Operational & Maintenance Manual GT-550E-1

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Most accidents that occur during crane operation It is virtually impossible to anticipate every situation
and maintenance are caused by failure to observe that might present a hazard. The safety precautions
basic safety rules and precautions. Before operating given in this manual and on the machine labels are
your crane or performing maintenance, read and be- not exhaustive.
come familiar with all the safety precautions and It is important, therefore, to strictly follow the in-
recommendations given in this section. Remember structions in this manual and be sensitive to
that failure to observe even a single precaution potential dangers in order to prevent bodily injury
could involve you and the people around the crane and damage to the machine.
in a serious accident.
Remember that your most important duty is to en-
Foreseeing potential dangers is vital for preventing sure the safety of you, your co-workers and any
accidents. All personnel working with the equip- other people in the area.
ment, including the supervisor, crane operator and
oiler, should be sensitive to dangerous situations
and take the necessary measures to prevent acci-

Safety precautions and recommendations are

outlined in this section and are also included in the
operation and maintenance instructions given in
subsequent sections. Warning labels are also
provided on the crane.
The cautionary instructions in this manual are
identified as “DANGER”, “WARNING”, “CAUTION”
or “NOTICE”. These terms are defined as follows:

DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous

situation, which, if not avoided, will result in death
or serious injury.

WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous

situation, which, if not avoided, could result in
death or serious injury.

CAUTION indicates a potentially hazardous sit-

uation, which, if not avoided, may result in a minor
or moderate injury.


NOTICE indicates an important operational or

maintenance procedure or condition, which, if not
strictly observed, can result in damage to machine
components or deteriorated machine performance.

Safety Safety
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Safety Rules

Before Operation
Use of improper or unauthorized method dur-
Qualifications of the Operator
ing operation or maintenance of this machine can
The operator must be fully trained and qualified.
be dangerous and could lead to serious injury or
The operator must be fully familiar with on-site safe-
death. Read this manual thoroughly and be famil-
ty rules, and national and local crane operation
iar with the proper operating and maintenance
procedures before using the machine. Do not op-
erate the machine or perform maintenance on it
until you understand the instructions in this man- Study the Operation and Maintenance
ual. Manual
Improper operation, inspection or maintenance can
damage the machine or cause injury or death.
“Safety Rules” section describes the general Study the manual carefully. Become familiar with the
instructions about operation with a hydraulic proper procedures for operation, inspection and
truck crane. For more detailed instructions about maintenance.
your machine, see corresponding pages (white Keep the Operation and Maintenance manual in the
pages) of this manual. crane operator's cab so that it is always readily ac-
The figures in this manual are for reference show- cessible.
ing the important points. They may be different
from an actual machine.

Before Operation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・A-2

Rules for Operation (Setting Outriggers) ・・・・・・・A-7
Rules for Operation (General)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・A-8
Operation and

Rules for Operation (Weather) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・A-17 Maintenance


Rules for Operation (Power Lines, Radio Waves)A-18

Rules for Operation (Special Operation) ・・・・・・A-20
After Operation ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・A-20 T20001

Rules for Road Travel ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・A-21

Rules for Inspection and Maintenance ・・・・・・・・A-22 Follow All Instructions and Warnings
The Operation and Maintenance Manual and the
warning labels on the machine contain instructions
and must be followed to ensure safe operation.
Read and understand all Danger, Warning and
Caution labels. Neglecting these instructions and
warnings can result in injury or death.
If the manual is lost or any labels (decals) become il-
legible, order replacements from the nearest
authorized TADANO distributor or dealer.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Always Maintain Labels Avoid Overwork. Never Operate under

The warning labels on various parts of the machine the Influence of Alcohol or Drugs
provide important instructions for safe operation. If the operator is tired, lacking in sleep, or under the
Always keep the labels (decals) clean and visible. influence of medication or alcohol, the probability of
Should labels become lost or damaged, order re- an accident event is greatly increased since atten-
placements from the nearest authorized TADANO tiveness and judgment are impaired. Maintain
distributor or dealer. proper physical fitness for crane operation.

Wear Proper Clothing Keep All Footings and Shoes Clean

Sloppy clothing may result in sleeves or cuffs being Oil, water or mud on soles of shoes, steps or decks
caught and then cause an accident. can cause slip off and fall mishaps or cause acci-
dental release of a control pedal. Always remove oil,
mud, water or snow before operation and keep
shoes and floor of the operator's cab clean.
Do not leave any parts or tools on the operator's
cab floor or passageway.

Safely Climbing onto and Descending

from the Machine
T20002 Do not jump onto or off the machine.
Do not climb onto or descend from the machine with
objects in hand.
Wear Approved Protective Gear
Only climb onto or descend from the machine while
To ensure safety, always wear a hard hat and safety
it is completely at standstill. Use the handrails and
shoes. Also protective goggles, dust mask,
steps, always support your hands and feet firmly
earplugs, work gloves, safety belt, etc. must be worn
(three point support); that is, one hand-two feet or
as the situation requires. Check that all protective
two hands-one foot.
gear is in good condition before wearing it.
Never use the steering wheel or control levers as



Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Correctly Position the Seat Do Not Operate a Machine Being

Incorrect positioning of the operator's seat can re- Inspected or Serviced
sult in mistakes or fatigue, possibly leading to an Operating the machine while it is undergoing in-
accident. spection or maintenance work can cause damage or
Before operating the machine, correctly position the an accident.
seat so that the pedals and levers can be manipulat- Post a “DO NOT OPERATE” sign on the operator's
ed correctly. cab door or any control lever. do not attempt to op-
erate the machine until the sign is removed by
maintenance personnel.
Maintain Good Visibility
Fouled window panels, lights or rearview mirrors
can limit the operator's visibility, impairing safe op-
eration. Always keep the window panels and light
lenses clean.
Position mirrors correctly as required by job condi-

Perform Pre-Operation Inspection

Neglecting routine inspections and maintenance can T01938E

shorten service life of the machine or even result in

an accident.
Check the Position of Controls before
Before starting operation (and before taking over a
Starting the Engine
shift), perform the pre-operation inspection on the
If any control lever is in a position other than "neu-
carrier and the upper structure to ensure that the
tral", the machine may initiate some mechanical or
machine is in proper condition and free from any
hydraulic function as soon as the engine is turned
over. This situation is very dangerous. Start the en-
Should any problem be found, report it to the re-
gine only when completely sure that all controls are
sponsible person, remedy it, and only then start
in the proper neutral or inactive position.

Make Sure Work Area Is Safe before

Starting the Engine
Starting the engine without performing a thorough
safety check of the work area may cause damage to
the machine or injury or death.
Make sure there are no personnel or obstacles un-
derneath or around the machine.
Before starting the engine, sound the horn to warn
any nearby personnel.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Start the Engine from the Operator's Night Operation

Cab Only Operation in the dark makes it difficult to ensure
If the engine is started from any location other than good footing, and to locate nearby persons or ob-
the crane operator's cab, it can become impossible stacles, increasing the probability of an accident.
to avoid a dangerous hazard if some machine action When operating at night, turn on all working lamps.
is initiated when the engine turns over. Provide ancillary portable lighting equipment to illu-
Start the engine only from the operator's seat. minate the work area.

Inspection after Starting the Engine

Failure to perform a basic inspection after starting
the engine can result in not detecting fault or abnor-
mality with the machine.
Inspect the machine in a safe location that is free
from obstacles and people other than maintenance
Allow the engine to warm up after it is started while
the instrument readings and checking the machine
components. Once the engine is properly warmed
up, make a safety check of the work area, and run
Keep the Engine Clean
Dead leaves, paper dust and oil stains on and
the machine without a load to check out condition of
around the engine can catch fire. Remove all such
the controls, machine elements and safety devices.
debris before commencing operation.

Warm Up the Machine

Failure to properly warm-up the engine and various
Keep Unauthorized Personnel Away
other machine components can result in decrease in from the Work Area
service life of the machine or malfunctions. In win- Unauthorized personnel or vehicles in the work area
ter, run the engine for at least five minutes for can result in collision accidents, injury or death.
proper warm-up. Before operation, make sure there are no unautho-
Then, run the engine at low speed without a load to rized personnel or obstacles within the work area.
warm up the hydraulic oil and other machine com- If the work area is situated near heavy traffic, post a
ponents. control person to prevent vehicular accidents.
Barricade the work area with appropriate means ei-
ther colored tape or rope.



Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Anticipate Accident Situations Hold Work Site Meetings with

To deal with possible accidents or fires, equip the Concerned All Personnel
crane with a first-aid kit and fire extinguisher. Be Lack of sufficient communications with concerned
aware of the locations of these safety items, and personnel can result in accidents.
learn how to use them properly. Before starting the job, set up a liaison meeting with
An emergency contact person and emergency liai- the site supervisor, rigging personnel, signal per-
son plan should be carefully prepared, and all son, etc., to agree on the following details:
personnel concerned must be made aware of the de- • Mass of load, lifting height (per rated lifting ca-
tails. pacity table), locations of loading and
unloading, work area of the machine, craning
procedures, rigging methods, etc.
Observe Work-site Rules
• Conditions of ground where crane is set as well
Neglecting work-site rules can result in accidents.
as whether city-water and gas pipings are
To ensure safe operation, observe all work-site rules
covering prohibited practices, precautions and cor-
• Overturning prevention by use of block plates
rect procedures.
and outriggers.
• Mutually agreed upon and OSHA approved sig-
Post a Signal Person nal conventions between rigging personnel and
Assign a signal person for all crane operations as signal person.
necessary and always follow instructions especially • Designation of off-limit areas, provision of bar-
when: ricade.
• Working near power lines. • Work stations of all relevant workers.
• The load is hidden from the crane operator's • Emergency liaison plan and emergency contact
• Moving the carrier along narrow roads or when
the operator's vision is obscured.
The signal person and the operator should commu-
nicate with each other using mobile transceiver


person, as well as the safety/health organiza-


Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Always Study Work-site Conditions Rules for Operation

(Setting Outriggers)
Pay due attention to surrounding conditions.
Before starting the job, inspect the work area, check Set the Crane on Firm Level Ground
routes to the work area, and monitor the presence of The machine should not be located on soft ground,
any obstacles and locations of other machinery. which can lead to sinking, sliding or overturning,
Note changes in the surroundings or site conditions nor on the edge of a pit, bank or slope.
as crane operations are carried out. If the ground conditions are doubtful, use blocks or
steel plates of sufficient strength and size below the
outrigger floats to disperse the load.
Multi-Crane Operation
In lift situations involving the coordination of two or
more cranes, establish an agreed system for com-
munications and assign a signal person. The crane
operators must proceed cautiously, strictly observ-
ing all instructions of the signal person.


Set the Crane Level

If the crane is tilted, and the load is swung over the
side, the load radius will increase, and the machine
can overturn.
When setting the outriggers, level the machine care-
fully using a level.


Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Fully Extend the Outriggers Rules for Operation (General)

If the outriggers are not extended correctly, the
Observe Working Conditions
crane may become unstable, causing the crane to
Operating the crane under conditions (outrigger
beam length, boom length, load radius, etc.) other
As a general rule, always extend the outriggers fully,
than specified in the rated lifting capacity table can
even if the crane is rated for operation with the out-
cause overturn even when not lifting a load.
riggers at middle or minimum extension. If it is
Follow all instructions in the rated lifting capacity
absolutely necessary to use the outriggers at middle
or minimum extension, make sure the machine is
within the rated limits.
Do not Exceed Rated Lifting Capacity
Exceeding the rated lifting capacity will overload the
machine. Damage or overturning can result from
this practice.
Check the rated lifting capacity table before operat-
ing to ensure that the lift is safe. Load lifting
capacity of the crane varies depending on boom
length and load radius. Never exceed the lifting ca-
Fully extended pacity in the table.

Check the Outrigger Setting

Incorrect setting of the outriggers can decrease the
load lifting capacity of the machine and result in
overturning. To avoid crane instability, make sure:
Mass of hook block
• The machine is absolutely level.
• All outrigger floats are stable and set firmly on Rated lifting capacity Lifting capacity
the ground or blocks.
• All tires are clear of the ground. T21566E

• The outriggers are secured with lock pins (if

lock pins are available). Use Safety Devices Correctly
Improper use of safety devices including the over-
load cutout can lead to damage or overturn the
Use all safety devices according to instructions in
the manual.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Do Not Rely Exclusively on Safety Rig the Load Securely

Devices Improper rigging procedure can result in the lifted
A safety device is not a substitute for human skill load being dropped. Rig the load securely, paying
and judgment. special attention to the following points:
The overload cutout, for example, does not warn the • Know the mass, shape and center of gravity of
operator about conditions on the ground, effects of the load, and use suitable load handling de-
wind, improperly adjusted devices, load being vices and rigging hardware.
pulled sideways, or other possibly hazardous situa- • The load handling devices including wire ropes,
tions. chains and rigging hardware must have enough
All safety devices are merely auxiliary means to help strength and be free from damage or excessive
the operator perform the task at hand. Safe crane wear.
work requires the qualities of a good operator, such • Rig the load so that it is suspended at a point
as skill, experience, judgment, and safety aware- above its center of gravity. Otherwise, the load
ness. can overturn or come loose of the handling de-
vice when it is raised. Also, wire ropes and
chains must not be crossed or twisted around
Do Not Deactivate Any Safety Devices each other.
Avoid any action that impairs normal operation of • Do not rig the load with a single wire rope.
the safety devices. Such rigging practice is very dangerous as the
Intentionally deactivating any safety device may re- load can rotate, and untwist the wire rope, re-
sult in the inability to detect overloading or ducing its strength.
overwinding during operation, and lead to a serious • When rigging a load with sharp corners, fit protec-
accident. tive softeners at the load corners to protect the
Ensure that all safety devices are functioning cor- wire ropes and the load itself against damage.
rectly before starting any operation.

Consider Boom Deflection before Lifting

Before Lifting a Load
the Load
Make sure of the following before attempting to pick
When a load is lifted, the boom will deflect down-
up a load:
ward, increasing the load radius. Swaying of the
• The mass does not exceed the rated lifting ca-
load also poses a hazard to the people around the
crane, and may lead to overloading.
• The number of rope parts conforms to the stan-
If the load starts to sway when lifted clear of the
dard in the rated lifting capacity table.
ground, lower the load back on the ground.
• A proper load handling device is used and the
When lifting a heavy load or using the extended
load is securely rigged.
boom, anticipate the possible increase in the boom
• The hook block is located directly above the
load radius.
center of gravity of the load.
• The wire ropes runs are plumb so that the load
can be lifted vertically.
Boom deflects
• The safety latch on the hook is working proper-
• The wire rope has no entanglement or disorder-
ly winding on the drum.

Load radius

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Lift Single Loads Only Conduct a Safety Check within the Load
Do not lift two or more loads simultaneously even if Radius of the Crane before Starting
their total mass is within the specified rated lifting Operation
capacity; otherwise, the loads may lose balance. It Any person located close to the crane may become
is usually not possible to maintain complete atten- caught between machine components or between
tion to multiple loads. the counterweight and a fixed obstacle. Before
starting any swing motion, make sure that there is
no one nearby. Sound the horn to warn all immedi-
ate personnel of crane startup.
During crane operations, fence off or barricade the
work area to prevent unauthorized persons from ap-
proaching the machine.

Be Extremely Careful When Raising the

T00011 Load Clear of the Ground
Stop lifting the load once the rigging is fully taut,
check that the load is suspended at a point just
Operate According to Signals
above its center of gravity, and that the load is not
If signals are not obeyed or if signals are improperly
stuck to the ground or interfering with a nearby
made, accidents can occur.
body or structure.
Follow instructions of the signal person. An emer-
Lift the load vertically. When the load clears the
gency shut down signal must be acknowledged
ground, stop lifting and suppress any swaying; then
whoever gives it.
check that the rigging is secure, the load is in a sta-
ble position, and the crane is not overloaded.
Operate the Crane from the Operator's Then, recommence the lift again.
Cab Only
Controlling the machine from outside the cab,
Do Not Lift the Load Clear of the Ground
through the cab window, is strictly forbidden and
extremely dangerous.
by Raising or Extending the Boom
Raise a load clear of the ground by vertical hoisting
Raising or extending the boom to lift a load clear of
the ground will cause the load to sway, posing a
If the boom is elevated to raise a load clear of the
ground, the crane will not be automatically stopped
even in case of an overload. An overloaded machine
can overturn or be damaged.


Move a Lifted Load Carefully

When the crane state comes near the full rating, the
AML gives an intermittent alarm. Operate the crane
more carefully and slow the load-moving speed.
Take best care for over-loading in boom-lowering
operation which enlarges the load radius.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Do Not Lift an Unknown Load Operate the Crane Carefully

Attempting to uproot a garden tree or raise an object Operating the controls too abruptly can result in an
buried or driven into the ground can severely over- accident: a swaying load can hit an object or dam-
load various components of the machine, possibly age the machine.
causing the machine to overturn or be damaged. Do Operate all control levers and pedals smoothly and
not attempt to pull up poles or piles driven into the in a steady manner.
ground, trees or any objects buried or frozen in mud
or sand.
Do Not Make Inadvertent Swing
Only lift objects free from all restraining forces.
When the front jack is not employed, lifting capaci-
ties in the over-front area are inferior to those in the
Avoid Overloading over-rear and over-side areas. The crane may be
A load below the rated lifting capacity can still cause overturned if inadvertently swung to the over-front
overloading of the crane if swaying occurs. area with a load lifted in the rear or side area.
Do not trigger overloading while telescoping out or Depending on boom length, boom angle, and outrig-
lowering the boom. These actions increase the load ger extension, even the unloaded crane may
radius and are destabilizing. overturn because of inadvertent swing.
Before operation, confirm the living capacity by the
rated lifting capacity table. If there is an inferior ca-
pacity area, place signal corns or ropes for swing
restriction to avoid swing into such a perilous area.

Swing the Crane Carefully

If the swing speed is too high, substantial centrifu-
gal force is applied to a load, resulting in an
increased load radius. As a result, the machine may
become overloaded and overturn.
Stopping a swing operation abruptly can cause a
When Overloading Occurs load to sway posing a hazard to nearby personnel
When overloading occurs, never attempt to raise or and possibly leading to boom failure.
lower the boom rapidly. This situation is very dan- Swing all loads slowly. Carefully stop any swinging.
gerous as the machine can readily overturn. Be extremely cautious when working with an ex-
Immediately set the load on the ground by carefully tended boom.
unwinding the wire rope off the winch drum.


Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Be Careful during Complex Operations Be Careful When the Boom Is at

Actions of the crane will be slower during complex Maximum Permissible Angle
operations. When switching from a complex opera- When the boom is raised to its maximum permissi-
tion to a simple operation, action of the machine will ble angle, there exists minimum horizontal
become faster. When executing a complex opera- clearance between the boom and the load. A sway-
tion, do not change speed immediately. ing load may hit the boom or jib, and cause damage.
Do not attempt any complex operation until fully fa- Handle the load carefully so that it does not strike
miliar with the crane operation. the boom or jib.

Avoid Contact with Obstacles Be Careful in Demolition Work

While moving a load, be absolutely sure that the It is very dangerous to lift parts or components of a
load or any part of the crane does not come into structure undergoing demolition, if the mass and
contact with nearby structures or other objects. center of gravity are unknown. Before starting oper-
When working on a site where potential obstacles ation, ascertain the mass and center of gravity of the
are present, post a signal person, and only move the loads, and establish the lift procedure to be taken.
load while following instructions.


Carefully Lift a Load in Water

Operate the Crane with Correct Boom When handling a load submerged in water, it is im-
Position portant not to lift the load out "all at once" when it
When the boom configuration is irregular for pur- appears above the water’s surface. The load may be
pose of inspection or maintenance, never attempt to impregnated with water and heavier than expected.
lift a load. Allow the load to drain while raising it slowly.
During crane operation, check that all the boom sec- A load lifted out of water, even when fully drained,
tions are telescoping in the correct sequence. The weighs more than it did when submerged because
rated lifting capacity table has been developed of buoyancy effects. Lift the load carefully so as not
based on assumption that the boom sections are to cause overloading.
telescoped in the correct sequence.

Do Not Extend the Boom Excessively

An excessively extended boom decreases the rated
lifting capacity and also can cause overswing of the
load or lower working efficiency.
Keep the length of the boom as short as possible
during operation.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Handle Wide Loads Carefully Know of the Number of Wire Rope Parts
Be careful when lifting a wide load. The load can If the number of the part lines is greater than speci-
swing and hit a rigging person, the crane itself or a fied for the boom length, the hoist line may become
nearby structure. too short. As a result, the line can unwind off the
Use tethers tied to either or both ends of the load to winch drum causing the wire rope to be damaged or
control the position and/or movement of the load. broken.
When lowering a very light load, or a bare hook
block, the rope will unwind off the winch drum at a
faster rate. The rope may then become improperly
Use a number of part lines appropriate to the boom

Wire Rope Must Be Properly Wound on

the Drum
Lifting a load with the wire rope improperly wound
on the winch drum can lead to damage of the wire
Do Not Overwind the Hook Block rope, not only decreasing service life of the rope but
When the boom is lowered or extended, the hook
possibly breaking wires and strands which can lead
block is wound up.
to ultimate failure.
Usually, overwinding the hook block will cause the
After reeving or replacement of the wire rope, make
overwind cutout device to trip and the winch auto-
sure that the line is properly seated in the sheaves
matically stops. However, if the device is damaged
and on the winch drum.
or the automatic stop function has been deactivated
for some reason, the hook block can impact the
boom head. Do Not Unwind the Wire Rope
Always be aware of the position of the hook block. If If the entire rope is unwound from the winch drum,
the hook block approaches the boom head, wind off the frictional anchoring force will be insufficient to
the wire rope to lower the hook block and avoid con- support a load. The rope will break or become dam-
tact. aged.
At least three winds of rope must always be left on
the winch drum. This condition applies particularly
when a load must be lowered below ground level
such as a trench or excavation.



Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Do Not Leave a Load Suspended Do Not Add Counterweights

Do not leave a load in a hoisted position. Actuate Installing a counterweight(s) other than those speci-
the winch brake to hold the load safely. Use working fied can damage the machine, or cause the machine
procedures that minimize the duration a load is left to overturn to the rear owing to decreased rearward
suspended. stability.
Never install or place a counterweight(s) or equiva-
lent other than those specified.
Use the Crane Only for Approved
The crane is designed to lift a freely suspended ver-
tical load. Never attempt to lift persons, or push/pull
a load with the boom.


Do Not Position Any Part of Your Body

Out of the Window on the Boom Side
Sticking any part of your body out from the window
on the boom side can result in being caught be-
tween the moving boom and the window frame.
Do Not Anchor the Machine
Serious injury or death can result from this danger-
Do not attempt to hold down the crane frame or out-
ous practice.
rigger or contrary side to the lifted load, using wire
If the window is equipped with a confining guard, do
not remove it.
This practice might lead to crane damage or an acci-
Do Not Look Away from the Load While
Operating the Crane
Looking away from the load, eating or performing
any other action that can detract from awareness
while operating the crane is very dangerous.
During operation, concentrate all attention on the
load and the signal person.



Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Do Not Pass a Load over Any Person Do Not Leave the Operator's Cab While
Passing a load over a person(s) is very dangerous a Load Is Suspended
and must be avoided. Before leaving the operator's cab for any reason, be
Do not allow anyone to enter the area below the sure to:
boom or the load. • Lower the load to the ground.
• Fully retract the boom and stow it.
• Actuate all brakes.
• Place all control levers in their neutral posi-
• Shut off the engine, and remove the starter key.
• Lock the crane operator's cab door.

Never Allow Anyone to Ride on the

Machine, Except the Operator
If any persons other than the operator (in the opera-
tor's seat) are on the machine, they must be
Do Not Pull a Load Sideways, Do Not Lift stationed inside the operator's cab.
a Load Obliquely, Do not Drag a Load
Pulling a load sideways, lifting a load obliquely or
attempting to drag a load is very dangerous. Such Do Not Allow Anyone to Ride on the
actions can damage the boom, jib or swing mecha- Machine
nism, and lead to overturning of the crane. Persons on the machine other than the operator (in
Do not attempt to draw in a load that is located out- the operator's seat) may fall or be caught by a ma-
side the load radius. To handle such a load, move chine component or other objects. Other persons
the crane to the vicinity of the load, and lift it verti- cause distraction and can disturb the attention and
cally. work of the operator.

Do Not Push or Pull an Object with the

Never use the boom to push or pull an object. Do
not use the boom to thrust up an object or force the
boom into an object.
To move an object, use a machine designed for that
purpose, such as a fork lift truck or carryall.
Do not use the crane in applications other than
those specified.


Safety Rules
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Caution while Using the Jib (1) Mount and Stow the Jib Correctly
Never attempt to lift separate loads on both the Failure to observe the specified procedures for
boom and jib at the same time, or a single load us- mounting and stowing the jib can damage the jib, or
ing both the main and auxiliary winches. may cause the jib to drop.
Such practices can damage the boom or jib, or over- Be sure to mount and stow the jib in the correct
turn the machine. manner by referring to the "Jib" section in the man-


Caution while Using the Jib (2)

Lifting a load on the boom with the jib mounted
should be avoided, if possible.
If conditions require such a lift, observe the instruc-
tions given in the "AML" section of the manual and


perform the operation with the utmost care and at-


Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Rules for Operation (Weather)

Stop Operation When Visibility Becomes
During bad weather such as rain, snow or fog, stop
operation and stow the machine. Wait until visibility
improves before resuming operation.

Stop Operation When Strong Winds are T00037

Under strong winds, a lifted load will start swaying, Stop All Operation If There is Any
posing a danger to working personnel and nearby
Likelihood of Lightning
structures and also possibly damaging the boom or
Lightning can not only damage the machine but also
overturning the machine.
injure the operator and working personnel. If light-
The influence of cross wind on machine stability is
ning is forecast or expected, stop operation, stow
directly proportional to length of the boom and size
the boom, and leave the machine.
of the load.
If the machine is struck by lightning:
When the maximum instantaneous (i.e. gust) wind
• Stay in the cab. Do not try to move out.
speed exceeds 10 m/sec, stop crane operation and
• Warn people around not to approach the ma-
stow the boom.
When the boom is substantially extended or a large-
• Afterward, inspect the entire crane carefully
sized load is lifted, stop crane operation even if the
and have any damaged parts repaired.
wind speed is below 10 m/sec if there is any possi-
ble danger.
The table below lists wind speed ranges and the
ground conditions for each range. Note that the
wind speeds in the table are those at a point 10 m
above open level ground.

Wind speed (m/sec) Ground conditions

Dust is raised, paper whirls up,
5.5– 8.0
and small branches sway.
Shrubs with leaves start sway- T00038

8.0–10.8 ing. Wave crests are apparent in

ponds or swamps.
Tree branches move. Power
10.8–13.9 lines whistle. It is difficult to open
an umbrella.
Whole trees sway. It is difficult to
walk against the wind.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Cautions in Cold Weather Rules for Operation

• Snow or ice on the crane should be removed
before operation; it is especially important to
(Power Lines, Radio Waves)
eliminate any accumulation on the boom, as it Prevent Electric Shock Accidents
could fall and injure someone when the boom Approaching too close to power lines can result in
is moved. electric shock accidents. If conditions absolutely re-
• Do not let bare skin come in contact with the quire operation near power lines or distribution
machine’s metallic parts when the temperature lines, implement the following preventive measures:
is below freezing. Skin can freeze to the metal- • Meet with the power company concerned to de-
lic surface, if any moisture is present. velop a relevant safety plan.
• Warm up the machine sufficiently. Then, check • Require that working personnel wear approved
that the machine is functioning correctly. insulating shoes.
Remove ice and dry machine components as • Keep the crane and load beyond the required
required. distance (stipulated by national or local laws
• After starting operation, run the machine slowly and regulations) and away from power lines.
until oils fully circulates through all machine • Post a full-time signal person to ensure the ma-
components. chine or load does not approach power lines or
• Before lifting, make sure that the load is not unauthorized personnel do not enter the work
frozen to the ground or any other objects. area.
Attempting to lift a load which is frozen to the • Personnel on the ground must not directly touch
ground can result in severe overloading and is the machine or load. When necessary to control
very dangerous. the lifted load, use dry fiber ropes as tethers to
• If possible, stow the machine indoors so that prevent the load from rotating or swaying.
the tires are not frozen to the ground. Remove • Do not place a load below or near power lines.
mud from the undercarriage. • Operate the crane slowly with the utmost care
• Maintain the battery. Use oils and fuel rated for and attention.
cold weather. (The data shown below describes the required dis-
tance recommended by Japanese power

Voltage Required stand-off distance

Low voltage 100 V, 200 V 2 meters
High voltage 6,600 V
22,000 V 3 meters
66,000 V 4 meters
Extra high 154,000 V 5 meters
voltage 187,000 V 6 meters
275,000 V 7 meters
500,000 V 11 meters
Should an electric shock accident occur, do not
panic. Follow the instructions below:
• Contact the power company to cut off the pow-
er and obtain instructions for emergency

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

• Direct all personnel around the machine to Be Careful about High-Power Radio
evacuate the site. Strictly control the site and
keep everyone away from the electrified crane
In areas near sources of high-power radio or TV sta-
and load.
tion transmitters, a current can be induced in the
• The operator should stay calm and cautiously
crane structure. Electrified crane components can
move the crane and load away from the power
then result. Also, electronic devices such as the
lines to the required stand-off distance, and
overload cutout may be damaged.
only then leave the cab.
If necessary, ground the hook block to discharge
• Should the machine be damaged and/or dis-
any induced voltage and only then start rigging.
abled, stay in the operator's seat until the
power is cut off. If this is impossible, jump di-
rectly from the cab as far as possible. Do not
touch any parts of the machine which may be
electrified and can cause shock.



Required stand-off distance


• After the accident, contact an authorized

TADANO distributor or dealer to report the acci-
dent and discuss the measures, and inspection
and repairs required.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Rules for Operation After Operation

(Special Operation) After Operation, Stow the Machine
Leaving the machine unattended should be avoided.
Be Cautious in Multi-Crane Operation
Once operation is complete, stow the machine.
Lifting a load with two or more cranes can be dan-
gerous. In these operations, loads are lifted at
points other than directly above the center of gravity
and there is possibility of the load falling, the ma-
chine being overturned, or the boom failing.
In multi-crane lifting operations, be absolutely care-
ful, and adhere to the following instructions:
• Meet with personnel to determine the proper
working procedure and lift strategy.
• Assign a work leader, and follow instructions.
• Equip every person concerned with an appro-
priate communications device.
• Set each crane level on firm ground with the Cautions for Refilling the Fuel
outriggers fully extended. Fuel and other oils are highly flammable and dan-
• The cranes used must have the same perfor- gerous.
mance, characteristics and sufficient capacity Handle combustibles very carefully.
for handling the load. Make sure that the cranes While refueling, observe the following instructions:
have the same settings for the boom length, • Stop the engine.
boom angle, and number of rope parts. • Refuel the machine outdoors in a well-ventilat-
• Lift the load so that the wire rope(s) of each ed place.
crane are only subjected to vertical line pulls. • Keep sources of flames or sparks away from
• Attempt to rig the load so that all the cranes are the fuel.
loaded equally. • Wear a protective mask.
• To move the load, use only the winches and • Do not refuel in excess of fuel tank capacity.
booms. Swinging operations should be avoided.
Do not perform hoisting, elevating (or telescop-
ing) of the boom or swinging at the same time.
• To prevent overloading, operate the separate
cranes simultaneously.



Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Rules for Road Travel Be Aware of Overhead Obstacles

Pay attention to overhead clearance when passing
Observe All Vehicles Code
under electric car wires, highway or railway bridges,
Requirements for Travel on Public Roads and passing through a tunnel.
Some national and local laws and rules exist regard- If the planned route necessitates travel below over-
ing the travel of crane vehicles on public roads. head railway lines or overhead bridges or through a
Before traveling on roads, study the requirements tunnel, check the clearances in advance.
for road travel for the crane, and strictly obey all the

Driving Crane (Carrier) in Road Travel

A swaying hook block or boom, or extended outrig-
gers pose extreme hazards during crane road travel.
Before traveling, stow the hook block and boom in
position, and lock the outrigger beams, etc., in posi-
tion (if lock pins are available). Give a traveling T21495

configuration to the machine by referring to the



Do Not Travel with Any Cargo on the

Carrying cargo on a traveling crane can result in a
spill or fall. Use a vehicle designed specifically for
cargo transport.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Rules for Inspection and Become Familiar with Procedures for

Inspection and Maintenance
Improper inspection and maintenance procedures
Do Not Adjust or Disassemble the can lead to damage of the machine, and may cause
Hydraulic Equipment injury or even death.
The hydraulic equipment including the safety valve Read the "Inspection and Maintenance" section in
and pneumatic equipment have been strictly in- the manual and become thoroughly familiar with all
spected and carefully adjusted before shipment instructions given. Do not perform any inspection or
from the factory. maintenance work until the instructions are under-
Disassembly or improper adjustment of the hy- stood.
draulic or pneumatic equipment can cause failures When inspection or maintenance work is more com-
in safety and functional features. plicated, consult an authorized TADANO distributor
For disassembly or adjustment, contact an autho- or dealer.
rized TADANO distributor or dealer.
Wear Safe Clothing
Do Not Modify the Machine Loose clothing may lead to sleeves or cuffs being
Unauthorized modification may affect the perfor- caught by a projection or control lever on the ma-
mance, safety and strength of the crane and can chine.
lead to damage or overturning. Do not wear work clothing fouled with fuel or oil. It
Never modify any part or aspect of the machine. can readily catch fire.

When an Irregularity is Detected Wear Protective Gear

An irregularity which remains unremedied can Performing inspection or maintenance work without
cause a more serious failure or accident. wearing the proper protective gear can result in
If an irregularity is found during inspection work, im- burns, cuts, falling accidents, or eye injuries.
mediately determine the cause, then adjust and Always wear a hard hat, and safety shoes, also safe-
maintain the component in question to prevent a ty goggles, dust mask, earplugs, protective gloves,
failure or accident. safety belt, etc., as the situation requires.

Inspect and Maintain at Regular

Sloppy inspection or maintenance work makes it im-
possible to detect faults at an early stage.
Perform inspection and maintenance at specified in-
tervals to ensure fault prevention and early
detection of potential problems.


Safety Rules Safety Rules

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Meet with Working Personnel Fire Prevention

Working together with other persons on inspection To prevent the risk of fire during inspection and
or maintenance tasks without observing mutually maintenance work requiring handling of potentially
agreed upon procedures can result in an accident. flammable substances, observe the following in-
Meet with all involved personnel to agree on the de- structions.
tailed tasks. Also, assign a work leader, and always • Use a non-flammable cleaning liquid to wash
follow his or her instructions. parts and components.
• Store fuel and oils away from fire.
• Do not allow sources of flames or sparks near
Provide Effective Ventilation
any substance that is combustible.
Performing inspection or maintenance work in a
• Do not smoke cigar or cigarette.
confined space without effective ventilation can lead
• Always carry a fire extinguisher in the opera-
to toxic poisoning.
tor's cab.
Be very careful when handling fuel, wash oil, and
• When checking fuel, oils, and battery liquid,
use an explosion-proof lamp.
When starting the engine in an enclosed space, pro-
• When grinding or welding, keep flammable sub-
vide a means of positive ventilation. Connect a hose
stances away from flying sparks or molten metal.
from the exhaust to vent the fumes outdoors. Open
doors and windows to allow fresh air circulation.
Install a ventilator as required.


About Illumination
Inspection or maintenance work in a poorly illumi-
nated environment can lead to injury. Before
starting the work, provide proper illumination.
Never use the exposed flame of a match or lighter
for illumination, a fire accident may occur. The emit-
ted gas from open lead storage batteries can
Use explosion-preventive type illuminating devices
when checking fuel and battery liquid level.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Clean the Machine before Inspection Labeling for Inspection or Maintenance

or Maintenance Work
Dirt and debris on the machine not only prevents If any unauthorized person starts the engine during
easy detection of faulty components or parts but inspection or maintenance work, the machine may
also can be trapped in components or parts. Also, be damaged or injury or even death may result.
dust or mud can enter your eyes or cause you to When performing inspection or maintenance work,
slip and be injured. remove the starter key, and post a "DO NOT OPER-
Before starting general inspection or maintenance ATE" or "TAG OUT" sign on the door or control
activities, wash the machine to ensure a safe work levers of the operator's cab as a warning.
area. Also, post relevant warning signs at entry to the
work area to prevent access of unauthorized per-
Cautions for Washing the Machine
Wet footing can cause to slip and fall injuries.
Always wear non-slip shoes. Start Inspection or Maintenance after
When washing the machine with high-pressure the Machine Has Cooled Down
steam, the jet can penetrate skin or flying mud can When the crane is operated, various machine com-
cause eye damage. Always wear suitable protective ponents become very hot and can cause burns.
gear during washing. These components include the engine, muffler, en-
Do not direct water to electrical equipment, dis- gine cooling water, radiator, hydraulic oil, reducer,
charge and/or shortcircuits can result and lead to hydraulic equipment and hydraulic piping.
damage. Allow these components and areas to cool down be-
fore starting inspection or maintenance work.

Inspect and Maintain the Machine on

Level Ground Beware of High-Pressure Oils
It is difficult to inspect the machine properly if it is High-pressure fuel or hydraulic oil that comes into
parked on a slope or grade. Also, the machine is li- contact with skin or eyes can cause serious injury.
able to start moving if not parked properly. To avoid this danger:
Park the crane on firm flat ground, activate the park- • Release internal pressure, and only then, dis-
ing brake, and chock the tires. connect any piping.
• To check for leakage, wear protective goggles
and gloves and use a piece of cardboard or
Keep the Work Area Clean and Tidy
wood as a monitor. Leaking high-pressure oil
Performing inspection or maintenance work in a dis-
may be invisible.
orderly place can lead to personal injury or a falling
Keep bare hands away from all leaking compo-
Remove obstacles.
• Immediately obtain medical attention when
high-pressure oil accidentally cuts into skin or
affects the eyes.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Inspect or Maintain Equipment with the Cautions for Working at Heights

Engine Shut Down Working at heights involves the possibility of falling.
Performing inspection or maintenance work while To reduce this risk, remove all obstacles, and any
the engine is running is very dangerous, and should spilled grease and oil. Keep all footing areas clean
be avoided. Unless otherwise necessary, be sure to and tidy.
shut down the engine before starting inspection or To climb onto and descend from a position of high
maintenance procedures. elevation, face the machine directly. Use the
handrails and steps, always be supported by at least
three points of your hands and feet.
Use Two Persons for Inspection or Be careful not to slip. When non-slip strips are pro-
Maintenance with the Engine Running vided on the machine, walk on them.
If for some reason it is necessary to perform an in- Use safety equipment such as safety belts ties, lan-
spection or maintenance procedure with the engine yards and platforms as the situation requires.
running, post at least two persons—one in the oper-
ator's cab to shut down the engine immediately
when necessary, and the other(s) to perform mainte- Cautions for Working Under the
nance. During the maintenance, ensure safety of all Machine
persons involved in the work. When working under the crane with the jack cylin-
ders extended, place supports and wood blocks
beneath the outriggers to support the machine se-
Use Proper Tools curely. Do not work under the crane unless the
Performing inspection or maintenance work without machine is securely and positively supported.
the proper tools not only decreases work efficiency
but also can lead to damage to parts or even injury.
Do not use improper or damaged tools. Do Not Stick Any Part of Your Body
Out from the Window on the Boom Side
Sticking any part of your body out from the window
Beware of Overhead Obstacles and
on the boom side can result in being caught be-
Footing tween the moving boom and the window frame.
Lack of awareness or loose footing can cause head Serious injury or death can result from this danger-
impact with the hook block, boom, or jib or slip and ous practice.
falls off the machine. If the window is equipped with a confining guard, do
Always be careful about overhead obstacles and not remove it.
footing. Walk on the non-slip strips if provided on
the machine.


Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Keep Away from Moving Parts Do Not Allow Tools and Parts to Drop
Inadvertent motion of the machine, or contacting a When working through an inspection hole while fac-
moving part can cause personal injury and even ing down, be careful not to drop objects into the
death. hole. Such mistakes can damage or lead to malfunc-
When necessary to inspect or maintain the machine tion of the machine. Do not keep objects which are
while running, do not approach moving parts such not needed for inspection in open pockets.
as the boom, elevating cylinder, winch, fan, fan belt, Recover any object or tool that has dropped into the
and propeller shaft, etc. machine.
Keep hands and clothing away from moving parts.

Beware of Oil Smears

Oil smears on the clutch, lining and brake disks can
decrease braking effectiveness. Always keep these
assemblies free from oil accumulation.

Beware of Dust
Be careful not to inhale dust during inspection or
maintenance work. To inspect or maintain brakes
T00046 and linings, remove dust using a vacuum cleaner.
Do not use compressed air because this action will
Beware of an Overheated Cooling scatter dust into the air.

Do not unfasten the radiator cap while the engine
cooling water is hot. Hot steam and water can spurt
out, causing burns.
First allow the radiator to cool down. Then, loosen
the cap very slowly while facing away to release the
internal pressure.


Lock the Inspection Hole Covers

An inspection hole cover that remains open can be
closed abruptly by a gust, etc., causing hands or a
leg to be caught and injured.
If an inspection hole cover or access door, or the
operator's cab door must remain open, secure in po-

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

About Starting the Engine with Disconnect the Battery Cable before
Booster Cables Inspecting or Maintaining the Electrical
Using improper booster cables to start the engine System
can cause the battery to explode or damage the ma- Inspecting or maintaining the electrical system with-
chine. out disconnecting the battery cable can cause the
When starting the engine using booster cables, wear wiring to be shortcircuited, possibly damaging the
protective goggles. This procedure requires two per- electrical and electronic systems.
sons; one person must be seated in the operator's Before inspecting or maintaining the electrical sys-
cab. The procedure consists of: tem, disconnect the battery cable from the minus
(1) Use an assist vehicle with a battery rated for 24 terminal (ground side) of the battery.
V. Do not use a 12 V or 48 V supply.
(2) Set the starter key to “OFF” position both for the
dead vehicle and assist vehicle. Be Cautious about Battery Fluid
(3) Connect the booster cables in the following or- The battery fluid contains dilute sulfuric acid.
der: Battery fluid entering the eyes could cause blind-
[1] “+” terminal of the battery on the dead vehi- ness, and battery fluid on skin can cause burns.
cle. When handling the battery, wear protective goggles,
[2] “+” terminal of the battery on the assist ve- protective gloves, and long-sleeved clothing.
hicle. If battery fluid touches your eyes or skin, wash with
[3] “-” terminal of the battery on the assist ve- a large amount of fresh water and seek medical at-
hicle. tention immediately.
[4] A portion of the frame or engine block of
the dead vehicle, apart from its battery. Prevent Explosion of the Battery
(4) Start the engine of the assist vehicle. The battery releases hydrogen gas. Do not light a
(5) Start the engine of the dead vehicle. match or lighter near the battery.
(6) Once the engine of the dead vehicle has suc- To check the battery fluid level, use a flash light.
cessfully started, disconnect the booster cables If battery fluid is frozen in extreme freezing weather,
in the order of [4], [3], [2] and [1]. do not charge the battery or start the engine with an
alternative power supply.
Booster cable Warm up the battery to 15°C so to avoid trouble.

Service vehicle battery Disabled vehicle battery

Booster cable

4 Frame
T21796E H


Careful Handling of Wire Ropes

Careless handling of wire ropes can shorten their
service life, or cause them to break. Handle wire
ropes properly by observing all instructions in the

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Cautions for Adjusting Tire Pressure Verification after Maintenance

When adjusting tire pressures, never stand facing Verification of proper component or mechanism
the side of the tire. The tire may burst or wheel parts function after maintenance work is essential.
can fly off and cause injury or even death. Be sure to check that the maintained areas are
Place a tire cage over the wheel and stand behind working correctly, that there is no oil leakage, and
the tire treads. all bolts have been securely tightened.
Remember that all “maintenance work” should in-
clude positive verification of correct machine

About Waste Disposal

Waste oils, used filters, and other such petrochemi-
cal-related products, if disposed of thoughtlessly,
will cause environmental contamination.
Obtain a proper-sized vessel before releasing waste
oils from the machine. Never discharge waste oils
on the ground or into rivers, lakes or marshes.
Assign Replacement or Maintenance Follow all governing environmental rules and regu-
Work of Tires to Trained Personnels lations when disposing of oils, fuels, cooling water,
Replacing or maintaining tires requires special facil- brake fluid, solvents, filters, batteries or any other
ities and skill. Inadequate procedures and tools can damaging substances.
cause accidents.
For further information about replacement or main-
tenance of tires, contact an authorized TADANO
distributor or dealer or other specialist.

Use Genuine Parts Only

Use of non-factory approved parts can lead to fail-
ures in safety and functional systems.
To replace parts such as filters, etc., observe the
parts list and use only the specified factory ap-
proved genuine items.

Use Specified Oils

When replenishing or replacing oils, use recom-
mended brands or grades of oils and greases.
Mixing different brands may change properties of
the oil or grease owing to possible chemical reac-
tions, and be detrimental to machine components.
When using oil or grease of a brand different from
that in the machine, remove all existing oil or
grease, and then refill with the new replacement oil
or grease.

Safety Rules Safety Rules

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Warning Labels

There are several warning labels affixed to your ma-

chine. These labels give important warnings and
precautions which must be observed to ensure safe-
ty. This section reviews these warnings and
precautions, and shows the location of the labels.
All the information on the labels is vital for prevent-
ing accidents; familiarize yourself thoroughly with it.

Make sure that the labels are not soiled. Clean them
if words are illegible or pictures are unclear.

Replace a damaged or missing label. New labels are

available from your nearest authorized TADANO dis-
tributor or dealer.

Warning Labels Warning Labels

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Warning Labels - Location and Contents

2 7

8 Right and left 4 Right and left

5 2
Right and left
7 2 3


15 16

17 9

1 5

12 6

Air conditioner Oil cooler



On the back side of fuel

Inside of door tank cover for heater
Inside the cab 10



Warning Labels Warning Labels

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Warning Labels Warning Labels

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E











Insert jib set pin from under

when installing jib.

2 Do not forget to change

jib set pin positions when
using jib or installing or
stowing jib.

When jib is When jib is installed

used. or stowed.



Warning Labels Warning Labels

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Warning Labels Warning Labels

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Safety A-1 Other Safety Devices 53

Safety Rules A-2 Overwind Cutout Device 53
Before Operation A-2 Front Jack Overload Warning Device 54
Rules for Operation (Setting Outriggers) A-7 External Warning Lamps (Option) 54
Rules for Operation (General) A-8 Starting and Stopping the Engine 55
Rules for Operation (Weather) A-17 Control 55
Rules for Operation (Power Lines, Radio Waves) Pre-starting Checks 55
A-18 Starting the Engine 56
Rules for Operation (Special Operation) A-20 Stopping the Engine 57
After Operation A-20 Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine
Rules for Road Travel A-21 58
Rules for Inspection and Maintenance A-22 Operating the PTO 58
Warning Labels A-29 Warming Up the Machine 58
Warning Labels-Location and Contents A-30 Checks to Make during Warmup 58
Contents 1 Outriggers 59
Preface 3 Setting the Crane 59
Servicing and Ordering Parts 4 Controls 60
Components 5 Extending the Outriggers 61
Layout of Controls 6 Level Adjustments 63
Terminology 9 Front Jack 64
Stowing the Outriggers 65
Crane Operator’s Cab 67
Opening and Closing the Door 67
Carrier Traveling Procedure—Summary 11
Opening and Closing the Windows 68
Preparatory Steps 11
Adjusting the Seat Position 68
Outrigger Operations for Traveling a Small Distance
Adjusting Position of the Lever Stands 69
Acceleration 71
Crane Operation Procedure—Summary 13
Controls 71
Preparatory Steps 13
Hoisting 73
During Operation 14
Controls (ISO Layout) 73
At the End of Operation 15
Hoisting Up and Down 74
How to Read Performance Data Plate 16
Other Winch-related Controls and Devices 75
Working Radius/ Lifting Height Chart 16
Telescoping the Boom 76
Rated Lifting Capacity Table 18
Controls (ISO Layout) 76
Working Area Chart 22
Extending and Retracting the Boom 78
AML (Overload Prevention Device) 24
Emergency Telescoping Procedure 80
Configuration and Functions of the AML System
Elevating the Boom 82
Controls (ISO Layout) 82
Controls 29
Raising and Lowering the Boom 82
Names and Functions of AML Main Unit Parts 30
Elevation Slow Stop 84
Selecting Operational Status 36
Swinging the Boom 85
AML Pre-operational Inspection 39
Controls 85
How to Use the Working Range Limit Function 40

Swinging the Boom 86

Display Alteration 44
Swing Stop 88
Recovery from a Stop 45
Display and Disposition of Failure Messages 48
Disposition of System Troubles 51

Contents Contents
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block ……89 Return Filter Replacement (Hydraulic Oil Tank)
Taking Out Main Hook Block ………………………89 ………………………………………………………147
Stowing Main Hook Block …………………………90 Air Breather Replacement (Hydraulic Oil Tank)
Reeving Wire Rope ……………………………………91 ………………………………………………………147
Standard Number of Parts of Line …………………91 Return Filter Replacement (Drain Circuit) ………148
Reeving Procedure …………………………………94 Line Filter Cleaning (Accumulator Circuit) ………148
Single Top ………………………………………………96 Line Filter Replacement (Winch Brake Circuit) …148
Components …………………………………………96 Line Filter Replacement (Automatic Stop Circuit)
Single Top Lift ………………………………………97 ………………………………………………………149
Mounting the Single Top ……………………………97 Swing System …………………………………………150
Stowing the Single Top ……………………………99 Maintenance Table…………………………………150
Jib ………………………………………………………101 Swing Bearing Mounting Bolt Check ……………150
Components ………………………………………101 Accelerator System……………………………………151
Jib Lift ………………………………………………102 Maintenance Table…………………………………151
Mounting the Jib ……………………………………103 Accelerator Circuit Bleeding ………………………151
Changing the Jib Offset Angle ……………………109 Electrical System ………………………………………152
Changing the Jib Length …………………………111 Maintenance Table…………………………………152
Stowing the Jib ……………………………………114 Fuses Replacement ………………………………152
Air Conditioner (Option) ……………………………120 Air Conditioner (Option) ……………………………154
Components ………………………………………121 Maintenance Table…………………………………154
How to Use …………………………………………123 Condenser Check and Cleaning …………………154
Error Display on the Display Panel ………………125 Refrigerant Level Check …………………………154
Equipment Inside the Cab ……………………………126 Refrigerant Piping Connection Check ……………155
Heater (option) ……………………………………126 Inside Air Filter Check and Cleaning ……………155
Other Equipment……………………………………127 Outside Air Filter Replacement …………………155
Equipment Outside the Cab …………………………131 V-belt Check ………………………………………156
Winch drum monitor mirror (option)………………131 Parts Recommended Regular Replacement ……156
Wire Ropes ……………………………………………157
Proper Handling of Wire Ropes …………………157
Wire Rope Replacement …………………………158
Inspection and Maintenance…………………………133
Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection …………134
Safety Parts Requiring Regular Replacement ……137 [INFORMATION AND DATA]
Greasing…………………………………………………138 Conversion ……………………………………………163
Maintenance Table…………………………………138 Major Specifications …………………………………164
Greasing Chart ……………………………………139 Crane Specifications ………………………………164
Gear Oil …………………………………………………141 Overall Dimensions ………………………………165
Maintenance Table…………………………………141 Mass …………………………………………………166
Winch Speed Reducer Oil Level Check …………142 Relief Valve Pressure ……………………………166
Winch Speed Reducer Oil Replacement ………142 Wire Rope Specifications …………………………166
Swing Speed Reducer Oil Level Check …………143 Other…………………………………………………166
Swing Speed Reducer Oil Replacement ………143 Oils and Greases ………………………………………167
Hydraulic System………………………………………144 Oil and Grease Table………………………………167
Maintenance Table…………………………………144 Recommended Oils and Greases ………………168
Oil Level Check (Hydraulic Oil Tank) ……………145 Consumable Parts ……………………………………169
Oil Replacement (Hydraulic Oil Tank)……………145 Filters ………………………………………………169
Oil Level Check (Oil Reservoir) …………………146 Fuses ………………………………………………169
Oil Replacement (Oil Reservoir) …………………146

Contents Contents
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


This manual is intended as a guide to help you operate If you have any questions regarding your crane or
and maintain your TADANO crane safely and correctly. this manual, contact your nearest TADANO
This manual covers cranes of the following specification distributor or dealer.

Specification number 1. GT-550E-1-00102

(The specification number of 2. GT-550E-1-10102
your crane is given on the 3. GT-550E-1-10302
nameplate as shown below.) 4. GT-550E-1-10402

Nameplate: Located on the side of the crane operator's






Please see the separate manuals for operation and

maintenance of the crane carrier and crane operator's
cab heater.

The "OPERATION" section of this manual describes the

basic procedures for operating the crane. Read it care-
fully and familiarize yourself with the correct procedures
for operating the crane. Your operating skill will improve
as your knowledge of the crane and its capabilities

The "MAINTENANCE" section covers the procedures for

inspecting and servicing the crane. Proper inspection
and servicing is essential for minimizing problems and
obtaining optimum performance. Follow the instructions
in this section to perform inspection and servicing prop-

Note that the illustrations in the manual may differ slight-

ly from your machine. Also, some illustrations show the
machine's components with their covers and guards re-
moved to facilitate explanation.

If you transfer this machine, also hand this manual to-

gether with the machine for the convenience of the next
use of this machine.

Please note that, for product improvement, some

changes may have been incorporated in your machine
that are not covered in this manual.

Preface Preface
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Servicing and Ordering Parts

When contacting the TADANO distributor or dealer for

repairs or to order parts, please specify the following in-

(1) Specification number

(2) Production serial number
(3) Year of production




(4) Details of the problem, or the listing, number and

quantity of desired parts

Servicing and Ordering Parts Servicing and Ordering Parts

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


The directional terms (front, rear, right and left) used in

this manual are defined with reference to the driver's po-
sition when seated in the carrier driver's cab. Their
definitions remain the same even when the crane's up-
per structure is turned.

Carrier driver's cab Jib
Auxiliary winch wire rope

Front Rear

Single top
Crane operator's cab Auxiliary hook block

Boom Auxiliary winch

Elevating cylinder Main hook block Main winch

Hydraulic oil tank

Main winch wire rope
Outrigger (rear)
Front jack Outrigger controls
Outrigger (front)


‹The above illustrations describe a right-hand drive

‹The illustrations may slightly differ from the actual
machine, due to designing alteration.

Components Components
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Layout of Controls

Inside the Cab (ISO layout)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

AML 50℃




9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17


38 19


37 22

36 23

35 AML 50℃

34 ON





33 26





(TADANO layout)

35 34 31

33 27



Layout of Controls Layout of Controls

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

1. AML cancellation warning lamp ・・・・・・・・・・・29

2. Jib lock indicator lamp ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・100
3. Hydraulic oil pressure 50°C indicator lamp・・・126
4. Hydraulic oil pressure 85°C warning lamp ・・・126
5. Boom telescoping operation indicator lamp ・・・75
6. Auxiliary hoist operation indicator lamp ・・・・・・72
7. Boom telescoping mode II indicator lamp ・・・・75
8. Boom telescoping mode I indicator lamp ・・・・・75
9. Low noise mode switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
10. Front wiper switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
11. Front washer switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
12. Swing free/lock selector switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・84
13. Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control selector
switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・72, 75
14. Boom telescoping mode I/II switch ・・・・・・・・・75
15. AML (overload prevention device)・・・・・・・・・・29
16. Winch drum rotation indicator (option) ・・・・・・・72
17. Overwind cutout release switch ・・・・・・・・・52, 72
18. AML override switch・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・29
19. Swing brake switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・84
20. Swing stop override switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・84
21. Slow elevation stop switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・81
22. Starter switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・54
23. Accelerator lock knob・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・70
24. Cigarette lighter ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
25. Ashtray ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
26. Boom elevating control lever ・・・・・・・・・・・・・81
27. Main hoist control lever ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・72
28. Accelerator pedal・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・70
29. Lever stand unlock lever ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・66
30. Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・72, 75
31. Head/end boom extension switch ・・・・・・・・・・75
32. Horn switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・84
33. Swing control lever ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・84
34. Boom telescoping control pedal ・・・・・・・・・・・75
35. Boom elevating control pedal ・・・・・・・・・・・・・81
36. Power window switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・66
37. Heater control panel (option) ・・・・・・・・・・・・125
38. Oil reservoir・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・70

Layout of Controls Layout of Controls

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39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47








51 T24020

39. Roof washer switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126 47. Air conditioner control panel (option) ・・・・・・・119
40. Roof wiper switch・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126 48. Cab lamp ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
41. Flood lamp switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126 49. Seat ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・66
42. Oil cooler switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126 50. Fan switch (option)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・126
43. Emergency outrigger control switch ・・・・・・・・29 51. Override key switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・29
44. Emergency outrigger control indicator lamp ・・・29 52. Swing lock lever ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・11, 84
45. 2nd boom emergency telescoping switch ・・・・75 53. Power window close switch ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・66
46. 3rd/4th/top boom emergency telescoping switch 54. External warning lamps ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・52

Layout of Controls Layout of Controls

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


This section provides the meaning of some important Jib Length, Jib Offset Angle
terms used in this manual.
"Jib length" refers to the center-to-center distance as il-
lustrated in the figure below.
Load Radius, Lifting Height "Jib offset angle" refers to the angle formed by the cen-
terline of an extended jib and the centerline of the boom.
"Load radius" refers to the horizontal distance between
the crane's center of rotation and the vertical center of
the lifted load. Jib offset angle

A "lifting height" is defined for each load radius and

refers to the vertical distance between the ground and
the bottom of the hook block raised to its uppermost po-


Lifting height Rated Lifting Capacity

"Rated Lifting capacity" refers to the maximum allowable
load for a particular boom length and load radius. The
Load radius
Center of rotation mass of load handling devices such as hook blocks and
T102540E slings, shall be considered part of the load and must be
deducted from rated lifting capacities.
Maximum Lifting Height The mass of individual hook blocks are indicated in the
"INFORMATION AND DATA" section at the end of this
"Maximum lifting height" refers to the maximum lifting
height allowed.

Boom Length, Boom Angle

"Boom length" refers to the distance from the pivot pin at
the foot of the boom to the center axis of the sheave (s)
at the boom head. Mass of hook block
"Boom angle" refers to the angle formed by the boom's
Rated lifting capacity Lifting capacity
centerline and the horizontal.

Without Load
len "Without load" is used to indicate that no load is being
lifted on the hook block.
Boom angle


Terminology Terminology
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Stability Section, Strength Section Outrigger Extension Widths

"Stability section" refers to the section of the rated lifting "Outrigger extension width" refers to the horizontal dis-
capacities table in which the major factor for determining tance between the centers of the right and left outrigger
lifting capacity is the stability of the crane. floats when the outriggers are extended.
"Strength section" refers to the section of the rated lifting (1) Full extension width of outriggers (L1)
capacity table in which the major factor for determining The distance between outriggers when they are
lifting capacity is the structural strength of the crane. fully extended.
In the rated lifting capacities table, the capacities given (2) Middle extension width of outriggers (L2)
above the blue line are those determined based on The distance between outriggers when they are ex-
structural strength, and the capacities given below are tended halfway.
determined based on stability. (3) Minimum extension width of outriggers (L3)
The distance between outriggers when they are not
Over-front, Over-rear, Over-side
"Over-front" refers to the forward working area of the
carrier for which lifting capacities have been rated and
listed in the rated lifting capacities table.
"Over-rear" corresponds to the rear working area for
which lifting capacities have been rated and listed in the
rated lifting capacities table. L3
"Over-side" refers to the working areas not included in L2
"over-front" and "over-rear". L1

Capacities with Outriggers at Full

Extension, Middle Extension and Minimum
Over-front Over-rear Extension
(1) Capacities with outriggers at full extension
Lifting capacities specified for a crane supported on
Over-side fully extended outriggers.
(2) Capacities with outriggers at middle extension
Lifting capacities specified for a crane supported on
Over-front, Over-rear and Over-side outriggers extended halfway.
Capacities (3) Capacities with outriggers at minimum extension
Lifting capacities specified for a crane supported on
"Over-front capacity", "over-rear capacity" and "over- outriggers not extended.
side capacity" refer to the rated lifting capacity that can
be lifted in the over-front, over-rear and over-side areas,
respectively. Raising Load Just Clear of Ground
This phrase is used to express the operation where the
360-degree Capacity load is hoisted up a few centimeters above the ground
and held at that position.
"360-degree capacity" means that the lifting capacities
are the same regardless of the area in which the load is

Terminology Terminology
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Carrier Traveling Procedure—

3. Check that the swing brake switch is turned on.
This summary describes briefly the essential ("Swinging the Boom" ……………………………P. 84)
steps for traveling the crane. For detailed informa-
tion on the individual procedures, refer to the
appropriate pages in this section of the manual. OFF ON

Do not travel until you have a complete under-


Swing brake switch

standing of all the instructions and information

given in this section. ON
AML 50℃


The precautions you must observed when trav- (OFF)



eling are described in the "Safety" section at the


beginning of this manual. Carefully read the sec-

tion before traveling the crane. T24420E

If you find anything abnormal with the crane

during traveling, stop the operation immediately, ◆Activate swing lock lever only to travel for a small
check and locate the cause, and repair any faulty distance with the crane out of traveling configuration
components. To prevent accidents, do not travel for unavoidable reasons.
until repairs have been completed. Swing lock is not available while the boom is stowed
on the boom rest.
Preparatory Steps
Swing lock lever
◆For detailed information on the individual procedures,
refer to the sections shown in parentheses.

1. Set the crane as described in "At the End of LOC


Operation" of "Crane Operation Procedure-Summary"

("Crane Operation Procedure-Summary"………P. 13)

2. Make sure that the wire rope is reeved through
the rope guide.
("Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block"
………………………………………………P. 88)


Rope arrester

Carrier Traveling Procedure—Summary Carrier Traveling Procedure—Summary

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Outrigger Operations for Traveling a

Small Distance To prevent overturning, do not travel with a
load hoisted.
To prevent overturning, do not perform crane
If the crane is moved without proper traveling operation during traveling.
precautions, it may overturn. Do not travel on the soft ground. Otherwise the
For traveling without setting the crane in traveling tires may fall in the ground and the crane may
configuration, make the following preparations for overturn.
preventing overturning: For safety, avoid starting or stopping suddenly.
• Make sure that the tire air pressure is kept at the
specified value (850 kPa [8.5 kgf/cm2]). If the air
pressure is not insufficient, inflate the tires.
1. Set the crane as in the above described warning.

• Retract the boom fully (to the length of 11.1 m),

set the boom angle to 45°, retract the jib fully (to
2. If the front jack is already extended, retract it.

the length of 9.0 m), and set the jib offset angle
3. Perform the jack stowing operation until the jack
to 5°.
floats are raised slightly from the ground.
• Orient the boom directly forward or backward
and fix it with the swing lock pin before applying
4. Travel slowly at the speed below 5 km/h paying
the swing brake.
attention to the surroundings.
• Extend the outrigger beams and extend the jack
cylinders so that the jack floats are slightly
5. After traveling, set the outriggers immediately.
clear of the ground.





Carrier Traveling Procedure—Summary Carrier Traveling Procedure—Summary

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Crane Operation Procedure—

3. Make sure that the controls in the crane opera-
This summary describes briefly the essential tor's cab are in the following positions:
steps for crane operation from start to finish. For (1) Main and auxiliary hoist levers, boom telescoping
detailed information on the individual procedures, lever, boom elevating lever and swing lever…Neutral
refer to the appropriate pages in this section of (2) Swing brake switch ………………………………"ON"
the manual. Do not operate the crane until you (3) Swing stop override switch ………………Activated
have a complete understanding of all the instruc- (4) Slow elevation stop switch ………………Activated
tions and information given in this section. (5) Emergency outrigger control switch ………"OFF"
The precautions you must observe during
crane operation are described in the "Safety" sec- 3
tion at the beginning of this manual. Carefully read

the section before operating the crane.
If you find anything abnormal with the crane AML



during operation, stop the operation immediately, ON


check and locate the cause, and repair any faulty MIKUNI

MY30 L

components. To prevent accidents, do not operate

the crane until repairs have been completed.

Preparatory Steps
◆For detailed information on the individual procedures,
refer to the sections shown in parentheses. HOT



Perform pre-operational inspection.

("Pre-operational and Periodic Inspection" ・・・P. 132) T24037

2. Enter the cab, and adjust the seat and each lever 4. Start the engine by using the starter switch in the
stand so that the levers and all other controls can be carrier driver's cab.
operated easily. ("Starting and Stopping the Engine" ……………P. 54)
("Crane Operator's Cab"・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・P. 66)
5. Engage the PTO.
("Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine"
Position for crane operation
…………………………………………………P. 57)
Stowage position
Lever stand (for traveling)

Unlock lever
6. Let the machine warm up. While it is warming up,
check that all meter and monitor displays are normal
and that the machine is not making any abnormal
("Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine"
…………………………………………………P. 57)

7. Fully extend the outriggers and level the crane.

("Outriggers" ………………………………………P. 58)

8. Extend the front jack.

("Outriggers" ………………………………………P. 58)

Crane Operation Procedure—Summary Crane Operation Procedure—Summary

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

9. Enter the crane operator's cab, and adjust the During Operation
seat and the length of each lever so that you can eas-
1. Follow the rated lifting capacity table to eliminate
ily operate the levers and all other controls.
any possibility of overloading.
("Crane Operator's Cab" …………………………P. 66)
("How to Read Performance Data Plate" ………P. 16)
("Acceleration" ………………………………………P. 70)
10. In the crane operator's cab, turn the starter
("Hoisting" ……………………………………………P. 72)
switch ON.
("Telescoping the Boom" …………………………P. 75)
("Elevating the Boom"………………………………P. 81)
11. Select the operational status on the AML.
("Swinging the Boom"………………………………P. 84)
("AML <Overload Prevention Device>" …………P. 24)
("Single Top" …………………………………………P. 95)
("Jib" …………………………………………………P. 100)
12. Take out the main hook block from its stowed po-
◆When the AML activates an alarm in response to
overloading, take appropriate corrective measures.
("Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block"
("AML <Overload Prevention Device>" …………P. 24)
……………………………………………………P. 88)
◆When an error occurs in the AML system, take the
13. Perform the preoperational checks for after the corrective measure indicated by the failure message
engine has been started. displayed on the AML.
("Preoperational and Periodic Inspection" ……P. 132) ("AML <Overload Prevention Device>" …………P. 24)
◆When a safety device other than the AML is acti-
14. Reeve the wire rope round the main hook block vated (such as the overwind cutout device), take the
sheaves as required for the operation. appropriate corrective measures.
‹Register the number of part lines of rope on the ("Other Safety Devices" …………………………P. 52)
AML if the actual number is smaller than the standard ◆Use the air conditioner, and other equipment in the
one. crane operator's cab, as necessary.
("Reeving the Wire Rope" ………………………P. 90) ("Equipment Inside the Cab"……………………P. 125)
◆When the ambient temperature is high, use the oil
15. Mount the single top or jib as necessary. cooler as necessary.
("Single Top" ………………………………………P. 95) ("Equipment Inside the Cab"……………………P. 125)
("Jib" …………………………………………………P. 100)

16. Select the operational status on the AML, when

the single-top sheave system or the jib is installed.
("AML <Overload Prevention Device>" …………P. 24)

Crane Operation Procedure—Summary Crane Operation Procedure—Summary

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

At the End of Operation 11. Disengage the PTO.

("Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine"
1. Stow the single top or jib.
…………………………………………………P. 57)
("Single Top" ………………………………………P. 95)
("Jib" …………………………………………………P. 100)
12. Stop the engine by using the starter switch in the
2. Stow the main hook block and stow the boom on carrier driver's cab.
the boom rest. ("Starting and Stopping the Engine" ……………P. 54)
("Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block"
…………………………………………………P. 88)
13. Perform the post-operational checks for the
same points as for the pre-operational checks. If any-
3. Make sure that the controls in the crane opera- thing abnormal is found, have it repaired before
tor's cab are in the following positions: operating the crane again.
(1) Hoist, boom telescoping, boom elevating, and
swing levers …………………………………Neutral
(2) Swing brake switch ………………………………"ON"

4. Return the lever stand to the stowage position.

Position for crane operation

Stowage position
Lever stand (for traveling)

Unlock lever


5. Shut off the air conditioner, oil cooler and all oth-
er equipment.
("Equipment Inside the Cab"……………………P. 125)

6. Close all the crane operator's cab windows.

7. Remove the key from the starter switch in the

crane operator's cab.
("Starting and Stopping the Engine" ……………P.54)

8. Get out of the crane operator's cab and lock the

("Crane Operator's Cab" …………………………P.66)

9. Retract the front jack.

("Outriggers" ………………………………………P. 58)

10. Retract the outriggers completely.

("Outriggers" ………………………………………P. 58)

Crane Operation Procedure—Summary Crane Operation Procedure—Summary

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

How to Read Performance Data

Load Radius/ Lifting Height Chart
◆The following diagram is an example of the load ra-
dius/ lifting height chart. The chart for your crane is
located inside the crane operator's cab.

333-959-01180-0 333-959-01190-0

The load radius/ lifting height chart provides the load ◆The load radius/ lifting height chart does not include
radii and lifting heights in relation to different boom the effect of boom deflection. The greater the mass of
lengths (jib lengths) and boom angles (jib offset angles). the load is, the more the boom deflects, causing the
Use the chart in conjunction with the rated lifting capaci- load radius to increase somewhat. Take this effect into
ty table when making an operation plan. consideration when reading the load radius/ lifting
◆While points A and B in the figure are at the same height chart.
load radius, point A denotes the boom angle (or jib off-
set angle), and point B the lifting height.

θ° A

Lifting Height

Load radius without load on hook

Load radius with load on hook T20908E

Load Radius (R)


How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Boom Telescoping Mode and Boom Length

The telescoping mode I (the 2nd boom section extends
first during boom extension) and the telescoping mode II
(the 3rd through top boom sections extend first during
boom extension) are available. When the boom length is
any of the values listed in the load radius /lifting height
chart and the rated lifting capacity table, the boom con-
dition is among the one shown below.

Telescoping mode I (2nd boom section extends first.)

Base boom section 2nd boom section 3rd boom section 4th boom section Top boom section

Retraction Extension 42.0m

(Fully extended)
(3rd/4th/top boom sectiona 66% extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections 33% extended)

18.8m (2nd boom section fully extended)

15.0m (2nd boom section 50% extended)

11.1m (Fully retracted)

Telescoping mode II (3rd/4th/top boom sections extend first.)

Retraction Extension 42.0m

(Fully extended)

(2nd boom section 50% extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections fully extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections 66% extended)

18.8m (3rd/4th/top boom sections 33% extended)

11.1m (Fully retracted)


How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
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Rated Lifting Capacity Table

The values shown in the rated lifting capacity

table are based on ideal conditions where the
crane is set level on a firm surface, there is no
wind or side load, and the load is not swinging.
When operating the crane under these conditions
is not possible, reduce the load as necessary ac-
cording to the actual operating conditions.

◆The table shown below is an example of the rated lift-

ing capacity table. The rated lifting capacity table for
your crane is located in the crane operator's cab.
◆In the rated lifting capacity table, the values above the
blue line are based on the structural strength of the
crane, whereas the values below that line are based on
the stability of the crane.
◆The stability limit of the rated lifting capacities does
not exceed the values calculated in the Part 2/ISO 4305.
◆For the rated lifting capacities for the boom lengths
which are not listed in the chart, see the AML display.

Rated lifting capacities tables are set up as shown be-

low with the kind of job and the outrigger extension
conditions. For actual values see the rated lifting capaci-
ty tables provided in the crane operator's cab.

Operation Outrigger extension

Full extension (6.8 m)
• Boom lift
Middle extension (4.6 m)
• Single top lift
Minimum extension (2.39 m)
Full extension (6.8 m)
• Jib lift
Middle extension (4.6 m)

How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
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Below are some examples of rated lifting capacities ta-

[Example 1: Boom lift with outriggers fully extended ]

Blue line


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[Example 2: Jib lift with outriggers fully extended]

Blue line

Blue line

Blue line

How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
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Boom Lift Jib Lift

See the applicable section of the rated lifting capacity See the applicable section of the rated lifting capacity
table and find the rated lifting capacity value that corre- table and find the rated lifting capacity value that corre-
sponds to the boom length and load radius. sponds to the boom length and load radius.
(1) Use the section of the rated lifting capacity table that (1) Use the section of the rated lifting capacity table that
corresponds to the status of the outriggers, front jack corresponds to the status of the outriggers, front
and working area. jack, working area, boom length and boom telescop-
(2) Take rated lifting capacity value W (tons) that corre- ing mode.
sponds to the desired telescoping mode, load radius (2) Take rated lifting capacity value W (tons) that corre-
R (m) and boom length L (m). sponds to the desired jib length L (m), jib offset
angle (°) and boom angle (°).
Outriggers fully extended ・・・・・・・・
**m **m Outriggers fully extended ・・・・・・・・
Load Lm boom **m boom
radius (m) boom boom
38.1m boom (telescoping ・・・・・・・・

Boom Lm Jib
* angle
5°offset 25°offset 45°offset

* *

Telescoping θ W
mode T30104E


◆The rated lifting capacity values for boom lift assume

◆The mass of load handling devices such as 4.5-ton
a boom with jib and single top stowed.
hook and slings, shall be considered part of the load and
◆The rated lifting capacity values for boom lift are
must be deducted from rated lifting capacities.
based on the load radius. The load radii shown in the
rated lifting capacity table include the deflection of the
boom under the mass of a load. When determining ca- Single Top Lift
pacity from the table, therefore, find the rated lifting
For operations with the single top mounted, use the
capacity value based on the actual measured load ra-
boom lift section of the rated lifting capacity table to find
the allowable load. Find the rated lifting capacity value
◆When the actual boom length exceeds the length
based on boom length and load radius. From that value,
specified for a certain boom extension, check the rated
subtract the mass of the main hook block. The resultant
lifting capacity value for the specified length and for one
value is the rated lifting capacity for a single top lift.
stage longer, and use the smaller of the two. (The value
However, remember that the maximum rated lifting ca-
may be different from that indicated by the AML.)
pacity for a single top lift is 4,500 kg. When the result of
◆When the front jack is not extended, note that the lift-
the above calculation (< table value > - < main hook
ing capacity in the over-front area is poorer than in the
block mass >) is over 4,500 kg, always regard the rated
over-rear and over-side areas. Keep this in mind when
lifting capacity as 4,500 kg.
swinging the load from the over-rear or an over-side
area to the over-front area.
◆The mass of load handling devices such as hook
blocks and slings, shall be considered part of the load
and must be deducted from rated lifting capacities.

How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
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Working Area Chart Select the diagram that agrees with the desired condi-
tion of outrigger and front jack and see the lifting
capacity for each working area.

While the swing stop override switch is shifted Traveling direction

to OFF, the crane does not automatically stop
even if it is overloaded by boom swing from an Front
area allotted with greater lifting capacities to an K K
area allotted with smaller lifting capacities. M M
Do not turn the swing stop override switch to OFF
unless for unavoidable reasons.

Applicable rated lifting capacities change as the ranges

of the over-front area, the over-side areas, and the over- F
D Left Right C
rear area vary, depending on the outrigger extension
width and whether the front jack is used.

The following figures show examples of the rated lifting Rear

capacity in each condition.
The diagram indicating the working ares and their corre- L L
sponding rated lifting capacities for your crane is K
included in the data plate file located in the crane opera- I
J T24321E
tor's cab.

A: Over-front area
B: Over-rear area
C: Over-side area (right)
D: Over-side area (left)
E: Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers at
minimum extension)
F: Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers at
middle extension)
G:Rated lifting capacity (capacity with outriggers at
full extension)
H: Minimum extension width of outriggers
I: Middle extension width of outriggers
J: Full extension width of outriggers
K: Position of outrigger jack with the beam not ex-
L: Position of outrigger jack with the beam extended
M:Position of outrigger jack with the beam extended
N:Front jack


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◆The area inside the bold line in the figure above

shows the applicable rated lifting capacities.
◆Black marks among K, L, and M represent the actual
positions of outrigger jacks. The black marks in the
above figure shows that the left and right outriggers are
extended fully.

While the outrigger extension is as shown below and the
front jack is used (extended), the rated lifting capacities
determined for each working area for boom lift are as
(1) Over-front area (340°–10°): capacities with outrig-
gers at full extension
(2) Over-right area (10°–145°): capacities with outrig-
gers at middle extension
(3) Over-rear area (145°–200°): capacities with outrig-
gers at full extension
(4) Over-left area (200°–340°): capacities with outriggers
at middle extension
If the outrigger extension is as shown below, the lifting
capacity turns from the one with outriggers at full exten-
sion into the one with outriggers at middle extension
when the boom passes the left rear (200° point) while
swung from the over-rear area into the over-left area.
The lifting capacity turns from the one with outriggers at
middle extension into the one with outriggers at full ex-
tension when the boom is swung further into the
over-left area (340°–10°).

Front jack extended
340° 10°

Left front outrigger Right front outrigger

fully extended extended to middle
270° 90°
Left rear outrigger Right rear outrigger
extended to middle fully extended

200° 145° T30106E


How to Read Performance Data Plate How to Read Performance Data Plate
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AML (Overload Prevention

• Do not lift a load on the boom with the jib
The AML operates properly only when it is mounted. If this must be done by unavoidable
used exactly as instructed in this manual. If you reasons, a boom lift status, and not a jib lift sta-
do not follow the specified AML and crane operat- tus, should be selected on the AML.
ing procedures, the crane could overturn or be In this case, a precautionary warning is output
damaged, causing a serious accident. Be sure to when the moment is below 75% and a limit
observe the following precautions for safe opera- warning is output when the moment is below
tion. 85%. Remember that the warnings will be output
• Never perform any operation with the AML deac- earlier. (For the moment values corresponding
tivated. to the warning types, see the "Configuration and
• Place the crane on firm and level ground with Functions of the AML System".)
the outriggers extended and adjust the crane so
that it is level.
• Before starting operation, perform pre-opera-
tional checks on the AML to ensure that it is
operating properly.
• Always make sure that the actual outrigger ex-
tension width and the representation of the
outrigger extension width on the AML display
conform. Otherwise the crane may overturn.
• While the swing stop cancel switch is shifted to T50182

OFF, swinging will not stop automatically even

if overloading occurs. The rated lifting capacity • Do not lift a single load using both the boom
may vary during boom swing, depending on the and jib. If this must be done by unavoidable rea-
outrigger extension width and the front jack sons, a jib lift status, and not a boom lift status,
condition. When swinging the load to the area should be selected on the AML. (The figure
allotted for smaller rated lifting capacities after shows a 5° offset angle with the first jib section
lifting it in the area allotted for greater rated lift- extended.) Make sure that the mass of the load
ing capacities, pay attention not to overload the (including the mass of the load handling de-
crane after understanding the section “How to vices) is less than the specified rated lifting
Read Performance Data Plate”. capacity for the jib. If the load is left held up
If the alarm buzzer sounds and the moment ratio only by the auxiliary wire rope when the main
indication on the AML exceeds 100% while a wire rope is loosened, the load's center of gravi-
load is swung, stop swinging immediately. Then ty moves to give an increased figure in moment
lower the load or swing the boom back. (For the display. Take care to overloading.
specified values which trigger the alarm, see
“Configuration and Functions of the AML °
System” section.)
• When the AML exceeds the specified value, the
alarm will sound intermittently. Slow the crane
operation and take great care. (For the specified
values, see the “Configuration and Functions of
the AML System” section.)


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

• When the crane is automatically stopped during Configuration and Functions of the
operation toward critical condition (hoisting up,
AML System
boom extension or boom lowering), operate the
appropriate controls to move toward the non- The AML (Automatic Moment Limiter) system is a safety
critical condition (hoist down, retract boom or device provided to prevent overloading of the crane
raise boom). which may cause it to overturn or be damaged.
• Do not raise the boom to raise the load clear of The AML system has various kinds of functions, includ-
the ground. Doing so is dangerous because the ing the following four typical functions. Based on the
crane will not stop automatically even when it is registered work conditions by operator selection and the
overloaded. Hoist up the load to raise it clear of signals from various sensors, the crane operations are
the ground. Once the load has cleared the controlled.
ground, stop hoisting and check for safety.
(1) Automatic stop function for overloading
The AML calculates and compares the working
and rated moment values and displays them as a
‹While the elevating cylinder is extended or retract-
percentage. When the working moment exceeds
ed to the full stroke, the display of the AML becomes
the rated moment (100% or more), failure mes-
erroneous. In this case, elevate the boom in the op-
sage is shown, alarm buzzer sounds, and the
posite direction to terminate the stroke end
crane operation toward the critical side stops.
(2) Automatic stop function by boom upper angle restric-
To prevent jib from contacting the hook block or wire
rope during boom lift or single top lift, a message
and an alarm is output and boom raising and boom
retraction are halted in the following conditions:
• The boom is raised over approx. 76° while the
boom extension is less than approx. 2 m.
• The boom extension is reduced less than approx. 2
m while the boom angle is over approx. 76°.

(3) Working range limit functions

When any working range limit is registered to AML,
the crane is controlled so that the crane work pos-
ture does not exceed this registered working range
limit. When the boom reaches the previously regis-
tered restriction, buzzer sounds, and the crane
operation stops.

(4) Slow stop function

The elevating speed slows down before the boom
stops slowly in the following conditions:
• Boom (lowering) stopping by overloading
• Boom (raising) stopping by boom upper angle
• Boom reaches the stroke end (while raised and
• Boom (raising and lowering) stopping by work-
ing range limit function

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

The situation of automatic stop due to automatic stop

function and working range limit function is as listed
below, depending on the working condition:
◎: Slow stop ○: Stop

Hoisting up ○
Automatic stop Boom lowering ◎
by overloading Boom extension ○
Swing ○
Boom upper Boom raising ◎
angle restriction Boom retraction ○
Stop at stroke end Boom raising/loweing ◎
Boom raising/lowering ◎
Stop by working
Boom extension ○
range restriction
Swing ○

◆While the elevation slow stop cancel switch is in

“OFF” position, the slow stop function for boom eleva-
tion is deactivated.
◆While the automatic swing stop function is in “OFF”
position, swing does not stop automatically.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

AML System Configuration

Boom length signal Boom angle signal Moment ratio signal Swing angle signal Crane control position


Outrigger extension
width detector
Outrigger status

Operator selection
Lift status

Working range limits

Number of part-lines of rope

AML unit

Alarm buzzer External warning

Display panel lamps

Stop output when:

Moment ratio exceeds 100% Boom upper

Overwinding occurs angle
Moment exceeding limit for restriction
boom with jib mounted Swing restricted
AML system error occurs

Working range limit

signal output

Boom Boom lowering Hoisting up Swinging Boom raising Upper boom angle Lifting height Load radius
extension halted halted halted toward halted restricted restricted restricted
halted critical side Boom retracting Lower boom angle
halted restricted




AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Automatic Stop Functions Alarm Functions

Causes of Operation Halted Condition Alarm
automatic stop movement Winch lever is moved Moment display: Displays
• Moment ratio • Hoisting up toward critical side (hoist [Warning:0024].
exceeds 100% (*1) • Boom lowering up, boom lowering or Buzzer: Sounds continuously.
boom extension) while
• Overwinding • Boom extension
overwinding condition
• AML system error • Boom swing exists.
Upper boom angle • Boom raising Overwind cutout function Moment display: Displays
restricted • Boom lift is released with the winch [Warning:0015].
Working range limit

Lower boom angle • Single top lift • Boom lowering overwound. External warning lamps: Red
restricted • Jib lift lamp is lit.
Buzzer: Sounds continuously.
Lifting height • Boom raising
Moment ratio exceeds Moment display: Yellow
restricted • Boom extension 90% segment(s) is lit.
Load radius • Boom lowering External warning lamps :
restricted • Boom extension Orange lamp is lit.
Swing restricted • Boom swing Buzzer: Sounds intermittently.
• Boom upper angle • Boom lift • Boom raising Moment ratio exceeds Moment display: Displays
100% [Warning:0023].
restriction (*2) • Single top lift • Boom retraction
External warning lamps : Red
lamp is lit.
(*1): For the boom lift with the jib mounted, automatic Buzzer: Sounds continuously.
stop will work when the moment exceeds 85%. AML system error Moment display: Displays fail-
(*2): To avoid the main hook block contacting the jib, ure messages.
Buzzer: Sounds 3 seconds.
this function prevents the concurrence of the boom
Working range limit Moment display: Displays failure
angle exceeding 76° and boom retraction beyond function activated. messages.
the boom length of 11.3 m. Associated restriction indicator
lamp flashes.
Buzzer: Sounds continuously.
AML buzzer: Sounds 3 seconds.
Slow stop control Moment display: Displays
[Warning:0081] or [0082]
Buzzer: Sounds intermittently.
Boom lift with jib mounted on boom
(1) Moment ratio is Moment display: Green
between 75%and 85% segment(s) is lit.
External warning lamps:
Orange lamp is lit.
Buzzer: Sounds intermittently.
(2) Moment ratio exceeds Moment display: Displays
85% [Warning:0088].
External warning lamps : Red
lamp is lit.
Buzzer: Sounds continuously.

◆In the above table, "Buzzer" is the device outside the

AML unit, outputting buzzing sound.
"AML buzzer" is the device inside the AML unit, out-
putting beeping sound.
◆The AML buzzer sounds for 3 seconds every time a
message appears. It outputs long sounds when slow
stop control is activated and outputs short sounds when
other controls are activated.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


4 5



AML 50℃





MY30 L


1. AML unit 4. Emergency outrigger control switch

2. AML override switch 5. Emergency outrigger control indicator lamp
3. Override key switch 6. AML cancellation warning lamp

AML Override Switch

Override Key Switch
These are emergency switches provided to stow the
boom when failure occurs in the AML system.
For details, see the “Disposition of System Troubles”

Emergency Outrigger Control Switch

This switch is used to enable registering outrigger exten-
sion width temporarily on the AML and to sustain crane
operation while an error occurs on the outrigger exten-
sion detector.
◆For details, see the "Disposition of System Troubles"

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Names and Functions of AML Main

Unit Parts

Bargraph display

Display panel 1

m t

max t
Display panel 2



AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

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Bargraph Display

3 1 2

Usually on 0–89 90–99 100–109 110 or more

than that

Each frame representing 10% Each frame representing 2.5%

Each frame representing 2.5%


1. Moment ratio mark

The moment ratios on the bargraph are color coded
as follows:
safe (green), notice (yellow) and limit (red).

2. Moment display
Normally displays a moment ratio on a bargraph.
Displays the main-circuit oil pressure and torque con-
verter oil pressure when the display alteration key is
held down.
Also displays error messages when the AML or any
of its associated devices fail(s).

3. Scroll-up key
Used to see the previous lines of message displayed
on the moment display.

4. Scroll-down key
Used to see the next lines of messages displayed on
the moment display.

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Display Panel 1

1 2 3 5

16 17 21
14 20
m 18 t

max t 7

m 8

19 11 10 9

1. Jib angle display 8. Rated lifting capacity display

When jib lift is selected, the jib angle offset is dis- Displays the rated lifting capacity.
When the number of part-lines of rope select key is 9. Load radius limit restriction indicative symbol
pressed, or the display select key is kept being Comes on to indicate that the value shown in the load
pressed, the number of part-lines of ropes is dis- radius display [11] represents the load radius limit.
played. Also, when the upper boom angle restriction Note that the load radius indicative symbol [10] is
function is activated, the registered upper boom angle also displayed at the same time.
limit value is displayed as long as the register key is
kept being pressed. 10. Load radius indicative symbol
Indicates that the value shown in the load radius dis-
2. Number of part-lines of indicative symbol play [11] represents the load radius.
This symbol shows that the jib angle display (1) indi-
cates the number of part-lines of rope 11. Load radius display
Normally displays the crane's load radius.
3. Boom length indicative symbol When the load radius limit restriction function is acti-
This symbol, while marked up, means the value in the vated, the load radius limit restriction value is
boom length display [13] is a boom length value. displayed while the register key is held down.

5. Jib angle indicative symbol 13. Boom length display

Comes on to indicate that the value shown in the jib Usually displays boom length.
angle display [1] represents the offset angle. Displays the lifting height while the display alteration
key is pressed.
6. Jib lift indicative symbol When the lifting height restriction function is effective,
Comes on when the jib lift is selected to represent the this displays lifting height restriction value, while the
registered jib status. register key is being pressed.

7. Real load display 14. Lifting height indicative symbol

Displays the real load. This symbol, while marked up, means the value in the
boom length display [13] is a lifting height.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

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15. Lifting height restriction symbol

This symbol, while marked up, means the value in the
boom length display [13] is a lifting height restriction
The lifting height symbol [14] is marked up simultane-

16. Upper boom angle limit restriction symbol

Indicates that the jib angle display [1] displays the
registered boom angle upper restricted value.

17. Boom angle indicative symbol

Indicates that the boom angle display [19] displays
the boom angle.

18. Lower boom angle limit restriction symbol

Indicates that the boom angle display [19] displays
the registered lower boom angle restricted value.

19. Boom angle display

Normally displays the boom angle.
Displays the moment % when the display alteration
key is held down. When the restriction function is acti-
vated, the lower boom angle limit restriction value is
displayed while the register key is held down.

20. Boom lift indicative symbol

Comes on when the boom lift is selected.

21. Single-top lift indicative symbol

Comes on when the single-top lift is selected.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


15 14 13 12 11
16 17 9
18 8


1 2 3 4 5 T23214

1. Increase key 10. Lower boom angle limit restriction key

Used to increase the selected value. Used to activate and cancel the lower most boom an-
gle limiting function.
2. Decrease key
Used to decrease the selected value. 11. Lower boom angle limit restriction indicator lamp
Lights up when the lowermost boom angle limiting
3. Outrigger mode select key function is activated.
Used to select the outrigger status.
12. Upper boom angle limit restriction key
4. Lift mode select key Used to activate and cancel the upper most boom an-
Used to select the lift status. gle limiting function.

5. Check key 13. Upper boom angle limit restriction indicator lamp
Used to check the AML system functions. Lights up when the uppermost boom angle limiting
function is activated.
6. Register key
Used to register the selected state. 14. Lifting height restriction key
Used to activate and cancel the lifting height limiting
7. Display alteration key function.
Used to alternate the displays on display panel 1.
15. Lifting height restriction indicator lamp
8. Load radius restriction key Lights up when lifting height limiting function is acti-
Use to activate and cancel the load radius limiting vated.
16. Right swing restriction key
9. Load radius restriction indicator lamp Used to activate and cancel the right swing limiting
Lights up when the load radius limiting function is ac- function.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

17. Right swing restriction indicator lamp 19. Left swing restriction indicator lamp
Lights up when the right swing limiting function is acti- Lights up when the left swing limiting function is acti-
vated. vated.

18. Left swing restriction key 20. Number of part-lines of rope select key
Used to activate and cancel the left swing limiting Used to register a number of part-lines of rope.

Display Panel 2

4 1

2 2

2 2

1. Front jack symbol

Indicates that the front jack is used.

2. Outrigger state indicative symbol

Displays the way the outriggers are extended.

3. "On-rubber" (Outrigger-not-in-use) state indicative

Comes on when the starter switch in the crane opera-
tor s cab is turned “ON”.

5. Boom position indicator

Displays the boom position in 10° increments.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Selecting Operational Status When the outrigger mode select key is pressed, the out-
rigger state indicative symbols and front jack symbol
flash in accordance with the status that the AML detects
Should the operational status be incorrectly on.
registered, the crane might overturn or be dam- After making sure that the display conforms to the actual
aged, leading to a serious accident. Prior to every outrigger conditions, press the register key. The outrig-
operation, check that the registered status corre- ger state indicative symbol will change from flashing into
sponds to the actual status of the crane. being marked up continuously and the moment display,
rated lifting capacity display and real load display will re-
Selecting Outrigger Status turn to normal display conditions, meaning that the state
has been registered.
◆The "on-rubber" state indicative symbol is marked up
when the power supply is turned on (the PTO switch in
Actual outrigger status Representation of outrigger
the carrier driver's cab is turned ON after the engine is status on the AML
started). (The outrigger state indicative symbols and
front jack symbol remain off.)
◆Turning the power off (PTO switch: OFF) automatical-
ly erases all the previous settings stored in memory after
approximately 2 hours. To resume the operation more
than 2 hours after the power has been last turned off,
enter the settings all over again.

Register the outrigger status using the outrigger mode

select key and register key.

Fully extended (6.8m)

Mid. extended (4.6m)


Front jack mode

indicative symbol m t

% Min. extended (2.39m)

max t

m T24153E

Register key ◆If an outrigger or the front jack is stowed after regis-
tration of outrigger status, the registered status is
erased. In this case, register the outrigger status again
before starting crane operation.

Outrigger state Outrigger mode select key

indicative symbol

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Selecting Lift Status ◆Select the boom lift status when lifting a load on
the boom with the jib mounted.
◆The boom lift status is the default status and is auto-
◆Select a jib lift status when lifting a single load us-
matically selected (the boom indicator lamp lights) when
ing both the boom and jib.
the power supply is turned on (the PTO switch is placed
in the ON position). (1) Boom lift
◆Turning the power off (PTO switch: OFF) automatical-
ly erases all the previous settings stored in memory after
approximately 2 hours. To resume the operation more
than 2 hours after the power has been last turned off, (2) Single top lift
enter the settings all over again.

Register the lift status using the lift mode select key
and register key.
(3) Jib set (mounting or stowage)

(4) Jib lift: 9.0m jib, 5 offset


m t

max t

m (5) Jib lift: 9.0m jib, 25 offset

Register key

(6) Jib lift: 9.0m jib, 45 offset

Lift mode select key

T23988E (7) Jib lift: 14.6m jib, 5 offset

Each time the lift mode select key is pressed, the

mode changes. The status changes in numerical se-
quence, from (1) to (9), as shown below. The display
returns to (1) if you press the switch when status (9) (8) Jib lift: 14.6m jib, 25 offset

is shown on the display. Select the status that corre-

sponds to the actual lift status.
◆After making sure that the display conforms to the
actual lift status, press the register key. The corre-
(9) Jib lift: 14.6m jib, 45 offset
sponding lift indicative symbol will change from
flashing into being marked up continuously and the
moment display, rated lifting capacity display and real
load display will return to normal display conditions, T23987E

meaning that the status has been registered.

(When the jib set status is selected, the jib lift
indicative symbol will remain flashing.)

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Selecting Number of Part-lines of Rope ◆When the power supply is turned on (i.e. PTO
switch ON), the standard number of part-lines of rope
corresponding to a work condition is selected.
◆If the registered number of part-lines of rope is
smaller than the standard number, a maximum al-
Register the number of part-lines of rope by use of the
lowable lifting load is limited, depending on the
number of part-lines of rope select key, as follows:
registered number. In case the number is registered
as ‘0’, however, a process takes place as if the stan-
dard number has been registered.
◆Similarly, a process takes place on the basis of
the standard number of part-lines of rope if the reg-
istered number is larger than the standard number
or other than the values specified for your model.

Number of part-lines of rope indicative symbol

Number of part-lines of rope

m t

max t

m Number of part-lines of rope select key

Decrease key

Increase key Register key


1. Press the number of part-lines of rope select key. 3. Once the intended number of part-lines of rope is
The number of part-lines of rope symbol will flash, set, press the register key and register the number.
and the number of part-lines of rope will be shown on Then, the number of part-lines of rope symbol is
the jib angle display in a flashing mode. turned off and the jib angle display returns to a nor-
mal status.
2. Press the increase or the decrease key to set the ◆The number of part-lines of rope can be confirmed
number of part-lines of rope at a desired value. by pressing the display alteration key.
◆When the increase or the decrease key is pressed,
a numeral showing the number of rope changes from
flashing to being marked up, showing a fixed value
for the increase or decrease.
◆When the increase or the decrease key is kept
pressed, the number of rope continuously increases or

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

AML Pre-operational Inspection 2. Press either the set key, display alteration key or
check key to return the display to the normal condition.

Operating the crane with a malfunctioning AML 3. Make sure that the display on the display panels
could cause the crane to overturn or be damaged. conforms to the actual crane conditions.
Be sure to perform the pre-operational inspection (1) Boom length
on the AML system and start the crane only after (2) Boom angle
ensuring that the system is operating properly. (3) Jib angle.....shown while jib lift is selected
(4) Real load....Make sure that the approximate mass
Before starting operation, check that the AML works in of the hook block while no load is on
good condition, as follows: the hook block.
◆The real load is not shown correctly if the lift
1. Press the check key and make sure that the AML status is not registered correctly.
is in the following conditions: (5) Outrigger state indicative symbol
• Moment display...............All segments are marked up. (6) Front jack symbol
• Display panel (1 and 2)...All segments are marked up. (7) Boom position indicator
• Working range restriction indicator lamp ◆If the AML does not work properly, have it checked
...................................... All six lamps light up. and repaired by the nearest TADANO distributor or deal-
• Alarm buzzer.................Sounds continuously. er.
• Movement toward critical sides
...................................... Automatically halted

Buzz 1

Bargraph display

m t
Display panel 1 max t

Display panel 2

m t

max t

Check key T24103


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

How to Use the Working Range Limit Boom Angle Limit

Function Raise or lower the boom to the desired angle, and press
the boom upper or lower limit restriction key. The corre-
[NOTICE] sponding limit restriction indicator lamp will flash and the
◆If the selected working range limits allow the buzzer will sound continuously, indicating that the limit
crane to approach too close to an obstruction, the boom angle has been registered in the memory. When
crane may be contacted or hit, depending on the op- the boom is moved back to an angle within the set limit,
erational status and the manner in which the load is the limit restriction indicator lamp stops flashing and
handled. When selecting limits, allow sufficient stays illuminated and the buzzer stops.
clearance. Thereafter, the upper or lower boom angle limit restric-
tion indicator lamp flashes and the buzzer sounds
The working range restricting function makes the boom
continuously whenever the upper or lower limit previous-
automatically stop at the previously registered boom an-
ly registered is reached.
gles (upper and lower), lifting height and radius.
To cancel the boom angle limit function, press the boom
If makes the alarm sound when the boom reaches the
angle limit restriction key again. The corresponding
previously registered swing restriction.
boom angle limit restriction indicator lamp will go out.
The function is useful for handing a load in a confined
place because it defines the area in which the boom can
◆Turning the power off (PTO switch: OFF) automati-
cally erases all the previous settings stored in
Upper boom angle
memory after approximately 2 hours. To resume the limit restriction indicator
operation more than 2 hours after the power has m t

been last turned off, enter the settings all over again.
max t
Lower boom angle
limit restriction indicator
Upper boom angle restricted Lifting height restricted m lamp
Lower boom angle restricted

Lower boom angle

θu limit restriction key

H Upper boom angle

limit restriction key

Load radius restricted Swing restricted


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Lifting Height Limit Swing Limit

Move the boom to the desired height, and press the lift- Swing the boom to the desired position, and press a
ing height restriction key. The lifting height restriction swing restriction key. The corresponding swing restric-
indicator lamp will flash and the buzzer will sound con- tion indicator will flash and the buzzer will sound
tinuously, indicating that the limit height has been continuously, indicating that the swing angle limit has
registered in the memory. When the boom is moved been registered in the memory. When the boom is swing
back to a height within the set limit, the lifting height re- back to an angle within the set limit, the swing restriction
striction indicator lamp stops flashing and stays lamp stops flashing and stays illuminated and the
illuminated and the buzzer stops. buzzer stops.
Thereafter, the lifting height restriction indicator lamp Thereafter, a swing restriction indicator lamp flashes,
flashes and the buzzer sounds continuously whenever the swinging boom stops automatically, and the buzzer
the height limit previously registered is reached. sounds whenever the limit previously registered is
To cancel the height limit function, press the lifting reached.
height restriction key again. The corresponding lifting To cancel the swing limit function, press the correspond-
height restriction indicator lamp will go out. ing swing restriction key again. The corresponding
swing restriction indicator lamp will go out.
◆When registering the swing angle limit, register
both the right and left boom swinging restriction posi-
tions. Registering only one side cannot fulfill this
working range limit function nor make the alarm
Lifting height restriction buzzer sound.
m t indicator lamp
◆In case that the swing stop override switch is set to
max t
"OFF", the swinging boom will not stop automatically
Lifting height restriction
m key even when the limit previously registered is reached.
Be very careful in performing swing operation as only
the swing restriction indicator lamp flashes, a mes-
sage is displayed, and the AML buzzer beeps for
three seconds.


Left swing restriction

indicator lamp
m t

max t
Right swing restriction
m indicator lamp

Right swing restriction


Left swing restriction



AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Load Radius Limit

Move the boom to the desired load radius, and press the
load radius restriction key. The load radius restriction in-
dicator lamp will flash and the buzzer will sound
continuously, indicating that the limit load radius has
been registered in the memory. When the boom is
moved to a radius within the set limit, the load radius
restriction indicator lamp stops flashing and stays illumi-
nated and the buzzer stops.
Thereafter, the load radius restriction indicator lamp
flashes and the buzzer sounds continuously whenever
the limit previously registered is reached.
To cancel the load radius limit function, press the load
radius restriction key again. The corresponding load ra-
dius restriction indicator lamp will go out.

m t

max t

Load radius restriction
indicator lamp

Load radius
restriction key


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Display of Working Range Restriction

Press in the register key while working range restricting
functions are registered.
While the key is being pressed in, the registered working
range restriction values are displayed. On the moment
display will be displayed a message “Working range”.
◆This display is not available when preoperational AML
check is made and when working state is registered.
◆When working range restricting functions are not
registered, the message “---” will be displayed.

Upper boom angle limit

restriction values Working range

Lifting height restriction values Lower boom angle limit

restriction values

Load radius restriction values

m t

max t
Boom position indicator

Register key

Swing limit restriction values


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Display Alteration
Displays on the moment display and the display panel 1
can be altered, as shown below in the figures, while the
display alteration key is being pushed. The indicative
symbols are displayed, too.

Moment Display

M***.*      MPa Unit

Main circuit pressure


Display Panel 1
◆Displays on the real load display and the rated lift-
ing capacity display do not alter even when the
display alteration key is pressed in.

Number of part-lines of rope

M***.*      MPa

Lifting height Moment ratio

Real load

Rated lifting capacity

Swing angle

Display alteration key


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Recovery from a Stop

Restore the crane operation according to the following
(1) When moment is more than 100 %
• Moment display: [Warning:0023]
• Buzzer sounds continuously.
(2) When the limit moment for the boom lift with the jib
mounted is exceeded
• Moment display: [Warning:0088]
• Buzzer sounds continuously.

Set the load on the ground.


Retract the boom slowly.


Raise the boom slowly.


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

(3) Two-blocking
• Moment display: [Warning:0024]
• Buzzer sounds intermittently.

Hoist down the winch.


Retract the boom slowly.


(4) When rearward stability control function works

• Moment display: [Warning:0025]

Lower the boom slowly.


Extend the boom slowly.


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

(5)When upper boom (6)When lower boom (7)When lifting height (8)When load radius (9)When swing angle
angle restriction angle restriction restriction function restriction function restriction function
function works: function works: works: works: works:
• Moment display: • Moment display: • Moment display: • Moment display: • Moment display:
[Warning:0026] is [Warning:0027] is [Warning:0028] is [Warning:0029] is [Warning:0042 or
shown. shown. shown. shown. 0043] is shown.
• Buzzer: Continuous • Buzzer: Continuous • Buzzer: Continuous • Buzzer: Continuous • Buzzer: Continuous
• Upper boom angle • Lower boom angle • Lifting height restric- • Load radius restric- • Swing restriction in-
restriction indicator restriction indicator tion indicator lamp tion indicator lamp dicator lamp flashes.
lamp flashes. lamp flashes. flashes. flashes.

Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz Buzz

Warning: 0042
Warning: 0026 Warning: 0027 Warning: 0028 Warning: 0029 or
Warning: 0043

Lower the boom slowly. Raise the boom slowly. Retract the boom slowly. Cancel working range Swing back the boom.
restriction function.


AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Display and Disposition of Failure Displays a failure message

When failure messages are shown on the AML moment
display, the AML buzzer sounds for 3 seconds. Stop
working and take appropriate action.


Messages Meanings Causes Solutions

[Warning:0001] R.F. outrigger retracts Outrigger beam retracts and Re-extend outrigger.
[Warning:0002] R.R. outrigger retracts extended width decreases.
[Warning:0003] L.F. outrigger retracts
[Warning:0004] L.R. outrigger retracts
[Warning:0010] Approaching to the swing The boom is swung close to the Swing in the opposite direction.
limit registered swing limit. Cancel the swing limit function.
(This message appears while the
swing limit is registered and the
swing stop override switch is set
to OFF.)
[Warning:0015] Overwinding (with overwind Main (or auxiliary) winch is Hoist down the main
cutout function deactivated) wound excessively. (or auxiliary) winch.
[Warning:0024] Stops by overwinding
[Error:0016] Operational status not Wrong registration of operational Register operational status again.
applied <case 1> status (boom lift, jib lift, single top
[Error:0017] Operational status not lift, outrigger)
applied <case 2>
[Error:0018] Wrong telescoping order Boom telescoping order is out of Return the telescoping order to the
[Error:0019] the normal condition after normal one.
[Error:0020] emergency telescoping, etc. If the message is output while the
[Error:0021] telescoping order is normal, check
or repair is required. Contact near-
est TADANO distributor or dealer.
[Warning:0023] Stops at moment ratio 100% Moment ratio beyond 100 % Hoist down winch.
Raise boom angle. Retract boom.
[Warning: 0025] Stops by upper boom angle Automatic stop to prevent jib from Lower the boom.
restriction contacting jib or wire ropes by Extend the boom.
boom raising or boom retraction
[Warning:0026] Upper boom angle Boom is raised above the Lower the boom.
restricted upper boom angle restriction. Cancel upper boom angle
[Warning:0027] Lower boom angle Boom is lowered below the lower Raise the boom.
restricted boom angle restriction. Cancel lower boom angle

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Messages Meanings Causes Solutions

[Warning:0028] Lifting height restricted Lifting height is beyond liftingLower the boom.
height restriction. Retract the boom.
Cancel lifting height restriction.
[Warning:0029] Load radius restricted Load radius is beyond Raise the boom.
load radius restriction. Retract the boom.
Cancel load radius restriction.
[Warning:0042] Right swing angle restricted Boom is swung beyond the swing Swing back the boom.
[Warning:0043] Left swing angle restricted restriction. Cancel the swing restriction function.
[Warning:0046] Unexpected outrigger Outrigger is retracted. Register operational status again.
[Warning:0047] Hook block in contact with Boom raised excessively while Extend or lower the boom.
elevating cylinder it is (nearly) fully retracted.
[Warning:0057] R.F. outrigger state changeOutrigger state change as to Re-extend outrigger.
[Warning:0058] R.R. outrigger state change decrease extension. Register operational status again.
[Warning:0059] L.F. outrigger state change Crane performance shifted to that
[Warning:0060] L.R. outrigger state change with smaller outrigger extension.
[Error:0006] Pins inserted in jib Jib connecting pin and jib set pin Set the pins on the jib to normal
inserted. conditions.
[Warning:0011] Connecting pin uninserted Jib connecting pin is not inserted.
[Warning:0077] Front jack moved Front jack is operated. Extend the front jack again and
re-register the front jack status.
[Warning:0081] Elevation slowed down Elevation slow stop function is Stop operation.
activated and the elevation Elevate the boom to the opposite
speed is reduced because the direction.
limit angle is approaching due to Cancel the boom angle restriction.
boom elevation. Move the boom toward non-critical
[Warning:0082] Swinging slowed down Swing slow stop function is Stop operation.
activated and the swing speed is Swing back the boom.
reduced because the limit angle is Retract the boom.
approaching due to boom swing. Raise the boom.
Cancel the swing restriction func-
[Warning:0085] Stroke end of elevation Boom elevation is automatically Stop operation.
cylinder stopped as it reaches the stroke Operate in the opposite direction.
[Warning:0088] Moment exceeding limit During lifting a load on the boom Hoist down the winch.
for boom with jib mounted with the jib moment ratio beyond Raise the boom.
85%. Retract the boom.
[Warning:0117] Potential boom interference Further boom lowering or boom Pay attention to obstacles when
swing can cause interference lowering or swinging the boom.
while the boom, stowed jib or the
elevating cylinder approaches a
mirror or the engine hood of the

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Messages Meanings Causes Solutions

Others ─ AML main body or detector Check or repair required. Contact
defective nearest TADANO distributor or
dealer. For crane stowing, see
“Disposition of System Troubles”.

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Disposition of System Troubles How to Use Emergency Outrigger Control

How to Use AML Override Switch and
Override Key Switch
Use the emergency outrigger control switch
only when the crane is in an emergency. After the
Keeping the AML override switch set to ON
operation, contact your nearest TADANO distribu-
and the override key switch set to ON cancels the
tor or dealer to repair the outrigger detection
AML's safety feature, the stop function. Using
these switches during normal operation is ex-
tremely dangerous. Do not use these switches
When the outrigger extension detection device, such
during normal operation. Use the switches only
as a code reel, breaks down, the registered outrigger
when operation has been disabled due to failure
state in the AML is cancelled to make the crane inop-
of the AML system. Be sure to set the load on the
erable. In this emergency, use the emergency
ground and retract the boom before using the
outrigger control switch to register the outrigger state
switch. Use the elevating and/or swing functions
into AML, and the indicator lamp will light up.
to stow the boom.
If restoring operations after a failure message ap- 1. Set the emergency outrigger control switch to
pears does not normalize crane operations, the AML ON. The emergency outrigger control indicator lamp
is in trouble. When the system is out of order, crane will light up and the outrigger state on the AML will be
operation becomes impossible. set to the default status.
The AML override switch and override key switch are
only intended for use to stow the boom. Insert the key Emergency outrigger
control switch
into the key hole and turn the switch to ON. The Emergency outrigger
crane operation is available and the AML cancellation control indicator lamp

warning lamp lights up while the AML override switch ON

is kept in the ON position in this condition.
◆The key should be kept by a person who takes care
of the crane, or a person responsible for job-site works.

AML override switch




Override key switch




AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. Press the outrigger mode select key in conformi-

ty with the actual outrigger extension width.
◆Each time the outrigger mode select key is
pressed, the status changes in numerical sequence,
from (1) to (6), as shown below. The display returns
to (1) if you press the switch when status (6) is dis-
played on the screen.
(1) Outriggers not extended (2) Outriggers extended halfway (3) Outriggers fully extended
  Front jack not used   Front jack not used   Front jack not used

(4) Outriggers not extended (5) Outriggers extended halfway (6) Outriggers fully extended
  Front jack extended   Front jack extended   Front jack extended


◆When the front, rear, right and left outrigger exten- 4.Register the lift status.
sion widths differ, select the smaller width. ◆See “Selecting Lift Status” section.
◆The outrigger state indicative symbol is switched
with flashing.

3. After selecting the intended outrigger status and

front jack status, press the register key to register the

status. The outrigger state indicative symbol will stop Front jack mode
indicative symbol m t
flashing and become marked up.

max t

Register key

Outrigger state Outrigger mode select key

indicative symbol

AML (Overload Prevention Device) AML (Overload Prevention Device)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Other Safety Devices

Overwind Cutout Device Deactivation of Overwind Cutout Function

The overwind cutout device prevents damage to the
crane that would be caused by pulling the hook block When the overwind cutout function is deacti-
into the boom head. When the hook block approaches vated, the automatic stop function will not operate
the boom head, single top or jib, the overwind cutout even if the hook block is overwound. Be careful
device detects it and sends a signal to the AML, which not to overwind when deactivating the overwind
then stops any further crane action toward the critical cutout function is unavoidable or specifically re-
condition. quired.
When overwinding is detected, the crane will be set in
the following status: Use the overwind cutout release switch to deactivate the
(1) Any operation involving action toward the critical overwind cutout function. The overwind cutout function
state (hoisting up, extending or lowering the boom) is may hinder stowing the main hook block and mounting
halted. or stowing the jib. To prevent this, you can temporarily
(2) If a critical-state operation is attempted, the alarm deactivate the function by keeping the overwind cutout
buzzer sounds to alert the operator. release switch pressing.
When the crane is automatically stopped because the ◆Overwind cutout function is deactivated while the jib
overwind cutout device has been activated, retract the set status is registered on the AML.
boom or hoist down to move the hook block away from
the boom head, single top or jib.
◆The overwind cutout device for the jib can also be
Overwind cutout release switch
used for the single top.

◆When the jib or single top is mounted, be sure to con- AML

nect the leads of the overwind cutout device correctly. If

the leads are not connected, the AML assumes an over-
wind condition, and all actions toward the critical
condition are automatically stopped.
◆Once overwinding has occurred, alarm buzzer keeps T24087E
sounding till the hook block is lowered.

Boom Jib Single top

Overwind detection switch


Other Safety Devices Other Safety Devices

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Front Jack Overload Warning Device External Warning Lamps (Option)

The horn sounds during an operation with the When the external warning lamp in red lights,
front jack extended to signal that there is an crane operation to the critical side stops. Do not
overload on the front jack. Move the boom until cancel AML stop function to continue crane oper-
the horn stops. ation. Operate the crane toward safety side and
then the work after lamp lighting has changed
The purpose of the front jack overload warning device is from red to orange, or lamp has gone off.
to prevent damage to the carrier's chassis frame by an
excessive load during an operation with the front jack The external warning lamps are to inform the people en-
extended. When a load exceeding the limit is placed on gaged in work around the crane of AML conditions.
the front jack, the horn sounds, warning the operator of While any of the following functions are deactivated, the
an overload. red lamp lights up in addition to inform the people en-
◆On certain surface, the horn may sound even if the gaged in work that an automatic stop function is
load is within the limit. For example, when the ground deactivated.
supporting the front outriggers is soft, the load on the (1) Overwind cutout function
front jack may increase, causing the horn to sound. In (2) Swing stop function
such a case, check the ground support conditions of the (3) Automatic stop by the AML (caused by the moment
outriggers and front jack. exceeding 100%, working range limit, etc.)

Red Orange

T00143 T23175E

Color Crane (or AML) conditions

Not lighted Safe
Orange Not in danger, but attention needed
• Moment ratio is within the range in
which alarm function is activated.
Red (1) In danger (Motion to critical side stops)
• Moment ratio exceeds the limit at which
automatic stop function is activated.
(2) Automatic stop function cancelled
• Swing stop function is shifted to “OFF”.
• Overwind cutout function is deactivated.
• AML override switch and override key
switch are turned ON.

Other Safety Devices Other Safety Devices

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Starting and Stopping the




AML 50℃





MY30 L


1. Starter switch

Pre-starting Checks 2

1 3
Before starting the engine, perform the following inspec- OFF ON

tion and checks:
AML 50℃

Perform the pre-operational inspection.







Make sure that the controls in the crane opera-


tor's cab are placed in the following positions:

(1) Main and auxiliary hoist levers, boom telescoping
lever, boom elevating lever and swing lever …
(2) Swing brake switch ……………………………“ON”
(3) Swing stop override switch …………Activated R/F

(4) Slow elevation stop switch …………Activated



(5) Emergency outrigger control switch…………“OFF”



Starting and Stopping the Engine Starting and Stopping the Engine
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Starting the Engine Starting Engine from Crane Operator's Cab

[NOTICE] ◆When the engine is cold, use the starter switch in the
◆Do not hold the starter switch in the START posi- carrier driver's cab.
tion for more than 15 seconds, as this practice will
overheat the starter motor. If the first attempt to 1. Turn the starter switch to the START position to
start the engine fails, wait at least 30 seconds before crank the engine. Release the key immediately once
trying again. the engine has started.
◆The starter switch positions and their functions are
◆The engine can be started from both the carrier dri- as follows:
ver's cab and crane operator's cab. Normally, however, "START" ・・・・・Starts the engine. Release the key
use the starter switch in the carrier driver's cab. Use the after the engine has started. The
switch in the crane operator's cab only when the engine switch will automatically return to
stalls during operation. ON.
"ON" ・・・・・・・・Supplies current to the electrical
circuits. Keep the key in this position
Starting Engine from Carrier Driver's Cab during crane operation.
◆For a detailed explanation of the engine starting pro- "OFF" ・・・・・・・The key can be inserted and re-
cedure, see the Crane Carrier Operation and moved in this position. Keep the key
Maintenance Manual. in this position when the engine is
1. Place the gearshift in the neutral position and ac- "ACC" ・・・・・・・The power windows, fan, washer,
tivate the parking brake. wiper, horn, and flood lamps can be
used with the engine off.
2. Make sure that the PTO switch is in the OFF po- "STOP" ・・・・・・Stops the engine. Releasing the key
sition. automatically returns the switch to
“ACC” position.
3. Turn the starter switch to the START position to
crank the engine. (OFF)
(ACC) (ON)



Starting and Stopping the Engine Starting and Stopping the Engine
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Stopping the Engine

◆The engine can be stopped from both the carrier dri-
ver's cab and crane operator's cab. Normally, however,
use the starter switch in the carrier driver's cab to stop
the engine. Use the switch in the crane operator's cab
only when the engine must be stopped during operation.

Stopping Engine from the Carrier Driver's

◆For a detailed explanation of how to stop the engine,
see the separate Crane Carrier Operation and
Maintenance Manual.

1. Make sure that the PTO switch is in the OFF po-


2. Turn the key to the stop position to stop the en-


Stopping Engine from the Crane Operator's

1. Turn the starter switch to the STOP position.
Turn it to OFF position immediately after the engine
has stopped.

Starting and Stopping the Engine Starting and Stopping the Engine
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Operating the PTO and Warming

Up the Machine
Operating the PTO Warming Up the Machine
"PTO" is an abbreviation for "Power Take Off". The [NOTICE]
PTO, by engaging the gears, transmits engine power to ◆Be sure to allow your machine to warm up before
the hydraulic pump. the start of every operation. This is especially impor-
When the PTO gears are engaged (PTO is ON) after tant in cold weather when the engine and hydraulic
starting the engine, the hydraulic pump is driven, making oil viscosities are high. If you start an operation
hydraulic pressure available for operating the crane. The without sufficiently warming up the engine and ma-
hydraulic pump stops when the PTO is disengaged chine, highly viscous oils may cause damage to the
(PTO is OFF) and the power from the engine is inter- engine and hydraulic system.
rupted. ◆For this machine, the hydraulic oil temperature
should be within the range of 30°C to 60°C. Operate
the crane at low engine speed until the oil tempera-
Engaging the PTO ture reaches 30°C or higher.
1. Depress the clutch pedal all the way and place
the PTO switch in the ON position. The PTO lamp will 1. Let the engine warm up at idling speed for ap-
light up. proximately five minutes after engaging the PTO.
◆The location of the PTO switch depends on the crane When it is very cold, extend the warm up time as nec-
carrier. See the separate Crane Carrier Operation and essary, according to the ambient temperature.
Maintenance Manual.
◆For a transmission Hi/Lo switch installed Mitsubishi 2. Increase the engine speed to between 800 and
carrier, tip the switch to H side. 1,000 min-1 and operate the crane without a load for
approximately five to ten minutes. When it is very
2. Slowly release the clutch pedal and remove your cold, extend the operating time according to the at-
foot. mospheric temperature.

3. Start a loaded operation after the machine has

Disengaging the PTO been sufficiently warmed up without a load.

1. Depress the clutch pedal all the way and place

the PTO switch in the OFF position. The PTO lamp
Checks to Make during Warmup
will go out.
◆Check the instruments and monitors in the carrier dri-
2. Release the clutch pedal. ver's cab as instructed in the separate Crane Carrier
Operation and Maintenance Manual.

Check the engine, hydraulic pumps, hydraulic motors,

swing bearing and each pivot pin for any unusual sound.
If any are found, stop operation immediately and contact
your nearest TADANO distributor or dealer to have them
inspect your machine.

Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine Operating the PTO and Warming Up the Machine
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


Setting the Crane

If the crane is set on inappropriate ground, it is

possible that the crane could overturn. Always set
the crane on firm ground.

The most important factor for safe crane operation is

setting the outriggers on ground firm enough to support
both the mass of the crane and the load to be lifted.
The crane is normally supported by four outriggers dur-
ing operation, but in certain operating positions, a large
part of the crane mass and lifted load mass may end up
being supported by only one outrigger. If this occurs
when the outriggers are set on soft ground, the outrigger
floats may sink into the ground, causing the crane to list
and, in the worst case, overturn.
Some surfaces may appear to be firm, when in fact they
are not hard enough to support the machine. Be espe-
cially careful of the following surfaces:
(1) Asphalt pavement
(2) Sidewalk or other areas with stone pavement
(3) Areas that have been filled in after excavation
(4) Reclaimed land
(5) Areas near the shoulder of a road or the edge of a pit

Preparing the Ground

When it is unavoidable to set the crane on soft ground
or on ground that cannot bear the load of the crane plus
a load to be lifted, carry out the following procedures:
(1) Grade a slope or rough surface so that the crane can
be set in a level position.
(2) Place steel plates or wood blocks on the surfaces
where the outrigger floats are to be located, in order
to distribute the bearing pressure over a larger area.
The steel plates and wood blocks must be sufficiently
strong and large in area and also appropriate for the
ground condition. The outrigger floats must be set at
the center of the plates or blocks.

Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

◆The illustration shows the right side of the crane carri-
er. The lever arrangement on the left side is symmetrical
to this.


11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4

11 10 9 8 7 6


1. Lock pin
2. Outrigger beam
3. Jack cylinder
4. Outrigger float
5. Bubble level
6. Extend/retract control lever
7. Front jack lever
8. Individual control lever (left front)
9. Individual control lever (right front)
10. Individual control lever (left rear)
11. Individual control lever (right rear)

Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Extending the Outriggers Full Extension Procedure

1. Remove all four lock pins.

Outriggers with improperly extended beams

cannot assure safety. Adhere to the rated lifting
capacity table, which specifies the correct beam
length for different lifting capacities. Make it a rule
to fully extend the beams whenever possible even
on a crane which is rated for operation on
outriggers at half extension.
The machine can sometimes remain level even
when it is supported on only three jacks. T30108

Operating the machine in such a condition is very

dangerous. After extending the outriggers, make
sure that all outrigger floats are in contact with
2. Place the two individual control levers of the out-
riggers on your side to EXTENSION. Then move the
the ground. Any unseated float must be lowered
extend/retract control lever toward EXT. to extend the
so that it is in firm contact with the ground.
outrigger beams fully.
If the crane is not level on the ground, the load
◆The figure below shows an outrigger on the left side
radius will increase when the load is swung
of the carrier.
toward the lower side. In the worst case, this
could cause the crane to overturn. Always use the
bubble levels to make sure that the crane is level
When extending four outrigger beams
after extending the outriggers.
simultaneously, check the other side of the carrier
Operating on outriggers when any tires are in
well before operation.
contact with the ground will reduce machine
stability. Extend jacks and, if necessary, place
blocking under the outrigger floats to raise the
tires clear of the ground.
The outrigger beams may accidentally retract
during operation if they are not properly locked
with the lock pins. Be sure to secure the outrigger RET. EXTENSION

beams with the lock pins whenever they are



◆If an outrigger or the front jack is stowed after

registration of outrigger status, the registered status
3. Insert the lock pins to lock the extended outrigger
is erased. In this case, register the outrigger status
again before starting crane operation.

Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

4. Go the the other side of the carrier. Place the two 8. Use the bubble levels to make sure that the
individual control levers of the outriggers on your side to crane is level. If the crane is not level, refer to the
EXTENSION. Then move the extend/retract control "Level Adjustment" section for detailed instructions on
lever toward EXT. to extend the outrigger beams fully. leveling the crane.
◆The figure below shows an outrigger on the right side
of the carrier.
Marking line



JACK FRONT JACK EXT. T30110E Middle Extension Procedure

1. Extend the outrigger beams to the mid. extended
5. Insert the lock pins to lock the extended outrigger mark (4.6 m) in the same procedure as the full exten-
beams. sion procedure.

6. Place all four individual control levers in the

JACK position. Move the extend/retract control lever
toward EXT. to fully extend the jack cylinders.

Mid. extended mark (4.6m)


2. Insert four lock pins into the pin holes to lock the
outrigger beams.

3. Extend all the jack cylinders fully in the same

7. After all four jack cylinders are fully extended, re- procedure as the full extension procedure.
turn the extend/retract control lever and all the
individual control levers to the neutral position.

Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Minimum Extension Procedure Level Adjustments

1. Retract all four outrigger beams fully and inset four
Using the Bubble Level
lock pins into the pin holes to lock the outrigger beams.
“Setting the vehicle level” refers to the condition that the
vehicle is set so that the bubbles in the spirit level are
between the marking lines.
Check the position of the bubbles in the bubble level. If
a bubble is off-center, it means that the crane is not lev-
el, and the side of the crane in the direction of the
bubble is higher.
A bubble in the glass level is off-center and to the right.
= The crane is listing to the left.

2. Extend all the jack cylinders fully in the same

Bubble level

procedure as the full extension procedure. Marking line



The crane should be adjusted to a level position by re-
tracting (extending) the jack cylinders located on the
higher (lower) side of the crane. The following explana-
tion assumes that the right side of the crane is higher

1. Place the right front and right rear individual control

levers (levers corresponding to the higher (lower) side)
in the JACK position. Move the extend/retract control
lever toward RET. (EXT.) a little at a time to retract (ex-
tend) the jack cylinders on the right side of the crane.




Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. If the bubbles in the spirit level is between the Front Jack

marking lines, the vehicle is set level. Return the ex-
tend/retract control lever and individual control levers Extension
to the neutral position.
◆Extend the front jack only after extending and setting
the outriggers to install the crane level.

Marking line
1. Place the front jack lever in the FRONT JACK
position. Move the extend/retract control lever toward
EXT. The front jack will start extending.


3. Make sure that all four outrigger floats are in con-

tact with the ground. Any unseated outrigger floats JACK FRONT JACK EXT. T00161E

must be lowered until they are in firm contact with the

2. Keep the extend/retract control lever toward EXT.
for approx. 3 seconds after the front jack float has
reached the ground. Then, return the extend/retract con-
trol lever and front jack lever to the neutral position.

◆Retract the front jack before retracting the outrig-
gers. If the outriggers are retracted without first
retracting the front jack, the carrier chassis frame
will be damaged.

1. Place the front jack lever in the FRONT JACK

position. Move the extend/retract control lever toward
RET. The front jack will start retracting.



2. Once the front jack has been completely retract-

ed, return the extend/retract control lever and front
jack lever to their neutral position.

Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Stowing the Outriggers 3. Place the two individual control levers of the out-
riggers on your side to EXTENSION. Then move the
extend/retract control lever toward RET. to retract the
If the outriggers are retracted with the boom outrigger beams fully.
extended, the crane may overturn. Fully retract ◆The figure below shows an outrigger on the left side
the boom and stow it on the boom rest before of the carrier.
retracting the outriggers.
Traveling with the crane without first securing
the retracted outriggers with the lock pins is dan-
gerous. The outrigger beams could accidentally
extend during travel. Be sure to securely pin the
outrigger beams whenever they are stowed. RET. EXTENSION

◆Retract the front jack before retracting the outrig-
gers. If the outriggers are retracted the front jack left EXT. FRONT JACK JACK T30117E

extended, the carrier chassis frame will be dam-

aged. 4. Go the the other side of the carrier. Place the two
individual control levers of the outriggers on your side
1. Place all four individual control levers in the to EXTENSION. Then move the extend/retract control
JACK position. Move the extend/retract control lever lever toward RET. to retract the outrigger beams fully.
toward RET. and fully retract the jack cylinders. ◆The figure below shows an outrigger on the right side
of the carrier.





2. Remove all four lock pins.

5. After all four outrigger beams are fully retracted,
return the extend/retract control lever and all the indi-
vidual control levers to the neutral position.


Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

6. Insert four lock pins into the pin holes to lock the
outrigger beams.


Outriggers Outriggers
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Crane Operator’s Cab

Opening and Closing the Door Locking and Unlocking

Insert the door key in the lock, and rotate it clockwise to
lock the door, or counterclockwise to unlock it.
The door, if not completely shut, could open ◆Do not leave the crane with the key inserted in the
when the vehicle is traveling. Before traveling, be lock.
sure to close and lock the door.

Leaving the Door Held Open

Do not attempt to shut the door, holding it at To keep the door open during crane operation, open the
the end. Your fingers may be pinched. When door fully and press the lock lever forward with the door
shutting the door, hold the door handle. fully open.
Before closing the door, press the lock lever to the rear.

Lock lever


Outer handle
Lock T23063E

Inner handle


From Outside the Cab

Pull the outer handle sideways to slide the door open or

From Inside the Cab

Pull the inner handle sideways to slide the door open or

Crane Operator's Cab Crane Operator's Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Opening and Closing the Windows Adjusting the Seat Position

◆Do not leave the windows open; wet controls may
Adjust the seat position before starting
cause problems. Be sure to shut the windows before
operation. Making adjustments during operation
leaving the cab.
could be dangerous.

Opening and Closing the Door Window The seat can be adjusted up or down, and forward or
backward. The headrest height, the armrest angle, and
Operate the power window switch to open or close the
the seatback angle are also adjustable. Adjust the seat
door window.
to a position that allows you to easily operate the control
◆The door window can be opened or closed only while
levers and pedals.
the door is closed.
Head rest
Unlock button
Arm rest
Power window switch
Unlock button

Angle range of reclining


Angle range of the arm rest


Reclining adjuster lever

Slide adjuster lever Height adjuster lever T23068E


Height Adjustment
Closing the Door Window from Outside of
Pull up the height adjuster lever and adjust the seat
the Cab
height. Return the lever to the original position after ad-
You can close the door window from outside of the cab justment.
by operating the power window close switch.
Use this switch if you have exited the cab with the door
window left open.
Forward/Backward Adjustment
◆This switch is only for closing the door windows. Pull the slide adjuster lever forward, and adjust the seat
forward or backward. The seat is locked in position
Door window when the lever is released. Try to move the seat back
and forth to ensure that it is locked in place.

Power window
close switch Seatback Angle Adjustment
Close Pull the reclining adjuster lever backward and adjust the
angle of the seatback. The seatback is locked in position
when the lever is released.

Armrest Angle Adjustment

Press the unlock button and move the armrest. The
armrest can be locked either at the stowage position be-
hind or one of the four front positions (at 8° intervals).

Crane Operator's Cab Crane Operator's Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Headrest Height Adjustment Adjusting Position of the Lever

Pull up the headrest and adjust the headrest height. The Stands
headrest can be adjusted at either of the two positions.
To lower the headrest, push down the headrest while
pressing the unlock button. Unintentional touch of control levers when en-
tering the cab may cause the machine to move,
which is very dangerous. For entering or exiting
the cab or when crane operation is over, stow the
armrest and lean the lever stands backward.

Adjusting Position of the Lever Stands

◆Move the lever stands to the position for crane
operation before starting crane operation. While any
lever stand is in the stowage position, the crane
does not move even if a control lever is operated.

Before starting crane operation, move the lever stands

to the position appropriate for crane operation. The op-
erating position of each lever stand can be selected
among three positions.

1. Raise the lever stand while pulling the unlock lever.

◆To prevent faulty operation, do not touch the control

2. After raising the lever stand to the operating posi-

tion, release the unlock lever to lock the lever stand.

Position for crane operation

Stowage position
Lever stand (for traveling)

Unlock lever


Crane Operator's Cab Crane Operator's Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Stowing the Lever Stands

◆The crane may move unexpectedly if a control
lever touches an armrest of the seat. Stow the arm-
rests before moving the lever stands to their
stowage position.

Move the lever stand to the stowage position while

pulling the unlock lever.

Crane Operator's Cab Crane Operator's Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E






AML 50℃





MY30 L


1. Oil reservoir 3. Accelerator pedal

2. Accelerator lock knob

Oil Reservoir Accelerator Lock Knob

The oil reservoir contains the hydraulic oil for the accel- Rotating the knob allows fine adjustment of the engine
erator circuit. speed; turn the knob toward "H" to increase the engine
speed or toward "L" to reduce it.




Acceleration Acceleration
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Accelerator Pedal
The engine speed changes from idling speed to maxi-
mum speed according to the amount the accelerator
pedal is depressed.

Accelerator pedal


Acceleration Acceleration
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


Controls (ISO Layout)

◆The arrangement of the levers shown here is based on the ISO layout. The arrangement on machines adopting the
TADANO layout is different from the one shown. (See “Layout of Controls” for TADANO layout.)

AML 50℃




3 4



AML 50℃


6 ON





1. Auxiliary hoist operation indicator lamp

2. Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control selector
3. Winch drum rotation indicator (option)
4. Overwind cutout release switch
5. Main hoist control lever
6. Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever

Hoisting Hoisting
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Hoisting Up and Down Auxiliary Hoist

Check the control mode of the boom telescop-

Moving the control levers abruptly is danger-
ing /auxiliary hoist control lever before operating
ous because it causes the load to bounce and
the lever by making sure that the auxiliary hoist
swing. This practice could result in damaging the
operation indicator lamp is lit; otherwise the crane
crane, and injury or death. Be sure to operate the
can move independent of your intent and create a
levers slowly and carefully.
Never attempt to pull a load sideways or inward
by operating the winch. Doing so may not only
Operate the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control
cause the boom failure but also overturn the
lever and the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist selector
switch to hoist up or down the auxiliary winch.
When a load is lifted, the boom deflects and the
The hoisting speed can be controlled by changing the
working radius increases, possibly exceeding the
amount the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control
allowable limit. This result causes an overload
lever is moved and by using the accelerator pedal.
condition. Stop lifting when the load just clears
the ground, and check the condition of the load,
1. Flip the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist selector
as well as for any sign of overloading, before con-
switch to the “auxiliary hoist” side.
◆When turning the switch, keep pressing the lock
button on the switch.
◆Since the main and auxiliary winch systems are inde-
◆Make sure that the auxiliary hoist operation condition
pendent of each other, both winches can be used
indicator lamp lights up.
Auxiliary hoist operation indicator lamp

Main Hoist Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control

selector switch
Operate the main hoist control lever to hoist up or hoist
down the load.
To hoist up : Pull the lever rearward. OFF ON

To hoist down : Push the lever forward.


To stop : Return the lever to the neutral position.

AML 50℃


Push Main hoist control lever ON


(to hoist down) MIKUNI


Neutral (stop)

(to hoist up)


Hoisting Hoisting
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. Operate the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist con- Other Winch-related Controls and
trol lever.
To hoist up: Pull the lever rearward.
To hoist down:Push the lever forward. Winch Drum Rotation Indicator (option)
To stop: Return the lever to the neutral position.
This indicator flashes to indicate that the winch drum is
Boom telescoping /auxiliary Push (to hoist down) rotating.
hoist control lever

Neutral(stop) Aux. Main

Pull (to
hoist up)



Overwind Cutout Release Switch

For details, see the “Other Safety Devices” section.

Hoisting Hoisting
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Telescoping the Boom

Controls (ISO Layout)

◆The arrangement of the levers shown here is based on the ISO layout. The arrangement on machines adopting the
TADANO layout is different from the one shown. (See “Layout of Controls” for TADANO layout.)
1 2

AML 50℃





AML 50℃


7 ON





2B D E F





1. Boom telescoping operation indicator lamp 6. Boom telescoping control pedal

2. Telescoping mode II indicator lamp 7. Boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever
3. Telescoping mode I indicator lamp 8. Head/end boom extension switch
4. Telescoping mode I/II switch 9. 2nd boom emergency telescoping switch
5. Boom telescoping/auxiliary hoist control selector 10. 3rd/4th/top boom emergency telescoping switch

Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Telescoping Mode I/II Switch The lifting capacities for the "telescoping mode II” are
smaller than the ones for the "telescoping mode I” in the
Before performing boom telescoping operation, select
strength sections, but exceeds them in the stability sec-
the boom telescoping mode using the telescoping mode
I/II switch.
The boom telescoping sequence for each telescoping
The rated lifting capacities vary for the "telescoping
mode are shown below.
mode I (2nd boom section extends first)” and "telescop-
ing mode II (3rd through top boom sections extends
first)”. See the rated lifting capacity tables for both
modes and select the telescoping mode that suits your
job plan.

Telescoping mode I (2nd boom section extends first.)

Base boom section 2nd boom section 3rd boom section 4th boom section Top boom section

Retraction Extension 42.0m

(Fully extended)
(3rd/4th/top boom sectiona 66% extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections 33% extended)

18.8m (2nd boom section fully extended)

15.0m (2nd boom section 50% extended)

11.1m (Fully retracted)

Telescoping mode II (3rd/4th/top boom sections extend first.)

Retraction Extension 42.0m

(Fully extended)

(2nd boom section 50% extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections fully extended)

(3rd/4th/top boom sections 66% extended)

18.8m (3rd/4th/top boom sections 33% extended)

11.1m (Fully retracted)


Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

1. Fully retract the boom. Extending and Retracting the Boom

◆While the boom is not fully retracted, the telescoping
mode cannot be changed even if the telescoping mode
Moving the control levers abruptly is danger-
I/II switch is pressed.
ous because it causes the load to bounce and
2. Press the telescoping mode I/II switch to select the swing. Operate levers slowly and carefully.
boom telescoping mode I or II. When the boom is extended, the working radius
◆Make sure that the indicator lamp that corresponds increases. Be alert to any sign of overloading
the selected mode lights up. when extending the boom.
Do not push or pull the load by telescoping the
Telescoping mode I boom. This practice can damage the crane and
lead to an accident.
Telescoping mode
I indicator lamp
A boom telescoped incorrectly can collapse if a
lift is made in this condition. Watch out for any er-

ror in the boom section telescoping sequence

Telescoping mode I/II switch
while operating the crane.
Check that the boom telescoping operation in-
dicator lamp is lit before operating the lever;
otherwise the crane can move regardless of your
intent and create a hazard.

Telescoping mode II
Telescoping mode II
indicator lamp
◆The extended boom retracts, though slightly, in
course of time, due to hydraulic oil temperature

85℃ change. For example, 5 m extended boom retracts

Telescoping mode I/II switch by approx. 40 mm along with lowering of tempera-
ture by 10°C. Besides temperature, the boom’s
telescoping conditions, boom angle, lubrication, etc.
FREE affect the amount of retraction.
For boom retraction prevention, use the following
Boom Telescoping Control Pedal (1) Do not extend the boom when the hydraulic oil
This pedal is for extending and retracting the boom. is extremely high. (Activate the oil cooler when
◆You can telescope the boom by using the boom tele- the hydraulic oil is still cold to prevent the oil
scoping control pedal independent of the boom from getting hot.)
telescoping /auxiliary hoist control selector switch condi- (2) Manipulate the telescoping control lever slightly
tion. to the EXTEND direction to mitigate the oil ef-
(3) Perform boom extending operation at appropri-
ate intervals.
◆When you retract the boom while the boom angle
To extend
is 76° or over, the retraction stops approx. 2 m short
of the full retraction to prevent the main hook block
To retract
from contacting the jib.

Boom telescoping T23181E

control pedal

Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

The boom consists of five sections. The telescoping of 2. Push the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control
these boom sections is controlled by using the boom lever forward. The 2nd boom section will extend.
telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever, the boom tele-
scoping control pedal, boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist 3. Once the 2nd boom section has extended fully,
control selector switch and the head/end boom exten- press the head/end boom extension switch while keep-
sion switch. ing the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever
The telescoping speed can be controlled by changing pressed.
the amount the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control ◆Release the head/end boom extension switch as soon
lever and the boom telescoping control pedal are moved as the 3rd, 4th, and top boom sections start to extend.
and by using the accelerator pedal.
To extend: Push the lever forward. 4. Once the boom has extended to the desired length,
To retract: Pull the lever rearward. return the lever to the neutral position.
To stop: Return the lever to neutral position.
Boom telescoping
/auxiliary hoist control lever Push (to extend) Boom Extension (Boom Telescoping Mode II)
1. Flip the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control se-
Neutral (stop) lector switch to the “boom telescoping” side and the
boom telescoping mode I/II switch to the “II” side.
◆When turning the switch, keep pressing the lock
Pull (to retract) button on the switch.
◆Make sure that the boom telescoping operation indi-
cator lamp and telescoping mode II indicator lamp light

Boom telescoping operation indicator lamp

Boom Extension (Boom Telescoping Mode I)
1. Flip the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control se- Telescoping mode II indicator switch

lector switch to the “boom telescoping” side and the

Boom telescoping / auxiliary hoist
boom telescoping mode I/II switch to the “I” side. control selector switch
◆When turning the switch, keep pressing the lock Telescoping mode
I/II switch
button on the switch.
◆Make sure that the boom telescoping operation indi-
cator lamp and telescoping mode I indicator lamp light
up. T27923E

Boom telescoping operation indicator lamp

2. Push the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control
lever forward. The 3rd, 4th and top boom sections will
Telescoping mode I indicator lamp
extend simultaneously.
Boom telescoping / auxiliary hoist
control selector switch
Telescoping mode
3. Once the 3rd through top boom sections have ex-
I/II switch tended fully, press the head/end boom extension switch
while keeping the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist con-
trol lever pressed. The 2nd boom sections will extend.
◆Release the head/end boom extension switch as soon
as the 3rd, 4th, and top boom sections start to extend.

Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

4. Once the boom has extended to the desired length, Emergency Telescoping Procedure
return the lever to the neutral position.

When the boom is extended or retracted using

Boom Retraction (Boom Telescoping Mode
the emergency telescoping procedure, it is no
I) longer in normal operating condition. The
strength of a boom extended to any length by this
1. Pull the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control
mode will be considerably less than when extend-
lever toward you. If the boom is already extended fully,
ed normally to the same length. When the
the 3rd, 4th and top boom sections will retract first. After
emergency telescoping procedure must be used,
the 3rd through top boom sections have retracted fully,
remove the load from the hook. Never hoist any
the 2nd boom section will start retracting.
load until the boom has been returned to its nor-
2. Once the boom has retracted to the desired length, mal operating condition.
return the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever
This mode of telescoping the boom should be used to
to the neutral position.
stow the boom when the boom cannot be extended or
retracted for some reason, such as a malfunctioning
Boom Retraction (Boom Telescoping Mode boom length sensor.
Use this procedure also when you need to extend or
retract a boom section in a sequence other than the nor-
1. Pull the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control mal sequence, for inspection or maintenance purposes.
lever toward you. If the boom is already extended fully, The controls used in the emergency telescoping proce-
the 2nd boom section will retract first. After the 2nd dure are the boom telescoping/auxiliary hoist control
boom section has retracted fully, the 3rd, 4th and top lever, 2nd boom emergency telescoping switch, and
boom sections will start retracting. 3rd/4th/top boom emergency telescoping switch.

2. Once the boom has retracted to the desired length,

2nd boom section
return the boom telescoping /auxiliary hoist control lever emergency telescoping switch
to the neutral position.
2B D E F



3rd/4th top boom section

emergency telescoping switch


2nd Boom Section Telescoping Procedure

While pressing the 2nd boom emergency telescoping
switch, operate the boom telescoping/auxiliary hoist
control lever. The 2nd section will extend or retract re-
gardless of the status of the 3rd, 4th and top boom

Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

3rd/4th/Top Boom Section Telescoping

While pressing the 3rd/4th/top boom emergency tele-
scoping switch, operate the boom telescoping/auxiliary
hoist control lever. The 3rd, 4th and top boom sections
will extend or retract regardless of the status of the 2nd
boom section.

Telescoping the Boom Telescoping the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Elevating the Boom

Controls (ISO Recommended Layout)

◆The arrangement of the levers shown here is based on the ISO layout. The arrangement on machines adopting the
TADANO recommended layout is different from the one shown. (See “Layout of Controls” for TADANO recommended



AML 50℃





MY30 L


1. Boom elevating control pedal

2. Slow elevation stop switch
3. Boom elevating control lever

Raising and Lowering the Boom

Moving the control levers abruptly is danger-
ous because it causes the load to bounce and
Do not stick your hand or head out of the win- swing. Be sure to operate the levers slowly and
dow during crane operation. Serious injury or carefully.
death can result from this practice. The machine is not automatically stopped even
if the boom is elevated to raise a dangerously
heavy load clear of the ground. An overloaded
machine could overturn or be damaged. Use only
the hoist-up operation to raise the load clear of
the ground.
When the boom is lowered, the working radius
increases. Be alert to any sign of overloading
when lowering the boom.
Do not try to pull the load inward by raising the
boom. This practice can damage the crane, lead-
ing to an accident.

Elevating the Boom Elevating the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

[NOTICE] Boom Elevating Control Pedal

◆While the elevating cylinder is extended or re-
This pedal is for raising and lowering the boom.
tracted to the full stroke, the display of the real load
and the moment ratio on the AML becomes erro-
neous. In this case, elevate the boom in the opposite
direction to terminate the stroke end condition.
◆When the boom angle is raised to a very high an-
gle with the hook block positioned near the boom To lower
top, abrupt boom elevating operation will cause the
To raise
hook block or the lifted load to hit the elevating
cylinder or the boom at the lower face. The cylinder
or the boom may be damaged.
Boom elevating control pedal T23185E
◆When you raise the boom while the boom length
is 11.3 m or shorter, the boom rising stops at ap-
prox. 76° of the boom angle to prevent the main
hook block from contacting the jib.

The boom elevating control lever (or boom elevating

control pedal) is used to raise or lower the boom.
Control the elevating speed by changing the amount you
move the boom elevating control lever and by using the
accelerator pedal.
To raise: Pull the lever rearward.
To lower: Push the lever forward.
To stop: Return the lever to neutral position.

Boom elevating Push (to lower)

control lever

Neutral (stop)

Pull (to raise)


Elevating the Boom Elevating the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Elevation Slow Stop

Stopping elevating the boom while the slow

stop function is canceled can cause a shock
according to the way of operation. Operate the
crane carefully.
When the cancellation of the slow stop function
is required no more, restore the slow stop func-
tion immediately.

Slow Stop Function

This function prevents abrupt shocks caused by stop of
boom elevation. In the following cases, the boom eleva-
tion speed gradually decreases to stop before the boom
reaches the stoppage position.
(1) When the elevating cylinder is extended to its stroke
(2) When the automatic stop is caused by overloading
(3) When the automatic stop is caused by working range
limit function
(4) When the automatic stop is caused by upper boom
angle restriction

Canceling the Slow Stop Function

If the actual job condition requires cancellation of the el-
evation slow stop function, shift the slow elevation stop
switch to OFF side. The elevation slow stop function will
be canceled.
◆To restore the slow stop function, return the switch to
the “ACTIVATED” side.

Slow elevation

stop switch





Elevating the Boom Elevating the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Swinging the Boom


AML 50℃





AML 50℃





2 H

MY30 L



1. Horn switch 4. Swing brake switch

2. Swing control lever 5. Swing stop override switch
3. Swing free/lock selector switch 6. Swing lock lever

Swinging the Boom Swinging the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Swinging the Boom 1. Place the swing free/lock selector switch to either
the FREE or LOCK position, depending on the job to be
Be sure to move the swing control lever slowly "FREE": The swing continues even after the swing con-
and carefully. Moving the lever abruptly is danger- trol lever has been returned to the neutral position due
ous because it causes the load to bounce and to the effects of inertia. Keep this in mind when returning
swing. This practice could result in injury or death the lever to the neutral position.
and may also damage the crane. This position is useful when the boom is used short to lift
During a swing operation, the crane will not be a heavy load and the load is not located directly below
stopped even if it is in an overload condition. the hook block. When a hoist up operation is started
When swinging a load from the over-front area to with the switch in the "FREE" position, the boom swings
an over-side area during on-rubber operation, be toward the load, making it possible to lift the load verti-
extremely careful not to have the crane become cally.
overloaded. "LOCK": When the switch is in this position, the swing
If the alarm buzzer sounds and a message stops as soon as the swing control lever is returned to
appears on the AML moment display during a the neutral position. Be sure to return the swing control
swing, stop the swing immediately. Then lower lever to the neutral position slowly.
the load or swing the boom back to avoid an ◆The position of the switch must not be changed dur-
accident. ing a swing operation.
Do not try to pull the load inward or sideways ◆The indicator lamp is lit while the switch is in the
by swinging the boom. This practice can damage “FREE” position.
the crane, leading to an accident.
Before swinging the load, make sure that the OFF ON

work area is clear of obstructions which the boom


Indicator lamp
or jib could hit.
Before swinging the load, press the horn ON
AML 50℃


switch to alert people in the work area around the (LOCK)





Swing free/lock
selector switch
Use the swing control lever to swing the crane. The
swing speed can be controlled by changing the amount T24240E
you move the swing control lever and by using the ac-
celerator pedal.
◆When the swing free/lock selector switch is in the
FREE position, be sure to take into account the effect of
inertia on the swing when you stop the swing.
◆Be sure to set the swing brake switch “ON” after a
swing operation.

Swinging the Boom Swinging the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. Set the swing brake switch to OFF to release the 5. Operate the swing control lever as follows:
swing brake. To swing left: Pull the lever rearward.
Also set the swing stop override switch to the “SWING To swing right: Push the lever forward.
STOP ACTIVATED” to make the swing stop function To stop: Return the lever to the neutral position.
available. ◆Be sure to set the swing brake switch ON after a
◆Swing stop function is activated even while the swing swing operation.
free/lock selector switch is set to “FREE”. ◆Do not set the swing lock lever to "LOCK" during
swing operation.
Swing brake switch
◆Activate swing lock only to travel for a small distance

ON (ON) with the crane out of traveling configuration for unavoid-

able reasons.

Swing lock is not available while the boom is stowed on
the boom rest.


Swing stop override switch


Push (to swing right)

(OFF) Swing control lever


ACTIVATED) Neutral (stop)

3. If the swing lock pin is engaged, position the swing Pull (to swing left) Horn switch

lock lever in the RELEASE position to extract the swing

lock pin.
◆When the swing lock pin is too heavy to come out,
move the swing control lever slightly to and fro.

Swing lock lever



4. Before operating the swing control lever, press the

horn switch to alert people around the crane.

Swinging the Boom Swinging the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Swing Stop
Swing stop override switch

While the swing stop function is canceled, the OFF (OFF)

boom does not stop swinging even if the crane is
overloading by boom swing operation. It will be ACTIVATED)
very hazardous when lifting capacities vary de- FREE

pending on the working areas (extension width of


the four outriggers is not equal).

As a rule, do not cancel the swing stop function. If
you must cancel it unavoidably, pay extreme at-
tention to the moment display during crane
operation to prevent overloading.

◆The swing stop override switch shoud be shifted
to “SWING STOP ACTIVATED” side and the follow-
ing conditions should be satisfied to activate the
swing automatic function:
• The crane is set level.
• A load does not sway while the boom is swung.
• There is no or weak wind blowing.
◆If a load moment in a stationary state is between
90 and 100% of the limit, there is a possibility that
the swing operation is automatically stopped be-
cause the moment exceeds 100% due to an added
moment by sway of the load or centrifugal force dur-
ing swing motion. In this case a message of
"Warning: 0042" or "Warning: 0043" will appear and
the swing operation may be automatically stopped.

Swing Stop Function

This function automatically halts the boom swing in the
following cases by making the boom swing speed grad-
ually decrease to stop before the boom reaches the
stoppage position.
(1) Automatic stop by swing range limit
(2) Automatic stop by overloading during boom swing

Canceling the Swing Stop Function

If the actual job condition requires cancellation of the
swing stop function, shift the swing stop override switch
to the OFF side. The swing stop function will be can-

Swinging the Boom Swinging the Boom

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Taking Out and Stowing the

Main Hook Block
[NOTICE] 3. After slacking the main winch wire rope slightly by
◆When the overwind cutout function is deactivated, hoisting down the main winch, remove the wire rope
a hoisting up operation is not automatically stopped from the rope arrester on the bottom of the jib.
even if the hook block is overhoisted. Overwinding
damages the wire rope and crane. Always be careful
not to overwind when the overwind cutout function Jib

is deactivated.
◆Operating the winch with no tension on the wire
rope causes the rope to wind improperly. Perform
the hoist-down operation at the tension given by the
mass of the hook block.

Rope arrester
◆When the main hook block is being taken out or T30140E

stowed, the overwind cutout device may be activated,

making any further operation impossible. You can avoid
this condition by placing the overwind cutout release
4. Hoist down with the main winch to loosen the main
wire rope, and, at the same time, raise the boom to a
switch in the ON position to deactivate the automatic
position where the hook holder can be released.
cutout function. Always be sure to return the switch to
◆Raise the boom, taking care not to apply too much
the OFF position as soon as the hook block has been
tension to the wire rope and being sure that the wire
taken out or stowed.
rope winds properly around the drum.

Taking Out Main Hook Block

1. Extend the outriggers and place the crane in a level

2. Remove the hook retainer fitting.

Hook block retainer fitting


5. Detach the hook holder from the main hook block.

‹Operate the crane slowly to avoid the hook block


Hook holder


Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Stowing Main Hook Block 5. Attach the wire rope to the rope arrester on the bot-
tom of the jib. Then wind in the wire rope until it
1. Fully retract the boom.
becomes slightly taut.

2. Move the main hook block to its stowing position.


Rope arrester

6. Secure the main hook block with the hook block re-
tainer fitting.
3. Attach the hook holder to the main hook block.

Hook block retainer fitting

Hook holder


4. Lower the boom while hoisting up with the main

winch, and stow the boom on the boom rest.


Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block Taking Out and Stowing the Main Hook Block
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Reeving Wire Rope

Standard Number of Parts of Line The following tables show the standard number of parts
of line for different boom lengths. Select the number of
parts of line that ensures the most efficient operation,
taking into consideration boom length, load mass, hoist-
If you reeve the wire rope in a number of parts
ing speed and other conditions.
of line greater than the standard and raise the
boom to a large angle, the extra wraps of rope
that should be left on the drum will be lost before
the hook block reaches the ground, causing
damage to the wire rope. Even with the standard
number of parts of line, this problem will arise if
the load is lowered below ground level. When the
number of parts of line is greater than the
standard or the load is being handled on a site
that has a significant level differences, ensure
that at least three wraps of rope will remain on the
winch drum when the load is lowered.
When the number of parts of line is less than
the standard, be sure not to exceed the allowable
load for one part of line (see the "INFORMATION
AND DATA" section).

Reeving Wire Rope Reeving Wire Rope

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E
Telescoping Mode I (2nd boom section
extends first.)

11.1m 15.0m 18.8m 26.6m 34.3m 42.0m Jib,single top

2 10
13 (*1) 12 7 5 4 1
9 (*2)

Single top


55t 20t


Hook block mass: 570kg Hook block mass: 400kg

Hook block
mass: 130kg

Hook block mass: 410kg


1. Boom length
2. Number of parts of line
3. Reeving pattern
4. Hook block
(*1): Use 13 parts of line only while the allowable maxi-
mum load is 55 t.
(*2): Do not operate the crane with a load exceeding the
rated lifting capacity of 35 t.

Reeving Wire Rope Reeving Wire Rope

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E
Telescoping Mode II (3rd through top boom
sections extend first.)

11.1m 18.8m 26.6m 34.3m 38.1m 42.0m Jib,single top

2 13 (*1) 12 7 5 4 1

Single top

55t 20t


Hook block mass: 570kg Hook block mass: 400kg

4 35t
Hook block
mass: 130kg

Hook block mass: 410kg


1. Boom length
2. Number of parts of line
3. Reeving pattern
4. Hook block
(*1): Use 13 parts of line only while the allowable maxi-
mum load is 55 t.

Reeving Wire Rope Reeving Wire Rope

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Reeving Procedure 4. Remove the two rope guide pins from the boom
◆When installing the hook block, the guard attached to
the hook block must be facing the weight of the over-
wind cutout device. Be sure to install the hook in the Rope guide pin
correct direction.



5. Remove the three bolts from the main hook block

and remove the cover.

1. Extend the outriggers and place the boom over a

side or over the rear.

2. Lower the boom all the way and set the hook block
on the ground. Bolt

3. Remove the weight of the overwind cutout device


from the wire rope.



Reeving Wire Rope Reeving Wire Rope

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

6. Reeve the wire rope according to the "Standard 8. Install the weight for the overwind cutout device on
Number of Parts of Line" table. the rope.
◆When you need to pull out the wire rope, pull the rope ◆Where the weight should be installed depends on the
by hand while hoisting down with the winch in order to number of parts of line. When the number of parts of line
prevent improper winding. is even, install the weight on the last part of line. When
◆Mount the single top when making the 13 parts of line the number is odd, install the weight on the second to
using the 55-t hook block. In this case, attach the rope last part of line.
guide pin to the single top after reeving the wire rope on
the sheve of the single top. Even number of parts Odd number of parts

Rope socket Weight

Rope socket


9. Replace the two rope guide pins at the the boom

Snap pin head. Place the cover in position on the hook block and
secure with the three bolts.

10. Raise the boom and hoist up the winch to wind the
Wire guide pin
rope around the drum.
◆The rope is often wound improperly when the wire
rope is reeved. Rewind the ropes if necessary.
7. After reeving the rope, install the rope socket on the
boom if the number of parts of line is even, or on the
hook if the number is odd.

Secure the rope socket fixing pin installing bolt

using a wrench. Always insert the cotter pin to
prevent the bolt from falling out.

◆Have the rope socket facing in the direction shown in

the figure when it is installed on the boom.

Cotter pin Bolt

Rope socket
Top boom section

Reeving Wire Rope Reeving Wire Rope

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Single Top


In stowed configuration 5


1. Auxiliary wire rope 5. Single top

2. Weight for overwind cutout device 6. Connecting pin
3. Auxiliary hook block 7. Stowing pin
4. Switch for overwind cutout device

Single Top Single Top

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Single Top Lift Mounting the Single Top

The rated lifting capacity for a single top lift is When working at an elevated position, use a
determined by subtracting the mass of the hook platform to prevent falling and ensure safety.
block hanging under the boom from the rated lift- Mount the single top securely. Use the attached
ing capacity for a boom lift. The maximum lifting bolts, cotter pins and rings to ensure that the
capacity permitted for the single top, however, is stowing pin, connecting pins, rope guide pins,
limited to 4,500 kg. When the load value obtained and hook mounting pins do not slip out of posi-
from the above calculation is over 4,500 kg, regard tion.
4,500 kg must be taken as the rated lifting capaci-
ty. 1. Fully extend the outriggers and set the crane in a
level position.
The single top is mounted on the the boom head and
used for lifting relatively light loads. Although the load 2. Lower the boom all the way down.
that the single top can handle is limited in mass, the sin-
gle top utilizes a single rope arrangement which 3. Remove the stowing pin and connecting pin, then
significantly shortens hoisting time. swing the single top forward.
Use of the single top is limited to hoisting operations Replace the stowing pin in its original position.
with the auxiliary winch, auxiliary winch wire rope and
auxiliary hook block.
◆To operate with the single top, select the single top lift Stowing pin
status on the AML before actually starting operation. Connecting pin

When using the single top as a means to install the jib

on top of the boom, select the jib set status on the AML
according to the "Mounting the Jib" which appears later
in this book.


4. Insert the connecting pin to secure the single top in

Connecting pin



Single Top Single Top

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

5. Remove the auxiliary winch wire rope socket from 8. Set the switch for overwind cutout device (stored in
the support on the side face of the boom and bring it to the tool box) on the single top.
the boom head.

Lock pin

Support Rope socket


9. Connect the leads of the overwind cutout device as

6. Unhook the auxiliary winch rope from the rope ar- shown.

Rope arrester


7. Reeve the auxiliary winch wire rope around the Secure the rope socket fixing pin installing bolt
sheaves of the top boom section and the single top. Set using a wrench.
the rope guide in position on the head of the top boom
section. 10. Pass the rope-socketed rope through the overwind
cutout device weight ring. And install the rope socket in
the auxiliary hook block.

Rope guide
Rope socket

T20780E hook block


11. Hoist up the auxiliary hook block to take it out from

its stowing position.

Single Top Single Top

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

12. Select the single top lift status on the AML. Stowing the Single Top

When working at an elevated position, use a

platform to prevent falling and ensure safety.
ft Stow the single top securely. Use the attached
bolts, cotter pins and rings to ensure that the
stowing pin, connecting pins, rope guide pins,
and hook mounting pins do not slip out of posi-

1. Stow the auxiliary hook block in its stowing position.

13. Overhoist the auxiliary hook block and make sure

2. Take the rope socket out from the auxiliary hook
that the overwind cutout device is operating properly.

Rope socket

hook block


3. Lower the boom all the way down.

4. Connect and disconnect the leads of the overwind

cutout device as shown.


5. Detach the switch for overwind cutout device and

replace it in the tool box.

Single Top Single Top

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

6. Disreeve the auxiliary winch wire rope from the top 10. Remove the connecting pin and swing the single
boom section sheaves and the single top sheave. top back to its stowing position. Insert the connecting pin
Afterward, reset the rope guide as it has been. in its original position.

Connecting pin

Rope guide

T20781E T00244E

7. Reeve the auxiliary winch wire rope through the 11. Insert the stowing pin to secure the single top.
stopper and the rope arrester.

Stowing pin



12. Select the boom lift status on the AML.

8. Attach the rope socket of the auxiliary winch wire
rope to the support on the side face of the boom.


Lock pin

Support Rope socket


◆Wind very carefully. Winding the wire rope too far
may break the support.
9. Wind the auxiliary winch wire rope, leaving it slightly

Single Top Single Top

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


◆Jib stowed configuration

Jib locking device

Safety rope

Jib support rod holder

Top jib

Base jib

Jib set pin

Jib support rod

Auxiliary winch wire rope

Rope socket

Rear of swing table

Jib support bracket

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Jib Lift ◆The jib will be damaged if it is mounted or stowed

in an incorrect sequence. To mount and stow the jib,
follow the procedure given in the chart below.
Extending the outriggers is a prerequisite for
lifting a load on the jib. Never try to lift a load on Mounting Jib Stowing Jib

the jib when the crane is not supported on extend- 1 Mounting Jib 1 Retracting Jib
ed outriggers.
A load suspended from the jib must not be
swung to the over-front area without extending the
front jack; the crane could overturn. When the
front jack is not extended, the rated lifting capaci-
ty decreases. 2 Changing of jib offset angle 2 Set the jib offset angle
at 5°
Make sure that the auxiliary wire rope is not
disorderly wound on the drum.
When extending the jib, install a 20-t hook for
the main winch.

◆When you mount or stow the jib with the overwind 3 Extending Jib 3 Retractig Jib

cutout function deactivated, operation will not be

automatically stopped even if the hook block is
overwound. Overwinding damages the crane. Be
sure not to overwind when mounting or stowing the

The jib is mounted on the boom head and is used for lift-
ing a relatively light load to a high location. Three jib
offset angles (5°, 25°, and 45°) are available, depending
on the operation to be performed.
Use of the jib is limited to hoisting operations using the
auxiliary winch, auxiliary winch wire rope and auxiliary
hook block.

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Jib Lock Indicator Lamp Mounting the Jib

This lamp indicates the mounting condition of the jib.
◆The lit jib lock indicator means that the jib is being
When extending the jib, install a 20-t hook for
mounted or stowed. Take great care in handling the jib
the main winch.
because the jib is likely to drop and create hazard in this
Always check that the jib set pin for the jib sup-
port bracket is in place. Operating the crane
Jib locking Jib set Jib lock Jib condition without this pin will cause the jib to fall off.
device pin indicator lamp
Out Not lit Extended
In Flashing Faulty
Being extended
Out Lit
Lock or retracted
In Not lit Stowed



The guide rope may break under the tension

that is caused by extending the jib more than nec-
AML 50℃


essary when the jib is unlocked. The jib would be


left with nothing on which to be supported, and be



Jib lock indicator lamp

swung in the direction it has set out to swing. The
broken guide rope would also be jumping about
T24339E around the boom, posing a great danger to people.
Always extend the boom slightly when unlocking
the jib.
When you set the jib to swing forward beyond
the boom, keep people out of the path of the jib to
prevent an accident.
The AML's control functions, the automatic stop
function and overwind cutout functions are deacti-
vated when the jib set status is selected on the
AML. Mount the jib carefully with no load on the
When working at an elevated position, use a
platform to prevent falling and ensure safety.
Use the attached bolts and cotter pins to secure
the lock pin, rope guide pins, and stowing pin in

1. Place the crane on the extended outriggers in a

place large enough for mounting the jib.
◆Always extend the outriggers fully or to the middle ex-
tension width.

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. Take out the auxiliary hook block out of stowage, 8. Reeve the auxiliary winch wire rope over the single
and place it below the expected position of the jib. top sheave.

3. Select the jib set status on the AML.

Do not attach the wire guide pin; otherwise the
pin will cut the auxiliary wire rope when the jib is
swung out.



4. Swing the boom to an over-side or the over-rear T24446

area, fully retract the boom, and lower the boom to a -2°
9. Attach the auxiliary hook block to the auxiliary guide
5. Mount the single top. rope.

6. Remove the lock pin and remove the rope socket

Secure the rope socket fixing pin installing bolt
from the support on the boom.
using a wrench.

Lock pin

Support Rope socket


7. Unhook the auxiliary winch wire rope from the rope

10. Take out the overwind cutout device weight. With
the bolt fixing the overwind cutout device weight re-
moved, split the weight, and pass the auxiliary winch
wire rope through the weight.
Rope arrester


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

12. After making sure that the boom is fully retracted,

remove the jib set pin from jib the support bracket, then
insert it from below into the jib at the base. (Insert the jib
Aux. winch wire rope
set pin (B) into the hole outside.) The jib lock indicator
will light up.
Remove the fixing bolt first


11. Pass the attached guide rope through the jib and
put it on the auxiliary hook block and the jib support
Jib set pin(A) Jib set pin(B)
bracket. T24447E



AML 50℃





Jib lock
indicator lamp


Safety rope

Safety rope
Guide rope

Guide pin


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

13. Raise the boom to an angle of 70-75°. Then, hoist 15. Slightly extend the boom. (Extending the boom ap-
up the main hook block to such a degree that it does not proximately 3 cm unlocks the jib locking device,
contact the jib. swinging the jib forward.) The jib lock indicator will go
Afterward, hoist up the auxiliary hook block to the de- out.
gree that the guide rope is not to tense.

The jib will fall and create hazard if the boom is

extended while the auxiliary rope is not tense.
Before operating the auxiliary hoist control lever,
make sure that the boom telescoping/ auxiliary
hoist control selector switch is shifted to
"auxiliary hoist control" side.

◆Check that the auxiliary wire rope has not come
out of the single top sheave. OFF ON


AML 50℃






Jib lock indicator lamp


Guide rope

16. Hoist down with the auxiliary winch until the jib
comes vertical. Then hoist down further, lower the boom
14. Reeve the safety rope from the jib head. to the boom angle of 48° and remove the guide rope
from the boom and jib.

17. Pass the auxiliary winch wire rope through the jib
Safety rope head.

Guide rope



Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

18. Hoist up with the auxiliary winch and butt the over- 20. Stop extending the boom when the jib and boom
wind cutout device against the jib head. become in parallel enough with each other.
◆The boom extended too far makes it impossible to
mount the jib support rods. Pay attention to the jib.


19. Perform the "Lowering the boom" and "Extending
the boom" operations at the same time and slowly to
swing the jib. Do this in such a way that the auxiliary 21. Opening the jib support rod stowing support, take
hook block head moves horizontally 50cm or so above out the jib support rods.
the ground. ◆The jib support rod comes in two, the right one and
[NOTICE] left one.
◆The main hook block comes closer to the boom
head as the jib swings. If the main hook block hits
against the boom head, the hook block, boom, main
winch wire rope will be damaged.
To swing the jib, always pay attention to the clear-
ance between the main hook block and the boom
head, so that the main hook block will be kept clear
of the boom head.
◆The auxiliary winch wire rope comes under great
tension as the jib swings. Not taking enough time
for perfuming "Lowering the boom” or "Extending T01542
the boom” will exert a tension greater than the auxil-
22. Connect the jib support rods to the boom nose.
iary winch wire rope can withstand, so the rope will
◆To prevent the jib support rod attach pin from slipping
break causing the auxiliary hook block to fall and
off, do not fail to set it with the snap pin.
get damaged. It is, therefore, very important to run
the engine at lower speeds so that no excessive
strain will be placed on the wire rope when perform-
ing "Lowering the boom” or "Extending the boom”. Snap pin

Jib support rod

Attach pin

50cm T24346

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

23. Extract and insert jib set pin (B) in the inner hole. 26. Connect the leads of the overwind cutout device.


24. Perform "Raising the boom” and "Retracting the 27. Select the status for 9.0 m jib, 5° offset on the
boom” to stretch the jib support rod. AML.





25. Connect the switch for the overwind cutout device. 28. Overwind the auxiliary hook block and make sure
that the overwind cutout device is operating properly.

29. The jib is now mounted at 9.0 meters with a 5° off-

set angle.
◆To change the offset angle or to extend the top jib
section, see the "Changing the Jib Offset Angle” and
"Changing the Jib Length” sections.


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Changing the Jib Offset Angle 3. Hoist the auxiliary hook block till it contacts the jib
top end.

When working on a part at an elevated position,

use a platform to prevent falling and ensure
Secure the offset pin in place by using the
attached snap pin.

◆The jib will be damaged if the jib offset angle is
changed with the top jib section extended. Make
sure that the jib is fully retracted whenever the jib T01560
offset angle is changed.
4. Extend the boom only to an extent that the tension
on the jib support rods is slightly relieved.
1. Select the jib set status on the AML.




2. Lower the boom to 0° and extend it approx. 80 cm

from the fully retracted length.


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

5. Re-insert the offset pin through the pin hole for the 6. Raise the boom to approx. 20°; then slowly retract it
desired offset angle. until the mass of the jib is fully supported by the jib sup-
(1) Changing jib offset angle to 5゚ or 25゚. port rods.
Re-insert the offset pins through the pin hole for the
desired offset angle.
(2) Changing jib offset angle to 45゚.
Stow the offset pin.
◆Make sure that the pins in the 45゚ offset pinholes are
securely inserted. 20°

For 5° offset


Offset pin
7. Hoist down the auxiliary winch to let out the auxil-
iary winch wire rope.

For 25° offset

Offset pin

For 45° offset

8. Select the jib offset angle on the AML correspond-
ing to the actual angle.

Offset pin


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Changing the Jib Length 3. Disconnect the overwind cutout device leads.

When working at an elevated position, use a

platform to prevent falling and ensure safety.
Secure the jib lock pin in place by using the
attached snap pin.

◆The jib could be damaged if the boom is extended
or lowered with the jib at a 5° offset angle and the T22772

auxiliary hook block in contact with the jib head.

Use the hoist operation to change the jib length.
4-1. Jib offset angle at 5°
(1) Hoist down with the auxiliary winch to let out the wire
Extending Top Jib Section rope approx. 8 meters.
◆To prevent the wire rope from being improperly
1. Select the jib set status on the AML. wound, operate the winch while pulling on the rope
by hand.



2. Lower the boom until the jib head is approximately 01558

1.3 meters above the ground. (2) Remove the jib lock pin and slide out the top jib sec-

The top jib section may extend suddenly. Do

not stand in the path of an extending jib.




Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

4-2. Jib offset angle at 25° or 45° (4) If the top jib section does not extend all the way,
(1) Hoist up the auxiliary hook block until it touches the draw it out by hand.
jib head.

The top jib section may extend suddenly. Do

not stand in the path of an extending jib.

5. After the top jib section has extended completely,

insert the jib lock pin.


(2) Hoist up the auxiliary hook block slightly and remove
the jib lock pin.


6. Reconnect the overwind cutout device leads.


(3) Slowly hoist down the auxiliary hook block. The top
jib section will extend under its own weight.
◆While lowering the auxiliary hook block, raise the
boom as necessary to prevent the jib head from hit- T22773

ting against the ground.

7. Select the status on the AML that corresponds to
the actual state of the jib.
Top jib
8. Operate the auxiliary winch to overwind the hook
block, and make sure that the overwind cutout device is
operating properly.


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Retracting the Top Jib Section 4. Remove the jib lock pin.

1. Select the jib set status on the AML.



5. Hoist up the auxiliary hook block until it touches the
jib head.
2. Lower the boom until the jib head is approximately
1 meter above the ground.

1m T01568

6. Slowly hoist up using the auxiliary winch to retract
the top jib section until about 1 meter remains extended.
3. Disconnect the overwind cutout device lead. Insert
the disconnected end of the lead into the holder.




Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

7. Lower the boom until the jib head is approximately Stowing the Jib
1 meter above the ground.
Hoist up again with the auxiliary winch until the top jib
section is fully retracted. Operating the crane without the jib set pin for
the jib support bracket causes the jib to fall off.
Always check that the jib set pin is in place before
operating the crane.




8. Insert the jib lock pin.

After the jib lock pin has been inserted, hoist down the Hoisting up more than necessary with the auxil-
auxiliary hook block. iary winch when locking the jib will place a great
tension on the guide rope, which may break as a
result. If the guide rope breaks, the jib would left
with nothing on which to be supported and would
be swung in the direction it has set out to swing.
The broken guide rope would jump about around
the boom, posing a great danger to people.
Always hoist up slowly with the auxiliary winch
when locking the jib.
Keep people out of the path of the jib when
stowing the jib under the boom.
The AML's control functions, the automatic
stop function and overwind cutout function are de-
9. Reconnect the overwind cutout device leads.
activated when the jib set status is selected on the
AML. Stow the jib carefully with no load on the
When working at an elevated position, use a
platform to prevent falling and ensure safety.
Use the attached bolts and cotter pins to se-
cure the lock pin, rope guide pins, and stowing pin
in position.

◆When the offset angle and length of the jib is

changed, return the jib to the 9.0 m jib, 5° offset status
10. Select the status on the AML that corresponds to before stowing it.
the actual state of the jib.

11. Operate the auxiliary winch to overhoist the hook

block, and make sure that the overwind cutout device is
operating properly.

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

1. Select the jib set status on the AML. 5. Hoist up the auxiliary hook block until it touches the
jib head.


T22743 T01568

2. Swing the boom to an over-side or the over-rear

area, lower the boom to a -2° angle and extend the 6. Extend the boom only to an extent that the tension
boom by approx. 2 m. on the jib support rods is slightly relieved.

3. Disconnect the switch for the overwind cutout de-

vice from the jib.
◆Leave the weight for the overwind cutout device in-
stalled as it is.


7. Detach the jib support rods from the top boom sec-
◆To prevent the jib support rod attach pin from slipping
off, do not fail to set it with the snap pin.

4. Disconnect the overwind cutout device lead from

the jib-side lead and connect it to the boom-side lead.
◆Insert the disconnected jib-side lead in the terminal Snap pin

holder. Jib support


Attach pin

Jib Boom


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

8. Opening the jib support rod stowing supports, stow

the jib support rods.
◆The jib support rods comes in two, the right one and
left one.

50cm T24364

11. Then perform "Raising the boom” and "Retracting

the boom” simultaneously and increase the boom angle
to 48° to fully retract the boom.
9. Extract and insert jib set pin (B) in the outer hole.


T01576 12. Hoist down to loosen the auxiliary winch wire rope.

10. Perform the "Raising the boom” and "Retracting the

boom” operations at the same time and slowly to swing
the jib. Do this in such a way that the auxiliary hook
block head moves horizontally 50 cm or so above the
◆The auxiliary wire rope comes under great tension
as the jib swings. Not taking enough time for per- T24366

forming "Raising the boom” or "Retracting the

boom” will exert a tension greater than the auxiliary
wire rope can withstand, so the rope will break caus-
ing the auxiliary hook block to fall and get damaged.
It is, therefore, very important to run the engine at
lower speeds so that no excessive strain will be
placed on the wire rope when performing "Raising
the boom” or "Retracting the boom”.

Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

13. Remove the auxiliary winch wire rope from the 15. Checking that the main hook block is kept clear of
sheave at the jib head. the top boom section and the jib, raise the boom to an
elevating angle of 70°-75°

Contact not
allowed here

14. Connect the attached guide rope ends with the aux-
iliary hook block and the jib stowing bracket, with the 16. Watching the jib, slowly hoist up the auxiliary winch
rope passed through the jib head. until the jib “clicks”. Then lock the jib with the jib locking
device. The jib lock indicator lamp will light up.
◆Be careful to keep the main hook block clear of the
◆ If it does not click, it means the jib is not locked. Be
sure to hoist up with the auxiliary winch until it “clicks”.
After the jib is locked, check that hoisting down with the
auxiliary winch will not move the jib away from the boom
Top of the jib
Jib stowing bracket






AML 50℃





Jib lock
indicator lamp


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

17. Lower the boom to an angle of 50°, then attach the 20. Hoisting down with the auxiliary winch further to
safety rope. loosen the auxiliary winch wire rope, then remove the
guide rope.
◆To prevent rope's disorderly winding on the drum,
Operation without attaching the safety rope is
hoist down the rope, giving tension to it by pulling it by
dangerous, because the jib could become
disengaged and drop off from the jib locking
device (automatic pin) due to its failure stowing
operation or the lack of maintenance.

Safety rope


Guide rope
21. Remove the auxiliary hook block from the auxiliary
winch wire rope.

18. Lower the boom angle to -2°.

19. Extract the jib set pins from the jib lugs and install
them in the jib support brackets from inside. The jib lock
indicator lamp will go out.


22. Disreeve the auxiliary winch wire rope from the top
boom section sheaves and the single top sheave.
Afterward, reset the rope guide as it has been.




Rope guide
AML 50℃






Jib lock indicator lamp


Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

23. Reeve the auxiliary winch wire rope through the 28. Operate the main winch to overhoist the hook block
stopper and the rope arrester. and make sure that the overwind cutout device is oper-
ating properly.


24. Mount the rope socket on the boom support on the

side face of the boom.

Lock pin

Support Rope socket


25. Wind the auxiliary winch wire rope until it becomes

slightly slack.
◆Wind very carefully. Winding the wire rope too far
may break the support.

26. Stow the single top.

27. Select the boom lift status on the AML.



Jib Jib
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Air Conditioner (Option)

While the engine and the air conditioner are

running, be sure not to touch the rotating objects
(fan belt, condenser fan, etc).

‹Operate the air conditioner after starting the en-
gine. Before stopping the engine, turn off the power
switch of the air conditioner.
‹Do not place an obstructive object at the front of
the louvers.
‹While the air conditioner is running, keep the win-
dow and door closed.
‹Avoid parking the carrier in a place where it is ex-
posed to direct sunlight. When the carrier has been
parked in such a place, ventilate the cab first before
starting the air conditioner.
‹For healthy air conditioning:
Use the air conditioner to lower the temperature
and humidity.
For healthy air conditioning, the optimum condi-
tion is to provide a 5–8°C temperature difference
from the ambient temperature. Adjust the room
temperature so that it is not excessively lowered
and the operator is not exposed to cold air for a
long time.
The air inside the cab becomes dry due to the air
conditioner’s dehumidifying effect. During smok-
ing, open the window for a while to ventilate the

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


6 7 3

R/F 1


LCD panel Air circulation inside cab

13 COOL HOT Outside-cab air supply

12 11 10 Min. Max.
Cool Hot
Face Face and foot Foot
The current volume
The current temperature


Switches Signs on the LCD panel

1. Power switch 8. Sign of air supply selection

2. Air conditioner switch 9. Sign of air conditioner operation (snow-shaped sign)
3. Inside/outside air selector switch 10.Sign of air flow volume
4. Air flow switches 11.Sign of air temperature
5. Temperature control switches 12.Sign of air blowing direction
6. Air outlet changeover switch 13.Sign of defrosting
7. Defroster switch

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Power switch Defroster switch

As this switch is pressed, the power to the air condition- This switch is used to set the air flow coming out of the
er is turned on or off repeatedly. defroster.
While the switch is on, signs are shown on the liquid To cancel the defroster mode, press this switch again or
crystal display. press the air outlet changeover switch. The air flows will
come out in the direction last selected.
Air conditioner switch While the defroster is used, the corresponding sign is
shown on the display.
This switch is used to start up the compressor and to ac-
tivate the cooling/dehumidification function.
As it is pressed, it is turned on or off repeatedly. While
the switch is on, the snow-shaped sign appears on the

Inside/outside air selector switch

This switch is used to select air supply between outside-

cab air supply and air circulation inside cab.
As it is pressed, the air supply changes between out-
side-cab air supply and air circulation inside cab
The current air supply is shown on the display.

Air flow switches

These switches are used to select air flow volume

among four steps.
The current volume is shown on the display.

Temperature control switches

These switches are used to adjust the temperature of

the air from the air conditioner among eight steps.
The current temperature is shown by the bargraph on
the display.

Air outlet changeover switch

This switch is used to select the air blowing direction. As

it is pressed, the direction changes Face → Face and
foot → Foot in sequence repeatedly.
The current direction is shown on the display.

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

How to Use 3. Adjust the air temperature, air flow volume and air
flow direction as desired by using the corresponding
Startup Operation and Backup Function of switches.
the Air Conditioner
4. Select outside-cab air supply using the inside/out-
The motor sounds for a few seconds after the power side air selector switch.
switch is pressed to turn on the power to the air condi-
tioner. During this period, the microcomputer locates the 5. To stop the air conditioner, press the power switch.
damper which chooses the air flow direction and adjusts
the air temperature. After this period, the air conditioner
begins normal operation. For Quick Cooling
The setup condition of the air conditioner is stored in the
microcomputer. The air conditioner works at the condi-
tion set up at the last operation.

For Normal Use

Defroster Air outlet air selector switch
changeover switch
Air conditioner
Air flow switch switch

Inside/outside O N
Air outlet air selector switch
changeover switch
Air conditioner
Air flow switches switch Temperature control switch T30129E


MODE A/C 1. Turn on the air conditioner switch. The cooling/de-

humidification function will start up.

Power switch
Temperature control switches T30128E 2. Press the temperature control switch ( ) until only
one segment of the bargraph indicating the air tempera-
ture remains marked up.
‹While only one segment of the bargraph remains
‹Select air circulation inside cab in the tunnel and
marked up, the air conditioner is locked to the maximum
in the dirty air.
‹Cold air may come out when the engine is not
3. Set the air flow volume at the maximum using the
air flow switches.
1. Press the power switch to turn on the power to the
air conditioner.

2. If necessary, press the air conditioner switch to turn

it on. The cooling/dehumidification function will start up.

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

‹Select air circulation inside cab for cooling/heat- ‹Select air circulation inside cab for cooling/heat-
ing the cab quickly and when the vehicle is in a ing the cab quickly and when the vehicle is in a
dusty atmosphere, such as in a tunnel. The window dusty atmosphere, such as in a tunnel. The window
glasses easily fog up when the air circulation inside glasses easily fog up when the air circulation inside
cab is selected while the compressor does not work, cab is selected while the compressor does not work,
causing hazard due to poor visibility. As soon as the causing hazard due to poor visibility. As soon as the
temperature inside the cab drops, select outside-cab temperature inside the cab rises, select outside-cab
air supply. air supply.
‹Do not select air circulation inside cab for quick
4. Select air circulation inside cab using the inside/out- heating when using the vehicle in an extreme cold
side air selector switch. district. Once fogged, the window glasses are not
easily defogged even after outside-cab air supply is
5. Select the air blowing direction toward Face using selected.
the air outlet changeover switch. 4. Select air circulation inside cab using the inside/out-
side air selector switch.

For Quick Heating

5. Select the air blowing direction toward Foot using
the air outlet changeover switch.

For Defrosting the Windshield


Air outlet air selector switch
changeover switch
Air conditioner
Air flow switch switch

MODE A/C air selector switch
Defroster switch
OFF Air conditioner
Air flow switches switch
Temperature control switch T30130E


Press the air conditioner switch to turn it off. OFF

2. Press the temperature control switch ( ) until eight Temperature control switches T30131E

segments of the bargraph indicating the air temperature

are marked up. 1. Turn on the air conditioner switch. The cooling/hu-
‹While eight segment of the bargraph is marked up, midification function will start up.
the air conditioner is locked to the maximum heating. ‹When the atmospheric temperature drops close to
0°C, dehumidification does not work even with the air
3. Set the air flow volume at the maximum using the conditioner switch turned ON.
air flow control switch.
2. Press the defroster switch to set the air flow coming
out of the defroster.

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

3. Adjust the air temperature and air flow volume us- Error Display on the Display Panel
ing the corresponding switches.
If the wiring for the sensors or the motor actuator (M/A)
is broken or shortcircuited when the power is turned on,
4. Select outside-cab air supply using the inside/out-
the following error displays appear according to the
side air selector switch.
In this case, inspection and repairs are necessary.
Contact your nearest TADANO distributor or dealer.

Error display Error location

"HOT" sign flashes. Air mix damper M/A
" " sign flashes. Air outlet changeover
Sign indicating inside/outside Inside/outside air
air selection flashes. selector M/A
Snow-shaped sign flashes. Evaporator sensor and
its input circuit
Frame enclosing the bargraph Faulty communication
flashes. between the control
panel and amplifier
No signs appear on the Faulty amplifier

Inside/outside air selector M/A

Air mix damper M/A
Faulty comunication


Air outlet changeover M/A

Evaporator sensor and its input circuit

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Equipment Inside the Cab

Heater (option)




AML 50℃





MY30 L


1. Heater control panel

Operation Heater Control Panel

Heater operation is controlled from this panel. See the
Do not turn off the main power source on the separate heater operation and maintenance manual for
carrier while the heater is in operation. This at- detailed instructions.
tempt may cause not only heater trouble but also
fire and burn through overheating.

The heater is a combustion heater using diesel fuel.

For operation, inspection and maintenance of the heater
itself, refer to the separate heater operation and mainte-
nance manual.


Equipment Inside the Cab Equipment Inside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Other Equipment
1 2

AML 50℃





3 4 5 AML

AML 50℃





MY30 L


8 9 10 11





1. Hydraulic oil temperature 50°C indicator lamp 8. Roof washer switch

2. Hydraulic oil temperature 85°C warning lamp 9. Roof wiper switch
3. Low noise mode switch 10. Flood lamp switch
4. Front wiper switch 11. Oil cooler switch
5. Front washer switch 12. Fan switch (option)
6. Cigarette lighter 13. Cab lamp
7. Ashtray

Equipment Inside the Cab Equipment Inside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Low Noise Mode Switch Front Washer Switch

While this switch is ON, the engine revolution is limited [NOTICE]
and does not reach to maximum even when the acceler- ◆Do not use the wipers on dry glass; doing so will
ator pedal is depressed fully. Use this switch for night damage the glass. Wet glass by spraying the win-
operation or to avoid high noise. dow with washer fluid before using the wipers.
ON .......low noise mode activated (engine speed limited ◆Never spray washer fluid continuously for more
to approx. 1,250 min-1 [rpm]) than 3 seconds and do not operate the washer
OFF .....low noise mode canceled (maximum engine switch when there is no window washer fluid. This
speed: approx. 2,000 min-1 [rpm]) practice may burn out the pump.

Washer fluid can be sprayed on the front glass by press-

Low-noise mode switch ing this switch.

(ON) Front washer switch



Front Wiper Switch


Use this switch to operate the front wiper for a rainy day.

Front wiper switch

ON Moves continuously.


INT Moves intermittently.


Equipment Inside the Cab Equipment Inside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Cigarette Lighter Roof Washer Switch

◆Observe the following precautions to prevent a ◆Do not use the wipers on dry glass; doing so will
fault in the electrical system: damage the glass. Wet glass by spraying the win-
• Do not let the cigarette lighter remain pushed in. dow with washer fluid before using the wipers.
• Pull out the cigarette lighter by hand if it does not ◆Never spray washer fluid continuously for more
pop out within 15 to 20 seconds after it has been than 3 seconds and do not operate the washer
pushed in. switch when there is no window washer fluid. This
• Do not use the cigarette lighter power supply for practice may burn out the pump.
anything other than as a cigarette lighter.
• Do not allow the cigarette lighter to become Washer fluid can be sprayed on the roof glass by press-
deformed. A misshapen cigarette lighter will not ing this switch.
pop out properly. Replace a lighter that is
Roof washer switch

The cigarette lighter will pop out a few seconds after it

has been pushed in. Pull out to use.

24V T24429E


Equipment Inside the Cab Equipment Inside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Oil Cooler Switch Cab Lamp Switch (in the left of cab close to
[NOTICE] the door)
‹If the hydraulic oil temperature 85°C warning lamp
Neutral ・・・・lamp turns on when the door is open and
lights up, stop operation until the oil temperature
goes off when the door is closed
"OFF" ・・・・・lamp stays off regardless door position
"O N " ・・・・・lamp stays on regardless door position.
ON .......The oil cooler functions regardless of the hy-
draulic oil temperature. Shift the switch to this
position to cool down the hydraulic oil whose Cab Lamp Switch (in the right of cab)
temperature is below 50°C. If cooling down the
"ON" ・・・・・・・・・・lamp stays off.
oil is required no more, return the switch to
Neutral, "ON" ・・・lamp stays on.
OFF .....The oil cooler functions automatically when the
hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 50°C. For or-
dinary operation, keep the switch to this
position. OFF
‹When the hydraulic oil temperature exceeds 50°C, the Neutral
hydraulic oil temperature 50°C indicator lamp lights up. ON
When the oil temperature exceeds 85°C, the hydraulic
oil temperature 85°C warning sign lights up.

Oil cooler switch

Fan Switch (Option)

ON The fan switch is used to turn the fan ON and OFF.
"O N " ・・・・・fan comes on
"OFF" ・・・・・fan goes off

Hydraulic oil temperature 50°C indicator lamp

AML 50℃ F


(ON) (OFF)

Hydraulic oil temperature 85°C warning lamp

T24280E T00728

Equipment Inside the Cab Equipment Inside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Equipment Outside the Cab

Winch Drum Monitor Mirror (Option)

◆Lifting a load with a wire rope disorderly wound
on a winch drum will damage the wire rope the
shorten the life of the wire rope. Do not lift a load
with a wire rope disorderly wound.

Use the mirror to check the wire rope condition on the

winch drum.
◆To look at the mirror, turn to the rear of the crane op-
erator’s cab.


Equipment Outside the Cab Equipment Outside the Cab

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Inspection and Maintenance

Proper inspection and maintenance helps ensure safety

and prolongs the life of your crane. To keep your crane
in peak condition and maintain optimum performance,
inspect and service it at the recommended intervals. In
this way, you can prevent failures and detect problems
in their early stages.
Two recommended inspection and maintenance inter-
vals are provided; one based on the hourmeter reading
and the other on calendar months; perform inspections
and maintenance according to whichever comes first.
◆The inspection intervals are based on the assumption
that the crane is used under normal operating condi-
tions. If it is used under severe or unusual conditions,
shorten the intervals accordingly.
◆If you are unable to perform any inspection or mainte-
nance work yourself, contact your nearest TADANO
distributor or dealer for assistance.

Perform before start of each

Pre-operational inspection
day’s operation.
100 hours or Perform every 100 hours or
Inspection and maintenance intervals

1 month once a month.

300 hours or Perform every 300 hours or
3 months every 3 months.
600 hours or Perform every 600 hours or
6 months every 6 months.
1,200 hours or Perform every 1,200 hours
1 year or once a year.
2,400 hours or Perform every 2,400 hours
2 years or every 2 years.
4,800 hours or Perform every 4,800 hours
4 years or every 4 years

Inspection and Maintenance Inspection and Maintenance

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

and Periodic Inspection

If you neglect pre-operational and periodic in-

spections, you will not be able to detect problems
in their early stages or prevent consequent
accidents. Make it a habit to perform the recom-
mended pre-operational and periodic inspections.
If you find any abnormality, take corrective action

◆For inspection and maintenance of the optional heater

itself, refer to the separate heater operation and mainte-
nance manual.

Pre- Periodic Inspection

System/Component Check Point operational 100 hrs
Inspection 1 month
Installation, external appearance ●
Power PTO
Operation (abnormal sounds, overheating), oil leaks ● ●
Installation ● ●
system Propeller shaft
Runout, worn splices ●
Installation ●
Hydraulic pump Operation (abnormal sounds, overheating,
Hydraulic trapped air,etc.), oil leaks ● ●
system Installation, external appearance ● ●
Hydraulic oil
Oil level, contamination, oil leaks ● ●
Clean filters, tanks, and air breathers ●
Swing table Installation, external appearance
(including swing (cracks, deformation, etc.) ● ●
bearing) Swing motion ●
Swing Installation, external appearance ●
Swing motor,
system Operation, oil level, oil leaks ● ●
speed reducer
Swing brake operation ● ●
Installation ●
Rotary joint
Operation, oil leaks ● ●
Boom Installation, external appearance ● ●
Boom elevating
elevating Operation, oil leaks ● ●
system Spontaneous retraction ●
Installation, external appearance ● ●
Operation, oil leaks ● ●
Boom Boom
Worn slide plates ●
Spontaneous retraction ●
Jib and Installation, external appearance ● ●
single top Operation ● ●

Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Pre- Periodic Inspection

System/Component Check Point operational 100 hrs
Inspection 1 month
Winch motor and Installation ● ●
speed reducer Operation, oil level, oil leaks ●
Installation, external appearance ● ●
Hook blocks, Operation ● ●
sheaves, Condition of wire rope (rope socket, wedge) ● ●
wire ropes Condition of safety latch ● ●
Wire rope reeving ● ●
Disorderly winding Installation, external appearance ● ●
prevention device Operation ●
Movement of each lever/pedal ● ●
Operating controls
Crane Movement of accelerator ● ●
control Installation, external appearance ●
system Selector valves Operation, oil leaks ● ●
Relief valve pressure setting, condition of seal ●
Installation, external appearance ●
Angle meter
Operation ● ●
Installation, external appearance ● ●
Functions (check button, automatic stop) ● ●
prevention device
Operation (lamps, buzzers, etc.) ● ●
Safety (AML)
External appearance of boom length detector ●
Overwind Installation, external appearance ●
cutout device Operation ● ●
Working area Installation, external appearance ●
control devices Operation ● ●
Other safety device Operation ● ●
Installation, external appearance ● ●
Crane Operation, oil leaks ● ●
jack cylinders
supporting Jack cylinder spontaneous retraction ●
and Installation, external appearance ●
Bubble levels
positioning Condition of bubbles ● ●
device Installation, external appearance ●
Front jack
Operation, oil leaks ● ●
Installation, external appearance ●
Operation ● ●
Installation, external appearance ●
Electrical Switches
Operation ● ●
Installation, external appearance ●
Wipers Operation ● ●
Worn or damaged blades ●

Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Pre- Periodic Inspection

System/Component Check Point operational 100 hrs
Inspection 1 month
Oil leaks ● ●
Pipes, hoses Obstructions, twists, damage, worn hose, etc. ● ●
Loose support ●
Installation, external appearance ● ●
Door lock function ●
operator's cab
Condition of seat adjusting mechanism ●
Installation, external appearance ●
Operation ● ●
Air conditioner Check and wash condenser and check coolant amount
Clean internal air filter
Check V-belt
Installation, external appearance ●
Oil cooler
Operation ●
Apply grease to each grease nipple ● ●
Apply grease to wire ropes, sheaves and slide plates ● ●
External appearance
Chassis frame
(rust, cracks, deformation, twists, etc.) ● ●
Indication plates External appearance ●

Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection Pre-Operational and Periodic Inspection

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Safety Parts Requiring

Regular Replacement

Be sure to replace safety parts regularly.

Neglecting to replace the safety parts regularly
can cause accidents.

Some components of your machine use parts which

wear with time. It is not always easy to determine when
they should be replaced, even if the periodic inspection
is performed as recommended. For safety, such parts
must be replaced regularly.The following table gives the
replacement intervals for the major safety parts. Contact
your nearest TADANO distributor or dealer to have
these parts replaced at the regular intervals.

Safety parts requiring regular replacement Interval

Boom telescoping wire ropes 4 years

Safety Parts Requiring Regular Replacement Safety Parts Requiring Regular Replacement
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

[NOTICE] Lubricating wire ropes with an improper gear oil,

Using different brands of grease together can cup grease or waste oil only shortens their life. Use
change the properties of the grease and have an ad- rope grease or other grease that has properties suit-
verse effect on the machine. When you add grease, able for wire ropes.
be sure to use the brand that is in the machine. In addition to the areas listed in the "Maintenance
If a different brand of grease must be used, take out Table", the following areas should also be lubricat-
all the remaining grease before adding the new ed with grease to protect them from rusting and
grease. ensure smooth movement.
Dust in the grease causes premature wear of slid- • Hydraulic cylinder rods (boom elevating cylinder,
ing surfaces, and consequently, shortens the life of jack cylinder, etc.) that are exposed to air when
the crane. Always clean grease nipples and other the cylinder is in a fully retracted position
surfaces before applying grease. • Links and sliding sections that were coated with
The wire ropes should be cleaned using a wire grease before shipment from the factory
brush, compressed air, etc., before they are

Maintenance Table

Number Check Interval

No. Grease Points and Method of 100 hrs
1 day 1 week
Points 1 month
1 Side and bottom surfaces of boom Coat 4 points
2 Slide plate (top surface of boom) Inject 8 points
3 Slide plate (bottom surface of boom) Inject 8 points
4 Boom bottom end Inject 1 point
5 Wire rope (for winch) Coat 2 points
6 Wire rope (for telescoping) Coat 2 points
7 Swing bearing Inject 3 points
8 Swing gear Coat 1 point
9 Rotary joint Inject 2 points
10 Outrigger floats Inject 4 points
11 Front jack float Inject 1 point
12 Elevating cylinder Inject 1 point
13 Pin (for jib head sheave) Inject 1 point
14 Pin (for single top sheave) Inject 1 point
15 Main hook block (55-ton) Inject 1 point
16 Main hook block (20-ton, 35-ton) Inject 1 point
17 Auxiliary hook block (4.5-ton) Inject 2 points
18 Propeller shaft Inject 3 points

Greasing Greasing
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Greasing Chart

6 1 Every 100hrs (once a month) 12 5

14 Once a week 15 13 2

3 Once a week 11 10
Every 100hrs (once a month) 18 8 7 9 4

Greasing Greasing
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

1 Telescoping mode I 1 Top Telescoping mode II 2 3

Top surface of boom

Boom sliding surface Right and left bottom

Boom sliding surface of boom

4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18


Greasing Greasing
SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Gear Oil

[NOTICE] ‹Clean the area around the plugs before removing

‹Using different brands of gear oil together can them to prevent dust and other foreign matter from en-
change the properties of the gear oil and have an tering.
adverse effect on the machine. When gear oil is ‹Clean the plugs and plug holes, and wrap sealing
added, be sure to use the same brand that is in the tape around the plugs before installing and tightening
machine. If a different brand of oil must be used, re- the plugs.
move all the remaining gear oil before adding the
new oil.

Maintenance Table

Check Interval
Number of
No. Component and Required Operation 100 hrs 300 hrs 600 hrs 1200 hrs
Points/Quantity 1 week
1 month 3 months 6 months 1 year
Check oil level 2 points ●
1 Winch speed reducer
Replace oil 4.0 L X 2 ◎ ●
Check oil level 1 point ●
2 Swing speed reducer
Replace oil 2.3 L ◎ ●

◎: First replacement only

Gear Oil Gear Oil

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Winch Speed Reducer Oil Level 4. After all of the oil has drained out, install and tighten
the drain plug.
Check ・・・・・・・・Every 600 Hours
or Every 6 Months 5. Pour fresh gear oil through the filler plug hole until it
Winch Speed Reducer Oil begins to come out of the level plug hole.

Replacement ・・・・・・Every 1,200 6. Install and tighten the filler and level plugs.
Hours or Once a Year

The speed reducer is very hot immediately after

operating. Let the speed reducer cool down until it
can be touched with your bare hand before per-
forming maintenance work on it.

Checking Oil Level

1. Set the crane on a level surface.

2. Remove the level plug and check the oil level.

There is no need to add oil if the oil level comes to the
bottom of the plug hole. If low, remove the filler plug and
add oil through the filler plug hole.

Filler plug

Level plug

Drain plug

3. Install and tighten the level and filler plugs.

Replacing Oil
1. Set the crane on a level surface.

2. Place an oil pan under the drain plug to catch the


3. Remove the drain, filler and level plugs, and drain

the oil.

Gear Oil Gear Oil

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Swing Speed Reducer Oil Level 2. Remove the drain plug and attach a hose to the
vent. Remove the filler and level plugs to drain the oil.
Check ・・・・・・・・Every 600 Hours
or Every 6 Months Vent Drain plug
Filler plug
Swing Speed Reducer Oil
Level plug
Replacement・・・・・・・Every 1,200
Hours or Once a Year

The speed reducer is very hot immediately after

operating. Let the speed reducer cool down until it T30134E

can be touched with your bare hand before per-

forming maintenance work on it.
3. After all of the oil has drained out, remove the hose.
Install and tighten the drain plug.
Checking Oil Level
1. Set the crane as follows: 4. Pour fresh gear oil through the filler plug hole until it
(1) Support the crane on extended outriggers in a level begins to come out of the level plug hole.
(2) Raise the boom to an angle where it does not hinder
5. Install and tighten the filler and level plugs.

maintenance work.

2. Remove the level plug and check the oil level.

There is no need to add oil if the oil comes to the bottom
of the level plug hole. If low, remove the filler plug and
add oil through the filler plug hole.

Filler plug

Level plug


3. Install and tighten the level and filler plugs.

Replacing Oil
1. Set the crane as follows:
(1) Support the crane on extended outriggers in a level
(2) Raise the boom to an angle where it does not hinder
the maintenance work.

Gear Oil Gear Oil

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Hydraulic System

◆If the crane is operated for a long time with the

The hydraulic oil and hydraulic equipment hydraulic oil at a temperature exceeding 60°C, the
become very hot immediately after an operation. oil will rapidly deteriorate, shortening life of the hy-
Let them cool down before starting maintenance draulic components.
work on them. When the oil temperature is over 60°C, the oil cooler
Some hydraulic components remain highly should be used to control the oil temperature even if
pressurized inside even after the engine has been within the operating temperature range.
stopped. Their careless disassembly will cause ◆The hydraulic oil is less fluid when its tempera-
serious bodily injuries. Do not attempt to ture is low. If, in cold weather, the crane is operated
disassemble hydraulic components, pipings and with a heavy load at high speed without allowing it
couplings. to warm up, the hydraulic components could be
damaged. When the ambient temperature is low, do
[NOTICE] not start crane operation right away. Instead, let the
◆Using different brands of hydraulic oil together crane warm up sufficiently; until the oil temperature
can change the properties of the oil and have an ad- rises to approximately 20°C.
verse effect on the machine. When you add ◆Be sure to handle the hydraulic pipes carefully.
hydraulic oil, be sure to use the brand that is in the Handling the pipes incorrectly can cause oil leaks or
machine. If a different brand of oil must be used, be the hydraulic components to malfunction. Whenever
sure to take out all the remaining hydraulic oil be- a pipe has to be removed, be sure to consult the
fore adding the new oil. nearest TADANO distributor or dealer.
◆Dust, foreign matter, water, etc. in the hydraulic
oil tank or pipes could cause a machine failure.
Keep these parts free of dust when working on

Maintenance Table
◆Replacement interval depends on the brand of the hydraulic oil in use.
◆Contact your nearest TADANO distributor or dealer for replacing the line filters numbered from 6 to 7 on the list be-

Check Interval
Number of
No. Component and Required Operation 300 hrs 600 hrs 1200 hrs 2400 hrs 4800 hrs
Points/Quantity 1 day
3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years 4 years
Check oil level 1 point ●
1 Hydraulic oil tank 773 L ◎ ●
Replace oil (*3)
985 L
Check oil level 1 point ●
Oil reservoir (*1)
2 0.17 L ◎ ●
(for accelerator) Replace oil (*2)
0.6 L
3 Return filter (hydraulic oil tank) Replace 1 point ◎ ●
4 Air breather (hydraulic oil tank) Replace 1 point ●
5 Return filter (drain circuit) Replace 1 point ●
6 Line filter (winch brake circuit) Replace 1 point ●
7 Line filter (automatic stop circuit) Replace 2 points ●
8 Line filter (accumulator circuit) Clean 1 point ●

(*1): Tank capacity (*2): Total capacity ◎: First replacement only

(*3): When the hydraulic oil other than TADANO Hydraulic Oil LL is used, replace the oil every 2,400 hours or 2 years.

Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Oil Level Check (Hydraulic Oil Tank) 2. Check the oil level with the oil level gauge. The oil
level gauge is marked taking into account the effect of
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Once a Day oil temperature. Check whether the oil level is between
Oil Replacement (Hydraulic Oil the 0°C mark and the mark corresponding to the current
oil temperature.
Tank) ・・・・・・・Every 4,800 Hours If the oil is low, remove the cap on the hydraulic oil tank
or Every 4 Years and add oil through the filler port.
- Example -
・・・・・・・・・・・・Every 2,400 Hours When the current oil temperature is 20°C, there is suffi-
or Every 2 Years cient oil in the tank if the oil level is between the 0°C and
20°C marks.
[NOTICE] ‹When the oil temperature is 0°C or lower, regard the
‹After the hydraulic oil has been replaced, the hy-
0°C mark as the proper level.
draulic pump must be bled since air may be present
in the suction side of the pump. The hydraulic pump
could experience failure if it is operated without first Oil level gauge

bleeding it. The hydraulic pump must not be operat-

ed after replacing the hydraulic oil unless it has
been properly bled. For instructions on how to bleed 40¡C

the hydraulic pump, contact the nearest TADANO 20¡C

distributor or dealer.
‹Replace the oil within 300 hours or 3 months after 0¡C

the machine has been delivered (whichever comes T22524E

・Replace it every 4,800 hours or 4 years after that.
(Applicable to TADANO Hydraulic Oil LL.) Replacing Oil
・Replace it every 2,400 hours or 2 years after that.
‹When replacing the hydraulic oil, also replace the re-
(Applicable to other than TADANO Hydraulic Oil
turn filter.
‹Replace the oil filters described in this chapter at
1. Stow the crane in the traveling configuration on lev-
designated intervals.
el ground.

Checking Oil Level 2. Remove the cover from the filler port and use an oil
pump to pump the hydraulic oil from the tank into an oil
1. Stow the crane in the traveling configuration on lev- drum or other suitable container.
el ground.


Drain plug
Drain plug

Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

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3. Remove the drain plugs at the bottom of the tank to Oil Level Check (Oil Reservoir)
release any remaining hydraulic oil.
・・・Once a Day
4. Check the inside of the tank and clean if any dust or Oil Replacement (Oil Reservoir)
foreign matter is found. ・・・Every 2,400 Hours or
5. Clean the drain plug and wrap sealing tape around Every 2 Years
it, then reinsert and tighten. Checking Oil Level

6. While watching the oil level on the level gauge, add Check the level of the oil in the oil reservoir (at the front
new hydraulic oil into the tank. of the cab). The oil level should be between the "H" and
"L" marks. If low, remove the cap on the oil reservoir,
7. Remount the cover on the hydraulic oil tank. and add oil.
‹Mount the cover with the stamped “F” facing to the

8. Bleed the hydraulic pump.

9. Check the oil level again. If low, add more hydraulic L



Replacing Oil
◆Replace oil at your nearest TADANO distributor or

Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Return Filter Replacement (Hydraulic Air Breather Replacement

Oil Tank) ・・・・・・Every 600 Hours (Hydraulic Oil Tank)・・・Every 600
or Every 6 Months Hours or Every 6 Months
1. Remove the top cover on the hydraulic oil tank and Unlock the air breather cap to remove it.
take out the return filter. Remove the two bolts, then use a wrench (spanner) as
shown in the figure to remove the element holder.
Replace the element with a new one.

Return filter Cap


Element holder


2. Remove the snap pin and then the nut from the re-

turn filter.

Snap pin


Hold down spring Center bolt

Housing assembly

Filter element


3. Replace the filter element with a new one and re-

assemble the return filter.

4. Install the return filter in the tank and remount the


Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

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Return Filter Replacement Line Filter Cleaning (Accumulator

(Drain Circuit)・・・・・・Every 2,400 Circuit) ・・・・・・Every 2,400 Hours
Hours or Every 2 Years or Every 2 Years
‹Location: rear of the hydraulic oil tank ‹Location: rear side of the front right outrigger

1. Remove the filter using a strap wrench. 1. Remove the case using a wrench (24 mm).
‹Place a waste beforehand to catch the hydraulic oil ‹After removing the case, place an oil pan to catch the
which may spill when the filter is removed. oil leaking from the pipe.

2. Attach a new filter. O-ring

‹Apply hydraulic oil thinly to the gasket beforehand. Filter element
‹Tightening torque: 39 N・m {4 kgf・m}

Backup ring



2. Remove the filter element. Wash its surface with a
soft nylon brush in kerosene.

3. Apply compressed air of 300–400 kPa {3–4 kgf/cm2}

from the inside of the filter element and dry it.

4. Apply the hydraulic oil to the O-ring, install the filter

element, and attach the casing.
‹Tightening torque: 39–49 N・m {4–5 kgf・m}

Line Filter Replacement (Winch

Brake Circuit) ・・・・・・Every 2,400
Hours or Every 2 Years

Accumulator Valve(For winch brake)


Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

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Line Filter Replacement (Automatic

Stop Circuit)・・Every 2,400 Hours
or Every 2 Years

Filter element




Hydraulic System Hydraulic System

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Swing System

Maintenance Table

Number of Check Interval

No. Component and Required Operation points/ 100 hrs 300 hrs 600 hrs
1 week
Quantity 1 month 3 months 6 months
1 Swing bearing mounting bolt Check 1 point ●

Swing Bearing Mounting Bolt Check

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Every 600 Hours
or Every 6 Months

If the mounting bolts come loose and/or break,

the crane's upper and lower structures will be
separated, resulting in a serious accident. Check
the bolts at regular intervals. If they are loose,
have the nearest TADANO distributor or dealer
retighten them. The bolts should be checked at
least every 6 months by a TADANO distributor or

1620 to 1810 N.m

Tightening torque (bearing inner ring bolts)
{165-185 kgf.m}
1177 to 1275 N.m
Tightening torque (bearing outer ring bolts)
{120-130 kgf.m}

Swing System Swing System

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Accelerator System

Maintenance Table
No. Component and Required Operation Number of points/Quantity Check Interval
1 Accelerator circuit/Bleed 1 point Whenever Necessary

Accelerator Circuit Bleeding 2. After bleeding the circuit, repeat the above steps to
bleed the accelerator cylinder, using the bleeder screw
・・・Whenever Necessary located inside the carrier frame.
◆When air is being bled, the level of oil in the oil reser-
voir will drop as the oil is discharged from the circuit.
Bleed the air, while at the same time supplying the
reservoir with new hydraulic oil in order to prevent air
from entering the circuit.

1. Bleed the accelerator circuit, using the bleeder

screws (2 points) on the inside of the swing table, as fol-
Accelerator cylinder
(1) Connect one end of a vinyl hose to the bleeder screw T24388E

and place the other end in an oil pan.

Bleeder screw

Accelerator cylinder
Oil pan

Bleeder screw

(2) Pump the accelerator pedal two or three times, then 3. Check the oil level in the reservoir. Add if low.
keep it depressed. Loosen the bleeder screw and re-
lease the air from the circuit.
(3) When the flow of oil weakens, tighten the bleeder
screw and release the accelerator pedal. H
(4) Repeat steps (2) and (3) until oil flows out free of air
from the bleeder screw.


Accelerator System Accelerator System

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Electrical System

Maintenance Table
No. Component and Required Operation Check Interval
1 Fuse/Replace When fuse blows

Fuse Replacement
‹Be sure to turn OFF the starter switch to prevent a
short circuit when replacing a fuse.
‹Using a fuse with a larger capacity than the rated
capacity may cause the wiring or electrical devices
to be burned in the event of a short circuit. Always
replace a fuse with a fuse of the specified capacity.

Fuse box

Fuse box


G 10A 472 G FAN(opt.)
F5 X 5A ー ー SPARE
Y 10A ー ー SPARE
F6 Z 15A ー ー SPARE

Adjustment cover
D 10A 470 LG
CNTL 3,4 BATTERY G 10A 471 G RADIO(opt.)
X 5A ー ー SPARE
Y 10A ー ー SPARE
Z 15A ー ー SPARE


Electrical System Electrical System

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Fuses for AML are installed on the inside of the adjust-

ment covers on the top of the AML. When a fuse is burnt
out, check for the cause, remove the cause and replace
the fuse.

Symbol Name Rating Circuits

CNTL 1, 2 250 V, 2 A SOL 1, 2
CNTL 3, 4 250 V, 2 A SOL 3, 4
CNTL 5, 6 250 V, 2 A SOL 5, 6
F1 MAIN 250 V, 3 A Main fuse
F2 RLY 1,2 250 V, 3 A For relay output 1,2
F3 RLY 3,4 250 V, 3 A For relay output 3,4
F4 RLY 5,6 250 V, 3 A For relay output 5,6
F5 RLY 7,8 250 V, 3 A For relay output 7,8
F6 SIF 2 250 V, 2 A Fuse to SIF2SRC power
source output terminal
F7 SIF 1 250 V, 2 A Fuse to SIF1SRC power
source output terminal

‹It is prohibited to connect new wiring to fuses other

than reserve fuses.

Electrical System Electrical System

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Air Conditioner (Option)

While the engine and the air conditioner are

running, be sure not to touch the rotating objects
(fan belt, etc.).
Do not disconnect the piping of the air condi-
tioner carelessly. To replenish refrigerant gas, do
not use an improper method.
Touching the air conditioner’s piping is danger-
ous since it is filled with high-pressure refrigerant
gas. Anyone other than qualified persons must
not touch the piping.

Maintenance Table
Check interval
No. Component and required operation
1 day 1 week 3 months 6 months 1 year 2 years
1 Condenser check and cleaning ●
2 Refrigerant level check ●
3 Refrigerant piping connection check ●
4 Inside air filter check and cleaning ●
5 Outside air filter replacement ●
6 V-belt check ●

Condenser Check and Cleaning Refrigerant Level Check

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Once a Year ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Once a Year
(During the Summer) (During the Summer)
Turn ON the air conditioner switch. While magnet clutch
Stop the engine when washing a condenser. of the compressor is ON, check the sight glass to see
how the bubbles are coming out. No bubbles are seen
[Notice] when the amount is proper.
‹Do not use a detergent. ‹The cover for the inspection port is located upper part
on the right of the vehicle.
Wash away dirt and dust attached on the fins of con-
denser with water.

Proper amount of refrigerant

Refrigerant lack
(Bubbles are visible)

Sight glass

Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Refrigerant Piping Connection Check Outside Air Filter Replacement

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Once a Year ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Every 2 Years
(During the Summer) Replace the filter, taking care of the arrow located on
the top of the filter.
‹The cover for the inspection port of the outside air fil-
In case the extreme amount of oil leaks, per- ter is located behind the driver's seat.
form inspections and maintenance properly to Cover
check any gas escaping from the refrigerant pip-

Check any oil leaking from the refrigerant piping connec-

tions visually.

Inside Air Filter Check and Cleaning

Outside air filter
・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Every 6 Months T05748E

‹Do not use the organic solvent such as gasoline,
trichloroethylene and thinner.

Blow the air from the clean side.

When it is extremely dirty

Immerse the filter in the warm water that household de-
tergent dissolved. Wash it well, rinse it with clean water,
and wait till it dries out completely.
‹The cover for the inspection port of the inside air filter
is located behind the driver's seat.

Inside air filter



Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

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V-belt Check ・・・・・Every 3 Months Parts Recommended Regular

(During the Summer) Replacement
[NOTICE] Some components of the air conditioner use parts which
‹Fasten the belt and nuts after adjustment. Too wear with time. For safety, such parts must be inspected
much tension of the belt will damage the belt and regularly. The following table gives recommended re-
bearings. placement intervals for the parts. Contact your nearest
‹Do not put grease on the belt, because the life of TADANO distributor or dealer to have these parts in-
the belt will be shortened by slipping. spected at the regular intervals.

Parts recommended
Check the tension of the belt by following the table be- Interval
regular replacement
low. Check any damage of the belt, too.
Receiver dryer 4 years
Deflection when Belt tension Blower motor 2 years (Differs by usage.)
depressing center gauge Electromotive fan motor 2,400 hrs (Differs by usage.)
Check point
of belt by approx.
98 N (10 kg) force
When checking 196 to 343 N
10 to 12 mm
{20 to 35 kg}
When installing 441 to 539 N
5 to 6 mm
the new one {45 to 55 kg}



Air Conditioner (Option) Air Conditioner (Option)

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Wire Ropes

Proper Handling of Wire Ropes Disentangling Wire Rope Parts

If a new wire rope is used when the boom is long and
Do not handle wire ropes with your bare hands. the parts of line are small in number, a coiling effect may
Always wear protective gloves when handling the be created, causing the rope to become tangled.This is
wire ropes; otherwise you will be injured. dangerous because it will cause the hook block or load
to rotate. Disentangle the rope as follows:

Always handle wire ropes carefully and correctly. The 1. Let out the wire rope until only a few wraps of rope
life of wire ropes can be maximized if they are handled are left on the winch drum, and check the direction and
correctly. If handled improperly, they become deformed number of twists.
or lose their original strength, and must be replaced pre-
maturely. 2. Remove the rope socket from the boom or hook
block, eliminate the twists as described below, then re-
How to Unwind Wire Rope mount it.
(1) If the rope is twisted in a clockwise direction, twist
Wire rope is wound in a coil or around a wooden bobbin the rope further (i.e., turn it in the same direction as
when supplied. Unwind the wire rope by rolling the coil, the twist).
or pull out the rope while rotating the bobbin. (2) If the rope is twisted in a counterclockwise direction,
If the wire rope is unwound improperly, it may become untwist the rope (i.e., turn it in the opposite direction
twisted or have kinks, rendering it unusable. Even a of the twist).
slight added twist may cause the wire rope to become ◆If there are many twists, correct the rope in stages.
tangled. Do not twist or untwist the rope more than four turns
at a time.

(1) Rope twisted in (2) Rope twisted in

a clockwise direction a counterclockwise direction




Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

3. Hoist the hook block up and down several times to Wire Rope Replacement
distribute any remaining twists evenly throughout the
rope. If, after this, twists still remain, correct again. Criteria for Replacing Wire Ropes

If a wire rope breaks during operation, a seri-

ous accident could occur. Check the wire ropes at
regular intervals. Wire ropes that do not meet even
one of the criteria given below should be replaced

Perform routine and periodic (monthly) inspections on

the wire ropes for breaks, wear, corrosion, deformation,
arcing or heat effects, oil coat condition, and rope end
condition. If any of the following conditions (1) through
(5) are met, replace the wire rope.
Correcting the Torsion of the Wire Rope
◆If the end of wire rope is not in proper condition, repair
【NOTICE】 or cut.
◆Wire ropes may lose its structural elongation and
(1) Ten percent or more of the wires (except filler wires)
be untwisted with use. Using such wire ropes for a
in a lay are broken.
long time can lead torsions to gather at the rope
◆The criteria are explained using the illustrations
ends, damaging the wire ropes.
below, based on a standard wire rope consisting of
To settle twisting condition of the wire rope, re-
six strands.
reeve the wire ropes regularly to remove the
torsions on the rope ends. It is essential for a while Core
after the wire rope has been replaced.

Wire Strand

Filler wire T00062E

Length of 1 lay

1 2 3 4 5 6


Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

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(2) The diameter of the wire rope is reduced by more Removing Wire Rope
than 7% of the nominal diameter.
1. Extend the outriggers and place the boom in the
over-rear or an over-side area.

2. Fully lower the boom and lay the hook block on the



(3) A kinked wire rope [refers to a rope used in a looped

state as shown in 1, which became knotty as in 2, 3
and 4 after use]. T00067

1 2 3 4
3. Remove the rope socket from the hook block or
boom head.

4. Detach the wire rope from the rope socket by re-

moving the wire clip, then hammering the wedge out of

Wedge Steel rod


(4) A badly deformed or corroded wire rope. (A badly de-

formed wire rope refers to one whose strands are
caved in or are loosened as shown, or whose core is
exposed. A corroded wire rope refers to one which
Wire clip Wire rope
has evident pittings on the wire surfaces, or where Rope socket

corrosion has extended to the inside of the rope.) T00068E

5. Pull the wire rope out of the hook block and weight
for the overwind cutout device.


(5) A wire rope damaged by heat or sparks

Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

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6. Wind the wire rope around a wooden bobbin while Installing of Wire Rope
hoisting down with the winch.
◆When you cut a wire rope or apply treatment to the
◆Pull on the wire rope as you let it out to prevent im-
ends, wrap the cut or treated ends with sheathing to
proper winding.
prevent the strands from coming loose. Use an
annealed low carbon steel wire covered with zinc
plating. Wrap it around the wire rope.
The width of the sheathing should be two or three times
the diameter of the rope.

Wire rope diameter (mm) Sheathing wire diameter (mm)

Less than 12 0.8

12 or more but less than 18 1.0

18 or more but less than 30 2.0

30 or more but less than 50 2.5

7. When there is no wire rope left on the winch drum,
hammer the wedge out of the winch drum and wind up
all the remaining wire rope.


Wire rope Hammer

Wedge Steel rod



1. Pass a new wire rope from the boom head or jib

head to the winch drum.
◆Be sure to route the rope correctly.

Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

2. Secure the end of the wire rope to the winch drum Fig.2

with the wedge.

◆The wedge must be oriented correctly. Make sure that
the end of the wire rope does not extend beyond the
edge of the winch drum.

Flange projection


4. After passing the rope through the weight of the

overwind cutout device, reeve it on the boom and hook
block sheaves in the pattern appropriate to the number
of parts of line.
◆For information on how to reeve, see the "Reeving
Wire Ropes" section.
3. Operate the winch to wind the rope around the
drum leaving only enough rope for attaching it to the 5. Pass the rope through the rope socket and secure
hook block. it to the socket with the wire clip.
◆Wind the rope slowly while applying it some tension to ◆Be sure to insert the wedge and attach the wire clip in
prevent improper winding. the proper orientations. (d: wire rope diameter)
◆Pay attention to the following when winding the rope:
(1) The first wrap must be wound along the guide at the
Rope socket Wedge Wire rope
end of the drum. (See Fig. 1.) Wire clip

(2) In the first layer of wraps, the rope should be fitted in

the grooves made on the drum. Wire
(3) When winding over a layer of wraps, the rope should
be set in the valleys between the wraps. (See Fig. 2.)

4d 5d

6. Secure the rope socket to the hook block or boom


Cotter pin
Rope socket




Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

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After Replacing Wire Rope

◆A new wire rope is prone to improper winding. Check
the rope on the winch drum from time to time. If it is im-
properly wound, rewind it neatly.
◆When first using a new wire rope, lift light loads at low
speeds in order to settle the strands. This helps prolong
the life of the wire rope.

When the wire rope is replaced, the new wire rope

wound around the winch drum does not have the proper
tension. If a load is hoisted with the rope at improper
tension, the wraps in an outer rope layer will become
wedged between the wraps in an inner layer, possibly
deforming the wire rope, or causing improper winding,
broken wires, etc. Before actually lifting a load, apply the
proper tension to the wire rope and rewind as follows:

1. Extend the boom, and unwind the wire rope until

about three wraps are left on the winch drum.

2. Suspend a load to give tension to the wire rope

and then wind the rope tightly around the winch drum.
Use a load of the mass obtained by the following equa-
[Load of the mass]
=[Allowable load per line]x0.3x[Number of parts of line]
(For the allowable load per wire rope, see the "INFOR-

Wire Ropes Wire Ropes

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SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E


Thick-line-enclosed units are SI units.


N kgf

1 1.01972×10-1

9.80665 1

Pa kPa MPa kgf/cm2

1 1×10-3 1×10-6 1.01972×10-5

1×103 1 1×10-3 1.01972×10-2

1×106 1×103 1 1.01972×10

9.80665×104 9.80665×10 9.80665×10-2 1

Torque, Moment
N・cm N・m kgf・cm kgf・m

1 1×10-2 1.01972×10-1 1.01972×10-3

1×102 1 1.01972×10 1.01972×10-1

9.80665 9.80665×10-2 1 1×10-2

9.80665×102 9.80665 1×102 1


1 1×10-3 1.35962×10-3

1×103 1 1.35962

0.735499×103 0.735499 1

Conversion Conversion
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Major Specifications

Crane Specifications

Maximum Rated Lifting Capacity

(number of parts of line given in parentheses)

11.1 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・55,000 kg x 3.0 m (13)

15.0 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・40,000 kg x 3.5 m (10)
18.8 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・28,000 kg x 5.0 m (7)
26.6 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・20,000 kg x 6.0 m (5)
34.3 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・14,000 kg x 6.5 m (4)
42.0 m boom ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・8,000 kg x 10.0 m (4)
9 m jib (5°offset) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・3,500 kg x 78° (1)
9 m jib (25°offset) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2,300 kg x 77° (1)
9 m jib (45°offset) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・1,300 kg x 78° (1)
14.6 m jib (5°offset)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・2,500 kg x 78° (1)
14.6 m jib (25°offset) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・1,200 kg x 78° (1)
14.6 m jib (45°offset) ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・700 kg x 78° (1)
Single top・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・4,500 kg (1)

Lifting Height, Boom Length, Boom Angle

and Speeds
Maximum lifting height ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Boom: 41.5 m
Jib: 56.0 m
Maximum load radius ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Boom: 34.0 m
Jib: 39.0 m
Boom length ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・11.1 m to 42.0 m
Boom extension speed ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・30.9 m/123 s
Jib length ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・9 m, 14.6 m
Main winch single line speed ・・・・・・・・・・・143 m/min.
(at the 4th layer)
Auxiliary winch single line speed・・・・・・・・・123 m/min.
(at the 2nd layer)
Boom elevation angle ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-2.0° to 80°
Elevation speed ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・-2.0° to 80°/68 s.
Swing angle ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・360° continuous
Swing speed ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・1.9 min-1

Major Specifications Major Specifications

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Overall Dimensions
Unit: mm

No. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ Dimension

1. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ φ400
2. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,435
3. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3,045
4. Minimum extension width ・・・ 2,390
5. Half extension width・・・・・・・ 4,600
6. Full extension width ・・・・・・・ 6,800
7. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3,650
8. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,755
9. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,725
10. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,140
11. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,900
12. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1,400
13. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 800
14. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,580
15. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 3,930
16. Overall length ・・・・・・・・・・・ 13,480
17. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 1,470
18. ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 4,540
19. Overall height ・・・・・・・・・・・ 3,680
20. Overall width ・・・・・・・・・・・・ 2,820

2 3

4 20 5 6

9 8


14 11
18 17 15 12 10
16 T23982

Major Specifications Major Specifications

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E
Mass Wire Rope Specifications

Carrier Mass Configuration :7 x 7 + 6 x WS(31)o/o

Allowable load :42.2 kN {4,300 kg}
Gross vehicle mass: 39,800 kg
Front axle: 15,900 kg Wire rope for :243 kN {24.8 ton}
(failure) load
Rear axle: 23,900 kg main winch
Diameter :19.0 mm
Length :227 m
Hook Block Mass
Mass :1.59 kg/m
Main hook block mass (55 tons): 570 kg Configuration :7 x 7 + 6 x WS(31)o/o
Main hook block mass (35 tons): 410 kg Allowable load :44.1 kN {4,500 kg}
Main hook block mass (20 tons): 400 kg Ultimate
Wire rope for :243 kN {24.8 ton}
Auxiliary hook block mass (4.5 tons): 130 kg (failure) load
auxiliary winch
Diameter :19.0 mm
Length :127 m
Main hook Main hook Main hook Auxiliary hook Mass :1.59 kg/m
block (55-ton) block (35-ton) block (20-ton) block (4.5-ton)

Maximum vertical load capacity of outrigger



Relief Valve Pressure

Winch hoist up circuit:
23.0 to 24.0 MPa {235 to 245 kgf/cm2}
Winch hoist down circuit:
8.3 to 9.3 MPa {85 to 95 kgf/cm2}
Boom raising/extending/retracting circuit:
20.1 to 21.1 MPa {205 to 215 kgf/cm2}
Boom lowering circuit: 2.9 to 3.4 MPa {30 to 35 kgf/cm2}
Swing circuit: 15.7 to 16.2 MPa {160 to 165 kgf/cm2}
Outrigger circuit: 18.6 to 19.6 MPa {190 to 200 kgf/cm2}
Front jack circuit: 3.4 to 3.9 MPa {35 to 40 kgf/cm2}

Major Specifications Major Specifications

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E
Oils and Greases

Oil and Grease Table

The oils and greases listed below are used in new
cranes at shipment.
For the kind of hydraulic oil in use now, confirm the la-
bel affixed on the oil tank.

Oil or grease No. Component Brand (manufacturer) Capacity/Quantity

1 Side and bottom surfaces of boom
TNR (TADANO Genuine Grease)
2 Slide plate (top surface of boom)
3 Slide plate (bottom surface of boom) Daphne Epoonex Grease EP No.2 (Idemitsu)
4 Boom bottom end
Mobilarma 798 (Mobil)
5 Wire rope (for winch)
6 Wire rope (for telescoping)
7 Swing bearing
8 Swing gear
9 Rotary joint
Grease As required
10 Outrigger floats
11 Front jack float
Daphne Eponex Grease EP No. 2
12 Elevating cylinder
13 Pin (for jib head sheave)
14 Pin (for single top sheave)
15 Main hook block (55-ton)
16 Main hook block (20-ton, 35-ton)
17 Auxiliary hook block (4.5-ton)
18 Propeller shaft
1 Winch speed reducer 4.0 L x 2
Gear oil Mobil Gear 632 (Mobil)
2 Swing speed reducer 2.3 L
TADANO Hydraulic Oil LL (TADANO 773 L ( 1)
1 Hydraulic oil tank Genuine Hydraulic Oil) or Daphne Super
Hydro 22WR (Idemitsu) 985 L ( 2)
Hydraulic oil
2 Oil reservoir Daphne Super Hydro 22WR 0.17 L ( 1)
(for accelerator) (Idemitsu) 0.6 L ( 2)

( 1): Tank capacity ( 2): Total capacity

Oils and Greases Oils and Greases

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Recommended Oils and Greases

■: Greases used at time of shipment from the factory

Component Boom Wire rope Other

Ambient temperature -20°C to 40°C -30°C to 30°C
TADANO Genuine Grease ■TNR
Idemitsu ■Daphne Eponex Grease Daphne Grease XLA No. 2
EP No. 2
Japan Energy JOMO Lesonix Grease EP-2 JOMO LT Grease No. 2
Nippon Oil Epnoc Grease AP2 Epnoc Grease LT2
Shell Alvania EP Grease 2 Alvania Grease RA
Esso Lithtan EP2 Beacon 325
Mobil ■Mobilarma 798 Mobilux EP2 Mobilgrease 22

Gear Oils
■: Oils used at time of shipment from the factory

Component Winch speed reducer, Swing speed reducer

Type ISO VG 320
Ambient temperature
Idemitsu Daphne Super Gear Oil 320
Japan Energy JOMO Reductus 320
Nippon Oil Bonnoc M 320
Shell Omala Oil 320
Esso Spartan EP 320
Mobil ■Mobil Gear 632

Hydraulic Oils

■: Oils used at time of shipment from the factory

Component Hydraulic oil tank Oil reservoir

Type ISO VG68 ISO VG46 ISO VG32 ISO VG22, VG15 ISO VG22, VG15
Ambient temperature 0°C–35°C -5°C–25°C -10°C–15°C -15°C–10°C
5°C–80°C 0°C–70°C -5°C–60°C -10°C–50°C
temperature range
0°C–90°C -5°C–80°C -10°C–70°C -15°C–60°C
temperature range
TADANO Genuine — ■TADANO Hydraulic Oil LL —
Idemitsu Daphne Super Daphne Super Daphne Super ■Daphne Super ■Daphne Super
Hydraulic Fluid 68 Hydraulic Fluid 46 Hydraulic Fluid 32 Hydro 22WR Hydro 22WR
Japan Energy JOMO Hydlux 68 JOMO Hydlux 46 JOMO Hydlux 32 —
Nippon Oil Super Hylando 68 Super Hyrando 46 Super Hyrando 32 Hyrando Wide 15 Hyrando Wide 15
Shell Shell Tellus Oil 68 Shell Tellus Oil 46 Shell Tellus Oil 32 —
Esso Nuto H68 — Nuto H32 Nuto H15 Nuto H15
Mobil Mobil DTE26 Mobil DTE25 Mobil DTE24 Mobil DTE11 Mobil DTE11

◆For the kind of hydraulic oil in use now, confirm the label affixed on the oil tank.

Oils and Greases Oils and Greases

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Consumable Parts

◆For locations and instructions on how to replace the
filters, see the “Hydraulic System” section.
No. Filter (location) Consumable part Part No.
1 Return filter (hydraulic oil tank) Filter element 366-707-50010
2 Air breather (hydraulic oil tank) Element 336-600-07510
3 Return filter (drain circuit) Filter element 366-701-09511
4 Line filter (winch brake circuit) Filter element 366-719-75060
5 Line filter (automatic stop circuit) Filter element 366-455-45010
6 Line filter (accumulator circuit) Filter element 366-729-65010

◆For instructions on how to replace fuses, see the
“Electrical System” section.

Inside the cab

Y 15A(Blue):821-000-01840





Consumable Parts Consumable Parts

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

Head Office
Ko-34, Sinden-cho, Takamatsu, Japan

Overseas Service Dept.

Tadano Ryogoku Bldg.
4-12, Kamezawa 2-chome,
Tokyo, Japan
Tel. (03)3621-7765
Tel fax (03)3621-7785

History of Revision

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

SV staff - PT. UNITED TRACTORS TBK D/L DATE:2016/05/10 07:05:13 GT-550E-1/O2-3E

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