Solutions For Quiz #5: For Even Integers 4 4 We Have 4 + 4 +
Solutions For Quiz #5: For Even Integers 4 4 We Have 4 + 4 +
Solutions For Quiz #5: For Even Integers 4 4 We Have 4 + 4 +
1. { 1 point for each correct answer } For each of the following statements determine
whether it is true or false. It is not necessary to justify your answer.
(A) The square of any integer has the form 4k or 4k + 1 for some integer k.
For even integers n = 2p we have n2 = 4p2 = 4k. For odd integers n = 2p+1
we have n2 = 4p2 + 4p + 1 = 4(p2 + p) + 1 = 4k + 1.
(B) For all real numbers x, bx2 c = bxc2 .
Counterexample: for x = 1.5 we have bx2 c = b2.25c = 2 6= 1 = b1.5c2 = 12 .
(C) For all real numbers x, dx + 1e = dxe + 1 .
Let n = dxe . Then by the definition n−1 < x ≤ n . Hence n < x+1 ≤ n+1
and therefore dx + 1e = n + 1 = dxe + 1 .
(D) true
There is no least positive rational number.
Suppose not. Let x = > 0 be the least positive rational number, where a
and b 6= 0 are integers. Then x2 = 2b
> 0 is rational and 0 < x2 < x, which
is a contradiction.
(E) For all integers a and n, if a | n2 then a | n .
Counterexample: for a = 4 and n = 2 we have a = 4 | 4 = n2 but a =
4 /| 2 = n .
2. { 5 points } Prove the statement. Recall that the symbol /| means ”does not divide”.
For all integers a, b, and c, if a/|bc then a/|b.
Suppose not.
Then there exist integers a, b, and c such that a/|bc and a | b.
From the definition of a | b there exists an integer k such that
b = ka . Then bc = kac = (kc)a .
But kc is an integer. Therefore a | bc , which is a contradiction.
The statement can be proved by contraposition. The contrapositive statement is:
For all integers a, b, and c , if a | b then a | bc .
To prove of the last statement we assume that a, b, and c are arbitrary integers and a | b.
Then there exists an integer k such that b = ka . Thus bc = kac = (kc)a .
Since kc is an integer, we have a | bc.