Ag Sop
Ag Sop
Ag Sop
Material Quantity
Gingko biloba bark and leaves
Rotary evaporator 2
Scalpel blade 1
Cotton swabs 10
Test tubes 50
Petri dishes 30
Inoculating loop 1
Incubator 1
Calliper/ measuring ruler 1
Bijou/ McCartney bottles 10
10ml measuring cylinder 4
200ml beaker 2
Filter paper
Autoclave 1
Droppers 3
1ml micropipette 1
Micropipette tips 1 case
Bunsen burner 1
Tripod stand with wire gauze 1
Match sticks Box
Crucible tongs/ test tube holder 1
Weighing balance 1
Spatula 1
Cold room/ refrigerator 1
Mortar and pestle 1
Strainer 1
Chemical Quantity
Methanol 1500ml
Distilled water 2500ml
Fehling’s A 5ml
Fehling’s B 5ml
Aqueous copper (II) sulphate/ cupric
Sulphuric acid 25ml
Benzene 25ml
10% ammonia solution 15ml
Acetic anhydride 5ml
Concentrated sulphuric acid 15ml
chloroform 10ml
Sodium hydroxide 2ml
Olive oil 1ml
1% aqueous hydrochloric acid 15ml
Dilute hydrochloric acid 2ml
Dragendorff’s reagent (potassium 1ml
bismuth iodide)
Mayer’s reagent (potassium mercuric 1ml
Glacial acetic acid 5ml
Ferric chloride (0.1%) 1ml
Saline solution (0.9%) 50ml
0.5 McFarland turbidity standard 1
Muller – Hinton Agar 500ml
Nutrient broth 60ml
Gram staining chemicals (gram’s
iodine, safranin, crystal violet,
alcohol/ acetone)
Hydrogen peroxide 2ml
Rabbit plasma 1ml
o Collect plant samples (leaves) and wash under running water to remove
any dirt.
o Let it air dry for a few minutes.
o Grind the leaves and roots using pestle and mortar.
o Add 500ml of methanol to plant extract.
o Leave soaked for 48 hours, shaking mixtures periodically.
o Filter the extracts through a Whatman paper.
o Concentrate the extracts in a rotary evaporator.
o Store the extracts in airtight glass containers at 4oC until use.