1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family pictures in the living room,
The house is under construction, the inside is not properly organized, and the living room is used as bedroom.
2. Use the interview questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you feel comfortable.
Family Profile
Number of Siblings: 5
Birth Order: 4
Mother: (NAME)
Age: 45
Occupation: Housewife Educational Attainment: High School Level
Father: (NAME)
Occupation: Security Guard Educational Attainment: College Graduate
Physical Development
During his mother's pregnancy, the learner was in good health. The learner will rock back and forth on hands and knees at the age
of six months. He learns to crawl and creep by the age of nine months. He began walking at the age of ten months and began
talking at the age of eleven. As he develops his physical senses of sight, touch, smell, sound, and taste, he learns about the world.
He grew taller, gained weight, and matured physically over time.
Social Development
When he is around new people, he appears shy, but when he is with friends and family, he is friendly and cheerful. He already
has a group of friends who join him in an internet café to play his favorite online games. He's sometimes playing with his cousins
Emotional-Moral Development
The learner is a quiet person who becomes animated when surrounded by friends. He can be untrustworthy, moody, sensitive,
and self-conscious at times. When he has problems, he keeps them to himself and does not share them with his family, but when
asked what is wrong, he will eventually share them with others. He won't reveal it unless no one asks how he's feeling.
Cognitive Development.
The learner appears to comprehend the lesson, copes with it, excels, demonstrates reasoning abilities, and completes the
assignment and requirements. When it comes to his cognitive abilities, he is constantly improving as he attends school, studies,
and completes his modules. He is a good student who is also very athletic. He learns quickly and actively participates in class
activities. When it comes to reasoning and thinking skills, he demonstrates intellectual activity. His cognitive development is
greatly aided by his parents' concern and values for education.
As far as I can tell, the learner is growing in a physically, socially, emotionally-morally, and cognitively healthy manner. At his
young age, the learner is intelligent and responsible. His home training is carried over to school, as evidenced by his good grades
and positive attitudes toward learning. Being a firm yet loving parent to him aids in the development of the child's personality
greatly. They have a strong sense of self-control. Most importantly, his parents' God-fearing beliefs and respect for him help him
develop good social interactions with others and in his nurturing environment.
In terms of physical, emotional, social, and cognitive development, the learner's health has a great product of development. As an
outcome, I conclude that the school, community, and home all have a significant impact on the cognitive, affective, psychomotor,
and other domains of human development, as well as the learners' overall personality. As a result, a child's education begins at
home. At home, the child learns values, works, and gradually develops her cognition. School, on the other hand, is critical in the
development of a child. Since school is designed to help students develop their physical, social, emotional, moral, psychological,
spiritual, and cognitive abilities. Instead of spending time at home, the child spends more time at school. As a result, a child's
overall development is influenced by his or her school as well as the teachers, who are the most important agents in imparting
knowledge and values to students.
I believe that each teacher should be more diligent, resourceful, and patient when dealing with students. He or she must employ a
variety of strategies in order to pique the students' interest and attention so that they can concentrate on the lesson. Parents must
be responsible for guiding and disciplining their children and must communicate with them openly. They should keep an eye on
their children's studies and encourage them to concentrate and study hard in order to achieve their goal of becoming successful.
The role of the learners is the most important; they may be always compliant and dutiful. Because they are in charge of their own
education, they must ensure that they are motivated to learn and participate.
H-one students’ skills and talents at a young age, S-erves as the second home of the children,
children are
C-ares for students’ achievement and success,
O-verwhelmed with love and care from parents,
H-abited by different types of students,
M-anages good behavior of the children, and
O-ffers lots of opportunities for better learning,
E-stablishes rules that directs children to the right
path. O-rganizes variety of beliefs, backgrounds, and
needs, and
C-an provide multiple opportunities for achieving and U-niting students into campus life and providing a
increasing learning, more engaging academic environment. It also
O-rganizes, mobilizes, and educates people to build a N-urtures cultural relevance of subject content and
sense of community, teaching styles, is
M-akes quality of education for all children improve, I-mportant for children's better learning,
M-old minds, develop skills, and talents of the T-ackle challenges, build knowledge, and thrive, and
learners, as well as
Y-ields growth, exploration, inspiration, curiosity, L-eads to a wider embrace of the educational process,
passion, and purpose. It also as well as