patterns of the local area Creation of a boomtown effect, which is followed by a recession after construction is over Impairment of maritime traffic from presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Perturbation of fishing from passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

-Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Loss Prevention Design Basis Security Plan -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above and Traffic Plan -Same as above and Exit/Demobe Plan -Same as above and Traffic Plan -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-7b Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impacts: Perturbation to livelihoods, customs and traditions. Population displacement. Service interruptions. Visual changes to known historical sites and monuments. Damage to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion. Impairment of maritime traffic. Depletion of energy resources. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Act regarding Navigation and Economic Co operation between the States of the Niger Basin (Nigeria) Agreement concerning the River Niger Commission and the Navigation and Transport on the River Niger (Nigeria) Agreement establishing the African Development Bank (All) Articles of Association for the establishment of an Economic Community of West Africa (All except Benin) Constitution of the International Labor Organization (All) Constitution of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (All) Convention on the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone (Nigeria)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction (FID through FID plus 6 months to 9 months) Final Selection of Camp facilities in Nigeria Final Selection of Staging, Concrete Batching, and Compressor Delivery in Nigeria Implementation of the Resettlement Action Plan (See RAP for additional Monitoring Requirements) Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities (job seekers, camp followers, etc.) Final determination of Industrial Water Sources for Construction and Operations and potable water supply, including hydrological data from existing and new, on-site water wells and boreholes Final determination for Sanitary Waste Management Systems, including as needed permits for sanitary waste discharge to adjacent water bodies Final Transportation Plans, particularly Ghana Weight Coating Operations and Nigeria Onshore Pipe and Compressor Station equipment delivery (including raw materials and finished products) Final EPC (Local) Employment and Procurement Plan Detailed Design of WAPCo Community Development Program Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular WAPCo expectations regarding community relations, worker behaviors, HIV/AIDS mitigation measures, camp procedures, etc. Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above particularly: Construction Practices for Earthwork, Drainage, Roads and Surfacing, Construction Practices for Concrete Work, Concrete Weight Coating for Line Pipe HIV/AIDs Mitigation Exhibits N (Security Plan) to the Contract Construction operations contained within the ROW and Facility footprints and existing access roads Implementation of WAPCo Community Development Program Mitigation measures (below)

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-7b Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impacts: Perturbation to livelihoods, customs and traditions. Population displacement. Service interruptions. Visual changes to known historical sites and monuments. Damage to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion. Impairment of maritime traffic. Depletion of energy resources. Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Monthly: Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities (job seekers, camp followers, etc.) Community Interface to assess conditions, Contractor performance EPC implementation of (Local) Employment & Procurement Plan, hiring practices, etc. Compensation Demands and Other Claims (see RAP) Traffic patterns and impacts and adjustments to transportation plans if problems are detected. Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Post Construction Reinstatement of Access to from and across pipeline ROW and road crossings Operations Continued Implementation of WAPCo Community Development Program Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits for: Community Interface to reinforce Safety and Emergency Response procedures Population Migration and Encroachment along the ROW and near facilities (job seekers, camp followers, etc.) Annually: HESMS Audits

Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles

AGENCIES WAGP Authority and Ministries of Energy for overall coordination and local government or traditional authorities in the surrounding communities for certain socio-economic/cultural issues. Local law enforcement for traffic interruption and for maritime issues, National Naval Forces and relevant Port Authorities (local or national) . SCOPE Issue any authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner that are related to socioeconomic conditions, i.e. livelihoods, customs, traditions, population displacement, service interruptions, changes to historical sites, energy resources and overland and maritime traffic management. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding socioeconomic conditions associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related socioeconomic regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding socioeconomic conditions and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating impacts to livelihoods, customs, traditions, historical sites, energy resources and overland and maritime traffic management or mitigating impacts from population displacement and service interruptions. At their discretion,

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Table 8.9-7b Socioeconomic Conditions Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impacts: Perturbation to livelihoods, customs and traditions. Population displacement. Service interruptions. Visual changes to known historical sites and monuments. Damage to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion. Impairment of maritime traffic. Depletion of energy resources.
monitor HIV/AIDs mitigation measure, containment of construction operations within the ROW and facility footprints, implementation of WAPCo Community Development Program, mitigation of population migration and encroachment along the ROW and near facilities, EPC implementation of (local) employment and procurement plan, and compensation demands and other claims (see RAP) FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that impacts are minimized, any unforeseen additional impacts are mitigated. Limited if any monitoring during Operations

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Minimize perturbation to customs and traditions Minimize population displacement Minimizing service interruptions during the work Minimize visual changes to known historical sites and monuments Minimize disruption to road traffic, farming, fishing, forestry, tourist, and other community activities (by reducing damages to roads, risks of accidents, and traffic congestion) Avoid impeding road traffic and community activities Reduce depletion of energy resources

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Chapter 8


Public and Worker Health and Safety

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant public and worker health, safety, and emergency preparedness and response impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-8.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-8a Public and Worker Health and Safety Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Reduced public and worker safety and security.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to hazardous material spill in a densely populated area Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to gas leak from the pipeline Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to presence, movement, and anchoring of barges in Gulf waters; and support vessel movement Adverse health risk to general population and construction workers due to general operation of vessels and equipment Adverse health risk to general population from mishaps associated with passive installation of pipeline in >8m water depth *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

-Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Hazard and Route Survey -Fire and Gas Detection System -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above -Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-8b Public and Worker Health and Safety Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Reduced public and worker safety and security. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionizing Radiations ( ILO No. 115) (Ghana) Convention Concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration (ILO No. 148) (Ghana) Convention on the Ban of the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and on the Control of their Transboundary Movements within Africa (Benin, Togo) Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Nigeria) International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (Benin) International Convention on Standards of Training Certification and Watch-keeping for Seafarer (Nigeria) International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (Nigeria, Benin) Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (Nigeria) Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (Nigeria) Convention on the High Seas (Nigeria)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction (FID through FID plus 6 months to 9 months) Final Selection of Camp facilities in Nigeria Final determination of Industrial Water Sources for Construction and Operations and potable water supply, including hydrological data from existing and new, on-site water wells and boreholes Final determination for Sanitary Waste Management Systems, including as needed permits for sanitary waste discharge to adjacent water bodies Final Transportation Plans Implementation of HSE and Other Training, in particular WAPCo Exhibit F expectations, WAPCo HES procedures, EPC Contractor HES procedures, Worker Protection Programs, General Healthcare Detailed design of WAPCo Community Development Program as it relates to Public Healthcare Final determination of offshore pipeline burial that will provide adequate safeguard (especially with regard absence of free-spanning) Construction Daily: Detailed design of WAPCo Community Development Program as it relates to Public Healthcare Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above, particularly: Exhibit F to the Contract HIV/AIDs Mitigation Exhibits N (Security Plan) to the Contract Mitigation measures (below) Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-8b Public and Worker Health and Safety Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Reduced public and worker safety and security.
Monitoring Approach and Schedule
Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits of community interface to reinforce Safety and Emergency Response procedures Annually: HESMS Audits (especially regarding Regulatory Interface to reinforce Safety and Emergency Response procedures, and Preventative Maintenance, Pigging and Mechanical Integrity Program) TBD: Dive inspections, side-scan sonar, or other acceptable methods to identify free-spanning or exposed portions of the pipeline

Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles

AGENCIES WAGP Authority and Ministries of Energy for overall coordination, subject to development of the WAGP Regulations. Agency monitoring is likely to also include Ghana Ministry of Labour Factories Inspectorat Department, Ghana Ministry of Interior, NDPR, Nigeria Ministry of Labour, NAFDAC, Benin and Togo Agencies. SCOPE Issue any authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner that are related to public and worker safety and security. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori the measures regarding public and worker safety and security associated with WAPCo. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related public and worker safety and security regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding public and worker safety and security and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, periodically inspect the projects measures for mitigating impacts to public and worker safety and security. At their discretion, monitor selection of camp facilities in Nigeria, determination of industrial water sources for construction and operations and potable water supply, including hydrological data from existing and new, on-site water wells and boreholes, determination for sanitary waste management systems, including as needed permits for sanitary waste discharge to adjacent water bodies, transportation plans, implementation of HSE and other training, in particular WAPCo Exhibit F expectations, WAPCo HES procedures, EPC contractor HES procedures, worker protection programs, general healthcare, and design of WAPCo Community Development Program as it relates to public healthcare. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 3 to 4 times annually during construction to ensure that impacts are minimized. During WAPCo operations it is anticipated that monitoring and inspections would occur 1 to 2 times per year.

Specific BMPs (Summarized from Chapter 7)

Optimize public safety and management of hazardous materials

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Chapter 8


Emergency Preparedness and Response

This section summarizes the HSEMP section for potentially significant public and worker health, safety, and emergency preparedness and response impacts for Site Preparation and Construction, Commissioning and Start-up, Operations and Maintenance, and Decommissioning and Abandonment in Nigeria, Benin, Togo, and Ghana. The monitoring approach and schedule are presented in Table 8.9-9.

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-9a Emergency Preparedness and Response Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Lack of preparedness in the event of an emergency.
WAPCo Tier 2 Procedures Habitat, Biological, Cultural Res. Mgmt.

Waste Management Plan

Management of Change

Contractor Management

Emergency Response

HSE Audit Protocol

Risk Management

Specific Significant Impacts and Related Activities

Land Acquisition & ROW Mgmt.

Compliance & Permitting Plan

External Communications*

Waste Water Management

Other Operational Procedures

HSE Training

Adverse health risk due to lack of response in emergency situations

Adverse health risk due to lack of emergency management plan *External Communications is employed in this instance as a reactive approach, not proactive.

-Onshore Pipeline and Facilities Design Basis -Environmental Design Basis -Hazard and Route Survey -Fire and Gas Detection System Same as above

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-9b Emergency Preparedness and Response Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Lack of preparedness in the event of an emergency. Applicable Regulatory Requirements or Other Commitments
Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Ionizing Radiations (ILO No. 115) (Ghana) Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibration (ILO No. 148) (Ghana) Convention on the Ban of the Import of Hazardous Wastes into Africa and on the Control of their Transboundary Movements within Africa (Benin, Togo) Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal (Nigeria) International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties (Benin) Convention on the Trans-boundary Effects of Industrial Accidents, Helsinki Convention (Togo) International Convention on the Civil Liability due to Hydrocarbons (Benin)

Monitoring Approach and Schedule

Pre-Construction (FID through FID plus 6 months to 9 months) Final Emergency Response Plan Development (WAPCo, EPC Contractor) Emergency Response Consultations with WAPCo, EPC Contractor, Regulatory Agencies, Communities Construction Daily: Implementation of Tier 2 Procedures and Other Operational Procedures from above, particularly: Exhibit F to the Contract Exhibits N (Security Plan) to the Contract Every 6 months to 9 months: Third Party Independent Audit Operations Monthly: Patrol, Inspection and/or Audits especially regarding Community Interface to reinforce Safety and Emergency Response procedures Annually: Internal HESMS Audits (especially regarding Regulatory Interface to reinforce Safety and Emergency Response procedures and Preventative Maintenance, Pigging and Mechanical Integrity Program

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Chapter 8

Table 8.9-9b Emergency Preparedness and Response Section of the WAPCo HSEMP Potential Impact: Lack of preparedness in the event of an emergency.
Mitigation and Regulatory Monitoring Institutional Roles
AGENCIES WAGP Authority and Ministries of Energy, Nigeria Federal Fire Service (offices in Ojuelegba, Ota, and Badagry), Nigeria National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA), National Fire Service Group of Benin (GNSPB--under Department of Prevention and Civil Protection), Benin Department of Prevention and Civil Protection, Benin Ministry of Health, Benin Ministry of Social Welfare, Benin Ministry of Transport and Works, the Benin Agency for Environment, the Ghana National Fire Service (Ministry of the Interior), Ghana National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO), Tema Ports and Harbor Authority, Togo National Fire Agency SCOPE Issue any authorizations and/or permits that are required by the Project in a timely manner that are related to Emergency Response Plans. Examine a priori conformity, check implementation, and verify a posteriori implementation of the measures outlined in the Emergency Response Plan associated with WAPCo, including training, drills, resource commitments and maintenance of on-site emergency response equipment. Verify that measures conform to the EMP. Facilitate relations between WAPCo and other Government Ministries having project-related emergency preparedness regulatory oversight responsibilities. Communicate to WAPCo in a timely manner any nonconformance with the EMP regarding emergency preparedness and check the implementation of corrective actions. At their discretion, monitor WAPCo implementation of Emergency Response Plans in the event of an emergency , including Emergency Response Plan Development (WAPCo, EPC Contractor); emergency response consultations with WAPCo, EPC Contractor, regulatory agencies, and communities; implementation of procedures particularly Exhibit F to the Contract, Exhibits N (Security Plan) to the Contract. Monitoring should also include emergency prevention measures including but not limited to adequacy of the Preventative Maintenance, Pigging, and Mechanical Integrity Programs. FREQUENCY Subject to Agency discretion it is anticipated that on-site monitoring would occur 1 to 2 times annually during construction and operations.

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Chapter 9 Nigeria Conclusion

The proposal by the West African Gas Pipeline Company Ltd. (WAPCo) to construct the West African Gas Pipeline (WAGP) represents a significant investment in infrastructure development in a region that is considered, based on most economic and social indicators, one of the least developed in the world. WAGP will deliver reliable, competitively priced natural gas from Nigeria to industrial customers in Benin, Ghana, and Togo. Use of this natural gas by power plants and other industries will facilitate economic growth in general and through expansion or creation of existing or new industries. This beneficial use will help reduce the open flaring of natural gas in Nigeria and thus mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. WAGP is a major initiative to integrate the regional energy sector. Past experiences suggest that such regional integration provides benefits of increased flexibility, resilience, distribution, abundance, and diversity of energy supplies. The development of WAGP to date has broken new ground in bringing together governments and private sector enterprises and generally enhancing regional collaboration in the four countries. The project has started Nigeria on a path of extensive economic cooperation and energy integration with Benin, Ghana, and Togo, as well as cooperation and harmonization on many levels. Once approved, built, and put into operation, WAGP will become a permanent basis for cooperation among the countries, and one that has the potential to lead to broader economic cooperation and development. As a nation, Nigeria will see economic benefits and infusion of funds into the national economy through the return on sales of Nigerian gas; tariffs charged for transportation of gas through the ELPS; and income tax on WAPCo operations. WAGP will provide important environmental benefits to Nigeria as it brings currently flared gas in the Niger Delta region to market and in doing so reduces air pollution and related impacts on communities; reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; and combats global warming. Analyses of project-level alternatives (Chapter 3) and proper siting and routing (Chapter 4) have resulted in the avoidance of many potential negative impacts. Additional mitigating measures were incorporated into the front-end engineering and design phase (Chapter 2, Chapter 6) and still others were incorporated into operational guidelines and policies to be implemented during construction and over the lifetime of the project (Chapter 8, Chapter 6). For each phase of the project, WAPCo has developed and committed itself to mitigation measures for the potential negative impacts identified (Chapter 7). A Resettlement Action Plan is being developed to ensure that people affected by the project receive compensation for use of lost resources, including land used by the project. A Health, Safety, and Environmental Management Plan (HSEMP) has been established for WAGP (Chapter 8, Operational Procedures Appendix 8-B) to achieve its health, safety, and environmental (HSE) regulatory compliance objectives and other related commitments. Also addressed in the HSEMP are socioeconomic measures that will reduce negative impacts and

Chapter 9

provide benefit to affected communities, countries, and the region. WAPCo has committed the financial resources to implement the HSEMP. For Nigeria, WAGP has the potential to bring about significant social and economic benefits at the global, regional, national, and local levels. For a project of its size and complexity, after application of appropriate mitigation measures WAGPs potential negative impacts are relatively minor and the project is largely benign from the standpoint of environmental and socioeconomic impacts. Thus the significant potential benefits of the project substantially outweigh the potential negative impacts.

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