Philosophy Midterms
Philosophy Midterms
Philosophy Midterms
Contemporary Period (1900-Present) of Law, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of
Global/Borderless Technology, Social Philosophy, Political
Philosophy, and Hermeneutics among others.
• Immanuel Kant is the Father of post-modernity.
His Famous philosophical Landmark, the Week 2: Methods of Philosophizing
Critique of Pure Reason, marks the end of
modern philosophy.
• His critique is the completion of the Universal • Socratic Method
Methodical Doubt of Descartes, likewise, he • Cartesian Method
reconciled the two opposing philosophical • Phenomenological Method
thoughts of rationalism and empiricism
• Scientific Method
• "Thoughts without contents are empty, and
• Historical Method
intuitions without concepts are blind."
• It is known by the Greeks as elenchus that means
"argument of refutation" or "to inquire or to
• It is the nature, existence, being of the world. • cross examine", and exchange of ideas through
Greek word "metaphysika" Socratic questioning.
1. Ontology - Study of being and existence. 2. • Also known as Midwifery Method or the Art of
Natural Theology - Study of God, including the endless questioning
nature of religion and the world, existence of • The Socratic Method is named after Greek
the divine. philosopher Socrates who taught students by
3. Universal Science - study of first principles of asking question after question.
Logic and reasoning
• It is also known as Methodic Doubt.
• It is the study of God. • Founded by Rene Descartes the Father of
• It is coined from the Greek words "theos" and Modern Thought/Philosophy.
"dike." • In Meditations on First Philosophy, he
believed that knowledge could proceed to
Theodicy asks the questions. starting points just like mathematics
• If God is all good and all powerful why does evil • For him the method of doubt consists of
exist? doubting everything until you arrive at clear
• Is God the creator of evil in this world? and distinct ideas which are nonsensical to
doubt. With his method of doubt, he founded
COSMOLOGY his famous maxim cogito ergo sum which
means I think, therefore I am.
• It has principles that govern the processes in
nature or the Universe. Four ways to arrive at certitude:
• It looks for answers in the form of empirical
• First is never accept anything except it is clear
and distinct.
PSYCHOLOGY • Second, dividing ideas into many parts as
needed to solve it.
• It studies the life principle of living things • Third, arrange ideas from simplest to complex
specifically that of man.
• Last, never leave anything in to chance.
• It was derived from the Greek terms "psyche" and
THE NATURE OF TRUTH • Man is destined to live in the physical world since
he is part of the world, and he lives among
What is TRUTH? entities in the world.
• There is no absolute measure of truth. • The THREE-FOLD LEVEL OF HUMAN
classical concept: ancient Greek philosophy's
concept of "knowledge as justified, true belief". NATURE The Somatic Level
• It is one of the largest and central subjects in • It refers to the body, substance, or stuff of man
philosophy. and secondarily to the bodily structure and color
• The Sensitive Soul feeds itself, it grows, and it
• "Man is the measure of all things of the things reproduces, and it has feelings.
that are, that they are; of the things that are
not, that they are not". Rational
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