Syllabus Purposive Communication
Syllabus Purposive Communication
Syllabus Purposive Communication
QUIZZES ------------------------------------------------------------ 30 %
PROJECT------------------------------------------------------------ 20 %
RECITATION/ ATTENDANCE -------------------------------- 10%
MAJOR EXAMINATION ---------------------------------------- 40%
TOTAL : 100 %
10 Meetings
1.To be able to determine 1.Local and Global
culturally appropriate terms, Communication in multi-
expressions, and images cultural settings
(sensitivity to gender, race, 2. Different terms associated Discussion Journals/ Articles Quizzes
class, etc.) With culture and
Communication such as:
2. To be able to adapt to - Sensitivity to gender Assignments Books Recitation
cultural and intercultural - Race
awareness and sensitivity in - Class
the communication of ideas. 3.Varieties and registers of Seatwork Magazines Dyads
Spoken and written
3. To evaluate multimodal Language
texts critically in order to 4.Evaluation of messages/ Role- playing Library Materials for Research Brainstorming
enhance receptive skills images ( pictures, illustrations,
(listening, reading, watching) or different types of texts
reflecting different cultures Formative Tests
4.Convey ideas through oral, from different regions)
audiovisual and/ or web- based -What is message?
presentations for different -What is the purpose of the Summative tests
target audiences in local and Message?
global settings using -How is message conveyed
appropriate registers by the text/ image?
-Who is the target audience
5.Adapt awareness of audience of the message?
and context in presenting ideas -What are the various ways
of presenting message?
MIDTERMS- 10 Meetings
10 Meetings
FINALS- 10 Meetings
Prepared by:
Approved by:
Eduardo S. Senajon