71596-Femulyae TheLittleShelzar Us
71596-Femulyae TheLittleShelzar Us
71596-Femulyae TheLittleShelzar Us
LANDS and its logo, and SLARECIAN VAULT and
Credits its logo, are trademarks of Onyx Path Publishing.
All Scarred Lands setting material, art, and trade
dress are the property of Onyx Path Publishing.
Authors: Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André. www.theonyxpath.com
Cartography: Michel Audiffren. This work contains material that is copyright Onyx
Path Publishing. Such material is used with permission
Typesetting and Design: Alain Giorla. under the Community Content Agreement for “Slarecian
Vault” Community Content. All other original material
Translator: Alain Giorla.
in this work is copyright 2004 by Fabrice Sarelli and
Cover Artist: Sade. published under the Community Content Agreement for
“Slarecian Vault” Community Content.
Designation of Product Identity: The following
items are hereby designated as Product Identity in
This supplement is the translation of an article accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License,
first published in 2004 by Hexagonal in the D20 version 1.0A: Scarred Lands, Scarred Lands Player’s
Magazine issue 23. The authors and Fabrice Sarelli Guide, all proper nouns, capitalized terms, artwork,
(former manager of Hexagonal and owner of the maps, symbols, depictions, and illustrations, except such
D20 Magazine) have given us the authorization to elements that already appear in the System Reference
distribute and translate the content of this article. Document or have been released as Open Game Content.
This content shall not and will not be for sale. It Declaration of Open Game Content/Product
will be made available for free, with a mention of Identity: All setting, layout, and design elements are
the original source and authors. hereby declared Product Identity. All proper nouns,
referenced NPCs, and elements of Scarred Lands
D20 Magazine was a bi-monthly magazine in 25
provided via access to the “Slarecian Vault” Community
issues published by Hexagonal from 2001 to 2005.
Content program are also hereby declared Product
Its aim was to provide quality content without Identity. The text of all systems, charts, and rules
spreading too much, considering the wide range of modifications are hereby declared Open Game Content
existing role-playing games. in accordance with the Open Gaming License Version
The choice was then to focus mostly on 1.0A located at the end of this book.
D&D3 and the World of Darkness. Hexagonal
is a French company created in 1986, which
translated and edited a variety of games such as
Bushido, Middle-Earth Role Playing, Rolemaster,
Shadowrun, and most games published by White
Wolf in the World of Darkness, Raventloft, or the
Scarred Lands.
Daily Life
Around the city, 166 square miles of arable land are
dedicated to the farming of barley, rye, and poppy.
Seven plowers and their farm hands managed all this
cultivable land, which is owned by the Femulyae The city is crossed by 2 paved cart streets around 25
nobility. Mercenaries placed in watchtowers located on feet wide each. The first street starts from Morian Gate,
the circumference of these cultivated lands watch over traverses Qadriam Square, and then reaches the Bridge
the fields and ensure that they aren’t ruined or pillaged. of the Prince. The second street starts from Deriz Gate,
follows the Residential District until Linden Park, turns
right on the Bridge of Whispers, and then goes up to
the entrance to the Granary. The other cross streets of
Master Forester Chaleas has around 20 sergeant Guild of the Skillful Hands
foresters under his command, mostly Calastian rangers,
fighters, and warriors. The guild has almost always Trade: Housebuilding and masonry.
respected the convention it signed with Queen Geleeda. Known For: Sturdy buildings.
However some of the sergeant foresters can be bribed Symbol: A roof supported by 2 poles.
to close their eyes on certain articles of the convention. Leader: Entrepreneur Gwunvan Addruc (human,
Such arrangement typically happens when the guild he/him, CN).
can’t meet the demands of the forges. Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.
Guild of Woodworkers
Minor Guilds Trade: Woodwork, including furniture, barrels, and
The following section summarizes the different minor Known For: Fine and detailled decorating patterns.
guilds of the city. Symbol: A hammer and a wood chisel.
Leader: Elralas (human, he/him, CG).
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.
Guild of the Divine Beverage
Trade: Production of wine and spirits.
Known For: High-quality liquor. Guild of Carpenters
Symbol: Three barrels of different sizes. Trade: Roof construction.
Leader: Master Narwin (halfling, he/him, CG). Known For: Sturdy and enduring roofs.
Buildings: 33 caves and 1 warehouse located in the Symbol: Two men carrying a plank on their shoulders.
Granary. Leader: Tala Alodanten (human, he/him, N).
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.
Guild of the Green Shine
Trade: Gemcutting and jewelry.
Known For: Jade jewelry.
Symbol: A jade stone.
Guild of Waterbearers
Trade: Drawing water from wells and carrying it
through the city.
Known For: Uninterrupted service, even during the
Symbol: a pail of water.
Leader: Sersil Shimush (human, he/him, NE).
Buildings: 1 guildhouse in the District of the Forges. Royal Palace (1)
Urlis’s palace hosts all the Femulyae high nobility as
well as the prince’s appartements. A light bluish smoke
Guild of Fabricworkers always floats above the palace. Scandalmongers say that
Trade: Production of fabric, including both weave and it reflects the drug overindulgence of its residents.
Known For: Linen and silk fabrics with lustrous colors.
Symbol: a piece of cloth. Morian Gate (2) and Derizian Gate (3)
Leader: Weaver Eshuso Estimir (human, he/him, N). These gates, watched by the soldiers of Duke
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary. Malherme’s army, can’t be closed. They haven’t been
repaired since the pact signed between Urlis and Virduk.
This is where the doctors/healers of the guild led by 8. Refer to the Cult and Order of Ancients section in
Nemesis gather. Secrets and Societies.
Version 1.0a
Identity, including as an indication as to compatibility, except
as expressly licensed in another, independent Agreement with
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agree not to indicate compatibility or co-adaptability with any
The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Trademark or Registered Trademark in conjunction with a work
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1. Definitions: (a) “Contributors” means the copyright Trademark or Registered Trademark. The use of any Product
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2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game System Reference Document 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards
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d20 Magazine numéro 23 Copyright 2004, Fabrice Sarelli.