YZ18C (Safety Manual)
YZ18C (Safety Manual)
YZ18C (Safety Manual)
This Safety Manual, with its instructions for safety, In order to properly use the machine, please read
operation and proper maintenance of the equipment, is this Operation Manual carefully before operation. This
useful and necessary for high-efficient operation and will help you:
maintenance of the single drum vibratory roller. It is z Get to know the machine.
prepared to remind operators, maintainers and z Avoid malfunction due to improper operation
mechanical engineers of any possible dangers that z Increase the reliability
may happen during the operation and maintenance of z Prolong the service life of the machine
this single drum vibratory roller, in order to minimize the z Reduce the maintenance cost and shutdown time.
risks of personal injury, equipment damage due to It is also recommended that you keep this guide
improper maintenance or dangers caused by insecure within reach during operation. Only when you
factors. completely understand the User’s Guide can you
Before operating or maintaining the single drum operate the machine expertly and safely.
vibratory roller, the operators and engineering service Thank you for your trust in SANY, and we wish you
providers should carefully read and deeply understand great success in your business.
the contents in this Safety Manual. In this Manual, All in all, this Safety Manual about single drum
information such as about safety precautions and vibratory roller should be abided by strictly to
operational notices are provided. For more information, comprehensively guarantee the safety of operators
please refer to the Operation Manual of single drum and relevant personnel. Please read this product
vibratory roller. The detailed information in this Manual Safety Manual carefully and use it based on full
includes: understanding.
1. Basic regulations
2. Relevant safety regulations and precautions
Special Instructions
1. After receiving the roller, please check the machine
and accessories against the list. If you find goods
damaged or spare parts lost, please inform the
department responsible for shipping as soon as
possible; CUMMINS Engine
2. When contacting after-service staff of SANY or
local service department, please do provide the
model, and ex-works no. of the roller and the serial
number of the engine;
3. See the figure for details of the nameplate of the
4. The serial number of the engine can be found on
the nameplate of the engine.
DEUTZ Engine
YZ18C Safety Manual
Reading Guidance
1. Information legal and relevant to emission. Those parts, like
The Safety Manual is provided to facilitate your use emission system, fuel system, electrical system, intake
and maintenance of the machine. It should be always system and cooling system, are relevant to emission
put in the cab for your reference at any time. If it is and should not be refitted without permission.
damaged or lost, you should order another one from 7. Machine Capability
SANY Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. The Safety Manual The newly-added optional or refitted parts
covers the safety information and instructions for basic unrecognized by SANY may go beyond the advanced
regulations, safety regulations, safe work, safe default capability of the machine, and accordingly
transportation and safe power utilization. produce bad effect on its performance including
Some photos or figured details or optional components stability and system compatibility such as brake and
shown in the Operation Manual may differ from your steering.
machine. For facilitating the explanation, the protective
plate and machine cover have been dismantled.
The Safety Manual may not include the alteration to the
machine as a result of gradual improvement and
upgrading in the product design, so it shall be carefully
read and studied, and be stored together with the
For any questions on the machine or on the Safety
Manual, please contact us for the latest information.
2. Basic Regulations
In this part, the safety signs on the machine are shown
and the information on how to properly and safely
operate this machine and its controller are introduced
for your full understanding of this roller.
3. Safety Regulations
The roller should be operated based on relevant state,
provincial, and municipal laws, and the operation safety
information and instructions in the Safety Manual are
suggestions and caution only.
4. Safe Work
It lays emphasis on how to safely tie the seat belt, park
the roller and apply the emergency brake, so as to
avoid accidents.
5. Safe Transportation
Precautions for choice of suitable ground, provision of
appropriate trucks or trailers and loading and unloading
of rollers, are provided.
6. Safe Use of Electricity
This part provides instructions on proper welding,
prevention of storage battery explosion and jump
Any personnel working on the repair, maintenance,
market, hire, or trade of this engine or roller is forbidden
to dismount, refit or deactivate the parts or elements
that are installed on the engine or the roller and are
8. Explanation of Signs
General Information
All the safety regulations in this Safety Manual should
be read carefully. For further information about the
usage of the single drum vibratory roller, please refer to
the Operation Manual of this single drum vibratory
roller or enquiry local agencies of SANY Heavy
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................. I
Reading Guidance.............................................................................................................................................III
2.10.3 Preventing Storage Battery from Explosion .............................................................................25
2.11 Precautions for Choosing Oil Materials...............................................................................................26
2.12 Precautions for Repair and Maintenance............................................................................................26
2.12.1 Basic Requirements..................................................................................................................26
2.12.2 Preparation for Maintenance and Repair .................................................................................26
2.12.3 Maintenance of ROPS..............................................................................................................27
2.12.4 Repair of Air Conditioning System and Pressure Container....................................................27
2.12.5 Repair of Tyres..........................................................................................................................27
2.12.6 Cleaning of Vibratory Roller......................................................................................................27
Index ....................................................................................................................................................................30
z Before operating, repairing or maintaining the machine, carefully read and thoroughly master the Operation
Manual as well as getting acquainted with all the warning marks and signs on the roller. When operating and
maintaining the roller, accidents could be avoided by eliminating reasons and conditions which may cause
z To correctly operate and maintain the roller is your responsibility. Or else, persons will be injured and the
roller will be damaged;
z The Operation Manual is considered as a permanent part of your machine. When you transfer the machine,
the Operation Manual should be attached along with it. In addition, this machine is designed based on the
metric system which is adopted for all dimensions in the Operation Manual, so please use the stated metric
spare parts and tools. In addition, the left hand and right hand of the machine are regulated based on the
premises that the wheel is below the cab and the driver faces ahead when driving the roller forward;
z This warranty ensures that during warranty period, when product has troubles, you can obtain maintenance
from SANY Group. In certain conditions, even it is over the warranty, SANY Group will offer site service
which is free of charge generally. However, if the machine is misused, or, its performance is altered to
exceed the original rules of our company, the warranty will become invalid, and the site service may be
z “Safety Regulations” in the Operation Manual has stated the important safety matters, please carefully read
this part, so as to familiarize with stated safety guidelines and suggestions; in addition, please strictly follow
all the safety regulations before and during operation of the roller, so as to avoid injury and death or reduce
risks due to the damaged machine or the unsafe factors to the minimum.
forbidden to operate them without permission.
1.2 Qualification Requirements for Electric engineer
Operators and Maintainers z Working responsibility: In charge of the parameter
In order to guarantee the safety items in this Manual, adaptation, program updating, trouble diagnosis and
the operators of this roller are required as follows: trouble shooting of the hydraulic system.
(a) Only persons with the approved qualification z Individual qualification: The check, change and
certificate, who have received professional training replace of electric system and electric units must be
and been testified to bear the operating capacity, carried by electric engineers or after-sales engineers
are permitted to operate the roller. (or under the instruction of electric engineers or
(b) Only the professional technical staff and after-sales after-sales engineers), only these personnel with
service staff are permitted to check, repair and such qualification can install, connect, dismantle and
maintain the roller. open the electric on/off switch box.
The specific requirements based on classification are After-sales engineer
as follows: z Working responsibility: Mainly in charge of the
Vibratory roller operator maintenance of the vibratory roller, including trouble
z Working responsibility: in charge of operating the checking and shooting, everyday maintenance
vibratory roller, mainly the operation of working instructing, parts replacement and system updating,
vibratory roller. etc.
z Individual qualification: Older than 18 years old, IQ z Individual qualification: The after-sales engineers
being normal, and health condition being good; have accepted the training by our company before
certification can be got after training on operation and they are dispatched to local places. They can deal
maintaining, and the vibratory roller structure and with various troubles of the vibratory roller
operation regulations should be mastered. independently and supply one-to-one service. You
Welder and electrician can contact us in case of problems about the function,
Please contact with after-sales engineer when there usage and maintenance, and we will try our best to
are any cracks or damage with the vibratory roller. help you.
Repair welding and changing without permission are
forbidden, any results from which will not be taken
charge by SANY Company.
z Welder: Personnel, with effective valid welder
certification, appointed by the suppliers can take the
role, and their work is mainly to deal with the
problems as the cracks with the joints structure of the
vibratory roller.
z Electrician: Personnel, with effective valid electrician
certification, appointed by the suppliers can take the
role, and their work is mainly to deal with changing,
updating of vibratory roller electric circuits and units.
Hydraulic engineer
z Working responsibility: In charge of the parameter
adaptation, trouble diagnosis and trouble shooting of
the hydraulic system.
z Individual qualification: Only personnel with
professional knowledge about and experience in
hydraulic system can take the role. The adaptation
devices (like pressure-relief valve, distribution valve,
etc.) can only be adapted by hydraulic engineers or
after-sales engineers, with anyone else being
1.3 Safety Regulations
The roller should be operated based on the relevant
state, provincial, and municipal laws, and the operation
safety information and instructions in the Operation
Manual are suggestions and caution only.
1. The roller in need of adjustment and repair is not
allowed to operate;
2. Do not get on/off the machine before it has stops;
when getting on/off the roller, grip the armrest or
3. It is forbidden to carry persons on the roller;
4. Do not use the machine for other purposes, such as
cushioning, conveying or towing;
At least 2/3
5. Make sure there are no obstacles on the running
road or in the front;
6. Drive with more care on the uneven road;
7. Drive slowly at the suggested speed on the road
with unclear conditions;
8. Slow down the driving speed at the suggested
speed during abrupt turn;
9. Drive upwards and downwards along the slope
rather than across it;
10. When compacting the pavement adjacent to road
edges or holes, ensure that 2/3 part of the drum or
of the tire has been driven on the pavement which
has been compacted previously.
11. Make use of the safe equipment provided; If the
ROPS is equipped, the safety belt should be
12. Keep the single drum vibratory roller clean. Clear
the dirt and lubrication grease on the operational
platform or on the step;
13. Before repairing and maintenance, underlay the
front and back of the drums or wheels with wedges
and lock the brake, and if necessary, use the
articulation limiting device;
14. If there is no cab in the single drum vibratory roller, it
is suggested to use the audition protection device
when the noise is beyond decibel of 85;
15. Start the machine in accordance with the operation
manual. When starting the single drum vibratory
roller preliminarily, as the hydraulic system
temperature is considerably lower, the time for the
brake distance is longer to reach the normal
temperature than that for the hydraulic system;
following regulations;
16. Neither vibration in the static condition nor vibration ¾ The roller should be properly operated within the
on the hard ground is allowed to avoid the damage range prescribed in the Operation Manual and
to the machine. Take the nearby buildings, avoid being used for other purposes;
underground facilities or other surrounding factors ¾ The operator should have received training and can
into consideration before vibration; skillfully operate the machine. Be calm,
17. Without any anti-slip measures, do not use the clear-headed and quick-minded while operating;
machine on muddy road even if its gradient is ¾ Do read the Operation Manual and Instructions of
smaller than the allowable gradeability; the diesel engine before operation and operate the
18. Operate the machine with more care on the ditches roller according to the requirements;
or on the edge of the slope; ¾ Before operation, please know your working
19. Night driving and operation should leave the front position and environment, and pay attention to
and rear lights on; accidents which will easily happen in this position as
20. Please turn on the front and rear windscreen wipers well;
to ensure the visibility; ¾ All the technical maintenance should be carried out
21. To avoid the accidental overturn, please do not by following the requirements in the Operation
make a sudden steering during the operation at the Manual;
side of slope. ¾ The roller should not be disassembled without
22. In rainy days, please try not to perform compaction permission, and maintenance and disassembly of
operations at the side of the slope, for the vibration the roller by inexperienced technicians are not
will increase the danger of side sliding; allowed;
23. Before opening the covering parts assembly for ¾ It is forbidden to change the machine without
maintenance, take care of the head. authorization. Variation to the machine or increase
24. It is not allowed that the roller runs on the road of extra accessories will impact stability and
whose gradient is beyond its allowable gradeability. reliability of the machine and increase the dangers
25. In rainy days, please try not to perform compaction to operators as well;
operations at the side of the slope, for the vibration ¾ The company is unable to predict all the potential
will increase the danger of side sliding; dangers, accordingly, cautions in the Operation
26. Before opening the covering parts assembly for Manual are not all-sided. If you do not follow
maintenance, take care of the head. operation steps, tools, devices, or working methods
recommended by the company, you must ensure
that your operation is safe to you and others, and
that the roller will not be damaged or become
dangerous due to your operation;
The company will never be responsible for loss caused
by using accessories which are not offered by SANY
The newest product data are selected for data, figures,
and specifications in the Operation Manual. As SANY
Group is a constantly-improved enterprise, the right of
variation to technical data, specification, operation, and
Prompt maintenance notes is reserved, in addition, the right of
improvement or increase and supplementation to this
Besides the Operation Manual, the relevant safety and
product as well as no installation of these elements to
accident prevention regulations and rules stipulated by
sold products which are produced in advance is also
the law are still valid. The customer is required to
reserved. Specification is subject to change without
properly operate and carefully maintain the roller.
notice, and the priority should be given to data which is
SANY Group is under no obligation to take the
offered during procurement.
responsibilities for the aftereffects due to violation of the
2.2 Check
2.2.1 Checking the Machine
z Please inspect the machine before operation every
day, so as to avoid casualties;
z When inspecting the machine, carry out the
inspection on all items described in the Section of
“Starting Equipment”.
Evading transmission lines
2.2.3 Surveying the Worksite z Keep a safe distance between the machine or
Surveying the worksite in advance working device and the lines against accidents or
z The machine has a possibility of overturning when casualties;
working at the ditch edge or on road shoulder, which z When working nearby the lines, prevent any parts or
will result in serious accidents. Survey the worksite for loads of the machine from being moved in the range
its landform and road conditions in advance to of the 3m line length plus the 2 times of insulator
prevent the machine from overturning, or even the length;
ground, materials stockpile or bank from collapse; z Confirm and conform to all applicable local
z Make the work plan and use the machine applicable regulations;
for in operation or the worksite. Reinforce the ground, z Since the wetland will increase the possibility of
ditch edge and road shoulder to make the machine electric shock, keep the surrounding people away
keep certain distance from the ditch edge or road from the working area.
z A signalman shall be arranged to guide the working
on the incline or road shoulder. The soft foundation
shall be reinforced before the operation;
z Watch out when working on the frozen ground, as the
foundation will become soft and slippery with rising of
the ambient temperature;
z Never run the vibratory roller on the incline exceeding
the allowed degree or the muddy road;
z Don’t run the roller on the earth surface not hard
enough or with holes. Don’t run the roller along the
channel or incline road;
z Do not start the machine where you believe there is
explosive gas, such as in narrow spaces or with poor
ventilation. Keep good ventilation at any time;
z Make sure no building or equipment may be
damaged with the vibration of the vibratory roller. Do
remember that the damage caused by the vibratory
roller may be transmitted to a distance through the
grading materials.
z If dust may rise due to the material used for rolling the
earth, ventilation equipment should be provided and
the road surface should be sprinkled with water or
respirators should be worn;
z Check the front, back and upper parts of the machine
in worksite carefully and check the road surfaces for
any cracks or pits caused by the machine.
Preventing stone blocks or macadam from
z When working at the places where stone blocks or
macadam easily drop, the cab shall be equipped with
a guard net;
z The operators should wear safety helmet and
safeguard glasses.
Press Braking
z Emergency brake
z The emergency brake button is installed on the right
of the console. After pressing the button, the brake
works. The vibratory roller will stop all its actions and
all the parts can not be operated effectively.
z Brake releasing
z Turn the button in the direction as shown in the figure,
to make it skip back, and the brake is released. Release by turning
2.4 Safe Transportation
z Obey the local regulations when delivering machines
by highway;
z Provide suitable truck or platform trailer for the
machine delivery;
z Fix the articulation steering with a connecting rod,
wedge the wheel with a piece of triangle wood block
and fasten the roller with other measures during the
transportation by sea and by road. Besides, drain the
water tank of the diesel, reserve some fuel for loading,
unloading and transportation, and then disconnect
the circuit between the storage battery and the frame;
z The machine is easily to be overturned when being
loaded onto or unloaded from the truck or platform
2.5 Fire Prevention
2.5.1General Measures for Fire Prevention Caution
(1) Adoption of fire extinguisher:
z At least one person shall know how to use the fire All fuel, most lubricant and some coolant are
extinguisher in the construction worksite. Be careful flammable.
of fire control when filling diesel oil to the roller or
opening the fuel cover.
(2) Removal of combustibles:
z The fuel, oil, garbage, lubricating grease, chipping,
slack coal and other combustibles may cause fire;
z Check and clean the machine each day, and timely
remove the combustibles spilled or accumulated to
prevent them from catching fire.
(3) Check for oil leakage:
z The fuel, hydraulic oil or lubricating grease leaked
may cause fire;
z Check the clamp holder for loss or looseness, hose
for being twisted, the hose or pipeline for rubbing
each other, the oil cooler for damage, and the flange
bolt of the oil cooler for looseness against oil leakage;
z Fasten, repair or replace any clamp holder, pipeline,
hose, oil cooler or its flange bolt lost, loosened or
z Bending or knocking of the high-pressure pipeline is
not allowed;
z Installation of bended or damaged pipeline, pipe or
hose is not allowed.
(4) Check for short circuit
z The short circuit may cause fire;
z Check and fasten all circuit connections;
z Check the cables or wires for being loosened, twisted,
hardened or cracked before each shift or after
operation for 8 to 10 hours;
z Check the terminal block cover for being lost or
broken before each shift or after operation for 8 to 10
z Operation is not allowed if the cables or wires are
loosened or twisted.
(5) Check of the key switch
z After the fire bursts out, if the engine cannot be
stopped, the fire will become more serious,
unfavorable for fire control;
z Check the key switch for its functions before
operation every day;
¾ Start the engine for idling rotation without load;
¾ Place the key switch at the “OFF” position to
verify that the engine stops.
2.5.2 Precautions against Emergency
z The precautions shall be taken for the fire or other
z The first-aid kit shall be prepared nearby;
z Carefully read and comprehend the explanations on
the fire extinguisher in the cab for the correct usage;
z Formulate the emergency guidelines against fire and
other accidents;
z Stick the telephone numbers of the doctor,
ambulance, hospital and fire brigade beside the
2.6 Precautions
(1) Preventing Components from Flying Out
z Don’t disassembly the lubricating nozzle or valves
z Since the components may go out, keep your body
and face away from the valve body.
(2) Avoid Scald by Hi-Temperature Liquid Jetted
z After the operation, the cooling water of the
engine turns hot with pressure, and the hot water
pipes of the engine and the radiator are full of hot
water and vapor. Avoid scald by hot water jetting
possibly. The skin contacting with hot water or
vapor overflowed will result in serious scald.
z Don’t open the cover of the radiator before the
engine cools down. Firstly turn the cover slowly till
the pressure is released completely before taking
off the cover.
z The hydraulic oil tank is pressurized after the
operation. Release pressure before moving the
z The engine, gear and hydraulic oil will turn into the
hi-temperature liquid in the operation process,
meanwhile, the engine, hose, pipeline and other
components will turn hot.
z Begin to check or maintain the machine after the
oil and components cool down.
(3) Paint Removal before Welding or Heating
z The paint heated during the fusion welding, soldering
or using gas torch will produce poisonous gas, which
may cause nausea after being absorbed in human
z The occurrence of the hidden toxic gas and dust shall
be avoided by way of various means.
z The paint shall be removed outdoors or in the places
with good ventilation. The paint and solvent shall be
dealt with in a right way.
z Remove the paint before welding or heating:
z If using the sandy paper or grinding wheel to rub paint
away, you shall protect yourself from absorbing dust.
Wear a qualified respirator.
The rust remover shall be washed away with soap and
water before welding if the solvent or the rust remover
is used. The containers used for solvent or rust
remover and other combustible articles shall be
removed out of the working area. Wait for at least 15
minutes for volatilization of volatile gas before welding
or heating.
(10) Preventing Components from Flying Out
z Don’t disassemble the lubricating nozzle or valves
z Since the components may go out, keep your body
and face away from the valve body.
control lever;
z The nameplate can be acquired from the appointed
2.7 Equipment Protection (2) Working area
2.7.1 Before Operation z Do not start the machine where you believe there is
(1) Checking the equipment explosive gas, nor start the machine in narrow
z Make sure no signs on the vibratory roller indicating spaces or with poor ventilation. Keep good ventilation
that the machine is unable to be operated or needs at any time;
repairing; make sure that no repairer is repairing the z If dust may rise due to the material used for rolling the
machine; earth, ventilation equipment should be provided and
z Make sure that the articulated fixed connecting rod the road surface should be sprinkled with water or
has arrived at the position of unlocking so that the respirator should be worn;
machine can steer in articulation; the engine hood z Check the front, back and upper parts of the machine
must be fixed firmly; in worksite carefully and check the road surfaces for
z Check if the air pressure of tires is normal; any cracks or pits caused by the machine.
z Check if the fastening bolts are loose; the loose, (3)Safety regulations for fuelling
broken, and lost assemblies and other damaged z Shut down the engine;
situations are prohibited. If damage happens, the z Smoking is forbidden;
alarm sign should be erected before recovery, so as z No open fire around;
to prevent using damaged machines; z Do not charge in closed area;
z Check if the lubrication points are lubricated properly; z Contact the greaser nozzle with the oil tank for
z Check if the hydraulic pipelines are damaged or leak, earthing, so as to prevent static sparkle;
and if the electric connecting wires are reliable; z Add fuel to the proper oil level of the oil tank as the
z Check if various needed liquids are at the proper requirement in specifications;
liquid level, and add more when necessary; check if z Wipe off the residual oil before starting the machine;
the oil level of tanks of engine coarse oil, fuel oil,
hydraulic oil and water are filled fully;
z Check if all cleaners (air cleaner, engine oil cleaner,
diesel cleaner) of the engine, and the fuel oil pipelines Screw down the cover of the oil tank, so as to
are sound; avoid accidents due to fuel overflow.
z Check if the windscreen and reflecting mirror are The operator should accept training to become
clean and clear; familiar with the machine as well as become
z Check if the logo and figures are clean and clear; proficient at operation, including the controlling
z Check the control units, steps anti-skip devices and device, signs and symbols;
hand holds operated by hands and feet are not The operator should become aware of ability and
covered by the ice or polluted by oil and dirty things. limitation of the single drum vibratory roller, such
as, speed limit, side inclination limit, and limit of
brake and steering as well;
The operator should know the position of the
emergency brake;
The machine can only be operated on the console;
If the ROPS is installed, the safety belt must be
mode. The gear shift is prohibited on the slope. Please
2.7.2 Starting refer to relevant chapters of the Operation Manual. Before Starting Driving on Uneven Pavements
(1) Ensure the normal work of the brake (emergency a. The driving along the road edges, ditches and
brake); channels, and other similar places should be
(2) Ensure the normal work of all the controlling avoided, and notice that moist and damaged
devices; pavement will affect the load capacity of the single
(3) Start the machine in accordance with the drum vibratory roller as well. Pay attention to
operation manual. When starting the single drum obstacles above the single drum vibratory roller,
vibratory roller preliminarily, as the hydraulic oil such as, hanging cables in low level, tree braches,
temperature is considerably lower, the time for the and other obstacles;
brake distance is longer than that for the hydraulic b. POPS should be used, and the safety belt of the
system reaches the normal operation seat tightly should be worn;
temperature. c. When compacting the pavement adjacent to road After Starting edges or holes, ensure that 2/3 part of the drum has
(1) Ensure the reactions of all instruments are normal; been driven on the pavement which has been
(2) The trial starting of the single drum vibratory roller compacted previously.
should be conducted before operation based on Driving on Public Roads
the demand, and ensure all controlling devices are a. The traffic rules should be followed consistently
normal, especially the emergency brake; when driving on the public road, namely, turning on
(3) Once problems are found, the engine should be the headlight and steering light, and posting the
turned off; if persons leave the machine, the alarm symbol of slow-moving vehicle at the rear end of the
signs should be placed on the machine; machine (demands of some countries). It is Starting in Cool Weather forbidden to exceed the allowable speed in the
In cool days, start the machine in accordance with the traffic rules, and is demanded to pay attention to the
daily operation regulations. Pay attention not to operate driving distance after brake;
the engine at high speed immediately. b. Cross the rails smoothly, and never allow the two
2.7.3 Driving rails to touch with the drums. Ensure not to contact Precautions the high-voltage cable above the ground. If
a. When the engine is being operated, it is prohibited obstacles are adjacent and the single drum vibratory
to leave the operating console during no brake; roller is surrounded, it is advisable to crush and get
b. Doors of the cab should be closed during driving; across the obstacles rather than sticking on the
c. Pay attention to the status of the pavement, original place.
especially during reversing;
d. Confirm the single drum vibratory roller is not
damaged through your vision, hearing, and smell;
e. Be aware of the potential danger to inbreathe the
exhaust gas from the single drum vibratory roller
(the deadly toxicant, carbon monoxide, is included
in the exhaust gas);
f. Slow down the driving speed during abrupt turn. Driving on Slope
The driving along the upward and downward direction
of the slope is allowable, and the allowable inclination
in the operation manual should be referred to as well.
The static liquid driving device is installed for the single
drum vibratory roller, accordingly, the working mode
should be adopted on the slope rather than the driving
z Check the filtration core frequently;
2.8.2 Precautions for Hydraulic Operation z The hydraulic parts are essential to the system, so
(1) Being Aware of High-pressure Liquid please use the hydraulic parts originally produced by
z Notice that the hydraulic system may still has our company.
pressure even when working is stopped, so the repair
must be carried in conditions without any pressure;
such liquid as diesel oil and hydraulic oil jetted out
under pressure may penetrate into the skin or eyes,
thus resulting in serious injury, loss of sight or even
z Release pressure before disassembling the hydraulic
or other pipelines to avoid such dangers.
z Fasten all joints before pressurizing;
z Wear face or eye shield to protect eyes when
checking the hydraulic system. Check it for leakage
with paper board and protect your hands and body
from contacting with high-pressure liquid. If the
hydraulic liquid spatters onto the skin or into the eyes,
turn to the doctor for medical care immediately;
z If any liquid jets into skin, remove it within several
hours against necrosis;
z In case that the unexpected accident happens,
immediately go to hospital for accepting treatment by
the special surgeon.
(2) Correctly Operating the Hydraulic System
z The periodical maintenance to the hydraulic system
is very important. The hydraulic system of the single
drum vibratory roller works under the high oil
pressure, small damages and cracks at the rubber
hose and the adaptor will cause disastrous results. As
the hydraulic tube is made up of rubber, cracks will
appear after certain period; in any circumstance, if its
following service life is uncertain, new rubber hose
provided by SANY should be replaced. As the rubber
hose is the easily-corrosive product, do not store it for
a long time;
z Make sure the pressure cutoff valve is set correctly,
for the pressure over high may lead to the breakage
of pressure pipe and bring bad result, and the
pressure over low may lead to the difficult operation
of the vibratory roller. The adaptation of system
pressure and main oil pump and the disassembly
and replacement of the valve block shall be carried
out under the instruction of the hydraulic engineer
and after-sales engineer, with the common staff being
forbidden to make any adaptation by themselves;
z When dismantling oil pipes, the port shall be closed,
and hydraulic pipes shall be kept clean;
(5) The passenger may block off the sight line of
operators, and hence result in operation of
When filling the hydraulic oil tank, fill it to the machine under the unsafe condition. Therefore,
filtering machine with its purifying filtration only the operator is allowed to appear in the cab,
degree at 10µm. Never fill oil directly to the other passengers are forbidden;
hydraulic oil tank, or the clearness of the (6) Dust, heavy rain and mist will reduce visibility.
hydraulic system may be influenced, and the Slow the speed and properly turn on the
valid life of the machine may be reduced; illuminating light if the visibility is reduced.
2.9.3 Disassembly of Working Devices
(1) Park the machine on the solid and horizontal
(3) Regularly Replacing the Rubber Hoses ground;
z Rubber hoses with combustible liquid may break (2) Make the machine run at an idle speed for 5
under pressure due to ageing and excessive minutes without load before parking, and then turn
abrasion. The ageing and abrasion of rubber hoses the key switch to the “OFF” position to stop the
are difficult to be judged only through the check; engine;
z The rubber hoses shall be regularly replaced; (3) Hang a nameplate of “operation is prohibited” on
z The irregular replacement of the rubber hoses may the control lever during the process of
result in that the fire or liquid injects into the skin or maintenance;
the working device knocks the surrounding people, (4) When commissioning in the maintenance, prevent
and accordingly resulting in serious scald, necrosis or hands, feet and clothes from contacting with
other casualties. revolving parts, keep away from the revolving front
and rear wheels to prevent sand and gravel
2.9 Precautions for Construction crushed or rolled up from injuring people;
2.9.1 Working Area (5) Since the stalling or running machine has high
Check the worksite before operation starts: water temperature, the engine, coolant and
(1) Make sure that the cab is equipped with guard net hydraulic oil must be cooled down before
against falling objects when working at the maintenance to prevent high-temperature and
worksite where stone blocks or macadam may fall; high-pressure objects from injuring people.
(2) Do wear safety articles including tight clothes for
working and safety helmet;
(3) Make sure all obstacles all personnel within the Danger
working and moving scope have left and all
obstacles have been removed.
No Operation
2.9.2 Responsibilities of Operators
(1) Carefully read and comply with all safety symbols
on the machine, and learn how to correctly and
safely operate the machine and its controller;
(2) When operating at the driver position, the driver
shall take necessary safety measures (e.g. safety
helmet, safety belt and safety boot, etc.);
(3) The operator shall notice whether barricade, oil,
grease, dirt or water exists, to make sure there will
not be interruption of sight of the operator and
working area;
(4) Keep the horn in normal working condition. Warn
others around by pressing horn or sending out
other signals when the machine is moving
2.10 Safe Use of Electricity Unconformity with the correct jump starting
2.10.1 Correct Welding procedures will result in explosion of the battery or
The welding procedures must be correct to protect the make the machine out of control.
electric control device together with bearings from 2.10.3 Preventing Storage Battery from Explosion
being damaged; when carrying out welding on the (1) As the storage battery contains toxic and
machine or engine equipped with electric control easily-corrosive sulfuric acid, if the storage battery
device, the following procedures must be complied explodes, the electrolyte may spatter into eyes,
with: which may cause blindness. Do wear the eye
(1) Shut down the engine and turn the engine switch shield before checking the gravity of the
at position “OFF”; electrolyte;
(2) Dismantle the cathode cable of the accumulator; (2) As the storage battery contains toxic and
(3) Clip the components to be welded with grounding easily-corrosive sulfuric acid, the gloves should be
line clamp of the welder. The clamp shall come worn during operation to protect skin, cloth,
near to the sites to be welded to make sure that machine from being stained with it. If the body is
the current flowing from the grounding line to the stained with sulfuric acid, take off all polluted
components doesn’t go through any bearings. clothes, and wash the skin with clean water for 15
The damage to the following parts can be minutes at least, afterwards, the medical
lessened by way of this program: bearing of treatment should be carried out immediately,
transmission system, hydraulic parts, electrical clean it with sponge in the way to the hospital;
parts and other components. (3) Don’t charge the frozen battery, which may lead to
(4) Weld the materials together with a standard explosion. Warm the battery to 16℃ at first;
welding program. (4) The gas which forms in the storage battery is
Caution easily explosive. If the distance between the open
fire or sparkle and the storage battery is too short,
explosion will possibly occur;
z Never take the grounding points of electric spare
(5) The installment and replacement of the storage
parts (electric control modules or electric control battery should be careful to avoid short circuit of
module sensors) or electrical spare parts as the the connector of the storage battery. When
removing connection of the storage battery, firstly
grounding point of welder.
cut off the cathodic wiring terminal;
Warning: (6) When charging the storage battery with the
(1) If welding or other operations inducing abundant charger, firstly cut the power source of the charger
heat or open fire are required, oil in the oil tank before connecting the charger with the cable of
should be drained out completely, and dry it as the storage battery.
well. The oil tank should be filled up with water
during welding;
(2) Ensure the fire extinguisher is near the working
(3) Welding near the plastic and rubber materials is
forbidden, such as, near the cleaning board made
by polyurethane, for toxic fume will be produced
when heating these materials.
2.10.2 Precautions for Jump Starting
(1) If jump starting must be adopted to start the
engine, it must be carried out by following the
regulations in the “Operation Manual of Single
Drum Vibratory Roller”, and by 2 persons at least.
(2) Don’t use frozen storage battery.
(3) The storage battery gas is explosive.
vibratory roller or the one with potential traveling
z The qualified maintenance staff should have
• If the sulfuric acid spatters onto the people, accepted professional training. It’s more important
the following steps shall be taken: that, the operator of the single drum vibratory roller
• Wash the skin immediately with large volume should maintain it periodically in terms of the
of clear water; Maintenance Manual of Single Drum Vibratory Roller;
• Neutralize the acidity with soda water or lime z The places placing fire extinguisher, emergency
water; apparatus, and alarm telephone should be found out
• Wash again with clean water for 10-15 before repairing the single drum vibratory roller;
minutes, and go to see a doctor immediately. z Avoid the events and accidents with general
2.11 Precautions for Choosing Oil knowledge. If accident occurs, don’t be scared and at
Materials a loss, try to adopt effective measures rapidly. First of
Properly choosing oil materials all, it is the most important to guarantee the life safety,
z The performance, operation safety and the service and then, consider avoiding losses of goods and
life of the vibratory roller largely depend on the proper materials;
choice of the lubrication oil and grease; z Smoking and other actions that may cause open fire
z After the machine starts, the correct viscosity of the and heat source should be avoided during working.
lubricating oil depends on the minimum and z Keep the roller clean. Clear away the dirt and
maximum ambient temperatures. After the machine remaining lubricant on the operational platform and
is started, choose the maximum viscosity of the the steps.
lubricating oil applicable to be used under the z Take care of your head when conducting
temperature; maintenance with the covers open.
z The machine operating for long time can choose the 2.12.2 Preparation for Maintenance and Repair
lubricating oil of high viscosity on the final z Post or hang the signs on the single drum vibratory
transmission to best remain the thickest oil film; roller to indicate it is in repairing. Turn off the switch of
z In bitterly cold days, the engine cannot be started the power supply breaker, and take off the key switch.
easily, as the fuel may freeze and the viscosity of the Ensure the cleanness of the machine;
hydraulic oil may increase. Thus, the fuel shall be z Notice that there is danger of being trapped at the
chosen based on the ambient temperature; joints of the vibratory roller;
z The coolant used by the SANY grader is a kind of z It is prohibited to repair the single drum vibratory roller
permanent antifreeze, which won’t freeze under cold during driving.
days. Therefore, the customer shall use the coolant
appointed by the SANY but not add tap water or use Caution
the coolant of other numbers;
z The optimal temperature of hydraulic oil for the
The main principle is that, when the engine is
grader is over 50℃ (not higher than 80℃). When the
starting, the cover should be closed. When the
temperature of hydraulic oil is lower than 25℃, the
engine should be open during repairing, ensure
machine may not act under the operation or abruptly
the forward/backward controlling levers are in the
act quickly, thus resulting in serious accidents, and so
middle position, and the emergency brake should
the machine must be preheated before its working
be started as well. When igniting the engine
under such temperature.
indoors, the dust collector should be connected
2.12 Precautions for Repair and
with the exhaust tube to drain exhaust gas
2.12.1 Basic Requirements
z Before maintenance, place cushion blocks in the front
and at the back of the steel wheels and tyres, and
install articulation limiting devices when necessary.
z It is forbidden to use the damaged single drum
pressure of the tire. Don not open the discharge valve
2.12.3 Maintenance of ROPS of the tire by hands for discharging, instead, the
z Check damages and connection of ROPS, and switch valve should be taken to lower the air pressure
screw down the connecting bolts (see label notes for of the tire gradually;
details of the screwdown torque) of ROPS z Check the tire to ensure no damages, so as to avoid
periodically. Do not bore or weld on the guard rail, do accidents. Check the abrasion status of the tire
not attempt to repair the damaged or deformed periodically.
ROPS, just replace it; 2.12.6 Cleaning of Vibratory Roller
z Check the working status of the safety belt of seats. To make the grader operate efficiently for long time,
Replace the damaged or excessively-tensile belts. enhance its working efficiency and prolong its service
2.12.4 Repair of Air Conditioning System and life, clean it each day after its working;
Pressure Container z If the vibratory roller will be unused for a long time, all
z Keep far away from fire, and never weld around or at the oil tanks shall be wiped with soft paper, no
the inlet of the air conditioner. All maintenances to the scrubbing with cotton yarn. Coat with water-free
system, including replacement of the coolant, should vaseline of high quality;
be conducted in the workshop with special z After the vibratory roller is repaired or filled with
equipment; functional liquid, the hydraulic oil, fuel or other
z As pressure exists in the cold air tube of the air antiseptic substances shall be cleaned away, and the
conditioning system, it could not be dismantled cleaning cloth with erosive and polluting liquid shall
randomly; only after the hot water tube is cooled, can be dealt with properly;
the disassembly be conducted. z Never use any inflammable substance, sea water or
z The refrigerant spattering on the skin may cause other salty liquid to wash it. After cleaning, check
frozen injury, so keep your skin away from the whether there is any leakage, loosing or damage with
refrigerant. the fuel, lubrication and hydraulic systems. Solve
z When maintaining the air conditioning system, use problems as soon as they are detected;
refrigerant correctly by referring to the instructions on z Remember the water-proof protection to the electric
the refrigerant container. The applied refrigerant is of generator, water pump and all the electric elements
R134a, with any other refrigerant is forbidden, or they when washing the roller.
may cause the breakage of the air conditioning
z Prevent the refrigerant from being discharged into the
air with recovering and circulating systems.
Label of precautions
Warning label on
fine filter
Indication label
Warning label of fuse
of coolant
Diagram indications
for lubrication points Warning sign for Sign of the fixed
keeping away transferring point
Checking Hydraulic Oil ............................................. 21 Precautions for Choosing Oil Materials .................... 26
Fire Prevention ..........................................................11 Safe Parking............................................................. 20
Safe Transportation ..............................................III, 10
J Safe Treatment of Liquid .......................................... 12
Safety Regulations ..................................................... 3
Jump Starting ........................................................... 25
Starting in Cool Weather........................................... 19
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