Case Study - III
Case Study - III
Case Study - III
Name : SB
DOB : 19/02/2011
Gender : Female
Place : Mundakutti
Religion : Muslim
a) Informant: SA
Relation: Mother
● Difficulty in studying
● Facing difficulty in remembering thing
● Unable to talk to clearly
The child SB, is a 12 years old female studying in 7th standard Echom School, Wayanad.
She was referred to the clinical psychology department for routine evaluation and skill
training. Some of the complaints reported by the mother include, poor communication
skill, unable to pronounce words fluently and clearly, forgetting the things studied
previously, difficulty in reading, difficulty in writing, difficulty in understanding, poor
academic performance, unable to complete sentence, unable to know how to get ready
and doesn’t know how to express her needs. According to the informant, she said the
child is having difficulty in communication. She doesn’t know how to make a proper
sentence. Most of the time her sentences become incomplete. Mother of the child
reported that, while asking her to tell what all the things happened in the school, the child
will tell some things that happened in school but it is incomplete and the listeners can’t
understand what exactly she is talking about. Her sentence will be like this, if the teacher
asks her to bring a pen to class, the patient will report it like this “sir said pen”. So, the
listeners don’t know whether sir told her to bring the pen to class or whether he asked her
to buy another pen. If we ask more about that she will start talking but she will stop it
immediately and show the fear to complete or continue it. Also, while speaking her
speech clarity is poor. Sometimes it is difficult to understand the words she is saying.
Patients’ academic performance was very poor. Mother of the child added that, till UKG
she was able to study well. But 1st standards onwards she started showing difficulties in
studying. Also, while copying the things to her notes her letters become reversed till 5th
standard for example “b” becomes “d”. She shows interest in studies when asked to study
and she will study for long but she forgets things very fast that she has studied earlier.
Also, teachers of the child reported that she had difficulty understanding the things taught
in the class. Informant reported that she is having difficulty in writing, reading and in
calculations. Mainly she is unable to read sentences and she doesn’t know how to write
things without looking. She can recognise the signs in calculation; however, she doesn’t
know how to do that.
The child “SB” doesn’t play with other children when they are playing rule-based games
such as snake and ladder, ludo and all. The informant of the child mentioned that she
doesn’t express her needs even though she wanted it. She usually seems very silent and
whenever her mother asks her whether she needs something, she keeps silent and she
doesn’t show stubborn behavior. But after reaching home she seemed to be very gloomy
all day for not buying it. Even though the patient mother mentioned that she knows how
to dress up, however, she doesn’t know how to brush her hair, and she faces difficulty
while tying her shoe lays. All these reasons led her mother to bring her to Louise mount
hospital on 24th June 2023, for routine evaluation and skill training.
The child has no suggestive history of neurological disturbances, seizures, or head injury.
For presenting illness: The child’s mother has consulted the clinical psychologist Dr.
Linjo C. J and Anwin Soye (consultant psychologist) for these presenting complaints and
is currently getting skill training and counseling for five months.
Past illness:
Psychiatric: At the age of 4 the patient's mother consulted Dr. Afsal N C, (pediatrician,
Kalpetta) for her delay in speech and drawing behavior. Then Dr. Afsal referred the
patient to Dr. Linjo C.J (clinical psychologist) and after taking treatment she showed
significant improvement. Then she started taking speech therapy from Pranja institute in
Kainatty, Kalpetta for one month in the year of 2021. Then later they started taking
speech therapy from the Govt. hospital Manthanvady in the year of 2022 and they get
therapy for one year and the mother of the child reported that, taking therapy from Govt.
At Mananthavady, the child shows reluctance to continue the treatment and the hospital
authorities are not giving proper care to the child and most of the time they shout against
the child and beat the child. Then the parents discontinued the speech therapy from Govt.
hospital and again they consulted Dr. Linjo C.J and then referred to Louise mount
hospital, chennanolde in the month January 20203.
Family of origin:
● Communication - Direct
● Leadership - The child’s father
● Decision making - Mutually discussed by father and mother. But the final
decision is made by Father
● Role - Adequate
● Family Rituals - Dinner together
● Cohesiveness - Present
● Family burden - None
● Expressed Emotions - Warmth and love
During the pregnancy period, the mother had a normal state of health. It was also a
normal birth. The child was a full-term baby weighing 3.45 kilogram. The child had a
normal birth cry. She was a wanted child. There are no other pre- or postnatal
complications reported.
The child attained head control when she was 4 months of age, started turning over when
he was 4 months of age, crawling when she was 8 months of age, started sitting alone
when she was 10 months of age and started walking when she was 2 years. The child
started babbling at 6 months, started her first word at 2.5 years, and started her first
sentence at 4 years of age.
The child started going to school at the age of 4 years. Her academic performance during
LKG, and UKG was good. But her academic performance started going down from 1st
standard onwards. She did her schooling till 4th standard from Moon light L.P school,
Mundakutty. After 4th standard she changed the school from Moon Light to Echom. Now
the child is studying in 7th standard. The child’s relationship with teachers and peers is
She likes to play with other children and also likes to make new friends. But she faces
difficulties while playing rule based games. At home, she likes to play with her siblings
and she doesn’t quarrel with them. If they quarrel she keeps silent. She cares and plays
with her siblings well. She likes all her family members.
Digit forward
1, 7
3, 9, 4
7, 2, 6, 4
9, 1, 3, 8, 7
4, 9, 3, 7, 6, 1
2, 7, 5, 3, 1, 9, 4
9, 4, 6, 2, 5, 8, 3
Digit forward is 4
Digit backward
2, 8
4, 1, 9
5, 3, 7, 4
7, 1, 3, 9, 2
Digit backward is 3
a) Immediate memory
Q: I will ask you to listen to a list of five words. You have to reproduce it when I
b) Recent memory
c) Remote memory
Memory is intact.
a) General knowledge
A: Couldn't answer.
b) Arithmetic skills
2+2= 4
c) Comprehension
Comprehension is average.
Q: What are the similarities and differences between orange and mango?
A: Around 3 clock
The child was unable to read and write things in sentences. The fluency was poor. Also,
the clarity of speech was poor.
● Stream - Normal
● Possession - Normal
● Content - Normal
a) Test judgment
b) Social judgment
a) Mood
A: I am fine.
b) Affect
Affect: Euthymic
The child, SB, was brought to the hospital as part of skills training and routine evaluation.
Some of the complaints reported by parents include poor communication skills, difficulty
pronouncing words fluently, difficulty in reading and writing, and forgetting to study
related things easily. The child started babbling at 6 months, started her first word at 2.5
years, and started her first sentence at 4 years of age. In the child, the speech and walking
was attained with specific delay respectively.
M.S.E reveals that the child cooperated with the effort. The child has maintained eye-to-
eye contact. Rapport was established with effort. The psychomotor activity was normal.
She had decreased speed and reaction time also delayed, tempo, and volume of voice are
audible. The fluency was poor. Also, the clarity of speech was poor. The child’s mood
was fine. Attention and concentration were not aroused and sustained. Based on the
detailed case history, MSE, and assessments administered, he fulfills the criteria for
Expressive Language disorder (F80.1) as mentioned in ICD 10.
Points in favor
● Difficulty in understanding
● Easily get distracted
● Poor interest in studies
● Poor concentration
● Inattention
Points in favor: