• Italian physician and medical doctor introduced the new teaching method. • FRIEDRICH FROEBEL – inventor of the KINDERGARTEN • JOHANN HEINRICH PESTALOZZI – believed children learned through activity. • Scientific observations about how children learn as they progress from birth to adulthood • CHILD-CENTERED LEARNING that incorporates holistic learning outcomes tailored to each individual child’s developmental need and interests. 1. Practical Life 2. Sensorial 3. Mathematics 4. Language 5. Culture • Help children how to care for themselves and their environment. • Become more independent, leading to self-confidence, ability to face new challenges. PURPOSE • Enhance coordination and independence • Cleaning, food preparation, polishing ang watering plants • Help children express and classify their sensory experiences. • Development of intellectual senses • Matching materials, isolate the sense of sight, sound, touch, taste and smell • To understand basic math concepts such as number recognition, counting and sequencing of numbers. • Explore both written and spoken language. • Language-based activities • Phonetic sounds, and how to compose words, read work of others, learn to communicate • Cultural activities: music, stories, artwork and cultural background. • Globes, puzzle maps and pictures of different countries. • Awareness and appreciation of the world around them. • Designed to meet the needs of children in specific age range. • Montessori teacher observe and guide each student. • THE FOCUS IS ON CHILDREN LEARNING AND LEADING, NOT ON TEACHERS TEACHING. • Children are not compared based on merit, they are valued for their individuality. • Understands that each child’s early learning journey is different. • Providing hands-on learning experiences that encourage repetition and problem solving. • Children pass through specific stages in their development. • First 6 years of life – development as they establish an understanding of themselves and their world. • Providing learning experiences that promote their senses of belonging, confidence, independence and agency. • Sponge-like capacity to absorb from the environment what is necessary. “Help me to do it myself.” • It was the first school which was established soon after world war II. • Loris Malaguzzi, a young area teacher.it was originates in the town of Reggio Emilia in Italy. Children are the main focus and contributors of learning. • The environment as the third teacher. • Real life experiences. • The child as protagonist, collaborator, and communicator. • The teacher as partner, nurturer, guide and researcher 1. Children are capable of constructing their own learning. 2. Children from an understanding of themselves and their place in the world through their interactions with others. 3. Children are communicators. 4. The adult is a mentor and guide. 5. Children use many different ways to show their understanding and express their thoughts and creativity.
25 Montessori Activities for Toddlers: Mindful and Creative Montessori Activities to Foster Independence, Curiosity and Early Learning at Home: Montessori Activity Books for Home and School, #1
Montessori From the Start: The Solving Guide to Raising Your Child to the Best with 50+ Practical Activities to Develop His Personality and Blossom His Potential from the First Steps