Physics - S2023 (3110011) (GTURanker - Com)
Physics - S2023 (3110011) (GTURanker - Com)
Physics - S2023 (3110011) (GTURanker - Com)
Q.1 (a) Define Ductility, Brittleness and Elasticity. 03
(b) Define Spontaneous and Stimulated emission. 04
(c) Derive an expression for Twisting couple in a wire. 07
Q.3 (a) Calculate Poisson’s ratio and the rigidity modulus of copper using 03
following data : Young’s modulus 10.5 x 1010 Nm-2 and the bulk
modulus of copper 14.3 x 1010 Nm-2.
(b) Write a short note on I shaped girders. 04
(c) Explain construction and working of He – Ne laser. 07
Q.3 (a) An ultrasonic source of 0.09 MHz sends down a 03
Pulse towards the seabed which returns after 0.55 sec. The velocity of
sound in water is 1800 m/s. Calculate the depth of the sea and
wavelength of pulse.
(b) Compare Type –I and Type – II superconductors. (Any four points). 04
(c) Explain in detail Magnetostriction method for production of ultrasonic 07
Q.4 (a) Find the frequency of the first and second modes of vibration for a 03
quartz crystal of piezoelectric oscillator. The velocity of longitudinal
waves in quartz is 5.5 x 103 m/s. thickness of quartz crystal is 0.05 m.
(b) Explain Josephson junction. 04
(c) Discuss Ultrasonic flaw detector method for NDT, with its advantages 07
and limitations.
Q.4 (a) The critical temperature of mercury with isotopic mass 199.5 is 4.185 03
K. calculate its critical temperature when its isotopic mass is 203.4.
(b) Compare Non destructive test (NDT) with destructive test (DT). (any 04
four points)
(c) Explain basic components of laser generation with diagram. Also give 07
types of laser.
Q.5 (a) Calculate the critical current for a wire of Pb having a diameter of 1 03
mm at 4.5 K. The critical temperature for Pb is 7.2 K and Hc(0) = H(0)
= 6.5 x 104 A/m.
(b) Define pumping with its types. 04
(c) Explain Meissner effect. Hence prove that superconductors are perfect 07
diamagnetic materials.
Q.5 (a) A hall has a volume of 1,20,000 m3, it has reverberation time of 1.5 sec. 03
what is average absorbing power of the surface if the total absorbing
surface area is 25,000 m2.
(b) Explain working of SONAR. 04
(c) Explain construction and working of Ruby laser with necessary 07