Civil Engg GA 24-2023 CO 15052024

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Name of Post : drserratio, Officer (Gr.

II) in the
T** - 4/41"'a L7
Directorate of Archaeology, Assam under
Indigenous and Tribal Faith and Cultural
Advt. No. 24 I 2023, dtd.2s I 08 I 2023 coNoF/ITFCl24
Date of Exam, 0410412024
rE rJr sglrlllrL l U.rtltr' rvv IDr. larrnn rr} rrr) sr)
Test Booklet No. Serles

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The capital of Bangladesh is

(A) Chennai
(B) London
(C) Dhaka
(D) Dhubri
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144 I No. of Questions 3 lOO

1' which of the following is aot the E, The amount of water floudng into a
mode of failure of a gravity dam? well per unit time is ca.lled
(A) Overtuming failure (A) discharge of well
(B) Sliding failure (B) capacity of well
(C) Seepage failure (C) yield of well
(D) Tension failure (D) recharge of well

2. For drinking water, iron content is 6. The turbidity of water is caused due
usually restricted to to

(A) 0'O1 mg per litre (A) suspended impurides

(B) 0.1 mg per litre (B) dissolved impurities

(C) 0'3 mg per litre (C) chemical impurities

(D) I mg per litre (D) organic impurities

3, The device used for the removal of oil 7' When observed efilorescence is more
and grease from sewage ," *an 10% but less t.Lan 50% of the
- exposed surface of brick, it is
(A) skimming tank
(A) moderate efflorescence
(B) crit chamber
(B) sught efflorescence
(c) trickling filter (c) heavy efflorescence
{D} sedimentation tank (D} serious efflorescence

4' The biological method of g. when the timber is attacked by

decomposing the solid waste and fungus and reduced to powder, it is
night soil i"
(A) sanitary landfill (A) wet rot
(B) incineration (B) brown rot
(C) dumping (C) dry rot
(D) composting (D) white rot

coNoF/ITFC/24l44-A 2
9. The workabilit5r of concrete increases 13. A simply supported beam of length
(A) by decreasing the size of
6'0 m is subjected to a udl of
intensity 2 kN/metre over entire
span of the beam. The maximum
(B) by increasing flatry aggregates bending moment is
(C) by increasing the size of (A) 36 kN-m
(B) 9 kN-m
(D) by increasing fine aggregates (c) 6 kN-m
lO. Admixtures which cause early (D) 12 kN-m
setting and hardening of concrete
are called L4. In roller supports, the reactions at
(A) accelerators
(A) are normal to the base of the
(B) retarders roller
(C) air-entraining agents (B) are parallel to the base of the
(D) plasticizers roller
(C) are inclined to the base of the
I 1 , Rebound hammer is used to roller
(D) depend upon the type of
(A) compressive strength of coarse loading
15. Euler's formula is applicable for
(B) compressive strength of fine
aggregate (A) short column
(C) compressive strength of (B) long column
concrete in hardened state (C) intermediate column
(D) tensile strength of concrete (D) both long and short column

12. For a certain material, Poisson's 16. Ultimate tensile strength is the
ratio is 0'25. Then the ratio of
modulus of elasticity to the (A) highest stress at whieh tensile
modulus of rigidity for the material specimen fails
is (B) lowest stress at which tensile
specimen fails
(A) 0.4
(B) 2's (C) normal stress at which tensile
specimen fails
(c) 4'o
(D) hiehest stress at which
(D) 0.s compressive specimen fails

coNoF/rTFc/24l44-A lP.T.o.
17, The main reinforcement of an RCC 21. The value of average bond stress 766
slab is designed for 10 mm depends on
diameter bars @100 mm spacing.
Now it is required to replace 10 mm (4 steel strength and cross-
bars by 12 bars, then the spacing of sectional area of bar
12 mm bars should be
(A) 90 mm (B) concrete strength and the type
of bar
(B) 120'8 mm
(C) 140.4 mm (C) concrete strcngth and
(D) 160.3 mm reinforcement strength

18. In mix desigtr for M25, the target (D) concrete strength and cross-
mean strength of concete as per sectional area of bar
IS : 10262-2009 (take standard
deviation = 5 N/mm2) is
(A) s t'o IvTmm 2 22. As per IS-800, the effieiency of a
riveted joint for minimum pitch is
(B) 33'25 N/mm2
(C) 29.95 N/mm2 (Al 7oo/o

{D) 30'78 N/mm2 (B) 60%

19. The constant factor relates stress in

the steel urith the stress in (c) s0%
adjoining concrete is
(Dl 40%
(A) Poisson's ratio
(B) Young's modulus
(C) modular ratio 23. As per IS-8OO, t}le minimum size of
Iillet weld to connect two 10 mm
(D) shear modulus thick plates is

20. 15-456 : 2000 specifies the modulus

(A) 8 mm
of elasticiw of concrete (.Ec) as
(A) 3ooof (B) 6 mm
(B) 2soo.f;;
(C) 5 mm
(c) 6ooo1E;
(D) s0001i8 (D) 3 mm

coNoF/rTFC/24l44-A 4
24. A frame consisting of three joints 24. In a fluid flow, if the inertia forees
and four members is a frame. are very large as compared to the
viscous forces, thcn the tyge of llow
(A) deficient - will be
(B) efficient
(A) transition flow
(C) perfect
(D) redundant (B) laminar flow

(C) turbulent flow

25. The increase in temperature

(A) increases the viscosigr of a (D) either laminar or turbulent

liquid flow

(B) decreases the viscosity of a

When a chain is used at a
(c) decreases the viscosity of a gas temperature more than the
temperature it was calibrated, the
(D) No effect error in measured length will be

The pressure measured with the help (A) cumulative

of piezometer tube is

(E atmospheric pressure
(B) compensating

(B) gauge pressure (C) negative

(C) absolute pressure
(D) observational
(D) vacuum pressure

27. If M is metacentre, B is the centre of Two-point problem and three-point

buoyancy and G is the eentre of problem are the methods of
gravity, then the condition for
instability of a floating body is (4 orientation
(A) B is above G
(B) resection
(B) M is below G
(C) traversing and resection
(C) M is above G
(D) B is below G (D) orientauon and resection

coNoF/rTFC/24l44-A lP.T.O.
31. A series of closely spaced contour 35. Shear resistance of soil can be
lines representsa attributed to
(A) steep slope (A) cohesion and pore-pressure
(B) uniform slope (B) cohesion and friction
(C) horizontal slope (c) only friction
(D) gentle sloPe
(D) only cohesion
32. The process of turning the telescope
about the vertical axis in horizontal 36. A net obtained by drawing a series of
plane is known as equipotential lines and flow-lines is
known as
(A) transiting
(A) stream function
(B) reversing
(B) flow-net
(D) swinging (C) flow-grid
(D) gridnet
33. A coarse-grained soil has a void ratio
of 0 7 and specilic gravity of 2 7.
The critical gradient at wiich the 37' The v'ater content corresponding to
quick-sand. condition occurs is the maximum dry density in a
compaction curve is knovrn as
(4 1.00
(A) water content of compacted
(B) O.75 soil
(c) o'5 (B) minimum water content
(D) o'25
(c) optimum urater content

34. The maximum water content at (D) zero-air void water content
which further reduction in the
water content will not cause a 3g. observed N-varue of sn spr test is
decrease in the volume of the soil
2r. The rv-va]ue after corracting for
mass is known as of soil dilatanry is
- (A) 18
(A) liquid limit
(B) plastic limit (B) 21

(C) shrinkage limit (C) 19

(D) None of the above (D) 15

39. The gross command area for a 43. Which of the following is not related
distributary is 10,000 ha and 80% to canal headworks?
of this is culturable for wheat and
3oo/o for rice. Determine the total (A) Fish ladder
area cultivated by wheat and rice in (B) canal head regulator
(C) Under-sluice
(A) 2400
(B) 4400 (D) canal fall
(c) 6400
discharge is the canal.
rto. Sprinkler irrigation method is the (A) parallel to
best method for standing crops in
Iield' (B) below
(A) level surface (C) at the level of
(B) steep sloping surface (D) above
(C) alluvial soil
(D) undulating sandy soil 46. A rectangular channel section is said
to be most economical when the
41. The major irrigation projects are depth of flow and bottom width are
those which have culturable in the ratio of
command area (CCA) more than (A) 1 1

(A) 200o0 ha
(B) I 2
(B) 10000 ha
(c) sooo ha
lc\ 2 1

(D) rsoo ha (D) 1 0.5

42. The method of irrigation, where the 46. The cafpet afea of a residential
entire lield is divided into a number building is generally _ of its
of levelled plots surrounded by low plinth area.
and flat levees is
(Al 6o0/o - 75o/o
(A) check method
(B) 5oo/o - 65%
(B) basin method
(C) turrow method (C) 35% - 50%

(D) border strip method (D) 65% - 80%

coNoF/ITFC/241+4-A lP.T.O.
47. The cost of unforeseen items or for 51. Camber in roed is provided for
the expenses of miscellaneous pett5r
items which do not fall under. any (A) efrective drainage
subhead of item or work are called
(A) lumpsum (B) counteracting the centrifugal
(B) extra force

(C) customary charges

(C) having proper siglt distance
(D) contingencies
(Dl AII of the above
48. The approximate weight of 16 mm
MS bar per metre length is
(A) 0'89 ke
. 52. The method of designiag flexible
(B) kg
1'58 pavement as recommended by IRC
(C) 2.98 kg is

(D) 2'47 kg
(A) group inde:r method
49. The test to determine the
temperature at which the (B) CBR method
bituminous binders gradually
change from semi-solid to liquid (C) Westergaard method
state on application of heat is
(A) flash point test (D) Benkelman beam method
{B) softening point test
(C) viscosity test
(D) sorubility test *' 'l;#];'r;iffi;":;#:;l'1:
known as
5O. The interface treatment provided to
plug in the voids of porous surfaces
and to bond loose particles in (4 uridth of formation
bituminous pavements is called
(A) tack coat (B) right of waY
(B) seal coat
(C) carriageway
(C) prime coat
(D) surface dressing (D) roadway

54. In the limit state design of concrete 58. The most important horizontal band
structure, the strain distribution is in earthquake-resistant masonry
assumed to be building is

(A) linear (A) gable band

(B) non-linear
(B) roof band
{C) parabolic
(D) paraboric and rectangular {c) 1inte1 band

(D) plinth band

65. According to IS : 456-2000, lap
splices shall not be used for bars
larger than 59, A steel plate is 3o0 mm wide and
10 mm thick' If the diameter of the
(A) 18 mm
bolt hole is 2O mm, the net
(B) 3O mm sectional area of the plate (the plate
has one bolt) is
(C) 36 mm
(D) 32 mm (A) 18oo mm2

(B) 28oo mm2

55, In concert halls, soft materials and
ca.ry)ets are used to (C) 2a0 cm2
(A) increase sound waves
(D) SO00 mm2
(B) absorb sound waves

(c) refract sound waves

6{). The maximum bending moment of a
(D) retract sound waves fixed beam of lengtJl 4.0 m,
subjected to a central point load of
10 kN at the end is
E?. The minimum dimension of column
as per IS : 13920 is
(A) 5 kN_m
(A) 100 mm
(B) 10 kN-m
(B) 150 mm

(c) 2oo mm (C) 20 kN-m

(D) 25o mm (D) 40 kN-m

coNoF/ rTFC/24l44-A I P.r.o.

61, The most rational and accurate 55. The contour lines in case of ridge is
method for population forecasting
[A) L-shaPed
(A) arithmetical progression (B) U-shaped
method (c) v-shaped
(B) geometrical proFression
(D) z-shaped
(c) incremental increase method
66. Depending upon t].e chemieal
(D) changing increase rate method compositon and mechanical
properties, iron may be classified as

62. Seepage through foundation in an (A) cast iron

earthen dam can be controlled by
providing (B) wrought iron
(A) rock toe (C) steel

. (B) horizontal blarket (D) All of the above

(C) chimney drain

57. A remedial measure of water logging
(D) impervious cut-off is

63. When a floating block of ice on v/ater (A) controlling seepage from tlle
in a container melts, the water leve1 canals
in the containet (B) by lowering the FSL of t].e
(A) rises canals

(B) remains the same (C) quick disposal of rainwater

(C) first falls, then (D) installation of lift irrigation .

(D) More than one of the above

o+. lne lnslrumenr useo Ior measunng 68. What is greenhouse effect?
area on a contour map is (A) Decreasingearth'stemperature
(A) areameter (B) Increasingearth'stemperature
(B) clinometer (C) Heat is trapped around earth's
(C) planimeter surface

(D) graphometer (D) Maintaining earth's temperahrre

coNoF/rTFC/24lrt4-A 1()
69, The necessary condition for tire flow 74, Parallax may be eliminated by
to be uniform is that
(A) focusslng the eyeplece
(A) the velocity is constant at a
point $/ith respect to time (B) focussing the objeetives
(B) the velocity is constant in the
(C) Both (A) and (B)
flow field with respect to space

(C) the velocity changes at a point (D) None of the above

with respect to time
(D) None of the above 74. Inorganic soil with low comprcss*
ibitity is represented by
According to IS : 13920, in beam web
reinforcement, both the ends of the (A) MH
vertical stirnrps of beams should be
bent into a hook of (B) sL
(A) eo' (c) ML
(B) lss' (D) CH
(c) 14s'
(D) 17s" The minimum pressure exerted by
soil on the retaining wall is called
71. For muster ro11, the wages of
labourers are drawn in (4 active earth pressure

(A) Form 22 (B) passive earth pressure

(B) Form 25 (C) neutral earth pressure

(C) Form 21
(D) earth pressure at rest
(D) Form 25-A

72. Plane surveying means 76. Kinematics is the study of

(A) surveying in plane (A) geometry of motion
(B) surveying using plane (B) force and motion
(C) surface of the earth is
considered as plane (C) kinetics

(D) None of the above (D) None of the above

coNoF /rTFc/24144-A 1l IP.T.o.

77. What type of stress leads to 81, The 'Gyanvapi Mosque'is found in
weathering of rocks? which one of tlte following places?

(A) Physical (A) sarnath

(B) Chemical
(B) Murshidabad
(C) Thermal
(c) Varanasi
(D) A11 of the above
(D) Prayagraj
78. The most suitable method for
disinfecting swimming pool water is
82. The first warship of the Indian Navy
(A) ultraviolet ray treatment which is armed rldth BraIMos
(B) lime treatment sufface-to-surface missile and
which is narned after a ci$r of the
(C) using potassium peflnan- North-East India is
(4 INS Bomdila
(D) chlorination
(B) INS Agartala
79. The damp-proof course (DPC) is
measured in (c) INS Kohima

(A) cubic metre (D) INS Imphal

(B) square metre

(C) running metre 83. An artilicial satellite placed in .

geosynchronous object is used for
(D) None of the above
(A) telecommunication and
is weather monitoring
8{). The cementing property in cement
mainly due to
(B) teiecommunication and
(A) lime atmospheric remote sensing

(B) silica (C) surveillance and mineral

(C) iron-oxide
(D) atumina (D) GPS and surveillance

coNoF /t'tFC /24 I 44-A

84, A fuel cell is a device which is used 87' During the Independence movement,
to convert the Indian National Congress
adopted the resolution of Purna
(A) electrical energ/ to mechanica-1 Swaraj' in the

(B) chemical enerry to light energz

(A} Amritsar Session of 1919
(C) mechanical enerry to potential

(D) chemical energ/ to electrical (B) Nagput Session of 1920


85, Indira Gandhi Centre for Atomic (C) Lahore Session of 1929
Research at Kalpakkam is the only
Nuclear Power Station in India
which generates eiectricity using
(D) Lucknow Session of 1936
(A) a pressurized heavy water

(B) a light water reactor 88. Which one of the following dlmasties
of South India during the medieval
{C) a prototype faet breeder reactor period extended its influence to the
present-day Indonesia and
{D) a reactor using thorium as the Malaysia?
nuclear fueI

. 86. Df . M. S. Swaminathan who was (A) The Pandyas

awarded the Ramon Magsaysay
Award in 1971 for community
leadership was an outstanding
scientist associated with (B) The Cholas
(A) agricultural science

(B) space science and technolory (C) The Chalukyas

(C) nuclear eners/

(D) offshore crude oil exploration (D) The Vijayanagara Empire

coNoF/rTFC/24l44-A lP.T.o.
89. The Geological Survey of India 92, The words 'Satyameva Jayate'
recently discovered large deposit inscribed in Devanagari script
lithium in which one of the below the abacus of the State
following States/Union Territories? emblem of India are taken from

(A) Mizoram (Al Mundaka Upanishad

(B) Jammu and Kashmir lBl Katha Upanishad

(C) Dadra and Nagar Haveli (Cl Samaueda

(D) Chhattisgarh lDl Yajurueda

9o. which one of the followins cities vriu

93' The llrea$r of Asurar Ali'was signed
host the 2024 summer blympics?
itl 1639 between

(A) Ahom and British

(A) Paris
(B) Ahom and Koch
(B) St. Petersburg
(C) Ahom and Chutia
(C) ontario
(D) Ahom and Mughal
(D) BudaPest

94. 2023 Nobel Prize in Physics was r

91. Fog is a type of cloud formed when grven to three scientists for
water vapour research in which field?

(A) solidifies (A) Electrons in flashes of light

(B) evaporates (B) Photons in flashes of light

(C) melts (C) Neutrons in flashes of light

(D) condenses (D) Phytons in flashes of light

coNoF/rTFC/24l44-A t4
Ashoka is referred
to as 98. Quatity of petrol is expressed in
Buddhashalrya' in which of the
following inscriptions? (A) gold number

(A) Sarnath inscription (B) cetane number

(B) Maski edict (C) methane number

(C) Kandahar inscription (D) octane number

(D) DelhiTopra pillar edict

99. The Namdang Stone Bridge bullt

during the reign of Rudra Singha in
World Economrc Outlook is the the year 1703 was built in which
flagship publication of which style?
(A) Arch style
(A) Intemational Monetary Fund
(B) Indo-Greek style
(B) World Bank
(C) Latina style
(C) Asian Development Bank
(D) Rekha Prasad style
(D) World Economic Forum

lOO, The first Moamoria rebellion started
97, Down s1'ndrome is also known as during the reign of

(A) Edwards' slmdrome (A) Pramatta Singha

(B) Patau syndrome (B) Rajeswar Singha

(C) Mongolism (C) Lakshmi Singha

(D) None of the above (D) Rudra Singha

coNoF / l"fFc /24144-A l5 I P.T.O.


llt* o

coNoF IITFC/24144-A 16 24T-3Ox4

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