Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
Intercultural Communication
5 1,499
2 authors, including:
Madelyn Flammia
University of Central Florida
All content following this page was uploaded by Madelyn Flammia on 19 May 2015.
Book Review
the assumption that reality is constructed and that concludes with examples of global citizenship,
communication is a subjective experience. Scholars which show that citizens of all types and levels
exercising this approach believe that human can make a difference. We can all endeavor to be
behavior is unpredictable and creative, which is individuals who are open to new information as
studied using qualitative research methods. In well as ideas and environments, in other words,
the critical approach, the historical context of mindful individuals.
communication and the relationship between power
and communication are the focus. This approach The emphasis on the American point of view
stresses subjective reality and the context of is surprising in a book about intercultural
communication. Finally, the dialectical approach, communication. For example, the first two engaging
developed by Martin, Nakayama, and Flores, questions in Part 1 leave out the non-American
brings together the strengths of the three other reader: “Are you a first-generation American
approaches with an emphasis that intercultural (meaning that one or both of your parents came
communication is processual, relational, to the United States from another country)?”;
and contradictory in nature. The dialectical “Does your immediate or extended family practice
approach has six dialectics: cultural-individual, customs and celebrate holidays not practiced or
personal-contextual, differences-similarities, observed by the majority of people in the US?” [p. 2]
static-dynamic, history/past-present/future, In addition, there is an abundance of references to
and privilege-disadvantage. The dialectics are American institutions, organizations, and popular
related to the four building blocks of intercultural culture, etc. This choice of perspective, and the
communication, namely, culture, communication, fact that the intended readers mean American
context, and power. In addition to explaining the readers specifically, is not openly stated until
principles of the four approaches along with their toward the end of the book: “ we will focus
benefits and limitations, the authors give insightful, on those organizations most directly relevant to
concrete examples of each. you, a college student in the United States” [p.
246]. Looked at from the viewpoint of a wider
Part three discusses the various processes international audience, it might have been easier
and technologies related to intercultural and for the reader to start exercising the mindful
international communication. Chapter 5, entitled approach, if the American perspective had been
“Verbal Communication,” covers linguistic stated at the beginning of the book, or if the book
differences, issues of translation, multilingualism, itself practiced the mindful perspective that the
and the language of conflict management. Chapter authors emphasize.
6 deals with nonverbal communication and
examines the influence of cultural values on body The book is highly rich in detail, and the work is
language, gestures, and the conception of time and an invaluable source of information for the reader
space. Chapter 7, entitled “Visual Communication,” who is looking for a holistic picture of intercultural
discusses how culture influences perception and and international communication on a global level.
the use of graphic images. Part three ends with a On the other hand, its wide scope does not permit
chapter on mass communication with an emphasis a more in-depth treatment of many issues, such
on the relationship between the media and power, as linguistics or translation. There is a fair degree
and the global impact of US popular culture. of repetition in the book, which makes skimming
and browsing through the book easy, but which
The fourth and final part of the book focuses on might cause some frustration for the chronological
ethical dimensions related to culture. Aspects reader. However, for classroom purposes, the
of ethnocentrism and the connection between book is ideal as it offers numerous theoretical
ethics and power are discussed, and the authors viewpoints. Adopting the authors’ positive and
introduce the idea of contextual relativism, which convincing idea of a mindful communicator will be
is an attempt to negotiate the tension between a fruitful starting point for students and anyone
universalism and relativism. Those who take the else interested in intercultural and international
contextual relativist approach “do not believe communication. In addition, the references are
that it is impossible for them to take an ethical placed at the end of each part, making the book
stance in relation to the behavior of members of even more reader-friendly. With its highly readable
other cultures, but strive to avoid doing so from text style, the book is a truly comprehensive
an ethnocentric perspective” [p. 264]. The book account of intercultural communication.