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All Scarred Lands setting material, art, and trade
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Authors: Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André. www.theonyxpath.com
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Typesetting and Design: Alain Giorla. under the Community Content Agreement for “Slarecian
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This supplement is the translation of an article accordance with Section 1(e) of the Open Game License,
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for the D20 Magazine issue 23.

1 d20 Magazine numéro 23

Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Contents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Regional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Femulyae . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Daily Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Peoples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Guilds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Minor Guilds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Open Game License . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 2

Qadriam, a faithful devout of Madriel and a direct
descendant of the Morian Dynasty, proudly led his
History kingdom in the war against the titans. Venir lost even
more lands, but was one of the first kingdoms to recover
from the war. At the time, the proud city of Femulyae
No one knows when Femulyae was initially settled. It was one of the most powerful in Ghelspad.
would have been built well before the foundation of the
Ledean Empire by a dynasty of fighters from the Dancers The great emperor Qadriam died in 8 AV. His remains
of Steel1 , a mystic and martial organization renowned were cremated in a holy pyre according to the tradition of
for its mastery of the longsword. Venir was then a small Madriel’s church. The ceremony was held on Femulyae
kingdom devoted to the cult of Gulaben and Mormo. central plaza, which now bears the deceased emperor’s
Femulyae was already its capital city. name. His eldest son Derizian ascended to the Venirian
throne shortly after. In 10 AV, he led a powerful army to
After the fall of the Slarecian Empire, the kingdom conquer the southern nations, but madness overtook him
of Venir rose in power. In the north-west, the Ledean before he could achieve his goals.
Empire2 , centered on its capital city Aurimar, was also
spreading and strengthening its position. During the During his reign, Derizian took a series of disastrous
Vhaerith Dynasty (312 - 507 OC3 ), an expeditionary political decisions. Taxes suffocated merchants,
force was sent to conquer Venir. Femulyae endured artisans, and mostly farmers, so much so Venir became
a siege for several days, but the king of Venir had to dependent on Calastia for its wheat supply. The nation’s
surrender despite an heroic defense by the Dancers of internal security was greatly weakened, allowing House
Steel. Venir then became the Venirian Province of the Assuras to infiltrate Femulyae’s nobility and to import
Ledean Empire, the Dancers of Steel became the Legion large quantities of drugs and vice into the capital.
of Steel, and Femulyae was relegated to the rank of Derizian named Belsameth as the official religion, and
province capital. ordered the demolition of all temples of Madriel in the
empire. When the old senile emperor died in 56 AV, the
As the Vhaerith Dynasty fell into decadence, the proud population of Femulyae almost rejoiced.
aristocratic warriors of the Dancers of Steel raised their
banners and took back the kingdom. However, the Derizian had not only failed as a king by leaving his
respite was short. The Morian Dynasty (507 - 527 OC) nation in a state of disarray, but he had also failed as
ascended to the Ledean throne and sent their armies a father by letting Prince Urlis fall into drugs and vice.
to conquer Venir again, this time aided by the troops When the prince ascended to the throne of Venir, he was
of the Shai al Azari sultan of the southern Zathiskite more preoccupied with his personal pleasure than by the
Province. Once more Femulyae had to abdicate after a affairs of his kingdom . The kingdom was in fact ruled
long and hard battle. From then on, the Morian family underhand by the aristocrats of the court. Among these
took control of the Venirian Province and its capital, even conspirators, Countess Tissena Habblis (human, she/her,
after losing their place on the imperial throne. CN), wife of Count Habblis, tutor of the children of the
imperial family, lady of the Scaled of Femulyae, and
During the Thael Dynasty (2275 - 2430 OC), the Countess Penolya Dragilis (human, she/her, LE), wife
Ledean Empire fell into corruption. The Morian family, of Count Dragilis, niece of Telos Assuras, in charge
still in charge of the Venirian Province, took this of craft and commerce, leader of the House Assuras
opportunity to declare independence and establish the branch in New Venir, played both a significant role in
Venirian Empire. The four centuries that followed were the development of criminality, addiction, traffic, and
particularly prosperous for Venir. depravity. It is around this time that Femulyae, now
Around 2800 OC, the Charduni Empire, founded a true pit of vice and crime, became known as “Little
by the stone-skinned dwarves from Termana, sent a Shelzar”.
powerful army to conquer the continent of Ghelspad. In 90 AV, as Prince Urlis was falling more and more
Only the Venirian Empire resisted the invasion despite into debauchery and depravity, King Virduk sent his
heavy losses. Helped by the goddess Madriel, armies to conquer the neighbouring nations. With the
the Venirian emperors held control over their nation Calastian army accumulating victories against Ankila,
during the seven centuries of the Charduni domination. Prince Urlis preferred to make a devilish deal with
Femulyae then counted multiple temples in honor of the the Calastian monarch. In exchange for keeping his
Goddess of the Sun. privileges, he offered his kingdom and let it become the
The Charduni domination ended around 3527 OC as New Venir of the Calastian Hegemony.
the Divine War raged on the Scarred Lands. Emperor

3 d20 Magazine numéro 23

drug addicts gathered. It is where to find gambling
houses, brothels, shops selling illegal goods and pleasure
Regional items, slave markets, smoking dens, and taverns of ill

Overview Residential District (6)

The city of Femulyae is located in the western region This district regroups splendid villas and rich domains
of New Venir, halfway between Geleeda’s Grove and the separated by high walls.
Blood Steppes. The city is divided into 8 sectors and
crossed by 2 rivers.
The Citadel (7)
This is the oldest location in the city. It houses Prince
The Lower Districts (1)
Urlis’s personal army, the Legion of the Small Circle. It
This sector is outside of the city walls. It gathers counts 3,000 men-at-arms and is led by colonel Duruk
the most disadvantaged social classes. It is divided (human, he/him, LN). It is composed of one battalion of
into 2 parts: in the west, “The Gate” is where most heavy cavalry equiped with plate armor, steel rondache,
elvish families live; in the east, “Between-The-Rivers” and longsword. The battalion is constituted of 64
regroups most of the city’s half-orcs. sections of 46 riders, each led by a lieutenant. 4 sections
form a troop, led by a captain, for a total of 16 troops.
The Basket (2)
Most merchants and artisans of Femulyae, the majority
of which being halflings, are gathered in the Basket.
Every day, merchant caravans coming from the east
or the west display their wares under the great hall on
Qadriam Square.

The Granary (3)

This district regroups all warehouses and sheds for
the artisans and merchants of Femulyae. Most are large
buildings owned by the different guilds of the city. Some
are held by rich families or powerful organizations.
The warehouses, guarded by mercenaries, contain raw
materials that only the artisans can transform into final
products. Goods imported illegally also require large
storage areas. Many private warehouses hold addictive
spices, prohibited poisons, stolen jewelry and precious
gems, as well as slaves waiting in transit.

District of the Forges (4)

The 5 forges of Femulyae as well as the artisans of the
Guild of Metalworkers are gathered in this district. The
forges are located one against the other along the Toriana

District of Pleasures (5) Black Moon Fortress (8)

Under emperor Derizian, this quiet district became The fortress is composed of several buildings: the
little by little the place where criminals, perverts, and Black Moon Temple (1) directed by the high black

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 4

priest Pogor (human, he/him, NE); the Monastery of Castle of Duke Malherme (11)
the Basalt Dagger (2) led by Shores (human, he/him, Located 1 mile away from Femulyae, this castle
LE) and occupied by the monk-assassins of the Order of shelters Duke Malherme’s family and his private army,
the Nightblades4 ; the barracks (3) of the fallen paladins the Bloody Glaive Legion. The legion, 3,867 men
of the Order of the Dark Moon5 led by Ermensindis strong, is led by Colonel Santris (human, he/him, LN).
(human, she/her, LE); The stables (4) contain around It is composed of one battalion of 2005 pikemen,
hundred horses and a dozen carts; the Three Towers one battalion of 583 archers, one squadron of 745
(5), which shelter a cabal of Moonwitches6 led by light cavalry, one squadron of 448 heavy cavalry, and
Wulwina (human, she/her, NE); and the Camp of one troop of 100 scouts. In addition, a troop of 30
the Night Walkers (6), den of the Moonlight Lords7 warrior-bards, led by Master Jabolinis (human, he/him,
led by Charoksus (human, he/him, CE), assisted by LG), follows the pikemen. Finally, following the
Goiran (human, he/him, NE). The temple’s underground Calastian army and to counter the spells of the Calastian
are occupied by the Belsamite branch of the Cult of battlemages, the Duke Malherme has successfully
Ancients8 , led by Alamandra (human, she/her, CE) and recruited in his army a few war mages from the Ledean
her mistress Anesdar (human, she/her, NE). War College of Glammerhill. These fighter-mages, led
The Black Gate (7) is constantly guarded by 18 by the Toriendrix the Majestic (human, he/him, CG), are
Knights of the Dark Moon. The entrance is also warded specialized in the art of illusion.
by various magical traps, including several symbol spells The batallion of pikemen is led by Commander
cast by Pogor himself. The 7 watchtowers are occupied Nascombe (human, he/him, LN). It is divided into
by 5 knights each. Two squads of 6 Night Walkers patrol 54 hedgehogs of 36 warriors, each commanded by a
on the 40-feet high walls at any given time. sergent. Nine hedgehogs form a portcullis, led by a
lieutenant, for a total of 6 portcullis. Each pikeman
wears a scale mail, a steel rondache, and a pike.
Calastian Army Camp (9)
The batallion of archers is led by Commander Bardruk
The Calastian army is an occupation force. It is
(human, he/him, CN). It is divided into 6 volleys of 96
composed of light and heavy infantry and a cavalry.
archers, each led by a sergent. Archers are equipped with
These 8,000 men are led by Colonel Meriduk (human,
studded leather armors and longbows.
he/him, LE). The light infantry consists of a battalion
of 4,000 light footsoldiers equipped with chain shirts, The light cavalry squadron is led by Commander
morningstars, and javelins, led by Commander Lumel Regedis (human, he/him, LN). It is divided into 4 waves
(human, he/him, LN). The heavy infantry consists of of 200 riders, each under the command of a lieutenant.
a battalion of 2,000 heavy footsoldiers equipped with Each wave is composed of 5 ripples of 36 riders and a
splint armors, steel shields, warscepters, and pikes, sergent. They mount light steeds and are equipped with
led by Commander Shotok (human, he/him, CE). The scale armors, steel rondaches, and longswords.
cavalry is composed of a squadron of 2,000 riders The heavy cavalry squadron is led by Commander
led by Commander Dometas (human, he/him, LE), Romulis (human, he/him, LE). It is divided into 12
equipped with lances and mounted on light warhorses. rolling waves of 36 men mounted on heavy warhorses
The Calastian battlemage Haras (human, he/him, LE) and equipped with plate armors, steel rondaches, and
completes the brigade. heavy lances. Each rolling wave is led by a sergent, and
four rolling waves form a breaking wave commanded by
a lieutenant.
Iron Mines (10)
The troop of scouts is led by Commander Strappis
The iron deposit of Femulyae is exploited by the Guild (human, he/him, LN). It is composed of 8 squads of 12
of the Enraged Burrowers led by the engineer Fidar scouts, each under the responsibility of a ranger.
Walldriller (dwarf, he/him, LG). At least 61 dwarven
families live in the barracks adjacent to the mine. The
mine counts 5 pits including 3 that are still active while Keep of the Legion of Steel (12)
2 have their ferruginous veins already depleted. The
This is the headquarters of the order of the Dancers of
iron deposit of Femulyae is of relatively good quality as
Steel, as well as the training grounds for most of their
the ore contains more than 40% iron. The raw ore is
new recruits. It’s also the place of the first chapter house
delivered to the 5 forges in Femulyae and to the House
founded during the Epoch of Mesos. The Dancer of
Assuras. The rock ore is sold 5 gp the ton, and the ore in
Steels, led by Thaegan (human, he/him, LN), seek to
washed grains 21 gp for 1.4 tons.

5 d20 Magazine numéro 23

restore the ancestral dynasty of the first kings of Venir Toriana River (13)
and to free New Venir from all its wrongs. This training The Toriana river takes its source in the Blood Steppes
facility only counts around 60 students today. and crosses Femulyae north to south. Six bridges cross
Since Prince Urlis ascended the Venirian throne, the the Toriana, from north to south: the Bridge of Laborers,
leaders of the Legion of Steel are reconsidering their the Ledean Bridge, the Bridge of Whispers, the Bridge
oath to the imperial family for the interest of the Venirian of the Prince, the Bridge of Soldiery, and the Bridge of
people. Prince Urlis’s perversion, the nefarious actions Misery. The bridges that grant access to the Citadel are
of House Assuras, the Scaled, the Cult of Ancients, guarded by the Legion of the Small Circle. The Reunion
and the church of Belsameth, as well as the Calastian channel connects the rivers Toriana and Mergevia. Only
occupation, bury more and more the realm in the deepest the Bridge of the Secret Garden crosses the Reunion
of decadence. To restore the ancestral dynasty of the channel. The waters of the Toriana river have been
first kings of Venir, the Legion of Steel is plotting the deviated to constitute the moat that encircles Femulyae
ascent of another ruler for the nation. They hope to on its eastern front.
free New Venir not only from its current corrupt and
decadent dynasty, but also from the Calastian tyranny
and the nefarious influence of the cult of Belsameth. Mergevia River (14)
The man groomed in the shadows by the Legion of This small river takes its source east of Femulyae
Steel is a peerless fencer, healthy of body and spirit, and and constitutes one of its channels. The Mergevia
worthy heir of the first kings of Venir. This singular 25 river divides the residential district into a high sector,
year old man is named Aloris (human, he/him, LN). He “The Villas”, and a low sector, “The Domains”. Three
resides in the Keep of the Legion of Steel. The Cult of bridges, guarded by a private militia paid by rich
Ancients is aware of the existence of this threat against landowners, connect the Villas and the Domains. These
the throne and is currently negotiating with Prince Urlis 3 bridges are, from east to west, the Bridge of 100
an assassination contract against Aloris. Statues, the Bridge of the Sweet Silence, and the High
Bridge. Finally, the Bridge of Privileges, guarded in
permanence by the Legion of the Small Circle, connects
the Domains and the Citadel.

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 6

Cultivated Fields (15)

Daily Life
Around the city, 166 square miles of arable land are
dedicated to the farming of barley, rye, and poppy.
Seven plowers and their farm hands managed all this
cultivable land, which is owned by the Femulyae The city is crossed by 2 paved cart streets around 25
nobility. Mercenaries placed in watchtowers located on feet wide each. The first street starts from Morian Gate,
the circumference of these cultivated lands watch over traverses Qadriam Square, and then reaches the Bridge
the fields and ensure that they aren’t ruined or pillaged. of the Prince. The second street starts from Deriz Gate,
follows the Residential District until Linden Park, turns
right on the Bridge of Whispers, and then goes up to
the entrance to the Granary. The other cross streets of

Femulyae Femulyae are narrower and made of dirt. Finally, in

some districts like the Basket or the District of Pleasures,
there are many alleys 3 to 6 feet wide that serve the back
Population: 24,600 adults and 5,400 children of shops and stalls.
(humans 70%, halflings 21%, half-orcs 4%, elves 3%, There are several ways to travel quickly from one side
dwarves 2%). of the city to another: by gondola, by sedan chair, or by
Financial Limit: 40,000 gp. arm cart. Transports in Femulyae are gathered in guilds.
The gondoliers charge 1 sp to go from the River Gate
Available Funds: 49,200,000 gp.
to the Bridge of 100 Statues. For a course between the
Ruler: Duke Malherme (human, he/him, LE), Morian Gate to the Deriz Gate, the guild of the sedan
aristocrat ruling the duchy of Femulyae on behalf of carriers charges 12 cp while the guild of the arm carters
Prince Urlis. only charges 8. The arm carts are small 2-wheels carts
Other Characters: His Resplendent Majesty the pulled by a man.
Prince Urlis (human, he/him, CE), puppet ruler of Duke Malherme administrates the city, though he is far
New Venir • Count Turos Dragilis (human, he/him, from autonomous in his decisions. The Duke controls
LN), Count of Private Affairs, administrator of Prince the judiciary and watches over the maintenance of the
Urlis’s private fortune • Count Mileron Habblis (human, roads, the regulation of the market, the collection of fines
he/him, LN), Count of Military Affairs, master of and taxes, and the public hygiene. The city watch is
Venirian cavalry and infantry based a few miles away under his responsibility. However, the Duke is the direct
from Femulyae • Count Brogas (human, he/him, NE), representative of the Prince, who can at any moment
Count of Religious Affairs, watches over the good dispute or overrule his decisions. Members of the
relations with the clergy of Belsameth and Idra in the city court frequently request the Prince to intercede with the
and the empire • Viscount Krapen (human, he/him, LN), Duke to favor a faction or an individual. This type of
in charge of collecting taxes • Viscountess Ludovine request is generally easily obtained by sending a few
(human, she/her, CE), in charge of pleasant affairs, sex slaves to the Prince’s bedchamber. The Duke must
administrator of the Femulyae opera and the palace of also report to the Calastian Colonel Meriduk, who is
pleasures • Viscount Ackeran (human, he/him, LN), in the true ruler of the city and the nation. Finally, the
charge of order and justice • Baron Monicis (human, church of Belsameth also exerts constant pressure on the
he/him, LE), in charge of foreign relations • Baroness Duke. The conflicting opinions and interests of these
Rackaela (human, she/her, LG), administrator of the different groups of influence made the Duke paranoid
imperial palace. and schizophrenic. To protect his life, he is always
Spoken Languages: Shelzari, Zathisk, Calastian, escorted by 3 elite fighters and has all his meals tasted
Ledean. before consuming them.
Religions: Belsameth, Idra, Nemorga. Each district is under the responsibility of a district
or watch officer, who collects the habitation tax and
Primary Resources: metal, vice, wood, cereals.
enforces the hygiene and safety rules. In the city,
drinking water is extracted from a well. Each villa in
the Residential District has its own well, as opposed to
most houses of the other popular districts. The city of
Femulyae therefore owns a total of 20 wells managed by
well diggers who sell the water they extract. Each bucket

7 d20 Magazine numéro 23

of water is worth 1 cp per gallon. These taxable wells are Halflings are the second-best integrated people in the
distributed as: 1 in the Granary, 7 in the Pleasures, 9 in city. They hold many shops as well as most inns and
the Basket, and 3 in the Forges. Most inhabitants of the taverns, and are mostly from the middle class of the
poorer districts can’t afford to pay for the well and use Femulyae society. They generally live in the Basket or
water from canals polluted by the forges and other waste. the District of Pleasures.
Water from the wells comes from a water table located With their robust constitution, half-orcs often hold the
150 feet beneath the surface. Some of the tunnels below most demanding physical jobs. Most are lumberjacks
the Black Moon Fortress communicate directly with this employed by the Guild of the People of the Grove. A
water table. The church of Belsameth is perfectly aware small section of half-orcs has successfully joined Duke
that they possess a terrifying weapon should they decide Malherme’s private army. All belong to the lower
to poison this water. class of the Femulyae society. They are regrouped in
Calastian soldiers often come into Femulyae to distract the eastern section of the Lower District, also called
themselves, and are the source of many brawls in taverns “Between-The-Rivers”.
or gambling dens. If a Femulyae citizen dies, the The elves of Femulyae have a deep-rooted hatred
case is quickly shut down by the local authorities. If against King Virduk and the Calastians. They are wood
a Calastian solder dies, their officer generally ask for elves and haven’t forgotten the treachery of the Black
reparation: the murderer (or their family) must pay 100 Dragon during the Druid War. This event is still fresh
gp to compensate the family of the deceased soldier. in their memories. Most belong to a secret society
It isn’t rare for a poor family to be dispossessed of called “The Wind of Tanoth”, which has only one goal:
all their possessions after a brawl that turned sour. harm the interests of the Calastian Hegemony. The
Sometimes fights also break between the soldiers of the Venirian elves also distrust the Venirian humans since
different armed forces: legionaries of Steel, soldiers of Prince Urlis’s treason against his own people. They
the Prince Urlis, the Duke Malherme, or Calastia. These are a very closed community and are all regrouped in
fights often require the intervention of the city watch the western part of the Lower District. The only allies
or the Calastian military police. A deep-rooted hatred with whom they share a common goal are the Dancers
inhabits the soldiers of the different factions. To avoid of Steel. This secret society frequently ambushes and
full-fledged battles, the Femulyae authorities and the attacks the Calastian army in the region. It isn’t rare that
Calastian officers have determined which taverns each the Calastian army comes down the Lower District to
faction can go drinking. Any soldier that ignores this rule arrest and execute multiple persons to make an exemple.
is severely punished by their hierarchy. In all gambling They search houses, ravage shops, kill suspects without
and pleasure houses, weapons are forbidden as well as any form of trial, all that with the unspoken consent of
soldiers wearing their uniform. the Femulyae and Venirian authorities. This has only
inflamed the elves’s hatred against the Calastians. Most
Femulyae elves are artisans working wood or leather.
Dwarves are regrouped in the District of the Forges

Peoples or the barracks of the iron mine. They belong either to

the Guild of the Enraged Burrowers or the Guild of the
Sons of the Forge, and are in the middle or lower social
Humans are without a doubt the dominant people in classes.
Femulyae and hold the keys to all forms of power in
the city and the nation. Humans spread over the four
levels of social classes in the Venirian society: (1) the
higher class, which regroups the aristocracy as well as
the richest merchants, the leaders of the most influent
factions, and some guildmasters; (2) the middle class, Guilds
which regroups merchants, master artisans, and those
fortunate enough to have received a better education Femulyae counts over twenty guilds for various trades,
and therefore hold relatively well-paid positions; (3) among which:
the lower class, represented by modest merchants
or artisans, farmers and farm hands, housekeepers,
Guild of the Sons of the Forge
servants, and soldiers; (4) the slaves.
This guild of dwarven blacksmiths, counting 155
artisans, is entirely devoted to the Cult of the Forge9 . All

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 8

workers are druids or sorcerers marked by Golthagga. defend themselves and carry weapons with them when
The guild regroups 5 forges located in the District of the they go into the woods. When they are in a cutting phase,
Forges, for a total of around 110 dwarven families. The the lumberjacks live in small wooden cabins. In average,
production of iron requires huge quantities of firewood, they fell 16,800 steres11 of construction wood, 119,000
supplied by the wood sellers of Femulyae. The forge steres of firewood, and make 280,000 wood bundles a
of Master Erkel Steelhand (dwarf, he/him, CG) is year. This wood supply is barely enough for the city of
specialized in longswords and other weapons; Master Femulyae. In periods of high demand, the guild doesn’t
Korbul Ironjaw (dwarf, he/him, LN) in armors; Master hesitate to hire temporary workers. Sometimes, when
Brael Stronganvil (dwarf, he/him, NG) in ironwork; titanspawn attacks are more frequent and deadly, it also
Master Carnac Boldiron (dwarf, he/him, CN) in the hires mercenaries to protect the lumberjacks and their
fabrication of tools; and Master Dronkel Hotiron (dwarf, families.
he/him, N) in locksmithing. Fellers are paid in function of the number and the size
of the trees they cut. An experimented lumberjack can
fell up to 3 “ancient” trees per day, which corresponds
Guild of the Blessed Hands
to a daily wage of 3 sp at best. A long sawyer is paid
The guild, led by Nemesis (human, she/her, NG), around 30 sp for 1,000 feet of planks. Two workers
regroups all doctors and healers of the city. It represents saw around 110 feet of planks each day, which makes
all that remains from the cult of Madriel, once the a daily wage of 3 sp each. The wood is sold by the
most popular under the rule of Emperor Qadriam. In stere. The following table indicates the cost applied by
total, 17 doctors/healers belong to the guild in addition the Femulyae woodsellers. Firewood consists mostly of
to Nemesis. Femulyae adepts of Madriel specialize beech, oak, and charm.
in healing spells, but also have a great knowledge of
Venirian herbs. A chapel dedicated to Madriel has been Tree 1 stere (sp)
installed in the guild house located in the Residential Oak 47
District. Elm 48
Ash 58
Beech 32
Guild of the People of the Grove
Alder 36
There is in New Venir a long-standing lumberjack Aspen 29
tradition. They always have operated freely in the Fir 29
great forest that spreads in the south of the nation. Larch 44
However, when Virduk annexed New Venir to the
Pine 26
Calastian Empire, he gifted this forest to his wife, and
Birch 35
the Venirian lumberjacks were forced to make a deal with
Chestnut 39
Queen Geleeda to exploit these woods.
Maple 88
The Guild of the People of the Grove is one of the most Sycamore 48
ancient lumberjack guilds in Venir. It supplies firewood Wild cherry 38
for domestic houses, baker’s ovens, and the furnaces of Charm 36
the Femulyae forges. It also provides construction wood
Linden 32
for the city artisans such as carpenters, wheelwrights,
Acacia 38
woodcarvers, and coopers. Some of this wood is also
sold to the Guild of the Enraged Burrowers for the
struts of the iron mine. The guild is led by Elliandis The guild has a convention with Master Forester
(half-elf, he/him, LN). It mutualises all tools (axes and Chaleas (human, he/him, LE), the officer charged by
saws), logistics (carts to transport wood), and workers King Virduk to watch over the northern part of Geleeda’s
(7 to 8 hundreds lumberjacks) to 13 wood merchants. Grove. The convention, amended by the Queen herself,
Most workers employed by the guilds are half-orcs. specifies that:
Workers of both genders and covering a large age span
have different specialties: feller, delimber, squarer, long
sawyer, debarker, and bundler. 1. The guild can harvest up to 150,000 steres of wood
each year.
The guild workers are regularly attacked by titanspawn
of the grove. As time passes, the older have learned to 2. The guild can only cut trees marked with the
Queen’s seal.

9 d20 Magazine numéro 23

3. The lumberjacks can’t go deeper than 1 mile into Leader: Master Domon Falistran (human, he/him, N).
the woods or risk the death penalty. Buildings: 38 workshops and 1 guildhouse located in
the Basket.
4. For each tree cut the guild must pay a tax to the
Queen: 4 sp for a “cadet” 40 years old, 8 sp for
a “modern” 80 years old, 12 sp for an “ancient” a Guild of King Buffalo
century old or older.
Trade: Leatherwork.
5. There is a time limit of 3 months to transport the Known For: High-quality buffalo leather.
wood from trees that have been cut to outside of Symbol: A buffalo skin.
the Grove. Leader: Companion Tolin Garus (human, he/him, LN).
Buildings: 220 workshops and 1 warehouse located in
6. The tax must be paid when the tree is transported the Granary.
outside of the Grove.

7. The exploitation of timberland of 25 years or Guild of Carters

younger is chargeable with the death penalty. Trade: Driving of carts, diligences, wagons, convoys,
and caravans, with an optional armed protection.
8. The lumberjacks must defend themselves against
Known For: Bringing clients to their destination.
titanspawn who live in the Grove.
Symbol: A wheel.
9. Finally, the Queen isn’t responsible for any injury Leader: Rassep Boudron (human, he/him, CN).
or damage inflicted upon the lumberjacks during Buildings: 1 guildhouse on Qadriam Square, 1
their stay in the Grove. warehouse in the Granary.

Master Forester Chaleas has around 20 sergeant Guild of the Skillful Hands
foresters under his command, mostly Calastian rangers,
fighters, and warriors. The guild has almost always Trade: Housebuilding and masonry.
respected the convention it signed with Queen Geleeda. Known For: Sturdy buildings.
However some of the sergeant foresters can be bribed Symbol: A roof supported by 2 poles.
to close their eyes on certain articles of the convention. Leader: Entrepreneur Gwunvan Addruc (human,
Such arrangement typically happens when the guild he/him, CN).
can’t meet the demands of the forges. Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.

Guild of Woodworkers
Minor Guilds Trade: Woodwork, including furniture, barrels, and
The following section summarizes the different minor Known For: Fine and detailled decorating patterns.
guilds of the city. Symbol: A hammer and a wood chisel.
Leader: Elralas (human, he/him, CG).
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.
Guild of the Divine Beverage
Trade: Production of wine and spirits.
Known For: High-quality liquor. Guild of Carpenters
Symbol: Three barrels of different sizes. Trade: Roof construction.
Leader: Master Narwin (halfling, he/him, CG). Known For: Sturdy and enduring roofs.
Buildings: 33 caves and 1 warehouse located in the Symbol: Two men carrying a plank on their shoulders.
Granary. Leader: Tala Alodanten (human, he/him, N).
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary.
Guild of the Green Shine
Trade: Gemcutting and jewelry.
Known For: Jade jewelry.
Symbol: A jade stone.

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 10

Guild of Metalworkers Guild of the Head-to-Toe Covers
Trade: Metalwork, including cutlery, buckles, tools. Trade: Production of clothes, including hatters and
Known For: High-quality metal. taylors.
Symbol: Two knives forming a cross. Known For: Avant-garde clothes.
Leader: Cutler Teli Deollyn (halfling, he/him, CN). Symbol: a spool of thread.
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary. Leader: Taylor Rarin Sydry (halfling, he/him, LN).
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Basket.

Guild of Waterbearers
Trade: Drawing water from wells and carrying it

through the city.
Known For: Uninterrupted service, even during the
Symbol: a pail of water.
Leader: Sersil Shimush (human, he/him, NE).
Buildings: 1 guildhouse in the District of the Forges. Royal Palace (1)
Urlis’s palace hosts all the Femulyae high nobility as
well as the prince’s appartements. A light bluish smoke
Guild of Fabricworkers always floats above the palace. Scandalmongers say that
Trade: Production of fabric, including both weave and it reflects the drug overindulgence of its residents.
Known For: Linen and silk fabrics with lustrous colors.
Symbol: a piece of cloth. Morian Gate (2) and Derizian Gate (3)
Leader: Weaver Eshuso Estimir (human, he/him, N). These gates, watched by the soldiers of Duke
Buildings: 1 warehouse in the Granary. Malherme’s army, can’t be closed. They haven’t been
repaired since the pact signed between Urlis and Virduk.

11 d20 Magazine numéro 23

River Gate (4) habilitated to intervene everywhere in the city except
The River Gate, controlled by one of Duke Malherme’s in the Citadel, the Black Moon Fortress, and the House
officers, is the only gate that functions correctly. A tax is Assuras Counter.
collected for any boat that wishes to enter the city. This
gate is mostly used by barges from the iron mines located
Training School of the Scaled (10)
in the north.
It is headed by Master Vautram (human, he/him, N)
assisted by Master Celuwen (elf, she/her, CN). Around
Black Moon Temple (5) 60 students train in this school and serve as agents for the
The largest temple of Belsameth in the city, this guild. The school disguises itself as an ordinary wizard
fortress is a true pit of plots and deadly schemes. academy with some extravagant admission criteria.
Even though Vautram is the headmaster, the Countess
Tissena Habblis, Lady of the Scaled of Femulyae,
Temple of Idra (6) coordinates the guild’s activity in the region.
It is led by the Courtesan Achae11 (human, she/her,
LN). Over 60 female priests and bards initiate the House Assuras Counter (11)
followers of Idra to the pleasures of the flesh. The most
well-known mistresses other than Achae are the priestess The Femulyae chapter for House Assuras is lead
Shetna (human, she/her, CN) and the entertainer12 by Countess Penolysa Dragilis, who has delegated
Caomhan (human, she/her, CN). this responsibility to her son Bacsos Dragilis (human,
he/him, NE). Bascos is a highly pretentious and egoistic
individual, but he deeply loves his mother and fears his
Temple of Nemorga (7) great uncle Telos. The Counter is a fortified compound
guarded by mercenaries of the Crimson Legion and
The city of Femulyae has a small temple dedicated
located in the middle of the Granary. It holds a workshop
to the cult of Nemorga. The temple is led by Sharash
for the production of drugs, one pleasure house, 2
(human, he/him, N). It includes a crematorium used by
storage buildings, and several dungeon cells to sequester
most of Femulyae citizens according to a centuries-old
slaves. The Counter makes its profits from various
tradition inherited from the cult of Madriel. Sharash
activities: slave traffic, production and distribution of
and his followers maintain the temple and the vast
drugs, prostitution, blackmail, and trade. The Counter
columbarium located beneath the city where the funerary
buys iron from the Guild of the Enraged Burrowers,
urns of the different families of Femulyae are stored.
weapons and tools from the Sons of the Forge, and wine
However, since the accession of Prince Urlis, more and
and spirits from the Guild of the Divine Beverage.
more corpses are reanimated. Sharash fights against this
practice by incinerating all undead that he can catch. The Femulyae Counter is specialized in the fabrication
of five of the most sold drugs in Ghelspad: Julka weed,
blue lotus flowers, the mist of pleasure, the powder
Qadriam Square (8) of paradise, and the elixir of permanent awakening.
This is the place where Emperor Qadriam was The fabrication of these drugs require highly trained
incinerated upon his death. At the center of the square, personel. The engineer Mupheas (human, he/him, LE)
a vast hall supported by 76 wooden poles shelters fairs is therefore supported by a team of around 60 skilled
and farmer markets. experts.
The mist of pleasure is a drug extracted from poppy,
very similar to opium. Poppy is mostly harvested
City Watch (9) near Deriz by another branch of House Assuras, and is
It is composed of 208 men-at-arms placed under the delivered in Femulyae by cart.
command of Captain Barzak (human, he/him, LE). The powder of paradise is extracted from a mushroom
The watch is organized in squads of 12 men, each called tallophyte of Belsameth. This mushroom is
under the command of a sergeant. The guard yields harvested in underground caves located beneath the
16 squads, and 2 of them patrol the city at any compound in Femulyae. It is consumed like tobacco and
given time. City watchmen are equipped with hide provokes minor hallucinations like mescaline.
armor, longswords, daggers, and light crossbows. The The elixir of permanent awakening is a beverage
sergeants own masterwork weapons. The city watch is brewed from the leaves of a tree which grows in the

Michel Audiffren, Nathalie André 12

Hornsaw Forest. This tree, the calophylle, shares many
similarities with the coca bush. Rangers in the service of
House Assuras deliver regularly several bags of leaves
harvested directly in the dark wood. The place being Notes
rather dangerous, a large bag of 10 pounds of calophylle
leaves is worth 100 gp. 1. See also the Legion of Steel section and the Dancer
of Steel prestige class from the Player’s Guide to
Fighters and Barbarians.
The King of Heart (12)
2. The history of the Ledean Empire and its dynasties
This criminal guild is led by Ramesis (human, is described in more detail in the Scarred Lands
he/him, NE), and counts around 30 members. It is Campaign Setting: Ghelspad.
hostile to any individual who doesn’t belong to it.
It specializes in prostitution, gambling houses, drugs, 3. The Old Calendar (OC) was used before the
and burglary. Ramesis has excellent relations with Divine War. 1 OC marked the foundation of the
Viscountess Ludovine and the church of Belsameth, and Ledean Empire.
regularly bribes Viscount Ackeran to stay out of trouble.
It wages a secret war against House Assuras and the 4. See also the Blades of Belsameth section and the
Scaled. Nightblade prestige class from the Player’s Guide
to Monks and Paladins.

5. The Order of the Dark Moon is described in the

Femulyae Opera (13) Player’s Guide to Monks and Paladins.
The 30 operatorios of Femulyae, directed by the tenor
Melesio (human, he/him, CN), belong to the Calastian 6. See the Moonwitch prestige class from the
operatic tradition. They generally play opera works full Player’s Guide to Wizards, Bards, and
of political intrigues and labyrinthine schemes. Sorcerers.

7. See the Moonlight Lord prestige class from Edge

Guild House of the Blessed Hands (14) of Infinity: The Scarred Planes.

This is where the doctors/healers of the guild led by 8. Refer to the Cult and Order of Ancients section in
Nemesis gather. Secrets and Societies.

9. The Cult of the Forge is described in the Player’s

Guide to Clerics and Druids.

10. 1 stere equals 35 cubic feet.

11. Achae belongs to the secret organization known as

the Courtesans of Idra, described in Secrets and

12. The Entertainer is a prestige class described in

D20 Magazine numéro 5, which focuses on
illusion and sensuality.

13 d20 Magazine numéro 23

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