Nir Aes101so
Nir Aes101so
Nir Aes101so
These Application Notes describe the configuration steps for the NICE Inform Recorder R9.2
to interoperate with the Avaya solution consisting of an Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
R10.1 and Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services R10.1 using Service Observing.
Readers should pay attention to Section 2, in particular the scope of testing as outlined in
Section 2.1 as well as the observations noted in Section 2.2, to ensure that their own use cases
are adequately covered by this scope and results.
Information in these Application Notes has been obtained through DevConnect compliance
testing and additional technical discussions. Testing was conducted via the DevConnect
Program at the Avaya Solution and Interoperability Test Lab.
NICE Trading Recorder (NTR) is a product equivalent to NICE Inform Recorder (NIR). NIR
was used in this testing. Attachment 1 is a Conformance Letter in which NICE declares the
equivalency of the two products, the equivalent SW versions, and that testing with one product
applies to both. For additional information contact NICE support as shown in Section 2.3.
NICE Inform Recorder uses Communication Manager’s Service Observing feature via the
Application Enablement Services (AES) Device, Media, and Call Control (DMCC) interface and
the Telephony Services API (TSAPI) to capture the audio and call details for call recordings on
various Communication Manager H.323, SIP, and Digital endpoints, listed in Section 4.
The Avaya Telephony Services API (TSAPI) integration allows NIR to receive call-related
events and metadata from AES. This integration must be paired with an audio capture method, in
this case DMCC Multiple Registration to provide an audio source for recordings.
DMCC works by allowing software vendors to create soft phones, in memory on a recording
server, and use them to monitor and record other phones. This is purely a software solution and
does not require telephony boards or any wiring beyond a typical network infrastructure. The
DMCC API associated with the AES server monitors the digital and VoIP extensions. The
application uses the AE Services DMCC to ‘Observe’ the target extension using Virtual
Extensions on Communication Manager to do so. When the target extension joins a call, the
application using Service Observing receives the call’s aggregated RTP media stream via the
recording device and records the call.
NICE Inform Recorder is fully integrated into a LAN (Local Area Network) and includes easy-
to-use Web based applications (i.e., NICE Application) that works with the Microsoft .NET
framework and is used to retrieve telephone conversations from a comprehensive long-term calls
database. This application registers an extension with Communication Manager and waits for
that extension to be dialed. NICE Inform Recorder contains tools for audio retrieval, centralized
system security authorization, system control, and system status monitoring. Also included is a
call parameters database that tightly integrates via CTI link PABXs and ACD’s including
optional advanced audio archive database management, search tools, a wide variety of
Recording-on-Demand capabilities, and comprehensive long-term call database for immediate
Avaya recommends our customers implement Avaya solutions using appropriate security and
encryption capabilities enabled by our products. The testing referenced in these DevConnect
Application Notes included the enablement of supported encryption capabilities in the Avaya
products. Readers should consult the appropriate Avaya product documentation for further
information regarding security and encryption capabilities supported by those Avaya products.
Support for these security and encryption capabilities in any non-Avaya solution component is
the responsibility of each individual vendor. Readers should consult the appropriate vendor-
supplied product documentation for more information regarding those products.
For the testing associated with these Application Notes, the interface between Avaya systems
and NICE Inform Recorder did not include use of any specific encryption features as requested
by NICE.
Note: A 2N Dual Redundancy configuration was not possible with DMCC Service Observing
due to the limitations on the number of Service Observers. This type of redundancy is possible
using DMCC Multiple Registration and information on this is available on Application Notes for
NICE Inform Recorder with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and Avaya Aura®
Application Enablement Services using DMCC Multiple Registration in a 2N Dual Redundancy
2.3. Support
Product documentation for NICE products may be found on ExtraNICE at:
(ExtraNICE user account and password required)
Figure 1: Connection of NICE Inform Recorder with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
R10.1 and Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services R10.1
Equipment/Software Release/Version
Build No. –
Avaya Aura® System Manager
SW Update Revision No:
Avaya Aura® Session Manager
Build No. –
Avaya Aura® Communication
Update ID 01.0.974.0-27372
Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services
The configuration illustrated in this section was performed using Communication Manager
System Administration Terminal (SAT).
Service Enabled Local Local Remote Remote
Type Node Port Node Port
AESVCS y procr 8765
Note: The password entered for Password field must match the password on the AES server in
Section 6.2. The AE Services Server should match the administered name for the AES server;
this is created as part of the AES installation and can be obtained from the AES server by typing
uname –n at the Linux command prompt.
FRL: 0 APLT? y
Can Be Service Observed? y Calling Party Restriction: all-toll
Can Be A Service Observer? y Called Party Restriction: none
Time of Day Chart: 1 Forced Entry of Account Codes? n
Priority Queuing? n Direct Agent Calling? y
Restriction Override: all Facility Access Trunk Test? n
Restricted Call List? n Can Change Coverage? n
Unrestricted Call List: 1
Access to MCT? y Fully Restricted Service? n
Group II Category For MFC: 7 Hear VDN of Origin Annc.? n
Send ANI for MFE? n Add/Remove Agent Skills? n
MF ANI Prefix: Automatic Charge Display? n
Hear System Music on Hold? y PASTE (Display PBX Data on Phone)? n
Can Be Picked Up By Directed Call Pickup? y
Can Use Directed Call Pickup? y
Group Controlled Restriction: inactive
Type change system-parameters features, on Page 11 ensure that Allow Two Observes in
Same Call is set to y.
Converse First Data Delay: 0 Second Data Delay: 2
Converse Signaling Tone (msec): 100 Pause (msec): 70
Prompting Timeout (secs): 10
Interflow-qpos EWT Threshold: 2
Reverse Star/Pound Digit For Collect Step? n
Available Agent Adjustments for BSR? n
BSR Tie Strategy: 1st-found
Store VDN Name in Station's Local Call Log? n
Service Observing: Warning Tone? y or Conference Tone? n
Service Observing/SSC Allowed with Exclusion? n
Allow Two Observers in Same Call? y
IP Video Softphone? n
Short/Prefixed Registration Allowed: default
IP Video Softphone? n
Short/Prefixed Registration Allowed: default
Note: The following shows changes to a SIP extension and assumes that the SIP extension has
been programmed correctly and is fully functioning.
Click on Manager Users in the left window. Select the station to be edited and click on Edit.
In the General Options tab ensure that Class of Restriction is set correctly. Click on Done, at
the bottom of the screen once this is set, (not shown).
The TSAPI and DMCC licenses are user licenses issued by the Web License Manager to which
the Application Enablement Services server is pointed to. From the left window open Licensing
and click on WebLM Server Access as shown below.
From the Switch Connections screen, select the radio button for the recently added switch
connection and select the Edit PE/CLAN IPs button (not shown), see screen at the bottom of the
previous page. In the resulting screen, enter the IP address of the procr as shown in Section 5.2
that will be used for the AES connection and select the Add/Edit Name or IP button.
The IP address of Communication Manager is set for the H.323 Gatekeeper, as shown below.
On the Add TSAPI Links screen (or the Edit TSAPI Links screen to edit a previously
configured TSAPI Link as shown below), enter the following values:
• Link: Use the drop-down list to select an unused link number.
• Switch Connection: Choose the switch connection cm101x, which has already been
configured in Section 6.2 from the drop-down list.
• Switch CTI Link Number: Corresponding CTI link number configured in Section 5.4
which is 1.
• ASAI Link Version: 12 was used for compliance testing but the latest version available
can be chosen).
• Security: This can be left at the default value of Both.
When the TSAPI Link is completed, it should resemble the screen below.
Note: The AES Security Database (SDB) provides the ability to control a user’s access
privileges. The SDB stores information about Computer Telephony (CT) users and the devices
they control. The DMCC service, the TSAPI service, and Telephony Web Services use this
information for permission checking. Please look to Section 10 for more information on this.
In the main window ensure that Unrestricted Access is ticked. Once this is done click on Apply
The following sections will outline the process involved in connecting NICE Inform Recorder to
the Avaya Solution. All configuration of NICE Inform Recorder for connection with the AES is
performed using a web browser connecting to the NICE Inform Recorder Application Server.
Open a web browser as shown navigate to http://<NICE ServerIP>/ as shown below and enter
the appropriate credentials and log in.
Note: Internet Explorer 11 or Edge (Chromium) should be used to connect to NICE Inform
Note: Information on the connection to Avaya is gathered prior to any installation. This
information includes the connection to the AES as well as devices to be monitored along with
any AES usernames, passwords that need to be used for the connection. During the installation
the connections to AES/Communication Manager are set up and created and therefore these
Application Notes can only show the existing connections that were created during setup.
Within this tab there are other tabs as shown in the screen below, cti servers, links, link groups,
targets etc. Clicking on the CTI SERVERS tab will show the CTI server set up during the
installation. By clicking on the edit icon, changes can be made to this if deemed necessary.
Under the LINKS tab the existing link to AES is shown and can be edited by clicking on the
icon opposite the link as highlighted.
Pressing the edit button above will allow changes to be made to the following.
The Connection host, IP port, the Connection user and password should not need any editing
as these will be added as part of the original installation. In the event that there is a bad
connection, these fields can be re-entered as shown below.
A link group must be added, and this is done by first clicking on the LINK GROUPS tab as
shown below. Then click on the + icon (not shown), this will open a new window where the link
information can be entered and saved by clicking on OK. A suitable Link group name is given,
the CTI server that was added during the installation is chosen. The Channel assignment was
Ascending for compliance testing, the others were left as default as shown below.
Targets can be added by clicking on the TARGETS tab and clicking on the + icon below.
Targets are Avaya phones that need to be monitored.
Once the + icon is pressed a new window is opened as shown below. Here the information on the
new Avaya extension is entered, this new extension being Digital. Note that the Target Type
can be chosen from the list as shown below. For “Service Observing” recording Extension SO is
selected as shown below. The Password for this station can be added here also.
Click on CTI Integration, the Link state should show Logged in, as shown below.
Note: The primary method for performing search and replay is the NICE Inform suite of
From the home page, click on recorded calls at the top of the screen.
Please e-mail any questions or comments pertaining to these Application Notes along with the
full title name and filename, located in the lower right corner, directly to the Avaya
DevConnect Program at
NICE Systems T+44 (0)1489 771 200 F+44 (0)1489 771 533
Tollbar Way E
Hedge End
Hampshire SO30 2ZP
United Kingdom
NICE NIR and NTR recording platforms interoperability with Avaya Aura 10.1
NICE confirms that the NICE Inform Recorder (NIR) and NICE Trading Recorder (NTR) share a
common software base. Both recording platforms offer a NICE-Avaya Aura DMCC integration
which share common components, primarily the “Link Controller” to interface and interoperate
with the Avaya Aura system.
The table below shows the version (feature) equivalence of the NIR and NTR integrations.
NICE Inform Recorder (NIR) 9.2 80.3 NICE Public Safety Line of Business
NICE Trading Recorder (NTR) 6.7 10.5 Financial Markets Compliance Line of Business
The table below shows NIR and NTR feature differences with respect to the Avaya Aura integration
NICE Inform Recorder (NIR) 9.2 Replay of recorded calls: NICE Inform suite of applications
NICE Trading Recorder (NTR) 6.7 Replay of recorded calls: NICE Compass suite of applications
Avaya Integration: Support for Recording Announcement
Given the above information, we view the latest DevConnect Compliance Testing of NIR 9.2 with
Avaya Aura DMCC integration 80.3 to also cover the NTR equivalent above.
A more detailed description of the integration between Avaya DMCC, NICE Inform Recorder, and
NICE Trading Recorder can be found in the NICE Avaya DMCC Integration 80.3 Release Note
here: ExtraNICE (Public Safety) Avaya DMCC and ExtraNICE (Enterprise) Connectivity Guides > Avaya .
Jurgen Wessel
J Wessel
Principal Product Owner - NICE Communications Compliance