Hypertrophy Clusters 1.2 - Training Program

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The first three weeks of the program will consist of the classic cluster – 8 sets of 5. This was the
set/rep scheme I was first introduced to when I started down this path – how to do
hypertrophy for power athletes. While working at my previous position at the University of
Minnesota-Duluth, I stumbled across a YouTube video by Jonathan Oliver, PhD, CSCS where he
spent 37 minutes covering his research on this topic – “Greater Gains in Strength and Power
using Cluster Sets in Hypertrophic Training”. On my $170 hp stream laptop, I imagine I watched
his video over 10 times. Sometimes while putting down an entire Dominos pizza. Gotta get big.

Basically, similar hypertrophy was found using 4 sets of 10 versus 8 sets of 5. But the latter
group saw better strength and power gains in the measures tested. I read his research, wrote a
few articles, and created my first manual around this work. I can reminisce on the cold nights
spent in the University gym in Superior, WI hitting 8 sets of 5 back squat with a few meathead
buddies. I generally stayed at 315 lbs. and to ensure around 1 minute of rest between sets, this
meant fast loading and unloading for those doing 275, 225, or 185 lbs. If you had to use 135
lbs., you didn’t belong. If you were making our group larger than 4, we’d kick you out or make
you use a different rack. If you complained about anything, you never lifted in the group again.
I’d leave the 8x5 feeling like the CNS was buzzing. 40 total reps at 315. Buzzing. Like I just put
down a couple pots of coffee without the irregular heartbeats. After a few weeks, leg size was
tacked on and back squat PRs came plentiful. I never tested jump/sprint, however. I really
didn’t care at the time.
8x5 made memories and gains. I hope the same for you.
For all workouts, warm-up however you see fit. Dynamic mobility, ground-based stuff, muscle
activation, or play Spikeball for 5-10 minutes (Perception and Action, baby). Then hop into the CNS

Rest: As much as needed to catch your breath. On the Yellow exercises, upper body days this should
be 30-45 seconds between push-pull exercises. Lower body days this should be ~60 seconds. On the
Orange exercises, this should be 2-3 minutes unless they’re supersets. On the Red exercises, cut it
down to ~90 seconds so you can get that there metabolic stress.

Loads: For the Yellow exercises, use 65-70% 1RM load for all lower body sets and 70-75% 1RM for all
upper body sets. If it’s super easy on a given day, bump it up slightly. Others loads are explained further
Monday: Upper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Med Ball Rotation Pass 3 3/side Explosive
+ Med Ball Slam 3 5 Explosive
1 DB Bench Press 8 5 Normal
+ TRX or Barbell Inverted Row 8 10 Normal
2 DB Shoulder Press 3 10 Normal
3 Push Up 3 MAX Pump
4 DB Curl (Supinated) 4 30 Pump

Tuesday: Lower Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Trap Bar Jump 3 5 Explosive
1 Front Squat 8 5 Normal
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 DB Step Up 8 5/side Normal
3 Barbell Glute Bridge 3 10 Top ISO
4 Back Extension 3 MAX Pump

Thursday: Upper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Med Ball Scoop Pass 3 3/side Explosive
+ Med Ball Overhead Throw 3 5 Explosive
1 DB Push-Press 8 5 Normal
+ Pull Up 8 10 Normal
2 DB Alternating Curl (Seated) 3 12 ea. Normal
+ DB French Press (Kneeling) 3 15 Normal
3 DB Alternating Hammer Curl (Seated) 3 12 Normal
+ Cable Pushdown 3 15 Normal
4 DB Side Delt Raise (Seated) 4 25 Pump
+ DB Rear Delt Raise (Seated) 4 25 Pump

Friday: Total Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Resisted Sprints 3 5 sec. Explosive
1 Deadlift 8 5 Normal
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 Slight Decline DB Bench Press 5 15 Normal
+ 1- Arm DB Row 5 15 ea. Normal
3 DB Forward to Reverse Lunge 4 10 ea. Pump

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Med Ball Rotation Pass 3 3/side Explosive heavy medium light

Med Ball Slam 3 5 Explosive heavy medium light

Back to back. For the rotation pass, back elbow up to start, slam it into the ribs and throw. Slam needs
no explaining. Be Aggressive! Don’t be soft with it! Have some OOMF! Rest ~45 sec. between each.

Week 1: Rotation Pass – 15 lbs. Slam – 20 lbs.

Week 2: Rotation Pass – 10 lbs. Slam – 15 lbs.
Week 3: Rotation Pass – 5 lbs. Slam – 10 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Bench & Rows Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Bench Press 8 5 Normal 70-75% 70-75% 70-75%

TRX or Barbell Inverted Row 8 10 Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE

These are to be done back to back. DB Bench for 5 reps, rest 30-45 seconds, Inverted Row for 10 reps,
rest 30-45 seconds, repeat until 8 sets. Change body positions/height of TRX to get to 7-8 RPE.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your DB Bench 3 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a set of 3 feels
super heavy. Go online, calculate your 1 Rep Max from this. Then calculate 70-75% of that and start your sets with
that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 8 sets of 5. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Week 3: Same as week 2.
Shoulders Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Shoulder Press 3 10 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

Seated or Standing. Your preference. Just avoid using the legs if you stand. All weeks will be the same.
You should be able to increase weekly and keep it at an 8 RPE. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Just one
warm-up set.

Chest/Triceps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Push Up 3 MAX Pump 3 reps in tank 2 reps in tank 1 rep in tank

Pump ‘em out. Aim to touch the chest to the ground with each rep. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.

Week 1: Leave 3 reps in the tank

Week 2: Leave 2 reps in the tank
Week 3: Leave 1 rep in the tank
Biceps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Curl (Supinated) 4 30 Pump 8-9 RPE 8-9 RPE 8-9 RPE

Standing. Curl both together. Palms face upwards the entire set. Just pump it out, no concern for a
controlled eccentric. Use the hips toward the end if you need to. Blood flow for days. You can attempt
to increase weekly but idk if you will. No warm-up sets. Huge burn.

Jump CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Trap Bar Jump 3 5 Explosive heavy medium light

Start on the ground every rep and let the weight hit the ground instead of absorbing it. Rest ~60 sec.
between sets. Get UP there!
Week 1: start heavy (~20% of your trap bar 1 rep max). If you don’t know, estimate. For me, 680 x .2 = ~135 lbs.
Week 2: go lighter (~15% 1RM).
Week 3: go even lighter (~10% 1RM).
Hyper. Clus. Squat Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Front Squat 8 5 Normal 65-70% 65-70% 65-70%

Mobility (if needed)

If you suck at front squat, too bad. Get better. Between sets, stretch/roll out/do nothing. If you’re
struggling with only a minute of rest, give it a little more.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Front Squat 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single feels
super heavy. Then calculate 65-70% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 8 sets of 5. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. More warm-up sets if you’re stronger. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Week 3: Same as week 2.
Hyper. Clus. Single-leg Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Step Up 8 5/side Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE

This is a little different because it’s hard to find a max on this exercise. Hold a DB in each hand, do reps
like they are in the video (only touch the toes on the ground between reps, attempt to use mainly the
leg on the box). Start light, keep doing 5 reps on each side until a weight is reached that’s a 7-8/10 RPE.
For week 2 & 3, you should need less warm-ups to get there. If it’s too easy, bump it up. Do one side,
then the other side, then rest 45-60 seconds, repeat.

Glutes/Hammies Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Barbell Glute Bridge 3 10 Top ISO 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

Back on the ground, feet on the ground. Hold the top for ~1 second, Glute squeeze! Let it crash down.
One warm-up set. Should be able to go up weekly. 8RPE. Big haunch.

Posterior Chain Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Back Extension 3 MAX Pump 8-9 RPE 8-9 RPE 8-9 RPE

Pump it out and squeeze the glutes at the top. Try not to pass out when you’re done. Rest only about
90 seconds. The backside will be shot by this point. 8-9 RPE so it shouldn’t feel good. Just bodyweight.

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Med Ball Scoop Pass 3 3/side Explosive heavy medium light

Med Ball Overhead Throw 3 5 Explosive heavy medium light

Back to back. Scoop has similar execution as Rotation Pass. Overhead Throw, start on the floor in a
squat, get rid of it quick. As high as possible. Rest ~45 sec. between each.

Week 1: Scoop Pass – 15 lbs. Throw – 20 lbs.

Week 2: Scoop Pass – 10 lbs. Throw – 15 lbs.
Week 3: Scoop Pass – 5 lbs. Throw – 10 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Press & Pulls Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Push-Press 8 5 Normal 70-75% 70-75% 70-75%

Pull Up 8 10 Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE

Back to back. Press for 5, rest 30-45 sec., Pull for 10, rest 30-45 sec., repeat until 8 sets.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your DB Push-Press 3 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a set of 3 feels
super heavy. Go online, calculate your 1 Rep Max from this. Then calculate 70-75% of that and start your sets with
that weight. You can use a band for Pull Up if you need to. You probably need to.
Week 2 & 3: No need to max out. Just hop into the 8 sets of 5. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting
the clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up. Less band help on the Pull Up should be happening.
Arm Assault Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Alternating Curl (Seated) 3 12 ea. Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

DB French Press (Kneeling) 3 15 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

Back to back. Massive, massive arm pump here. DB Alt. Curl, start with palms facing you, supinate as
you come up, only curl one DB at a time. Rest ~60 seconds, go to DB French Press. Rest ~60 seconds,
repeat this sequence until 3 sets. 8 RPE, only one warm-up set for each.

Arm Annihilation Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Alt. Hammer Curl (Seated) 3 12 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

Cable Pushdown 3 15 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE

Back to back again. We’ll fill the sleeves after this one. Similar to the last superset with rest, RPEs, and
one warm-up set. For Pushdown, use a rope or a straight bar… or that thing that looks like an upside
down “V”. I’ve never liked it but if you do, use it.

Delt Destruction Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Side Delt Raise (Seated) 4 25 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE

DB Rear Delt Raise (Seated) 4 25 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE

You’ll have to start light. Super light. Like 5 or 10 lbs. DBs. And you might never leave this weight. Do
25 to the side, rest ~90 sec., do 25 to the rear, rest ~90 sec. 3D shoulders guaranteed. 9 RPE means it
shouldn’t be enjoyable.

Sprint CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Resisted Sprints 3 5 sec. Explosive heavy medium light

Use a sled or use a band with a partner pulling you. Rest ~60 seconds between sets. As part of the
dynamic warm-up beforehand, you should do a few short acceleration sprints, like 3-5 step accels.
Week 1: Big resistance. You should cover about 20 Yards in the 5 sec.
Week 2: Medium resistance. You should cover about 25 Yards in the 5 sec.
Week 3: Light resistance. You should cover about 30 Yards in the 5 sec.
Hyper Clus. Deadies Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Deadlift 8 5 Normal 65-70% 65-70% 65-70%

Mobility (if needed)

The ol’ deady. Sure to put that mass on the body. Everywhere. Barbell Deadlift: Do sumo or
conventional, whichever is more comfortable for you. If you need straps, wear them. If you go mixed
grip, maybe switch the grip with each set. Between sets, stretch/roll out/do nothing. If you’re
struggling with only a minute of rest, give it a little more.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Deadlift 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single feels super
heavy. Then calculate 65-70% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2 & 3: No need to max out. Just hop into the 8 sets of 5. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting
the clusters. If you’re pulling big weight, you’ll need more warm-up sets. If the weights are way too light, bump
them up.
Gorilla Chest/Back Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Slight Decline DB Bench Press 5 15 Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE

1- Arm DB Row 5 15 ea. Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE

A super superset. Keep it simple, lots of tension. Big weights. DB Bench, throw a plate under the foot
end of the bench so it becomes a little decline. Do your reps, rest 60-120 sec., DB Row the same weight,
rest 60-120 sec., repeat. Only one warm-up set. You should be able to go up weekly. 9 RPE, so it should
be tough.

Leg Pump Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Forward to Reverse Lunge 4 10 ea. Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE

One warm-up set bodyweight. Then hold a DB in each hand. Do all reps on one side, rest about a
minute, all reps other side, rest about a minute, repeat. It’s a 9 RPE, so if you need a little more rest
than that, go ahead. Increase weight weekly. When you’re done, you should have the locomotion
ability of a newborn deer.




The next cluster – 10 sets of 4 – will be run for three weeks. I wish I had fond memories of
10x4, but I don’t. Actually, I don’t remember much of the training I did in the past. There was
my first program, Jump Attack, where I recall drinking Mountain Dew during workouts. There
was Tim Ferriss’s Deadlift workout where you train super heavy 3 times per week – I’m pretty
sure my back was a rainbow during these deadies. Then there was Shockwave Protocol by
Kiefer which kept me entertained for a long time.
None of these programs really provided that much progress for me in the short-term. After
Jump Attack, my vertical was in the high-20s. After Deadlift training for weeks, I still wasn’t
pulling very impressive weights (low-400s). And after Shockwave, I still had tiny arms and
shoulders. Back and chest were good, but I’m pretty sure that’s a genetic thing.

After about a decade of training, I accomplished a near 40-inch approach vertical, low-600s
deadlift, and enough muscle to let people know he lifts. With Hypertrophy Clusters 1.2, I have
put everything together to help you make progress towards these types of goals in 8-weeks.
But in reality, it could take years to get where you want.
In my time of running training programs, I think the main benefit was the state they put me in.
I was given a guide that excited me. I was operating on goals, dreams, and desires instead of
fear, doubt, and denial.
Over time, and putting myself in this state consistently, I was able to make significant progress.
This, to me, is more important than any ‘physiologically accurate’ training template. If you
believe in Hypertrophy Clusters 1.2 and you are willing to put in the work, you will learn these
lessons and success will come to you.
Now let’s get to it. 10x4 to get the gains.
Same for warm-up, same for rest, same for warm-ups for exercises.

Loads: For the Yellow exercises, use 70-75% 1RM load for all lower body sets and 75-80% 1RM for all
upper body sets. If it’s super easy on a given day, bump it up slightly. Others are explained below.
Monday: Upper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Med Ball Rotation Pass w/ Step 3 3/side Explosive
+ Med Ball Rotation Slam 3 3/side Explosive
1 Bench Press 10 4 Normal
+ 1-Arm DB Row 10 4/side Normal
2 Barbell Military Press 3 8 Normal
3 Bodyweight Dips 3 MAX Pump
4 DB Hammer Curl 4 25 Pump

Tuesday: Lower Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Approach Box Jump 3 2/side Explosive
1 High Bar Back Squat 10 4 Normal
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 DB Reverse Lunge 10 4/side Normal
3 Barbell Hip Thrust 3 8 Ecc
4 Glute Ham Raise 3 MAX Ecc

Thursday: Upper Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Med Ball Scoop Pass w/ Step 3 3/side Explosive
+ Med Ball Overhead Throw - off Box 3 5 Explosive
1 Barbell Push-Press 10 4 Normal
+ Chin Up 10 8 Normal
2 Cable Pushdown 3 12 Normal
+ DB Hammer Curl (Standing) 3 12 Normal
3 DB JM Press 3 12 Normal
+ Barbell Curl 3 12 Normal
4 DB Side Delt Raise (Standing) 4 20 Pump
+ DB Rear Delt Raise (Standing) 4 20 Pump

Friday: Total Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
CNS Acceleration Sprints 3 5 sec. Explosive
1 Sumo or Semi-Sumo Deadlift 10 4 Drop
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 DB Bench Press 5 12 Normal
+ 1-Arm DB Row 5 12/side Normal
3 DB Step Up to Reverse Lunge 4 10 ea. Pump

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Med Ball Rotation Pass w/ Step 3 3/side Explosive heavy medium light
Med Ball Rotation Slam 3 3/side Explosive heavy medium light
Back to back. For the rotation pass, back elbow up to start, pick up the inside foot, step down, slam the
elbow into the ribs and throw. Slam – start at one hip, go over the head, throw outside the opposite
foot. If you have a med ball that is breakable, break it. Then be proud. Rest ~45 sec. between each.
Week 1: Rotation Pass w/ Step – 15 lbs. Rotation Slam – 15 lbs.
Week 2: Rotation Pass w/ Step – 10 lbs. Rotation Slam – 10 lbs.
Week 3: Rotation Pass w/ Step – 5 lbs. Rotation Slam – 5 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Bench & Rows Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Bench Press 10 4 Normal 75-80% 75-80% 75-80%
1-Arm DB Row 10 4/side Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE
Back to back like last phase. Bench for 5 reps, rest 30-45 seconds, Row for 5 reps each side, rest 30-45
seconds, repeat until 8 sets. Get that DB Row to a 7-8 RPE. If your DBs aren’t heavy enough, find a way.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Bench Press 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single feels
super heavy. Calculate 75-80% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 10 sets of 4. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Week 3: Same as week 2.
Shoulders Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Barbell Military Press 3 8 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
No leg drive. All weeks will be the same. You should be able to increase weekly and keep it at an 8 RPE.
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets. Just one warm-up set.

Chest/Triceps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Bodyweight Dips 3 MAX Pump 3 reps in tank 2 reps in tank 1 rep in tank
Pump ‘em out but use control. Huge chest and triceps. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Week 1: Leave 3 reps in the tank
Week 2: Leave 2 reps in the tank
Week 3: Leave 1 rep in the tank
Biceps Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Hammer Curl 4 25 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
Standing. Just pump it out. Use hips if needed. Engorged with blood. You can attempt to increase
weekly but idk if it’s possible. No warm-up sets. Huge metabolic stress load.

Jump CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Approach Box Jump 3 2/side Explosive ascending ascending ascending
Start with a low box. Alternate approach styles with each rep. If you’re a single-leg jumper, then
alternate which leg you jump off. Land on two legs. Rest ~60 sec. between sets. 4 total jumps each set.

Hyper. Clus. Squat Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
High Bar Back Squat 10 4 Normal 70-75% 70-75% 70-75%
Mobility (if needed)
Get the bar high on your back. Make a nice pad with your traps so it’s not resting on the spine.
Between sets, mobility if you want. If you’re struggling with only a minute of rest, give it a little more.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your High Bar Back Squat 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single
feels super heavy. Then calculate 70-75% of it and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 10 sets of 4. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. More warm-up sets if you’re stronger. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Week 3: Same as week 2.
Hyper. Clus. Single-leg Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Reverse Lunge 10 4/side Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE
Similar to what you did last phase with the DB Step Up. Hold a DB in each hand, do 4 reps on one side
then 4 on the other. Start light, keep doing 4 reps on each side until a weight is reached that’s a 7-8/10
RPE. For week 2 & 3, you should need less warm-ups to get there. If it’s too easy, bump it up. Do one
side, then the other side, then rest 45-60 seconds, repeat.

Glutes/Hammies Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Barbell Hip Thrust 3 8 Ecc 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
Feet on the ground, back on a bench. Glute squeeze at the top, control down for 2-3 seconds. One
warm-up set. Should be able to go up weekly. 8RPE. Grow the backside.

Posterior Chain Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Glute Ham Raise 3 MAX Ecc 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
Works better if you have a GHR machine. The one where the pads roll. If not, do what I did in the video.
Rest around 2 minutes. The hammies will be shot by this point. Keep it at bodyweight for all weeks and
control the eccentric, 3-4 seconds down.

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Med Ball Scoop Pass w/ Step 3 3/side Explosive heavy medium light
Med Ball Overhead Throw - off Box 3 5 Explosive heavy medium light
Back to back. Scoop, bring the foot up, step down, BOOM! Overhead Throw, stand on a box, drop off,
land in a half squat, throw it quick. Low ground contact time. Rest ~45 sec. between each.

Week 1: Scoop Pass w/ Step – 15 lbs. Throw off Box – 20 lbs.

Week 2: Scoop Pass w/ Step – 10 lbs. Throw off Box – 15 lbs.
Week 3: Scoop Pass w/ Step – 5 lbs. Throw off Box – 10 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Press & Pulls Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Barbell Push-Press 10 4 Normal 75-80% 75-80% 75-80%
Chin Up 10 8 Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE
Back to back. Press for 4, rest 30-45 sec., Pull for 8, rest 30-45 sec., repeat until 10 sets.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Barbell Push-Press 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single
feels super heavy. Then calculate 75-80% of the max and start your sets with that weight. You can use a band for
Chin Up if you need to. Or a chain around the neck if you’re an ox.
Week 2 & 3: No need to max out. Just hop into the 10 sets of 4. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting
the clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up. Chin Ups should be progressing nicely.
Arm Blast Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Cable Pushdown 3 12 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
DB Hammer Curl (Standing) 3 12 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
More Thursday arm supersets. Skin tearing pumps here. Cable Pushdown, like you did last time but
reps are down so go heavier. Rest ~60 seconds, go to DB Hammers. You can use a little momentum if
need be. Rest ~60 seconds, repeat this sequence until 3 sets. 8 RPE, only one warm-up set for each.

Arm Inoculation Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB JM Press 3 12 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
Barbell Curl 3 12 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE 8 RPE
Time to inoculate. Roadmap vascularity here. Similar to the last superset with rest, RPEs, and one
warm-up set. For the JM Press, come down to the anterior deltoid… or as young Jason Genova taught us
“Front Anterior Deltoid”. Barbell Curl, simple enough. Just don’t look like a fool and swing each rep.

Delt Decimation Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Side Delt Raise (Standing) 4 20 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9RPE
DB Rear Delt Raise (Standing) 4 20 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
Shouldaaas! Start light. Like 5 or 10 lbs. DBs. Do 20 to the side, rest ~90 sec., do 20 to the rear, rest ~90
sec. Gives you a nice pair of shoulder caps. 9 RPE so you should have to grunt for some reps.

Sprint CNS Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Acceleration Sprints 3 5 sec. Explosive bodyweight bodyweight bodyweight
Like last phase, do some 3-5 step accelerations before doing these three sets. Find an area you can
sprint that will last about 5 seconds. Run against a partner to run faster. Rest 1-2 minutes between

Hyper. Clus. Deadies Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
Sumo or Semi-Sumo Deadlift 10 4 Drop 70-75% 70-75% 70-75%
Mobility (if needed)
Back to the classic mass cultivator – the Deadlift. This week conventional is not an option. Vary the
style. If last phase you did Sumo, now do Semi-Sumo (closer stance). If last week you did conventional,
do whichever Sumo style agrees with your hips. If you need straps, wear them. If you go mixed grip,
maybe switch the grip with each set. Between sets, mobility if you want. If one minute of rest is too
little, try a bit more.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Sumo or Semi-Sumo Deadlift 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until
a single feels super heavy. Then calculate 70-75% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2 & 3: No need to max out. Just hop into the 10 sets of 4. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting
the clusters. If you’re pulling big weight, you’ll need more warm-up sets. If the weights are way too light, bump
them up.
Full Chest & Back Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Bench Press 5 12 Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
1-Arm DB Row 5 12/side Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
High mechanical tension for the upper. Only one warm-up set. DB Bench, rest 60-120 sec., DB Row the
same weight, rest 60-120 sec., repeat. You should be able to go up weekly. 9 RPE, TOUGH!!

Leg Pump Week 1 Week 2 Week 3

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load Load
DB Step Up to Reverse Lunge 4 10 ea. Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE 9 RPE
One warm-up set bodyweight. Then hold a DB in each hand. Do all reps on one side, rest about a
minute, all reps other side, rest about a minute, repeat. It’s a 9 RPE, so if you need a little more rest
than that, go ahead. Increase weight weekly. When finished, the wheels should barely be functional.




The next two weeks, yes, two, will consist of the final cluster – 12 sets of 3. The final cluster.
Sounds amazing. As with 10x4, I don’t have the memories of 12x3 than I did with 8x5. So now
I’ll go off on a tangent to talk about something else: Seriousness.
Most people are not serious. They say they want something and then they go and do the exact
opposite. They give any excuse: too busy, not enough time, dog died.
Personally, I don’t care to hear this and I don’t associate myself with these people. If you hang
around these people, they drag you down. You start to do the same thing. You give excuses
and they give you support. It’s a downwards spiral where nothing important ever gets done.
If you are serious, you only care about one thing: Results. And you only focus on one thing:
These people are rare to find.
If you are serious about becoming a beast in your given sport, then there is only one sign that
you are serious: You are a beast in your given sport.
Results prove your level of seriousness.
Same for warm-up, same for rest, same for warm-ups for exercises.

Loads: For the Yellow exercises, use 75-80% 1RM load for all lower body sets and 80-85% 1RM for all
upper body sets. If it’s super easy on a given day, bump it up slightly. Others are explained below.
Monday: Upper Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
CNS Med Ball Rotation Pass (Running) 3 3 EA. Explosive
+ Med Ball Slam 3 5 Explosive
1 Bench Press 12 3 Normal
+ Landmine 1-Arm Row 12 3 Normal
2 1-Arm Landmine Press 3 6 EA. Normal
3 Weighted Dips 3 10 Normal
4 Barbell Curl 4 20 Pump

Tuesday: Lower Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
CNS Band Assisted Jump 3 5 Explosive
+ Band Assisted Split Squat Jump 3 3/side Explosive
1 Low Bar Back Squat 12 3 Normal
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 DB Bulgarian Split Squat 12 3 EA. Normal
3 Barbell Glute Bridge (Feet Up) 3 6 ISO & Ecc
4 Barbell Good Morning 3 10 Ecc

Thursday: Upper Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
CNS Med Ball Scoop Pass (Running) 3 3 EA. Explosive
+ Approach Med Ball Overhead Throw 3 2 EA. Explosive
1 Barbell Push-Press 12 3 Normal
+ Neutral-grip Chin Up 12 6 Normal
2 Barbell Curl 3 10 Normal
+ DB Skullcrusher 3 10 Normal
3 Cross-Body DB Hammer Curl 3 10 EA. Normal
+ Barbell Floor Press 3 10 Normal
4 DB Side Delt Raise (Leaning) 4 15 EA. Pump
+ DB Rear Delt Raise (Incline Bench) 4 15 Pump

Friday: Total Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
CNS Flying Sprints 3 5 SEC. Explosive
1 Trap Bar Deadlift 12 3 Fast Ecc
+ Mobility (if needed)
2 Slight Incline DB Bench Press 5 10 Normal
+ 1-Arm DB Row 5 10 EA. Normal
3 Plate Bulgarian Split Squat 4 15 EA. Pump

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Med Ball Rotation Pass (Running) 3 3 EA. Explosive light lighter
Med Ball Slam 3 5 Explosive light lighter
Back to back. Get a few steps going, slam the elbow into the body, and throw. Med ball slam is same as
Phase 1 but super light. Violence is key. Rest ~45 sec. between each.
Week 1: Rotation Pass – 5 lbs. Slam – 5 lbs.
Week 2: Rotation Pass – 2-3 lbs. Slam – 2-3 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Bench & Rows Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Bench Press 12 3 Normal 80-85% 80-85%
Landmine 1-Arm Row 12 3 EA. Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
Back to back, boys!! Bench Press for 3 reps, rest 30-45 seconds, Landmine Row for 3 reps each side, rest
30-45 seconds, repeat until 12 sets. You might want to set the landmine on a box or something so it’s
more convenient to pick up. Should be heavy.
Week 1: Test your Bench Press max again. Same way you did before. Then calculate 80-85% of that and start your
sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 12 sets of 3. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Shoulders Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
1-Arm Landmine Press 3 6 EA. Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
One leg back, knee bend, press overhead. Control the weight down. Rest 2-3 minutes between sets.
Hit a warm up set or two to find the 8 RPE.

Chest/Triceps Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Weighted Dips 3 10 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
Now you need some weight. Chains, belt, DB between the feet. Figure it out. Rest 2-3 minutes
between sets.

Biceps Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Barbell Curl 4 20 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE
Huge biceps. If you want extreme pain and pump, do the 20 and while resting for the 60 seconds, don’t
drop the bar. Your biceps will be quite massive. Hit a single warm-up set. If you’re really weak, you
might need to use an EZ-Bar.

Jump CNS Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Band Assisted Jump 3 5 Explosive medium medium
Band Assisted Split Squat Jump 3 3/side Explosive medium medium
Grab a set of bands, attach them somewhere, pull them down so the hands are at the shoulders. Do the
double leg jump for 5, rest ~60 sec., do the split squat for 3 each side, rest ~60 sec., repeat until three
sets. This should get the CNS going. 50 inch vertical.

Hyper. Clus. Squat Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Low Bar Back Squat 12 3 Normal 75-80% 75-80%
Mobility (if needed)
The ol’ low bar. Rippetoe would be proud. You should be able to go heavier than high bar. Between
sets, stretch/roll out/do nothing. You’ll likely need more than a minute of rest, so do it.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Low Bar Back Squat 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single
feels super heavy. Then calculate 75-80% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 12 sets of 3. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. More warm-up sets if you’re stronger. If the weights are way too light, bump them up.
Hyper. Clus. Single-leg Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
DB Bulgarian Split Squat 12 3 EA. Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE

Use a bench or use the foam roller into a barbell set-up like I have in the video. Or if you’re at a special
place, use the roller pad rear foot split squat device that costs too much for its purpose. Start light, keep
doing 3 reps each side until a weight is a 7-8/10 RPE. For the second week, you should need less warm
up sets. Do one side, then do the other, then rest about 60 seconds, repeat.

Glutes/Hammies Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Barbell Glute Bridge (Feet Up) 3 6 ISO & Ecc 8 RPE 8 RPE
Back on the ground, feet on a bench. Squeeze at the top for 1 second and control down for 2-3 seconds.
More hammies with this variation. Find the 8 RPE in a set or two then hit 3 sets of that. Rest 2-3
minutes between sets.

Posterior Chain Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Barbell Good Morning 3 10 Ecc 9 RPE 9 RPE
Big stretch. Not a pump set. Control it slow, you could use a decent load here, it’s only 10 reps. Short
rest though, ~60 seconds. Squeeze the glutes at the top.

Med Ball CNS Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Med Ball Scoop Pass (Running) 3 3 EA. Explosive light lighter
Approach Med Ball Overhead Throw 3 2 EA. Explosive light lighter
Back to back. Scoop is just like the Rotation Pass done earlier in the week, get a few steps into it and
Week 1: Scoop Pass – 5 lbs. Throw – 15 lbs.
Week 2: Scoop Pass – 2-3 lbs. Throw – 10 lbs.
Hyper. Clus. Press & Pulls Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Barbell Push-Press 12 3 Normal 80-85% 80-85%
Neutral-grip Chin Up 12 6 Normal 7-8 RPE 7-8 RPE
Back to back. Press for 3, rest 30-45 sec., Chin for 6, rest 45-60 sec., repeat until 12 sets.
Week 1: Test your Push-Press Max again. Then calculate 80-85% of that and start your sets with that weight. Use
weight for the Chin Up because it’s only six reps. Get big.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 12 sets of 3. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. If the weights are way too light, bump them up. More weight on the Chin Up if possible.
Arm Attack Week 1 Week 2
Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Barbell Curl 3 10 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
DB Skullcrusher 3 10 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
Attack the arms. Biceps then Triceps. Confuse the body. Barbell curl is standing, Skullcrusher is lying.
Rest ~90 seconds between the two. Get a warm-up set to find a difficult weight.

Arm Shock Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Cross-Body DB Hammer Curl 3 10 EA. Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
Barbell Floor Press 3 10 Normal 8 RPE 8 RPE
Same deal as above. Tear the sleeves off with the vascular pump.

Cannonball Delts Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
DB Side Delt Raise (Leaning) 4 15 EA. Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE
DB Rear Delt Raise (Incline Bench) 4 15 Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE
Up the weight. 15 isn’t that many reps. Rest about a minute between the sets. Lookin’ like a
cartoon character with the delts.

Sprint CNS Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Flying Sprints 3 5 SEC. Explosive bodyweight bodyweight

Build up from a jog to your maximum speed, stay there for 5 seconds. Rest ~90 seconds between sets.
Fast as possible. You’ll need a big area to get this done. Do a couple warm-up sets prior to this where
you do a flying sprint that isn’t a max flying sprint, but more of a 70-90% max sprint.

Hyper. Clus. Deadies Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Trap Bar Deadlift 12 3 Fast Ecc 75-80% 75-80%
Mobility (if needed)

Go to the trap bar. Use the high handles. You have 12 sets. Enjoy. Rest 60-90 seconds between each
set. If that’s too short, go a bit more. Pick it up fast, you’ll basically drop it, but keep your hands on the
bar, reset, and pull again. Do whatever mobility you want between sets or chill and think about how
many sets you have to do.
Week 1: Before you start, you need to find your Trap Bar Deadlift 1 Rep Max. Start light, work up until a single
feels super heavy. Then calculate 75-80% of that and start your sets with that weight.
Week 2: No need to max out. Just hop into the 12 sets of 3. You should do 2-3 warm-up sets before starting the
clusters. If you’re pulling big weight, you’ll need more warm-up sets. If the weights are way too light, bump them

Chest/Back Blast into Oblivion Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Slight Incline DB Bench Press 5 10 Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE
1-Arm DB Row 5 10 EA. Normal 9 RPE 9 RPE

Blast them into Oblivion. Set the bench at a small incline. The DB Row is the same. You should be able
to use more weight for the DB Row than you’re pressing. Do the bench, rest 60-120 sec., do the row,
rest 60-120 sec., repeat. One warm-up set. You should be using more weight for week 2.

Quadzilla Week 1 Week 2

Exercise Sets Reps Tempo Load Load
Plate Bulgarian Split Squat 4 15 EA. Pump 9 RPE 9 RPE

One warm-up set with a light plate, held out front. Pump it out on the way up but control it a bit on the
way down. Do all reps on one side, do all reps on the other side, then rest about a minute. 9 RPE, so
find a plate that’s heavy. If you can’t find one heavy enough, slow down the eccentric until it feels like a
9 RPE. Quadrosaurus.





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