Geo PP2 MS
Geo PP2 MS
Geo PP2 MS
Answer ALL the questions in this section.
1. (a) Name TWO places where diamond mining is done in the Republic of South Africa.
(2 mks)
- Alexander Bay
- Kimberley
- Pretoria
- Jagersfoutein
- Koffie foutein
- Bloem foutein
(b) State THREE problems facing gold mining in South Africa. (3 mks) -
Water shortage due to competition for water with other industries.
- High cost of mining due to increasing depth of mines
- Poor quality ore as a result of increasing depth of mines
- Over exploitation of gold which has led to the exhaustion of the mineral/closure of
- High cost of labour due to competition of labour by other sectors of the economy.
- Uasin Gishu
- Trans Nzoia
- Nakuru
- Narok
- Laikipia
- Nyandarua
- Nyeri
- Meru.
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(b) State TWO problems facing Trona mining on Lake Magadi. (2 mks)
- Stiff competition in the market from large sc ale producers e.g USA and Israel
- Hostile environment due to the high air temperatures which affect the workers
High labour costs, because workers need incentives so as to work in such hostile
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(a) (i) Use a cumulative bar graph to present the date. (Use 1cm to represent 20 tonnes)
(10 mks)
(ii) Give two disadvantages of using cumulative bar graphs in data presentation.
(2 mks)
- It is difficult to draw as it involves a lot of calculations
- Only a limited number of items can be represented since too many items will
be difficult to interpret.
- It is difficult to tell the contribution of individual items unless this is done through
measurements and calculations.
- The trend in the production of an item from year to year could be difficult to
tell at a glance.
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(c) Explain four reasons why horticultural produce is exported by air to the European
(8 mks)
- The crops fetch high prices, thus they are able to cater for the high freight charges -
Most of the products are perishable and therefore must be transported before they
deteriorate, hence air transport.
- The largest market for Kenya’s horticultural products is in Europe and the only way
to transport the products is by air
- Major horticultural producers produce large quantities which can easily cover the
high freight charges
7. (a) State four characteristics of coniferous forests which favour their exploitation.(4
- The trees occur in pure/uniform stands
- The trees are light in weight
- There is little undergrowth
- Trees have straight trunks with few branches.
(b) Explain five factors that favour the growth of natural forests on the slopes of Mt.
(10 mks)
- The area receives high rainfall throughout the year which encourages continuous
growth of trees
- The area has deep, well drained soils that allow the roots to penetrate deep into the
ground to support the trees
- The area has moderate/cool climate ideal for the growth of a variety of trees
- The area is a gazetted forest reserve prohibiting settlement/cultivation hence allowing
forests to grow without interference
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(c) Use the map of Kenya below to answer the following questions.
(i) Name the forest reserves marked A, B, C and D. (4 mks)
A – Mt . Elgon
B – Mt. Kenya
C – Arabuko Sokoke
D – Mau
(ii) Name TWO hardwoods commonly exploited in the forest reserve marked A.
(2 mks)
- Elgon Teak
- East African Olive
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(i) Give FIVE reasons why you need a route map. (5 mks)
- To show the extent of the area of the study
- To show the route to be followed during the study and avoid getting lost
- To show the features to be studied
- To enable the learner estimate the distance to be covered - To show the
general nature of the terrain - To help prepare a working schedule.
(ii) Give TWO methods the class may use to gather data. (2 mks)
- Interviewing/asking questions
- Administering questionnaires
- Taking photographs Observation
- Content analysis
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(c) (i) Describe the stages involved in the processing of sugar cane at the factory.(6 mks)
- At the factory, the cane is weighed while still on the trucks
- Offloaded and washed
- Cut into pieces
- The pieces are then passed between rollers which squeeze out juice
- Fibre is used for making fuel for the boilders
- The juice is put into a clarifier
- The juice is put into evaporators where it is boiled with lime, under pressure
- The syrup is passed on a vacuum pan
- A dark brown mixture of molasses and sucrose/massecuite is formed
- It is put in a centrifuge where crystals are separated from molasses - It is then
refined to brown/white sugar - Packaged ready for sale.
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(ii) Give FOUR methods you would use to record data during the study. (4 mks)
- Taking photographs
- Writing notes
- Filling in questionnaires
- Drawing sketches/diagrams
- Tabulating the collected information
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(b) (i) Name THREE methods of underground mining apart from shaft method.(3
- Drift/Adit mining
- Solution
- Drilling
(c) Explain THREE benefits of the oil mining to the local community in Turkana.
(6 mks)
- Offers employment to many of the local people raising their living standards
- It will lead to widespread urbanization contributing kto new urban settlements -
Improvement of infrastructure and social amenities –roads, railway, pipeline,
schools, hospitals etc.
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