Ruane 2013
Ruane 2013
Ruane 2013
Mizen Head Footbridge in County Cork, Ireland, is a reinforced concrete through-arch structure spanning 50 m. The
original structure was completed in 1909. After 100 years of service the bridge was demolished and reconstructed in
2009/10. This paper describes the design and construction challenges of safely demolishing and reconstructing the
bridge in a difficult site location. The bridge provided access to a lighthouse on a tiny island, Cloghán, at the tip of
Mizen Head in southwest Cork. The original structure was commissioned by the Commissioners of Irish Lights (CIL).
The structural form was chosen from a design competition held in the early 1900s. The entries to this competition are
held in the CIL archives and are on display in the Visitors’ Centre at Mizen Head.
1. Introduction completed with in situ concrete. The bridge deck and the
The winning entry was a design by Mr Noel Ridley of hangers were cast in situ. The reinforcement in the structure
Westminster, London, UK. It consisted of a pair of parabolic was in the form of round bars, rectangular bars and sheets
arch ribs spanning 50 m, which supported a pedestrian deck, of steel folded in a corrugated manner. The bridge was
the deck being suspended by vertical hangers from the ribs in constructed in the era of proprietary reinforced concrete
the central section. In the quarter spans the deck was systems and the system used was the Ridley–Cammell system.
supported by the ribs by means of a series of trestles. The Figure 2 shows the structural elements of the bridge. Figure 3
ribs were 1?6 m apart in the central section where the deck was shows an image of the original bridge under construction with
suspended. Where the ribs intersected the deck they flared out the use of an overhead wire ropeway.
so that the ribs were 3?7 m apart at the springing points. The
ribs were cross-braced below deck level to provide an 2. The bridge site
inherently stable structure. Mizen Head Footbridge is shown The bridge spans a sea gorge between the mainland at Mizen
in Figure 1. Head and the tiny island of Cloghán. The soffit of the bridge is
some 45 m above the bottom of the gorge. Access to the bridge
On 18 October 1907, sanction was given for the erection of a site is very difficult. Vehicle access is possible to within 300 m
reinforced concrete bridge to give access to the island. of the mainland abutment. Thereafter, access is only available
Construction of the bridge began in 1908 and was completed along a steeply inclined footway, which is less than 1 m wide
in 1909. The contractor was Alfred Thorne and Sons of along a substantial part of its length (Figure 4).
Westminster, London, and the contract cost was £1272.
The local geology of the site has always attracted interest.
The original bridge comprised both precast and in situ Purple-coloured horizons flank the footbridge. These horizons
reinforced concrete elements and it was considered an early comprise thinly bedded sandstone units with interbedded
example of precast concrete construction (Sutherland et al., mudstone giving the rocks a purplish hue. The rocks strike
2001). The arch ribs were constructed in stages both onshore to the northeast, with well-developed cleavage and quartz
and in situ (Anon., 1910; Stephens, 1974). The initial rib cross- veining, parallel to bedding planes. Bedding is noted to be both
section was an open precast concrete trough to allow launching horizontal and steeply dipping (almost vertical) at different
of the ribs. The open cross-section allowed precast concrete locations. The dramatic U-shaped limbs of the Crookhaven
trestles and deck edge beams to be added before the ribs were Syncline are clearly identifiable from the footbridge.
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Crown brace
Deck Hangers
Edge beam
Arch rib
Springing point
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Cover meter survey Varied from minimum of 31 mm to Good cover meter readings throughout, readings
maximum of 85 mm with an average corresponded to steel locations indicated on
of 49?1 mm construction drawings
Depth of carbonated Typically measured at 1 mm Low carbonation depth expected due to bridge location
Depth of coating applied Typically 2 mm Refers to bituminous coating and paint layers previously
applied to the concrete members
Chloride content Varied from minimum of 1?92% to Very high levels of chloride recorded throughout the
maximum of 4?06% with an structure
average of 2?73%
Schmidt hammer test for Varied from minimum of 26 N/mm2 Consistent readings throughout the structure. Good
concrete consistency to maximum of 51 N/mm2 with an correlation between readings and core strengths
average of 34?6 N/mm2
Concrete core removal Three cores removed and tested. Cores removed and tested by UCD in 1990. Cores were
and compression testing Strengths recorded: 70?3 N/mm2, obtained from the arch ribs
46?4 N/mm2 and 72?9 N/mm2
Concrete core removal One core removed and found to Core removed during 2002 inspection. Cores were
and compression testing have a strength of 27?5 N/mm2 obtained from the bridge deck
Concrete core removal One core removed for petrographic testing Petrographic examination indicated that the concrete
and petrographic testing and remains of other core also tested was made to a specification, it was well compacted
petrographically after compression test during construction, it was made with suitable materials
and it was generally found to be a high quality concrete
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
In 2004, RPS produced a preliminary report for strengthening Figure 8. Temporary access scaffold (2005)
and repair of the Mizen Head Footbridge. It was recommended
that the hangers be reinforced with near surface mounted (NSM)
fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) bars, that concrete repairs be braces followed by a sequential removal and replacement of
undertaken to repair defects on the structure and that a cathodic the remaining elements of the deck superstructure. The
protection system be installed on the structure to stall the rate of mass concrete foundations at the arch springing points and
reinforcement corrosion. The use of NSM FRP bars is described deck ends would be retained.
in BD 85/08 (Highways Agency, 2008). However, it was noted & Option 2: A scheme that initially involved the construction
that the suitability of the structure to receive a cathodic of new arch ribs (parallel to and outside the existing ribs)
protection system would need to be confirmed by specialist using the existing ribs (strengthened if required) as false-
testing before a definite recommendation could be made. work, followed by the sequential demolition of the existing
bridge, followed by the construction of trestle edge beams,
In February 2005, electrical continuity testing of reinforcement hangers and the deck slab. This scheme produced a replica
in the structure was undertaken to assess the feasibility of of the existing bridge although the deck would be 700 mm
providing a cathodic protection system for the structure. The wider. The mass concrete foundations at the arch springing
specialist testers concluded that there was a limited amount of points and deck ends would be retained.
reinforcement continuity within the arch ribs and within some & Option 3: A scheme that involved replacing lost steel
hangers but that there was no general continuity of reinforce- throughout the structure with small diameter FRP bars
ment steel within the structure, either between structural using the NSM method followed by a large concrete repair
elements or within individual elements. scheme.
Following the issue of the electrical continuity testing report to Various factors fed into the selection of the preferred option.
CIL, the Mizen Footbridge was closed to pedestrian traffic. In These included heritage considerations, cost, environmental
June 2005, RPS under the direction of CIL procured an access issues, ease of construction, health and safety and durability.
scaffold for the bridge. The scaffold was supported directly
from the arch ribs only and provided an independent bridge Option 2 was recommended as the preferred option as it
deck for the structure. The scaffold allowed access to be maintained the current appearance and form of the bridge, it
maintained at Mizen Head until a permanent solution was gave the best long-term solution and provided an economic
reached (Figure 8). It was expected that the scaffold would solution that could be built safely with minimal impact on the
have a lifespan in the region of 3–5 years. environment. Figure 9 outlines the solution.
4. Detailed scheme development Detailed design of this scheme was progressed by RPS under
A revised preliminary report was issued by RPS to CIL in the direction of CIL in 2006. Specific measures to address
September 2005. The following solutions were considered: durability were incorporated into the design. These included:
& Option 1: A strengthening and repair scheme that involved & Use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS)
an initial strengthening and repair of the arch ribs and rib cement. The cement to be ordinary Portland cement with
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
5. Tender process
Tender documents were issued to four prequalified contractors
in November 2006. Three tenders were returned in December
2006. Tenders ranged from J2?02 m to J4?01 m (excluding
Figure 10. Trial panel comprising arch rib section at trestle support Figure 11. Trial panel (laid flat)
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
VAT). All tenders were in excess of the budget provision. The competitive dialogue process was closed when each
Tenders were submitted at the peak of the recent construction candidate was informed whether his alternative proposal was
boom in Ireland and there was uncertainty whether a contract deemed acceptable or otherwise to the employer based on the
agreement based on the tender would deliver value for money. criteria outlined in the tender documentation. Candidates were
The tender process was closed at this point. then asked to submit their financial tenders for the preferred
solution (the reinforced concrete replica structure) and/or their
Alternative procurements strategies were examined in early alternative proposal when appropriate. Four tenders were
2007. These included early contractor involvement and the received in total, with sums ranging from J1?5 m to J2?4 m
competitive dialogue procurement process. The competitive (excluding VAT). These comprised three tenders for the
dialogue procurement procedure is prescribed in SI 329/2006 preferred solution and one for an acceptable alternative
‘European Communities (Award of Public Authorities’ solution. On completion of the tender assessment process, a
Contracts) Regulations, 2006’ (Irish Statute Book, 2006a). recommendation was made that the contract be awarded to
The procedure involves a contracting authority engaging in a Irishenco for J1?5 m (excluding VAT) for the construction of
dialogue with candidates, the aim of which is to identify and a replica structure in reinforced concrete.
define the means best fitted to satisfy its needs. The dialogue
may be conducted in a number of different stages, which allows Funding for the project was provided by Fáilte Ireland, Cork
a contracting authority to reduce the number of solutions and/ County Council and CIL. Under an agreement between Cork
or eliminate tenderers during the dialogue phase. The dialogue County Council and CIL, Cork County Council undertook the
continues until the contracting authority can identify the role of employer and entered into agreement with Irishenco in
solution(s) meeting its needs. At the end of the dialogue, a September 2009 for the demolition and reconstruction of the
contracting authority formally concludes the dialogue and bridge under the Department of Finance public works contract
invites candidates to submit final and complete tenders on the form for civil engineering works designed by the employer
basis of the solution(s) presented and specified during the (Department of Finance, 2007).
6. Construction stage
Following a prequalification process, four contractors were Works began in October 2009 with measures to improve access
selected to proceed to the competitive dialogue process. Letters to the bridge. There was limited scope to widen the lower
were issued to the candidates in December 2007. The letter reaches of the footway to the mainland abutment. However,
invited candidates to identify and define the appropriate the upper reaches of the footway were locally widened to allow
solution for the existing bridge replacement in accordance limited access for delivery vehicles and construction plant. The
with previous documentation issued for the prequalification maximum plant size that could access the bridge site is shown
process and the following guidelines: in Figure 12.
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Figure 13. The original arch ribs supporting access scaffold in the Figure 14. Erection of the temporary works truss
back-spans and supports to the existing deck
& Use of the new arch ribs to support the demolition of the
Construction of the trial panel was an early activity in the old arch ribs and the construction of other permanent
construction programme. It allowed the engineers, carpenters works structural elements.
and reinforcement fixers to develop their detailed construction
plans before undertaking the permanent works. The geometry The coordination of these temporary works required careful
of the bridge was difficult to form. The ribs vary in depth and collaboration between the permanent works designer, the
they are flared out in the back-spans. Where members such as temporary works designers and the contractor. This process
braces and trestles intersect the ribs, the member ends are was facilitated by the project supervisor design process under
locally widened with tapering faces. Each of these details was the ‘Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Construction)
faithfully reproduced from the original bridge and detailed into Regulations 2006’ (Irish Statute Book, 2006b). Detailed
the new works. The carpenters likened the formwork required AutoCAD drawings of all the systems and works were merged
to construct the new bridge to cabinet making such was the to eliminate any clashes and to ensure sufficient room was left
complexity involved. The trial panel is shown in Figure 11. for demolition and construction works. The temporary works
systems are shown in Figures 13, 14 and 15.
During the competitive dialogue process, Irishenco proposed
the concept of ‘building a bridge, to a build a bridge’ – that is,
to construct a temporary bridge before the start of full-scale
construction and demolition works. The purpose of this
temporary bridge was primarily to act as a fail-safe for the
duration of the works. This concept was advanced after the
contract was awarded and it fed into the detailed development
of Irishenco’s temporary works design. The temporary works
design included:
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Figure 19. Construction of the trestles in the back-spans Figure 21. Use of circular saw for demolition
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Figure 22. Section of demolished arch Figure 24. Preparing the joint between the deck and the arch at
the quarter span
10. Construction of braces and composite deck
sections, grouting of Mesnager hinges between client, contractor and engineer. The new structure is a
The final structural elements to be constructed were the braces fitting testimony to the original designer and contractor and to
between the ribs in the back-spans and the section of deck that CIL who looked after the original structure for 100 years. The
is composite with the arch ribs at the quarter-span points new structure (Figure 26) also preserves a landmark feature on
(Figures 23 and 24). Following this, the main temporary works the coast of Ireland for future generations to enjoy.
were sequentially dismantled and removed from the site. The
Mesnager hinges were grouted and the remains of the original Project team
arch ribs were finished in concrete to provide a legacy of the Funding authorities: Fáilte Ireland, Cork County Council,
original structure (Figure 25). Commissioners of Irish Lights.
Figure 23. Fixing reinforcement for arch braces: the stainless steel Figure 25. Completed Mesnager hinge detail with original rib
couplers are visible springing points visible
Bridge Engineering The design and construction of
Volume 166 Issue BE3 the new Mizen Head
Footbridge, Ireland
Ruane, Coleman, Collery et al.
Anon (1910) Footbridge at Mizen Head, Ireland. Concrete and
Constructional Engineering xxxiv(21): 847–850.
Department of Finance (2007) Public Works Contract Form for
Civil Engineering Works Designed by the Employer.
Government of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
Highways Agency (1990) BA 35/90 Inspection and Repair of
Concrete Highway Structures. Highways Agency, London,
Highways Agency (2008) BD 85/08 Strengthening Highway
Structures using Externally Bonded Fibre Reinforced
Polymers. Highways Agency, London, UK.
Irish Statute Book (2006a) SI 329/2006 European Communities
(Award of Public Authorities’ Contracts) Regulations
Figure 26. The completed structure (2011) 2006. Government of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
Irish Statute Book (2006b) SI 504/2006 Safety, Health and
Contractor and project supervisor for the construction stage: Welfare at Work (Construction) Regulations 2006.
Carillion Irishenco Ltd. Government of Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
MacCraith S (1990) Performance of an 80 Year Reinforced
Contractor’s temporary works designers: Scott Wilson Benaim Concrete Bridge in an Extreme Environment. Corrosion of
(truss, deck); SGB Harsco (access scaffold). Reinforcement in Concrete. Elsevier Applied Science,
Acknowledgements NRA (National Roads Authority) (2000) Specification for Road
The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the funding Works. NRA, Dublin, Ireland.
authorities throughout the project: Fáilte Ireland, Cork Ruane KD and Healy A (2004) Assessment testing Mizen Head
County Council and CIL. Footbridge, Ireland. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil
The authors wish to thank Mr. Denis Cronin, senior Engineers: Bridge Engineering 157(BE3): 117–122.
technician, RPS Consulting Engineers for preparing the Stephens LF (1974) The Bridge at Mizen Head. Irish Engineers
graphics for this paper. 27(7): 18–20.
This paper was first presented to a joint meeting of Engineers Sutherland J, Humm D and Chrimes M (Eds) (2001) Historic
Ireland, the Institution of Structural Engineers and the Irish Concrete – Background to Appraisal. Thomas Telford,
Concrete Society in Cork, Ireland, on 8 March 2011. London, UK.
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