Chapter No-5-Diversion Head Works
Chapter No-5-Diversion Head Works
Chapter No-5-Diversion Head Works
Any hydraulic structure which supplies water to the off-taking
canal is called a headwork.
Headwork may be
1. Storage headwork.
2. Diversion headwork.
A Storage headwork comprises the construction of a dam on
the river. It stores water during the period of excess supplies
and releases it when demand overtakes available supplies.
A diversion headwork serves to divert the required supply to
canal from the river.
A diversion head works is a structure constructed across a river
for the purpose of raising water level in the river so that it
can be diverted into the off taking canals.
Diversion headwork's are generally constructed on the
perennial rivers which have adequate flow throughout the year
and, therefore, there is no necessity of creating a storage
A diversion head works differs from a storage work or a dam.
A dam is constructed on the river for the purpose of creating a
large storage reservoir. The storage works are required for the
storage of water on a non-perennial river or on a river with
inadequate flow throughout the year.
If the storage on the upstream of a diversion head works is
significant, it is called a storage weir.
Presented by
Prof.Ashish D.Kale
Lecturer-K.K.Wagh Poly.Nashik
Civil Department