Fundamentals of Steel Structures
Fundamentals of Steel Structures
Fundamentals of Steel Structures
Chapter No-1
Fundamentals of steel
Created By
1) Steel Towers
2) Roof Trusses
3) Water Tanks
4) Bridges
5) Gantary and Crane Girders
6) Column
7) Chimney
8) Building Frames etc.
State the function of following steel structure.
1) Transmission Towers-:
-: To support the high tension cable
3) Roof Truss-:
-: Trusses are used to support the purline and roofing matreials.
It is to note that as per IS 808 (part II) 1978, H beam sections have been
The rolled steel angle sections are classified in to the following three
The rolled steel equal and unequal angle sections are designated by
abbreviated reference symbols ∟ followed by length of legs in mm
and thickness of leg, e.g.,
∟130 x 130 x 8 mm (∟130 130 @ 0.159 kN/m)
∟200 x 100 x 10 mm (∟ 200 100 @ 0.228 kN/m)
Number= Characteristics Ultimate tensile Strength in Mpa
Load Acting on Steel Structure as per IS Code 875-1987(I to IV)
Sr. Load IS Code Includes
1 Dead IS code 875 part 1 Dead loads are due to self weight of the structure. ...
Load The unit weight of commonly used building materials
are given in the code IS 875 (part-I)-1987
2 imposed IS code 875 part 2 Live loads are also called as imposed loads. Various
loads* types of imposed loads coming on the structure are
( live given in IS 875 (Part-2): 1987. The
loads ) imposed loads depend upon the use of building
3 Wind IS code 875 part 3 Wind load is the “load” placed by the wind speed and
Loads its air density onto a building
4 Snow IS code 875 part 4 The building which are located in the regions where
loads snowfall is very common, are to be designed for snow
loads. The code IS 875 (Part-4):1987 deals with snow
loads on roofs of the building
5 Seismic IS:1893 IS:1893 specifications using a static equivalent
Load Part 1 (2016) approach per Part 1 (2016) for building structures
Seismic Load acting as per IS:1893-2016 (Part-I to V)
Sr. Load IS Code Includes
Acting on Steel Structure as per IS Code 875-1987(I to IV)