Periodic Interrupts With The Real Time Clock

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Periodic Interrupts with the Real Time

by Thiadmer Riemersma


Two previous versions of this technical note have been distributed before. The

first one was a small program without any documentation (other than comments

in the source), the second version had a decent explanation (I think) about the

Real Time Clock hardware, but fell short in describing how the pieces fit together.

This version has expanded coverage on side issues, such as the Peripheral

Interface Controllers and on compatibility with the BIOS. In addition, it contains

an example in assembly.


 Todd Allen ( from Avid Software gave feedback on

his use of the Real Time Clock.

 Dave Bolt (CIS 100112,552) pointed out that the documentation of the

BIOS functions that make use of the Real Time Clock is misleading.

 Steven J. Eschweiler (CIS 73552,2634) urged me to not only talk about

the bare metal, but to set a "standard" in the hope that several programs

will be able to use the RTC without conflicting with each other.

 Terry Greenaway from AVIX inc. pointed out differences between AMI and

Phoenix BIOSes and limitations of the frequency range of the periodic


 Peter Hoffman, ???

 Nu-Mega Technologies Inc. for their wonderful system debugger Soft-ICE.


The original IBM PC only kept the date and time while it was running. Each time

you booted the computer, it reset the date to January 1, 1980, 0:00 hour. At

these days, the AUTOEXEC.BAT file usually contained the DATE and TIME

commands, so that you were prompted for the proper date at each boot.

The clock that keeps the current time and date is an 8253 or 8254 chip (or

compatible) with three programmable counters. Two of these counters are used

for DRAM refresh and to drive the speaker. The third one is hooked to IRQ 0

(interrupt 8) and the default handler for interrupt 8 in the system BIOS adjusts

the current time in the BIOS data area at each "tick".

Over time, many programs that needed periodic service also hooked interrupt 8.

The PRINT.COM program that comes with DOS is a good example. Some

programs also require a faster period than the 18.2 ticks/second standard rate

(for example, execution profilers). So they reprogram the timer.

Here the problems begin. First of all, the default BIOS ISR must still see 18.2

ticks per second to keep the time straight. For example, when you reprogram the

timer to tick at 91 Hz and pass only one out of 5 interrupts to the previous

interrupt handler, this one sees 91/5 = 18.2 ticks per second. If the new timer

frequency is not a multiple of 18.2, the process is slightly more complicated, but

it is still possible to pass 18.2 interrupts per second to the previous handler on

the average.

But this trick only works if the ISR that uses the higher interrupt frequency is the

last in the chain of interrupt 8 hooks. If another ISR hooks behind it, that one too

will see the higher interrupt rate (and possibly draw incorrect conclusions about

when to pop up). Worse yet, if that other routine also reprogrammed the timer...
In conclusion, when you reprogram the timer in a TSR (where you cannot

guarantee that you are the last in the chain), you may encounter conflicts with

other TSRs and application programs. Microsoft Windows has a virtual timer

device (VTD) to solve such conflicts between windows applications and DOS


These problems are what led me to investigate the use of another timer. One that

also generates interrupts. One that almost no one uses.

The Real Time Clock

The use of the Real Time Clock is not a general solution to the conflicts outlined

above. If enough programs use and/or reprogram the Real Time Clock, we have

exactly the same situation. But for now, the use of the Real Time Clock has

worked for me in situations that the interrupt 8 method did not.

Why isn't the Real Time Clock more widely used? There may be several reasons. I

can think of these:

 The Real Time Clock is not available on all machines. The Real Time Clock

was introduced with the IBM PC AT, and most PC XT style computers do

not have the circuitry. This means that you also have to detect whether

Real Time Clock services are available if you intend to use them.

 The Real Time Clock became available when the interrupt 8 hooking and

timer reprogramming had already entered the folklore. People just kept

going on the same track.

 The Real Time Clock is less flexible; it handles only 15 possible interrupt

rates between 2 Hz and 32767 Hz (theoretical, that is; in practice, the

interrupt rate cannot go higher than 8 kHz on most systems).

 The default interrupt handler has the irritating behavior of switching the

Real Time Clock interrupt off after a time-out expires.

 The Real Time Clock, and especially the use of the interrupt on IRQ 8

(interrupt 70h), is ill documented. In fact, I found out most of this by

diving into the BIOS with Nu-Mega's Soft-ICE debugger.

The RTC/CMOS chip

The chip that contains the Real Time Clock is a Motorola MC146818A CMOS chip.

In addition to the Real Time clock, it contains 64 bytes of non-volatile RAM for

machine status information. (This is the CMOS data that holds vital information

on the type of the hard disk, the amount of memory, etc.)

The RTC/CMOS chip is programmed through the I/O addresses 70h and 71h. Port

70h is the index register and port 71h is the data register. Both ports can be read

or written. All internal registers of the RTC/CMOS chip are accessed by setting an

index at port 70h and reading from or writing to port 71h. To use the RTC/CMOS

chip for periodic interrupts, we only need to consider four of these internal

registers: the status registers A to D.

There are a few caveats when programming the RTC/CMOS chip. First of all, the

index register is usually set to status register D, and it should remain set to this

register. Secondly, after writing to port 70h, you must read from, or write to port

71h. There is no real purpose in writing to port 71h when status register D is

selected, because it only indicates whether the RTC/CMOS chip still has power

(battery). So after you read or write a value to an internal register, you reset the

index register (port 70h) to 0Dh (status register D), and then do a read from port


Finally, there should not be a long delay between writing to port 70h and reading

from or writing to port 71h. Waiting too long between the two operations can
cause malfunction of the RTC/CMOS chip. Interrupts must be disabled while

programming the RTC. The non-maskable interrupt (NMI) must also be disabled.

The NMI mostly requires you to reboot, so you may be inclined to say "What the

heck, why bother to keep the chip in a good shape at an NMI. When an NMI

occurs, I have a serious system failure and I'll probably need to do a cold start.

So the chip restarts with a clean state anyway". Not so with the RTC/CMOS chip.

Remember, this chip continues to work when the computer is switched off. The

BIOS does not initialize the chip at boot time; on the contrary, the system reads

values from the chip to determine vital parameters such as memory size and the

fixed disk type. Malfunction in the RTC/CMOS chip is to be avoided at all cost.

That is why you want to avoid an NMI when modifying the RTC, and turn it on


Another reason to toggle the NMI is that it is equally simple to turn it off and on

as to leave it unchanged. The NMI mask bit is accessed at the same I/O address

as the RTC/CMOS index register: port 70h. Bit 7 of port 70h masks or unmasks

the NMI at the same time as selecting the index for port 71h.

Now that the basics of the RTC/CMOS programming are covered, we can return to

the main course: programming the RTC to generate interrupts.

Status register A is used to select an interrupt rate. The basic oscillator frequency

(in the bits 4-6 of status register A) is set to 32,768 Hz. This setting indicates

what kind of crystal is connected to the oscillator circuit of the MC146818A chip.

On the IBM PC-AT, this is a 32 kHz crystal. Choosing a different frequency setting

in status register A can cause the RTC/CMOS chip to update the time incorrectly.

The lower four bits (0-3) of status register A select a divider for the 32,768 Hz

frequency. The resulting frequency is used for the periodic interrupt (IRQ 8). The

system initializes these bits to 0110 binary (or 6 decimal). This selects a 1,024 Hz

frequency (and interrupt rate). Setting the lowest four bits to a different value
changes the interrupt rate without interfering with the time keeping of the

RTC/CMOS chip.

The formula to calculate the interrupt rate is:

freq = 32768 >> (rate-1)

where '>>' stands for the 'shift left' operation and 'rate' is the value of the lower

four bits of status register A. This value must be between 1 and 15 (selecting 0

stops the periodic interrupt). The interrupt frequency you can choose is thus

always a power of 2 between 2 Hz and 32768 Hz. There is a caveat, however.

With an input signal of 32768 Hz, the timer output 'rolls over' if you set the value

'rate' to 2 or 1. Instead of producing periodic interrupts of 61.0 µs or 30.5 µs

respectively, they produce 7.81 ms and 3.91 ms interrupts. The fastest interrupt

rate you can generate is 8 kHz (122 µs interrupts), by setting 'rate' to 3. Higher

frequencies require a higher base frequency, and this would require a different

crystal than is installed in the IBM PC-AT.

Status register B contains a number of flags. We are only interested in one of

these flags: the "Periodic Interrupt Enable" or PIE bit. Setting this bit is the only

thing left to start generating interrupts to IRQ 8. By the way, the choice of IRQ,

interrupt and I/O port numbers is very confusing. When IRQ 8 fires, it generates

INT 70h. This is just the way the secondary PIC is programmed. It has nothing to

do with I/O port 70h, through which the RTC/CMOS chip is programmed. Also,

INT 8 belongs to the standard timer, IRQ 8 to the RTC. We have just to be extra

precise when talking about this subject.

When an IRQ 8 fires and interrupt 70h is called, status register C holds a bit mask

that tells what kind of interrupt occurred: periodic interrupt, alarm interrupt or

update ended interrupt. And unless you read status register C, IRQ 8 will not be

generated again. This means that you must read status register C inside your ISR
for interrupt 70h even when you normally don't care about its contents.

Otherwise you will only see a single interrupt.

The bits in status register C are not used in the example program. They are

useful when several interrupts of the RTC are connected to IRQ 8. The bits in

status register C let you detect what interrupt caused IRQ 8.

The last thing we have to cover before leaving the RTC/CMOS chip is how to

detect the chip. Two common methods are to check that the I/O ports are

functioning (write a value into one of them and read it back), and to use a BIOS

function that also uses the hardware and check the results. Although it looks

cleaner, the BIOS function should be used with caution, because it might use

different hardware to achieve the desired result. Indeed, the IBM PS/2 model 30,

running on an 8086 processor, has Real Time Clock services, but not with the

same hardware. The model 30 uses a VLSI gate array for the keyboard controller,

mouse controller, real time clock and interrupt controller. There is only one

interrupt controller (compatible with the 8259A PIC chip in the PC XT and AT

computers), but all functionality is jammed inside the 8 lines of the PIC by

connecting the keyboard, the mouse and the Real Time Clock to IRQ 1.

The Peripheral Interrupt Controllers

The Peripheral Interrupt Controller (PIC) converts IRQ signals to hardware

interrupts. The original PC had only one PIC (chip 8259A) for eight IRQ lines.

These IRQs 0 to 7 are normally redirected to (hardware) interrupts 8 to 0Fh.

Many DOS extenders reprogram the primary PIC to relocate the interrupt range,

because interrupts 8 to 0Fh collide with the processor exception interrupts.

The IBM PC-AT and compatibles have two PIC chips in a chain. The second PIC is

chained to IRQ 2 of the first PIC. The RTC is connected to the first line of the
secondary PIC. The IRQ lines of the secondary PIC are usually translated to

interrupts 70h to 77h.

We deal with the PICs at two places. The first one is that an ISR for a hardware

interrupt should send an "end of interrupt" (EOI) signal to the PICs before

returning. Otherwise the PIC will not generate an interrupt for the IRQ or any IRQ

of a lower level. In the case of the RTC, we must send a non- specific EOI to both

PICs (since they are chained).

Each PIC has an 8 bit mask that disables selected IRQs. Masked IRQs are not

passed through to the microprocessor. The BIOS by American Megatrends Inc.

(AMI) disables IRQ 8 (bit 0 in the mask of the secondary PIC) at start-up. We

need to unmask IRQ 8 when initializing the RTC. Many BIOSes (e.g. those by

Phoenix and those found in the IBM PS/1 and PS/2 series) enable IRQ 8 by

default, but it doesn't harm to enable it again. Although the secondary PIC is

chained to the primary PIC on the IRQ 2 line, it is usually not necessary to

reprogram the mask of the first PIC. IRQ 2 is always enabled, since the hard disk

and other essential hardware is also connected to the secondary PIC.

Compatibility with the BIOS

The goal is to be able to jump to the previous INT 70h handler after your handler

has done its work. This is common practice when writing ISRs. But in the case of

the RTC, you have to deal with the irritating feature of the default INT 70h

handler, which shuts the RTC down after the time period in the BIOS data area

has expired.

My demo program avoids all this by not jumping to the previous INT 70h

handler. After all, the intent is to show the workings of the RTC, not that of the

A simple way to solve this is to disallow the BIOS functions that use the RTC. To

do this, you set the byte at address 0040h:00A0h to 1. This value tells the BIOS

that the RTC is in use, and makes functions 83h and 86h of interrupt 15h fail

(return with carry flag set). Then, before jumping to the previous INT 70h

handler, you store at address 0040h:009Bh a double word value that is at least

976. The default interrupt handler subtracts 976 from the value at that address

and halts the RTC periodic interrupts if at drops below zero (976 is the time in

microseconds that passes between two invocations of INT 70h if the RTC is

ticking at its default frequency of 1024 Hz).

If you require that the BIOS functions 83h and 86h of interrupt 15h keep

working, the best solution probably is to take over interrupt 15h. You then need

to simulate these functions. That means that you must update the BIOS data

area, detect a time-out and handle accordingly. If you choose this path, remind

that the default INT 70h handler also issues INT 4Ah on time-out (in addition to

shutting the RTC periodic interrupt down).

Strapping it all together (the program)

I fear of viruses, I only distribute source. You will need an assembler to get the

demonstration program running. Considering that you are probably a low level

programmer if you are interested in this, I hope this is not too inconvenient.

The demonstration program has been tested on the following hardware:

 80486 equipped IBM compatible ("Exec") with AMI BIOS.

 IBM PS/2 model 50Z

 IBM PS/1 (model ???)

 Everex Step 486 (with a modified version of AMI BIOS)

 some clone with a Phoenix BIOS (as reported by Terry Greenaway)

It has also been tested with the following software environments:

 works correctly with DOS 5.0

 does not work in a DOS box of OS/2 2.1

 works in a DOS box of Windows 3.1, but in a windowed DOS box you will

not see interrupts when moving the mouse. Even in a full screen DOS box,

you are limited to frequencies below 1 kHz (when running on a 80486/33


Now that we have finished our journey through the peculiarities of the Real Time

Clock, it is time to discuss where it can be used.

What led me to investigate the RTC, were audio drivers for an audio product that

my company makes. This device connects to the printer port; the printer itself is

chained on the back of the plug. The concept is very similar to that of the Disney

Sound Source.

To generate sound on the device, I had to push a sample through the printer port

8000 to 22000 times per second. The first drivers did this in the foreground by

polling (even without reprogramming, you can get very accurate timing read-outs

from the 8253 chip, but that's a different story). Later drivers played sound in the

background and were, therefore, interrupt driven. I first used interrupt 8h and a

reprogrammed 8253. Although there were some compatibility problems, on the

whole it worked reasonably well.

The real problem was the Microsoft Windows drivers. Windows virtualizes the

8253 timer chip, meaning that the chip cannot be touched from the outside. It is

protected. There is one loophole, called a VxD (short for Virtual Device Driver). If

you write a VxD, you can modify the timer, but Microsoft strongly warns against
such practices and I feared Windows' instability might be blamed on my driver if

it did these tricks. (This is not far fetched. I already got several reports from a

customer that their machine hangs at times when my driver, based on the RTC, is

installed. The machine also hangs periodically when the driver is not installed, but

then, apparently, less frequent. With quite a lot of talking over the telephone, I

traced down two of the three bug reports: one was due to a third party DLL that

they use, the second to a faulty screen driver. In all fairness I must say that I

also corrected a bug in my driver, but one that was never reported.) So I was

looking for other timers, and I was convinced that I would need to a one in the

audio plug. The stories I heard about IRQ conflicts with parallel ports and cheap

multi-I/O boards that do not handle the IRQ line correctly were not very

encouraging. We would only be able to sell these plugs if the installation was

effortless. Always!

So you can imagine my excitement when you came upon a remark in one of the

IBM Technical References that said the "BIOS sets the Periodic Interrupt rate of

the Real Time Clock to 1024 ticks per second". Wait a minute, would that mean

that you can achieve higher interrupt frequencies?

You know the rest.

Other people have also used the Periodic Interrupt for the Real Time Clock, and

sent me a message (and I highly appreciate that, thank you). Here is what the

Real Time Clock is used for:

 Todd Allen from Avid Software developed a paint/animation package called

CutOut. CutOut is a 32-bit multi-threaded DOS application which supports

painting and multiple concurrent animations. It operates in 8, 16 and 24

bit/pixel modes and can change resolutions on the fly. The screen is a

window on a much larger world. The RTC provides a time base for
animation, music, and synching to the V-blanking of the monitor.


 David Bolt uses the BIOS functions for timer services (that ultimately use

the Real Time Clock) to drive a stepper motor.

 Steve Eschweiler writes a flight simulator and uses the RTC to avoid

conflicts with his audio playback code and other programs/subroutines

that change the clock rate of 8253 timer chip.

Author: Thiadmer Riemersma



Released: Mar 1994

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