Universitas Merdeka Malang Pemahaman Peneli*an • Suatu penyelidikan atau pengujian yang dilakukan secara teli*, kri*s dalam mencari fakta-fakta tertentu dengan langkah-angkah tertentu. • Suatu usaha yang sistema*s untuk menemukan jawaban ilmiah yang menjawab suatu masalah. Riset Tema*k • Riset tema*k tergolong peneli*an kualita*f. • Bertujuan untuk memahami fenomena atau gejala sosial dengan lebih meni*k beratkan pada gambaran yang lengkap tentang fenomena. • Dilaksanakan secara sistema*s Langkah-langkah Riset Tema*k 1. Iden*fikasi dan perumusan masalah. 2. Kepustakaan 3. Penyusunan hipotesis. 4. Iden*fikasi, klasifikasi, dan pemberian definisi operasional variabel. 5. Pemilihan alat pengambil data. 6. Penyusunan rancangan peneli*an. 7. Penentuan sample. 8. Pengumpulan data 9. Pengolahan dan analisis data. 10. Interpretasi hasil analisis. 11. Penyusun laporan/publikasi peneli*an. TAHAP OBJEK KAJIAN MITRA ILMU Teknologi Seni Filsafat Kota Ekologi •Teknik-teknik penyajian gambar Proses •Teori Perancangan •Permodelan lingkungan •Masalah este*ka Produk •Masalah bahan •Teknik konstruksi •Asimilasi budaya Performansi •Purna huni
Source: What is architectural research?
• Desain dan ragam dekorasi pintu (banyak di
bahas di “Idea”) • Typologi pintu (di tempat tertentu, di zaman tertentu, Contoh: “pemesuan”) • Kaitan antara bentuk pintu dengan derajat sosial (masyarakat tertentu) • Ar* dan makna pintu (contoh peneli*an Advance Ikaputra; mengapa rumah tradisional tertentu: pintu rendah) Topic of Seoul 2017 SPSD Community Conference Architecture and Urban Research Theme 1. Sustainable and Livable Environments • Relates to the built environment in its en*re range (Physical, Economical and Socio-Cultural). • Issues addressed involve the development of tools for analyzing, designing, assessing, and delivering sustainable environments at different scales. • Range from interior spaces and near environments, to exterior spaces, landscape architecture, and urban public spaces. 2. Human-Environment InteracKon • This area involves the development and implementa*on of tools that aim at sensi*zing building users in understanding sustainability. • Bobom up collabora*ve strategies for involving users in assessing their exis*ng environments or par*cipa*ng in designing new environments. 3. EducaKon • It relates to the ways in which sustainability is addressed in architectural/built environment educa*on. • It also explores the study and analysis of new research and taught programs within the region and worldwide that have strong sustainable design/construc*on components. . 4. Assessment • Evalua*on of buildings that have received recogni*on/awards for materializing sustainable design and construc*on aspects into responsive built environments. • To analyse and diagnose best prac*ces, impact of one sustainable design aspect over others. 5. PracKce/Project Delivery • Developing a comprehensive understanding into how sustainable buildings/environments are delivered. • It inves*gates the way in which sustainability impera*ves and guidance documents influence professional design and construc*on prac*ces. • It involves comparisons of sustainable design/ construc*on guidance documents. 6. Building and Urban ConservaKon • Inves*ga*ng how old/historic buildings or urban environments are re-qualified / or adapted for new uses and func*ons. • It explores recent prac*ces in remodelling, upgrading, renova*on, and reusing old/ historical buildings. 7. Energy Efficiency and Building Design • Exploring ways of reducing energy consump*on of residen*al environments through the effec*ve use of passive strategies. • Including air condi*oning, ven*la*on, and ligh*ng. 8. Technology • To inves*gate new technologies and building systems and how they are integrated into sustainable buildings. • Studies of ligh*ng, material, waste, energy conserva*on strategies, and computer technologies. 9. Form and Typological Studies • The inves*ga*on of formal configura*on of buildings as they relate to the urban context. • It addresses fundamental architectural ques*ons related to the no*on (ideas) of types and paberns, the figura*ve and formal aspects of buildings, and typological processes. • Topics in this area include surveys, documenta*on, and typological studies of historical architecture and contemporary urbanism. 10. Urban Upgrading and Community Development • Inves*ga*ng issues to improve living standards of urban communi*es and reduce social and economic inequali*es. • Beber understanding of the systema*c impacts of urban policies on the design of new projects that target beber service delivery to the urban dwellers. 11. Metropolitan Urban Policy • To cover issues that relate to deindustrializa*on, economic globaliza*on and mul*culturalism in modern society. • Explora*ons and development of resilient (elas*c) and sustainable urban policies. End of this session