AD2021-82-4 State Vs Solomon Case

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thaf; tb*, U~Gi6tr~te correct!,- reco~d whnt he

he CO~ it. correctness an~ aigned it.

the poli~e considêred

, in Enclisb.

he spoke to the Security o.cficel"8 in En;)..iah.

Cor .tbat reuon no pl"Oviaion was Jaade .cor an ott'ici.l
p.reter t4 be available.
'l'be accused was-taJren to the o.c.ciccol"

by Captain Aspelin&. acc~8lrl.ed

a aember ~.r tn~ Security rolice., In circumntanccs

sba1l presently deal .

.act as interpreter. Counsel: ~l"or tbe Derenc~ ~c:rUicis"!<l

~8trate' inter alia .for aaking uac oi' a aellliber of th.:

SecuritJ Police at JOhn Vorster Square, as .an interpret.'t:'l' •

. It was augg~sted that

-novever• in IQ view. and. in Yiév 01" tJ~

~rrtioned adJilis8ions iliade-bJ me accused .. Md in -the

ot an:! sugge8ted conduct by tbc int(·1'lu..('ter 'J.l)t:d,

this criticl,sm in. my riew is ver.1 insir;niricant •

~--.t""·0- tbB elfi<'lellee- ~I",Mngi1ttrah'"T"'llo&e-..idenea..,.I

....... a~l!-t~'tj.

---- ..--
le.nring .him alone witt)' the i1.aGistrate 1n the cfficy.

llagistrate tb~n proceeded to re=\d the' prt."amblc to tlt<l

tbat is to say~ gaY!:hilil the no.!cesfiaryuamine. and put

certain prescribed
questions to the accused. vbo rCpli~

th~rt)to in English. llowever.

\litricult)'in undel"litandinG
order to avoid aD1 possible aisun~crstondinG,
Pl'9per17" clcc:idt::d

Bot b.tYing 'a

UIe- ~atrat(!
- ('t
dt:ëidcd to 1l3'k: us.... ut

I·-lID unable to fault th.:

Jla&iatrate 011 ~iriG conduct.
'!'bë MDGistratc ltÏ-ft Uit:
in orcwr to oatain Justia- e.i.rcular'ilJstl'U~ti(fna to CUicit! jl),n
in ~nbtering tbc oatb to the interpretor E-.ploled.
done" the Magiatrate retlU"ned and adJitinUtered the -oath
, .
thereafter t~ proceedings started aZresh. I ae~opt tbe
Jlagistra~e·. 6t"eaent ~~ be .aUat'ie.d jd,u.hf on(the
appearanc;e or 'the aCcused ~
'--_. -_.

Be:Cerence will be aa<le

root later.

Aa 1: Baid bdore" withOut t!lQ' 8UQ;esJ;iou or

. 1

the Securit7 Police to htroduce and oj)Crate ê ~tl\JX"Ï"ttcorrt('l"

while the .tate~nt was be:in;: t'eer>nl<:Ml.

11.-:81 with tbis aBp.:ct but i.n passing I -0I4J.d point out.

device OPer~tinG. I!Jl7 PO:;s:iblct\ll~cntiott 01'

-....?s'ult, ---int;q,re.~tiQtL~..ihe. in~~';;"emo.d·,iJe V€l'irii-\l
vitl!cut Qn.7 _di.cti!tUlt7. -i'ba.t..or .c~Ot--ari3~':"""':""""" ~
in this eaae,

Tbe gravamen'oC tbe~~jectiona raised o~' b~halr

tbe accu.t:d is tbe 1'01:lowillG.. It is aneccd that the
accuá~~ _as aoYe~l1 3Sn,u1ted b7 ~

8JIIOnCtllt...· Captain Crcmr~lt .. ..hlcut~nant...Str\lwig~

Lieutenant Oe lfoa1. in adclition that he .lUI. at ],:tlU

tol~ by tl).e S~curity Pcli(l~ 'whnt to 81ly to
ttl-at b~ \'II:UI thri!atencl.1 by _the police that.¥' if 1)e
- _ .....
did not' make the 8tat~m~u~
to say, lie would be 0'10;lY t<:>ttul'cdto-cleath;

maehin~ in the -91'fioo óf the Hncrislsrotu 80

res::o:rd what ne sai\i nnd on replay, if they found

hllu tailea to e~:lIi1p+y'wi~h their

lO 'f'ea:r

former ~c.o"aceus(:!d. nonuy

, J •

Street. Johtll'\h~ftburg.

member. of thu Seeurit'( .police t9 thl:

Square en the, lOtt< fl~or. -,

In his evid<mce. in chie.r- tine ~~c.ulHl'd

the rno~ent h~ :left

on tM 'l?tb ,flQOr,;
Po'liel!" Who hit him nne pulleu him nb.o\tt.

mc.'llI~n~·to paint out at

• ~,-,--' - ~.-'--~._.~_. _ ....... __ _,.__. j,........

. -'
!t}U:n'he 'WilS'
........... _.-
-~-,.,.,...".~ ~
lihi~ pl) -l;hnt
- ..
' .
In tM ufficl! - and tb is i.I:s tho cl'\leial pOl·t

allego.d that, ho
'he ~lnter learnb' w~r(:!'Crif)t$in Ct'omwriGht. ltleuteM,nt. StN\tÏG
nnd Lieuten~t De W~nl.

,In th~ office


h~ wna 8&ain
(lna1,\I1~,~)iitn WOI'lf/rilfit:-; ne'rU~lt~ and ""De' UMl-'>t«i~' p;...._,_,. ..............
fiat rrom' abovê mY'b~lt upwaros .. and pulled mc.~

-.I~-ia~~~l1ttr..'\e- shor1;Iy thël'Cafl(cI' tne: doctor

'arrived, that is Dr. Jacobson, and examined the nccuscd. •
ac:cu-lJed allet:;l:!d that atter the doctor left.

naked by the police and he- Waa then al:ain nssaultQd,


then asked what he hOO brougbt into the Republic, tQ

replied - .-

·~ck7 brOUght in tbin~s, lett them at

. .
r then ..toale the police to Duduza. ft

'_-.'1'he1LÏ1e ,deaexibe.d- th~xt --a&&ault._.....:;~.,c.;:....,,_,;"'-'-

-on ~be way back to John Vorater

, Sq;uare in
I -was assaulted bl some or ~he police'.

me with their rista o~ ml-race and De'Vnal

SUG - J ACter this you have to go and ·make a
statement before it l1agistrat:6' • Of

Lieqtenant De Waal added that


. they. t~ po~ico. would tell him, the accusep, "hat too say
-tohe Macistrate. The

'-----Upon Our return to John Vorster Squar-e, I \'fElS

taJten td a 1l.\&ropean or!ïc~r'6
\ ~
•• f"
on -tIm

rIoor... ...'lllis ...o.Ui.ce~ introoueed !linSe-if (tS ti

-~~~-L...._~+1ajor"-;--(::ItIJ(.uJr aas1Uilt!that tTaat i-s-ffnJor O1ivl.(1J'T:

---.' ~- . "Capt.ain
--- ....:...-
aaid ~p, me -
'You Dust
-- ~ lJa&-· Pl'e8t;:;lt.
--..,...._..,.._ -- out-
-:;:-:': _.....,_ ......
nt'C;istrnt~ the

whole truth and you muct' add the rollottilll:, flArdel)'

tbat 'I ~ent lromly to r~tch the rire:orrlS !;Jurot<!

wa were arrested. I ,_' U~ alao uaid I should not
scotian that .1 -wae aeMtllt~-brt1nr-,rottcé. ,.
r~fu8_t.-d to do so. 'ihc "Bj or then clllled thtl

"'hey took
/ 80 I r~member Captai~ c~omwright and Licut~nants _4_
.St.ruwig and De Waal. Lieutenant De Vaal C$ll!

- ....
in wlllinarr-a-broor;aaHek-atJd..41i.t;__~n. , ~ad

and on 1117stomach and body. Struvig and another

, grabbed me on either side and tosses). .e' into the

air above their beads and 1-;:1;~ ra11 onto the

cement floor. 'Zhey did this sev~ral ti_s and

I {unted tvic~. 'l'hc7 did tbis

,.- -~because 1. refused

to tell liea to tbe Magistrate.

they wo~ld kill a. so

Then he 8pecifi~d -
.lilt i8 1'alse .he~ I JléId to tell lobe

that I told HondY» when we vere Nnning a\l.~.

to go and retch ~be rÏ;roeanas.· D1 then I bael

a heaU injury. a 1\DIP on ..,. r~head~ It VaB

caused either by a kick or bf ban&inC JiI.J bea4

on the cement apor ·vben I vas t.)ll"OVI\ in tllie ~.

A European oCCj..cer then C1lAE in witb a tapt

lIe told ae tbat tbis orneer, .vi~b

the tape reeoruer uilLacc~anJ: lIte-!to the

)fabi3~rate- anCJ _tbat th~ t~ ~~o~r wil.l

. CVel"ytni,~-an<l i,r-i:-sAid-~i.n&-]: 1f~ __ '~~ tolu

dia not - ii' I did not ~a:J vbat

III additi~n they
they would kill me GraduallY.
also said I shoul~ ;881 I wa rankin(; this stateJll!:nt

r~ee17_and ~oluntaril, and that I vae no'

by the~ polie.:. and I Ghould also aa:J ttiat

the lump on ~ forehead
takirl6- the C'ireanu' out or the paperb~.·
as the
..r _ _.,__ever.ta in the 'fiadstrate's
C' atric" i-3
conce~ned. the acc~sed dep~ed-ta the placing Of the ta~e
~Ma~i~-~at{ê: th~t- it-;~~tdt.;hëtl
. ~spelin~ and "then •..~
while albne with the
Ka_cistrate in th9 office. the -Mn_gis~~a~~Introau~ed ,liNdf

Il Magistr!l'te ,and sPok,c, to J1i01 in Ent;lSc_sh. CE'rtain questions

"ere put to him. fo-rinstance -whe:ther he \fas makil'lG the
etateme-nt fl'~e_ll and: voluntarily' or whe~he-r
. in1;o making '" it. lie théo adC;ie"d
remembered wlfat. :t was told and saW the ~ape
. .
.', ~',,'
~-'-t-F::;-:"'__'_-,-;;f':::__;,,_~ror:~ ..~'"'l'fIr(!(ra:ë~~aai(r~"'1Illtldb(f
t '. .

Hé -tht.m sta,teq. the Magistrate put ce~tain

then h_e acJded -

, nbE1cau~e '1 was c\izzy. I could not .ta1k~p~perl.y
in. -Eng:J,.ish to t_he r.1ae-i$trat'e." Jill pre8sed th.e
record and he _-sai<l he was goin~
I\s he'~ot up trolll his seat_ it; became-

de:rk in' front of me .and I fail\t~d. ~ When, I

recovered r' ~Ias lying on·th!:! floor in

"ly o'1.ot11ël
ana belt , \Iere' loose. I 'fIns re.viveu in tho
~~~.'- "'Paá~age-;nd tlll.:n tnken Imel; int~ th~-- oUio(!
.' ti 'f \. -
... --'-,..7-1--~-"_"~~"--'-",=~~-,,~- _ ~at1ier

af;Pes\-1 th.rou~h ,t-h!} intl:rp:retcr

.. ,

and I

feeling weak."
Hi~ counsl!l rcfet'r*(d him to oertain qUt!s-tlono
, ill -partTe'l11ar -t-o-~- (tue~i-on and ana-wfJ-t'

para~rnph 1.1_ and 2.. 'rllis retttla as follo1l8 -

"7.1 Have you previously inadc a statcfllent to

am' person in rc-npu(}:t oI thi8 incidcEt? - Yes.

12 P". ~od~. aiddQ.
--~ ror
iië ~(nglU=a-iJt_êla_ffit.· _._'-:-~~..:._~~

Aaked b7 biB enunael to explain tbeee

.aid -

.0 'tbat 'tb~ would not assault me any rurth~r."

'IIi. counael tben read to bitl ~e

or bi•• tate.en't" ~~ -

!'I picked up 'tbe ~r bac and

t'raII the paper bag aDd one band

IQ' h-iend ''to CODe to laC to take

raD. 'to iv oppoaitê direction.


it 'be muJ got a cb2nce. be can

111& aiIai'tt;ed harint; said this to

'It is coaaon cause- that

ol'rice the accused vaS, returned to

ere. he-all.~~ whil.~t he vas ~etaln~d in OrK'

I • oft'ice. be beard UJê tape recordi~ being

office •
.. :I q1lQte~_l!is t9#id>'~c..._-- - ~ ~-' -

-.sbort17 tberearte~,three police officers

aeCCllf,paDieci.e '(;a-..e into the office nod a~ain

t-~--~-~-----'~~~~~aee and .ta.acb

~ ~eJ .aoted to know·rrnm

~ iD this $tate~nt 'Idid not.•~7, 1•

• anéJ I vere the leaden of t1lia group.
\ -

I bad pGint"d oUt the artic).es lef't


Be- said Irits -rep1x_ tG t~ watt-the -fol::lori-nC-_--

w-'!'he llasiatrate did nGt 837 I -boJild ta11<. he

~relJ asked ~ questiGns tG wbich I rcplicd~.

,.., - he was Curt bet' a~8aU1ted-. The accused al.leged tbat; be was not given any :rood tG eat nor wa. be
allowed !Jr eben ~ vater tG drink. Mbicq
t'eel C8Ïn"t.

In ~s8-exaadnation the accus~ was .akedito detail 10

the assaUlh

tlte 10th fiool". lIis rep!)' vas '_

WIn the liCt botb I'londl' and I

punched with Cist,s in the race ana &~oaaaeh.

grabbed b)'·lIIr.7 abkt ann a button CaPle

struck on the race lilaJl7 ti1llee bJ 1Iot'e than one

ort'iCel". It was done \lith

.. , _ .0000th vaa svo:len because I had bit 1il)'8elr i~sitle.·

Af! I ae~i~ beCGre. be that in

Crc.wriebt's otfice be vas i"urtber assaulted b1 8JBOllg oth'lr~ 7. I

Captil:ln erc.ungbt a..-xl Lietlt_enant De tfaa1-r

~ -and stepped on his injl1!"t'd i'QQt_._.

............... - - .....
race rith the open hand :ru\n.Jt il'.iles

...t.Q..JWa_ tlJat_ he Jti~~.n1;iruL.f; .in c:hicl"~

be replieu tbat Ire .ua:;n't; 'a8)t~l in l'Cf!al'd eo .it.·

ia e~n cause tbat. uithin a vcr7 brier npaen nf

be arrived at .Tohn Vorst'cr Square. the doctor flxal:lin~d

and the doctor uas eall.ed-by Captain CrDIIIVl"ight.

'lao alleced to ba.~ nssault~d th~ 2ccused. .In

exaaination in relatiun to the doctor'G

th.:! doctor came in, did lOU tell hÏlil

. ~
-1 uid not because he did-not aak Ae.n

lle was asked wbether be knew he WaB a dQctor

.Yea. r aaw he \las a doctor becaus~ he was wearing

a ~hite coae ,
Did you tell him .boUt the "leeding inside

mo\!.th? ':' He did not.'ask me.

Wb7 ~1i'dyou not teU hin .about your
- .......
doctor did not ta1k to me,

to ., foot. I thought the o~ who ~d told thb

doct.or abOut the injury to Illy 1"oot.. would tell,

him *,-boutthe injary to lily mouth.

How would be have knOlm about tl'l1! j;njuq to

,Out- mouth? - It \4as visible hecau~e lil)' lips

were torn.u
Later in croos-examin<>.tioll - ánd that i8 in relatit)n

to a viait'bJ the doctor on tIle l~th.

day .. the .accuaed vas asl{ed -

"ne said that be asked yo~

by the police and you sud no? - Yes •

~ did you not tell
• ,the doctor uhat had

tó you. hê i8 a doetor?"
His reply is a c)11"1o\15'
one -
"Betore I saw the doc~or r waS tOld by the
not to trust anybody i becau8~ :r JdU. not ~01f

who is' a Police ~rri(1)r')r no.t.·

Quite a dialionest answ~r &nel an illustration
)'OU knew he \HlS a doctor. "'diorl' t you?"
another queer n!1suer ..
M' ,~
... 'not show me any evidence or document.

In the fnce of wh~t he. said earlier. that he

waa a. doctor because he had a white COImon, thia

is cl~ly an erf~J;"t to avpid the q¥~t~6n,

The a.ccused admitted that he fr~elY and

t~ld the police of his excursions to t10zamhique

and his
activities in thé ANC"
about the docQJnent. EXHIBIT R. the return document.\
alá()., or. fi1~'Own free
• __
the 'I)olice. about ,tne
,J,..;....,.._ ~~-- __ ~~~

they had left at Duduza location. allel lie t'ook the police th"rc

tQ point tbese out. He said t-hat in tihis re,,,rtl he

. intiaidatéd or assaulted or infl\lerréed in any. 'lay.
'returning ~ohn_Vor8tcr Square, h~ .rea!ised that
torgotten to aer'ltion all the art;icl.és l(tft th!'t;rp, ih:-
adllliUed that he then .called De \laal ól his. o~n froe

told him about this, 'l'Oe police then w(lnt ,out

excursion to recOver the remainaer of the articlea.

\I.e DlU.8t rCJllt:mbt)r ~}1ntthu a~cu5ed

the tact that .on his return lJudu-ztl\lith

and De \I~l _!

the question
accused. \1ou1.d Licutf~hal1t. D€ \18.1'\1.
h[lve to RssaUlt hil"
- ~ ,

car on 'th~ way bac~ from Dud\ll'la? - in p--ViCH thin if.\

mOI$" ÏJn_probablebut it is untrue, I, l'p.ject his
in this, -regard as ralse~
.• Jls 'lnp.ntio!"ed before,
atter be was~hrought ln~o John,~Vl'1t8te-~Sq\ULre~ DT~
WO \fas called- bl captain Cror,l\~rieht 't.o examine him,
accoiodinC to the doctor's êvicl....
noe. he snw the necu8E:d
t ho accuovd nlle~cd th~t
from the litt iilt~ -the oCfice or Captain Cl'OJINl:"igilt.

he,v88 seve.-eq ~SilUlt~_~y-cro~..ig!t~9f1d ótbera while-

CroIawrigbt was pres1mt. "_Yet h~ is the

exa.nne bia •

.IQ -1 Yie". it be was aa:aaulted

it áou.ld have been incritable

hard ceJlént' fioor /# 7et be sustained no

He tainte4 twice. One éould iaagiQe that be

.have been so lieu as no'" to be able to cuabiqp

of·bis taLL on the hard -Cloor. How he could bave
a broken neclCOF c~11arbone or at l~aal abraaions.
be· explained on his evidence.

It is coamon cause tbat

. " _

doetot' exaJdned bim. he vas stripped. he was naked.

doctor .j'~ulKl no bruises. no abrasions or aD7

,___.._,._-_"=". - ~ __,.....-- -- " - - -- - ----- ...- - --
~ o.!!,hia ~xcept on bis Coot. __ 'lhe doctor aske~ tbe accused
. .
pertinent1.7 "beth.:}'"he had been áSGaulted b7 the poljee. 8f.ld

false evidence previously Illt'ntioncd.

rejecting hia allecationn of as~ault as a tissue of

anduan~rQcture. --
~ -
Siai:laru isis alleif;'\tions t_bat be fainted

asked to make contcss{C\ns. :trë ~ual17 untrue.

witnesses. Ila&ilJtr31:~}.Captain Aspel~nc aJl(J
.,"" . .
lfit~l Ulany,ycêlrs or eXJ)erience. an~
I • __. £
loa 1ll0S
t ;ullpro!;)able that ne would have. lfithout

~dance. taken down a stateuent trom a pers~ just

recovered rrom.~ faint, I-'accepted the evidence ;'1" Ute

Mllgi;Jtl'ate and Captain' AapelinG-..and !;erceant -tb:tt U...

appe-ared nomlal and in his B0"l'd and sober sense.s;
that he was never taken out 01" thnt orrice troll the

Wunt, in until he actually completed his statelIent.

aïlec~tionor a raint in the or~ice i.
a£ain a Cabrication •
It. follows rrom what I said that I COWld
the;atiGaa 10
mad'LQY,th~ accused of asáault and of hia t"aint:in& iJ_a tbe_.
ltlagiatratc's'ofi'ice to be .false ,an~ a t"abrication. and I

accepted the evidence of tlle police officers concen.ed and

Hagiatraté in this ~gara. ..

These allegations. are -élosely related :tIo bi. allf?ga-

tiona that he was in pal't p:rohlpted wlU\~to aay to the

.> "
Magistrate. and. also his alle(;~tion 01" tbe ÏJlpact IIade UI--

.nilll uy tbe Operotiêm or tlle tapt:' recoJ"der in the ftagi.tratr.· a

of.fice. Ilo. I mentjoned be ï'or-e, hi:J evidence "88 tlu~t' dUI: _
to the pcrsistt!ut Sovl!r~ aas.oults upon him and the threnl; ol"

• sUffering torture ór a' 31o~ up,atil ",hieh he_.belieyed woeald bn

hitr_fate -i~~~ or \l11I1t~ hadJjappaned to 'hl~:-hê repettteci

. .- .
thes e 8ta.t~lJlentit to the f!1agiG trate. , 1:ounrlation
~'he "r
'oll'e-tat:tonJJ i8 found to bu "f'al.oe
-and -a

Consequently ,1 r~jecte<l his ev~dehce in this regard.

a~cup~ed tho evidenee of tJ.u: polic~ that the a~cuned

co':'ope-rative. that
hc~ freely and

..exhiuit81. told or- his
., , '
tr~J.ninG - al), facts that he nWllitttd.- In those
nennccn in my '.,ietl til'! .tnpë recorder COU~dh:t~e LAadeno

on him at oll'to .inf1u~nee him in

ret'lilins'to be dealt' ~litl1 i6 the qu~stion

tórehend~ The ac cuae d , ",hen

the injury was sus tained. dea it an

on his left forehead.

the exp1anntion to \;-he rta,g,is.trate. he said it l;n!f caus.e\l, lIy
bwapinc his heacl aCainst 1100<1:1'(; head. In evidence
at! be stated that it ~ould have .been c~~Bed ei tl~e,r '-bY

or when be fe~l tro the. r;roulld. The

. ~'''..
pOlice eviaenee
this inj.ury was pres"ent Ofl. ~be head 01' the acc.uae4. ){hen be
, , ~
into JOhn Vo~o;e.r SCju-are on th~ l_;th~ 'l;'hat

strar)ge that the doctor . dido lI; o\;)sérye
on the 16th .when he. ca;'rie!lout -a.thor9uth e!amlllation .
llhat otherlii
~ .t .

'l'he l-lar.;is t'ritte deacri"bed it

.lump on bis ,le-rl; fór;head,
.,. .
a litHe l~reer than a 50~


to th~ 1tagi8t~a1;;e but he denied l>hat he hall it

"the d~toi' saw him lo lellV'inc; tile i~ference that the inj ur}

lDUl!l; have '~en cauaed upon iaj,Ill' Arter the ';dfetmt o.a,uhim,..

~.rore tl~e- ll4t;iGtrate satt him IF


.. 'imf!\t. about ti;e injuries the aceus éd QUJ'Jtainé~.

_"Vih.ier.s:. obvi.ously IIIU;t be -éonsic;leI'~Q to hc' an

v"ltneall, and as such one\iou1d 'aosume , he' would

....,:'"t'- ..... ;..,.;;.-_ ........_ .~~.applij,i.a.J]1irlQ_ tE.. tbe q~e.s..:.i0!E very ,thoroU{jhly.
deacription of ~lbnt he s av on toe morninG of 111

lie ~HlI' in A certain cell

to Pther; . bi... bel~ to·. DOye. 1n that

periOd ot ti,. be had a look at tbe. accuaed. ~d he h1\Qnn

1DJiIred .foot and be bad 30. injUl"7 to his

He wae tben asked to describe this


a deacription that bas aan;r 1iiaI17
it,. lie described. i t as the

le".). -O.fbi. ~. left ear.

tile b-orit or bis ueád.
1IJIOU1.d "ou· SQ it wae about thê 1Iift

Loii&er.tban the wi.c1t11 ot :row!' baaid!

sq it vas a)K)ut tbat l~,.. ~Cl"03~ tlae be" like.

.Four.-five or six inches? - lIe1.1. Vhát i..G that.

u 1: sQ. U; lias -longer than it was ride, and tbe

accused'. hair V3.$ aueb shorter than it i. n(lif.Y
well. i.t vas 6.ho~er to alJ60st mi hair at al~d
the bUllp was Ye1"7 easi17 noticeab1e.

t.bat it could posaib)J ~e been

J ....,

a blow. a ver" large bUNp_·

And he &aid 70U couldn't help
U uaa such a lar&e-bua;».~
accusecl present wbëre the UOUlid uas. ~rort'I- 'tde COJ'Chead trI
_ _l - ' ..
the ear. Be_ Ye~tured.L.~t~t real17 ~_~sb~'f!_._lJ;.:.__.
ventured an opinion bou

concede. that be is :1101;a ~'cal eXpert.

How. ~ ~7 basis_. tbiro i. an o.!xacr:e:rat~on

.I a:aWI, 'Vse1!"! 1Ih7 voul.d be

that the aer.u.'j(!r} bad a bUJli(l011 hi8 l("ft; Ct'ne~ead.

beca1l!ie i all oatisried that ~

not truthtul in that recard. 'rbe "'doctor did not see the

bump that he had on hila on the day" bef'ore. aDd X accept

tll~ pOliee-evidence that be- bad t;bat injul'J on hia. 1Iben be

• s
waG brought into John VorSter Squêl"e. SiaiL~ll 00 tbe l_tb

when the ooctor exaJllined bia thorou~~;b1.7.

be didn't :;ee th ...

inj ury at all, It can Delrer be sup:;ested tit..." that injul"J'

or the 8."e111nl';~ rev 1"roa tbe v.orning o~ tbe 11th. or tbe da7
of the 13th. to the JIlOrninc 01' the 11lth "to the extent a3
And __ 1mOV that tile
te8titi~ti' to bJ Mr. De Villlera-
accu8~d at no &t3&.eCOIIPlained to the doctor about "an W1Il"1 lG
" _ i

... or that- be "an........ suffering lie~or.

to -the head l)ain-.
..... -:
follows frOa what I naid tbat 1 ~sbe1~e.e the aecuaed-S
version about tbe a1le~iions on qb!cb be baáed bi~ Objectiml

to •th~ adJllissibi1i ~ of -e"f~o~' áDd. tlle sta"teuent Ï$ al~·

\le proceed now to deal witb tiK! aerf" ol' this ease.
. ~
'rhe ac,:used. a South Af'1"1canborn"Bantu caal.e'~ 21 le~-
~ "

of ~e. is cbar£Cd with two ~s of' _J"der. t1fO count. or

attempted lIlUrder. a couot of contrayenticm of section

21(1)(c) of Act 26 of 1956. unlalil"Ully causim; an e-xp"o:oiou

and Imdau&ering hUJ:la11"

life. lie was rurtbeJt'lilOre ~~

two counts ot contraveninG Section 2(1}(a) ot Aet BJ or


_1~~7 and one count of eontravpnin(; U(b) tëi- or (b!t II' nr:
1950 and one count of contravenine S;ctioo 2U){cl oC Act
- -- .r ~ - ......-
"l'ilere are vari~S- ill-e.maU:we
counts 1 thrCu6Ïl 5 and C9unto 8 and 9 •.
\lben tIM! matter oria;inall_y, Ca-! ~rOl"t! the court.UIl!

accused fiCUred as eecu~~d nO. 2 in tbe inilic:t.rnt• joint.l]p

CI~arged:witb one 140nd,JJ4ótloaung wbo Cicure4 3S acc:UAedno• ..,

On thnt ()(1C)86ioo"panel or three PS7cbi!trlat. __ ""_,,,"

in terms or the Criginal procedure

and (]e~eraine the aental- .condiUon

whether he 'was mentally fit to 'otand hi. trial and
on 13 February 1918 ~be panel
.llb.ittfld a. j oint report in whioh they unanilllo~"G"1.y·
to a fractured skull and brain damace .u-otawed
~n 15 June~1971 thin accU6~? WQS~ntail1 not tit ;r
bis trial. The trials were ttien separated ROdaccus~

was dealt uitH in terms of the Ac~. Tbe pre.ent

yaa tben proceeded ~Iith.

upon arJ'aignment the accused pleaded not &uilt

the ()harbe8~ . .
nnt in d).,apu"te \fas recorded as agreed to by éounsel tor ~be
, ;

-state and the 'Defence, 'l'hesEr aUmissiOl1s were read into

the -record .and coni'irmed -\:ly the' accuacd in ~rM8 0(' the Act.

l)e~ning at tl)e out~et wi tb counts 6. ...7.. 8 and 9 of"

iiulietmsnt j ue need 'not deal uith' the issues in detail

these are 6uffioientl-y cOVered. by the adl!lissions .ad":
The guilt of tla.,
eVidence presented to the court.
aecused' (In tbese counts hBS:. been' es,tablishcd be)'ond'B1\7

and h~ i8""found_C\lilty ns charged on those Cour -couttt:;.

\le-- now 'pl'oCtled to analy8~ the merits on the first hlo 20

counts. of IllI:lrde1", tl'II) counts of at tempted I(ur(}('r and tb{'

th;.t in

hE:. with others, urualllUll -

Afric:;l for rtozarobique

-~~.,....__ - .......
Hh(~x:(;they j~Jlëd the Arrican
_ il

- ~o
the ANC.
an oI't;anisation
He also
nanned in the Republic

I will- refer
in f"urthel'ance of. the


objeets of the Mie, they - he and his confederates - vere

relllOved to Luanda in (\HC;ola wheru hl~ roc(!ivp.d lllili~

traininG, includinr, illlltruction in handline ril"Canoltl :md

and cause ~bê economic downfall o£ ehe Republic

qt South Afnca. - EYentuhl.17 in ,June 1<)77the accused

returne1l to SoUtH Africa uitb tbe desicned intenti{ln' or
operations in the r~publie, and in

;rlJ;a and obj..!'cts or -the ·Alae h-{.!~ tQcetl)er

witb tvo 'l'ellov-tra~el1er:;, nalll!ly the' erotl.fbile accueeu

~. :lond:r, and one pêrson :re.ferred ~o ~ Lucky l1áhlan~,

unJ.aut'u1lj ~te1"ed tIM: P.epublic ot South Af'riea tnm

'losaJabique ria SVasiland on 11 .Tune 19"J1.

~ order to carry- ~ the af'oreaenti-oned o~~atiónG.,

toM.,. b~t, nth tbe. ria SWaziland tbe 1'olloving arti.elell.

EXitIBr? 118. an oran&e ODd creen Glliteaae with a' ra16e

"he .. round "7 "he police,. it contflin:!~ 222 ;x. t .«;5 lq!I3.


ntb thell EXJnB1"1' .,,, 33 JC 9 aIIIIIIlWlÏtion; ED'UB1!.t

~e? traVellinG bat: vlth a false bott~ óontaining a

quruttit, ot' subwersiY.: pasph1eta and. books"

cartons or Carlton ti.f;:;uc.os. t~se contained t~

aet. out in ~ 25
"5, '6~
a .c~~ ol' Punch ~!?~ P<ftttl~r.
'tiD'_' 1..XiiDil.T ~" lfIli"cll-e-ontaiTi2d~lo~dVl::li an,tJ-rlt!,tl'lQ;;itiHI~:"",~~:~,-4.,._.,;

device:;; a ..lest!.! cocoa tin" l"Dlii'·IY31.

e1Cploai're WechanisJ!'S with Iiilililll' device:;; ~~ I;ub~ of

toothpante cOntainiUA:; mlInr.l .TJ. t.h~" :n:turn' iloeUr,.m~ in!l\Hlfi

to the aceu.ed; cnunrt C3.. a cake er 80ap eontainirq;

al.UlaÏniwa detonaton» Ill. a tin
L.XIJIUI'i' or: I.looM :opr0l1

cOlltoininc uxplOiivee vith PJ'!:"l;:lur\;-dctonatinc QechanilJr~;

all e~'.:~ric b<lttet't and tblv.' d(."olj,ion p.i3tol~

all also l::lUIiiIT11, a l'ai~r earr-aer-.

.. .
bl the' accused.
or ene cootcÓtt;
as he adaittcd
de- thes'! containers
that be and hi.'~wO fellov-
Ju, ~,tt111.

was adrtitt'!fl I

.t~ave~ler5 and· one Dan b~d~once~led the ~xpr~i ... ·~tcetera

tbe8~ contairi~r8.
iiavin& crossul into the Republic ero. Suazil..!md. the

and Lucky visitc~ ~i~~~ wbere t~7 apent

the nig~lt ot 11 June at tbe bouse oe Phint!as natabela.

had with .tt-em tli~ paper bag~ EXHIBH'11. the suitéa~_
EXUIBI'i',lJ6. and tlle creen t~avellin& bag. EXlilBI'l 51.•. ~

fOllowing mornip& they leti. takinG aU their belimclngs 10

with them:---: 'No- arráJ1gemen~s vere Eaue for thl! aceuse4 -eo"

- ~ -
.return and take up residence with "'Phineas altbOlJi1s __ .tat'L-G

in end"erice that he mentioned that to Phineas's JlÏC~. llat

. . '

Suntlay~evening at aj)p~-oxinátely S.JO p.D. tbc thNe of tbar

arrived at tbe home oe - -. :' IflatslIa)'O. Luc~ was carJ'7ill,f;

the paper bag. ExHIBI'i 11. the accused-~3l:T'Ïed EIIIIBtt "8,

the green ·suitcase. ' 'londy carried the greén bag. I:m1D1".t

parents ot Luclq ~ho, resided in .the bouse next door II£l"II!

ab6~nt trom bon~.

permission to le~"e his ~erï.e-s ami clothinG. ~3 b~
_de8cribed it, 1;hcre pendin£; the n:turn ot ~ ~"U"Cnts
he uou~d return and
'1'11e roll~1rilïl- exhibits v~rc tl~n len
" 7

E'XlilnITS -46-,~1;- 56-; 3~,-"J.; ''';-'52, 5-J anw}._~ •. .'

'that. same c'lenin8 the three oI"tl,CI'Ilett Cor ~r&Ili:;ton.

accused. toose exhibi t8 V\!l'C re.oved

~. Croll RosDJ.illiJ

Lieutenant Do Waal and othcr3. ~ eireuas1oanc~s under

"bieh this tltUl done have alJ"f!ad7 been

in the- rc-MOnt~Given in too tria1 uitllin a 1orin)... and

IlQw.?vcr. Mr. flailer for the
put thé tOllO\lin~ 'quc$tiona

Lack:; .(Jo all tho ,.talking the):'e that cV'~:llIina? ..

Did the other tItO speak t'o"you at all? - Ilo, they

It ia clear to y·ou. \tas i t not.! that the

óf tlw 'papel' bá~, l.i::i<UlnIT n,
in f~ct belonéed to LucKY, do you acree
• Ye.s."·
nation wc)
\~at ba~i8 ther~
'A~&'Silla 1038
was for thjs
t~ npprec,iate.
~yp~ ot
61nc;- the acCused.'

b~3 belonged
""""i-+~-""""~:'"·-f-"""'a""~~nu."""'-t"-t-e-d~tl}at"';bi-;'-;;;; 'to th;-tï;f!;-;r--t"':;l~lé-.----
and he allmitted that it conta,ioed
. other thincs .. his
.-8Qorpion ti,rcarm, ma,caeine an.;}h~ni} ~rellade&. I
noldine it ,against tho aocu~ed that he'inBtruet~d

t1ba~ all
due to lIIl:lfunélel·standing •
these th~ng(l belonc;cd to Lucky,;,

. Tl);-n,~xt witneso I Simon M.koza. stated

was busy at bi.s horne at '~atlchon~ on lJ J~ne i

together' ,lith Lucl{:; lUlU Hond:;I turned up a~ his house.

;,'ondy ~hen told him that thcy hl'ld come frOl;t ,,stand!'rton

,lfor-e on _thei.:' --WJl_y '~his... hómL in,;oL,,",

.~'--mIUl'r !l. Il.:/~rm It lCno'iTlllri"C1l\mror,,-=-.~-#n

___ thrf.!u·
z. was _re.rueed
.t,...,~ _......... _ ....
allel they
•• __
l<lft. 'l'h':)

when t,ley ·called on j·lalMldlodi Sir.wlano, tiondy

trom Standel~ton on their Wl\Ytt> 11atalspruit.

at 'Sihlelano"a house and Hf'f,t therE' t ho early morning

June. Be'tween 10 and 1],. on 13 June 1971 the

\1i tnesoes. St~enknmp and Let~G\)rcnherg. lfCrt' wllll:.in6

the left
Pflvomimt .in JepPH :itr(~",t in uno dir\#cti()11
lilarktlt: when·: they hoard a commotLon buhind them and
'~r hull~. VanG' hulle:.'- On
ObserYe4 two bla~
.ale. rur~ing in ~heir direction
vitb anotbet' 8GDe distance aua:J. ~ur&uinc the front t."'<?
. .
i. C~ .ca\lse th."lt tbéae
ia an Uftdiaputec1 CacJ; thOlt nt the tiIJIC t.lle accueerl

identit'i.ed as §lHm17 11.
vbeo tbe~e_ tvo re:aehed t~.

one by his" Deëk' and llelcl him.

icleDtif'ieCi the accused in the do~k as th:;,.i;
the wbo vas caugbt by Lo~renberg. !St~cJlkaI1lP
\ be .av lobe accused ~- bis halld in his poCl=~t oIln(l

hi.a Olm wo)."'ds • to bllnke:ri..ce

. entjie Yall ba. AC. iJt bet. probi?er

~ karre iok"Olla.toe hE't ek cesien l:y

~ieng~r .,.band, In kort tipe

in 81

ceveer iD &7 hand enh~ probeer hom oorhnnl.

-"i'oe be~ ek 'Wi:r Lo(zercnb(_.-r& geskree ..

~n ioardloop· •
;;an u onthoU bOf: die an~er een wat jy
" ~,
langeriG en al:raal.
Uaar liet hy hierdie aaaJ ienGcueer Gekry? - Hj het
uitgh aal. • dill groot papiersak. v~

Hl het ~~b~k. too ek by.die karre

en di t of)rr;chn.u.

en ek: Iwt dadelik

vir LobG~renilert; geskree want h,y b~t twee. drie keer

80 aan. die leant 'npennetji'; c;~trek a. hon

b8al. tk veet nië ot by &!baaJc bet ot 1-t.

soos ek 80 tU8sen .die karre 80 inkO"'. h~t ek

so reg ill die l-oop vasGekyk, ongeveer die breedte
van 'n Volk.8WBgE:n,!an hom af."

the shorter
In c»oss-examination
4t the
-...-J!len~and he
he said

. ije also aaid that tbese ~uo Onntuo ran vest

This witness is the on11 \litllc:;s~ aG ra,;. ac

lOho pointed out t.he

wit11 - Whowas caucht by LotA;erenberc.

tbát. be said he \las 1;1~one "bo .carried

.,.._..- ' -----...:!- - - - --

~the_pers.ó:n wbo -;

Steenkamp \f~~ wallting to(;ethl!r. they .rere ale....

ted ~o tim

Bantu arum running auay rrom' another.' and as Steenka1illph:t~

aaid, lfben theee acn pansed tb(!Ja ll~ crabbed one bj hit; ,,,·r.t
and beId bill. His evidenc~ is that he not"iced one carrJ'u-e

l>ho. pnper ~ .and M caue-,Ilt. tb .... one Vbo vas alir;bt.~.7.b!:ru.nd

t;h~ othoeI". and t~e tlI~n II'! <:aU(;llt "'''lil not carryi".; ;m7..hj ...~. J'"
unable to 88)' llhether thi" person .u:cused.
firing, pin wi\;h hi~ teeth. .Thin ~Ile

by hOlding hi~' -arn, --- 'filen he heol"d

'Los hom IJl! harcllQQp' • and h~ imme.diatc; IJ'

He tlwn noticyu the aec6nd IllM "it h a ~chilM!

hand. He a<lde.a -
"Tae <anlSvn,\{3hardlóop, het ek ceden dat h)' die

han~&rallaat we~r in ay sak '8ib.

... "roe harc:tloop
hulle t""~l! \feer' wee. : Toe tel die een lfeér did

sak 6P. ën hulle na~dlooP.

'gehardloop het, h~ dteer die' sak by hora
In crops-exalnination this uitneso
ClU't ai1;1 fihatit \1f\ G the hand grenade. and
certain because he tlD.W him takinG it out.
, .. '
I~ regard to the ,identity of
tlc ''I-as. asited' \/hether

W8& 'dressed .. and ,the·wit.ness"said be -couldn't

was asked",
1I1Iet ,hy miskién 'n' jas a,:mG.",hatt,of het ~ IICt
.~"'_.......! ~~.--....,;".~ ....~ _ _ __ 1

~!t(p'_Il~ngttl!.él.d1::__Ja; J.lY.Jl(~t '1"1 l:)aadji~!á~t;cl~a

.__:"'--'~cMi~aal'-die-c-ba-ad;} .M..--&e.,_k.J.~""l~anl.,...uG' ...

" ek nie nou onbhou nf.o . ti

\1~ ItnOI! j)h~1 ollly one ~1r::iU;InG a coat tnat

accus ed;
c,aucht by LoggeranbH'G ~Ias thl' aecused. uu\; there
in thut l"é~ard We arc,:., '
In crol)s~(Jlfarnination'he conceded the
the per.sOil he oauGht IlIny have been \lcariuc
WhOlD n. 8hirt on17.
I Dit ltan moont lik ~IIH:O.'

tut'! ~,tcua:!d vas tlle person
vitnea. Oi" not. And St~enk_·s

is not diSbeUeved. ile aaw two people and he aaw :w}latth~1

did but; he
Iia.J be "ron& in' reGard
-, to the
tbe other.
as -' .mtionod betore " the D¥fence
~ céUl&bt tlónd7 and the .
aëcused was :;the Jilan

carrying tbe paper bag_

accept tbe ed<lence oC 3teenkamll and
peraOll cau&ht b7 Logeerenber.4; did in

1ldukU" the securit7.:,;uani at th.? ::;ate Qf the
Departaent at the corner of Jepp~ ~ld wornut~r Streets.

Accorain& to his evidence II he Si1lf the 1:;'1110 Nale3

.leppé street in tb~ di~ct.ion of \lherc h-e\iM. tie

OJW ol ttKs carrieu l'l.Utt

-&alle bet ~j i,,:.lë by hulle g~hatl.

"Ul;estel dat <lit ·Aachine 6ins' -is.

die .a:nji~o op tri berig eo

Re ~ theo'asked -
-Het albei van di..: .pers~lAasjien&ewere
o£ net een? - Eeobet die casjien geb<ld .JI

lie 31so aall these men pt,lt a a>8pe'r Jlat

l'By<,wmt" and added tw! io11owinf; -.

het 'n 'Iilnsj icn uit

He also :said that tbe man who

at hilft WM the taller o~ t~c,_tW? ~d_ araaed with th'-Ge

Ili'neninf;l ENne. the' two oI thUJiI ran lower down in Jl!ppe St.,.;·('t~
, t
'lie, emphasilled nenin that as the ttfO wCl"e approaching hiA, itt!

descriu~d the, shortish one as carrying th~ pAPer \lag, tl.nt

both passeo near him and the oné made 'the' remark to whicb
referred. ,He vas the one who \las carryinG Ute

it:~4~..;::;'~~~~~~~ ~u;{);in his ~at:ll~'

poi,nt-cd it.
111 was -frit7ltened when it wa$ pointed
" ,'"
could only'sce it "<Jl> a machine.'"
. ne .~Ia$ uhabl.! t~ id!,mtif~· the~e two ~l'S~"8. ih..

-said that, as he 'Saw the one person bakin& the lUlebillf!

-- .......
.I»lper ba~; his con~aniori. the

'lht! next \~itne8G to- merit consideration

Preston .. an erllP.loyee ~t Herbst notors at ,tbe corner ot., GoeR
,Very brirfly __olle stated SM 8aW thO~r;r:

.pU~.oj" the ao.t~<lY. ~~ ~~~t"Qj)s:ml.J!.htt_roa~ _rru:a~I'

pillar to the other and hoth ot' them Itcpt looking ':['rQlol ~i·I

tó _sille, and
_ _....... t-be
both, .cDrrieQ
firearm. S'2!.1ua\1 otl'" -of th .....
[l11P.- xe't"lU'1h:u, "l.D'OO ,- ..,.

1'il'o' shots :intOlthc

an explooioll.
nm) ohortly

to h.~l' evidence. the

tttc~e.aftl'r she
t,iring his piitoi 'Ian at that stace behind tbl.'
Jl.nother Herbst Gar~e;c umployee. ~nLluel

teoti'fied that- while' be was' aU-ending; to tllé__petrol

~le cnragé, he saw these t\lO Danl;u mal"s

he reeQgniSi'iiI the IlCC;usoci as 'beioe one of the
and .(r'OJIl the photo produeed pe il'ent~fied l1onti}t Ilo
fie l'(!D1elllbered,the accused woi"c a I>lnck bl1\~er.' ~He said
t;'01lSesaioI1 of two firearms nnd t;ht! oocllse,1

in his richt 'hanel. lie :I,á$i them enter th(!

( ,

,toitt!ta. come out á[~ain at)d aftel' ilhnt they fired

'l'hey kept running, one passing thu other one.

8~ !-londY á.tai'ldil)g at ~hc

woon the
~en be also saw th~ accused firing. ..

evidence at that st,a~o

He said that sl\ortly after they rAn into 29, .aoeh Street;
ne heard tile f;xpl.osion. 'i'hn followinG day h~ picked up

eartri-uge sl}ell. in the ai-en ~there the ahooting

.. 'l'his'~itnes:'l ,also stnted ,tljat
up to' tht! tilliC - of el1teri~a Ooeh Streé:-\; 29'. the ac-cused

appeared to be l"unninc enaily.

QUiltainlnc a.ny injury;,

sa\l hint \Int.i,l the

,1I'rqc accused \'Iun shl.')t- in

- _---'-' -.- "!"1 -

runninG in Goeh Stref't, \'lilac 'dO YOlj any

lIi.8 'áóswer \Ia:l. -

"I dl) not know About that. - /'ts for ru; I nml,

did nQt happen. II

He reitel"at<.'d in erQso'7t!~runination thél!;- when

wer!} firtlel: in tht! oti'o"t, the a.ccuseel and Momly

;J.llo\,IH.1T' but tli<l no1; fir'" jil "I)('h oU,.!r'(\ Ilir,~ct;inl).
tb(:)' r~ ac1'OSSthe

as 1: _ntionecl bel'oJ"e»;q

ai'ter thq e~cn:d
. the
Goch :itreet .. be beard c:.-xplosi.on. ~-
Lwa1ani .Dubcwe, a c1";>ner_at tbf!o6leetricit7

Ilent» testified to being at t:oo c:;ote oe bilJ place or

cJlPlO)'lIICnt 'Id~n he sa.v. tbe tVQ B:Jntus frunnint dnwn .3~p~

-street. roe one in

..(ront, be ~aid. had 501'ktbi~ like a jerse7 on.. or a jaclc~t.

n was a clark colour and t_be _ behind '- 'llearin& a· sbirt,

~f-,-~~~-=-",__~a-,--l_i chUab calour • _'lbeSt:

~n aisappeare4 C~t",I.
lIfban tbe,- -reaebed the toi~s iD Goch StrEd. '7Deft!a.rtvr
he lll:ard shote Cinld and tbeae 1:\16 lien ~ e~ into. v.i.~t;•.
ne tben not;iced -tM Rall at
the back Vas cai-rPn& ~ Object in ~ baDd .anile., .:si.iai).ar

object ove.r his shoulder •

aan with tbe lit;bt-coloured sll:i.d ~ to biD to stOll

at SOllIe stage. put :oonethin& on tbe grGUDcl .. and M eal.h-d

to tbe 1'1."OIlt one but this .per:oouin 6uIt ~t; en ~11&

1dtbout loo1dng baa. incre3Slla& Ure di&tanee

.the t.-:o.
7ben... as Car as tb!! e¥~ts at 2S~ ~h :otrect
s , concerned. I I'IQ:#t J"I.:i!~rto the ....idenee {"irst oe all ~r .
wii;...;ë_I!S~. -
... ft"ti~
-- ~_ .......... _~..... -at - a'bCltlt
lit ~~.1·'.

on lj .Tune 1911, thE- viJ;DP..5& il:i~ aJ;)II D:at1: -l-"'M!! si.t~irw .

}lavine. tea with tbe' d~eaB~.. tbe teo c!."c:eás('~ lkolI'eJ'rlSll,"

and Kassr;er in the;erOs o.....

Ci-;"?at 29. ~b :>treet.

Suddenl7 ~ s.antu wan seed' ~o apJ)(!ar ~ tbc ciOOl"Wa,--; liIIlÏtb

f'oll.oving v~.
at tlhom? - I\t ill'. Kassne:r fir81; bt:eause

Ur. Kassner S<1W that It Mas a GUnand

he was 6t~nt; to get -ouc of his chair."

Wewill r~vert to tllis -(\sl'~ct in later considerin&

illlport anee of th10 fflature in the caae a.o .. lfhole.

"AlId whkt llappt:ned tben? - Arid then lobe next aillllte

tie were all on the floor. J1;r ,. Baltg anc) 1. got '\Jp"

we ran to a little room adjoinine this roca. this

I j\u~t ~l'abbed a 'eertain. curtain rod and basbed
out the·""indO-us. Hr. ~ l.elCJ the ~oo.r.
ACIdwhat happened to Y.ns:mcr and UolCend:>le? »iel
yOu sec \/hat huppened to thera? - 1,0" tlk:r were on
the floor lIllen we ran' into the little ~.
Did they get uI';' and come Mith our or not? - lic.

You stllrted banGinc on the ",inOO\ls" brerurinc tbela

to attract att~ntion? - I broke the wind~s to

. .
qiti y·ou Ut~.~fOJ: this purpose? - A curtain

t'od ~hi-cb' I found stanuill& itt the corn-::r.

_ • ___._ _ _ .........
, .-i:!_

\Ie were pe.speratt.!. ue w(>rc cornered. ve

!thaw wha": uao ImppeIling.

lJid you go back to the (idol' ",rerc Hr. llat:& u..t;?
- fIe wt!nt back to til(' uoor-. tic heard 00 'f>tO.l"e

noise oJ" ftl'iu.; O\.I.~side. 60 J went back to "he

. '.'. 1
tloor and iook~d th..oogb a crack.
18 theri! a crack. 1n th" door? - The door vae
badI;,' fitted had a bit of ;t jar in it. v··
. '.
eeuId see the per-son standinG in thP doOn'a)'»
standinc in the uooruuy. fit!dlilll; tlÏ\;h

the lIIachine pintol, as if it WilS jlUlllflcd or he

was t:rying to reload it~, \II.! coUld cleal'ly Get.:

that it wa~ a uacu i ne flisto!." ,~

'!'hen he opened tho door and run cut \lith his (lnd

hit this PQrs.on ave t: tIlG houd, lIu t ho n t;urnc(l and

tcvsrdlil the dooz , Thé \'titness folloWéd

on his hee 1.8 •

have been-llondy. acco:rdinc; te. the \'I~tne.aB
hit hij11again and again.

and tried,'to fire again at

I ' - ,
He vas struck.again.
"Tbe next insta'il I Sa\[ something comin,_;

the air. and I duc lred , It !.Ins

and it was a halld grenade which

arter\~ards • It •

Kombi ·nnd caused .extcmsivu ~\nnm.g~ to t'tle

vehiclQ& in the vicinity. 'rile \~itnr68

rir; Ba~ eventually cbtflillcd por-sen.sion .of titi.: one fi'.'f';II't I

tbilt flondy carried "no tw hit hin ~\iith

~ head several. times and i;l;ruó"1<him dovn on thc,~round,

_!!;rilcing him ever)' time tw' movud ,

Mr. Sagci'savt: silllilar ~victenco Illthoneh hu lmd

impression that at S'Om~at~lg(~ lw. !.\aw another

• So on tlu? eviuemce of tl)(;~(le tl'lO wi tnclllH!ll \'Ie (Jr~
, ~
satisfied .that Mond:!. who wa·s# an erdtllhilo uceuaud , ran- into

tbia ,yard with the appreciAtion hia pursuers tlcre 'otj 11
. -
coming along, thut it would be unsllff! for hiri to ,return

arnl Co cut of the &ate R{',I~in .. and that he thl'n

stood at tohia ~oor. aa. theae'·,eans lI~vinl!i
saw ror. _Xassnez: gettinn ul>. he. rt.ete4

tired his f.ireana .. the Scorpion pistC?l1O

And then ~ rali:~. eVcJ"1body prQG(l~l;,

rortunate~ lIi.sint: Hr. Ii.aG6 ~t; be certo.u.nlJ

lJaJ't()gh as _1.1.

lOlat ie tbc inrere:ncc to be dr~"n frolll t.hane

- .
~ite d,early JIonil7 ac1;ed on tne spur of

re-a1ised that the deceased. _Xa,s3ner.. "as

an erC-ort to app:rehe..ïd hm. He then shot OO\lnthe .deceaoed.
Kassner and 1iOJ.Cendal.e. BOth Hart;o&}l and Ba.I;C enn be

described as exce~iona117 ~raYe

the7 Md in 10be taée ot an e~ armed with t110

On that eTidence it is clear tbat nond!'
~ 00 the dec~cd .. 'Kassner and 1:I01r'J.OOa1e.

t~ tbe accused· s a¥saicn that b9 lIiIOS in

at s.-e 6tage. Ve vi.l.l anal.7se bis evidence at

s~-e but we ë.:ipbasiGe at this stage tllat he alld

running tot;etbér in ..Jeppestn~t :up to

reached the toilets in Goch
. Str~et •

It; botb ot tileS and tiley, ~..::reseen to


i8" toat
one- £0l1otri.nG

ot nicolaas
_" ~

, 'i'he next vitn~ss



~ "Inter n]j,'l he .:euvc

to11owing evidence --- he C~JI(! OD the acene \fhcn lldlll~u

hia the paper bag on the pa~nt near a t~e.

EXBIBrt Il" the paper bag. Uben he exaJlÓ.n(!d th~

"bis b~, he róUnd xt C()l1tai.1P.:'d ~ D~r

(;n:naoo and a_~jfle. 7o&~·th~r tfit.h Ou J','{'(':;\. til~y

PJ"Oca.-ded 1;0 29" Goch str,~t; ::lnd "JIIOn& otile")' thiuGs tll~Y
the parkinc Qt'C8. At & certain .t~.
In beweging aan ~ rect~kant Or3eaerk.
het res. 6c1c:lken césien
, dat QaaJ." 'n Bantoe.
. Ol-"
h\lrke .it 1IICt In lIasjie)tpiatool in &7 tuma~

Vi~ va. ao iet8 sooa-Db~SSTUk J.

: WaG daar In Jaa«aJ;yn daar binne it) ~e8 op

d.a~e etadiua? - Dit i8 korrek. .. .117 bet op

8J h~rk. gesit tussendie twee karre wat ~

'Word op toto lOl-. bis. lS·.
van die' roto het hJ op a, hltrke &eaU. (

'ruGsen tvee karre? - Ja" tun.en die yolpndti :

voertuig. ek dink dit was "If vit bBklde ~·_es_

verbyg~looP' bet ~ het by die Geweer op CIIiI Gt-'ric·

Het hy enigiets gedoen

wat hY gehad het 1 - H1 het

gerig 800a )lat ek verby&.c!oOj) -bet

~ en ,.~
~ bel:
ek vinÏdt; agter die Yol&ende y.oertuï..é inc;éS .. ri1ar..

het vir hom &nIoer deur d.i.e Nite Yë'll1 die

1i:l het op sy burke ~Bi.t-r
- .
,v~or ;; ~nd- &~sit (!lil aan'ti!' an et:: ~t sloilbJ7.

Ek-bet met 1lI)" duiJ:t in op.:l:t~Be ri~il1& (>"\."'.1::;

sodat hy dit kon sien .. ::;OO;tth7 j~n sit-'" ,-1;_

speel sáaI;l.
Wat het u t6e .. - DiQ b"kuldi&U~
1.t!lII3ak1 liet toe

t.cnryl hy bC'w~.cG

die deur aan die

loop j)' birl!le in die deur '1n __

u geretiruer? - Dit is korrek.

het hy met sy vuurwapen gemaak ~eJ"V71hy.

na j ou toe aancekolll he~? '-:'Hy het hall steeds op

al heup Gehad en op my {,"erie cehad.

'foe bet hy u. Cevolr;? - Dit is l«or.rek.

'l'otdat u by d-:iedeur gekom het? lp daar 'n

4eur daér801 - Ja. ek h~t by die deur .ill(.;cgaan

en toe ek by dit! deur iri is". toe 'staan ek 011 die
hoek van die deur. Ja. ek hct net om d~e hotk 10
ce3~a~ en ek het vir hom gewag terwyl hy na WI .'

.Toe bet hl u noc Cevol& intu~8~ntyd? - Dit is

korrek. 'j.'erwyl hy na my to~ aancekoll h(.·t .. bet
hy kort-kort omcekyk o£
-- --,. -
Hoe het h1 geloop. het hy regop gestaan
. nic?
..Nec. hy was in "n cebukkende hwdint;. al.. die t~d
wat hy mygevolg het.
'''ac hy by dil: deur 1;0lIl. wot het &cbtmr? - l;k hd.

die LlaajJ.Émpistool tlli~rfP tollhom oorrOi.lpel..

U bedoel u hct~rli~ vlIuJi'\ral'lO'n. <lh~ QruljieuplntooJ._ lt

.:cesriP. -:óf Mt be.cioe). .'Uc:...:. wr.t

kon u in besit daar-van kom? - '.i'oe hy py r:z kntll. t".·

het hy. uk tliuK" il"Y ll(!t 3uh€r vir diu l:tastc rol:!,:

maar omr;ekyk (J1' <lie S.1\. I>(lli~it:! hom nif' ~•.mi<:n

het rue, En toe hl( olimyk. toe gt"yp ot:lt Ilie pi:.tool

en_!_~e .J:!lk. ek_ <ti.!. uit 8y h~ ~ en toe

ek hom.
Jl~t hy wl!erot~C(:Ldr!<I of uie? - Hy h t.

- Hoe en op: "at ter marlier? - Ill' h"t prObCf!r lo:sruk.

op die geweer.
'Weer dit probeer.gryp or wnt? - Hy
probeer terucgrJp:
Wat he~.tQe daar gebcur?~~.Ek bet dir. S.A.P.
bUl.p ceroep cu 'n onbekende konstabel het .1lIY

bIl~ Ces_ne1en di.e Bantoe is tOe gearresteer.·

~n ~ro38-exaaination it yas put'to thie

accu.ed vould $ay that whi1e he wae holdirtt;

ringer to the witnes;'to keep

dealing with the aecuseu's evidéncc

e.fCeet that he tried to iudieate to
that be vas 'prepared to pa.y hila fa'!' bis sil""nee
persuruie Pretorius to cor_?e to hi-s assistance rn
~ll~ !.:e~ ~ault iliA. qu~t!o~..£Ut
Ï'"-~ .......,;.,.;..~,,-,:..-.,..- _T_h':._
Pretorius in the ro.l1owin& w:rt -
-Kan u onthou. or by iets uit 87 baadjie
- &k kaii'"dit .:"11ie Qntllou ,uie~ o

J~an u dit ontken? - Ek ontken dit. '

Di~ beakuldit;d\} sal sê da~-hy 'n 1"01'r1d. 'uit

baadjie _certeem h~.!:.en di: f!.anl,~ (;etOOIl_~~? ::.

-ontken- -dit-.
-- --
-bet u l!iQ.t u duim '";\;1 -Ji':-bei3cl

die beskuldiGdH 5y viu!;l.·... voor sy 1.Ion<lG~h~d lt t;.

aangedui dat; ek tJOtt stilhl~V;, h~t

géV78 na die· deur en. !k h~t toe aancéneem dat hy

daardeur vou uitenan • Elc het illY

. boa én ~c\1:ynrirot ~tnt n·c;_--:.t·"

\Ie will ~rtr aGJlln to his evidl.'nct! at a

the totality of the

j.t; Qff ~ Prutorius

the firearm •
'" handed the accused

Jordaan in evid(:nc_~ cave evidence uhidt vu subaittt.~

by eounne I to' be in' eonniet \lith the testison! or Pretorius ..

t he evidence t o which I 11ava just r~.rern.>d. J'ol-daan. uho

a~ ~'l)Olice ,constable.~s8ist~ with t~e inYe.ti~~ion et

the seene of crime .. d~8eribed hOli he -sav:tbe decel'aecl

nr. Harto~ lying on tbe P'Qind.voondeéI. Be

thltn ~ed -
.!illat het u toe gemaalc_nadat u daar &ekCllilliilt! -' Ek 10
'het 'Verder gesoeK. Sersant C1aa8sén het IV
~ """' ~-,-~~--'->. .........
instruksies gegee <Ra te ~k "0(" eic nie yerdl!re

vuurwapens or allllill.misie or" i.l'108Iran opt;-i nie.

En by die Volk3"'a~n Koabi vaar daar 'n ontl'l.oCCinc
plaasgevind het,. dé'nl· In~tv1oeistoC' en i,<Oeduit(;"!1Of'tlt.

l!:k ~et daal' 'Il handgranaat-trer-ue1o,iie .sien lê.. Ek

het dit 'toé nie oPGetel nic uant DY 00(; het toe

vir mnr. Preto,!,-"ius Gtlvang \faar hy besig i. aet 'Jl

UantoelRan ell to<..I hot ek hOtltGaan help.·

Later he said -

"Mnr. Pret-orius \:as

en ek het die If:-pen bj' hoa ~nc{ .....

~-Y~~ ~ __" ••Jl9~ was,;_fuL._bcsii'.
on l!ie be5kuldi~e ,tc ontu3p€'!_?_
ijy_b~~~ii:...w~pen ~it
__ ..z' ~ ......
dit bcsk"lJldl&doe~e band f?Y~~
en hom Vi'l(;b~&ryp.'

\lat se wapen w;m dit ~('''ée3? - Pit vas een v;o.n

hierdie outolilllti~8e Rb,siesc: vuurwapens. Dit

lyk 6006 B~\lY5STUh ,.

, 'reorwfl ~ lleJiit~ unn {wil di!. b..{;Jrul· t~
wat het die 1)1!:;I:u) <lil;·}t! lo" ccdocn7 - I'Ï'- l..·:;'tuldi~"·
het---hom ni.e."-llt:!Xs('..t_njc ...._dj,t \1:\3_ 80!ililt- om tQ nii \lat prel;vica (;abC'ur ht.: t •

E~ het net op hulle c.n die wapen geVilt

en mn... l'rutOl.'iU8 C;dil'ltl en...lIiq Uantotl c.enoo~

c;e:,tap uaar una)' scrfll:\ht Clanoou!1 wan."

In crosa-cxllln;l.l1nticm tll~ W(iU asl:c,d ~

''lltlli IOn):, Pr(lt()i'ltIS vir u b;l'O~!1 I Qj'• hut u

:i~to gesien? :: l:k het ne-t di e btHleGinc Gesien

"al'lt dit "aa 'n vinnige bewElgin~ £$é"treea• 1\1
wat ek .
gtsien het. i.8 dat ,mnr• .Pretodus hot ~1ie

beslculdigQe in uie hande ~f:!had en hy "1M b-I!Gi~

.. ..,l...f. ¥-. t
uit. s}'~Ml:'Itl IHI 1\aál~ toe atorm

het u eiotlU, gCSif:P wnt

die hanue van uie be~l{uldi{jufl. k4n u <.ll.'t rmt

detail vir ons uiteensit? - Dit is IIlMil,ik.

het net ~9s1(ln toe nmJ'. Pretorius di~ VUU:rtlE:lf'lCJ1

uit die' ueskul,digcle se;!em:~ Dit> por.i~l-c

iG moeilik om te sê lrallt dit lraS so vinnie; geuct!s,

uitgehaa.l en tOI! het .~k ~ftëstO"1l1 en die vuuNaV:en

by mnr. Prutotius (;ene(~hl en diu l.J,?:3kuidtf~dll

vasger:;ryp. Il

~dcn~C:LllQn~t...~ tll(',1; ni' Pr\. tori us. -re

clear that Jordaan had Il;n :)'ttention focu-sed
. ,.-.-.---
crenaue pin'-~i~ich \~a",1lyin,~ I;ht!~'e ~ïi<D1.1l0ment
[\rH:+ ht> b~cn ....
o'f'the, pres(:H\ct! of.frli\tm·ius
- ..::i--

and tll..- aCcll!;cl} holdi.lll~


the tiree.:rm and holuin~ tho nccused. In

in point ot' time ).al;ar than tbc cventlj.
Prt!toriufJ hl\(l moved frOM twxt
\.Ie have no hcai"-atioo in"acoéptinC
ve just mention at this ,stage. be_f,o're \-/EI

===.1:....;3G~'was round to be lob.ded~,

it; vaa l'cunQ t"<> be Jammed \li tb a bu llot locked at •ar.

to ~be barre1.
A Curtht:r.bit of evidence bt Qote'is- that
~ the arre.~ of the aceust:d. he tms sear,ched by
In ~he pocket of tb~ ~oa~

,,8& ~aring, Ela 1'oUlld E1HI.Br!~ }6. 2 X 9~nIJn.

bull.fls iand in ,,po~ki!t.._

or; his coat
Ttiis witneIls

I Later that dar tho ac cuaed lHlS interrognl:el]

Lieutenant De Waal. and without goinG into

, ,_
be- l'ollOO1l6 excerpts. from De ~laulls evidence.

accused apparen~l1 explained to him at~er hia

~e question was put to De ~aal ~

-Bet b7 cenoeu vat ~~ opleiding of nic? - Dit

ai.litêre op1eiding. die hante.rin~ ,val) vuurwEW"II'l1J

en 8priJlgs~e. Dit \Jail in 'n kamp net buite

- y
'net bJ ..ics~. - Ua '8:;'- ople.:i,diI!é{ My -Hy
!-Uand1! ......
-t;el"Ugg~ep-- na--Hosariui-ek • _4q.a-J:!V4,UlUaan. na.--'SWaz il~lld

, en yanat' S1f.azilnnd .het· hy onucttig oor dili· &renn

-YaD die t\epu6li~k "tel'1.lfmékêE!I'. - - lIy he_t-~Mm !IIet-
,. 't ~ _ •

twee ander perspne. onder.· and.ere !iondy .Hot Loung ,

teruggekeer: llul+e hut verskeie pleRlce áA.":ge-

doen on hu11e~oias in .die Republiek, onder
___ andere ltlddelbut:C. Du<luza in_uie woonbuurt van .............

Dunnottar en GerLlioton. K<,t;

lehong.~ !ly het

genou van die bagaaie-''Wat _hulle by sekere

DudUZá-\loonbUUrt. i.n ounnottar
./ a&1P~r:

gelaat bet. ny net CCnOC8 vat daarin is. dat

daar sekere springatoWwP. in 8'1' t~ie yenat

is. en hy het ouder

. aJldt!Te &Cprá3t V&ln plastieae .
sprintstor. bal~anate "asook tvPC kofCers vat

hy beveer val~e bodcA9 bevat bet.

Uet by enic;ie~$ ge"76
, ol' nie?"
- 'aan' die persoon

.,an MondY MotlOUD(";vu •n sekere ~ r;_e"ind

en die kaart }w.!t die beskUldigde un dit!'

getuie yertolk.-
'l'bis docWIIUnt. vhicb

i:s ce.lled a
after ~~ng these disclosa~~
aCC(lIIIpani9d De waal. and others to

ill~8trate tha'" tbc'"accus-=ó km;\I exact~ ubat ~ic1~

had been e~inc into tbc c(1ODtrJ·

before; upon tbeir retunl to 301m vorster Sq1Jare. tbe .aC~ut~1d

~n_ re:f_,:,rred -to rurUl!'Y- artie-1eS ~ l'~

_ Captain CJ'd'lUTÏOlt vas al.~ ::d ~

be referred to the injurJ' on tl.e aceused'~ foot. 'i."tt,.

"it ness said -
"""BllUldi&de ....

.,oet £erkiet
aan" _:lil "'.-.. _ ...
vas -;.•. dat • n .tuk •scrap aetal.·

'n handgt"anaat belG iD lW ~.pud' !_let.

t dit vau o~-d?Cn in die verksvink y~n
.Jobn orr.-
out or order of lleq\4ence. _t! 'lOuld nov like

reter to the evidence of .tbe accused ·cone.nang ~hi.

po~t1on or'cro~wrigbt'B eviden~v. The accused -aa ..ked I

th~ cross-examiner -
"Did y-ou Jpéntion anything -about the shrapnel to.

Captain crOanwric;bt at aU or not?' J I do not kn""

what it is,
Don't yoU" knou what the lit"~e bit. of an "exploded
lll'e called? :. It know i~ by anothér 1\IIIIe.

Dame dO 10U know it by? -

héaJ' that \lerd.

Wher.:e d.i.a YoU near- the word 'rra~nt '1. - In Luanda.

That ia what they toló us when they

1aley wo:r:k."
~hen he was referred to the evid~ce of Captain

Cromwright - hy het dié beskuldigde op een atacltU. 011 '11

'the answer
verduideliking gevra boe 8Y voet beseer ia.

of Captain Cromwrl.ght \tal' -

"Nee. by bet aan my Gemeld dat by lICen dat h;r in
dre'loet-" geskiet
... - .
\las deup-' n
- ~~- --
"uk- --=-·8hr~ël.'-
-------; - _-------" ......._,___.._ - _ ..
'n hanacrEUino.t \Jat. bom in 41e voet getree het.·
"J.')'leaceused t s r.!ply \198 -

=re -ilJ pOGu}.bltr-1tCC:I\USC ·1 reJlll;lIucr c~tain_CrO{1Wri.rJ.t

thouc;ht thnt I ~liould not rllentiolt tll3.t I \!3S sitot

injury inside. by ti~ hand grenadlo! thrown by

ile says that io wb:tt you told bill?

explain to you in this wai. thp. po1ice ~1d
tell me what to'j and &0 alfay and tlwn return
th..!:,!:,l ag still &oi1'l&
..... ~.....
uae t}le \1(lros they used. Thw I will not

he says it in the '(lay you put it.

Were you sUl'PQSCd to tell the nngiatrate an well? ...

}IQ. that lfaS only prenaed b;{ cart'a;i.n crom\lri~"'.
loIhat if I>t:opltlankeU you, then yOIl should jUGt

tell thaR that yOU tmrc not at,ot, ..I·eit'hf:r a shot

or in.iur~ by .a frae;rnent of a hand grenade, ia
that it'? - He 'd,;'id no-t say I should tell other

~~OP1~. he was-teJ:ling me that, I injurod

.. ,(1Jl.8

bl a fragment or a hand grenáde •

....;.._~_...:.___.JIi)~.iou ~ay 001 - 'fes'- I told him it. is. nob
~o sciy t?~ least) this á s ~ curious bit ot e';iden~".

It is also
the use or band. grenades Py the AUC, refé
That gtay -well be the
~o r~t8 and not shrapnel.

position. bowevet'.

l:t would then be necessary to go into dptailS

~yidence oC the accuaed . In doing so we immediattily";'lu"k.:

tbc Col.lovint;· ouserv"ti0l1. . ([e appear~d to ur. to be an

~~-il\te'};tigent--pe""SOH.-il per_~QIl. :t!ho. un(~er;;ta_nds J.::,!1C1iGh
w~J.l :ulll
s~eak_S itre.n\a:rM1>iyfru~nt1:~ nlf Has iol--}:u.-a-t~nted in
Ue bad tb~ b~nerit of lle<.rinr; nn(\ um!f'rst:an(lin~ the

~t:- t~-láJl\ iD ëngluh - --- th'u

an~ I;J~nJI1:_ had ...... :... ~
UOlwfit - - of th'_
Zu).l1 tr8l131ation b....fore his J·p.~ly.

dieted him3tdt on $E"veral mal:~ri;:j.l aapects.

instances he prove<l, as he nid in the tr.ial .4ithin l.r
ft ;)l,

~ in adnpting ~ia' answers

. .
tie do not propose dcnlinr; with ench
inatances. Ue will, h<n1cver, r{lf~r to some uhile
and bi. indoctrinatic:rn

trainiD& in AoL-olalfi.tb special ~rere~" ., wt be vas PNSsu":is«1 in fPiug r:r traiinnr;. De

If_ a peace-10~. aan -and he certain~~ vas ~poskt1 to an7

rio1ence toWards h\I.SIi8Il beinr.=S. ~ intention
.... vaa not; to
in ro~ Ililit3J'7 traittin&. Be etlPhallued and oYer
QjC which be 8Ilb.cri~ toi
pres£l."Vation oC ure ... par.-ount•
regard reC~rence ean ~E ~e to cert;ain ëxceJ"i'ts ubicb lIt:::
,;I(\'-not; propo$e to rcë'd.

S'I} aDd 551 of tbc! re.cor<}. .. .

Be,alSo ucscribed l~ tbëy were idStruct~ to
rail1J37 linea. but llOlf II tbe seeurit7 or ~et7 to bUIIiIl1 life
.boi!ing par~. tbcy Ifould takt' precautioos bl' settinG t.W~
aechard.. bOillG and thrm pbODing the nearest poliee sta!,i
thea of' •
to alerV tbe bOGltto be ellPll)C\~"
people C~éar or thtLl.iUf: so _!~ t~ i. 110 loss DC bu."1fl

"itll tinS basic COJier.p\.,. a.. '

-..nb -n.onu:r- -and-LuckT of. ~7inc out_

objects 14tb absolute t'=",,:~nI t4:" tl.c

tber entered tbe Rerudlic.

intention to be a p:t~Y to the ki.llinr; aC tlllCil2li b€,ini~. :..nd
'ere aC tbe saJile-'-:fltal Iw:r.:u:.r;i()f"(-

surpri«ed-ancl ~ed at ~~- __ :~.,-

1.,.... t81 aurdel' of tbC c}pccascd. Kn5aneT and t.;olCcnda t?

~bc equa1 7 b.-u'tal éltt •• pt t.o .,rdf-r u:u-tOl.... Mld r;tfx,;

!'!~~~-.~~~~~~~~ an~iei~c:-audr.event.& ~Q~kc ilia '!;- ..
f<tt'e~ _ ~ouW he {'e'.1IOfta"7 11:!ve
occurrences takine place •
The State c~e is that. tbc tllTee J"ellov. tTavel:len •

the aCC1l8E<d_
handy anll Lod:y .haréd tue c~

int"'ention and j1urpo:;c te" return to the RCpUOlic ftC :;.out1ï

I\ to carry cut the ailDa and objects oC thi- .A1JC aJld

the)' af:\ared in' the" ';o.-on

1moU'1edgetbat .a situation
Cl>uld ~0JDe about in" m{clt one or all ot
tt •• would use t;beir

i"ireanaS. e.x::plosives and band gJ"!!nadea. ~t;h Ye"


dl.aUï\Ct-likelibood o!' 1os$ oC ~ lire. < It is ~be cue

~Une ~n
tor the, State that such occ~~on aroa~ on 11th
comai.tted tbese crines. ?he QUeetiOll is ~h<'r ihe
has. on all tbe evidence
onus of proving the cOJaiIOnpurpose and tbat; the aeewJ"~..__. ~

sharinG in tbis ~n purpose-. ftGit. ~

in tact l'oresee¥the .fntal.nents on this

baa been placed before U$ tbat it vas :m'~aiIi:mel object
of tbe Atle to liberate th~ough tbc barreloC tM OIO the

people the)' consid£rr:d

_ -L
O!lpressed in Soutb

lUId military pe:rsolUlel ver'" to be killed.

- ..,,---..- _.
sa~s he never he..rd or-tins ;uI(i b~ dido"1;

However. in a certain

said thát he reaii.s~(I

'Iould have. involv€(l the liVP.G ó!" hunan beÏJ1b$.

to say,' the killil1t~ 01' IlUJIIaJlhd'1&5. Yet in

he tóld the Magistrate -
"I de~ided to le:nr'_: tl)(,. rloepubllc ol Soutb At'rica to

llndergo mlitary
Because thi:; h."l:i ~ hcari?Z
l __

in re(;nrd to tJa'_.
,IIHlV<j .
thl3 Republio of South "frio",

to underco mil.itary t--rai ning io ~\ozninbiq\.l(:.11

UefOl'e that hI' .otatlKl ..

-I .ent to t1liUll(..lodi llil~h School from '191}, \lh~!re'

I left' in 197G. Octob('1' f when 'I. \H1S doiTl6 Porm j.-tI
~hen rollQ~édthe ~as8rige-which I 'hav~-just

-I !1ecided to léaVe the Re1>ubtië~Ou~h Africa

to \lndexgo t@.l~tary ,trai~ing, in Mozam~l.qufl.·1

~e first emphasis i-a to be

b'liimD.elc;-rrdeé'-'". ,H~ dOel> not here
- .-
'vas c-oerced into' Wing. And in the pasn:al~e

be vent out to unliereo
adlilitted tba"!; be kllê\r \ibat ~a};tor' the MlO

.Jfl«)n , mvis~!..' f spear of the n.ation.

recrui'taent .of me[ilbtU'G of t;..he ANC
Por in.tallce. g9inG to HUflsia fot' inbénoHi
CJ c1 traitling.

According to the State' evi.dence. th:lS

'file nc cV:$(:tl
i.ntensi.tied 1il11itary t:t~ininr,·
, \SlOVO.
one of the se.nior officêl:1:I of the Atle, _
nate« thea aJllO~ others, il'l11I'eas(:d 011 tlHlIJl the pnraJi\U\ltl

~....... ;.portGTI-ce or4i'UL.prt~servatit'll\.·

of humall l.ire.• le.t thl'flUIJb OJ

tbe sta"' vitllCS1l ':W h(!~\.If

l;h~'t Jo'~ tlovO ilii~ ni'lll '·:··r~\~
---,.- -
othe~ - in~
. -
. ..
-camp iii
'ttlffirn..the~ \JCX'.C

sive ailitarY trailiillG. lt is iJ ifri cult

SloVO ,an6 other'S in nussia ,,(It,lu pt'omote "a fightinlj forl;('

• for the AlW anQ yet in Lu;:\n<llltllC"Y indoctrinnted th~il" null-

tLoil 4~.· -'"
ordin."lteu to u parnlliottllt flr;()I3Cr'Vlttion or lire nt ~ll COlltt;.
'!'be in evidonce
_- - ta
heforu us nto \
I~ t'e~ hl' sni,1 to thf<.
VUJ,"· ........ , •• "
__ ..__ ~ _,,~~:l·~_'-·~"'··:·
.~...' ....
11: decidC(l t.t, 1a<1v(·t,()r millt~r, training'. 1a

tbat he inserted becau:;e ne was prQrJPted by tile

T'oat vas not su,gBe3t~ to Captain

C~ieht or 8Jl1 01' the otlk.-r persons -.

And it i. clear tb~t in its context in the statc~nt. it

~8 an uncqui:voea1 s~a~nt lllad-: by tbC accu.&eu.


satisfied. that it V&.S prcs~mt to tbe Aind b~ tnt"

and his f'el1~ trav<"llers. a8 indeed to all l~aders in the
AfiC. thatUpon entcy iJl'to tne nepublic all saboteuro
and so-called freedom ri~ters trained in noi~iqUe

tllaeK.bere would ••
be rerreted
out b:J the South African
• ~ T

1:t 1.8 only l"euonable to preaUlile th.'\t tho i.J1structors "ould

have GÏven thea ae.e cUïdance as regarda their behavi¢,tr.

sbou1.d they ~be eoni"ronted by the poli.ce.

wOUld have U3 believe tlaat they werc niven no

hew to .eet an encounter ,with the police.

Ve viII brine tbif; in relation to ~!W
and his fe111)" tl"3vc11ers 'Car'i"ied

on the. on tbe dQ in qU'I!stiOll.· In our

'Or the knowledge and illtt:rttiCJl of

ra~'l"8 _ I 3JI bere l~rerr~ to the ~ecus.!d. UOIl<ly tUm
~~-l.ies in-tbe ec~uduct, beh~Yiour
{'"j' _J<:;a:!lng

euterinG into·the n~Jlublie.1~ing up

"tw subject' or tbe ebarL~s under considerati('lJ'.

AccordinG 'to bill the suitcase and

oE tbe a~8ed,.
bag ~ tibatr' the~ contained we~ issue(] to Lucky. ,
the}" were eadi 1ISsu.:d vit.h' 3: Seorpion aachine piuto1._,,_ nth
..agazine and -,"ition aoo hand, grenadeS - and I UGe tli~

plural. hand ~naïïeG. ~The nana o-cnadc1t• ""be -


In rë'~Td to the hand

&aVetbe foltlqwinc conl;l'aclieto17
oorael y~S;
why does he &i ve

crenades in S\l{l~iland. Ile \lad asked -

"lIoli mauy hllnd crennde:s tlere_ intended tor J.ou? "

, -
_ 'l'~ey had giv'en me four.
And Lucky? - He said he kneW ot Dan7 targets wbere
-he cOl.lld use theM. but I do not kn~'bOW aany 10

they ~ave him. t

1)0 YOu' kn~\I ho,", 1II3tlY' they_ cave Jlohd~1 - il+" alGt) .'

said 'that he knew many targets :)J)d be If:}!; ~iv.:n

quite a numbe-' of them but. I dO~llOt knOl'! how ...:ul_Y-

tou didn't knO\l litany tar{;ets? - Uo ..

vas still at b()l;le.. I ."ns not
J\nu you ",ere Given a l.i.iI~(lflhUIIlber! naaal, .('oJl~7-
llhy I still r!!IIlCUtbcr ve11 that tJ)#~y vere .('OIlr:

'rlló89 four were kept \lith thooé that b~lont:ed to IAtd:.:

and 'tiondy in tue oottOlll or the auitcaae or the ba{;7 -

Uo, I placeI'!I'lino:in the runch box.

And' did you Cl"l"ry "ny on :fcur peracn?
=r -""'-~l> h&d-hand~I,,~.._ulri.j:jLW~ had

On-your body (t-'d you ~'I'l-J ;-toy?

but had it ubt;n I wnG aJ·rc$I.'!d.

30 you had thecie Pant! cr•..:na!ltc!s,pUt

they;w~re conccnlcf\ fro ... ar~ybodYwho bappenéd eo

. ---..
pass you? - Yeo.
Ano if any one of you 3wdën1.7 .anted a grenade.

either you. Lu,cky Ol' wJy. you l:J)(~wt;1.l3t tlH' .nltl~~

l1.... 'j')

rlnd 'i.t- ~IID' in-~he hag? ..._':lha~u.oul.dno~ have

hill'I't:'.lL.() I
that S~(l~c.tI

tthe atagé did come abo,ut. on 'his ovro evidence. when

tóok a ha¢ erellade -ouc OL .t he bag , and very ,sttortly

thcrenfter the aocused took a nand" grenadli out

Wd shall ~er8~ to
cnrrieu il; iOn his pe r-son •
1. am dealing .with tho contradictiol'ls iri the evidel1cc:.
"In any event ~ you then lert this hou~8e 11here you

lifera "(;iven the

Your objeet

then was to rind á ;.;~"ft!'-pla~t!

is that
right? - 'tcs ~

each 0'£ yoU and for t,h'3,

and Mondy. is tll'a t riBht? • llc , tlheh we'
waa to .go and see where nondy li vea (\nd

where W~ would lenve tut. tmnd are'lndl;!S, ..

\lhY did you \10nt to If'(lve the ..

lived ~d wiler"2 L~()"Iq(lived? - l~d. ",(.f \I~rt! only

going to see '(lIEH'e. Hondy woulcl be~,-st ay i nt.

leave the ~leapons. __ -"1""':>"-0:-

Why did you t.alce your firearms and bnnd

--'tuck)' had said he had a 80.1'c pl?c.e.

to l~ave them \;n&l'(!·"-
counsel. . rë~I'Nnê- tu-Hosi 9 1I1a_t51U\¥O
fl_ hOllS~
~ I

-:-~--tl-Du-'-_;t:'"::':y=:':.o:'U=álread;,:: ~ li~rtl- ~i~~~idn

il~\(l:- J ·,.t~~nu

leave. ,it at lllats\l~YO's house_? - "Ie could

tbOlll there. tl1ey, Ht:re not c,amouf1t\t;ed.

-said th.:: -plaGI$ ...,hert; he liélS gaine; to

weN -not younG childl'fm and he -\JOul-d havl:!·
" "
own room."
Later in (:ross-oxaroinatiQn he ~1!lS
_\thy Qid--he- ~al~~ ar .hWlIl -t,~('l\a<1c' wi"t_h .,1.m if

hlld alreadY found a nnfu place in which to

- I
not bavc 1eCt articles uhich vere

camouflaged •

But there were more 'l;han one banëJ grenade Which "
be had. hé didn't: onl.! ban cne..)1and
~ &rel'lade7.- .
~'rhab . is 80.

}~ovwh7 did you take one band genade7 - b X awl

before. tbie band p-enade vas a baDd p:oeDade.
I vaa told that vhi1at l.ookin& ror A sa1'e plaU £or
at ~te_rial.. I coUld keep tbi. band greoiide 00 JI(7

person. I could bide it. .AId il' -l: COUDIla p1.aee • 10

U1c.e COJ! .instance a rail.v2;J line X· cou14 ~~ it

at it •. :

ahou1d not Cind a sare pla~ 70U

quick eDOlll{;h,
. ~
could orE-load tbt:: hand grénade7 - ya. ..
I.underline the £oll.o.ïng queation - -
.ant t-o knoll Cr<JI;l you bOIl ~" hand ~~S

did eacb or you briD& into tM eOll.lJlt1"7.

that i•.

yourseU, Luclly and ftond~? - I ball one.

bad one. He hael ont" which uas n$ CClIlc:eai.ed

uith but ODehaud bJ'cnade.

bite of evidence is Gel.f-eYidrnt ~ ~e do ~ p~ t~

tjea1. .ith it any turf;hp.r.

.tbe next pbaBe tb.wich .k proceed is t~ "hU; &;0

.Bosalina i'la~8VQO'S hnu3e and the 1e.9io& oC the eJtbibit3

According to ,tbe :u:;CU8~. InCQ cOlUiide~ tbia

his explos.ivec hut ~lle
t;h~y leave· thin

b~~. ~XHIBI~ 11, which adMitt~dl~_contained thrc~ Scorpion

loaded TIIagazinenand three hand t;rennutm •. one ral'
Accoruin(; to t~)e accused. when they lc-rt ~8tfliP'.· s

hou&e; their mission was to go rirst to f1~ndy'. Jll.ace .

Which was considered 'Safo to stay.· and tbf!n to Luckyl.

_place in Soweto. VOl' this excursion tbe~ could not

n 10
hav been any need to t(lke • the tireanut = nre , ade8
and haricl

with them.. \fe are" minatui. ot: the 8ur.sestion Jilade bJ tile
- :
accused that he and th~y thrOUChollt carried thl'V in the li~n11
occasion. that tht!y micht find a place to sabotfl&t.1and thl!7

·would usc them, \Ie ttill- tent that statement" lat-er.

\oland t;-renadeand the rirearmG werr. concealed itt tbp. ba.s~ a

bn& tha~ the accused. in bin own words. claimed
. to belong t.o
We bówt! to conáider \flult the aceuscë '8

explanation is ror takinc the 1"ireaJ:'l'lU)and hand grenades.

"]'10,'" tlas your fit'st i'ullcticnwh~n
in~ the l'l:epubli e of South Africa. \Ihat

have to do? ~o _- get il auitnble

AI; that- at-abc, t'lllile

~yOU haYf: a ~uit~bl~ pl:lcO l;J~ich l'0u Cl.J\t"l1"--inl"olW

tbe AI.ICabout? - not il} Idjndat tll."\t: tir¥:,·· '

Luter he gnV(: ;ill"tht'l' .:xp.1analdon.

was tha.t they oarried tlutnc :.rticles to take to

that Lucl(y had already in l;tiwJ,

lIo~/. we knou tl1."\~ 'they ","'TC ponsnt'scu of theGf'

f jrr~at'lI1s and tile ham1 ,..;re·lla j eS cOllcCill.eclin t-hi~

l l P'p"'r It-'\4:.

A~..J.-o l'lhat thoir JlIovelm~lll;u tht'l' \fCl'e, wr. h,IV(' \.0 "-'ly
of the UCCU3Ctl

lIis evidence il') cbi~f ,in this

-When you 'alichted from the bus nt the vorrnin.\l5 in

J"okannesburG, what did the three lOf, you do then?

_ Luc1t7 shouecl U5 thl!..-way to the tax} ra,n~,,,~

1:1bat \Iere 101,1gQint; to' do ~:ith the paper bag. v/rn«h--

JDD had a11 the (':uns and lland gl'ên<1~des in? ~ To go

re-~u;c)!.:y: said he lIill !:Lil,: .$~a::i~nB ...
pis "Counsel thEn

-?hen did you come to the t<.'Y.:l rank? - \~tl· ~Qt to

p1ace which Looked liltt~ a taxi r-ank , ti
&te ulfscribed IlQl"1 Lucky ~11t1 Hondy £utcrt:d ttl\}

.bi~e he vas still outoidp.. An African in ciriiian

ai:Ti1red -on th~ scene, jntroduep.d

appointJae.nt earu and vant'Jo to search the b ag . He di(\

in Cact investigate the cOlltrmtn of the bag \!hlc!,! l'la; thli-If

. '

in the car and und~r c'?rt"in clothing ;he toal-:; the hán(\

grenades • 'The aceu:ie<1 aai.d , in his 01111 1101"(1s ..

• Yes, uilen he (HnJ the hand C:l'(m~de3, ho thell

, ~
scre~ and nm orf." _"'lIO<:'!. ".."....'"""'=::::"'I""~ ,;"""-Mr
- ~ says 't11-at-11~r--t+tett-~\"l--btlclfY--!'-Ut'ln.ini;-P1t.a'y, I}t! r;!I~1 '-_


attribute that to str;'IlG(! hcllrlvioul' on Itoruly' s P/1Y\;all~1

notbing else.'

nc uook the papor
Oo.e ,-lith hirl.
and he .followed ?londy.

lie :laicI tl,en tlmt flnl1<iy \'Ill!! l'lllmiug dOIlJ\ 'l:h'J )Joll{nu,~~1;

hia, vlJen peoplu shouLcd thlll; ti)(!y ohoulcl be st<?NlI:d.

In cross-examination hf) e1áb6rlftell gom{!'\fhftt---on--- =r~~---"";C

Jthat {. rcrc..r~d to. I ua ••Qt propose ~a.].inu all tire
I .»

it nl:P t~~. too lon~. lb I said. b~

mi. ~ct.
our Tiew thC! ~CCUS.-d at tb.l.,t atat;e ~i haYC'

~aliscd that in a situation a. that in 1fiJicb tlt-.7 tllen CotiDcl

tbeasël.Yea" it uas Jl(>a;.;ib1c Cnr ;1n.T0i~ oC th4-a -~ obtain ..

vithout 'anT dirCieult7. eith~r his l~~ or t~ band

grena(Jé or both. ikmdy ~ate4" ~ tile policcaan

appe(l:l'ed on the seene

the hand
and 10M llkelibootl

__ -_
cr an arre." ~

raaI; ba_Q l.O

h1uJ so.: in1::ention In doing so. .A3

that <lay. In one passa&!!' ill hl:; e.iden~ tIR j,'CCU3M

adIIli.tted that one reason_ vhy ;ion(ly

vas also to fri£bteu t'le iJeOpl~' "bo vew:e

The accused aáid that he Colloucd 'fonay,

and knOwing

Horl~ :i3V
wbnt tbc. _ content:; ~:r: ..

the aceused taltiiii; tw!' bar; 'or caJ"r7in-: !;be b."!{;. ,

one 88SW8s,;bat it hc> 1001~p.d <tt uia, he vC'Uld he,_ ~" thin.

-Tm: next st3{."Cin·th- e.Pltts 'is "IR 4:apt

............ - - ~------ -cf'~----..----

Colt I ~~l.d

o~ tJle accused in this l"C(;3M 33 J,f~ll._

·z sav one of t~se ~n ho1dill,& fDwi.1 J"PIU'" UM: trek.

You sav tbe OlJC! &rabbi..!! bold of j~7" did .-00

rqn Cast at that! ot~7 No. I did not;
Wh~~id you do th.'n1' - I placM the ,paper, carrier

f)n "he groun<J. I t()(lk c...t #_ll~ f'iJ'l('~", .;snll f1Qf! II4IIld

~~ .JHld_..JlUt til\! 11;111" .:;:re_nade Ul ~ _rodl.".c. •__ 1 __

Ju 'J.iflICu"

thEm took olie hld,:;i;&illé nnd nsocl;iuled it (as the

uit.n~s8 put.s it) into the rireann.

1QS, nuci tlllHl.1 - I then saw ~he tHO uhite.

ns if cominc towttrcla. lilt'. 'the one \lho tf~llt •• :

Gaid 30m~llilll~ to the effect" 'Lol) hom en hnrdlQ('p

. \/ben that hnppened, . '

1.IiUll~dl.ately. '
.the- european releaeeer

and thtly ran Q\I(l.y.

In "¢ross-exal~ination concerning ,this staGe oC til<!

he eaitl he aRW thl} \Ihite man Uabbing tIond)' arOdnd 10

T~e question is put -

,the pavement? - Xe:r,

-'i'oQl< out a, SCOl:plon? - Y(m.

And fittred--a mngnz-iri ... to it. is that rif;llt? - Ye~.

Uid you not- ,,/a~ch tl)lat was happeninr.

\-Illy aid you not go to (londy' 5

instéad of talcil1C tir.l~ to put

the side\lallt. t;l\:e tit!'! ::;(!N'pioll and
. out? - ïrl1~rc: \/:'1" no \lOY in 'Which I could n3Gist

him oxcept t 0 fi~ht ~JIIl I \1<IG not ?J'f."J)at";!c!

,r am not Il bad lJ('t'son li keG _ fiGht-into-


50 you ,"It~r'eprepart:d to lat lonely bIL Cll_'!Q_!_t. ..

-_._._io tliat -right ?-::""Y cs. -i-r t'111:uc---peoplé- hr:"~~:!lQt....

-- left hlln,Iwo'lilï:1 Tln"IP.L-rtn ~w"ay-.

ue 11, \/11:/ di<in' t you r-un :UIIl_Y? - r did_

Uefore takin~ tile (;un out and tile magazille!

and fitting it. wa~Vinb time? - '~he ba~ \13& henY7

I thetl dccidr.d to talt.>
and I was Isetti.nG tir'.:<I. ---, .
IRy ~un mld (.;ct a\lny.
I\ls0 a' nnn<i crennu(!. is tltal; J'iCl~t7 - Y~s. to
\Jc pause hero tll- lIay thot the a-coulJf:!d
nt n later
atage virtuallj repudiated this as the r~ason why loe put

baC dOWll on tbe crountl and took the gun out •. ~ In a

pusace .in his evidence -

·You \fcrc (;ettinG ti)'ed 00 you -(j(fêidc!l. lH'~nltnu

70u tJc~ C(!tti,,~ tired. to taka only yOUI' rifle


and :l~ur hand grenaue .and make n get-a\/ay·? -

Uh)' vaS it ~ec{:!saart to sit there and: fiddle

the magazine to fit you, Gun and laa~ you~ Gun~

- Xl this i'irearm' s ma~3zine ;!.1lnot put in pl"ope-rl,y

I "(

io!-_-+-- __ _,;... __ ~_~~iLcaaDQuattu-t~.:9perl~.--...:.....---~~..--.-,...,..... ...........

nut .
'Wbatdoes that matter. the maeazine
CIlIl 8t~,
)foa can run llith the gun ill your hand? :.. 1l'hen 1

cou1d not have b~~n ahl~ to use it for on~otncr.

tdthout the aJilJ1!unitioll." ..

\le pause there to ~ay, wJ)y doen the nccus eë
quit~ ·obviously fnls{' eviuence?' lie. didn1-:t £It

stace have it PM)$CJltilt his mind to l~rnb a firearm

l"utl.lre PTonpective act

becaus't!-of hie false tc.ot.iut'JlY in tid.» reen,pd aHt)

to aany~tber a~t.a.r t.Q dri~1:l-C;UU' .o1J]'Lcou.clJjni:Otl

"Ul:1at about all tilt' po l mat all tllG ~C!(!)'V:-t11".t

tiere clla3inr; you? - I cou l.t] ace them corlil\l~ Iluart!r,
.- but walking slowly. J 100\{(/(\ where ttll? poop Le

were Mbo wanted to arrést m~."

\Ie paueo th.~.r..' -awl tW;!, if hI') did lnolt bUC~ towards

the ~l(:opl'! puruuiliC lijM, I", l1un\. h r1V1! S('cn t,i!(' pl'ni.tiC'1l iii

--,---_P:_vllidLllon<\L....and Lof;~renlJcrG 1/(!I"C' lpcl(l'd ot thlll; ntue;e.

- --==--
~~ c;u<!st.1on~s pUt to hh. ~

-But 7011 weren"t m1.erest.e<: in wat vae happenine

were '!o.·

,"0 iiOllcQ' JO 7OU? - the 1k~ que:>t;ion. naael,7 'W'7 be'took thf!

tlrelU'll and ~~inn" be (;Rve l:be fOllouin£ evidence.

01" all I Gltou.14 refer to lri.á eyldence uherf" h~ ':.IQ.:l not. told

DOVto react when arrested - that is

a_t P8G<:!GnD:

-Now" JOQ ban said that JCIU weren'~ tauGht boU to

reaU--1n the eveat 01" Jour be~ ~stedl - Yes.
But 70U a11: rea.l:iaed that; there vas eOnStantl1 a 10
d~r that Jou aiCh.t be arrested? - I think lkin,:;

".a'iat 1Ias not in <.'rder.

repl:! because ~ou ~w

JOU were cnrr7Ï1a& a lethal. weapon in Jour poose8.iNl

Ir Ulat policeaan vbo

attac~ lOU vas not alone. but lleYl"r~l 01" theft.

the1 could haye caucht lOU then and there? - Ye$.

And Jou. know uhat the :;erious consequenC(:'~ifoul~

be Cor lOU b8yit1.& tbe:-.e~'le1.hal lfe."Ip«a3 .j D your

posseasion \lhf>11 c3UCht7 - I 1:neW I could )re

a.t"rested Cor theM. , .

And~ou blew t;mt i" U~:: likei:" tbat one

of Jou air.;bt at t"l::lt ~nt !'UIl 9Ut the

sh~tin& to C'*t ollv:Jf7ron -tla@""""'1 -

will be doi~ it nuL nf hi:; nun.

How. Jou left ;;;he taxi •. ~nu and ;loncty.. Lue'~7 bad

alreadJ di6~JN:~1r - Yea.

You were runnil1£ av;a'i frotl' peGl"le vbo llic.ilt be
cOlllliDg l"l"OG beiund you \;0 arre:lt; ;OU? - 'le:» •

.n,a~ vae poraaount in :J< vas to eet;

. ~-
auay? - Yt;s. uCC?ll~e
1IIc"'l1l Q.j.dno~ want to

You were-RolO the l.eas1.;bit. 'concenled about Mond~.
I . -

lle had to look aftej- - Yes.

iou and nontl:l IIt're r\luninc tQgf>Lhp.runtil you

thesé Europeans? - Yes. Hondy was ahead of nc.-

Did the accused p. ve a tnlC oOr"
h fa'lGe ~,,17 1;0 the

ques,tion \lhether ue 'ilias concerned about Nondy? lie sa::r~ no"

he waa prepo;red to jettison Nondy and diarer;ard riondy'.

Put.- the fact of the IIUltter is. just a short wa1
frolit _bere. Uondy ,"~s cnuCht and held by the "European •• he
proceeded-tO-_fi,r.-llilll~elr ",ith '8 firei!l"Ii. naae~ -:--+--~-
tbe Scol1'i..nn,
And he W3Squestioned about his
and a hand grenade.
intention at that star-e. ,-
and it vas put to hilol
"\'lhen you ran past aondy VClS caU&Lt bl' tbc,l-:Urope;;tn.

there vas anoth!!!" l:urnfl'ó'an vho Mils Cree to rollo~

you if he Manted to? - Yes.

And you thouGht '-hat it uas like1y tbat be .Ould
1"ollow you and. try aml eaten l'0u .as J1ond~ vas

cau&lit? - Yï'rs-;-~ ~,-

You woulc.1n't then wallte an,} til:le putting down the

.and..Jicra~ehi!!C_j.n it
--- Cor the rireara .. voul.d :tou.
--- -- -
you-vould l"UlUling .aaJ:as t 1l~~
could? - Yes. '""
-J: :-sugee-st;;o 1't'u' théit JI.Qll- took th.'.~ to kill th~ I-:'Il"f'pcaJl but _to sh~ hi._

the 'rifle and rrir;hten llÏ.IIIof!?" - I Mould ~ eo

but not to point it"tt bi_.

tla. but just to 1<-1;then aee that l'ou are an ~
101an and not 80l1l~bodyto be played witb? - "'1J31:i.

I\nd that is tire f'.II~Y r-oas on why -'y-ou took the cun
out, isn't vllat 307 --'i'hat is so:
MO ~ou knew that that i!C'llld result in

beinc releaned uy the other man who c<1.lIr;.bthJ.llI,

once he seec your fircnJ"lllf - 1 think 50."

\lith the l"eplics junt rend, the qu<!stion again is

whY did the accuaod 10".0 his rireaz;m and take :\ band
If a guu was enough to .frighte~ his pursue-rn,
, -=--=-
can understand that he would' take out tbe gun. hold

to indicate' that he was armeë ,

~~~~~~~--~~~~~ r;have,
accuse<1 has given
nQW pointed 'out how many
:for hil< illhCOJItiolis and

takinG out the firenl'fIl nnd the hand grcl)Jl.Cie.. ---~

the aOGuG~t] tool<:out

him as he was approachinG: It is t~e. in

he naid when he came round the cnr, he :faced

of the cun, he docsn't; I~Q~I' \1hcthl!r it

pointed' at ,lim. \Ic arc "satisfled

the ti-reill'rll irl auch 0. \/1'lY as to be the

of deviating- the e<;lIU'.lP -Q-f :iI)('ellJr~'lInl1


.,-= __ where
. the f\<:cu~l1d l'''lInpa to
,.!., ~,. -~~ __ vr-

---- -
alnlllUl)ition.t is in
--. ---- our vj ou c,'lIclur.ivc
ii1dic;ltj r'H
t~nt he ·1Ii'n

concerned aboub liomly \1110 IlMJ ~)rr)'~h'l'n(l('d

'lt 1:h'l.t. :,tIHP.

Hondy t.?~~o~ut ~ hai)fJ GJ'(JlHlfj,~ uuan he \"an c{\nrn)nt.~11

p,0liceJïlan and in U,ltll;U' (lf III'ill[1; (It·r·(wt;.f~d.

intention in r(:gar(\ to thnl; h:lIlc! Cr<!Il"d~.,

nondy ia nbt here to ~'ell \1:-:.

cauGht, he WElS preparec.1 to u::;e it with ratal<! tnt!. firoarM eX:1rl;) y frw 1;11'11. f'v.'nt\ull "tty.

aharecJ in the oanc intelitioll by the very nature oI: his


Ui~ first N!:lction wnn~

caught. to take out tt firearm and atland

the ril"eam war. l~aded by him. Hf> ~idn'.t
Gaid be f'0l'e. hold it up, to scare of r the p~:oP)_t!.

ëfcCus~d&u{'r;ests tb..'\l. hn put l.he Gun ()II &éI;fety.

be do tll::!t? I1" he vasn't (;()inl1to poi';t it io

direction, wilat ..
is the danL."er. in h;lrinC the thinG
nut that ponitive aet .or ri~dling with tile

riCle and loading it. aiter insert inc a loa~ed magazine. ir,

in our vie". oC
, &J"Catsigni1'"icanee. ., (-'- to
'4'he only in!"crence .

drawn Crou ,tlÏe pack of lies be told about th¢se incident,s

. . J

Hóndy both a:naed theJ'lI.elves in the event oi' heille: arre:;i;·!·l,

to shoot' and kill. or to :stultH·y. nny arrest

\ihat i:r the accWl~d':; .exfflnnation
to bar their escape.
insertin£; the loadeo;agin.~! Quite;ul ull.llcc"111;able
- " :
e-xplmiation - h<?says th3\; without the. mag8~ine he
conceal hie pistal by lQcltinG it to his belt un~r his
\Juy wc s~ that .is:n lie.
so that it "as cOlle~al~d.
the f'act_ that frow the tine h'~ {I",lell him.s ~lr vj l;)l tIl':'
'I~ accept
am, he ran With tlle firea.rm in hls bruid. .. ,
• ~~16 e.,.iden~;;t a(;cu:-;.e~Cl1l'lc~ruun.i..l\ë-clo"u----tl';""':'
Wfll"-;- tll\"
~ __ ~ .....,.,_~=-::ao'"- ...__ - - ._- -,:-:--..--=--~~----;;..2.;..._::""""
road towards where lac was. h~ jlad the firearm hl hia b,,"d
alao accept
. ~
.... ~ -

mld not locked ·in hi::; bE,lt ru: lw sug&e-sted..

UdultuI s t?videné
~)h;jt the accu~tr pOint_('(}'~
Antl ~tel-e \!,'

'firearw at him and said - 'At"l you talldIl6?'

"itb tbair intention to. ot..,iatp. tU1ybodybarrino their
avenue of' escape.
As I have s,tid bef'ol"c. I'lond.Yhad n clear intention

UBe his hand Gffnndt-. l..~ tri~d to mlll'out the d~tonal;.inc

Of course the aecu:)c<l 3<11.1he didn I t ace that. It
10137 I
.. '

truc, he may lIot.,have G~en that~ Dut ie he had'

it t there would have been no dou!:'t in his ..iOO as to
flondy•II intentions w(:rc..:ijl rt!~a..J'dto th~ Wil: oC ,the

~retlac)t:. ' nut; ,.h:tt he was concceneë with~ Wa:! not onll"

OWl; liberty ut thnt ntnce but it wa:l to :":f.!c1r an e:J(:;I~

nomly as we11. ..
'l'be accused ran dow,,· the street.. C?11owctl "J Ho:n<\J Il

running together vith fiom.y. Wc knou at a later stnce

i10ndy carried two 1"irearms and a band &n!nade.
I;renNle he had in his posncasion before lie wall caught, b, 10

\le know too that when they v~re

beloll(;int; to hiuseH' and the óther one to LuCky. ;llld Uil<!
accueed was found in posl';essi<>n of one 1"irearR ~ud a hnnrl

Hov did it coese abou~ t

t1.... Lucky obtained these

firearms? The accused lOIade a 'sta~e.ent" to th!l flagi.stral,.~ ..

Which \las allowed in evi(}~nce, -~nd in tlmt stat·~nt. be $:lid

the 1'o1101lio& -

F+-',.· ..~~--~·"'~-'-"'----''-'''"~'''-'1l'l>cl.-efl(J.-----.;lJren ~7e; fl!'r ..r ·~U~ fl-i~8ftCt" I'lU.I'!"-. _I·

--took my:bUn £l"1.'l.I-I;}V;p"'p'·r ":'IF- and on'~ h!·"d r;r;'ji,d"-

I called 1 ry (,ri~lld 1:0 ('OW! t;(" Ol' '<JDd l;..b: his \:(,:ll="li.

- - - - He- ran----to •..y"< ....PTJ('3it."(! t1 rr- <1'1; lOll·~- - - - 1 :lt~(l1;.n~-iiiiii

if he has Got tt chane-«, he C;)11 a13('\ t. .. Jr~ Ltlckyt!l ['......

\;le'then ran ill th!.! ~a,," direction.-

an untrue statement. that II'" ..,;t~ I'MlCII1,tcd

to .:t1::e
. this ••


at 6 p.n. thAt e~f!lliil('" th~ poLice cCluldutt IIm,(' ,ad UUf>

1,< •


inl'ormntion \;(, pJ"Olllllt, t;ht~ accua'eu ",ith.

context of his stnt.enent as a who~e. it doean ' t l~avo

}C'OOIn fQr uóubl; I:hal; thes~ aI'I.? ti)!) ~Iorue U(WU b"Y tnf!
accuf)e~ in statin~ vlhat happc-m:u tllnt uay.
intention'. subjective itlt(~ntion he tool':: ttll'
~111t111 fir(!(\l'll\

1),1111 ttlt! hanu e;renpuq lInd iu fact londf'(\ tilt! r.:tr'p"lI'ln. lil!

pointed t1l<; firearm at Il<lUKUuhen he tH1S about tó p as ë

.....- Mondy could have heen unam' no <loubt
itad---in~in4...Ao-<l_sraring ilt th.e common intention, theN
nrtned th;msëïV'ea \-lith ~~~d;;- s~;rpi~n Pl.stOXEf -and- liv~
_~_~__... " ' • t
crena-das "ïltf}:~h~
not to be apprehended. ,
\le knO\f ~lOW what haPIH)[\eU il) t ho I} t t',:<!t, {ltlil '<1f'

the State evidence tIlt''' 1;llfJ ácc~\:,Je(l nnll'ftl)lloy

people who rirc~l shot!) in the street. and npbocly

!:~ al!!~ .~.~t:.~s.riCd th<Lt thfl acc,\"\o€'u. at a Cf!'l'tAin

we accept the ovidence ill this reGard - .th~'d:.

a certain star;e b~!.or'~ fJnte'rine; \;hc yard Rt '29, (,och street.
lIoL only did tbe \}ithonn \
.Whist;!.etl to his fellowMan.
the accu(ll)(\ \Jhi ntlinr" bul; ht:t heflr<,! il,. 'J'I\i!'
-. . '1',," \. !' 1;..(
o(1-1Q"dH\g 31'ttrl:( pa1"tu ill \:-\.Ie

thT1rnUk-~ •....cQn.:.fic!;!
hl! hl!ard a ~Ihi'stlilli uefore !t,.-;;;,;!;G;ï1{.ly- cOI.itnr1J.-tHil~inl;

into -til at- yard -:- - ig-n..lii Ïcl' êl"a;--J nuicat;-ron ~h1\\-, 'l>h':!~C~\f.<{,4

had \lllistleu to 110ndy in arllnl' Ilpt to t)l'E~M

but to keep tor,eth~l·.

t}1~)1 ren into this yaru.
Accused 8Ug{;cstetl that \Ihi l,e he vrae l·unliin~.
ijtrucl~ in the foot \11
_-t_ ..

ue n1"l~(;l'tt,he State êvil1cnc~ !;hnt they t,erf1c

nt one another {md not firill(t in ef\oh

lie could therefore not pO~'ïibly. havt~

bEen injure4 by' a bull~t £irt>d by· .~IQl\uy.

fired ill i:he ~trect. He wan <ll~Q cecn by tuo ~/itneoantl to

run quite

the accused vill

_hav-.:us b~lieve that
ally siens o~ injury. Of courD'l
the !'ound wao in.rlic-tt~a
outside in the street. What would it have Cté\t tered (;0

captain Crom_vricht whether tbe wOund tlas ~inflictêd 011 thf~'

street or inaid~ the y~d1 But t14lt aceuaed suggeote
______ ~. __ ...!.t__,,~ _ _;.:..,~' ....................
-CjoOlQfl"1ght -insisted that he should say that he was·hit
bullet or a hand t;renade in the yard •

• . ?be accused said that be tried to get m''''1Y, Hot OHl~1

aWIq £l"O.' hia purau< "J but al/ny from flQody. 'Acai'n 1~'t; (IJ~

teat hi. evidence. He was found tJith the lOl'ldcd riflil.

conceali.n;& 'biaael.f bt·tween cars. Ir he hl\(\ intended to

surrender to the police, as he n~t&

this was not the to t<JJ.reup.

01" Pretorius that the accusee saw hinl

l"irearm a-t him.

if h~ had heen

Hut \!hcll

-o.rt'i.ce-' door,- the aeeU!lecJ follQ11l'U

t;WJ at thE: readyt.o '1"iro; cnn';'ta nl-Ïj• h';llcillt;

ubetller th<!I'e \1ere l'C'lic'1. 'I'll! :"I.ccu:::mJtds.'fH' nr. to 1,~'I~,·oJ,

a tal~ story that at the tim\!' \111':11 Ilf' Sill: rr~!l;ot'iU:l. 1,,·

pq.lled out a roll or nr·tell tf' offer it to thi6 'nwn. lIntdI,!,",

to entice hiD .to as~ist; the accused

-- 00 that tho:! nccu5!·d
eould be dolivered to LIl(! l)('licl~

l1io. Yet when h~ \I:){) rouwt 1\1:

aone1 in his haud.

i'l't:tOl'iUl> \las .rct.l"l,ntiltG.
, that he uade the "oreer ana

lias prepared to han<lover th(! ]r.on~~. nor bad he, n~ Mil'

SU8Gl:otion in _ha€ regard.' Pretoriu:. 3aid tjl:>~ i:; W'ltru~.ft

~o leave by that door.

- ~-~
And ~e ace_pt l'reI;o.·_iun·lO P-YÏ.di-~.

that a.fter be bad grnbbed the cun Cl'OA "he accused" the

eceulJeU tried to reposseJJS the gun. Uhere lf'" the ac;cu~d

"ben the' shooting took place and bUlb

th~t wound_!o bia 1'001>. which ~.!MtJl!Jll1J~L!IIlQUD!t._.~QI'Il1J!Ji::_1.~,.....~

to the a9ct~r. exaggeratêd by 8CëCu.sed. It

in'tbat vicinity. Aceort)in~ to hU. nc had clilllbE'd oy~r a

fence. when be had beard r~ndy' s voice or Gcrc .... hf!

returned to come and 8urren"cr h:ias.el!'· be(;=luse hls root 113t:

sore and be "anted to C.iVf~ni.JóI~t:1f UP,. "l'he uhcapnel 0;

tht! band t;renade dêlJ'l;'l~ not 0017 th~. but aeven:tl

vehicle-s next to it li nU{Zcr.tioL; th-"1t

.. .

"'shrapu.el ":la C1y).nr. <,11

OVer and it is JIIost ,n'obabI'!' " if tbc accused 'Ja:> in tbc

vieiuity. that he woulu r.!c"ive_e.xa.ctl.y_~b.:.j; .in,juq Jtiticb :2"l

\fBS on his nnkJ:q.

tht: version or the nccuaed een ~~:>on;lbly bo! tnle ft ~ 1..:
+r e- -- ---

Hhat Uf<r..:: his intt:ntions?

over to the polic~" II'" wnll)d h:-tv'~di ...!r.te<ï hiu:;"lf of' LIll'

.firearlA and band U"U:lc.l·: awl ent"! to the poli~':! "lth "i:;
hands ln

the air. tfh':n tl.K·I"(' wa.") a pernnl) "hon Jlp tbtM'(;JoI;

in his oun words.
lla*ve viaualis0fl n sU\wl:ion such as developed on thi:l

4o.j' ~ and shared in a commen intent )"on vith Mondy. ,that nond!'

should act in the mw he,d"ltl, in a brutal fashiol1,. without

any rhYlllu. or -r-eaaon CQu1d shoot. .•down 'the two ~ceaBed. and

-(jl!liUt~rat(; ly fire at tile obucr-o , Of cour-oe lit; d:1)I1' t.

thtlt wóulu have be~H' far too much

, ofla prcllictinll tihi eh

h~ ...las no\ capab Ie of. nut he hïlC-W aa, well as flond:l tbnt

th~y were Qoth armjil-u for ope purpose. I dare say. full o~
~ /

hope that the'Lcn woulun:'t; ari:-Ge ft>- use th(Hll. Qut .sJ.arulrr

in the ,common kncml6.'tlge that a situat'ion tlay

their li
use would be made of these £ireal1lÓ3 and explQsiv ...~

, censequences,
As :r 's""id before, ~hc IlCCUGedand Ild,uly oh;u·.:d

inwlied Inandate ~he one to I;he other. "ithout'" a clc6E'

defj.l"ition and a refltl'iction of till! operfltiCtI'l of the

0.1' tho other, 'rhe aéc\.\1:;cd kneu ahd HondY knell that-

were people folleV/iug UWIl, ',lith- the Ukelihood one

peli~ernall \111o'had sucn tlwllt ltith t.heir -MII3unitien.
tbroU(;h this e;al(e \1<1(1 no J.OllW:r ovnilalJlc COl', tl.I~:BI (.nLI tilt,·,.
--,...;." -~- _...l. r:_·~_ ..,..... - •
r~ondy vas confronted- l\y rem)" pNlpló! nitting- there. he did lint.

fire at rmidorl at th.} her;inoin.s. he fired' at

- ..... ,

to take a<:tioll. 'bnt sitlIntion

'... \'HLS in thé
both -~t-~hOa~~d -nl1c(ITiïiïTIy t1ir(nIGhOu-t}-,-e-("I'CHl-~liJtï;-:nb;:

all thlJ,t bauj lj W:! COI,'e to tl1fJ unanir.lou::o

that the accuoed had till! ).111;•.'01,:i (In shared \lith flollll1. I:h:'tl~

in such circulutltancco tho ,£irf!ill"1113 uou Id be U3cd ,\tith tJw

r'ull l'e
&!" .....•.. ·Js ca:at at Jb-. ol.. ,1,;!.(;.l.

conduct 0(' !"oOndy.

lIl> ibt'rcCor~ rind .bim CUi,lby of IJlUrd:('l'

on tholJe tlio counts. UJe att~!I'l)ted liIlU'(J~.r on cQUntll

'1lDd t~ Coo~entiOWi on count; 5.

~:m NO. 55811'In

~ : 2 March 1978

IN TJlB ~tJrnE~m COUR'r 01" sou'ru J\.mIC/\


_ (\Il'i'W,\'l'lmSnAllD LOCAL DfVISION)

BEFOIU~ '1'i Il'; HONOURABLE nn , JUSTICe 'rucnOlt

In th~ 1,1l,I,terof
1'111':\ Sri'ATE' VERSUS -: ::;OLO"Ot~ tl/\lIL.I\1lGU



In regard to the question· or the existence or not oC

extl'nu(,I: lng circumstances the onus is on the' accused to proYt!'..

on a bill ance of probabilities. that they do exist.

it is (nl a balance of probabilities. it is a 1ighter oralS '.b.""

re.st3 «n the State at the trial. An accused pers~ 1..•

. or .UlJOI\ all <the evidence pre8ente~ al: the trial alld .UGh

dvidctl(") 4& mil)' btl p:rl.·u9ntod on hia \Johalt 1n l"8sonl to tie':•

. .. .,."
aGpt!o t. Mr. 'MohQllll.ld 01\ bohn:tf nr 1)he ba. aut.it1.· ...•
rivo GI"lllnds to us upon which he contended" the. enetence

ext •.nunt;ing circulllstall ces • .

\,le have. at hi3 invitation, con8i~cred each indiyjd'I.:tl

_____ Gr(ln~lrl"~l'y-th;;rou-tiriy ill thf! lir:ht o~ h-1tf ar~~_j~~·-

tll~ _,~lL i.mate result considered the curaulative er.rect oC hi.

groHn.!' should they bG entnbliflh~cl.

It is alt l....I~.._
','he first erou!"l rt:lal;('11 1;0 his acr.·
I put ed I'act that tho accused was born on 10 July 1956. "n.. ,.._,-
f'or-e .i " my calculation is cor-rect, he v~ on 13 .Tune 1971
At an ear17 ap bi s
ont' lo",,\;h short of 21 rear:'! of aC;'l.

father left the communal homo ami he

. t." o~er him and oertainlY Ul.lJc:.i.[I1illt4
_idenee or bia aÓtber's.
ls no sugaestion.
as I understood her.
the!; he trnB

UQdJecip~ in anJ var. On his behalf this mornins'

\- Dr. Pree4 pYe eridence and expressed the vie., that at the

when the accuae4 vas recruited into the Al.C. he was an

t.aat;ure aan. . Heedle~. to sa)' one baB regard to the
, .
~eiOG' or opinion o~ á highly qualified specialist in
bis SUbject. eertainlJve wouldn't accept an expression
. ~
or opi:adoa ~ tbat the accused. as he s~~s tbore now.
i.a ... i_eture pe.raon~ •Ve bad the benel'it ot 78;ein~ hbl

an4 Ob~ his behaviour throuGhout a p~otracted trial.

tie .-we 1111teaed caret'Ull)' ~o his evidence, and the .,ay. ht:
~nte4 hi. eri.4ence. alld we ~ee with the doctor thv.t

be ja .. iá~llipDt JIWl,i~ we sáic1 éo yesterday. Tl\H

. .
4oc:tPor. qJ course.
to a large extent
has to express tU.8

opbnOll" upod intor.ntion t;eêeiv~d r~o~th!! aé~U8cd anti h{lving

U.tenacl" to J... erld~ce. 1: had .~ t ~etit or 'his; ~videnl!e
in tbe trW ~tbin a ~';.iait~ha.: :ll\~oAáso$~or'~ with
I ml) .
i. .., ~ff' '.';'
bad '-he baDetit ot tiDtening 1;() i 8.•evidenc'fj during the
. ,.,,' . ;' I .

~ria.l.. _·__l&Ll'.f:IW)i(} J!iD t~ be an unreliable and untruthfnl

- ~
--ne-oeH ,_ ,-
, • I'., .J " .. .' .
lied. I .. --not:- gol.Jl3.. ~o~ut;den' he .!:e:ord to i.llUlItrál,('
i/ '.' -"- ~ -.-
boll aan;r tUles. 1: ~ntilon one as n I~xrunplo. \10 kJIQV 1;'

iwrdiate~ atter ~he)' entered tt;t nc~ubliri'~or'" J6u'th /lÏl'i "/l,

~t~ veilt t~ a re1a~iYe of his

, r
ai :i'hl1l,'e.ltc.

iJat;rodIl0e4 ~ and Lues.". his t 0 confederat"o. CtS' hl.tI

.. M _ _..._
~ --.;, " ....
\- o\:"! ,t"
t'rieoda. "!bere vas no harm in tha •- ïlo nag thCH't' ilHy
bara in Ilia introducing
.. thea bJ name. Evt!n if it \tere
tooir 1.~JlJéS.which vas a deliberate lie.
_doctor ,&3.8 to rel.7 on hiB inCoJ:'lil8tion to c~ to a

concl.uGion ~ to hi_ .a.aa.turit7 or ~uriQ at a certain

.tas;e. ADIi that relates to the tt.. -.ben be VIW roecRite4

In-ord~'T to detenaine his ~urit7 or otbarwi .. at "bat'

elate' alit> .baS "0 place reliance tiheJ!el'ore OIl "'10 be said.
, 1.0
"nieu th6 accuaed gaye erideoce or toK bia 4*"" ~ it

r- ..iust to pve aa il..lWJtratioil. boW dil'CieuJ.t it

be to ..",terwdne on his s~-so vb:lt bi:a eondi.tion vas. u.
eyj,<Ip.'.,!,~ be .aid tbat 'i'b0lll3SI1aautu .. s..ereel hia. and
e.~ll.7 l1e 7i.el.ded to' this pesteriDC and decided 1;0 CC)....

•\.._lIo~aJ;Ii.H'que. ~et in the caeaDti.ale .. responding to llUf'.&Catidn~

b7 be listened to tbe 'Freed_ Badio. 'I'baIO iD

itseU doesr.J~ &1l£.&C3t

tba" be vas bein& pesured. llc

LV- a"l object~

_ IriUi~; ol' p~le_ 'ol"_that·be
- - -- ~-would'
- ---------
be -- -~"....... .. ...,...---.. ..~
saiJot;'{;e. Vlien C.e ~ITiy~ in r..o~ique. be .,<lG .. aeeo""i ..s,

L"o bh1. :iJJdOC\.rina •

\I1en be..III3Áehis otateaent to tll8 ila(;is ..r»e" •

stat< ... ,::nt 101biehbe at=u-ted ocr about bis earl.7 bi.ton.. 1..'
reacb''Cl ~e &tage or \)xlJ).ainin,: ~q tbr- , te . ttl11t- ~ ..._---"-'-''"'""-...:....~E
r.aQ:ltra ... u
be va;. in .\;aDdard "ill"ee.. h" d~d·:(-d to ~n to i1oZ::llo1ili,'1 r··r
. thitt. HIlI; a .u"oatioll or haviniS beon.persua.s.Cl. neo

flbOllt what hapiJoned
what h:lppcned.
1n &z:u&biqu.,
Jlo would bay.
emir ba"t)
.uave lHIU... tbat

he Wilt' nn unwillinc recruit ~ that be' )louleS hay. t.~n aJJ7

opport,unit, to tJ.c:~p.. -tt it· ovailabl.. to hia~ 'It

thnt i,. whllt rut told Dr. 1I'reeél, tben -on. can underatand.
,.", -
. allu ()W: can como to Il conclunoD thnt. he J W to ... extent "
Dut it ..... to WI 0h8 hae W beY-

rll\;8rfl to bia conduct tbró\lGhout, up ~ tb. ~inal stap. to

uttll'j'llne whether- he wa., a bi. c!"uw.l aucceate4 •• ~CIUP&

19 vho was ""ing indoctrino.t..s aDS brainwPtw4.

Wo vill pr~a.entq dea1. with tbc DIltHr na~bt:r, 'tit 1

IIlf:01;j"n it oov, that when tht" oprortunit)' na pre.~~ 1.4.

Illm bIt the l)th ot nhnndoni~ tht,! ~ And ~lutiQulJ " ....

unk"o\ll\ b-r 1d..~1lC lfith tbe erc:ud .. j,"

IIlnkip~ hie
- idontit,
nt>VCl' took the oppcwtunitJ ---
Qt lfhich- tuc1Q' .;;t Gly- bUt ,....
\'hi accused \lOnt aut. aa he .. i4 h_elt nu tt; ft

owu u''loieion to l:2i11tol'7 'liraibin,;: and bO eSiAlob'""'"

Inil1t:u'1 trainine. And he o~ bade witb tw ot bJa r.u_
~ay.:.:.llerll. and ~ht:rc enn b(' r\(I JI~bt about it.
ft cOlulUon ~6.t!.

th'~~ __ "'tA pt.rt. ifl a4:0wal. .~ -.._.tka.


At!Ain hin .:'''' 'lih;}1-'-' ,s

I ~ou'ld ha.e UG bcli(~ve t;h:lt .lw .. ~b(.' f'OlicE'IC'\n .Jl<' ....-e~
tp theJIl his appointlllmt cnrd Mi<l: .t~rtC!d Gq:u-chi~ \.t,< ~
. I

·Bo.~1the band grcnlluc in 4:hc b1lt':, ho took tri.t;llt ruil ... ,.,•••
'rho accWlt..'Cl "0111,1 hnvv ua ·boli .....e cbnt he hAtl ..h·
in bi.

lio took tbat out rUld. via·'.wI 11y nA' Ird ~hi..
In our vic"
lJu" aso\Ulling it to be th,c truth. it me-ana that he had ~ilJl{l

to, reflect and react to a situation that. had dovelopflCl.

lie knev tillat
Ue sa~ 110ndYtaKing out a hand gren~de.
hand gl'onade in order to d~tonat;c it. required only the pill
to be l'<~leaGed, it ~las a live bOl'\b. And again, aa ''It! said

yeat~r'hY. why did Hondy do this? 1Iis ultimate behaviour

. tiG the answer. \Ie' 'trill daal with that. Uut thé

accused tbereatter picked up the bag, which in itself was nn

object 1:0 t.l&intain his identity. affording his pursuers whom
~' ....
he ex,'u:ted to pursue him not to lose si~ht o~ him.
was oaught by Loggerenbers, the

in spite of his rcali6~ri~ - and no one

tbat h'z ditln't; realinu that Stcenltump' was

hio 0\'111 batet)' no longer cOU\{lo11e~1
him to run 'away.
pa'tBC~l and took out the firearm,' put the hand grrina<)e

-pock~1..-and ).oaded hi:J .firenrm ·,lith live ammunition,

tht! n...an1oillle r.lood)' bad been t.ryin~ to pullout \;-ht! pin ul'

the ),'md grenade and he was going to use that hand gr'lrlflllt!.

One anl~8 oneself why, for vlha\; pUrpt'BEl?

the leiU L,()ggcrenbet'fj anu probablY
e;.;plode bOll\b thel'~ to
-hims~lr in the _proceflo (Ir to firt! it at Stccnltflmp. }I~"'.

- ~---action8 ortïle-áCcUstl(Icnul3-ea-s-e~eft1{8mil-. \;~ t"(·fI.(~\> ff-"'"

I a!1~.

-:- __ LOGL""1.'~nber~ .and til!.' uccu!l~d 'tll"ll t'ollml!Hl:rlQI\I1~

-~- ------ 4 _:..
..- J

tbio ba".
JeaaonG f~I''j IItl{~;mlll;\l i1i,
in (lUr
'. \le dealt ye::;terdny ,I '
f. what happened the~earteI'. •
I ruil el~phasisinr~ thCBI~ f:)e!HI '"

- t;hat the f\-ccu~et.l'didn't Ilinltw1.J'

view of the 8ublllj.ssion ..made
da tllO kinine_, -ami ~J.n1a:.d. - 10.r~tO, the Bubmiaaion
death of the two d,!C'!{lflP.d \fi1r;' lJ" l'!'mo\;~ frol!) the I!!CI',·(tt-,t. i "II

\:_ ot::the aGOl18,JKt -t!l-llt

ci ••cu"',\.ance• '.ia.c, ClW1u\!dI" '. unl.) arme<i biPse.lf with :.t

1'irearIN bu~ be 10ad(;'(1the gun cór 'a purpose. The first

persOll to conf'rant bUt .~a:.J l4dukU and be aiaed tbe 'CUn at hiM.

Af1;er i,aYing 1'ired shots in Goch street. thf' accused whiGtled

anll hin IIëlte. Mondy. u.c.diate11 resp~ed and r0110w(."tihÏJII.

Up ~o that atace tbeJ."e can be no doubt about it that bet",(.,?n

t1'9 t"lt:). Itoad7 and the accused. there was an i.1IIp1ied ..andate •
rlfl~th':r tbat ;;;--in "ertIB ot imtructiona received e1sevbere

? T or nc)"" that. it' caught or contronted by poaaib1e captors

eith~~' tbe one or tbe other or both or ths it needs be.

lfou14,lGboOt to ki1.1_. wit-bout 'in any VaJ restricting ~be

L circ,~ta."1Ce6 under wldcb tbis shoUïci t~e p1ace.

"lbe next iaportant aspect .to be considered in» \Jh:'"

did ti.o accused do after he kt"!" that nond, bRd in Caet t .. ···"

slaÓoting and exp10ding his lu... <l erenade; we lcnotf that 1.1"., ...

uasn't Bo YerJ 1arg~diotancc bet,1fel'!Dhisa and 1-1ond.y "hP-1ilit .. "

-~ ~
.29. Gocb St reet •.
And ~,e
,a trained lIIanin th.· wa;

Uc u~s \I,i..t.hin earsbot. if not elo:" ,'.

'.:.xpl~sion ot each.
And vhen lInrtogh ttm'
ubell ilond7 tired tit.~fatal "hot:":•

. :- {'Ul1. d the pin.

-,;.-_.,.-,.~~~. , -_._
-1l0000ogh. ----;-:--~-~
_':"iCU_l.tL.bave_~ll im' 'h!ia- h:~~~ t5 1io'lt -lt3p ....·lll'd. - '"" .......
"'1,. ...10..,.:·.;,..' _.::_

tilE accuaeu. )lUot l.a:.P1P t-een clo:;~ by, \lar. df!",()u;~I:J·nt.~I·l.:·

y-eateriQ because ••C th~ nat.U·c of tl,e injul-:I '-ft hi::

he lad t;be .intontion-of dissociating hÏIIG(?1f I.i....

conduct ~ aond7.~éven at thnt stage. one vou1.d;.nc ho

~14 bDye abandoned his 1"ir~:1na ei~her in ~he

aection or in tl_ae ':0"\ ~u~i I.h, 1..'Jlcl J~re.,:-o(lu. -

"bvlou31~ alert to rulY 111"'1" N • and atlJ'bOOy c~.q;

to\!utldo him. Whe~he eau PretoriuB. !'e aiae4 the tireaJ"llll

at hin;. \Ie know that at tll,."\t\stagc this Eireara bad jaIIiWI'(t.

InUt)ll(l it-ilf very prQbable tha~ he bad pull'!!d the tricl;er

anll tI,"" realised tho.!shot haon"t gone otE. att that iD :l

JIlatt~1' ror- speculation and we don't lUlke tlIat d ft 1"indinr;.

Sut TI"vl'rtheless' he sat with the gun in ft poaition that

enITénil, ,'ed Eear with Pretoriu8 in any case.

ac:t or I, man who'kneu that his cQlapanion had been Sbootint.

wi tholi' any knowledGe as to vbat tbe conacquenaes vere.

:;,......,,,",,,,,..,.,-""'-..;;..c.....,,..,.-""- _~Ii~l].LJ'!ot diSBqciJ!.tinlLb~U .ldJ;lLtbe_~tihs,_~ all. __

It is said that wbat 'hapPened there in ~ to t .

decua.r,'.'j wa,8 80 remote to the anticipation or the accuGCft

that (;huuld be taken :ts a Car-tot' frl considerlltion.

lnentiolléd yesterday. in runninc into tbAt yard, they -'t
have run frOPl one CQ.l'tol·"iÏl'to 'the al'IIS ot ,another. 3nd iu tl':JI;
e:vflnt\l'llitly. snooe. to kill aJ1()make 8vailabl.e yOltr oneal"··

Here Hondy. as was pointed out by counoel. I \luw the ""nl

'011, til" spur oi the IUfJment' Cohot and tired.

not b .. l,lisconatrucd in loel7J1"c1 to what; we intended to CUlJ'" ::. ~';"


to a nit~ation be sa" <revelopil1J~~-eou1d ~ry _11' deYI,i~·.ïo

inlio Il i,IJ being capcur-od , Jh'! Jmew that Cour people Vé ....• 'U

t \10 J::i.l!uarms • IC they Jou:;hccllai.~ Eour oC tb(.... , hi=: ~I':•••


arcntt so brave

1iid c~nctl1 tha1>. OIn1;1ÏosC'eipcu.staneea

ns to rU3h a gt' we Bee t;b.."t; IIr.
tbe- PU1liu& or
[the ri rearlll trigger that eaulu!'l th.e d.catla ot t~.e 10110
-e;~ntleme.n, i8 na Jauch tn" pulTffil! "6)" tlle accu2l\.octor
- ...lmeh
trif'.&er8~ becaU81J til'!:, intention nnd
In ~boa~ CireUillGt600uS "'~ Inwit' OOIllG t.o

. tbt.1t t,..,re -'ire- no extenuatin(~ circumstances •


S R ti or E' ti C E

"l1le ~sing or aen"ence on cou.rat..'} w 9 :iftehadye.l7

post-poned •
tJ."heaccused, bav!n& been 1"obnd QlÏlt;~ o.c .....ser

ex"e~ating cirCWlUlt:ánces on _\:110 c~." \:1Ie &eIltcnce

oe tb~ court·;'8 that he shall be ~ed t;o pri .. 1II:ael"e he

sbaH bé detained unti?- a date-to be appoiDtecl 1dIea he vin

~~-::::---'lJL....n!!I!.!.CS~,-b.!!.Y.r,._~hi8neck ~til be i:& dealt.

-c;• ~I
, .
• ~ 8.10 ,.. OIl tids '13 cJa;f~une. 1977 before me A:-B.

JCIG'!je"rt Jastice ,0% -the l'eace "for 10he district

SalOIn' llablanp.
(~'ter referred 1;0 as ~he deponent) apparentlY

)da BGUDd aDd ~ sePS8s.

~ ~ ha been ~1; py cap1;. D__

h. AspeUng 1;0

pri"a;te af:fice 1004 and in ~he oi'"fice there are onlY l1\Vself,
~... c1epClII8Jlt aul ~erpre-ter D.R. l!aphophe interpreter in
"UIe lid» l~gB lihich is spoke!1 by the deponent and 110 .


~ a~ is i.n1"orm!:-d
thai; he is in, the presence or-a
Jusuce or ~be Feace and is m,rned that he is ndt obliged
1;0 .ab aDJt sla~ni; and if h1:!shou1d make a statement
i.~ Wi.:n. be redJlcecl 1;0 wri.~ and JAtq later be used (lS evidence

~i~ ~~.------~~

lIi&~~ .,...1ii.oDB are pl"\ .1;0 ,the~~~

~i-<e£'~ ~9nled~

1. DG~_ UDileT'8tand the warning that 1 have


~: Te ••
___ 2. BaYe ;vou. bêe~-.aseuJ.W4-or t}1reatened b'!' ~ pe-rso~

1;0 .ab 1;bÏ.ssi;a~..,nt?'

Yea. A$ per anneCII1'8 A.

~bee:na"on b.'f .JusUce (d the ~ - 1;0 .. Y1ábl.4

injuriea on depo~).

As per annexure A.

aade to or ware 7GIl iD 8IW' ...,.

Were ~


tó ~ ~s


5. Do)'ou expect &IV" bendUa if )'011 ... a ~

ArtsWer: Tea. It wi.-I:J:-1Ie. uaed in COII.ri - ~.

6. .(J.) ge' 7011Ullder arréat: ADBer: T_.
(ii) When ware 7011 arnHJI;ed: Ir ag: ~.1; &bad

11 pa. ft., date 13/6/Tl.

7. (1)
iD respect of 'tb:is iDeideDt'?'

.AIUJ1IIer: re8~
If so. to. whoa. 1iben_auii. 1DIder Wlbat c~
AnsWer: !ftIe tbe police ~ axrestecl' - at abaIlt
12 pi. t0da7 - 1d.c1.IJq. I:nee..... U is leUer

for If.e to .aim a stat ....~.

(ii1) Vb;r do 7011wi~ to "peat tJd.s sta:t_-?

'fhe. clepone_nt .uie the alJcm; ~ ~ 1IId.cIa ...

-recorded in hia preaence at·the .~ or ..Jd .. 1.1;. la w..

-own W&Na~' of' 'tbs i~ -wiUlaat .." ~-~ ....._ .......

pointa in hia stat_nt.

The above statement WaadllL\,ie-ill the Zulu !-al)g\Ul3e and inter-

prete~ to th~ English langy~~nby the interpreter.and a~ter
1 t was recorded J.. t wns read over to the deponent anel af1;er
it was interpreted to him he confirmed that tbe 8tat~nt

had baen correëtly recorded.

Theieafter the statement was signed by depo~nt 8nd bY "\ba




D.R. MAPHOPlill 160883K B/D/CONST. (agd.)


·Before me, A.B. JOUBERT

(Justice of the Peace)
Add. ~gistrate, Johannesburg

(Description of DEPONENT.)
Yo~ Bant~ male.. Black hair.

Hand ouffed. Red striped

and dark trousers. Bare
'" sbirl
(. A

-I ... ahot In II\'[ len tnk1e. u (The 18(t ""ilnkleappeare

to ba i.n cotton woo~ ,,1 th bloo~ in~.) (He has a fairly

large bump on "the le.f't side of hie forehead

.- larger than
a ~ift7 cent piece~) The hump was aaused when I collided
wi:th Iq friend. Both - the t\Yo of us - were getti~ ~r
&J1DS f~ the paper bag •. When I was-lifting my head I

collided- tri"th rq friend wno Was also taking his gun frolll

bis paper bag."

A. Ilo.

(Ilo other injuries are visible.)

A.B. JOOBZB'l (s,gd.)

~----= ~-
10th Juq" 1956. iD ~he plaee eal.1e11 lU.--.ersid.,
dietriet of Freto:rta. 1964 I started w atten"hw IId1at
, ,
/';Lower ~ School. is sibuted iD ea.el.ocli" Prewna.
I have been in this school. until I ~tect IQ' staDI1aN
2. 1969'-- Went to Eklbinzini.. I ~ in thiá schOol. unt;U
1972. 'l~\ is, the 'school. Jdlere I passed IQ' atandard 6.

ft"oa 1913 I went to 1laae1odi School. tmen! I l.en :ID

1916•. October where I was doin(: • fora 3.

1eave the ReJlUblic of SOQth Africa to undergo .ui.t;aq

traini~ in .ocaabi.que •
• 000000bique.

Proa tMre I t?aS transported by a l'aIG"Gi; car to .)uto.

I stayed for :three dlQra in l1aJlUto in a plaeê ca.l.l.ed C8dea
eivi1: Pre. there I was 't:l!:en to a plncc cz.ll.ed &Ga

.. I
81;a,yedin !ba1: '~DCe :for atioat 7 .... ha. -

, TheT ca11ed me to go back to Ibputo. .IP.ra. Daprto I went

to Luama. In ,LuAnda it is l1here I UDIleri;o IV' 1:ra.i.Jli..Jtc~

~I was trained i"or a aontb. _rn. J,nanrla I we~ back to

UaCB.lllbique. PrOIa ftocaabique I went to Zwazi.:la:DI4 :e.:n-

Zwazil.ancl-I crossed tbe border t~ South A.f' I·

was taken bT car to lIidde1burg I sl.ept one DiPt in.

Ji'roa Uid(1e1bUi"g ve' ~ 'to )li~~ Mge].

----__,,_..,,._..._'--;;-- - - - -_ ,-~"--~ ~~""==-
~~*,,-'-o __ -1.;{"rs-~rë~_ stored Ol!l" FOperiJ.. ' !'be Y9q &lUIe ni.i;h~

-. ·.o';~ci"t-;':;; ii~l to ~ ~ in Sp.ri.Dgs. ~P':_" s~

We boarded a train~er.i.ston.. In GeDó.~~ we ...
supposed to have got a p1ace to sta7.
did' nat get hie';.'
.We got the relati~
One of IV friend .

ar Uie

-........ ~~~.._,...- _'_----

other fri~
_IlO,," trus1; the

inhabitants" 0:1'-1;)19- ~
rn:Ula~ 'plaCe ..
there ..

hospital.. Wh'!ré" got a ..... ~


, to Johannesburg Park Station.' From Johannesburg Park

Station we foot until the taxi-rank. In the taxi-rank
inside one of the taxi - one black me.napproached Us.
He produced his appointment" card. He wanted' ~o Bee wt..t
was inside ths bag. One of my friends got out froa ~he

taxi and started running away. The Bec~rd one foll~ •.

. He dragged the páper bag o~t of the car •. He too~~out oae

hand grenade and-start running away. I picked up the paper

~~~r~~~ ~b~a~g~a~n~d
followed my friend. when we were about a distance
aWay- I took mY gun from the pape r bllg and one hand greJJBde.
I called my friend to come to me and t"ake his weapon. Ha

ran to my apposite direction. I also told hi. that if ba

has got a chance he can also tEl,ke Lucky' 5 ~!.._ .!~then
ran to the same direction and then we heard shootings
behind us: 1 placed my 'gull to ·~he_sin8le·shat"·alld-:fi.recr·----

three times. At the very sarno time 1 was shot in ~ left

, ankle. I do not know who shot ·me. Prom there I ran ·1;0

the gai-áge. I hide myself. behind the garage. I "have reali9".!d

I co~d nót get away 90 I decided to surrender~ Then 1
mY gun,
The¥-.:tCUl-k. my gx'__~dth aone7 and 1ihe

~:::;.:.t·~-c.- - property which was in my p<lseesDion. I was taken to the

I!;},:?i" \'1 -.:.1 •.••
... --....;......... -

.Deponent: Solomon Mahlano~ (sgd.)

l~-terpreteri D.R. Maphophe 160863KBnv'D/const~ (s&d. )

me: A.B. JOUBEnT~

l! mx SUPUtIK oomrl OP SOU'lH'
llI'RICA ~

(ft.usyUL PilOVllimAL DIVISION)-


!HERO'S, J.:. fti.a is an appU.cation in 1;~ o~ Section
31.7 or Act 51 oC 1977:
(al '.far c:oMonati.o:a or t;he l.a"te ~ ot 'the pr88ut;


far "the ~ a% a special

Vial. ~ :bl1iallS of sub eeoti.on ()o).

Be applicati.~ = a special eu"trr. seta ou"tln Wha1;
I reapacA1_~:ts:g·t:be
pn ceeni'QP at ~ 1:ria1. are álle'" to 'be

\~ IIDIl :DDt; ~ 1;0 ).ar.

tbat 1118 "trial. ill 1ibi.8 case CODCttrJI1Jtg 'the ajpUcam ... __

c J'IIl"eII GD 1be 13th p;.bnIar7. 1978 &Dl. cOio.lw1e4 on the

24Ul J'elmlaQ'. 1.978-

aaoesaara. naaef~ ~w Grl:DIJrer-IPe:o'ia or 'the Pr.toria-

Bar 8IIIl a senior ra~ regionaL ~te. 1Ir. xot;_~ I

.mcmia dra. aUe:m.0ll ~ ~- 9 of ODe Isaall 11Gb". afilc1a.VU the preseat applica;t;ion- 'In ~ 5.1. U 1.

"arnc1avit. Bo;raYer. in )ioveI;abor. 1.971. I pr •• lel.d at a·

"terrorist; 1ória].. assi.3tIe4 b~ blo osseusoro. DOIIGIJ' two aonlor
ro1;irod / •••
_ t. _ w. ;;0/- .... -

.retired regional .g1strates, the one being 1Ir. "iOt- _nUOMCl

pre"V'i1)US~ •
. in the present application'the fol1~ a1le~0D8

, .~ ara made:

r "Prior to tryine the Appllco.nt, ~eTon J. aD!l

his learned assossor Mr. L.R. Kotze, bad 'tried
and assessed respeotively, in the case of !ba
state v ; ThomasVelapi
~ ~
Tembastephens Nkosi, A.ccusedNo.2, and Bicharc1:
AccusedKo•• ~,

Sipho Ohauko, Accus~dNo.3,~held,at a'Specia1
oou:t at Pretoria ~ November1977·

.In the
bad in considerable detail given evidence ab.o'I:I1Dg

that the accused in that trial

various pers~ns, "including the Applicant-,
bad recruited-

..-' .... ' . .
l.eave the Republic-fo"r tha purposea o£ under-
going mill tary training abrorul and thereaner
to return to t~ Republic with lohepurpose of

conducting an_armedstruggle agaïnslo "the

whites. of the Republic of South Afnca.-- ft..
evidence was further that the recruitaea,
including thlf A"Il'pl.icant, .ere a~ o-f 1;hi.
purpo~e. -,;na 's~ega1;iOJJll
against the Applicant Vleremade at his -trial.
by the statë." - - - -- - --
yY 1 pause there to state. this fact:
in 8n1 proceedings is the pérson, the applicant i~iea
as. someoneconcerned in the .trial .in. l'Jo~aber. At tbe tii-a


- 3 _' co. 558/'/e

t~ose persons, - aa as they were ctUHne
ot South Africa. I oertainly_ had no idó~~vhen this trial. of -
the present -appUcant oommencedin KemptonPcr~ t~t there
... even a name mentioned in the previous matter ot SoloJD.~
J(abl eng'll and even if,-I haa p:resent to my mind such a name t
I cOUld not by any stretch of.imagination have 1inked that
with the nppUcant who tb~n stood his tr;
Before deali~_with the rest of the allegations mad.~
I must say that Mr. Kotzo phoned me yesterdáy and 1~o~
me that he had received n oopy of tho application Whioh was
served upon him and he expressed amazement a.t the al.leptiODB
reaotio~.wao within a. fort~8bt after

mentionad at tha.t tr~al, he w9uld 'bo aAi .a loss to reJll8Mer
\Ullesa he refresh~d his memory.
, .-P- . A;~e- -tr~~ in Kempton Park, as I 'stdd before &na I
~at i.t~.there was nothing to. suggest tha,t the 3Qloaon
..,.,angu then OD. trial was in any way oonneoted .Uh the

- {)'ovember, '1977 trial. '. . ,

~~he applicátion proceeds:
, "The said Thomas Velapi Masuku nnd Ric~
Chauke haa,given ~~dence in their defence at
their tria.l~,which amounted. to á <rán:1:"n of --
t~e e-;"iden(!S' -erf 'those 'State wi-tnesse;
. -
-'mo Jlad ~

_, limPli~ate~ both "" _~ ~~_ A~~;t~c~t, ~n-. _

- 'respects-referred to 1n paragraph (b)."
Again it is ,the applicant, himself who identifies
. ,
himself hel"fl; there was :tiothing to identify h~ to ua
either a~ the trial in November, 1977 or at the-trial in

F.bruary, 1978.
"A consequonce of such finding and a neoessary
j"'lpU~iOll i;hereÓ:,. ~ a -rej.cti.~ .~ -tho
ft'i.4aco or 1;ba s8i4' ~, Yel.api ......... aD4
B1cbar4 Chapbo.-(ipe1uahl:; their "'enh.l .u.._,.
'the .&pp1..i.c:am was :iDwo1-.e4 iD 1;ha 1I8ZmO~p4
1»7" the State wi i:Deases and ref'erre4 to iD p:1I'&-

p-aph (b) abDYe). &DIl an isplicit

. findiQ6
.:that Applicant hOd b:utld'ul.l..r beeG iaplicat04

1)7 1;ha state witaesse8 iD the aai4 r..pecta.···

......,..... -
a_ this can be ~ X clo DOt ~.
~ ori.dence or UJe said ~oma· Vel.a:pi JaIjjQ1m
8D1 CMub teDiIeil -to corroborate 1ib.e

ApplicaDt •• yeradcm be 0J.Y8 a~ bi.

U1al. -to U:e, d£ect i;bat 1ibe AppU.cant ball

prior -to his Gepill! Luxe b'aa Sau1ih ACtica 'DOt
~ :f~ be~ ~ t:li8.~ 1ibe ;aupose tiiiiiiof
IIOUl4.lHL~_'hi..G tq UDilero- ::dl.i.~ ~
ing ~ Wi~ ~ Obj~ ...;-,.;;;;.,.tiag .'
an ~ st.ruQ;1.e aprilSt the. siil:i~ oC South
.. _."Af'ri.ea upon his return-
De .&pp1icaBt aDi )ds ).egil. adriser& .re.

-:tria1 of tbe afoxe&O~.' --- ~-- ~~~-

- ~-_ ~_asse5S0r
--.. ------
:fail.eél :to ~ose ete the

~~ OJ" Appl.icant·s
.. -"""- ----- ~ ....--~
lefPl. adYi;8ers Ulat
_"'___- -~--
.. --
-the7 bad sat an4 tried aud .c~ 1M
eY ~ ~ tri,al. o:f ~ Ye1.api I'e .. leu

L aDil otilerS.·~
X pause bere. ~


to áugll!st Gmt U ...

wae in f'ac-t taontio;mê th.e 19Ti ~i.a1..

}"'lhe said state ,'Ii.~ssos a~ ~o:;aa Velapi.
.J ~ '$ and o~e::."s' trial. ~t ca1].ea.

at the APp1i~t's trio1 by tho state 80

as to give tha APpllc:mt -;Joeo¥pOrtun1.-ty o£

cross-ox.nmini.::og -;;hc a:ri.d wi 1;nc!lGOS in ioh098

respecto YlhiC:~~ware,. ~ti.D&

8l1d damagi ng to ':~he Api)llcnnt
Yfe {lo not
need to d031' with 1;bi.s
. as afo:res.::dd ..•
is expected of any JudSe i.n this Division, with. 1;bo "Yolllaa f':,.o~

at -the time when tlris tria1 ~ caJ..led. -:.hc::."8 'lr.l8 noi; a

6\1gges~on that cou!.d oven l.iDk in QD.'/ reliiOU a:umer 1;Qe

APPÏi~t' ~th'
. ~bOO::! .
wAo ~ been 'r;u:nti.oned in aA7 ooun
It further s~~~es ia tbo app1icntion:

such an a:&lP1ic::;i;ion~ ~hin n. period o~ 1.4 da:J8

~~ h:is z;;=.:.~:.:;!~ (;i.~:"':~; 1I9 cor-'?Md."
-~T~ ,lit ~~t;:.
~_...:.;ti-Jl(i !.:ii:7~~_;~~~

_ ~~ a1~gI:d;iO~ ~o _:-n- ~ho)

__poti"ion aro .itb~t ~~ti.o~.
I am of t'fii' opiïUon' ;;lD1~$ -granting o£ ~ra~{a) .aa (la)

or the one or the Oécr7 voU1d m;JOWlt to.on abIl:JO' .01: tho .
~~<l ~!-;:;<: ;:~;.::':., ~<l'l"'~~-.)~ -'::'-a ~?:..ica.ti.o:. !.Q :re...~

Vn regard to (a) 'end (b) ~OVih



SOLO!I)! MAHLANGU • Applicant



~AKE NOTICE THAT the above-named

making application to this abov~ Honourable

an Order in the fol"l,;0W1UCJ terms;

,That a ~pecia~ entry as envisaged by Section

317(1) of Act No. 51 of 1977 ~ made on the
record of the Applicant' IJ trial '(C••• No.

558/77) in the following te~.:

.Wheth~r-the PrQceedings were irregular,

not 'according to law by reason of the

-.........~~-=--=~ ---=-:
:;_t: .

__ ~~_~_~-.foll.Oldn",;:9,-;-~~_

<a) priOr_~ying
- ~'-J~--andliisJ.earneá á._.sor-Mr. L.R.

Kotze, had tried and a8se8.ed r•• ~t~~

ly, in the case of The State v: ~

stephens. Nkosi Accuéecl NO 2, .04
Jtlchard Slpho Chauke ACCuaect 110. 3,'
be.l.d at a Spec1a1 Court at Pz.tor1.-· -

.iD JIoV8lber 1971. I

(b, In the sa1cl latter trial

vitnesses bad i.n consJ.derable detail

gJ.veu evidence that the

accused in that bad recru1ted

vari.ous persons. includ1llg tn. Applicant.

to leave the Ileplbl1c for the purpo •••
of UDderqoJ..Dg
alli.ta.r;y training abroad

strugg'le agaiDst the white. of the

1lepub1.J.C o£ SOUth Africa.

the Appli.cant. were avare of thi.

parpoae. Subsequeritly the .... rt:;;t.9a·

tJoDs aCJA,1Dst tbe Applicant wr. aad.

at: bis uial by the State.

(e' ~ ~ ~ Vel.api" Maauku and

JUcbard Chauke bad qlven evidpc.

thel.r defence at thëir trial, -WhlCh- - -

- .- t.o-.a denial .
of tb .. evidence
- -
of t:1KJs8 State Vltne .. e. who had

i-.p11cat:.ed both thea and._..t.M Appl.1ca,nt

iD t:be reapecu "referzed to in paragraph

~ (b) -above.

(d) IIot.vl.dlst:aDdiDg the .,,1dence of the ~ Velap1. -lla8Uku- and Rlchafd_ ~_.~"
..... 3
1- --.- .-f '''V r'"

convicted thea.

(e) A. consequence of such' and' a

necessary 1aplication thereof ..... a

rejection of the evidence of tbi ~4

Thomas Velapi M,uQ,ku and RJ.ebar4 ~.

(including their 4eD.1d that the

Appl.1cant vas involved in the r

alleqed by _the State witae. aD4

referred to in paragraph (b) aboN).

and an iaplie1.t finding that the
, -

Applicant bad truthfully been ~Ucag4

by the Státe. witnesses 1.n the -u


(f) The eviC1ence of the said ."",.,.. velAïp1

~~~~~~=-~--- Masuku and Richard Chauke t:eQded 1:0

~Ir~~~~~~~~~'~-'----~.----eorrobor~te 'the Applicant·• .-ra1oD

vbieb be gave at'-his trid 1:0 the

e£fect that the-Applicant bad ~ to

;-1: '. bi$ de,artuxe fraa South Afr1ca JMft: la

fact been avare tha,.! ~ 1:JIei!eof

~~~~~~~----~------~ would be to get hiJI to 1IIIdeqo aUJ.t;aqt

~~--.;- -trainlJll!r"~ v:1th- the abjecU" OE

conducting an a.DIéd strogl)le ..,w.t

t the ~tes of· So~th Af~t.~ 1IpOIl lab

Lreturn. ..

The Applicant and bt.a legiIl. ~

vere UDavare at the tbIe oC Appllr:ant-'

~bi~H~..-..:.~-..,._---..;.._ ........
_~~~Q:!!!~ ~f_t¥ af~~.:
(h) Theron J. and his learned ~ ... .,r

feiled to disclose to tb. ApplicaDt

or Applicant'. legal aclvlMr. tbat
they had,sat and tried aDd tMi.gIle4

the evidence in the t.dii-.of~

Velapi MaSuku and others.

(iY The said State v1tDe .... at ~

yelai>i _Masuku' 8 and ~.' uial

~~~~~~~~~7~~~~~~~~~~~~~ca~ll~ed~~a~t the ~~l~t·.

Applicant the opportunity of CJ:Ojq-

examining the .aid vitDes ...

respects which vere _t:erially ~

cru.1natlnci and dJlaaging to' tbe

L, Applicaot as afores4J.d.,. ,

Th!'t the failure of Applicant to ~ saëh aD

application within a periOd of 14 days

hJs conviction be condoned.

That furtber or alternative

TAI<E FURTHER lfOT'lCB that the Affida"its of the

.~_._ - -----............... - ~ _. _..... --
Applicant marked ·V· and X_il MabQeecl Ayob ~

.z. annexed' herttto, wil~ be used i.n support bereGf.


Daft!'.D at· JOBdNSSBURG this 27th day of OCTOBER


102 Có~i8aioner HoUse·
SO Coma~88ion.r Street

.AB09B ..-ooRABLE CooRr
~~ ----~~--~~~~.~~~~~~.,~~~~~-~
MID '10:

do beD!by .alte oath ana say that:

~. x _ a pract.i.aJ..Dg attDraey of

c:08rt of ~ A£rl.c:a, pracUaJ.n9 v.ncler tile

n.-e aDd style o£ XSIIUL AYOB • ASSOCIA..-s

At a11' .....t:erial. bereto I ba". beeft the

att:.orDey of ftlCIQM for tbe ApplJ.cut, ana )la...

acted on IdS behalf.

In or abOUt ()cb)ber H17 the Appl1.cant ...

cb.aJ:qed together W1tll one IIoDdy Ilait:loUD9 in

-7T~~::-""":",,","",:",,-..:..;'_'...:,,,.._ ........
_"the .J.t:wa~ LoCal Dl.1d.&l.On of the
Sapx ••
oftene"es. At that'stage

th~ second accused in the sa1.d ..

said Mondy was the £:lIst accuaed. Ilo

The charges against the Applicant and the

lJaid Mondy Mat10ung conai.ted of the fo1~s

Three count:s of murder.

~count of at~ted 1iiurder.

One count under '~ct Ho. 26 of 1956 •

.A cOntraventio~ of Section 2(1) (c) of

a3 of 1967.
A contravention of Section 2(1) (a' of Act 110.
83 of 1967.'

A contravention of Section 2(1) (a) of ACt 110.

83 of 1967.

A charge of contravening SectiOn U(b)ter

of. Act !fo. "'4 of 1950.


A contravention oio Section 2(~)(b) o~~ 110.

83 ot 1967.

Accused was charged ..nth foUr turtber ...-rate
char9~S. namely: .

A contravention of Section 28 of act Ilo. 26

of 1956. •
A contravention of'. Section 32(1) (a' of Act
No-~25 :Qf_19..§9.
32 (1) (bl of Act
-- -- - - - ...
AI •••• W
A contravention of Section 36 of Act NO. 75
of 1969.
There was a final charge which was said to
be an alternative to one-of the charges to
the effect that the accused had coptravened
Section 2 of Act No. 75 of 1969.

s.i A Request for Further Particulars to this

lengthy indiconent (consisting of over SO
typed pages) was prepared on behal f of each
accused, i.e. the Applicant and the 8a1d MOndy

5.2 The said Request was

in October 1977.

5.3 I instructed Counsel

. Court of South Africa (Witwater!rand Local

Division) for an Order tbat the trial

.Applicant and the said MOndy Mat1oun9 be post ..
poned for several weeks in order that the
services of Senior Counsel might be obtained,

and in order that the accused be glvert a full prQperly to the

~t_ &tage been forthcoming.

-e- - - __........._

5.. The State opposed such appllcatio~,

that the 1=Iial should proceed on

of Hovembér 1977. . "

5.5 The application for a remand was

Theron J. After hearing argument the l.arn~'
J~~~ dismissed the accuseds'

ordered/ ••••
6.1 On the 7th day of IIovellbec 1977 aaa heforé

IIoDdy IIatloung and the Appl~t coal.d ple.1_.

Counsel appeariDg" OB beha1 f of IIDDdy Jlatl.oaag

CIODteQCJeathat he was DOt capable of uaa.r

standing the proceedi.Dg. 110 as to .u. ;a .. ....-.:

l.earaed Jud~ decided to o~:aJer~~~aa~~:!!'l~:2."':"_--,-._...~

into the _tal CCJi!Xlit.l.oD of the .u.d JIOIIiIy

HatlOUllg' ~uant to the .~ of SecI:iGa

79 of Act Ilo. 51 of 1977.

On the 7th day of 1IoY.-ber 1977 'Iberoa J. __

'tlUrpresidi.D!J Jbdqe aDd Br •

of -the -use&sors.

7.1 On or about the 13th pebraUy 197. a paae1 of

three psycbi..atri.sts appoi.n~ in ~ of

~ .
Section 79 o£ Act 110. 51. of 1977 ~ t:hat

, the said MOiidy JlatlouD!j vas-£,paeed DOt ~e

of undentandi-ng the proceed-I ..... 110as 1:0 ....

. -,- ~r-defence
or _tal defect.
.by reasoo ofi-:lIfiIïïQ1:-:-s:nt:lb- ..

7.2 . rbe Court on the 1.3th February 197. ~

of 'l'be%on J.., and .the ..... as •• .or. !Ir. L•••


Tberon J.
so as~~ke 0 proper defence andordered
that the said Mondy Matlounq be detai.ned 10
- .
a Mental Hospital pendin9 the significatIOn

ot the decision. of the State President.

This direction was made pursuant to the
p~ov181on8 of Section 76(6) of Act Mo. Si o~


After Theron J. had directed

. that Mondy llatloaDg
be detained in a Kental Hospital alS aforea14,

the Appli.curt· •

trial accordingly became a separate trial

which the App1;cant was the one aDd only aCCG88d.

The evidence in the can of. the Applicant on

the said indictment commenced on the 13th
Hl)rtl-ary-l.-"9'l8 and" was c:<ODcluded-on tbe- 2.~

February 1978.

~he Court which tried the Applicant on the

lndiC-tmen~ afores·aid consisted of '1'beX'OD J.

and two assessors, one of

L.R. Kotze.

a._a1oreaUL~'_~ """"'''''''''''

'stated that'.!t found tbat the Applicant ....

gui,1-tyon .counes 1, 2, 3, 4, S,. 6, 1, 8 and 'lP
without specifying any pa~tieular alternati ....

< .J.l ~ - .On t.h_e 2nd 1978


that; the AppU.cant; vas guilty of Dl.rder

vi.t:baut; exb!sWating circu.s~pes 1J\ r_espect

of CoImq 1 a:ad 2 of the indictaent and the

Applicant; vas sent:enced to death in respect

o£ t:bese COUIlts_ "ftJe sentence in respect of

the re=zJ ni ng ClO1IDt:s vas postponed •

..r-' _

(la the 14th JIarc:h. 1.978 I served. upon

A IIot:.1ce aw1yi.Dg £or leave ~ appeal to the

COurt of
- .......~"',_+,..;-_.,...

CXIIIY1.ct:.i.o aud sentence. and the said appl~cA-tion

.... thea postpoDed. t:o a __te to be the Jlegistrar _

13. 0Ip. the 14th JUDe 1.978 t:he said application

• l.ene to appeal vas argued ~foré and hea;J:d b~

~ J. al.ane. 'rbe sa:1d app:ll.catioD ".as

di _t ssed by t:he learned 'l'dal Judge.

14."'\ A petlt:.ioD in teras o£ Section 316 (6)

- Just:1.ce·
cd die Soeu:- COurt o~uth

Appl.J.é::allt;•• peUt:.1oa in tenas of section

been dismssed X becjaa tlO prepare a petJ.tioA

on App1i.caAT.!~babilll £or .pi"ioD--to ilu

( Excell.ency The State P%esidell~.. £or cl ncy.

L-- Xn thi.s regard X i..n£o~ t:he Registrar of

the Witwatersrand Local D1vi.siGll, ~ •.e11 as

the Secretary for' Justi.ce 'that SDCh• petitiaD

vas being prepar~ OIl AppU.caat"_ hebal.£.

FurtheJ:1lOre. after c::onsul.taUDll nth .con.... ) •

it vas decide4 that as part o£ t:he petitJ..oa

there voulAl be 1DclU11ed the :tiMings aDd

~-r~~-~~~~~----~ OP.l.U;U-)Ii-lsof certain ezpert:s ~ t:Jae-


1: deeolIed i.t iaportant that aa ~ Gpialml

frOllll Pxofessor BrlJDbi Jde Bela. BeiId O£ die

Departaent o£ Applied SociDlogy .~ t:Ite UaiYeC

of cape ToVD.. be obtai"""'_ ca-ll .c1,.., I ....


iDstructed bad a CIOD&1iltatiOD 1IU:1l tile UU

Professor Rela. She agreed to a.e to

--------- die .

MaXimW1l secur~t:y ~i&OJl at h:etod.a. ,.....


18.. The sai.a Prof~s&Or ~ela indeecl the'

Appl:i.cant at '\:be ~ Secur1.~ Pri_ :iJl

Pretoria - and haa lengthy coRSUlt:aU,o". v.lth

the Applicant.
- ~
Patje 8

sultations with c.ertain of Appl!cant'. faaily'

members. One of such persons was one of


Applicant's brothers. Neither I nor Counsel

who had represented the Applicant thr9ughout

h~er seen or spoken to, or deemêd it

necessary to see or speak to .thatsaid ~rotber
of the Applicant.

19: On the 13th August 1978 I, together with

Counsel for the Applicant, met Professor Hea

a t Counsel's challlbers'
in Johannesburg. The
'sa,idProfessol.'Helm mentioned to us that a. a
result of a ~on8ultation with Applicant'.
'had been arrested and tried in the Republic

o~ South

20. I ~ediately cOJllJllenced

a search for the
of the M~sUku trial. Fortunately the said

Masuku and his co-accused, namely, TeBba &ko.i

and Richard ~h~uk~ had


others. However,',tbe attorney

Masuku had not obtdn~d th~ .judgaent in the

Masuku trial as no appeal ~ been oon~lated •

21. I imJnediateli placêd "Counsel in po88ess1o~
record of the in thë -iia'SUJiU .."",r;;;"'r"'~_""'r-""""

I also immediately arranged a

Sen.1or Counsel at the JOhannesburcj Bar, viz.

A4vocat:e s.w. Ientridge S.c. for the 15th"

Awpurt 1978.

22. SeoJ.or Counsel vbo had been consulted in this

...t:t:er infoJ:8ed ., that it was lmper~tlve that

the j .... erit hl the MasukUmatter be obtained •

r COasequently on the 11th August 1978 I telephoned

a cert:ain IIrs. Jansen of Lubbe Recordinqs, who'

advised.-e that she vas unable to find the

, unable to trace, the belt tapes upon which

'" jw!geeat bad been deli.vered.

24. I ~ telephoned a certai.n Mr. SJIl\its who is

attached to the Secretary for Justice in

• Pretoria. I hlfoOlied the said "Mr. Smuts. that

the ~icant·s petition (to the State president)

vas i.n an advanced. state ~£ completion, but tha,t

I vas avait.iog oertai.n reports whicq were expeoted

in the course of the

Eegam I tnOt:e a letter to the Sêcret;_.. er for

out exactl.y what wás happening In_}lppli.cant 'a


~ rOn the 23rd August 1978 lance

a certain Mrs. du Buisson of Lubbe

hg. 10
,ner tile case 00 t:he 23Ed ~ 19 11
aDd that t:he said jwi9-eDt never ca.e back

I ;., Lubbe '8eco.rdings." fte sai.d Mrs. c1u'

Bui.ssOn UDden:ook te) tU.acu.s

lie. 1Iybw:gh., the lleg1.lltxar of the ~

PEoviDciAl. m."iaiGa.

2&. OIl the 2UIl ADgust 191. I~nc.llJ' _t

~ Pretoria rOE' tile ~ of fl_'ag oat

't. aod tapes. I dl.....,.a the •

certain fir. YaD eier 1Iest:.bld.zeD. t:be AaIIt:ataat

aegiattar or the SupL ! Ooart • ...a ... Jl1tIO

undertook to la f'hicH..., tbe j1lllgr ft.

- ._
27. On the 2at:h ADgost 197. I

for Justice of t:he dU.fica.lties *1.c:h I bM

been ea,perieuci ng. I a:oDell hexeto IIH'keIl -A-

a copy of such l.ett:er _ OIl t:be 28t:Ji AIIg'OIIt 1.91.

the Sec:Eetary for Jastice EepJjec1 t:bat be' W

... ~
Pa",~ ~l

what indeed had transpired subsequent to tbe
28th Augus~ 1978. I annex herato aarked ·C"
a copy of such letter.

29. On the 8th September 1978 I again wrote a

letter to the Secretary for Justice. I had

earlier spoke~ to Mrs,. Jansen of Lubbe Reco~d1ngs

~t the SUt>reme Court l'retori.a. She advised 1M!

that she had in fact spoken to Judge Theron's

had undertaken to go through the Judge's

papers 111 an attempt to find his judgaent. I

annex hereto marked "D" a copy of such letter.

The" De~aitment of Justiee acknowledged

_of such letter and !equested that

I annex
. of further developments.
copy""';!such féUër.
_'. -~;;-E;;---a

occasions left messages with Mrs. Jansen at

Lubbe Recordings. She was apparently not ~ her
.-*, ,. "". , .... ~. -(
, office that week. I accordingry J:ecorded this

1~tter to the Secretary for Justice on the

22nd September 1978. annex

30. On the 25th September 1978 I wrote to Lubbe

Recordings át the pálace of Pretoria

enquiring whether the Judge's Reglatr~ bad

been able to. find the judgment of Maauku.. I
a~x hereto marked -G· a copy of such letter.

oh the 28th September 1978 I a.ent another letter

Page 12

to the Department of Justice. I annex such letter

.arked -S-. On the Trd October 1978 I telephoned a

certain Kr Petzer of the Oepart~t of Justice, ex-

plainting my difficulty in 'obtaining the judgment
.in the Xasultu matter. He indicated to me that an
application for a entry should be lo4-ged
before the 20th OCtober I 1978.

32. ~ few days before the end of October 1978 I was


mrOXlll!d by 7A1bbe ~wrd1.nqs th~t trre judgment 1.n

the Ba&uku~ter could not be traced, and that the

(tapes rel.ating to the judgment were Icl:Bo-JIIissing.

~el.Y Oh the 20th Oct.ober 1.-918I telepbone4-

Kr Petzer and advised' him that jUl application

Court would now be made aespite the ,fact that

j1li!gaent could not be found; The Department

- Justice aqreed -tQ---Cjrant


• Di.Yislon.
I inforaed Co\lJL&el00 the 23E"d 0c:blbeE" H7.

that the judgllent iD UIe IIas1IIta. _Uer was

to all 1ntents.and ~ aot-a~le.

and that the tapes vhJ.cb E"eCOt:ded .-:Il j'lllllgPMt

were silllilarly una".dl.ab1e. I acc:oxd1Dgl.y

1nstnlCted 5eniOE" and JuniOr COaDsel CID the

23rd OctobeE" 1918 to settie t:be AJIIp1iCaDt·.

papers "i th the 1nfO~1l 1IIhidl they did

have to hand •

. 35. I accord1nql.y B~t that it vas iJII.!"'"ihl.e foe

the Applicant to ba". ]znncbec1 aD lI(IPucat:.llOa

in tenas of seetloo 311(U of Act IlO. Slo,!

1977 within a period o£ £oarteeD days af~

his conviction. ~ Appltczat ... ~ l.e!P1

advisers bad. been lllli'lFlJ:e t:hat .. eeJra lI.t
been arrested or t:rieIl. :Ill £act; tile A(Ipllc:aat

said as auch in his eY1dence i.a cIalef at Id.s

trial. I furthëDDre ~t that CID ~i.D9

that.....1J!!:!eedlIaSukU aDd otheJ:S J..a 1.-
~ ----- - --- '-~- triell

the CUcuE t;aaCes to Clbt::aJiithe fall· xeco:cd i.e

the Masuku IIiltteE". :I accÓril1D!J1y ~t t:hat

the Applicant has clearly sbIJiIID CJOOC1 c::aaae .for

obtaininq an eztended per1oc1 to appJ.y £oE" ·a

~ .
special enttl'

to be
.aae CID tIie neon o£ hIJ;
Pag_ U


36. t accordingly pray that it may plea&e this

above Honourable court to qrant the-rel~e~
sought in the-N9Eice of Motion annexed hereto•


day of OCTOBER 1978, the deponent haviJ\(jacknovledgecl

tha~ he knows and understands the content. of this




XD the mtter between:

~-- Applicant



I. the undersigned,


do bare1Jy aake oath and say that.

1. 3: aIR the Applicant in the abOVé matter

aa presently deta!ned at the' Pretoria

~tral Prison.

~-c~--~----~--~--------~~~g_~~I~~~~ and confl~~~utb

and correctness of those paragraphs to which .

reference to myself has been made.

1. At Dy tr~al with the Court constituted as

deposed by my "attorney, my
tbe fol.lowinq que~tlons in ehie! and which

"",",~~".",,,,.:...-=-~....,, ~ti~_a_r_e_re~_r_de~ in thé off leal

of Dy trial at page 534:

DaB he been cbaqed aail arxest:eal •• I c1D

DOt )moW vbetber be ¥lIS ur_tal CIC' ~ ••• '

•• On beinIJ 1nfo~ o£ the £act;IIa1 pJdt:Jaa -

is set oot iD the ~£JdaYi.t o£ -.y at:tos:lII!.J' .....

as is set oat in 1:be 1Iotlce o£ ~ re].atlaIJ

to t;)iê spee;lal. _tty aoaght to be p1.aca4 Ga die

7"'"' ---'reooEd o£ _-.y ttia1. I be1JAa!wóe that - 1.J::I;egII1A-

rity bas .0cc::an:e4 iD t:he pLlClceMhog ... dial:

I ba- not heeD giv_ a £a1.r tLlA1•

• B BilE FOIl E .I hUllb1y p:ay tbat it: .. pl.. -

this aboVe 1IOJIDOX'8b1e cow:t: to gPDt .e dia reU.e£

-""- -

ftIJS DOI1B AIQ) SIGmm) at pJBl'OIlD t:bis 3.lst: daY of

OOUJEll ~918. the depJN!l't ha.'riJlg ar::IaaDifJ...g.. that:

be kDDWB aDd uaaerstaads t:he COIlIi1eDtS of tIa:b arat:kla·

31 -r.~ !1iS A.;Joa ..__.,.._.. ,..__...

_. puc~
C~L (h~

R::oIh"~Q ~UT
~eri" ....
iii.. .."..-c-
tI1-~ ....... ~ - -

09/5/4-%128 (C/2)

.1978 00 -28 Monday

Tho SecretOry for jUitice

Pr1vote Bog X81

.Deor S.l,


w. ,ef.,
-'Dubumon of tubbe IWcordings hal now ody~ "-i' '.;
to our letter oF tho 211t AugUIt 1978 and odvlse that Mft
UI lh!Jt
was forwarded to Mr JUltice Theron at the end of'.... trial ta
November of 1'177 aod was never returnod by the Judge.

~ ~The wIltor hore;,r telephoned Mr Van dor WOlthuiten, the Reg.....

of the Supreme Court Ir. fr.tor~ to ~ hil aulstonol ........
Q~ltlng to hear from you. . " .

........ - .
per. I M AYOB
~ ..2l.lI.4::~7..?~~
• e,'

.. IYMnAIt )(It




___ (2 CtJUC'S)

~ nadpt of your letter (IMA/RN) dated 18

~97•• t;be coatants of which 'have been no~d,

"'!be uepart:.e.Dt: -.ut please be kept abreast of
dI!WIe:topeents •

YOiI.I:W fa1.t:hfully
1918 09 • 'WI ' , )

1heSwca,*" ........
DI, 9 9 fil ......
........... 1



Ml.a tl CQJNJS) ,


....... ,.. far yaw fil 6e 2IIIi A.g..t

........... ....,1 ~ ..... lIi"IItr

_lal'" fil ti. s.r- c..t, I)lllIIIIiiill
r I...,., ti. "'~..-1'"
··_W .
n.__ ....d willa... ......... F ' ......... ._ ..
.. .. ,.. to bit '9 dl .. ·' a' ti. ..,... .. a17.
la... Wa .. ~... .. 5 h", ...
Jilt: ....

.. ,.
9Af4 - 2i'28 CC/2)

1918-09~CB Frl~y

The Secretary for JUI.1ee

O~ of JUitlee ,.
Private Bog )(81

Dear Sir

Yl. ,efer to eorller ~-'-"in GAIl achiM ....... -- ...

IpObn with MIl jo .. on of lubbe ltocclnIlngi ~ c..t, ........
wbo acfv1led UI that the h&Jd In ~ IpObn .. JuIIge n..--. "Ed S ....
In turft .... undertaken to go through ..... ".,.,... ,.,.. "~"'J"'.
.. fW ....

W. ahall "'p you advIled ol develapnlellls.

Youn "lthfUlly

1*. I M AVOt

. '

Mesars Iaman Ayob ana AAl'SAlnUI

Assoc1:ates PlUYATE eAG XII
P 0 301(_61448 PUTOlIlA
19 -9- 1978
L· _I




The receipt of your letter (CC!M121/IMA/lUt) daUd

8 September 1978, the contents of which have been
noted, is acknowledged ..
~he Department must please....he. kept-ab:r.eaat: af.. ~

Yours faithfully
1m... 22 nw.,


MAHa.4NGU1 ..,.. CZ COUNTS): .

.......... .,.
We ..... ".'-d _ thIIt two
r ~

.... die
Ir .ft".,..
ef"'~ "'""
10 oc :a..... __

. .•...•...•.....
1918--CW-25 Mt ..,

~1""'k FL"
_fII ....


"'11_ .--... _"IS

- ............
Wil ' óck

... I M Avo.

9/5/.4·2728 (C/2)

1918-09-28 Thunday fqr J~1ce

.. {


We ........ to earller corr.pondente herein Qnd the telcphonlc c ....... _
wllh your Mr Smult when ~"1JIJ yOU lIlat Mn ~t~"'--
CIICeC1Ginod !hOt the, fudges daughter, who ta Q Iso hls ReiGhOr', hol .....
... thIIt the Judgment connot be found •
w. canfInn havinQ oM,ed your Mt Smuts thot the belti on which the .......
aearcb by
.. .. •.cc.decl-lneJCPIlc;;ably QClnn~ bo found despite
_110ft' at lubbe Recordings. -
MnI ,JanIon ....

. .
oaan.. that 1:OUrW8t-engcaged ,own
"-~~--'.,.:.--.,.___.;,_____. We
. c_~ .. ' .... k w'_eafter
by-ourse ........ it-ou.t fil
we ahall commuolc:ote with ~
! ..
_III wi.....


In the aatter between:





ROrXCB :I. ~:AMS OP SEC'l'IOB 3U oP llCr si ~ 1917


.hereby applies for leave to appeal to the Appellate

llivJ,&ion of the SupreJ!é Court o£ SOUth Africa atJiIiaM

hi\s cQnviction and sentence bY Bi. Lordship. Kr.

Justice Theron dated 1st March. 191. aDd the 2nd

March, 1978 respectively in respect of coaata 1 to

5 of the indictaent brought a~nst ~.

are as
, follows:-

,A. AD CONVICTlOIi OB coons 1 to 5

1. r The learned .lodge errëd 1. fiadiD9

,\ that the State .had prcwecT'MJOiiI
murder in tllecircumstance.

2. ~he learned Judge erred--in finding

that~ tbe ,State h"_dproved beyond ..
reasoiiilbledoubt that tbe Accused
had 11- COlllDOn ~tpQ.e with Mondy

Motloung to .kl1.1 per.OIla wbÓ .found

tlu."IBoolvt!1I1.1\tho, ~aition ol


3. The learned Judge erred

the acts of MOndy

4. The learned, Judge

about to be appr-:hended and/or

confronted by one
viz. Mr~ Ka ••ner.
+~--=,,__---~..:__~~--~-::-------- ~----_.,_..
_'- .~ ~ ,,__.,.....
5. The learned Judge ought to havf! (nllml

that was r!!asonably poSSible lJ,f,ll

of Mondy Motlc:iUntJ- 1:1\-
killing the deceased
atancas, disclosed by the&evidence,
were so ~l'Ul1J1V';', '-ir,rational. .rrd/or.
6. '!'be leilXPll!ld Jvdge_oaglft to ~ fCMlllll
that eYeSl I'") that. t.IIeh eat.u.S

__ bebfeeO Accvwd .at lioii47

IIOtl.owag .,. .,._Iiii' pw:~' to UU

iD cert..lli.n ~~ t:IIat: UIe

kilJi.D9 o£ t:be c1ecM'" la t:Jaa

specU1c c~ 140'" .........

ca.- fell. ~ t:M ~ .~ ...

l' of" .,. c:w_ .. ~.

sm:reaaer hi_eU aftel: ....,. JIot.l.-.g

bad kil Jed die aec-"" ... .at off

HIe esplosiDD.

Jailge ëiPa la n.a...,
. tbat ~ ~ a pUt01
- ~ -=-
t.M Accu.ed had "bhtJAI w
- 1J(m4~

MOtlO\1ngOU"1" pr.u_ ol

lt Goeh GUMt.

U. TM1at',*,-raap _n" la &W~t.t

u.. Accuedt • ..,1,4 nee u.a~ lae ... toa .....

&" IDjUy tft Cocla .tnet .luau" ....

by tbo .~SIiiO .. PIf. ,,~tIIe.

p~ ... 'teelt.


ón t.M 13th ..,... Ul? ........

part.1cUlarl., tlIilea .. -.u Wlaic*

~ 1" Gocla .~ luau ...

.. "UlI:lft Ua pftal ... of 2. GDcIt
St.rHt •

1.3. 'rba l~ .Jud.,. eXn4 -ta-

t.hat: tbll hy tIItit ~

, U: 'rhe learned Jod,. OQ9ht to ..... , ......

that the Oft\l. r:.. te4 .poe u. .ute

_0 tfroYe ~ .n.... bl~ doab~ &:I*t.

fact. that
./- t~>When thf! _law ~é1atin(i t~
admissibility of such' stateMent.,
gove.rned by Act S6 of 19.55.

15.. The
th~ evidence of the Accused
to the event.e leading qp to and
-culiainating in the t.-Jtingof th.ti

13th June, 197?

16. The, learned Judge erred

the evidence of Mr. de Villiers

rela~in9 t(). the

17. ~


extenuating cl~cumstances,

- .

_-- (1) failed

(:1.1.) erred ~n finding that
-cU:cuastanca. perta.ininq to

the death of the deceased vas

at hes!: nOt a possibility only

re.)tel.y cont:ellplated br the


Goch street.

vas reduced .80 as

~t1D9 cir~tances.
14th day ~lIDDf. 197.



ARD 'l'O:




c10 hereby aaJte oath and say that:

1. I Ut the

... tter.



DI 'l'BB PB'H'.rIOli OFI

supp~ PBYI'!'I~

.. 1. now tt years olel vbO 1.a "'pc--

the Pretoria Centra1 Pri.sOD~


During February 1919 your PetiUoDar ~.

petition to your 'Bxcel.1.eDc7 J.D t:e.-. or UIa ~~

of Chapter 32 of the Cr1a1aál. proceila'" iet. ... 51 of 1971

your Petitioner drew atteDt1.oa t:o

been lIade _re
- -
the concl.usion o!: the tr1a1 of your hUt:lL_ ....
of c:ertai.D erideoce WIIIaJdl .... -.... t..l
!uthlessly manipulated
such a"8 MasUku. ana: his friends at


".ê.tth~ time when' the'peUtiOn

of the judgment in the

as it had not yet been

accordingly undertook to supplement his pr .. ~oëe

pe~ition when this judgment bec~e

available to him.


__ L:~).lrp~tit,.oner has siqee obtained a

\ relevant r~ords and in the respectful ~ •• lon of
y~r Pet~tioner the. eviden~e ~undantly .~ the
s,ubllli8Sionsof your, Petitioner which bM prenoaa1r
béen made in regard to the role of Maauku aDI ~ ••

(a) In the trial of Masuku
J .• i~- the supremë Court at
charge a9~irist the said Ma8U~ and ODe 1Ikoal

~ incited and instigated various young .eD, wblcb
included your·petitioner, to leave ,the ~l1C

fOr etu!·"urposes
.tI!IaJ.iuat Kuuku and Hkod

Xo tIM ~u1.t, therefor., the in4ictMl\t ...


(b) fte Uadlng of the

regard .iD the" .. id

(c) DIe·ev.1c1ence
accepted by the -learned Trial J\J49. at tb.
aaJd of Masuu and other. furth.r
ef~ect that be aDd others. ~ ,Mel ....

your Petit1_oner, vere e~ to .. t·

acbolarshJ:p8 aDd would lAt:er baft at..:D9K8a
• that -there la not:hing like tIdIo:tar.lll.·.
Tbe sa.. wlt.neaa later .... t: oe to esp,." &.t:
the 1.nduceJlent offereel wall ... tile

otber. Y0UD!J ... would obtala __ J.arwltlp ...

that after ~ had ~let:.d t:IIeI.r .~

cbo •• to ~ eo. SbI1l.arly. t:IIa _'-II.

'Michael Masilela, teaun.a tllat 1:IMl1:1
••• 'ICII--
held t.o hJa vas ~t. be and UIe ot:IIK ,..,...

men could obtai.n ... dt:er: ~

was. done tbey co.lld ~Ublq l%IIJ.aI.IiI.

The evidence of the witness lrUU 1

wa. to. tlla· ..... etfeet;_


The aforegoing evidence and .£!J.

On bahaU of OEqaniaaUoDS like ~ ~

Conqres8 bad cyni.caUy1lianipalat:ec1 JOaI!I9 - UIDe

your Pet! tioner with prc:ii33êi:. at a ~ ~
·Pe~itioner·8 adolescence
idealistic impulses were
these men, who -had sucked him and el1lll8.l\ecl
bill .into
a proce8~ which was compounded by a
indoctrination and brainwashing.
yout' Petitioner
relentless process
The first was the loss of lives of
in Johannesburg as a result of the
lrr,ational acts of
t~agedy was that ,YQur Petitioner who would In
or~nary course of events
a constructive program of
JU•• .-lf became the viCtilll.
IIIOv_ent at a ti,Jaewhen the 80eial of the
c~unity in which b. lived bad be~

reVuls.~on at the death,of
The equal revulsion which
the ruthless men and wamen wPo have sO cynically
1ou~ Petitione~'s, youth ,and t.aaturity.u.t

expression in-trut fQrIIIaOst acceptable- to
~' .
a civili.ed societitl ~e exerci.e

· D&ftD at: ~ESBOBG this



la -nm .PET~TION OF




DGd.nq NovEuaber
tGptbec v.Uh...o.rua
to- aa-·MONDY·) in
vlUcb 1.6 anneyecJ beret;o JUrke4 -A- aal cc-.-i-iD9 ""
the followi.nq: •

(b). COUIIr 2 .

(c) eota'.r 3
-- .

contravention o£ Sect:ioIl 27 (1) (c) o£ Act- JIG

26 o£ 1956.


The. aecu.seCl vexe phalgecl wit:.b CODt.rawá1II9 ~

2U)(c) of Act Ilo 83 of-"!-t57 by ~~.

act. which vere apec1.£1ed as &"'M"'IIN -&- to

the 1nCllcment the 1D~ cd ~

the aaint......... o£ law ... ~ ta u.. ......lic

of South AfrJ.c.a.

COOIft 6


. .
'!be cbar'ge vas 1:ha~ t:he accaHll bM .ct:e4 ~D

re:feJ~.d to iD • _~. C
~ 1ncJiCblent< acti.on with -tbIJ-u~UoD of

furthering ehe aims of

Na~~onal Congress.

(U) Alternatively to the char~e

in subparagraph (i) heteof)

~he accused were ~harg.d with

of use to
maintenance.of la" and or4er or ,.·,tt.. l*_11
• or
consenting to take ste

OctOber 1976 t-o

On Count 9 i.t W1l8 allegoec1


Al~rnattvely to
in subparagrAPh
'Á I

~he accuacQ were

there vas a ~ o~ ~t:r.v ..
... 10( .
SecHoo 28 of Act: Ilo 26 of 1956

arisiDg fro. t:.hé 'alleged po..... ic

of eKplos.iW'e"'taAcesl
aud . fJreuas.

scbe«hale D.
• IJ
(dd) There vas a further c~. ~f

.ccintravening Section 36 of Act

No 7S of 1969, the allegatiOD

being that tbe accu'" lMd ia

polrse•• i.on of certaiD .... _tA

specifi.ec1 j.n .cbMul.~ D t:o t:be


va •• said to be ai al.~d.'"
to the

(a) On the

Pag_ 7

coUinsel appear:1D9 on' ~f of MONDY contended

t:bat by ~ of .mtal illness or I118ntal

~ect ~ vas DOt capable of und8rstal\4ing

t:he p1oceeoUags so as t.o llake ... pxoper a.fence.

_~ ('OIKt ~t:.ed Counsel to lead .via.nee. in

Of this s,ubaissi.On aDd a-{Ulr-tUe Court

bad !IiiIII1 \:tie beD&fit ~i.D9 the' evidence ot

_ ~.JIDDa)4 GUb. a J~ psycbiat-riat, •

..a JIi,sa Anaa

. lt. p.ycbol09Ut,
VeDter, .
reIJidi.D9 iD JolaaJPMtSbUr9. it decided to
o~ .
,all ~ :into the aental eondit1oJ\ of- _DY
~ to tile ~01Ul 4£ SeCtl01l 79 Of

act Ilo 51 of 19'11•

., as-bl
'. ~_'Of
m- .c



J'. P10ilP' VbO." ..'

ft41c·neailti· 'tii~ïM~~~


. tb

the COUI:t
op1JliOD of~11

~. a findin,
or.aered that IKllmY be.det:.odDeil ta a _t:.a1.
hoapital or pd.son pending the sicpnficaUaa
of the deciaion of __
tbe Statle
- '"'
Pr_ideat. Yoar

Petitioner underst.ands aDd'"ba. beeA ~

that thi~ direction vas-...te parlillloU&t to tile

prov~&ion8 of SecU.on 17 (6). of Act Ilo 51 o£

1977, and reference t.heréto u. &1&0 J.a

the juclgment of 'rheron J wUh regarc1 to t:ha

. merits of the case against JOUX'

j:o which jud~t yow: i'eUUoDer· v.1.U ..u

reference 1ater.


and Vaa concluded on the

• 7 •.

. ,
On the lat March 1978 the ~. CDDSisti09 of 1!IIIeJ:Qa J

lUid two -a.... aar.... at:ateil ~hat- U'

-'ordered that MONDY be.detained in a -.ntal
~9spital~or prison pendin~thé significAtion
bf the decl.ion of ..
the State Pre.USent. Your

Petitioner understands and 'bas been advilied

that this direction was,made pursuant to th.
proyl~lons of Section 77 (6).of Act Ho 51 of
1917, an4 reference thereto is also -.d. in
.the judgment of Theron J with regard to the

merits of the case against your P.ti~ioner.

reference later.


Judge had airected

4 mental hospital, the State dec~ded to proceed with
f:1fe lndlcttllentagnnst your Petitioner- alODt.
Petitioner's tr~a1 acco~d~ngly ~ a ..parate trial
in which'your Petitioner ~a&t'\he one aDd only aceaaed.
, \
, .f
., "ft
6. Y
. t The evidence -in Uie case of your Petitioner on tY .. 14
~.-"-f-~ ..-' --- ----:"__,..__.__.)...
__ ~_ --w.._,_---- _~~..._~ __ 'i -
_ . indictment commenéed on tbe ltnday of F~~8 '--'t:

_~ ~ ~ wa. concluded on ~. 2]\, day of Peb1:aarY ltl8.


On the lat March 1978 the Court, consistin9 Of

,and two aasessors, stated that it found
~ ~lty on COUnt~ 1, 2, l, 4,' 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9,
without speci~ln$ any particular alternatiVes.


GD the 2nd Karch ~978 a£ter the Court had hear8

aDd arg\DIeDt j.n ext;enuation, the Court concluded that

JOGl!L Pet-itioner yas guilty of murder without extenuatlpg

c:ircUlastan~s in respect of Counts 1 and, 2 of the

:l.Q41CbiBmt and ,our -Petirton~T5'éIitenC1ld~~'t;lF- ~'-"'+"""""
~ respect o£ these counts.. The sentence ,in

t:be counts was __postponed.

. ,14th March
~.. 9.

-- -
• - Ga the

.. - - _
~918, your
Staté( a N~tice applying for leave to appeal
teD'the .Appel.l.a~ Division of khe supr~ Court óf SOutb
."....-. J .
Africa against your PetltiOfte~·. aforesaid conv1ctiori
.and' sentence, and the sald aplki~atic;m~iben po.tponed' ,

~~~~~--~~~to~~a.aabe to De arran~edrw~~he-~.trar~~~y~~
dae sa1.c1 I1oti.ce is annex~d

Ob the 14th June 1978 the

" . l-'

~ appl1cation
.appeal vas &r9Ued be(ore and beard by 'I'heronJ.

by the Iear~ed Trial

__ .~~~~~~~~~~AU~~ __ ~~.uogl~e~~£9~~ed o~ the fol~._~~~~~~~~

At the afor«:said of your ·PetJ.t1oner J.t wa. ~
cause aDd adaltted by your PeUu~er t,bat, intu- .-ual

(1) YourPetit100er bad' left South Africa in ~916

.ma that be bad been away £rcJa ~t:h Udc. ~or:

..-e ni:De __ thB __IIDtll the gth June, 1977.

(ll) 1)grillCJ your petitiooer" & absence fro. SOOth Afc.ica

he vas .in JtocaMique. AngOla .. SvaSUaDIl aud
that be bad ~vecl certain uain1n9 ana.propagana-
iD tbose cOunuieS f~ panona wbO.vere official.

'a certain quantity of veaptma.


(rt) on the 13th June 1'77

Your ?etitioncr, Lueky-aDd lIoDdy vere caD£ne,*,

by a black person who w!.abed to II8oU'CIl ~


(v~ii) Your Petitioner, Luclo.-y and Moudy t.beD atart:.e4 to

. run away. Lucky was never seeD agai.D •

. .
U.x) point while they vere rmmiDg a1lily you¥'
At SOllIe
Petitioner and Mondy vere confronted by bIO Wdte

persons beinq the State v~tne ~

and Steenkaap.
yOur petit1O\fer and Mondy vere not ~ly:

apprebénded by these persona.


southerly direction in Goch Street.

certain office and

and Wolfendale ~ed.

(xiil Y9ur Petitioner was not


after the aaid firing

¥a. arrested on
.......~. the --premiSes at 29 Goch Str..t

by the State witness Pretorius a••iated by the

witness Jordaan.


.~n the·same eve~~ng your Petitioner .. de a

•tat~nt. to a Magistrate
h~reto marked ·C".

On behalf o£ your Petitioner it was submitted to the

learned 'i'r.1al Judge

,_ .
that it'was necessary to deal witb
certain vital questions and, of
det~e whether four Pétitioner was ln fact guilty
of .ur~erin9 t!olfendale and Kass~er; and if

tber. we~e extenua&lng-~ircuma~no ••~

. I
hUDbly and respectfully pro~8es to deal with each of
the.. v:tal questions-of lawfrd
'paragraphs fOllowing'hereunder.

the ~rucial question
.. y be summarised ao follpw$l- '

w~: :;::I::-:;i~:'ceased. "ol~nd."

'. which thê.accused
and Kassner, an act \ï. bad foreseen aa

Petitioner? ~
ft;b qaestiaD r:-ai.seS c;r~spl:r the question o~ the
jad.4ic.1ll. ! aDil yar~s of ~tr1Ae of

JCIIU""PetlUcJpe't' baa beeQ adri.sec1 that the fO.llowl.Qcj

coa.ideraUa!llS are hi.gblJ' xel.eYaD': :iD pEOperl.y

detendDiD9 ~s issue:

(~ ~ .as DOtIdDg vhat:e'Wl8r la the eYidence to

sawest t:bat ycmr PetitiODer hail 1aIOtIlec1ge ~that

• JIDIIIIly VAS nr.l..Jll; at or hail fired at t:bë aeceased


(b) 'Il'JIe .learoed ;JuiIge bel.d your Petitioner

~sibJe for the act: o£ 'JIOaIlY ta klll.1ag the

t1eCe.asec1 mid ~tiDCJ at Ba99 &DIl ~ 1ft

the abI;eDCe of ycmr PetiUODeD by re1J'1a9 ()Il

, . "'
Se stated, that vheal IIoD47

• &av tllCse Europepe havincJ their t:ea

and vhen be S<lV _ Ka~ getUarJ
up, ho reacted iJIIiIéd14tely and f.idd
bis fUe~u::a. the ~rplOil pi.sC01.>
at the deceased. ADdthea be raad
everybody preseDt. fortuDataly 1IJ.aa1-..
Mr Bagg;, but be ceruiDly bit lIE:
uartQ9b as veIl. llhat: U tlIe
. inference w be drawn f~ tboM
facta? clearly lIDDIlyacted GD ta.
spur of u.e ...-ent vheD be real1'"
that tbe aece• ..a. Jtaa...-r ....
~ut CO get \lP .lA aD '.ffort ~
deceased. X.a~
lie ~ ebOt tile
aD4 1IOl.f .... l.·.
Your Petitioner buably and r..pecauUy I!II)Jai.ts

learned Tdal Judge aac1e, the followiJag Lt_i ... e

anel as vill IIOre - fully appear- hereafter JOUr

Petitioner sutaits that. thana was ., evJAl-«=*to

support these f1Ddinga. '!'be f~ ~t 1& • quotations set out aboVe are that -

Kassner vas in I_
.akiDCJ all effort. to

r?~~~~~~~~~==~ ~~~_Ja~p~p~r=eb=;e=od~~~Mo:::ndYJ


~:L up ~.

• éen Mondy;

JUi) that. Mondy

r""':.ft~~~"-"-~------"~Y :Jas.ner) ==:;::;;;;;, -~~-'=~.......:~...,..!..--

(~v) that Mondy was confronted by tb. four
people sitting thero.

Xn truth and 1n fact thë only evidence r.l.vant

to wlia,thappened at the scene

that given by the witnesaes Hart~n and Bagg,
. and 'their evidence does not justify any of the

five findings by ~he learned Judge whlQh ar.

enuaerated in par~graphs (i) to (iv) abOve.

'aa) The witness Bartogh waa

w}\ó gave evidenC4! on thia point. At

~ge 75 of the record he said that he

.tarted flrln~.
~ ~ - ~~
at whom the man was £1;lng,a1\.4
reads as follows:
Question: Firing .'twhom?
Answer: At Mr Kassner first because
apparently Mr Kassner saw that
it was a gun and he
tó get ~ut'of the chair.

This Is the only relevant passage in the

~ ~~
evidence;in chief of the witneaa Bartogh.

_., "'"---::;- -
Your pe~lt1on.r suh~its that 1roJllthia
. passage it is not clear that

~n a position ~ say why Mopdy was in

f-o. .....................;..,_;,.,...,;....-...--""' __ ..... ..:~t~; '. _at Hrdts_s~_.

: Lt
able to give an!!' ~
.~~_ia ~n~~_;...;;.-= ...~;:& inference.
Uv) that JIonely vae confronted by the four

(cU --
to what
people $itting

Xn truth aDd .in fact


thë only evidence relevant

at the sc;ene of tbe sbooting

that g1,ven by the Wi.~sse.

_ aJid t:he.1.r
Bar~b and hgg,

evidence C10es not juát1.fy any o'f the

' _

~L". fJ.DIIUngs by the learned Juc1gewbic;:b are

...... ated in paragraphs (i) to (-iv) abOve.

-laa) " "!'he witness Bartogb vas tbe fU's-';'(Uneas

who gave eviclenc.t on thi. point. At

page 75 of .the record he said thát he , .

bail, seen a JaIl with saaething 1n hi. band

vbo bad _$tarted firing> Be 1. then asked

at w~ the aan
vas, ana
reads as follows:

Question: Firing at wbca?

A'IUnIer: At Mr ltassner first because
apparently Mr Xassner saw th"t
it vas a gun and be was starting
to get, out of ,the chair.

~':_~ ~~ ~~!9~~~.~~~~~~!_t~bat from this

tbat, . wit.ness
... Page l'

conjec;turer and be doea DDt flAy

th.a~1Ir Kassner vas gett:1ag ap iD ••

effort to apprehend JIoDdy'" or that be

-had .",ea to take acti.aD ag;&i.JuIt a.iIIy"!

or that 'Mondy "vas CODb:oated by t:be

fQur peopl~ sitt~ag 1;bere.- or tllat a.ssner

. vas "gettiDg' up becawge ba bail .... III.'MIIl7 _•
Bartogb's state o~ a1Dd as to .... t i.e ....
boweYer. bectwes .wea .... clear d1ar1alg

cro • ..-exaaiDation. aDd at page al ~t:er

Que.tlOD: When you ~ to aDIÏlYM"t

happene4 that tile onlce.
here .are people -joy1IIg •.
cup of ~. correc:t7. ,.
Answer: COrrect.

Question: 1Iothing' untGWUCl lad .tt:ract:ea

their atteDtUa baa oaU1i1e7

Question: Ybi. aan saaa_1y ~
be 1.& clearl.y iJInII1-.;
priYacy• .DOt _7

Answer; Correct.

Que&tiOD: 1)0 you agree tlIat U:: ... aa
entirely grat~. ~iaata
action on bl. part7
Answer: I th1ak so. •
Pag. 11

his judgment to this evidence.

Your Petitioner respectfully submits that

from the above passage there Is n~.basi&
whatever fOr the inference that X.ssner
.was "making an effort· to apprehend MOndy·,
that he ·was getting up "because he sav
Mondy", that the reason why MOndy fired

Mondy", t.hat l<assner "had moved to uke

actjon against
",confronted by the four Pdoyle .altting


~~~~~~~~~ __~ __~~ ~~~~_'r~~~lv.-rl~~~--DUriR9-A1~

passage is

the f~llowin9:
Ouestrol\I ~hat.. naJ,lJl8nia
vhil..t you
were d7:1nking_tea th~·-
Answer I
''Ie had finished tea and then
I saw Bob Kassner get up and
~e ()ther acc:uae~~bOLb1J!!.
~U.oq; And Ybat happened, y~ Wêr.
"drinking tea and "hU b the
néxt tbin9 you heard, did
rpu,se:e anybody?

sul_U. that the evidence of aa9g

lX)t in any vay Wbatever jUlltUy any ot the

(e) :1£ the learDed Trial ~udge • .rred'in draWiJ\9

is whether the Jdllinq of the deceased by Mondy:

iD the cirCUlUlt.ance. dl*,1.o..-1 br the evidence

a whkh JOUr PeUtJ.oner sboul4 he held

'liable for. .">, Il. '-.

U) it is correct: 0t bY being ~~a

by the sage or,-ni .. t:ion your P.tit1on.~

shared with Monely .... ~n purpo •• ,_
but ~n ~ .. to do what? YO\lr

gave evidence tlutt it- was

that .1f and

-. V)i the tiJle aro.. to put
.. f
into execution the training rec.lvR by
il- " , 'l

~~"""'''''';'''-'_~'-';:-''''''''''''_'------:'''''''''''''''''-':::; ---
your Petitioner, Mondy and Lucky aMOng
..... - _.,...._..
~~~~tbere, th~ acta to be peJ'fo~ed 8t\Ould.
be confined to the aabotage of nOn-
PAge 19

'Wllclteverto suggest that tbe k1.lU.D9 o.f

cit1:z8DS vas part of the ~ ~.

Even if on the evidence it coa14

sugge.ated, as thtt learned ti1al oT.....

does, that your Pe~tioawr __ to .".

foreseen or contellPia~ tbe posslblli.t.J'

tbat vio~ence aight hay. to be ...a t..

the 'event of an attellipt beiDg ..... to

apprehend your PetitiOner or IIiIlY c0-

conspirator of your PetitioDer • cleerly

vhat t.he State has to pnwe i.. ~t. t:bare

vas in fact a real atteapt; be1Dg .... -to

a~ehend Mondy aJk1 that IIDDdy .f1.nl1 i.a

order to~~VQ1d nep .ppr ...... 1oD ... tllat.

~ . killing in these k1Dd of ci.r~

Petitioner. .\'he ."..ldence of BartogIa ...

I .
Ba99 does not. ,in any'vaJ' jUUfJ' ta.
I .
inference. that Mondy fire4 la 0X11er to
a~id an apprehension or to frastrah aar
real: a.ttempt
t!o effect .ach aw~r.t

and ;certainlyilit- cannot. be .. 14 ';bet

!:1~:':~:.===::z;:-;~;;::::~-=-"':""-S:~~:;t. tb. onlY'JFt6Uionabl. 1ptezwDce to be._ .......-.;;;;....~_"-_..j

dravn fr~ evidence, regarcl beUg

had, • alft.. to ~ fact tbat tba

~up ~nSi.sJing of aartogh.

...... '&it. - .7

and WalfeBdale, had finished their t:ea-


having been induqed by Any act of.Mondy or

by any.desire or wish or need.~o apprehend
or c::6nfro~tMondyon "ls 15arf..
, ,
In order to <leeide-whether- the Stat, had proved
'beyond reasonable doubt that your Petitioner had
foreseen that Mondy would open fire and kill in
the circumstances disclosed by the ev1dence,
regard must be had ,not only to the evidence of
Hartogh and Ba9g'as to-wha~ transpired at the
offices where the ~e~ea~ed met their death, but
also to what happened poth .before ana· "_"'~.J"'_'r<

killing_ The evidence in this ~g6rd dlscloses

th,at at all relevant times
whilst your Petitioner and Mondy vere
- ... 11":'1 ,

get away, no atteDIpt

their successful
' do
"~faot that both
immediate and ready,

(1) I no

he attempted to
block \.ae escape of your.....
\PetitiOner that
nor,was any 1"attempt-made>by
your 'Petit ioner to shoot .or to kill th,e
witness L099crCnberg wbl1e that vit ......

.".-' ...ot t:o prevent. Moody·s ~f

before JIODdy entered the premises

t:be dec:P.ased 'Ife£e HUed.

(i . JIor~, the atteapt t:o escape made by

:roar Petitioller ~ lIondy axose frOil the

£act' that t.hey vere coofronted by vbat

they be1i.eved to be a Bantu policeman Who

iDaisted GD searchi1J9 their baCJga9~ in

t:he taxi tlhieh your 'Petitioner4 Mondy -anel

.,_~-- ---- __ ____._______ -- the £act". that this
iDt:roc1nceiI a suaaeo state of emer98ncy into

HIe u."es o.f your Petit~ner, ~y an<l'

Lucky I' vhi.d11lllilsat tbat: .-tag_ quite Uóex-

pected,' aDd DOtii£thStancUng the faét tllat,

~~~~.~~~~~ __~ __~ __~~~ __~~ccaaErr~jer~~ ~ all the necessary

MNp""S DO att:elpt :ill order to a~ld the

danger o( apprebeDaioD . vas then aaQe by


yÓar l'et:i.t:iGoer.F by JIODily o~ by LUcky

Jdll CK to shoot ~t t:he per.on vbOva.

It is also

their •• cape, "ar~ other ,pef'SOlUI en route,
i.Dc1uding t:he sec::urity officer

Duku. but: DO attalpt: vas

JOUr Pet:i.t1oDer or by JI01\dJ to

Page 22

kill Duku or anybody else vbo Jligbt ba~

succeeded, in frustrating tbelr°att.-pt to

escaJ?e, not"1 thstancling the fact that

they hael ready and easy acc... to 1et:hal.


Furthermore. even after Moudy had killed

the deceased (unknownto your PeUti.o ... d

and your Petitioner vas hiding on the

prealsea of John orr'. at 29 (;ocb Street.

your.Petitioaer had tbe oppoftDnity of

shOoting at l'retorius and Joriaan vbo

disaDIe4Ï ha and apprehended ba, bat be

did.not in fact do so.
cause that at that
. stage be vas J.D
posses•ion -of .. ~~ bilt iDatead .
. Ir
of using that 'hand grenade to traatrate
I •
his apprehension or thr_teJdD9 to --- Lt.

he hael it buri\.a. in b£. pocket l:lIIUI

negating...any..int9D~ion to \1_ it ill ~

to kil~ anybodY·

~f.~~_~~~~~~~~----~~--__:-Ir.'noLwit~tl~r.Peatea oppcrtPni~

~ an1t"i~taDd_~~ ~l_~_.....__.&._ ....

capacity and I llity to do eo you.r

Petitioner dl . not ever attell()t to fire

J .

at -ány~y o.r to kUl. ~."YbO«lY in ord-

facilitate his eseape. and

.. Page 23

on his own depart from ~hls pattern and

decide t.okill~he deceased, particularly
in circumstances whic~ sU9gest that it
was entirel~ unnecessary to do so and

that it was' a 'Pure'ly"gratuitous,

inordinate", impulsive: and irrational act.
~t is reapectfully submitted that tbé
doctrine of c01l1lll0n
purpose was naver ....
tended aa same kind of ~ague uabrella
cover tq give juridical sanctity for ...
kind ?f doctrine based on vicarious ~ra1


your Petltion!~ n~l~ and r~.pectfully .uba1ta


in the ~ircumstances di$closed by the evidence

~eferred to herein,- is tr
extena th~~~~·
of the doctrine of QO~n purpo•• to ~ts Which
- Il
1091ca11,y indefensl~le, juricUcally ~Z:OO.

and inoonsistent not on~y with establi.be4 1u4icial

~.nts biitbásr".",:f. tnc~n&iIilt.ent-..1ItUbreceat.

~.__.~~~~~ __~~~~~~~~~~~~~t~rendS t Wh:Oh_!~!k_

,t to ~ia1~~~1 __ ,...;<-~._"

1;0cases whex there is actual nar ....••
i' t
Pag. 24

for the ~ "to be belel responsible

for the. actS of a co-conspi.rab)~ on tbe

basiS of the -aoct:r.iDe of ~Jl purpose

i.t is' oot sufficient t:o sball that the

accused foresaw the ·possibility of

viOlence of one sort:or aDQt:ber-.' What

bad t:o be shoWn vas that ltUUD9 in the dr~ by tbtt

,. . ew~ vas contellPl.Átea. (At page


ID sDidlar ~iD SchJ:eiJIe.r J .10. vas

C!I;1DStta.iDê4 to sar la ~ CAS4l of U
~. 1955(2) S A US at 14.8 G - B thAt
oue--had to consJaer ~ the act of
the ~ato%' !Jl dr..d,.g bU ~evolver

-a pexsooa1 aDd 1IJIIIP!41C't;,.U)16 reaction t

.,.~ '" .. ........ t:o the uuCll1ent ..a offeDSi.'" condllC
9f the c)eceitipec1.. •

~ _ s~~ ~t .t.Xbat. vas

true or i.t 1ïiiil liLt': heeD cl.ea

reasonable ~
that i.t'" oot true. tbe

~~ in_,~t ~ ~ -DO c100bt bave

. heeD eDti.tledl to ....". baeD aCqu1ft8d Oft"~~IQ-~

~ ~f ~ at least •

t:he. u.s ];i.De of r.. 80ni.nCJ

r::--..,....--.,._.;..--::--~~-~Appe1~bte DivJ._si.oD baS sa14 tbat -

well arise. the· further c:riJUDal.
act would be coaaitte4·.

R v Bergstedt;, 1955(4) S A 186.

This there£ore inv~~ve. a twofold ~.

, actual knowledge that

SOJlle probability that



might well arise, and .ecoadly acbaaJ.

knowledge that in such CJ,.rCUllStaDce.

further ,criminal act would be ~tte4 •

These authorities
. your PetitioDer respect-
fully sublllits ar~ not only coos1steat aiIIJ

logioal",-but a necessuy ~ _se.niul

·a person is he~ cri.taally ~.

for the act of anor-r by YiXtae of ~

operation of the ~ifte of n •

purpose, his..9Uli ti 1. refeJ:rabl.e 1a tile

iaat instances to L. eND ~ ~ vh1.c:h .1OOge-
drew t

-did 1J.l tbé passag

referred to and e

guilt of your Pet!

14. -

,The next question wh~h

corr.ct in law for the

is whether

learned Trial Judge to approa~h

it was

the queatio~ of the admissibility of a certain

made by your Petitioner to a Maq1strate on-the 13th
" '

J!lne' 1977. as if the onus of provin9 that the stat ....nt


(a)'. ~t w~s Common cause that yOur Petitioner in

fact made a statement to the Magistrate on the

13th June 1917-. A copy of

'annexed her,eto ~:.;~ed "C".

(b) Wh,en...
the State indicated hat
on, the stat~ntl the

invited the repreeentlve ~ .the St.a~ ~ ~.1

::::;::::":0 1:~t::i,l'~t~....
:~' Criatnal
(Recor~: p~235. line~ 20 tó 18).
and the matter was 'then deaYt with in teras of
T'j~7-:::-~---;_:__~:---7_:__!!Se~' __ra--Act--'-Of all..

(c) It is correc~ that "seq 10n 217 (b) (iil in

Ur1IIS of th~-$"ecaon ~Hely...an4 .~

voluntarily mad~ by tA person ma'king it without
, • I '
ha~ing been unduly ~nfluenced t~ereto. if tb1.

'appears from the con~e?s1on itsêlf'.

is • -CIOa£ .. sJao- v:1tIdD ~ _.iag .of .s.ct.ioA


(tt) beea
Tour Pet1tl"'M'Z Ias __ aan.. ~ .....,17

......ts t:bat -. -co.fess1óa- "J,1;Id.a tile ... DJAg

__t 01: pUt. ~ equ.1.YaleDt. of .. plea of

gallty IJe£aJ» a c:oart af 1...-.

C! " Becker. UB .a D 167 at 121).

(f) Xt is tJa;a~ die .st~a;a:ta!ll_R:

Peti.tiaver to tile ~ttate U t:.M pr__ t ca ..

u cl.early IMK a ~essu. to the claarge of

iIiiUGer or ~ ~ _ vi.ll an ••r fJ:'Oa

'-. to i.a CGaDu 1 aal 2 ar tiaa .II•. U., of

~ per_ r;efeJ:P!lll t:o J.a O-u ') ... 4.
iPage 21
i~ therefore quite clear that the rel~aDt
statement cloes not consutute -~ a .C01d
~- ••• i""-

('J}~,._,.,__..your Petitioner accorc1inCJly.ulaiU that the

i "
whole of Section 211-. -aod .ore partiC'i1_l.y "
• > ••

Section 217(1) (~) (i1) ha. no appllQatiClll ~~

with r8Cjard to counts 1. to 4 of tba ~t.

Your.Petitioner concedes tbat tba at:a~t ....
by "your Petitioner to the JlagiJatrate ili4J)Ït be

relevant to counts 1 to 4 of "the ~t.

Because the state-.ent aiCJht~be.~t . t:o ~

counts, the Stat~ Wó\ïIdha'" beeR UU- .. ~

• attempt to .ba"e the staa-ant ~ .la •

. t
Once the .tat~t did rt ~u.~' •
•confession- in ~eXWJP of SeCti.GD- 211 of t:IIa
',.. bDt __.:ly a .. s.- of

~ ..... IIIfi"""-l.aW Ua~ ~

. adaiSSibUitYl 111~ -- .al: t:IIa

Jaachinexy provided fO' i.n ~ of ~ 2l.'J.

~:;~:-"""~~~?~~.:.:.:__~"--- ~~~~tiVe
of the criJdl'ill PrOCë4uXe Act ~
of pr1.1CJDa ...,ua. 252
(j) Your-Petitioner ~as been advised and humbly
subMits that support for this approach to the
problêltl 1s to be fou~d in the
Hiemstra MSuid·Afrikaanse Strafproses·.

~t page 378 the learned' author .xpr.....

a6 follows:

"lIierdie artikel (217) handel opr bekentenis •••

Erkennings wat informeel buit~·di. hof
geskieq, mag teen die besk·uldigd. bewy. ~rcl
maar die ~sisi .. word nog beheer dettr- die .
'Eogê Bewysreg soos. dit wa., op 30 Mei 1961· ~

(k) ay the law of England as ~ exl.t~ on tb. 30t.h

May'1961 and as it applied in South Africa Py
virtue o£ the ._pxO'!ilóionaof Secti'on 252 ot Act
No 51 of' 1977, adm~ssiona only receivable
.. - -
in evidence against the perspn alleged 'to hAve
" .


R v, l3arl1n(,192,6 A P 459 .at ~.462.

~ ~ ,~,,~.,
" :'
..... ......
,;0. ~~- -!"---'

_ _,.._-t1l""_:__:ylJoOJult~r..JP~e~.t.!;.,i~t~ion~:
humbly nUb!"lt8, there~ore, that
the 'coutt errJd' in approaching the admis8j.bllit.y
, '' , lt . -
o~'.the stateJ1)entmade bYl you~ Petitioner
r.a....--:t:.-s::-"....,..--:~i?-..::._.-..;:;___,~~~.;,.:,...,....,.,..- ~JLtle i9=''1 ....-U~....()JUlá. --.......,~ .....

"f'S on you'r
. fi~
Pet:lotioner ~o pr~v:e
'h "\.
at:~,.~ sa,"".
s ,II

8ta~emGnt had been ~ade .freely and,voluntárily.

(aJ If tne learned Trial Judge had

htm8el~1n ~th1iway-with r89aid to ~
) "~age 30

~ with the SOlid statelMJ\t, pórtions of

1ddI::la vere re...-«err- to by the COU1'~ in a aater1al

WiItI ill on1er to disbelieve cerui.n aY~nta Aade

Illy yoar Petiuooer in «idenee.

-M You PetUiaDer ~u iD thiA reprd that if

~_ CjUe&UoD oJ: ODUB had pro~rly been appreci.ted,

, the l.earpec1 ~1al. JOlige would bave also been

9lIa-t by COD1Iide1'atiOGS 0% pub~iC policy 1n

.. -fljp11y _14.1.Dg vbat:ber to .. "'lt or rejeét tb41

-sa1.c1 i.D ev1cleDCe. :In tb!.s re(jard your

2leUtioDer vi.sbeS hUably to refer to tbe" fact
tlaat iD t:A)dDg t:ba stat_nt froll your Peti.tioner

tt. ~1:e xellad 00 the eenic •• of an

... :


po1.iCe -agajost.
vhD was a ..-;er of the .ecud ty

vbIQIa ~ur a-6tltionu hael .. de

allegatioAS of as_ul ta and unc1uethreat ••

Xt __ la £act ~ cause that such an 'inter-

weter. Md been ued." "It vas further c())llllOn

calISe that in t;.ald1\q dle .ta~nt tb41 Ma91strate

bad useci a t:apereeoxdh to ~ecora what your

~ vas saying! to the .Ma9istrate. Your

~1~~~ -~l~eci .~n ~v:~~~. "that DefO~.~

be ~ to t:be Jla9i.&~ be bad beentóI4" hy- "
~. __ ~~~ ~~ __ ~~~~~~~~~ securi~ police not to depart
- - ·t » "

ba. .. t "" vas. r~r- to sa; and e.that 1£

4i&\ ., •
the aec;:urity police vould be able to

41.1Io1IXJ'Nl:' t:his "beêause they vould be Qlak1n9

~e to the Ka~istrate a taperecordêr

1lIdda woal4 ppcod~e what your Petitioner

-- ..---_ --------
_.. --,._ .",... -_ -------
......... --- _-------...
.. ....... _-- --- .. _-

hWllbly:and 'respectfully eubaiU that quita aput

f:tOlllyour petitioner's 'evidence of asaw.ta ...

threatB, corroborat:ed as they wexe by 1:be v:l.t:aess

de Villiers vho vas a o~ver.itr .~~t~ tbexe

vere important questionS of publ.1c polleJ' -y
the stateaent should not ba~ beea a.1a1tteil ta

evidence, beCause in INCh ... ttera j..uce _t

Irving Stt!yn J.: in the casé o£

S v Lebaa, 1915(4) S A 337 at p.33',

In concluding that your

. Petiboaer ... ~ --. ac:ti.a9

in the furtherance óf ~ ~ pupoee .u.a tllat t:ar.e acts

of Mondyin killing, the decea-a

a.a au:ewptoed

1:0 kil.l

two other ~sons

..were acts which your Pet; aIIDal4

. be held liable for, -tb~ leáJ:peC} ft'Ul. J1IiII!Je pl....a

premises at 29 Goch str
MOndY, and' the infex:enc;.;b ëb -. Cli_ wa "1:I1IIl1~
..... e--:""""~~

the learned Trial "Judge erred in.-king

The only witness reliea upon by the ~.. rned

T~lal Judge 1n making th.8~ finding- wa. the

witness Shat~.

Whl'lsf.the evidence of the witness Sbata doe.

Cl basis for cominC} to the conel08i--

'l,whiCh the learned Trial Judge did, the

Tr~al Judge erred in.not having regard to •
considerable bOdy-of evidence which 8U9~·ted
_that SMta could not be correct"

(i) The·wht.tli~9 was stre~uously denied bf

your Petitioner i~ the ~lt.t pl.c••

Th.e l.éarned Tftial Jud9~ did no~ .have aA'I

regard whate~.t to tbe evidence of. the
I -

witness ~ubast in tbi. cántaat.

At 2&ge 56 oft the record the witness
Dubase stated tbat 1n ooch Street itself
the distance1between your Petitioner ana .
.;....-,-_.c;.:.o;..-;--:.~-~- I
Mo~dy was abtut %S pace.
-a. two
:~~~.;;._.:~~- ~ , ~ Ile,"-f:u,"~her "Y...~

was .shout.i~ -at

- -J
cause _tbat your
sho~t ...- (It is c()l'llllOn
and u~ they bad passed
~ thb ..,~dence. your p.tlti~er \

turuec1 to en1!.er i.nte 29 Gocb Str .. t &n4

OIl • week day, in. fairiT busy ~rt of

t:ANn. tbexe be great ~t ~ to

...Wbet:her t:h8 whistling a_po • .a· to by tba

vJ.beSS Sba~ cc.ld ~ye been bean or

be tight ba"" beou'd.

that 'the 1fb.Utl.1nV e.aMt.ed .:i.1:Mr f~
aincty tbea enqa1recl baa .... to?- .....
Vere tJH: ~ vbo ua . __ .u-~.
(Reoord: p.9a. u.ea "20 - 3OJ:'
Your PetiUóDe.r 1aIbly ~ta tUC U 18

perfectly dear £na tIa1a .. t" F • t;Nt

before lIODIly eatend
Goch Street. be ua
.~ ~
la biet laK a.gU 01
at D

yoGr PeUtJ.oaer aaa .ua 8Ot". k.- ,._..

your Petitioner vas ... ·LGr ~ ~

he.vas eDqQ1.r1.Dg .£rca ~ la t:IIe area ..

:If this

arrJ.yed at by t:lIe ~
J.t aegat:es dia c:aad.,atda-

'J' J1I!Ige dwat.


.. ,_ .
your PetU:.i.oner a.a.JlDillly ....... c1_ ..

each ot:ber that JID'IE hU.t1c = Jail la

fact; got IIDDC1y to ...,. H CilDêIl ScnR --

----. :WhiftliB!f
--:,;.,.;----'H ........ to-lda- .-- ~ ,

Your PeUtiODer sallaiJ t:bat 11 ~ ~

your Peti~ •• aantal that _ .... -- *i_liAS

~~~'rr--~-~~.~jQ.- ~_L_.aDIl
- ._-- - --
\:be~ leanal u1.&l. oT....
~--- -.,.w
- ~
.. _

your Petitioner bad pointed a piatol at the vitne ••

en route' to tbe prealaea at 29 Docb
. r
This appears froa the judg.ent of tbe l~

Trial Judge on tbe aerits at page 25, Hae 4. aDd at

p!ge S5« line 23 « ana also in ~ COQX" of bi. jaag mt

on s.ntana at. page 67« lines 2 - 3.· Xl. ia respectfa11~

a\Wa1t~e4tut this conclusiOA vas DOt pr..-a III tM


(a) ". Yo~ Petit!oner biaself vigorOGalJ' cl4m1_ tbat

_ _

he pointed a pistol atj. GreateDlllDDuJaa. Yoax

Peti tioner' 8 evidenc.e was thïÁt he vas iD poseeaaiGll

of... plstol vhich he carried wMlet his. jadtet.,

the pistol
.............. ""7"'" ..;..;,t,-
?Uku• ~~ •

(Record: p.643, line 10).

The evidence of ~u
. "
ODl'hicb ~
1..araea J1'r1al

_Judge relied vas that J ~ ~ .., ~t tbe

. macbine vbich be sav 6ntthe accnuteel va. like the

exhibi t vhich vas sbovn to Ma in ~ aa4
on he vent even further to _'If that be could

that. vhat be báa

5 - 6,

j s evidenC4ivas the only

Since OUku ,.. .",laeftC8 00

¥blcb t~e
~ ,

Trial Judge .could posa~~~

the learned Tr~al Judge .. wa.
not entitled to
... thb finding'a. having been pX'oved.,,l)uku·•
..~ -..
... 1dence ,leaves at le~6t as a~other reasonable

~ iafexeDC8 the possibility that what h. saw wa.

tha pistol partl~lly protrvding from unQer the

1~t o.f yow:' tteti.t~oner. ,I~ i. r••~ctful)..y
...-ttted ~e Duk\1'. evidence 18 ceJrtainly f\O~

.ttoDg enough to justify the finding that yO\lr

.Petitiooar was áctua11y pointing,a p~.tOl


:lA the a1oregoing paragraphs

vldl __ of the aost aportant aspects on which your

Pet;.i.tSoaU sutait$ that the learned 'l'dal JUc1g8 .. 111-

4Uecb!IIi l\iaseU.
- In the re~\llt yOur Petitioner
... '

aal respectfully ~ts that ~ere i. a rea.onabl.

I' •
pcoapect that the Appellate DiYia10n o~ the Supreme
! '

COQrtaay ~ to a different conclusion a! to wh.ther

. il .
-JIOII1" P.~tioner ~a ha~e beijn .fo~ guilty on tb.,
pP'1 ••..\ to aea1 yUh the ~- on ~ch it. ~. coa-

tended that. the learned ~1a1 JudeJe ene4 iD hiS

coneluaJ. that. ~ ~~ est.enuat:.iJIIJ ~t.alIII*J. - - ~

After your Petit.i.t)ner had beeIl £ound"t)Ullty ~ the twO

coUnts of JmXder. your Petit1.00er lea ~ ewi.f}eDCle

fx~ Dr B l'Xeed. a speciaust psycb1B¢at.. aDCl OIl the

ba_i.- of thi.S ~ence and t:he ~ al,J:eeIly 1e4 Ga

the ~._1.t . vas subdtteêl OIl beha1£ o£ yoar ttet:1t.1.1JiDe1'

that there vexe five fae\:Ors vh!c:h t..a the c.-u
effect of redUciD!J.,ral hi.-.urth' ...... of you:
Petitioner regard to ~ ...xder o£ t:.. .teen""" iD
~_ 1 and Z., ~ fi'" £actOrs.-1g1lt be .ax

a_ foll~:

(a) 1t vas (;jl .. c:uasa tbat '- ... WD GII¥

t1le 10th Joly US6 _pa haIIl jast tamed

. ?av· , •
The matter had been a99ravate4 by tM

absence 'of adequate parental CQD~l •

. _your PetitiQper'. father having desert"

',his family in 1962 wben yow: ... UtJ..ooar

vas only 6 years old.

(Recordt p.S3l. \1n.s ,.- 23.)

up to your Petitionex a ro.ypietux-

of idealistic. fuUi1JMtftt. After:.
month of persistent pestering ~
l'etitioner' B resistance to tbe 14_ of

90ing abroad vas slowly ow.xcaie.

Ther+ had ~enta

. di~~in.~Y

• nd ~t"_.
t~~.!""" ~~.te

Ir .' .' -.~

at .cJ,oo •

,Your PêtitionJJ was

was impressionable ana in ..-reb of

__ ~&Om~eidealistic fu~fit.ent.
~a&11y e~piOitëd by-~~~~~L_U~~--_~

With th~ closing of the .chool. your

Petitióner had no 'opportunity ,ot'h~v1n9
-. '. '

some altern~tiV. meaningful and

preoccupation. ~e was ependinq hi. idI
, momenta·a
and streets.

Your Pet1t~oner wa. a man of

economic means, hi. father
deserted the family and'hi

'e) T~é combin~d efticta

_ 1 •

awe'r hJJI. "J'b,1s .... a .,._ilcallY cdUOsl.'"

effect. .. 1a1.s tralUUoM' .u.- ..a .. IdtI

ball )IeeIl iJrtrt IOP.,.- ....a t:IM!a b(tI:. at; •

c-. .-xe )le ._. JlalilwrW' Vlt:1a Wgh1Y

Page 41

'1'hiS caapaign of. &yet_tic i.DdoCtr
.... !"".. -

a.nd brainwa6hing vas ~pounde4. by ian

equally xuthl.~.s ~ign of int~datioD

and inducement of feu. accor4iQ9 to tba


Your Petitioner huabLYana reSpeCtfallY

. sublaits that this tragic eaplouat1.aD of

youthful Jllatedal by ~ 1A a ~uca

of authOrity does in fact. c:ooati-ta
and bas been !,-ld to coaatita" ~t~

circwasta.nces by the 'bigbest courts of

tbe land.

the 16th June 1976 in the Atter1Ogevill •
in which yqur Petitioner resided.
The expert ev.idence nf Dr Freed vas that
yout p~titioner C~I~ Lu be involved 1n
the process which·led to the .ét. referred
. '.
to in the incUot.ment,becauaaof án ace_la
. tion of ~aéto_rs.t a tJ,Iae of ~ --~~
of ~h. social fabrio 1n ~;ation

had any.inherent.wicke4ft... ·or pre-

di ..
po~itiOn to acU of viol.n!=*·'

rn these circumstance. your p.t1t~nar

h~ly an~ respectfully a~t. t~t tb.

i'f~(.(t\t • 1 •
~nuat1ng c1%cuaatanqa. in 1--·

.! v LehnbeJ~ • Choegoa,taup .." ..

" . '1 h
(a' _" ID paragr.apli 13 of petitiOn your,
Petit.i.«JDU baS ...-Itt:.ea that the Áct
o£ IIODiIY iD kUl.~ tile aeceased was not

all act wIaI.Ch ,oar ~1.tJ,cDeX hall fC)l:e-

seeD as beUf19 all act whiCh tIIIDGlA be

,perf ~ JIODI).y la 'CIa .-c"J~iDD qt

AS"""ug .. JaW.a: .. t:lIat, die l.earaea ~~ia1.

.JUII1ge vas coxrect 1.a ClJDClaa1D9 t,bat.


~.~ ~~ :is reaacea ~

S de Bruin. 1968(4)' S A 498 at
511 next ~ the paxagraphs C-".
where the

as £ollows:

• the blaaewort:.bineJ18 of an
state of 1IIincl in a case of sucll 401u.
(eventual.i..) lIily vary accomlD9 te? the
r~tene •• ox proxbdty of t:he 1'0 .. 1-
bil1ty ofaxesw.tant dea~ vh1ch he
foresaw. 'lbe SIOresuch po.-lhlU.ty
... vas foreseen to be xe.ote. tbe leila
bla-evoxthy hi. xeckl •• .nasa ...
consci.ou. taldn9 of t;hja xi.ak of US
OCCUXX~ ••••

respectiVely of the record·

Petitioner ~t. that ...... If

,'" Pag. 4S
, Il
submitted that each of \:he five
fActo~. to which reference has been made Ln the

preceding para~raph constitute. ~te.nuatin,g oircWII8tAnc•• ,

~.hut in any event you~ Petitioner submits that tbe .

cwmlative effeots of a.ll these five factors au.t,
on4the declded-ca8~s" reduce a moral bl~wortbin •••

of lOur Petitioner's oonduct so as to justify a

fináing p~ extenuating circumstance ••


"l'he learned Trial Judge gav. a separate- judgaento with

-Z'~ar4 ~(f the issue' of extenuat:~ng cirCUII.taDoe. ánd

~~;::::~~~..-...:_._ .....fh~.,~~~nt

, At

annexed h~~_mi.rk~

page '62 the: learnedtTrt-al

. -B- • ..;.,.
~,-", .......,...:;:;.;....;;..
Judge state •• that
he considetéd ~he fiV~'9round8 whioh vere
"._' '- ,
, ,"-' '1 -, ".
,advanced on -behalf, of 'Yfur Petit j,oner' a COuns.l

in , 8uppor~'-of the- SUbmission t,hat-extenuat1n9

. 1

cir~um8tance~ i~,isted"J _ ~.

The learned

the first
, It

gr6und .rela-ê[n9' .to your

Judge' t~en goe8 on

a~e ~~:tpage 62( line ~7) -It but ~~e~:~ _.

~ .
'other grounds, are not fully dea'lt with And your
. ." lj. ..
,Petitioner humbly and Ire~pectfUllY 8ubait8 that

tbe leátnea Trial, Judge ~as iD hi.

~~~----~~------------ properly dealt with
the c~ulative effects
vu ~e, the learned "rrial Judge _k.s

tha observation that yoUr Petitioner Wit.

iat:el.ligent ana. that this was de.anst.rated

• !
4uriDq the coarse of -bis crosa-exaainatlOA

(ReCOrd: p.'], lines 10 - \5) •

.- YourpetitiOPer respectfully :subaits that to oy
that because your Pe'tiUoner -b 1nt~ni9ent

that therefore be is ,oot Uaature 1. ~

!!'9'l!tu.r. XDt:el.ligence refers ~ an intellec-

tual quality. llat.uri.t:y in thi.s context refera

s; ao eaoUonal. qUal.ity •• 'ftlus. in tbe ca.. of

s v Lelmbe!9 a £h,oeCJOe;" (supra) •
wa$ held to be ..,u.Onally

aOtvij:hs~ the fact that it va. COJIIIOncau ••

4uri1l9 the trial that abe~. bighly int.lli9ent

"ith a h19h I.O. Indeed, psycbopat.h8 axe

. j'.'
CJ8IlerallY known to be piérsOU ~c)C i.-.

iD the viev of the learned 'trial Jud9·

'Petitioner was not Q truthful person.

Yoar PetitiOner su~it., hoWever,
Pag- n
.~ ..
quit. apart frOll what yqur Petitioner II1ght

or II1gbt not have told Dr Freed,

evidence cl@Xly shOWsthat

tb_ obj~t.iV.


_Petitioner vas in fact ~ture.

"In oJ:der to c!eIIOnstxatebOWDr !'reed aiCJht !)av•

~ alsled, the learned "lri¥ 3ndge (at E!!J!,;..

64« liDe 20) rei:ers to the fact that iD spite of

your Petitioner·S protestations to the effect

~t he bad been pestexed by 'fbOIIaS. Kasultu i.Ilto

leaving t;J)é cOPDtrY,_ lJja stUl· had listened to

.FreeC)aa Rac1W"' which is apparently ... kind

.of broadcast by ~ unlavful·orPni .. whiCh

beard j,Jl SoUth Afric£~

-call 'be

sublaits ,that this overl.oOka the .-rid.nee that

be bad ~i.t.ne4 to -n...ic- ~J.ó':

~6 MasukU bad ~ pestedD9
because "tboIIaS IlasultU had in fact 8\J99"te4 tlaa~

(f) Sia1larly«
... . Pag- 48

conclusivoly th~oltmombers' of the Africa~

Nntio~\nl COIlVrcsG and likeminded people in
trul II 11".1 in (acl:. hrnillwashod, intimidated and

11U1(ldtrjl\il~~d young Ilcl\olarsin order, to achieve

tht1ir <lwn elias ~ ilnd that they in fact compounded
this by <\ prOCCGS of intimidation and indue ....
• of fum:. Quite ap'lI:tfrom the general
tenor of all the evidence as to what hap~n8
. in camps of this kind, there wa', direct evidence
from the State witn~.fJsTyrohé KhuJllaloIto the
" ,
effect th~t whilst he was looking for work

Mocambique he was thrown int9 j«il by the
authorities othere and'relea ••a only if h.
the African National. Cpn9~·s,.
~t-~~~----7----------- ~---~
(Record; p.T71, tncr;1:-ot.
. ti
Khumalo 'then went on to say that he was plso
aubject t~ a bombardmF.'~ of pro~qan4a
a in apecial
camps for ~onth after nth and that he. too,.
. .
.. was under surveillanc aRd kept in .~ kind of


fact becn
HfJIJCOW w1\:hout óf b18

Your l'ctitioner therefore submit.

Qn~u~h objective ovifience
,leU. of a process of EUt:bl.,.. eKPl.OJ,Ut.1Da ao4
1JM}octri.niltl~ by peXSOD& bl a poa1.UclD of

au1;hOrl.ty. regaxêl to the -~ss1Da t:l-t. ewen if .

~ pet1.ti.OJ,1eX' diAl foresee t:be pos.ib:U1.ty of

JdU.i.JÏg& by lIDndy iD the c1.r~u,aces cU.scl
by the evi.dence. ~ vas OM' foreseen ilS a !e1X
x,emte possibi.U.!=Y. . the learns( .JWlge

, g1.ves a D~ of r~ £or reject:J,ag t:)d.a


(,1) 'rhe ~ -.rr;ia]. ~ailge staUB at ~

_65, l.1ne l.S. tWt your Pet.i.~ dbi not

take the esaJlPl.e of J"aICky aaa ~.a.

" baY:I.JI!J t:Iiii opt.1Ga of aUlPly .
d1.&appeariD'J" tJel,,._.te1y._..a ~lf
in o~ to pes:petrate ~ of. YiO~?
:lt i.~ ~y ... tJlat 81IICb aa
-- Lucky was sitting in. the front~f
•taxi ,-nd he bol ted.
• s
Your Petitlooer

t40ndy panicked and ran vith tM carrier

b,ilg. The evidence 1. clear,J t.belr 1101.

obj.éctvas &inply to run .a faat r •• ~

could in o.der to g~t .vay fro. their


(11) The learned Trial Judge. further states,

at page 67, lioe 3. that your Petitioner

had pointed •• qun at Greate~ OUko •

This finding is

the eventual killings by MOndy vere not

also. used to sboW that

so remote in the mind of your petitioner.
~_ t~!egard


at pages
your Petitioner
r'!fer .. to
34-36 óf this
........ -

petition from '~lCh it appears t~t 10

your ~etitl0ner·.·bumble subais.lOD tbe

finding that he pointed a gun at


to .get Mondy to COIle

at 29 GOcb &tJ;eet 'iD

8Uppo~t of the proposition that tbe

~-+I~~:;;.......:.:;:;~-:..,. __ .:;._. ~_..e~tu41
~ - by Mondyvas not
....,.---- -- ~---,;.,.,......:.....:..- 80

remo~e in the mind of your Petitioner.

Again, 'your Petitioner humbly and

in paugrÁph
---=- .15 at pages 11 - 34
hereof in support of
the finding ~~At he was whistling at

Mondy was not justified by all the

- .

J). P'or all the ••. reasona your Petitioner. hWllbly and

respectfully submit. that there'~ a reaeonable pro.ptct

'Aa4 .ore ~han a reaaonable

.pro.peet) that the Appellate
.,1,,1•.10n of the above Honourable Court JIIIly bold that -

. .
Your Petitioner ahol.lld not have been -~onv1c::ted
on the murder 9Qunt.s which are CoUfiU

of tbe i.ndictlllent •

Al.ternatively, that
the learned Trial Judge should have h.14 that
tbexe v~. . 1,. '
extenuat1~g.cir~.~cce.,pre ••nt

(a.) After findi,!9

present, ,

sentenced to death

iearuaa TriU_ Juilge erred aaa
appEOilCh is t:hatdirec:ted by

ia t:be case ol' -

(c) _ • I'Ur this reiUiOD too .It is .1Ibdtt:eG thAt táe

~ aDi1 .esateDC:e o£ ~ -Peti~ abDold

i.e rec::lDDSWeEeil by the AlJPen.ate

- '" •
.I" ..

24. •

.:_b.~'!. parsuaat to t:be proriSiaDS o! 31.6(6) of Act

~t- ..... __..,-,-

Ilo 51 01' un
to ;;;appea1. to t:be ~
-- _....._.
late Dl.,WOIl oT
tbe SIqM: ep

aDd agaiDSt his ~

Ooart 01' _Soat:b. ~

1!bercJD (dtt:iD9 nth assessors)

bJ B1.s ~
hls c::paNictl.on

III: Ju.stic.

ia t:lIa lIiu.t:eraxaDd.
-- D1YisioD of t:be SUpL: •

.~ IOOJl PBU'l'I~ U Doop"'" v:ILL B9BI1':--LY

___ o_

DM.'BD at
0 '


° 1
1--4 day oe
z •

-.i1W ..... ~:I.

. _

Page 2

he has no obje~tion to taking the prescribed oath aDd

that he considers the ~th to be .biDCUng OB his

. ILf£_

Print fu11 names:

and business address:

(not a box, number)


Area: (~.s. Jl. .

, .





I, the uildérs1gned.


élo hereby aake oath and say thati


- e,

. .
-' :"'-',""l",'.. _..:.._-- .....
.:··:~:t'1;;~ v Ou,

.'-r-::': 'I.'~~.: ~~;"''')'-)1;:", ~:~;.;...'
'~,P" • c· .• --. '. _

'.//."_"""""";'~ .IA',/.~~.,.., - .
"&9. !I. •

Oe the 1.1: IIarCh 1978

~iatiDCJ oL Tb~D J ... bIO b ... .,n .1tti.1!9 In

the lfi.twaterSrand Loc.Al Di"i.io4 oL t:he SUln'~ Court

of South Africa. found your ~titioncc goUtJ ~ Uw

cbaxges vbic:h IMd been prefer~_ agu...~ hUi. 'I'M

Coun; .furtber fOllDll that tiwre were .., _un_~l.,
c:.i.rC1aStances .1ft respect of t;be CIOUftU
of _rdel" ,,,"I
70'1%' Petiuooer vas .ccordiDrJi,. eenbDCed to .s.tb

lD re&i,)8Cl: of tilese oounta. '!'he ... t:.eaee la ...-peet



YotarPeutioaar hu.bly aDd ~pectf-.ll,. "'U:.

'thia i.e a pxoper case for the .-rc:tM of tM' ti ..ei.,~iOII

• weeti.og lA y~ BXc:lIUleocy .in ~ of QiIapt:er ).1 of

.-.;...-- _the criaiaai. -ftOCeC1ur. Act IIÓ 51 Of l~71-.:o _.w'
, tiIe- 88Dtence of cieAt:ll vhi.cIa W ..... .....,... Ga ,.,.ac'

..\ ~tJ.~oDU.


(b) Your Peutioaer 1MB at

JOUthful. aDd

.ege 1 -

wlnenbl.· to tn. aud.pul&u.. ... .,..,.~-u.a


(d) YOIl%' Pet.1uonu' _ c.poIeUy to ,,1t ... ~ u.. Wl.nee Qf titMC:hpal __ ...

bo$Q ~iaeci lIJ • ftul ... Clllllpalp.f


. té) ~ __ 11:&1 aft4, .,......u.g c.i~tAM;1a1 .

. •• i.~ abooM4 tbae. ~ htl~h .. r .w ~

act ,~ ..., ..... ¥.. c. wack" .....

You "'Uti __ ,;:~ to ... l ".ta .-de tt{ u.-

.,.C~. Ud eM ~~U" .Ueoe ol ~ fAcwr .....
f\ "'r~. . . "
. ~-

c.) (il
, .
t II for Soweto.

(ii) Your Pe'tltioner, Lucky and Mondy ware

confronted by a black ~r.on (pre.aMably

a police officer) who w~.h.d to ..areb
their baggage.

(iii) Your Peti tioner, Lucky and Mondy theft

started to run away. 'to thi. day LucII.F
_. Ihas. not been .e.n.

" U.v) Your Petitioner and Mondy ran down oer~A

streets. in'JOhannesburg: in .,1Wl'I-I.-
situation in order to ••cape. Your

Petitioner and Mondy eventually a..e ~

Goeh Street and proceeded into Gooh Mtr.. t

(v) At this stag.

from Mondy Matlo\1n9 and r ... iAto tile

ran to the back of


'(Vi). Shortly thereafter the


(vii) r a. a r••ult of

It 1Il~.t be

IIcause that your !~t_itio ... r .... , ~\

Pat the scene when MOndyfired ••• fn......'id.
... at no .tft9.
Pag. 5

PeUt.ioner was arrested."

_.... (b) ~e vas notllinq in tbe evidence 'whAt~ver

suggest that your ~et.1t1oner had knowl;dg.


~y ~tLoung vas firing at or had tired at

Ua deceased or ány other person.

Ie) It La y~tal to appreciate .the circumstanqe.

vtUch RoDdy k1~1ed the deeeABed, according to"

the eY1.denceof the State 'Wit.neasnart9qh who

t:est.i£:ied as to what happened.
was ODe 'of the persons al ttlng

t:be _14 JIoDdy JllaUounq fired.

La nlferr~ to the evJ.denée given by llartogh

AD8IMr: Correct.:
Quest:J.OIU JIothlnq untoward had attracted
attention .tro. outaic1le?


QueSt10Dl '!his wan suaaenly COIMB ln and

clearly your privacy"
. ,-

1iot:liIJig vnat.Oëver.
Qaeat:lolu Do you agree that it v•• an entirely
f grátuitoua, J.nordlna~ aotion on hh

~, X t:h1nk 6Q.

~eDlO~. Dart.oCjhstated thA~ the :whole
~nnk place ·over a short ~1ma ••• nearly
(d) ,
The _vidence tid not 4UelO!M that
, _~ ~

or your PetiUo_r hael pl......a to ~ or

anticipated any acta o£ Yioleace o£ .. ~


re turned
OIl the

relevant day.

abroad aDd ver.

2bey Jaad

etUI 1.. tile aUge

of finding appropriate &OQIiMhiMiOit'dittioa aIId -ki ..

presented by the 1meXpected ~...,. o£ tile

black officer 1n the taxi. ..... Il1I:aaUaa o£ •

t sudden _ergency aDd fOUr __

aillp 7
I, concerned "i.~ escape. '!lae fact ~ thi!n- ...

~ naitber-any'1ntentlOD nor any __ il['. by ... to

parfor. any. acta of klll.iD9 appear. ~ tile

tollowing factor. wbi.Ch~.a ~ tile CIMthe

Lot ~ trial..

(1) JIoDdy .. tloaag ... ,.-r "t:U~

disclosed that 7UQr .. du.....

~,. ... _

att~t to kUl or bara warlcM8 lIK--

Who préw1c1ed.. poaa1h1 ta:e't ... tID

' his escape, ~thá .. ..j1 ~tet1 . - _"
t opportuDitie. to do IlO. ~ to"_-=--1aI!

to baJ:a bI. at -all.

(11) It __ I: be appracut~ed~tM~~t:L!tIIe~=~~~l:9
~~~'""f"4"--_:_"':"_'''-:'~~7-:---- tor atu.ptlng' to ~ • ...,.. trc. ti-.
• Pa",. "

.. fact that your Petitioner and ~ndy

Lucky 'were confronted~y what

to be a.Bantu policemiln who inat.ted on

se{lrching their baggage in the tAxi.
NotwithstanditIcJthe fact that tbi. int~
duced a sudden state of amergeDey which
was,at that stage quite unexpected and •
notwithstanding the fact that~r1er
bag contained weapons, your Pet·1tioner
1 m{lde no ali.temptto kill or .hoot at the

,1 person who insi'sted on this flp;,ych •

(iii) It is ~f vital significance that even
after Mondy Matloung had killea the
deceased (unknown to your Petitioner)
your Petit~oner was hiding on the

premises, your PetitIoner bad the

opportunit~ of ah()otll19at two white
persons, one of whQlllwae
l. disarmed him and apprehended hill, but
.. . 1 your Pet! tioner d'id'not in (eet" "0 •
It ,is eonsnon cauae that' at that '.tACJe
you~ Petitioner wa. 10 po ••••• l0D
::,-:-'--~--:=- 9r«nadËtto~frUlJtrate hi.-app&'eheJUllQD oc_
......-+--~_........: ........,.--....
.....---...,...,__.......~ ~ .

t ion
\to use it in order to kill .~.

Cel' It lis crear from tltê lrnn:l!gtJt1l9 that

,Petitlon.~ had repeatea 0pPO'$Uniti •• to flre

-,..i " •

opm aDd to ~urt and maim numerous pers-ona to facU.itate his e6~ape.

eo. Xt: u-alao clear . from the eVidence.

... that
~ Petitioner did JlOt: see MondyMatloung

at:~ to at: or kill any person.

heiDg had t:o these factors the conduct at

Roady Watloung'in performing act. which war.

ae.cri.bed by the State 1dtnesses 88 being

'" • ,IJ--,,A.jAi'Wlt-,,..,,..

~rdinateJ iapu18ive Nld, irrational

, -_ coald not: easily bave been for.seen by your
Pet:i.t:i.oaer a8

41ac105eil 110 reason "hy Mondy should have

tiaeae acb J.n these ci.rcuastance. ahei ,the
vi.t:Da8. hlJIeelf agreed lfitlr tbU' '&{ialysis.

2IMI fact: tilat Bondy vas quite on hh QWn whp.n

1 -
~ t:beJae~a ,,-t-lfmI69 la coti'ooora
b.r • vi.t:De ... for tbe State who waa i'nai<1. thp.
, , -
prea1sea Where- the .urders wer~ caa.l tt_d and. who
baa stat:ed that Mond, bad actually app.roachod
Ida aDd ~rea of hila ~er. your p~ti tioner
.... clear tra. thia evidence that:
IIoDI1y hael .la fact: lost. sight of

- -r

(Q Xl: .la z:ea,pect:£ully .uha1t"t.d by your

-hUt:.loaer that: even lf tb. possibility ot tl~.t1t

~19 bJ tie ctxCUlU~""ëëi 'WaB.'toreseetï'by _._-

. roar Pet.k1oner, 1.e. that be lorcsaw that

~ ... ,
Kondy ~tl.oUDg' ~ul~~ as tIIë State vi.~_

said, act mtcI :1aorcU..nat:ely ~ "-

gratuitously', it: is _sua-itteil ~t your

this only as a raote i'OSsihilit:f. :11: la

.clear th~efore
your PetU:J.ouer J.s


tbe b~ma

dU..- gX1MIiiIIl

Xa. ÓlCt: the

QEI:IaJ ....


'!"rial Judge, concladecl OIl tile .er1.ts before "Uh seftteDce t:hiat -.o..tJ' -=t.a ...

11 t}le .pur of the

(g) ho al1.- the Circmu~ ydIU: Petit1.aDec

sw.1ts that: h1JJ inYOl.,,_t: ja tII8 -..o1e

affair vas aacll'too

to 1-t:i.fy tile

priate vbere • -.toa ~"o!- ..

who shov. a
permit a yo~ng man ~o be h~~ed for tb. ~atiODal
and impulaive acta of Mondy Katloung Oft tba rtl.... &

second ground:

.'(4): . It was conunon cause that he was bom Oft the lOtb

.1 July, 1956 and had just turned 20 at the tiMe ....

he waa induced to leave South Africa ~ oae ~

Maauku who waa apparently operatill9 OIl behalf- ~ ...
Africart National Con9ress.

At that time the schpola in the ar.. of ""-10i1U. la

which your ;etitloner lived had beeR c~ ~

conaequence of ~nreat

haa Been remoyed,

(c) The matter had been a99ravated by the a"'. c~ of

, .
.. • • "ll~ n()~ told -that, the tra1n1nv
~ would ever involve the
~ of Yiolenoe of any kind.
I (i ",

'e) i Your Petitioner was also seduced

of scl10larships and educatl-onal fneilitie.

~ch were in f~ct never but whicb

ver_particularly alluring to a person in the
poei.t1011 of your Petitioner ~t
(Q bi.deoce wbich has COIle to the
• your Petitione.:: since the conel.usion and

U.ia1 b"f your Petitioner

t:bÏt c:yaie&l. .nd ruthle •• role
if:c.l.ena. at ~be relevant time.

«:hie petition wben this information


W.ida the c~ o~ tbe schooh
your .eUtioAU'

... had no OPiJOrtuDity of haring .... lurau ..

lIean.1ag£al aDel aseflll preoccapaUon. lie ...

epencliug his ,l.d.le __ ta _Uilig .. few appl_

- t:.raiDs aDd streebJ.

\ -

-....a, au. £.. dIIK ~ a..erc...t tile f..u?

- -- h.1s ..,t:ber he1.Jlg Mrcecl bO atIppOICt; "....

(e) "lhe COIIbiaed «Leeu of J'O'IC ~t1tiOllec ••

CbzQa., age, Jl.1a _t:.ioIIal ~~1~

ADd hla 1a.1g'b .l:AbI ol. Y1Il.8er.-..uJ.~ _ ....

tbo UD.1W!r8i.~ •• SdIool,o£ &ocial ... ~.

~~~~~~----~-~~-p .. ~~~~~.-Ss••l~.~~ft.rrl~,~~~
the $Oei,&], Worker ll.

Institute fpr era. !.l':~~ ua ..... Uu..Uoa

of Offender.. (AnneXUr. ·C·).

'!'he foutb_9.roundl:

a l':Uth1ess C!l!p!igD o£ Systcaatic 1nc1octtiDatioO ...

. by persons

_ 'l'bia hael ._ .ysteutlcal1f corroai •• ef&.ct - Ide

txaditional values and on hie ca~city to VLthnt-A.....

tbe influence ol his superiors abroad. 1


'.tl) 'lba ev~dencevas

been ~en to Mo~iquë .....

interrogated ~ th ... kept at • _.. ...

,,~ ~c1ed_ v1t:h~CJbly ...ou ... _.~ •.eJ._~t"1I"
tor a pel'lbd o~ 4&-noun without any al ...
, f
while hi_ ~nst~uctor8 mercilessly pounded at h~ •

This C~\Rai9n of .systematic indoctrination

.. and bra1nwélslling was cOlopOundeclby an eq ... lly

ruthlóás Cl\lilpilJ.qn ot illUmlaation and

of fear, ,according to the evidence.


f your Petl~loner ~~~lY A

that this, tra91c 'lxploltatl,onof youthful

re.peottully ~lta

aatedal by penons in .. polition of .uibot'l~

It . 1.. .
reppectfully sublA.itted oJ\.hfth4U of

~ activitie8'of t~e African,NAtion.l CoDgr~ iD

j exploi~iD9 an immature 6n4 y~thful per80D ~

. as your Pe1;,itlone~, "Wll1 be A .t:r~
-b1:U wei9h' with ,llis llxoe1.1ency~ ltate ~1dea~.

Your Petitioner did not commit

(~inh~rante boo$h~id·)&

in the evidence ,to

.Ub.tantially reduce hi• .oral bla.ewortbine ...

It ie .ub~tted that Hi.

• that thi.. ~8 a propel;' cue -to' extend I18rcy to

Cl person in the position of yO\lr l'OLJ.tionerl

there ia

an emotionally lIk",tU"1!eadult per.on with full

avowedpurpose of returning and cc-.1ttiJIg

.indiscriainate acts of violence

to which relerenee haa been in ~ preced1~

paragraph. constitute. circ~etance. ~ juUf,
Your Excellency COIIauti.nIJthe d.. ..
. -th penaLty. bat in

further su~uit8 that tbe use

SUQ; for e~nmple;

R v. Gomas( 1936 C
and the rem~rt.-o( Myburgh J 5 ~. Sexwalo '~the[!,
• NO cc ~l/71. 7th Ápri1: llns f Volume:'SG; pAg •• ,

'/5.1. 'tbis traditiC?n f~nd8 expre"fsion 1n ~he

ti'Dg8 of the Roman~uteh Jurist
~entin9 on the capital orim~ Of


• ·there ~s har61yany

the ether' hand. not to

unfortUnate victt.1tu of
, . ..Ii

'by excessive se~erity •

times ván

• r ' .
•.It-has ~lways been ~\e' d\~ty
'trY to 8it' with cool heads, with
" ,' • . Ij .. -
bwaanity, to see that people _who

are not unnecessarily harshly

• a

Your Petitioner

.' sw.J.ts
with c1ccp comrictJ...
I f'

there have beé~ t.1fO qreat uageti- ill tJaiw ~ ..

Tho first is the

lo.t their lJ.9es 1n uagic c~~ Ga 1:M Utk

June 1977 Ln JobaDDeabuq _ • -r.aal.t: of " lttat.l.Gilal

act. of MoodyMatloung.
'lbe secood tragedy is that: • ,.,....., .... ,., ~1CK to

.:. bi. aec1uc·U.on

into the l\JiC by • _tare ",1t: -- --~
to •• 11 a~les on a train iD Pretoria ill "'r ....
• uppl.. nt tb. inco-e o~ bis h....,le ......... hI ......
. .&a no J.ntere8t vbat:egeX' J.n po~t:iA;:A1. _~e:..-....
"to the- weak atn_onqtheir brethreon.


!!!!! .... SOLOiOJI lWiLA.'iCU
~ 22 :r-r.s
, ,DI'IE Ol" 8JS12 Joda .lilly. 1",

1(Ó"~t. 1914
na.~ ~ r;USbN


.. ~ wl~~ by Or• .£.1). Freed,

~i.siav :iD .l~bIq"

~.. Be .states that lie does lIGt blt'IW where

'-tiler is -..s lias D01: .eeu Ida very olteil IIn4 lant at
I~ Itis o1iIn'eS1: and c:oDVic:tioU. He baa JIG sttcmg
.tediags ..oo.t Ids £aU~ -but disl i~e. hi. bee.. " itO

• "'*' b:4 die £aail,. Vbcm Sotc:.on v.. av'" ~ JUri •

1IDthc:r. SDe UI ~ed ahau.t 62 rears .vad 'WOrk •• s • _
;-:-tic ~_t ba 4oria. S~ has al~ baOIl .iet~l

n.. -
.... ..r.tê:rs .fI'GII high bloocl preSSUH.
il perscIIIl
. De descri~"
vho°1ikes t:hiJJgs to bO neat ..,..
lH~,.il ..

&lie vas strict -and ._~ '¥OOd l!eh•• ióur .. nd
• ,(V'ifl
,,su... ~ ~
.. £ar.......,.

Jd-., Be respecte4 he,. ~

itt school.
Slle vas qry M .fl\U",
n.-,ughty. she )'w_bll«;d hi. h)' biUluJ.
sot ~ wll
..., JUI)e Ilia 1_e ~ country.
Sihl.i.ngs. Be is the :JOWI!1est ad hal
~ IINtIIers. Be ,ets OIl Wéll vith all ot $I\~ aili1 ••
~_.- 1Ie:..-s. ~ has been in -trouble ot NlY ,
'.frieads .... l.i.IIe4 .. .,..., MCIIlI!r •

./ .!S!!!!!. lie scates tiIat - - at 1ICIIaOl hoi. .. ~ el

~ 18ti1 _ - ....t;r.
noU ia U76 IIeIIIIIPJcaI..-
fOt _ vel.l vitilliis Ee1l- ~ .. 'Viu. Jd.


lie su.liGl iIiGlO!lJ'. GeG!Ir~.
.urua-s .... I'lda
lie ~ - _--
_ -=lJ. all

~ ..... '
_Il. lie <IlW _~ ~ u_ ..........
e I!Ór .........-. M

.w .. I: PlAIr ~ ta
sdIOOl ....
.. riDtiJIIIf _I: r-zi...._ ~
~,.., _I:

lie &1.t ~
.otilldS at lIIidIIIIQ il e 1:M7 ._. detMs ...
,__ --:I. lie cl.aMIs 61 -- 'IIi...... poUUcs
.t sc:IIDGl. ... u ~ __• lie __ lae .,_" die

a i..,. illepU_y.
YJoeli-' .... iw... !u....... la ....... ~ 'RP.It' .-..rr.
UbS ~ QIe eH~_" -&le ~ el die ~koI'. _,.'

~ .. t:IiIIS'e _ ..... di....

At tbe conc1\U1ionol this
Koe_bique. There they vere ginD ve...... cqlosi"..
and then vent to SvadJ.an4 Eo~ NO U7S- _ ~t:e .c-r tiM
Repu~1ic ol South AtriFa. He states tiller vere ,~
li innrl.lcted_ to 5~t~e gOC)dj U'ains i1IDd .ilrilar t~
but tbat they vere to avoiei endangeri .. the li ... ol
other ••

After tllcy returned to the. ilepablie he _1 ld. n.

CORII'i)nions, Kol\dy iiotl"WlIr i1IDd ).ucky 1IlRIIl .... (_
relAtion) wen1: to ViU"j;_O\I$ pl~ to UbIblisla ..~ t1M7
vould be living an4 where t)ley ~. lilde tMir -:IJlt' ••
'riley v~r~ entering a tad to 90 ta--SO-to ,_ tP. .., ol

1 his aITe't. They J1aci il plastic: Nt ClllataiJliJlt .....

been seeu since then. 1101'1<\1_. SoI_ .. 1_ l~t l..-

taxi but the Utter c:ou-ric:cl the· beg' CIIa~~ tile ..,...........
They r.n in the ... cJi.1"ec:tiaa& lookbItJ ror-. ~ pl __ •
Jfe eventually £ound ODe ill a yanl Md Wile lie wa .........,

.urrender h~ 0IQd Vils ...,...te4 ... ·-tiiiiiIl _ ~
Vorst", 5q~

He-had heAd~. -qdte qtt_.· TIle paia .... 111CM ~ rf

and oV~l' the right eye.' He 4i4 dOt ltnOv the eMs. ., tIP!
. headnch~ bui it' vas relieved by tile poU. tillers IIrt ...-t.

He h•• hael .tta~ which Jae ~bea ~. -lU. ..u.tic


tits". Tbe~. started

£reqQent vhen he drev older. These attac:lcs hÁve1IOt
inve5ti~ated or tre~t~d. lie valked in hit' fleep .. a
chil~ and s1:il.l does so occasionally. ,.~ .....
VlIeD he vas y~ he Vllli ;"\Fr
..1<\to !fn to
\ ik,,} l'CCIlrring n1ghtmarés ot falhll!1 into

De h'lS n~vays ~JTied a lot.

iIIDd vant~ to vork £01" her to e,asft her bI.t'Ul'i\s. lil'! vorried
aboIlt: hu sdlOol VOl""and feared fahure. lie te~ te>

:tbere vas a thkk gIM!!' r"nel between ,t~ rrl.JM1M1" "1."1

_ ~ our conve1'$iltion 'l(i'IS CC:ll~Cted tb~h .icl·oj ..........
'f'be light vas not parti~~ly gQ04 ..,.s ~ ol f:ocll\l C
exp~ion cOIlld nOt: ~ obSlilrveG.' TUe J,ntel"'lt.eV .,,,.

vas ~te. "There va, no, eviclênCe ot " tlM)l.:Jht'~'II·"'er.

Bis .ood vas s~hat clepreU~d pd at tillllP~ M "Jl!!

atrai4. ~~ ~tional r,sponies ve~ .pp,topriftte to

I.'-.y Opinion this youth' U, eIIIOtiOJ\ê'llly il1secur~
-----:---_';'bJIS=- £eelings oj inferlórity an<H.~lJIl':Y tor Vhi<:t..I .....,....."""'.,;.;;.....~
bas ~tteMPted to co-pens ate with day·d~~~sand
~ bi~ ~ .. el -..tit _ • sariOIr ., elle Bbdt

~J people. especia U7 ah.- U. riots ...... ",..

iMDctriaat:ed poli,.t:iciIl17. au hs _icy- is ftl..
tcl to
~ ~ ~ lie laai ., #.II.... n.we vitia __ lie CIIIUl._4
icklati(y lIDd Ids OlIleiwor~eIl _tiler vas ~. ClO tli- Mil - -crt afl'ecn- .... vas ........ i., itt tP-!fOo'}, ~

set: tar an.. tis hIil~ tit CIMe"'IP tp tI!!f' ~r.."t'f~

"led to _tred pilt. £eeJ.i.ap vidl at ~ "'"Iii..

.$.êIISe ol -tIdbeSS ...... ~""t a,.illSt -tMril7 •

.At tOle u.e ot tJtc:-5uOe1» riots bla:t: ..,1 ••• eI""U7.
bQt - p;IIrticuJ:ar17 ti!It ")~t .... ~ ~ 1U.

At tIIU'tMe ~ ....... _vitia 'lib 1Ift';_t .......... t

............. bJr tIIe,_ua ~ _~ 1I1I!1I'_,.u •
.tatIIoI!:i'~. Sól._ 11M al..,,- .... UIlw.ce4 ....

)lis tIJq __ iD • re;áJ. slUlitti_. _ .. 4IIlc:l<Md ......

I, l'Gr.
tr.aiaiJlv .... ~ ja tIaat 1Ii~ .. --
' Xt is oE'- st;;a1ll!llJ r;Mt ae pIIJ'ddatI':lst ........
JUs .. ~ .. tire ~tiAa ti........~ tIoe -,..ti_I:
~ t:IIIs'e is. ~ ~ ol' tes~ lts tnatiand • J
respec~ ..... t.. _cuu, u..t Sal.... .. ·.~- ...
1'o.1l4las • patb!ra wIri.dI fits kb ra •• Uty' .. ft .. l"~
..... tile" ~~ ot Ids _ly lUe ... ~i~
.... ~-:-tliiiF

It lna.\bUeJa a.1.a, .. 'rofuaor ia-tbe 'aculty of Soebl Sci_ la eM •

"'ór~. 1 ~
of e.p. tOVl\.- ~4
• HUter·. kane
tbe Direc:tol' of tb. Uaiv.nity'.
in Soc:iology _Ii -
the autbo~_.f ...... -
SdMMll.f s.da1

well .1 l'a~er. in leAmed journals. clealiuc witb variow- .... cu .f die .-rial
('ltrf'tl.cuee of die po~ubtiollS of South Afrtca. 1 bne Mell dM! pc_weat .f
MSA (AII.oci~'tiQ1l £01' S0e101o;y in $q_utbern Afdca) '" 1 --- ~Wanliw
atteation to. tb•• tudy of ~ilU.nolo&y. uli _ at pn ... t a r .f 6e Ac Me 7

"dvi.ory co_itte. of th. 1IUt;'tu,e of Cri_pOlog ia tile Uai_n~lJ ., c.,. ~

. (IQ the. ,-
.awn, of AualJlt 12. ~ conducted .. iateni- l .. d.,. __ -
ral ......
vith Keblan&U.~n PTi.on ill pncod.. -'lbe oltjec.t of cilia i.eU"- -
~ to .. ~l't,aiJl '!'bether I ., « iKOfeaaiOQal locioloai.c i...ut, el~~
.nG il(fluence'l in hii c:bi.ldhood &nli 8Ilot...c.e.nee' diat acht i.ecu ~i ....
for bil bllhaviour ",hltb c:ubainateel la bi. HU'It i• .Joi)..u Qó (ftr .

fot "bieb the dulh peulty hu aGV been ,....e ••

To .tbe ._ eDel. 1. abo bt.m Mo. twal.... -oer .f ...1_

Kahla.nau. ~tb hie dele'C'biOtberl ali tltXM of aiI.• l." C

bett.v.d iD aDY"'.y'C' tb. bediut, dutiful. ~i4.lq .... ~l~. c

Uia taaily, oC 'lfhicl\ he is tbe yopJl~t of .ill ..... ~ bV· ...
u.. "ë1O.. 1~att· group unllet'! venlf adveqe ci~~·
.. t_.. - a
re&ular .cl\OOlpr. ",itn aó l'e of .be.T'C'IIQ~ ~d09'C''' ... piU ~
fina&\cial .trln ••n<:y, ba "~ne. ar; aebool. v•• ias tM ,eiP
.t~· ' ....
. " ••• till in ~~1. tD the Dintb .~_al\n1.,... u. .~bI y _I..n. '-ft
be in Ilid-U76 .. the TUul.: of jUt.n..aes· ." -- •
a r: of dia dlar:dl a.i.r ....

va.tiou. fo.tM of caaual ellPlOy.ent .... eh as p~ai.I'" .aiU..... -. i. ~

to alta out' the f .. ily iD~ ani pay fc»r hi. .chaOli... IIIlt.U·l'lfo. ueft~.·
" ..... HI'I<.... , .. - • _ .. ni.........- ....... • _ ..... __'-
. f . " , •
- 2 -

Be vas witho~t criminal record. end had. never bee~ in trouble
~~ .., fo~ of authority.

the. SOlo.on Mahlangu was aied ~ or 6 his father left tbe faaily 'and nevey
:nttorae4. Bia upbringin, tberefore wa. undertaken by bia .otbêr and bi. eldest
lab elder brother
in .. ociolo&y. soetal
fillina to .ome
extent the role Qf • lather.
&ail develop_ntal
tkat~ .. le Child ,rowing up without a fatbel' i. exceptionally .Ulceptibl~ to tbe
bft1le1lCe of an older aan wbo exbibita benevolent authority. is kiad or indul ... t-•

.. , ... eats b'-adf .. a .. ntor 'ó-~. ,uide ~ This it tbe context in tlbieb
Sd~'. ~
~OQ witb Tho ...
...;~. referred t9.bflov,. ...
shoulel be- Yl ....
• ~
,. African boy l-rowin, up in a !;OVnahip.uch .. 'llaMlodi. &ad vithi.,. a
f~l,., Ua-t, even for tbat poor co..unity. wu specially
GtMnrbe tb_ haft • very r ••, tric:tacl social
.till at echOol. with po IIIOneyof hh own, anel'witbout ac:c:et. to source. of
_iafox.atioo &bOut the world that would 'have been no~l for a MOreprivile."
~ pe.rNa -. _del be pertic;ubrly na~ve 1l! hh political or .éO~c .jll4... ~
t .... 'IiiN14 Mt b...... been able to ap~~clate tbe conseq~nee. of', for l... taa<:e~
f~ tt. countty without proper documents. 5010.00 IUh.laagu's e~rie_c:e
tof die wd" ... .,:onfined to hi; tOVJ1sh'ip in Pretoria, virits to • nei~~tina
tdMlrda •.' .. Yi.ita to bil grandmo.ther on .. fam in -Middelbura .. ·'fi...... r, The
. -u1 .,..n~t vIlich iluch an environment wou{d ha. pl'Odcleel""tor hl. in fore-
·aeet.. ccmaeqlleJU:8. anel in m8king se.~ .. ~ftR11 i~qu_t,.

la.icl-JUDe 1976. the di8turban~es that hael begun in Soweto,..oaa .ehool-

ddlu- .. o.thu .. erup't!.4 ~!Mamelodi ea.o. tt le hiahlJ .ipific_t that
Cl~..w I'.
n~ ~
the unrest
There h
In his school.
no avidenc.
wben it b1ippene4. v..
tha~ he VN involft. la....., of tlte
to hIJ

~t:i, .. '.beh.~l.' which W.á góinjt on arQund bi •• '( I~tead. n. ..... to he..
__ uaeertUIl, baffled. -c!:. ,perplexed. •

T81abu,'used' to ttie
J ~ equipped vith electricity wbile Solomon's,OWQhome hael none.
t ...... .., f~-of Solomon Mahlangu'.,elder ~roth.r. and t~h lent bi_ a,
~a1 .t.t ill Sol~'
s eyes. , Ac:tording
to the trill.l
• j

of nlatioa.hip ••

VidaW _-· ... !III!

foflWl ----
speU ~ "i:.}f?

" =r-
-. __ IIiiN • es ..u.e..u,. .... u.c
'fac~ daK Ida ~ de ~ ... left IWa .ddl_n• __ u'than
c:ai-at .. iJl
nbJDl dIia ~.
it is ... CJMá
Id.a ~
• ..._
.. ' da'"
r~ '
_ ~.

...... de ~
if de ...-.
of • .-..uiUd- .~
_dl ~da 1M.-
of .... _ft to oe
dlat vill
bnqllt .ap.
. "
,.."",., (tw CIfIIIe lie lew
s.ïI n·z

.................. J"&- .. ' .............
- dM.(~ .. "'lo
." re - _...._

VAKICUNOfG~ 'Rel ce .........

V• ., - UI , •

1. ldanbfying deu;ls in ntspec:t ol ...,_ _ ~ ....... ~ ol ...... :
IdIIntir-. --- ...... 1M .... _ ~..,_ ol ~ _wie -.....:
(e) Full tea.... (bJ- Sex (c) .,.. ol ..
Vole Naam Gall; .........
SOLa:tOF lfAHroA..'fGIl • 21_

(d) ReaidantW ~l__~ _,_---___:--_----___:-------

W~ --~'1 ....

(e) I\aotl..-________________
. Bl"ck (f)
IIt":_ ..::.: __ -:-:-:--

-(U) ~ O'..... i8Iiiwt __

A.,-mto'_l.O'! C~1t -;:-:-__ ---"',_~~
. te.rtwwbend

2. Nature of AePon __ ---'_..!B!:.-.!:e:.:.~.:!...::..:::'"-".:.:..:.~ __:-_:_--

A8n1·v .. V~

3. In1fOduc:Iioft
rri_.!"~ller~ Solomon Mnhlenp;u i9 to hang for sabot='lp'e. His 1l\wyel'9 hI\Y'" Tf-_\
~~onte~ ror a b~ckp.round renort to su~~ort ~n p~pp.l\l ~or the ~~tr
rT~ntnP.nt·8 linienny. Info~~tion Rnthereo here was obtainP.d·~ra. ~ftlnmr
~t~r~. his'9,class tea~hp.~s, Rrhool ARso~iateR Rnd ~nn-r.~h~l

12"'-) 1,,, ,,,,111 ~n"" lInkno\'tn . M01;hf!~
T_é U' .I~h i 'v~lit" "\7 . >:1i n1:",' lIn,,:~,.,,:,; i"".
1;:. I..... '" U..h J "".":'11 1~' f;int"r n_nU« !:r.-.nnt.
~t:"'!""'1 t,("',hl ~nft'll 11 nrnth~~ F.Jn"1..,,...,.) •
r." 1"1 i" t.(n~mi 27 ~iatp.r. l1f\lIn~"i i" .
r...p ....
~ fl!"lhl""nP11 25 . Rrother l'nli~..,... _
Rni ~iï ....hl.:."nr.1l 21 .... _..-'-P1ir~on i.n f11)p.n1;ion

1I'MHT.Y IlflIJKGRot:J?m ANn pnp,:JmT'I' I': Trn':TTnfl'l'A l'T(Jli'MC::;.

~ ~~'::'~~n.~'
-"Ill ..
s ~~~'a~';"~-~~;P"-'h';~~'.;;; ';;' ~';~-1~:- f'rnm Ui n(lp.HnH·.....
~1.t'!iO\ln fH'Idr",,,,..,l r"ul\.h.., wJd 1 ~ tt·" ill..f""r i.n ;rr ' .. ,. ~l~· ••••• -
'I'lt.. 1··.i;h ......·

,r ..!1 fnllll.1". 'J'hov I"r" hol;h """,1""'.1;,,.,1 "1,,1 "r'" ...... yori 1 lfO - •. r~.
""i,,.,. !1ix ~hi.'nrqn nr~ hn'Y'l"l of' t .... i" ".,;011 <l,,(1 i:h,. pr;~ ••',,'" i:-: I· ••· 1.-"
i.!!..,. 1:}1,. f"mjly. The chiloran wP'1-0 b/l'Y'l"1t'''t. lliV('T"'i,'~. n"i: + .... r ......; 1... -;:: ....
t.., flH1al!lburR: 'l';'l"'.ninr. !\I.WRV frorn thp. p.y""o1"l!"iva ill'm!'lnll!'t oi" urh.oon li r~.
1:hi$l ~'" no hetter 801\ltion to tho proh1.p'IJl bP.C~URP tho jn1:h~r 'P.h.i''', ....._
a~i.,h'\l~ in: 'PretoriA. te') work 11:01;!lp.lf a flecrm<l WOWl" n"rl hl' n,.",l,_t ...l

mother cm.1M hnck to we')rk in P.t-p.tori::\ in eommnv
m~~.1 n~ hft"by- tlT-.n.
..,f JYri" ...... r ui .. •
Rh<". ~t.~ ...pTI nt hAr TI)::n:r.e ot' p.1IIT11""QIl.. ,t "",,1 -ti ...
r".t.f1f'1l' would Vl £li t her at 'irr~""l1.:'ir fnt,il'Mfr't!'f; Tnter' th'l"OlHO:Ól ,.,..,.i"._"'rit ....
1;1'1" ""il~ren joinp.n their mo1:hp.t' ".,," !'tho hi rA~ n room in i;ltn t;"'rl.. ~h; •• t.••
"'f'!f' .... MA.tP. thR frunilY. Thp. o1rlor (!,,:i.nron .h,..,~ 1"ln't oh"!"n tI' .... ho01 •• ,.. ••,'..
tOt'1t- un 1!1IInlovrnent n.t 11 v(;'!J':'II'on1'ly O{"O in oriln~ 1:0 hp.)n thJ"!i1'" .. 1;" ...... ' ••••
"lI\th ..,.... Thoy were evon reflTH'I")I'I; h) f" f'o~ t.ho p.d\1~n.1;i.nn of th .. "1",,,,,-.-.,' ~
tTll 19'iil when their fa.thar .,,1I"'M..'f!11.0,l with th~ nth"~ w_" +'1". -r",.i ""
,10" rJ1;I'V 1.n thei,. T1TAFulnt hO\I1'IA thrdi ./:'1(\ O"r"l'i.Arl hy i;hn f':oi:h .. ,... "",1 Ur
. f'tl,.,1' W'CInI!\ll. . . '. .'p', lIowev~l"; t'!n.".th\\ip.o OFlt",,= minp.r~h1.p. ht;!r.nllF1P. of' "1)"- m',!,,"!1....-t; :>,.., _
ef'l.pntva clri"1c'i.nT'; h"'.hit. nof t.hei.r f'''.th,..~. Trt ,Qr:;-1 h,. d __ "-.'I"'1:"" hl'1 r 1- I
~oin thn o+'ho1'" w~mn" ::I.~, 'rhp. f'nmilv It)fl1; i"i:~~".1: in hi", t",." '1;; II
fin". ,.."~ elo nnt ~~w of hi.n whp.r,?n.hOlltl'1.
. .
_.~Ml !~I!Il.o~l_N.":'•
f':'t'f!Vf "TI II
l'P.~T'lonAj '!li 1 f'1,il
he li",,, ~ /':onrl wnrl~ rA,.(>rn. 'J'hn f"",ilv nt.!>~("t, h"";"- .. !.; r,
""'''''I ,,~ f' r'!(IfIJI1\On 'Ilho" "" ~0'.'0,1 nr'i """., nnrl 'f'~,,"f'''''' nr ,_.~ •._ ... l
homo. 1·
i., "I'.H Yl.. ,," f'nmi ,., Tl1'nr.lI~O" n.. h""nr.
+.h,. 'I'h" mo+.hf!~ li"," h··.·n :'1<1.· 1.
til,. "~'fI" thr()\I!~h 1m] TI bv hi'". .nl <lor eh;.,111'("", 'J'hnv hnvp. imnr,.." ..." II· .. ~
,..~,1 hmlno into f\ I'll y: rflnmf!r'I hmH'" l1~nvi l'Ii.n-,,:mOl'fl "tlr.01IIo~nti "'" -r,.l' ~h ..
f'Mmn-. '1'h,. fn.thf!r'f! iTT'n'' hnA nntul"11.v 1"f't nn in"fl1i~l,. .... rt
..n'l :s.ll r"'1111~lIIn",hh"n. •

•:.... f~~~.T_T~'l~~n~!._:l:.~I'!ill.~!!.!.~~
. ........... ,I .
~ ....
1\\ ~_i_. _
... ~ "''''''.1 .. ·- _"'~i l ..Yi ....
~ .. ...,"1ii;iftll'l!'l ,...... tn ~ 1 ..., .. rt;,.. ••, ....'

"'f'.. ..,u. ~
..... -throi
- ..... i .... nt:i...-l.i~ •. 'ftuo. ~'''''''' m"I-1~ t.t.- t: .....r: fIIi'"'
~i--' Jril~ ...til 1;J_ 1;_,tr.._ ~1~. 'I'l_ ~10""'"
f"_ ....~ _ "'- i _.__ to:-- j"'l~ '1:10,","""" :0 ~ .. i.,t: ...r1'""'*-. <PI
lorw--· ~ -~t .",. ,.101 .-.:: _... t';' M r.:_ ......-..r.:t:...'ri-t; ..r.: ... ttuO f"r-
f 1-.' ._t: tri' 1;~ ~ ........ tJo~'-!.h nr ~ ... Tri~f"'<M'pl~ ~""l"! ~ ~""1"1""" tr
.~- 'h-.. 1I!Y.... ~ ~ .one:J rilt ""i,,", =us ~cu .,~ C":~i.1'\1": lu ... tu
~ ~ =--liett to'tboae U"Ier:i1mCil'Ut .if'f'irul"~ i I:hl!i~ .. ~ft."'" li
T.. :-Io....-t; t1IeY ~ -1:GIIIl'1 their b..-.! a stlllmC or ~.
IJA~_ JfT~ •

.., 1:...... Jot! nOt; ~ "1'. _1_it:'i ..~:n..

T.r.~_J!Im"'e ti ,.,..,
eat'M'hqo1. hIJ "tJUV hé 'the ~iY" 1J Gnp. 't" ~ --t ,,,.... A,,, ft ._
to hta f'nmi.1v thni; 'he' "0l1~ be ~i.",,. 'to .i""'lp.btQ-It U f't11"t
" ~t\l"ift8 8Reinl! tb~t there tim,. 'trouble i" 'thll! ,",bA1'\ IIP.hoOl" •
. Wil~n"{·t':""':R';;; frtni'P."tft WC!l"P. li...i""" thA i!,.,,*- ~1~ _
,:;,·ltt"f;~f' tn- hiR ~n"'nol f'rlfmi'~ 'thftt thf!- ,.1".,.,1" ~""..., t1-. fttlt..-.. :nut; r
.;;;'"..t\ i'i AnI')11,.:-".~Al\~~".11~p. th~ 1'n 1""1',. "pv"'" !"h---' .._ iwoi:..,.....~ i .. 1--io
1:""'- '"''''t'+'''''''
ti.." +.h,.,,· 1m";" h" ~., n.,t ...,. :t"!vlmhtY'W". tJnf'ftJ"t;....-.1: .. h' tt- P1,-
<i,,.l~'~r'!'" h.... .,,,,.tI
..,inil it- ,.11, :tn" mlt'n1;nnl1 .... tb'-".Mi
h,·",t·,. -n~.,P i".,.nm hin ,.T"t' ,.,.".lTl. tt,..".- th..." ~
':' '"",,"",'- ~.,... -
i-.,in ...... i .....
l~.; hin n.,..,-t!!lt ......,. tn" r.nrh :Thonti,,-,,: i...,.iilpllt.
,..... .....
" .'_
.: .. .:.

nr.' ••,•.·.: 1..:"··:"1"",,nol·~ ,,,,hMn"in- l"nvnn .'rh 1:.. 'h4!

I'i"r ..·"l:il'l"!Ot-:- 'I'\"'rl'!ntf>,l-r!hili1 rp.1fttilml=-hi". 'I'h~i ... Wlftt:r,.. sro .... ttI; .... _ 1
• ."" .. l"r'''''i''fN! 11."''' ",,,,i' ,l"•." .. .- oth" ... ~1~.t; .. -i:t;,.,y t.... l'rw1l.-h1 .....

_~y"','; ..... ,
1'"~i~ .... f:~
thi!" "'11",,,t;,,.,
thl\-i"irA't. -m:;o"'1;pl'""
bP.inl! 1tn~.
~p,fO'e ift 'Yn1- "e1:Ti.~"1 i:;" ~-
T~~lr ~ 1,,_,. _... !".._Y"i

"1''''''''''''\'1"",,.,,,,, to wbinh "n i"",vjol't,,.1. h tt lII'P.n ,...'hj,...t: ..... i ... __pl

."nl"<,"t' ~Ate)"'lllb\A t.he 1;~n nf' ..r"11~t:
nr "'''vlli>1.n~A"t. ftn ".ll "-vn ",,"ohl,...- i ...
i:;h~'t h", will .. k- rt
,.....,.,71 ... '.-.. ,...... ~"._
~.v,_ _"
, """"1'1.'1.•'" "'ftrr.(ln il'" 1'".. 11 ""'l,l_iI t .. ftW"1\.....,.-~ i ...hi- ~1· 1..-i_l
'. 'J ~_ ......t.·:·lhlt' if m:'t\hl "nt~ ~~ ~1:"., .;Ii 4"1'i,.,ol1: lo,. .....,It,.~ i", 1 i·- .'_ ~.' '. .-
, 11,.,-.. 1 "\.,~ c"j\f'I'!""''' lIIP-clt".,i ~ ~nrl- ,.."'i,.lo ,;
)0; .. i-_""i:;; __.t- i··1 ~-.
,.l,!'I~ ,..orih l'IIP.1'\ticmi.,(! th~t nt!f1",ln.'JIfhn .......1': ,t:l1i.~ "':1:- _!:JU" --r .. ll- ,., ..-
. ,lot'! n"ti.m~
l"1111i "m.
.•i~ whi.In the ',!,Rll"Cp.t:'nf'nl.
:: ...~.
"II'l"" ~
11. ..,. _..,.,; -.~ t~"·
~..... ~..
2 •. ",rt" -. ~~lOlllO'" A I .Q. "i cl nqt r--tP. 'hi~. ""1!Y'W!f'~ 'ho! p'_1"

t '*;'
'.r~ !'".:
" 'bd'l""nfle'"
-. .i~"

,,-:. ""Vi""-nlre
, ~~n wh~le~h\~r.
1;,,1omm nv.r-\n
".,'. :,: :'.. ;'
hiB el~er!t.

W'lSJ ver,.r tt,1'1rP,r\tm-lJIJflI


RN1_ JIIi Mrt 'ti.,.,

A.' BecttlJM 0" his J .0. 'he tli!' not ~-a
:> '''" ;'_. .2~,"';..'"
'", ~~ ..~t'~';
, .,. ,- ~n':9'I1nn nnlJlA nti11 hnvn be'!1'\ mrnnn.... tn tlri" U.F"'1\;,.;1 .,1......-1; ..r ....
, 't"i1!t.n ~n""lAp. 'of hi~ trnvp.l1.iTlJ; "'lMn!" "..,.1r~iI~ tn PiO't""J":".lIIor". ...... ... ,.
'tIhl) I'nl trvi."~ to nr-kf! qltmf;rl' l"'''I"f) t1!·...~1_1-. n ,--~ ~.

Rnl(1mnn's ,)ernonn1:i.'tY therP. io ,,~ !.".:OOi' i.1I'\ i.t. Al.l WW"T'!!*'I'In"'_
"etoi! in cont"ct wjtn hi. 'f-:!i.1to ""cr.""mt;-rnr SOl...... ·n twnonl..-n1; to "os ..
"'It:-.'!;. n"A tt i1'l h".ro1 ftYr th~ 1:.. b"l,ieYp i't. fiteor 1'e,.l ~1_, ........'~
nti11 bo mven r\ ch."\"O" to li.-.e· ",,,.. .."..~ t:lt~ h.- ... 9l'It __ nh'" 1'",
nrti"". " <ti
.' ..

. .'.\\ ,,~f~~~U:\~~~
R~T'\'{, WOJOOm •..
Collection Number: AD2021
Collection Name: Security trials, Court records, 1958-1982


Publisher: Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa
Location: Johannesburg

Copyright Notice: All materials on the Historical Papers website are protected by South African copyright law and
may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, or otherwise published in any format, without the prior
written permission of the copyright owner.

Disclaimer and Terms of Use: Provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained therein, you
may download material (one machine readable copy and one print copy per page) for your personal and/or
educational non-commercial use only.

This collection forms part of the archive of the South African Institute of Race Relations (SAIRR), held at the Historical
Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

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