ES (3rd) May15
ES (3rd) May15
ES (3rd) May15
3rd Exam/ Common/1008/May,2015
a) Natural gas, oil and wood pieces
b) Oil, wood piece and dry dung
c) Coal, wood piece and oil
.r c
d) Coal, oil and natural gas
6. Eco system which are located in water bodies are
a) Aquatic ecosystem b) Mangroves c) Land based ecosystem d) None of these
a) Soil is aerated
7. Soil conversation is the process where:
b) soil erosion is allowed
.r c
c) sterile soil is converted into fertile soil
r p
d) soil is protected against loss
8. The damage caused by irrigation is known as
9. Percentage amount of fresh water is:
a) 10% b) 25% c) 3%
a) Disturbance in food chain b) Land slides c) water logging d) Heavy rain fall
d) 17%
10. Non living factor in the environment are called pollutant?
a) Ecosphere b) Biotic c) Abiotic d) Habitat
11. What is the harm from the depletion of Earth’s ozone layer
a) The average temperature of earth’s surface will increase gradually
b) The oxygen content of the atmosphere will decrease
c) Increased amount of Ultra violet radiation will reach earth’s surface
d) Sea levels will rise as the polar ice caps will gradually melt
12. Acid rain is formed due to contribution from following pair of gases
a) Methane and ozone b) Oxygen and nitrous oxide c) Methane and sulphur
dioxide d) sulphur dioxide
13. The concentration of which gas is highest in our environment?
a) Oxygen b) Hydrogen c) Nitrogen d) Carbon dioxide
14. What is the name of the ordinary salt
a) Calcium carbonate b) Iron mono oxide c) sodium chloride d) none of
15. The spread of the ‘Stratosphere’ above earth’s surface is...........
a) Below 15 km b) 10 to 50 km c) above 50km d) above
100 km
S.B.Roll No……………………………………….
16. Washing soda is the common name for
a) Sodium carbonate b) calcium bicarbonate c) sodium
bicarbonate d) Calcium carbonate
17. CO2 means___________
a) Carbon oxide b) Carbon trioxide c) water d) carbon dioxide
18. Unit of sound is
a) dB b) Dt c) m/sec d)Newton
19. Mining is required to obtain
a) Non renewable resources b) renewable resources c) Both a and b d)
None of these
20. Taj Mahal at Agra may be damages by:
a) Sulphur dioxide b) Chlorine c) Hydrogen d) Oxygen
21. Which of the following is not a marine
a) Oil b) Plastic c) Dissolved oxygen d) All of the above
22. Noise is:
a) Loud sound
Constant sound m
b) Sound of high frequency c) Unwanted sound d)
.r c
23. Which substance used in pencil
a) Carbon b) mercury c) graphite d) charcoal
24. Height of Ozone layer is about
a) 20 to 25 km
pe b) 25 to 30 km c) 10 to 15 km
d) 35 to 40
a o
.r c
a) Kidney b) Brain c) Heart d) Teeth
26. Acid rain is result of
a) Air pollution b) water pollution c) Acid pollution d) all of the above
27. Which one the following is not biodegradable?
a) Vegetables
28. Air pollution is cause by
b) Grass c) Earthworm
p e d) Plastic
29. Radioactive pollution is also known as
a) Nuclear pollution b) atom pollution c) air pollution d) none of these
30. Why CFL is more preferred because
a) 60 b) 25 m
44. In India the percentage of land under desert is about
o c)30 d)19
.r c
45. How can land fertility be restored
a) By chemicals b) crop rotation c) over irrigation d) none of
a) Thar
46. Largest Desert in India is :
b) Arctic c) Sahara d) Gobi
47. Which is called Green house effect
a o
.r c
a) Global warming b) ozone layer depletion c) Acid Rain d) Deforestation
48. Which is water related disease
a) Jaundice b) Typhoid c) Fever d) Viral
49. Biogas plants using cattle dung are called
a) Hydro plants
p e
b) Gobar gas plants c) Gas station d) Thermal power plant
50. Environment day is celebrated on
a) 5 June b) 30 April
c) 1 January d) 10 December
b rp