Speakout 3rd A2+ SB Sample
Speakout 3rd A2+ SB Sample
Speakout 3rd A2+ SB Sample
@Pearson ~ Scale of
1 my life mmm VLOGS | Where were you born and where do you live now?
1A Something in Questions Common verbs; everyday Intonation in questions
common activities
3B I saw it on TV e nd o e e on o e de e od e n de e
4 try this mmm VLOGS | When was the last time you tried something new?
4A I’ve never … e en e e le e l le e l le
4B World record o e nd e l e el el e Sentence stress
e d lo o o Ask questions to learn about
everyday things we all do other students
en o new o e Talk about your work or studies Write an informal email; use
yn n o e eo le MEDIATION SKILLS
feel better el y e fi n o on
Street Interviews
eo le l e nd
n e ew eo le
likes and dislikes
o e e n onl ne ofile
Listen to stories about animal Talk about rescues Write an animal story; use
rescues ee e on
Read an article about travel l o o le w
mistakes n o
ole l y n nd
e n o e
o o e e n le
shared tasks
Programme Do a survey e l e o
en o eo le l n l o yo e e en e e de on o fi
o e e en e e e e en e l n de
7B Takeaway ndefin e ono n someone, Eating out and eating in; en en e e w ndefin e
nothing, anywhere, etc. containers ono n
7C At the exhibition How to … Permission Polite intonation when asking
o nd e e on e on
7D 7D Nice picture! d e l nd e o on l
I8 tomorrow mmm VLOGS | What kind of things do you use your phone for?
8A Blue-sky thinking will o ed on Change Contractions: ’ll and won’t
Listen to conversations about Plan what to do at the weekend Write an email making
arrangements FUTURE SKILLS arrangements
Read an article about Create a class survey
takeaway around the world
ole l y n o nd n MEDIATION SKILLS
e on e o e n on o
a radio news item
Street Interviews
n oo
l o oo e e o e e
e d n le o o e l o ed on
uses of drones
Listen to conversations about Have conversations about e n d e o
e on l de on decisions
Check information
n e e nd de e
l on l o
mmm Programme
Tomorrow’s Food
Have a discussion about food
in the future
e n o n on
tense review verb phrases
1 A Choose the correct words to complete the sentences. 3 A Complete the phrases (1–6) with the verbs in the box.
1 I want learning / to learn English for my job.
go have live play spend work
2 I speak / ’m speaking three languages.
3 I live in the centre for / of town. 1 for a big company
4 I like busy modern cities / cities busy and modern. 2 in an apartment
5 Last weekend I saw / seen fil 3 two sisters
6 This weekend I going meet / ’m going to meet 4 running
some friends.
5 the guitar
7 My favourite food is pasta / are pastas.
6 a lot of time online
B Work in pairs and change the sentences in Ex 1A so
B Add two more nouns or phrases that go with the verbs
they are true for you.
in Ex 3A.
C Look at the words in bold in E A and nd these things
C Work in pairs. Use the phrases in Ex 3A to talk about
1 two adjectives yourself.
2 two prepositions I don’t work for a big company. I’m a student.
3 a present simple verb
4 a past simple verb
spelling and pronunciation
5 an uncountable noun
6 an example of a to nfin e 4A L.01 | Listen and write the words you hear in the
7 a present continuous verb correct group.
8 a verb form for future plans
classroom language
clothes family food
2 A Correct the questions. Add the words in the box.
are do does in that the you
1 What page we on? rooms shops transport
2 What ‘beetroot’ mean?
3 How you spell it?
4 How do pronounce this word?
B Work in pairs and check your spelling.
5 Could you say again, please?
6 What’s ‘lápiz’ English? C Work in pairs. Add two more English words to each
7 What’s answer to number 5? group in Ex 4A.
B Match the questions (1–7) in Ex 2A with the D Work with a new partner and take turns. Student A: Say
answers (a–g). your word and then spell it out. Student B: Write it down
a You don’t say the ‘b’. Listen: ‘comb’. in the correct group.
b Page 48. 5A hich vowel sound in bold is ronounced differently
c The correct one is a). to the others in each group?
d It’s a type of vegetable. It’s dark red. 1 buy light rice
e Of course. Which part? The whole sentence?
2 uncle money sure comfortable
f b – e – e – t – r – o – o – t. 3 beard person shirt Thursday
g It’s a pencil. 4 grapes happy straight waiter
5 four August lost short
C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 2A.
6 easy meet breakfast key
A: What page are we on?
7 coast photo know how
B: Now? We’re on page …
8 di e en ine fift y fi e inute
my life
1A READING | Read a blog post about everyday things we all do:
common verbs; everyday activities
Ask questions to learn about other students: questions
Pronunciation: intonation in questions
Unit 1 | Lesson A
1A Something
in common
GRAMMAR | questions
VOCABULARY | common verbs; everyday activities
PRONUNCIATION | intonation in questions
3 A Cl1.01 | intonation in questions | Listen and write
questions the questions.
1 Work in pairs and discuss the questions. B Cl1.01 | Listen again and choose the correct word
1 What questions do you ask the most every day? to complete the rules.
2 What three questions do you usually ask people the 1 In yes/no questions our intonation rises / falls at
fi e yo ee e the end.
2 In Wh- questions our intonation rises / falls.
2 A Complete the questions with the words in the box.
C Talk to other students. Ask and answer the questions
Do How How much What What kind in Ex 3A. Pay attention to your intonation.
When Where Which Who Why
D Work in pairs. What do you have in common with the
1 What do you do? students you talked to?
2 you like your job or studies?
3 far is your home from here?
4 of things do you do in the evening? READING
5 did you last go to a party?
6 season do you like the most? 4 A Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
7 is your favourite actor? 1 Are most people the same? Think of things most
8 are you going to have dinner tonight, at people like, dislike or hate. Use the ideas in the box.
home or somewhere else?
9 time do you spend online (not for work)? e fil ood nd d n
10 do you want to learn English? social events transport weather
B Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer the 2 What do you like, but most people hate?
questions in Ex 2A. 3 What do you hate, but most people like?
C Choose the correct words to complete the rules. B ead the blog ost and nd one activity that you do
1 In questions with be, we put the correct form of be in paragraphs 2–4.
before / a er the subject.
2 In questions with other verbs in the present simple C Read the post again and answer the questions.
and past simple, we add the correct form of do or 1 Which two examples are about memory?
did before / a er the subject. 2 Which three things are about feelings?
3 We use what / which when there are a small 3 fi e n e o e e we don do
number of possible answers. or use something?
4 We use what kind of or what sort of to ask about 4 Which question in the post does the writer not
a type of thing / things in general. answer? What is your answer to that question?
D Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. D Work in pairs. How true is the post for you? Give a
page 96 GRAMMAR BANK score from 1–10 and explain why.
common verbs
5 A Match the words and phrases in bold in the post with
the meanings (1–8).
1 You close your eyes and start sleeping. go to sleep
2 o fin lee n
3 o o e n n l e w e e eo le n ee
4 You become a member of something, for example,
a group or club.
5 You put things into a suitcase before you travel.
6 o w n o ew o eone ey e no w yo
7 You feel sad and water comes out of your eyes.
8 You stay in one place because something is going
to happen.
Are we really
in bold in the post.
1 Do you ever e e yo e y o only
so d ere t
e e yo e d
2 How many suitcases do you for a two-week
Do you ever look at people around you and say 3 do yo do w en yo e in a long queue?
to yourself, ‘Wow, we’re all so different ’ ell, 4 What time do you usually , and what time do
recently I had the opposite idea. I think that in you ?
many ways we’re all the same. We like, feel and 5 Do you ever groups or clubs?
do many of the same things. 6 Do you usually your keys?
hat kind of things do we all do at home e 7 When you travel, what do you the most
all dance in the kitchen to our favourite music about home?
and we look in the fridge for no reason. We hide
C Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in Ex 5B.
things. For example, we put a key behind a book
on a shelf or in a small box next to the computer, 6 A Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
so that no one else can find it. Then we forget
1 Which activities in the post do you do every day?
where it is. We wake up early at weekends when
2 How many other everyday activities do you know?
we don’t have college or work. We keep clothes List at least ten. Which do you do?
that we never wear. We look at our phone in bed,
just before we go to sleep. And yes, sometimes B Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
we talk to ourselves, or to our pets.
page 128 VOCABULARY BANK everyday activities
hat about outside the home ell, how do you
feel about sitting in your car at a red light obody
likes waiting, so it’s not surprising that we all
hate traffic and queues. In the cinema we all cry SPEAKING
at the sad part of the film. e miss our friends
when they go away and we want to be with them 7 A Work in pairs. Complete the questions with your own ideas.
now. We join gyms and pay a lot of money to be a 1 Who is the best in the world?
member, and then we never go. We take a book to
2 yo o e nd o ?
a café or the beach and never read it.
3 What sort of do you like?
Do you look everywhere for your phone and 4 When do you every day?
then find it’s in your pocket Do you buy things 5 How many do you have?
(usually for exercise or for cooking) and use them
only once, and then never again Do you pack 1 Who is the best tennis player in the world?
extra clothes in your suitcase when you go on
B Choose three different uestions ro E A to ask
holiday Do you only wear some of them, but
other students.
not all of them Of course you do. e all do. And
which day of the week is your favourite Don’t C Ask other students your three questions.
tell me. I know the answer.
D Work in pairs. Tell your partner about the other students.
Finally, we all have good days and bad days. We
want people to like us. And we love being right.
Unit 1 | Lesson B
1B Nice job
GRAMMAR | present simple and continuous
VOCABULARY | job phrases; jobs
PRONUNCIATION | linking: are
VOCABULARY C Complete the sentences (1–8) with the correct form of the
words and phrases in bold from the post.
job phrases 1 When I have a task or action that I need to do regularly,
then it is my job (e.g. to lock the door every night).
1 A Work in pairs and discuss the questions. 2 When someone asks you if you want to take a job,
1 o e fi e en e e n ell they .
taste, touch) is important for the jobs in the box? 3 e oney o e on o e .
4 When you write your name on an agreement with
artist chef doctor pilot another person or company, you .
singer watchmaker 5 When a person builds a new company and they are the
boss, they .
2 Which two senses do you use the most? When 6 When you go to a meeting for a new job and people ask
do you use them? you questions, you .
7 We use this word to talk about the companies that work
B Read the blog post. How many jobs does the writer
n one nd o e e e e fil o o .
talk about? What are the jobs?
8 When someone trains for a job and they do it for a long
time, they have a(n) .
D Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
1 o yo n ood o n e ee lo
2 When you have an interview, do you ask questions, too?
AJ ~ ~
Do you ask about the pay, for example?
3 Would you like to develop your own business? In what
I found my career by luck. I wanted to work 4 ne o eone o e yo ood o w fi e ye
in the travel industry and I had an interview contract abroad. Do you sign the contract?
at the airport near me. I got a job as a sales 5 Is it your job to do any tasks at home or in class?
assistant in one of their shops – a perfume
shop – and it was great for me because my 2 A Work in pairs. Read the sentences about people’s tasks.
sense of smell is … amazing. I knew all the What are the jobs?
perfumes by smell in the first week. ustomers
loved me. One day one of these customers, a y o ow e
coffee buyer, ered e a in his company. floo nd w ndow
t was to choose and buy the best y o o n we e
coffee beans. I signed a contract for one year phone and send emails.
and stayed for five years. The pay was good,
but a er five years it was time to do something y o o el n l
for myself. My sense of smell was the key to that have problems.
my career, and I wanted to develop my own
s ess. So I … B Check your ideas in the Vocabulary Bank.
5 A 1.03 | linking: are | Listen and pay attention to the
3 A Work in pairs and answer the questions. linking between the question word and are.
1 What jobs are good for people with a great 1 Where are you living these days?
sense of taste? How about smell?
2 What are you doing at the moment?
2 ell o o y do yo n
3 How are you feeling today?
o ell o o n lle y
4 What are you thinking about?
B 1.02 | Listen to the news item and check your
answers to Ex 3A Question 2.
or weak? Why?
C 1.02 | Listen again. Are the statements True
(T) or False (F)?
1 Jodie started the job at the airport when she D Work in groups. Ask each student one of the questions
was eighteen. from Ex 5A. Pay attention to the linking.
2 e n ed o fte ee ye
3 She travelled to Colombia, Brazil and India.
4 Her town is popular with tourists. SPEAKING
5 od e de ned o o en d e en e
6 In the art gallery, people press a button to 6 A Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
smell the things in the paintings.
1 What do you do?
7 Jodie talks about pictures of fruit and the sea.
2 yo no l wo o dy o ne
8 The art gallery smell tour is on now.
3 What are you working on or studying at the moment?
D Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
B Read the Future Skills box and answer the question.
1 o ld yo l e o o on one o od e o
2 Which city would you like a smell tour of?
3 What are three of your favourite smells? Why?
I love the smell of … because it reminds me of …
Were your answers to the questions in Ex 6A long or
short? It’s always good to give more information when you
answer a question. Answer the questions in Ex 6C with two
GRAMMAR or three sentences.
E Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank. B Write an email to a friend or relative. Go to the Writing Bank.
Unit 1 | Lesson C
1C You can
do it!
HOW TO … | encourage people
VOCABULARY | feelings
PRONUNCIATION | stress in short phrases
ords to ha e
your mood
feelings It’s
It's always
always nice c
nice to to do things for the people you
1 A Work in pairs. Look at the photo above and discuss care
about. But sometimes a few words can
-1...- .... ~ n ....~ ---
the questions. change how other people feel. Use one of these
phrases today to put a smile on someone’s face!
1 What do you think the father is saying?
2 How do you think his son feels? • ice coat Is it new ’ eople like it when you
3 What words do you know to describe feelings in notice something new.
• It’ll be O .’ ometimes someone feels stressed
B ead the article hich hrases do you o en use hich about something for a good reason. These words can
phrases do other people say to you? make them feel a little more positive about things.
• I know what you mean.’ This means you’re really
C Match sentences (1–8) with sentences (a–h). Use the listening to the other person. You’re interested in
article to help you. their ideas. But only say this if it’s true.
1 He needs to relax. d a She sometimes feels
• ou can do it ’ This helps when people are afraid
2 She knows a lot about of trying something new. You can also say, ‘You’ll
animals. b e pleased about it.
be great ’
3 He drives very slowly. c e e lly interested
in their lives. • hat do O think ’ eople are always pleased
4 e doe n often
ee eo le now e d He looks stressed. about it when you think their opinion is important.
working from home. e e eel n e y • That’s a really good question ’ or hat a great
5 e fin ed e n n con dent. question ’ These are good things to say to
last night and he likes it. f e unhappy at work. someone who isn’t very de t about speaking
6 e e e n do g e eel n positive and you want to help them.
7 e doe n l e o about the future. • ‘Do you want to have a chat or maybe go out for
8 e eel n ood o h e afraid of having a coffee ’ This can help people when they are
going to university. an accident. feeling unhappy about something or they are
perhaps a little lonely.
2 A Work in pairs. Match the adjectives in bold in Ex 1C with
the stress patterns (1–5).
1 O (x2) pleased, … 4 Ooo (x3)
D Work in pairs and discuss the questions.
2 Oo 5 oOo
1 When was the last time you felt pleased about
3 oO
something you did or made?
B 1.04 | Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat 2 ne yo end y ey e lonely
What do you do?
the words.
3 How do you help someone who is stressed about
C Work in pairs. Look at the article in Ex 1B again and their work or studies?
answer the questions. 4 Are there any animals that you are afraid of?
1 e o on o e fte e de e n old 5 e yo onfiden o e n n on o lo
de e doe n need e o on of people?
stressed about 6 What things were you most interested in when you
were a child?
2 y e o wo d o e fte e e o on
7 Do you generally feel positive about your future?
stressed about something – pronoun
8 Are you happy or unhappy with your phone?
How to …
encourage people B Learn and practise. Go to the Grammar Bank.
3 A How do you feel in these situations? What can someone say to CJpage 98 GRAMMAR BANK
help you feel better?
a o e l e ee n end o ne
b o e on o e e en on wo ool o n e y
c o e we n new lo e o e fi e 5 A | stress in short phrases | Work in pairs and
look at the phrases in Ex 4A. Where is the
d You have an important exam soon.
main stress in each phrase?
B 1.05 | Listen and match the conversations (1–3) with the
B Cl1.07 | Listen to the phrases and mark the
situations (a–d) in Ex 3A. One of the conversations matches
main stress.
two situations.
C Cl1.07 | Listen again and repeat.
C Work in pairs. Complete each phrase with one word.
1 ell don eel onfiden o e n o ll D Work in pairs. What can you say in these
those people. situations? Use phrases from Ex 4A. Pay
A: Matt, you prepared it! You know it better than anyone. attention to the stress.
You do it! Your friend
2 do y n o e n w on 1 is wearing a new shirt.
A: It’ll ne You’ll be . Just be yourself. 2 is afraid to speak in front of the class.
3 l e e lly o y 3 breaks a glass in your kitchen.
A: That’s right. 4 y ey e n y o e o o
4 eel n e lly e ed e o en work in the same place.
A: I . t s ne really. 5 asks you something interesting.
5 A: jacket! Is it new? 6 e o o ow nd ey e e ed
B: Yes, it is. I got it last week from the market. about it.
A: It looks !
6 e e w y o e e e ll no on
A: What good question! SPEAKING
7 C: I read my notes every evening – out loud. It helps me to
remember things. 6 Work in pairs. Have conversations to practise
A: OK. I know what you . saying things to make people feel better.
8 D: We can help each other and test each other. Student A: Go to page 140. Student B: Go to
A: That’s a good . page 143. Take turns to start a conversation.
9 A: What do you , Helena? What works best for you?
A: Go !
0 0
looking or s eci c n n
10 B: So why do we need to remember it for an exam?
A: That’s a great .
relay specific information
D 1.06 | Listen and check your ideas. page 152 MEDIATION BANK
1D Street Interviews
I love cooking!
A A | verb -ing form
EA IN | interview people about their likes and dislikes
ITIN | write an online profile
Waheeds Drew
1 A Work in pairs. Write down two things that 2A atch the rst art o the video hich to ics in the bo do the
you think your partner likes and one thing people mention?
that you think they dislike.
music people shopping sport TV
B Check with your partner. Were you
B Work in pairs. Complete the sentences.
Do you like … ?
1 I love . I really love being in the kitchen.
Do you dislike … ? 2 I love singing, and just hanging out, not anything sometimes.
3 I actually play for my team in school.
4 I like visiting .
5 l e o ee with friends, …
6 I enjoy roller skating, and I also enjoy teaching .
7 I maybe three times a week.
8 lo o .
3A Watch the second part of the video. What is the most common
thing that the people dislike?
Meg Lisa
verb + -ing form
4 A Read the sentences (1–4). What verb form do we use
a er like dislike hate etc
1 don l e e n o o ed o e e
2 I dislike cooking.
3 I like going out.
4 I hate waking up early. Paul